Epistle for September, 2013 - First English Lutheran Church


Epistle for September, 2013 - First English Lutheran Church
Three-Point Parish Newsletter
Bethany, First English and Friends in Christ
Lutheran Churches
Epistle for September, 2013
Lutheran Church
First English
Lutheran Church
Friends in Christ
Lutheran Church
Meets at
the DAC
in Sebeka
Sunday Schedule
Worship 10:30 AM
Every Sunday
Sunday School 9:30 AM
1st & 3rd Sundays
59423 140th St.
Menahga, MN 56464
Sunday Schedule
8:30 Worship
9:45 Coffee Fellowship
9:45 Sunday School
Sunday Schedule
9:30 Worship
Fellowship & Sunday School
following worship
17 Main St. NW
Menahga, MN 56464
305 5th St SW
Sebeka, MN 56477
Members of
Mission Statement
“Bethany, First English & Friends in Christ Lutheran Churches are a caring, inclusive
Christian Community dedicated to Word and Sacrament ministry; Growing in Christ;
Sharing the faith; Serving our neighbors; and Supporting each other.”
Phone: 218-564-4610 ~ Fax: 218-564-5885 ~ Parsonage: 218-564-4949 ~ E-Mail: [email protected]
PO Box 189 ~ Menahga, MN 56464
Senior Pastor
Steven Bruer
[email protected]
Bethany Council President
Art Yliniemi
Associate Pastor
Michael McIlheran
[email protected]
Bethany Organists
Shirley Anderson
Sandi Mickelson
Dale Lubitz
Parish Secretary
Dayna Anderson
First English Administrative
Board President
Marie Henstorf
First English Organist
Mary Hanninen
First English Custodian
Tim Ellingson
Friends in Christ Board of
Trustees President
Tim Puttonen
Friends in Christ Pianists
Ardis Olson
Lacey Olson
Chris Olson
The Epistle and weekly bulletins are also available online at: www.firstenglishbethany.org
Pastor’s Perspective...
Can you believe it? Fall is in the air.
In just a few short days, all the students
will return or will have returned to
school. Our relaxed days of summer
are now quickly getting filled with
activities, events and schedules. Each
time a new year of school kicks off it
keeps us all running for months.
Even if you don’t have kids or yours
are grown and off on their own, there is
a certain energy that comes with the
beginning of the school year that is
unmatched the rest of the year. This
time of year just asks a lot of us.
It’s not just the school year that
begins anew in the fall. The TV
schedule brings forth its new line-ups
in programming. Football and other
sports fill the schedule inviting us to
spectate or participate.
Churches resume or renew their
program ministries – and we are no
exception. We have a growing number
of things on our fall calendar as well,
things that I am very excited for and
hope will expand our mission together,
as we jump back into worship,
learning, fellowship and service in the
coming months.
Autumn also offers new possibilities
to make worthwhile changes in our
lives. Fall gives us an occasion, similar
to New Year’s and Lent, to set goals, to
revive our disciplines that may have
gone lax over the lazy summer days,
and think about how we structure our
time, relationships and responsibilities.
As our calendars begin to fill-up with
commitments and activities, it doesn’t
take much to let time get away from us.
But in the midst of the hustle and
bustle this fall, I hope we will reclaim
some of our time. It’s an integral part
of our stewardship. Churches are really
good at talking about stewardship in
terms of financial commitments and
that is an important piece of our
stewardship. But intentional
stewardship of our time seems
necessary in our fast-paced, high-
demand world. God gave us time as a
gift, to be utilized, appreciated and
As our calendars begin to fill-up
with commitments and activities, it
doesn’t take much to let time get away
from us. My calendar gets filled so
quickly that I forget to pencil in time to
relax, time to breath, time to reconnect
and recharge with God and others.
Maybe not even pencil but to write in
ink those events and times that are nonnegotiable not only to me, but for my
family. I invite you to look at your
calendar too.
What are things you wish you had
more time for? Have you saved time
for devotions and worship to God? Is
there something new you want to add
that would enhance your Christian
walk? Reclaim time this fall with me
and blessings to you as you use this gift
of time to the fullest.
See y’all in church this fall,
Pastor Steve
People keep asking how Deb and I
like it here in Menahga. WE LOVE IT!
Although, I am reminded each week
that we are only half here. It is hard
each week to leave for the Twin Cities
and we so look forward arriving back
at the little town by the lake. We had
to laugh recently as we were third in
line at the stop light. “Traffic jam!” we
both shouted. It was so funny that 3
cars constituted a traffic jam in
Menahga. I do admit to one problem. I
woke in the bedroom in Brooklyn
Center and thought I was in Menahga
and found myself stumbling into a wall.
The bedrooms, doors, etc. are
identical until you go through the
door. It would be nice to have one
home to get used to.
One of the highlights of the summer
has been the Music at Spirit Lake
concert series. The Celtic group was
fabulous. But the one that touched my
heart was the bluegrass group, Monroe
No matter how the lyrics, you can’t
help be happy with bluegrass. For
instance, Monroe Crossing has a
Gospel album out called, “Joy, Joy,
Joy.” The title song is one of my
favorites. It talks about that no matter
how many things bring us sorrow, the
Lord will bring us “Joy, Joy, Joy” on the
other side.
But there are two other songs that I
also felt my foot tapping along to. One
says, “My name is Judas, my Lord I did
betray.” It talks about all the miracles
that Judas witnessed and yet he turned
from the Lord. He was one that the
Lord selected to by his partner. He
ended up betraying Jesus and hanging
himself in a potter’s field. That song
had both Deb and I thinking. “Did
Judas go to heaven?” asked Deb.
Tough question, Pastor Dude! I had
already been thinking about that. Judas
was part of God’s plan on his trip to
the cross. Jesus knew ahead of time
what Judas was going to do and didn’t
stop him. Can Judas, then truly be held
accountable? Now Jesus also knows
what we are going to do and lets us
sin. Can we be called to account for
ourselves? Of course we can! WE DID
IT. WE SINNED! Judas and I are
BOTH betrayers. Yet we both have
Jesus to be our lawyer as we are called
to account for our sins. Jesus won our
place in heaven for us.
Another foot tapper was a song
with a chorus that said, “That’s alright.
This is my mama. She caught the fever
and she died. But I’m not crying ‘cuz
she’s with Jesus. I’ll see her bye and
bye.” What a sad song and yet so very
happy. I see the deaths of so many
people of different faiths. In every
death there is grief. But true Christian
families are at peace, a peace that
surpasses all understanding. Their
loved one is gone but they know they
will be reunited one day. I don’t see
that in Jews, Hmongs, or Muslims.
Yes, Jesus is like bluegrass music.
No matter how mournful the song,
you still find your foot tapping to the
music and smiling with the music. No
matter how many bad things happen in
our lives, the Lord is with us, watching
and protecting us. And one day we will
be with Him in heaven. NOW THAT
Keep on the sunny side!
Pastor Mike
First English Lutheran Church
Administrative Board Meeting August 7, 2013
Members Present: Marie H., Marlene S., Dick D., Corrine N., Sara M., Brian
J., Ariana W., and Pr. Bruer
Members Absent: Roger H., Clarita D.
Secretary’s report was read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved
Committee Reports:
Evangelism - Corrine is working on gathering volunteers and creating a plan
for blood pressure checks as an outreach to the congregation.
Building and Grounds - Dick is in communication with Howard’s Driveway
to schedule our driveway paving. Thank you to the congregation for
supporting this important project! Also, weeds in the front were sprayed last
Education - Discussion about fall Sunday School.
Pastor’s Reports: Pastor Bruer and Pastor McIlhern presented their reports in
written form.
Old Business:
1.Parking Lot Update - Dick is looking into options to do a portion of the
work for a discount.
2.Committees formed in September - at least two people on each committee.
3.3 point parish comment box - Brian will put out the box at our church in
the coming week.
4. Funds for LYO trips - put in budget? - Youth Sunday - the council
recommends fellowship coffee will be designated for the LYO and labeled
so the congregation is aware. The council will revisit the budget issue with
the LYO at the August 2014 meeting. Pr. Bruer brought up the idea of
including all three churches in Youth Sunday. Sara will work on this.
Motion was made and approved to add a budget line item in the 2014
budget for “Youth Ministry” in the amount of $500.
5.Camp Noah - Very successful! Kids are loving it. Thank you to all who
contributed with volunteering and food for Camp Noah!
6.VBS - Very successful! 45 campers partnered with the United Methodist
Church. Thank you to all volunteers!
New Business:
1. LCMC Gathering - Pr. Bruer talked with council members about
2.Membership List - The evangelism committee will be working on a few
letters for inactive or long distance members to make contact and
encourage a connection.
3.Resignation - motion made and approved to accept Jason Wright’s
resignation as worship accompanist and choir director. Next month the
council will talk about an appreciative gesture for Jason.
4.Sara would like to pursue Jonathan Swenson as a speaker in the future.
This will be brought to the board in September after members review the
Next meeting is September 4th, 2013.
Devotions will be by Ariana W.
Meeting adjourned.
$ 1056..00
$ 7.28
Food Shelf
$ 50.00
Parking Lot
$ 200.00
$ 150.00
$ 1,468.28
Loose Offering
Parking Lot
Parking Lot
Loose Offering
World Hunger
Loose Offering
Food Shelf
$ 884.00
$ 50.00
$ 20.00
$ 19.00
$ 5.00
$ 80.00
$ 1,038.00
Daniel: Lives of
Integrity, Words of
A Bible Study by Beth
Thursday evenings 6:00
September 12th will be a
review of the first 6
weeks and then we will
start the second half of
the series on September
19th and every Thursday
until October 24.
First English Lutheran
Church, Menahga
Everyone is Welcome to join
Friends in Christ Lutheran
Church on Sunday,
September 15th at 9:30 AM
for Worship in the Park.
Lunch will be served
following the service.
The bible discussion for Friends
In Christ will begin Sunday,
September 22nd at 10:45 am (after
the service). We will be
discussing the book of
Revelation. The study guides are
available, see Sue Luukkonen or
call her at 837-6493.
LCMC Annual Gathering
We are seeking folks to go to the LCMC Annual Gathering in
Dearborn, Michigan October 6-9. We are currently planning to
take a bus together with other interested congregations. The
cost for the bus depends on the number of riders. There will also
be a motel stay on the way there and back. We are planning to
leave from First English Saturday morning and return on
Thursday sometime. We can have as many as we want to go. You
do not have to be a council member! Sign up early to be able to
register for the special treat of the Ford Museum tour & meal at
a $40 cost. The Ford Museum tour will fill up quickly so we need
to get the registrations in soon. Contact Pastor Steve or Pastor
Mike with questions or if you are interested in going!
The beginnings of Sunday school
Englishman Robert Raikes, born in 1735, was a Christian layman who was
pained to see unschooled children working six days a week in factories or
mines. On Sundays, children roamed the streets, often getting into trouble.
Most didn’t know how to read or write and knew nothing about Christ or the
As Raikes labored to reform England’s prison system, he noticed that many
children were imprisoned, stirring him to action on their behalf. He arranged
for halls and homes to be used for educational purposes on Sundays, the one
day children didn’t have to work. He found volunteers to teach reading, writing and math, as well as the Bible and Christian beliefs.
The first Sunday school class was held in July 1780. Amazingly, by 1788 some
250,000 children were attending such schools. This occurred despite some
people’s opposition to the education of lower-class children.
Countless boys and girls have attended Sunday school classes since then,
thanks to Raikes, who brought Christ’s light and love to children around the
Ruby’s Pantry next distribution is Saturday,
September 21, 2013. Registration is at 8:00 am at
First English Lutheran Church and distribution is
at 9:30 am at the Catholic Church. If you are
interested in volunteering please be at the
Catholic Church around 8:00 A.M.
$ 1,575.00
Remember in
Melvin Schwartz
Betty Samuelson
Ruth Pudas
Valdean Warmbold
Gladwin Walker
Melvin Schwartz
Clyde & Verna Allebach
Colton Polman
Clayton Ellingson
Ken Augst
Clarita Dodge
Dave Etter
Katie Wilkowski
Lois Peterson
Dean Mickelson
Harold Koski
Irene Dempsey
Amy Schulte
Peggy Lake
Lucille Erickson
Ramona Olson
Audrey Johnson
Arlene Antilla
Maryann Lusti
Carol Alm
Kathy Yliniemi
Mary Ann Yliniemi
Ralph Cox
Marvin & Shirley
Susan Gullekson
Einard Koskiniemi
Our Country & Military
Our Churches, Pastors,
Leaders, and Staff
Present: Pastor Steve, Art Y., Ron M., Lynette Y., Lianna V. and Evelyn M.
Art called the meeting to order.
Pastor Steve led devotions.
Secretary’s report was read and approved.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
LYO experience-ask for feedback from kids.
Social Ministry-Lynnette: Would like to give a welcome basket to new people in the area and possibly leave
some church info at Wolf Lake businesses. Council agreed.
Education-Lianna: talked to Marci Sabin as she led VBS, children’s message-would like to have included in
church services. Lianna and Jamie will work on presenting a children’s message twice a month. Rally Sunday
is September 15 with Potluck following.
Worship-Ron: Possibility for Adult Bible Study on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month before church (9:30). It
will be called “Bible Study with God”. Ron agreed to do a temple talk to be included in Epistle. (A message
from disciple.)
Evangelism-Dale: (not here) Bibles are taken care of-sent off, place in Detroit Lakes wants as many Bibles as
possible. Radio spot has been ordered and paid for.
Building & Grounds-Mark: Cemetery work is in progress.
Pastor Steve: Busy month last month. Should work on the constitution regarding marriage between one
man and one woman. Holding services at Heritage House in Sebeka and Rose Haven in Menahga. Camp
Noah was a big success. Polka service on Auction day, we will have a practice the Wednesday night before.
Friends in Christ & First English churches have been invited.
New Business:
1.Went through membership list, will send miss you letters.
2.Constitution: Kris S. & Les R. will try to meet soon.
3.Organist for fall and winter-Jason Wright has resigned from First English, we need to find subs.
4.Coffee Hour will be included with Bible Study.
5.Prayer chain list.
6.Sandi Carstens put together a book with information about the
people who were buried at our cemetery. Lynette made a motion to
pay her $100, seconded and approved.
7.Pastor will take September 8, 2013 off, Tim Kohrs will substitute for 7/28/13
September 4th- Executive Council Meeting at Menahga.
October 23rd-Joint Council Meeting at 6:00 at Sebeka Senior Center.
October 13-Otteson’s will be entertaining at the church.
29 Adults 6 Youth
Next meeting is September 11.
There will be a Bethany Festival Meeting on
October 13th following worship.
Dear Friends, I just want to say Thank You for all the prayers for
Erica and myself. It is really tough being on the road and getting a
call that there were complications. The prayers that were sent out
helped Erica and I know they helped me also. Erica, Tim & Ryder
are all doing well now, Once again,
Thanks ~Steve Thompson
29 Adults 7 Youth
25 Adults 1 Youth
First English Women of the Word
First English Women’s Executive Board
Thursday, August 15th, 2013 4:00 PM
Devotions were given by Marlene Schiotz.
Secretary’s report read & approved.
Treasurer’s report read & approved.
A motion was made & seconded to give
missions $513.31 to operating fund.
A motion was made & seconded to transfer
$75.00 from cookbooks to the building fund.
A motion was made & seconded to give
$325.00 from the Lion’s Dinner to the church
operating fund.
Motion was made & seconded to give
$103.60 to special projects fund.
Discussed funeral serving & expenses.
September birthday party at Green Pine
Acres to be planned.
Confirmation is in September.
September 25th at 6:00 PM will be the video
“Amazing Grace”, refreshments will be
Penny Pot Sunday is Sunday, September 29th.
Missions: People to bring articles for school
kits in September, backpacks are at the
The next meeting is on Thursday, September
19th, at 4:00 PM
The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer.
Lucille Erickson, Secretary
Midsummer Picnic
First English WoW
Ticket Sales
Total Income
Food Expense
Total Expenses
Distribution of Midsummer
Picnic Income
Menahga Food Shelf
WoW Special Projects
WoW Fellowship Activity
September 25 Woodside Manor 6:00pm
Come and enjoy Christian fellowship, ice cream sundaes, a
hymn sing-a-long, and the Movie Amazing Grace: Hymns
that Changed the World. See and hear the moving stories
behind some of the most beloved hymns –“Amazing Grace”,
“It Is Well With My Soul”, “What a Friend We Have In
Jesus”, “Silent Night”, and “How Great Thou Art”. Bring a
Penny Pot Sunday: 29th of September
Gather your pennies – so as First English women and
congregation we can reach out to Headwaters Intervention
Center, which helps those who have been a victim of
domestic violence and sexual abuse. On average, 24 people
per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking
by an intimate partner. Members of our own community have
been touched by Headwaters Intervention Center through
advocacy, education, violence education, violence
prevention, and crisis intervention. Remember your small
change can make a big difference!
Lutheran World Relief School Kits Collected in
Backpacks and a list of supplies are on a table in the
Fellowship Hall. Please consider supplying School supplies
for children across the world. Why? To children who
receive these supplies it means the difference between
getting an education or not. In places where LWR works
even a few required supplies like pen and paper may be more
than many families can afford. Providing school kits will
enable more girls to receive an education; because when
parents can only afford to send one child to school, girls
rarely get priority and yet the education of girls future
mothers, has the biggest impact on development, LWR
currently have request for school kits in Armenia.
WoW Bible Study beginning in September
The Wise and the Foolish is a Bible Study that will focus on
Jesus’ many discipleship parables. These “people parables”
explore the nature of discipleship and what it means to be a
wise and faithful follower of Jesus. Join us on Monday Sept.
9th at Woodside Manor Day Room at the Nursing Home at
10:00am or Tue. Sept. 10th at 6:00pm at church. Bring supper
if you don’t have time to eat. Studies will be available at our
first meeting. Cost is $5:00. Come for an hour of fellowship
and learning. Bring a friend.
Sunday School Rally Days
Bethany Lutheran
Sunday, September 15th
First English Lutheran
Sunday, September 22nd
Friends in Christ
Lutheran Church
Sunday, September 15th
Come and see what the Lord
has in store for you and your
children this year at your
Please keep the Sunday School students and
the teachers in your prayers this year!
17 Main St. NW—PO Box 189
Non-Profit Org.
Menahga, MN 56464
Permit NO. 3