NFCM 4.31.11 webinar.pptx


NFCM 4.31.11 webinar.pptx
Webinar for Young Leaders Thurs, May 11, 2011 Webinar overview Introduc>ons •  Webinar logis>cs •  About Na>onal Foster Care Month •  Senate Caucus on Foster Youth •  Engaging the Media •  Q&A • 
Welcome (FosterClub All‐Stars) FosterClub The na>onal network of young people in foster care Webinar instruc>ons  
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“Grab tab”: click on the arrows to open/close control panel throughout the presenta>on. Ques>ons pane How to ask a ques:on  
Type a ques>on for presenters into the text box at the boVom of the ques>on pane and hit “SEND” If we are unable to respond to you during the session, we will follow up with you aWer the presenta>on About Na>onal Foster Care Month Sabrina Urquhart & Jason Hoffmaster Casey Family Programs posters brochure Senate Caucus on Foster Youth Becky Shipp Jetaine Hart Sen. Chuck Grassley (R – IA) Sen. May Landrieu (D – LA) Current Caucus members Working with the Media Daniel Heimpel Fostering Media Connec>ons New Opportunity to Get Involved What’s going on in your state? How are you going to get involved? Do you belong to a Youth Board? What are your Board’s plans for May? Your ideas… for 2011 NFCM & beyond What kind of public awareness do we need? Who should we be talking to? What should we be trying to accomplish during Na>onal Foster Care Month? Look for an announcement soon: 100 young people from foster care will be recognized during May Thank you For more informa>on, contact FosterClub 503‐717‐1552 or visit