AVRO Aviation


AVRO Aviation
Market Finder
market finder 2010
available for the market through wordings and covers. We believe we’ve come
out with the best of the class. Everything
points to this being a real growth opportunity in Canada. Across the world, of
course, everything’s IT-related.”
Bloomer says Premier Marine’s product combines professional liability E&O,
CGL and, if required, some property
covers, which include crime and business
“Most of the standard markets don’t
write professional liability and don’t
write it necessarily for this
class. A lot of these individuals and small companies have only been around
for a couple of years,
and they’ve been operating without professional
liability, thinking they’re
fully covered. But negligent performance of a service wouldn’t be covered by
a standard CGL. And any pure financial
or business loss wouldn’t be covered
by a CGL. So we’re seeing a lot of new
business from companies that have been
operating for a number of years, generally with just CGL cover.”
The motorcycle program for B.C.,
introduced in January, is an excellent
product, says Janet Helm, personal lines
manager. She says it’s attracting a lot of
attention, especially among
riders who’ve been at it for
a while.
“This is where they’re
going to benefit. The minimum age is 30, so we’re
definitely looking for those
people who are maybe a
little more experienced. That’s not to say
we won’t take people who haven’t got
bike experience. We’ll work around that.”
Helm says the coverage is offered
through a 12-month “no hassle” policy,
applying to all types of stock production motorcycles, but not custom-built
machines. Coverage is inexpensive and in
many aspects superior to what’s currently
available on the market.
“The product itself is very competitive with the Insurance Corporation of
B.C. One of the really good features is
that we do it on an ‘agreed-value’ basis
so that the client agrees to the value of
the bike up front rather than the value
at the time of the incident. That’s very
unique. We make sure it’s not grossly
over-insured. But we also take care to
see that it’s not under-insured either.”
Helm says agreed-value can be applied
to motorcycles up to 10 years old as long
as an independent appraisal has been
done in the 18 months prior to a policy
being signed. Riding gear coverage is also
included in the package, up to $1,000.
Premier Marine is able to quote rates
over the phone for the motorcycle
package, and through the MGA’s new
Quick-E-Quote system, which Helm says
is super-fast and efficient.
“We’re very excited about it because
so much of our business is volume. And
brokers need answers right away. For a
number of items they can now go online
to our quoting system and get instant
quotes. We’ve got everything on there,
including our new motorcycle program;
marine policies, including yachts; vacant
dwellings; rented dwellings; seasonal
housing; student housing – even builders’
risk policies up to a certain limit.”
Moreira says Premier Marine also has
several products in the works for the latter part of 2010 and into 2011.
“Our plan is to continue expanding
our professional liability offering across
Canada. We also have some niche casualty programs that should be online by
the end of the year. Each time we launch
a product the support from our brokers
is tremendous. They want a choice of
markets to offer customers. In turn, we
work hard to serve our brokers and win
support for any class we
Premier Marine has a
staff of almost 80 people
system-wide, with more
than half working at head
office in Vancouver. When
Moreira joined the business
13 years ago, the Vancouver office had
only three employees.
There are 15 people working in the
founding location in London, Ont.,
which is now a branch office. Eighteen
people work out of the Toronto branch,
which handles all commercial and nonmarine business for Ontario and the
Atlantic provinces. Two people currently
man the U.S. office in Seattle, Washington. IW
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Insurancewest May 2010 31
Market Finder
market finder 2010
CanAm Insurance
A new travel insurance tool
By Stan Sauerwein
anadians made more than 24
million visits to the 15 most
popular international travel
destinations in 2008.
If you add in the demand for medical coverage by migrating snowbirds, it’s
clear travel medical insurance is a handsome profit opportunity.
For most brokers, the glitch
to getting a piece of that pie
has always been figuring out
how to offer travel insurance without becoming an
expert in medical coverage.
To accommodate the
application process for
travel insurance, there’s
the necessity of numerous
questionnaires required to
match different situations.
Situations like older people
travelling or travel for extended periods.
It would be simple for a
broker to sell travel insurance if the underwriting
was the same for everyone,
regardless of unique health
conditions or age. But it’s
not. That means specific
wordings within the contracts and different sets of
questionnaires requiring an
understanding of medical
conditions. This translates
into a lot of work for those
commissions. Until now, not
many brokers have been willing to roll up
their sleeves and tackle the learning curve.
CanAm Insurance has come up with
an answer.
Headquartered in Windsor, with
offices in Vancouver and Toronto, the
MGA has been involved in the development and maintenance of comprehensive travel health insurance campaigns
since 1994. It offers coverages that can
be purchased for single trips or as an
annual plan. CanAm has stand-alone trip
cancellation and interruption plans as
well as plans for visitors to Canada and
international students.
32 May 2010 Insurancewest
customer gets stuck, there’s a toll-free
number to the help desk. The broker has
no responsibility to answer any questions
they can’t or aren’t qualified to answer.”
CanAm’s underwriting partner is
Manulife Financial.
TravelRater allows for reports to be
generated and the tracking of sales by
specific broker site. Participating brokers
can perform information
management about who
bought travel insurance and
Setting up an
account with
CanAm and
The application is
installing a
unique in that it offers
the consumer multiple
tool on
products. From a medical
a broker
questionnaire perspective,
there are different entry
has about
points to coverage and the
purchase is done in real
a 10-day
time. Rivelis says comturnaround
petitive travel insurance
time, says
policies usually require the
David Rivelis,
consumer to call in and
deal with an underwriter
senior VP.
“because it’s very difficult
to manage multiple medical questionnaires using
CanAm and CompuQuote have managed
to structure a multiple
product offering that’s fully
medically underwritten.
“Brokers are able to insulate their client and add
another line of business
which has historically not
rolled out nationally by CanAm in late
been part of the brokers’ main focus,”
says Rivelis. “Travel insurance is typically
“What we’ve done is build an online
sold by banks or by the competition to
application that allows the person who
brokers, so TravelRater assists brokers
is aware of their medical situation to anin maintaining their relationship with
swer the questions themselves,” explains
their customers, thus increasing product
David Rivelis, CanAm’s senior VP.
In 10 minutes or less a consumer can
Setting up an account with CanAm
purchase the policy and have the fulfilland installing a customized tool on a
ment documents, the policy booklet and
broker website has about a 10-day turnareceipt sent directly to their inbox.
round time, says Rivelis. Once set up, the
“The tool walks the customer through
application operates seamlessly.
various products, allowing them to select
CanAm’s product mix can be reviewed
options dependent on their specific
at http://www.canamins.com/products.
needs,” says Rivelis. “In the event the
htm or by calling 1-866 693-8426. IW
Early last year, recognizing the hurdles
faced by brokers, Compu-Quote, a firm
affiliated with CanAm, developed a travel
insurance quoting tool. The goal was to
make travel insurance sales easier and
to eliminate E&O exposure for brokers
handling travel products requiring medical questionnaires.
TravelRater, the quoting tool, was
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Market Finder
market finder 2010
Chutter Underwriting Services
Novak and Morgan Chutter are committed to ensuring you the best experience
possible with this simple, online, pointclick-print personal lines website.
The team’s sole focus is to help you,
the broker, shine in your clients’ opinion, as you hand them the policy they
asked for only minutes earlier. Yes, it’s
true, clients actually receive something
tangible in immediate exchange for their
without the care and nurturing of the
By Peter and Mike Chutter
hard-earned money – a feeling everyone
proudest parent, David Lyons, president
of CPLUS. David and his team of Tim
hutter Underwriting ServDavid and his team are located
ices, a “parent” company, is
in historic New Westminster,
extremely proud to announce
B.C., right on the main strip, in a
that its newborn personal
heritage building which has shown
lines division – Chutter Personal Lines
the strength, perseverance and
Underwriting Services, or CPLUS – is on
flexibility to serve as a still-viable
the brink of turning one.
workplace. We hope that before
How time flies when you’re having
our personal lines division has a
fun…or is it when you’re busy?
need to seek bigger offices, some
In this case, thankfully, it’s both. Of
of this magic will rub off on the
course, as with any parent presented with
CPLUS team. May the trio look
the challenge of a first child, we’ve had
forward to many years of flexible
the odd late night and long day, but it has
support in serving our community
all been worth it, as we’ve watched our
of brokers and their clients.
baby grow strong and healthy.
The CPLUS team: Morgan Chutter, David Lyons
If you have not yet met David
This could not have been achieved
and Tim Novak.
Lyons on the road, introducing
our suite of innovative motorcycle, RV,
mobile home and travel trailer products,
give him a call at 604-522-8870 or drop
him an e-mail at [email protected].
If you’d like to see our online personal
lines outlet, go to www.chutterplus.com
and check it out – and wish it Happy
Back at home base in North Vancouver, we’re happy to say our commercial
teams continue to sparkle. Though
conducted in a traditional fashion, we
Primary Classes of Business
Primary contacts
continue to focus our efforts on making
the insurance experience as efficient as
•Watercraft and Motorcycles
Carson Thompson fcip
possible, with staff and products availAllison Bergen crm cip caib •High Value Homeowners
able to best service you and your clients.
•Jeweller’s Block
Stacey Marining bcomm aiic
Bruce MacKinnon, John Woodcock
•Fine Arts & Pawn Shops
Kevin Chan cip
and their professional service-oriented
staff of experienced underwriters con•Course of Construction
Glenda Ramilo
tinue their hands-on, customer-focused
•Vacant, Seasonal & Rental
Christina Wickenheiser
approach to operating and ensuring the
dwellings and buildings
Christine Bueckert
success of our excellent property divi•Motor Truck Cargo
sion. Keith Stead, with the exceptional
support of Fran Hackman and Bryan
•Packaged E&O/CGL for Professionals
Kinney, strive to ensure our casualty divi•Information Technology Package
sion provides you with the most efficient
*** Hard To Place Commercial & Residential Property & CGL Risks
and capable casualty service available.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks
for all your support over the years. The
Tel: 604-990-6800 or 1- 877-990-6877
broker will always be the most important
component of Chutter Underwriting’s
success. IW
Personal lines division
marks first birthday
34 May 2010 Insurancewest
Market Finder
market finder 2010
A.M. Fredericks Underwriting Management
Premium financing arm expanded
t’s steady as she goes at A.M.
premiums where we’re not the insurer.
Fredericks Underwriting ManageWith AIG Credit going down, it created
ment of Ajax, Ont. President Tony
a shortage in the market, so that’s why
Fredericks said the MGU, which
we did that.”
has about 30 employees, is
Fredericks expects good
holding its own. Fredericks
long-term response to the
said he looks forward to
move. Reaction has been
some excellent prospects for
positive so far, he says.
the future.
AMF Credit Corporation
will extend up to $75,000
One of the small changes
in premium financing to
the firm made recently inbrokers.
volved the operation of its
Service continues to be
financing arm, AMF Credit
paramount for the MGU,
Corporation. Fredericks
and its underwriters strive
says it was first established
to turn around quotes
to handle the MGU’s own
within 24 hours. It also has an automated
policies. But that’s been changed.
quote system that applies to a number
“When the finance company was set
BC Broker Insurancewest
of classes such as rooming houses and
up originally it was done on the basis of
x 4 7/8 A.M. Fredericks’ premiums.
rented dwellings.
On another front, A.M. Fredericks has
Now we’re expanding it to write finance
bolstered its management strength by
adding a senior VP, Rob McLean, to its
McLean, who is from Ajax, joined the
firm at the beginning of the year. He has
considerable insurance industry experience as a broker and financial experience
in banking. McLean holds a master’s
degree in business administration and
is an FCIP. He also has a Canadian Risk
Management designation.
Fredericks says he needed someone to
handle the business side of the operation
and to reduce his own workload.
The firm is federally licensed and
provides capacity on all classes of commercial risks, including sub-standard
and hard-to-place accounts.
For more information, call toll-free
1-800-302-9215 or visit the website
www.amfredericks.com. IW
With experience comes
specialized expertise
ENCON’s specialty insurance
programs are marketed through
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Get experience on your side
ENCON offers:
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For more information, please visit
• D&O and stand-alone EPL insurance for profit
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• Environmental liability insurance, including
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tank liability
• E&O, CGL and pollution liability insurance for
environmental contractors and consultants
Insurancewest May 2010 35
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Market Finder
market finder 2010
Forecast calls for solid growth
IC Travel Insurance Coordinators had a remarkable year
in 2009, recording doubledigit growth. The outlook for
2010 looks equally positive, according
to company president and CEO David
Unlike TIC, much of the travel insurance industry had a difficult time last
year, with improvement
coming only at the tail end
of the year, Hartman says.
“The Canadian industry
probably had a 10 per cent
drop in premium volume
while in the U.S. it could
have been as much as 30
per cent. There was pressure on medical costs in the States as hospitals had to
find a way of bringing back their bottom
line. By the end of 2009 the market came
back substantially, and with the strong
Canadian dollar we’re forecasting good
growth, exceeding 2008 levels.”
Hartman attributes TIC’s strong performance to a couple of large accounts
the MGU acquired. But the company also
excels because of the excellent service
it provides, the corporate culture and
dedication of staff, its flexibility in meeting clients’ needs and the wide variety of
products the firm offers.
Results of a recent survey clearly indicate the firm is in tune with its clients
– it had an approval rating of over 86
per cent. To build on its client base, TIC
directs a lot of attention at agents and
“We have online webinars as a service
to our distribution partners so folks can
get trained on our products. We have a
robust agency services department that
201- 339 Westney Rd S,
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Tel: (905) 428-1269 / 888-302-9215
Fax: (905) 428-3977 / 800-613-5947
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38 May 2010 Insurancewest
answers distributor questions and fields
close to 100,000 calls a year. We really try
to service our agents and give them the
support they need. We market through
more than 3,500 points of distribution.
We believe we’re one of the leaders of
broker distribution in
Hartman says TIC, with
215 employees, works at
enhancing the corporate
culture and improving
staff benefits. It makes a
concerted effort to engage
staff in the goals and values of the
“We participate in something called
the Hewitt Engagement Survey, which is
a detailed staff survey. Our engagement
score recently improved from the 60s to
74. Our target is in the 80s, where you’re
considered one of the top companies.
We’re on the road to becoming one of
the top small-to-medium-sized employers in the country.”
Hartman says TIC has lots of initiatives in the works and
products are always being
reviewed and enhanced.
One new initiative is called
QuickTIC, an online process for issuing policies.
It’s monitored by Linda
Collard, the agency services
supervisor in Guelph. Collard and 13
representatives, who handle close to 450
calls a day, provide support for agents
across Canada.
“Our new QuickTIC system was
launched in November 2009,” Collard
said. “It allows agents to enjoy a quoting
functionality. Policy changes can be processed up to the day before travel. Policies
and wallet cards can be forwarded via
e-mail. It also allows full access to a complete range of TIC products.”
The firm also helps brokers and travel
agents market on the Internet by developing what TIC describes as B2C, or
business-to-consumer, websites.
“With our co-branded e-commerce
solution our partners are always open for
business, all without the hassle of having
to set up their own site,” says marketing
Market Finder
market finder 2010
coordinator Shingi Kanhukamwe. “These
B2C sites are customized and feature
the logo and colour scheme our clients
Kanhukamwe says TIC also offers a
generic B2C website that doesn’t feature
partner branding but can be up and running within a week.
Gino Riola, VP business development
and marketing, says TIC has a multichannel approach to distribution.
“We sell through travel agents,” he said.
“We sell through insurance brokers. We
sell through MGAs and financial institutions like CIBC. We also sell through
Kanetix, an online shopping centre for
insurance. They’re mostly home and
auto, but they sell travel as
well. There are also exclusive agents who sell TIC
under The Co-operators
Another method of
selling employs a process
called Advisor Link, where
a broker in partnership with TIC directs
a client to call a certain toll-free number
and TIC handles the rest.
“What’s brilliant about TIC is we do
everything 100 per cent in-house,” Riola
says. “We start with the development of
the product. We’ll build a plan according
to what the client needs.”
Craig Spencer, director of product and
underwriting, describes his department
as “the hub of the wheel for TIC.
“We touch everybody. What we do
is sit down with our sales folks and
tailor-make our products based on the
clients’ needs and their demographics,
which include age, where they go, and
what type of protection they need. We
can’t insure everybody because the risk
sometimes is too high. But
we can tailor-make all of
our products right down to
the individual level.”
In the end, all the effort
by the team comes down
to one thing: how the
company delivers on its
promise to the client.
Magdi Riad, VP business development and claims, says people have high
expectations, and TIC has to be ready to
meet them.
“You always have to show compassion,”
Riad said. “Sometimes it’s not about
money. It’s about care and compassion
and saving a life.
“We had a case in Niger, Africa. A
lady had multiple medical conditions,
a respiratory condition to
start with. She started having infections. The hospital was somewhat okay to
deal with the respiratory
issue, but when there were
some cardiac complicaRiad
tions and they couldn’t
handle it we moved her to Paris by air
ambulance at a cost of $85,000 US.
The hospital in Paris was an additional
The third largest MGU in Canada,
with $85 million in premium volume last
year, TIC is wholly owned by Co-operators Life Insurance Company. Head office
is in Toronto. Sales offices are located
in Montreal and Vancouver. The agency
services office is in Guelph.
For more information, call toll-free
1-800-670-4426 or visit the website
www.wellchosen.ca. IW
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Insurancewest May 2010 39
Market Finder
market finder 2010
New enviro pack targets
contractors, consultants
NCON has launched a new
product under its environmental liability insurance program:
Environmental Package Insurance for Contractors and Consultants.
Targeting two classes, the package policy
is designed to make it more convenient
to obtain inclusive coverage.
Group is very active in the
construction industry and
is one of Canada’s leading professional liability,
construction and E&O
insurance underwriters.
The firm began underwriting environmental liability in 1999
for another carrier, launching its own
environmental liability program June
1, 2009. The program includes pollution liability insurance for contractors
and pollution liability and cleanup costs
insurance for storage tanks.
The new environmental package insurance complements ENCON’s existing
environmental program and brings in
three coverages under one wording: CGL,
pollution liability and E&O.
Marc LeBrun, ENCON’s construction
department manager, says the new offering is aimed at making it more convenient for contractors and consultants to
obtain the coverage that’s best for them.
“Essentially, we’re looking at two distinct classes,” he said. “One would apply
to a typical environmental contractor
who has no consulting or engineering
mandate and wouldn’t need the E&O
coverage but would really need the pollution and the CGL. On the other side
is the consultant or engineer who might
also have an actual remediation or construction mandate. The package policy,
with the CGL, pollution and E&O, would
provide the required coverage.”
LeBrun says a number of consulting firms are beginning to offer more
contracting services in addition to their
professional services.
“Whether they hire subcontractors
or actually carry out the remediation or
construction work themselves, we now
40 May 2010 Insurancewest
have the means to cover those types
of operations in one package policy. It
makes sense to offer these three coverages
in one package, since ENCON had been
doing all three separately for many years.”
Contractors and consultants involved
in construction and remediation projects can be vulnerable to a wide range
of environmental-related exposures,
including loss due to property damage,
cleanup costs, bodily injury, third-party
damages, as well as personal injury and
ENCON’s Environmental Package Insurance may eliminate potential gaps in
coverage that could exist when purchasing separate pollution liability, CGL and
E&O. In addition, one combined policy
can help streamline the claims process,
as all claims are managed from one location, making it easier to monitor and
coordinate each step.
“This is a niche area for us that blends
with our existing products,” said LeBrun.
“Offering this option is going to be a key
part of our business.”
ENCON Group is a leader in professional liability and construction insurance, as well as group and retiree benefits. It also offers insurance programs for
individuals, professionals, organizations
and businesses, available through brokers
and plan advisors across the country.
The firm traces its roots back to 1962,
when it started out as a commercial and
personal lines brokerage but quickly got
into the business of professional liability
coverage and underwriting property and
liability coverage for construction risks.
Today ENCON has more than 240 employees, with offices in Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver.
For more information, visit the website
www.encon.ca. IW
Insure BC Underwriting Services
Industry vet heads
up multi-line MGA
nsure BC Underwriting Services
was originally set up five years ago
as a marketing company for a select
group of brokerages. Today it’s
going strong as an MGA with a highly
experienced staff.
The business is managed by Carson
Thompson, who goes back more than 40
years in the insurance business, having
worked with The Federation Insurance
Company and The Dominion of Canada
The firm offers an extensive basket
of products to an expanded client base
throughout B.C. It has coverages for
marine, motorcycles, COC, stand-alone
vacant buildings and rentals, seasonal
property, high-value homes, p&c for
hard-to-place commercial and residential
accounts, motor truck cargo, commercial
auto and physical damage.
Other classes covered are jewellers, the
fine arts and pawnshops. For professionals there’s an IT program combining
property, CGL and E&O. There’s also
a travel insurance offering specifically
designed for snowbirds.
Thompson, who personally looks
after the marine business, an Insure BC
specialty, says, “We have some of the best
people in the business working here, and
we offer quick and friendly service.”
Allison Bergen, a broker with extensive
MGA experience, heads up the personal
lines side, looking after coverage for
high-value homes and other specialty
Another very qualified staffer who
recently joined the organization is Stacey
Marining. She’s an ex-underwriter with a
large insurer and a former casualty specialist with another MGA. She is assisted
by Kevin Chan, who specializes in commercial property and heads up the firm’s
equipment and machinery program.
Insure BC is based in North Vancouver. It can be reached at 604-9906800. IW