ENERGY METABOLISM KATRIN ROOSITA, MSI. METABOLISME ENERGI…… Fig 1. METABOLISM (Courtesy: Rimbawan, 2007) Organ utama pengaturan metabolisme: hati, jaringan lemak (adipose), otot , dan otak. Peran: penyimpanan, penggunaan dan penyediaan sumber energi (substrat). SISTEM PENGATURAN METABOLISME KETER SEDIAAN SUBSTRAT SISTEM HORMON SISTEM SARAF Hubungan substrat – hormon- sistem saraf Substrat (glukosa dan protein) mempengaruhi sekresi hormon Hormon dan sistem saraf mengatur metabolisme dan transport substrat. Kadar glukosa plasma vs sekresi hormon HORMON UTAMA METABOLISME EFEK BIOLOGIS GLUKAGON Fungsi insulin CONTOH: Aktivitas insulin di Sel Target Ketersediaan Substrat Berbeda antara kondisi: - post absorpsi - puasa/starvation - olahraga berat - terjadi gangguan metabolisme dan kondisi sakit. POST ABSORPTIVE STATE 2 - 4 HOURS period after ingestion of a normal meal : POST ABSORPTIVE STATE INCREASES in plasma glucose, amino acids, and triacylglycerols lipogenesis MECHANISMS OF HEPATIC- AMINO ACID METABOLISM (in the absorptive period) The surplus amino acids ARE NOT STORED, but are either: a. released into the blood for all tissues to use in protein synthesis, b. they are with the resulting carbon skeletons being degraded by the liver pyruvate, acetyl CoA, or TCA cycle intermediates, these metabolites can be oxidized for energy or used in fatty acid synthesis. METABOLISM OF ADIPOSE TISSUE in Post Absorptive State A. Carbohydrate metabolism 1. Increased glucose transport 2. Increased glycolysis:. 3. Increased activity in the hexose monophosphate (HMP) pathway. B. Fat Metabolism 1. 2. 3. Increased synthesis of fatty acids. Increased triacylglycerol synthesis Decreased triacylglycerol degradation METABOLISM OF RESTING MUSCLE in Postabsorptive State 1. Increased glucose transport 2. Increased glycogen synthesis 3. Increased protein synthesis 4. Increased uptake of amino acids. METABOLISM OF BRAIN IN POSTABSORPTIVE STATE FASTING METABOLISM Fasting a. an inability to obtain food, b. the desire to lose weight rapidly, c. in clinical situations in which an individual cannot eat because of trauma, surgery, burns, and so forth. Physiology of Fasting: the absence of food, plasma levels of glucose, amino acids, and triacylglycerols fall, triggering a decline in insulin secretion and an increase in glucagon release. INSULIN / GLUCAGON RATIO availability of circulating substrates CATABOLIC PERIOD: by degradation of triacylglycerol, glycogen, and protein. This sets into motion an exchange of substrates between liver, adipose tissue, muscle, and brain : 1. the need to maintain adequate plasma levels of glucose to sustain energy metabolism of the brain and other glucose-requiring tissues. 2. the need to mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue, and the synthesis and release of ketone bodies from the liver, to supply energy to all other tissues. Diseases and Blood Sugar Regulation Elevated glucose levels are present in diabetes mellitus, Cushing's syndrome, liver disease, and hyperthyroidism. Decreased glucose levels are present in Addison's disease, hyperinsulinism, and hypothyroidism. The most prevalent of these diseases is diabetes mellitus (DM). Type I DM (insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset) diabetes mellitus, when pancreatic beta cells are destroyed by an erroneous attack by the body's own immune system. Type II DM, insulin secretion is not reduced; however, there is a reduced sensitivity of target cells to insulin, a phenomenon known as insulin resistance. (Paul I, 2007). OVERVIEW OF METABOLIC PATHWAYS AND SYSTEMS OF ENERGY METABOLISM Nucleic Acids GLYCOGEN PROTEIN TRIACYLGLYCEROLS Ribose-5-P Glucose Lactate Glucose-6-P Amino Acids Pyruvate Urea/NH3 Free Fatty Acids Acetyl-CoA Ketone Bodies Figure 2. Energy systems (DR. RImbawan, 2007) H2 O CO2 ATP METABOLISME ENERGI SAAT AKTIVITAS FISIK (OLAH RAGA) METABOLISME GLIKOGEN Liver glycogen stores increase during the well-fed state . Muscle glycogen is not affected by short periods of fasting (a few days) and is only moderately decreased in prolonged fasting (weeks). Muscle glycogen is synthesized to replenish muscle stores after they have been depleted, for example, following strenuous exercise. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya REFERENCES _2a.pdf. Insulin_Glucagon Role in Metabolism.pdf Tom Brody. Nutritional Biochemistry, 2nd edition, Academic Press, 1999 Pamela C. Champe & Richard A. Harvey Biochemistry, 2nd edition, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1994. Illingworth. 2007. Biochemistry for Biologists Fitness Training. . Rimbawan, 2007. Metabolism Slides Review Article a. b. c. d. e. Teori Dasar Biokimia ttg: Regulasi : hormonal dan saraf Ketersediaan Substrat Parameter /biomarker Metode Hasil