- Hume Fogg Tech


- Hume Fogg Tech
March 13th, 2006
Dear Neighbour,
While proofing reading my “book?” I discovered that
it was much, much easier for me to read my “book?” when
I was able to view it two pages at a time ~ as a real book
would look ~ if you were holding it.
If you are reading this as a “Word” document and
would like to view it as a book, move your curser/arrow up
to the “Print Preview” icon (the dog-eared piece of paper
with a magnifying glass over its right side) and left click
on it. Set the percentage “%” to the “%” that will cause
two pages to appear on your screen at the same time. On
my screen, “56%” is best for me. At “57%”, the type is
larger but not as clear. If the print is too small to read,
click on the page and it will display it as a full size single
page. Click it again and it will go back to displaying the
pages two at a time. In addition, at “56%”, I only have to
click once on the up and down arrows, to “turn the page”.
You can also use the Page Down, or Page Up buttons.
I hope this will assist you in reading my “book?”.
Please make every effort to read as much as possible.
I believe you will be very glad you did.
~“Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~
Arnold J. White
You may reproduce and share this “book?” to all, in
any medium you choose, as long as you change nothing!
Not ~“one jot or one tittle”~! Matthew 5:18 God Bless!
When the
power of love,
overcomes the
love of power,
the world will
know peace.
~ Jimi Hendrix ~
Never judging or vengeful
Like the judging and vengeful.
Mattie J. T. Stepanek
These are words ~ to live by ~“forever”~.
For Our World
We need to stop.
Just stop.
Stop for a moment…
Before anybody
Says or does anything
That may hurt anyone else.
We need to be silent.
Just silent.
Silent for a moment…
Before we forever lose
The blessing of songs
That grow in our hearts.
We need to notice.
Just notice.
Notice for a moment…
Before the future slips away
Into ashes and dust of humility.
Stop, be silent, and notice…
In so many ways, we are the same.
Our differences are unique treasures.
We have, we are, a mosaic of gifts
To nurture, to offer, to accept.
We need to be.
Just be.
Be for a moment…
Kind and gentle, innocent and trusting.
Like children and lambs,
Never judging or vengeful
Like the judging and vengeful.
And now let us pray,
Differently, yet together,
Before there is no earth, no life,
No chance for peace.
September 2001
Mattie J.T. Stepanek
Post – Terrorism Haiku
Let us remember...
We are the land of the free,
Not the vengeful.
Let us remember...
It is in God we trust,
Not in bombs and guns.
Let us remember...
Peace grows from a gentle heart,
Not one filled with spite.
September 2001
Hope Haiku
Gentle, and peaceful...
We are the children of one God,
Yet, so many faiths.
True, we are different...
Unique mosaic of life,
Still, we are the same.
United, we are...
The festive fabric of life.
Divided we fall.
September 2001
Mattie J. T. Stepanek
9 – 11...2001
It was a dark day in America.
There was no amazing grace.
Freedom did not ring.
Tragedy attacked sky-high.
Fiery terror reigned.
Structures collapsed.
Red with blood, white with ash,
And out-of-the-sky blue.
As children trust elders,
Citizens find faith in leaders.
But all were blinded,
Shocked by the blasts.
Undefiable outrage.
Undeniable outpouring
Of support, even prayer,
Or at least, moments of silence.
Church and State
Could not be separated.
A horrific blasting of events
With too few happy endings.
Can the children sleep
Safely in their beds tonight?
Can the citizens ever rest
Assured of national security again?
God, please, bless America…
And the rest of our earthly home.
September 11, 2001
Mattie J.T. Stepanek
Attack on America
A wild bomb will consume
Morning, evening, and all people,
Showering dirt to burn man’s skin.
September 11, 2001
Mattie J.T. Stepanek
1990 – 2004
See page 414.
“7. Thou hast
hidden these things
from the wise and
the prudent, that is,
from the powerful
and from kings and
hast revealed them
to the small and the
Paraphrase of Matthew 11:25 by
@ JuncTure
DAMUS 9111
“LOVE!”~ “god IS!”
~ “LOVE!” ~
~ Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72 ~
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999, seventh month, (sept mois)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
DAMUS 9111
Copyright © 2005 by Arnold J. White
~“The Greatest Story Ever Told”~
~ is ~ the first coming of ~“Jesus Christ”~.
~“The Second Greatest Story Ever Told”~
~ is ~ the story ~“You”~ are about to read?
~ ‘All this is when he comes.’ ~
~ “The Blessed Damozel” ~
(Event #586)
Page 343
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
~ A Prayer for Ending ~
(Event #231)
God of new creating
who beckons us
to the dance of birthing
and sustains us
in our laboring,
hear this prayer:
From fear of the unknown
deliver me.
From doubts of my creativity
deliver me.
From ridicule by those around me
deliver me.
From excuses about my abilities,
my age, my education,
my looks, my status
deliver me.
With your promise of companionship
comfort me.
With your creative spirit
bless me.
With your pledge of sustenance
strengthen me.
With your embrace of all of me
heal me and set me to motion.
You who called me to life
that you may be born again in me,
blessed be in this and all seasons!
~ Jan L. Richardson ~
This page has been
added to affect the
synchronicity of how
these pages present
themselves to you as
you continue ~ to ~
“turn the page”.
~“Knowledge speaks,
but wisdom listens.”~
~ Jimi Hendrix ~
~“The world is a dangerous
place, not because of those
who do evil, but because of
those who look on and do
~ Albert Einstein ~
~“Speak ~ say the words
that no one else will ever say.
~ love like the world we
know is over in a day.”~
~ “Show You Love”~
Jars of Clay
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following two quatrains are
about the “untimely” deaths of JFK Jr. his wife and her sister.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999, seventh month, (July)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Century 8 ~ Quatrain 77
C8 ~ Q77
The Antichrist three very soon annihilated,
Seven and twenty years of blood will his war last:
The heretics dead, captives exiled,
Blood human body water reddened on land to hail.
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following three quatrains
are about ~ 9/11!
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999 (9111), seventh month (sept mois)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 49
C10 ~ Q49
Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.
Century 6 ~ Quatrain 97
C6 ~ Q 97
At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,
Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
If quatrain ~ 1072~ is, as I believe it is, about both JFK
Jr.'s plane crash, of July 16th, “1999” and also about 9/11/1. Then
this is very, very, very, very important! It is important, because it
reveals something. Can you guess what it reveals? It reveals who
this “great King of Terror:” actually is. And by revealing – his –
identity, it reveals what -their – true motives and intentions are.
Watch “The Assassination of JFK Jr.” by John Hankey and
“America: Freedom to Fascism” by Aaron Russo on YouTube.com.
The real “great King of Terror:” is ~“the root of all evil:”~
~“the love of money”~. And his motives for declaring and
perpetuating this “World Wide War” on “Terror:” is to gain
complete and unending control over ~ “We the People” ~ over our
Democracy. I have tried to explain this as best I could in this, my
book. I am not a professional writer and I am not an author. But,
with ~“God’s help”~ I did my best. Do your best ~ read all of this.
Islam has, and is being set up to take the fall for all of this
“Terror:” while ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
that entity of greed within wealth and power, especially within
absolutely corrupted un-Godly wealth and power, slowly tries to
destroy ~ America ~ and all ~ Democracy ~ if possible ~ forever.
But through the absolute power of ~“God is love.”~ This ~ “great
King of Terror:” ~ is going to fail.
Love! ~ God Is! ~ Love!
~ “God ~ is love.”~
~ “You ~ are too.”~
~ “EXCERPTS” ~ ~ “the most important”~ Pg. 43
~ “EXCERPTS” ~ ~ “the most pressing”~ Pg. 45
~ “Event’s 270 & 273” ~ Pg. 48
~ “Event 484” ~ Pg. 50
~ “FOREWARNED” ~ Pg. 65
~ “PRE~RAMBLE” ~ Pg. 86
Synopsis of ~ ~“EPIPHANY!”~ ~ Pg. 120
Synopsis of ~ Juncture ~ Pg. 176
Synopsis of ~ NOSTRA 1999 DAMUS 9111 ~ Pg. 196
Synopsis of ~ ~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!” ~ “LOVE! ~ ~ Pg. 241
~ “Road Map of Events” ~ Pg. 246
~ “UNTRODUCTION!” ~ Pg. 397
For a fairly quick overview of this “book?” and its many, many
~“warnings”~ read from here through the first few pages of my ~
Synopsis of ~“Epiphany!” ~ on pg. 120. Then skip over and read my ~
~ A series of ~“7”~ open letters. ~
Dear Neighbour,
Three years ago, I ~“realized”~ I had ~“something”~ that I
“needed” to make ~“you”~ aware of. After discovering how “very
unbelievable” I was at “trying” to ~“simply”~ ~“tell it”~ I realized
I needed as clear and concise and coherent a written description
of this ~“something”~ of ~these things ~ as was humanly possible.
Believing I was completely unable to do this, to write a clear
and concise and coherent statement about ~these things ~ “all by
myself”; I decided to keep “trying” to ~“simply”~ ~“tell it”~ while
I continued to ~“*hope”~ that I would “eventually” find “someone”
intrigued enough by my ~ “wild claims” ~ about ~these things ~ to
talk with me about them at length ~ so I could “try” and convince
them to help me write this story “professionally”. “Wasting?” over
a year “trying” to do this, I ~“slowly”~ began to realize that I was
going to have to write this ~ as best I could ~ “all by myself!”.
In my exhaustingly amateur effort to do this, to craft as
convincing a document for ~“you”~ as I possibly could, I may have
tried “too hard” and written “too much”. But what I have done,
~“all by myself?”~ is the best I will ever do, and I have decided
to go ahead and release this unfinished, unedited, un-proofed (by
anyone but me?) ~“over structured?” ~ “open letter”~ to ~“you”~
so ~“you”~ may ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ consider this.
The main reason for releasing this as unfinished ~ as it is ~ is
–“the clock is ticking!”– And I ~“know”~ it is much ~ much ~ much
~ “much” ~ more important for ~“you”~ to be made aware of the
~“warnings”~ contained in this ~“story”~ than for me to continue
~“trying”~ to craft this into a “professional” looking “book?”.
To “try” and summarize this entire “book?” in one paragraph:
I have been approached by ~ both ~“Spiritual”~ and ~ “physical”
~ “proof” ~ that ~“God ~ The Spiritual Realm”~ and/or ~“The
Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ however it exists ~ does exist! And that
~“God”~ is ~ “Literally” ~“Pefect Love”~. And becoming ~“Love”~
is ~ I believe ~ why we exist. And ~ also ~ to ~“warn”~ you that ~
–“The Third and Final Antichrist”– predicted by Nostradamus is
~ I believe ~ the Antichrist of the book of ~“Revelation”~. And
also ~ to ~“warn”~ ~“you”~ to read ~“The Creature from Jekyll
Island”~ by ~ G. Edward Griffin, and ~“The Coming Battle”~ by
M.W. Walbert. These books identify this –“The Third and Final
Antichrist”– as the ~“Mystery Babylon”~ of ~“Revelation 17:5”~.
Also, the title ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ is, possibly,
in my opinion, the correct interpretation of ~“Revelation 13:1”~
Also ~ please read ~“My Life and Prophecies”~ by Jean Dixon.
To close ~ this ~ “PRE~INTRODUCTION” ~ letter ~ I want
to say that I am willing to ~“speak”~ to and with anyone desiring
to hear the details ~ of ~these things ~ especially the events in
my ~“Road Map of Events”~. And as you will soon be reading over
and over: It is my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion ~ that
~ “Love ~ is the answer!”~
~ “Freedom is the sure possession of those
alone, who have the courage
to defend it.”~
~ This “book!” is ~“A”~ ~“Wake~Up!”~ ~“Calling!”~. Answer it! ~
~“Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~
Arnold J. White
[email protected]
September 21, 2005
Dear Neighbour,
My name is Arnold Joseph White. I was born on ~ July 7th, 1948 ~ in
Nashville, Tennessee. I have lived in and around Nashville for basically all
my life ~ but you can read about this in my “book?” ~ should you choose to.
Since I can think of nothing to say about myself, here, that is not in my
story ~ I will just say this. In my 57 years of living in and around Nashville
the absolute last thing I ever expected to have happen to me, was to receive
a ~“calling”~ from ~“God”~ ~ especially ~ a ~ “physical” ~ ~“calling”~.
And ~ again ~ the story of this ~“calling”~ is in my “book?” for ~“you”~.
For the rest of this page I have decided to ~“simply”~ let you read a
letter to the editor that I sent to the Tennessean, in Nashville, Tennessee. I
knew it wouldn’t be printed, but I sent it anyway, because I knew I would be
able to share it here, with ~“you”~. This letter contains the ~ essence ~ of ~
~“the most important”~ and ~“the most pressing”~ aspects of my story.
Here tiz.
“A hurricane is ~ absolutely ~ an act of nature. But ~ many believers
believe that God can and does act through the forces of nature, in reaction to
the actions of humans ~ in order to bring about His will.
In the last few weeks, I have heard opinions expressed that Katrina was
~“the wrath of God”~ for everything from, “Girls Gone Wild” videos, to
gay pride parades, to abortion clinics. Maybe God had another reason ~ too.
If Katrina was an act of God, maybe it was given to us, ~“We The
People”~ to give us an up close and personal experience with the heart
wrenching horrors of human suffering -“especially that of the children”-!
So we could make an “informed” comparison between the destruction and
desolation in New Orleans and the Gulf area – to that of Baghdad and Iraq.
It now appears that Rita may be headed towards the gasoline juggler of
the U.S. – its refineries. If the Iraq war was an unjust and immoral war – it
still is. Maybe God is trying to get our attention by causing us to “wrestle”,
with Ephes. 6:12. ~“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places.”~ ~“against spiritual wickedness in high places.”~
Hurricanes are ~ absolutely ~ acts of Nature. But ~ …!”
~“Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~
A. J. White
November 3, 2005
Dear Neighbour,
While your belief, or non-belief, about what I am about ~ to
tell you ~ is of very great concern for me ~ it is not my problem.
My problem is doing that which ~“God”~ ~“called”~ me to do. To ~
~ “speak”~ ~ “simply”~ ~ “speak”~
Acts 2:17 & 19
17 – And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my
Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and
your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
19 – And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth
beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
After being given many, many ~“events”~ to witness, imbued
with ~“dreams”~ and ~“visions”~ and ~“signs”~ and ~“wonders”~.
Which included having ~“Ezekiel 33:”~ ~ “physically” ~ given ~ to
me ~ to read ~ through the ~ “physical manifestation” ~ of ~
~“Spiritual Power”~ and ~“Spiritual Intelligence”~. I “realized”
that through ~these things ~ I was being ~“appointed”~ to ~
~“speak”~ as ~“a watchman”~. ~ To ~ ~“warn”~ to ~“warn them
from me.”~ Ezekiel 33:7. And ~ to ~ ~“warn”~ to ~“warn them
from me.”~ that ~“(lo, it will come.)”~ Ezekiel 33:33.
“Trying?” ~ “my best?” to answer this ~“calling”~ I decided
to write a “book?” about ~these things ~. If I have not included a
copy of it with this, you can get one from ~ [email protected]
or you can download it from ~ www.Love-God-Is-Love.org.
~These things ~ were an absolute ~“Revelation”~ for me. And
in my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ opinion ~ it is very, very
possible ~“we all”~ are about to receive this same ~“Revelation”~.
Here are just a few of the many ~“warnings”~ from my “book?”.
“For an antichrist figure to come into the modern world, there must be a
breakdown of the world system as we know it now. There would have to be
breakdowns in currency, in law and order and in the power structure of
national states.
A financial panic could help pave the way for him. So could a nuclear
war. Such disasters could leave people crying out for a man of peace who
will be Satan’s counterfeit to Jesus Christ. This man will seem to be like
Jesus, until such time as he is ready to show his true self. Then he will be
incredibly cruel (Dan. 7; 8). The Antichrist will be the most hideous
example of dictatorial power that the world has ever known.”
~ Spirit Filled Life Bible ~ page 2001
~“nothing less than to create a world system of financial
control in private hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the world as a whole.”~
~ “The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ page 269
~ Ezekiel 33: ~
7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a
watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore
thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and
warn them from me.
10 Therefore, O son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus
ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and
we pine away in them, how should we then live?
11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the lord God, I have no pleasure
in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way
and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die,
O house of Israel?
12 Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy people,
The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day
of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall
not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness;
neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in
the day that he sinneth.
15 If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed,
walk in the statues of life, without committing iniquity; he shall
surely live, he shall not die.
31 And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit
before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will
not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love but their
heart goeth after their covetousness.
33 And when this cometh to pass,
(lo, it will come,) then shall they know
that a prophet hath been among them.
~“– that the day will come when religions as we know them
today, Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, will be no more,
and we will all indeed be true disciples of Jesus.”~
Jean Dixon “My Life and Prophecies” pg. 52.
And as I say in my “book?” I am willing to ~“speak”~ with any
and all about ~these things ~ given to me ~ to witness. Call me ~
Arnold J. White at (615) 220-1599 or 1-877-824-1134 ~“God”~ did.
After typing and then noticing how the following sentences ~
“absolute ~“Divine Weave”~ of ~“Divine Intervention”~. The next
~“events”~ I will relate to you ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ are the same ~
absolute ~“Divine Weave”~ of ~“Divine Intervention”~ or not.”
~ from pg. 75 of my ~“FOREWARNED”~ had aligned themselves.
For the first time since I started writing this “book?” I had the
conscious thought that maybe, just maybe, ~“God”~ was helping
me write this. If ~these things ~ these “~” symbols make this
hard to read ~ stick with it ~ do not give up! I believe ~“God”~
used these “~” symbols ~ to ~“align”~ and encourage ~“HOPE!”~
July 7th, 2006
Dear Neighbour,
Realizing “something” just recently, that had not occurred to
me before about my story. Then realizing the importance of this
“something”, as it relates to “your belief, or non-belief, about” my
claims of being ~“appointed”~ by ~“God”~ to ~“speak”~. I knew I
had to write one more ~“Pre~Introduction”~ open letter. But for
some reason, I kept putting it off. I think I was subconsciously
waiting for my birthday, July 7th, ~“7/7”~. And I will explain why.
So ~ here is this “something” ~ for ~ “your belief, or non-belief,”.
William Marrion Branham is a man I had never ever heard of
before in my life, until the day I decided to tell a friend and coworker about some of ~these things ~ that had been happening
to and around me “for quite a while”. If you’d like to skip ahead
and read about this, you will find it on pages 167, 168 and 290.
In the life story of William Branham you will find “evidence”
of ~“dreams”~ ~“visions”~ ~“signs”~ and ~“wonders”~. “Evidence”
that “strongly suggests” that ~“God”~ through ~“The Spiritual
Realm”~ did ~“appoint”~ William Branham to be what he was, and
to do what he did. At “LivingWordBroadcast.org”, you can get a
free book about his early life. On the cover is a photo of a young
William Branham, probably in his early twenties. This photo is
very, very important to my story. Read why on pages 168 and 290.
The following excerpt is ~“very important”~ !
“SUPERNATURAL: The Life of William Branham”
Book one:
“The Boy and His Deprivation”
(1909 – 1932)
Chapter 1 “MYSTERIOUS BIRTH SIGN” 1909 – 1912
By Owen Jorgensen
“Ella tested the name with her tongue, ‘William… Marrion…
Branham. It sounds distinguished enough. And he can go by the
name of Billy. Charles, I think Billy’s going to have your curly
hair too. Open the shutter so I can see him better’.
It was shortly after five o’clock, Tuesday morning, April 6,
1909. Daylight filtered in through the chinks, even though the sun
had not yet topped the horizon. Charles opened the shutter, then
drew back, startled. Something had darted through the open
window - a light, like a star, about a foot in diameter.
Ella screamed and cradled her son tightly to her bosom. The
others, bewildered, stepped back against a wall. The strange light
circled the room several times, then stopped over the bed, hovering
above the new mother and child, glowing yellowish-green,
pulsating with a life of its own. For less than a minute it held that
position – not long, yet long enough for everyone in the cabin to be
sure they had really seen it. Then as quickly as it had come in, the
fireball left, whirling up past the rafters and out through the roof.
Charles stared up at the clapboard shingles with wide,
unblinking eyes. Suddenly a flurry of wings turned his attention
toward the door, where a dove had landed on the sill of the open
window. The snow-white dove eyed the room with curiosity,
almost as if it was looking for something. When it spotted the
newborn baby, it cocked its head and cooed before it flew away.
Charles gazed after the bird for a moment, then rolled his eyes
back up towards the roof.
One of the neighbor women muttered, ‘Well I never…’
The other mused, ‘I wonder what kind of yougin’ this boy
will be?’
Billy Branham was only 15 minutes old.”
News Spread quickly among the mountain folk about ‘that
youngin’ born yonder on the hill with a light over him.’ Some
passed it off as sunlight reflecting from a mirror. Charles and Ella
knew better, since there were no mirrors in their cabin. Besides the
sun had not yet come up. They were puzzled. Was there some
spiritual meaning in that light? …”
As far as I know, there were no ~“Supernatural Signs”~ at
my birth. But ~ I believe my birthday, ~“7/7/48”~ is my ~“sign”~.
Here’s why.
The book of ~“Revelation”~ is filled with ~“7”~’s and double
~“7”~’s. Doing an online Bible search at “BibleGateway.com” just
~‘Now!’ ~ I discovered that the word ~“seventh”~ appears in the
book of ~“Revelation”~ ~“5”~ times. By ~“coincidence”~, as you
will read in my “book?” the number ~“5”~ is also very significant
to my story. But I’m sure it’s just a ~“coincidence”~. But whether
or not it is ~ here is every ~“seven”~ and ~“seventh”~ listed in
the book of ~“Revelation”~ in the order they appear! Save two.*
And they are: The ~“seven churches”~, ~“seven Spirits”~, ~“seven
golden candlesticks”~, ~“seven candlesticks”~, ~“seven stars”~,
~“seven lamps”~, ~“seven seals”~, ~“seven horns”~, ~“seven
eyes”~, ~“seventh seal”~, ~“seven angels”~, ~“seven trumpets”~,
~“seven thunders”~, ~“seventh angel”~, ~“seven thousand”~,
~“seven heads”~, ~“seven crowns”~, ~“seven plagues”~*, *~“seven
last plagues”~, ~“seven vials”~, ~“seven golden vials”~, ~“seven
mountains”~, ~“seven kings”~, ~“seven,”~, and ~“seventh,”~.
LOOK! A ~“77”~ of ~“seven”~ aligned! Reread P.S. on page 28!
Today is October 17 , 2006, and I am writing this, and the
next four paragraphs, almost a month after I wrote the fifth
paragraph below, on September 21st. I decided I needed to come
back and add this, because during the last few weeks, while I was
showing the above paragraph, with its alignment of ~“seven …”~’s
into a double ~“77”~ shape to several people, many of them didn’t
see the alignment, until I pointed it out to them ~ or so they said.
So ~ I have decided to try to point this out ~ as clearly as I can.
Here goes.
If you do not see the ~“77”~ alignment of the ~“seven …”~’s
that I am talking ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today,today,”~ about, I will do
my utmost to explain it to you ~ and then ~ I will ~ show it to you.
The , ~“seven seals”~, is the upper left hand corner of the
first ~“77”~ with the , ~“seven horns”~, making up the top right
hand corner of the first ~“77”~. The stem, moving downwards and
to the left, begins with the , ~“seven angels”~, and ends, with the
, ~“seven kings”~, . The top left hand corner of the second ~“77”~
uses the , ~“seven horns”~, again, and the , ~“seven eyes”~, make
up the top right hand corner. And the stem, which is again moving
downwards and to the left, begins with the , ~“seven trumpets”~,
and ends with the , ~“seven,”~, and . And to help make this as
clearly visible as possible, I have removed part of the paragraph.
Here tiz.
, ~“seven seals”~, ~“seven horns”~, ~“seven
, ~“seven angels”~, ~“seven trumpets”~,
, ~“seventh angel”~, ~“seven thousand”~,
, ~“seven crowns”~, ~“seven plagues”~*,
, ~“seven vials”~, ~“seven golden vials”~,
, ~“seven kings”~, ~“seven,”~, and
There is absolutely no way I could have engineered this alignment!
“What do you think the odds are that all this is nothing more
than a mindless, random, coincidence?”
Several weeks ago, today is September 21st, 2006, I wrote
the 6th paragraph above. While checking it, to make sure that I
had listed all the ~“seven …”~’s in the order that they appear in
the book of ~“Revelation”~, I discovered that I had listed one of
them twice. When I removed the ~“seven …”~, that I had listed
twice, the paragraph, with all the ~“seven …”~’s, shifted and
aligned itself exactly as it looks now, except for last sentence. I
had not written it yet. Then for whatever the reason or reasons,
it was maybe a week or two later, before I noticed one day, that
the ~“seven …”~’s had lined up to form what looked to me, to be a
double ~“seven”~. A ~“77”~ of ~“seven …”~’s. Realizing I should
draw your attention to this ~“alignment”~ I decided to add the
last sentence. Then over the next few weeks, as the absolute
possible significance of what had occurred in this paragraph, with
the alignment of these ~“seven …”~’s into this ~“77”~ slowly sank
in. I decided I needed to say a little more about this ~ than just:
LOOK! A ~“77”~ of ~“seven”~ aligned! Reread P.S. on page 28!
So here tiz!
What do you think the odds are that all this is nothing more
than a mindless, random, coincidence? That after more than four
and a-half years of me “trying my best?” to make the claim that I
have been ~“approached”~ by and ~“appointed”~ by ~“God”~ to
~“speak”~ as a ~“watchman”~. In short that I have “physically”
been ~“called”~ by ~“God”~ to ~“speak”~. I decide to sit down
and write one more open letter where I compare the double
~“77”~’s in my birthday to the ~“Supernatural Signs”~ that were
given to us all, at the birth of William Marrion Branham. And
then, I make the claim that the double ~“77”~’s in the date of my
birth is my ~“sign”~ because of the possibility that the book of
~“Revelation”~ is at hand, and is filled with ~“seven …”~’s, double
~“seven …”~’s and ~“seventh …”~’s. Then I decide to list all the
~“seven …”~’s and ~“seventh …”~’s in the book of ~“Revelation”~
“in the order they appear! Save two*.” And ~ then ~ they ~ line
up ~ to form double ~“seven”~’s. A ~“77”~ of ~“seven …”~’s. Well,
as far as I am concerned ~ the odds that ~ these things ~ are ~
nothing more than ~ mindless ~ random ~“Coincidence is…”~ are ~
~ NONE! ~
It is not a coincidence! What it is ~ is ~“evidence”~ that has
been given to us by ~“God”~ to make us stop and think. It is not
proof. Belief in ~“God”~ cannot be about proof ~ but it can be
about ~“evidence”~. And I believe that if I continue, “trying my
best!” to make the claims I am making about ~ these things ~
that ~“God”~ will continue to give us more of this ~“evidence”~.
In his new movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, I was surprised
to hear Al Gore make a reference to the book of ~“Revelation”~.
He said, (and I am paraphrasing from memory) “Witnessing all the
environmental and ecological changes taking place in the world is,”
“is like taking a nature walk through the book of Revelation.”
As the events of 9/11 and its resulting war on terror began
to unfold, I began to notice ~“7”~’s and double ~“7”~’s involved
with some of the events. Here are the ones I have seen, so far.
The basement ~“the Tub”~ ~“plunged into the Tub”~ of the
WTC Twin Towers was and still is ~“7”~ stories deep. See pg. 218.
Building ~“7”~ and its “Unexplained Collapse” may turn out to
be one of the major catalysts in leading “We The People” to the
realization that “9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB”. Conceived and
planned and carried out, to bring about an end to Democracy, by
~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~. 1 Timothy 6:10
The closest Fire Station to the WTC and the first to arrive
on the scene was Engine Co. ~“7”~. The first time I saw building
~“7”~ collapse; I was watching the documentary “9/11” by
Gedeon and Jules Naudet. The documentary started out being
about a rookie at Engine Co. ~“7”~. And the fact that none of the
Firefighters from Engine Co. ~“7”~ died in the collapse of the
Twin Towers is considered by many to be a miracle. An act of
~“God”~. And that afternoon, as they were filming outside Engine
Co. ~“7”~ they caught the collapse of building ~“7”~ from Engine
Co. ~“7”~. This ~“coincidence”~ is in my opinion ~ a double ~“7”~.
And do not forget the “terrorist” bombings in London last
year on July ~“7”~ ~“7/7”~ 2005.
In my “book?” you will find many, many, many other events
and things connected with the ~“7/7”~ within my birthday.
Just ~‘Now!’ ~ I did a search of my “book?” for ~“7/7”~.
Guess how many times it appears. Yup! ~“7”~! And just ~‘Now!’~ I
did a search of this, my “last?” open letter. Guess how many times
~“7/7”~ showed up in it, nope ~“5”~.
Just a few weeks ago, while surfing the net, I happened to
find a website that deals with the “FACT” that flight ~“77”~
“DID NOT” fly into the pentagon. If it is still up and running, you
can view it at ~“amics21.com/911/pentagon”~. Believe your eyes!
Here are a few more of the more interesting ~“7”~ and
~“77”~ ~“Coincidence is…”~ involved with and in my “book?”.
Did you know that ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~ and
the phrase ~“the last days”~ and the word ~“forgiveness”~ are
all in the King James Bible ~“7”~ times each?
In my book on page 208, you will read about the first time I
decided to see how many times I had written the first name of
~“Christ”~ in my book. It was 71. Well, a few weeks ago I decided
to check it again. And guess how many times the first name of
~“Christ”~ appears in my book ~‘Now!’ ~. And I bet you can. Yup!
~“77”~ times! I did not set this up. It just happened.
Lastly, as I mention in my story, on Sept. ~“7th”~ 2001 while I
was listening to a Rabbi talk about the ~“Spiritual”~ significance
of the number ~“7”~ the “significance?” of the ~“48”~ in my
birthday finally dawned on me. I was born the same year that the
nation of Israel was ~“1948”~. ~“speak unto the house of Israel;
Thus ye speak, saying,”…“turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways;
for why will ye die, O House of Israel?”~ Ezekiel 33:10-11
One last thing: At the end of “An Inconvenient Truth” the
following sentence scrolled across the screen, ~“If you believe in
prayer”~ then it slowly faded out, except for the word ~“pray”~.
August 14, 2006
Dear Neighbour,
For over a year ~‘Now!’ ~ I have been sending out e-mails with
continuously updated versions of my book attached. I must have
sent at least a thousand or more. Of those thousand, I have only
received three replies where the sender took the time and effort
to critique my book, and all three were negative. But the last one
I received on June 29th, ‘06, is absolutely the best one ~ so far.
Even though it started out negatively, like the two before it,
at the end, the sender, (a fairly well known and respected author,
publisher and bookmaker) had a few very kind thoughts for me.
“… But I suspect that as a book maker and a writer and a critic
myself I was unable to ignore your “book?” with the wide sweep of its
trajectory and embrace, tying everything into everything else, and its
intensity and its seeing of significance in everything – …
The more the “book?” went on, the more extraordinary I could see
that it was. …
I wonder: if you took your long screed and, like a fish, filleted out
all the scales and bones and guts of coincidences and the chapter and
verse and nostradamus nostrums (forgive me, I’ve never been a fan)
you probably will be left with a very short book about Truth and
Kindness and the Terrible Price (such as 9.11) that we pay for not
loving Our Global Neighbors. And throw in a couple of stories about
the cat Elvis and the Mocking Bird, for local color and interest.
Please don’t be put off by my apparent cynicism. In fact -- as I am
confident you know -- it’s not cynicism at all. I deeply respect and even
love what you have done -- especially for caring so much to actually do
it. And by the way, you are perfectly entitled to tell your story your
own way: do not apologize for it. (As I said in my first email. “Let your
book speak for itself.” If people don’t accept it, that’s their loss.)
I’ll end it there, and await your response.
My best regards,
M _ _ _ _ _ _”
~ My “book!” is ~“A”~ ~“Wake~Up!”~ ~“Calling!”~. Answer it! ~
September 11, 2006
Dear Neighbour,
It is now 9:11 AM. I waited for this ~ moment ~ to begin this,
my absolutely last ~“PRE~INTRODUCTION”~ open letter ~ to ~
Once again, as I said in my fourth and my third open letters:
“Realizing “something” just recently, that had not occurred to
me before about my story. Then realizing the importance of this
“something”, as it relates to ...” … “~“warn them from me.”~
Ezekiel 33:7.” I have decided ~“You”~ really need to know about,
~these things ~
In the last 5 years, since 9/11 was perpetrated upon us,
evidence, some of it “absolute and undeniable”, has slowly been
seeping out that 9/11 was an inside job, planned, orchestrated,
and carried out by forces within our own Government. Some of
this evidence is so “absolute and undeniable”, I believe it is very,
very much within the realm of possibility that 9/11 was planned,
orchestrated and carried out pretty much as “they” designed it,
because “they” want us ~“We the People”~ to know “they” did it.
It is very, very, very possible that – “the powers that be” –
~“the root of all evil”~ ~“the love of money”~ – “Big Brother” –
designed all of this “absolute and undeniable” evidence so that
“they” could gauge our response as we very slowly learned that
“they” did this. It is possible “they” want to see how we react to
this unfathomable truth, to decide how much future –TERROR–
“they” will have to inflict upon us, in order to get us to submit to
“them”. And if we do not submit, if we decide to side with Patrick
Henry’s ~“give me liberty, or give me death.”~ then ~ I believe
“they” may be prepared to do just that; to use the –unthinkable–
“the Nuclear Option”, in order to bring about disorder and install
chaos on this nation and on the entire planet; while at the same
time, bringing down the population of our planet by maybe 80+%.
“They” may resort to “their” Nuclear Winter in order to achieve
“their” goal of world domination. Very, very soon, we may all have
to decide whether or not we will submit to ~“the beast”~ and let
“them” put “their” mark upon our right hands and our foreheads.
And all you have to do to submit to “them” is to simply remain
silent. Recently on line, I saw a t-shirt and on the back it said:
“Google” ~ “pentagon strike” ~ to see with your own eyes
“absolute and undeniable” proof that there is absolutely no way
(outside of Divine Intervention) that flight ~“77”~ crashed into
and disintegrated upon impact ~ into the Pentagon. The video will
present you with “absolute and undeniable” photographic proof!
Why has this never been reported by any major news source?
In the course of writing this book, I found a book entitled;
“City in the Sky; The Rise and Fall of the World Trade Center”.
In a group of photographs in the center of this book, there is a
picture of a full page add that was placed in the New York Times
on May 2, 1968 by Lawrence A. Wien, the owner of the Empire
State Building. The ad contains a sketch of the Twin Towers. And
at the top of the Tower on the right, a commercial jet airliner is
shown just about to fly into the building. Midway down, there are
two clouds drifting on the sides of the Towers. These clouds look
similar to the smoke that was pouring out of the Towers on 9/11.
The whole ad is so very close to what we saw on 9/11 ~ it is eerie.
The reason Lawrence A. Wien put the ad in the paper, was
because he was “predicting” an “accidental” fly-in was going to
happen. He was trying to warn the people of New York that the
Towers were too tall. In his ad, he states that the Allied Pilots
Association is very concern that the height of the Twin Towers
was going to cause major safety problems for air traffic and the
air traffic control for the nearby airports.
If that were all that the ad had in it, it would be nothing
more than a very interesting coincidence. But this ad contains
“something else” that, as far as I am concerned “suggests” the
very real possibility of conspiracy. And what this “something else”
is ~ is a caption. The caption, in the upper left hand corner simply
know what very famous proverb this caption is derived from? It’s
“If the mountain will not come to Mohammad, Mohammad will
go to the mountain.” By adding this caption, the Muslim religion
was brought into this picture of a commercial jet flying into the
World Trade Center’s Twin Towers. It is my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden
opinion, this is not a coincidence. What it is ~ is a veiled warning
of why the Twin Towers were built. It is an attempt to warn us,
after the fact who it is, who is truly responsible for the attacks.
And it ain’t Islam!
“Wealth and Power” did 9/11 so that “Wealth and Power”
could hold on to its “Wealth and Power” by subduing Democracy.
Our goal is to expose the Problem Reaction Solution paradigm, and
expose the Bilderbergs, the CFR, WHO, WTO, the PNAC, and the rest
of the Globalist Fascists and their New World Order. Globalism is
nothing more than a Global Feudal system, where there is no middle
class, just the Elite, and us (the Human Resources).
However, we are about to face the Greatest realization in the history of
the Evolution: Consciousness and the Ethics are Infinite. Past, Present,
and the Future are all Now. We are about to Leap in our Evolution, but
we are in a grave danger of allowing a few Elites to gain control over us,
to turn us into feudal slaves.
Lets do the right thing, lets allow ourselves to do be all that we can be,
by exposing the evil, spreading the truth, so that we can take the
Humanity, and not just the ruling elite, to the next level.
November 7th, 2006
Dear Neighbour,
I had truly intended that my sixth open letter would be “my
absolutely last” open letter. Now ~ I will tell you why it is not.
But before I do, if you have not read my fourth open letter, go
back and do so ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today,today,”~. If you have read
it, keep in mind my belief of how the number ~“7”~ relates to me.
For the last several weeks, I have had the urge to do another
on-line Bible search at “BibleGateway.com” to see if there might
be any other things in the King James Bible that were in there a
total of ~“7”~ times. I had a very nagging feeling there were. So
two nights ago, I decided to do this, to see if I could find any. I
was hoping to find something that would bolster and support the
outrageous claim that I clearly make in my third open letter that
~“God”~ has ~“appointed”~ me to ~“speak”~ as a ~“watchman”~.
And guess what! I did! I found something that I believe will give
you cause to pause and consider the real possibility that maybe
~“God”~ is trying to ~“speak”~ to ~“You”~ through this, my book.
Now keeping in mind that I believe the most important aspect
of warning in my book is ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~. And
that the phrase ~“the last days.”~ is more than likely the most
pressing aspect of warning in my book; I will now tell you what is
also in the King James Bible ~“7”~ times: It is I! I am! “a white”!
At “BibleGateway.com” as “Exact Phrase”, search “a white”.
~ It is in the King James Bible ~“7”~ times. ~
1. Leviticus 13:19
And in the place of the boil there be a white rising, or
a bright spot, white and somewhat reddish, and it be
shewed to the priest;
2. Leviticus 13:24
Or if there be any flesh, in the skin whereof there is a
hot burning, and the quick flesh that burneth have
a white bright spot, somewhat reddish, or white;
3. Leviticus 13:42
And if there be in the bald head or in the bald
forehead, a white reddish sore; it is a leprosy sprung
up in his bald head, or his bald forehead.
4. Revelation 2:17
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith
unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give
to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white
stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no
man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it.
5. Revelation 6:2
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat
on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him:
and he went forth conquering and to conquer.
6. Revelation 14:14
And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon
the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on
his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp
7. Revelation 19:11
And I saw heaven open, and behold a white horse;
and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true,
and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Searching for Ezekiel 14:9 at “BibleGateway.com” I found
“a prophet” is in the KJ Bible ~“48”~ times. ~“7/7/48”~ my sign?
To end “my absolutely last” open letter, reread ~these things ~.
After typing and then noticing how the following sentences ~
“absolute ~“Divine Weave”~ of ~“Divine Intervention”~. The next
~“events”~ I will relate to you ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ are the same ~
absolute ~“Divine Weave”~ of ~“Divine Intervention”~ or not.”
~ from pg. 75 of my ~“FOREWARNED”~ had aligned themselves.
For the first time since I started writing this “book?” I had the
conscious thought that maybe, just maybe ~“God”~ was helping
me write this. If ~these things ~ these “~” symbols make this
hard to read ~ stick with it ~ do not give up! I believe ~“God”~
used these “~” symbols ~ to ~“align”~ and encourage ~“HOPE!”~
And they are: The ~“seven churches”~, ~“seven Spirits”~, ~“seven
golden candlesticks”~, ~“seven candlesticks”~, ~“seven stars”~,
~“seven lamps”~, ~“seven seals”~, ~“seven horns”~, ~“seven
eyes”~, ~“seventh seal”~, ~“seven angels”~, ~“seven trumpets”~,
~“seven thunders”~, ~“seventh angel”~, ~“seven thousand”~,
~“seven heads”~, ~“seven crowns”~, ~“seven plagues”~*, *~“seven
last plagues”~, ~“seven vials”~, ~“seven golden vials”~, ~“seven
mountains”~, ~“seven kings”~, ~“seven,”~, and ~“seventh,”~.
LOOK! A ~“77”~ of ~“seven”~ aligned! Reread P.S. on page 28!
~“seven seals”~, ~“seven horns”~, ~“seven
, ~“seven angels”~, ~“seven trumpets”~,
, ~“seventh angel”~, ~“seven thousand”~,
, ~“seven crowns”~, ~“seven plagues”~*,
, ~“seven vials”~, ~“seven golden vials”~,
, ~“seven kings”~, ~“seven,”~, and
There is absolutely no way I could have engineered this alignment!
“What do you think the odds are that all this is nothing more
than a mindless, random, coincidence?”
It is not a coincidence! What it is ~ is ~“evidence”~ that has
been given to us by ~“God”~ to make us stop and think. It is not
proof. Belief in ~“God”~ cannot be about proof ~ but it can be
about ~“evidence”~. And I believe that if I continue, “trying my
best!” to make the claims I am making about ~ these things ~
that ~“God”~ will continue to give us more of this ~“evidence”~.
~ “the most important” ~
I have decided to give the following ~“7”~ ~“EXCERPTS”~
for you to read ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ because ~ in
my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion ~ they are absolutely
~ the most important of all my ~“677”~ events. ~“Especially”~
the last ~“7”~ words of the last two lines of ~ event #138.
Att: is “Around this time.” Stl: is “Some time later.”
’01 – Att: On line one night, around 1:30AM, I get
a “pop up”! “In the exact instant that I” realize it deals
with prophecy, omens and ~“Revelation”~ from across the
room, from the darkened bookshelves, comes a ~“Plink!”~
’01 – Stl: Again, around 1:30AM. Answering a
request from ~“TCASK”~ I decide there’s nothing I can
do, nothing I can say, in an e-mail, to the Governor of
“OK?” to stop an execution. I decide to not even try. I
decide to go to bed. “In the exact instant that I” “X”
the e-mail off the screen ~“again”~ from across the
room, from the darkened bookshelves, comes a very,
very, very loud ~ ~“PLINK!!!”~ I put the e-mail back up
~ and write ~ and write ~ and rewrite ~ until ~ 4:30AM!
“I can’t buy a clear thought!” Stl: Event #138!
’01 – Stl: Playing my guitar, as I always do, before
I go to sleep; for 3 nights in a row, I hear a series of
muffled knocks coming from ~“inside!”~ my guitar case!
All 3 nights, I freeze! I don’t move! I am afraid to! I
decide to wait until morning to look inside the case.
When I look inside the case on the 1st morning, I find
nothing unusual. The 2nd morning, I find my ~“Sacred
Heart League”~ ~“Jesus”~ key chain, that had been lost
for several years ~ but ~ the plastic image of ~“Christ”~
is gone! The 3rd morning, I find the ~ plastic image ~
~“wedged”~ at a 45 degree angle between the soft plush
material where the bottom meets the side of the case!
’01 – Apr. 27th, Friday. Not feeling well, I decide
to go to bed early instead of going to a “TCASK” benefit
at the Red Rose Café, in Murfreesboro. Right after I
do, a mocking bird starts ~“screaming”~ just outside my
bedroom window! The next 3 nights, he ~“screams”~ all
night long! Fri. ~ Sat. ~ and ~ Sun. night! Events #46 and
#462. Also ~ something else ~ happens in the room just
before the bird shows up ~ that is very odd, but not
“supernatural”. Are these “events” in opposition?!
’01 – Apr. 30th, Monday. When I stop my car in my
driveway, from behind my house I see ~“A”~ mocking
bird fly down ~ then up ~ stop ~ in midair for a second
~ and ~ then ~“vanish”~ into thin air. I sit ~ befuddled!
’01 – A week or so later, I find a booklet about
Nostradamus in the check out line at K-Mart. I read ~
~“Before these events, many rare birds will cry in the
air, ‘Now! Now!’ and sometime later will ~ vanish.”~ !!!!!!!
’01 – Stl: Standing in front of the bookshelves,
looking at the glass flower basket, where the ~“Plinks!!”~
came from. Thinking about the knocking that came from
inside my guitar case ~ and finding my missing ~“Jesus”~
key chain. I notice that right behind the glass basket ~
is an old Church fan with a picture of ~“Jesus”~ on it! I
realize! ~“Jesus”~ has been brought into this ~”EPIPHANY!” ~
Stl: I realize ~“Jesus ~ is ~ inclusive!”~ through the word ~
~ “LOVE!”~
~ “the most pressing” ~
I have decided to give the following ~ “18”~ ~ “EXCERPTS”~
for you to read ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ because ~ in
my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinon ~ they are absolutely
~“among”~ ~ “the most pressing” ~ of all my ~“677”~ events.
’61 – On or around Jan. 17th, on TV, I see Eisenhower’s
~“Military Industrial Complex”~ speech. It ~“embeds”~ !
’63 – Att: In a movie, I hear the line ~“If you kill the
Shepherd, the flock will scatter.”~ This also ~“embeds”~!
’63 – Att: I hear the biggest problem facing our world,
is “over population”. By ~ 2000 ~ it will become unsolvable;
~“A”~ Juncture! ~ 2000 ~ seems like it’s ~“Centuries”~ away.
’99 – ’00: Att: Someone ~ maybe ~“ootp?”~ tells me it
would only take “a few Nukes” to induce – Nuclear Winter! –
I do not say this to scare. I say it to ~“warn them”~ Ez.33:7
’99 – ’00: Att: At a local (JwJ) Jobs with Justice
meeting, I hear a speaker say; “Corporations plan to be in
“physical” control of – to rule – the world – by 2007!”
’99 – ’00: Stl: I find the book ~“When Corporations
Rule the World”~ by David C. Korton, published in 1995.
This may be where the speaker at JwJ got his information.
Stl: I realize –“they”– could! If ~“Democracy”~ –“dies”– !
’00 – Att: At work one day, remembering event
#109, it occurs to me ‘what’ –“The 3rd & final antichrist.”
~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money.”~ might do
with its billions? “Survive? a ‘planned?’ Nuclear winter?” I
do not say this to scare. I say it to ~“warn them”~ Ez.33:7
Stl: While surfing the net, I happen to find a website that
claims “the government” is creating earthquakes by placing
and detonating small nuclear devices, in and/or near fault
lines. This is absolutely absurd! Why would they do this? Y?
’01 ~“9/11”~ Using our large Catholic Edition Bible &
“Amateur Divination” ~“A.D.”~. I ask God why this had to
happen. I open to, Rev.18:21! Just as in event #33, it’s
my second answer from God! Then! 01/18/05 ~ Ev.#533!
’01 – Dec. 15th. On C-Spans Washington Journal I
hear a caller say, “Osama Bin Laden didn’t do 9/11.” He
says ~“This was done by the corporations!”~! When he
says this, the host’s hands begin to tremble ~ “again”! I
remember it was Dec. 15th, because of the Bill of Rights.
’02 – Att?: Thinking deeply disturbing thoughts
about the possibility of a nuclear winter ~“ootp?”~ does
his ~“absolute proof of God thing”~ for the last time.
The 3 other events were ~ #127 ~ #144 ~ #186. Again!
I do not say this to scare. I say it to ~“warn”~ Ez.33:7! And
again, as in event #320. “Your belief” ~ is not my problem!
’04 – Att: While looking for history about the
“Federal Reserve”, at the Smyrna Library, I find the
book ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ ! ~ 1010 ~ ?
’04 – Monday, May 3rd. I channel surf into a speech by
the Minister Lewis Farrakhan. He lays this war at the
“conspiratorial” feet of the –Neo-Cons–. And he is right!
’04 – Att: At work, I ask ~“God”~ why I have to do
this. Using ~“A.D.”~ and “The Creature from...”, on pg. 257
I land directly on ~“for the lasting good of humanity.”~ !
This occurs, 6 more times! Events ~ #407 ~ #440 ~ #500 ~
#513 ~ #562 and ~ #663! These ~“events”~ are ~“divinely
connected”~ to the very, very important event of #418!
In my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden and ~“divinely approved?”~ opinion!
’04 – July 17th. Trying my ~“A.D.”~ with ~“The
Creature from Jekyll Island”~ I find pg. 269: ~“…nothing
less than to create a world system of financial control in
private hands…”~ This happens 6 more times! Ev. #380 ~
#440 ~ #500 ~ #513 ~ #562 ~ and ~ #663 ! ~“7”~ times!
’04 – Aug. While on line at the Smyrna library, I
find the book ~“The Coming Battle”~ In the exact
instant that I “realize” it’s about the same thing ~“The
Creature from Jekyll Island”~ is about. The ~“moving”~
feeling on the top of my head “happens” again! And it’s
the strongest I have ever felt. And I realize why! #249!
’04 – Aug. 20th. Just ~‘Now!’ ~ on “‘NOW” I saw a
political add implying “W” and his regime of –“neo-cons”–
are going to save freedom and democracy. In my opinion ~ in
my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion. ~ “They plan to end it!” ~ !
’04 – Sept. 19th. This morning, I asked ~“God”~ to
speak to me again, using my ~“A.D.”~ and ~“The Creature
from Jekyll Island”~. Again ~ I opened to pg. 269 and my
finger landed directly on top of ~“nothing less than to
create a world system of financial control in private
hands able to dominate the political system of each
country and the economy of the world as a whole.”~ ! As
I have already mentioned this happened another ~“5”~
times in events ~ #380 ~ #407 ~ #500 ~ #513 ~ and ~
#562! ~ ~“Coincidence is…”~? Today, 05/14/05, event
#663, I opened up directly to pg. 269 again. So ~‘Now!’
‘Now!’ ~ ~“Today, today,”~ this makes ~“7”~ times this has
occurred. These ~“Coincidence is…”~ just keep on happening!
’05 – Feb. 10th. Looking for the correct spelling for ~
“coo coo ka chew”, on line, from event #218. I find it’s ~
“goo, goo, g’joob.” Then I find the extremely curious and
very interesting line from the song ~“I am the Walrus”~.
~“Corporation T–Shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday. Man you’ve
been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long. I am…”~
See event #175 ~“This was done by the corporations!”~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~“Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Event’s #270 & #273
The following poem is the one I wrote and read at the poetry
reading. It may not be the exact version I read, but it’s close.
Do you know what these wars, may be leading us towards?
I will tell you, with grave reservation.
These wars just may be, about us, to lead,
To downsizing the earth’s population!
Want to know how I know, that ~“(lo, it will come.)”~?
I will tell you, with love’s hesitations.
I’ve seen “physical” proof, of ~“The Spiritual Realm”~!
I believe this is called ~“Revelation”~!
God hast hidden these things from the wise and the prudent.
And revealed them to the small and the weak.
Read ~Ezekiel 33:~ again, and again, and again, and again!
Forewarnings of dust, to dust, it dust speak.
Now you know how I know, that ~“(lo, it will come,)”~.
And I’ve warned you of grave consequences.
Tell the wicked to turn, turn away from their ways,
And walk in their statutes and restore their pledges.
Now you know what these wars may be really about.
Go and tell it to all of the nations.
Tell the world that these wars may be leading us towards,
Downsizing the earth’s population!
Do you know ~“Love – one another”~?
Do you know ~“Love – thy neighbor as thyself”~?
Do you know ~“Love – your enemies”~?
Do you know ~“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”~ ~“ And
the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
thyself. There is none other commandment greater than
(Mark, 12:30,31)
Do you know ~“God is Love.”~?
Do you know God is real?
Do you know God is real?
Love your neighbor’s, as you love yourself!
Do you know God is real?
Do you know God is real?
Love your enemies, before time runs out!
Beyond any shadow, of any doubt!
Beyond any shadow, of any mountain, of any doubt!
Beyond any shadow, of any grain of sand, of any doubt!
Beyond any depth, of any ocean, of any doubt!
Beyond any depth, of any tear, of any doubt!
There actually, factually is a God!
I have seen the “physical” ~ proof ~ of it!
Now you know!
Now you know!
Now you know!
What is coming!
Something very much like Orwell’s, “1984”!
Now you know!
Now you know!
Now you know!
What to do!
Read ~Ezekiel 33:~ we are being forewarned!
Do you know ~ “Love”?
A. J. White
[email protected]
Event #484
(who ~“You!”~ are)
There is something happening in this country and in this
world ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ that, in my opinion, in
my “EPIPHANY!” laden opinion, the only way that it can be
stopped, and the only way that it will stop, is if “You!” the
driving “force” behind what is happening in this country and in
this world ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ (AND “You!” KNOW
WHO “You!” ARE) come quickly, very quickly, to the
realization that maybe, just maybe, “THERE ACTUALLY IS A
~GOD~!” And that when ~GOD~ through ~Jesus Christ~
admonished us to: ~ “feed the hungry”, to “heal the sick”, to
“cloth the naked”, to “house the homeless”, and to “remember
those in prison as though “You!”, “Yourself!” were there with
them.” ~ In short, to ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~!
That these were not casual suggestions to be taken lightly, to
be thought about and worked at with a “luke warm” attitude
in an “uncaring” way. That they were ~“Commandments”~
“Absolute” ~ “salvation attaining” ~“Commandments”~; from
~GOD~, through ~Jesus Christ~. ~“Commandments”~ that
“You!” will be held responsible for! For the manner in which
“You!” did, and did not preformed these “works”. That what
“You!” have and have not done unto ~“the least of these”~;
“You!” have also done it unto ~GOD~ and ~Jesus Christ~. That
there will either be eternal salvation” waiting for “You!”, or
there will be “Hell” to pay ~“again?”~! And “You!” will wish
that “You!” had taken the admonitions and followed the path,
that ~GOD~ is giving “You!” ~’Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~
the “choice” and the “chance” to take! ~“: turn ye, turn ye
from your evil ways;”~ (Ezekiel 33:11) And if “You!” do. And
there is still time to! Then ~“None of his sins that he hath
committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that
which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.”~
~ Ezekiel 33:16 ~
So, keeping in mind that “You!” have just been warned. And
“You!” will continue to be warned, all through out this “book?”,
this “pamphlet”, this “white paper”, this “whatever” this turns
out to be: ~“I Am That I Am”~ has laid it upon my heart to
Divinely dedicate this ~ to:
~ “You!”~
And ~ “You!”~ know
who ~ “You!”~ are!
“: turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways;”
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~”Today,today,”~
(Event #486)
Sitting here this morning at 5:00AM, getting ready, “once
again”, to try and end this seemingly unending struggle of mine, to
write, any kind, of an ~“INTRODUCTION”~ to this story, that I
can come away from, feeling good enough about ~ to use. This
morning, I thought I would ~“simply”~ start off today’s attempt,
with today’s day, date and time. But, being unable to remember
the date, I thought: ~ “Now let’s see, today is Monday, and Friday
was the 19th. That means Saturday and Sunday were the 20th and
the 21st. That means today is the ~ 2…” ~☺~
When I realized that today’s date was ~ November 22nd. ~
~ I knew ~ “I knew” ~ I knew ~ that whatever I came up with this
morning, I was absolutely ~“absolutely”~ going to use. This ~one~
would positively be a keeper. “I knew” I would not be discarding
this ~one~ like I had done with so many, many, many of the other
“opening statements” ~ I had failed at ~ over the last two years.
The reason for this mornings sudden surge of ~“*hope”~ was
the “significance” of today’s date, coupled with a ~ “question” ~ I
had heard an “anonymous ~ questioner” ~ ask ~ on ~“C-Span”~ last
week. Because of this “coincidental ~ convergence” ~“I knew”~ in
my heart ~ “this attempt” ~ was going to be a keeper. This ~one~
would be, in all ~ “absolute ~ probability” ~ “the very last” ~ in
the seemingly unending issuance of ~ “failed opening statements”
I had been producing ~ like I said ~ “over the last two years.” ~ !
While the assassination of JFK is not the “reason” I am
writing this, it is a very, very important focal point to this story.
And maybe it was ~ just “another” ~“coincidence”~ that today
turned out to be ~ the 41st anniversary ~ of his death. But then ~
~ “Coincidence ~ is God’s way of performing
a miracle ~ anonymously.”~
So sayeth ~ Anonymous
So ~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ here is this ~“question”~ !
Like I said, last week I was watching C-Span, as I often do,
when by ~“coincidence?”~ I happened to see where the author of
a book, very critical of the Bush administration, was going to be
speaking on C-Span that night. Because I too, am also, very, very,
concerned about Bush and his “regime”; I made sure to watch and
record the show. During the “question” and answer session, at the
end of the show, I heard ~“the question”~ I knew, I had to use,
to open this, my “final?” ~“INTRODUCTION”~. ~ So ~ here tiz!
~ “Forty years ago, ‘the government’ tried to
convince us that Lee Harvey Oswald shot President
Kennedy. Three years ago, ‘the government’ tried to
convince us that beer drinking, pork-rind eating,
Islamic radicals, flew airplanes into the World Trade
Center. And three weeks ago, ‘the government’ tried
to convince us that ~ ‘exit polls’ ~ aren’t ~ ‘accurate’.~
My question ~ especially for you.......is”~
~ “Is the ‘Republic’~ dead?”~
So asketh ~ Anonymous
I wish ~ Anonymous ~ had also thought to add: “Five years
ago, ‘the government’ tried to convince us that ‘piloterror’ was ‘why’, JFK JR’s plane ~fell~ ‘from the sky’.”
What you are about to read ~ will be ~ in all probability ~
“impossible?” for “91.11%” of you to even consider the possibility
that there could be any chance, that there could be any truth, in
any of what I am about to tell you. For a while ~ I let this ~
possibility ~ that few, if any, would ever believe any of this ~ slow
me ~ and even stop me ~ in the job of doing this ~ of getting this
done ~ of getting this ~“told”~. Then ~one day~ it just ~“simply”~
occurred to me ~ that ~ I have not been ~“called”~ to ~ “prove” ~
“anything” ~ to ~ “anyone” ~ or ~ to ~ “convince” ~ “anyone” ~ of
~ “anything”. ~ All I have been ~“asked”~ to do. All I have been ~
~“called”~ to do ~ is to ~“speak!”~ to ~ “simply!” ~ ~“speak!”~ !
And I have decided to answer this ~“calling”~ ! To ~“speak”~ as ~
~“simply”~ as I can, through this “book?” and in person, with any
and all, who would care to listen, and discuss, if they so desire, my
claims and my opinions, about my being made a ~“witness”~ to this
~“EPIPHANY!”” @ JUNCTURE ~. ~ So ~ as far as I can see ~ the only thing
left for me to do ~ is ~“To tell it!”~ And then ~ to ~“Go tell it!”~
~ So~
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
All you can do ~ is consider it.
Consider it told. Consider it well.
Consider ~ Yourself ~ Yourselves ~ “Informed” ~ or
~ “Warned” ~ or ~ “Forewarned” ~.
However you wish to consider it.
Should you decide to consider ~“it”~!
And if you do decide to consider this ~“consider this” !
Consider the value ~ the ~“Loving”~ ~“Eternal”~ value ~
~ of ~
…love thy neighbour,
as thyself.”
“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this;
Thou shalt…
Galatians 5:14
~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!”~
~ “LOVE!”~
~ “LOVE!”~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!”~
“A revelatory manifestation especially of a divine being.”
Abou Ben Adhem
(Events #10 ~ #355)
Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An angel writing in a book of gold:
Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the Presence in the room he said,
“What writest thou?” The Vision raised its head,
And with a look made of all sweet accord
Answered, “The names of those who love the Lord.”
“And is mine one?” said Abou. “Nay, not so,”
Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerly still; and said, “I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow-men.”
The Angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And showed the names whom love of God had blessed,
And, lo! Ben Adhem’s name led all the rest!
James Henry Leigh Hunt
“A point in time, especially a critical point. See synonyms
at crisis.”
The Gods of the Copybook Headings
(Events #367 ~ #371 ~ #418)
As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the MarketPlace.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish
and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast
them all.
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed
us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth
of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed
the March of Mankind.
We moved as the spirit listed. They never altered their
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield; or the lights
had gone out in Rome.
With the Hopes that our World is built on they were
utterly out of touch.
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she
was even Dutch.
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a
Pig had wings.
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised
these beautiful things.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars
of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us
bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the
Devil you know.”
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the
Fuller Life.
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by
loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost
reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages
of Sin is Death.”
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance
for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing
our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you
don’t work you die.”
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smoothtongued wizards withdrew,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began
to believe it was true
That all is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two
make Four--And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to
explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man--There are only four things certain since Social Progress
began--That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns
to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back
to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new
World begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay
for his sins,
As surly as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook headings with terror and
slaughter return!
Rudyard Kipling
DAMUS 9111
Thou mockest also the prophets that God chooses amongst thy
children, and places in the midst of thy bosom, in order to predict
to thee thy future misfortune.
But thou dost but laugh at them.
Perhaps it is the immense eternity of the great God that has
aroused the fervor of Nostradamus.
Or perhaps a good or bad demon kindles it.
Or perhaps his spirit is moved by nature, and climbs to the
heavens, beyond mortals, and from there repeats to us prodigious
Or perhaps his somber and melancholy spirit is filled with
crass humors, making him fanciful.
In brief, he is what he is; so it is that always with the
doubtful words of his prophetic voice, like that of an ancient
oracle, he has for many a year predicted the greater part of our
destiny. I would not have believed him, had not Heaven, which
assigns good and evil to mankind, been his inspiration.
Poem by Ronsard (1557)
~ LOVE! ~ GOD IS! ~
~ LOVE! ~
From “The Merchant of Venice”
The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest, –
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
’Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His scepter shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice.
William Shakespeare
~He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.~
1 John 4:8
~ So ~ to bring this ~“INTRODUCTION”~ to a close, I would
like to give you five “things” to consider. The first four, deal with
why someone as ~“small and weak”~ and as “un-competent” as I ~
received this ~“calling”~. And the last ~ Acts 2:17-21 deals with
“why” ~these things ~ “may be” happening. Which is “probably?”
25 - At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O
Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these
things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto
26 – Even so, Father; for it seemed good in thy sight.
MATTHEW 11:25-26
7. “Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the
prudent, that is, from the powerful and from kings, and hast
revealed them to the small and the weak.”
9. “However, now or in the future there may be persons to
whom God the Creator, through fanciful impressions, wishes to
reveal some secrets of the future,”
ACTS 2:17–21
17 – And it shall come to pass in the last days,
saith God; I will pour out my Spirit upon all
flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams.
18 – And on my servants and on my handmaidens
I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and
they shall prophesy.
19 – And I will shew wonders in heaven above,
and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire,
and vapour of smoke:
20 – The sun shall be turned into darkness, and
the moon into blood, before that great and
notable day of the Lord come:
21 – And it shall come to pass that whosoever
shall call on ~ the name of the Lord ~ shall be ~
~ saved.~
~ “I AM~ THAT~ I AM.”~
Exodus 3:14
~ “God ~ is ~ love.”~
1 John 4:8
~ LOVE! ~ god IS! ~
~ LOVE! ~
This ~“story”~ is about ~“God”~ 9/11 ~ Nostradamus ~ Divine
Intervention ~ “Revelation” ~ and ~ “Inclusive ~ Salvation” ~
through ~ the ~“Good News of Jesus Christ”~. “Love!” ~ “Love!”
~ “Love!”~
~“For I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.”~
(Event #274)
Job 6:10
Because of ~ events #441 and #442 ~ I have come to ~
~ “the absolute realization” ~ that ~ there are ~“some things” ~
I “absolutely” need to ~ “inform” ~ you about ~ before I begin to
try and tell this story ~ in the chronological order I had planned
to tell it. And even though ~these things ~ I ~“feel”~ I need to
~“warn”~ you about ~ “are absolutely not” ~ “the most important
~ thing” ~ you need to take away from this ~ I truly believe they
~ “absolutely are” ~ “beyond any shadow of any doubt” ~ the
most ~“pressing”~. So ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today,today,” ~ I will tell
you how ~“beyond any shadow of any doubt”~ I ~ “absolutely” ~
“positively” ~ “know” ~“God is love.”~ wants ‘you’ made aware of ~
~ these things ~
I know I am taking the risk of losing some of you, by jumping
ahead in this story and telling you about ~these things ~ these ~
~“events”~ out of the order in which they occurred ~ because ~
talking about them out of order is kind of like, taking them out of
context. Which, could make it much, much harder for some of you
to even consider the possibility that ~these things ~ these ~
~“events”~ actually did ~ and still are ~ happening ~ ! And then ~
again ~ maybe not. Maybe it will have ~ just the opposite effect.
And so ~ while ~ whether or not you believe ~ any ~ of what I
am about to tell you ~ is “absolutely” of very great concern to me.
~ “It is not my problem!” ~ So ~ again ~ I will ~“simply”~ say. All
I have been ~“asked”~ to do ~ all I have been ~“called”~ to do ~
~ is ~
~“speak!”~ ~ “simply!” ~ ~“speak!”~
On Friday night, April 27th, of 2001, I had a mocking bird
show up outside my bedroom window and begin screaming ~ very,
very loudly. Much, much louder than any bird should “physically”
be able to scream. And this mocking bird did this ~ for three
nights in a row ~ all night long! And I mean ~“All ~ night ~ long!”~
On Monday, April 30th, I went to work, and told a few friends,
about this ~ “mocking bird from hell” ~ I had ~ sitting outside my
bedroom window. That evening, after work, when I pulled into my
driveway and stopped my car, I saw ~“this?”~ ~“A”~ mocking bird
fly down from behind the left hand side of my house ~ down
towards the ground ~ to about a foot off the ground ~ then
upwards two or three feet ~ where ~ “He?” ~ “She?” ~“It!”~
stopped, and hung in the air ~ for just a split second ~ with its
very beautiful ~“white striped”~ wings and ~“solid snow white”~
tail feathers ~ spread out ~ before ~“It”~ “simply” ~“vanished!”~
into thin air! I saw this! I actually saw this! I actually saw this
happen! I sat and watched ~ “this” ~ mocking bird ~“A”~ mocking
bird ~ “instantaneously” ~ “disappear” ~“vanish” ~ into absolute
thin air. I will cover this in more detail ~ later on ~ I ~“*hope”~.
It took me well over a year, to “finally” realize that what I
had seen was “probably?” a ~“vision!”~ That it had to be, either a
~“vision”~ or a “hallucination”. I have decided to vote ~“vision”~!
~ Despite what the “exit-polls” say! ~
About a week after seeing this mocking bird ~“vanish” ~ into
“thin air”, by “coincidence?” I just happened, to find and read, a
paragraph, from Nostradamus’ “Epistle” to the King of France,
“King Henry II”. In his prophecy, Nostradamus describes the
many, “horrors” of the ~“25”~ ~“years”~ of war and war’s that
the –“Third and final Antichrist”– predicted by Nostradamus, is
“supposed” to inflict upon our world. As I finished reading the
last sentence, of this ~“prophetic paragraph”~ I realized that the
experience of what I had just witnessed, the week before, was
very, very similar to the words I had just read. Here they are:
~“Before these events, many rare birds will cry in the
air, ‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ and sometime later will vanish.” ~
Between April 27th, of 2001, and Memorial Day, May 31st, of
this year, 2004, there was rarely a day, and never more than a
week or two, at the most, that went by, that I did not either see
or hear a mocking bird ~ somewhere. Either in normal everyday
situations, or in some unusual, not so normal situations. And once
in a while, in “very” unusual situations. And then, there was one
other time, when, while staring up at one of these mocking birds,
as ~“It”~ sat on the very tip-top, vertical branch, of the left,
Holly tree located next to my bedroom, on the left hand side of
my house. I saw something that also had to be, either another
~“vision”~ or another “hallucination”. I “Vote” ~ “Paper Trail!”
I’m not sure when this happened, but I believe this second
~“vision”~ (I was given to see) involving a mocking bird, happened
about a year after I witnessed the first ~“vision”~ of ~ “the” ~
~“A”~ mocking bird, ~“vanish.” ~ into thin air! And again ~ just as
with the first ~“vision”~ I plan to give you the complete details of
this ~ second ~“vision”~ later on ~ I ~“*hope”~ !
I will also explain this ~“*hope”~ of mine ~ later on ~ I ~
But like I said, after April 27th, of 2001, I saw and heard
mocking birds, everywhere ~ and I mean everywhere! And yes, I
know they are our state bird, and that they are everywhere; but
up until April 27th, of 2001, in the 53 years of life that I had
lived in and around Nashville, I had never taken any “significant”
noticed of mocking birds ~ at all ~ at least not all that much. At
least ~ not the way I have begun to ~ “notice” ~ them ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
Then, “Sometime later”, (Stl:☺) after Memorial Day, of this
year, I began to notice, that I had not seen or heard any mocking
birds for several weeks. How many weeks, I wasn’t sure. But it
was long enough to get my attention, and cause me to mention it
to my wife. And after realizing that I had not seen or even heard
any mocking birds for such a long time ~ I began to worry about
this ~ a little more than usual!
Whenever I would notice that I had not seen or heard a
mocking bird, for a few days, and/or the occasional week or two,
after April 27th, of 2001, this always concern me. I would always
wind up thinking that “maybe” I wasn’t doing a good enough job of
getting this story told, and that ~“God”~ had ~ “withdrawn” ~
~ “them” ~ “these mocking birds” ~ from doing whatever it was
they were supposed to be doing ~ by hanging around the way they
were ~ and doing ~these things ~ that they were doing. That
“maybe?” ~ ~“God”~ had ~“withdrawn”~ them from ~ their ~
~“mission”~ whatever that was ~ because I had –“failed”– at mine.
I didn’t know it yet, but part of ~ their ~“mission”~ was to be
gone, to remain absent ~ long enough ~ to really get my attention.
To make me notice, that they had been gone ~ for over three and
a half months ~ for basically the entire summer. So ~ that when I
saw one of them again, which happened on September 19th, 2004,
I would understand the “why” of ~“Why”~ they had been gone ~
for such a long time ~ for almost the entire summer!
And so ~‘Now! Now!’ ~ I will tell you the “why” of ~“Why”~.
Like I said ~ it was on Memorial Day, May 31st, of this year,
2004, when I had the last contact, that I could remember having,
with either hearing or seeing ~“A”~ or any mocking birds. I know
for sure that it was Memorial Day, because ~“A”~ mocking bird
woke me up that morning ~ “again” ~ by ~“screaming”~ very
loudly, just outside my bedroom window. And taking note that this
had happened ~ “again” ~ I decided to log the ~“event”~ #389 ~
in my ever growing ~ “Road Map of Events” ~ which is ~
something ~ I ~“*hope”~ and pray ~ you will soon be reading.
So ~ (Stl:) after that ~ I guess it was probably sometime
around the end of June ~ I began to notice that I hadn’t seen or
heard any mocking birds, anywhere, for a quite a while. And since
this had been the longest period of time that I had gone without
seeing or hearing any mocking birds ~ at all ~ since all of this
began, on April 27th, of 2001. With each passing day, I began to
think that maybe, this time, they were gone for good. And like I
have said ~ this caused me ~ a little more ~ concern ~ than usual.
Then on the evening of September 19th, after three and one
half months, I finally saw ~“A”~ mocking bird ~ again. And when I
saw it ~ when this happened ~ I ~ instantly ~ realized ~ the ~
~ “why” ~ of ~“Why!”~ of ~ “why” ~ I had not seen ~ or heard ~
or had any ~“contact”~ with any of them ~ for the entire summer.
And so ~ ’Now! Now!’ ~ I will tell you the ~
~ “why” ~ of ~ “Why!”~ of ~ “why” ~ !
On the evening of September 19th, of this year, 2004, my
wife and I decided to get ~ take out ~ from a local Chinese
restaurant, that is located very near our house. As usual, I had
spent “all” day continuing this ~ “unending struggle” ~ of mine ~
trying to ~ figure out ~ to ~ “think” ~ of ~ the ~ “absolute” ~ best
way ~ to tell ~ to relate ~ to write ~ this story ~ “believably!” ~ !
(When I say ~ “think” ~ I think I mean ~ “worry” ~ “I think”!)
So ~ “as usual” ~ this was on my mind when I left the house
to get dinner. And ~ while waiting for the traffic light to change,
at Enon Springs Rd. and Hazelwood Dr. ~ as I sat there ~ for
some ~ reason ~ it just ~“simply”~ occurred to me that ~ I had
lost sight of ~ and therefore had stopped concentrating on ~ and
~ therefore ~ stopped trying ~ to tell ~ to write about ~ not the
most important ~ but ~ “the most pressing” ~ aspect of my story!
~ Here tiz.
It was probably sometime during or around 2001, when I first
came to the conclusion that ~ the “time table” for ~ the coming
to fruition ~ the coming to pass ~ the fulfillment of ~ the
book of “Revelation” was “possibly” hidden in the prophecies of
Nostradamus! And through ~ “the correct?” ~ “interpretations” ~
of several of his quatrains and other prophetic writings ~ you
could figure out, discern, when the ~“thousand years of peace”~
that is in the book of ~“REVELATION”~ is ~ supposed ~ to begin.
Saving the details for later, I’ll just tell you ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~
~“Today, today,” ~ that through my interpretation of quatrain
877 and the first two sentences of the paragraph 55, and the
last sentence of paragraph 56 of Nostradamus’ Epistle ~ this ~
~“thousand years of peace”~ will begin in ~ or near ~ the year ~
~ “2026!” ~
(Event #570)
Meanwhile ~ back at the traffic light ~ when the light turned
green, I continued on up the street, and continued thinking about
~ “this” ~ “a little harder” ~ and ~ “a little harder”. The closer I
got to the restaurant ~ “the stronger” ~ my ~ thoughts ~ and my
~ “focus” ~ and my ~ “feelings” ~ became ~ about this ~ “issue” ~.
By the time I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, about
a half a mile away, I was ~ “vexing” ~ over this ~ “issue” ~ “much!”!
“Very ~ very ~ much!”
After making a right hand turn, into the parking lot, I had to
make a left turn, to go down behind the back of the building, to
get to the drive up window. As I drove down behind the back of
the building, my “concentrating” on and ~ “vexing” ~ over ~ this ~
that the time table for the coming to fulfillment of the book
of ~“Revelation”~ “was” in ~ the prophecies of Nostradamus ~
I then had to make a second left turn, at the end of the
building, to finally pull up in front of the take-out window, which
from the front, is on the left hand side of the building. As I made
this second left turn ~ the left front half of a dentist’s office,
that sits right next door to the restaurant ~ came into view.
~ “There!” ~ “Up in the air!” ~ directly over the left front
half of the dentists building ~ suspended in the air ~ stationary ~
flying in one place ~ “Against The Wind” ~ against a strong wind
~ against a very strong wind ~ was ~“A?”~ “mocking bird”!
I came to a stop ~ and sat and watched him ~ for the very
few brief seconds that he stayed there ~ suspended in mid air ~
in front of me. And I quickly noticed ~ he wasn’t going anywhere.
Whether or not he was flying as hard as he could, I can’t say for
sure. But he was flying hard enough to keep himself ~ stationary
~ suspended ~ in place ~ in mid air ~ in that one spot ~ right in
front of me ~ over the left front half of the dentist’s office. And
so ~ there he stayed, hanging in mid air, for those few brief ~
~“eternal”~ seconds I sat there ~ watching him. And as I sat and
watched ~ “him” ~ I remember ~ thinking ~ “Wow!” ~ “Wow!” ~ !
So ~‘Now! ‘Now!’~, I will tell you ~ “why” ~ “Why” ~ I felt this ~
~ “Wow!” ~ “Wow!” ~
Within a second or two of seeing him, I realized the “why” of
~“Why!”~ I had not seen or heard any mocking birds ~ for so long.
~“Right there in that moment!”~ I realized ~ I was being shown
~“Right there in that moment!”~ the “absolute importance” of
what I was thinking about ~ of what I was ~“vexing”~ over ~
~“Right there in that moment!”~. I realized that I was being
made aware of the ~ “fact?” ~ “the time table for the book of
“Revelation” ~ “is hidden” ~ in the writings of Nostradamus!” ~
And that this is something that I was ~ and I am ~ “required” ~
to ~“speak”~ to as many as I possibly can ~ just as quickly as I
possibly can. As ~A.S.A.P.~ as I possible can. And guess what?
~ I just did! ~
The ~ “absolute?” ~ “possibility?” ~ “nay ~ verily?” ~
“probability?” that the ~ “time table?” ~ for the book of ~
~“REVELATION”~ is ~ hidden in the ~ “quatrains” ~ and other ~
“prophetic writings” ~ of ~ Nostradamus ~“simply”~ means ~
what? ~ It ~“simply”~ means ~ ~“GOD!”~ ~“LOVES!”~ ~“US!”~
~“Forewarned ~ is ~ Forearmed”~
I ~“*hope”~ I get the chance to ~“speak”~ about this
~“event”~ and everything else in this story, in person some day, to
all who want to listen. I believe the “possibility?” ~“nay ~ verily!”~
the “probability” of this ~“*hope”~ coming to pass ~ is ~ very
good. I shall explain this ~“*hope”~ of mine, later on. It too has a
very interesting story behind it ~ which is also ~ very significant!
~“Event #357”~
In my opinion ~ in my “Epiphany!” laden opinion! ~“God loves us!”~
And ~“God”~ wants us to love him back. By doing something that
we are absolutely required to do! And that is ~ to ~ “Love thy
neighbor, as thyself.” ~ I believe it’s ~ “required” ~ of every one
of ~“us”~ to learn this ~ through ~ “Practice makes perfect.” ~.
Why? ~ Because ~‘you’~ become ~ whatever ~ it is ~‘you’~ do!
Because ~ “Love is the answer, and you know that for sure!”
Because ~ “Love” ~ is the “why” ~ of ~“Why”~ we are here!
“Why?” ~ Because ~ ~“God!”~ “Is!” ~“Love!”~ ~ That’s “Why!”
Becoming ~“Love”~ is why we live!
Becoming ~“Love”~ is why we exist!
Becoming ~“Love”~ is why we are here!
Becoming ~“Love”~ is what life is all about!
And ~ in my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion. ~“We
can all become”~ ~“Love”~ by not having to do “much” more than
~“simply”~ “trying” our ~ “best” ~ to ~“simply”~ care about ~ one
another ~ “everyday” ~ “without ceasing” ~ through ~“simply”~
~“loving”~ one another ~ to ~“enter in”~ as ~“Jesus”~ said ~
~ “As a child.”~
Care about one another! Love one another! It will serve you
well ~ in this ~ “physical realm”! Especially “if” ~these things ~
that have been happening to me ~ have been happening to me ~
because ~ the book of ~“REVELATION”~ “is” ~ on the horizon.
In this ~“world”~ in this ~“realm”~ in which we live ~“the
physical realm”~ ~“death”~ is always coming ~“always!”~ Prepare
for this ~“absolutely ~ natural”~ and ~“positively ~ unavoidable”~
~ “beginning!”~
~ “Do it!”~
~ “Love one another.”~
~ ’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ “Today, today,” ~
~ “turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways;”~
Ezekiel 33:11
In my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion ~ the ~
“absolute necessity” of ~“Love”~ as it relates to ~“salvation”~
can be summed up in this ~“simple”~ lyric from ~ “The Beatles” ~
“And in the end ~ the love ‘you’ take ~ is equal to ~ the love ~
‘you’ make.”
Oh yes ~ I almost forget. There is one last ~“event”~ that
took place that night ~ September 19th ~ of last year ~ of ~ 2004.
That I ~“feel”~ I should tell you about ~ before we move on.
After dinner, I went to see my mother at her nursing home.
And while I was walking across the parking lot ~“A”~ mocking bird
started ~“screaming”~ very, loudly! And his ~“song”~ was very,
very “frantic” and “panicked”! It was very startling and “very”
“strange”! ~“God Is!”~ ~“God is love.”~ ~“Love ~ is ~ coming!”~
~ “Love ~ is ~ coming ~ to ~ us ~ all!”~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!”~
~ “LOVE!”~
~‘Now! Now!’ ~ I will tell you about ~“event #249”~ which
happened to me, on Christmas Eve, of 2002. Then about the “very
related” ~ “event #418” ~ of just a few weeks ago. And just as ~
these mocking bird ~“events”~ either ~“were”~ or “were not” the
absolute ~“Divine Weave”~ of ~“Divine Intervention”~. The next
~“events”~ I will relate to you ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ are the same ~
absolute ~“Divine Weave”~ of ~“Divine Intervention”~ or not.
~ You decide.~
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
All you can do ~ is consider it.
Sometime during the afternoon of December 24th, of 2002 ~
as I was walking through Hickory Hollow Mall, doing some last
minute shopping ~ I ~“suddenly!”~ felt something moving around
on the top of my head ~ under my hat ~ in my hair! ~“Instantly!”~
I pulled off my hat, and brushed my hand back and forth across
the top of my head ~ several times ~ through my thinning hair ~
to knock what ever it was ~ that was up there ~ off!
At first, I ~“simply”~ thought it was a spider, or a cockroach
or some other, “bug”, or “something”, that was crawling around ~
on top of my head ~ under my hat ~ in my hair! After brushing my
hand back and forth across the top of my head several times, I
looked inside my hat, to see if there was –“anything”- in it. Upon
seeing nothing, I looked all around on the floor around me, to see
if I could see -“anything”- -“crawling”- away. When I didn’t see –
–“anything”- -“crawling”- away – I ran my hand back and forth,
across the top of my head a few more times, just to make sure, if
there was -“anything”- still up there -“it”- wasn’t staying – up
there. Then I checked the inside my hat ~ again ~ just to make
sure I hadn’t missed –“the”– whatever –“it”– was – the first time.
Feeling somewhat foolish, and thinking that maybe I had
made a real “spectacle” of myself, doing all of this in public, I
“nonchalantly” looked around to see if anyone was staring at me ~
as I “casually” ~ straighten up my hair ~ put my hat back on ~ and
went on my way. After taking only four or five steps ~ again ~ it ~
happened ~ again! And again ~ I went through the same scenario!
This happened at least three or four, maybe five more times,
before I stopped pulling off my hat and brushing off the top of
my head. After the fourth or fifth time ~ I decided to just ~
~“Let It Be.”~ I decided to accept that whatever ~“It”~ “was” ~
that was happening ~ up there ~ on top of my head ~“It”~ “was” ~!
And that what ~“It ~ was”~ “was” ~ just another one of ~these
things ~ that had been happening to and around me, for the last
several years. That this ~“event”~ of ~these things ~ was ~
“happening” ~ for whatever reason or reasons ~“It”~ “was” ~ !
And so ~ this ~“feeling”~ of ~“movement”~ on the top of my
head ~ under my hat ~ in my hair ~ continued ~ to happen ~ to me
~ for the rest of the afternoon. And as it has turned out ~“It”~
has continued to happen ~ on and off ~ from time to time ~ ever
since. As a matter of fact ~“It”~ is happening to me ~ right
~’Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ as I sit here ~ trying to ~
~ “write” ~ and ~ “compose” ~ and ~ “type” ~ this ~ all at once.
Several weeks after this ~“feeling”~ of ~“movement”~ on the
top of my head ~ began ~ and because ~“It”~ this ~“feeling”~
continued to happen. One day it occurred to me, that ~ “maybe!” ~
“maybe?” ~ I was being ~“Anointed!”~ by the ~“Holy Spirit!”~
~“Anointed!?”~ by the ~“Holy Spirit!?”~ Then, while entertaining
this ~“thought”~ “Sometime later” ~(Stl:☺)~ ~“something else”~
began to happen to me that seemed to uphold the ~ “possibility” ~
this might be what was happening! This ~“something else”~ either
started ~ that same day ~ December 24th, of 2002 ~ or maybe a
day or two later. I can’t remember for sure ~ but either way ~.
~ Here tiz.
Like I said, it was either the day “this” started ~ Christmas
Eve, of 2002 ~ or maybe a day or two later when this ~“something
else”~ began to happen. And this ~“something else”~ also got my
attention ~ quickly! What this ~“something else”~ “was” ~ “was” a
~“smell”~. A ~ very odd ~ very strong ~ and ~ very “fragrant” ~
~“smell”~. Very much like some type of ~ incense ~ or ~ spice.
After this ~ of ~these things ~ when on for a while, I began
to notice that I would often ~ “smell” ~ the ~“smell”~ of this
~“fragrance”~ the same time I would ~“feel”~ this ~“feeling”~ of
~“movement”~ on the top of my head. And ~ with the both of ~
~these things ~ happening ~ at the same time ~ experiencing this
~ reminded me of ~“stories”~ I had heard in my youth ~ from the
~“Bible”~ about people having their heads ~“anointed”~ with oil.
I had always imagined the oil they used, must have had a very
pungent and fragrant smell to it. And because of the “fact?” that
this ~ very strange ~ and ~ very strong ~ and ~ very “pungent” ~
~“fragrance”~ was invading my nostrils ~ at the same time this
~“feeling”~ of ~ ~“movement”~ was invading the top of my head ~
I came to the conclusion that I was being ~“anointed!”~ ~ So? ~
~ So ~ this is what happened to me ~ on Christmas Eve, of
2002 ~ and has continued to ~ and still is happening to me ~ on
and off ~ from ~ time to time. ~ And being ~“anointed?”~ was
just “one” of the ~ “possible conclusions” ~ that I came to ~
about ~these things ~. But in my ongoing struggle to “understand”
and “comprehend” the ~ “what” ~ and the ~ “how” ~ and especially
the ~ “why” ~ of ~“Why?”~ of ~ ~these things ~ and ~ “why” ~
they had happened to me ~ and still are ~ happening ~ to me. The
~“Why!”~ ~“was”~ the one that ~“was”~ the most disconcerting ~
~ but it disconcerts me no more.~
And ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ I will ~ “simply?”~ tell you ~“Why”~.
When this ~“feeling”~ of ~“movement”~ on the top of my
head ~ under my hat ~ in my hair ~ first started to happen ~ to
me ~ the “only” conclusion I could come to ~ at the time ~ as to
~“Why”~ it was happening ~ to me ~“was”~ it ~“was”~ something
~“Biblical”~ in nature ~ that it ~“was”~ a ~“sign”~ a ~“Biblical”~
~“sign”~. Like the ~“signs”~ the apostils and the disciples
received ~ when they were ~“anointed”~ by ~ and ~ with ~ the
~“Holy Spirit”~. And so ~ between Christmas Eve of 2002 and
August of 2004 ~ that’s all I believed it was ~ ~“was ~A~ sign”~.
But then, in August of 2004 ~ I was reading ~ “something” ~
on line at the Smyrna library and ~ “In the exact instant that I”
~ “realized” ~ what this ~ “something” ~ was about ~ that I was
reading ~ this ~ “feeling of movement ~ on the top of my head”
~“happened again”~ ! But this time ~ it was the strongest I had
ever felt it ~ with ~ absolutely ~ “the most” ~ ~“feeling”~ of
~“movement”~ I had experienced! And I realized ~ “right there
in that moment” ~ that this ~“feeling”~ I had been ~“feeling”~
for almost two years, had a ~“second” and “main purpose”~ and a
~“second” and “main reason”~ for ~“Why!”~ “It” was happening!
And this ~“something”~ that I was reading ~“was”~ and ~“is”~
this ~“main reason”~ and this ~“second purpose”~ of ~“Why!”~
this ~“feeling”~ was ~“given”~ to me ~ to ~“feel”~ for ~“You!”~ !
~So~ again ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ again ~ I ~ say!
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
All you can do ~ is consider it.
Consider it told. Consider it well.
Consider Yourself ~ Yourselves ~ “Informed” ~ or
“Warned” ~ or “Forewarned”.
However you wish to consider it.
Should you decide to consider ~ “It”~ !
And if you do decide to consider this ~“consider this” !
Consider the value ~ the ~“Loving”~ ~“Eternal”~ value
~ of ~
…love thy neighbour
as thyself.”
“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this;
Thou shalt…
Galatians 5:14
~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!”~
~ “LOVE!”~
~ “LOVE!~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!”~
So ~’Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ here is ~ this ~“something”~!
Over a year ago, event #367, I went to the Smyrna Library,
to look for “information” about an –“entity”– I believed “might”
be involved with – “our” –“World Wide War on Terror”– and the
~“warnings”~ that I ~“know”~ ~“God”~ has ~“called”~ me to give
to you. Searching under “subject matter” I found a ~“book”~ I
know ~ I was “meant” to find! This ~“book”~ “absolutely is” ~
this ~ “something” ~ this ~“warning”~ I have been ~“called”~ to
~“speak”~ to you and yours ~ and everyone else you decide to tell.
The –“entity”– that I was looking for “information” on, at the
Smyrna Library, is –“The Federal Reserve”– and the book that I
found ~ was ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~. The book is
the history of –“The Federal Reserve”– and it seemed as though
the title ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ was an odd and
curious one. To me ~ it sounded more like the title of a “Nancy
Drew”, or a “Hardy Boys”, or maybe a “Harry Potter” adventure ~
and/or horror story, than a book about –“The Federal Reserve”–.
After reading the table of contents, and just a few of the
introductions and summaries, which “G. Edward Griffin”, the
author, has placed at the beginning and end of each chapter, to
enable the read to get a very quick understanding of the story; I
realized the story ~ was ~ an –“absolute!”– –“horror!”– story!
That it was ~ an –“absolute”– –“horror”– of a story. ~ And “this”
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’~ leads to the “something” I was reading about,
when I ~“felt”~ my strongest ~“feeling”~ of ~“movement”~ on
the top of my head ~ I have had ~ so far! It too ~ is a ~ “book” ~
~ that is also about –“The Federal Reserve”–. And its ~ title is ~
~ “The Coming Battle” ~
~ Last published in ~ “1899”! ~
So ~ finally ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ here we are ~ at ~
~ “Event #418!” ~
Sometime during the month of August, of 2004, I was on line
at the Smyrna, Library. I believe the reason I was on line, was I
was trying to find ~“Premonitions of 9/11”~. It is a book I found
on the Internet once, but have not been able to find again. But ~
while I was looking, by ~“coincidence”~ I found a ~ “link” ~ to a
website for the book ~“The Coming Battle”~ by M. W. Walbert.
Having no idea what the book was about, I began to read. ~
And like I have already stated ~“In the exact instant that I”~
realized that this “book” was “also” about the same exact thing ~
~ “The Creature from Jekyll island” ~ is about –“The Federal
Reserve”– and the many, many “horrors” they have caused in the
past ~ and still are ~ inflicting upon ~ “US” ~ and the world
~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ ~“Again!”~ this ~“feeling”~ of
~“movement”~ on the top of my head happened ~“Again!”~. And as
I have already said ~“It”~ was “absolutely” the “most dramatic”
and “strongest” ~“movement”~ I had ~“felt”~ ! And as I believe I
have already stated ~ “Right there in that moment, I realized
the ~ “why” of ~“Why!”~ this ~ “feeling”~ of ~“movement”~ on
the top of my head ~ had been ~ given ~ to ~ me.” I knew ~
this ~“feeling”~ of ~ “movement”~ on the top of my head ~ was
~“given”~ to me ~ so I could do ~ what I have just done ~ to ~
“warn them from
~ Ezekiel 33:7 ~
There is one more thing I forgot to mention about this
~“feeling”~ of ~“movement”~ that began happening to me on
Christmas Eve of ~ 2002. And rather than go back and insert it,
which would throw off the structure of what I believe ~“God”~
has helped me write, I will just ~“tell it”~ ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~. I will
cover this again later, I ~“*hope”~ so I will keep this very short.
The ~“image”~ of a bird’s wing is on two pictures ~ and the
negatives ~ I took during Christmas of 2002. I believe this is
“physical?” evidence of this ~“feeling”~ that began on Christmas
Eve, of 2002 that has been given to me, so I could present it to
you. It’s listed as ~ event #269 ~ in my ~“Road Map of Events”~.
~ So ~ through this ~“FOREWARNED”~ which I just decided
to add, I have done what ~“God”~ ~“called”~ me to do ~ through
~ Ezekiel 33:7 ~ to ~“warn them from me.”~ To ~“warn”~ you
that there actually is a ~“God”~ and that ~“God”~ is ~ “Literally!”
~“Love!”~. And that unless and until we also become ~“Love!”~ we
will keep ~“repeating?”~ this ~“exercise?”~ called ~“Life”~ until
we get it? Until we get it ~ right! (~‘Now!’ ~ ain’t that a ~ “Hell”
~ of a thought?) And also to ~“warn”~ you of the ~ “very real?”
~ “probability?” ~ that the book of ~ “Revelation” ~ will come to
pass in the next 21 years. And lastly to ~“warn”~ you – “exactly” –
who –“The Third and Final Antichrist”– ~“the root of all evil:”~
~“the love of money”~ predicted by both Nostradamus and the
book of ~ “Revelation” ~ is. And –“it”– –“they”– are the –“entity”–
and/or –“entities”– written about in ~1010~ and the two books
~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ & ~“The Coming Battle”~.
By giving you these four ~ “forewarnings” ~ I have done what
I was ~“called”~ to do. The rest of this “book?” is my attempt to
present to you ~these things ~ which ~“God is love.”~ has given
me to ~“simply”~ ~“speak”~ in order to ~“convince?”~ you that ~
The powers that be,
The root of all evil:
Have decided to “downsize!”
“We ~ the people!”
Is “Why!”
And –“Downsizing”– is –“Decay”–!
~ “But more importantly!”~
“LOVE!”~ “god IS!”
~ “LOVE!” ~
One last thought.
(Event #16)
After “finishing?” this “book?”, I happened to find the
following advertisement on page 32 of my November 10, 2003
issue of “THE NATION”. I was so impressed with what I read, I
knew I had to find somewhere to add this, so you could also read
it. It is from an organization called “TECHNOCRACY INC.”
No matter what we are told, wars are
implemented only for profit and power.
Our nation’s economic survival depends
greatly on the manufacturing of killing
machines. Since the great depression of
the 1930s, war and preparation for war
have been the crutch that our economy
demands for survival. In the name of
‘defense,’ and the vast funds allotted for
the procurement of military hardware, we
have placed ourselves in a social,
environmental and economic morass.
There is a solution.
Before I get lost “again” in “over-explaining” ~ exactly what ~
“It” is ~ I ~“feel”~ I ~ “need to” ~ “want to” ~ and ~“believe”~ I
have been ~“called”~ and ~“appointed”~ “to say to you.” I have
decided to try ~“again”~ to ~“simply”~ tell you ~ exactly what ~
“It” is ~ I ~“feel”~ I ~ “need to” ~ “want to” ~ and ~“believe”~ I
have been ~“called”~ and ~“appointed”~ “to say to you.” Notice
how I have this ~ “PRE”~pensity ~ to ~ “RAMBLE”. ~ It’s a gift! ~
~ So ~ “again” ~ I will attempt to see if I can ~“simply”~ keep this
~“simple”~. And ~“simply”~ just as ~“simply”~ as I possibly can
~“speak”~ to sum up ~ clearly and quickly ~ some of the “essence”
of each part of my subtitle. ~“God”~ forgive me ~ if I am ~ late.
“A revelatory manifestation especially of a divine being.”
After having four dreams, all of which came true the very
next day! And several other “important” dreams, including two
“awakening” dreams of “premonition”, the most “memorable” of
which ~ I had on Monday night ~ September the 10th, of 2001 ~
the night before 9/11. And the second ~ just over a year later.
After experiencing a number of “visions”, at least four of
which I “know” for sure were “visions” and not hallucinations,
because “other people” were with me when the second and third
of ~these things ~ these ~“visions”~ took place. We all saw the
same “impossible thing” happen! And ~ if two or more people “can
not” share a hallucination ~“It proves?”~ They were ~“visions”~ !
After being approached by maybe a dozen or so “people?”
whose behavior, slowly progressed from odd and strange, but still
completely explainable as nothing more than attention getting
“coincidence”. To ~“Things”~ that if they were not some kind of a
“trick”, had to be part of the “psychic realm” of “psychic power”
and/or “psychic phenomena”. To ~“Things”~ that the only possible
explanation for ~ and I mean “The Only” explanation for ~ what I
was being allowed to ~“witness”~ was and is the ~“Supernatural”~
~“Spiritual”~ power of ~“God”~. ~“God ~ The Spiritual Realm”~
and/or ~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~! However ~ “It” ~“The
Other Side”~ ~“exists”~ and ~“works”~ ! And it does ~“exist”~
and ~“work”~! I “know” it does, because I have been “allowed”
~“chozen”~ to ~“witness”~ “its” ~“existence”~ at ~“work”~ !
~“Things”~ that in my struggle to, understand, comprehend,
explain and deal with ~ caused me to remember a two word
phrase, from the Bible, from my youth ~“Angels Unawares”~ .
Which, after searching it out, I discovered was Hebrews 13:2 ~
~“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some
have entertained angels unawares.”~ And ~“Angels Unawares”~
being, I believe, probably, “one” of the best possible explanations
for the actions and the behavior of ~“these people”~ and ~these
things ~ which they have done ~ “and are continuing to do” ~ !
After being allowed to experience maybe two dozen or so
“physical” “manifestations” of ~ “spiritual power” ~ “Epiphanies”
~ and ~ “Revelations” ~ which have absolutely proven to me that ~
the ~“Spirit”~ ~“The Spirit World”~ ~“The Spiritual”~ ~“The
Spiritual Realm”~ ~“The Other Side”~ “Things that go bump, in
the night!” ~“God”~ ~ “actually!” ~ “factually!” ~ “exists!” ~ !
After ~
After having been made a witness to all of this ~ to all of
~these things ~ I have come to the only “logical” conclusion that
I can come to. If “logic” still applies! Which is ~ I have been
approached by and being approached by means I have been
~“called”~ by ~“God”~! By ~“God ~ The Spiritual Realm”~ and/or
~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ however ~“It”~ ~“The Other
Side”~ exists and works ~ (And again I say ~ It does exist and
work! ~ I ‘Now!’ “know” it does! ~ Because I have been allowed to
witness its existence at work!) ~ ~“Called”~ to share with you my
many, many ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden experiences. And also called to
share with you, my many, many ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinions and
conclusions as to ~“why”~ ~these things ~ have happened. ~“And
still are happening!”~ And in my opinion, my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~
and “divinely approved?” opinion ~ I have come to the conclusion
~ the reason ~“why”~ ~these things ~ are absolutely occurring ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~
~ is ~
~ Juncture! ~
Also, one last thing before we leave the ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ part of
this ~“PRE~RAMBLE”~ and move on to ~ Juncture.
Shortly after it dawned on me that ~these things ~ which I
had been experiencing were coming from ~“God”~ and not from
any other “spiritual” and/or “psychic”, “power” or source ~ (I am
~slow~ and it took me a while to realize that any and all things ~
especially all ~“Spiritual ~ Things”~ are from ~“God”~ and are
allowed to ~ exist ~ for eternally, mysterious and divine reasons.)
After thinking about ~these things ~ for a while; Stl:
“Sometime later”, because of some odd and unusual “things”
which I had experienced in my youth, going all the way back to
when I was in the first grade, it occurred to me one day ~ that
maybe, just maybe ~ I had been “chosen” to do this ~ before I
was born! It says in the Bible that God knows each one of us
before we are in the womb. ~ So ~ in my opinion, it stands to
reason, that when God decides to ~“call”~ someone, this might be
decided, before they are even conceived. I just thought I would
add this to the “mix” of this ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ for you to consider.
It’s just a thought ~ just a ~ “probable?” ~ “possibility?”!
Also, one more one last thing along this line of thinking,
before we move on:
On May 3rd, 2004, by “coincidence”, which “definably” could
be by ~“Divine Guidance”~ I happened to catch a speech by The
Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in which he talked about God
raising someone up to help guide America and the world in this
time of great trouble and great need. I believe God is raising
many people up to do this. And I believe that Minister Farrakhan
is one of these people. I believe we ~“all”~ may be ~“one of
these people”~ ~“ootp?”~! But being that Minister Farrakhan, is
most certainly in a position to be of great, worldwide Spiritual
influence, he just may be one of the chosen to lead. ~ If ~ he ~
preaches the message of ~Jesus Christ~ using ~Christ’s~ words:
~ “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” ~
Then, just a few weeks later, on June 22nd, of 2004. I was
watching the opening prayer from the Senate, on either C-Span
or C-Span 2, when, the clergyman who was giving the opening
prayer that morning, said something to the effect of ~ asking ~
~“God”~ “to raise again ~ as in day’s past ~ someone to help ~
and guide us ~ in this time ~ of great ~ trouble ~ and ~ need.”
After all that has happened to me. After all I have been
allowed to experience and witness. And still am being allowed to
experience and witness. I am forced to say that the possibility
that “I could be?” ~“one of these people”~ ~“God”~ has “raised”
and ~“called”~ and ~“appointed”~ and ~“anointed”~ (And I have
already ~“spoken”~ about being ~“anointed”~ !) ~ to ~“speak”~ to
~“speak up”~ ~“to speak out”~ to the “Nations” of ~ this ~ our
world ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ is ~ I believe ~ possible!
Just recently I found the following Bible verse in the
Prologue of Jean Dixon’s book ~ “My Life and Prophecies” ~
published in 1969. And I believe ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today,” ~
~ would be a good time ~ to present it ~ to ~ you ~ !
~ “If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make
Myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a
dream.” ~
Numbers 12:6
~ LOVE! ~ god IS! ~
~ LOVE! ~
“A point in time, especially a critical point. See synonyms
at crisis.”
~ “And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then
shall they know that a prophet hath been among them.
Ezekiel 33:33
To try and hold on to the essence in this ~ “PRE~RAMBLE” ~.
I will ~‘Now!’ ~ give you ~“7”~ quick examples of statements that
either directly or indirectly ~“speak”~ to this ~ Juncture. Then, in
my “Synopsis of Juncture” I will state my own “EPIPHANY!” laden and
“Divinely approved?” opinions and conclusions about this ~
~ Juncture! ~
One last thing about these “EPIPHANY!” laden and “Divinely
approved?” opinions and conclusions of mine: I had already come
to these, opinions and conclusions, years before I realized I was
being approached by ~“God”~ with ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ Or, with ~“God”~
by ~“EPIPHANY! ~ however it works. So, when I realized that this
was happening, I just naturally assumed that ~“God”~ was giving
my opinions and conclusions ~“His”~ ~“Divine approval!”~ But! And
here comes a really big but! A few people, I have already spoken
to about ~these things ~ have made the comment to me that
~these things ~ which I have been, and still am experiencing, are
not coming from ~“God”~ but from –Satan-. Some just simply said
it outright ~ and others ~ I believe ~ implied it.
Well ~ they absolutely are entitled to their opinions and
conclusions. And ~ I will probably have more to say about, their
opinions later. But my response to them at the time they told me
this was, “it didn’t matter”. And it doesn’t. It doesn’t matter. Not
to the extent that ~“the most important”~ aspect of this story
is that there actually, factually is a ~“God”~ ! It doesn’t matter
~ because any “proof” that the ~“Spirit”~ ~“The Spirit World”~
~“The Spiritual”~ ~“The Spiritual Realm”~ ~“The Other Side”~
actually, factually exists ~“proves the existence of ~God~”~ !
And this ~ “is” ~ “the ~ most ~ important ~ aspect” ~ of ~ this ~
entire ~ story! ~“God Exists!”~ ~“God is Real”~ ~“And!”~
~ “God is Love.”~
But! And here comes that really big but again! While it may
not matter where this ~“Spiritual Force”~ is emanating from ~ as
far as proving the existence of ~“God”~. It absolutely, does
matter where this ~“Spiritual Power”~ is emanating from, when it
comes to whether or not ~ “my opinions” ~ and ~ “my conclusions”
~ and ~ “my interpretations” ~ which I will be giving through out
this story ~ are correct ~ as to the ~ who ~ what ~ where ~ when
~ why ~ and how of all of ~these things ~ especially the ~
Juncture part of ~these things ~ of this story. Whether ~these
things ~ are being ~“Divinely!?” “approved?!” ~ or not ~ is for
sure ~ absolutely important! ~ And its ~ “importance” ~ is ~ I ~
believe ~ a matter of ~“life”~ and ~“death”~ “on several levels!”
Have I been ~“called”~ by ~“God as ~ God is Love”~ to tell ~
to warn ~ you ~ of ~these things ~ ? Or am I being –“deceived”–
by that “Spiritual Force” which is “necessary?” and “needed?”
and “allowed to exist?”, by ~“God as ~ God is Love”~ for
eternally mysterious and divine reasons? ~ To “oppose?” ~“God as
~ God is Love”~ in this ~world~ in this ~“physical realm”~ ? You
will have to decide this for yourself.
I have decided that what I have experienced, and still am
experiencing ~ is coming from ~“God”~ because I am being
compelled to tell you ~ and the rest of the world ~ that ~Jesus
Christ~ told us ~“All”~ to ~“LOVE”~. To “Love thy neighbour as
thyself.” To “Love your enemies.” To “Love one another.”~
That ~“Love, is the answer! And you know that for sure!”~ As
long as I am preaching ~“Love”~ I am preaching ~“God”~! And so,
because of this ~ I believe that my opinions and conclusions “are”
receiving ~“Divine Approval”~ ! If I didn’t ~ I wouldn’t do this.
Now ~ I will ~“simply”~ try ~ to ~“simply”~ cite ~ the ~“7”~
examples of this ~ Juncture ~ as I said I would.
George Herbert Walker Bush
I wish I had the time to do the research and find out how
many times during his one term as president; George H. W. Bush
used the word, Juncture. It seemed as though he was always
saying it. Many, many times, I remember him, (And Dana Carve
imitating him.), saying – “At this Juncture”. He would say things
like “We shouldn’t go there – ‘At this Juncture’ ”! Or, “It wouldn’t
be prudent – ‘At this Juncture’.” – to do this or that.
After I discovered what the more serious, and/or sinister,
definition of Juncture was. I began to wonder if maybe he wasn’t
trying to give us, and the world, some type of a veiled warning. If
anyone in the world should be aware of any Juncture that the
world might be heading into, you would think the President of the
United States would. But let’s move on, to the second example.
Neale Donald Walsh
The following is an excerpt from a speech that Neale Donald
Walsh gave in Houston, TX, I believe in the fall of 2002. A friend
had it on two CD’s and loaned them to me. If you are not familiar
with Mr. Walsh, Neale is the author of the very popular and very
successful series of “Conversations with God” books. It sounds
as if he definitely believes that we may be headed into a Juncture,
of probably Biblical proportions. And although he clearly says this
in his speech, he doesn’t say what this Juncture is, or why it is
coming. Here is the excerpt from his speech.
“…And the question before the house – is – who will have the
most impact – and – when. This is not a small question; this is not a
casual inquiry by the casual observer of the life process. This is a
question that God is now asking God “Itself”; right now in this
moment. At this point in time! At this Juncture! At this crossing
of the path! At this cross roads, in the human experience. And
please make no mistake about it – humanity has approached a
crossroads. We are at a Juncture! And there’s no way to continue
on the path we had been on before. This is one of those places,
where you can’t turn back, and you can’t go straight ahead, you
now have to turn left or right or move in some other direction;
one way or another, because things will never again be the same.
They will never again be as they were – a few short years ago.
And how they will be different, will in fact be up to you.”
Like I said ~ he doesn’t spell out ~ what ~ this Juncture is
that is coming. And he doesn’t say ~ why ~ it is coming. I cannot,
and will not avoid telling you the ~“possible?”~ ~ what ~ and the
~“definite?”~ ~ why ~ of its coming. It’s ~ why ~ I was ~“called”~!
I will cover the ~“possible?”~ ~ what ~ in the text of the story ~
and the ~“definite?”~ ~ why ~ in my ~ “Synopsis of Juncture”.
The Honorable Minister Lewis Farrakhan
After catching his speech on C-Span, which I mentioned
earlier, I went to his web site and printed it out, and gave it to a
few people to read. The other day, while talking to “one of these
people?”, they told me that he had used the word Juncture in his
speech. I reread it, and discovered that they were wrong. He
doesn’t use the word, but he strongly implies it. I am now going to
give you three different segments from his speech to read, in
which he most definitely implies that the world, is standing ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ ~“At this Juncture”~.
“America has entered a great time of trouble…”
“Since Adam there has not been one person or nation with
power and dominion over the whole earth. This is the awesome
position that America holds by God’s permission.
“This indeed is a great trial for you (G.W. Bush) and for
America, because, when Allah, God, allows any one of us to rule
over His servants and a great part of His creation, He does so to
see how we act. If we act well, He will not replace our rule.
However, if we allow the power, wealth and wisdom that we
posses over Allah’s servants and creation to blind us so that we
act other than as Allah would desire us to act, then He acts
through the forces of nature and through people to overturn
our rule.
“This is a very dangerous hour, but it is an hour filled with
great opportunity. What is needed in this hour is right or divine
guidance. This guidance must be in accord with the time and what
this time demands.
“It is written in the Book of Revelations, quote, “The nations
were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the
dead, that they should be judged, and that thou should give
reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the saints, and
them that fear thy name, small and great, and should destroy
them which destroy the earth.” End quote.
“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “We are living in the
Day of Judgment.” This is what is producing the anger of the
nations and the wrath of God. This is the time that those who
have been deprived of justice must receive justice, for, it is only
our acting on the principle of justice that will ease the anger of
the nations and take away the wrath of God. There can be no
justice without truth, and there can be no peace in the world
without justice.
“As a nation, America is blessed with wealth, wisdom, science,
technology, and abundance. America is also blessed with the
awesome power to destroy nations of people. In order for you and
America to receive the greatest of God’s blessings, which is the
longevity and perpetuity that former great nations and empires
have not enjoyed, you, Mr. President must rule according to the
will and the way of Allah God.
“Mr. President, you and this nation stand in the position of
the Vicegerent of God. This means the person or nation that rules
the earth in the place of God. This is why America must rule the
world as God Himself would rule, for America is now standing in
God’s place by His permission.
“Allah God also has awesome power to destroy. He is called
The Possessor of Power over all things, and He is called The
Destroyer, The Avenger. However, none of these attributes are
His principle attributes. All of His attributes of might and power
to avenge and destroy are balanced by His major attributes,
which are Beneficence, Mercy, the Nurturer of all things making
them attain stage after state until they reach perfection or the
King or Judge who judges with justice. These are the four
greatest attributes of Allah.
“If America is to be truly triumphant in this hour, these four
great attributes must give balance and direction to America’s
awesome power to destroy and her desire to avenge the horrible
Act of September the 11th. When I heard you say …”
“If America turns away form this principle of justice and
does what she is doing because she has the power to do it, then
Allah, who grants power, will take it from America and bring
another people and another nation in her place. This does not have
to be, but it will be based on how America conducts herself in
this hour of her great’s trial and her greatest potential triumph.”
You can read the entire speech, and I think it’s worth the
time to do this, and much more at his website; www. Finalcall. com.
Spirit Filled Life Bible
The “Spirit Filled Life Bible”, is a study Bible that is involved,
in two very important “events” ~ #227 and # 357 ~ in my story.
And I will cover the details of these “events”, later on; but for
right now, I would just like to give you two quotes that come from
the “SPIRITUAL ANSWERS” section at the end of this Bible.
These quotes deal directly with this Juncture that I believe, as
many do, is just on the horizon. I believe it is very, very, possible
that the “great tribulations”, and the “Second Coming of Christ”,
that are in the book of “Revelation”, are part of this Juncture! In
short, what I am saying is that the book of “Revelation” is coming
to fulfillment ~ soon! Please, please, please, if you do not believe
in “Religion”, do not turn away. Don’t stop reading this! It is my
~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion that you don’t “have” to believe in
“Religion”! What you “have” to believe in is ~“LOVE”~ ! Because!
~“God is Love.”~
This first quote can be found on page 2000 of this Bible. It’s
nothing new. It’s something I have heard people saying for years.
I just felt I should add it to my “PRE~RAMBLE”, because it is
under; “Questions on the End Times”. Here is the quote:
“Another event most believe had to happen before Jesus
could return was the reestablishment of the state of Israel. The
original Israel disappeared form the globe centuries ago, but in
1948 the new state of Israel was established. The regathering of
Jews to Israel is a clear sign, in both the Old and New
Testaments, that our age is just about over (Luke 21:24). On
June 6, 1967, the Jews, for the first time since Jerusalem was
captured by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. took over control of
the entire city of Jerusalem, thus signaling the approaching
end of Gentile world power.”
The second quote is on page 2001, and can be found under;
“Who is the Antichrist?” and it reads as follows:
“In the book of Revelation we are told that a world
dictator will arise who will be endued with the power of Satan
himself and will claim for himself the prerogatives of God
(Rev. 13:1-18; 2 Thess. 2:4). Assisting him will be a False
Prophet who will do signs in this dictator’s name (Rev. 13:1315; 19:20).”
“For an antichrist figure to come into the modern world,
there must be a breakdown of the world system as we know it
now. There would have to be breakdowns in currency, in law
and order and in the power structure of national states.
A financial panic could help pave the way for him. So
could a nuclear war. Such disasters could leave people crying
out for a man of peace who will be Satan’s counterfeit to Jesus
Christ. This man will seem to be like Jesus, until such time as
he is ready to show his true self. Then he will be incredibly
cruel (Dan. 7:8). The Antichrist will be the most hideous
example of dictatorial power that the world has ever known.”
I can not say this enough. I have been approached by
~“Forces”~ that the only explanation for, and I mean the only
explanation for, is the existence of ~“The Spiritual Realm”~ of
~“God”~ All the experiences I have been allowed to witness, have
happen for a reason. And whatever that reason is ~ remember ~
~“LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!” ~ “LOVE!”~
I’m sure there are many, many “things” in Jean Dixon’s book;
“My Life and Prophecies” – published in 1969; that I could use as
examples of this Juncture. But because I feel I am getting so
farther and further behind in getting this, my “book?” done. I
don’t believe I should take the time to sit and read her entire
book. I am a very slow reader. And I have found that what I find,
I find, by it finding me, more than me finding it. And, if I am
supposed to find more of ~these things ~ they will find me.
I will now give you the last paragraph on the last page, pg. 54,
of her Chapter 2 ~“The Dove”~ to read. I decided to use this
paragraph when I saw that Jean uses, 1999 as a before and after
point in time, of great change. And as far as I have been able to
tell, she gives no explanation for why she uses 1999. And like I
said, although I haven’t read all of her book, I don’t believe she
mentions Nostradamus anywhere in her book. But it goes without
saying that she must have read his prophecies. She has been
referred to as a modern day, female, Nostradamus. Maybe she
chose 1999 as this pivotal point in time, because of Nostradamus’
famous 1999 prophecy: C10~Q72, Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72 ~
1072. But, for whatever reason or reasons she chose 1999, here
is the paragraph.
“Much has been prophesied for the years following
1999 when this vision will become a reality. . . and much
will happen before that day. Yet I believe that the sounding
of the voice heralded a new era of understanding, of love
and devotion, for the sign of the dove is the sign of God’s
continuing love and plans for all of us.”
Just before typing the above paragraph, I decided to reread
the paragraph above it. After reading it, I have decided to bring
it to your attention too ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~. It
doesn’t speak directly to the Juncture part of this story. It
speaks more to the last part of my subtitle ~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!” ~ “LOVE!”~
~“There are times now when, in the twilight of the evening, I
recall those treasured moments when the voice of Our Lord
Jesus prophesied that we would someday be ~
~“all one under God.”~
Below, is the sixth, example, which I believe very strongly
“suggests” that this Juncture, is already here, with us right ~
~ ‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
Northern Sun is a company that advertises itself as supplying
“products for progressives’ sine 1979”. I am sure there are many
“things” in their catalog that relate to and deal with the many
aspects of this Juncture. But I am only going to use this one
example. It is one that really jumped out at me when I read it. It
is, of course, someone’s “opinion”, that has been affixed to one of
the many shirts they have for sale. It can be found on page 15 of
their current “SPRING / SUMMER 2004”, catalog. On the front
of the shirt is a drawing of the world, “melting”. And in an arch
above it, the words; “HAVE A NICE DAY”. On the back it says ~
~ “Today we: added 265,000 babies ~ lost 75,000
acres of rainforest ~ added 46,000 acres of desert ~
lost 71 million tons of topsoil ~ added 15 million tons
of carbon dioxide ~ lost about 70 species ~
And we get to do it again tomorrow!” ~
I think they should have added ~ “HAVE A NICE DAY” ~
again ~ on the back ~ at the bottom ~ of the shirt.
Abraham Lincoln
I have saved a “controversial” quote from Abraham Lincoln, as
my last example of this Juncture, because it “speaks” directly to
one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, of ~ “why” ~ this
Juncture is upon us. Which is ~ in my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!” ~
laden opinion ~ is ~ just – pain – –“GREED!”–
–“GREED!”– is the essence of –“The Third and Final
Antichrist.”– predicted by Nostradamus ~“the root of all evil:”~
~“the love of money”~ –“The Powers that be.”– –“The Evil
Doers.”– ! I believe that –“GREED!”– has been implementing an –
“absolutely” – “unbelievable” – “conspiracy” – for maybe as long
as 100 years! A “conspiracy” which –“they”– are implementing and
installing upon “us”, one day at a time, one step at a time. A
– “conspiracy” – designed to subvert and eventually destroy “all”
“Freedom and Democracy” everywhere on this planet. I should
have saved this for my “Synopsis of Juncture”, but I got going,
and couldn’t stop. One last, less apparent thing about –“GREED!”–
“We have met the enemy, and he is us!”!
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ here is the quote from President Lincoln.
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves
me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country . . . .
corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in
high places will follow, and the money power of the country
will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the
prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few
hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
* * * * * * *
The following, is the complete text of the quote.
“We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is
nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood. . . . It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of
my country. As a result of war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor
to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war. God grant that my suspicious may prove
- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864
(Letter to Col. William F. Elkins)
* * * * * * *
Ref. pg. 40, The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer M. Shaw
(Macmillan, 1950, NY)
Ref. pg. 954, Abraham Lincoln: A New Portrait, (Vol. 2) Emanuel
Hertz (Horace Liveright Inc. 1931, NY)
There is a lot of controversy, especially on the Internet,
about of this quote. Supposedly Mr. Lincoln wrote it in a letter to
a Col. William F. Elkins on November 21, 1864. Many, question its
authenticity. In my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion, it
doesn’t matter. It is, an absolutely, accurate, assessment of
“what” is going on in this world ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ !
The powers that be,
The root of all evil:
Have decided to “downsize!”
“We ~ the people!”
Is “Why!”
And –“Downsizing”– is –“Decay”–!
In my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ opinion.
DAMUS 9111
It is my opinion. ~ My ~“EPIPHANY!” ~laden opinion! ~ I have been
given ~ by the grace of ~“God is Love.”~ the insight to correctly
interpret “certain” quatrains and prophecies by Nostradamus,
that I believe deal with this Juncture, and the “conspiracy” of
those ~“Stained with murder and enormous adulteries”~ of ~
~1010~ who wrongly believe –“they”– have more to lose, than
~“we”~ as ~“we all”~ make our way through this ~ Juncture! ~
In my “Synopsis of NOSTRA 1999 DAMUS 9111”, I will give my
detailed interpretations of all of the quatrains and prophecies
that I believe deal with this Juncture. But for right now I will just
give you my un-detailed interpretation of these prophecies, in the
chronological and I believe ~“cosmological”~ order that I believe
they are being “carried out” in implementing this –“conspiracy”– !
~ “To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,” ~
~ LOVE! ~ god IS! ~
~ LOVE! ~
What does ~“the power of love”~ and ~
-“the love of power”– and ~“world peace”~
have in common with the following ten names?
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King
Robert F. Kennedy
Mary Jo Kopechne
Samantha Smith
Princess Di
Ronald Brown
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Mel Carnahan
Paul Wellstone
“If you kill
the flock
(Event #23)
Page 250
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following quatrain is about
the assassination of JFK.
Century 6 ~ Quatrain 37
C6 ~ Q37
The ancient work will be finished,
Evil ruin will fall upon the great one from the roof;
Dead they will accuse an innocent one of the deed,
The guilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle.
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion the following two quatrains are
about the “untimely” death of Princess Di.
Century 5 ~ Quatrain 31
C5 ~ Q31
Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,
At present the rose of the world:
The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.
Century 5 ~ Quatrain 96
C5 ~ Q96
The rose upon the middle of the great world,
For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth one, will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following two quatrains are
about the “untimely” deaths of JFK Jr. his wife and her sister.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999, seventh month, (July)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Century 8 ~ Quatrain 77
C8 ~ Q77
The Antichrist three very soon annihilated,
Seven and twenty years of blood will his war last:
The heretics dead, captives exiled,
Blood human body water reddened on land to hail.
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following three quatrains
are about ~ 9/11!
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999 (9111), seventh month (sept mois)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 49
C10 ~ Q49
Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.
Century 6 ~ Quatrain 97
C6 ~ Q 97
At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,
Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion that quatrain ~1066~ is about
England’s Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and how he has been
deceived by and drawn into this war on terror by –“The third and
final Antichrist”– ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
And that quatrain ~1076~ is about what “the very near future?”
holds in store for ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 66
C10 ~ Q66
The Chief of London through the realm of America,
The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
King and “Reb” will face an Antichrist so false,
That he will place them in the conflict all together.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 76
C10 ~ Q76
The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following quatrain, and
paragraph #55 from Nostradamus’ Epistle, is a description of the
third and final Antichrist, predicted by Nostradamus. Which I
believe is ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
– “Greed!” –
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 10
C10 ~ Q10
Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,
Great enemy of the entire human race:
One who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or fathers,
In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.
Paragraph #55 from Nostradamus' Epistle
55. “After that Antichrist will be the infernal prince again,
for the last time. All the Kingdoms of Christianity will tremble,
even those of the infidels, for the space of twenty-five years.
Wars and battles will be more grievous and towns, cities, castles
and all other edifices will be burned, desolated and destroyed,
with great effusion of vestal blood, violations of married women
and widows, and sucking children dashed and broken against the
walls of towns. By means of Satan, Prince Infernal, so many evils
will be committed that nearly all the world will find itself undone
and desolated. ~ Before these events, some rare birds will cry
in the air: Today, today, and sometime later will vanish.” ~
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion the following two quatrains, and
paragraph #56 form Nostradamus’ Epistle, deals with where all
of this is leading us, at the end of these 25 and 27 years of war.
Century 1 ~ Quatrain 63
C1 ~ Q63
The scourges passed the world shrinks,
For a long time peace and populated lands:
One will travel safely by air, land, sea and wave,
Then the wars stirred up anew.
Century 9 ~ Quatrain 66
C9 ~ Q66
There will be peace, union and change,
Estates, offices, low high and high very low:
To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment,
War to cease, civil process, debates.
Paragraph #56 from Nostradamus’ Epistle
56. After this has endured for along time, there will be
almost renewed another reign of Saturn, and golden age. Hearing
the affliction of his people, God the Creator will command that
Satan be cast into the depths of the bottomless pit, and bound
there. Then a universal peace will commence between God and
man, and Satan will remain bound for around a thousand years,
and then all unbound.”
The following prophecy, in my opinion, as far as I can tell, is not
tied to this time frame ~ in any absolute way. Maybe whether or
not it is, will depend on how we act and react to this Juncture that
we are headed into; ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~
“No man can serve two masters:” Matthew 6:24
“choose you this day whom ye will serve;” Joshua 24:15
Paragraph #33 from Nostradamus’ Epistle
33. Then will commence a persecution of the Churches the
like of which was never seen. Meanwhile, such a plague will arise
that more than two thirds of the world will be removed. One
will be unable to ascertain the true owners of fields and houses,
and weeds growing in the streets of cities will rise higher than
the knees. For the clergy there will be but utter desolation.
~“God is subtle,
but he is not
Albert Einstein
“LOVE!”~ “god IS!”
~ “LOVE!” ~
~“He that loveth not knoweth
not God; for God is love.”~
1 John 4:8
~“For all the law is fulfilled in
one word, even in this;
Thou shalt love thy neighbour,
as thyself.”~
Galatians 5:14
1 Corinthians 13
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but
have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all
mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I
could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and
though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits
me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does
not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked,
thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures
all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will
fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is
knowledge, it will vanish away.
9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in
part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child,
I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now
I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the
greatest of these is love.
Never judging or vengeful
Like the judging and vengeful.
Mattie J. T. Stepanek
1990 – 2004
He drew a circle that shut me out -Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in.
Edwin Markham
1852 – 1940
These are words ~ to live by ~“forever”~.
“A revelatory manifestation especially of a divine being.”
“and your old men shall dream dreams”
Sometime during, or sometime around 1989, I went to bed
one Thursday night and had a dream. The next morning, Friday
morning, I got up and told my wife and my sons about my dream.
That night ~ it came true! The dream was not all that detailed,
and I knew almost immediately, that very possibly and most
probably, it was nothing more than a “coincidence”. But if that’s
all it was ~ just a ~ “coincidence” ~ it was a darned good one.
A few months ago by ~“coincidence”~ I just happened to find
the following quote about ~“coincidence”~ and it instantly became
my favorite quote! The first time I read it, it gave me a little
thrill that ran from the top of my head, right down to the tips of
my toes ~ of both ~ my body and soul. Since then, I have quoted
it to a few people and ~ sometimes ~ some of them ~ have also
reacted with a similar little thrill. The power to thrill behind this
simple little quote, is the ~“Author”~ to whom it is attributed.
See if you don’t agree that it can give you ~ just the slightest
little ~“thrill”~ of ~“Maybe!”~ Just ~“Maybe!”~ !
“Coincidence is God’s way of performing a miracle, anonymously.” ~
Seven years later, once again ~ on another Thursday night ~
December 5th, 1996 ~ I went to bed and had a second dream ~
that again ~ also came true ~ the very next day ~ and night ~
mostly night. This second dream though ~ was so detailed ~ with
~ “5” ~ things that all came true the very next day; in my opinion
~ there is absolutely no chance that it too could have been just
another “coincidence”. Then, within the next three or four weeks
~ I had a ~“third”~ and a ~“fourth”~ dream ~ that again ~ by
~“coincidence?”~ also came true ~ the very next day.
After experiencing these four dreams ~ all of which came
true the very next day ~ it was impossible for me to tell myself
that “these dreams” ~these things ~ were all nothing more than
~“coincidences”~. Slowly, over the last two years, I have come to
the conclusion that ~these things ~ “these dreams”, were what
they were ~“Prophetic”~ and that I was being given ~“these
dreams”~ as part of a ~“setting up”~ and a ~“stepping up”~ of a
~“process”~ designed to get my attention. Which ~ it ~ did!
The dream that came true in 1989 was not the first “thing”
that had ever happen to me in my life that could have “possibly?”
been ~“something more?”~ than just a “coincidence”. But it was
absolutely the most attention getting ~“event”~ in my life ~ up to
that point. It was the first time the issue of ~“Prophecy”~ of
something ~“Prophetic”~ in nature, was brought into the picture.
A day or two after it came true ~ I told a friend at work, about
my dream. I bet he would still remember me telling him about it.
On September 10th, of 2001, the night before 9/11, I had a
dream about a commercial jet airliner that “if” it too was not just
another “coincidence”, it was more of an ~ “awaking” ~ dream of
~ “premonition” ~ than a ~“Prophetic”~ dream.
Then, a week or so later, on the “TODAY” show, Katie Courick
was interviewing 7 or 8 people who had lost their twin in the WTC
collapse, and at the end of the interview, she turned to a man she
had already spoken to and said something like: “I heard you had a
dream, of ‘premonition’ about the attack, the night before the
attack, on Monday night.” He said he had, and then described it.
His dream was nothing like mine, at all. But his response to his
dream was exactly like mine! His dream was so “terrifying” it kept
waking him up, all night long. It woke him up eight or nine times
that night. A thousand miles away ~ that same exact night ~ I
was having ~ the same exact experience! Was this just another ~
“Coincidence is Gods way of performing a miracle anonymously.”
Just a few weeks ago, I was surfing the net ~ when ~ by
“coincidence?” I found a book entitled, “Premonitions of 9/11”.
I don’t have it and haven’t read it. I don’t have the time. I’m
trying to get this done. But I’m sure it is filled with experiences
similar to the ones the man on the “TODAY” show and I had.
Maybe his story is in it.
Listening to this man say ~these things ~ caused me to
realize that “I” was not ~ and I am not ~ the only person that
~these things ~ were ~ and are ~ happening to. I can’t say for
sure, but I believe it was listening to this man talk about his
dream of ~“premonition”~ that caused me to remember the verse
~“I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.”~ Which, through an
on-line Bible search ~ I found is in ~ Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28.
A year later, around the 15th of September, of 2002, I had
another dream which again ~ woke me up ~ all night long ~ seven ~
or eight ~ or nine times. I won’t go into the circumstances
surrounding this dream now ~ I will save that for the story. But I
will tell you this ~’Now! ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~. Because I had
this dream, I got up the next morning, and did something I will
talk about later on in this “Synopsis”, which I call ~“Amateur
Divination”~. Doing this ~“A.D.”~ caused my right index finger to
stop on top of the first verse of Ezekiel 33: I won’t explain the
significance of Ezekiel 33: ~‘Now!’ ~ I will save that for later too.
But if you want to stop and read it ~‘Now!’ ~ it wouldn’t hurt. It is
one of the most important ~“events”~ of all my ~“experiences”~!
I have also had several other “interesting” dreams that are
definitely worth mentioning and I will ~ in the text of the story ~
I ~“*hope”~.
I am also going to tell you about a “prophetic” dream that a
friend of mine had. He is a cancer survivor, who according to his
doctor shouldn’t be here today. His doctor gave him “absolutely”
no chance of survival. None ~ whatsoever! None! At all! He told
me every time he talks to his doctor, his doctor always tells him ~
~ “You are a blessed man ~ a very blessed man.” ~
When my friend told me about his dream, he also told me
about some other “things” that he has ~“witnessed”~ that he has
~“experienced”~ and ~“seen”~ which he ~ also ~ describes ~ as ~
~ “visions”~
“and your young men shall see visions”
When I was in the first grade, in 1954 and 1955; I woke up
one night to see what I immediately perceived was an ~“Angel”~.
She was floating in the air across the room from the foot of my
bed and was slowly coming towards me and my mother. The details
of the rest of this ~“event”~ will be in the story.
Over the years, I know I have told his story at least a dozen
or more times. And I’m sure that on more than one occasion, some
of those I told it to ~ told me ~ that it was nothing more than a
dream. I remember one person who, for some reason, was very ~
very adamant in telling me that it was nothing more than a dream.
While they are absolutely entitled to their opinion ~ I was there
~ I had ~ the ~“dream”~ the ~“experience”~ and if it was a just a
dream ~ it was like no other dream I had ever had before ~ or
have ever had since ~ in my entire life ~ and I dream every night.
Over the years I have wondered many, many times whether
or not it was a ~“vision”~ or just the overactive imagination of a
child. But ~ after experiencing ~these things ~ which I have been
allowed to experience ~ especially these last few years ~ I have
laid the question and the issue ~ to rest. I ~ ‘Now!’ ~ know, just
as surely as I know ~‘Now!’ ~ that it was a ~“vision”~! It was a
~“vision”~ that has “helped me prove to me” ~ that ~“God ~ The
Spiritual Realm”~ and/or ~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ however “It” is ~ “Is”! That ~”God is real!”~ That ~“God is Love.”~ !
No longer do I have to believe in the existence of ~“God”~ by
faith. I ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ ~“know”~ by fact! But
knowing by fact has raised even more questions than before ~ and
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ my faith is needed even more than before ~ in
the face of the ~“infinite”~ number of possibilities and questions
that witnessing ~these things ~ has raised. In short~ because I
have been allowed to ~“witness”~ ~these things ~ in my life ~ my
life has absolutely been turned into a living, breathing episode ~
straight out of “The Twilight Zone”! This may be a bad analogy,
but ~ “unfortunately?” ~ it is an ~ absolutely ~ accurate one.
I have also come to the conclusion, that the ~“experience”~
of seeing this ~“vision”~ of the ~“Angel”~ way back in the first
grade ~ was given to me as evidence ~ so that I could tell you
about it ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ at this Juncture ~ at
this ~ “appointed time” ~ at this ~ “cross ~ roads” ~ as a means of
helping you consider whether or not ~these things ~ I am
claiming that happened to me ~ really happened ~ to me.
All I can do ~ is present to you ~ the “evidence” ~ that I have
been allowed to have ~ that I have been given ~ which for the
most part ~ will be in the telling of the many, many, many details
of ~these things ~ in this story. You ~ will have to make up ~ your
own mind ~ for yourself ~ “abou” my claims.
Speaking of evidence ~just recently~ I was reminded that I
have two photographs I took, during Christmas of 2002 that have
an ~image~ on them, that shouldn’t be there. This ~image~ is on
both of the photographs and the negatives! And as far as I’m
concerned, it is “physical” proof of the ~“Spiritual”~. This will
probably be the only “physical” evidence I will be given ~ to
present to you. I hope I’m wrong. I hope God gives me much, much
more “evidence” to give to you. But if it doesn’t happen ~ then it
doesn’t. Also ~ during the course of trying to tell this story, I
have come to understand that ~“believing”~ “has to” ~ “mainly be”
~ “a matter of faith”. And there is a very, very important reason
~“why”~ it ~ “has to” ~ work ~ this way ~. And I’m sure I will
~“speak”~ about ~“why”~ I believe it has to be ~ this way ~ later.
After seeing the ~“Angel”~ in the first grade ~ I never had
any other experiences, or saw anything else that could have even
remotely, been considered a ~“vision”~ until ~ December of 2000.
On December the 14th, or the 15th, of 2000 ~ I saw something
~“occur”~ that when I saw it, and for about a year afterwards, I
accepted that what I had seen, was real, because it looked so
very real. So ~ very ~ very ~ real! Since then, I have come to the
conclusion that it too ~ was a ~“vision”~. I have decided not to
give the details of what it was ~‘Now!’ ~ it would take too long.
But within a year of seeing this ~“vision”~ I was given three other
~“events”~ to ~“witness”~ that were basically the same ~ thing ~
happening again. Also, the second and third times ~“this thing”~
~these things ~ happened ~ I was not alone. Other people were
with me ~ right beside me. They also saw ~these things ~ take
place. But I’m fairly sure they won’t be coming forward. They are
unwilling to talk about what they saw. One of them told me, that
what they saw ~ they were taking to his grave with them. And I
seriously doubt ~ they are going to change their mind ~ unless ~
they ~ too ~ are ~“called”~ by ~“God”~ to also ~“speak”~.
Early in January of 2001, I decided to talk to a friend who I
knew was very religious, about what I had seen. I didn’t tell him
any of the details. I just told him that I had seen ~“something”~
I couldn’t explain. I also told him, I thought that ~ “maybe?” ~
“witchcraft?” ~ might be one possible explanation for what I had
seen ~ and heard. When I said this, he laughed at me and walked
away. Since then ~ as ~these things ~ have continued to happen ~
I have kept him apprised of most of them. I have talked about
them ~ with him ~ quite a bit. He’s not ~ laughing ~ anymore.
I know that the vast majority of you will have a very, very,
very hard time, and a very, very real problem with what I will
claim I saw. I know this, because I have already told a few people
exactly what it was ~ that I saw. And I believe I’m safe in saying
that they basically think ~ I’m ~ just plain nuts. That ~ I’m ~
crazy. And I don’t blame them. If I hadn’t seen ~these things ~
with my own two eyes ~ the three different times I did ~ in the
presence of these two other people ~ as ~these things ~ took
place ~ I wouldn’t believe it either. But as I have already ~ said ~
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
All you can do ~ is consider it.
Because these “other people” were with me when the middle
two of these four ~“events”~ happened. And because I watched
these “other people” as they watched ~these things ~ happen ~
and because I have spoken with “them” about it since. There is
absolutely no chance that “we” could have been hallucinating. In
my opinion ~ two or more people cannot share a hallucination. Two
or more people could share a ~“vision”~ for sure. Through out the
ages, this has happened, from time to time; but a hallucination?
No! Two or more people can not share a hallucination ~ in my
opinion. In my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ laymen’s ~ opinion!
In the text of this story, I plan to tell you a very interesting
story, about two college professors, a man and his wife, who
witnessed a vision together. The account of their ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ can
be found on page 23 in ~ “A Book of Angels” ~ by Sophie
Burnham. It is entitled ~ “The Day we Saw the Angels” ~. It’s a
very beautiful and intensely interestingly story. I have never
seen anything like what they claimed they saw. But I “absolutely”
would love to. But ~ what I have seen ~ I have seen. And ~ I have
experienced ~ what I have experienced. And again ~ and again ~
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
The fact that what we saw ~ had to be ~“visions”~ ~ means
that the only explanation ~ and I mean the only explanation ~ for
what we saw ~ was ~“The Spiritual Realm”~! It was not “swamp
gas” ~ or any kind of ~ “unexplained ~ phenomena”! What it was ~
was ~“Spiritual Power”~ coupled with ~“Spiritual Intelligence”~.
And I say ~ “Intelligence” ~ because what we witnessed reacted
to ~ and with us. And in my opinion, I was allowed to witness
~these things ~ with these “other people” present, so that “I”
would know ~ beyond any shadow of any doubt ~ that ~these
things ~ were ~ and are ~ for ~ real. ~“Witnessing”~ ~these
things ~ in my opinion ~ in my “EPIPHANY!” laden opinion ~ requires
“me” the ~“witness”~ to ~“speak”~ what I have ~“witnessed”~ to
you. And again ~ I ~“feel”~ the ~“urge”~ the ~“need”~ to say. ~
If what I am claiming is true ~ that I have been ~“chozen”~
to experience ~“Divine Intervention”~ and ~“Spiritual Power”~
coupled with ~“Spiritual Intelligence”~ in my life ~ and I have!
Then it is well within the realm of possibility that a very ~ very
“sobering” explanation for why ~these things ~ “might” be
happening ~ ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ is ~ Acts 2:17!
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God;
I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh:”
And also ~ in my opinion ~ the term ~“the last days”~ doesn’t
necessarily mean the total and complete ~ “end of the world”.
But “probably?” just ~ “The end of the world ~ as we know it.”
You know ~ that would make a good song ~ and title.
But let’s move on ~ to another event ~ about another ~“vision”~ !
On Friday night, April 27th, of 2001, I had a “mocking bird”
show up just outside my bedroom window and start screaming.
Not singing! Screaming! Screaming ~ much ~ much ~ louder than a
mocking bird, or any bird, should “physically” be able to scream.
Especially all night long! And it did this ~ for ~ three ~ nights ~ in
~ a ~ row. Friday ~ Saturday ~ and ~ Sunday night ~ all night long!
Then, on Monday April 30th, I witnessed this, or ~“A”~ “mocking
bird” ~“vanish”~ into “thin air”. Then, a week or so later, while I
was standing in the check-out line at K-Mart, by ~“coincidence?”~
I happened to pick up a little $2.69 pamphlet about Nostradamus,
and while looking through it, by ~“coincidence”~ I happened to
find and read, the last sentence of a paragraph that is near the
end of Nostradamus’ “Epistle” to Henry II, the King of France.
“Before these events, many rare birds will cry in the air,
‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ and sometime later will ~vanish.”
For Christmas of 2001, I got one of the most, if not ~ “the
most” ~ “scholarly” ~ books ever written about Nostradamus. A
Edgar Leoni; published in 1961; his book is over 700 pages long.
The pamphlet I found in the K-Mart check out line, was less that
100. Mr. Leoni’s interpretation of the same sentence is just a
little different. In his book the paragraph is listed, as paragraph
#55 from Nostradamus’, “Epistle”. His interpretation reads ~
“Before these events, some rare birds will cry in the air:
Today, today, and some time later will vanish.”
These two different interpretations, of this sentence, is
where I get my ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ quote, which I
have been and will use through out this ~ story. And I will cover
this last sentence in paragraph #55 of Nostradamus’ “Epistle” in
complete detail, later on in my “Synopsis of NOSTRA 1999 DAMUS 9111”!
But since we are talking about this prophecy ~’Now!’ ~I will
give you the first two sentences from paragraph #55, from Mr.
Leoni’s book to read ~‘Now!’ ~. They ~“speak”~ not to ~“the most
important”~ and ~“the main reason”~ I am writing this ~“book?”~
but to “the ~ most ~ pressing ~ reason”. Which is ~ I believe ~
~ Juncture!~
~“After that Antichrist will be the infernal prince again,
for the last time. All the Kingdoms of Christianity will
tremble, even those of the infidels, for the space of ~
~ twenty-five years.” ~
“Sometime later”, (Stl:) after witnessing the ~“vision”~ of
this mocking bird ~“vanish”~ into thin air. I was staring up at a
“real” mocking bird one day, sitting on the very tip-top of a holly
tree next to the bedroom side my house. When I saw ~ what at
first I thought was the reflection of the sun ~ in its left eye. But
after thinking about it, for just a few minutes, I came to the
conclusion that this too was a ~“vision”~. It had to be. And again,
I will wait and cover the details of this ~“event”~ in the story.
But I will tell you this much ~ right ~‘Now!’ ~.
In trying to describe what this ~“vision”~ that I saw in the
mocking birds left eye looked like. The best description I have
been able to come up with is a ~“Liquid Golden Sun”~. It had a
slow ~“waving”~ like ~“flowing”~ motion ~“emanating”~ outwards
from the small black dot center of “its” eye ~ the bird’s pupil.
It’s hard to put into “worlds” how I felt at the time I saw
this ~ and still feel about seeing it. (I just typed an “l” into
“words” by mistake ~ or ~“coincidence”~. I like it! ~ It seems to
work in a ~“coincidental”~ sort of way. So ~ I think I’ll ~ leave it.)
Because of a quote I just happened to find, a few weeks ago,
seeing the ~“vision”~ of this ~“Liquid Golden Sun”~ has become
one of the more interesting and thought provoking and compelling
of all the ~ “possible” ~ ~“visions”~ I have seen. This quote comes
from by a man by the name of Emanuel Swedenborg, and is on
page 187 of the ~“A Book of Angels”~ by Sophy Burnham. For ~
~‘Now! ‘Now!’ ~ I will just give you the first part of this quote ~
~“Because He is Love in its essence, that is, Divine Love,
[God] appears before the Angels in heaven as a sun,”~ !
Maybe what I saw ~ in that mocking birds left eye ~ is what
~“God”~ looks like to the angels in heaven ~ maybe not. But, since
~“God”~ does exist ~ then one day ~ we will find out ~ if ~“He”~
“appears before the Angels in heaven as a sun,”! If I can, I
will give you the entire quote, later on, in the story. If I don’t ~
like I said ~ it’s in ~ Ms. Burnham’s ~ book ~“A Book of Angels”~.
On many occasions, I have asked ~“God”~ for help, by doing
something I mentioned earlier, in describing how I found Ezekiel
33: called ~“Amateur Divination” or ~“A.D.”~ This ~ “A.D.”~ is
something I will go into detail about, in just a few paragraphs. So
for ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ I will just describe what ~ it ~ is!
What it is ~ is ~ opening a ~Bible~ and/or other books, with
my eyes shut and/or my head turned, and then letting either my
right index finger move around the two open pages ~ until it
stops. Or letting my right thumb slide down the outside edge of
the right hand page until it stops.
I have been doing this since I was a child. And doing this on
two recent occasions, which I am about to tell you about, I found
and read verses in the ~Bible~ ~ that don’t exist! ~ That aren’t
in the Bible! ~ I discovered they didn’t exist, when I tried to find
them, through several different on line Bible search engines.
These two ~“events”~ also had to be ~“visions”~ “unless” ~ the
type on the page “physically” changed. Or ~“God”~ forbid ~ I was
~“simply”~ “hallucinating” ~ again!
I won’t go into any detail right now, about what was on my
mind, when I found and read these ~ verses ~ “that don’t exist”
~ that had to be ~“visions”~. But here is what I read the first
time I did this. ~“Because you have not obeyed the lord, you
will die among the rocks and…”~ either ~ “the weeds” ~ or ~
“the flowers” ~ or ~ “the bushes” ~ or ~ something. The second
time this happened ~ I read ~“Because you have lied in the
name of the Lord, you will die among the rocks and the…”~ I
wish I could remember what the other things were ~ but I can’t.
I am very ashamed to say that I had to receive these very ,
very disturbing ~“admonitions”~ of these ~“visions”~ to get me to
act ~ to ~“speak”~. But I am not ashamed to tell you that these
two verses, especially the first one, put “a lot of fear” into me.
After reading the first one, and privately praying about it on
my hands and knees, with my forehead pressed firmly against the
floor and other ~ “things” ~ I decided to stand up in my Union
meeting and finally ~ publicly ~ ~“speak”~ to say that I had been
approached by ~“God”~ about this war on terror. For a whole
multitude of reasons ~ I had been afraid ~ to do this. Forgive me.
Sounds like I’m nuts, doesn’t it? I’m not! I promise you ~
~these things ~ have happened ~ and still are happening ~ to and
around me. And they are happening for a reason! And that reason
is! ~There is a God!~ There is a ~“Spiritual Intelligence”~ which
is “willing” and “able” to influence and control through ~“Spiritual
Power”~ the physical laws of this world, “the physical realm”!
“Especially” the “laws” of how the “human” mind works.
And once again, I will say this again. Being allowed to witness
~these things”~ means ~ in my opinion ~ that I am ~ required ~
to ~“speak”~ about “them” ~ about ~these things ~! So ~ I am!
“There is a God!” ~ ~ “God is love.” ~ ~ “God loves us!” ~
“God loves us all!”! Not all that we do ~ but all that we ~ “can” ~
and ~“eventually”~ will do. I believe ~“eventually”~ ~“eternally”~
all of us will come around to ~“Love”~. And ~ coming around to
~“Love”~ ~ is ~ in my opinion ~ coming around to ~“God”~ because
~“God is love.”~ Because ~“God ~ The Spiritual Realm”~ and/or
~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ however ~“It”~ exists and works
~ does exist and work ~ for ~“US!”~ ! I just ~“feel”~ that
~“God”~ wanted me to tell you this ~ again ~! So ~ you will “know
this” ~ for your own sake ~ for the good ~ of your ~“salvation”~!
In my opinion ~ in my ~ “EPIPHANY!” laden opinion ~“salvation”~ has
much more to do with ~“LOVE”~ than anything else. ~“Love”~ is ~
“the spirit of the law” ~ which ~“Jesus”~ said he came to fulfill.
If there is a God ~“and there is”~ then we are ~ “here” ~
and we ~ “exist” ~ “here” ~ for a ~“reason”~. And I believe we are
responsible to and for this ~“reason”~ in everything we do, in and
with our daily lives. We are here for this ~“reason”~! And this
~“reason”~ is ~ in my opinion ~ to become “that” ~“Thing”~ which
~“God”~ is ~ which is ~ ~“Love”~ ~“God is love.”~ We are here to
become ~“Love”~ so that we can be accepted into ~“Heaven”~
~“The kingdom of ~’God’~”~ ~“The Kingdom of ~’Love’~”~
~“The Spiritual Realm”~ ~“The Other Side”~
Please ~ let me proselytize about this ~ just a little more.
However ~“God ~The Spiritual Realm”~ and/or ~“The
Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ exists ~ and ~ works ~ as ~“He!”~ or as
~“She!”~ or as ~“They!”~ or as ~“It!”~ or as all of these! ~“He!” ~
~“She!”~ ~“They!”~ ~“It!”~ ! ~“It”~ does ~ exist ~ and ~ work!
Witnessing “absolute” and “undeniable” ~“Spiritual”~ and
“physical proof” of ~“Spiritual”~ existence ~ proves ~“God”~! I
can come to no other conclusion. The ~ who ~ what ~ where ~
when ~ why ~ and ~ how of ~“God”~ are ~ very ~ very ~
important ~ “issues” ~ ! But they are only ~ “issues” ~ “just
issues” ~ ! “Issues” ~ that ~ outside of the ~ “fact” ~ that
~“God is love.”~ we will never come to total agreement on, in this
world ~ on this side of the veil. And if we spend too much ~ time
~ dwelling too much on these ~ issues ~ we give these ~ “issues” ~
the power to detract and to derail us from the most important ~
“issue” ~. And that is ~ “working at” ~ and doing ~ “that” ~ which
will lead us into becoming the only thing that can be accepted into
the presents of ~”GOD”~ which is ~“LOVE!”~ Because ~ ~“God is
Love.”~ ~“Love!”~ is “essential!” ~ “absolutely!” ~ “essential!” ~
to all ~“salvation”~. And if you’re asking ~“salvation”~ from
“what?” I believe it’s probably ~“salvation”~ from –“our selves”–.
From the fact that we are human beings, and not divine
beings ~“YET!”~ We are born into this world, to become that
which is ultimately perfect. And as I’m sure you have heard ~
~ “Love makes all things ~ perfect.”~
And once again, the best evidence that I have, that I can give
to you, to try to “prove” to you that I have been allowed to
witness ~these things ~ will be found in the details of telling you
exactly what I have experienced, through the telling of this
~“story” ~ of ~these things ~ which ~ I ~“*hope”~ and ~“pray”~
I get done ~ soon ~ very soon ~ very ~ very ~ soon!
I have also experienced several other “things”, and “events”
that could also be considered ~“Visions”~. But again, I won’t go
into them right now. I will wait and cover them in the story. I just
wanted to list the major “things”, the major “events” that I have
been given to ~“witness”~ that in my opinion ~ absolutely ~ were ~
~“Visions”~. Before we ~ move on ~ I ~“feel”~ ~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~
would be a good time to quote a Bible verse that I quoted earlier
in my ~ “PRE~RAMBLE” ~ which I believe ~ is worth repeating!
“If there be a prophet
among you, I the Lord
will make Myself known
unto him in a vision, and
will speak unto him in a
~ Numbers 12:6
I do not believe that I am a “prophet”. But I have been made
a ~“witness”~ to ~these things ~. If I am “anything”~ I am what
~“found”~ me in Ezekiel 33: A “watchman” who is called a
“prophet”. And if I am like or anything akin to a “prophet” ~
~ I am ~ the ~ “Clouseau” ~ of prophets. ~
“I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh:”
“Angels Unawares”
Sometime during 1999 or 2000 ~ for the first time in my life,
I had the conscious thought of wondering if a “person”, who was
crossing the street in front of my car, was either: Someone who
just happened to be there, at that time, wearing the T-shirt he
just happened to be wearing, completely by accident, or by
“coincidence”. Or ~ was he just an ordinary ~ mortal ~ who had
been ~“led”~ to be there by ~“God”~ at that time and at that
place, wearing the T-shirt he was wearing ~“unawares”~ of his
~mission~. Which ~ in my opinion ~ would qualify him to be called
an ~“Angel Unawares”~! Or ~ was he an ~“Angel”~ or some
~“other”~ type of ~“Spiritual Emissary”~ completely and fully
“awares” of his mission from ~“God”~ which would still make him
one of these ~“Angels Unawares”~ because “I” was “unawares”
of the fact ~ he was an ~“Angel”~. In my opinion, in my “EPIPHANY!”
laden laymen’s opinion. ~“Angels Unawares”~ can ~ and probably
should be “interpreted” ~ in either ~ or both ~ of these ways.
Watching this “man?” cross the street in front of my car,
caused me, for the first time in my life, to wondered if a person ~
I was looking at ~ was just a “mortal”, a “person”, or ~“someone”~
or ~“something”~ else! It was the first time in my life I had the
thought ~ could there actually be ~ “Angels among us”! Was it
possible that we are not alone on this planet, on this “physical
plane”? Again, I will save the details of this “event” for the story.
This ~“event”~ of ~these things ~ was more or less, the first
of many ~“events”~ involving these ~“people?”~. In my ~“Road
Map of Events”~ I have decided to refer to “these people?” as
~“ootp?”~ ~“one of these people?”~ ! The claims I will be making
about ~“these people?”~ these ~“ootp?”~ and ~these things ~ I
will be claiming they have done ~ and continue to do ~ will be ~ I
am sure ~ very hard for some of you to accept. But ~ once again ~
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
All you can do ~ is considerate.
“Amateur Divination”
Being that I am not a ~ “professional” ~ writer and I am
doing the best that I can. Please forgive me if I repeat some of
what I have already said about this thing I do ~ I call ~“A.D.”~ .
Sometime during the late ‘50’s, or the early ‘60’s, from
somewhere, I got the idea for doing something that up until about
a year after ~ 9/11 ~ I had never bothered to think of a term, or
a name, to describe it, because I had never had a reason too.
Then, as ~these things ~ started to increase in frequency and
fervor, I started looking for a descriptive term or name to
describe what ~ it ~ was. And what I came up with ~ was ~
~“Amateur Divination”~ or ~“A.D.”~ !
What ~“A.D.”~ is ~ is this: While holding a Bible, or other
books, in my hands, I ask ~“God”~ a question, and/or for help and
guidance. Then with my head turned, and/or my eyes closed, I
open the Bible or other book, at random, by either flipping quickly
through the pages, or just letting it fall open ~ one time. I then
let my right index finger wander around the two open pages ~
until it comes to a stop. Or sometimes ~ I will just let my right
thumb simply slide down the right hand page ~ until it stops. Then
I open my eyes and read what I have found.
I vaguely remember doing this several times, when I first
started doing this ~ as a child. And I also remember ~ “never
finding anything” ~ that seemed to ~“speak”~ to me about what
was on my mind ~ as a child. I have no idea how many times I tried
it ~ as a child. But never having any success at finding anything
that seemed to ~“speak”~ to me, I believe I tried this ~“A.D.”~
for less than a week, and probably no more than four or five
times in that week. I remember I very quickly gave up doing it ~
~ “until!” ~
“Boot Camp ~ 1969”
In either the last week of May or the first week of June of
1969, in my first or second week of boot camp, I had a sudden
panic attack one-day. I realized that I had six or seven more
weeks of boot camp ahead of me, and that “maybe?” I had bitten
off more than I could chew. I was almost “terrified” by the
thought that I might not be able to handle ~ what was ahead of
me. I had absolutely “no confidence” in myself ~ at all ~ “none”! I
truly believed I might not be able to make it through ~ Boot
Camp! At the age of 20 ~ six weeks ~ takes much, much longer to
pass ~ than when your 56. Almost 57! But who’s counting?
So ~ looking for help and guidance, I decided to try my ~
~“A.D.”~ again. It had been maybe “7” years, since the last time
I had done this. But, having no one else to turn too ~ I did what
most people do when they are in such situations. I turned to ~
I had three or four very specific and very troubling issues
that were troubling me, when I decided to ask ~“God”~ for help.
So when I opened my eyes, and started to read what was directly
under my right index finger, in the little Bible we had all received
when we arrived in boot camp, I could not believe what I was
reading. I wish I could remember the book, chapter, and verses,
but I can’t. It may have been the story of ~“the prodigal son”~
but I’m not sure. But the words in the verses that I read, dealt
~“exactly”~ with my problems. They ~“spoke”~ directly to all of
the issues and all of the problems that were on my mind! One ~
two ~ three ~ four! Boom ~ boom ~ boom ~ boom, right down the
line! They ~“spoke”~ to ~ “every” ~ “single” ~ “issue” that was
troubling me. I was ~ “absolutely amazed”~ ! Everything I had
asked for help and guidance with ~ was addressed in the verses.
It was the first time in my life I had ever experienced anything
like this. I’m not positive, but as far as I can remember, it was
the very first time in my life ~ I had ever had the thought ~
“Maybe there “actually” is a ~“God”~!”
But ~ I also realized ~ almost immediately ~ that it could
have been, just a “coincidence”. “But if that’s all it was ~ just a
“coincidence” ~ it was a darned good one.” (If that last
sentence sounds familiar ~ it’s the last sentence of the first
paragraph of this “Synopsis”! I went back and borrowed it!)
I don’t believe the phrase, “Divine Intervention”, came to
mind, when this occurred ~ but it was the first time in my life
that I had experienced ~“something”~ that had to either be an
instant and direct answer from ~“God”~ ! Or nothing but a very,
very lucky “coincidence”! And like I said ~ I remember thinking ~
“Wow ~ maybe there “actually” is a ~“God”~
~ after all~ ”!
I had always believed in ~“God”~ by faith. But until that
moment, I had never had any experience, that could possibly have
been such a ~ direct ~ and ~ instantaneous ~ interaction ~ to a
request for help ~ from ~“God”~ !
As I remember ~ after having this experience ~ I continued
to do my ~“A.D.”~ ~“Amateur Divination”~ “thing” ~ for a while.
But after several weeks, or months, of not finding anything else
that ~“spoke”~ to me ~ again ~ so exactly. The frequency of my
doing this ~ faded. ~“Until”~ 32 years and 3 and a half months
later ~ on the 11th night of September ~ of ~ 2001. The night of ~
~ “9/11”~
I was at work, Tuesday morning, of ~“9/11”~ and I didn’t get
to see it unfold on TV until I got home that night. After watching
it on the news for an hour or so. I went into the front room and
picked up the first Bible I came to ~ which just happened to be
white family Bible.
I sat down, and placed the Bible on my lap, and then asked
~“God”~ to show me ~ to tell me ~“Why!”~ this had happened.
~“Why!”~ did this have to happen. To give me a reason ~“Why!”~
this could not have been avoided. ~“Why!”~ this had to take place.
Then with my head turned and/or my eyes closed. I either just
opened it once, letting the pages fall open, or I flipped through
the pages until “I?” decided to stop. Then “I?” let my right index
finger wander around the two open pages until it stopped. When I
opened my eyes, I saw that my finger was resting on the upper
left hand side of the right hand page ~ directly in the middle of
~“verse :21”~ of ~“Revelation~ 18:”~
The Catholic Edition Bible arranges many verses like poetry.
And the second half of ~“Revelation 18:21”~ is done like this.
And with my finger sitting directly on top of the second line ~ of
~“verse :21”~ ! I read ~ the following words ~
“Babylon the great city
shall be cast down like this, with violence,
and nevermore be found!”
I was imminently struck by the fact that I had found a
reference to “Babylon” and to a great city, “the great city”, and
the words “cast down like this, with violence,”. To me, these
words, seemed to be a fairly good description of 9/11. Then, I
went back and read the first half of ~“verse: 21”~ and then I
read the entire chapter of ~“Revelation 18:”~ Read it! I believe
the entire Chapter speaks to, and about ~“why”~ this had to ~
happen. Verses :17, and :18, contain a description of, and an
inference to, smoke drifting up and out over the ocean. To me it
absolutely described and mirrored what I, and the rest world was
watching on TV that night. As the smoke and the dust from the
Twin Towers drifted up and over NYC, and out and over the bay,
towards the ocean.
In a single hour
this great wealth has been destroyed!”
Every captain and navigator, all sailors and seafaring
men, then stood at a distance 18 and cried out when
they saw the smoke go up as the city burned to the
ground: “What city could have compared with this great
In the speech that Minister Lewis Farrakhan gave, that I
mentioned and quoted from in my “PRE~RAMBLE” Minister
Farrakhan said that in the book of “Revelation” it talks about a
“Mystery Babylon”. He says that he believes that America is this
“Mystery Babylon”. I think he may be half-right. I don’t believe
America is this “Mystery Babylon”. I believe -“The third and
final antichrist”– ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of
money”~ has co-opted -“Corporate America”- into becoming this
“Mystery Babylon”! In my opinion there are two Americas. There
is, ~“America the Beautiful”~ ! And -“America the Corporate”-.
And if ~“America the Beautiful”~ doesn’t find a way to regain
control over the “entity” and “entities” that have corrupted and
commandeered, -“Corporate America”-. Then, I believe that
~“America the Beautiful”~ is going to be pulled down into the
bottomless pit, by and with -“America the Corporate”-. But all of
this is better saved for my “Synopsis of Juncture”. Which I ~
“*hope”~ will be my next “attempt” in this “series” of “opening
statements?” ~ I am attempting ~ to write.
I still do my “Amateur Divination” thing, and I am still
finding ~these things ~ that have to be ~ in my opinion ~ in my
~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion ~“Divine Directives”~ from ~“God ~
The Spiritual Realm”~ and/or ~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ !
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ I will give you five more of examples of,
~these things ~ these “Amateur Divination” ~“A.D.”~ “events”
~“God”~ has given me ~ to give to you ~ for a total of ~ “7”~. The
first is how I came to find ~“Ezekiel 33:”~ The second is how I
found the word ~“*hope”~ which I have use several times in the
telling of ~these things ~ And the third ~ is ~“how”~ I found
~1010~. Or more accurately ~“how”~ ~“it”~ ~“10:10”~ found me.
And as these happened, a fourth and fifth ~“Abou Ben Adhem”~
and ~“The Gods of the Copybook Headings”~ from the book ~
~“101 Famous Poems”~.
~ “EZEKIEL 33:”~
In September of 2002, I had almost 700 envelopes, sitting in
my bedroom closet. The reason they were sitting in my bedroom
closet ~ was because I was waiting for the first of October to
mail them ~ anonymously ~. The reason “why” I was waiting to mail
them in October, is in the next paragraph. The reason I was going
to mail them ~ anonymously ~ is found ~ four paragraphs from ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~
I had only planned to mail 100 of them in June or July. But
just as I was about to do this ~ by ~“coincidence”~ and/or
~“Divine Guidance”~ ! I happened to find the following prophecy
by Nostradamus in his “Epistle” to Henry II, King of France.
Here tiz!
~ “And it will be in the month of October “than” the great
translation will be made…” So ~ I decided to wait until October
~ to mail them ~ just in case ~ my “interpretation” of “1072” was
this “great translation” ~ “that” was going to be made in
October. And ~ as I waited ~ my 100 swelled ~ to almost 700 ~ as
I found more and more people, and organizations, to mail them to.
The book that I am using to quote this prophecy from, is ~
his book, the word “than” is used. I believe it is supposed to be
“that”. But I have decided to quote it as it appears in his book ~
just in case it is supposed to be ~“than”~ rather than ~ “that”!
~‘Now!’ ~ why I had decided to mail my letters, my flyers ~
anonymously ~ can basically be summed up in one word. It’s a word
that just came to me one day. A word that I believed ~ then ~
and still do believe ~“Today, today,” ~ is worth taking ~ very ~
seriously! Very ~ very ~ seriously! The word is –“Bushstapo”– !
About a year after ~ “I” ~ thought ~ “I” ~ thought up ~ this ~
-“word”– . I discovered that I was not the only person on the
planet who had also ~ “thought” ~ of the –“word”– –“Bushstapo”– !
One day ~ by ~“coincidence”~ I found a web site by a man, by the
name of “Roger Fredinberg”. He had a web page, entitled ~
~“Fearing the new Bushstapo!”~! The interesting story about the
~“coincidences”~ involved in how I found his site, are in the story.
But let’s get back to why I decided to mail them ~ anonymously ~!
I believed that if I put my name on them, and if the “wrong” “right” entity became aware of me. I might not live long enough to
finish the extremely daunting task of writing my complete story
about all of the experiences I have had ~ with ~these things ~ !
I knew that writing a “book”, would take a great deal of time ~
especially for someone as ~“small and weak”~ as I am. And I was
afraid, very afraid, that if I identified myself as the author of
these letters, these flyers. I might not live long enough to
~ “Git it done!” ~
(Event #438)
One of the reasons I had this “fear” was because back in
1993, I had a friend who died ~“very unexpectedly”~ after
developing a ~“very strong interest”~ in the JFK assassination. He
had attended a meeting about “who” “really” killed JFK, and
“why”. Then a few months later ~ he too died ~ an untimely death.
When I heard that my friend had died. I was ~“again!”~
reminded of a line from a movie I had heard ~ in my youth ~
~“If you kill the Shepherd, the flock will scatter.”~
I will talk more about this ~ again ~ several times ~ later on ~ I ~
Then, right around the middle of September, as I was
finishing up my almost 700 letters, I started getting “cold feet”.
I started having “very fearful” and “very, very serious” “second
thoughts” about mailing them. I started seriously thinking about
not mailing any of them ~ at all. I thought it might be too risky,
too dangerous for my family and me. I began asking ~“God”~ if he
could please get someone else to do this. I remember reminding
~“God”~ of how completely unqualified and unable I was ~ to do
this. About how so completely unbelievable I was going to be ~ to
almost everyone. I was a stuttering ~ red necked ~ white socked
~ blue collard ~ factory worker! I couldn’t get up and ~“speak”~
about ~these things ~ in front of the whole world!
Another “reason” I didn’t think I would be a good choice for
this ~“mission”~ was that ~“unfortunately”~ or ~“fortunately”~
about 10 years ago, I ran into a ~“little”~ emotional problem that
caused me to wind up seeking “professional” -“hell”- for it. (I was
trying to spell “help”, but -“hell”- seems more appropriate ~ so ~.)
I knew the “fact” that I had had this ~“little ~ emotional ~
problem” was not going to help my credibility ~ in any way ~ shape
~ or ~ form. But being I have decided to answer this ~“calling”~.
I have decided to not let my “past” stop me from doing this.
The very beautiful poetic prayer ~“A Prayer for Ending” ~
which you have already read ~ deals with ~ lack of confidence. I
just thought I would mention it, because when I read this poem ~
I was amazed at how accurately it described ~ me ~ and my fears!
I mean ~ I mean ~ I mean! ~ Who ~ in their right mind is
going to listen to someone ~ who is obviously ~ so very, very ~
unbelievable? And so very, very, very ~“small and weak”~.
It only made sense to get someone else ~ someone ~ much ~
much more competent ~ and qualified ~ and braver ~ than ~ I!
So ~ after a week or two of asking ~“God”~ if he could ~
please ~ get someone else to do this ~ and after three or four
days of seriously considering not mailing any of my letters. I went
to bed one night and had a very, very disturbing dream. I don’t
remember exactly what the dream was about, I just remember it
was about me not doing what I had been ~“called”~ to do ~ about
me deciding to not mail my almost ~ 700 letters. All I remember
about the dream, is that it was so disturbing, it kept waking me
up, all night long. I woke up seven, eight, maybe nine, or ten times!
The next morning, after getting up and getting ready for
work ~ just as I was about to leave, I decided to do my ~“A.D.”~
thing again with our large, white, King James, family Bible that
my Union had given me, when my Grandmother died.
I laid it on top of our baby grand piano and again ~ I asked
~“God”~ to please let me out of doing this. To please give this
~“mission”~ to someone else. And if not, then please give me some
kind of help and guidance. Some kind of reassurance, that my
family and I would be ~ “safe” ~ if I did this. If I mailed these
almost ~ 700 letters.
Then I turned my head and/or closed my eyes, and either
opened the Bible once, or flipped through the pages, until they
stopped ~ and then let my right index finger wander around the
two open pages ~ until it stopped. Then I opened my eyes, to see
~ what ~ if anything ~ I had found. I found ~ that my finger was
resting directly beneath the first verse of Ezekiel 33: A half
inch beneath the words ~ in bold type ~
~ “Ezekiel is reminded of his…
…duty.” ~
~‘Now!’ ~let’s ponder this for just a second. I mean ~ there I
was ~ trying to get out of doing something that I believed I was
being ~“called”~ by ~“God”~ to do. Asking ~“God”~ to please get
someone else to do this. And in trying to get out of my ~ “duty” ~
~TO GOD AND COUNTRY!~ I find ~“Ezekiel is reminded of his…
What kind of ~“coincidence”~ is that? ~Divine~? Or ~ what?
I believe Ezekiel 33: was not only a response from ~“God”~.
It was ~ and is ~ a ~ direct ~“Divine”~ directive ~ to me ~ to do
~ as the “7th” verse says ~ in ending ~ ~“…warn them from Me.”~
And so ~ I have decided to do just that ~ to ~“warn you”~ from ~
~ “God is love.”~
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
All you can do ~ is consider it.
There is one last thing I ~“feel”~ I should ~ mention ~ about
the ~ “importance” ~ of ~“Ezekiel 33:”~ ~ before we move on.
A few weeks after I ~ anonymously ~ mailed my almost 700
letters. I was at the Smyrna, Library with my grandson’s, so they
could get a few books and videos and computer games. While
there, I decided to look for books about Nostradamus. While
walking down the isle where they were kept, I was stopping every
few feet to see if I had found them. About halfway down the isle,
I noticed that I was standing right in front of a large array of
Bibles and study Bibles. Seeing all of these Bibles and study
Bibles, I decided to “pick” one of the study Bibles to see if it
would shed more light on ~“Ezekiel 33:”~ I thought a study Bible
might give me a little more understanding and insight into ~
~ “Ezekiel 33:” ~
So, quickly scanning over all of the books, on the shelves, to
decide which one to pick. (And there must have been maybe 40 or
50 Bibles and study Bibles ~ on the 4 or 5 shelves.) I noticed that
almost all of the books were clad in very dark colors. And none of
them “grabbed” my attention ~ as I stood there looking at them.
But then ~ on one of the lower shelves ~ on the left ~ I
spotted one ~ that got my attention ~ just as soon as I saw it. It
was a very light cream color ~ almost white, and this is what drew
my attention to it first ~ the fact that it was a lighter and
brighter color, than most of the rest of the books. As I leaned in,
to get a closer look at it ~ I was “pleasantly surprised” to see
there was a “bird” a ~“White Dove”~ on the top of the spine of
the book. Seeing this “Bird” ~ this ~“White Dove”~ I immediately
remembered of all of the ~“mocking bird”~ ~”events”~ that had
been happening to me, since April 27th, of 2001. ~ So ~
~ So ~ “I?” ~ “picked” ~ this ~ “one”~ !
Out of all the 40 or 50 books sitting on the 4 or 5 shelves
their in front of me ~ “I?” ~ and ~ “no one else?” ~ decided to ~
“pick” ~ “this one”! No one handed “it” to me. No one pointed “it”
out to me. No one suggested that I should choose “this one”. ~
“I?” ~ and ~ “I alone?” ~ chose this ~“one”~ from amid the 40 or
50 other Bibles and study Bibles ~ on those 4 or 5 shelves.
When I picked it up, I immediately started trying to find
Ezekiel 33: I had no idea where it was in the Bible, and it took me
several minutes of fumbling through the study Bible just to find
the chapter. When I finally found the chapter of Ezekiel; I began
carefully turning the pages, because the pages are very, very
thin, because there are, I believe, 2,222 of them. When I finally
~ turned the page ~ to Ezekiel 33: I began reading, hoping to find
the added insight and understanding I had ~ hoped ~ I would find.
Ezekiel 33: started at the bottom of the left-hand page,
page 1202; so that’s where I started reading. The first ~“7”~
words of verse two are ~“Son of man, speak to the children …”~
they are also the last words on the left-hand page. So ~ as I
continued to read verse two ~ at the top left of the right hand
page, as I recall, I read through several of the verses, before I
decided I would start skipping around and just scan through the
rest of the chapter. I have a ~ somewhat ~ short attention span.
After quickly glancing through the rest of the verses on the
page, page 1203, as I reached up for the top right corner of the
page, to ~ turn the page ~ I saw that it was “dog eared”. For ~
approximately ~ 1.37167 seconds ~ this didn’t register with me. ~
~ To say the least ~ this really ~ really got my ~
~ attention! ~
I mean ~ I mean ~ I mean! ~ There I was ~ looking for
~“information”~ about ~Ezekiel 33:~ holding a ~ study Bible
Which ~“I?”~ had picked out ~ out of the 40 or 50 other Bibles
and study Bibles ~ on those 4 or 5 shelves! And the exact “thing”
that I was looking for ~Ezekiel 33:~ the exact chapter ~ the
exact ~ and ~ one ~ and only page in the book ~ of its 2,222 pages
~ that had the words ~“Ezekiel 33:”~ printed on them ~ as a
heading ~ this ~one~ and ~ only ~ page ~ is ~“dog eared?”~ !
What kind of ~“coincidence”~ is that? ~Divine~? Or ~ what?
~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!”~
~ “LOVE!”~
Today is January 16th, 2006, by ~“coincidence”~ while surfing
the net, I found a video that really got my attention when I read
its amazing title ~“FROM IRAQ TO EZEKIEL”~. Then looking
for a partially empty page to add this to my story, I find this
page and, it’s right below ~Ezekiel 33:~. On pg. 214 you can read
what the web site I found this on said about this video. ~ Again ~
~“Coincidence is Gods way of performing ... anonymously.”~
~ “JOB 6:8-11”~
After trying and failing ~ for almost two years ~ to write
~“anything”~ that I could come away from ~ feeling good enough
about ~ to use. ~“Anything”~ approaching a coherent thought and
statement ~ about ~these things ~ and also ~ being unable to find
anyone to help me ~ do this ~ to write this. I was almost at the
end of my ~“*hope”~ when ~ one night ~ I decided to dictate the
~“event”~ of seeing the ~“Angel”~ when I was in the first grade ~
into a tape recorder ~ as I drove to ~ “Baskin ~ Robbins” to get a
single scoop ~ “chocolate ~ almond” ~ ice-cream cone. I wanted
to see ~ if I could ~“simply”~ tell it ~ then ~“simply”~ sit down ~
and ~“simply”~ transcribe ~ what I had ~“simply”~
~ “spoken”~
So ~ as I drove ~ I ~“spoke”~ the ~“event”~ into my tape
recorder ~ as best I could. Then ~ when I got back home I sat
down and typed it “exactly” the way I had said it. It was OK. It
was a “fairly coherent” and clear statement about the ~“event”~.
After transcribing most of what I had said ~ I realized ~ I
had finally found a way to do this! ~ To get this story told! ~ To
“finally” get this done! And I was washed over with feelings of ~
great relief ~ much satisfaction ~ and overwhelming ~ ~“JOY”~. I
could not believe I had ~“finally”~ managed to find a way to ~
~ “Git it done!” ~
(Event #438)
After spending an hour or two, transcribing what I had
~“spoken”~. I decided to go down stairs, and sit down in my easy
chair, to relax and watch a little TV. As I sat there, feeling very
relieved ~ and very pleased ~ and very, very happy ~ with myself.
I started a little “conversation with ~“God”~”. I was just thinking
to myself ~ out loud ~ about the many ~“good”~ thoughts and
feelings I was feeling ~ after ~ “finally” ~ finding a way to do
this. ~ I guess what I was doing ~ was just ~ casually ~ praying.
In my ~“conversation”~ I thanked ~“God”~ for choosing me
to do this. And even though I still had a few “concerns” about the
~ “why me” ~ aspect of this. “Why?”! ~ “I” ~ had been chosen to
do this. I said I wasn’t going to let these ~ “concerns” ~ stop me.
I remember saying ~ several times ~ something like ~ “I ‘hope’ I
don’t fail You.” ~ “I ‘hope’ I don’t let You down.” ~ And in a general
way ~ expressing ~ over and over and over ~ “I hope” ~ “I hope” ~
“I hope”! ~ that ~ “eventually” ~ “finally” ~ I “would” be ~
~ “successful.” ~
After having this ~ “talk” ~ this “conversation with ~“God”~”
for a few minutes, I began trying to think of an “appropriate” way
to end it. Trying my best to think of a ~“prayerful”~ way to end
my ~ “casual” ~ “conversation with ~“God”~”. ~ I came up with ~
“I hope that I …?” ~ “that I …?” ~ “I … I …?” ~ “I …?” ~ “I…
~ what?”! I couldn’t think of a final word or phrase to put at the
end of ~ “I hope that I …”! After searching my soul and my
psyche for something “impressive” to end with I finally came up
with ~“hope”~! ~ “I hope ~ that I ~ hope!” ~ I liked it! ~ It
sounded – uh – “deep?” It had a ring of ~ “intellect?” ~ “maybe?”.
I wasn’t sure what it meant ~ but I sure liked the way it sounded.
~ “I hope ~ that I hope.” ~ “I hope that ~ I hope.” ~
~ “I hope ~ that I ~ hope.” ~
So ~ that’s how I ended my ~ “conversation with ~“God”~”.
~ “I hope ~ that ~ I hope.” ~
After ending my “conversation with ~“God”~” I ~ “was” ~
planning on going to bed. But as I reached to my right, to turn off
the lamp on the end table, I saw the book “101 Famous Poems”
lying on the table, and I remembered how, through ~“A.D.”~ I
had found the poem ~“Abou Ben Adhem”~ in the doctor’s office.
So I picked it up and began looking for it and two or three poems
I had found in this book ~ several times ~ using my ~“A.D.”~ my
~“Amateur Divination”~
As I reached to put it back, I noticed that it had been lying
on top of the study Bible I had found at the Smyrna, Library ~
about a year and a half earlier. You remember ~ the one I just
told you about ~ the one in which ~ “the one and only page” ~
“of the books 2,222 pages ~ that ~ “just happened to be” ~
“dog eared” ~ was ~ by ~“coincidence”~ ~Ezekiel 33:~ Seeing
the study Bible, I thought “I’ll?” try my ~“A.D.”~ with it ~and
see if “I?” find anything! As far as I can remember ~ I had never
tried my ~“A.D.”~ with this study Bible before ~ so ~ I did!
I picked up the study Bible ~ the ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~
and placed it on my lap. I closed my eyes and said a little prayer
before I opened it. And once again, I don’t remember if I just let
it fall open once, or if I flipped through the pages. I believe I
flipped through the pages ~ but either way ~ I then let my right
thumb slide down the edge of the right hand page until it came to
a stop. Then I opened my eyes and just above my thumb I read ~
~“That God would grant me the thing that I long for!”~ Then I
moved my thumb down one line and read ~ “That it would please
God to crush me,”~ I thought ~ wait ~ wait ~ a minute ~ “crush
me,”? Maybe we could just skip over this verse and go on to the
next one. Then I looked ~ and saw that the Bible had opened to ~
~ JOB 6:8 ~
The 8th verse is divided into two lines in the study Bible, and
my thumb had come to rest just beneath the second line of the
8th verse. So I went back and read the first half ~ and read ~
~“Oh, that I might have my request,”~ Then seeing that the
“crush me,” verse I had just read, was the first half of the 9th, I
read the rest ~“That he would loose his hand and cut me off!”~
Then I continued on to the 10th verse ~“Then I would still have
comfort; Though in anguish I would exult, He will not spare;
For I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.”~ Those
last eleven words ~“For I have not concealed the words of the
Holy One.”~ really got my attention. Although I had yet to do a
“competent” job of ~ “telling the world” ~ about ~these things ~
I had ~“not concealed the words of the Holy One.”~ I had
stood up in my Union meeting, and said that I had been allowed to
witness “absolute ~ undeniable ~ ‘physical’ proof of God.” I
hadn’t done it very well or very convincingly, but I had done it.
And I had also stood in a Quaker meeting and ~“spoken”~. And I
continued to ~“speak”~ ~these things ~ on a one on one basis.
~ ~“For I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.”~ ~
Then ~ I came to verse ~11~. And ~ when I read it ~
~ I knew ~ I knew ~ I knew ~ that once again. ~“I Am”~ had ~ to
have been in control of the pages as they opened ~ and ~ of my
right hand ~ as my thumb slid down the outside edge of page 715.
~ Here’s why.
Still ~“feeling”~ the little ~“thrill”~ I had received ~ reading
~ ~ “For I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.”~ ~
I had no way of knowing that I was about to receive a ~ second ~
~“thrill”~ that was going to be anything ~ but ~ “little” ~ as I ~
began reading the ~11th~ verse and read the following words ~
~ “What strength do I have that I should…
I mean! ~ I mean! ~ I mean!
There I am ~ all wrapped up in ~ trying as hard as I can ~
~“vexing”~ my heart and soul ~ over trying to think of a word ~ or
phrase ~ or ~ “something” ~ to go at the end of ~ “I hope that I
…?”~ for many “long” seconds ~ and ~ then ~ “finally” ~ after ~
“I?” ~ “think?” ~ of ~ “the!” ~ “perfect!” ~ “word!” ~“hope!”~
Just seconds later ~ through ~“A.D.”~ I ~ find Job 6:8 ~ which
~ I decide to read on down ~ to where ~ in ~ Job 6:11 ~ I find ~
~“What strength do I have that I should …
I mean! ~ I mean! ~ I mean!
What kind “coincidence” is that? ~“Divine”~? Or ~ what!
Oh yes ~ there’s one last thing ~ I almost forgot to mention ~
about the word ~“*hope”~ in Job 6:11. It’s the ~“asterisk”~
~“*”~. I think there ~ “might” ~ be some significance to it.
Being this study Bible ~ the ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~
which I found at the Smyrna, Public, Library ~ is ~ a ~ “study” ~
Bible. It naturally has reference ~ “asterisks” ~ all through it.
I just flipped through the Bible, expecting to see at least
two or three or four on each page ~ but I was surprised to see
that there aren’t that many. On the dozen or so pages I look at ~
I only saw maybe three or four of them. But ~ anyway.
I’m sure that when I found ~“*hope”~ in Job 6:8-11 ~ I
noticed this asterisk immediately. But I think it was probably
several weeks or months later before it occurred to me to see
what the ~“*”~ was referring to. So one day ~ I took the Bible ~
and looked ~ “very ~ very ~ closely” ~ ( it’s in very small print) for
the ~“11”~ in the reference column to see what ~ it was ~ it was
~ referring to. And there I read ~“11 *See WW at Mic. 7:7”~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ the first thing that got my attention, the
first time I did this was the ~“7:7”~ Instantly! It occurred to me
that “7:7” is my birthday. “Maybe?” there is some significance to
this “fact” and “maybe not?” I “personally” believe there is, but
everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. But ~ the second “thing”
that caught my attention, was the ~“WW”~. The first thing that
went through my mind, when I saw it, was that, “WW” stands for
“World War”. In this Bible ~ it stands for ~ “Word Wealth”.
This is just something I thought I would point out. You can
make up your own mind as to whether or not these “coincidences”
mean anything. All I can think to say about ~these things ~ is ~
~“Coincidence is Gods way of performing a miracle anonymously.”~
So sayeth “Anonymous”
When I started writing this “Synopsis of ~“EPIPHANY!””~ I had
not yet ~“experienced”~ these last two events. I have decided to
end this section on ~“A.D.”~ by telling you about them. They are
the first and second poems from my ~“INTRODUCTION”~ from
~ “101 FAMOUS POEMS” ~
~ “Abou Ben Adhem” ~
While driving to a doctors appointment one morning ~ for
some reason ~ I began thinking about the ~“event”~ of seeing the
~“Angel”~ in my bedroom ~ when I was in the first grade. It’s not
unusual for me to do this. From time to time I think about this
~“event”~ and that morning ~ was one of these times.
It took me 35 or 40 minutes to get to the doctors office, and
as I drove, I thought about this ~“event”~ all the way there. And
just as I have done with other ~“events”~ and ~ “situations” ~
involving ~these things ~ the more I thought about it ~ the more
~ “vivid” ~ my thoughts and my feelings became.
By the time I arrived at his office ~ I had completely relived
the entire ~“event”~ in my mind ~ several times. But ~ between
the time I got out of my car and the time I entered the waiting
room ~ for some reason ~ I completely forgot about seeing the
~“Angel”~ in the first grade ~ completely ~ forgot. I guess my
mind shifted to thinking about the health issue I was there for.
In the waiting room, looking for something to read, I saw a
copy of the book ~“101 FAMOUS POEMS”~ which I had looked
through several times before, there in his office. So I picked it
up ~ but before I opened it ~ for some reason ~ I decided to try
my ~“A.D.”~ with the little book. I don’t remember if I had done
this with this book before, or not. I think I had, but I’m not sure.
Anyway ~ I did it ~ and when I opened my eyes ~ I looked to see
what was under my right thumb ~ on the right hand page.
What I found was ~ “The Bells” ~ by Edgar Allen Poe. So, I
read the first two or three verses ~ and ~ they didn’t seem to
~“speak”~ to me. They didn’t impress me enough to make me want
to keep reading it ~ so I closed the book. But ~ after a few
seconds of thinking that ~ in a way ~ some of what I had read ~
did sort of deal with some of ~these things ~ I had been trying
to write about in this “book?” ~ I decided to find the poem again
and read a little more. The poem is two and a half pages long, and
I read about half way into the second page, before I decided to
stop again, because it really wasn’t saying anything to me. So I
turned back to the beginning of the poem, on page 83, and just as
I was about to close the book ~ I decided to look over on the
left hand page, page 82, to see ~ what ~ was ~ over ~ there.
In the middle of page 82, was a portrait of a young man. ~ A
young ~ James Henry Leigh Hunt. ~ And next to his picture above
his name ~ the words ~“Abou Ben Adhem”~. To the best of my
recollection, I had never heard or read this poem before in my
life ~ not that that makes any difference.
If you read my ~“INTRODUCTION”~ you know what this
poem is about. In the instant that I finished reading the fifth
verse ~“An Angel writing in a book of gold:”~ “Again” ~ “once
again!” ~ I was dealing with ~ thoughts ~ and ~“feelings”~ of ~
“Coincidence is God’s way of performing a miracle, anonymously.” ~
So sayeth ~Anonymous~
I mean ~ I mean ~ I mean! There I had been ~ for 35 or 40
minutes ~ deeply ~ and ~ earnestly ~ remembering an incident
that had happened 50 years ago ~ about waking up in the middle
of the night ~ one night ~ to see and ~“Angel”~ floating in the air
in my bedroom! And ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ less than fifteen minutes
after ~ completely ~ completely ~ forgetting about it. Here I am
reading a poem about a man who wakes up in the middle of the
night ~ one night ~ to see an ~“Angel”~ in his bedroom. What kind
of ~ “coincidence”~ is that? I mean ~ I mean ~ I mean! After all
the ~“coincidences”~ I had ~ experienced ~ I knew ~ I knew! ~
~ “There’s something happening here ~ what it is
ain’t exactly clear.” ~
Sure ~ it could have been just – “another” – “everyday” – “runof-the-mill” – “coincidence”. Yes ~ absolutely! And ~ “still” ~ after
all I had experienced ~ I was still willing to say that. Until ~ it ~
happened ~ again! A few weeks or a month or two ~ later ~ with ~
~ “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”~
A few weeks or a month or two ~ later ~ on my way to the
same doctor’s office ~ again ~ again ~ I had “something” on my
mind ~ that stayed on my mind ~ again ~ all the way to his office
~ during the 35 or 40 minute drive. But this time ~ when I got to
his office ~ and got out of my car ~ I didn’t forget about this
“something” ~ as I had done ~ with seeing the ~“Angel”~ when I
was in the first grade. This “something” was still on my mind ~ as
I walked into the waiting room ~ and ~ again ~ looked for
“something” to read. You know what happened next ~ don’t you!
Again ~ I saw the book ~“101 Famous Poems”~ lying on the
table with the usual other books scattered all around it ~ and
again I decided to picked it up and sit down with it ~ and again ~
with my ~“A.D.”~ on my mind ~ I closed my eyes and/or turned
my head turned ~ and opened the book. Then ~ when I opened my
eyes ~ I saw that my right thumb ~ was sitting just beneath ~
“The Gods of the Copybook
I wish I could remember at exactly what point I ~ realized ~
that the ~ “subject matter” ~ of this ~“poem”~ I was reading ~
was ~ the same ~ “subject matter” ~ of this ~“something”~ that
had been on my mind ~ all the way to the doctor’s office. But I
can’t. I can’t say for certain that it happened at any one moment.
I think it just kind of ~ “slowly” ~ dawned on me as I read it all
the way through. But I do remember ~ as I read the last verse ~
“As surely as Water will wet us, as surly as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and
slaughter return!”
especially the last “5” words ~ thinking and feeling almost the
exact the same thing I thought and felt when I read ~“Abou Ben
Adhem”~ just a few weeks earlier. That ~“again”~ I experienced
~“Coincidence is God’s way of performing a miracle,
So sayeth ~Anonymous~
If you don’t know what the ~ “something” ~ was that was on
my mind as I drove to the doctor’s office. It ~ was ~ and ~ is ~
~ “The Creature from Jekyll Island”~
~ 1010 ~
Before we move on to the next and final part of this, I have
one more very important ~“event”~ that I believe is the perfect
segue to these ~“wonders”~ and ~“signs”~ because of what
happened when my ~ “Amateur Divination” ~ failed to work one
night when I knew ~ when I ~“felt”~ I was absolutely supposed to
find ~ something. It’s ~ how ~ 1010 ~ wound up ~ finding me.
Also ~ it “worked out” well that I forgot to mention ~ 1010 ~
until ~‘Now!’ ~ Because ~ the –“entity”– that the books ~“The
Creature from Jekyll Island” ~ and ~“The Coming Battle”~ are
about ~ and the –“entity”– that the poem ~“The God’s of the
Copybook Headings”~ is about ~ this –“entity”– or –“entities”–
either are the –“entity”– of ~ 1010 ~ or –“they”– are a part of it.
And again: ~ In my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ opinion.
~ 1010 ~
One evening, about an hour or two before I went to bed, I
began to get the very strong and very persistent ~“feeling”~ that
I was supposed to find ~“something”~ that night. I just ~“knew”~
I was supposed to learn ~“something”~ that night ~ through my
~“Amateur Divination”~ my ~“A.D.”~ So I started trying. I began
with one of our Bibles, by opening it several times, the way I do
when I am trying to do my ~“A.D.”~ and found nothing that I felt
satisfied this persistent ~“feeling”~ that I was supposed to find
After trying six or seven times, and having no success with
the Bible, I picked up “Nostradamus And His Prophecies”, by
Edgar Leoni and opened it seven or eight times with the same
result of finding nothing that would satisfy this very, very strong
~“feeling”~ that ~ I knew ~ I knew ~ I was supposed to find ~
~“something”~. After not finding anything with Mr. Leoni’s book,
I tried my ~“A.D.”~ with three or four other books, and again
found nothing. So, as I stood in my bedroom, just about to turn
off the light, I thought ~ “Well ~ I guess I’m not going to find
anything tonight.” ~ even though I still had this very, very strong
~ “feeling!”~
So ~ standing in front of the wall switch for the ceiling light,
I turned off the light, and turned to my left to take my usual two
or three steps to the bed ~ and just before I reached the bed ~
I turned to my left to look at the clock to see what time it was. I
almost always look at the time, when I go to bed, to see how much
sleep I’m going to be able to get, before I have to get up. And I
always do this, when I have to go to work the next day, because I
have to get up at 4:30AM. And so when I looked ~ it saw it was ~
~ 10:10 ~.
In that instant ~ in the instant I saw 10:10 on my clock ~ I
realized that 10:10 was a quatrain! ~1010~! And as I stared at
the numbers realizing this ~ the glowing red numbers of ~10:10~
on the clock seemed to get bigger. They seemed to grow larger
and seemed to get closer to me. And also the deep red color
seemed to get brighter and more vivid! In that instant ~ I knew ~
I knew ~I knew ~ that ~1010~ was what I was supposed to find ~
that night. That the ~ “experience”~ of this ~“event”~ had been
~“given”~ to me ~ that night, because I was supposed to read ~
~ Century 10 ~ Quatrain 10 ~
So I did!
~ 1010 ~
Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,
Great enemy of the entire human race:
One who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or fathers,
In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.
When I finished reading ~1010~ I knew I had just read the
description of –“the third and final antichrist”– predicted by
~ Nostradamus ~.
For the last four and one half centuries ~ for the last 450
years ~ almost everyone who has interpreted Nostradamus’
prophecies have agreed that he predicted three –antichrists– who
would have devastating impacts on their world. And most of these
interpretations agree that the first was – Napoleon – the second
– Hitler – and –“the third and final antichrist”– was and still is a
~“mystery”~ since “he?” or “she?” or “it?” had not shown up yet.
To bring this segment on ~ 1010 ~ to a close. I am going to
~“simply”~ give you three quotes to read, I believe deal with this,
~ “mystery”~.
5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY,
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast
rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, . . . and upon his
heads the name of blasphemy.
“The seven men who attended the secret meeting on Jekyll
~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~
Island,” page 24.
“And I will shew wonders in heaven above,
and signs in the earth beneath;”
To bring this “Synopsis of ~“EPIPHANY!” ~” to a close, I will just
touch on three or four unexplained and unexplainable “physical”
“events” that have happened to me ~ and a few other people ~ I
will be talking about ~ in my story. In my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY” ~
laden opinion ~these things ~ could literally constitute ~ these ~
“…wonders in heaven above,
and signs in the earth beneath;”
~ “Christmas Eve ~ ’61 & ‘62” ~
On Christmas Eve of 1961 and 1962, our house filled up with a
~strange~ thick white smoke. And both times, I wound up having
to call the fire department. And both times, they couldn’t find
any source for the smoke. “Nothing!” ~ “Nothing at all!” This may
or may not have been a ~“Supernatural”~ occurrence. But it was
definitely a curious one. And it was definitely memorable. And, in
light of all of ~these things ~ it is definitely worth mentioning.
And again, the details of these two ~“events?”~ I will cover later.
~ “Poltergeist?” ~
In either 1966, or 1967, I had a Sunday school teacher who
had two ~“events”~ that occurred in the den of her home, which
she and her family witnessed. I remember how she came to
church and excitedly told everyone about them. After hearing
her describe the details of what happened, I remember I told
her that what they had had, was a ~“Poltergeist”~ experience.
What happened, was this: First a fireplace screen fell over,
~“all by itself”~. And then seven or eight trophies that were
sitting on the mantel above the fireplace, tipped over and fell off
the mantel ~ one at a time ~ in order ~ starting on the far end
~“all by themselves”~. And then a large picture they had hanging
above the mantel came up and over the nail it was hung on and fell
~“all by itself?”~. And then, later that same week, her daughter
~“witnessed”~ a pair of earrings her mother had left lying on top
of the TV in the den ~ rise up side by side, about a foot in the air
~“all by themselves”~ hover in the air for a few seconds and
then fly across the room together, very, very fast and hit the
wall at the end of their 40ft long family room with a loud pop.
They never tried to do anything with their experience. They
didn’t write a book or try to get a movie made about it. And in my
opinion, there is absolutely no way my Sunday school teacher and
her family, would make up such a story. None!
But, ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ let me tell you about an ~“event”~ that
happen in my home, in my den of ~ just a few weeks ago. (When I
wrote this, it was a just few weeks ago. But ~“Today, today,” ~
I think it has almost been a year.) My ~“event”~ was similar ~ but
not as dramatic, as my Sunday school teachers. But it was ~ and
still is ~ unexplained ~ and ~ unexplainable ~ through any physical
~ logical ~ or ~ rational means. Here is a short description of it.
As my wife and I were sitting in our den one day, I looked up
to see that about two feet off the floor, a foot long section of
the left hand side of the left hand curtain, over our large picture
window was ~ flapping ~ very ~ briskly. After I watched if for a
few seconds, I asked my wife what was causing the curtain to do
that! What was making it ~ flap ~ like that? The picture window is
sealed shut, and there is absolutely no way any air could have
been getting through it and blowing the curtain. And ~ there is
absolutely no way any air could have been coming through the
door right next to the curtain, because it was shut. And what
makes this ~“event”~ ~“supernatural”~ is the fact that there is
absolutely no “logical” and/or “physical” way to explain the fact
that the rest of the left hand curtain and also the right curtain
stayed absolutely, perfectly still while the foot long section of
the left curtain continued to flap, very, very briskly. There was
absolutely no movement of any part of the rest of the curtains.
None! Not even the slightest little bit. It looked like someone was
holding the edge of the curtain above and below the one-foot
section that was flapping very briskly. It is impossible for this to
be anything other than a ~ “spiritual” ~ experience. And I guess it
could have also been a ~ “poltergeist” ~ experience too. I guess.
Anyway, my wife watched it for a few seconds ~ then got up
~ walked over to it ~ grabbed it ~ and it stopped! When I saw it
had stopped ~ I immediately started hoping it would start up
again ~ but it didn’t. If it had started again ~ I was going to get
my camera and film it. But ~“sadly?” ~ it ~ didn’t.
For several months I couldn’t understand “why” this had
happen. And “why” it didn’t start back up again. So I could film it!
“Why? ~ Oh ~ Why!”
I could have really used film of this ~ “absolutely” ~
“impossible” ~ “thing” ~ that happened the way it did. I could have
really used the film of this curtain was flapping ~ as ~“proof?”~
of ~these things ~ that I had been claiming ~ were going on
around me. Why would it only happen ~ once ~ and not again?
Then ~ just a few weeks ago ~ the ~“Why!”~ finally dawned
on me. “Why” it had happened just that one time and not again. In
my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion. ~“God ~ The
Spiritual Realm”~ and/or ~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ was
trying to teach me something. To teach me ~“Why”~ I need to
When my wife got up and walked over to the curtain and
grabbed it, if I had ~“spoken”~ and ~“simply”~ said ~ “Don’t
touch it!” maybe ~ just maybe ~ it would have continued to flap ~
long enough ~ for me to film it. But ~ because I didn’t ~“speak”~
I lost what I could and should have had. If only I had been bold
enough to ~“speak”~ maybe ~ just maybe ~ it would still be
flapping ~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~. We’ll never know! ~
~ “On this side ~ of the ~ Veil”~
~ William Marrion Branham ~
A few months ago ~ (When I wrote this, it was a few months
ago. ~‘Now! ‘Now!’ ~ it’s been over a year ago.) ~ I told someone I
work with, who I knew was very religious, about some of ~these
things ~. As I told him about some of my experiences, I noticed
he started smiling and acting like he was becoming more and more
interested in what I was saying. When I finished, he told me that
some of the things I had said I had experienced, sounded similar
to some things that had happened to a man by the name of ~
William Marrion Branham ~ . Until that moment ~ I had ~ never ~
ever ~ heard of this man before ~ in my life.
A few weeks later, I found his life story on the Internet, and
was very intrigued, when I found a few ~ “similarities” ~ between
his early life and mine. I won’t go into to any of details about his
story ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ I will save that for later. But after reading
about his life and the many, many things that happen to and
around him, I have come to the conclusion that ~these things ~
that happened to and around him ~ are probably ~ part of these ~
“wonders in heaven above,
and signs in the earth beneath.”
Some of ~these things ~ that happened to and around him,
were experienced and witnessed by thousands of people; and
some were even ~ photographed ~ and ~ published ~ nationally.
Speaking of photographs ~ I will ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ tell you
about one last ~ but ~ “very important?” ~“coincidence”~ of how
the life of William Marrion Branham is ~ “very similar” ~ to mine.
While surfing the web for information about his life, I found
a photograph of him taken when he was in his early 20’s. When I
enlarged the photo, on the website, to get a better look at it ~ I
was ~ astonished ~ and ~ astounded! ~ He looked just like me! ~
When I was in my early 20’s! ~ We could have been ~ twins! I
really don’t think this was just another ~“coincidence”~ unless! ~
~“Coincidence is God’s way of performing a miracle anonymously.”~
So sayeth ~ Anonymous
You can get a free copy of a book about the early years of his
life that contains the picture of him that looks so much like me,
on the web at www.livingwordbroadcast.org.
Speaking of Photographs
Several times ~ over the last few months ~ I told a friend of
mine about several of my experiences, but he never did act like
he was too impressed. But, a few weeks ago he came up to me one
day and told me that a woman, who we both know, told him, that
she was also having ~“experiences”~ very similar to mine, of a
~“Supernatural”~ nature. “And! ~ They involved Nostradamus!!”
And!! She had ~ ~“photographs”~ of them!!! So naturally, I
called her up that night and talked to her. She mainly talked
about one particular picture she had and what she believed was in
She said that the main “images” were in a mirror just behind
one of her grandchildren whose last name is “Pentecost”. When
she mentioned her grandchild, I remembered that I also had a
picture of one of my grandchildren that I had taken two
Christmas’ ago ~ in 2002 ~ that had ~“something”~ unusual in
them. So I found them and took them with me when I went to see
her photographs. I won’t go into detail about this ~’Now!’ ~. I will
wait and do that later on, when I “tell the story”. I just thought I
would bring it up it ~‘Now!’ ~ because I believe they probably are
a part of ~these things ~ which I believe could be ~
~“wonders in heaven above,
and signs in the earth beneath;”~
~“I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh:”~
I have the negatives of my photos and if anyone is interested
in studying them. I welcome all interested parties.
Also, one last thing about these two photographs: These
pictures were probably taken within 24 to 48 hours of my
experiencing the ~“feeling”~ of movement on the top of my head.
These two occurrences, I am sure, are just another one of these
~“Coincidence is God’s way of performing a miracle anonymously.”~
I have many, many more of ~these things ~ of these
~“events”~ to tell you about, which I will cover in the story ~
which could ~ in my opinion ~ absolutely ~ be ~“signs”~ and
~“wonders”~. Especially ~ this last one ~ which I have already
extensively covered in ~“FOREWARNED”~ But since I wrote this
account first, and it is ~ very ~ very ~ important, I have “chosen”
to leave it in. Please don’t skip over this. It has new information.
Remember ~ I believe ~ I have been ~“called”~ to ~“speak”~ to ~
~ “…warn them from Me.” ~
Ezekiel 33:7
~ “Anointed?”~
What I am going to tell you about ~’Now!’~ is something I
mentioned in my ~“PRE~RAMBLE”~ I would talk about ~“later”~.
Well ~“later”~ is ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
This something is something that began happening to me on
Christmas Eve of 2002, and has continued to happen ~ to me ~ on
and off ~ ever since. It’s happening right ~‘Now!’ ~ just a little.
And ~‘Now!’ ~ just a little more. When this started, it only took
me a few minuets to realize what it ~“might”~ be. Then ~ as it
continued ~ I came to the ~“conclusion”~ the ~“realization”~ that
~“maybe?”~ just ~“maybe?”~ I was ~ being ~“Anointed?”~ !
~ I was being ~ “Anointed?”~ !
Whatever was going on ~ I ~ “concluded” ~ that it was “just”
another one of ~these things ~ that had been happening to me. I
didn’t know ~“Why”~ it was happening ~ I just knew it was!
Every year, I always save some of my Christmas shopping for
Christmas Eve. There is something ~ magical ~ and ~“spiritually”~
~ “electric” ~ in the air, on many people’s faces and in their eyes,
on Christmas Eve. With everyone rushing around trying to find
those last minute gifts ~ the ~ “moment” ~ has ~ an ~ “innocent” ~
~ “childlike” ~ ~ “Dizzney” ~ feel ~ to it.
Well ~ sometime that afternoon on December 24th, of 2002 ~
as I was walking through Hickory Hollow Mall, in Nashville, TN,
“enjoying” my last minute shopping. All of a sudden ~ I felt this
feeling that felt like something was crawling around ~ in my hair ~
on the top of my head ~ under my hat. I immediately assumed
that it was a bug or a spider or ~ something ~ and I instantly
pulled off my, Red Cross, Blood Donor, Titans baseball cap and
briskly brushed my hand back and forth across the top of my
head ~ through my thinning hair ~ to knock it off ~ what ever it
was ~ up there ~ crawling around ~ on the top of my head.
I immediately looked inside my ball cap to see if it was still in
there. Not finding anything ~ I looked all around me on the mall
floor, to see if there was anything crawling away, on the floor.
Seeing nothing on the mall floor ~ I checked my hat again to make
sure that it was still empty. Then I put my cap back on my head
and started on my way. I only made it a short distance ~ when ~
this happened ~ again. And again ~ I went through the exact same
scenario ~ with the same exact result.
After the third or fourth time this happened ~ I stopped
taking off my hat. I did however reach up and pull my hat upwards
on top, to make sure that the top was not falling down ~ touching
the top of my head. And it wasn’t! And this ~“event”~ continued
~ all afternoon. After several hours of this, I just accepted it
like all the other ~“unexplained events”~ of ~these things ~ that
have been happening ~ to ~ and around me ~ over the last few
years. I had to accept it ~ there was nothing I could do. I had no
way to make it stop.
~‘Now!’ ~ I’m not sure if this next thing happened that same
day ~ or if it came later. But either that day, or a few days, or
maybe a few weeks later, I began to smell a very strong and
strange and pungent odor. It smelled like some sort of spice, or
incense. Very soon after I started to smell this smell, because of
the thought that ~ “maybe?” ~ “just maybe?” ~ what I was
experiencing ~ was an ~“anointing”~. I had the thought that
maybe this smell, was the smell of the oil that it says in the Bible,
they used when anointing someone’s head with oil.
That’s what I thought. That’s the thought I had. That’s the
thought that came to me. All I am doing here ~ is trying to tell
you ~ as best I can ~ what I have experienced. What has
happened to me ~ and ~ why ~ I ~ believe ~ it ~ is ~ happening.
Unfortunately, I no longer smell this smell. It has completely
stopped. Completely gone away. I would gladly welcome it back, if
it ever starts up again ~ but I don’t think it’s going to. Maybe it
will. I ~“*hope”~ it does. I really ~“*hope”~ it does. But let’s get
back to this feeling of ~“something”~ moving ~ in my hair!
A few months ago, either on TV or on the radio, I heard
someone ask a strange question. They asked ~“Have you ever
felt an ~“Angel”~ playing with your hair?”~ I wish I could
remember when and where I heard this, but I can’t. All I
remember ~ is hearing it. Maybe this is what is happening to me ~
maybe not. One day ~“we”~ will ~ know ~ for sure ~ I am sure.
Ever since this ~“feeling”~ started happening to me, on
Dec.24th, of 2002, it has continued to happen ~ on and off. And it
has happened and continues to happen ~ (It’s happening right
~‘Now!’ ~ just a little.) ~ so often ~ that almost all of the times
have become one big blur. Except for two times that standout.
The first one is a Sunday morning in May of 2003, as I stood
and ~“spoke”~ about my mocking bird experiences, in a Quaker
worship service. As I ~“spoke”~ the top of m head ~“felt”~ like it
was getting very hot. And it also felt as if the top of my head was
“physically” changing shape. I know how that sounds, but it is
~“simply”~ the thought that occurred to me ~ while I was
~“speaking”~ and especially later on when I was able to feel the
top of my head. I will talk more about this experience, in the
course of the story.
And the second time happened just a couple of weeks ago,
and I will ~“speak”~ about it ~Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~
About two weeks ago, I was surfing the net at the Smyrna,
Library, when I found a link to a site that was advertising a book
entitled ~“The Coming Battle”~. According to the website ~ the
book was last published in 1899. It has not been published in over
~ “100 years”~
As I was sitting there reading what the book was about ~ in
the exact same instant ~ that I ~ realized ~ “what” ~ the book
was about! That feeling on top of my head started to happen
again ~ very strongly. It was absolutely the strongest ~“feeling”~
of movement on the top of my head that I had or have ever felt
since ~these things ~ began to happen. So ~ for that reason ~ I
took this as a sign that the subject matter of this book was ~
important ~ ! Very ~ important ~ ! Very ~ very ~ important ~ !
Later, it dawned on me this was the reason “why” the feeling
on top of my head began ~Christmas Eve~ of 2002 ~ happen in
the first place. ~“God ~ The Spiritual Realm”~ has decided to
work this way for ~“eternally mysterious”~ reasons. I believe.
Can you guess what it was about? The book I was reading.
Well ~ it was about? –“The Federal Reserve”– ! About ~exactly~
the same thing ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ is about.
About ~all~ the many ~“enormous adulteries”~ –“they”– are
~“stained with”~ that are mentioned in Nostradamus’ quatrain ~
~ 1010 ~
In my opinion ~ in my “Epiphany!”~ laden ~ opinion ~ the most ~
“pressing” reason for ~these things ~ that have happened to me,
is so I could ~warn you~ about “who” –“the real terrorist”–
–“really”– are.
I truly believe that ~“God ~ The Spiritual Realm”~ and/or ~
~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~ has reached into our world ~ this
~“Required ~ Realm”~ ~“The Physical Realm”~ and ~“called”~ me
to ~“warn you”~ ~ “warn them from Me.”~ about this ~ coming ~
~ Which could very possibly be ~ the cross roads of ~
~ “Revelation”~
~ Which could very possibly be ~ upon you and me ~ upon ~ us ~
~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today,”~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!”~
~ “LOVE!” ~
~ LOVE! ~
“A point in time, especially a critical point. See synonyms
at crisis.”
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that
unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my
country . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of
corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of
the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon
the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a
few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864
~ 1010 ~
Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,
Great enemy of the entire human race:
One who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or fathers,
In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.
5 And upon her forehead was a name written,
It is my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion ~ that as far
back as 150 years ago – some – of –“the architects of capitalism”–
and -“the architects of greed”– slowly began to realize – even as –
“they”– were laying the foundations of – “our?” – revolutionary
structure of –“Industrialized Capitalism”– that – “what goes up –
must come down”. I believe –“they”– knew that the – oil and gas
fired – “consumer driven engine” – of – “consumption” – that – “we”
– were hard at work – “building” – “for us all?” – would eventually –
“consume itself” – right along with the worlds natural resources –
as it polluted and poisoned the earth’s environment. And – these –
–“architects of capitalism”– these –“architects of greed”– along
with many, many other people, were able to very accurately
calculate the approximate time that this – “decay of Capitalism” –
this – “downsizing of Capitalism” – would begin. And –“they”– and
Mr. Orwell knew it would arrive ~“(lo it will come)”~ very near ~
~ “1984”! ~
“They” also knew “what” the response of ~“we the people”~
would be to this –“decay of capitalism”–. “They” knew it would be a
very strong ~ “hard left” ~ “re-turn” ~ to ~“Social Democracy!”~
“They” knew that when faced with the very, very uncertain future
of –“the decay of Capitalism”– ~“we the people”~ would ~ vote ~
for representatives who would pass the laws necessary to provide
the food, clothing, shelter, and health care ~“we the people”~
would need, as we made our way through this coming ~ Juncture.
“They” knew that providing this food, clothing, shelter, and
health care for the earths 6,400,000,000 + people would require
~ “everyone’s” ~ “assets”! ~ “Especially” –“their”– “assets”! “They”
knew this would consume everything –“they”– possessed. Faced
with this – “very unpleasant scenario” – “they” have “chosen” –not–
to ~“Love thy neighbor as thyself”~. But instead ~ to become ~
~ “Stained with murder and enormous adulteries”~
And so –“they”– sat down “together” and came up with a “plan”
to bring about “the end of ~Democracy~”. So –“they”– could rule
over us, while holding on to –“their assets”– at this Juncture ~ of ~
“Fascism is Capitalism in decay.”
I have been struggling ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ on and off, I know for
over a year with this “Synopsis of Juncture” And in this year, I
have written and rewritten many, many “things” in trying to write
anything, as with my ~“INTRODUCTION”~ I felt it, good enough
to use. And at last ~ I believe ~ I finally have! With the help of ~
~ “God is love.”~
I could sit here for many, many more hours and days and even
weeks, trying “my best?” to ~“speak”~ much, much more about my
beliefs about this Juncture. But I already have. And I would just
wind up getting hopelessly lost ~ again ~ in my thoughts and my
very good intentions ~ as I already have. So, after waking from a
very disturbing dream, of falling and failing at this ~ again. I have
decided to just let you read what I have already written about
this Juncture and move on with “Synopsis of NOSTRA 1999 DAMUS 9111”
~ “God is love.”~
In case my thoughts were not “clear” about what I believe is
happening in the world ~“Today, today,” ~ in closing, I will try to
sum them up again. And I ~“*hope” ~ they will be a little clearer.
I believe that – “the elements” – “the entities” – of –“greed”–
especially within the framework of ~“wealth and power”~ have
been working on a –“conspiracy”– for a least the last one hundred
years. That will enable –“it”– to hold onto –“its”– –“wealth and
power”– as this Juncture of the “decay” and “downsizing” of “our”
capitalism takes place around us. And in order to do this, in order
to hold onto –their– “wealth and power” –“they”– “have” – to bring
~Democracy~ to an end. And in my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden
opinion ~ the only force on earth that is a direct threat to – “the
elements” – of –“greed”– especially within ~“wealth and power”~
out side of – armed insurrection – and ~“Divine Intervention”~ is
~Democracy~ ~“the will of the people”~ ~“we the people”~. And
~Democracy~ is ~ in a “very” real way ~“Divine Intervention”~.
In my opinion ~ in my ~ “EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion.
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ “one” of the things I believe you must do, to
“stealthily” and “quietly” bring ~Democracy~ to and end, is to gain
as much control over what ~“we the people”~ “think” as possible.
And the only way to “peacefully ~ humanely” make others think
what you want them to think, is control –“most of what they see”–
–“most of what they hear”– and –“most of what they read”–. And
if possible – their level of intelligence – and the clearness of their
thought process. In this way ~“they”~ can be turned, to –“they”– !
And one of the things –“they”– knew –“they”– absolutely had
to do, in order to control what ~“we the people”~ saw, heard, and
read was – “effectively” – “silence” – “their opposition”; not all the
opposition, just its most influential and charismatic leaders. And
they have done this. They have accomplished this. And it’s not all
that hard to do. All you have to do – is make someone an offer –
they can’t refuse. And if they do – make them an example.
As you will read in ~“Road Map of Events”~ when I was in
Junior High, I was watching a movie one day, when I heard a line
that strongly ~ “implanted” ~ and ~ “embedded” ~ “itself” ~ in my
mind ~ in my psyche ~ in my soul ~ into me. I don’t remember the
name of the movie. I believe it was a political thriller kind of like
~ “Seven Days in May”. It may have been “Seven Days in May” ~
I’m not sure. But I do remember ~ the line ~ from the movie ~
~ “If you kill the Shepherd~ the flock will~
~ scatter.”~
This is what –“they”– have been doing, for a long - long time. I
believe this is why JFK was assassinated ~ along with a multitude
of other ~ “effective” ~ “charismatic” ~ “left leaning” ~ leaders
and ~ influencers ~ of ~“World Peace”~ before and after JFK.
And in my opinion, in my ~“Epiphany!” ~laden opinion I believe
~“God”~ has ~“called”~ me to tell you this ~ to ~“speak”~ to ~
~ “warn them from me.”~
Ezekiel 33:7
–“They”– cannot let ~“World Peace”~ break out. If it does “they”– know that –“they”– will be out of office. –“They”– know–
“they”– will lose the things –“they”– worship and serve ~ which is
- Mammon! –
There is a book entitled ~“Blinded by the Right”~ by David
Brock that I believe clearly states this. I haven’t read the book ~
yet ~ I am trying to get mine “done” first. But by ~“coincidence”~
I did happen to seen an interview with him on C-Span one day,
and during the interview, he basically said the – “right” – “knows”
the only way it can continue to grow and flourish, and stay in
power – is when –“they”– have – someone – or – something – for ~
~“we the people”~ to – hate – and to – fear –. And they have been
hard at work for a long, long time ~ preparing –“this”– for ~ us.
Beleive it or not ~ George Orwells “1984” ~ has come to life.
And in my opinion, in my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, this Juncture of
the “decay” and the “downsizing” of “Capitalism” ~ “is” ~ what the
last book of the ~Bible~ the book of ~“Revelation”~ is about. And
I believe that Armageddon and the great tribulations mentioned
in the book of ~“Revelation”~ may very well be ~ a part of this ~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!” ~
~ “LOVE!” ~
~“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not
able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to
destroy both soul and body in hell.”~
Matthew 10:28
There are two more ~“things”~ that I am going to talk about
before I bring this ~“Synopsis of Juncture”~ to a close. The first
is 9/11 and the second one – was such a disturbing thought ~ I ~
couldn’t add it to my ~“Road Map of Events”~ when it occurred. I
really and truly don’t want to say what I am going to say, about it.
But since ~“I know”~ beyond any shadow of any doubt, I have
been ~“called”~ by ~“God”~ to ~“speak”~ about –“these things”–
because ~“I know”~ that ~“God”~ has allowed me to experience
and witness ~these things ~. ~ “I know” ~ “I must” ~“simply”~
~ “speak straight words.” ~
Writing the above paragraph, I was reminded of the quote
that I chose to end the paragraph with. It was one that I heard
the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan give, in a speech to the
National Press Club, on C-Span, on May 3rd. 2004. So I looked it up
and found the quote was in the second and third, paragraphs, at
the very beginning of his speech.
With these two paragraphs, he prepared his audience for the
“very disturbing” “things” he was about to say. He did this by
claiming the same thing I am claiming, that he has been and is
being called by ~“God”~ to ~“speak”~ about –“these things”–. His
exact words are ~“Almighty God Allah demands of us in the
Holy Koran that we ~ speak straight words.”~ And so, I have
decided to use his words again, to try to prepare you for –“these
things”– I am about to say, to you. Here are his two paragraphs.
“America has entered a great time of trouble and when
one is in trouble, money cannot help. Power cannot help. Right
guidance is absolutely and vitally necessary.
Therefore, I am privileged to have this opportunity to
speak to the president of the United States, the government
of the united States, the people of the United States and
the world, not with diplomatic language, because we don’t
need diplomacy, we need straight words. And Almighty God
Allah demands of us in the Holy Koran that we ~
~“speak straight words.”~
So ~ this is what I intend to do ~ as best I can ~ I will ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ ~“speak straight words.”~
~ “God is love.”~
Within just a few minutes, of being told that two planes had
flown into the twin towers of the WTC, I had the thought, that
“maybe” it was part of this –“conspiracy”– which I have believed –
for years – has been – all around ~ us ~ and all about ~ us ~ for at
least the last hundred years. The reason this thought occurred to
me, was because I instantly recognized that this “horror” would
get the nation behind our President almost 100%. And – it – did.
On September 10th, 2001, Bush’s approval rating was 49% and
falling. September 12th, 2001, Bush’s approval rating was 94% and
rising. To take a line from the two page three sided flyer that I
anonymously mailed right at the end September of 2002: “How
much God forsaken unforgivable “good luck” can they just keep
falling into. The answer is it’s not good and it’s not luck.”
Then, just a few seconds after hearing that the Twin Towers
had completely – collapsed – and envisioning the “absolute horror”
of this in my mind. I knew! I knew! I knew! This had been – set up
– to do – just what it did: To inspire a nation to go to war. Then ~
in that same week ~ after finding and reading an article, in USA
Today, about how the Twin Towers had been constructed; the
architectural design that was – “chosen” – for their construction.
I saw – the chances – that I might be wrong about this being part
of some – “very vast” – conspiracy – diminish to almost nothing. It
became very “clear” to me that –“the architects of greed”– had
made damned sure that –“the architecture of total collapse”–
and –“world war”– had been chosen for – the Twin Towers. Here
is a quote about the WTC towers from the book “Skyscrapers”,
by Andres Lepik, pg. 94: “its design was of minimalist severity.”
Several hours after the attack, and the collapse, someone I
work with “maybe?” ~“ootp?”~ “publicly” made the comment that
~“Bush had done this.”~ I was trying to find the courage to say
this myself ~ but I was unable to. I was amazed when this man
said it. I was ashamed that I was too ~“small and weak”~ to ~
~ “speak”~
Just recently, someone ~“ootp?”~ advised me against putting
what I have just said, in my story. They said I should just stick to
the ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ part of this story. To the absolute, undeniable,
~“spiritual”~ and “physical” proof that I have been allowed to
witness, of the existence of ~“God”~ They said I should stay
away from my conclusions and opinions about this Juncture.
I wish I could. I would love to be able to just tell you about
~“The greatest ~ Good News”~ that any person could ever hope
to be given the chance to give and/or receive. “If” all I had been
~“called”~ to tell you about was the ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ part of this
story ~ I could have had this done two or three years ago. But I
believe I have been called to tell you everything. And so ~ I will. I
will ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~”Today, today,” ~ tell you “this second
thing”, which I know, is going to be, very hard, for me to say, to ~
~ “speak” ~
“this second thing”
A year or two after I got my first computer, in the fall of
1999, I was surfing the net one day ~ when ~ by ~ “coincidence” ~
I found a website put up by some woman. As I read what her site
was about, I remember thinking ~ that what she was saying ~
was absolutely absurd!
(Event #123)
According to her, “the government”, “our government?” was
installing small “low yield nuclear devices” deep in the ground, in
and around fault lines, to create earthquakes. See ~ event #556!
Like I said, my first response to reading this, was an absolute
rejection of this absurd idea. Why? Why would “the government”,
“our government” possibly do anything as “evil” as “heinous” as
this. And I also remember thinking if it would even possible to do
this. And if it was ~ wouldn’t there be some way to detect it was
being done. Check out ~ event #516. Maybe there is evidence!?!
Since then, there have been many “things” I have seen and
heard about this possibility, that support the idea that this may
be happening. For one thing, I heard on the news the other day
that the number of earthquakes has dramatically increased since
the 1940’s. Maybe it just a “coincidence” that since we have had
the atomic bomb, the numbers of earthquakes have risen sharply
~ and maybe not. And then ~ maybe it’s ~Bible~ ~prophecy~ of
the book of ~“Revelation”~ come to pass. One day ~ we will know.
I just ~“felt”~ I needed to mention this, especially after the
absolute horror of the earthquake and resulting tsunami on the
day after Christmas last year. Thinking this ~ boggles the mind ~
to even consider that there could be “anyone” so “evil” that would
even consider doing something like this – “for whatever reason or
reasons”. But if, as I believe –“They”– are out there, trying to
conquer the world. Then anything is possible. – And it’s not over?
“Today” ~ is March 6, 2005. Just about a half-hour ago I
stopped writing this to eat a little lunch. And as usual, I turned on
C-Span, to see if there was anything “relevant” on. Guess what I
found. I found one ~ Dr. Helen Caldicott ~ being interviewed on
“In Depth” on C-Span 2, Book TV. And when I turned it on by
~“coincidence”~ she was talking about the very real “nuclear”
threat this world is living under. After listing to her for just a
few minutes, I was saying how absolutely amazing and absolutely
right ~ her “conclusions” ~ and ~ her “opinions” ~ were and are.
Because of what I just heard her say, and still am hearing her
say, as I have retuned to writing this; I have decided to send her
all of what I have tried to write over the past two or three years
and see if she will help me finish this “book?”. To help me get it to
the point that I can present this as an acceptable book. I will still
continue to work on this, I have just decided to seek her help ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
But listing to her, just ~‘Now’! ‘Now!’ ~ about her beliefs on
Religion and Christianity and the Bible, I am not sure she will want
to help me with this. But ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ when I heard her say
that the statements of ~Jesus Christ~ to ~“Love”~ to ~“Love
your enemies.”~ were the two greatest “commandments” ever
spoken in all of human history. I think she may just decide to help
me, after all. I will send this to her ~ next week ~ maybe.
Stay tuned!
But to get back to the possible use of small “low yield”
nuclear devises to “create” earthquakes. I would just like to end
my thoughts on this with another quote from the speech that I
heard on May 3rd, 2004, by Lewis Farrakhan. This quote, mainly
deals with 9/11, but it also applies to the possibility of using
nuclear bombs to create man made earthquakes. I will simply give
you the quote, without any further comment. Here is the quote. ~
~ “I believe that President Bush did not know of 9/11 in
advance. However, had he not been so preoccupied with the
neo-conservative idea of Iraq he might have been able to
connect the dots of the many warnings that were coming to
America from her friends around the world, and avoid the
tragedy of 9/11. He might have been able to direct the FBI
and the CIA to bring him whatever intelligence they had that
would have allowed his administration to connect the dots.
Now, this is just my belief. I believe that even though he
didn’t know, somebody knew. And those who knew, knew that
if this happened it would put President Bush and the
administration in the position that would allow them to fulfill
the aim of the neo-conservatives.
Now, you may not agree. Minister Farrakhan, do you think
that anyone would be so wicked as to allow the deaths of
3,000 Americans and non-American citizens to pursue a
political and economic objective? Forty-four years ago, the
Honorable Elijah Mohammad said to me, “Brother Farrakhan,
you cannot fathom the depth of Satan.” And those of us who
can’t think like that would never believe that a human being
was capable of planning the deaths of innocent people to
further a political and an economic objective.” ~
The rest of this ~“Synopsis of Juncture”~ is what I had
already written, over the course of the last year or so, before I
decided it wasn’t good enough to use. But because I have spent so
much time on it, I have decided to include it, here at the end of
this ~ instead of just simply throwing it away.
It basically says the same things you have already read, but
with other thoughts and statements ~ maybe ~ less effectively.
If you want to skip it, do so. But, like I said. I just spent so
much time on it. I hate to just throw it away. And even though I
think it’s probably not as good as what you just read. I think
there probably are some ~ “things” ~ in it that are worth reading.
I just spent the last hour or two going over and “re-tweaking”
my, below, discarded “Synopsis of Juncture”. and I think it would
be worth your time to read it. It does basically say the same
things ~ but there are some ~ “things” ~ in it ~ worth reading.
Also ~ here is just one last thought, I thought I would put at
the end of this, somewhere down below. But since I have the
space to add it here, I will add it here.
I once read that Orwell’s “1984” was considered, by some to
be “satire”. I believe it’s ~“PROPHECY”~ come to life. I believe
that ~“God”~ used Eric Arthur Blair ~ “George Orwell” ~ as a
minor modern day prophet. With each passing day, the well-known
pseudonym ~ for ~ Eric Arthur Blair ~ George Orwell ~ sounds
less and less like a name, and more and more like a question. A
question that you must ~“choose this day”~ who you will serve ~
– George –
- or -
~ Well?! ~
~“choose this day whom ye will serve.”~
Joshua 24:15
~“No servant can sere two masters: … Ye
cannot serve God and mammon.”~
Luke 16:13
~“as for me and my house, we will serve
the Lord.”~
Joshua 24:15
~“The Lord is God ”~
1 Kings 20:28
~“God is love.”~
1 John 4:8
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today,”~
(An earlier version)
“A point in time, especially a critical point. See synonyms
at crisis.”
For over a year ~‘Now!’ ~ I have been very unsuccessfully
trying to write this ~“Synopsis of Juncture”~. And for some
reason or reason’s I have had a very, very hard time with trying
to do this. Trying to ~“Git it done!”~ And so ~“Today, today,” ~
February 28th, of 2005, I will ~“again”~ try to ~“simply”~ state,
as ~“simply”~ and as ~“clearly”~ as I can ~ my beliefs about this ~
~ Juncture~
I had already come to many of these conclusions, about this
~Juncture~ long before I knew to call it a ~Juncture~. And also
long before I realized I was being approached by ~“God”~ with
“EPIPHANY!” ~. And/or by ~“EPIPHANY!” with ~“God”~ however ~“It”~
~“Is”~. But shortly after coming to the realization that I was
being approached by and with ~these things ~ I came to the
conclusion that my conclusion’s were being ~“Divinely Approved”~.
So ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ I will ~ “try” ~ “again” ~ to
share them with you. And as I believe I have already said, several
times. If I have already covered some of this, in one way or
another, please forgive me. I am doing the best that I can. I ~
It is my opinion, my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden, laymen’s opinion that
our world, is most certainly, more than likely, with all probability,
~“at this time”~ standing ~ right ~‘Now!’ ~ ~“at this moment”~
~“at this Juncture!”~ right smack dab in the middle of ~ in the
center of ~ the ~“Apocalyptic?”~ crossroads, of the book of
~“Revelation”~. Which I believe is; an “unavoidable?” intersection
of “legacies” ~ “mostly of our own making?” ~ of at least four,
and maybe more, simultaneously converging, man made highways!
Highways, that many, many people, both great and small, have
known, for many, many years, maybe as long as a hundred years or
more, would inevitably converge upon each other, and ~“US”~ at
this time ~“at this Juncture!”~ ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
at or near the end of the 20th Century. And in my opinion ~ in my
~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ opinion ~ four of these major highways are:
1. Over Population! – Seemingly, continually, uncontrollable,
ever growing ~ and ~ unstoppable!
2. Natural Resources! – Being rapidly depleted in the daily
service to the daily needs of humanity! And worse! The all too
easily seductive service of serving “Mammon”; as the – “I, me,
mine” – “bottom line” – of errant “self” absorbent wealth, which
is, in short –“greed”– ! Instead of the much, much harder to
realize, “essential” service to ~“Love”~ as ~“God ~ is ~ Love.”~
Which firmly is ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~ Which ~ is ~
~ “Salvation” ~
3. Capitalism! – “The decay of!” – (“Fascism is Capitalism
in decay.” – Lenin) – Which is both cause and effect of our over
population problem. - Which is both cause and effect of our
natural resource problems. And lastly ~
4. The Environment! – We are witnessing a man made
destruction of the environment, unparallel in human history. An
environment so polluted by unrestricted human greed, that there
is no place left on the face of this planet, of our one and only
mother earth, that our pollution cannot and does not – besmirch.
Even unto the ends of our earth. At the Polls, both North and
South, the farthest places on earth from the sources of our
pollution – our pollution can be found in the melting snowcaps caused by global warming. Lying under the “terrifying” size of the
hole in the ozone, in what used to be pristine snow, our chemical
and industrial waste particles have been carried by the high winds
of the jet stream to the ends of the earth and deposited in the
snow at both the poles! I saw this on a program on PBS, a few
years ago. But since then, it has become obvious that the problem
of having chemicals in the ice and snow is a problem – “slowly?” –
melting – away – ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
In my “PRE~RAMBLE” I quoted a message on a “T-shirt” I
found in a catalog for ~“progressives”~ called ~“Northern Sun”~.
I ~“feel”~ it would be worth quoting again. ~ So ~ here tiz! ~
~’Now! Now!’ ~”Today, today,”~
“Today we: added 265,000 babies ~ lost 75,000 acres of
rainforest ~ added 46,000 acres of desert ~ lost 71 million
tons of topsoil ~ added 15 million tons of carbon dioxide ~
lost about 70 species – And we get to do it again tomorrow!”
Just a few weeks ago, I received another catalog from
~“Northern Sun”~ with another quote on the cover I ~“feel”~ is
worth sharing ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ also. Here it tiz!
Only when the last tree has died
and the last river has been poisoned
and the last fish has been caught
will we realize that we can’t eat money.
~ Cree proverb
It is my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ laymen’s opinion ~
–“The third and final antichrist”– predicted by Nostradamus, is
the same antichrist referred to in the book of ~“Revelation”~.
For years, I have believed – “The Third and final antichrist”
~“the love of money”~ ~“the root of all evil:”~ was probably
the very first “entity” in “modern times”, to realize the
approximate and probable time that this Juncture would fall upon
us. And also that – “they?” – “we?” – would be the cause of this
Juncture through – “their?” – “our?” – unbounded – unrestricted,
service to – and worship of – the – “I, me, mine bottom line!” –
If – “they?” – had decided to help “us?” to understand that
this Juncture was coming, instead of hiding the facts, of –“these
things”- from us! Then ~ “maybe?” ~ “together?” ~ “maybe?” ~
“we?” ~ “maybe?” ~ could have avoided this Juncture, by working
“together?” to put “our” quality of life, in front of, and before,
the size and quantity of “our” bank accounts and profit margins
and portfolios! In front of the – “I, me, mine, bottom line” –
worship of and service to, “mammon” which, it seems “we!” have ~
unfortunately ~ been slowly seducing ourselves into serving! If
“we” could have done this, then “maybe!” just “maybe!”, humanity
might have been able to avoid this Juncture. At which, I say again,
we find ourselves ~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ “Today, today,” ~ in the
midst of this intersection ~ of these crossroads ~ at this time!
~ “At this ~ Juncture!” ~
To try to sum this up ~ “again” ~ ! I believe that George
Orwell’s Big Brother is here ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
in the form of –“The powers that be”–, which are, I believe,
basically –“greed”– ! And that –“greed”– has known for at least a
hundred years or more that “unbounded” and “unrestricted”,
“capitalism”, was a –“fools paradise”– that would begin to burn
itself out – to –“downsize”– right around the time that George
Orwell’s prediction of Big brother in his “1984” would come to
life. ~ And that in order for –“greed”– to remain in power, and in
control of ~“need”~. –“Greed”– would have to install the only
form of “government” that would enable –it– to remain in charge
of –us– which is –“Fascism”–. And –“they”– realize, fully realize,
that if they are not successful at doing this. Then “we” will be in
charge of and in control of –“them”– through the only means “we”
have at our disposal ~ which is ~“Democracy”~. “In my opinion.”!
And in case you are still unclear as to –“whom”– –“they”– are.
–“They”– either are, or are a part of the entity, or entities
the book ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ and the book
~“The Coming Battle”~ are about! I have no doubt whatsoever~
~“God”~ led me by ~“Divine Intervention”~ to these books. And,
~“God”~ led me by ~“Divine Intervention”~ to verse ~“7”~ of ~
~“Ezekiel 33:”~ to appoint me to ~“speak”~ as a ~“watchman”~ to
~ “warn them from me.”~
Ezekiel 33:7
To sum this up ~ “again” ~ one last time!
The powers that be,
The root of all evil:
Have decided to “downsize!”
“We ~ the people!”
That’s “Why!”
~ 1010~
Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,
Great enemy of the entire human race:
One who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or fathers,
In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.
DAMUS 9111
7. “Thou hast hidden “these things” from the wise and the
prudent, that is, from the powerful and from kings, and hast
revealed them to the small and the weak.”
~ Nostradamus
“It is my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~laden opinion! ~ I have been
given ~ by the grace of ~“God is Love.”~ the insight to correctly
interpret “certain” quatrains and prophecies by Nostradamus,
that I believe deal with this Juncture, and the “conspiracy” of
those ~“Stained with murder and enormous adulteries”~ of ~
~1010~ who wrongly believe –“they”– have more to lose, than
~“we”~ as ~“we all”~ make our way through this ~“Juncture!”~ !
Especially “if” this ~“Juncture!”~ hits the fan!
And just as in my ~ “PRE~RAMBLE” ~ I am going to cover
these quatrains and other prophecies in the chronological and
~“cosmological”~ order I believe they are being implemented to ~
~“To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,”~
to destroy ~“Democracy”~ and install –“a new world order”– of a
global –“Peoples Republic”– of –“Fascist”– rule by –“Big Brother”–.
And to facilitate this –“they”– are practicing the very old adage ~
“If you kill
the flock
(Event #23)
Page 250
What does ~“the power of love”~ and ~
-“the love of power”– and ~“world peace”~
have in common with the following ten names?
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King
Robert F. Kennedy
Mary Jo Kopechne
Samantha Smith
Princess Di
Ronald Brown
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Mel Carnahand
Paul Wellstone
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following quatrain is about
the assassination of JFK.
Century 6 ~ Quatrain 37
C6 ~ Q37
The ancient work will be finished,
Evil ruin will fall upon the great one from the roof;
Dead they will accuse an innocent one of the deed,
The guilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle.
The ancient work will be finished,
It is my opinion ~ “The ancient work” ~ here, is that of
“murder” and “assassination”. And this “ancient work” is about as
“ancient” a “work” as you will find. “It” has been around since Cain
slew Able. And in my opinion, my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion, when
those triggers were pulled on November 22nd, 1963 ~ this inhuman
~ human ~ “ancient work” ~ was ~ “finished,” ~ for ~ that ~ day.
Evil ruin will fall upon the great one from the roof;
While the fifth floor of the book depository is not “the
roof;” it does infer from on high, and from a building. And it is
very possible there could have been another shooter or shooters
on the roof, or roofs of any of the buildings around Deley Plaza.
At the weeklong symposium I attended at MTSU, about the
JFK assassination, sometime around 1986 ~ event #57 ~ I saw a
great deal of ~ “absolute” ~ “undeniable” ~ “proof” ~ that there
was ~ more than one shooter ~ and probably ~ more than two.
It is also possible ~“from the roof;”~ could also mean “from
the top”. Giving ~“from the roof;”~ at least the double meaning
of inferring that his “evil ruin” came not only from a building, but
also from “the leadership”, “the top” of whatever ~1010~ entity
ordered it. If it was a conspiracy ~ and it was ~ in my opinion ~ an
order of that magnitude, would have to have come from ~ the top.
The ~“Evil ruin”~ that fell ~“upon the great one”~ JFK on
November 22nd, 1963; has continued to ~“fall”~ upon many, many
other ~ Shepherd’s of peace ~ and upon America ~ and upon the
~“Freedom”~ and ~“Democracy”~ of the entire world ~ ever since.
Dead they will accuse and innocent one of the deed,
This sentence is an absolute perfect description of Lee
Harvey Oswald. After claiming he was ~“innocent”~ that he had
been ~ set up ~ to be a ~ “patsy” ~ as you know ~ he never got
the chance to prove it. In my opinion –“they”– made sure of that.
The guilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle.
Because of another ~“coincidence”~ where I just happened to
be watching TV, at just the right moment, a few years ago; I saw
a story that ~ again ~ imbedded itself in me ~ and ~ so far ~ has
turned out to be the very last thing about the JFK assassination
to grab and hold my attention. And this story ~ I saw ~ those few
years ago ~ has made this last line ~ the most fascinating of all.
For years ~‘Now’! ~ many people have believed that the shot
that ripped JFK’s head apart came from behind the fence on the
grassy knoll, within a thicket of trees. And the first ~“7”~ words
of the last line “The guilty one hidden in the copse…” is an
absolute perfect description of this belief. And there is evidence
to support the belief that “one” shooter was “hidden in the
copse…”. If you don’t know, a copse is a thicket or wooded area.
But how do you make the last three words “…in the drizzle.”
fit this prophecy. It wasn’t raining, and if it wasn’t raining how
can you possibly make “…in the drizzle.” fit. It seems as if these
last three words completely negate this “prophecy” as being
about the assassination of JFK. If it wasn’t raining, how do you
Here’s how!
put ~“The guilty one hidden … in the drizzle.”~?
This story I saw by ~“coincidence”~ on TV, a few years ago,
was a story about a man who has a camera that works in
conjunction with a computer that can take any flat image of an
object on a picture and give the object ~ three dimensional
depth. And by repeating this over and over and over, with each
new three dimensional image you can eventually create, build, as it
were, a three dimensional ~ virtual model ~ of the object. I
~“*hope”~ I have explained this process, accurately and clearly.
Anyway, he did this with the Zapruder film of JFK’s head as
it was hit. And from the virtual model he made, he discovered
that the bullet that struck President Kennedy’s head came from
the front! And it was moving upwards! Not downwards! It didn’t
come downwards from behind, from the book depository! And it
didn’t come downwards from the right from the grassy knoll! It
came from the lower passenger side ~ in front Kennedy’s car. It
came from a level lower than he was sitting! How is this possible?
Not being able to understand how this was possible, this man,
that had this computer controlled camera, went to Dallas, to
Deley plaza, to see if he could figure it out, for himself. And did!
He went and stood on the sidewalk, in front of the exact spot
were Kennedy’s car was when his head was hit, and looked up to
his left, at the fifth floor of the book depository, and then to his
right, up at the grassy knoll. And then he looked down at the
sidewalk, and the street. And there between the sidewalk and the
street ~ on the curb ~ “in the gutter” ~ he found his answer.
There ~ in between the sidewalk and the street ~ on the curb
~ “in the gutter” ~ was a ~“steel”~ storm drain. A storm drain,
large enough for a man to sit in and shoot from. And it had a
drainage pipe that emptied out into the train yard behind the
grassy knoll that was large enough for a man to crawl through.
So ~ although it wasn’t raining ~ when it does rain ~ water
continuously runs down the gutter, into the storm drain. And
visualizing what it must look like ~ from inside a storm drain ~ for
me ~ it conjured up the very vivid image of a steady ~“drizzle”~
of water, continuously falling into the drain. So ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~
~“The guilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle.”~
I will leave quatrqin 637 with the following quote from Jean
Dixon’s book ~“My life and prophecies”~ on page 58, the second
paragraph. It’s a very ~ “prophetic” ~ quote about the Kennedy’s.
“The next strongest signals I have received up to ‘Now!’ have
always been connected with the Kennedy family. They seem to
have a strong purpose, too, and that strength of thought is
~ Jean Dixon
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following two quatrains are
about the “assassination” of Princess Di.
Century 5 ~ Quatrain 31
C5 ~ Q31
Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,
At present the rose of the world:
The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.
Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,
The first time I read this line, I remember thinking to myself
~ and out loud ~ “What the heck does that mean?” ~ I had no
idea whatsoever what he was talking about. So I turned to the
“Commentaries” section at the end of Mr. Leoni’s book to see
what he had to say about it. In his “Commentaries” section he
gives his opinions and those of others about what Nostradamus’
prophecies might mean. Here’s what he had to say about this line.
“If the “Attic land” is to be taken literally, it refers to the
southeastern tip of Greece proper, north of the Peloponnesus,
where Athens is located. However, Nostradamus is “probably”
referring to his own France, as cultural heir to Athens.” Page 644.
So it appears that we “probably” have the setting for 531 as
France! ~“Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,”~ France!
At present the rose of the world:
When Princess Di ~ tragically died ~ she was ~“present”~ and
moving ~“Through”~ ~“the attic land fountain of wisdom,”~ of ~
Paris, France! And when Elton John, changed the lyrics of his very
famous song “Candle in the Wind” and sang it at her funeral as
his and England’s tribute to her as ~ “Good by England’s Rose”.
She became forever ~“the rose of the world:”~ And ~ also ~
~“The rose upon the middle of the great world,”~
The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence,
After it occurred to me that 531 and 596 might be about
Princess Di, because of ~“The rose”~ reference. Sometime later
when I read the words ~ “The bridge” ~ it brought to mind the
image of the tunnel the ~ “a wreck” ~ occurred in. While a tunnel
is not a bridge, the row of the ~“13”~ plus columns standing inside
the tunnel, that the car struck, gave this tunnel the appearance
of supporting the possibility that maybe it could be considered
~“The bridge”~. And for several months, all that I considered
~“The bridge”~ might be ~ was just ~ the tunnel.
But then one day, I happened to remember the very true and
very beautiful song “Love Can Build A Bridge” by the Judd’s.
And it occurred to me that ~“The bridge”~ who’s ~“great preeminence,”~ was ~“subjected”~ and ~“ruined”~ might be ~“The
bridge”~ of ~ and ~“The bridge”~ to ~“world peace”~. ~“The
bridge”~ that Princess Di –“was”– very, very successfully building.
As I understand it, she had persuaded all the nations of the
world, except for two – America and China – to completely and
forever ban the use of land minds. Her death effectively brought
her ~ “very effective” ~ efforts to do this – to a – dead – stop.
I really don’t like saying this ~ but I have already said it ~
and ~ I will continue to say it. In my opinion, in my ~ “Epiphany!”~
laden opinion –“The Third and Final Antichrist”– predicted by
Nostradamus – is the same antichrist referred to in the book of
“Revelation”. And this Antichrist is ~“the root of all evil:”~
~“the love of money”~ the ~“Mystery Babylon”~ of Revelation
17:5. And in my opinion, –“they”– know that if world peace breaks
out, –“they”– will lose everything –“they”– have chosen to serve
and to worship – which is – mammon. I won’t get started on this
again. I will just say that ~ “anyone” ~ “anyone” ~ from Princess
Di, to all of the “ruined” Kennedy’s to Samantha Smith of event
#505 ~ to ~ “anyone” ~ “anyone” ~ having a world wide positive
effect on world peace – is silenced – one way or another. One way
or another – their ~“great pre-eminence”~ is ~“subjected”~ and
~ “If you kill the Shepherd, the flock will scatter!” ~
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.
In my opinion ~“Will be subjected,”~ ~“simply”~ means – “will
be destroyed” – “will be made ineffective”. Effectively made –
ineffective through ~ this ~ “wreck amidst the waves.” ~.
When I read ~“a wreck amidst the waves.”~ before I had
any idea that 531 might be about the death of Princess Di; I took
it as being about a ship ~“wreck”~ ~“amidst”~ ocean ~“waves”~.
But after her death, I began to see that ~“a wreck”~ could
~“simply”~ mean ~“a”~ car “wreck”. And “the waves” ~ could
~“simply”~ be referring to the way the public would constaintly
wave at her. Especially when she was riding in a car ~ especially in
a motorcade. The waving seemed constant and unceasing ~ like
~“the”~ ocean’s ~“waves”~. She is ~“The rose”~ I have no doubt.
C5 ~ Q31 is about the –“assassination”– of Princes Di. She
wasn’t “murdered” because of her association with Diode Fayed.
She was –“assassinated”– because she was a threat to –“the new
world order”– who know, if ~“world peace”~ breaks out -“they”–
will be overrun by the honest and open elections of “Democracy”.
The Gods of the Copybook headings with terror and
slaughter return!”
Century 5 ~ Quatrain 96
C5 ~ Q96
The rose upon the middle of the great world,
For new deeds public shedding of blood:
To speak the truth one, will have a closed mouth,
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.
The rose upon the middle of the great world,
Anything that is in the ~“middle”~ as the ~“middle”~ word of
the above sentence is, the “center” of human observation. Her
“untimely” death and funeral, just as with her wedding, caused
Princess Di, to become the “center” of the attention of ~“the
great world,”~ She was ~“The rose”~ after her death. And when
Elton John’s song “Good by England’s Rose” became the world’s
biggest selling song, of “recorded” history by surpassing ~ “White
Christmas”. She was the “center” of the world’s attention ~ again.
She is ~“The rose upon the middle of the great world,”~ She is!
For new deeds public shedding of blood:
In my opinion, these ~“new deeds”~ were the tremendous
success’s Princess Di was having in getting all the nations of the
world – save two – to completely ban the use of land minds. And
because of this overwhelming success she was having, in leading
this world towards ~“world peace”~ –“The third and final
antichrist”– ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
decided –“they”– had to act to bring her influence to an end. And
–“they”– did. And ~“public shedding of blood:”~ was the result.
To speak the truth, one will have a closed mouth,
As you will read later on, I “instantly” knew that JFK Jr’s
plane crash was no accident. And within hours of seeing Diana’s
crash ~ on TV ~ I began to suspect “foul play” was again involved.
As I watched her car being removed from the scene, I kept
hoping that someone would step in and have the car placed and
kept in public view, to stop anyone from “tampering” with any
“evidence” that might be in the car. To park it in full public view,
so a camera could be kept on it, 24 hrs a day. I’m pretty sure
there would have been plenty of takes for that job.
Maybe I have seen too many James Bond movies, but it didn’t
take me long to realize that the use of “remote control devices”
to control her car, or any car, was a very, very real possibility.
For a long time ~‘Now!’ ~ we have had the ability to taxi, take
off, fly, and land huge air planes by “remote control”. How hard
would it be to implant a few devices in a car, to control the speed,
brakes, and steering. With the technology we have ~‘Now!’ ~ it’s
possible to make almost “anything” look like an accident. I know
how this sounds. I am just sharing the thoughts I had that day.
But you can’t go around saying stuff like that ~ not publicly ~
if you don’t have any proof. Unless you have been ~“appointed?”~
by ~“God”~ to ~“speak”~ as ~“I *hope ~ that ~ I *hope”~ I am.
And not being able ~“To speak”~ to say what you believe is
~“the truth”~ in public. Means you have to do it in secret ~ which
means in public ~“one will have a closed mouth”~.
Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.
Maybe ~ if the ambulance could have gotten to the scene a
little quicker. Maybe ~ possibly ~ they might have been able to
save her life. ~“God”~ only knows ~ for sure. Maybe ~ possibly ~
this line has other interpretations. ~“God”~ only knows ~ for sure.
Before I found this “last?” ~“event?”~ ~“Today ~ today,” ~
01/17/06 ~ I decided to see how many times I had written
~“Jesus”~ in my “book?” ~ it was 71 times. Then I checked for
~“Jesus Christ”~ and found it was ~ 17 ~ times ~ a ~ “small?” ~
~“coincidence?”~. ~ THEN! THEN! THEN! ~ While I was driving
to my mothers nursing home, I decided to scan the AM stations,
and on 710 AM I hear Michael Youssef’s ~“Jesus Reverses”~
from his ~“7 signs in John’s Gospel”~. ~“Coincidence is Gods
way of performing a miracle anonymously.”~ ~“Anonymous”~!
And ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today,today,” ~ Aug. ’06 it’s ~“77”~ times!
It is my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion, the following two quatrains
are about the “assassination and murders” of JFK Jr. his wife
and her sister.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999, seventh month, (July)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
The year 1999, seventh month, (July)
As far as 1072 pertains to the death of JFK JR, it is my
opinion, ~“The year 1999,”~ ~“simply”~ is ~“The year 1999,”~!
And the ~“seventh month,”~ ~“simply”~ is ~ (July). In Edgar
Leoni’s “Indexes to the Prophecies” in his “General Index”, of
words, there is only one entry for the word “July”. It reads
“July, 1999, 1072”. By saying this, he is implying it “might” be ~
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
In my opinion ~“From the sky will come”~ is ~“simply”~ the
description of JFK JR’s airplane ~“falling”~ ~“From the sky”~
just off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard.
And the words ~“a great King of Terror:”~ is ~ “sadly” ~ the
description of the –“entity”– that caused his plane to ~“come”~ to
~“fall”~ in my opinion ~“From the sky”~ for ~“a”~ specific reason
~ To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols ~
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
In my opinion ~“To bring back to life”~ means to ~ resurrect
~ to give rebirth ~ to what this sentence is talking about. And ~
The words ~“the great King of the Mongols,”~ were written
to ~“simply”~ bring to mind –Genghiz Kahn– and China. To remind
you of what he did – and – how he did it. Of how he pursued an –
unmerciful – barbaric – and – absolutely – terrorizing – attempt at
world conquest. And the reason we are being reminded of this – is
because – it is being tried – again. And China is being used.
In my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion ~“the world”~ is, under siege
from –“The third and final antichrist”– as it makes –“its”– final
attempt at –“world conquest”– by –“whatever means necessary.”–
–“Whatever Means Necessary.”–
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
“Before and after” simply means that “Before and after”
July 16th, of 1999 ~ there will be ~“wars and rumors of wars:”~
Matthew 24:6
“Mars” is “the God of war”. And “Mars to reign” means that
during war time, “the military industrial complex” will have its
needs and desires met at the expense of, and at the cost of ~
~“Freedom and Democracy”~. –“They”– these –“New World
order fascists”– know the only way –“they”– can stay in power, is
through perpetual war. And unless ~“we the people”~ are able to
intervene and stop them. It looks like –“they”– are going to be
very successful. According to my interpretations of quatrain 877
and paragraph 55 of his Epistle; Nostradamus predicted these
wars would last 27 years from 1999 and 25 years from 2001.
~ “by good luck”~ is meant to be, sarcastic and facetious.
When –war– reigns, it is never ~“good”~ and seldom ~“by…luck”~.
Century 8 ~ Quatrain 77
C8 ~ Q77
The Antichrist three very soon annihilated,
Seven and twenty years of blood will his war last:
The heretics dead, captives exiled,
Blood human body water reddened on land to hail.
The Antichrist three very soon annihilated,
The first time I read the first line of 877, I thought it
meant ~“The”~ third ~“Antichrist”~ would be the one who would
~“very soon”~ be ~“annihilated,”~! If you read the sentence
straight through with no pauses, it kind of suggests this. But this
is just not the case. If it was, Nostradamus would have used the
word “third” instead of ~“three”~ and would have placed “third”
in front of the word ~“Antichrist”~ instead of behind it. It would
have read –“The third Antichrist very soon annihilated,” –
In my opinion, in my “EPIPHANY!” laden opinion, we are supposed
to pause between the worlds ~“Antichrist”~ and ~“three”~. Like
this: ~“The Antichrist ~ ~ ~ three very soon annihilated,”~. By
saying it this way, Nostradamus is able to infer it is “The third
Antichrist” and at the same time tell you that ~“three”~ whoever,
or whatever, would ~“very soon”~ be ~“annihilated,”~.
In his book, Edgar Leoni gives the following possible
interpretations of the opening words of 877. He states ~“The
Antichrist”~ could possibly mean ‘By the Antichrist’? Or ‘Of the
Antichrist’?” If it is either “By” or “Of”; this would mean that
“By” the actions “Of” ~“The”~ third and final ~“Antichrist”~
~“three”~ (people?) would ~“very soon”~ be ~“annihilated,”~.
I remember it just dawned on me one day that ~“three”~
people, JFK JR, his wife Caroline and her sister, Lauren Bessette
were on board his plane that day, who were ~“annihilated,”~. And
this “fact” is what caused me to realize that this quatrain was
“probably?” about them. It was “proof?” that the correct
interpretation of this opening line is: By ~“The”~ third and final
~“Antichrist”~ ~“three”~ (people) are ~“very soon annihilated,”~.
This quote is ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ worth repeating.
“The next strongest signals I have received up to ‘Now!’ have
always been connected with the Kennedy family. They seem to
have a strong purpose, too, and that strength of thought is
~ Jean Dixon
Seven and twenty years of blood will his war last:
If quatrain 877 is about JFK JR’s plane crash in July of 1999,
then this is one of the most important lines in all of Nostradamus’
prophetic writings. Because it gives the “year” that Nostradamus
predicts “The third and final Antichrist’s” wars will end. Which is
when he says the ~ “thousand years of peace” ~ will begin ~ in ~
~ “2026!”~
The heretics dead, captives exiled,
“Sadly, very sadly”, many “people” ~ “believe” that anybody of
another religion – are ~“heretics”~. And because there have been
thousands of people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, since this
“our” –“war on terror”– started. And because the vast majority, if
not 100% of those killed have been Muslim. And because many,
“people” are trying very hard to turn this into a – “holy war” – the
words ~“The heretics dead”~ “sadly, very sadly” is an accurate
description of this – “un-holy” – war. And the ~“captives exiled,”~
is a perfect description of what we have done with many of the
“terrorists” we have captured. We have ~“exiled,”~ these ~
~“captives”~ to the “island” of Cuba, at Guantonomo Bay. And
also, the use of the word ~“exiled,”~ brings to mind an island.
Mainly because ~“ile”~ in ~“exiled,”~ is an “s” away from “isle”.
Blood human body water reddened on land to hail.
In reading the interpretations of others, about this last line
of 877; the most common interpretation I have found, is that the
earth is supposed to be “covered” by ~“red”~ hail. ~“reddened on
land to hail”~. In these interpretations, some have said this
“red” ~“hail”~ would come from the dust and dirt in the upper
atmosphere, put there, from either erupting volcanoes or from
nuclear explosions.
But recently I came to a different conclusion about what this
line might mean, by again inserting a “pregnant pause” ~ like this.
~“Blood ~ human body ~ water reddened ~ ~ on land to hail.”~
I think ~“Blood ~ human body ~ water reddened”~
~“simply”~ means that a ~“human body”~ is loosing ~“Blood”~ in
~“water”~ causing the ~“water”~ to be ~“reddened”~ not the
~“land”~. Pausing after the word ~“reddened”~ you separate it
from the last part of the sentence. And the ~“to hail”~ is not
referring to frozen rain and sleet falling from the sky. It’s
referring to the praise and acclimation that JFK JR. received,
after his death. The ~“on land to hail”~ is simply and accurately
refer to the outpouring of sorrow and praise and the many, many,
many, accolades the world responded with to his “untimely” death.
And of course ~ once again ~ this is all my opinion. And of course
~ once again ~ it is my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion.
Here is the ad for ~“FROM IRAQ TO EZEKIEL”~ from page 150.
The stunning U.S. victory in Iraq was just one step – the first step – in the
war on terrorism. For the first time since 9/11, the U.S. toppled a firmly
established regime, Iraq; Syria, Iran and North Korea are “next”. Seemingly,
no nation can stand up to the awesome power of the U.S. World “Peace and
Safety” now seem possible, “starting” with the Middle East “Roadmap”; or,
is it the “Roadmap” to Armageddon? Dr. Coffman takes you behind the
news to explain how the Mideast nations will be forced to comply with the
“Roadmap”; however, this compliance will only be on the surface. Under the
surface, militant Muslims will continue to build hatred for the “Great Satan”
and her client Israel. Using stunning graphics Dr. Coffman takes you back to
the days of Assyria, and Babylon to explain the history of the Jewish and the
Arab-Jewish conflict. He exposes how one of the greatest deceptions in
history may be setting the stage for the Biblical Last Days and the GogMagog (Russian) invasion foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 2,500 years ago.
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following three quatrains
are about ~ 9/11!
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 72
C10 ~ Q72
The year 1999 (9111), seventh month (sept mois)
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
The year 1999, (9111) seventh month (sept mois)
I was at work one day, a week or two after JFK JR’s plane
crash, when just out of the blue, it just dawned on me, that
~1072~ was about him and his “untimely” plane crash. And, I was
also at work, about a week or two after 9/11, when again, just out
of the blue, it dawned on me that ~1072~ was also, about 9/11. I
realized the possibility that ~1999~ was the perfect anagram for
Reversing the usage of one ~“1”~ and three ~“9”~’s ~ to ~
one ~“9”~ and three ~“1”~’s is kind of like “reversing” or turning
~“666”~ upside down, to get ~“999”~! In my opinion ~ in my
~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ laymen’s ~ opinion.
And also, using the number ~ “sept” ~ “seven” ~ to identify
the name of the month instead of ~“simply”~ giving a name to the
month, strongly suggests there is double meaning at work here.
That it is either an either/or situation, or it is both months.
The fact that ~“sept mois”~ ~“seventh month”~ stands for
both July and September, is absolutely “the most important fact”
~ involved with ~ “the most pressing aspect” of this story.
The “fact” that 1072 is about both ~ July 16th, of 1999 ~
and ~ September 11th, of 2001 ~ shows us that there is only one
~“great King of Terror:”~ and who this ~“great King of Terror:”~
is. And it is the “entity” that stood to gain the most as a result
of both of these ~“enormous adulteries,”~ Think about it.
As I said earlier, in Edgar Leoni’s “General Index”, in his,
“Indexes to the prophecies” he has only one entry for “July”
and it reads ~ “July, 1999, 1072” ~. And on page 750 of his
“Commentaries”, his interpretation of the first line of ~1072~ is
~ “In September, 1999, a “King of Terror” will come.” ~
Without actually saying it, Edgar Leoni has indicated that
“sept mois” in ~1072~ is either ~ “July” ~ or ~ “September” ~ or
~ both. In my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!”~ laden opinion it’s ~ both.
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
Just as JFK JR’s plane came ~“From the sky”~ over Martha’s
Vineyard. The four hijacked airplanes of 9/11 also came ~“From
the sky”~ over NYC, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. And in
my opinion –“these things”– were done by the one in the same ~
~“great King of Terror”~ for one in the same reason; –Fascism– !
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols
Obviously, as far as I know, there is no way to physically
bring Genghis Kahn back to life. So ~“To bring back to life”~ is
talking about ~“the”~ “spirit” of ~“the great King of the
Mongols”~. And the “spirit” of Genghis Kahn is that of “world
conquest”. He tried to conquer his world, in his day, and in the
process, slaughtered 10,000,000 people. So I’ve heard. And also,
the reference to Genghis Kahn brings China and its –“Peoples
Republic”– to mind. China is being “used” by –“them”–.
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck
~“Before and after”~ simply means ~“Before and after”~
September 11th, of 2001 “There shall be wars and rumors of war.”
Matthew 24:6
And again I say ~ “Mars to reign by good luck” ~ is neither ~
~“good”~ nor ~“luck”~. In my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden ~ opinion.
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 49
C10 ~ Q49
Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.
Garden of the world near the new city,
~“Garden of”~ is: The ~“Garden”~ state ~“of”~ New Jersey.
And ~“the world”~ is, in my opinion: ~“the world”~ Trade Center.
And ~“near the new city,”~ has to be a reference to ~ New York
City. So we have ~ the ~“Garden”~ state ~“of”~ New Jersey, just
across the river, very ~“near”~ where ~“the world”~ Trade
Center stood in ~“the new”~ York ~“city”~. Nostradamus ~
“simply” ~ left off a few words ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY! ”~ laden opinion.
In the path of hollow mountains:
~“In the path”~ is referring to the many “paths”, the many
“streets” ~“of”~ New York City that run in between the many,
many ~“hollow mountains:”~ the “sky scrapers” in NYC. The words
~“hollow mountains:”~ are perfect descriptions of skyscrapers?
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
~“It will be seized”~ For me, the word ~“seized”~ implies
human intervention, more than a natural event. It also brings to
mind a “siege”. And something under “siege”, is something under
“attack”, something being ~“seized”~. So the ~“It”~ here, is the
WTC. And the words ~“will be seized”~ means “will be attacked”.
Which as the world knows is what happened to the WTC, on 9/11.
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ the next ~“5”~ words are some of the most
remarkable of Nostradamus’ writings ~ especially the last word.
Two things happened to the WTC on 9/11. First it was
attacked ~“seized”~ ~“and”~ then an hour or so later, ~ “It”~
~“plunged”~ straight down. Straight down ~“into the”~ ~“7”~
story basement of the WTC. And ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ here is that
absolutely remarkable and incredible ~ last~ word ~“Tub,”~
The first thing you have to do when you build any kind of a
building is to lay a firm foundation for it. When they began
construction on the WTC, they had to go down seventy feet
~“7”~ stories, before they found bedrock. And soon after they
did this, they discovered they had a very serious problem. The tip
of Manhattan Island is landfill, and being surrounded by water on
two sides, water started seeping in through the ~“7”~ story deep
landfill walls. If they couldn’t find a way to keep the water out,
they could not have built the Twin Towers of the WTC, there.
So they came up with a very ingenious way to build a large
concrete box to keep the water out. I have heard that while they
were building it, the construction workers “nicknamed” this large
concrete box, “The Bathtub”, because it was built to hold water;
not in – but out ~ but still ~ to hold water. Since construction
began, the basement of the WTC was known as, “The Bathtub”.
I guess it’s just another “coincidence” that this quatrain,
filled with so many, many suggestive inferences, that seem to
reek of New York City and the World Trade Center and the
attack of 9/11, also contains the word ~“plunged”~ which is
exactly what the WTC did when it collapsed. But it also contains
the exact nickname of the WTC’s basement ~“the Tub,”~. So the
line ~“plunged into the Tub:”~ is, for me, very intriguing. Again!
~“Coincidence is Gods way of performing a miracle anonymously.”~
~ Anonymous ~
Just one last thought before we ~ move on. Why is the word
~“Tub,”~ capitalized? I believe it’s trying to draw attention to
the very great importance of the ~“Tub,”~ as evidence of what
this quatrain is actually about. Maybe it’s to emphasize the T’s in
“The World Trade Center” ~ “Tub,” ~. ~“God”~ only knows.
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.
(I wrote the above ~“7”~ words, the last line of ~ 1049 ~,
more than 18 months ago, probably sometime around March of
2005. Then just a few weeks ago, today is October 27, 2006,
after I heard about and read about something called “Thermite”
and “Thermate”; I realized I had something very, very important
to add to my interpretation of ~“poisoned by sulfur.”~ But! When
I sat down to amend my interpretation of this line, I was surprise
to discover that I had skipped it completely. I had not written a
single thing about it, nothing at all. Not only was I surprised ~ I ~
was ~ also ~ overjoyed ~ at this. Why I was overjoyed ~ I will tell
you when I finish my interpretation of this last line of ~ 1049 ~.)
~“Forced to drink waters”~ In several of the films and
videos taken just moments after the towers fell. The first thing
almost everyone did, who had been caught up in the hellish dust
cloud that rolled through the streets of New York City, when
they managed to get inside somewhere, was to ask for water so
they could wash the thick grey dust out of their mouths. And as I
sat and watched them ~“Forced to drink”~ in order to get that
hellish dust out of their mouths, I remembered Nostradamus’ line
~“Forced to drink waters”~ and it just fit the scene ~ perfectly.
Something else that caught my attention about this quatrain,
right from the start, was the ~“s”~ on the end of ~“waters”~.
The ~“s”~ makes it plural instead of the singular. This seems to
imply many different sources of water, instead of just one or two
or three, like a river or a stream or a lake. Then noticing that
almost everyone had their own personal water source, usually
bottled water, the significance of the plural ~“waters”~ seemed
to me, to be even more on the mark. And again, it fit ~ perfectly.
Something else that also caught my attention about the word
~“waters”~ is the fact that it is also used in quatrain ~1010~.
This fact, at least for me, ties these two quatrains, ~ 1049~ and
~1010~ together. And in my opinion, my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion;
the reason they are tied together, the reason they are connected
is that ~“God”~ through Nostradamus is showing us the entity or
entities described in ~1010~ are those entities who did, and are
responsible for the event described in ~ 1049~ which is 9/11.
~“poisoned by sulfur.”~ I was at work one day, telling my
interpretation of ~ 1049 ~ to someone and just as soon as I said
the words ~“poisoned by sulfur.”~ they very quickly pointed out
to me that the dust cloud that resulted from the collapse of the
Twin Towers wasn’t ~“sulfur”~. It was all sorts of stuff, concert
dust, asbestos and many, many other things, but not ~“sulfur”~. I
countered their obvious, and at the time, very true observation
by saying that ~“sulfur”~ is often equated with Hell and the
events of 9/11 especially the collapse of the Twin Towers and the
dust cloud that ensued, were scenes straight from Hell. My
interpretation worked for me and I was happy to leave it at that.
But several weeks later, someone else I work with showed me a
magazine called “Global Outlook – The Magazine of 9/11 Truth”
and it had several articles in it about “Thermite” and “Thermate”.
If you want to know the technical data about these two chemical
substances, you can find all you will ever want to know about them
on the net. All I will say about them here is that: “Thermite” is a
substance that can be used to cut through steel like a warm knife
through butter. And “Thermate” is “Thermite” with a “SECOND
SUBSTANCE” added to it, which makes it burn much, much, much
hotter and cut much, much, much faster. Like a hot knife, like an
extremely hot knife, through butter. Can you guess what this
“SECOND SUBSTANCE” is? I bet you can! It’s “SULFUR”! And
according to a group of very knowledgeable college professors at
scholarsfor911truth.org there is “Thermate”, “Thermite” and
“SULFUR”, residue on some of the steel that was taken from the
WTC site before the rest was shipped to China and melted down!
So as it turns out ~“Forced to drink waters poisoned with
sulfur.”~ is 100% correct. If “Thermate” was used to cause the
collapse of the Twin Towers, then ~“sulfur.”~ absolutely was in
that Hellish dust cloud. ~ “God”~ is ~ absolutely ~ speaking to us
through the prophecies of Nostradamus. So ~ listen up ~ and ~
~“Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~
~’Now! Now!’ ~ I will tell you why I was overjoyed that I had
skipped over this line and forgotten to write anything about it.
As I said earlier, when I first read about “Thermite” and
“Thermate” and realized that there actually was ~“sulfur.”~ in
that Hellish dust clouds, caused by both the collapses. I knew I
had to add this to my interpretation of this last line of ~“1049”~.
And when I discovered that I had forgotten to write anything
about this line, at all. It very quickly occurred to me that maybe,
just maybe ~“God”~ had caused me to skip over this line, because
I had not yet learned about the ~“sulfur.”~ laden “Thermate”
which was used to bring down the Twin Towers and building ~“7”~.
Many ~’Now! Now!’ ~ believe these were controlled demolitions.
If you have any doubts about the possibility and probability
that the Twin Towers and building ~“7”~ were brought down
through controlled demolition, and if you have not done so, go on
line and “Google” the words “9/11 Truth” and read what is out
there. And, as I said in my sixth and final open letter on page 37.
We may all, very, very soon, have to decide whether or not we are
going to join Patrick Henry when he said, more than two hundred
years ago ~ “give me liberty or give me death.”~.
~“Choose this day whom ye will serve.”~ Joshua 24:15
Edgar Leoni interprets this quatrain ~ 1049 ~ as being about
an eruption of Vesuvius near Naples Italy. But, in his complete
commentary, on pg. 746 of his book, the last sentence raises the
possibility that ~“the new city”~ is New York City.
Century 6 ~ Quatrain 97
C6 ~ Q 97
At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,
Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.
At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,
Every interpretation I have ever read of this quatrain,
interprets this ~“At forty-five degrees”~ as being the 45th
parallel of longitude, because it is the obvious interpretation. And
then using this interpretation, they try to tie this quatrain to
cities on or near the 45th parallel, including New York City.
But it was not until “Stl:” after the second plane hit the WTC
towers, did any “mortal" (as far as I know) have any idea what the
correct interpretation of this first sentence was. Because ~ when
the second plane hit ~ it hit at a perfect ~ 45 degree angle. An ~
absolute perfect ~ 45 degree angle! And as in quatrain ~1049~
when I said I believed that Nostradamus ~“simply”~ left off a
few words. I believe he ~“simply”~ left “scraper”, off of ~“sky”~.
~“At forty-five degrees the sky (scraper) will burn,”~ !
Fire to approach the great new city:
As you remember, the ~“approach”~ of the second plane to
the WTC in ~“new”~ York ~“city:”~ was captured on video. And
there was ~“Fire”~ inside of the planes jet engines. And the
flight did end in ~“a great scattered flame”~. So I guess the
choices here are, was the ~“Fire”~ in the jet engines, or the
result of the crash. Either way, the sentence is eerily accurate.
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
It was just ~“an instant”~ after the second plane smashed
into Tower #1 that ~“a great scattered flame”~ exploded out
the sides of the building. And it did –“fiercely”– ~“leap up,”~. If
you read the first three lines of this quatrain while watching the
~“approach”~ of the second plane ~ they match ~ “perfectly”!
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.
On March 10th, 2002, CBS aired the documentary “9/11” by
Juels and Gedeon Naudet, two brothers from France, who were
filming a documentary about the training Firemen in New York
City have to go through. And by ~“coincidence”~ one of them was
out on a call that morning with some of the firemen from Engine
Co. ~“7”~ and swung his camera around just in time to catch the
first plane flying into Tower #2. Someone else also got film of
the first plane flying into the tower, but I have only seen it once.
When it became known that the Naudet brothers, from
“France” ~“the Normans”~ had film of the first plane flying into
Tower #2 ~ every~“one”~ did ~“want to”~ see it. There was, an
absolute ~“demand”~ to see this ~“proof of the Normans”~.
Because I have all of this space left, I am going to give you a
quote that many people say was never uttered by this man. But
whether or not he actually said it ~ it is an ~“absolute”~ truth!
“Why of course the people don’t war. Why should
some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war
when the best he can get out of it is to come back to
his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor England, nor for
that matter in Germany. That is understood. But,
after all, it is the leaders of the country who
determine the policy and it is always a simple mater
to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy,
or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a
communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people
can always be brought to do the bidding of the
leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them
they are being attacked and denounce the
peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
Hermann Goering
It is my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion that quatrain ~1066~ is about
England’s Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and how he has been
deceived by and drawn into this war on terror by –“The third and
final Antichrist”– ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
And that quatrain ~1076~ is about what “the very near future?”
holds in store for ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 66
C10 ~ Q66
The Chief of London through the realm of America,
The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
King and “Reb” will face an Antichrist so false,
That he will place them in the conflict all together.
The Chief of London through the realm of America,
It is my opinion ~“The Chief of London”~ is a very, very good
description of ~ “The Prime Minister of England” ~. And the word
~“realm”~ in ~“through the realm of America,”~ suggests the
word “kingdom”, because a ~“realm”~ is a “kingdom”. And the word
“kingdom” brings to mind the word “empire”, because many times
“kingdoms” grow into “empires”. And so ~“through the”~ use of
the words ~“the realm”~ I ~“feel”~ that ~“America,”~ is being
alluded to here as an “empire”. And lately, I have heard many,
many people saying that ~“America,”~ is behaving as an empire ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~.
Also, the first time, or one of the first times I read ~1066~
when I read the word ~“America,”~ as I recall, I immediately
began to wonder if Nostradamus had actually used the word
~“America,”~ or had Edgar Leoni interpreted another word as
~“America,”~. I felt it was probably another word and not
~“America,”~ because, I wasn’t sure but, I didn’t think that
~“America,”~ was the accepted name for “The New World” at
that time, back in the 1550’s.
But anyway, because Edgar Leoni listed all of Nostradamus’
writings in the original French on the left hand pages of his book;
all I had to do was look across the page to my left, to see what
the actual word was. So anxiously, I scanned over to my left to
find the word. And I was right! Nostradamus had not actually
used the word ~“America,”~. He had used a word, that in the
instant I read it, I thought it was an even better description of
~“America,”~ than if he had actually used the name
~“America,”~. It was a word that I thought completely defined
~“America,”~ in one word. And anyone would naturally define it as
~“America,”~ when they read it too.
As I’m sure you have guessed, I am really trying to build up
the suspense here, before I tell you what the word is. I’m doing
this, because I was so impressed with the word, I thought how
could anyone read this and not interpret it as ~“America,”~. The
word is ~“Americh,”~. How absolutely a perfect description of
~“America,”~ is ~ “Americh,”~? I mean, I mean, I mean, even my
“Microsoft Word” Spelling and Grammar Check suggested that I
change it to ~“America,”~ just ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~!
~“America,”~ is absolutely, the “richest” country on the face
of ~“Gods”~ green earth. And there’s a reason for that. But ~
~“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world and lose his own soul.”~
Mark 8:36
The isle of Scotland will be tried by frost
It is my opinion, my ~“Epiphany!”~ laden opinion, this prophecy
has already come to pass and probably will continue to do so.
A few years ago, I remember seeing a news broadcast that I
guess ~“embedded”~ itself in me. They were showing the
incredible amounts of snow that France had and was receiving
that winter. As I recall, it was the most snow on record they had
ever gotten. And they said the reason was global warning. They
said that because of the melting ice cap of the North Pole, the
colder water from the melting ice was pushing its way south and
also pushing the Gulf Stream farther south causing Northern
Europe to lose the Gulf Stream Winds that came up each year,
with the Gulf Stream. And this was causing the winters, to be
much colder than usual. And since Scotland is a little farther
north than France is (although I never saw any news stories about
Scotland having extremely cold winters) I have just assumed that
since France was, then probably Scotland was too. Which means,
the line is fulfilled? ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
King and “Reb” will face an Antichrist so false,
The words ~ “King and “Reb””~ are open to many different
interpretations. I believe they could stand for the “Kingdom” of
England, of Great Brittan, and the “Republic” of the United
States of America. ~“God”~ only knows for sure. But it’s the next
six words, the ~“will face and Antichrist so false,”~ that I
believe are absolutely the most important part of this line.
To interpret these last six words, I have decided to use 3
paragraphs from my ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~ which you have
already read once in my ~“PRE~RAMBLE”~ to explain why we ~
~“will face an Antichrist so false,”~
“In the book of Revelation we are told that a world
dictator will arise who will be endued with the power of Satan
himself and will claim for himself the prerogatives of God
(Rev. 13:1-18; 2 Thess. 2:4). Assisting him will be a False
Prophet who will do signs in this dictator’s name (Rev. 13:1315; 19:20).”
“For an antichrist figure to come into the modern world,
there must be a breakdown of the world system as we know it
now. There would have to be breakdowns in currency, in law
and order and in the power structure of national states.
A financial panic could help pave the way for him. So
could a nuclear war. Such disasters could leave people crying
out for a man of peace who will be Satan’s counterfeit to Jesus
Christ. This man will seem to be like Jesus, until such time as
he is ready to show his true self. Then he will be incredibly
cruel (Dan. 7:8). The Antichrist will be the most hideous
example of dictatorial power that the world has ever known.”
I believe this “world dictator”, this “antichrist”, this
“counterfeit to ~ Christ”~ is not a man ~ but those of ~1010~.
As ~“Jesus”~ said ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of
money”~ ~ “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness ‘in high
places’.”~ ~Eph. 6:12~ Against –“greed”– ! ~6:11~ Event #651.
That he will place them in the conflict all together.
This line really needs no interpretation. Through –“their”– lies
and ~“enormous adulteries”~ –“The Third and Final Antichrist”–
this ~“Antichrist so false”~ has absolutely placed us ~“all”~
~“in the conflict all together. ~
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 76
C10 ~ Q76
The great Senate will ordain the triumph
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.
The great senate will ordain the triumph
In the last 450 years since Nostradamus wrote these words,
there has been only one ~“Senate”~ that could possibly be called
~“The great Senate”~ and that would be our ~“great Senate”~
~“The great Senate”~ of ~ “The United States of America”~.
In addition, although there have been many, many times when
~“The great Senate”~ has had many, many opportunities to
~“ordain the triumph”~ the ~“triumph”~ “ordained” here, was the
vote giving George W. Bush the authority to declare war in Iraq.
For one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
The word ~“one”~ strongly implies a reference to a specific,
person, and in my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden ~ opinion that
~“one”~ is “W”. And ~“vanquished, driven out:”~ is ~ I ~“*hope”~
and pray a reference to his leaving the office before his term is
up, either through impeachment or forced resignation, like Nixon.
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
In days of old ~ trumpets would often be blown ~ very loudly,
in order to get “the peoples” attention before very important and
official proclamations, that usually involved them the public,
would be made. ~“At the sound of the trumpet”~ is, I believe, a
reference to the manner in which the call for Bush’s impeachment
or resignation will be made, very loudly, very publicly and very
officially. The reason this is important, is this very loud and very
public and very official proclamation will not only come from his
adversaries, the Democrats and Independents, but also from
~“his adherents”~ his supporters, devotees and zealots, the
Republicans; in an “unsuccessful” attempt to avoid the next line.
Put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled
When the truth is finally out, that the entity of –“greed”–
especially within –“ungodly wealth and power”– has been and still
is attempting to destroy world-wide social order and democracy
through ~“nothing less than to create a world system of
financial control in private hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the world as a whole.”~ page 269
of ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~. I believe the reaction
of ~“we the people”~ to this ~“Revelation”~ will be to rise up and
defend freedom and democracy and social order by electing
representatives that will the pass the laws necessary to put the
powers and profits of corporations for the common good.
In my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion, the following quatrain, and
paragraph #55 from Nostradamus’ Epistle, is a description of the
third and final Antichrist, predicted by Nostradamus. Which I
believe is ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~
– “Greed!” –
Century 10 ~ Quatrain 10
C10 ~ Q10
Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,
Great enemy of the entire human race:
One who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or fathers,
In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.
Stained with murder and enormous adulteries,
While the words ~“Stained with murder”~ could be used to
accurately describe all three of Nostradamus’ Antichrist’s; along
with many, many other people and entities that have existed over
the last 450 years. ~“enormous adulteries,”~ have more of the
~“feel”~ of –“The Third and Final Antichrist”– because of the
absolutely secretive, clandestine and conspiratorial manner in
which –“it”– –“they”– are having to go about –“their”– attempt to
conquer the world ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion.
Great enemy of the entire human race:
Again, while all three of the Antichrist’s predicted by
Nostradamus could very accurately be described by this line.
Because of the “possibility” –“The Third and Final Antichrist”–
“could already have?” and/or may decide to use –“The Nuclear
Option”– –“nuclear weapons”– in –“its”- attempt at world conquest.
This line may ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ “possibly” be
truer than ever. I beleive the use of the phrase –“The Nuclear
Option”– is being used as much more than just a reference to the
“killing of the Filibuster”. I believe –“they”– are using it as a –
“psychological” – weapon – as a veiled threat. I have heard several
very “public” people discreetly imply this without really saying it.
One who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or
While the first 2 lines of ~1010~ accurately describe all
three of Nostradamus’ Antichrists, the ~“third”~ line does not.
This ~“third”~ line strongly lends itself to fitting the makeup of
~“who”~ I believe –“The Third and final Antichrist”– is. And also,
the fact that it is the ~“third”~ line, I think is worth noting.
If –“they”– have been planning –“their”– “world conquest” for
the last 100 or more years. The ~“One”~ implementing and
carrying out –“their”– ~“grandfathers, uncles or fathers,” ~
plans, would make –“them”– –“their”– descendents – much – more ~
~“worse than”~.
In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.
Reading this quatrain and the word ~“steel”~ before 9/11, I
remember it didn’t bring to mind an image of anything specific.
But after 9/11, after learning that the twin towers were covered
with large sheets of ~“steel”~ and after hearing stories and
reports that said if a full ~“steel”~ skeleton had been used in the
construction of the towers; they “probably” would not have
collapsed. After learning this; ~“steel”~ took on a whole new
meaning that ~ hauntingly ~ covered the collapse of the towers.
When I looked the word up in Edgar Leoni’s “General Index”,
in his “Indexes to the Prophecies”, on page 532, I was surprised
to find that instead of listing every place the word was used, his
comment was “see swords”. Also, in his ~“7th”~ foot note, on page
415, Edgar Leoni states that ~“steel”~ could mean “Hell.”
And again, the word ~“fire”~ in ~1010~ before 9/11, brought
nothing specific to mind. But after 9/11, after seeing the huge
~“fire”~ ball that erupted when the second plane hit; the word
~“fire”~ here in ~1010~ became much more poignant. Especially
after finding and reading the words ~“In an instant a great
scattered flame will leap up,”~ in quatrain ~697~. And especially
after seeing the ~“great scattered flame”~ ~“leap up”~ as it
did. Also, every time I re-watch the second plane ~“approach”~
the towers, the line ~“Fire to approach the great new city”~ in
quatrain ~697~ also has become much more ~ vividly ~ poignant.
Through the words ~“steel”~ and ~“fire”~ here in ~1010~ I
believe ~“God”~ through Nostradamus, has made me aware of
their connection to 9/11 ~ so I could relate this to you. And while
the only association I can make between the ~“third”~ incisively
descriptive word of ~“waters”~ here in ~1010~ with 9/11, is its
use in ~1049~ ~“Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.”~
Which as you know, I believe is definitely about 9/11. There is
another much, much, much more sinister event that I believe the
~“third”~ word ~“waters”~ is directing us to look at. And again, I
believe this words importance is being underscored by the fact
that it is the ~“third”~ word. Thereby associating it “exclusively”
with –“The Third and Final Antichrist”–. Again ~ in my ~ opinion.
Because I have written this ~“book?”~ in a somewhat reverse
order, I can’t remember if I have already mention this or not. If
I already have you probably know where this is going. If I haven’t,
despite the fact that many would say “Don’t go there!”! I say, let’s
go there anyway ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ !
But, before I do ~ “go there” ~ I am first going to give you
three quotes to read. The first is from Jean Dixon’s book, ~“My
Life and Prophecies”. And I will ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ see if I can find
it, by using my ~“A.D.”~. I will let you know how it turns out.
It happened again! And I added this “event” as event #632 in
my ~“Road Map of Events”~. Here’s the quote. ~ “I could feel
the earth shake and tremble underfoot. Then it seemed as
though the world had stopped rotating on its axis. I saw that
in this century there will be many geological and geographical
changes and many earthquakes . . . rivers will cease to flow,
and others will alter their courses. Where water is now,
there will be land, and where there is land today, wild,
swirling water will rush in and destroy everything in its path.”
~ This is on page 51 of her book, in the second chapter ~“THE
DOVE”~. In my opinion ~ my ~“Epiphany!”~ laden opinion; her book is
definitely a must read. She is a person who was definitely in tune
with 1 John 4:8 ~“God is love.”~ And I am sure she is ~‘Now!
‘Now!’ ~ forever in tune with ~“God is love.”~ forever and ever.
Here is the second quote that deals with the ~“unfathomable
depths”~ of this –“possibility”–. It is Luke 21:25 ~“25 And there
shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the
sea and the waves roaring;”~ And lastly here is the “third”
quote which I just found a few days ago, event # 659, in an
article about Michael Crichton’s Novel ~”State of Fear” ~ on
page 38 of Mother Jones May and June 2005 magazine.
~“Its premise is that environmentalists have made up a
lie about the dangers of climate change in order to raise
funds, and that to keep the lie alive they will do almost
anything – notably, try to trigger a tsunami that will make
people worry about rising sea levels. The latter is a
laughable proposition – tsunamis, caused by volcanic
explosions or tectonic shifts, are one of the few natural
phenomena still unaffected by man, and no one has ever
claimed otherwise.”~ Until ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ !
“Within a few weeks of the novel’s publication, of course,
a real tsunami swept across South Asia.” ~ If you can, read the
entire article ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
Paragraph #55 from Nostradamus’ Epistle
55. “After that Antichrist will be the infernal prince again,
for the last time. All the Kingdoms of Christianity will tremble,
even those of the infidels, for the space of twenty-five years.
Wars and battles will be more grievous and towns, cities, castles
and all other edifices will be burned, desolated and destroyed,
with great effusion of vestal blood, violations of married women
and widows, and sucking children dashed and broken against the
walls of towns. By means of Satan, Prince Infernal, so many evils
will be committed that nearly all the world will find itself undone
and desolated. ~ Before these events, some rare birds will cry
in the air: Today, today, and sometime later will vanish.” ~
All I will say about this “prophecy” is to say again! That on
April 30th, of 2001, almost ~“5”~ months before 9/11, I sat in my
driveway and watched one extremely ~“rare bird”~ ~“vanish”~
into thin air. For me, this experience dates this “prophecy” as
2001! Giving ~“the space of twenty-five years.”~ the date when
the ~“Wars and battles”~ of ~“the infernal Prince again, for
the last time.”~ will end as ~ 2026 ~ which will have to happen
before the ~“a thousand years of peace”~ begins.
In my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion.
Once again ~ having empty space from here down ~ I have
decided to tell you about something I happened to run across last
week, by ~“coincidence?”~. Today is December 15th. 2005.
Did you know that we have an official government 9/11
commemorative coin? I didn’t. Not only was I surprised to find
out that we have an official 9/11 commemorative coin, but what
was even more surprising, almost to the point of being stupefying,
was the fact that it is the Kennedy half-dollar.
“They”, whoever “they” are, decided to take the presidents
face, his silhouette, off the half-dollar and replaced it with the
image of the Twin Towers. Why? Why would “they” do that; why
not simply issue a new commemorative coin? Someone is either
continuing the effort to erase JFK from our collective national
memory; or they are drawing a connection between JFK & 9/11?
“The next strongest signals I have received up to now
have always been connected with the Kennedy family. They
seem to have a strong purpose, too, and that strength of
thought is powerful.”
From ~“My Life and Prophecies”~ by ~ Jean Dixon.
Jan. ’06 ~ I Google the coin, I can’t find it! It’s a hoax? “Y”!
It is my ~“Epiphny!” ~ laden opinion, the following quatrains, and
paragraph #56 form Nostradamus’ Epistle, deals with where all
of this is leading us, at the end of these 25 and 27 years of war.
Century 1 ~ Quatrain 63
C1 ~ Q63
The scourges passed the world shrinks,
For a long time peace and populated lands:
One will travel safely by air, land, sea and wave,
Then the wars stirred up anew.
Century 9 ~ Quatrain 66
C9 ~ Q66
There will be peace, union and change,
Estates, offices, low high and high very low:
To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment,
War to cease, civil process, debates.
Paragraph #56 from Nostradamus’ Epistle
56. After this has endured for along time, there will be
almost renewed another reign of Saturn, and golden age. Hearing
the affliction of his people, God the Creator will command that
Satan be cast into the depths of the bottomless pit, and bound
there. Then a universal peace will commence between God and
man, and Satan will remain bound for around a thousand years,
and then all unbound.”
Again, because I am starting to run out of steam in trying my
best to give my interpretations of these prophecies, I am not
going to even try to interpret quatrains ~163~ and ~966~ and
paragraph ~#56~. I have decided to let them ~“speak”~ for
themselves. But, I will say this: The 1st, 2nd, and 4th, verses of
~966~ are absolutely some of my most favorite lines in all of
Nostradamus’ prophetic writings. And once again, as with most of
his writings, the “third” verse could mean almost anything.
Again ~ having blank space from here down ~ I have decided
to fill it with another experience I had last week while watching
Michael Moore’s ~“Fahrenheit 9/11”~. Today is Dec. 15th 2005.
It’s something I ~“feel”~ ~“God”~ wanted me to share with you.
In the film, just after our attack on Baghdad, an Iraqi woman
is shown standing in front of her bombed out neighborhood, as
she screams at the top of her voice, overwhelmed with great
hysterical grief ~“God will destroy their houses!”~ ~“God is
great!”~ ~“God destroy their houses!”. When I saw this, I
couldn’t help but wondered if this woman thought her prayer had
been answered through Katrina. And this in turn reminded me of
my second ~“Dear Neighbour,”~ open letter on page 25, where I
raised the possibility that Katrina might have been ~“the wrath
of God.”~ Then after I decided to look up her exact words, in
thoughtful ~“*hope”~ came over me ~ wouldn’t it be “cool” if her
dialogue was on page ~“77”~. I thought if her words were on page
~“77”~ this would be another sign that ~“God”~ had appointed me
to ~“speak”~ as ~“watchman”~ because of my birthday ~“7/7”~
/48. Well guess what! It wasn’t on page ~“77”~ it was on page 76.
But ~ her pleading continued over to page ~“77”~. ~“Coincidence
is”~. And so far ~“Coincidence”~ is in this “book?” ~ 129 times !
The following prophecy, in my opinion, as far as I can tell, is not
tied to this time frame ~ in any absolute way. Maybe whether or
not it is, depends on how we act and react to this Juncture that we
find ourselves ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ in the midst of!
“No man can serve two masters:” Matthew 6:24
“choose you this day whom ye will serve:” Joshua 24:15
Choose ~“God”~ as ~“God”~ is ~“Love.”~
Paragraph #33 from Nostradamus’ Epistle
33. Then will commence a persecution of the Churches the
like of which was never seen. Meanwhile, such a plague will arise
that more than ‘two thirds’ of the world will be removed. One
will be unable to ascertain the true owners of fields and houses,
and weeds growing in the streets of cities will rise higher than
the knees. For the clergy there will be but utter desolation.
On line one day, looking for quotes to use in this story, I
happened to find the following quote by Albert Einstein that
when I read it, it reminded me of paragraph #33.
Here tiz.
~“I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a
war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps ‘two-thirds’ of the
people of the earth will be killed.”~
I also found a second quote by him that also deals with the
results of a nuclear war.
Here it tiz.
~ “I know not with what weapons WW III will be fought,
but WW IV will be fought will sticks and stones.” ~
Sounds like a ~“Revelation”~ to me! Know?
“LOVE!”~ “god IS!”
~ “LOVE!” ~
(Event #481)
’04 – Nov. 15th. Today I had the following thought: It is
very “possible”, the entire physical universe “exists” for just
one reason? For ~“Revelation”~ both personal and Biblical.”
For whatever ~“reason”~ or ~ “reasons”~: If ~“life”~ is a
~“test”~ as I believe it is. And if ~“Revelation”~ both personal
and Biblical, might just be the final exam of this ~“test”~. Then
~“God”~ in his mercy ~ through ~“Jesus Christ”~ has ~ and ~ is ~
giving us the answer to every question on this ~ our “final?” exam,
and ~ a chance! ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today,” ~ to change them!
~ “Love ~
is the answer!”~
In my opinion ~ in my “Epiphany!” laden opinion! ~“God loves us!”~
And ~“God”~ wants us to love him back, by doing something that
we are absolutely required to do! And that is ~ to ~ “Love thy
neighbor, as thyself.” ~ I believe it’s ~ “required” ~ of every one
of ~“us”~ to learn this ~ through ~ “Practice makes perfect.” ~.
Why? ~ Because ~ you ~ become ~ whatever ~ it is ~ you ~ do!
Because ~ “Love is the answer, and you know that for sure!”
Because ~ “Love” ~ is the “why” ~ of ~“Why”~ we are here!
“Why?” ~ Because ~ ~“God!”~ “Is!” ~“Love!”~ ~ That’s “Why!”
Becoming ~“Love”~ is why we live!
Becoming ~“Love”~ is why we exist!
Becoming ~“Love”~ is why we are here!
Becoming ~“Love”~ is what life is all about!
And ~ in my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion. ~“We
can all become”~ ~“Love”~ by not having to do “much” more than
~“simply”~ “trying” our ~ “best” ~ to ~“simply”~ care about ~ one
another ~ “everyday” ~ “without ceasing” ~ through ~“simply”~
~“loving”~ one another ~ to ~“enter in”~ as ~“Jesus”~ said ~
~ “As a child.”~
Care about one another! Love one another! It will serve
you well ~ in this ~ “physical realm”! Especially “if” ~these things
~ that have been happening to me ~ have been happening to me ~
because ~ the book of ~“REVELATION”~ “is” ~ on the horizon.
In this ~“world”~ in this ~“realm”~ in which we live ~“the
physical realm”~ ~“death”~ is always coming ~“always!”~ Prepare
for this ~“absolutely ~ natural”~ and ~“positively ~ unavoidable”~
~ “beginning!”~
~ “Do it!”~
~ “Love one another.”~
~ ’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ “Today, today,” ~
~ “turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways;”~
Ezekiel 33:11
In my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden opinion ~ the ~
“absolute necessity” of ~“Love”~ as it relates to ~“salvation”~
can be summed up in this ~“simple”~ lyric from ~ “The Beatles” ~
“And in the end ~ the love ‘you’ take ~ is equal to ~ the love ~
‘you’ make.”
~ “LOVE!”~ “GOD IS!” ~
~ “LOVE!” ~
1 Corinthians 13
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but
have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all
mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I
could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and
though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits
me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does
not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked,
thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures
all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will
fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is
knowledge, it will vanish away.
9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in
part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child,
I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now
I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the
greatest of these is love.
Never judging or vengeful
Like the judging and vengeful.
Mattie J. T. Stepanek
1990 – 2004
He drew a circle that shut me out -Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in.
Edwin Markham
1852 – 1940
These are words ~ to live by ~“forever”~.
~ “Road Map of Events”~
Lost ~ for the last two years ~ in a “never-ending struggle” to
find a “believable” way to “convey” that which I “knew?” the vast
majority of you, would find ~ “very” ~ “unbelievable”! I ~“finally”~
came to the “absolute” realization ~ that ~ beyond any shadow of
any doubt, I ~‘Now!’ ~ know “the” ~ only way I will ever get this
“book?” done ~ this story told ~ is to just tell it! To ~“simply”~
~ “speak”~
But ~ after realizing the sheer number of “events” I felt I
would have to ~“speak”~ about, in order to make this story, as
“believable” as I thought it needed to be. I knew I would need to
make a “list”, a ~“Road Map”~ of each and every one of ~these
things ~ these ~“events”~ so I could then ~“simply”~ ~“speak”~
to the best of my ~“God given”~ ability, into a tape recorder, and
then ~“simply”~ sit down and transcribe, exactly what I had said.
Then, if I had any other “thoughts” or comments I felt I either
needed to or wanted to ~ add to what I had already “spoken”. I
could then ~“simply”~ add those, at the end of each “event”.
And so ~ the following ~“Road Map”~ is as “complete” a “list”
of ~these things ~ these “events” ~ as I have been able to recall
from memory. And so ~‘Now! Now! ~“Today, today,”~ or at least
very soon ~ I ~“*hope”~ and pray ~ I will ~“simply”~ ~“speak”~
about these ~“events”~ ~these things ~ to the extent and in the
detail that I ~“feel”~ their “importance” ~ dictates.
Also ~ in order to help me keep my thoughts as clear and
concise, as possible; I have decided to “try” and hold each of
these “statements” to their essence by keeping them as short as
possible. To one or two sentences, no more than two or three
lines in length. With, of course, the exception of those I ~“feel”~
are important enough to warrant a few more added words and
~ So ~
~ let us begin.
They say ~ “It’s best to start at the beginning.” ~ don’t
they? So ~ let’s ~ let’s start ~ “at” ~ ~“In”~ the beginning. ~
~“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,”~
~ and ~ as they say ~ ~“The rest is history.”~
They also say ~ “There is always a witness to history.” ~
don’t they? I wonder if ~ “they” ~ or ~ “anyone” ~ has ever said ~
“There’s always a witness to prophecy.” I’m sure that someone,
somewhere, at sometime, probably has. If not ~ I guess ~ I just ~
~ again ~
~ So ~
All I can do ~ is tell you this.
All you can do ~ is consider it.
I have been allowed to “witness” ~ “absolute” ~ “undeniable” ~
“proof” ~ that the ~“Spiritual”~ “does exist”. This has happened ~
for ~ “one reason”~ ~“For all the law is fulfilled in ~ one word,”~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!” ~
~ “LOVE!” ~
Decade I
1. ’43 – Sometime during the autumn of 1943, at the age of 22,
my mother moved from Garfield, NJ, to Nashville, TN.
2. ’43 to ’48 – Before I show up, as far as I know, she lives her
life as her own, for herself. And I assume ~ life ~ was good.
3. ’48 – I was born on July 7th. That day, or day after, she gave
my father $2.00 to send a telegram to her family. He didn’t.
4. ’49 – At 6 months, my father called her up one day to say he
was leaving us, by bus, for Fla. – because – he was a drunk.
5. ’50 – At 18 to 24 months, I went head first, through a 1”
thick –“unbreakable”– windshield ~ and almost bled to death.
6. ’51 – My first memory of life is the day we moved from on or
near Thompson Ln. to 121 Mc Ferrin Ave. in East Nashville.
7. ’51 – Sitting and talking with my mother, mostly at night, I
learned much about her life. She knew all about ~“Angels”~!
8. ’52 – Att: Around this time, she left the Catholic Church,
and we began attending different Protestant Churches.
9. ’53 or ’54 – I was 5 when we got our first TV. The very first
“thing” I see is ~ “Island of Lost Souls” ~ It ~“embeds”~!
Decade II
’54 or ’55 – In the 1st? Grade, I awake one night to see
an ~“Angel”~ in a glowing cloud like mist, floating towards
me. I tell this often, over the years. Then ~ event #355.
’55 – Att: I see a movie that contains the line ~“Under
the ‘Auspices’ of God.”~ ~“Auspices”~ deeply ~“embeds”~
in me! Recently, I came up with a vividly imaginative way to
describe how ~“strongly”~ this word hit when I heard it. “It
almost knocked me out of my “Howdy Doody” rocking chair.”
’55 – In the 2nd grade, I am walking across the kitchen
floor one Saturday, when my mother “informs” me that I am
a “stutterer”. My “normal?” life quickly “stutters” to a halt!
’55 – Also in the 2nd grade, one night, my mother tells
me she was once a Nun. Then changes it, to just a ~ Novice.
’56 – Att: I notice and like the “lucky!” double ~“7”~ in
my birthday. But I don’t like the “48”. It has no ~“7”~ in it!
’57 – Att?: I hear about ~“Nostradamus”~ for the
first time in my life from my 2nd or 4th grade school teacher.
His name is very intriguing, like Frankenstein and Dracula.
Stl: She also mentions the fact that some believe when we
are born we remember where we came from, and as we grow,
we forget. I remember this again, in 2004 in event #350.
’61 – On or around Jan. 17th. On TV I see Eisenhower’s
~“Military Industrial Complex”~ speech. It ~“embeds”~ !
’61 – Dec. 24th. Our new house completely fills up with a
strange white smoke. I call the Fire Dept. They find nothing!
’62 – Dec.24th. Again our house completely fills up with
strange white smoke. Again! The Fire Dept. finds nothing!
’62 – Att?: Somehow, from somewhere, I get the
idea of asking God questions ~ and then ~ with my head
turned and/or my eyes closed, I open the Bible and let
my right index finger wander around, until it stops.
After trying this several times and not finding anything,
I give up ~ until ~ event #33 ~“7”~ years later. After
events #162 and #217, I decide it needs a name. What
I come up with is ~“Amateur Divination”~ ~“A.D.”~ !
’62 – Att: At Church, I meet my future wife for the
first time. It’s as though ~“fate?”~ brought us together.
’62 – In the 8th grade, I hear about Nostradamus for
the 2nd time. In the library I find his book ~“Centuries”~!
It’s the 1st time I read ~C10~Q72~. ~“1999”~ ~“embeds”~!
’62 – In the 8th grade, my English teacher tells me I
should be a writer. ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ I “really!” wish I had.
’63 – Att: In a movie, I hear the line ~“If you kill the
Shepherd, the flock will scatter.”~ This also ~“embeds”~!
’63 – Att: I hear the biggest problem facing our world,
is “over population”. By ~ 2000 ~ it will become unsolvable;
~“A”~ Juncture! ~ 2000 ~ seems like it’s ~“Centuries”~ away.
’63 – Nov.22nd. That afternoon, in my 10th grade
drafting class at Hume-Fogg Tech. High School, I etch
the historic moment of JFK’s assassination into the soft
wood running down the middle of my plastic T-Square.
’63 – Dec.24th. This year, I sit on the couch in the
living room, and wait for, and watch for, the strange white
smoke to ~“reappear”~. ~ “Sadly?” ~ It never happens again.
’63 – Dec. At the end of the month, for the very first
time, I see “The Beatles” on the CBS evening news. Ev.#81.
They “preach” ~“LOVE”~ as a group, only ~“7”~ more years.
Saying ~ “All you need is ~ Love.”~ is ~ in my opinion ~ in
my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden ~ laymens opinion, the exact same
thing as saying; ~“seek ye first the kingdom of God, and
his righteousness, and all these things shall be added
unto you.”~ because ~“God is love.”~. ~“seek ye first the
kingdom of ‘Love’ and ‘Love’s’ righteousness, and all these
things will be added unto you.”~
~“God is love.”~
Decade III
’66 or ’67 – One Friday evening, after work, my mother
says she “has” to go to Washington, D.C. ~ so we go. Before
leaving D.C. I am on the phone with my girl ~my future wife~
as a stranger hands my mother a “large” bouquet of flowers!
’66 or ’67 – My Sunday school teacher has 2 “events”
~“poltergeist?”~ in her house. Her entire family sees the
first one. About a week later, her daughter sees the second.
In 2004, I experience a similar event of my own ~ #359.
’68 – April 4th. I am at work when Martin Luther King
Jr. is assassinated. They impose a curfew, and deploy the
National Guard in the streets. I don’t yet realize ~“If you
kill the Shepherd, the flock will scatter.”~ is being used!
’68 – Jun. 5th. I believe I heard about the assassination
of RFK, on the news. And again, I am still unaware ~“If you
kill the Shepherd, the flock will scatter.”~ is being used!
’68 – Dec. 20th. My wife and I are married. We live in
Clarksville, TN where I am going to college, at Austin Peay.
All my expenses are paid, by the state of TN, because I am
“handicapped?” Because I stutter! My state appointed case
worker tells me, I should be a preacher. Respectfully ~ I
disagree ~ because I am a stutter! I can’t talk! Ez.33:22!
’69 – In boot camp, I do my ~“A.D.”~ again and find
Bible verses that deal ~“exactly”~ with my problems. For
the first time in my life ~“God”~ answers me? ~”EPIPHANY!”~?
’69 – In boot camp ~ on a radio ~“Come on people now,
smile on your brother, everybody get together try and
love one another right ’Now!’ right ‘Now!’ right ‘Now!’ ’”~
’69 – Dec. I get discharged. Waiting for my wife, at
the airport, Johnny Cash and June Carter walk past me.
’71 – Att: A group of men at Church “lay hands” on me
and pray for my stuttering. While they pray for me, out of
the corner of my eye, for just a split second, I see a man
dressed in Biblical clothing. He looks like ~Jesus~! I explain
this away as overactive imagination. ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ I am …
’71 – Att: A couple at church make “self-righteous?”
claims about, “exclusive” salvation. I have trouble with their
“belief” that anyone “not a member” of the ~“Christian”~
“Religion” is going to Hell! ~ I question this! ~ I reject it!
’72 – Att: I read an article in Playboy questioning the
accuracy of the translation of the KJV Bible. The author
says the “original text” is ~“A”~ son of God. I am intrigued.
I have always loved ~“truth”~ ! It has an honest ~“feel”~ !
’72 – Att: I tell a family from Church about seeing my
1 Grade ~“Angel”~. They assure me, I was just dreaming.
’73 – April 13th. I hire on at Firestone in La Vergne, TN.
“Regan’s?” downsizing, is ~“7”~ years away. In my opinion ~
my ~”EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion ~“God”~ is also ~“Justice”~ !
Downsizing ~ is ~ forgivable! Ezekiel 33:15 ~ event #217!
Stl: I meet a co-worker who is an amateur JFK conspiracy
buff. He tells me that right after the assassination, 50 or
60 eye and ear witness came forward and told what they
witnessed to the Dallas Police, FBI and the Secret Service.
With in 18 months of ~ 11/22/63 ~ half of them are dead.
’75 – Att?: For the 1st time, we see ~“It’s a Wonderful
Life”~. ~“Malfeasance!”~ ~“embeds”~ ~“Resoundingly”~ !
From then on, every year when I watch the movie, I always
join in with Henry F. Potter as he shouts ~“Malfeasance!”~
at George Bailey. For some reason ~ I really like doing this.
Decade IV
’76 – The day of my wife’s grandfather’s funeral, I am
alone at his kitchen sink, when I ~“feel”~ his presence just
behind me. As I turn around, my attention is drawn to the
ceiling. Staring at the ceiling, I ask, “If it’s you, give me a
sign.” In the exact instant I say this, several pedals fall off
two white carnations from his funeral and lightly float down.
’76 – That same afternoon, a puppy shows up at the
back door of his beloved grandson’s home ~ and won’t leave!
’77 – Att: I begin to have vivid, snippet like dreams, as
I “wake up” from naps. The entrance to Heaven ~ is the only
one I can recall. I see this ~“image”~ again ~ in event #319.
’77 – I sign my first Union card on ~ “7/7/77?” ~ my
birthday. Stl: The URW petitions for a vote; they follow
with a law suite, and win 28 of 31 unfair labor practices.
’78 – Just before my wife’s Aunt’s death ~ either a
mocking bird, or an Owl ~ sang very loudly just outside her
bedroom window for ~ three nights in a row! This is the
first occurrence of this in this story. This happens several
more times. The next and most important is event #134!
’79 – The URW’s law suit ends with the Judge saying
we had had a Union, since ~ “7/7/77?” ~ The strikes – begin.
’80 – In my opinion ~ in my ~“Epiphany!”~ laden opinion ~
“Ronald Regan’s?” –“downsizing”– ushers in Orwell’s “1984”!
That year? I hear ~“Beware the savage roar of 1984!”~
’80 – Aug?: I run into Johnny and June a second time
in a theater at Rivergate Mall. My four year old son
recognizes him. I want to speak – but no! – I am a stutter!
Stl: we see the movie ~“Watership Down”~. Its subtitle
could be ~“Something Wicked This Way Comes”~. Last
month November ’05 I caught the end of the documentary
~“Global Warming: The Signs and Science”~. It could also
be subtitle ~“Something Wicked …”~ These are warnings!
’80 – Att: My mother-in-law and I have dreams about
each other on the same night. This ~“was”~ a coincidence.
’81 – In May? Firestone enters into talks to sell our
facility to Bridgestone. Bridgestone tours our plant – twice!
’81 – July 16th! Singer songwriter ~ Harry Chapin ~
dies in a car wreck. It’s tragic, but nothing else ~ yet ~ !
After ~ event #117 ~ event #23 ~ slowly begins to sink in!
’83 – Jan. 10th. Bridgestone buys our plant. I expect
them to ask for concessions. I’m very surprised they don’t!
’83 – Att: “Unknowingly?” I have my first “encounter?”
with ~“ootp?”~ ~“one of these people?”~! Talking to him
about ~“life”~ about ~“why”~ we exist ~ why we are here.
He says ~“life”~ “is a 6th graders science project!”! The
very odd, and very unusual way he says this ~ very callously
and very sarcastically, causes this ~“event”~ to ~“embed”~ !
He is completely out of character. ~ “He is not himself!” ~ !
Decade V
’84 – Apr?: Moving into our new house, over the course
of several hours, we see 3 or 4, brightly colored, “escaped?”
“domesticated?” birds in the back yard. It’s odd ~ just odd.
’85 – Att?: A PBS show uses state of the art computer
models, to “prove” that Oswald was the lone shooter in the
JFK assassination. I have always respected Walter Cronkite
and I am very disappointed, to see him hosting –“this lie”– !
’86 – Att?: I attend the last 3 days of a week long
symposium at MTSU, about the JFK assassination. I see
much hard evidence that strongly supports –“conspiracy”–!
’87 – Att?: At an Elton John concert at MTSU, his limo
stops in front of me. ~“the rose of the world:”~ Ev. #211.
’87 – Att?: I find a row of “pine needles” stacked in a
straight row, from the book case to the piano. I ask my wife
and sons if they did it, they all say no. It’s just a very odd
and strange, occurrence. I have no idea if it means anything.
’87 - Att?: I hear about a man and his “world” altering
invention. It generates “free” electricity. Stl: He is on The
Tonight Show. Stl: Paul Harvey says his invention, is; “The
greatest invention since fire!” He never gets a patent! Y?
On 11/02/06 I find him on the net. See JosephNewman.com
’88 – Bridgestone Corp. purchases the entire Firestone
Co. I hope Firestone’s re-involvement won’t hurt us. Ev. #69.
’88 – Att?: On 20/20 I hear how a Japanese scheme
“cheated” us, the U.S. out of “2 trillion dollars” in sales tax.
This is the approximate amount of our national debt!
’88 – Att?: On TV, I hear an African American man
make the “absurd?” claim that “Rap” is part of a conspiracy.
’88 – My only grandfather dies. I fly up to NJ, to drive
my mother home. I find out, she had been, a full fledged,
card carrying, habit forming, Nun ~ from age 17 to 22! On
the way home, a young woman gets my attention ~“ootp?”~ ?
’89 – Att?: One Thursday night, I have a dream
that comes true the next night. It’s about the movie
“Arthur”, $750 mill, & a “5”! My 1st “prophetic?” dream!
~“5”~ is important to this story. Events #409 and #519!
’90 – In a magazine in a Dr.’s office, I see an intriguing
picture of an ancient King. He looks like ~“Jesus”~! Ev.#120.
’91 – Stl: After Desert Storm, I tell a friend, Saddam
was left, because –“they”– will need him –“again”– –“later”– !
’92 – April 29th. Shortly after the L.A. riots, I see
Rodney King on TV asking; “Can’t we all just get along?”
It’s troubling to see him laughed at and mocked for being as
~Jesus~ said we must all become ~“simple”~ ~“as a child”~ !
’92 – We, URW Local 1055, go out on a disastrous 17
day strike. BFS imposes a 12 hr. shift on ~7/7~ ‘92! In line
with –“corporate greed”– BFS begins “harvesting”! Ev. # 61.
’93 – Att: A mild-mannered friend is turned into a
Zealot after attending a meeting about who really killed
JFK and why! Then! He dies an “untimely” death! Ev.#392.
’93 – Att?: While channel surfing, I happen to see
an older man, so upset, he’s almost crying. He’s talking
about being approached by, “The Company”, the “CIA”
when he was in special forces, in the armed services, to
“assassinate” a doctor who worked on the JFK autopsy.
’93 – Feb.26th. After seeing the WTC truck bomb
attack on the evening news, I tell my wife: “If someone
wanted to destroy the WTC towers, all they would have to
do, is hijack an airliner, and fly it into one of the buildings.”
’93 – At the suggestion of a friend I enter a local DJ’s
cruise song contest. I have decided to mention this, because
I ~feel~ it is involved in some way. Maybe Ezekiel 33:30-32.
Decade VI
’94 – Jun. I get hold of some “information” that gets
hold of me –“big time!”– and won’t let go. Events #75 and
#77. This ~“event”~ also is involved with Ezekiel 33:30-32.
’94 – Stl: From this, I have a very ~“vivid”~ dream I’m
standing inside my mouth; next to a ~ “black-void”. Ev. #84.
’94 – July 12th. BFS breaks a 50-year pattern bargain
tradition, forcing 4,000 workers out. Ez.33:11–15 & “16”!
’94 – Aug 15th. At a Dr.’s suggestion, I voluntary enter
Parthenon Pavilion, for ~“7”~ days. Then 1 year on Prozac.
’94 – Stl: Deciding to forget about suicide ~ I join the
URW’s fight against BFS! I do what I can, I attend rallies!
’95 – All year, a line from ~“The Ten Commandments”~
runs through my head. ~“Beaten into the dust from which
he came, the metal is ready for the maker’s hand.”~ Y?
’95 – July 1st. Through –“corporate greed”– BFS brings
an “untimely?” end to the U.R.W. So, we join the U.S.W.A.!
Stl: I heard the plant manager and his assistant came in the
lunch room and read ~ Colossians 3:22 ~. ~“Servants, in all
things obey your masters…”~ out loud to every one! I
wasn’t there, but as I recall, someone told me they failed to
read ~ 4:1 ~. ~“Masters, give unto your servants that
which is just and equal; knowing ye also have a Master in
heaven.”~ R ~ E ~ S ~ P ~ E ~ C ~ T ~ ! Works both ways !
’95 – Att?: On the radio, I hear a woman question if,
“The Beatles”, might be the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse!
’95 – Sept. Because of a dream he has, my oldest son
decides to move to MN. I follow him as far as the KY line.
On my way home, I do a Dr.’s appointment ~ just as I am !
’95 – Att: Driving in Smyrna one night, I hit a young
owl, sitting on the side of the road. I stop and pick it up.
Driving it to a vet, it dies. I bury it in the back yard.
95 – Att: We see the movie ~“Fearless”~. There is a
“black-void” in it, very similar to what I saw, in event #75.
’96 – That fall, I am 1 of 2 main participants in a
“very important?” ~“event?”~ at “Camp Justice.” Because
of their -“adversarial behavior”- I decide to shout at
two people ~ “How much did Bridgestone pay ya’ll to
come down here and do this?” ~ Their response is very ~
very ~ “curious” ~. And then they attack us with their
car ! The police are called and I file assault charges
against the driver. A few weeks later our labor dispute
is settled and the case never goes to court. The entire
thing was filmed, by us; and although no one has ever
told me this ~ I believe this “encouraged” Bridgestone to
settle. At first I thought what had happened was just
“great dumb luck”. But very quickly, it occurs to me that
a ~“spiritual ~ power?”~ had set this up? Everything just
came together ~ too ~ too perfect, for it to be just
“dumb luck”. Over the next 4 years I “vex!” my heart
and soul over this ~“issue”~ very ~ very ~ much! I am
unable to lay this ~“issue”~ to rest ~ until event #115 !
Then, event #217 where Ezekiel 33: ~“finds me”~ Stl: I
apply 14 – 16 as speaking specifically to corporate greed.
’96 – Dec 5th, I have a 2nd “prophetic?” dream. This
dream is so detailed, there is no way it could be, “just”
another “coincidence”. Weeks later, I have a 3rd and 4th.
My 2nd dream came true on Dec. 6th, as I was leaving for
a folk music benefit by “Charlie King” at the Nashville
Teamsters Union Hall in Nashville. At the concert, I
showed a piece of evidence of my dream, to a friend.
’97 – Att?: I hear a caller on TV talk –“conspiracy”–.
He claims the O.J. trial was used as a distraction while some
very important legislation made its way through the courts.
’97 – Att: The 1st “psychic event?” of ~these things ~
with ~“ootp?”~ ~“one of these people?”~ occurs via a TV.
’97 – Stl: Talking to ~“ootp?”~ he says what I wanted
to, was about to, but did not ~ say. ~He “reads” my mind?~ !
’97 – Att: We see the movie ~“Defending Your Life”~.
It’s a very entertaining and intriguing movie! This may be
how ~“it”~ works? I ~‘Now!’ ~ know one day ~ we’ll find out.
Several years later, we watch ~“What Dreams May Come”~.
’97 – Aug. 31st. Princess Di is killed. World peace ~
suffers! “If you kill the Shepherd, the flock will scatter!”
’97 – Att: At a local club, I watch a very gifted guitar
player ~“spiritually?”~ interact with a man in the audience,
3 different times. A few months later the guitar player dies
an “untimely” death. Why is it ~ “Only the good die young!”
’97 – Stl: I see and hear the very infectious song ~
“Bittersweet Symphony” by “The Verve”. Stl: I hear NIKE
bought it, to “use”. I don’t hear it again! They quashed it!?!
Big Brother is trying to “influence” us; every way he can!
’98 – Att: We have to take our dog Lucky to the pound,
because she is snapping and biting at our grandsons eyes.
Many times, over the years, I have heard “meany” people
say, animals don’t have ~“souls”~. Because of ~“something”~
that happened the next day ~ I start writing a song entitled
~“She Came Back ~ To Say Goodbye”~ I believe she did!
’98 – Att: For the 3rd time ~ “one of these people?” ~
~“ootp?”~ says ~“walk”~ over and over ~ just before I do!
’98 – Att?: We see the HBO movie “A Bright Shinning
Lie” staring Bill Paxton. It clearly shows Viet Nam was a
war fought for reasons other than ~ defending democracy.
It was fought to “divide” ~“US”~ the American voters.
’98 – Att: I begin to hear Nostradamus’ name being
mentioned more and more. ~ C10~Q72 ~ & ~“1999”~ is why!
’99 – That spring, I hear the world is supposed to end
in July. C10~Q72 ~1072~ is why. It’s a misinterpretation.
’99 – Att: When ~“ootp?”~ becomes threatening, I ask,
“What are you doing?” He shouts! ~“I’m doing my job!”~ !!!
’99 – Att: Talking to ~“ootp?”~ I decide “not” to say ~
~“Angels”~. When I change it ~ he say’s ~“No ~ Angels!”~ !
’99 – Att: I’m writing, when ~“ootp?”~ walks by and
says a word ~ as I write it. He ~“smiles”~ and walks away!
’99 – Att: Hoping for an ~“Angelic”~ sounding name,
I ask ~“ootp?”~ “Who are you?” He says ~“I’m nobodies
business.”~ It occurs to me ~“no bodies”~ has 2 spellings.
’99 – Stl: After several more of ~these things ~ I
try to send a word by “telepathy” to ~“ootp?”~. It fails.
’99 – July 17th. I’m recording a song idea, when my
wife lets out a “yelp” from the kitchen. When she tells
me why, I “instantly” respond: “Those Bastards!”! I knew!
’99 – That afternoon, on Prairie Home Companion, “in
the exact instant” that I turn on the radio a second time, I
hear: ~“Both lovers, they were washed ashore, both
soaked to the skin.”~ It’s from ~ “The Golden Vanity” ~.
’99 – That week? ~ The registration for JFK Jr’s plane
“washed ashore” on the Kennedy’s beach on Martha’s Vine –
yard. It had both of their names on it. “Coincidence is…?”
’99 – A week or so later, at work, I realize that
Nostradamus’ ~1072~ was JFK Jr. Within the hour, I begin
telling this to friends at work. I tell them, the ~“great King
of Terror”~ is the –“entity”– responsible for the crash. It
was not an accident! Most do not want to believe this.
’99 – A special edition national magazine quotes JFK
Jr. ~“Every day I feel more and more like Princess Di.”~
’99 – ’00: Att: Someone ~ maybe ~“ootp?”~ tells me it
would only take “a few Nukes” to induce – Nuclear Winter! –
I do not say this to scare. I say it to ~“warn them”~ Ez.33:7
’99 –’00: Att: We see the movie ~“City of Angels”~. I
am bothered by the ~“Angels”~ of different races. Ev.#115.
’99 – ’00: Att: At a local (JwJ) Jobs with Justice
meeting, I hear a speaker say; “Corporations plan to be in
“physical” control of – to rule – the world – by 2007!”
’99 – ’00: Stl: I find the book ~“When Corporations
Rule the World”~ by David C. Korton, published in 1995.
This may be where the speaker at JwJ got his information.
Stl: I realize –“they”– could! If ~“Democracy”~ –“dies”– !
’99 – ’00: Att: Talking to ~“ootp?”~ about a magician I
saw on TV, I use the word “Satan”, twice. Twice ~ I get an
“absolutely-neutral”, fixating stare from him! Event #342!
Later, in event #638, “neutral” and “Satan” pop up again.
’99 – ’00: Att: Early one morning, getting ready to go
to work, I see the movie ~“A Face in the Crowd”~ with A.
Griffith. He and the movie, remind me of BFS and Ev. #85.
’99 – ’00: “That day?” waiting for a traffic light
~“ootp?”~ walks in front of my car wearing an 8 year old
~“brand new”~ 1055-URW, T-shirt! ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ Event
#85! The back of the shirt says ~“We NEVER Give Up!”~
This is the first time in my life I wonder if ~“someone”~ I
am looking at ~ is ~“something”~ other than “mortal”. He’s
African American; built like Super Man / Schwarzenegger.
’00 – Jan? or Feb? A friend at work who has heard I
have been doing a lot of talking about Nostradamus and his
prophecies, drives up to me on his fork truck one day and
confronts me about the fact that WW III didn’t start in
~1999~ like many people thought Nostra. said it would. I
tell him that maybe, Nostradamus was really talking about a
“third world” war. Not WW III. I add this after Ev. #591.
’00 – Att?: MTV or VH-1, airs Harry Chapin’s bio. He
“was” the most active left wing activist I’d ever seen. I note
his “untimely!” death! ~“If you kill the Shepherd,”~ Ev.#52.
’00 – Aug. I’m at Legislative Plaza, in Nashville, to hear
Gore announce his VP will be Lieberman. It is “VERY HOT”!!!
Sweat pours down my legs, soaking my socks, as Jewel sings!
’00 – Sept. 28th. “Ariel”, takes his “walk”, with his
armed guards through a Muslim Holy Site during prayer
services. He did this, to rekindle hostilities and to affect
our election? Watching the violence unfold on TV I think; “I
can’t vote for Gore, because of Lieberman!” What? Wait!
’00 – Att: Remembering the ancient King from Ev. #66.
I search the net and find he was a “Merovingian”. Stl: I find
a lecture, at Nexus Magazine by Sir Laurence Gardner. In
my opinion, in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion. His opinions are
heresy ~ only to the letter of the law ~ not the ~“spirit”~ ?
The following is from the article that I ~“feel”~ ~“God”~
would like you ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ to read.
~“History is no more than recorded experience –
generally, the experience of its winners. It makes
common sense to learn from the experience of
yesterday. It’s that very experience which holds the
moral, cultural, political, social keys of tomorrow, and
it’s in this context that the Holy Grain supports that
which we call the “the Messianic Code”. This is the code
of social practice instituted by Jesus when he washed his
apostles’ feet at the Last Supper. It pertains to the
obligations of giving and receiving service; it determines
that those in positions of elected authority and influence
should always be aware of their duties as
representatives of society, obligated to serve society,
not to presume authority over society. It is the essential
key to democratic government. This is defined as
government by the people, for the people. Without the
implementation of the Grail Code, we experience the only
– too – familiar government of the people. This is not
democratic government.”~ Extracted from Nexus
Magazine, Volume 5, Number 2 (February-March 1998).
From www. altnews.com.au/nexus/holygrail.html.
’00 – Att?: On NPR, I hear about a survey of 2,000
Christians, where 79% believe it is “very probable” ~ that
the book of ~“Revelation”~ is close at hand. I bet ~‘Now!’
‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ the percentage is ~ 90+%~ !
’00 – Oct. 16th. Mel Carnahands plane crashes! And
again I “think” –“They”– are still practicing the old adage,
“If you kill the Shepherd, the flock will scatter!” Ev.#23.
’00 – Att: At work one day, remembering event
#109, it occurs to me ‘what’ –“The 3rd & final antichrist.”
~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~ might do
with its billions? “Survive? a ‘planned?’ Nuclear winter?” I
do not say this to scare. I say it to ~“warn them”~ Ez.33:7
Stl: While surfing the net, I happen to find a website that
claims “the government” is creating earthquakes by placing
and detonating small nuclear devices, in and/or near fault
lines. This is absolutely absurd! Why would they do this? Y?
’00 – Att: David Letterman tells ~“US”~ about Jeb
Bush’s son and his date being arrested, for being naked, in a
mall parking lot in FL. Why is this is not news, for ~“US”~ !
~“Imagine”~ if it had been a Gore, Clinton, or Kennedy child!
’00 – Att: During the presidential campaign. I see “W”
make the “W” sign, by holding up his first three fingers. I
added this event, after I had the “thought”, of event #488.
’00 – Nov. 7th. Election night, at Legislative Plaza in
downtown Nashville. I witness Gore concede the election,
and then un-concede it. Cher is there, but just to ~“speak”~.
Stl: I have the thought. The “only” way to make sure the
“stealing” of an election “never” happens again, is to have
voting machines that print out ~ paper trail receipts? YES!
’00 – Dec. 14th or “15th.” After several more
~“events”~ of ~these things ~ where ~“ootp?”~ reads my
mind. I try “telepathy” again with him! I think ~“Red!”~
over and over and over! I witness! ~“Absolute!”~“Epiphany!”
’01 – Jan. I ask a friend who is very religious, if his
religion believes in “witchcraft”. He says; “Yes, I guess.” I
say it’s “one” possible explanation for what I saw. He laughs.
Stl: This man tells me about, and quotes ~ Amos 3:7 ~.
’01 – Att?: Shortly after event #127, two or three
times, I see a “yellowish” glow or glint coming from the eyes
of this ~“ootp?”~. Stl: Several times, I see a “reddish” “fire
like” glow in their eyes. This really gets my attention, when
there is “no light” around to explain this as a reflection. I
wasn’t going to mention this ~ until ~ event #518 happened.
’01 – Feb. or Mar. Someone at work gives me a copy of
an article in ~“The Nation”~: “None Dare Call It Treason”
by “Vincent Bugliosi”. “Conspiracy is, as Conspiracy does!”?
I ~“feel”~ ~“God”~ wants you “informed” about this article !
’01 – Att: On line one night, around 1:30AM, I get
a “pop up”! “In the exact instant that I” realize it deals
with prophecy, omens, and “Revelation”, from across the
room, from the darkened bookshelves, comes a ~“Plink!”~
’01 – Stl: Again, around 1:30AM. Answering a
request from ~“TCASK”~. I decide there’s nothing I can
do, nothing I can say, in an e-mail, to the Governor of
“OK?” to stop an execution. I decide to not even try. I
decide to go to bed. “In the exact instant that I” “X”
the e-mail off the screen ~“again”~ from across the
room, from the darkened bookshelves, comes a very,
very, very loud ~ ~“PLINK!!!”~ I put the e-mail back up
~ and write ~ and write ~ and rewrite ~ until ~ 4:30AM!
“I can’t buy a clear thought!” Stl: Event #138!
’01 – Stl: Playing my guitar, as I always do, before
I go to sleep; for 3 nights in a row, I hear a series of
muffled knocks coming from ~“inside!”~ my guitar case!
All 3 nights, I freeze! I don’t move! I am afraid to! I
decide to wait until morning to look inside the case.
When I look inside the case on the 1st morning, I find
nothing unusual. The 2nd morning, I find my ~“Sacred
Heart League”~ ~“Jesus”~ key chain, that had been lost
for several years ~ but ~ the plastic image of ~“Christ”~
is gone! The 3rd morning, I find the ~ plastic image ~
~“wedged”~ at a 45 degree angle between the soft plush
material where the bottom meets the side of the case!
’01 – Apr. 27th, Friday. Not feeling well, I decide
to go to bed early instead of going to a “TCASK” benefit
at the Red Rose Café, in Murfreesboro, TN. Right after
I do, a mocking bird starts ~“screaming”~ just outside
my bedroom window! The next 3 nights, he ~“screams”~
all night long! Fri. ~ Sat. ~ and ~ Sun. night! Events #46
and #462. Also ~ something else ~ happens in the room
just before the bird shows up ~ that is very odd, but
not “supernatural”. Are these “events” in opposition?!
’01 – Apr. 30th, Monday. When I stop my car in my
driveway, from behind my house I see ~“A”~ mocking
bird fly down ~ then up ~ stop ~ in midair for a second
~ and ~ then ~“vanish”~ into thin air. I sit ~ befuddled!
’01 – I go in and tell my wife; “I think we’ll be able to
get some sleep tonight.” When she asks me why, I tell her
what just happened ~ what I saw. She says nothing. Leaving
for my grandson’s baseball practice, two of my neighbors
stand and stare at me! This makes me uneasy. Event #223.
’01 – A week or so later, I find a booklet about
Nostradamus in the check out line at K-Mart. I read ~
“Before these events, many rare birds will cry in the
air, ‘Now! Now!’ and sometime later will vanish.”~ !!!!!!!
’01 – Stl: Standing in front of the bookshelves,
looking at the glass flower basket, where the ~“Plinks!!”~
came from. Thinking about the knocking that came from
inside my guitar case ~ and finding my missing ~“Jesus”~
key chain. I notice that right behind the glass basket ~
is an old Church fan with a picture of ~“Jesus”~ on it! I
realize! ~“Jesus”~ has been brought into this ~”Epiphany!” ~
Stl: I realize ~“Jesus ~is~ inclusive!”~ through the word ~
~ “LOVE!”~
’01 – Att: I remember the word ~“Auspices”~ from
event #11, when I was 6 or 7. I search for months for its
definition, in many different dictionaries. Event #147.
’01 – Stl: While trying to sleep late one Saturday
morning, a mocking bird pecks on my storm window, until I
get up. Thinking I’m supposed to work on my songs ~ I do.
’01 – Stl: Buying a new tape deck at Electronic Express
in Hickory Hollow mall, I hear John Lennon singing ~“Don’t
Let Me Down”~. Because it is being beamed down over
Satellite Radio ~ I ~“feel”~ the image is not only coming
from “space”, but also from ~“God”~ and ~“Heaven”~.
’01 – Stl: Putting my guitar in its case to go record my
last cruse song. A mocking bird ~“screams”~ three times,
very loudly, just outside my bedroom window. Event #212!
’01 – Att: When ~“ootp?”~ asks me about a crowd. I
say, “It’s Walk America, to fight cancer.” They say ~“I want
to fight for America!”~ I say, “Me too!” They say ~“No you
don’t!”~ I say, “Yes I do!” They say ~“No you don’t!”~ I say:
“Yes I do!” They say ~“No you don’t!”~ I say! “Yes ~I~ do”!!
’01 – Att: Another “person” and I see the second
~“absolute proof of God thing”~ take place. Event #127.
Stl: I try to talk to them about it. Then event #301!
’01 – A few months after his “selection”. On the news,
I see “W” get off “Marine 1”, on the White House lawn. He
is loose and stumbling! He’s drunk?! Pretzel logic!? I guess?!
Imagine, if it had been Gore, Clinton, or a Kennedy! Imagine!
’01 – Att: I recall ~“For What It’s Worth”~. Months,
I go around singing: “There’s something happening ~ here ~
but it just ain’t exactly ~ clear ~.” It is ~‘Now! Now!’ ~
’01 – Att: Looking for ~“Auspices”~ in dictionaries for
months, I find it in a dictionary in Media Play, at Hickory
Hollow. It’s ~ “Bird Augur”! Events ~ #11 ~ #46 ~ #134 ~
#135 ~ #139 ~ #142 ~ #153 ~ #212 ~ #328 ~ and ~ #462.
’01 – Att: July 1st? Cutting the yard before we go on
vacation, a mocking bird lands on the kids pitch back and
sits there. I pull to within two feet of him ~ he sits there.
’01 – July. Back from vacation, cutting the yard, I’m
looking for “him?”, when, “he?” lands on the front gutter.
“He” ~ “reacts?” to: “You are you my ~ friend ~ aren’t you?”
’01 – Att: I am standing outside one night looking up at
a full moon, when I see the “silent”, “black” silhouette of a
jet airliner go across the moon. From the bottom ~ out the
top. Stl: This reminds me of “the moon song” from “Arthur”.
’01 – Att: Staring up at a mocking bird on the very tiptop of a holly tree on the left bedroom side of our house. I
see the reflection of ~“A”~ sun in its left eye. Event #391!
’01 – Att: I notice one of my neighbors staring at me
one day, as I stand in my yard staring up at ~these things ~
these mocking birds. This makes me uneasy; so I go inside.
’01 – Sept. 6th – 8th. I attend the national convention of
JwJ in Cleveland, OH. I hear a Rabbi talk about ~“7”~. I
realize the “48” in my birthday! I ask about ~“Auspices”~.
’01 – While at the convention I hear that George W.’s
approval rating is 49% and falling. This gives me ~“*hope”~
he will be like his father – a one term president! Ev. #357.
’01 – Sept. 9th. That night, I go into a “rant” at my wife
about not feeling safe while flying anymore. I had tickets to
fly to the JwJ convention in Cleveland, but instead, I drove.
On the way back I hear an interesting story on the radio. ~
And also, I believe it was today, I saw a news story about
Sen. Jean Carnahand’s house being struck by lightning. I
believe she was home alone, when it stuck just outside her
bedroom window. Being the “conspiracy theorist” that I am.
It didn’t take me long to figure out how this could have been
done by –“someone”– with a balloon, wire, and a good storm.
’01 – Sept. 10th. That morning at work ~“ootp?”~ asks
me about my trip. I do the same “rant” at him. He backs up
and tells me I need to calm down. He says I need a vacation.
’01 – Sept. 10th. That night, I have a dream that is so
terrifying, it wakes me up 8 or 9 times. In it, my grandson
and I put on our seat belts, after continually bouncing out of
our seats on an airliner, in very bad turbulence. Event #169.
’01 ~“9/11”~ An hour or so “before” the attacks, I see
a disturbing photo of “W” on the Tennessean’s front page. I
ask; “What’s his problem? What’s he so upset about? The
biggest problem he’s ever had in his life, is whether or not
to have his Margarita frozen, or on the rocks.” ~ Said I.
’01 ~“9/11”~ The same ~“ootp?”~ I ranted at the day
before, event #156, tells me about the attacks. He says,
~“Hey, I’m impressed!”~ I say, “About what?” He says,
~“You know, what you said yesterday ~ about flying.”~
’01 ~“9/11”~ Later, at work, a different ~“ootp?”~
makes the comment that Bush was behind the attacks. I’m
amazed he would say this in public. I wanted to, but I am
~“small and weak”~. This is a quote from Nostra’s. Preface.
The first sentence of paragraph ~“7”~! Leoin’s book. Pg. 123.
’01 ~“9/11”~ On TV that night, in the shadows of the
smoke and the lights, I see what looks like the silhouette of
an ancient Roman General standing atop smoldering steel, his
arms folded across his chest surveying the smoking carnage.
’01 ~“9/11”~ Using our large Catholic Edition Bible &
“Amateur Divination” ~“A.D.”~. I ask God why this had to
happen. I open to, Rev.18:21! Just as in event #33, it’s
my second answer from God! Then! 01/18/05 ~ Ev.#533!
’01 – Sept 13th? I see on TV that “W’s” approval rating
is now 94% and rising. Stl: Event #192: I write, “How much
God forsaken, unforgivable, good luck can –“they”– just keep
falling into?” Stl: I find –“they”– are events #367 & #418.
’01 – Sept. That week? I see an article in USA –Today
about how the Twin Towers were built. The details of their
construction, fan the flames of conspiracy ~ much higher!
Stl: The book ~“City In The Sky”~ NY Times ad 5/2/1968!
’01 –Sept. A week or two after 9/11, I’m at work,
when it just occurs to me one day, out of the blue, that
“1999” is the perfect anagram for “9111”. That “1072”
is about both JFK Jr. and 9/11! And ~ I ~ know ~ WHY!!!
’01 – Stl: I step up my reading of Nostradamus and his
prophecies. I find, C10~Q49, 1049 and C6~Q97, 697. For
me, they and C10~Q72, 1072 “perfectly?” describe 9/11!
’01 – Stl: I post my “theory” about “1999” being
“9111” on the “Nostradamus Society of America” website. Stl: Someone “spins” my “theory” on their own website.
’01 – Att?: I come to the conclusion that the 3rd and
final antichrist predicted by Nostradamus ~“Mabus?”~ is:
“the root of all evil:”~ “the love of money” I tell it!
“Mabus” is in C2~Q62. There are many interpretations!
’01 – Sept. About 2 weeks after 9/11; Katie Couric on
the TODAY show asks a man about a dream of premonition,
he had the night before, 9/11. I had one too! Event #157!
’01 – Sept. The first time I see a very well known, and
very, very rich man on TV after 9/11; he looks so disturbed,
it disturbs me. One of his eyes is discolored? Seeing him, I
~“feel”~ he “knows” –“who”– is really responsible for 9/11;
because ~“he”~ is “involved” with their motive –“greed”– !
’01 – Stl: As I approach ~“ootp?”~ they snarl at me,
like a cat. This is unnerving and a little scary ~ but I am
starting to get used to ~these things ~ a little ~ I think! I
have also been growled at, like an animal, by ~“ootp?”~ Y?
’01 – Stl: As ~“ootp?”~ leans into me like they are
going to whisper something in my ear; I hear a ~ “cavernous,
unearthly, deep, and deeply disturbing, morbid, dragging,
sound”! ~ Like reverb, upon echo, upon reverb, over and over.
This causes me to draw up a deep mental image of a –“Hell”–
filled with –“Hellish - Eternal - Regret”–! Have a ☺ nice day.
’01 – Nov. 24th. Within the hour of my mother-in-law
dying, my daughter-in-law, who is alone at our house, says
she heard her 100 yr. old, unwound clock chime and my
guitar strum. Later that night, or maybe the next night, for
a split second, I could have sworn I saw a swath of her face
and eyes, reflected in the glass of our back storm door!
’01 – Stl: Going to the mail box, I look in the left Holly
tree and say; “Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there?”
Almost to the box, a mocking bird dives down, over my head.
’01 – Dec. 15th. On C-Spans Washington Journal I
hear a caller say, “Osama Bin Laden didn’t do 9/11.” He
says ~“This was done by the corporations!”~! When he
says this, the host’s hands begin to tremble ~ “again”! I
remember it was Dec. 15th, because of the Bill of Rights.
’01 – Att?: At work, on break, we talk about the 9/11
“coincidences” you get, by folding a $20.00 bill in the shape
of an airplane. There are 3 or 4, and they are “intriguing”!
’01 – Dec. 25th. I receive “NOSTRADAMUS AND HIS
PROPHECIES” by Edgar Leoni, pub. in 1961. It’s considered
to be one of the best books ever written, on Nostradamus.
’02 – Att?: Feb? Staring up at “a” mocking bird,
sitting on the very tip top of the left holly tree. Finally
~ I realize that I am being approached by ~“God”~ “My
God!” ~ “There actually is a God?”! My first question is
not “Why?” ~ but ~ “What!” do I do with this “Revelation”?
’02 – A week or so later, I start remembering all
of the odd and strange things that happened to me, “as
a child”. “I begin to wonder. ~ Was I born to do this?” !
’02 – Stl: As I approach a woman, I notice she is
giving me the ~“Popeye stare!”~ As I walk past her, she
says ~“Your Aunt says, Hi.”~ My only Aunt ~ is ~ dead!
’02 – A few weeks later, I get this same ~“Popeye
stare”~ again, from a homeless man as he turns and says
the name of ~ “a man of the cloth” ~ I had been “vexing”
over whether or not to approach with and about ~these
things ~. Why ~ “Popeye”? ~ Event’s #191 & #340!
’02 – Att?: Getting on my fork truck at work, thinking
how “famous” & “important” I am going to be. “Accidentally?”
I cram my head into the over head cage. I ~“feel”~ I am
being “corrected” ~“admonished”~ for being “proud”! I am.
’02 – Stl: As ~“ootp?”~ is looking through some of my
Christmas pictures, they hand me one of me reading my new
Nostradamus book. I look down at the picture ~ then back
up at them. ~“And again ~ they ~ smile ~ at me.”~
’02 – Att: While reading through my new book on
Nostradamus. I find three interesting quotes on page 123
that get my attention. They are paragraphs “7”, 8 and 9!
’02 – March 10th. I watch the CBS documentary, “9/11”
on the 6 month anniversary of 9/11. Jules or Gedeon
Naudet says: “There is always a witness to history.”
’02 – Stl: The 3rd of ~these things ~ this ~“absolute
proof of God thing”~ happens with the 2nd person to be
with me when it happens. I don’t see this one, but I see
the person with me see ~“something”~ that startles him!
This occurs as ~“ootp?”~ for no reason, says ~“It’s your
own fault.”~ causing the person with me to turn and look!
’02 – Mar. I receive a pamphlet I requested from the
publishers of “BLOODLINE OF THE HOLY GRAIL”. Later
on, I buy the book. I am only interested in the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me ~ God!
On pg. 207 I find ~ and ~“feel”~ 1 Cor. 3:20-21 & 4:10.
’02 – Between March and May, I attend the John F.
Kennedy traveling Presidential Exhibition, “Let us begin~”.
It’s the first time I get a blister on my heel from standing.
A white cloth, with his blood ~ spilled for us ~ is on display.
’02 – Att?: I see an interesting “Doonesbury” comic
strip in which I truly ~“feel”~ the truth is being given to us.
In it, Bush “kill’s-em all” in a war room meeting, while telling
jokes. Everyone is “so---serious” about this “war – thing”.
’02 – Att?: Thinking deeply disturbed thoughts
about the possibility of a nuclear winter ~“ootp?”~ does
his ~“absolute proof of God thing”~ for the last time.
The 3 other events were ~ #127 ~ #144 ~ #186. Again!
I do not say this to scare. I say it to ~“warn”~ Ez.33:7! And
again, as in event #320. “Your belief” ~ is not my problem!
’02 – Apr?: I approach the ~ “a man of the cloth” ~
from event #181. He tells me to write it as a novel, so not to
draw attention to myself. I don’t tell him, but I disagree. I
don’t think a Novel would be the best way for me to do this.
The image on the t-shirt in event #115 is hanging on his wall!
’02 – Apr? I decide to write it as an anonymous letter.
I write about Juncture, completely leaving out ~“EPIPHANY!” ~.
Struggling with this for months. I can’t buy a clear thought.
I decide to mail it anonymously, because I plan on writing a
“book?” about ~these things ~ and I know I will need time
to “Git it done” ! I –“fear”– I will have to remain anonymous.
’02 – Apr. In the April 15th issue of “The Nation”, I
find a very moving poem entitled; “Sonnet: Against Making
Blood Speak Out” by Meir Wieseltier. I want to share it.
’02 – Apr. In the April 29th issue of “The Nation” I
find another poem worth sharing. It’s called “Stationary”,
by Laura Manuelidis. I struggle to comprehend it ~ fully.
’02 – Att?: I find C6~Q97 (697), I wonder if Jules
and Gedeon are “the Normans” that “one will want to
demand proof of”. My ~“God”~ I believe they could be!
’02 – May. In the May 6th issue of “The Nation”, I find
a very moving poem entitled, “The Enemy”, by Rafael Campo
I’m moved to share this with a friend. Just as I’m doing now.
’02 – May 27th. The cover of the “The Nation” reads;
THE FIGHT OF HIS LIFE” by John Nichols. Event #230.
’02 – June 5th. On C-Span, I see an interview with
David Brock, author of the book ~ “Blinded by the Right”.
The host introduces the book as ~ “Blinded by the Reich”!
’02 – June or July. Getting ready to mail only 100 of
my letters: In Nostra’s. Epistle, I find: “It will be in the
month of October the great translation will be made…”
Waiting for October, my 100 letters swells to almost 700.
’02 – Att?: I see an old “Outer Limits?” show early one
morning that fearfully mirrors what a –“Nuclear Winter”–
might look like. I ~“feel”~ this was given to me to see!
’02 – Stl?: One morning, I see a show where a woman
being questioned by the “police?” is told ~“All we want you
to do is to tell a story.”~ Again I ~“feel”~ I am given this.
’02 – Stl: I attend an anti-war rally up town where
Bush is speaking. There is a man standing silently, holding a
staff with the word ~“Zionism”~ hanging from it. Ev. #351.
’02 – Stl: I see an old “Twilight Zone” episode where
Charles Bronson and Elizabeth Montgomery play the last
man and woman ~ alive on earth ~ from opposing armies. Like
events #200 & # 201; again I ~“feel”~ this is “important?”!
’02 – Stl: I channel surf into a “Get Smart” marathon
on Comedy Central, to see an episode where a man invents a
silent bomb, because the world is too noisy, with too many
people. He targets all the major cities of the world, and the
“Pentagon”! I think it’s time for us all to ~“Get Smart”~ !
~‘Now! Now!’ ~”Today, today,” ~ Just ask agent ~“99”~ !
’02 – Att: I see the movie, “The Mothman Prophecies”.
Because the story is based on actual events, I want to see if
it’s anything like my experiences. It is, somewhat. Dec. 15th,
is the actual date of the bridge collapse. Dec. 15th is a
curious date. Events ~ #127 ~ #175 ~ and ~ #503.
’02 – Att: I see a video by Cher, which seems to
emphasize the steel frame inside of skyscrapers. I ~“feel”~
it is drawing attention to the “devastating lack” of one, in
the Twin Towers! In my “EPIPHANY!” laden opinion! Event #453.
’02 – Att?: By ~“coincidence?”~ I surf into Fox’s,
~“Malcolm in the Middle”~. It’s about Eisenhower’s famous
and infamous ~“Military Industrial Complex”~ warning to
America and the world. Events #16 ~ #526 ~ & ~ #534!
’02 – Att: I see a local religious show where a group of
men are sitting and talking. They say; “The only person who
can speak for God is one who is, appointed”! Am I! I am?
’02 – Att: I find “The Official JFK JR. Assassination
It implies viewing this web site could be very unhealthy. You
might get the urge to do something stupid ~ “like crossing a
crosswalk against the lights!” ~ ! Then ! ~“That night!”~ !
’02 – ~“That night”~ in a new copy of “The Nation”, I
find a eulogy about a “very successful”, “very liberal” woman
activist, who, while crossing the street in NYC, is run over.
’02 – Att:? Reading through Nostradamus’ quatrains,
because of Elton Johns ~“Candle In The Wind”~ being
changed to ~“Goodbye England’s Rose”~, I realize ~“the
rose”~ in C5~Q31 & C5~Q96 “is?” Princess Di! Ev. #58.
’02? – Sept. 6th. Getting ready to leave for a Labor Day
picnic that had been held the day before; a mocking bird
~“screams”~ 3 times, very loudly just outside my bedroom
window. I’m not sure why. This is exactly like event #142!
Other events like ~ #624 ~ have yet to happen. Stay tuned!
’02 – Att? I surf into C-Span to hear Norman
Podhoretz, talking about his new book: ~“The Prophets:
Who They Were: What They Are”~ I hear him talk about
Hosea. Stl: I hear Adam Nicolson explaining his book; “God’s
Secretaries”, on C-Span. I haven’t read these books ~ yet.
’02 – Sept. 11th! As the victim’s families file down ~
~“into the tub”~ a light breeze turns into a strong swirling
wind. Their ~“souls”~ I ~“feel”~ are doing this. Event #457.
Then on either Jan. 16th or 17th 2006, just after finding the
video ~“FROM IRAQ TO EZEKIEL”~ while surfing the net,
I find ~“The Wind of 9/11”~ by Art Israel in the now
silent ~ “The Voice News” ~ of West Hartford Connecticut.
In ‘04 I find ~“God makes the winds to blow”~. Ev. #432!
’02 – Att: Tearing up some copies of my “letter”. One
small piece of the paper lands face down next to the trash.
I ~feel~ it’s ~ for me? It says ~“good luck”~! Event #489.
’02 – Around Sept. 15th, thinking about mailing my
flyers, I begin to get “cold feet”. For 3 or 4 days, I have
“serious second thoughts”. Then ~ I have a disturbing dream
that again, as in event #157 ~“wakes me up”~ all night long.
’02 – The next morning, as I leave for work, I pick
up my Unions’ Bible ask for guidance, and do my ~“A.D.”~
My finger comes to rest on top of ~ Ezekiel 33:1 ~ just
above my finger is ~ “Ezekiel is reminded of his duty” ~!
Late for work, I only read the first 3 or 4 verses. I
realize my retirement is not going to be what I had
planned! I had no plans for retirement ~ none! This is
the 3rd time in my life, I found something with ~“A.D.”~
that “has to be” an instant & direct answer from ~God~!
’02 – That night when I get home from work, I read
the entire chapter. The 7th, 22nd, 30th, and 32nd verses seem
to speak to specific “things” in my life? This causes me to
wonder ~ “Am I a ‘Watchman’?”! ~ “Coo coo ka chew”? #572
’02 –The next morning I do this again and find “JOB
22:” The summery title above the chapter reads: “Eliphaz
accuses Job of great wickedness”. That’s what I am abou…
’02 – The next morning I do this again and find “Isaiah
2:” Its title reads: “Predictions of the Messianic kingdom”
Verse :2 is ~ “And it shall come to pass in the last days,”
Stl: ~ 2005 ~ it occurs to me to do an online Bible search, to
see how many times the phrase ~“the last days,”~ is in the
King James Bible. Guess! ~“7”~ ! ~ Genesis 49:1 ~ Isaiah
2:2 ~ Micah 4:1 ~ Acts 2:17 ~ 2 Timothy 3:1 ~ James
5:3 ~ and ~ 2 Peter 3:3. I was very surprised to find that
~“the last days,”~ is not in the book of ~ “Revelation” ~.
Checking to see how many times it is in my “book?”, ~“7”~!
’02 – Att: I begin to tell some friends at work I have
witnessed “physical” proof of God. When they ask me what
I saw, I tell them, I can’t say. Most lose interest, quickly!
’02 – Sept. 23rd. I do my ~“A.D.”~ thing with E. Leoni’s
book, and fine C9~Q23, 923. It doesn’t seem to speak to
anything pertinent. Later I realize ~ today ~ is ~ 9/23!
’02 – Att?: Talking to one of my two neighbors, from
event #136, a bird starts singing loudly, overhead. When I
mention it, they get very nervous. So, I don’t peruse it.
’02 – Sept. 28th - 30th. Feeling very paranoid about
being caught while mailing my “letters”. I decided to mail my
almost 700 anonymous letters under the cover of a heavy
rain. “I yam what I yam.” ~“small and weak”~ & “Childish”!
’02 – Oct. Talking to a preacher I met a year earlier. I
tell him; “If I am a “Watchman?”, or a “Prophet?”, or
“something?” I am the “Clouseau” of prophets!” Ev. #276.
’02 – Att?: Early one morning, I see a news story about
some new weapons that the military has. They have one I
believe could possibly bring down a small plane, in complete
silence! Of course this is just my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion!
’02 – Oct. or Nov. Desiring more understanding of
Ezekiel 33: ~ I’m at the Smyrna Library, when I decide
to pick out a study Bible. In the book ~“I choose?”~ only
one page of the books 2,222 pages is dog-eared. ~It’s~
~ Ezekiel 33! ~ This really gets my attention ~ big time!
’02 – Att?: At my wife’s parent’s house, our Chihuahua
acts like “someone” is in her fathers bedroom and wants to
play with her. My wife’s family says ~ “It’s just mother.”
’02 – Att?: Because we are late to be somewhere ~ I
apprehensively ~ half jokingly ~ ask ~“ootp?”~ “How much
time do we have?” He doesn’t answer. He just sits and
stares at me. I get the very strong ~“feel”~ he is ~ “not!” ~
~ “amused” ~ with my question and me ~ so it seems.
’02 – Oct. 25th. Paul Wellstone, his wife, his daughter
and 5 others die in an unexplained plane crash. Again ~ sadly
~ again: “If you kill the Shepherd, the flock will scatter!”
’02 – Att: Visiting my mother at her nursing home, I
pick up a daily devotional book someone gave her and find
~“A Prayer for Ending” ~. It’s “me” all my fears and worries!
’02 – Att: Cleaning out the gutters, next to the top of
the left Holly tree, I wish ~“A”~ mocking bird would land.
Later, my wife and I are outside when a mocking bird lands
on a tall stump. I put out my hand to see if he will come to
me. I turn see if she is looking. When I turn back, he is
gone! I look all around trying to find him, but I don’t see him
anywhere. I look down ~ he’s on the ground ~ in font of me!
’02 – Att?: I can’t remember where and when I heard
this, but I’m almost positive it wasn’t on any of the major
news programs. But, a few months after 9/11, while Bush
was in France, every time he tried to give a speech, outside,
he was unable to do so, because the crowds kept shouting
him down, drowning him out. What they shouted, in unison,
was “Bush is the terrorist!” They know what is happening!
’02 – Att: At work one day, for a 2nd time, I wonder if
a man could be ~“ootp?”~. While “vexing” over this, he walks
up to me, and starts a very odd and disturbing conversation.
’02 – Over the next few months, several other people
at work do similar “odd things”. I try to discern the who,
what, why and how, of all of ~“ootp?”~ ! Are they? Or are
they! Stl: ~“ootp?”~ says – “Satan has many ministers!” –
Stl: this ~“ootp?”~ makes threatening gestures towards me!
’02 – Att?: While in a large crowd, I am watching a
fairly well know young woman I had just recently come to
the conclusion “might be” ~“ootp?”~. For no apparent
reason, and with no explanation, she turns & blows a kiss in
my direction, then turns back around. It was odd ~ just odd!
’02 – Att?: Talking to ~“ootp?”~ about how expensive
something is, I needed to buy. They say ~ “You’re going to
have to pay!”~ The way it is said, I “know?” their meaning!
’02 – Att: After approaching a co-worker with ~these
things ~ they compare my story, to that of “Moses”. This is
the 1st time this happens. It bothers me to hear it. Ev.#548.
’02 – Att: Leaving the Gateway Country Store near
Rivergate Mall. A man ~“ootp?”~ asks me for $2.89 for the
bus. He keeps saying over & over ~“I ain’t no bum. I ain’t no
bum.”~ Leaving, he turns and says ~“God sent me to you!”~ !
’02 – Stl: A mocking bird dives down in front of my car
as I approach the Gateway Country Store at Cool Springs.
This happens again, as I walk out the front door with my PC.
’02 – Att?: 4 blue jays chase ~“A”~ mocking bird into
the left holly tree, at break neck speed ~ not moving a leaf!
As they fly past ~“he?”~ has a ~“divine look”~ about him!
’02 – I’m not sure when this happened. I wish had a
way to pin down the date, but I don’t. It’s how I found,
C10~Q10 ~1010~. Actually, it’s how it found me. ~10:10~!
’02 – Stl: While reading quatrain ~1066~ C10~Q66. I
see it’s very possible it could be about Tony Blair. In my
opinion, every line and word fit ~ perfectly! ~‘Now! Now!’ ~
’02 – Stl: I read with great interest quatrain ~966~
C9~Q66. It has a hope for the future that is sorely needed,
~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ Then ~ I find par. #33.
’02 – Stl: I’m troubled when I find paragraph #33 of
Nostras’. Epistle. “But!” While I can “tie” several troubling
prophecies to 1999 ~‘Now!’ ~“Today,”~ I can’t #33 ~ Yet!
Stl: In “VISIONS OF NOSTRDAMUS and other prophets”
by Donald Wigal, Ph.D. I read “A Note of Hope”: pg. 34!
’02 – Stl: Over the course of this story, I find several
more quatrains I ~“feel”~ I should mention. ~ 12 ~ 134 ~
135 ~ 187 ~ 295 ~ 405 ~ 637 ~ 814 ~ 955 ~ 1042 ~
1076 ~ and ~ 1077. I am sure it will find others, as this
“story” continues to unfold. I’ll try to mention them as I do.
’02 – Dec. Hanging up some Christmas lights, a mocking
bird lands in a tree just behind me ~ sits ~ then flies off.
When my wife comes out I say, “I hope he comes back.” He
does! Landing on the patio, he hops up the stairs towards ...
’02 – Dec. 16th. Gore announces that he is not going to
run for president again. At first, I can’t understand why.
Stl: I tell a friend: He’s not going to run, because there’s
something he really enjoys doing. – It’s called breathing – !
~“To speak the truth one will have a closed mouth,”~ ~596~
’02 – Dec. 24th. Shopping at Hickory Hollow Mall I
feel what at first I think is a spider or a bug under my
hat, in my hair. Not until event #418, do I understand ~
the ~ “why” of ~“Why”~ this is happening to me.
’02 – Dec. 30th. During the Music City Bowl ~ I think
about myself ~“speaking”~ to a full stadium. As I do, a
mocking bird dives down below where we are sitting, then
swoops up, flying directly over me. “Coincidence”? Nope!
’03 – Att?: I see “Break Me”, by Jewel. It’s “the most
moving” pro-peace, anti-war visual statement I’ve ever
seen. “The powers that be”, makes sure no one ever sees it
again! The Top “40” videos are cut to “20”. She was # 28!
’03 – On break at work one day, while discussing ~
~“interpreting”~ the Bible, I demonstrate my ~“A.D.”~
Directly under my finger, is the word ~“interpretation”~!
’03 – Stl: From time to time, I discuss the “divinity” of
~Jesus~, with others. In the Bible I find 2 places where He
should have been called the ~“Son of God”~ but wasn’t. Y?
’03 – Att: Visiting my mother at her nursing home I do
my ~“A.D.”~ with her Bible. I read: “Because you have not
obeyed the lord, you will die among the rocks and the…”
I can’t remember what the next words were. Event #287.
’03 – Because of this, I stand in my Union meeting and
proclaim that I have witnessed; “Absolute, undeniable,
“physical” proof of God.” I don’t do a very good job of this;
and as I finish, one of my Union Sisters gives me a big hug.
’03 – Jan. 10th. On ‘Now!’ Bill Moyers asks Grover
Norquist: “You’re on record as saying; my goal is to cut
government in half in 25 years, ‘to get it down to the
size where ‘we’ can drown it in the bath tub.’ Is that a
true statement?” Grover’s reply was – “No” – and – “Yes”.
’03 – Jan. 27th. Just after 4:00AM, I see four stars
forming a beautiful “jeweled” “cross” around a beautifully
bright, “crescent” moon. I “accidentally?” write a letter to
the editor entitled ~ “A Sigh From God”. Event #428.
’03 – Feb.1st. On Bill Moyers ‘Now!’ he does a show
called “Trading Democracy”. He says that if Chapter 11 of
NAFTA is not undone! “It will be the end of Democracy!”!
’03 – Att: or Stl: Again on his show ‘Now!’, he
interviews a man who says the worlds “super-rich” have
decided, “It’s time for Democracy to come to an end!”!
’03 – Stl: Again, on ‘Now!’ Bill does a show where he
talks about the richest 100th%, of the richest 1%, of earth’s
population. I believe he says it’s about 13,000 families. For a
while ~‘Now!’~ I have suspected those at the top, “may be”
planning to make this world “their private summer camp”! I
say this to ~“warn them”~ Events #109 ~ #123 ~ #190!
’03 – Feb. Childishly, I approach someone at the NPJC
with my claims of “Divine Intervention”. They say they don’t
have time for this. I find a disturbing pamphlet about 9/11.
It raises several disturbing questions ~ no one is answering.
Stl: A website listed on the pamphlet –threatens– me?!
’03 – Feb. That same day, I tell a Quaker some of my
story. Stl: They also compare me to “Moses”. This is the
second time this happens. And again, it scares me to hear it!
’03 – That week, uptown at a gas station, I hear a bird
singing very loudly. I turn, and see it, and say; “I wish you
were a mocking bird.” It has ~ “White Stripes”! Ev. #319.
’03 – Friday I go to the NPJC “Faces of Collateral
Damage” finale. I plan to speak, if they will let me ~ they
don’t. From a passing car I hear someone say ~ “Say it!”!
Also, a large ~ beautiful ~ brown hawk ~ causes the crowd
to gasp, as ~ “he” ~ she” ~ swoops down over the gathering.
’03 – Att: I search 3 different Bible search engines
trying to find the verse I read at my mothers’ nursing home
in Ev. #254 that scared me into action. “It doesn’t exist!”!
’03 – Feb 24th. Feeling a real need to tell all of this to
someone, and having no one – I have the thought: “Since I
am an old “Alumnus”, I’ll call Parthenon Pavilion and ask them
if I can come down and speak with them.” So I do. They say,
sure ~ come on down ~ we can talk. “Mistake!?” Maybe.
’03 – At Parthenon, I make the “mistake?” of saying I
might be a “Prophet”. They inform me they are not going to
let me leave, until I talk to a licensed Psychiatrist. They
hold me, against my will, for over 18 hrs. The food was good.
’03 – Att?: Going to my wife’s house on Sundays, we
see a dirty, unkempt, homeless man “waiting?” on the front
steps of a Church in Madison, TN. ~“Ootp?”~ Hebrews 13:2!
’03 – Att: In our Christmas pictures, I find a
“shape” that looks like a “wing” on two pictures. There is
no “logical” explanation for this. I show this picture to a
few friends, and ponder over it, for a while. But then, I
completely forget about it ~ until ~ event ~ #409!
’03 – Att: I write a poem for a poetry reading that the
NPJC had scheduled for legislative plaza, down town. I sum
up the “warnings” & “admonitions” I’ve been asked to give.
’03 – On my way there, stopped at the traffic light at
Old Nashville Hwy. and Sam Ridley Pky. I find myself sitting
behind a car with a 7 letter, one word, personalized tag
whose meaning combines a description of what I am about to
do, with a thank you and congratulations. In my opinion.
’03 – At the reading, someone gives me their card. It
has my initials AW arranged in the shape of wings. I take
note of this. Is it just another; “Coincidence is …” Ev.#350.
’03 – At the reading, only 6 other people show up. And
5 are poets. I read “A Prayer for Ending”, before my poem.
Talking later, they like “my” word – “Bushstapo”! Ev. #338.
’03 – Mar. At the start of the war, I call C-Spans
Washington Journal and very, very awkwardly say; “I know
that God wants us all to read Ezekiel 33:” This terrifies me!
On Mar. 19th, using my ~“A.D.”~ I find Job 6:8 through 6:11.
’03 – Mar. 30th. A friend tells me about an article in
the Tennessean where 6 pastors gave their opinions about
the book of “Revelation”. I decide to write to them about
some of my experiences. I get ~ no response ~ at all ~ none.
’03 – Att: Having failed to find someone willing to help
me write my “book”, since Oct. of ’02, event #225; I start
trying to write it myself. Just as with trying to write my
letter, of event #192 ~ I can’t buy a clear thought!
’03 – Att: A friend at work tells me about several
visions and a “prophetic” dream he had, after a miraculous
healing of “absolutely terminal” cancer of the esophagus!
’03 – Att: I “childishly” think of two “signs” God could
give me to help me be more believable. I tell this to no one!
A few days’ later ~“ootp?”~ mentions the 2nd one, to me!
’03- Att: At a peace rally in Centennial Park, a pastor
speaks out against Bush. He’s a very good speaker. I decide
to approach him about ~these things ~. Instead, he comes
to me! He tells me about an “angel?” he ran into in Memphis.
Stl: He avoids me. I don’t understand why I can’t find
anyone willing to help me with this. There must be a reason.
Also, at the rally, I see a man wearing a shirt depicting Bush
as Hitler. He has Hitler’s hair and moustache. Event # 539.
’03 – Att: A friend at work, who is tired of hearing my
claims about my ~“Amateur Divination”~ ~“A.D.”~ tries to
prove to me that I’m delusional. He puts a magazine in my
hands, and tells me open it and read. I read his first name!
’03 – Att: Around 4:30 AM, I see a light casting an
eerie “Mothman” shape through a thick fog. As I turn, I see
a very large, very beautiful, brown moth, flying around the
chandler. All day, everything goes wrong. Everything I try to
do turns out badly. Also, that same day, a close friend has a
“severe” mental disturbance. “Coincidence?” I don’t think so!
’03 – May. My local Union’s newsletter has a quote
by Abraham Lincoln that seems to support my theories
about the worlds’ situation. “Corporations” ~ “Enthroned”!
’03 – Att: At a Dr.’s office I find a book of poetry by
Mattie J.T. Stepanek. ~“Hope through Heartsongs”~ Stl:
On pg. 47, I find two poems I believe are gifts ~ from God.
One was written on 9/11 ~ the other is ~ very, very, odd!
Read these! They are gifts from ~God~ for us to ponder!
From his very beautiful poem ~“For Our World”~ I ~‘Now!’ ~
quote, as often as I can: ~“Never judging or vengeful ~ Like
the judging and vengeful.”~ This advice leads to salvation!
’03 – May. On Ackland Ave. at my very first Quaker
meeting. I ~“speak”~ ! My voice is not mine! The top of
my head has that moving feeling again? It gets very hot!
Some believe me! But I lack attitude! I don’t believe in me!
’03 – After the meeting, someone tells me to read the
book ~ “Expecting Adam” ~. Stl: Someone there asks me if
I have ever heard of ~“Emmanuel Swedenborg”~. I haven’t.
’03 – Att: I tell a friend about an experience I had
with ~“ootp?”~ and a mocking bird. I changed some of the
details, a little too much. I get a second ~“A.D.”~ rebuke!
’03 – At my mothers’ nursing home using her Bible &
~“A.D.” ~ I read. “Because you have lied in the name of
the Lord, you will die among the rocks and the…” ~
“weeds?” Stl: Again ~ I find ~ this “verse” doesn’t exist!
’03 – Stl: After kneeling, face to the floor, praying for
help & forgiveness for being slow to “rise” to do this. With
~“A.D.”~ I open a pamphlet and read ~“arise and shine!”~ !
’03 – Att: Failing at writing an ~“INTRODUCTION”~
for months. Very downhearted and dejected, I get the idea
to write ~“UNTRODUCTION”~. This lightheartedly ~ helps.
’03 – Stl: I get the idea to write a ~“PRE~RAMBLE”~
as a play on words to “PREAMBLE”. Struggling with this for
a while, I decide to write a “PRE-PRE~RAMBLE”. I’m lost!
’03 – Stl: I decide I need a “Synopsis of ~“EPIPHANY!”” ~
and a “Synopsis of Juncture”. So I start working on them.
For some reason, I can’t stop writing opening statements!
’03 – Stl: I add an ~“INTRODUCTION”~. And then,
Stl: I decide I need a “FORWARD”. Seeing another chance
to be “clever”, I decide to call it ~“FOREWARNED”~.
’03 – Att?: It occurs to me one day ~“God is real”~
sounds very much like ~“God Israel”~ ! And ~“God is love”~
sounds very much like ~“God Islam”~! So ~ I tell it ~ often!
Retyping this on 05/09/05, the words align ~“curiously”~!
’03 – Stl: Talking about the size of a very large crowd,
with, a very, very young ~“ootp?”~ I ask them; “What should
we with all these people?” Their reply is most disturbing ~
~“Throw them in the garbage.”~ ! They ~ smile ~ at me.
’03 – July 7th. I send an e-mail from my sons’ house in
MN to the NPJC. Six months later, I receive a reply to it
within minutes of event #338. It deals with –“Bushstapo!”– !
’03? – July. One of the cable stations does a show on
JFK JR’s plane crash. They give –“opinion”– that it was pilot
error. But then they “show and tell” several “facts” ! The
most troubling one is “why” the black-box that JFK JR
installed on his little plane –“failed”– to record anything!
’03 – July 25th. Friday night I turn on the last half of
‘Now!’ to hear Leon Kass say; “…we don’t know how many
other people got called who didn’t answer.”! Am I one?
’03 – July. Someone indicates they might help me write
my story. To help us, I decide we will need a laptop PC. Their
calendar has three very “interesting” ~“Coincidence is…”~ !
’03 – Aug. 9th. So ~ I buy my laptop notebook from the
Gateway Country Store at Cool Springs. Then “they” decide
not to help me. “I’m alone again. All on my own again.”
This is the opening line of a song, I wrote “many” years ago.
’03 – Aug?: On C-Span, I hear Greg Palast, author of
~“The Best Democracy Money Can Buy”~ talk about a man
in Africa, who stood in front of a bulldozer to stop it from
burying several men, alive, in a gold mine. Greg said, George
H.W. Bush was on the board of the gold mining company.
’03 – Att: While arguing with the person from event
#144, ~“ootp?”~ is with us and says ~ “Your ‘friend’ is
here!” Their ‘friend’ has been dead, for about a year! This
stops the argument ~ instantly! It’s intriguingly ~ troubling!
’03 – Aug: On a Wed. night, at the very last Quaker
meeting held on Ackland Ave. I have a ~“vivid”~ burst like,
dream like ~“vision?”~ I ~“feel”~ ~“Intense ~ Overwhelming
~ Joy”~ ! Then I have a “very startling” ~“A.D.”~ “event”!
’03 – Driving home, I do my ~“A.D.”~ thing again at a
stop light, using a different, “Conversations with God” book.
This time, I read: “Don’t be so judgmental of yourself.”
’03 – Stl: I either hear or read ~“You don’t wish to
experience ‘this’ anymore.”~ This bothers me a lot, and I
get very upset! I do want to experience ‘this’! I do! I do! I
do! Stl: I mention this to ~“ootp?”~ and it seems to make
them –“sadistically”– happy I received this “message”. Y?
’03 – Stl: Talking to this same ~“ootp?”~ I ask him if
he has ever heard of the “Illuminati”. He quickly says ~“Oh
yes!”~ Then quickly gives me a “troubling” sideways glance.
’03 – Att: A little girl approaches my grandsons and me
at a local playground. Her ~“strange”~ behavior makes me
wonder if she is ~“ootp?”~. Stl: A man she runs up to and
hugs, “her father?” is wearing an “Angel’s” baseball shirt!
’03 – Att?: I tell ~“ootp?”~ I need some answers to
some questions. So I ask him, if I can ask him. I say: “Can I
ask you some questions?” His reply is ~“Yes ~ No!”~ with a
half second delay between the ~“Yes”~ and the ~“No!”~?!
’03 – Att: A friend at work, who I’ve been telling about
some of ~these things ~ asks me if I have seen ~“Joan of
Arcadia”~. I say, “No, why”? He says, “Watch it!” I see why!
’03 – Stl: This friend says; “Maybe you ran into Bruce
Almighty?” I tell him. “Well, he did change his face into a
shape that looked like a ‘mask’.” “Maybe it was Jim Carry!”
’03 – Att: I buy the movie ~“OH GOD”~ because the
story line is similar to that of ~“Joan of Arcadia”~ and my
experiences’ except no one has ever said, they are ~“God”~.
The only ~“ootp?”~ to say what he was ~ was ~ event #102.
’03 – Att: At work ~ from a distance ~ I see a large 3
ft. wide squeegee, leaning against a mop handle, in a bucket
forming a left leaning ~“cross”~. I show this to a friend and
tell him ~“God”~ is a friend of ~“all”~ who labor for justice.
’03 – Stl: I tell another friend at work about no one
believing any of my claims of ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ He then shows me
paragraph #25; from ~“The History of Joseph Smith”~.
Finding it on the net, I also read paragraphs, #24, and #26.
’03 – Att?: I tell another friend at work about hearing
the comment that “The Beatles” just might be the four
horsemen of the Apocalypse. He tells me the quote’s author
is Charles Manson. I tell him, “I believe God draws nearer to
the insane.” He thoughtfully considers my opinion ~ I think.
’03 – Aug. I go see the movie 11-9-1; I hope they will
mention Nostradamus ~ they don’t. I especially like Sean
Pen’s 11 minute segment. The movie is worth watching.
’03 – Att: Telling two people, a little too much about
~“ootp?”~. Talking to this ~“ootp?”~ the next day about
“other things”, he says ~“You’re going to get me killed!”~!
’03 – Aug. 30th. On ~‘Now!’ ~ Bill Moyers does “The
Great Earth Debate: State of the earth overview” It’s
about the un-sustainability of the world’s economy. It is
my “opinion”, this un-sustainability, is why “our” war on
“terror” was “staged” ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ !
’03 – Att: I hear a song on my car radio by Carroll
King. I think it’s ~“Child of Mine”~. I ~“feel”~ ~“God”~ is
speaking to me. One line says ~ “You will always be honest.”
’03 – Att: I see “Creeds” new video called ~“One Last
Breath”~. Its imagery is definitely 9/11. For me, the video
suggests the undertone of the conspiracy, I believe is 9/11!
’03 – Att: I see ~“Seven Nation Army”~ by “White
Stripes”. I have seen this imagery before in event #44. I
~“feel”~ many videos; “Trains’” ~“Calling All Angels”~ is one
of many, I have ~“felt”~ over the course of ~these things ~.
’03 – Att: I see a video called ~“Ariels”~. The circus
boy’s face, is very similar to the faces in events: #127 ~
#144 ~ #186 ~ #190. Your belief ~ is not ~ my problem!
’03 – Att: Talking to a Christian psychologist about
~these things ~ he is the third person to compare my story
to that of “Moses”. It still makes me uneasy to hear this!
’03 – Att: Talking to ~“ootp?”~ at work about ~“God”~.
They challenge me to prove that ~“God is love.”~ After
some thought, I believe I can “prove” that ~“God is love.”~
Stl: In a Quaker meeting ~ I stand and tell my opinion.
’03 – Att?: In a local store, my grandsons and I meet a
child, their age, who is a hermaphrodite. He has such a
heavenly look of peace and serenity on his face ~ he almost
looks ~divine~ ! I am unable to turn away from looking at
him. Walking to our car, my grandsons tell me that he said
he was half boy and half girl. On the way home, one of my
grandson’s asks me, if the future is going to be “different”.
’03 – Nov. 13th. I have my shoulder operation. While I’m
out, I plan on getting my “book” done. AGAIN! It doesn’t
happen. I will just have to keep trying. And ~ I am ~ I am !
’03 – Att: I find an article on the internet about a
coming book called ~“Sorrows of Empire”~ by Chalmers
Johnson. I have read some of it, and it’s worth reading.
’03 – Att: I find a web site called “The Golden Report”
by Jerry Golden. It has an article called “The Roots of Evil
in Jerusalem.” It is what it is! And what it is? Is the truth?
His “truth” is also in ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~.
’03 – Att?: On “alternet.org”, I find; “Was Paul
Wellstone Murdered?” Stl: at, “heartsongs.org”; “Electromagnetic Pulse”; and “FEMA: The Secret Government”.
’03 – Dec. In a big red beautiful Christmas book, I
find ~ from Hamlet: “when the bird of dawning sings all
night long.” It’s similar to the mocking bird of event #134.
’03 – Dec.23rd. At approximately 4:15AM, I ~“feel”~
led to do my ~“A.D.”~. I find Jeremiah 3:9 or 3:19. The
title above the chapter reads ~“God’s call to Repentance”~.
’03 – Dec. 23rd. Minutes later, I find Jeremiah 5:12.
This title reads ~“The Judgments of God upon the Jews
for their perverseness”~. ~“neither shall evil come…”~
’03 – Dec. 23rd. Minutes later at 4:30AM I do this
again, and find Job 31:23. The chapter title here reads
~“Job makes solemn protestation of his integrity.”~
’03 – Dec.23rd. As I lie down, I have a thought: “Those
who love ~“Love”~ love ~“God”~! Even if they do not believe
in ~“God”~ as a tangible, working, intelligent, divine, deity.”
~“Love is the answer ~ and you know that ~ for sure!”~
’03 – Dec. 23rd. At approximately 4:43AM I ~“feel”~
led to get out of bed again. I find Jeremiah 2:34. Its title
reads ~“The cause of Israel’s desolation.”~ Is this flurry
of ~“A.D.”~ of ~“warn them from me.”~ ? Ezekiel 33:7.
’03 – Att?: On the net, I find a quote by a famous
“playwright?”, “Oscar Wild?”. It’s when two senators die the
same way in the same year ~“we the people”~ need to be
suspicious ~ very suspicious! I am unable to find it again.
’03 – Dec.31st. At the Music city Bowl, I am standing on
the Shelby St. pedestrian bridge, handing out our Union’s
informational flyers about Bridgestone, when a passerby
says: “Oh look, it’s Jesus.” It was probably my ~ “JwJ” ~
~“JOBS with JUSTICE”~ hat that I was wearing!
Decade VII
’04 – Jan. Sitting in the Quaker meeting one Sunday, I
want to stand and speak about C10~Q10 ~1010~ but don’t.
Leaving at 11:34 ~“10:10”~ is on my cars’ clock! Event #384!
’04 – While out with my shoulder, I send an e-mail to
the National Jehovah Witness’s website. A local Church
pays me a visit. I tell them some of my story ~ they listen.
’04 – Att: Within minutes of finding out that a, Roger
Fredinburg, posted –“Bushstapo”– on his website, on 7/7/02!
I open a reply to the e-mail of event #295, sent, on 7/7/03!
’04 – Feb. 5th. At a JwJ luncheon, as I get out of my
car, a mocking bird fly’s down over me, very close! Inside,
trembling, I stand and ~“speak”~ about ~these things ~.
’02 – Att?: Thinking about the two ~“people”~ who gave
me the “Popeye stair”, in events #180 and #181. I finally
understand why they did this. It just dawned on me one day,
that ~ “I yam what I yam.” ~ is ~ “I Am That I Am.” !
’04 – Feb. 24th. At the Belcourt Theatre, I see ~
~“UNCOVERED: the whole truth about the Iraq war”~.
Stl: I find ~“Hidden Wars of Desert Storm”~ at NPJC. I
mention ~these things ~ because I ~“feel”~ led to do so!
’04 – Feb. A TV ad for ~“The Passion of the Christ”~
shows “Satan” as a “man”. His “demeanor” and “look”, are
similar to several of the ~“ootp?”~ I have met! Event #113.
’04 – Feb. or Mar. I tell a friend who is very religious,
some of the ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ I have experienced. For the first
time in my life ~ I hear about ~William Marrion Branham~.
’04 – Stl: I find Branham’s life story on the internet.
There are “similarities” between his early life and mine. I
am “stunned” when I see that we could almost be twins!
’04 – Att: Recalling seeing the movie ~“Song of
Bernadette”~ when I was young, I rent it. It opens ~“For
those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary.
For those who don’t, no explanation is possible.”~ Is it?
’04 – Att: Having an argument with ~“ootp?”~ he turns
and shouts at me. ~“You buried me!”~ I step back and think
about what he means. The possibilities are ~ troubling. Stl?:
I tell him “I need some answers to some questions. Can I ask
you some questions?” His answer is ~“Yes. ~ No!”~ ?
’04 – Att: Our Chihuahua starts making “odd” sounds
when she is asleep that sometimes sound like words. I recall
C1~Q64 ~ 164 ~“And one will hear brute beasts talking.”~
’04 – Att: The History Channel does a 2 hr. show on
Nostradamus. At the start, they strongly imply they will,
mention ~1072~. They don’t: “Their silence is deafening!”!
’04 – Att?: Standing outside of a sold out Belcourt
Theater, two band members and their leader walk in the
front door. As the leader pass’s, he stops and stares at me.
This has happened to me two or three times. Event #92.
’04 – Stl: Talking to some friends for over 3 hrs.
trying to convince them to help me write my “book”. They
loan me ~“A Book of Angels”~ by Sophy Burnham. For the
first time in my life, on page 35, I read ~“Coincidence is
Gods way of performing a miracle anonymously.”~ By
~“Anonymous”~ ! Stl: On page 26, I find a quote about
reincarnation by William Wordsworth from his ~“Ode:
Intimations of Immortality”~. I remember event #15.
’04 – Att: Thinking about calling this a “white paper”;
searching my Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia ’99 I find
~“Zionism”~! Many beleive ~“Zionism”~ is involved. Ev.#202!
’04 – Att: One night, really worrying, about getting
this “book?” done. One of ~“ootp?”~ leans to me, and with
~“heavenly”~ serenity, says ~“You can do this ~ I know
you can.”~ Seconds later ~“he”~ changes ~ completely!
’04 – Mar. 4th. At the JwJ luncheon on Feb 5th, I asked
if I could ~“speak”~ formally today. I get 10 mins. at the
end of the meeting. Few stay, and JwJ stops inviting me.
It’s OK ~ I would stop inviting me too ~ if I was them. I am
starting to see that ~ I have to get something written.
’04 – Att?: Actually I believe this happened several
months earlier, but because it relates to: “if I was them.” I
have decided to add it ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~. It’s the thought ~
that the “only?” difference between anyone and anyone else
~ between you and me ~ is the grace of God. Because of the
quote: “There, but for the grace of God, go you ~ or I.”
’04 – Mar. All the way to a Dr.’s appointment I think
about seeing my 1st grade ~“Angel”~. In the waiting room, I
find “Abou Ben Adhem” in “101 POEMS” with my ~“A.D.”~!
’04 – Mar. 5th. “The Daily News Journal” publishes a
lett. to the edit. I wrote equating the movie ~“The Passion
of the Christ”~ with the death penalty and Justice for all.
’04 – Mar. 19th. Trying to end; “I hope that I…?” I
finally think of ~ “…hope!” ~ “I hope ~ that ~ I hope.”! ~
With, ~“A.D.”~ I find Job 6:8-11. “What strength do I
have that I should *hope.” I AM has spoken to me again!
’04 Att: I find the book ~“Elementary Theosophy”~
by L.W. Rogers in the Smyrna Library. In it, I find quotes
by Nicola Tesla and Alfred Russell Wallace, about the
“probable” existence of spiritual beings. Look them up, they
are very, very interesting. They are on pages 245 and 246.
Stl: I check out a copy of ~ George Orwell’s ~ ~“1984”~.
If you’ve never read the book, or seen the movie ~ do so!
’04 – Mar. or Apr. In our den one day, I look up to
see a small section of curtain flapping briskly! ~ I ask my
wife, “Why is the curtain doing that?” She grabs it! It
stops! Why didn’t it start flapping again? Event #437 !
This is similar to my Sunday school teacher’s event #29.
’04 – Att?: A very strange windstorm comes straight
down on top of Nashville, with winds around 75 mph. This is
listed again as event #432. I’m unsure when it occurred.
’04 – Att: Talking to ~“ootp?”~ about the state of
world, they say ~“This is hells’ season.”~? It’s a very
interesting, but troubling comment. Stl: “Lightheartedly?” I
have the thought: “Maybe they watch the news too.”
’04 – Att: Concerned about what will happen to me,
when I go public with my “story”. I do my ~“A.D.”~. My
thumb stops on top of Psalms 31:13. Stl: I read :10 – :18.
It describes my thoughts and feelings, almost perfectly.
’04 – Att: On PBS I hear ~“he thinks he’s a prophet.
But he’s a coward; he’s just playing a game.”~ This really
bothers me. Stl: I find it’s the song ~ “The Great Mandala”.
’04 – Mar. or Apr. I hear that Mattie J.T. Stepanke
is very ill again. I decide to go to ~“The Upper Room”~ to
pray for him and revisit the chapel. Walking up the street, a
mocking bird flies down the middle of the street. Ev.#400.
’04 – Att?: April? I hear the opening words to the song
~“Show you Love”~ by Jars of Clay: “~ Speak ~ say the
words that no one else will ever say. ~ Love ~ Love like
the world we know is over in a day. I’m gonna show you
love in every language, I gonna speak …” Event #448.
’04 – Att?: On a Church sign, near my home, I read:
“God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called.”
I’ve read several things that ~“speak”~ to me on their sign.
’04 – Att: While looking for history about the
“Federal Reserve”, at the Smyrna Library, I find the
book ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ ! ~ 1010 ~ ?
’04 – Apr. At the Quaker meeting one Sunday, I stand
and tell how I found ~“Abou Ben Adhem”~. I do a good job
of telling this. I get a reaction to ~“Coincidence is Gods way
of performing a miracle anonymously.”~ by Anonymous !
’04 – Apr. 29th. On my way to a TCASK meeting inside
the Legislative Plaza, I run into an old union buddy. After it
is over, on my way back to my car. I find a ~“Falun Dafa”~
(Gong) pin wheel. I “~feel~” I should keep it. Event #451!
’04 – Att: On my way home from somewhere, I see a
second personalized plate, I ~“feel”~ is “chiding?” me to act!
To “build” my ~“Epiphany!” ~ into a ~ world wide ~ movement.
’04 – Apr. With ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~
“heavy” on my mind ~ I find ~“The Gods of the Copy Book
Headings”~ the way I found; “Abou Ben Adhem”. Ev. #355!
’04 – Att: At a JwJ meeting at PACE international, I
stand and say that I have witnessed proof of God. A few
women speak to me. I stop receiving invitations to attend. I
covered this in event #353, but I have decided to leave this
in as an example of how I have to “guess” at some dates.
’04 – Monday, May 3rd. I channel surf into a speech by
the Minister Lewis Farrakhan. He lays this war at the
“conspiratorial” feet of the –Neo-Cons–. And he is right!
’04 – Att: On a web site, a “preacher” claims that
Nostradamus’ quatrain C01~Q02 ~0102~ ~12~ proves that
he is in league with Satan, because of the line ~“The divine
seats himself near by.”~ I disagree. Nostra. dedicated all
of his work to the glory of ~“God”~ and ~“Jesus Christ”~.
’04 – May. Sunday, in a Quaker meeting, I stand and
tell about finding ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ and
the poem ~“The Gods of the Copybook Headings”~ by
~“A.D.”~. I don’t do this as well as I did in event # 368.
’04 – Att: On my way home after a Quaker meeting,
one Sunday morning; I see a 3rd personalized tag whose one
word 7 letter message equates to ~“I am in your truth.”~ !
’04 – Att?: On C-Span, I catch the very end of a
speech by a U.S. Senator on the Senate floor, as he quotes
from George Orwell’s “1984”. I felt vindicated, to see and
hear someone of such a prestigious status, talking about
what I have been saying for a long, long time. Event #485.
’03 – Att?: Driving down Thompson Lane; I see a
Church sign I agree with so much I decide to mention it:
~“Money is a good servant ~ but a bad master.”~ Stl: I
read another: ~“Well done is better than well said.”~
’04 – May 12th. I return to work after being off for six
months. I had hoped to get my “book?” about half way done.
“Again!” I’m unsuccessful. But here I am ~ I am still trying!
’04 – Att: At work, I ask ~“God”~ why I have to do
this. Using ~“A.D.”~ and “The Creature from...”, on pg. 257
I land directly on ~“for the lasting good of humanity.”~ !
This occurs, 6 more times! Events ~ #407 ~ #440 ~ #500 ~
#513 ~ #562 and ~ #663! These ~“events”~ are ~“divinely
connected”~ to the very, very important event of #418!
In my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden and ~“divinely approved?”~ opinion!
’04 – Att: I call C-Span to give my comments about A.
Greenspan. I am the first caller. As I tell the host about
~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ he cuts me off in…!
’04 – Att: ABC’s 20/20 does 3 stories: Corporate
sponsorship of Al-kada: The reincarnation of a WWII
fighter pilot in a little boy. And Psychics helping Police.
’04 – Att: Getting ~“101 Famous Poems”~ again, at
the Smyrna, Library, beside it I see ~“Poems of Love”~.
Again, I ~feel~ the ~“urge”~ to pick it up and look through
it. ~“Someone”~ ~“ootp?”~ has written ~“1 Corinthians
Chapter 13 New International Bible”~ on the last page.
’04 – May. While talking to ~“ootp?”~ I mention seeing
~10:10~ on my cars clock at the Quaker meeting house,
event #336. –“Mockingly”– he say’s people will just say I’m
hallucinating. Stl: I ask him if he could talk to me for a few
minuets. He gets a disturbing look on his face, and tone in
his voice and says ~“I’ve always got time to talk to you.”~
Stl: I tell him about the three people who have compared my
story to that of Moses. I tell him I haven’t seen a ~“Burning
Bush”~ or anything like that ~ but I have seen a “Bush –
burning”! His response was ~“Oh.”~ ~“Yes.”~ Event #543!
’04 – May 25th. Protesting in front of the Firestone
store on Broadway, in Nashville. A very good looking woman
interviews me. Every ~ question ~ is ~ about ~ God”!
’04 – May 28th. On ABC’s national news they do a story
about a “perfect” sunscreen that is available to the entire
world, but not here, in the U.S.A.! Why? Why not here?
’04 – Att: A Pentecostal preacher loans me a copy of
the “Bagadavidta” and gives me a copy of “The Essential
Rumi”. One page, page 201, is dog eared! It’s chapter ~ 19 ~
~“Jesus Poems: The Population of the World ”~! Stl: I
find ~“MOSES AND THE SHEPHERD”~ on pg. 165 the first
time I try my ~“A.D.”~. Read it! Note the last nine words!
’04 – May 29th. Searching; 1 Corinthians 13: on
Google, the first 2 sites listed, have ~“love”~ changed to
“charity”. If ~“Love is the answer.”~ ~“Why”~ is ~“Love”~
not getting more press! Maybe –“fear”– “fears” ~“Love”~?
’04 – May 31st. After getting up at 6:30AM and
working on this until 8:30AM. I went back to bed. At
9:41AM, just outside my bedroom window, a very loud
mocking bird wakes me up again. This is the beginning of
the most “pressing” aspect of this story, that ~“God ~
The Spiritual Realm”~ ~“The Spiritual Realm ~ God”~
wants me to “warn” you about ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden
opinion. Stl: I decide to write my ~“FOREWARNED”~.
’04 – Jun. On C-Span, I see a story about JFK and
Jackie. I turn on C-Span 2 and hear; “With all deliberate
speed.” I ~“feel”~ pressure to ~“Git It Done.”~ Ev. #438.
’04 – Jun. Looking through my copy of ~“A Book of
Angels”~ by Sophy Burnham. I read “Swedenborg’s” quote
on pg. 187 again. ~“Because He is Love in its essence, that
is Divine Love, [God] appears before the angels in heaven
as a sun,”~ Thinking of event #151 ~ it has new meaning!
’04 – June 6th. I overhear 2 men talking about the
“untimely” death of the man in event #70. They say it’s odd
he died of a heart attack. He was strong and in good health.
’04 – Jun. A friend shows me the June 6th comic strip
of ~“LIFE WITH OPUS”~. It’s about –“neo-cons”–. I tell
my friend –“they”– are part of –“The Third and Final
Antichrist”– ~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the Love of
money”~ Mar? ’05, the same friend shows a second one that
deals with how the –“neo-cons”– –“silenced”– Dan Rather.
’04 – Jun. 12th. On a local Church sign, I read ~ “A
willingness to listen is the fist step towards change.” ~ I
think ~“love”~ would have been better than “listen”. I
understand what they mean. But ~“Love”~ is losing ground.
’04 – Jun. 13th. I waste the whole day; “AGAIN!”,
trying to rewrite most of my opening statements. I have to
find a way to stop doing this! I’m wasting time I don’t have!
’04 – Jun. 14th. At approximately 8:15PM, from behind
me comes a very loud, “clash”, of plates, as if they are being
dropped. We have several plates stacked on top of a piano!
’04 – Jun. 20th. Washing my hair, before I go to work,
the bathroom door jiggles. I think it’s my wife. I quickly
unlock and open the door, but she’s not there. ~ No one is!
’04 – Jun. 20th. In the kitchen, while getting my lunch
together to go to work, I hear several unexplained noises
coming from around and behind a small white cabinet.
’04 – Jun. 22nd. Watching the opening prayer of the
Senate, on C-Span. The clergyman asks God; “to raise
again, as in days past, someone to help and guide us in…”
’04 – Jun. 22nd. Mattie J.T. Stepanek dies. I firmly
believe that he, and his poetry, are gifts from ~“God”~. I
also firmly believe that ~“God”~ wants the world to read
the two poems ~“Past, Present, Future”~ and ~“Attack on
America”~ on pg. 47 of ~ Mattie’s ~ book ~“Hope through
Heartsongs”~ ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ They are!
Stl: At a Dr.’s office, I meet a 13 year old boy who also has
a life threatening condition, similar to that of Mattie’s. As I
leave the office ~ twice ~ he tells me ~“Have fun!”~ This
reminds me of ~ Mattie’s ~ ~“Remember to play after
every storm.”~ Both times he says ~“Have fun!”~ there is a
~ lovingly ~ piercing look in his eyes ~ as he looks into mine.
’04 – Att?: I hear Denis Kucinich compare the
defense budget to a package of 40 Oreo cookies. He
claims that if we took one, “just one”, Oreo cookie from
the defense budget package, we could pay for ~ provide:
Absolutely free universal health care for everyone in the
U.S.A. “AND!” We could send every person in the
U.S.A. to college, totally and completely paid for, for
free! This claim needs to be checked out, to see if it’s
possible. Don’t you think so? I think so! Event #16, was
~“embedded”~ in me for ~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~
’04 – June. A man at work says; “Nothing lasts
forever.” I say; “The only thing that lasts forever, is…” he
cuts me off, thinking I’m about to start preaching “religion”!
’04 – June or July: On Ch. 4 I hear a news segment
about an ingredient in shampoo that makes people “stupid”!
Most people shampoo everyday! This would explain ~ a lot!
They also said that peanut butter and eggs were brain food,
and jokingly suggested washing your hair with p.b. and eggs.
’04 – July. Having problems with my new computer, I
mention it to ~“ootp?”~. He says he is doing it! I tell him:
“I believe you.” Again ~ he smiles ~ at me ~ as he leaves!
’04 – July. Later that day talking to ~“him”~ again, I
mention I will talk to my dad, when I see him in heaven. He
says ~“They don’t talk in heaven.”~ And again ~ smiles!
’04 – July 13th. A friend tells me about a woman who is
having ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ experiences similar to mine. He tells me
hers also involve ~ Nostradamus! And! She has pictures!!!!!!!
’04 – July 17th. Trying my ~“A.D.”~ with ~“The
Creature from Jekyll Island”~ I find pg. 269: ~“…nothing
less than to create a world system of financial control in
private hands…”~ This happens 6 more times! Ev. #380 ~
#440 ~ #500 ~ #513 ~ #562 ~ and ~ #663 ! ~“7”~ times!
’04 – July. A week after my birthday, at work, I find
~“OUR DAILY BREAD”~ a daily devotional for Jun. Jul. &
Aug. Wed. July 7 ~“MAKE A DIFFERENCE”~. Luke 3:2- 14.
’04 – July 21st. I meet the woman, of event #406 to
see her pictures of ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ My friend was wrong when
he said that Nostradamus was involved with her “events”.
Looking at her pictures, I remember; I’ve got some too!
Event #269. Also ~ there is a ~“5”~ in one of her pictures!
’04 – July 27th. I happen to catch a speech by Thomas
Frank, on C-Span. He has a new, book called “What’s The
Matter with Kansas”. I believe the answer is – Neo-Cons!
’04 – Jul. 28th. At a Dr.’s appointment, I tell a Nun my
mother was also a Nun. I also tell her about ~these things ~
of my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ She listens and says she will pray for me.
’04 – Att: Someone at work tells me Linda Ronstadt
was stopped from performing, in Las Vegas, because she
made some comments that supported Michel Moore. I
respond with a –“Bushtapo”– comment. Stl: Someone else at
work tells me that anyone who shows up at Bush rallies,
wearing anything that is anti-Bush, is arrested and held until
the event is over. Lately I have noticed, that everyday it
seems like “George Orwell” sounds less and less like a name
and more and more like a question. George – or – well?!!!!!!!
’04 – Jul. 30th. At my mothers’ nursing home, using her
roommates New Testament and Psalms, and ~“A.D.”~ I ask
~“God”~ to speak to me. I open ~ Acts 11:18. “Then hath…”
’04 – Att: The woman in events #406 and #409 calls
me and tells me to watch “MONTEL”. A woman, who lives in
our area is on with video of her own ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ ~“events”~!
’04 – Aug. At work, I ask ~“ootp?”~ where Hell is.
Pointing down to the floor, they say; “If you go down, far
enough, in that direction, you will eventually get there.”
’04 – Aug. Talking to another ~“ootp?”~ they mention
the “supernatural?” image of the “wing?” in my 2 pictures,
is the shape of the wing of the dove on my, BFS, 9/11 pin.
’04 – Aug. From somewhere, I hear, that Hemmingway’s
definition of “Love” is: “Grace under pressure”. I have the
thought, that maybe “pressure” is a gift. Stl: I find out it’s:
“Courage” ~ “Courage ~ is Grace under pressure.”
’04 – Aug. While on line at the Smyrna library, I
find the book ~“The Coming Battle”~ In the exact
instant that I “realize” it’s about the same thing ~“The
Creature from Jekyll Island”~ is about. The ~“moving”~
feeling on the top of my head “happens” again! And it’s
the strongest I have ever felt. And I realize why! #249!
’04 – Aug. 11th. After deciding to drop all my opening
statements and just use a simple ~“INTRODUCTION”~ By
~“A.D.”~ I find Ezekiel 7:27. “they shall know that I am”
Proofreading this tonight 07/22/05, “accidentally?” I turn
to Jer.7:27&“28!” Read it! ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today,”~
’04 – Aug. 12th. This morning, deciding not to drop my
many opening statements by ~“A.D.”~ I find; Matthew 3:3.
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye…”
Proofreading this, this morning, 05/14/05; it occurs to me
that this is the same verse as Luke 3:4 from event #408.
’04 – Aug. The first ~“ootp?”~ that approached me at
work, in event #234, asks me how my shoulder is doing. He
says ~“You’ve got all the time in the world.”~ and ~ smiles!
’04 – Aug. 15th. I happen to turn on the PBS show ~“The
Magic Never Ends”~ just as it is going off. It’s about the
works of C.S. Lewis, and how they are related to ~Jesus~.
’04 – Aug. 20th. Just ~‘Now!’ ~ on “‘NOW” I saw a
political add implying “W” and his regime of –“neo-cons”–
are going to save freedom and democracy. In my opinion ~ in
my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion. ~ “They plan to end it!” ~ !
’04 – Att: I receive the summer copy of ~“LOGOS”~
the ~“Swedenborg”~ foundation’s newsletter. On pg.’s 6 & 7
is a very good article, on God and Islam. ~“Wisdom for Our
Times”~. This reminds me of a man, an expert, on Islam, I
heard talking on C-Span about how “Islamic Fundamentalist”
began to reinterpret and change the Koran, many years ago.
’04 – Aug. 20th. Moved by the “beauty” in the magazine,
“ART & ANTIQUE”, of Mar. ’04. I have the thought: “God
is an artist, deeply in love with his work, who wants us to ~
and requires us to ~also~ love his work.” It’s just a thought.
’04 – Aug. 23rd. Today I had the following “prayerful
thought”. “God forgive me everywhere I need it. And God
forgive me, and help me to see, everywhere I can’t see, that
I need it.” ~ “It’s the thought that counts.” ~ Again, proofreading this on 05/14/05, this reminded me of an old prayer
I remembered hearing from my youth. ~“God grant me the
serenity to accept the things I can not change ~ the
courage to the things I can ~ and the wisdom to know
the difference.”~ I add this prayer after event #671.
’04 – Aug. 23rd. I ask ~“God”~ to speak to me again
through my ~“A.D.”~. I open Jean Dixon’s ~“My Life and
Prophecies.”~ On page 57, I read. ~“We all have our own
individual channels…”~ Stl: reading her book I notice she
compares ~“God”~ to a weaver, weaving all of existence
together into a tapestry of life. Stl: I find this “thought”
repeated in a poem on the inside cover of my Union’s large
family bible. Stl: I think of a “modern day” ~“electronic”~
analogy of how ~“God”~ might work. It involves the “fact?”
that because “the physical realm” absolutely is not ~“the
final reality”~. Maybe it’s a form of ~“virtual reality”~?
’04 – Aug. 25th. I find, in Jean Dixon’s book where she
predicted a cross would appear in the eastern sky in 1999.
This reminds me of what I saw on, 1/27/03. Event #257.
Rereading this today, 08/10/05, I got the ~“urge”~ to look
up C02~Q57 ~257~. ~“Before the conflict the great wall
will fall,”~ I also note in ~256~ ~ “struck from the sky:”~.
’04 – Aug. 25th. Today, a Dr. told me that I might have
MS. I will find out for sure next month. I will let you know if
I do. I don’t think I do. ~ It’s Sept. 14th. I don’t. Thank God!
’04 –Aug. 26th. I just found Joel 2:28, is quoted in
Nostras’ Epistle. I had not been aware that it was in there.
It’s in paragraph 11 on pg. 329 of Edgar Leoni’s book. Proofreading this 07/22/05 I note his footnote is number ~“7”~!
’04 – Aug. 30th. Getting lost in my thoughts “again”,
trying to “improve” on my ~“PRE-PRERAMBLE”~. I scroll
down, to find; “eHeeeee”! I probably type it by accident?
’04 – Att?: On weather radar, I see a “V-shaped” wind
storm push its way “straight down” into Nashville very, very
quickly! (Event #360.) It descends in a way that fearfully
reminds me of the term ~ “Wrath of God” ~! Stl: In the
Bible, I read “God makes the winds to blow”. Stl: I try to
find this “verse” through an online Bible search. And again! I
can’t! Is this another event like #254 and #265 and #287?
’04 – Sept. 4th. On C-Span, I hear Jeff Greenwald talk
about seeing a total eclipse of the sun in Iran. It reminds of
par. #24 in Nostradamus’ Epistle pg. 333, of E. Leoni’s book.
’04 – Sept. 7th. Through ~“A.D.”~ I ask God if I should
post this on the internet, or send it to publishers. I open to
Isaiah 29:1. “Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where…”.
Again today, 05/14/05, this reminds me of event #320.
’04 – Sept. 8th. I attend a revival at the Church of a
friend, to see a young evangelist who has a ~“gift”~. He is
able to tell people “things”, about themselves. He says he
sees me surrounded by ~“darkness”~. His words mean what?
’04 – Sept. 14th. Looking at my watch, I see that it’s
2:27 PM as I walk to the office of TN Democrats, to get
the address of Kerry-Edwards HQ. Inside the Democrats
head quarters, they tell me the address is 227 French
Landing. Back in my car, as I am driving off, I look at my
cars clock. It’s 2:27! I decide to look up ~ C02~Q27 ~
~227~ when I get home. It’s curious ~ whatever it means!
The next day I told a friend at work about this and he told
me I should play 227 in the lottery. When I told him I
looked up quatrain ~227~ he just rolled his eyes, and walked
away. Stl: This 227 number happens again ~ in event #646.
Proofreading this on 07/22/05, again, “accidentally?” I look
up ~127~ not ~227~. ~“struck from the sky,”~ is in both.
’04 – Sept. I realize the curtain “flapping”, in event
#359, was a warning. Because I didn’t ~“speak”~ to stop my
wife from stopping the curtain. I “lost?” ~“A”~ “chance?” !
’04 – Sept. 18th. At the State Fair, I pass a booth, not
selling “air brushed hats”. At the end of a table, under a
folded sign, sits one, it reads; “GIT IT DONE!” Ev. #390.
’04 – Stl: In a local drug store, I see a young man
wearing a t-shirt with an odd message on the back. It says,
“Get a Spine”! I think it was advertising for a Chiropractor.
I have had several ~“events”~ where what was on a t-shirt
might have been meant for me to read. The first was #115.
’04 – Sept. 19th. This morning, I asked ~“God”~ to
speak to me again, using my ~“A.D.”~ and ~“The Creature
from Jekyll Island”~. Again ~ I opened to pg. 269 and my
finger landed directly on top of ~“nothing less than to
create a world system of financial control in private
hands able to dominate the political system of each
country and the economy of the world as a whole.”~ ! As
I have already mentioned this happened another ~“5”~
times in events ~ #380 ~ #407 ~ #500 ~ #513 ~ and ~
#562! ~ ~“Coincidence is…”~? Today, 05/14/05, event
#663, I opened up directly to pg. 269 again. So ~‘Now!’
‘Now!’ ~ ~“Today, today,”~ this makes ~“7”~ times this has
occurred. These ~“Coincidence is…”~ just keep on happening!
’04 – Sept. 19th. Remembering that ~“CENTURIES”~
may be the time table for the book of ~“REVELATION”~
I turn a corner to see ~“A”~ ~“long absent”~ mocking
bird suspended in mid air, flying against a strong wind!
’04 – Sept. 19th. That night, as I walk across the
parking lot of my mothers’ nursing home. Again ~“A”~
~“long absent”~ mocking bird starts screaming very loudly
and franticly! Stl: I begin writing my ~“FOREWARNED”~.
’04 – Sept. 23rd. Driving in Lavergne, I see a pair of
“old shoes” hanging across the street on a power or phone
line. Seeing this, I instantly remember the movie ~“Wag the
Dog”~. Watch it ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ it’s here!
’04 – Sept. ~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ that 4 hurricanes have hit
Florida in the last few weeks, I’m starting to hear talk that
maybe it’s the ~“Wrath of God”~. Mister Lewis Farrakhan
also mentions this in his speech, of event #373 on 5/3/04.
Did you notice how one of these hurricanes, I believe the
last one, was headed towards FL, then turned out into the
Atlantic, then turned again and came straight back in? I did!
’04 – Att?: Because a man at work has written two
books, about some of his experiences with God, I decide to
tell him about some of my experiences and ask him to help
me write my book. This is the last time I think about asking
someone to help me write my story. I realize I have to do
this by myself. His website is “John T Brown. net”
’04 – Sept. 26th. At I-24 & Sam Riddley Pky. I see a 4th
license plate. Its 7 letter “message” implies that something
is waiting for me. ~“Good”~ or ~“bad”~ depending on ~ me?!
’04 – Sept. 27th. While on line for 2 or 3 hours looking
up information to help me get this done; I find a quote by
Edward Everett Hale: ~“I am only one, but still I am
one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do
something. Because I cannot do everything. I will not
refuse to do the something that I can do.”~
’04 – Sept. 27th. After the 2 or 3 hours on line, at the
Smyrna Library. I started my car to hear ~“silence”~ then ~
~“Speak ~ say the words that no one else will ever say.
Love ~ love like the world we know is over in a day. I’m
gonna show you love in every language, I gonna speak the
words that need no form. I gonna give you what you’ve
never had before. ~ You are beautiful …”~ Event #365.
’04 – Sept. 27th. Leaving my mom’s nursing home, I ask
~“God”~ to speak to me again. On FM 100 I hear ~“I want
to tell you exactly how I feel. I have always loved you…”
’04 – Oct. 1st. Remembering a show that I saw, years
ago, on PBS about “Boolean” / “Fractal” geometry. I recall
its intriguing “geometric paisley shape”. Stl: Telling this to
a friend ~“ootp?”~ they say it looks like the ~Ying ~ Yang~!
’04 – Oct. 4th. On C-Span, a congress woman presents a
resolution condemning China for attacking those practicing
~“Falun Dafa”~ in China, and in the “USA”! Event # 369.
’04 – Oct. 8th. I decide to try ~“A.D.”~ with the book,
“VISIONS OF NOSTRADAMUS and other prophets”, by
Donald Wigal, Ph.D. When I open my eyes, my thumb is
resting on ~ “The Influence of Swedenborg” ~ on page 83.
’04 – Oct. 9th. I see the video “Somewhere only we
know” by KEANE. Like other videos, it “emphasizes” the
steel skeletons of skyscrapers. Like Cher’s video. Ev. #206.
’04 – Oct 10th. In the Sunday Comics, in “PEANUTS”;
both Charlie Brown and Lucy quote from Isaiah 6:11 ~
This is the 3rd time I have see something that makes me
~“feel”~ “PEANUTS” is trying to say something, very, very,
very important about where ~ we ~ humanity ~ is headed
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ with the overpopulation
of earth. Stl: I notice event #357 is ~Job 6:11~. Then Stl:
in event #651 I find ~Ephesians 6:11~! That’s three 6:11’s.
Stl: After finding Job 6:11 ~ I noticed ~ “If 6 were 9” ~ !
’04 – Oct. 12th. I see another personalized license plate
whose meaning implies ~“Am I in your way?”~ I ~“feel”~
there are two ways to “interpret” this “question?”!
’04 – Oct. 13th. I see another license, which I ~“feel”~
might have two “interpretations”. It could be either, “End
Me” or “Enemy”. It also indicates the month of April? Stl: I
see another that implies the same, for the month of May.
’04 – Oct.14th. A woman on C-Span, who is a family
member of a 9/11 victim; mentions ~ “Divine Intervention”
twice. She says she ~feels~ ~“them”~ with us. Event #214.
’04 – Oct. 16th. 5:40AM. Up since 3:15AM, while going
back to bed; I ask God again, the ~why~ of why I am doing
this. My finger stops under ~ Acts 14:15 ~“And saying,
Sirs, why do ye these things?”~ Then I read verse: 16!
’04 – Att: Our cat ~ Elvis ~ had been missing for
several days, when, while sitting in the break area at work,
on the phone with my wife one day, she told me she found
him dead in the front yard. As she says this ~“ootp?”~ does
something of a “Religious” nature that deals with death and
dying; and then he smiles at me. He is the same ~“ootp?”~
listed in ~“7”~ more events #502 ~ #523 ~ #546 ~ #569 ~
#597 ~ #653 ~ and ~ #662!
’04 – Stl: A different ~“ootp?”~ overhears me telling
someone that ~ Elvis ~ our cat is in heaven. This ~“ootp?”~
interrupts me, and tells me my cat, is not in ~ heaven ~. And
then ~ again ~ smiles ~ at me ~ somewhat slyly and curiously.
’04 – Oct.17th.12:40AM. Tonight at the Ryman, J. Prine
sang; “Some humans aren’t human.” ~1010~ “bloody and
inhuman.” ~1042~ “The humane …of Anglican offspring”
’04 – Oct.17th. Searching for “realm”, in 1042 I find
583. It ties to ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ & ~“1999”~
by “… nights three to warn,” ! Events #46 & #134. Still
searching for 1042 I find 150; C1~Q50. In Mr. Leoni’s, and
my opinions, “Thursday” makes 150 about the USA. 1071
also contains the “Thursday” reference too. Still searching,
I find C1~Q55, 155. It is definitely worth mentioning too.
It “accurately?” describes the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq !
’04 – Oct. 17th. I do my ~“A.D.”~ opening the pamphlet
pg. 92 ~ “A KINGDOM WITH A PURPOSE” “Love is the
reason we are hear!” “It’s the purpose, we must achieve!”
’04 – Oct.17th. Tonight I found and read a little flyer;
necessity” of ~“Love”~ in all salvation is not being stressed.
’04 – Oct. 19th. Through ~“A.D.”~ I find II Samuel 18:2
~“a third part”~ is mentioned three times, this reminds me
of the 2 quotes by Einstein I mentioned. And also par. 33
from Nostras’ Epistle: Two thirds of the earth’s population.
’04 – Oct. 21st. While searching the web at the Smyrna
Public Library, for information to finish this. I happened to
notice, the date of the, “PEANUTS”, comic strip from two
Sundays ago, even # 454. It was 10/10/04! ~1010~! Is it
just another ~ “Coincidence is Gods way of performing …”?
Events #242 ~ #336 ~ #367 ~ #384 ~ #461 ~ #466 ~
#504 ~ #555 ~ #559 ~ #563 ~ & ~ #613! ~11~ times!?
’04 – Oct. 23rd. At work I pick up a study Bible in one
of the break rooms. With ~“A.D.”~ in mind, I open it to St.
John chapter 15. Then I read, chapter 16.
’04 – Oct 24th. The next day, I use the same study
Bible, and open it to John 14:10. And then to page 257 of
the Bible; I read. ~“The fullness of a new life in Christ.”~
’04 – Nov.3rd. Feeling it is very, very possible that the
election was –“stolen”– –“again”–. I e-mail a letter to the
editor saying: Until we have voting machines that print out
“paper trail” receipts; ~“every election”~ will be suspect. A
few weeks later I find out they published it on Nov. 9th.
Also, a few weeks before the election, I buy a ~ “VOTE or
DIE”~ t-shirt, from Smyrna’s Democratic Headquarters. A
few weeks after the election, (was stolen again) I get the
idea for a t-shirt that says ~“LOVE or DIE”~ ~“AGAIN?”~
’04 – Nov. 3rd. Still feeling very disheartened about the
election; with ~“A.D.”~ I open my ~“SPIRIT FILLED LIFE
BIBLE”~. My thumb is on Psalm 74:19-23. Then I read, :18.
’04 – Nov. 4th. At 8:55PM, with ~“A.D.”~ I open, “The
Essential Rumi” and let my right thumb slide down to read ~
~“let the milk of loving flow into you.”~ on pg. 157. A few
minutes later, I do it again; this time I let my index finger
come to rest on the left hand page. As I read the poem to
the next page, I discover ~ it’s the same poem ~ its pg. 156!
’04 – Stl: On C-Span, Susan Page of USA Today, is
asked what the most surprising thing about the election
was, for her. Her response: “That Bush won at all was the
biggest surprise, for all of the correspondents covering
the election. The “Exit Polls” clearly gave it to John
Kerry!” Was it stolen? Again! ~ Ezekiel 33:15-16 & 19!!!
“If the wicked restore the pledge and give again that …”
’04 – Nov. 5th? At work ~“ootp?”~ says –“It’s good to
see you still haven’t spoken!”– His demeanor is – disturbing.
’04 – Nov. 6th. I make a hello gesture to a stranger as
he approaches me. As he passes, on the back of his shirt, I
read, “It’s Your Move”. Again I ~“feel”~ it is very possible
that the message on his shirt is trying to encourage me to
do this. To get this done. To ~“speak”~ ~these things ~.
Stl: I see the video by Switchfoot ~ “Dare You to Move” It
is filled with ~“feel”~. It ends with ~“Salvation is here.”~
’04 – Nov.7th. After spilling a plastic cup filled with
“junk” I keep on my fork truck at work. As I pick it all up, I
find a small, bent, metal button I had found at work, maybe
10 years earlier, that for some reason, I decided to hold on
to it; it reads ~“IT’S ALL IN THE ATTITUDE!”~. ~“Do it
or do it not, there is no try.”~ Yoda. Jan. ‘06 ~“Weakness
of attitude becomes weakness of character.”~ Einstein.
’04 – Nov. 9th. While protesting in front of a Firestone
store in Old Hickory, TN, a Union Brother, reminds me of an
event I had forgotten. A few months earlier, protesting at
the Firestone store at Harding Mall, a hawk flew down in
front of me and another Union brother, as I was telling him
about some of ~these things ~. I believe it got his attention.
’04 – Nov. 10th. 8:46PM. Proof reading this entire thing
again, as I read event #73, I decide to look up Ezekiel
33:30-32. Picking up my ~“SPIRIT FILLED LIFE BIBLE”~ I
think to God; “If you want to speak to me again, I would love
to tell about it.” I open it and let my right thumb slide down
to: “as for you. O my flock, thus says the Lord God:” It
doesn’t seem to “speak” to me, so I read just below and then
above my thumb. Read it, it’s Ezekiel 34:17. When, I look at
the top of the page, on the corner it reads Ezekiel 34:23. I
realize I have opened right next to Ezekiel 33:! Verses 30
to 32 are on the left-hand page! “Once again!” ~ “I AM” has
opened to the exact page I was looking for. Ezekiel 33:3032 was on the left-hand page. I think I will go through this
document, when I am done, just to see how many times I
have used the word “Coincidence”. Again, I ~feel~ the urge
to quote, my favorite quote, again: ~“Coincidence ~ is God’s
way of performing a miracle ~ anonymously.”~ Anonymous!
~ Think about it! ~ “Love one another.” ~ “Love your
neighbor as yourself.” ~ “Love your enemies.” ~ “Love ~
Love.” ~ “Love ~ God.” ~ ”What have you got to loose? ~
Think about it! ~ Think about what you’ve ~ got ~ to
loose! ~ You’ve ~ got ~ the chance to win ~“never”~
having to lose again ~ and again ~ and again! ~ “The gift
of giving, is always there for the taking!” ~ Think about
it ~ again! ~ Again! ~“Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~
’04 – Veterans Day. Nov. 11th.8:05AM: I decide to end
my ~“Road Map of Events”~ with a quote by Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. two by Nostradamus, and three by ~Jesus~.
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so
tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and
war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood
can never become reality. I believe that unarmed truth
and unconditional love will have the final word.
– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Century IX ~ Quatrain 66
C9 ~ Q66
There will be peace, union and change,
Estates, offices, low high and high very low:
To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment,
War to cease, civil process, debates.
Paragraph #56 from Nostradamus’ Epistle
56. After this has endured for along time, there will be
almost renewed another reign of Saturn, and golden age.
Hearing the affliction of his people, God the Creator will
command that Satan be cast into the depths of the
bottomless pit, and bound there. Then a universal peace will
commence between God and man, and Satan will remain bound
for around a thousand years, and then all unbound.”
~ Nostradamus
~ “Love!” ~ “Love!” ~ “Love!” ~
~“Jesus Christ”~
’04 – Nov. 11 While typing the above quotes, and
trying to end this; my computer malfunctioned – again! The
error message said I could lose everything I had written!
Thank God the recovery program was able to save it. But
then, I had to go back through this entire document again
and decide to either correct, or to ignore all of the “things”
that the Spelling and Grammar checker wanted a decision
on. There were maybe two dozen or so punctuations and
words that I had to reread, in order to decide what to do
with each of them. In doing this, I had to remember each
and every “event” they were involved with. This quickly
turned into a quick trip back through my life. Doing this,
reminded me of the experience I have heard people have
had, when they have had a near death experience. About
how they see their life pass before their eyes. I got the
feeling that maybe this is what it’s like when you die. It was
really kind of cool. ~ “But then” ~ I had the thought ~ what
about the “things” we did in our lives that weren’t so “cool”?
The things we don’t want to see again. What would be the
purpose and the effect of seeing all the “bad” stuff we had
done in our lives? And then it occurred to me that maybe,
just maybe, this is how ~“salvation”~ works. Not as doctrine,
or “religious” theory, but in logical ~ practical ~ application.
You have to be able to look at the “bad” stuff you did, and
not be bothered by it ~ ever again. Because you are ~‘Now!’~
~“Love”~ by “practicing” you “know” ~“Love”~. If you know
not ~“Love”~ you know not ~“God”~. KJV says it like this:
“He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love.”
~ 1 John 4:8 ~ Read Ezekiel 33: especially verses 11 – 19
and 31 – 33. When asked what the greatest commandment
of all was. Jesus Christ’s answered ~“LOVE!”~ ~“Love is the
answer. And you know that for sure.”~ Become what is
absolutely required of you to become ~ which is ~“Love”~ !
And you will not have to suffer a second death. Or don’t,
and you may be coming back, until you get it right! In my
~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion. ~LOVE!~ ~GOD IS!~ ~LOVE!~
’04 – Nov. 12th. I was the 2nd caller on C-Span, after a
Bush, Blair Whitehouse press conference. I said these
wars were not about defending and spreading Democracy;
but about ending it – for good! Then I said if you don’t
believe me, read: ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ and
~“The Coming Battle”~ ! They hung up on me ~ again!
’04 - Nov. 15th. Today I had the following thought: It is
very “possible”, the entire physical universe “exists” for just
one reason? For ~“Revelation”~ both personal and Biblical.
’04 – Nov. 17th. After checking my e-mail at the
Smyrna, public library tonight, I decided to search for a
specific website using the words ~“heart songs”~. I didn’t
find it. Feeling great frustration, over many issues involved
with trying to get this story told, I got ~urge~ to ask God
to speak to me again. So, I typed “speak to me” into Yahoo’s
search engine. The third or fourth site listed, had the web
address of ~“heart songs”~! ~ It wasn’t the web site I was
after, but it was still ~“heart songs”~ “Coincidence is…”!
’04 – Nov.18th. I turned on C-Span to find Bono and
U2’s guitar player, The Edge, doing ~“Bloody Sunday”~ for
the opening of the Clinton library. The dreary gray scene of
everyone standing around in the rain, in dark rain coats, and
holding umbrellas made it look like they were at a wake, or a
funeral. I had the thought that it looked like the funeral
for “Freedom and Democracy”! In my ~“Epiphany!” ~ laden
opinion ~ there were “people” at this event that absolutely
are doing everything they can ~ to bury ~“We the people.”~
I also noticed how “nervous” some of these “people” reacted
to the wild applause at the end of ~“These Are the Hands
That Built America”~. They know the power of artists and
their songs, to inspire and lead ~ the masses. This is why
they are doing the - “ungodly” - “malfeasances” –“they”– are
doing. –“They”– are out to “end”, to, “quash”, freedom and
democracy, forever! Then again – maybe their just – greedy?
’04 – Nov. 18th. After watching the very heated debate
about the “Debt Ceiling” on C-Span. I sat down and wrote
my two-page “DEDICATION”. The next day, I decided not
to use it as a “DEDICATION”, but as part of the text of
this story. Also, I noticed that when they voted on the
“Debt Ceiling”, several of the Repub.’s voted with the Dem.’s.
Then one at a time, they changed their votes. “Y”? Ev. #515.
’04 – Att?: I turn on C-Span to catch the last few
words of a speech by Nancy Pelosi. I have no idea what the
speech was about. Then when the next speaker, a Republican
congressman, gives his speech, I find out, what she had
been saying. He viscously attacks her for comparing the
“Republican agenda”, to George Orwell’s ~ “1984”. Ev. #377.
’04 – Nov. 22nd. It felt really good today, the way my
“final?” ~“INTRODUCTION”~ just came together. I knew
~“God”~ answered my prayer for help, last night. Especially
after I typed a ~“☺”~ by “accident” or by ~“coincidence”~!
’04 – Nov. 22nd. At the Smyrna public library tonight, I
saw a vehicle that had an air brushed license plate on it,
which read: “JESUS ~ There is power in his name.” This
statement is ~“Eternal”~ truth. But then, I asked myself,
what is the ~“power”~ in ~“His”~ name. It’s ~“LOVE!”~! Try
approaching ~“God”~ without ~“Love”~. Why is this not
made abundantly clear ~ more often? Why? My second
thought about this plate, were the words of George Orwell,
from his book, “1984” –“GOD IS POWER”– ~“God is love.”~
’04 – Att: I remembered “W” made the “W” sign during
the 2000 election, event #125. And just out of the blue, it
occurred to me that the “W” sign can also stand for ~“3”~.
~“the root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~ –“The
(Third) and Final Antichrist.”– I tell it as I see it. And as I
see it – George W. Bush is –“not”– –“The Third and Final
Antichrist.”– But – what he is – is –“their”– puppet.
’04 – Nov. Last week or the week before I had another
experience, like event # 215, of a single piece of paper lying
face down next to the trash can. I picked it up and turned it
over and read “Harvey”. At first I thought of a friend of
mine named “Harvey”. Then, Jimmy Stewart’s classic movie.
I didn’t even think of “Lee Harvey Oswald” until I recalled
what inspired my ~“INTRODUCTION”~ in event #486.
’04 – Nov. 25th. Thanksgiving night, I see U2’s new song
~“Vertigo”~. It has a ~“spiritual”~ ~“feel”~ to it! I really
like the line ~“You give me something I can feel”~ ! Then I
changed the channel and heard a speaker on C-Span saying
the words ~“Never Give Up!”~ Event #115! Back on VH1, I
see Elton John’s new video ~“Answer In The Sky”~ It
absolutely ~ positively ~ has a ~“Spiritual”~ ~“feel”~ to it!
’04 – Dec. 2nd. After spending almost 5 hours working
on my “final?” ~“INTRODUCTION”~ this morning. I was
putting some trash in the trash can, when ~“A?”~ mocking
bird flew down and landed in a bush, two or three feet away.
“He” sat there for a minute and then flew into the little
tree I thought I saw him ~“vanish”~ into, in event #135!
’04 - Dec. 5th. This morning I awoke from a very vivid,
movie like adventure dream, with very, very odd dreamscape
type events inside a Buddhist Temple. The very, very, vivid
colors, especially the orange, made the dream very striking.
I don’t think this dream has anything to do with this story.
It was just so ~ memorable ~ I thought I would mention it.
’04 – Dec. 5th. After watching C-Span for a few
minutes, while getting ready to go to work; I again started
thinking about standing to ~“speak”~ ~these things ~ in
public. Then I decided to turn on VH1. The instant I turned
it on, I heard the following words being sung by Kean ~ “this
could be the end of everything.” ~ I then turned on BET,
one channel up from VH1, to hear Bishop John Francis,
from England, “shouting” ~ “Get me a prophet.” ~ “The
prophet’s mantel is in the house.” And over and over ~
“There’s a prophet in the house!” ~ “Is there a prophet
in the house?” Then right at the end, he said: “If anybody
knows what is happening, right ~‘Now!’ ~ OPEN YOUR
MOUTH!” At work, I told a friend about my ~“experience”~
how he kept “shouting”, “Is there a prophet in the house?”
Then I said, I was in my house, and I am a prophet (he’s
heard me say this before.) And like I said in event #225, if
I am “something like” Ezekiel in events #217 and #218
~“A”~ ~“Watchman”~. I am ~ the “Clouseau” of prophets.
’04 – Att?: Remembering I had forgotten to mention
“several” occasions when mocking birds landed close to me
at the Smyrna, Library and at my mothers Nursing Home;
rather than go back and insert ~these things ~ wherever I
thought they might have occurred. I just thought I would
mention them ~‘Now!’ ‘Now’! ~”Today, today,” ~. So ~ I did.
’04 – Dec. 6th. This morning I had a dream about Cher,
in a mix of several of her movies. In my dream, I dreamed I
had waited too long to tell this story. I awoke feeling very,
very disturbed about this. The time was ~9:11~AM.
’04 – Att: I received an e-mail from someone I didn’t
know. When I tried to reply back to them, I got a message
my e-mail is undeliverable. In their e-mail they talk about
~“God”~ and the future and other things. One line seems to
~“speak”~ to me and how I am trying to finish this “book?”
~“Is your love for the Lord sufficient to give all your
time and talents to his work?”~ I ~“*hope”~ I am trying.
’04 – Att: On VH1, I see John Mellencamp’s new video
~“Walk Tall”~. The opening line is absolutely the truth:
“The simple minded and the uninformed can be easily led
astray. And those who can not connect the dots: Hey
look the other way.” Stl: I see a TV commercial for his new
CD, that calls him a ~“prophet”~. This reminds me that I
had forgotten to mention that a few weeks or a couple of
months after 9/11, I read an article in my A.A.R.P. mag.
calling Dylan, a ~“prophet”~. On the song ~“Mississippi”~
from his album ~“Love and Theft”~ he says ~“Things ought
to get interesting, right about ~‘Now!’~”~ ! The release
date for ~“Love and Theft”~ was ~ 09/11/01~ ! ~9/11~ !
’04 – Att: On VH1 I hear ~“Dare You To Move”~ by
Switchfoot. After seeing it several times, I notice the
lyrics ~“speak”~ about “Salvation!” So I listen a little
closer. On Jan 12th, ’05: I printed the lyrics out. Ev. #474.
’04 – Dec.12th. ~”Today, today,” ~ I noticed that once
again ~“A?”~ mocking bird has started hanging around my
house again. And twice more, since event #491, I have seen
“Him?” fly into the little tree, from events #491 and #135.
’04 – Dec. 12th. Tonight, I either said, or whispered, or
“thought”: “Not my will, but thine.” Then with ~“A.D.”~ on
my mind, I closed my eyes, and/or turned my head, and
opened ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ and let my
right thumb slide down the open page and stop. When I
looked, the book was open to “pg. 257!” ~ again ~ I read
~“for the lasting good of humanity.”~ ! When I realize it
has opened to the exact page of event #380! I close it and
then open it again. This time, it opened to “pg. 269!” where
~ again ~ I found and read ~“…nothing less than to create
a world system of financial control in private hands…”~
from events # 407 ~ & ~ #440! “Then!” with the book still
open to pg. 269, I laid it down on a slight slant, so I could
write this ~“event”~ down. When I reached for the book, to
turn back to pg. 257. I found the pages had already flipped
over, “by themselves?” to “pg. 257” ! I wish I could make
this ~“A.D.”~ happen any time I want to. But I can’t ~ I’m
not doing it. This happened a grand total of ~“7”~ times.
’04 – Dec 13th. Today at work, a friend told me about a
letter to the editor he read, that said: “Bush talks Christ;
but walks corporate.” Telling this to others, I decide to
embellish it a little: “Bush talks the talk of Jesus Christ;
but walks the walk of corporate greed.” Later, that day, I
told my friend about two bumper stickers I recently saw:
“Bush / Orwell” and “Bush / Satan”! : “Wherefore by
their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20
’04 – Dec. 13th. At work, while telling ~“ootp?”~ about
the mocking bird showing up ~ again ~ in event #491; he
tells me to read ~“Proverbs 3:16”~. Before I have a chance
to, I have to go back to work. While working, for some
reason, I decide to figure up how old I will be in 2026, the
year I believe the “thousand years of peace” will begin.
Several minutes later, I find a Bible and read ~“Length of
days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches
and honour.”~ This ~“ootp?”~ is in ~“7”~ more events #459
~ #523 ~ #546 ~ #569 ~ #597 ~ # 653 ~ and ~ #662.
’04 – Dec. 15th. Working on my “PROLOGUE”, (which is
no longer in this “book?”) my wife hands me my youngest
grandson to hold for a second. Holding him I say to him:
“You’ve been fed, and changed, and you’re warm and dry, and
well. You’re a very lucky little baby. We should spread some
of your luck around the world ~ don’t you think?” In the
background, hearing reruns of “Roseanne” I am reminded of
something I heard her say back in November, late one night.
I believe it was on some show on ABC. “There’s enough
money in this world, for every person on this planet, to
live like its “Disneyworld.” ~“Love is the answer!”~ !
’04 – Dec 20th. At the Smyrna, Library, I e-mail a
letter to the editor, in response to a letter to the editor I
read a day or two earlier about “The madness of recounting
the votes.” My response was “The ‘madness’ is just
beginning.” As I leave, I see a hand made sign taped to the
inside window of a car parked right next to mine. In the
center of the sign, in large, bold letters is ~ John 10:10 ~.
When I got home, I looked it up. ~“The thief cometh not,
but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.”
Events # 242 ~ #336 ~ #367 ~ #384 ~ #461 ~ #466 ~
#555 ~ #559 ~ #563 ~ and ~ #613! A total of 11 times.
’04 – Dec. 23rd. Unable to sleep, I get up at 11:55PM. At
12:07AM, I turn on ABC’s Nightline, to hear the last words
of an interview Ted Copal is having with a woman. Then he
shows an interview from 1983, with a little girl, I assume it’s
the same woman. It isn’t. The little girl is, Samantha Smith!
After remembering and realizing her story! I realized that
~“God”~ woke me up to see this, so I could tell you about it.
It doesn’t matter what the age of the ~“Shepherd”~. Every
effective ~“Shepherd”~ of ~“World Peace”~ is being
silenced! There is an article about her on Proactvist.com.
Here’s another one of those ~“Coincidence is…”~ things.
She left by plane for the Soviet Union, on ~ July 7th, 1983.
Shortly after 12/23/04, Ted “unexpectedly?” retires. Y!
’04 – Dec. 26th. Tonight “The History Channel” did two
shows on the book of ~“Revelation”~ and Nostradamus back
to back. Many of Nostradamus’ prophecies are connected
with and taken from, the book of ~“Revelation”~. The show
on Nostradamus was the same one from, event #348.
’04 – Dec. 30th. My wife and I watch ~“The Mothman
Prophecies”~ again. I bought it on DVD, for Christmas, for
myself. This time as we watched it, I noticed several
similarities between some of the ~“events”~ in the movie,
and some of my experiences, I had missed the first two
times. Mind reading is one, and the reading of a sentence in
a book is another. But what grabbed my attention the most,
were the last 2 words spoken in the movie. ~ “WAKE UP!” ~
’05 – Jan. 2nd. 3:00AM. Believing I have picked up my
Unions KJV Family Bible; again I open it with ~“A.D.”~ on my
mind. What I find doesn’t look like anything I have opened
up to before. When I look closer, I discover I opened it to
Job 22: I didn’t recognize it, because it’s was my Catholic
Family Bible. The 1st time was Ev.#219. ~“Coincidence is…”~.
’05 – Jan. 2nd. This afternoon, I went to Vanderbilt’s
Benton Chapel to listen to a presentation by a small group of
~“Freedom Focusers”~ trying to “focus” attention on the –
“stealing” – of the election –“again”–! And it absolutely was!
’05 – Jan. 2nd. I turn on C-Span and hear the closing
words of a young “radial” speaking to what looks like a group
of students. His last words are ~ “WAKE UP AMERICA!”! ~
’05 – Jan. 2nd. Again, on C-Span, I hear someone ask
Francis Fox Piven; “How do we get back those one issue
voters.” I have the thought, that maybe, just maybe, this
story, I am writing, just might help do that. Maybe!
’05 – Jan. 3rd. At 7:38AM, I decide to try my ~“A.D.”~
again. And I find and read ~ Zephaniah 3:19. then I read :20
and then :18 ~ :17 ~ :16 ~ :15 and ~ :14. Stl: I read :13 – :11.
’05 – Jan. 5th. 4:49AM: While rewriting event #500, I
decided to look up pages 257 and 269. While holding ~“The
Creature …”~ unopened in my hands ~“again”~ I get the
~“urge”~ to try my ~“A.D.”~. So ~ again I think “Not my
will, but thine.” Before I open it, I think; if it opens again
to either of these pages, I will have to add this to my
growing list of “events” in this “book”. ~“Again!”~ it opens to
pg. 257. Maybe the “book” is predisposed to open to this
page, because I have had it open to pg. 257, so much. Maybe
not. Probably not. In my opinion; my “Epiphany!” laden opinion ~
“There’s something happening here, what it is …”! ~ it is!
’05 – Jan. 5th. I attended two rallies in front of the
Nashville, offices of Senators, Alexander and Frist,
protesting the absolute –“stealing”– of the Presidential
election. Apprehensively, I tell 2 or 3 of my fellow “Freedom
Focusers” that I have been experiencing some “things” that
the only explanation for, has to be ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ Doing this ~
again ~ “trying” to “tell” people about ~these things ~ one on
one ~ in person ~ I realize ~ is not effective ~ at all. Again I
realize I need to get this “book?” done ~ as soon as possible!
At the rallies, I hold a little sign I made that has 3 bumpers
stickers on it. The top one reads –“Those who cast the
votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
everything.”– It’s a quote from Stalin. The one under it says
~“There’s dirt under every Bush.”~ And the last one said
~“Visualize Impeachment”~! Typing this just ~‘Now!’ ~ I
had a thought ~ I thought ~ I would share. ~“I once… was
blind but ~‘Now!’ ~ I see.”~ ~“Visualize Impeachment”~
’05 – Jan. 6th. On C-Span, I see at least three or four
Republicans, in the house, vote “Yea”, one at a time, with the
majority of Democrats objecting to Ohio’s electoral votes
being counted; only to see their votes disappear, one vote at
a time, from the Demo. “Yea” side, back to the Repub. “Nay”
side. Again ~“Y” ! Are they “afraid” of something? Ev. #484.
’05 – Jan. 6th. Today on TV, I head that, the earthquake that caused the tsunami; caused the ocean floor to
rise up some “3,900 ft.” Somewhere ~ out there ~ it went
from being “4,000 ft.” deep to only “100 ft.” This is very,
very hard to believe. And is very, very ~ very ~ disturbing.
’05 – Jan. 7th. “Absolutely” expecting the “historic”
events of the objection to the Ohio electoral votes to be at
least “one” of the morning’s topics of discussion on C-Span’s
Washington Journal. I am “surprised?” to find it’s not even
mentioned. I decide to record the show to see how many
callers manage to work it into the morning’s topics. The
following, was the best one: ~ “Basically, what I want to
say is that everything is ran by top officials who have
control over everything. And everybody’s comments
whether we’re Democrats or Republicans or the other;
basically, everything is governed to a point where we
have no say. So we can talk about it all the time and
come to all these solutions, but until we really get to the
point that this is bigger than what we can even talk
about and realize “who the gangsters are” who’s runnin
this; then we’ll never get to the problem. So, basically
that’s what I have to say and that’s my opinion. And the
war, the war, in Iraq, I think is a big chess play thing.
So, basically you have a good evening, good morning.”~
’05 – Jan. 7th. Channel surfing I hear a preacher talking
about the book of “Revelation”, and the Antichrist in the
13th and 19th chapters. Both chapters reminded me of ~“The
Creature from Jekyll Island”~ especially the ~“I saw a
beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads”~ in
13:1! When I read ~ Revelation 19:12 ~ I decided to go
back and add event #129. I had been afraid to mention this.
’05 – Jan. 9th. Recording Bishop John Francis, since,
Dec. “5th” trying to catch the same program of event # 493.
I record: “My Hour Has Not Yet Come – Part 1”. In it he
talks about Jesus turning water, into wine. This reminds me
of, Sir Lawrence Gardner’s “interpretation” of this. This
brings to mind, again, that “Love makes all things perfect.”
If we expect to “reach” ~ “salvation” we have to practice it
to “human” perfection ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~
~“Love your enemies.”~ In the program, Bishop Francis
says that “5” is symbolic of great grace and favor ~“Divine
favor.”~ Hearing him say this reminded me of the “5” in
events #65, and #409. He also said ~ “Next year, 2005, is
going to be the year of divine favor and blessing.” I “*hope”
and pray my “book?” will be part of this “favor and blessing”.
’05 - Jan. 9th. After watching and recording U2 doing
“Vertigo” on a SNL, last night, from a show on Nov. 20, ’04.
I watch it again this morning and notice that Bono ends the
song with “The Beatles” ~ “She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah.”
Also, the following spoken lyric, in the break of the song,
got my attention: “All of this ~ all of this can be yours.
All of this ~ can be yours. All of this ~ all of this can
be yours. Just give me what I want. No one gets hurt.”
’05 – Jan. On TV, I hear someone, say the reason Bush
is pushing so hard to “change” Social Security is so “The
Banks” can get their hands on the billions currently under
government control! ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~
is there for you read ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~.
’05 - Jan. 10th. In the Tennessean, I read a letter to
the editor that has an interesting title: “The world’s worst
disasters are man-made.” The writer compares the
tsunami to the war in Iraq, & other “man-made” disasters.
’05 – Jan. 10th. Today the ~“ootp?”~ of events ~ #459
~ #502 ~ #546 ~ # 569 ~ #597 ~ #653 ~ and ~ #662,
asks me if I am making progress on my “book” and again asks
me if he is in it. He then asks me ~“Are you a book of
Revelation man?”~ I answer; “Yes I am! And so was Nostra!”
’05 – Jan. 11th. Getting dressed for work, I turn on the
TV and hear Martin Luther Kings Jr. saying ~ “I may not
get there with you.” Then they show Robert F. Kennedy
telling his audience that Martin has just been assassinated.
Watching this causes me to remember that I forgot to
include these. So, I go back and add events #30 and #31.
’05 – Jan. 11th. At work, I read that our Union the
U.S.W.A. is planning to merge with PACE. – “The only thing
that is constant – (in the physical realm) – is change.”
’05 – Jan. 11th. As I take off my work boots, at the
back door ~“Malcolm in The Middle”~ is on. I remember
the episode I forgot to mention, that by ~“coincidence?”~ I
surfed into, sometime after 9/11. So, I add event, #207.
’05 – Jan. 12th. At the Smyrna, Library, looking for the
little book ~“Poems of Love”~ again; walking past one of the
rows, I look up to see a little book, about the same size, as
~“Poems of Love”~ on the top shelf, sticking out at a 45
degree angle, wedged in between the larger books around it.
Remembering I have found “other” books in this Library, I
believe I was meant to find, I go back and get it. The book
is ~“Holes in the Floor of Heaven”~ by Steve Warner.
With ~“A.D.”~ in mind I open it three times. The first time
I open it to the very last page, to a quote by “Christina
Rossetti” (1839 – 1894). Then I open it to read ~“Psalm
73:23 – 24”~. The third and last time I opened it, I found
and read this quote by; “Rebbe Nachman of Breslov” ~
“Never despair! Never! It is forbidden to give up hope.”
’05 – Jan 12th. After that, I check my e-mail to find
three in my bulk mail whose titles ~“speak”~ to me, and my
situation so well, I decided to add them as another “event”
of ~these things ~. Here are the titles ~ “Let’s declare a
State of Emerge’ n See.” ~ “WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID
OF?” ~ “Do what you can with what you have. [now]”
Then, I find a web site that has all of the “Malcolm in the
Middle” shows listed! Except the one I saw in event #207.
’05 – Jan. 12th. Later on that day, I decide I should: ~
“Do what I can with what I have. [‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today,
today,”] So, I decide I will “try” to add only those “events”
that I believe are absolutely necessary to this story. I fail!
’05 – Jan.13th. On C-Span 2, I hear a man talking about
his new book, about “why” democracy needs to come to an
end, and “why”, “The World Bank” and the “IMF” needs it
to come to and end. Remembering I am trying to hold down
the number of these “events”, I decide not to write down
his or his books name. After the show was off, I wish I had.
’05 – Jan. 14th. I see a report called “Overmedicated
nation: Dangerous drugs” on CNN. For a while, I have had
the opinion that the “stupefied” are much easier to lead.
This reminds me of event #403, about “stupid” shampoo.
’05 – Jan 17th. Getting ready for work, the show of
event #530 is on. His name is Donald Divine and his book is
“In Defense of the West: American Values Under Siege”.
The word “West” brings to mind Nostradamus’, C9~Q55,
955. On the other C-Span, I see James Wolfenson, pres.
of “The World Bank”, talking about tsunami relief. Ev.#607
’05 – Jan. 18th. After deciding to go to the MLK day
march in Nashville, I ~“*hope”~ another “event” will “occur”.
“It does!” A stranger, a woman (~“ootp?”~ ~”God”~ knows)
starts up a conversation with me that quickly turns to
“conspiracy theories” and then to “prophecy”. She gets my
attention when she says that 9/11 is in “Revelation 18:”!
And! And! She says she also found it ~ the night of 9/11!
My event #162! A little further down Jefferson St. walking
next to two young women who are talking about whether or
not a ~ “thinking” ~ “intelligent” ~ “entity”, that we call
~“God”~ actually does exist; I notice their signs ~ they cry
~“LOVE”~! I believe their signs read ~“Contend all things
with LOVE.”~ Before the march, I ran into a Union brother
from work whose ball cap read ~“GOD IS LOVE”~ I like!
This year, 1/16/06, outside Kijiji’s, I meet a published poet.
Later ~ I find ~“From Iraq To Ezekiel”~ See page 150.
’05 – Jan. 19th. Searching on line, through “all” of the
~“Malcolm in the Middle”~ episodes, at the Smyrna,
Library for the –“Military Industrial Complex”– show, of
events #207 and #526 –not surprisingly– I can’t find it.
Maybe it was their 100th show. But while I’m on line, I also
find two articles about the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon
who was on broad the Space Shuttle Columbia. From his
own words, I can see he definitely –“was”– another very
successful ~“prince of peace”~ another ~“Shepherd”~ !
Also, when the news broke of the shuttle disaster, I
remember hearing it was flying over either, Bethlehem or
Palestine Texas, as it came apart. I can’t remember which
town it was for sure. Maybe it’s good I can’t remember;
both names are very important. But I do remember thinking
it was “odd”, to have this “accident” happen with the first
and only Israeli astronaut on board over a “Texas” town that
had an Israeli and Palestinian connection. Also ~ someone ~
from one of the events I have already covered, told me that
they had a dream that the shuttle was going to crash ~ the
night before it did. They said that morning ~ they told their
spouse about it ~ before it was announced on the news.
’05 – Jan. 19th. After finding the date of Mattie J.T.
Stepanek’s death, on the internet, at the Smyrna, Library. I
add events #364 and #400. Then I get the urge to do my
~“A.D.”~ again with one of Mattie’s books. So I pick up his
~“Celebrate Through Heartsongs”~ and without looking, I
open it and let my right thumb slide about half way down the
right hand page. Under my thumb, I read ~ “If everyone in
the world ~ Cried with and for ~ Other people and life, ~
We might be ~ More caring and peaceful. ~ Perhaps, ~
We could cry enough ~ That the world would be ~ A
cleaner and healthier place, ~ For our people, ~ For our
life, ~ For our future.” ~ This is from his poem ~“Simple
Ablution”~ on page 23. Then to the left, on page 22, I read
the poems. ~ “Post–Terrorism Haiku”~ and ~“Hope Hakiu”~.
They were written ~“September 2001”~. Read’em ~ again.
’05 – Jan. 19th. Still unable to find the date of the
“Military Industrial Complex” show of “Malcolm in the
Middle” listed on any website; by “chance?” I find a story
about a rapper named “Jadakiss”. He’s causing a mild uproar
with ~“7”~ words in his song ~“Why?”~ ~“Why did Bush
knock down the towers?”~ It’s “Why!” they were built!?!
’05 – Jan. 19th. Visiting my mother in the hospital, she
asks me to bring her Jean Dixon’s book to read. I was glad
she wanted it. Jean ~ “absolutely believes” ~ “God is love.”!
’05 – Jan. 20th. Listening to the anti-Bush protesters
on C-Span 2 while I am working on this; I hear them chant;
“Racist, sexist, anti-gay! George Bush go away!” I agree.
But then I have the thought; wouldn’t it be better to chant:
“Racist, sexist, anti-gay! George Bush change your ways!”
But then I wonder, if he ever could, or ever would. Could he
pay the “price”? Is he really –ignorant– of what is going on?
’05 – Jan. 21st. Working on this, this morning, while
listening to C-Spans, Washington Journal, on our kitchen
TV; I’m a little surprised to hear several callers compare
Bush to Hitler. The first is a woman who talks about the way
Hitler was able to come to power, in a Democratic, Germany.
She says it’s exactly the same way Bush is doing it ~‘Now’~!
Hearing this makes me wish I already had this done and out!
And it also reminds me of the shirt I saw in event #279.
Stl: I hear this “implied” again by ~ R. Byrd ~ event #594.
’05 – Jan. 21st. On my way to another Union rally in
downtown Nashville, I pass a car that has a bumper sticker
on it – that when I read it – I can’t believe someone could
actually believe this! –“GIVE WAR A CHANCE”–. I find
myself reacting with much inward outrage and animosity,
towards the drive. It’s a struggle to remember that we are
required to ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~ Reacting to
his “opinion” caused me to have the thought: ~ We have
finally entered ~ “The Twilight Zone”! George Orwell’s
~“1984”~ has, without a doubt ~ “absolutely” ~ “positively”
~ “arrived”! Welcome to “The Orwell Zone”! Where ~“WAR
~“GOD IS POWER”- ~“God is love.” ~ ~Always has been~!
~Always will be~! As it is ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~”Today, today,”~
’05 – Jan. 22nd. On my way to visit my mother again in
the hospital, waiting for the light, at the intersection of
Mercury Blvd. and S. Rutherford Blvd. I decided to do my
~“A.D.”~ again, with Mrs. Dixon’s book. I open it and let my
right thumb slide half way down the page and I read ~“that
Russia is being”~. The only thing that comes to mind, when
I read the word “Russia”, is ~“The Creature from Jekyll
Island”~. I remembered the author claimed that Russia
was “created” by –“the powers that be”– so –“they” – could
have –“their”– –“perfect enemy”–! After looking to see what
page I was on, page 81, I went back and read the entire
sentence. ~“For a long time now I have known that Russia
is being made ready to undergo a tremendous change.”~ I
note the words ~“is being made”~. –“They”– ~“made”~ this!
’05 – Jan. 22nd. At the hospital, a nurse starts talking
to me about ~“God”~ so I show her Jean Dixon’s book. This
leads to me telling her about some of my experiences ~ of
my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ She is very open to and moved by my “claims”
and winds up hugging me. Her belief and acceptance of my
“claims” made me ~ very much ~ want to stop working on
this, and just “go tell it”. But, the next day I decide to keep
working on this a little longer. I realize I need to get this
“book?” done, before I ~“go tell it”~.
’05 – Jan. 22nd. Outside of the BP station in Smyrna, I
read the headline in the USA – TODAY. “Bush embraces
‘fire of freedom’ – Begins new term calling for expansion
of liberty.” Reading this, I ~“feel”~ USA – TODAY is
“suggesting” something with the wording of this headline.
Event #384. “ ~ but I have seen a “Bush – burning”!”!
’05 – Jan. 23rd. Mainly because there is a little white
crucifix in the lower left hand corner of a picture of one of
my grandsons, taken right after he was born, I decide to
take it with me to show, when we go to visit my in-laws. To
keep it from getting bent, I decide to carry it in an old legal
pad holder. On the legal pad, I find something I had written.
~ “International Declaration of Human Rights 1948” ~ !
’05 – Jan. 23rd. That night, visiting my mother again in
the hospital, I read her the second Chapter ~“THE DOVE”~
from Jeans book. Reading this again, I am reminded of the
importance of this chapter to my story. I also decide that
when I “finally” end this, I will use the last part of ~“The
Dove”~ as my last ~“event”~. Later, reading pages 14 and 15
of Jeans, “PROLOG”, I decide to do my ~“A.D.”~ again with
a white pocked Bible that’s in her room. I open it to Acts
3:23-25; then I went back and read verse :22! Read it !!!!!!!
’05 – Jan. 24th. Today at work, talking to the ~“ootp?”~
of events #459 ~ #502 ~ #523 ~ #569 ~ #597 ~ #653 ~
and ~ #662 ~ about how our soldiers are dying in Iraq. I say
“It ain’t right!” he says ~“It never will be.”~ Then he said ~
~“We are in our last days! Some closer than others.”~
Then I said, “Its why were here.” He paused for a second
and said ~“Yea ~ your right. That’s a good point.”~ !
’05 – Jan. 25th. While cracking an egg right in front of
the kitchen TV, a dangling egg white is pulled up against the
screen. This reminded me of the quotes by Nicola Tesla and
Alfred Russell Wallace, on pages 245 and 246 in the book
~“ELEMENTARY THEOSOPHY”~ from event #358. Stl: I
remembered an ~“event?”~ I had with ~“ootp?”~ involving
the house where my childhood best friend once lived. It has
nothing to do with this event. I just decided to add it here.
It’s not important, but I would really enjoy telling it to you.
’05 – Jan. 25th. Outside, near Hickory Hollow Mall, by
“coincidence” I happen to run into the very first person who
compared my story to that of Moses ~ event #238. The
moonlight and clouds are so ~“hauntingly”~ beautiful, I point
it out to them. The scene looks ~“very”~ similar to the
skyline in event #10, and also to a sky line in a painting
in the ABC TV special: ~“Jesus, Mary and Da Vinci”~.
’05 – Jan. 26th. 2:30AM. Retyping event # 545, I read,
Acts 3:22 again Reading this, causes me to remember the
“three” other times, someone has compared my story to
that of Moses. I decided to list all the events that I
~“feel”~ “may” relate to me having a calling similar to that
of Moses. These are events ~ #79 ~ #151 ~ #178 through
#182 ~ #202 ~ #208 ~ #213 ~ #238 ~ #254 ~ #262 ~
#297 ~ #321 ~ #384 ~ #399 ~ and ~ #545 ~! ~ So far ~.
’05 – Jan 26th. 3:45AM. Deciding to cross-reference all
the times I saw something on TV that ~“embedded”~. I find
the first two of ~these things ~ are #9 and #11. “9/11”!
The rest are ~#16 ~ #21 ~ #23 ~ #41 ~ and ~ #54. After
writing this, I have several other occurrences. So far, the
most important of these ~“others”~ are ~ #552 ~ #554 !
05 – Jan. 26th. Having a conversation with ~“ootp?”~
which they started, they tell me they are very concerned
that I may get into trouble, talking about the –“political”–
aspects of my story. They say I should just stick to talking
about my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ experiences that “prove” ~“God”~ and
leave out any mention of Juncture in my story. I wish I could,
but I can’t. I know ~ I have been called ~ to ~ “tell it all” ~ !
’05 – Jan. 26th. Because it’s Wednesday, “2 for 1 day”
at our local video store, I rented 4 movies. One of them is
~“The Village”~ by M. Night Shamalon. That night, instead
of watching it with my wife, I work on my “book?” and then
go visit my mother. My mother is watching ~“The Color of
Money”~. When Paul Newman speaks the last three words
in the movie ~ “Because ~ I’m Back!” ~ they seem to jump
out at me. They seem to ~“speak”~ to me. I ~“feel”~ them
~“embed”~ in me. Trying to understand why this happened ~
all I can come up with ~ is ~ “Salvation”. ~“I once was lost
~ but now am found ~ was “blind” ~ but now ~ I see!”~
’05 – Jan. 27th. Watching Good Morning America, on
ABC, I see that the “Los Lonely Boys” are going to play.
When the host asks them who their musical influences were
~ in the exact same moment ~ that the lead singer / guitar
player says his was ~“The Beatles”~. Over his right shoulder
on the left of the screen, outside a window at the back of
the studio, a mostly ~“white bird”~ fly’s up from the bottom
of the window and out the top. I ~“feel”~ maybe this is
noteworthy; so I note the time, on the bottom right of the
screen. It was either 8:41 or 8:42 or 8:43 AM. Event #557.
’05 – Jan. 27th. Tonight, before it has to go back, I
decide to watch ~“The Village”~. I am absolutely bowled
over, when I hear “Ivey” ~“speak”~ the last three words of
the movie ~ “Lucian ~ I’m back!” ~ ! Is this just another
“coincidence”? I think not! Thinking about why I heard
~“I’m back!”~ uttered again. I realize, the movie is making a
comparison between how –“the elders”– of ~“The Village”~
are using –“terror”– to control ~“their people”~ for reasons
they believe are best; with how –“the elders”– of –“The
Third and final antichrist.”– ~“the root of all evil:”~ the
always present ~“the love of money”~ is using –“terror”– to
control ~“us”~ in our ~“Global ~ Village”~ ! Remember ~
~“The Third”~ line from ~ C10~Q10 ~. ~“…worse than his
grandfathers, uncles, and fathers.”~. I also ponder about
the words ~“I’m back!”~ and why they ~“embedded”~ !
’05 – Jan. 28th or 29th. Seeing Sen. Chuck Hagel giving
a speech On C–Span; I remember hearing about him during
event #509. They talked about how he was the first
Republican Senator, to be elected from either WI or NE, in
25 years. And that he won in a very lopsided landslide. Even
in areas that were solid Democratic strong holds. They also
mentioned the fact that he was the head of the company
who made the voting machines that elected him. Also while
watching him on C–Span; I see he is a “foreign relations
committee member”. This sounds similar to the “Council on
Foreign Relations” mentioned in the opening introduction to
chapter 13 ~“MASQUERADE IN MOSCOW”~ in ~“The
Creature from Jekyll Island”~! Are –“they”– ~1010~?
’05 – Jan. 29th? On C-Span 2, Brent Scowcroft talks
about terrorism, Russia, N. Korea, and nuclear weapons. He
points out that we built N. Korea’s nuclear plants for
them. He then makes the outrageous statement that “true
environmentalists” should support the building of more
nuclear power plants. This is absolutely the most outrageous
“Orwellian” statement I have heard – so far. He then talks
about how satellites are being used to monitor and detect
for nuclear explosions. He mentions there is no way to tell
the difference between a –“low yield nuclear explosion”–
and an “earthquake”. Let’s hope he’s wrong. Let’s hope there
is a way. This reminded me of Lewis Farrakhan’s quote from
event #373. ~“you can not fathom the depth of Satan.”~
~“Speaking”~ of ~“fathom”~ and ~“depth”~ sea event #516.
~“Speaking”~ of Satan: Stl: I hear a quote from the movie,
~“The Usual Suspects”~ ~“The greatest trick the devil
ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”~
’05 – Jan. 30th. At work, driving past a radio playing a
commercial that sounds like a jingle from the ‘60’s. I hear
~“The future belongs to you!”~ And again, because of the
very, very odd ~“feel”~ I get from hearing this “jingle”, I
~“feel”~ this could be something meant for me to notice. A
few moments later, I ~“feel”~ the urge to look at the time
on the clock on my tow motor. When I drove past the radio,
it was either 8:41 or 8:42 or 8:43AM. Just like event #553!
’05 – Jan. 30th. At work, in the parking lot on my last
break, I direct a friends attention to a large Crain as it
flies overhead. Moments later, when a second friend joins
us, a mocking bird swoop’s down, flying right in front of us
and lands on the top of a parked SUV. After the first guy
leaves, I point the mocking bird out to the man who just
walked up. I get him to approach the mocking bird with me.
It's very fat and very dirty, from the Carbon Black we use.
’05 – Jan. 30th. Deciding to go to bed early, so I could
wake up early and work on this (it is now 1:42 in the AM), I
went to bed at 8:30PM. The first time I woke up, thinking it
was 1:00 or 2:00 o’clock in the morning, I raised my head to
see the clock reads ~ 10:10 ~ for just about three seconds.
I know it happens twice a day ~ I just noticed it ~ that’s all.
’05 – Jan. 31st. 3:00AM. Writing down event #557, I
decide to look up the quatrains for all three times. C8~Q41,
841, 8:41 AM, seems to be the most interesting. It reads ~
~ “A fox will be elected without saying a word.” ~
’05 – Jan. 31st. After checking my e-mail, I decide to
see if I can find the name of the rapper and his song, of
event #536. After finding it, I find other “things” that I
~“feel”~ I should mention. One thing I find is a book by
David Ray Griffin ~“The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing
Questions “abou” the Bush Administration and 9/11”~ I
keep missing the “t” on the end of “about”, and it keeps
reminding me of ~ “Abou Ben Adhem”! ~ I just thought I
would leave it. Also on the web site of ~“Stop the lie.com”~
I found several videos. One is about “Why?” building ~“7”~
collapsed. Another is ~“Hijacking Catastrophe”! This
“conspiracy” stuff is all over the internet. I wish mine was.
’05 – Feb. 3rd. Just after 9:00PM last night I sat down
with my hand held cassette tape recorder and started to
talk about these 560 + “events”. In just over an hour, I was
only able to get to event #25. I may not be able to do this.
Today, showing someone how, with ~“A.D.”~ I had opened
~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~ several times, to
pages 269 and 275. The first time I try, I miss. The second
time, I hit page 269. The third time, I hit page 267. They
take the book from me and let it fall open by itself to see if
it will open to these pages, by itself. I remind them I didn’t
let it “fall” open. I “flipped” through them ~ very rapidly.
’05 – Feb. 4th, 10:15AM. Around 6:30 this morning I
began working on “transcribing” my spoken words. Later,
looking at the time on my computer, I see it’s ~ 10:10 ~.
Because I am starting to get “loopy” from doing this, I
decide to rewind my tape to the beginning, and reread
everything I’ve typed. Wanting to save the batteries in my
hand held cassette, I put the tape in my portable stereo to
rewind it. Deciding to listen to the radio, while the tape
rewinds, I hook up my headphones to the stereo to hear U2.
~ “It’s all because of you, all because of you, It’s all
because of you, I am ~ I am ~ I am ~ Oh ~ Oh ~ Oh ~”! ~
’05 – Feb. 4th. It is now exactly 10:54, in the AM. I just
spent more than four hours this morning, “transcribing” the
first four and one half events of the 24 events I spoke into
my tape recorder last night. I realize I am not going to be
able to ~“speak”~ about each and every one of “these
things”. So I am going to go through this and just do the
most important ones. Maybe someday, a “professional”
author will help me tell this story, as completely as possible.
’05 – Feb. 5th. Just before going over to visit my
mother, I decide to do my ~“A.D.”~ again with my Unions
Bible. I open to page 3, the first page of ~“Genesis”~ I read
~ “…of the scheme of redemption, of nations, of…” ~ in
the intro. My finger stopped, directly below ~“of nations,”~
’05 – Feb. 6th. It is now exactly 4:50, in the AM. And
again, I have just spent two hours typing the first four
events. And I have come to another decision. I don’t have
the time to write this, as a “normal” book. What I believe I
will do, is “finish up” what I have already written and publish
what I have. And then wait and see if “anyone” is interested
in hearing the details of ~these things ~ these ~“events”~ I
have listed in my ~“Road Map of Events”~. I would love to
sit and write this, as a “book” but I just don’t have the time.
God has not called me to do a “literary” work. But to just
~“speak”~ to ~“warn”~. I don’t know if will ever be ask to
~“speak”~ anywhere, but that’s not my problem. My job is to
~“warn”~ you. I wish I could have done a better job with
this “book?” ~ but ~ this “book!” is what I have come up
with. And so ~“I hope ~ that ~ I hope”~ it is ~ enough.
’05 – Feb.6th. Seeing a story on the news about the
Pope, I am reminded of a story I heard, I think about a year
ago, about the first Saint from Ireland. According to the
story, during a trip to Rome he fell into a “trance” when he
entered the Vatican and started to “describe” all the future
Pope’s, in poetic and symbolic terms. According to what I
read, there are only supposed to be two more Popes, after
John Paul II. And then there will be no more. ~ “Why?” ~ I
can ~“imagine”~ several ~“possible”~ ~“answers”~ as to ~
~ “Why?” ~ !
’05 – Feb. 7th. 12:08 AM. Thinking the prayerful
thoughts ~“Not my will, but thine.”~ and ~“I love you God.”~
I open Jean Dixon’s book and let my right thumb side
halfway down the page. It stops directly beneath and on top
of ~“We all have our own individual channels, our own
frequencies, for communication with the Lord.”~ This is
the second time I have found this sentence using my
~“A.D.”~ ! Event #427. This is on page 57. Later that day,
at work, telling someone about this, I demonstrate, and find
pg. 59. Later I do this again and find pg. 55. It’s the first
page of Chapter three. Its title is ~“God Speaks to Men”~.
’05 – Feb. 8th. At work today, the ~“ootp?”~ of events
#459 ~ #502 ~ # 523 ~ #546 ~ #597 ~ #653 ~ & ~ #662
asks me to put him at the beginning of my story. He says he
doesn’t want to have to read it all, to find his ~“events”~.
Thinking of event #1, I ask him, “What were you doing, in
1943?” His reply was ~“They were thinking about me.”~
’05 – Feb. 8th. Editing the Juncture part of my
~“PRERAMBLE”~ “again”! I am looking through my ~“Spirit
Filled Life Bible”~ trying to find page 2001. When ~ “again”
~ by ~“coincidence”~ I open the book to the last “numbered”
page, before the concordance. The page number is ~“2026”~
the year I believe the ~“thousand years of peace”~ of the
book of ~“Revelation”~ will begin. Event #441. I guess it’s
just ~ “another” ~ one of these many ~“Coincidence is…”~ !
’05 – Feb. 10th. Riding with a friend to a Union rally; a
mocking bird fly’s across the street in front us. I point it
out to him and tell him about some of ~these things ~ I have
been experiencing. He seems to be truly interested. At the
rally, standing in front of the business we were picketing, I
hear a mocking bird singing and look up to see it sitting on
the ledge of the building directly behind us. I tap my friend
on his back, and say “look”, and point up at the bird. He looks
up at the bird and then at me, and says, “He’s following you
around.” I respond, “Just read the book.” Later, he told me
that his recently deceased father had always wanted a large
garage, and never had one. So, after his father died, he
built one for him. He said one night, while sitting and looking
at the garage and thinking about his father, a shooting star
came down, directly over the garage. He said he ~“felt”~ it
was a ~“sign”~. We talked about several “issues” involving
the existence of ~“God”~. And I was pleasantly surprised
when he said he also thought that ~“this world”~ could
“possibly be” and “probably was” – Hell – or some form of it.
’05 – Feb. 10th. Looking for the correct spelling for ~
“coo coo ka chew”, on line, from event #218. I find it’s ~
“goo, goo, g’joob.” Then I find the extremely curious and
very interesting line from the song ~“I am the Walrus”~
~“Corporation T–Shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday. Man you’ve
been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long. I am…”~
See event #175 ~“This was done by the corporations!”~
’05 – Feb. 10th.From time to time, I see a woman who is
so overweight, she has a very hard time, just walking. Seeing
her again last week, in prayerful thought, I asked ~“God”~
if he could just reach down and touch her, and make her
body ~“perfect”~. I instantly had the following ~“thought”~.
“Her body is ‘perfect’!” ~ “It’s ‘perfect’, for her salvation.”
’05 – Feb.10th. Reading Aldous Huxley’s ~“Brave New
World”~ I very much like the opening paragraph of his
~“Forward”~. The “required” behavior he describes is, in my
opinion, an “absolute essential” of salvation. ~“Love”~ can
counter and conquer “regret”, if you let it. I also believe the
last paragraph of his “Forward” very, accurately describes
this Juncture, we ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ are now
within. Also ~ looking through his book, I discover Aldous
died the same day JFK did ~ Nov. 22nd, 1963! It’s just
another one of these many, many, many ~“Coincidence is…”~!
’05 – Feb. 12th. Yesterday and today, while walking out
to the parking lot, on my last break, to move my car closer
to the door. There is a fat and “dirty” mocking bird sitting
on the ground and on the fence. It’s probably the same one,
from event #558. Hoping something odd or unusual or
~“spiritual”~ will happen, I stop and stare at him. It doesn’t.
’05 – Feb. 13th. Going out to my car again, on my last
break. The mocking bird is sitting on the fence again. He is
there as I walk out and when I walk back in. Inside, I tell a
friend that the bird is out on the fence again. We go out to
see it ~ naturally ~ he’s gone. ~“Not my will ~ but thine.”~
’05 – Feb. 13tn. For several day’s, there has been a flyer
on one of the bulletin boards at work advertising a speech
by Lewis Farrakhan that is going to be televised “live via
satellite”, at TSU, on Feb. 23rd. The flyer has been defaced,
several times. Today, I notice that someone wrote the word
~ “WORD!!!” ~ sideways across the flyer. Looking at it for a
few seconds, trying to think of a way to “remind” that the ~
“WORD!!!” ~ is ~ “LOVE!!!” ~ I got the idea of placing a large
“L” between the R and the D. Spelling ~ “WORLD!!!” ~ And I
extend the “L” down so I could write “OVE!” next to it.
Turning the word “WORD!!!” into ~“WORLD!!! LOVE!”~ on
two different levels. This reminds me of a lyric from The
Beatles. ~ ~“Have you heard, the “WORD!!!” is “LOVE!!!”~
’05 – Feb. 14th. While rewriting my ~“FOREWARNED”~
this morning, sometime around 9:11 AM. (I should have
noted the time. I wish I had. Maybe it was exactly 9:11!)
Just as I was typing ~“warn them from me”~ before I
began working on the fourth and last event of how I found
~“The Coming Battle”~ while on line at the Smyrna, library.
Just before I repeated my ~ “All I can do ~ is tell you
this.” ~ soliloquy, from my ~“INTRODUCTION”~ again. A
bird ~ (I don’t know if it was a mocking bird or not, because
it just stayed on one song.) ~ started singing fairly loud
across from my bedroom window. (I now have a second desk
in front of this window, for getting away from the
distractions at the other end of the house.) ~ Back to the
bird. ~ After “all” of the, “events”, I have experienced with
these ~“mocking birds”~ I have learned to take note every
time I see and or hear any bird. At work this past Saturday,
I found out that some of my 110 Union brothers and sisters,
who were at the rally of event #571, also noticed the
mocking bird as it sat, singing, on top of the business we
were picking. And some of them, saw me noticed it and point
it out to the guy I had ridden with. ~ But let’s back to this
morning. ~ In my opinion ~ my ~”EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion. I
have to say that I absolutely believe that ~“God”~ caused
that bird to start singing this morning, just as I was writing,
~“warn them from me.”~ ~“Why?”~ Because he loves you ~
and he loves me ~ and all of creation! Because today ~ is ~
~“Valentines Day!”~ ~“Happy Valentines Day!”~ ~“Never
despair! Never! It is forbidden to give up hope!”~ #527.
’05 – Feb. 14th. After finishing writing the above event,
I decided to add a “Hodge-Podge” of several “events” I
forgot to mention earlier in this story. So ~ here they are. ~
~ One day, several months ago, I decided to bring together
two of these ~“ootp?”~ who ~ to the best of my mortal
knowledge ~ I am certain had never met before. One of
them has a very dominate personality, and the other doesn’t.
I had a hunch the ~“ootp?”~ with the lesser personality,
would dominate their meeting. And I was right. The
~“ootp?”~ that had the stronger personality, seemed to
“defer” to the smaller and weaker, “ootp?”! He wouldn’t even
make eye contact with him! ~ ~ One night over a year ago,
~“feeling”~ very worried about what was going to happen to
me, when I went public with this story. (I “was” concerned
about my life and the lives of my family being “at risk”.) I
took one of my large Bibles, I believe it was my Union Bible,
and with ~“A.D.”~ I opened to Psalm 31:13! Read it! It
dealt with my fears ~ exactly! ~ ~ Over a year ago, I met
one of ~“ootp?”~ who was trying to make it in the Country
Music Biz. Finding out that I too was a song writer, they
asked to hear some of my songs; but this never happened.
Then, shortly after sending a few of my songs to a publisher
that I had known for many, many years, while talking to this
~“ootp?”~ they ~“spoke”~ the words ~ “old, old” ~ in a very
odd way while, talking to me. The words ~ “old, old” ~ were
in one of the songs I had sent to the publisher. Maybe they
also knew this publisher, and had gotten to hear the song;
but I doubt it. Maybe they are nothing more than a mortal
dreamer, with the very mortal dreams, of a Country Music
career. Maybe? Maybe not! ~ ~ Over a year ago, in a “semiprivate social situation”, I gave a woman in her early 20’s
~“ootp?”~ a hug. When I did, I felt the ~“very pleasant
surge”~ of a ~“very pleasant feeling”~ permeate my entire
body. It was like nothing I had ever felt before in my life,
or since. I have never hugged her again. This is not event
#255. ~ ~ While standing outside, one summer afternoon,
watching heat lightning with someone ~ who ~ “from time to
time” has made me wonder if they might be ~“ootp?” ~.
After a flash of lightning ~ just for fun ~ I start a count
down from 10 to 1. When I got to “zero” ~ lightning flashed!
“Coincidence is…”? This person ~ laughed and smiled ~ and
walked away. ~ ~ I will probably do another one of these
Hodge–Podge postings, later on. I ~“*hope”~.
’05 – Feb. 18th. Working on the ~“9/11”~ part of my
“Synopsis of “EPIPHANY!”” under ~“Amateur Divination”~ of
~“I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh:”~ (on pg. 136) I
decide to add this “event” when I realize that ~“the great
city”~ quote of ~ Revelation 18:21 ~ is ~ the same “great
city” of several of Nostradamus’ references to ~ “the great
city” ~ And ~ “the great new city” ~ New York City is not
the “Babylon” referred to in verse :21. “Capitalism – and –
World Trade” are. ~ In my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden
opinion; they are the ~“Mystery Babylon”~ of ~ Rev. 17:5.
’05 – Feb. 18th. Making my breakfast, I thought about a
bumper sticker I saw last week, that said. ~ “National
Atheist Holiday” ~ “April 1st!” ~“Only the fool says in his
heart, there is no God.”~ Psalm 14:1 In my ~ opinion ~
~“when the role is called up yonder”~ I believe there will
be many “surprised” ~“Spiritually Alive Atheists”~ who will
find their names ~“written in the book of life”~ by holding
up ~“The Spirit of the law.” ~“Love”~ above “The letter
of the law.” ~ “Theology ~ Doctrine ~ Dogma ~ Religion.”
I believe ~“God”~ can and will forgive those who fall short
on upholding the letter of the law ~ which I believe is
Religion. But ~ for those who fall too short in upholding the
~“spirit”~ of the law ~“Love”~. Maybe ~event #90~ may be.
’05 – Feb. 18th. Before going to bed I did my ~“A.D.”~
and found and read ~ Matthew 5:18 ~. I also read Chapters
~ 5: ~ 6: and ~ 7: ~“Love one another.”~ It will serve you.
’05 – Feb. 19th. Writing about ~“101 Famous Poems”~
while working on my “Synopsis of “Epiphany!” I tried my
~“A.D.”~ with it ~ again. “Again” ~ I opened to ~“The
Deacon’s Masterpiece or ‘The One-Hoss Shay’”.~ Two or
three previous times I found this, through ~“A.D.”~ and
saw no “relevance” to the poem ~ at all. But today I ~felt~
what ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes ~ is really talking about ~ is
~ “The decay of Capitalism”. I quote ~“That was built in
such a logical way ~ It ran a hundred years to the day,”
~ “How it went to pieces all at once,- ~ All at once, and
nothing first,- ~ Just as bubbles do when they burst.” ~
“End of the wonderful one-hoss shay, ~ Logic is logic.
That’s all I say.”~ “Fascism is Capitalism in decay.” – Lenin
’05 – Feb.19th. Tonight I decided to take a little break
from this and watch a movie with my wife. I got ~ “Tuck
Everlasting” ~ from the Smyrna, Library. I was an OK movie.
Not great, but OK. All through the movie I was hoping that
the last words in the movie would be ~“I’m back”~ just like
events #552 and #554. But they weren’t. I was hoping to
find “something” I could use in this story. But the only thing
that was “maybe?” a ~“coincidence?”~ was that over on ABC
they were showing ~ “The Green Mile” ~ that same night.
As we kept switching back and forth between both movies, I
noticed that both movies were about people who had become
~“temporarily ~ immortal”~. They ~“emphasized”~ the fact
~ that ~“We are all born ~ to die!”~ The last words in
~“The Green Mile”~ are ~“We all owe a death.”~ Speaking
of movies. Aug. 11th ‘05: Last week in ~“Bruce Almighty”~
~“God’s”~ address is 77256 23rd St. Noticing 77 ~256~ is
~“struck from the sky:”~ Event’s #428 ~ #436 ~ #646 !
’05 – Feb. 21sh. Getting ready for work, I turn on VH-1
to hear Switchfoot singing ~“I dare you to move”~ Then on
MTV, I hear Eminem’s new song called ~“Mocking Bird”~. At
the end of the song the screen goes black with the words ~
“Karma: Action that has Fate. Consequences. Destiny.” I
thought it was the ending of Eminem’s song. Stl: I see it’s
the opening to the song ~“Karma”~ by Alica Keys. (Eminen
has had a few other songs I believe I was meant to hear.)
Then ~ as I walk out the door ~ I hear U2 singing ~ “All
because of you ~ I am ~ I am.”! I am ~ late for work!
At work ~ I have a thought that “startles” me because I
had not had this thought before. And because of the times
I noticed the time in events #553 and #557 I decide to
look at the time on my Fork Truck in case something else
happens again at this same time, it’s 6:54AM. So ~ here’s my
thought. For over two years ~ I tried to find ~ someone ~ to
help me write this ~ “book?” ~ to be my ~ co-writer ~. And
all this time ~ I had one! I didn’t realize it ~ it was ~“God”~!
Lately I have noticed some of the words in my sentence
structure seem to be aligning up with each other. And I had
the thought that maybe ~“God”~ is causing this. So, I have
begun to help this ~ alignment ~ not much ~ just a little.
’05 - Feb. 24th. Feeling “pleased” with my “Synopsis of
~“Epiphany!””~ I get the ~“urge”~ to try my ~“A.D.”~ with
~“101 Famous Poems”~. When I look ~ my thumb is on ~
~“Less sad of speech than mild,–”~ The next line reads ~
~“‘All this is when he comes.’ She ceased.”~ Noticing
~“‘All this is when he comes.’” ~ I go back and read it all ~
~“She gazed and listened and then said, ~ Less sad of
speech than mild, - ~ ‘All this is when he comes.’ She
ceased. ~ The light thrilled towards her, fill’d ~ With
angels in strong level flight. ~ Her eyes prayed and she
smil’d.”~ This is from the poem ~“The Blessed Damozel”~
on page 46. The above verse is on page 49. ~ Then, leaving
to go to a Union rally ~ as I start my car ~ I see a “large”
mocking bird sitting on the gutter at the corner of my
house. As I sit and watch ~ him ~ her ~ “it” ~ it fly’s down
toward the neighbor’s house. As it fly’s away ~ I hear Jack
Johnson singing ~“Why must I keep on waiting on you.”~
Please note the line ~“All this is when he comes.”~ And the
words ~“I’m back!”~ in events #552 ~ #554. And also event
#583. Also ~ the alignment in this event ~ was not my doing.
’05 – Feb. 24th. About a week ago, I happened to turn
on C-Span to see Alan Curtis the president and CEO of
~“The Eisenhower Foundation”~ hosting a program for the
book ~“Patriotism, Democracy, and Common Sense”~ by
~“Richard Leone” ~ “Joseph Wilson” ~ and ~ “Clare Short”~
I was very, very pleased to hear ~ “Big Time Republicans” ~
saying the same things I have been saying about the –Bush
regime–. One of them made a remark about the Die –Bold
voting machines, “strongly” implying the election was stolen.
’05 – Feb. 25th. Eating supper, all the lights went off,
completely, for just a second. Then about a minute later
they all went off again, and came right back on again.
Experiencing the very unnerving dilemma of trying to eat
ones super in complete and total darkness, I drew up a
mental image of –“Big Brother”– sitting with his finger on
the “power switch”. And anytime he wants to, he can cut off
the power. This reminded me of a website I found, over a
year ago, that talked about “Electro – Magnetic Pulse”,
event #327. All of this reminded me I had heard a V-J on
either MTV, or VH-1 talk about the alarming possibility of
an “Electro – Magnetic pulse” happening to us ~ the USA.
’05 – Feb. 26th. Working on my “Synopsis of ~“Epiphany!” ~
this morning. I decide to stop for a moment and turn on the
TV. I saw an interview of Jim Walllis by Travis Smiley on
NPT. Mr. Wallis has written the book ~“God’s Politics”~! I
have been making a list of people and organizations that I
plan to send this to, when it is done. I added both of them.
’05 – Feb. 26th. Standing in the kitchen just before
supper, the ceiling light in the kitchen flickered almost off.
Seeing this, I moved to the door way between the kitchen
and the den, to see if the ceiling light in the den would go
off too, if it happened again. It did, and this time both
lights went all the way off, for just a split second. ~BUT!~
The dining room chandelier stayed on. This is “physically”
impossible. All the ceiling lights, except for the front room,
are on the same circuit breaker. This ~“event”~ was very
similar to what had just happened, the day before, of event
#588. And it reminded me of the quote by Nicola Tesla,
event #358, about the “possibility” that there could be
~“Spiritual Beings”~ who could derive their existence, from
something akin to ~“electrical”~ energy. Then on March ~9~
~11~ days later ~ a similar event ~ #601 ~ occurs.
’05 – Feb. 27th. At work, at the end of the shift, I run
into the man from event #116. I remind him of what he said
to me back in 2000. Then I give him a quick synopsis of this
entire story. He seems moved when I tell him I have seen
~“proof”~ of ~“God”~. He tells me about his brother death.
’05 – Feb. 28th. 1:24AM. Trying to finish my “Synopsis
of Juncture” I decide to add events #116 and #591. I had
tried to avoid adding any more events towards the beginning
of this, because ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ I have to go back and
change each and every ~ event # ~ affected by adding
event #116. But I ~“feel”~ including this mans involvement
in this story is worth it. He seemed truly moved when I told
him I had witnessed ~“proof”~ there actually is a ~“God”~.
’05 – Feb. 28th. Tonight, visiting my mother at her
nursing home, she was watching ~“The Color of Money”~
again. When I got home, I set up my VCR so I could record
Paul Newman saying ~“Because ~ I’m back.”~ like he did on
Jan. 26th, event #552. I would have bet anything he said
~“Because ~ I’m back.”~ I know I heard and saw him say
~“Because”~. But tonight, as I recorded it, I heard him say
~“Hey ~ I’m back.”~ At first I thought I probably just
remembered it wrong. But after thinking about it for a
while, because of the very “odd” way it just seemed to
~“embed”~ in me. Maybe it was another one of these
~“events”~ of ~these things ~ and then again ~ maybe not?
What’s ~“important”~ here ~ are the words ~“I’m Back.”~ !
’05 – Mar. 1st. Today, by ~“coincidence”~ I turned on CSpan just as Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia was
starting a speech. Because of what he said, I went to the
Smyrna, Library, after dinner, and printed out a copy of his
speech. In his speech he talked about the movie ~“Mr.
Smith Goes to Washington”~ and –“The Nuclear Option”–.
He said most people think the term is about being able to
use Nuclear Weapons in a first strike capacity or something
to that effect, and so did I. But it isn’t. It “supposedly” has
nothing at all to do with nuclear bombs or weapons. It’s a
term the –“neo-cons”– are using in their attempt to outlaw
the ~“filibuster”~ to make them –“illegal”– ! It’s about
“permanently” silencing the minority voice. He compared
this, to the tactics Hitler used to come to power by
creating the illusion that he always worked within the law.
What Hitler did, was to change the law, so he could use the
law to take over. He was comparing what Bush and the NeoCons are doing to what Hitler and his Nazis did in order to
rise to power. I have seen and heard this before. Several
times ~ and it’s the truth! These New – Conservatives are
called Neo-Cons, for the same reason. New – Nazis are
called Neo-Nazis. If you get the chance, read his speech
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~! There is one last thing I
~“feel”~ I should mention about –“The Nuclear Option”–.
In my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion. The – term –
is a veiled threat ~ of what –“they”– are willing to do, in
case –“their”– attempt at –dissolving– ~“Democracy”~ fails.
I am not trying to scare you. I am ~“simply”~ doing what I
have been called to do. ~“warn them from Me.”~ Ez. 33:7.
’05 – Mar. 1st. Tonight as I drove away from the
automated bank teller at my bank, I was very upset because
of all the –“little things”– that – all day long – just kept
getting in my way - ALL – DAY – LONG – as I tried to work
on this “book?”. ~“Feeling”~ this frustration, very, very
strongly, I got the very strong ~“urge”~ to ask ~“God”~ to
~“speak”~ to me again. So I did ~ strongly ~ and ~ out loud.
After I said this ~ out loud ~ I thought I would ~“scan”~
through the radio stations to see what, if anything, I might
hear, in response to my request. But in stead of hitting the
scan button, I decided to leave it on FM 100 to see what
the next words would be, that I would hear. I didn’t
recognize the song that was playing and I had no idea what
the song was, or even if there were any more words in the
song. The song was in the middle of an instrumental
interlude when I asked ~“God”~ to ~“speak” ~ to me again.
Then ~ just seconds later ~ the very first words out of my
speakers ~ were ~“The Devil’s in the details.”~
’05 – Mar. 2nd. Driving to my mother’s nursing home, by
accident, I happened to turn on the local right wing talk
radio show. I try to listen to this “stuff” every now and
then, but it is so filled with divisiveness, I can only take it
for a few minutes. But just after I turned it on, I heard the
host, of whatever show was on, talking about the speech
that Senator Byrd had given the day before. He, the host,
said there was an organization of “Jewish Republicans” who
were “outraged” that Byrd would compare Bush to Hitler
and Republicans to Nazis. Well ~ all I can say is ~“by there
fruits yea shall know them.”~ is what comes to my mind.
There are ~“good”~ ~“Republicans”~ in this world ~ and I
guarantee you ~ none of them ~ are –neo-cons–. While
typing this ~ event #361 ~ came to mind! I don’t know why!
’05 – Mar. 3rd. Today right at the end of the shift, the
~“ootp?”~ from events #459 ~ #502 ~ #523 ~ #546 ~
#569 ~ #653 ~ and ~ #662, came up to me and wanted to
talk. I told him I couldn’t because I was behind with my
work. He chided me for saying this, so we talked for a few
minutes. As we talked, 9/11 came up and I wound up showing
him an ad in my ~ Mother Jones Magazine ~ for a video
called ~“9/11: The Great Illusion”~ by George Humphrey.
His ad claims that ~“9/11 Was an Inside Job! ~ Planned,
carried out and covered up by the Power Elite from right
here in our own country…”~ I told this ~“oopt?”~ that I
had been planning on ordering it, but I was afraid too put my
name and address on it. I said I might get an organization to
order it for me. He lectured me about –“fear”– for a few
seconds and then wound up saying ~ ~“Fear not for I am
the King”~. I assumed he was talking about ~“God”~. As far
as I can remember those were his exact words. Also, during
our conversation, he pointedly asked me to look at the time
on the clock on my fork truck. The time ~ was ~“4:44”~! I
have heard that some people associate the same three
numbers, especially in regards to time as having something
to do with ~“Angels”~. I found a web site once that said
that ~11:11~ was involved with ~“Angels”~. Stl: I decided
to look up C4~Q44 ~444~ to see if maybe it might have
something interesting in it. The only thing that stood out
was the fact that it deals with France and Spain. Lately, his
prophecies about Spain are getting much more interesting.
’05 – Mar. 7th. Today at work, on last break, I tell a coworker what my ~“FOREWARNED”~ is all about. That night
the feeling of movement on the top of my head that started
on Christmas Eve of 2002, starts up again ~ very strongly.
’05 – Mar. 8th. Because the feeling on the top of my
head was so strong, last night. All day long at work, I notice
it was completely gone. And I didn’t like it. That night we
had a meeting at our Union hall, to talk about what we need
to do, if we have to go on strike. The speaker was from the
USWA headquarters in Pittsburg. In his talk, he mentioned
the campaigns we had against BFS in ’94 and ’95. The instant
he mentioned this ~ the feeling on the top of my head ~
started up again ~ almost as strong as the night before.
’05 – Mar.9th. This morning I got up at 1:30AM, took a
shower and then worked on my “book” until 4:30AM. Then
when back to sleep. When I got up around 8:15AM, I went
down stairs to find the movie “Northfield 777” was on.
After watching it for a few minutes, I turned on C-Span to
see, and hear, the ~“Liberal Democrats” in Canada
espousing all the ~ “great ~ good ~ things” ~ that Canada
stood alone in possessing ~ (out of all the G-8 countries) ~
because it was run by ~“Liberals”~. Then I turned back to
“Northfield 777” and remembered that the movie is about
a reporter, Jimmy Stewart, trying to help two innocent men
wrongly convicted for murder, get out their life sentences.
There is a very definite connection between ~“Liberal
Democrats”~ and ~“I was in prison and ye came unto me.”~
Matthew 25:36. I just ~“felt”~ ~“God”~ wanted me to tell
you this. Have you ever noticed that ~“Liberal”~ and
~“Kennedy”~ are ~“7”~ letter words? Typing that last
sentence, I recalled the interview I saw on C-Span with Dr.
Helen Caldicott, and how she kept referring to herself as a
~“true conservative”~ because she was trying to ~“save”~
to ~“conserve”~ the planet for future generations. From
this, I had the thought that all ~“True Conservatives”~ are
all ~“Liberals”~! ~“Liberal”~ with ~“Love ~ for all!” And
~“Liberal”~ with ~“Justice ~ for all!” I ~“*hope”~ I’m not
boring you. I truly ~“feel”~ that ~“God”~ has ~“called”~ me
and ~“given”~ me the ~“right”~ to defend the ~“left”~.
~“God is love.”~ And by its nature ~“Love”~ is ~“Liberal”~!
In my opinion ~ my ~“Epiphany!”~ laden opinion.
’05 – Mar. 9th. After looking for a small surge protector
for my Gateway notebook at Best Buys, so I could work on
this at the Library, I came home to find that my notebook
was not working when I turned it on. I had left it plugged
into the surge protector in my bedroom and it wouldn’t turn
on. After trying all six outlets on the protector, I unplugged
my notebook from the surge protector, unplugged the
protector from the wall and took the protector into the
kitchen to plug the toaster into it, to see if it would work.
“IT DID!” I then checked the wall socket in the bedroom,
and the adapter and ~“THEY ALL WORKED!”~ I guess
there is a “logical” explanation why it wouldn’t work ~ at
all ~ in the bedroom, on all six plugs, and ~‘Now!’ ~ in
the kitchen they all work ~‘Now!’ ~ just fine ~ I guess!
Instantly I realized this was very similar to what happened
in events #588 and # 590. And again, it reminded me of the
quotes by Nicola Tesla and Alfred Russell Wallace, “the
grand old man of science,” from event #358.
’05 – Mar. 9th. Leaving my mothers nursing home, I was
~“hoping”~ I would hear something on FM 100 that would
~“speak”~ to me “again”. I hear ~“Love Throw A Line”~ by
Patty Griffin. ~“God is love.”~ ~“Love”~ can and will save
~“you”~! But ~“you”~ must decide to reach out and take
~“Love”~ and pull yourself up and in. ~“God ~ is love.”~ and
~“You ~ are two.”~ You must become ~“one”~ with
~“Love”~ with ~“God”~ in order to ~“enter in”~ ~“again?”~
Again ~ this is my opinion ~ my ~“EPIPHANY! ”~ laden ~ opinion.
’05 – Mar. 10th. Going to bed, around 1:30AM, walking
past my copy of “101 Famous Poems” I decided to pick it
up and try my ~“A.D.”~ with it again, because I was very
uneasy with how much time rereading and “re-tweaking” all
of “this” is going to take. Concentrating hard ~ while asking
~“God”~ to ~“speak”~ to me again. With my head bowed and
my eyes closed, I open the book and let my right thumb
slide down the page and stop. When I open my eyes ~ I read
~“Against the words ye bid me speak ~ My heart within
me pleads.”~ It’s from ~“The Eternal Goodness”~ by John
Greenleaf Whittier. I am ~ has ~ again ~ answered my
request ~ again. A few minutes later ~ I decide to go for
two. So ~ trying it again ~ with the same ~“desirous
spirit”~. I open my eyes ~ to read ~“Then she took up her
burden of life again. ~ Saying only, “It might have
been!”~ It’s from “Maud Muller” and guess what ~ it is also
by John Greenleaf Whittier. ~“Coincidence is…?” Ah think
~ so! The last line ~“It might have been”~ caused me to
remember my ~“absolute favorite”~ invitational hymn we
would sometimes sing at the end of Church service, when I
was younger ~“Almost Persuaded”~. If you have never
heard this song, check it out. It has a very beautiful melody,
and the words are ~ well ~ lets call them “convincing”. A lot
of people ~ who do not care for, “the perceived ‘controlling’
and ‘exclusive nature’ of ‘some’ Religions”, would say the
song is just trying to install the “absolute fear” of “Hell”
into you, so you will join their Church, and their “Religion”.
Interpretation is always the key. And my interpretation is ~
the song is not trying to scare you into “religion”, or at least
it shouldn’t be; what it’s doing, is trying to convince you to
~“become”~ ~“Love”~ ~“again”~. To ~“return”~ to ~“Love”~
so that you can ~“return home”~ and ~“stay home”~
~“forever”~ and ~“ever”~ ! As ~“one”~ with ~“Love”~! As
~“one”~ with ~“God”~ because just as ~“God ~ is ~ love.”~
~“You ~ are ~ too.”~ Become one with ~“Love!” ~ “God
Is!” ~ “Love!”~ ~ IT’S TRUE! ~ ~“Love is the answer!”~
~“God is love.”~ ~“Jesus is love.”~ ~“Love is the answer!”~
’05 Mar. 14th. Driving to and from Nashville today, I
decide to listen to AM, instead of FM. I find there are
many, many “Religious” shows on AM. I decide I will contact
most if not all of them about my “story” when it is done. One
show that really got my attention was by a man named Sid
Roth. I was so impressed with what I heard; I went to his
web site that night. And found that he definitely is one of
the many, many Jew’s for ~Jesus~. And because I believe, I
~“feel”~ that I am “literally” meant to take Ezekiel 33:7 as
~“speaking”~ to me ~ “7 So thou, O son of man, I have
set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore
thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them
from me.” I am absolutely going to send him a copy of my
“book?” when it is finished. Later, listening to a different
show I heard the following quote, which I have heard
before several times over the years. ~“The world has yet
to see what ~“God”~ can do with one man totally
committed to him.”~ And again I had the thought that
being committed to ~“God”~ is the same thing as being
totally committed to ~“Love”~. Because ~“God is love.”~
just as it says in 1 John 1:48. Hearing this quote again
reminded me of the quote by Edward Everett Hale, I ran
across in event #447. ~“I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
Because I cannot do everything. I will not refuse to do
the something that I can do.”~ We all are ~“one”~! If we
each ~“one”~ ~“totally”~ ~“wholly”~ commit ourselves, our
lives to ~“Loving”~ one another through ~“Love”~ through
~“God”~ as ~“God is love.”~ We can have a very real impact
on our lives and our Mother Earth in the time, we spend
here. And we can also have an absolute Eternal impact on
the spiritual life that is waiting ~ for us ~ eternally waiting~
for us ~ in my opinion ~ in my “EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion. I had
planned on stopping this ~“Road Map”~ with the event,
#600. But as you can see, when I ~“feel”~ I have something
~“God”~ wants me to say. I am going to say it. And if you
are ever at a loss for something to say ~ say it ~ say ~
~“Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~ ☺ ~“Love is the answer!”~
~“God is Love is Jesus is Love is Love is the answer Is.”~
’05 – Mar. 14th. Tonight at K-Mart, when a stranger saw
me holding a package of rewritable CD’s, trying to decide
whether or not to buy them, he began to tell me a lot about
them. So much, that it made me decide to wait about buying
them. Was it another ~“coincidence”~ that this man just
happened to be there and spoke to me without being asked.
I know there are a lot of ~“strange”~ looking people in the
world, but his face was very strange looking. And he wouldn’t
look me in the eyes when we were talking. ~“Ootp?”~ Know?
’05 – Mar. 15th. This afternoon, I saw another pair of
“old shoes” tied together by the shoelaces and hanging from
a telephone or power line running across a side street in a
subdivision. As in event #443, when I saw them, I instantly
remembered the movie “Wag The Dog”. Watch it! ~‘Now!’~
Rereading this 5/18, I noticed Mar. 15 is the ides of March.
’05 – Mar. 16th. While talking to ~“ootp?”~ he asked me
if I had heard who Bush had nominated to be the new head
of “The World Bank”. Having absolutely no idea who it was
~“jokingly”~ I said “Adolph Hitler”. He said “It might as well
have been.” He said Bush had appointed – Paul Wolfowitz.
’05 – Mar. 16th. Tonight on C-Span I happen to find Rep.
Shelia Jackson decrying ~“Democracy”~ doesn’t exist in the
U.S. anymore. Check out her entire speech, at her web site.
’05 – Mar. 17th. On my last break, I was telling someone
about the event (#85) that took place in the fall of ’96 at
Camp Justice. The break area was crowded and I made sure
I ~“spoke”~ loud enough so others could hear what I was
saying, and I’m sure some of them did. When I got back to
my workstation, as I was putting a skid on the conveyor I
noticed that the words ~“Right NOW”~ were written on the
center sling. And the word ~“Right”~ was cut in half, with
only the bottom portion of the word showing. I took this as
saying almost ~“Right NOW”~ But again, I am forced to say,
I ~“*hope”~ and pray, I am not “late” with this. And to be
honest, I don’t think I will be ~ I ~“*hope”~. Event #357!
’05 – Mar. 18th. When I got up this morning, while
looking at the American Indian throw, I put on my bed when
it’s cold, I began to think about the ~“Spiritual”~ nature of
the American Indian. At 4:55AM I walked into the kitchen
and turn on the TV to catch the ending credits of a show on
PBS called ~“The Mystery of Chaco Canyon”~. As I
watched the credits I vaguely remembered seeing a show
about this, years ago. I notice the fact that I had just been
thinking about the ~“Spiritual”~ aspects of the American
Indian, and then I find this show going off. A few weeks
later, I happen to turn on the TV again and caught the last
20 or 30 minutes of the show. It’s a very interesting
mystery. The relationship of humans to nature is a very
~“Spiritual”~ thing. I have for a long time ~‘Now!’ ~ thought
the reason ancient tribes were so ~“Spiritual”~ was because
they lived so closely with nature. This is something that –
“modern man” – has gotten away from. We build our man
made environment around us and it has the unpleasant
~“natural?”~ effect of shutting out the ~“Spiritual”~ and
the ~“natural”~ ~“things”~. We are ~“all”~ a part of the
~“natural”~, just as everything ~“naturally”~ is. ~“God”~
wants us to stop doing what we are doing to our ~“natural
world”~. As we destroy our ~“natural world”~, we are also
destroying the ~“natural spirit”~ of ~“Love”~ we must ~
“naturally”~ become, in order to ~ “return”~ to our ~“natural
state”~ of ~“Love”~ so we can return ~ home ~ again ~ in my
opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion. Also, on channel
33, BET, I saw a televangelist making a reference to Amos
3:7. This reminded me of event #128. Then on one of the
country music channels, I heard Keni Thomas singing “I just
did what I was called to do.” I’m trying. ~ I ~“*hope”~ !
’05 – Mar. 21st. ~“Today,” ~ ~“feeling”~ the ~“urge”~
to try my ~ “A.D.”~ again with ~“101 Famous Poems”~ I
opened it up to the poem ~“OPPORTUNITY”~ on page 75. I
~“feel”~ this poem is a ~ warning to me ~ not fail at this.
Stl: ~“OPPORTUNITY”~ shows up again, in event #644.
’05 – Mar. 23rd. On Feb.6th, event #567, I was surfing
the net at the Smyrna, Library and happened to find a story
about the very first Irish Saint. Having forgotten his name
I went to the Library tonight to see if I could find his story
again. I won’t go into in the details, you can do that on the
net. But I will just say this. According to “legend” this man,
St. Malachy (Bishop Malachy O’Morgair, 1094 – 1148) went
on a pilgrimage to see the Pope, and when he walked into the
Vatican, he fell into a trance and began describing all the
future Popes. And according to “legend” most all of his
descriptive sentences, seemed to fit the Popes ~ I believe
in order. And according to what I read ~ there will only be
two more popes ~ after John Paul II. And then ~ there will
be no more! While searching for this, tonight, I happened to
find a website that gave me a little more history about this
story. And according to this website, this list of the future
popes was supposedly lost for around four hundred years
and first published around 1590 by a man by the name of ~
“Arnold De Wyon”. “Coincidence is…!” as “Coincidence
duh’s?” You need to check out Saint Malachy and his
prophecies. Especially his description of John Paul II and
John Paul I. ~“There’s something happening here.”~ And I
believe there is the very real chance ~ it is the book of
~“Revelation”~. This “event?” reminded me that also several
months ago, while I was on line, I found a website in England
that had the manuscript of a very, very old “English?” Bible
on line. The Bible was extremely ornate and beautifully
decorated. This was not too long after event #227 when I
found Ezekiel 33: So I decided to look up Ezekiel 33: in this,
on line, old English Bible and read it. To my surprise, Ezekiel
33: was on page 121 of the Bible. Years ago, when we were
still living at 121 Mc Ferrin, I remember noticing that 121
could be spoken “one ~ to ~ one”. I liked that! I thought it
was neat! I have decided to mention this ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~
because dealing with each other ~“one ~ to ~ one”~ might
be ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ a wise thing to do.
’05 – Mar. 26th. Just after I got up, I decided to do my
~“A.D.”~ with my ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~. So I opened
it, not looking, and read what was sitting next to, directly
over my right thumb. ~“Avoid worshiping mindlessly7.” (I
just typed the ~“7”~ either by mistake or not! I have
decided to leave it, in case I typed it by “or not!”.) I will ~
try again ~ both to type and to worship. ~“Avoid worshiping
mindlessly by rote or becoming passive in worship. Give
yourself wholeheatedly” (Again I misspelled and thought I
would leave it too.) “Give yourself wholeheartedly to it.”
This is from “Truth-in-action through Psalms (A Summary)”
on pg. 881. Then on my way to work, I saw a carrying case
lying on the ground at the corner of Sam Ridley Pky. And
Chaney Rd. I was going to fast to stop, so I took the first
right and went around the block and came back and picked it
up. It had a Bible in side of it that had a Reverends name on
the front. His name is ~“Palms”~! (I didn’t realize a possible
“connection?” until ~“Today, today,” ~ 3 days later, on Mar
29th, as I sit here ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ typing this “event”.)
Later on, at work, I decided to look up “Galatians 5:1” in my
~“SPIRIT FILLED LIFE BIBLE”~. I had brought it to work
to show a friend that the last numbered page was ~2026~!
And when I did this, I discovered that “Gal. 5:1” was not the
verse I had used in my “Introduction”. Two days later, on
Mar. 28th, while on line at the Smyrna, Library, event #616,
I discovered why. Then, after I found out that “Gal. 5:1”
was not the verse in my ~“INTRO.”~ I decide to do my ~
~“A.D.”~ with the Reverend Palms~ Bible, and I found that
I had opened it to Nehemiah 9:27. Read it. Also, inside the
carrying case, there was a flyer exactly like the ~“John
10:10”~ sign that I saw taped to the inside of the cars
window in event #504. “Coincidence is…” !
’05 – Mar. 27th. Happy Easter! After going back and
adding event # 609 this morning, I went into the kitchen to
see if our Cable was back on. For the first time I saw Jet’s
video “Oh look what your done” from their CD “Get Born”.
The first time I heard this song, several weeks ago, it
bothered me a lot, because I have yet to get this done. The
video was interesting, I think its worth watching, if you like
watching music videos. I hope I haven’t “made a fool of
everyone”. There is another song that I also just saw the
video for about a week ago, that also bothers me a lot, when
I hear it. It’s Jack Johnson’s “Sitting, waiting, wishing”. A
few times I have heard these songs played back to back, or
close together. And I know how this sounds, but because I
have yet to go “public” with this story. I can’t help but be
bothered by the lyrics in these songs. I will get this done
this summer. ~ Today is Mar. 28th, at 11:39PM. I have just
had another remarkable ~“coincidental”~ experience I have
decided to share with you ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~
in event #616. But before I do, I am going to tell you about
the next event, #615 that happened earlier tonight that is
also another of these ~ “Coincidence is…”~.
’05 – Mar.28th. Tonight I decided to get on line at the
Smyrna, Public Library, for a second time today, and look up
e-mail and regular mail addresses for all the national and
international headquarters for socially responsible and
religious organizations I could find. The very last one I
found, right before the Libraries computers automatically
shut down at 7:30PM, 30 minutes before the Library closes
at 8:00PM, was the national headquarters for the Nazarene
denomination here in America. So I wrote it down and left.
Walking to the front entrance of the Library, there was a
woman and a young boy leaving, right in front of me. On the
back of her black, t-shirt I read the words ~ ~“European
Nazarene College”~. ~“Coincidence is God’s way …”~
’05 – Mar. 28th, 11:41PM. After, I discovered in event
#613 that “Galatians 5:1” was not the verse I had in my
~“INTRODUCTION”~. I had the thought that maybe I had
had another experience of reading a Bible verse that didn’t
exist, like I did in events #254 and #287. Which would
mean that I had either had another ~“vision”~ or for those
of you still skeptical, another “hallucination”. And again, not
caring what the exit polls say, I was ready to vote ~“vision”~
again. Well, this morning right after I got on line at the
Smyrna Library, I went to “Bible Gateway” and discovered
that I had not had another ~“vision”~ or a “hallucination”.
What I done, was to leave off the “4” after the “1” in
Galatians 5:1. It was Galatians 5:14. ~ So ~ tonight as I was
about to go to sleep, I decided to look up Galatians 5:14 just
to make sure I had it right this time. So I turned to
Galatians 5:1 and decided to read from the first verse. And
when I got to verse ~“7”~ I got a very, very, very pleasant
surprise; as I read the following words. “7 Ye did run well;
who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” I
discovered that this verse was a verse that I had found
almost a year ago, by using my ~“A.D.”~ and had completely
forgotten about it, until ~‘Now!’ ~. About a year ago, as I
was walking out of my mother’s nursing home, I decided to
pick up a religious pamphlet that was lying on a table in the
foyer. It was titled ~“EXPLORE the BIBLE”~ and is put out
by ~“Life Way”~. So I opened it with my ~“A.D.”~ in mind,
and found Galatians 5:7. This verse and the ones after it
spoke directly to very great difficulty I was having in trying
to figure out a way to tell this story believably. ~ But after
finding Galatians 5:7 tonight, it occurred to me that the
reason “I?” left the “4” off of 5:14, was so I could find it
~“again”~ tonight and reread 5:7 ~ and share this ~“event”~
with you. ~ I am ~ that which ~ you are ~ which is ~ I know
That’s ~ “NEVER ~ 4 EVER ~ ALONE!” ~ ! Just before I
went to bed, I decided to do my ~“A.D.”~ again with Jean
Dixon’s book ~“My Life and Prophecies”~. So I opened it
and let my right thumb slide down the right hand page and
stop. When I opened my eyes, I read what was directly
above and under my thumb. ~“, the Southern Conference
for Human Welfare was cited by the Special Committee
on UN-American Activities as a Communist front . . .”~
I then went back and the read words before the comma.
“March 29, 1944,”. “March 29th,” is one of my grandson’s
birthdays and it’s coming up “soon”! No wait ~ it’s tomorrow!
’05 – March 29th. The night before last, Sunday night
Mar. 27th, I was watching TV with my mother at her nursing
home when the bottom row of buttons on her TV remote
stopped working. Last night I went to K-Mart and bought
her a new one. She was asleep when I took it to her, and I
discovered that her old one was working again. I thought
this was a little odd, but maybe not. It reminded me of the
electrical problems I had in events #588 ~ #590 ~ #601 ~
and ~ #658. Anyway, while driving to K-Mart this morning to
return the remote control, I heard a news story about an 84
year old man who received 20 years in prison, because he
either took, or was planning to take a vacation, I think to
the Philippines, for the express intent of having sex with
child prostitutes. Then when I got back home, I turned on
ABC’s morning show to see a segment on the documentary
~“Born in a Brothel”~ by Ross Kauffman and Zana Briski.
The documentary had just won an Oscar. I am going to make
sure, I approach them with this story of mine. Everything is
a gift from ~“God”~. ~“Everything!”~ If you have the urge
to do things you know you shouldn’t do. This is a gift from
~“God”~ so that you may ~“choose”~. ~“choose this day ~
whom you will serve.”~ ~“God”~ is giving us all ~“choice”~ !
~“Every choice you make ~ makes you.”~ ~“And in the
end, the love you take, is equal to the love, you make.”~
’05 – Mar. 29th. This morning, while adding to and
finishing up event #613, I decided to look up quatrain 881,
because it was the page number of what I had found
through my ~“A.D.”~. ~881~ C8~Q81, is interesting, I wont
attempt to interpret it. It could mean most anything. I just
thought I would include it, because of some of the “entities”
it speaks about. Here Tiz! ~ “The new empire in desolation,
~ It will be changed by the northern pole; ~ From Sicily
will come the disturbance, ~ To trouble the enterprise
tributary to Philip.”~ Like I said this could mean most
anything, at most any time in the last 450 years. I just
thought I would include it, in case it might be about our
present time. A lot of people are saying that America has
taken on the role of “The new empire”. The “in desolation,”
part is troubling. But maybe we can lessen the “desolation,”
by ~ “Love is the answer! And you know that for sure.” ~
I know there will be many who will ask me why I don’t say
~“Jesus”~ is the answer. And my answer to them will be ~ I
did. ~“God is love.”~ and ~“Jesus”~ being the son of
~“God”~ he is the son of ~“Love”~. ~“Jesus”~ is a chip off
the old block. He is what his father is! ~“Love”~. ~“Jesus ~
is the answer!”~ because ~“Jesus ~ is Love!”~. And ~“Love
~ is the answer!”~ because ~ “Jesus is Love!”~. The
importance of becoming ~“Christ like”~ when it comes to
salvation cannot be understated. Writing this, I thought
since I had looked up ~881~ C8~Q81 because it was there.
I decided I’d look up ~610~ C6~Q10 because it was there
too. So I did. Make up your own interpretation about this
quatrain. ~“The future belongs to you!”~ event #557. “In a
short time the temples with colors ~ Of white and black
of the two intermixed: ~ Red and yellow ones will carry
off theirs from them, ~ Blood, land, plague, famine, fire
extinguished by water.” Have a nice day! ~☺~
’05 – Mar. 30th. Tonight at my mother’s nursing home
when I walked in the front door, I saw a copy of the same
pamphlet ~“EXPLORE the BIBLE”~ from the event I had
forgotten about, for over a year, which I talk about in event
#616. So ~ hoping that I would open it to the same page
again, I picked it up and opened it to read ~“the tax collector”~ on pg. 51.Then doing my ~“A.D.”~ again, I believe I
found the words ~“of Christ’s return”~ on page 49. I forgot
the page number when I found it, and searching for it again
by just looking and also using my ~“A.D.”~ I am not sure,
but I believe it’s ~“of Christ’s return”~ on page 49. The
pamphlet is from ~ “Winter 2004 – 2005” ~ “Luke 14 – 24”.
’05 – Mar. 31st. This morning at work someone left a
survey form from “The Progressive Farmer” that had on the
cover, the question ~ “Who Are You” ~ on my fork truck.
For a long time ~‘Now!’ ~ since event #90, and before, I
have had the belief that there is the very real possibility
that reincarnation just might be the “only?” way ~“God”~
has of never giving up on any of our souls when we show up
on ~“the other side”~ as –“workers of iniquity”–. This so
called question of ~ “Who Are You” ~ has caused me much,
so much, too much, concern; I have come to the conclusion
that if I was ~ “someone else” ~ “it matters not” ~ “who I
was” ! What matters is ~“Who I am.”~ and “what” “I” do
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ with the life I have
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~. Tonight, after supper,
CBS’s CSI came on and guess what song they use to open
the show. “Who Are You” by The Who. Years ago, I won
$103.00 from WKDF ~ FM103 by being the correct caller
when this song was played. It’s a “mildly interesting” story.
’05 – Mar. Sometime during the month of March, I
think within the last week or two, I didn’t write down the
date I saw this. I saw a U.S. Senator, I didn’t write down
his name either, on C-Span talking from the Senate floor
about –“The Federal Reserve”– having, 11.3 billion dollars
in a “reserve” account for –“their”– own – “survival” – should
the U.S. suffer a –“devastating”– –“terrorist”– attack. He,
the Senator, was not happy at all, that the 11.3 billion was
“exclusively” for –“The Federal Reserve”– ! I’ll bet you ~
11.3 billion he’s read ~“The Creature from Jekyll Island”~!
’05 – Apr. 1st. Here is another one of these “mildly
interesting” ~ “Coincidence is…” ~. This afternoon, I had to
wait about 10 minutes to use the computers at the Smyrna,
Library. While waiting, I decided to sit down in an easy
chair, that was just a few feet to the right from where all
of the books on Nostradamus are shelved, and read through
a little book of poetry that I had brought with me, to find
the website of the author. Before I sat down, I walked over
to the books to see if they had gotten any new ones in on
Nostradamus, they hadn’t. This section of books is where I
also found the book on Jean Dixon that I have gotten so
much use out of, in this story. Not seeing any new books, I
sat down and was about to start reading when I glanced
over at the books again. Near the end of the row of books
on the second shelf from the bottom I saw a large black
book that had the word WHITE in large WHITE letters on
the top of the spine. And being that’s my name, it caught my
eye. I had seen this book there before, but never bothered
to pick it up because it’s about “Astrology”. There’s nothing
wrong with “Astrology”, if you keep an open mind about it,
I’m just not all that interested in it. But it is curious that
the character traits of my sign “Cancer” seem to match up
with my personality, somewhat. And also the fact that 6 and
9 are often used under my sign, the crab. See event #454 !
But outside of that, I’m not all that interested in it. But this
morning, because my last name was in big WHITE letters on
the top of the spine, I picked it up and did my ~“A.D.”~
thing with it. This is the first book on Astrology I had ever
seen that takes the western symbols of astrology, the 12
signs of the Zodiac, and combines them with the eastern,
the Chinese, symbols of the 12 years of the different
animals of the Chinese year. So that, when you look up your
horoscope, you have 144 different signs of the horoscope to
choose from. Each of the 12 western signs of the Zodiac
has 12 different animals of whatever Chinese year it was
when you were born. So ~ there were 144 possible Zodiac
signs I could have opened to. When I opened my eyes, my
right thumb was on the first page of Cancer/Rat! My sign!
~“Coincidence is …”~ I am sure. Then about an hour or so
later, after finding the website of the author of the little
book of poetry I had brought with me; I found a link to
another website, of someone who was very heavily into
~“God”~ and ~“Jesus”~ and ~“Love one another”~. And
guess what their last name was. It was “White”. Like I said,
this was just another mildly interesting “Coincidence is…”.
But it happened, and I just thought I would ~“speak”~ of it.
’05 – Apr. 6th. This afternoon at the Smyrna Library,
walking past the “religious” section, I saw a very large book
lying on a shelf that I had never seen before. Its title was
“The Fifth Gospel”. Thinking it was “The Gospel of Thomas”
I pick it up and look through it. The second or third page I
turn to had Luke 13:34 on it. Reading this troubled me, a
little, but not long. After several more turns of the pages, I
found Philippians 1:9-10. I have gotten to the point that I
~“Love”~ finding scripture that has the word ~“Love”~ in it.
Later, still at the Library, I decide to look through several
books about birds, hoping to find a picture of a mocking bird
whose tail feathers are all white. The mocking bird that I
saw vanish way back on ~ April 27th, 2001 ~ his tail feathers
were all snow white. And for a while after that, there was a
“real” mocking bird I would see, from time to time whose
tail feathers were also completely white. I don’t know for
sure, but I believe that “real” mocking birds don’t have solid
snow-white tail feathers. Maybe someone will enlighten me
about this. One last thing. Tonight while proofreading the
beginning of my ~“Road Map of Events”~ I noticed event
#121 deals with the coming to fulfillment of ~“Revelation”~.
And noticing this, I decided to mention it. And like I said
earlier: Maybe ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ is always a
good time to deal ~“one ~ to ~ one”~ with each other. It’s
just a thought. What have you got to loose?
’05 – Apr. 7th. Trying to decide whether or not to spend
the “3” hours it will take me to go to our Union’s rally in
downtown Nashville, or put those “3” hours on my “book?”;
as I am walking to my car to leave, a mocking bird starts
singing and chirping wildly and loudly. One did this last
Sunday when I “wasted” “3” hours trying to get my riding
mower started ~ with ~ Noah Vail. Thinking about why this
mocking bird did this ~“Today, today,” ~ I decided I would
not go to the rally, but stay home and work on this. Back in
the house I recalled that I had once said that I believed
these mocking birds were given to me as my “spirit guides”.
Right before I wasted my time and money in events #142
and #212; on both those occasions, a mocking bird showed
up outside my bedroom window and screamed 3 times, very
loudly. On those occasions, at those times, I had no idea
why. I believe ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ I do.
’05 – Apr. 7th. Tonight I turned on C-Span to hear
Senators Barbara Boxer and Bill Nelson talking about their
plans to block the nomination of Stephen Johnson, for EPA
administrator because the EPA had an active “program”
where –“they”– want to test the “effects” of “pesticides” on
babies. They, Barbara and Bill, said that so far 30 families
had signed up to allow the EPA to spray these “pesticides” in
their home, around their babies. She compared this to the
experiments that the Nazis did on children. This is
absolutely unbelievable. Why would, and how could, a federal
agency of ~“The United States of America”~ even consider,
using, children, babies, to “test” the effects of “pesticides”.
This is absolute “insanity”. Thinking about this for a while I
came to the conclusion that maybe they did this in an effort
to help, by being so completely offensive. I bet you won’t
hear a word about this on any major “news?” network. Why?
What in the name of ~“God is love.”~ is wrong with us ~
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ “Today, today,”~
’05 – Apr. 11th. Today at my mothers nursing home, as I
was walking in, I saw a copy of the pamphlet ~“EXPLORE
the BIBLE”~ from ~“Life Way”~ from event #616. Picking
it up, again with my ~“A.D.”~ in mind, I opened it to page 51
and found it was the same page I had found before in event
#619, about “tax collectors”. Event #628 is probably just
another one of these ~ “Coincidence is…”~ things. ~ Not! ~
After reading about the “tax collectors” again, I read the
rest of the paragraph, and I got the ~“feeling”~ I should
end this “event” with the last words of the paragraph. ~“all
that come to Him should do so with a child-like faith.”~
’05 – Apr. 11th. Leaving, walking past a little pamphlet I
didn’t see when I came in, I got the ~“urge”~ to pick it up
and try my ~“A.D.”~ with it. Closing my eyes and flipping
through ~“The Herschel Hobbs Commentary”~ I opened my
eyes and read ~“a lack of soundness,”~ just above my right
thumb, on page 47. Finding these words a little disturbing to
me, because I am still having trouble getting this “book?”
into a form I ~“feel”~ I can release to the public. I took
these words as speaking to me, personally. And I’m sure
they were ~ meant for me to read ~ just as much as they
are meant for you to read too. So I went back and read ~
“suffer from a lack of soundness,”~. And then I went back
to the start of the sentence and read ~“. . . Without
integrity people and bridges suffer from a lack of
soundness, wholeness, and completeness and are
vulnerable to collapse or failure.”~ Then I got the strong
~“urge”~ to look directly across to the left hand page to see
what was there. And there in very bold type, I read the
words ~“Integrity Comes from God”~ (Titus 2:1,11–15).
It didn’t say this anywhere on the page, I just ~“feel”~ the
~“urge”~ the ~“calling”~ to say this ~ again ~ and ~ again ~
and ~ again ~! Every time I see the word ~“God”~ I always
want to say ~“God is love.”~ So I guess this also means
~“Integrity”~ also ~“Comes from Love”~ What have you got
to lose. Try to ~“Love one another”~ you will be glad you
did. While I was typing this, I decided to go back and read
the paragraph from the beginning. Here is the first part of
the paragraph ~ “In his book Intentional Integrity,
Millard MacAdam wrote: ‘Integrity is the principle that
gives bridges, buildings, companies, families, and people
their wholeness, quality and strength. The word comes
from the Latin integras which means ‘sound, whole,
complete.’. . . Without integrity…” One of the reasons I
decided to quote this paragraph is that it mentions “bridges,
building, and companies”. This nations infrastructure its
“bridges and buildings”~ are going to need a lot of ~“Love”~
in the very near future. And the powers that be don’t seem
to be preparing for this in a responsible, humane and “loving”
way. Also many “companies,” don’t seem to be preparing for
the futures of “families and people” in a responsible, and
humane and “loving” way either. And since I am on this, I
would like to say to the “company” that I work for, whose
name also begins with “Bridge”: They need to remember that
“employers” responsibilities are exactly the same as their
“employees” responsibilities. In that ~ “Whatsoever you do
unto the least of these, you have done it also unto
me.”~ We need to ~“Love one another.”~ We all have
~“everything”~ to ~“gain”~. This one got a little long winded.
Don’t forget about the “tax” thing I mentioned in the
events #619 and the one before this one, event #626.
’05 –Apr. 12th. 8:15AM. This morning, on Washington
Journal, on C-Span, the topic was whether or not the
estate “tax” should be abolished. Twenty minutes ago, right
at the end of the show, the next to last caller brought up
the fact that “our?” –“The Federal Reserve”– was not a
Federal Agency; but nothing more than a consortium of
international banks. The next caller asked if he could change
gears and talk about something a little different. He said
that a High School close to where he lives went to court to
keep the Armed Services recruiters off its campus, because
the recruiters were becoming too aggressive in trying to
recruit students to join the Armed Services. In court, the
High School found out that ~‘Now!’ ~ there is a Federal law
that prohibits any school or school district that accepts
Federal funds from the “No Child Left Behind Act”, from
banning armed services recruiters from its campus. Just
recently I heard someone on C-Span mention the fact that
this “No Child Left Behind Act” was enacted so –“they”–
could use our children to fight –“their”– wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan. And! All of –“their”– coming wars. I didn’t fully
understand what they meant until I head the caller this
morning on C-Span. Also, a few months ago, shortly after I
began hearing the phrase “No Child Left Behind”, on TV;
while talking to someone at work one day, I said that
whenever –“they”– use this phrase –“they”– are leaving off
the last word – “ALIVE” –. I wish there was some way I
could sugar coat what I believe is happening in the world
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ but ~ there’s no time.
It’s time to ~“speak”~ ~“straight words”~ Event #373!
’05 – Apr. 13th. While typing event #622, I picked up
the booklet “EXPLORE the BIBLE” and tried my ~“A.D.”~
~“hoping”~ I would find Galatians 5:7 again, as I mention I
did, over a year ago in event #613. Instead I found page 87
that had Luke 21:25 – 28 at the top of the page. I had
found this same page, a few weeks ago, and had forgotten
what the verses were. I had really wanted to find them
again, because of what they ~“speak”~ about. Read them. In
my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion, these four verses, especially
verse :25 deal with the earth shaking events of the tsunami
and other “things” of prophecy. Take special note of verses
:27–28. And remember ~1 John 4:8~ ~“He that loveth not
knoweth not God; for God is love.”~ And the quote of
event #527, by Rebe Nachman of Breslov. ~“Never despair!
Never! It is forbidden to give up hope.”~
’05 – Apr. 14th. Today I saw another personalized vanity
license plate, whose seven letter word bothered me ~ a lot!
It seemed to suggest that I had taken too long in getting
this story told and that I had absolutely failed ~“God”~. But
all I can do ~ is keep on ~ keeping on ~ as best I can. I will
not give up. I will ~ “Never despair! Never! It is forbidden
to give up ~“*hope”~.” Then a few minutes later, as I was
walking into the Smyrna, Library, I saw a regular license
plate that gave me the ~“feel”~ it “could have been”
referring to me and to quatrain ~1060~. So the first thing I
did inside the library was to read ~1060~. It’s interesting.
’05 – Apr. 15th. Tonight as I was channel ~ “suffering” ~
starting at channel 2 and working my way up. In the exact
instant that I ~ “surfed” ~ into channel 6, I heard a man say
the words, “Turn on channel 8”. So I did, with anticipation
and ~“*hope”~ that I would instantly hear “something” that
I could relate to you was possibly part of this story. Channel
8 is our local public TV station, and there was a show on
about Ireland. I happened to catch it last week and heard
the correct pronunciation of Saint Malachy; and I hoped
they would talk about him again, but they didn’t. After
watching the show for a few minutes, they did start talking
about John F. Kennedy’s ancestral home. And they brought
out the fact that there have been many famous Irish
patriots who have played a very, very important role in
establishing and preserving America. Maybe ~“God”~ led me
to see this, to ~“simply”~ draw your attention to ~“His”~
divine will and intent of preserving ~“Freedom”~ and
~“Democracy”~. And ~“Love thy neighbor as thyself.”~ is
~“Democracy”~. But then again maybe this was just another
~“Coincidence is Gods way of performing a miracle an…”~
’05 – Apr. 16th. While trying to finish up my “Synopsis
of Nostra 1999 DAMUS 9111”; I needed to find a quote in Jean
Dixon’s book, so I decided to try to find it by using my
~“A.D.”~. So, trying my best to show my sincerity in wanting
~“God”~ to open the book to the correct page and guide my
finger or thumb directly to the verse. I closed my eyes very
tightly, wrinkling up my face, and opened her book and read
what was directly above my right thumb; without letting my
thumb slide down the page. And as I read ~“I stepped onto
the terrace,”~ my heart sank, because I wasn’t reading the
exact line I had hoped I would be. But then I read the rest
of the sentence ~“the dove in my hand.”~ and I realized
~“again”~ ~“I AM”~ had opened to the book to the exact
page the quote I was after, was on. It was just two
paragraphs down. ~“wild swirling water will rush in and
destroy every-thing in its path.”~ Or was it just another
~“Coincidence is Gods way of performing a miracle…”~
’05 – Apr. 16th. Tonight it happened again. While proof
reading event #470, I needed to find Psalm 74:19 – 23. So
I opened my ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~ with ~“A.D.”~ on
my mind ~ but not fervently. Not finding it, I decided to do
it again, just as I described in event #632, above. To show
that I really, truly wanted to find it, I shut my eyes tight,
scrunching up my face a little and tried again. When I
opened my eyes, my right thumb was between verse’s 20 and
21. This happened a few minutes ago. It’s ~‘Now!’~ 10:39PM.
’05 – Apr. 17th. 1:11AM. I ~“*hope”~ you don’t think I’m
lying, but it just happened again. While proof reading and
correcting this, on event #586, I needed to find the poem
~“The Blessed Damozel”~ so, I tried my~ “A.D.”~ once
without any “emphasis of feeling” at all ~ and found nothing.
Trying it again with a little more fervency, I still found
nothing. Then I tried again and this time I really shut my
eyes tight and scrunched up my face ~ big time. I opened
the book to the exact page. ~“Coincidence is…”~ that’s all.
This has happened more times today and tonight than I have
mentioned. I have never had this many ~“A.D.”~ ~“events”~
before, in one day. “I ~“*hope”~ you don’t think I’m lying.”
’05 – Apr.18th. This morning on C-Span 2 I saw the
repeat of a show first broadcast on 3/22/05, where the
authors of the book “102 Minutes” read from and talked
about the accounts of those who were in the twin towers on
the morning of 9/11. Listening to this, I was reminded of
“something” that I had not yet mentioned, because I wasn’t
sure if I should. But after hearting these “stories”, this
“something” occurred to me again, and I ~“feel”~ I should
share it with you. I know how this sounds, but since I have
been ~“called”~ to share my “thoughts” ~“feelings”~ and
“opinions” with you, I will. What do you think the chances
are that the “similarities” of the very first disaster movie,
“TOWERING INFERNO”, made in 1974, and the second
“disaster” movie “AIRPORT” made in 1975, to the “events”
of 9/11 are nothing more than ~“Coincidence is…”~. In
event #204 there was a very “curious” “coincidence” I saw
during a “Get Smart” marathon on Comedy Central and 9/11.
Maybe someone knew what was being planned. If the Twin
Towers were built for the “purpose” of being knocked down,
I’m sure a few “folks” “in the know” probably “knew”. Maybe.
’05 – Apr. 20th. Today I heard the “fact?”, that Saint
Malachy’s prophecy, that there will be only two more popes
after John Paul II, could be wrong. He just lists two more
popes after John Paul II. He doesn’t say the “last” one is
the next one after the current pope, Benedictine XVI (The
Glory of the olive.) Peter the Roman is just the last one.
There could be any number of popes between our current
pope and the last one. Peter the Roman might be the next
and the last, but not necessarily. Maybe it all depends on
what we ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ decide to do!
Eve. #557 ~“The future belongs to you.”~ choose this day.
’05 – Apr. 21st. Today at our weekly Union rally, after I
told one of my Union brothers about some of ~these things~
I had been experiencing, he told me a very interesting and
very moving “prophetic” dream he had. I just thought you
might like to hear it. He met and became very good friends
with a man who hired in the same day he did. And a few
years after his friend died from cancer, he had this dream
one night. In the dream, he and his friend and a third man
were all standing side by side. In life, his fiend had
something wrong with his body that made him look a little
disfigured. In his dream, he said his friends body, was
perfect. Absolutely perfect. His disfigurement was gone. I
will finish the telling of this dream later, when I ~“speak”~.
’05 – Apr. 22nd. Tonight as the season finally of “Joan
of Arcadia” ~ started, that ~“feeling”~ started again on
the top of my head. The show deals with many things similar
to what has been happening to me. It deals with prophetic
dreams and dreams of premonition. It dealt with the ~“why
me aspect”~ of Joan’s ~“calling”~. And also that she was
going to have to face a very big test which involves dealing
with who and what the devil ~ is. I note the fact the show
says that ~ “Satan” ~ the ~ “Devil” ~ is not ~ “evil” ~. What
~ “he” ~ actually is ~ is ~ “neutral” ~. Allowing ~ “us” ~ the ~
“chance” ~ to ~ “choose” ~ “this day who you will serve.” ~
When I heard the word ~ “neutral” ~ used to describe ~
“Satan” ~ I remembered I also said this ~ in event #113.
This show does mirror my experiences. “Coincidence is…”
’05 – Apr. 23rd. Listening to “The Journal Editorial
Report” on PBS this morning, as they talked about China, I
was reminded of a comment that G. Gordon Liddy made one
day on his show. He said our next war (~“To bring back to
life the great King of the Mongols.”~) was going to be
with China. All of this reminded me of event #111, at the
JwJ meeting. And event #112 where I heard about the book
~“When Corporations Rule the World”~. Will they? ~ The
next show on that morning was “Travis Smiley”. Ev. #589.
’05 – Apr. 24th. Getting ready for work this morning, I
decided to turn on Bishop John Francis hoping he would say
~“something”~ that would ~“speak”~ to me ~“again”~ so I
could relate it to you, as another ~“event”~. Through the
first half of the show, I didn’t hear anything that got my
attention; then, towards the end of his sermon, he started
talking about “not” letting people “use” you for “their” own
“selfish reasons”. This didn’t really register with me, until
he started talking about not letting your employer, your
boss do this. After he kept repeating and emphasizing
standing up to your boss, your employer, and “demanding”
that they ~ do what is right in the sight of ~“God”~ while
thinking about this at work, I decided to include this as
another ~“event’~ and include three Bible verses that his
words brought to mind. ~“and do that which is lawful and
right”~. Ezekiel 33: 11-19 – especially verses 14 & 15. And
Colossians 3:22 and Colossians 4:1.
’05 – Apr. 26th. This morning I woke up thinking about
the persecution that “may” befall my family and me when I
release this “book?”. Thinking about this, I remembered the
words of Lewis Farrakhan in his speech on May 3rd, 2004,
event #373, where he talked about the possibility that he
might have to face the consequences of saying the things he
said, in his speech, about –“neo-cons”–. In his speech he said
–“they”– could do with him, what –“they”– wanted. Tonight,
Apr. 27th, while adding the next event, #642, I remembered,
~“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not
able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to
destroy both soul and body in hell.”~ Matthew 10:28.
’05 – Apr. 27th. Today is the fourth anniversary of
event #134 where ~“A”~ mocking bird showed up and
started ~“screaming”~ outside my bedroom window ~“for
three nights in a row”~. And every year around this time, I
always ~“*hope”~ that ~“something”~ like that will happen
again. But again this year, I didn’t see or hear any mocking
birds at all ~“Today, today,” ~. Maybe it has something to
do with ~“Not my will but thine.”~ Luke 22:42. But three
or four things did happen ~“Today,” ~ that I ~“feel”~ are
definitely worth mentioning. So ~“today,” ~ here they are.
’05 Apr. 27th. (#1.) Getting read for work this
morning, I watched C-Span’s re-broadcast of a rally held
yesterday, in Washington D.C. with the Capital in the
background, to ~“save social security”~. I wrote down the
names of several of the speakers, so I could send them a
copy of this “book?” ~“soon?”~! Also, on VH-1, I caught the
end of Lisa Marie Presley’s “Dirty Laundry”. I thought the
news clips they chose to use, were very “interesting”. Also,
towards the end of the video there’s a scene that reminded
me of the very end of the movie “Fight Club”. If you’ve
never seen the movie I won’t tell you what the ending is. If
you have seen it ~ then ~ you’ve seen it. And as I continued
to get ready for work, I continued to ~“*hope”~ that
~“something”~ would happen ~“Today, today,” ~ I could add
as another ~ “event”~. And ~ “hopefully” ~ it would be
~“something”~ involving ~“mocking birds”~. But ~ as ever ~
~“Not my will but thine.”~
’05 Apr. 27 (#2.) Before starting work this morning,
I was in the break area across from my workstation with
some friends. As soon as I walked up, one of them asked me
if I had seen ~ “the light in the sky” ~ this morning. I
asked him, if he was talking about the moon, and he said no.
He said that at 5:03AM this morning, while he was driving in
on the Old Nashville Hwy. he looked up in the sky to see a
very bright light speeding across the sky, above and behind
the clouds. He said it seemed to be traveling in line with the
Old Nashville Hwy. And, it was going very, very fast. He said
it only took two or three seconds for it too completely cross
the sky. I told him I didn’t see it, but I sure wish I had. And
as I said this, his words registered with me, and I knew I
had just received another ~“event”~. Here’s why: ~ About 10
or 15 years ago I had ~ “exactly” ~ the same experience! On
July 4th, of whatever year it was, I was standing outside on
the back steps of my house, watching my youngest son and
one of his friends shoot firecrackers in the driveway. As I
watched them, I happen to look up to see a very large and
very bright light traveling very, very fast across the sky,
from north to south, above the clouds, on “the other side”,
of a completely overcast sky. When I saw this, I began
yelling “Look!” “Look!” I don’t remember if anyone else saw it
or not; but the next night on the local news, on Channel 5,
they showed a video, taken by a woman in Hendersonville,
TN who had caught it on film. Listening to my friend at work
describe what he saw this morning, I realized that I had
forgotten to mention this ~“event”~. So ~ I decided to
mention it ~‘Now!’ ~ because I had been ~“hoping”~ that ~
“something”~ would happened on the ~“fourth”~ anniversary
of the mocking bird showing up, and because the ~“light in
the sky”~ that I saw, occurred on the ~“fourth”~ of July, I
began to ~“feel”~ that ~“maybe”~ ~these things ~ these
two ~“events”~ happened the way they did because ~“God”~
is still trying to impress upon ~“US”~ that our ~“Freedom
and Democracy”~ here in the United States and across the
world are under a very real threat from –“greed”–. While
thinking about this, about adding this as another ~“event”~
I decided to use this ~“event”~ to add a quote I have
wanted to add to this story for a while ~‘Now!’ ~. The quote
is on the middle of three posters hanging on a wall in the
lunchroom at work. These posters with their titles and
quotes slowly started to get my attention over the last year,
while I have been “trying my best?” to write this “book?”.
For me, the first and third posters mainly ~“speak”~ to my
attempt to “Git ~ it ~ done.” The first one is entitled
~“OPPORTUNITY”~: ~“The block of granite, which was an
obstacle in the path of the weak, becomes a stepping stone
in the path of the strong.”~ The third one is entitled
~“GOALS”~: ~“Effort and courage are not enough without
purpose and direction.”~ And the second one, the middle
one, is the one that “we all” need to take to heart ~‘Now!’
‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~. It’s the one that deals with the
“fact?” that “our” ~“Freedom”~ and ~“Democracy”~ may be
coming to an end, unless we decide to stand up, as “Patrick
Henry” did, some two hundred years ago and say ~“Give me
liberty, or give me death.”~ We need to heed the words
of this poster ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~! The
~“Democracy”~ you save ~ may be “our” own! It is entitle
~“COURAGE”~ ~“Freedom is the sure possession of
those alone who have the courage to defend it.”~
’05 – Apr. 27th. (#3.) About an hour or so into the
shift, I was telling a friend (~“Ootp?”~ ~“God”~ only knows!)
who I have talked to before about ~these things ~ about
the ~ “light in the sky”~ our co-worker saw this morning, and
the experience I had on the 4th of July. And I mentioned I
was going to have to put it in my “book?”. A few minutes
later, I found myself sitting beside him again and noticed
that the time on my fork trucks clock was 9:11. I called him
over and told him to look at the time, the 9:11, on my clock.
Trying to think of something to say about it being 9:11, I
said; “This happens twice every day”. As I drove off, I said
“9/11 is heavily involved with the story, in my ‘book?’”.
Just a few feet away from him, I decided to say it again ~
out loud. But this time I said ~ “9/11 is ~“heavenly”~
involved with my story,” ~! I liked the fact that I had
“misspoken?” the word ~“heavenly”~ for “heavily” and the
first chance I got, I went back and told him about it. I told
him I was going to add this as another ~“event”~ in this
“soon to be finished?” ~ “saga”.
’05 Apr. 27th. (#4.) Here is the last thing that
happened ~“Today, today,” ~ that I thought “might” be
worthy of consideration as being another “possible”
~“event”~. Three or four times a day, on my breaks, (we get
a break every two hours, and being that we work 12 hours,
we get five breaks a day.) I park my fork truck out of the
way, fold my arms across the steering wheel and lay my head
down, to rest for a few minutes. I “have!” to do this,
because driving a fork truck 12 hours a day, just absolutely
wears me out. I ain’t as young as I use to be. I almost always
do this on my 2:00 PM break, and for the last several
months I have noticed that when I sit up and look at the
time on my watch, many, many, many times it’s 2:27 PM!
Since this has been happening the last several months, I
haven’t really thought anything about it. I just noticed that
quite often it was 2:27 PM. But ~“Today, today,”~ when I
saw it was 2:27 PM! ~“again”~ I recalled event #436, and I
just thought I would mention it. Is ~“God”~ stressing ~227~
~“struck from the sky,”~ by events #428 ~ #436 ~ #584?
’05 – Apr. 28th? Today? At work ~“telling jokes”~ I
remembered and told a “Blond” joke that is very funny.
Later on, thinking about “why” “Blonds” have this reputation.
I remembered event #403, where I heard that washing
your hair could make you “stupid”. Chemical additives, in
anything we put in or on our bodies, can be –“unknowns”– !
Stl: I hear on TV underarm-deodorants cause breast cancer.
’05 – Apr. 28th. While listening to Sen. Ted Kennedy
“live” on C-Span tonight describe the –“economic chaos”–
this country is descending into because of the extreme
politics of –“greed”–. I decided I will get this “book?” in the
best possible shape that I can by the end of this month and
release it. Later on, on C-Span again, I hear Sen. Frank
Lautenberg talking about the American Marines who died in
Iraq today, and the loss to their families. He also mentioned
how the pentagon is preventing all news coverage and
photographs of their flag draped coffins from being seen by
us. Go to Sen. Lautenberg’s web site and read his words. If
these –“neo-cons”– are not stopped! ~Democracy~ is done!
’05 – Apr. 29th. This morning on C-Span I heard Sen.
Chuck Hagle, of event #555, say the word –“Globalization”.
It made me shutter. Minutes later, right as I turned it back
on, he “used” the word ~“Democracy”~. For a while ~‘Now!’ ~
I have been looking for a segue to a thought I have wanted
to use in this story and ~‘Now!’ ~ here tiz. Hearing a –“neocon”– “use” the word ~“Democracy”~ would be ~ I ~“feel”~
very much like hearing a Nazi “use” the word ~“Love”~.
~“Democracy”~ is absolutely the last thing –“greed”– wants!
’05 – Apr. 29th. This afternoon at the Smyrna, Public
Library, I picked up the biography ~“Pope John Paul II”~
by Tad Szulc and decided to do my ~“A.D.”~ with it. So ~
not looking, I opened it and let my right thumb slide just
below half way down the page. When I opened my eyes, I
read the words ~“government had come to a quick end,”~.
Looking up at the top of the page ~ pg. 153 ~ I saw a large
~“11”~. I had opened to the first page of chapter eleven.
So I went back and read the rest of the paragraph ~ “In
Poland, the coalition ‘government had come to a quick end,’
and Deputy Premier Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, representing the
democratic opposition, had to flee the country. The Polish
United Workers’ Party (PZPR), a merger of the Workers’
Party and the Socialist Party, was formed in ‘1948’, to
capture total power. It was the new official name for the
communists.”~ Then I went back and read the one sentenceopening paragraph above it. ~ “By mid-century, Eastern
Europe was sliding behind the Iron Curtain.”~ This entire
story has been my assertion that –“greed”– is doing
everything it can, to bring our ~“Democracy”~ and our
~“government”~ ~“to a quick end,”~. And I have also made
it clear that I believe there is the very real possibility that
I was born to do this on ~“7/7/1948”~. ~“Coincidence is…”~
’05 – Apr. 30th. ~“Today, today,” ~ on line at the
Smyrna, Public Library; I was looking for a Bible verse I
needed to finish up my ~“Synopsis of NOSTRA 1999 DAMUS 9111”~
when I discovered it was Ephesians 6:12 I was looking for.
When I saw it was ~6:12~ I thought to myself ~ dang ~ it
just missed being ~6:11~ by one verse. It missed being the
~“*hope”~ that I found in ~Job 6:11~ by just one verse.
~“Then”~ ~“when”~ I look up, one verse, to read ~
~Ephesians 6:11~. I discovered I had ~“another”~
~“event”~ to tell you about. ~ Several years ago, before I
realized that I was being ~“approached”~ by ~“God”~ with
~“EPIPHANY! ”~ or by ~“EPIPHANY! ”~ with ~“God”~ however ~“It”~
~“The Other Side”~ exists and works. I began quoting
~“Ephesians 6:11”~ without realizing that I was quoting
~“Ephesians 6:11”~. I was going around and asking people
who I knew were religious, if they had ever heard the Bible
verse about ~“Putting on the whole armor of ~‘God’”~. As I
remember all of them had heard it, and I would ask them
what they thought it meant. After they gave me their
interpretation, I would tell them what my interpretation of
~“Putting on the whole armor of ~‘God’”~ was ~ for me ~
by pointing to the Union emblem on my shirt, or my coat, or
my hat. Some of them didn’t seem to think that was an
appropriate interpretation of the verse. But then I would
point out to them that most Union’s are in the business, of
trying to keep the commandment that is ~“like unto”~ ~“the
greatest commandment”~ which is ~“Love thy neighbour as
thyself.”~ Unions got there start doing what they could, to
~“feed the hungry”~ ~“house the homeless”~ ~“cloth the
naked”~ and ~ “heal the sick”~. I believe when it comes to
~“remembering those in prison”~ that’s something that
Union bothers and sisters, like everyone, have to decide
about for themselves on a personal level ~ in most cases. But
anyway, this is how I had been using the verse to try and
show how ~“God”~ uses Unions to do his work on earth. But
~“Today, today,” ~ I knew ~ I knew ~ I knew I had been
given ~“another”~ ~“event”~ to share with you when I found
this. ~ So ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ here is ~“Ephesians 6:11”~
~“Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able
to stand against the wiles of the devil.”~ Am I having any
affect on you ~ yet? Do you believe any of what I have been
saying here in ~“this”~ ~“whatever this turns out to be?”~
Remember ~ 1 John 4:8 ~ ~“He that loveth not, ‘*knoweth
not God,’ for God is love.”~ ~ Remember ~ Luke 13:27 ~
~“But he shall say, I tell you, ‘*I know you not’ whence ye
are; depart from me all ye workers of iniquity.”~ In my
opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!”~ laden opinion. The only people
who will show up on ~“The Other Side”~ as ~“workers of
iniquity.”~ will be those who do not “practice” ~“Love”~ !
Remember ~ Galatians 5:14 ~ ~“For all the law is fulfilled
in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour, as
thyself.”~ ~ “LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!” ~ “LOVE!” ~
’05 – May 1st. While driving to my mother’s nursing
home this afternoon, I was still vexing over something to
call this “book?” besides a “book?” when I came up with the
interesting phrase: “an over structured ~ open letter”. I
liked that. At the nursing home talking to my mother about
whether or not I should try to “sell” this “book?” as a
“book?”. The thought came to me: ~“Don’t sell it. Tell it!”~
So ~ thinking about these two thoughts, I have decided to
write my ~“Dear, Neighbour”~ ~“PRE~INTRODUCTION”~
opining letter, and ask for chances to ~“speak”~ about this
“over structured?” ~ “open letter” first, and then for help
with improving it to the point that maybe it could be made
into a “book?”. Instead of the other way around. ~ Then ~
tonight, while still rereading and re-tweaking this “book?”, I
decided to re-check the two verses listed in event #187, of
1 Corinthians 3:20-21 & 4:10, just to make sure they were
the right ones. Using the same “GIANT PRINT” Bible, of
my mother’s, that I used when I found and read the two
verses that don’t exist from events #254 and #287, I got
the ~“urge”~ to do my ~ “A.D.”~ with this Bible again. So ~
flipping through it slowly and deliberately, I finally stopped
and let my right thumb, slide down the page until it stopped.
Directly over my thumb, I read ~“Serve the Lord with
fear, and rejoice with trembling.”~ Psalm 2:11. Here’s my
take on this verse. The prospect of having to possibly go
through the –“Hell”– of reincarnation is what you should
~“fear”~! It doesn’t say to “Fear the Lord”. It says to
~“Serve the Lord”~ with ~ “fear”~ of what will happen if
you don’t. I bet you know what I am going to say next. To
~“Serve the Lord”~ is to ~“Love”~ to ~“simply”~
~“completely!”~ ~ “Love!”~ ~“God Is!”~ ~“Love!”~ And ~
~“and rejoice with trembling.”~ means to tremble from
both being filled with the ~“Holy Spirit”~ of ~“Love!”~. And
~ “with trembling”~ of the ~“fear”~ of not becoming
~“Love”~ on this go round. And of course and as always I
~“*hope”~ humbly? In my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion.
’05 – Apr. Last week I looked up to find the ~“ootp?”~
of all the events listed in #597 staring at me, very intently.
Later on that day, I asked him if he had any “thing” to tell
me. He didn’t say anything, but he did hold up both of his
hands with his fingers spread out. I assume meaning the
number 10. Also Att: I asked a different ~“ootp?”~ if they
thought that “something” was allowed in heaven. I can’t
remember what the “something” was. Anyway, they said
they didn’t know, because as far as they could remember
they had never been to heaven before. They said this in a
very sly, coy, and curious way.
’05 – May – 3rd. Today at work, I told the most I have
ever told to someone at work about ~these things ~. I’ m
not sure if it scared them or just caused them concern, but
for a while after I told them some of my more “outrageous”
claims, they looked at me with a serious expression on their
face. I didn’t ask them if this “serious look” was because
they thought that what I was telling them might be the
truth; or if they thought I might be seriously disturbed.
But… whatever. When I left work that evening, there was a
~“very”~ loud mocking bird sitting on top of the light pole
next to the guard shack. He was really singing pretty loud.
’05 – May 5th. ~ 05/05/05 ~ Realizing what the date
was ~“Today,” ~ I had been ~“hoping”~ something would
happen ~“today,” ~ because of the ~“5’s”~. ~ I was not
disappointed. ~ This morning, on C-Span I heard Rep.
Dennis Kucinich giving an “impassioned” plea to America to
“Wake Up!” and realize what is going on. I reaffirmed my
intent to get a copy of this “book?” to him. Then a woman
Republican Rep. spoke after he did, and used the phrase,
~“Freedom isn’t free!”~ and she is 1000% correct.
~“Freedom isn’t free ~ anymore!”~ The –“neo-cons”– have
hijacked it for their own –“greed”– their own –“purposes”– !
~“WAKE UP AMERICA!” ~ “We are being destroyed from
within!” ~ In my opinion! ~ In my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion.
’05 – May 5th. ~ 05/05/05 ~ This morning, while
kneeling over the edge of the bathtub, washing my hair, I
began to ~“feel”~ uneasy about the fact that I ~“feel”~
uneasy about the fact that I don’t kneel “in private”, in
prayer as much as I ~“feel”~ I should. As ~ “Jesus”~ told us
we should, in Matthew 6:6. Normally I wouldn’t say anything
about this, because it’s a “private” thought, about “private”
thoughts. But I ~“feel”~ I am being led to raise this “issue”
for some reason. So here are my “private” thoughts about
~“why”~ we should kneel before ~“God”~ in “private” in
prayer from time to time. ~ When you kneel before someone
~ “or something” ~ you are showing your complete
submission to them. You are demonstrating the fact that
you submit your entire self, your entire will, all your
thoughts and all your actions to them. Being that ~“God is
love.”~ and being that becoming ~“Love”~ is, as you know,
~“why”~ I believe we are here. What you are really doing?
Is also? ~“Kneeling to yourself?”~ You ~ are reminding ~ you
~ to ~“Love!”~. To ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~ to
~“Love your enemies.”~ as hard as that is to do –“most
times”– ! Kneeling before ~“God”~ in private, is “probably?”
more of a gift from ~“God”~ to you than you to ~“God”~. It
reminds you to ~“give”~ of yourself to others. The only way
to receive ~“Love”~ is by giving ~“Love”~. ~“It is ~
better to give than to receive.”~ Here’s a thought I came
up with a few years ago, that I can’t remember if I have
already included in this story. But, if I haven’t ~ here tiz ~
~“The gift of giving ~ is always there ~ for the taking.”~
~ Go ahead ~ take it. ~ ~ What have you got to ~ loose? ~
Everything I just wrote, I wrote this morning, May 6th, (my
mother’s birthday) between 2:30AM and 5:00AM. When
this next ~ “event?”~ happened yesterday, I instantly had
the thought that it happened because I had been troubled
about kneeling to ~“God”~ in private, causing me to write
what I just wrote. And also because it was ~ 05/05/05 ~ !
’05 – May 5th. ~05/05/05 ~ Leaving to go my bi-weekly
Union protest rally, I decided to check the mail, before I
left. As I turned the corner on the back left hand side of
my house; I saw a mocking bird sitting on an electrical utility
box across the street, just above a Kerry Edwards’s bumper
sticker. Just as soon as I saw him, he flew off the box and
heads straight towards me, at eye level, moving up and down
maybe a foot, as he flew. When I realize he was flying
straight towards me, getting closer and closer, I stop and
raise my hands up from my side about a foot and just stood
there waiting to see what was going to happen next. About
two or three feet from me, he pulled up and did what looked
like a little dance, in the air. As he did the twists and turns
of this little dance, I saw that he was after a bug flying in
the air, and I realized that was why he is doing his
acrobatics. He was trying to catch the bug. I don’t know if
he got the but or not. But after he did his little dance for a
few seconds, he flew into a low branch just beside me and
sat there for a few seconds and then dropped down in front
of me again and did his little dance again. He did this, going
back and forth between doing his dance and sitting in the
low hanging limb, three of four or maybe five times, before
he flew off. The second or third time he dropped down from
the branch and did his dance in front of me, I look across
the street to where one of my neighbors sits, under his
carport, to see if he was watching any of this. When I saw
he was not there, I scanned all my neighbors’ yards to see if
anyone was watching this happen. I see no one. I am down
hearted that ~“again”~ I am the only one who is seeing this.
That evening, when I see my neighbor is out, I decide to go
over and tell him about it. Then on May 15th, event #664, I
get a very pleasant surprise. Then in Aug. I get a second.
’05 – May 6th. Tonight my mothers’ birthday present
doesn’t work at her nursing home. I bring it home, and it
works just fine. This is like events #588 ~ #590 ~ #601.
’05 – May 9th. Yesterday at work I was showing a friend
my May – June 2005 Mother Jones magazine, when I found
an article on page 38 that kind of deals with my beliefs
about the “possible” causes of the tsunami. I went back and
added this quote to my Synopsis of NOSTRA 1999 DAMUS 9111, but
here it is again. ~ “It’s premise is that environmentalists
have made up a lie about the dangers of climate change
in order to raise funds, and that to keep the lie alive
they will do almost anything – notably, try to trigger a
tsunami that will make people worry about rising sea
levels. The latter is a laughable proposition – tsunamis,
caused by volcanic explosions of tectonic shifts, are one
of the few natural phenomena still unaffected by man,
and no one has ever claimed otherwise.”~ until ~‘Now!’ ~ !
The news story in event #516 is still a very troubling one.
Note ~1010~ ~“In steel, fire, waters, bloody and inhuman.~
’05 – May 10th, Today on FM 100, Mary Gauthier’s
lyrics to ~“Mercy Now”~ are ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~ ~“Everything
could use a little mercy now. Only the hand of grace can
end the race towards another mushroom cloud.”~ Amen.
’05 – May 10th. Tonight I just happened to catch Rep.
Tim Ryan from Ohio, live on C-Span, saying we have about
ten years to change our economic policies with China before
we are in “very big trouble”. You can go to his website and
read his entire speech. Hearing China mentioned ~ again ~ I
remember the ~“third”~ line of Nostradamus’ ~1072~ ~“To
bring back to life the great King of the Mongols”~. This
is a definite reference to China. China is either part of this
global attempt at a –“Brave New World”–. Or they are
being used by –“The Third and Final Antichrist”– ~“the
root of all evil:”~ ~“the love of money”~ in –“their”–
attempt at –“world conquest”–. It is ~ time ~ to ~“Wake up
America!”~ Earlier today I heard a news story about the
government allowing United Air Lines to drop its retiree’s
pension plan to keep the company from going bankrupt. We
have very real and very scary problems facing us. And –“the
powers that be”– are making sure that when this – Juncture
–“hits the fan”– –“they”– will be the ones in charge of us;
not the other way around. I agree with what Roseanne said
in event #503. “There is enough money in this world for
everybody to live like it Disneyland.” But sadly, this is not
what –“the powers that be”– want. –“They”– are out to rule
over this world, with an iron rod. To buy and sell you will
have to have the mark of the beast. ~Revelation 13:17~
One last thing. Last week I heard a news story about how
Ford and GM had its bond rating lowered to the status of
junk bonds. When I heard this, I knew this was no accident,
caused by poor management. It is a deliberate act by
management to force even more concessions from the UAW.
One of the main reasons the corporations need to destroy
Unions, is because Unions are ~“Democracy”~ ~“Democracy
at work”~. And being that the corporations are out to rule
the world ~ “When Corporations Rule the World” ~ events
#111 and #112. They have to get rid of and bring an end to
~“Democracy”~. ~“Democracy”~ is the only thing ~ outside
of ~“Divine Intervention”~ that can stop them. And as I
have already mentioned, somewhere in this “book?”
~“Democracy”~ is ~“Divine Intervention”~!
’05 – May 11th. At work this morning, just as soon as the
shift started, the ~“ootp?”~ of events ~ #156 ~ #159 ~
#415 ~ #579, came up to me and started yelling at me, to
~“wake up”~. I was not asleep, I was just sitting on my fork
truck. I got the ~“feel”~ he was ~“echoing”~ the ~“wake
up”~ I wrote yesterday, in the above event, so I would have
another ~“event”~ to add to this. A few hours later, the
~“ootp?”~ of all the events listed in event #597, also came
up to me and started asking me where I had been. I told him
“It’s not where you’ve been. It’s where you’re going.” He just
stared at me ~ unsmiling. This bothered me just a little.
’05 – May 14th. Hoping to get this ~“Road Map”~ up to
six hundred and sixty six ~“666”~ ~“events”~ very soon ~
where I plan on stopping it. I was either just given another
~“event”~ ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ or it was just
another of the many, many ~“Coincidence is…”~ of this
story. Here tiz. Proofreading event #440 this morning, I
needed the quote from ~“The Creature from Jekyll
Island”~ that is on page 269. Coming back from the front
room with the book in hand, walking past the kitchen TV, I
noticed my wife surfing through the channels. On the
bottom of the screen of the second or third channel she
surfed through, in large bold letters, I read “COMING
BATTLE”. Since I had the book ~“The Creature from
Jekyll Island”~ on my mind, not to mention in my hand,
seeing these words, instantly brought to mind the book
~“The Coming Battle”~ which as you know, if you have read
my ~“FOREWARNED”~ is one of the main and “most
pressing” reasons of this whole story. Back at my computer
I decided to flip though the pages quickly to see if I
“might” once again, open ~“The Creature…”~ directly to
page 269. It did. My right thumb was resting directly on top
of the sentence I needed ~“AGAIN!”~. This ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~
“Today, today,” ~ makes ~“7”~ times ~ with this book.
’05 – May 15th. After working on this “book?” almost all
day today, I happened to turn on C-Span to catch the last
few minutes of the L.A. Book Fair. They were interviewing
Ray Bradbury, author of ~“Something Wicked This Way
Comes”~. I was impressed by how much he talked about how
very, very important and necessary ~“Love”~ is in our lives.
Later that afternoon, after I got through cutting my yard, I
saw that my neighbor, whom I mentioned in event #657, was
sitting out under his carport, so I walked over to talk to
him. We got to talking about my mocking bird experiences
again, and he asked me if I had seen the mocking bird that
had been flying around my head as I cut the grass. I never
saw it. But I was sure glad to hear that he saw it. It didn’t
prove anything, but it made me feel very, very good to hear
someone other than myself mention something about seeing
some “unusual?” mocking bird behavior. Then in August he …
’05 – May 17th. Getting read for work, I turned on CSpan to find a rally for Falun Dafa (Gong), of events #369
and #451, being televised. I haven’t mentioned this before,
but on the pinwheel I found in event #369, the words,
~“Forbearance”~ ~“Compassion”~ and ~“Truthfulness”~ are
on the pinwheel. These words must mean a lot to ~“God”~
for ~“God”~ to give me these three events to share with
you. Also today, because I told a friend at work, yesterday,
about the image of the bird’s wing being in the pictures
from event #269, I took the pictures to work and showed
them to them. As I left work that evening, the mocking bird
was singing very loudly again just like in event #654. This
has happened several times since event #654.
’05 – May 18th. Either today, or last night, my notebook
started acting up “again” and after talking to my tech
support, I found out that I am not going to be able to finish
this on my notebook. I am going to have to transfer this
entire book to floppy disks and finish it on my old desktop. I
~“*hope”~ it works. I have taken this as a ~“sign”~ that I
need to ~“stop”~ working this and go ahead and release it,
as is. But as you can see, I have had a few more ~“events”~
that I ~“feel”~ I should mention, before I end this “book?”.
’05 – May 27th. Today, after receiving a great deal of
“perceived” aggravation and obstruction, in connection with
trying to get this finished up and printed an copyrighted and
out to the ~“world”~ I found a friends pocket sized New
Testament and Psalms from the Gideons and decided to do
my ~ “A.D.”~ with it for help and guidance. When I opened
it the first time, I read ~“Jesus”~ saying either ~“Enough
of this.”~ or ~ “No more of this.”~ in Luke 22:51. Then I
opened it again to Mark 13:20 and read the last half of the
verse first. ~“But for the sake of the elect, whom he has
chosen, he has shortened them.”~ In the King James it
reads. ~ “but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen,
he hath shortened the days.”~ Then I went back and read
the first part of the 20th verse. And then worked my way
back and forth through the entire Chapter. Read it, chapter
13. In my opinion ~ in my ~ “EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion, the
possibility ~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ it is ~ is! Then
I did my ~“A.D.”~ again, and opened it to Acts 24:15 and
read ~ “that there will be a resurrection of both the
righteous and the wicked.” ~ the King James reads ~ “that
there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both the just
and unjust.” ~ The first of the verse, deals with ~“*hope”~.
Then, I did my ~“A.D.”~ ~“one more time”~ and opened it
to Acts 7:6. ~“God spoke to him in this way:”~ Ev. #568
’05 – May 30th. Sometime after finding my lost
~“Sacred Heart League”~ ~ “Jesus” ~ key chain in my
guitar case, from event #133; I began to notice that from
time to time, when I would go to bed at night, I would hear a
soft “clicking” sound coming from the area where I keep the
key chain stored. I keep it in my late niece’s jewelry box.
After noticing that this was starting to happen a lot, once
or twice I asked my wife if she heard it; and she said she
did. The reason I mention this is because for the last few
months, the sound has stopped happening, and this bothered
me, a great deal. Once again I got the feeling that maybe I
had failed to get this done in a timely manner. And just like
the events surrounding events #441 and #442, where I
thought the mocking birds had left, and then came back.
Apparently the same thing has happened with this
~“clicking”~ sound. It came back ~ very, very strongly.
Here’s why I think it did. Tonight I decided to start
printing this on my desktop computer, so I could get it
copyrighted and published and printed professionally. No
matter what happens, I am absolutely going to go through
with standing up in front of the world to say that I have
been approached by ~“God”~ and give my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~
~“embedded”~ opinion as to why. I only printed the first
few pages, but at least it was a start. But just as soon as I
laid down tonight, feeling very, very pleased with myself for
having “finally” started to print this, from across the room,
from the area of the jewelry box, came a ~“single”~ ~“very
loud”~ ~“click”~! I took this as a sign of ~“congratulations”~.
And again, I am forced to say; I ~“*hope”~ this “book?” is
not too late to be of some help and do some good.
’05 – Jun. 1st. Today at work a co-worker who I have
talked to before about some of my ~ “experiences” ~ and
who knew that I was trying to write a book, asked me if I
had anything for him to read ~ yet. I proudly told him that I
started printing out my “book?” last night. I told him I
would bring something in for him to read on Friday.
’05 – June 2nd. This was where I “was” going to end this
~“Road Map of Events”~ with the words of Jean Dixon
from her book ~“My Life and Prophicies”~. Here is the
first quote, from ~“The Dove”~ chapter 2 on page 52. If
you get the chance to read her book, do it! It’s important!
~“Waves of thunder and lightning rolled in succession
until all creation seemed to be echoing the same sound
that enveloped the earth when He created it. And then
there was silence . . . and suddenly I felt no longer
alone. All sound had retreated into the great void, and
instead peace and tranquillity covered the devastated
Everyone in the world was somehow seeing the Cross
with me! And it came to me that everyone witnessing this
spectacle understood clearly that it was the illuminating
Light of God within themselves!
They knew, as did I, that we no longer needed ‘the
moon or stars by night, or sun to shine by day’ – each
one of us was experiencing the spiritual glory of the
Light of God within.
And the world, and all its peoples, stood still.
Entranced, I started to raise the dove up and let him
go, but Someone guided my hand down again, and as it
came to rest I heard the voice of our Lord Jesus say,
‘Now you are ALL my disciples!’
I heard – and hearing I knew – for He made His
meaning clear beyond question – that the day will come
when religions as we know them today, Christian, Jew,
Hindu, Buddhist, will be no more, and we will all indeed
be true disciples of Jesus.
And with this flash of perfect understanding came His
compassionate voice again:
‘Now you are all my disciples!’”~
From the last page of ~“The Dove”~ page 54, here’s the
second and last quote.
~“There are times now when, in the twilight of the
evening, I recall those treasured moments when the
voice of Our Lord Jesus prophesied that we would
someday be ‘all one under God.’”~
’05 – June 2nd. Tonight I saw two “things” that caught
my eye and got my attention. They are not “supernatural” or
even “strange”, but with this “book?” starting to wind down,
I just thought I would share them with you. Tonight, when I
went over to visit my mother at her nursing home, as I was
driving in front of my house, I saw a dead mocking bird lying
at the corner of my neighbor’s yard and mine. It was in the
grass right where the yard meets the pavement. I could tell
it was a mocking bird because one of its wings was sticking
up and it had a white stripe on it. This bothered me and
disturbed me to see this. I had hoped I would never see any
mocking birds come to any harm around me; but death is
part of life. From the shape the bird was in, I think a cat
got it. Anyway, as I made the short drive to my mother’s
nursing home, I “vexed” over seeing the dead mocking bird,
a little. Walking in the front door, and across the foyer, as
I opened the inside door from the foyer to the hallway, I
looked down to see, I believe it was a shopping bag, with
some boxes stacked inside of it. On the top of one of the
boxes was a picture of a beach with a line of footprints in
the sand, and the words ~“When you saw only one set of
footprints, it was then that I was carrying you.”~ across
the picture. This is from a fairly well known old poem or a
story that I believe is called ~“Footprints”~. Reading this
reminded me of the old prayer ~“God grant me the
serenity to accept the things I can not change ~ the
courage to change the things I can ~ and the wisdom to
know the difference.”~ This reminded me of the prayerful
thought I had in event #426. “God forgive me everywhere…”
’05 – Jun. 3rd. Today I took a copy of my two page
~“EXCERPTS”~ to work for my co-worker of event #669 to
read. I let several people read it, and he was the only one
who had any obvious reaction to it. He didn’t make any
comment about it; he just made a noise, as he read it. Two
friends, who I asked if they wanted to read it, declined to.
’05 – Jun. 5th. Today, the first of my two friends who
declined to read my ~“EXCERPTS”~ came up to me and
asked if he could read it. I was glad he did, because he has
known about ~these things ~ since Monday April 30th, 2001,
when I told him about the mocking bird showing up and
screaming, all night long, for three consecutive nights,
outside my bedroom window, on Friday night, April 27th,
2001, in event #134. He was the first person that I told
about this, where I used the phrase, “I’ve got a mocking
bird from Hell, sitting outside my bedroom window.” I said it
as a joke, thinking he might laugh. He didn’t. Later on, when
I told people I had said this, I would add that I was 180
degrees off on where this mocking bird came from. I was
very glad he asked to read my ~“EXCERPTS”~ because he
suggested that it might be wise if I didn’t end my ~“Road
Map of Events”~ with ~ 666 ~ events. Taking his suggestion
to heart, I came to the conclusion that it might be wise if I
added a few more of these ~“events”~. Also, the second
person who declined to read my ~“EXCERPTS”~ declined to
read them again. He said it was “propaganda”. He’s wrong. In
my opinion ~ in my ~“EPIPHANY!” ~ laden opinion: Telling people
to ~ “Love thy neighbour as thyself.” ~ and ~ “Love your
enemies.” ~ is not “propaganda”. It’s ~“SALVATION”~ !!!!!!!
’05 – June 6th. This afternoon, standing outside with my
wife, next to our den’s back door, a mocking bird sitting on
top of my neighbor’s chimney, was singing very loudly.
Mentioning it to my wife, she just rolled her eyes. After
listening to his very loud song for a few seconds, I turned
towards him and said, “Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.” and then
looked back at my wife again. Again, she rolled her eyes. But
just as soon as I said this, he stopped singing, completely!
And didn’t start up again, until I started talking to my wife,
again. I’m sure it was probably just another one of the many,
many ~“Coincidence is…”~ that run all through this “book?”.
’05 – June 7th. Earlier in this “book?” I said that I was
going to see how many times I used the word coincidence in
the telling of the story. After I finish two more of these
~“events”~ I will check. Checking today 07/27/05 ~ it’s 105.
’05 – June 7th. This morning while “trying” to finish up
my ~“Road Map of Events”~ I discovered that event #670
was missing. I have no idea how it disappeared, but it did.
Luckily I still had it on a back up disk, and was able to easily
add it back. This event, event #670, is absolutely one of the
most important events of this whole “book?”; if not the
most important! Read it again! It is very, very important!!
Event 677
’05 – June 7th. To bring this ~“Road Map of Events”~ to a close, I
have been saving one last ~“event”~ that I thought would be a
very good one to end with. So ~ here tiz. A few weeks ago, after
checking out “my books” again from the Smyrna, Library, I
noticed that some of the pages of my ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~
looked a little wavy and bent and distorted. Leafing through the
book to make sure that none of them were badly bent or folded, I
discovered that another page had been dog-eared. This time it
was god-eared on the bottom of the page. (I have decided not to
change ~“god-eared”~ to “dog-eared”. It works!) Anyway ~ as I
was about to straighten out the bent bottom right corner of the
page, page 1903, I noticed that the point of the corner of the
page was pointing directly to and beneath a word. Before I tell
you what the word is, I just want to say that when I found this
page again this morning; I began to read the page, from the
bottom up. For some reason, reading paragraphs in reverse order
seems to help me to better understand what I’m reading. When I
decided to end this ~“Road Map of Events”~ with this event,
several weeks ago, I wrote a few lines about it to reminded me
what it was about ~ “Whatever you do ~ you become.” ~ made
up the last sentence of what I had written. Reading them this
morning, they didn’t seem to relate to this “word” that the
bottom right corner of page 1903 was pointing directly to and
underneath; until I read the following, on the upper right of page
1903. As with this entire “book?” I feel I am being ~“led”~ to
share this, these words with you. The entire page is worth
reading, but I won’t attempt to add it here. If you try, you can
find a copy of this ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible” ~ and read the
entire page for yourself. I will just let you read what struck me
as I felt it related to the words I had written to remind me of
this last event ~ “Whatever you do ~ you become.” ~ Here Tiz.
Rejoice when trials come to test your faith.
Know that patience results when your faith is tested by trials.
Endure so that God has enough time to bring about the
Christlikeness He intends through trial (see Rom. 8:28, 29).
Ask God for wisdom! When a trial comes, if you do not know what
to do, He does. And he wants to help you through your trials.
Develop patience: To receive the harvest and the crown of life
that you desire, you must persevere.” ~
~ “Whatever you do ~ you become.” ~
So ~ at last ~ we ~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today, today,” ~ have come to
“this word” that the bottom right corner of pg. 1903 was pointing
directly ~ beneath. ~“It’s why I was called!”~ and the word was,
~ “SPEAK!”~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!”~
~ “LOVE!”~
~ “LOVE!~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “GOD IS!”~
I have decided to end this “book?” with a collection of several
of the quotes and documents and poems I mentioned in the telling
of this story, but did not include in the text. I have decided to
call this last section ~“UNTRODUCTION”~ because ~ in all the
many, many “Intro’s” I had written and discarded, this “un” was
the only one I knew for sure I had to find a way to use. Getting
the idea to change the “I” to a “U”, seemed to open a door for me
in finding a way around the absolute case of writers block I had,
in trying to write ~ anything ~ I felt good enough about ~ to use.
They are listed in the order they appear in the ~“Road Map”~.
Event’s ~ #192
Event ~ #214
Event ~ #245
Event ~ #257
Event’s ~ #270
Event ~ #275
Event’s ~ #283
Event ~ #289
Event ~ #312
Event’s ~ #358
Event ~ #484
Event ~ #496
Event ~ #527
Event ~ #574
Event’s ~ #678
& #224.
& #273
& #400
& #547
~ #679 ~ #680
Event’s #192 & #224
This is the three-sided two-page flyer; I mailed almost 700
copies of anonymously. The text below is exactly what was in the
flyers, except the font size and the spacing have been changed.
“You might think I’m crazy, but…”
1999 is also 9111
(The world needs to read this, do your part.
Maybe, just maybe, we can make a difference!)
Our world is forever changed, forever! I believe in the next few years, it
is going to become very apparent that 9/11 was the single most important
event, the biggest turning point, in all of human history, to date. Why?
CXQ72 is why!
For far too long now we have slowly been seducing ourselves into
believing that in this, dog eat dog world, dishonesty, and worse, is
acceptable as, business as usual. And the I, me, mine, bottom line, is just
fine, because it’s, just business. Believe it or not, our world “is” what “we”
make it. And in this, dog eat dog world, it is time for us to put our dogs on a
leash, and when we have to, muzzle them. Our world is, forever changed,
and it will never, ever, be, “business as usual” again. There is no such thing
as “Free Trade”. Gods Love is the only thing in the entire universe that is
absolutely free. It’s the only thing, that the more you give, the more you get,
if not in this world, then in the next.
On the morning of Dec.15th, 2001, I was channel surfing when I
stopped on C-Span’s, Washington Journal. A woman, well into heatedly
expressing her opinions and opposition as to how the Bush administration
was using the events of 9/11, in every way they possibly could, to promote
and advance their own political goals and agendas, made the following
statement. “No one has seen it yet, but Bush has a secret agenda connected
to 9/11.” The host had been a very cool, calm and collected guy, playing
with and tapping a pencil in front of him, on his desk. But the instant she
finished saying “Bush had a secret agenda”, he clenched it tightly in his fists,
and both of his hands started shaking, uncontrollably. He finished talking to
her, thanked her for calling and went on to the next caller.
Two or three callers later, a man started going off about how the Bush
administration was desecrating and destroying our Bill of Rights. I
remember it was Dec. 15th, because the caller pointed out that the Bill of
Rights was signed on Dec. 15th, 1790 something, I think it was ‘91. The
host, now back to his cool, calm, collected self, was once again playing with
his pencil. After the caller had gone on for a while, the host interrupted him,
and asked him if he thought Osama Bin Laden should have the same
protections, under the Bill of Rights that we do. The caller was silent for a
few seconds, and then simply answered, “Yes.” The host was about to say
something back to the man, but before he could, the caller spoke up first and
said. “You might think I’m crazy, but … Osama Bin Laden didn’t
do this. He didn’t attack and destroy the World Trade Center. This was
done by the corporations!” And the host’s hand’s, started again!
On Monday July 19 , 1999 I made sure I was watching Larry King
Live. I wanted to hear his comments on JFK JR’s plane crash. While talking
to his guest about it, he said. “Can you believe, there are already Internet
sites up and running saying that the crash was an assassination?” “Boy, this
country is full of nuts!” I wish I could tell you that the man who called in
and said that 9/11 was done by the corporations, was just one of those nuts.
But I can’t. This is so sad to say, but I believe he is right. Yes, this country is
full of nuts. But it is also full of intelligent, enlightened people who can
sometimes see what is really going on. Thank God this is one of those times.
It is, the corporations, the WTO, Big Business, Big Brother, “the root of all
evil:” what ever you want to call them, they are the “great King of Terror:”
responsible for 9/11, and many, many other acts of evil. There will probably
never be any absolute proof ever found, that they were involved, they have
gotten too good at what they do. They’ve come a long way since Nov.22,
1963. And while we may never find any undeniable physical evidence or
proof they were behind it. I believe, with all my heart and soul that God has
given us the evidence we need to know that “they” are the one’s responsible
for 9/11, not Islam. It is a truth that we must recognize and accept in order to
win, and end, our Worldwide War on Terror. As long as we continue to
blame and attack Islam, the further we will plunge ourselves and the rest of
the world, into self-destruction and “great tribulations”! This truth has been
hidden from us for the last 450 years. Hidden, until “NOW, NOW” in the
words, and in the warnings that God has given, and is still giving, to us,
“TODAY, TODAY”, through God’s true prophet, Nostradamus.
They say, “There is always a witness to history.” I wonder if any one
has ever said, “There is always a witness to prophesy.”
Century 10 Quatrain 72
Original French: Nostradamus
L ‘an mil neuf cent sept mois,
Du ciel viendra un grand Roi d ‘effrayeur:
Ressusciter le grand Roi d’ Angolmois,
Avant apres Mars regner par bonheur.
English Translation: Edgar Leoni
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Given the fact that Nostradamus and his book, “Centuries” have been
the world’s most intensely debated literary curiosities, of all time. And the
fact that “Centuries” is the second most published book of all time, second
only to the Bible. Do you think it’s just another one of his famous
coincidences? Just another lucky guess, just plain old blind dumb luck, that
450 years ago, in the first two lines of CXQ72, he combined “1999”, the
“sept”, and/or “seven month”, “From the sky” and “a great King of…”
what? A great King of “TERROR”!
Heard that word anywhere, lately?
CXQ72 is really about two events, not one!
07/16/99 and 09/11/01!
“The year 1999,”- 1999 is both, 1999 and 9111. 1999 is an
anagram for 9111. And 9111 is 09/11/01!
“seventh month,”- The “seventh month,” or “sept mois” stands for both,
July and September.
“From the sky will come”- The “sky” is both, the sky over Martha’s
Vineyard on 07/16/99, and the three horror filled skies of 9/11.
“a great King of Terror:”- Is both, the entity responsible for these, and
many, many other evils, and a description of the events themselves:
Especially those of 9/11.
“To bring back to life”- Is referring to the rebirth (the resurrection) of
something the world thought it would never see again. Another
megalomaniac-antichrist out to conquer the world, again! Nostradamus
predicted three antichrists. The first was Napoleon. The second was Hitler.
And “our” third and final antichrist, according to Nostradamus, is going to
be the most horrible and most grievous of them all!
“the great King of the Mongols,”- Is both a reference to Genghis Kahn,
and the peoples “Republic” of China. Just like Napoleon and Hitler, Genghis
Kahn is also considered an antichrist. By referring to him, Nostradamus is
showing us two things. The first is, the “great King of Terror:” in CXQ72, is
the third and final antichrist. And being that, that shows us that, he is trying
to do what they tried to do. Conquer the World! Who is out there today
trying to take control of the world? It’s not Islam. It’s globalization and
world trade! The second thing we are being shown is that China, with its
arsenal of weapons of mass destruction may be the reason why this third and
final antichrist is the most grievous of them all. At some time in human
history, according to Nostradamus, two-thirds of the world’s population is
supposed to die. Is this root of all evil about to lead us and the whole of the
earth into the “great tribulations” mentioned in Revelations?
“Before and after Mars to reign”- Matthew 24:6. ”And ye shall hear of
wars, and rumors of wars:” Mark 13:7. “And when ye shall hear of wars and
rumors of wars,” Luke 21:9. But when ye shall hear of wars and
commotion’s,” Read each entire chapter, 24,13, & 21. It will enlighten you.
Read the entire book of Revelations. It will frighten you. It is just doing its
job. And CXQ72 is doing its, trying to warn us!
“by good luck.”- How much Godforsaken, unforgivable “good luck” can
one party just keep falling into, over, and over, and over, again? The answer
is. It is neither “good”, nor “luck”!
The strongest evidence that CXQ72 is really about both of these events,
is Nostradamus’ use of the two-word phrase “sept mois” to identify the
month involved. If it were either July or September, he would have simply
used the name of the month! By using “sept mois” he gives us the possibility
it is both months. And it is! He had to write his quatrains so they would be
impossible to understand, till after they had come to pass. That way, no one
could just cause them to happen, just because they were predicted. By
keeping their true meaning hidden, till after the fact, he is able to prove to us
that he was what he said he was: A humble servant and true prophet of God!
In his day the “sept mois” was September. He knew that we would interpret
“sept mois” as our “seventh month”, of July. He wanted us to be looking to
the skies in July ’99 to see if “a great King of Terror:” would come from the
sky. And it did! Almost the entire world watched CXQ72’s first fulfillment,
unfold on TV. But few recognized it for what it was, assassination and
murder! For CXQ72 to really be about these two different events, the first
one has to be 07/16/99. It was the only thing in July of ’99 that got the
worlds attention. And the world’s attention, your attention, is what God
wants! And, it has to be foul play. It’s the only way to link “a great King of
Terror:” with both events. It identifies him as the entity responsible for both
atrocities. And this is what God is trying to show us. The “great King of
Terror:” is not Islam. Islam gained nothing from the death of JFK JR. This
war is not about religion! The caller on Washington Journal is right; “This
was done by the corporations.” They are, the third and final antichrist,
the “great King of Terror:” “Mabus”, “Satan’s infernal prince”, all combined
in one! If you want to know who is behind something, look for who benefits
from it the most. The WTO had the WTC built with all the floors suspended
by cables, to guarantee its collapse. There are no other buildings in the entire
world built like this! Are there? They knew that eventually we would start to
turn from their politics and policies of corporate greed. And so, in order to
keep us supporting them a little longer, and stay in power to complete their
conquest, they manufactured their own “corporate” Pearl Harbor, 9/11! They
are out to conquer the world. The corporations want to rule this world. They
are “sick” and “insanely” tired of democracy. It costs them too much,
MONEY! They may be about to lead us into Revelations. And they will use
any means necessary to do it. Even Nuclear Winter! They are planning on
solving the earth’s population problem, by reducing it to a more manageable
figure! They plan to survive all this inside their billion dollar bunkers. And
when it has passed, to rule over those of us who manage to survive, without
Speaking of assassinations, and not being able to understand his
quatrains, until after they have come to pass. I believe that CVQ31 and
CVQ96 are about the untimely death of Princess Di. It was not until after her
death that she was referred to as a rose. I believe she was killed because she
was on the left, becoming too popular, and having too much success at
banning land mines and fostering world peace. Something that has bothered
me, since I first learned about it, is the fact that George Orwell died a year
after he wrote his famous book,”1984”. “Big Brother” is probably the “great
King of Terror:” Something else that bothers me, is Dwight David
Eisenhower’s statement in his farewell address to the nation, when he
warned the American people to, “Beware the military-industrial complex.”
What did he mean? I bet JFK knew what he meant. There is no telling how
many princes of peace these bastards have murdered. Ever watch South
Park? Every week Kenny “used” to get killed. And every week, his friends
would say the same thing. “They killed Kenny! Those bastards!” Kenny,
Kennedy, maybe it’s just a cool coincidence. Maybe the fact that Vietnam
divided us, as voters, is not! God help us! This is not, the end of the world,
just the beginning of “great tribulations”. According to Nostradamus, and
Revelations, there is going be a new golden age of peace, which will last for
a thousand years. A lot of Nostradamus’ writings and predictions mirror
closely the book of Revelations. This is why I believe CXQ72 is one of the
signs of the beginning of “great tribulations”. Nostradamus predicted this
third antichrist's war was going to last 25 to 27 years. Maybe by knowing
exactly who the “real” terrorists are, maybe we can lessen the severity of the
horror that is coming. I also believe it is very possible the Second Coming
of Christ is at hand. And it might just simply be the rediscovery of what
Jesus really said and really meant in the “original texts” that the Bible was
translated from. Which is simply, love one another. Then again, maybe his
physical Second Coming, through the clouds, is exactly what we will see, we
will see. GOD IS LOVE. Remember what happened when some one said,
“God himself couldn’t sink the Titanic”? I think God is challenging us, now.
He has given us CXQ72. What we do now, is up to us. God is the only
power that can stop prophecy from coming to pass. Maybe he is waiting to
see what we do before he decides whether or not to intervene. You can not
serve God and Mammon. Choose this day, whom you will serve.
1999 is & is also 9111
Century 10 Quatrain 72
Original French: Nostradamus
L’an mil neuf cent nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra un grand Roi d’effrayeur:
Ressusciter le grand Roi d’Angolmois,
Avant apres Mars regner par bonheur.
English Translation: Edgar Leoni
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
“1999” is both 1999 & 9111 (09/11/01).
The “sept mois”, “seventh month” is both July & September.
The “sky” is both the sky over Martha’s Vineyard (07/16/99) &
the three horror filled skies of 9/11.
“a great King of Terror:” is both the entity responsible for
these, and many, many other evil events, and a description of the
events themselves. Especially those of 9/11.
“To bring back to life” is the rebirth, the resurrection of
something the world thought it would never see again. Another
megalomaniac-antichrist, trying to conquer the world. Again!
“the great King of the Mongols,” is a reference to China
through Genghis Kahn. China may be about to extend its total
disregard for human rights, to the entire world. Genghis Kahn
represents the barbaric and savage way this conquest will be
carried out. Millions, maybe billions will die.
“Before and after Mars to reign” is Matthew 24:6 “And ye
shall hear of wars and rumors of wars.”
“by good luck.” is neither “good” nor “luck”!
CXQ72 is about the assassination and murders of JFK JR, his wife and
her sister. And it is also about the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Referencing both
events to the same “great King of Terror:” exposes his identity. He is the
entity that gained the most from them. And it ain’t Islam. Just ask yourself
who has benefited the most! The last two lines explain why these horrors
were committed. The “great King of Terror:” has gone completely insane
with power and greed and is out to conquer and rule over this world, in a
most horrible way! Believe it!
Nostradamus composed his quatrains, so they could not be understood,
until after the fact. Why? What good are they if you can’t understand them
until after the event is over? They are warnings. The undying controversy
that has surrounded them for the last 450 years was intentional, to get our
attention. The entire reason for their existence is to direct our attention, at
this appointed time, to CXQ72. It is the beginning of something very
monumental in human history. It is the beginning of the book of
“Revelation”, which is also the beginning of the “great tribulations”
mentioned there in. And “great tribulations” are just getting started. Some
people say if it’s Bible prophecy, then there’s no way to stop its fulfillment
and we should just accept our fate, and just lay down and die. But that’s the
same thing as saying “God himself couldn’t stop it.” God is absolutely the
only power in the universe that could possibly stop Bible prophecy from
coming to pass. I believe God has given us CXQ72 as a warning of what is
coming, by showing us that “most” of the “great tribulations” are going to be
man made. Maybe God is waiting to see how we handle this “Revelation”.
Maybe, if we turn away from serving mammon, and return to serving GOD
AS GOD IS LOVE & ALL YOU NEED IS GOD! If we do, maybe God
will spare us some of our predicted fate! This might also be the Second
Coming of Christ. Although it might not be exactly as some have envisioned
it. Then again, it might be exactly as we have been told it will be, we will
see. You can not serve two masters. You can not serve God and mammon.
Choose this day who you will serve. Chose wisely, our future could be
riding on your decision. It is time to LOVE ONE ANOTHER! I believe
Nostradamus’ CXQ72 and his “Centuries” are the timetable for the book of
“Revelation”. I believe they are one of the revelations, if not the revelation,
of “Revelation”!
Event #214
I found this when I Googled ~ first anniversary ~ 9/11 ~ and
~ wind. The site ~ “What really happened. com” ~ has the truth.
The Wind of 9/11
By Art Israel, West Hartford
The wind was howling today, September 11, 2002, with 40mile-per-hour gusts. It was blowing at the WTC site as the
families gathered for the first anniversary memorial service.
The dust was swirling out of the 16-acre pit that is left from the
horror of a year ago, clouds of dust lifted from the hollowed
ground and flying among the assembled throng.
The wind swept through our town today too, blowing down
power lines and tree branches. Two trees, side-by-side, in front
of the JCC suffered the loss of their once sky-touching limbs,
now lying grounded.
A large crowd gathered at the Town Hall tonight for a
memorial, and the wind was still blowing. Some of the speeches
were inaudible over the blustering wind. Clergy from all
denominations offered prayers, and the wind kept blowing.
The rabbi shouted over the wind, demanding Old Testament
justice for the crimes of 9/11. The priest’s call for forgiveness
could barley be heard over the roaring wind.
The remains of 1,700 people lost at the World Trade
Center were not recovered. The wind blows for the
souls of the departed. The ghosts of the 1,700 swirl in
the dust of Ground Zero. The wind makes us feel
chilled, uncomfortable, but it is not a bitter wind. It
just won’t allow us to forget those never properly
laid to rest. May they yet rest in peace.
Event #245
The following paragraph is the ~“A Note of Hope”~ I found
in ~“VISIONS OF NOSTRADAMUS and other prophets”~ by
Donald Wigal, on pg. 34. I just felt I should share this ~“*hope”~
~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today,”~.
~ A Note of Hope ~
Like many prophets, Nostradamus’s predictions
tended to be gloomy and to center on cataclysmic or
tragic events. He also believed, however, that by
keeping their eyes on the horizon, individuals could
change their own destinies and even the fate of the
world. In his own way, he must have believed he was
doing his best to put humankind on the right course.
Event #257
This is the letter to the editor I sent to the Tennessean
where I “accidentally” typed an “h” instead of an “n” in “sign”.
Around 4:30 AM Monday, Jan. 27th, I looked up into a crystal
clear, icy cold, early morning sky, to absolutely, the most beautiful
celestial alignment I have ever witnessed in my entire life. There to
my left, in a dream like state of perfect heavenly peace, hung a
medium sized, brightly white, crescent moon floating silent and
still. It was suspended in the exact center of four stars that had
aligned to form a jeweled like cross around it. The alignment of the
stars though, was off just a little; just enough to make the cross
look as if it was slightly reclining and turned a little, to the left.
This gave the cross and crescent a fuller, three-dimensional look.
This somehow made this heavenly scene seem imminently much
more poignant, powerful, and beautiful. To me, it looked like a
message in the heavens. To me ~ it looked like a sign from God.
With “the root of all evil:” pushing this world towards a war
that more and more people are beginning to realize may be the
book of “Revelation” coming to pass “Today, today”. I believe,
that beautiful, bright, symbol of Islam aligned with that beautifully
jeweled symbol of Christianity up there in that cold, silent state of
heavenly peace, above our one and only lovely mother earth, was:
A. J. White
[email protected]
Event’s #270 & #273
The following poem is the one I wrote and read at the poetry
reading. It may not be the exact version I read, but it’s close.
Do you know what these wars, may be leading us towards?
I will tell you, with grave reservation.
These wars just may be, about us, to lead,
To downsizing the earth’s population!
Want to know how I know, that ~“(lo, it will come.)”~?
I will tell you, with love’s hesitations.
I’ve seen “physical” proof, of ~“The Spiritual Realm”~!
I believe this is called ~“Revelation”~!
God hast hidden these things from the wise and the prudent.
And revealed them to the small and the weak.
Read ~Ezekiel 33:~ again, and again, and again, and again!
Forewarnings of dust, to dust, it dust speak.
Now you know how I know, that ~“(lo, it will come,)”~.
And I’ve warned you of grave consequences.
Tell the wicked to turn, turn away from their way,
And walk in their statutes and restore their pledges.
Now you know what these wars may be really about.
Go and tell it to all of the nations.
Tell the world that these wars may be leading us towards,
Downsizing the earth’s population!
Do you know ~“Love – one another”~?
Do you know ~“Love – thy neighbor as thyself”~?
Do you know ~“Love – your enemies”~?
Do you know ~“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and
with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”~ ~“ And
the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
thyself. There is none other commandment greater than
(Mark, 12:30,31)
Do you know ~“God is Love.”~?
Do you know God is real?
Do you know God is real?
Love your neighbor’s as you love yourself!
Do you know God is real?
Do you know God is real?
Love your enemies, before time runs out!
Beyond any shadow, of any doubt!
Beyond any shadow, of any mountain, of any doubt!
Beyond any shadow, of any grain of sand, of any doubt!
Beyond any depth, of any ocean, of any doubt!
Beyond any depth, of any tear, of any doubt!
There actually, factually is a God!
I have seen the “physical” ~ proof ~ of it!
Now you know!
Now you know!
Now you know!
What is coming!
Something very much like Orwell’s, “1984”!
Now you know!
Now you know!
Now you know!
What to do!
Read ~Ezekiel 33:~ we are being forewarned!
Do you know ~ “Love”?
A. J. White
[email protected]
Event #275
This is just another good example of my inability to be just
the slightest bit convincing to anyone ~ even to preachers. None
of them responded to me in any way ~ none! ~ So ~ I kept trying.
April 15, 2003
Dear Reader,
In trying to find an effective way to relate something that I know, at the
very least, will instantly be received as unbelievable, and cause me to be
viewed in the same light. I have put to paper many, many attempts, at trying
to state, as convincingly as possible, what I am about to now say. These four
attachments are the latest and best of my attempts. They also pretty much
show the extent of my education and my abilities.
The following is a letter that I originally sent to six pastors who recently
gave their opinions, in the Nashville, Tennessean newspaper, about the
possibility that the book of “Revelation” might be coming to fulfillment at
this time. All I can do is tell you this. All you can do is consider it. “The
Spiritual Realm”, actually does exist! I have seen the “physical” proof of it.
April 05, 2003
Dear Reverend,
I am writing this letter to you because of the article in last Sundays
Tennessean, 03/30/03, about the book of “Revelation”. I am sending this to
you and the other five pastors mentioned in the article because I would like a
chance to speak with you, either privately, or together as a group. I have
something to say. I am also going to use this letter, to approach others about
this too.
Absolute, undeniable, “physical” proof that “God - The Spiritual
Realm” actually, does exist would be what? It would be a “Revelation”! As
unbelievable as it might sound, to some, I have witnessed this. I have seen
and heard absolute, undeniable, “physical” proof that “The Spiritual Realm –
God” factually does exist. And because I have sometimes been a little slow
about recognizing the obvious, it took a while and someone else, to point out
to me that what I was experiencing was a “Revelation”!
I know for a fact that what I have witnessed is for real. How do I know
this? I know this, because other people were with me when some of the more
“spiritually - supernatural” events took place. I saw them see it, and I saw
their reaction to it. It startled them, quite a bit. The first time I saw it, I was
unable to move. I have tried to talk with them about it, but they are very
reluctant. One of them told me that what they saw, they were taking to their
grave with them. I doubt they will ever come forward and back up my
claims, unless they are led by “God – The Spiritual Realm”, to do so. But
even if they do, it wouldn’t prove anything. “Proof” is not what this is about.
This is about, faith: Strengthening it and establishing it. It is also a warning.
Read Ezekiel, 33: It is definitely a warning!
I have spoken about this, a little, to a few people. Sometimes I get the
normal, expected response and sometimes not. Some people think I’m crazy.
Some just think. And I believe that’s my mission. To cause people to stop
and think and if needed, to change the direction of their lives. God is giving
us all, especially the “evil-doers” a warning, and a second chance, to turn
from doing “wickedness”: Which is basically not loving your neighbor as
yourself. And to find salvation by putting into practice, every day, Mark
12:30 & 31! Why would God do this for us, at this time? It is very possible
the book of “Revelation” is why!
I wish I could show you, and everyone, the proof I have seen, but it
doesn’t work that way. I am just a voice. A voice that God has asked to
witness my witnessing the personal, “Revelation” that was revealed to me.
And to warn you about the warnings in Ezekiel, 33: While I have no
“physical” proof to show you, there is some evidence, that if investigated,
would substantiate some of my claims, to varying degrees. My story will
give those who consider it pause, and cause them to consider that maybe
what I am claiming happened, actually may have happened. And that’s all I
can ever hope to accomplish by telling this. If you would like to hear this
story, I would love to tell it. I am currently trying to write about my
experiences. When, if ever, I get it finished I will try and find someone to
publish it, or may just put it on the web. In the mean time if you would like
to speak to me about it, let me know.
As to what the absolute, undeniable, “physical” proof was that I
witnessed. Read Hebrews, 13:2! “They”, however you define “them”, really
do exist. I believe I have been approached by several of “them”. The events I
experienced with “them” were for the most part, one time encounters. But,
with one of “them”, he approached me many, many times, and continues to
do so. His actions are the absolute, undeniable “physical” proof of the
existence of “The Spiritual Realm - God”! In my opinion we have been
entertaining “them”, “unawares” for as long as we have existed!
The following is a paraphrase of Matthew, 11:25, by someone who
plays a very important part in all of this. His name, is Nostradamus. “Thou
hast hidden these things from the wise and the prudent, that is, from the
powerful and from Kings, and hast revealed them to the small and the
weak.” I think the reason God chose to hide these things from “the wise and
prudent,” was because they would tend to remain silent about what is not
logically explainable. Whereas “the small and weak”, wouldn’t. I have
decided to stop trying to be what I am not, one of “the wise and prudent”.
I just have to say this, one more time. As unbelievable as it sounds.
What I am claiming happened, happened. It is the truth! “The Spiritual
Realm”, “The Other Side”, “The Supernatural”, “God” however you define,
it, them, and/or “God”, has revealed to me that, it, they, and/or “God”,
actually exists. From this experience, I have reached the following
conclusion. The existence of “The Spiritual”, strongly implies life after
death, for everyone! Which in turn strongly implies eternal life, for
everyone! Which in turn strongly implies “God”, or a ”God”: In whatever,
who, what, where, when, why, and how, comprehendible, or
incomprehensible form or state, “God” exists in. And the who, what, where,
when, why, and how, of “God” is not nearly as important as the “is” is!
“God” is! And that doesn’t depend on what your definition of “is” is! There
actually is a caring, loving, living God! And this strongly implies a
“Judgement”, final or otherwise, for everyone! We are here for a reason.
And I don’t think it’s to make as much money as we can, in our short lives.
There has be a reason of “eternal” magnitude; something of Biblical
proportions, either approaching us, or already here, that would justify the
allowing of this “Revelation” to be made known, now, “today today”, at
this time!
Thank You, God Bless You.
Arnold J. White
[email protected]
Event’s #283 & #400
These two poems are on page 47 of Mattie J. T. Stepanek’s
book ~“Hope through Heartsongs”~. I believe ~“God”~ through
Mattie, is showing us a connection between 9/11 and ~1072~.
~“To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,” ~
Past, Present, Future
Shrouded in white,
Dark ninja knight.
Hooded, each man,
Dreadful east Klan.
Masked to be super,
Wicked storm trooper.
Marching in rows,
Planning low blows.
No soul to claim,
Unspeakable name.
Evil of hatin’…
Army of Satan.
February 2001
Attack on America
A wild bomb will consume
Morning, evening, and all people,
Showering dirt to burn man’s skin.
September 11, 2001
Event #289
Skip to page 417, to read this in “16” point print.
“Sorry about this un.”
In all of my, many, many, many previous attempts at an opening statement. For
some reason, or reasons, I always seem to wind up focusing on my inability to do this.
This attempt is no different. I guess I feel it’s important for you to know, up front, that I
am, by all rational and reasonable expectations, almost completely, unqualified to do this.
For longer than I care to say, because I am ashamed to say. I have been trying my,
“best?” (I hope and pray.) to accomplish what I thought would be the very simple task, of
simply writing a simple introduction, to this not so simple story. Before moving on to
what I knew would be for me, the very daunting task of trying to write this story. But
now after spending so much time just on an introduction, I am starting to wonder if this is
ever going to get done at all.
One of the major reasons I have been so completely unsuccessful and absolutely
unable in all of my many, many, many attempts, to write something, anything, that I
could come away from, satisfied with unough, and content with unough, to leave it –
alone – and get on with the telling of the story itself; is because I am what I am. I am,
untrained, uneducated, unskilled, undisciplined, and unclear; and I could go un and un
and un, about all the many, many imagined and unimagined, real, and unreal “things”, I
believe I may, and may not be. But it would take too long, and this story is not about me
– and my un-ability to tell it. This story is about you – and me – about us. This story is
about me making you aware of something’s you need to be made aware of. I think I’ve
made myself unabundantly unclear, unough. And unough is unough! Don’t you think?
Vanity, vanity all is vanity! And this probably, especially includes ones beliefs, in ones
own – unabilities? But let me move on with this. So I can get done with this. And tell you
what I am supposed to tell you.
A few weeks ago, after getting myself lost again, in yet another one of my failed
attempts at an introduction, I found myself once again, sitting, downhearted, dejected,
and almost dumb founded; sitting and staring up at the word, “INTRODUCTION”, on
my computer screen. Wondering, if I was ever, going to get this done. When it just came
to me. Maybe it came from my unconscious, or my subconscious. I don’t know. And it
really doesn’t matter. But wherever it came from. I notice, that if I changed the leading
“I” in the word “INTRODUCTION”, to a “U”, I got something, I had never seen used
before – ever. I got an – “UNTRODUCTION!” I liked it, I loved it, I thought some
more of it. Almost immediately I knew that it just might be the lighthearted, approach I
needed to help me get past whatever it was that had been holding me back; which
probably was, and still is fear.
It didn’t take me long to figure out that there was a very real and very professional
reason why I had never seen “UNTRODUCTION!” used before. And that reason is that
only an unprofessional could, and therefore would, use it. And there are not that many
amateur authors out there trying to write books, as far as I know.
Besides not being bright enough to do this, there is something else; that has been
holding me back that I was and still am, not so unconscious about. There is a second
reason, why I have been so slow to rise to do this. And that something else, is fear. I have
been very apprehensive and fearful about speaking my mind. And when you read what it
is, that I believe I am being called upon to say. You will understand my fear and my
apprehension. And once again, I will cover all this, later.
Right now, “I” am going to mention something here, that “I” am not sure is worth
mentioning. But being the unprofessional that “I” am, “I” will mention it, anyway. It
might be worth mentioning, “I” don’t know.
A few days ago, something else occurred to me, that hadn’t occurred to me, those
few weeks ago, when it occurred to me to change the leading “I” to a “U”. And once
again, I’m not sure if this came from my unconscious or subconscious, and once again, it
really doesn’t matter. What it was that I noticed, was that, by changing the “I”, to a “U”.
My focus on how “I” was trying to write my introduction change, from “me”, to “you”.
You know; from why “I” was unable to do this, to why I was doing it; for you, “U”. It’s
just a thought. A thought worth considering. Now, lets see if I can finally get this book,
finally written.
But before I do, let me leave you with a quote from the Bible, of Matthew 11:25.
And a quote from Nostradamus that is a paraphrase of Matthew 11:25. It deals directly
with why someone such as myself, an almost complete un and/or incompetent. Could
wind up making the claims that I am about to make.
“At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and
earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed
them unto babes.”
– Matthew 11:25 (KJV)
“Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the prudent, that is from the
powerful and from Kings, and revealed them to the small and the weak”.
– Nostradamus
I have decided to let you read this again, in a larger print,
because I am having this “book?” printed in a smaller size, and the
12 font size may be hard to read. The spacing will be off, but at
least you will be able to read what I have written.
Here tiz.
“Sorry about this un.”
In all of my, many, many, many previous attempts at an
opening statement. For some reason, or reasons, I always seem
to wind up focusing on my inability to do this. This attempt is
no different. I guess I feel it’s important for you to know, up
front, that I am, by all rational and reasonable expectations,
almost completely, unqualified to do this.
For longer than I care to say, because I am ashamed to say.
I have been trying my, “best?” (I hope and pray.) to
accomplish what I thought would be the very simple task, of
simply writing a simple introduction, to this not so simple
story. Before moving on to what I knew would be for me, the
very daunting task of trying to write this story. But now after
spending so much time just on an introduction, I am starting to
wonder if this is ever going to get done at all.
One of the major reasons I have been so completely
unsuccessful and absolutely unable in all of my many, many,
many attempts, to write something, anything, that I could come
away from, satisfied with unough, and content with unough, to
leave it – alone – and get on with the telling of the story itself;
is because I am what I am. I am, untrained, uneducated,
unskilled, undisciplined, and unclear; and I could go un and un
and un, about all the many, many imagined and unimagined,
real, and unreal “things”, I believe I may, and may not be. But
it would take too long, and this story is not about me – and my
un-ability to tell it. This story is about you – and me – about us.
This story is about me making you aware of something’s you
need to be made aware of. I think I’ve made myself
unabundantly unclear, unough. And unough is unough! Don’t
you think? Vanity, vanity all is vanity! And this probably,
especially includes ones beliefs, in ones own – unabilities? But
let me move on with this. So I can get done with this. And tell
you what I am supposed to tell you.
A few weeks ago, after getting myself lost again, in yet
another one of my failed attempts at an introduction, I found
myself once again, sitting, downhearted, dejected, and almost
dumb founded; sitting and staring up at the word,
“INTRODUCTION”, on my computer screen. Wondering, if I
was ever, going to get this done. When it just came to me.
Maybe it came from my unconscious, or my subconscious. I
don’t know. And it really doesn’t matter. But wherever it came
from. I notice, that if I changed the leading “I” in the word
“INTRODUCTION”, to a “U”, I got something, I had never
seen used before – ever. I got an – “UNTRODUCTION!” I
liked it, I loved it, I thought some more of it. Almost
immediately I knew that it just might be the lighthearted,
approach I needed to help me get past whatever it was that had
been holding me back; which probably was, and still is fear.
It didn’t take me long to figure out that there was a very
real and very professional reason why I had never seen
“UNTRODUCTION!” used before. And that reason is that
only an unprofessional could, and therefore would, use it. And
there are not that many amateur authors out there trying to
write books, as far as I know.
Besides not being bright enough to do this, there is
something else; that has been holding me back that I was and
still am, not so unconscious about. There is a second reason,
why I have been so slow to rise to do this. And that something
else, is fear. I have been very apprehensive and fearful about
speaking my mind. And when you read what it is, that I believe
I am being called upon to say. You will understand my fear
and my apprehension. And once again, I will cover all this,
Right now, “I” am going to mention something here, that
“I” am not sure is worth mentioning. But being the
unprofessional that “I” am, “I” will mention it, anyway. It
might be worth mentioning, “I” don’t know.
A few days ago, something else occurred to me, that hadn’t
occurred to me, those few weeks ago, when it occurred to me to
change the leading “I” to a “U”. And once again, I’m not sure
if this came from my unconscious or subconscious, and once
again, it really doesn’t matter. What it was that I noticed, was
that, by changing the “I”, to a “U”. My focus on how “I” was
trying to write my introduction change, from “me”, to “you”.
You know; from why “I” was unable to do this, to why I was
doing it; for you, “U”. It’s just a thought. A thought worth
considering. Now, lets see if I can finally get this book, finally
But before I do, let me leave you with a quote from the
Bible, of Matthew 11:25. And a quote from Nostradamus that
is a paraphrase of Matthew 11:25. It deals directly with why
someone such as myself, an almost complete un and/or
incompetent. Could wind up making the claims that I am
about to make.
“At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father,
Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things
from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.”
– Matthew 11:25 (KJV)
“Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the
prudent, that is from the powerful and from Kings, and
revealed them to the small and the weak”.
– Nostradamus
Event #312
24 However, it was nevertheless a fact that I had beheld a vision.
I have thought since, that I felt much like Paul, when he made his
defense against King Agrippa, and related the account of the vision
he had when he saw a light, and heard a voice; but still there were
few who believed him; some said he was dishonest, other said he
was mad; and he was ridiculed and reviled. But all of this did not
destroy the reality of his vision. He had seen a vision, he knew he
had, and all the persecution under heaven could not make it
otherwise; and though they persecute him unto death, yet he knew,
and would know to his last breath, that he had both seen a light and
heard a voice speaking unto him, and all the world could not make
him think or believe otherwise.
25 So it was with me. I had seen a light and in the mist of that
light, I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me;
and though I was hated and persecuted for saying I had seen a
vision; yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me,
reviling me, and saying all manner of evil against me falsely for so
saying; I was led to say in my heart: Why persecute me for telling
the truth? I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can
withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what
I have actually seen? For I have seen a vision; I knew it, and I
knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it, neither dare I do it;
at least I knew that by so doing I would offend God, and come
under condemnation.
26 I had now got my mind satisfied so far as the sectarian world
was concerned – that it was not my duty to join with any of them,
but to continue to as I was until further directed. I had found the
testimony of James to be true – that a man who lacked wisdom
might ask of God, and obtain, and not be upbraided.
Event’s #358 & #547
These quotes are pretty much self-explanatory. Paraphrasing
from the movie ~“What Dreams May Come”~: “Who would have
guessed that the “physical realm” is actually the illusion? And
that “thought” is the true reality.” Here are the quotes.
“Writing on the subject of energy, Nicola Tesla says:
We can conceive of organized beings living without
nourishment and deriving all the energy they need for the
performance of their life functions from the ambient medium
* * * There may be * * * individualized material systems of
beings, perhaps of gaseous constitution, or compound of
substance still more tenuous. In view of this possibility – nay,
probability – we cannot apodictically deny the existence of
organized beings on a planet merely because the conditions on
the same are unsuitable for the existence of life as we conceive
it. We cannot even, with positive assurance, assert that some of
them might not be present here in this our world, in the very
midst of us, for their constitutions and life manifestation may
be such that we are unable to perceive them.”
“Alfred Russell Wallace, who was called ‘the grand old
man of science,’ wrote:
I think we have got to recognize that between man and the
ultimate God there is an almost infinite multitude of beings
working in the universe at large, at tasks as infinite and
important as any we have to perform on earth. I imagine that
the universe is peopled with spirits - that is, with intelligent
beings – with power and duties akin to our own, but vaster. I
think there is a gradual ascent from man upward and
Event #484
(WHO ~“You!”~ ARE)
There is something happening in this country and in this
world ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ that, in my opinion, in
my “EPIPHANY!” laden opinion, the only way that it can be
stopped, and the only way that it will stop, is if “You!” the
driving “force” behind what is happening in this country and in
this world ~‘Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~ (AND “You!” KNOW
WHO “You!” ARE) come quickly, very quickly, to the
realization that maybe, just maybe, “THERE ACTUALLY IS A
~GOD~!” And that when ~GOD~ through ~Jesus Christ~
admonished us to: ~ “feed the hungry”, to “heal the sick”, to
“cloth the naked”, to “house the homeless”, and to “remember
those in prison as though “You!”, “Yourself!” were there with
them.” ~ In short, to ~“Love thy neighbour as thyself.”~!
That these were not casual suggestions to be taken lightly, to
be thought about and worked at with a “luke warm” attitude
in an “uncaring” way. That they were ~“Commandments”~
“Absolute” ~ “salvation attaining” ~“Commandments”~; from
~GOD~, through ~Jesus Christ~. ~“Commandments”~ that
“You!” will be held responsible for! For the manner in which
“You!” did, and did not preformed these “works”. That what
“You!” have and have not done unto ~“the least of these”~;
“You!” have also done it unto ~GOD~ and ~Jesus Christ~. That
there will either be eternal salvation” waiting for “You!”, or
there will be “Hell” to pay ~“again?”~! And “You!” will wish
that “You!” had taken the admonitions and followed the path,
that ~GOD~ is giving “You!” ~’Now! Now!’ ~“Today, today,”~
the “choice” and the “chance” to take! ~“: turn ye, turn ye
from your evil ways;”~ (Ezekiel 33:11) And if “You!” do. And
there is still time to! Then ~“None of his sins that he hath
committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that
which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.”~
~ Ezekiel 33:16 ~
So, keeping in mind that “You!” have just been warned. And
“You!” will continue to be warned, all through out this “book?”,
this “pamphlet”, this “white paper”, this “whatever” this turns
out to be: ~“I Am That I Am”~ has laid it upon my heart to
Divinely dedicate this ~ to:
~ “You!”~
And ~ “You!”~ know
who ~ “You!”~ are!
“: turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways;”
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~”Today,today,”~
Event # 496
The following is the e-mail I received from someone at an
organization called <shadowriders. org>. I found this just recently
and thought I would share it with you. The subject was “(Ave! :)”.
And the date was Mon, 06 Dec 2004 03:33:56.
How’s yourself?
I am always busy, which is perhaps the chief reason why I am
always well.
I have always noticed that a man who gives the most for the
money, gets the most business.
The two qualities which chiefly inspire regard and affection
[Are] that a thing is your own and that it is your only one. Is
your love for the Lord sufficient to give all
your time and talents to his work?
Beauty can’t amuse you, but brainwork -- reading, writing,
thinking -- can.
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people
who annoy me.
Belief like any other moving body follows the path of lest
Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.
The only thing I can’t stand is discomfort.
A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.
Life every man holds dear but the dear man holds honor far
more precious dear than life.
With out grace beauty is an unabated hook.
Life is an uphill business for the guy who’s not on the level.
The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self
improvement, about being better than you were the day
There are times when one would like to hang the whole human
race, and finish the farce.
There are certain moments when we might wish the future
were built by men of the past. Man is a make-believe animal -he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part.
If you want to win anything – a race, your self, your life – you
have to go a little berserk.
If you’ve enjoyed a little and endured a lot, you’ve really done
pretty well.
Fame is something that must be won. Honor is something that
must not be lost. The church is so subnormal that if it ever
got back to the New Testament normal it would seem to
people to be abnormal.
I hasten to laugh at everything, for fear of being obliged to
The most socially subversive institution of our time is the
one-parent family.
They believe that nothing will happen because they have
closed their doors.
What’s the worst thing that can happen to a quarterback? He
loses his confidence.
I have decided not to include the sender’s every odd name.
Event #527
This is on the next to last page of the book ~ “Holes in the
floor of heaven” ~ by Steve Warner which was the first thing I
opened to the first time I tried my ~“A.D.”~ with this book.
Once in a dream I saw the flowers
That bud and bloom in paradise;
More fair are they than waking eyes
Have seen in this world of ours.
Christina Rossetti (1830 – 1894)
EVENT #574
These are the opening and closing paragraphs from the ~
~“Forward”~ to ~ Aldous Huxley’s ~ ~“BRAVE NEW WORLD”~.
Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most
undesirable sentiment. If you have behaved badly, repent,
make what amends you can and address yourself to the
task of behaving better next time. On no account brood
over your wrong-doing. Rolling in the muck is not the best
way of getting clean.
All things considered it looks as though Utopia were far
closer to us than anyone, only fifteen years ago, could have
imagined. Then, I projected it six hundred years into the
future. Today it seems quite possible that the horror may
be upon us within a single century. That is, if we refrain
from blowing ourselves to smithereens in the interval.
Indeed, unless we choose to decentralize and to use applied
science, not as the end to which human beings are to be
made the means, but as the means to producing a race of
free individuals, we have only two alternatives to choose
from: either a number of national, militarized
totalitarianisms, having as their root the terror of the
atomic bomb and as their consequence the destruction of
civilization (or, if the warfare is limited, the perpetuation of
militarism); or else one supranational totalitarianism,
called into existence by the social chaos resulting from
rapid technological progress in general and the atomic
revolution in particular, and developing, under the need
for efficiency and stability, into the welfare-tyranny of
Utopia. You pays your money and you takes your choice.
Event #678
Finishing up this ~“UNTRODUCTION”~ I got the urge to do
my ~“A.D.”~ ~“again”~ with my ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~. And
when I read what I had found, I thought about adding it as one
last event to my ~“Road Map of Events”~. But because I like the
fact I decided to end at ~677~ I decided to just add it here.
Like I said, getting the urge to do my ~“A.D.”~ ~“again”~, I
picked up my ~“Spirit Filled Life Bible”~ and holding it in my
hands, I began to say the Lord’s prayer, as I opened it. Letting
my right thumb slide down the right hand page and stop, I opened
my eye’s to read. ~“blasphemed Your name.”~ I then read the
verse above it ~“And that a foolish people has”~. Then I read
~“Remember this, that the enemy has reproached, O Lord.”~
The verse, is Psalms 74:18. Reading this I recognized that I had
read this before. But searching in my ~“Road Map of Events”~ I
was unable to find it ~ at first. But ~ proofing this on 07/22/05,
I found I had found it before, through ~“A.D.”~ in event #470.
In my opinion, the name of the Lord is ~“Love”~. I came to
this opinion, through the two verses I used towards the end of
my ~“INTRODUCTION”~ ~“I AM THAT I AM.”~ Exodus 3:14
and ~“God is love.”~ I John 4:8. And any one who blasphemes
~“Love”~ is indeed, being very ~“foolish”~. This verse say’s
~“that a foolish ‘people’ has blasphemed Your name.”~. As I
believe that the only people who are ~“workers of iniquity”~ are
those people who don’t practice ~“Love!”~ ~“Love thy neighbour
as thyself.”~ and ~“Love your enimes.”~ The only people who
~“blaspheme”~ ~“Love!” ~ are those who don’t even try to love.
Practice makes perfect. Don’t be foolish. Practice, practice,
practice! ~“You”~ will succeed. ~“You”~ become what ~“You”~ do.
Event #679
When I “finished?” this “book?” a few months ago, almost all
of ~these things ~ which I had been experiencing, seemed to
come to a total and complete stop. Two or three times I kind of
halfheartedly tried my ~“A.D.”~ my ~“Amateur Divination”~ with
different Bibles and other books, but did not find anything that
seemed to ~“speak”~ to me. Then last week, at work, in the break
area, I saw the study Bible that I first mentioned in events #467
and #468, and ~“felt”~ the ~“urge”~ to try my ~“A.D.”~ with it
~ again ~ so I did. When I looked down to see what I had found, I
found that my right thumb was resting just beneath and on top of
Acts 5:11. ~“And great fear came upon all the church and as
many as heard these things.”~. Then I closed the book and
tried it again. This time I found my right thumb was resting on
Acts 16:10. ~“And after he had seen the vision, immediately
we endeavored to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that
the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.”~
The next day, when I was in the break area again, I decided to do
my ~“A.D.”~ with it again. When I looked to see what my thumb
was on this time ~ it was ~“again”~ exactly on top of Acts 16:10!
Because I have been given several visions to witness, I
~“feel”~ ~“God”~ is continuing to ~“call”~ me to ~“go”~ “any way
I possibly can?” to tell what I have seen ~ and ~ to ~“simply”~
preach ~“the gospel”~ of ~ “love thy neighbour as thyself.”~
~“unto them.”~. Because all ~“the gospel”~ can be and is fulfilled
through Galatians 5:14. ~“For all the law is fulfilled in one
word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”~
Also ~ a couple of weeks earlier, I had given a copy of my
latest “Dear Neighbour” open letter of November 3rd 2005 to a
friend at work to read, and he made the comment that it scared
him. When he said this, I thought of events #109, #123 & #190.
~“I do not say this to scare. I say it to ~“warn them”~ Ez. 33:7.”~
Then that week, or a week later, while in the waiting room at
Centennial Hospital’s ICU (my mother was very, very sick) I saw a
Gideon Bible lying on a table in the waiting room. Feeling the urge
to pick it up and try my ~“A.D.”~ with it ~ I did. When I looked
down to see what I had found this time ~ I saw my finger was on
Psalms 119:116. ~“Uphold me according to thy word, that I
may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.”~. When I
saw the word ~“hope”~ I instantly remembered my ~“*hope”~ of
Job 6:11 ~“What strength do I have that I should *hope.”~
from event #357. Typing this just now ~ before typing the word
~ “hope” ~ again in the next sentence, I decided to see how many
times I had used the word ~ “hope” ~ in my “book?”. It was 121
times. This reminded me of events #6, #612 and #623. I am
sure this was just another one of my many ~ “coincidence is”~.
Then ~ after finding and reading Psalms 119:116 I began to
flip through the Bible to see if any pages were dog-eared. And
guess what ~ once again ~ I discovered that in the entire Bible,
only one page was dog-eared. And its dog-ear was pointing to
Ezekiel 39:12 ~“And seven months shall the house of Israel be
burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.”~ ~ Is this ~
~“Revelation 16:16”~?
I decided to add this event #679; because I believe ~“God”~
is still approaching me and giving me ~these things ~ to pass along
to you. Reread these four Bible verses again that ~“God”~ has
given me to present to you. ~ Acts 5:11 ~ Acts 16:10 ~ Psalms
119:116 ~ and ~ Ezekiel 39:12 ~. And don’t forget to ~ always ~
~ in all ways ~ ~“Love”~ ~“Love”~ ~“Love”~ because ~ in the end ~
~“the love ‘you’ take is equal to the love ‘you’ make.”~
Event #680
On Christmas day, 2005, I got the urge to try my ~“A.D.”~
once again, with my Union’s Bible ~ and so I did. Reading the verse
next to the left of my right index finger, and not being inspired
by anything that seem to ~“speak”~ to me, I decided to read
what was on the right side of my finger, where I saw it was up
against the reference column that runs down the center of each
page. There ~ next to my finger ~ I read ~ 2 Kings 2:2, 4, 6.
Looking up the verses and reading them, I noticed ~“7”~ words.
~“; for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel.” ~ 2:2
~“; for the Lord hath sent me to Jericho.”~ 2:4
~“; for the Lord hath sent me to Jordan.”~ 2:6
Reading ~“; for the Lord hath sent me to ”~ these ~“7”~
words the three different times, they appear in these verses, I
got the ~“feeling”~ that ~ “once again”~ I was being encouraged
to go-out and ~“speak”~ about ~ these things ~ that I have been
made a witness too. Which I had already done ~ somewhat. And I
also ~“felt”~ I was being admonished ~“once again”~ for not
having done this more often, and more effectively. The reason I
also ~“felt”~ I was being admonished ~“once again”~ was because
I am still feeling somewhat reluctant to do this “in person” and I
am still, sort of, dragging my feet, just a bit. But I am still trying!
Then yesterday, December 27th, 2005, deciding to try my
~“A.D.”~ again with the same Bible, I did, and read the following:
~“58 If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this
law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear
this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD.”~
Deuteronomy 28:58.
In the instant that I read this verse, especially the words
~“all the words of this law”~ this reminded me of the verse ~
~“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this;
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self.”~
Galatians 5:14
Then, after reading Deuteronomy 28:58, I kept on reading
each successive verse, because of the warnings I found in each
verse. And I kept reading until I got to the end of the chapter, at
verse :68. If you get the chance read them, they are not only
speaking to me and encouraging me to do what I have been called
to do. They are also speaking to us all too ~“Love”~ at all costs!
All I can say is that ~ I ~“*hope”~ I am still trying to muster
the strength, courage and wisdom to go-out into this world and do
this ~ to ~“speak”~ ~these things ~ with wisdom and courage.
~“Please pray for me!”~
Then today, December 28 2005, once again, I decided to
pick up my Union’s Bible and try my ~“A.D.”~ one more time.
When I read what I had found ~“Today, today,” ~ I was very,
very pleased that I had done this, one more time. I was very glad
I had found something positive and uplifting to “finally?” end this.
Here tiz.
~ “15 And how shall they preach,
except they be sent? as it is written,
How beautiful are the feet of them
that preach the gospel of peace, and
bring glad tidings of good things.”~
Romans 10:15
~ Ezekiel 33:7 ~
7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a
watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore
thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and
warn them from me.
~ Ezekiel 33:31–33 ~
31 And they come unto thee as the people
cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and
they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for
with their mouth they shew much love but their
heart goeth after their covetousness.
32 And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely
song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can
play well on an instrument: for they hear thy
words, but they do them not.
33 And when this cometh to pass,
(lo, it will come,) ~ then ~ shall they
know that a prophet hath been
among them.
Maybe ~“it”~ that ~“will come”~ depends on ~ what ~ we ~ do.
~‘Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today” ~
~ “LOVE!” ~ “god IS!” ~
~ “LOVE!” ~
This ~“story”~ is about ~“God”~ 9/11 ~ Nostradamus ~ Divine
Intervention ~ “Revelation” ~ and ~ “Inclusive ~ Salvation” ~
through ~ the ~“Good News of Jesus Christ”~. “Love!” ~ “Love!”
~ “Love!”~
~“For I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.”~
(Event #274)
Job 6:10
One last thought. (Again!)
(Event #16)
After “finishing?” this “book?”, I happened to find the
following advertisement on page 32 of my November 10, 2003
issue of “THE NATION”. I was so impressed with what I read, I
knew I had to find somewhere to add this, so you could also read
it. It is from an organization called “TECHNOCRACY INC.”
No matter what we are told, wars are
implemented only for profit and power.
Our nation’s economic survival depends
greatly on the manufacturing of killing
machines. Since the great depression of
the 1930s, war and preparation for war
have been the crutch that our economy
demands for survival. In the name of
‘defense,’ and the vast funds allotted for
the procurement of military hardware, we
have placed ourselves in a social,
environmental and economic morass.
There is a solution. ~“Love one another.”~ 1 John 4:7
One “more” last thought. (Again!)
(Event #670)
From ~“My Life And Prophecies”~ by ~ Jean Dixon ~
~“Waves of thunder and lightning rolled in succession until all
creation seemed to be echoing the same sound that enveloped the
earth when He created it. And then there was silence . . . and
suddenly I felt no longer alone. All sound had retreated into the
great void, and instead peace and tranquillity covered the
devastated earth.
Everyone in the world was somehow seeing the Cross with me!
And it came to me that everyone witnessing this spectacle
understood clearly that it was the illuminating Light of God within
They knew, as did I, that we no longer needed ‘the moon or
stars by night, or sun to shine by day’ – each one of us was
experiencing the spiritual glory of the Light of God within.
And the world, and all its peoples, stood still.
Entranced, I started to raise the dove up and let him go, but
Someone guided my hand down again, and as it came to rest I
heard the voice of our Lord Jesus say,
‘Now you are ALL
my disciples!’
I heard – and hearing I knew – for He made His meaning clear
– that the day will come when
religions as we know them today, Christian,
Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, will be no more, and we
will all indeed be true disciples of Jesus.
beyond question
And with this flash of perfect understanding came His
compassionate voice again:
‘Now you are all my disciples!’”~
Never judging or vengeful
Like the judging and vengeful.
Mattie J. T. Stepanek
These are words ~ to live by ~“forever”~.
For Our World
We need to stop.
Just stop.
Stop for a moment…
Before anybody
Says or does anything
That may hurt anyone else.
We need to be silent.
Just silent.
Silent for a moment…
Before we forever lose
The blessing of songs
That grow in our hearts.
We need to notice.
Just notice.
Notice for a moment…
Before the future slips away
Into ashes and dust of humility.
Stop, be silent, and notice…
In so many ways, we are the same.
Our differences are unique treasures.
We have, we are, a mosaic of gifts
To nurture, to offer, to accept.
We need to be.
Just be.
Be for a moment…
Kind and gentle, innocent and trusting.
Like children and lambs,
Never judging or vengeful
Like the judging and vengeful.
And now let us pray,
Differently, yet together,
Before there is no earth, no life,
No chance for peace.
September 2001
Mattie J.T. Stepanek
What does ~“the power of love”~ and ~
-“the love of power”– and ~“world peace”~
have in common with the following ten names?
John F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King
Robert F. Kennedy
Mary Jo Kopechne
Samantha Smith
Princess Di
Ronald Brown
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Mel Carnahand
Paul Wellstone
When the
power of love,
overcomes the
love of power,
the world will
know peace.
~ Jimi Hendrix ~
Event #245
The following paragraph is the ~“A Note of Hope”~ I found
in ~“VISIONS OF NOSTRADAMUS and other prophets”~ by
Donald Wigal, on pg. 34. I just felt I should share this ~“*hope”~
~’Now!’ ‘Now!’ ~“Today,today,”~.
~ A Note of Hope ~
Like many prophets, Nostradamus’s predictions
tended to be gloomy and to center on cataclysmic or
tragic events. He also believed, however, that by
keeping their eyes on the horizon, individuals could
change their own destinies and even the fate of the
world. In his own way, he must have believed he was
doing his best to put humankind on the right course.
Century 9 ~ Quatrain 66
C9 ~ Q66
There will be peace, union and change,
Estates, offices, low high and high very low:
To prepare a trip, the first offspring torment,
War to cease, civil process, debates.
God is Love is Jesus is Love is Love is the answer Is!
Arnold Joseph White