Canada and the Mohawks of Akwesasne Finalize Kawehnoke


Canada and the Mohawks of Akwesasne Finalize Kawehnoke
Volume 2 Issue 10
Kenténha/ October 2012
Canada and the Mohawks of Akwesasne Finalize
Kawehnoke-Easterbrook Settlement Agreement
he Honourable John Duncan, Minister of
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development,
today joined Grand Chief Mike Kanentakeron
Mitchell of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
(MCA) and community members at a ceremony
to commemorate the final settlement of a specific
claim dating back to the 1820s. The negotiated
settlement includes approximately $5 million in
financial compensation.
“This historic agreement shows that negotiations
deliver results when there is a firm resolve on both
sides to find a solution,” said Minister Duncan. “We
look forward to building on our strong relationship
with Akwesasne as we continue to work together
on shared priorities, such as economic development
and creating the conditions for healthier, more selfsufficient First Nation communities.”
l to r: Federal Negotiator, Julie Gaudreau-Cormier, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, the honourable John
Duncan, Kana:takon District Chief, Larry King, Grand Chief Mike
Mitchell, Aboriginal Rights and Research, Cactus Cook Sunday
proposed settlement on May 26, 2012, and about
95 per cent voted in favour. The Government of
Canada approved the proposed settlement in
September 2012.
“We are pleased that a past wrong to our people
has now been corrected,” stated Grand Chief Mike
Mitchell. “Throughout the negotiations, it was
important that we worked together to resolve Canada and the MCA have also made progress in
this claim fairly, expeditiously and in the context their joint work in other areas.
of respect and good will that now serves as a
foundation for our future relationship. We look con’t on page 4
forward to working together in resolving larger land
claims that involve Akwesasne.”
The Kawehnoke specific claim related to lands
leased on Kawehnoke (Cornwall Island) between
1820 and 1934. As all the leased lands currently
are part of the Akwesasne Reserve, the focus of the
negotiations was on financial compensation only.
In February 2012, Canada and the MCA concluded
negotiations on a proposed settlement to resolve
the claim. MCA members voted to approve the
Table of Contents
Address by Honorable John 3
Mohawk Conversation and 5
Mohawk Council 6
Week of the Classroom 10
First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment 12
Tips for Akwesasne 14
Akwesasne Host Climate Change 15
Understanding our History with the Indian 17
Introducting our New Nurse 19
Grand Chief
Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell
Kana:takon District
Chief Larry King
Chief Florence Phillips
Chief Julie Phillips-Jacobs
Chief Steve Thomas
Kawehno:ke District
Chief Abram Benedict
Chief Brian David
Chief JoAnne Jocko
Chief Louise Thompson
Tsi Snaihne District
Chief April Adams-Phillips
Chief Joe Lazore
Chief Karen Loran
Chief William Sunday
Sheree Bonaparte
Executive Director
Joyce King
Justice Department
Sandra Benedict
Housing Department
Maggie Terrance
Community & Social Services
April White
Department of Health
Dr. Barry Montour
Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board
of Education
Jerry Swamp
Chief of Police
Akwesasne Mohawk Police
James Ransom
Onkwe’ta:ke - MCA’s monthly,
community newsletter, is published
by the Communications Unit. For
more information, or to provide
feedback, please email our staff at:
[email protected],
call (613) 575-2348 Ext. 2212, or
visit our facebook page.
Kenténha/ October 2012
It is with great honor that I
provide the Wat’kwanonweraton/
Greeting for the October edition of
Onkwe’ta:ke. I hope this newsletter
finds you and your family in good
health and spirits. I would like to
begin by sending out a niawen:kowa
to everyone who voted and elected
me into council. I would like to
continue where I left off on my last
term, get involved and do my part
to make a difference in Akwesasne.
I think of Akwesasne like a family,
and I am always willing to do what I can to help out my family!
Currently, I am the Major in the Public Safety Portfolio and Minor in DTS, Government
Secretariat and Economic Development.
I am also involved in the Finance
committee, Property Acquisition Team, Healthy Homes Initiative, Make Work Project,
Hogansburg Volunteer Fire Department, Ambulance, Akwesasne Water Law Task
Group, MCA Salary Review and MCA Employee Survey. Additionally, I am a chair on
the Akwesasne Lacrosse Hall of Fame.
Jay Benedict
Technical Services
Page 2
One of my major goals for this term include long term economic initiatives, as well
as creating legitimate jobs and opportunities for Akwesasronon. Currently, there
are many different employment opportunities and I am hoping that in the future,
these will come into fruition. Some economic opportunities, including utilizing solar
panels and fiber optic Internet, are just a couple of the ways to create long-lasting
jobs for community members.
In the month of October, I hope that all Akwesasronon will be safe, healthy, happy
and prosperous. For those of you that are/will be hunting, be sure that you are
respectful to our mother earth, recognize the Aboriginal Hunting Territories and
carry appropriate documentation to avoid any problems. For those of you hunting
for candy on Halloween night, be sure to practice safe methods of trick-or-treating.
In this edition of Onkwe’ta:ke, there is a full article on Safe Hunting Practices
and Safe Halloween Tips that everyone should review for the safety of themselves
and others.
I hope that you find our monthly Onkwe’ta:ke newsletters informative. Should
you have any questions, concerns or would like to learn more about the initiatives
mentioned about (or throughout the newsletter), do not hesitate to contact me at the
Mohawk Government Offices at 613-575-2348.
Chief Steve Thomas
October 2012
Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Development Canada: Signing of the Mohawks
of Akwesasne’s Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island)
Specific Claim
Address by the Honourable John Duncan, PC, MP, Minister of AANDC
Elders, Grand Chief Mitchell, members of the
Council of Akwesasne, community members, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour for me to
join you in this special ceremony today.
This historic agreement includes about $5 million
in financial compensation from our Government.
Claims like this one not only honour legal obligations, but also provide First Nations with the capital
to invest in new opportunities for economic develI feel particularly privileged when I am invited to opment, job creation and new business partnerparticipate in ceremonies of this kind, and I would ships, creating the conditions for healthier, more
like to take this occasion to extend my congratula- self-sufficient communities.
tions to the leadership and every member of your
community on this historic claim settlement. There Other developments that speak to the value of neis real cause for celebration here today, because re- gotiation to your community are key milestones
solving specific claims can open many doors to a achieved in our ongoing talks on self-government.
brighter, more prosperous future for First Nations Last spring negotiators concluded their talks on two
and their surrounding communities.
draft Agreements-in-Principle on governance and
on the management of reserve land. These are sigSince 2007, we’ve settled over 80 specific claims nificant steps toward final self-government agreerepresenting over $1 billion through negotiated ments that will ultimately give the Mohawk Counagreements. Many of these claims had been unre- cil of Akwesasne greater control over the decisions
solved for more than 20 years.
that affect your community in these key areas.
Today, we are celebrating the conclusion of the
Kawehnoke Specific Claim - a claim dealing with the
occupation of a portion of Cornwall Island and the
absence of revenues for that occupation. This negotiated settlement works to repair any harm that
was caused and settles this matter between us in
the spirit of Friendship, Peace and Respect. Today,
as we celebrate the conclusion of this longstanding claim, we recognize that a past wrong has now
been righted.
This historic settlement is also the product of remarkable collaboration and determination. So I want to express my appreciation for the hard work and efforts
of the negotiators on both sides, Grand Chief Mitchell
and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. Resolving
these claims is not an easy process - it takes patience,
open-mindedness, and a mutual willingness to find a
common solution. All of these qualities were brought
to bear on these negotiations, and they helped to ensure we successfully achieved our goal together.
October 2012
We have also made joint progress by renewing an
important political protocol. This protocol reaffirms our commitment to work in partnership with
the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne on key jurisdictional and development issues for the benefit of
the community.
The protocol also sets out the responsibilities and
processes necessary to address your unique development issues in terms of health care, security, social services and economic development.
I am sure everyone would agree that this historic
claim settlement is proof of what can be accomplished by negotiations conducted in good faith.
When there is a firm resolve on all sides to find a
common solution, claim talks can deliver results for
First Nations, and for all Canadians. Thank you.”
Page 3
con’t from cover
This includes renewing an important Political
Protocol on May 31, 2012, and achieving a key
milestone in their ongoing self-government
negotiations. These draft AIPs are significant steps toward final
self-government agreements that would give the
MCA greater control over the decisions that affect
its community in these key areas.
Negotiators for Canada and MCA also concluded
talks on two draft Agreements-in Principle (AIPs) –
on governance and the management of reserve land.
The Harper Government is committed to working
with First Nation partners across the country
to achieve results at negotiating tables for the
benefit of all Canadians. Negotiating claim and
self-government agreements is key to achieving
reconciliation and rebuilding relationships with
First Nation people in Canada. Since 2007, Canada
has settled over 80 specific claims representing over
$1 billion through negotiated agreements.
Minister Duncan presents an eagle totem to Grand Chief Mike
K. Mitchell in the exchange of gifts.
Grand Chief Mike K. Mitchell presents Minister Duncan with
lacrosse sticks in the exchange of gifts.
Kana:takon District Chief Larry King holds and eagle feather
given to him by Ernie Benedict.
Minister Duncan and Grand Chief Mike K. Mitchell finalize the
Kawehnoke Easterbrook Settlement Agreement.
The Political Protocol sets out how the
parties will continue to work together in
partnership on key issues for the benefit
of the community.
Page 4
October 2012
M.P. Quach Visits Wildlife Center
M.P. Quach met with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne on October 12th at the Lake Saint Francis Wildlife Center
Mohawk Conversation & Mohawk Song
-Submitted by Kaweienonni Peters
Ohston:ha takawistohte wahe?
It got a little cold huh?
Hen, ohston:ha takawistohte.
Yes, it got a little cold.
Son’weskwani kenh no:nen Kanenne’ke:ne
Do you like it when it becomes fall?
Hen, kwah i:ken tsi wakon’weskwani.
Yes,I like it very much.
“Everyday Mohawk” brochures and CD’s are available
at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education office
for $20. These were created through collaboration
between Taiaiake Alfred of the University of Victoria and
Kaweienon:ni Peters, AMBE Kanienkeha Specialist.
October 2012
Io ho
Tohsa sewatshe:hiaron
Kanien’keha sewata:ti
io we ia we e io
ne ne Onkwehonwehneha
kai na wi ia he ia
Io we ia we io
Io we ia we e io o o
Tohsa sewatshehia:ron
Kanien’keha sewata:ti
Kai na wi he ia
Io ho ooooooo
By The Sweetgrass Singers
Page 5
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
Resolutions (MCRs)
August/September 2012
Seskéha/ August 7, 2012 Special Meeting
2012/2013 - #140 Approval of Service Contract
with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services
Vote: For- 11; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #149 Appointment of Chiefs to Space
Needs Project Team Vote: For- 8; Against- 1; Abstentions- 0
Seskéha/ August 28, 2012 Special Meeting
Seskéha/ August 13, 2012 Special Meeting
2012-2013 - #150 Approve the Assignment of Lease
for Lot 18 Block C Hamilton Island
2012/2013 - #141 Approve participation in the First Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstentions- 1 CARRIED
Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study
Vote: For- 9; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0
CARRIED 2012-2013 - #151 Accept and approve draft audited
of CMHC Section 95 Phase 9 and authorize issue of
2012/2013 - #142 Accept contribution agreement audit
with the Ministry of Attorney General of Ontario
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstentions- 1 CARRIED
Vote: For- 9; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0 CARRIED
2012-2013 - #152 Support AEDF Committee
2012/2013 - #143 Commit funding for Tsi Snaihne recommendation to deny community business for
Lacrosse Box/ Hockey Rink and parking lot funding
Vote: For- 4; Against- 5; Abstention- 0 DENIED
Vote: For- 9; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0 CARRIED
2012-2013 - #153 Accept to enter into three year
Seskéha/ August 21, 2012 Special Meeting
agreement with law firm until September 30, 2015
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #144 DCSS Service Contract Agreement
Amendment with the Ontario Ministry of Education 2012/2013 - #154 Approve Legal Counsel Retainer
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0 CARRIED Agreement with law firm
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #145 Approve community business
for Akwesasne Economic Development Funding Seskéha/ August 30, 2012 General Meeting
Vote: For- 9; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #155 Accept and approve the attached
2012/2013 - #146 Approve community business Special General Meeting Minutes dated April 21,
for Akwesasne Economic Development Funding
Vote: For- 8; Against- 2; Abstentions- 0
CARRIED Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #147 Approve community business
for Akwesasne Economic Development Funding
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0
2012/2013 - #148 Appointment of community
member to AMPC for District of Kana:takon Vote: For- 8; Against- 0; Abstentions- 1
Page 6
2012/2013 - #156 Accept and approve the attached
General Meeting Minutes dated April 26, 2012
Vote: For- 11; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
Seskehkó:wa/ September 4, 2012 Special Meeting
2012/2013 - #156A Accept guiding principles
October 2012
toward the establishment of a Community Trust for 2012/2013 - #168 Request Access to Section at
proceeds of current and future settlements
Library and Archives Canada for ARRO research
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 1 CARRIED Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #157 Appointment of Community Trust
Internal Technical Team members and mandate
Vote: For- 11; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #158 Approve payout to community
business for 2011-2012 fiscal year
Vote: For- 8; Against- 3; Abstention- 0
2012-2013 - #159 Approve attached terms of
reference of the Special Needs Committee
Vote: For- 9; Against- 1; Abstentions- 1 CARRIED
2012-2013 - #160 Approve the amended Special
Needs Policy as attached
Vote: For- 11; Against- 0; Abstentions- 0 CARRIED
Seskehkó:wa/ September 11, 2012 Special Meeting
2012-2013 - #161 Hold General Meetings every
third month until June 2015
Vote: For- 8; Against- 3; Abstention- 0
2012-2013 - #162 Approve application submitted
by community business for AEDF for fiscal year
Vote: For- 9; Against- 0; Abstention- 0
2012/2013 - #169 Accept and approve the
attached Special Meeting Minutes dated May 15,
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #170 Accept and approve the attached
Special Meeting Minutes dated April 17, 2012
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #171 Request to extend by ten years
the Independent Assessment Process program
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #172 Accept and approve attached
Prosecutor Agreement to provide services to
Vote: For- 8; Against- 1; Abstention- 1
2012/2013 - #173 Appoint of community member
to represent District of Tsi Snaihne on the AMPC
Vote: For- 7; Against- 2; Abstention- 1
Seskehkó:wa/ September 25, 2012 Special Meeting
2012-2013 - #174 Approve new lease for whole of
Ball Island a.k.a. Collins Island
Vote: For- 8; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #163 Transfer land from MCA back to
community members
2012-2013 - #175 Support development of project
Vote: For- 11; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED application to AANDC Climate Change Adaptation
2012/2013 - #164 Approve the Assignment of Lease Vote: For- 8; Against- 0; Abstention- 0
for Lot 3 St. Francis Island
Vote: For- 9; Against- 0; Abstention- 1
CARRIED 2012/2013 - #176 Accept the Akwesasne
Governance Code Committee Terms of Reference
2012/2013 - #165 Transfer land from MCA back to and mandate
community members
Vote: For- 8; Against- 0; Abstention- 0
Vote: For- 8; Against- 0; Abstention- 0
2012/2013 - #166 Approve new lease for Lot 27
Stanley Island
Vote: For- 10; Against- 0; Abstention- 0 CARRIED
2012/2013 - #167 Grant financial institution access
to territory as requested by community business
Vote: For- 9; Against- 1; Abstention- 0
October 2012
Seskehkó:wa/ September 26, 2012
Emergency Special Meeting
2012/2013 - #177 Agree to utilize funding
arrangement for Home and Community Care Case
Vote: For- 7; Against- 0; Abstention- 0
Page 7
Report From District Chief Abram Benedict
n September 4, 2012 Chief Phillip-Jacobs, Chief
Phillips, Chief Jocko, Chief Adams-Phillips, Chief
Loran, and I attended a morning breakfast and a
tobacco burning at the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School
(AMS) which was held to welcome the teachers
and staff of the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of
Education (AMBE) back for the 2012/2013 school
year. On September 5, 2012 Justice Darlene Francis
conducted the swearing-in ceremony for our newly
elected, re-elected, and appointed trustees for
AMBE. The trustees include Tasha Thompson and
Laura Morris representing Kawehno:ke, Theresa
Thompson and Darlene Adams representing Tsi
Snaihne, and Connie Hall representing Kana:takon.
The second Kana:takon seat is currently vacant due
to the recent resignation of Lori Phillips. This seat
will be filled through an appointment in accordance
with AMBE regulations. On September 19, 2012
the board held its annual organization meeting
where trustees were given an overview of the
AMBE structure and a budgetary breakdown of
the $13.3 million AMBE budget. During the annual
organization meeting, Theresa Thompson was
elected Chair and Tasha Thompson was elected
Co-chair. Regular AMBE board meetings occur on
a rotating basis between district schools and occur
the first Wednesday of the month with the first 30
minutes of the meeting reserved for community
input. Congratulation and best wishes to the new
elected, acclaimed, and returning members of the
Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education.
On August 28, 2012 Denis Vinette, Regional Director
General for Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA),
and Steve McNaughton, Ottawa District Director for
CBSA, attended the Council Special Meeting. The
intent of their attendance was to provide them with
the opportunity to meet the new Council members
and for them to give Council an update on upcoming
changes. As previously reported, CBSA will be
relocating to the end of the new North Channel
Bridge once it is completed. With this relocation,
the CBSA is planning on building and utilizing 5 or 6
lanes in order to process traffic either arriving from
Page 8
the United States or from Cornwall Island. Mr. Vinette
reported that the CBSA is continuing to work with
the United States and the United States Customs
and Border Protection (USCBP) to establish a CBSA
Port of Entry beside the Rooseveltown USCBP port.
Mr. McNaughton reported that a US location is
the first choice for Canada followed by a Cornwall
location and that a return to Cornwall Island is not
being considered by CBSA. CBSA also reported that
in collaboration with MCA’s Aboriginal Rights and
Research Office (ARRO) they have completed two
cultural sensitivity training sessions with 12 officers
in each session and an additional session is planned
for October 2012. The CBSA previously reported
that they cannot allow for alternative reporting for
Akwesasne residents arriving on Cornwall Island
from the US because CBSA does not have a secure
location on Cornwall Island available for them to
conduct secondary inspections, if needed. At land
crossings where alternative reporting is allowed,
there are secure locations available where CBSA
officers can conduct secondary inspections. The
challenge for Akwesasne is that our position
since 2009 has been that the CBSA officers are
not allowed to carry firearms on our Territory
which includes the corridor on Cornwall Island.
At the same time, CBSA cannot consider making
any accommodating actions on Cornwall Island if
they are unable to carry firearms at this location,
October 2012
because they are required to carry firearms as part
of their job duties. There is currently no community
consultation being planned by Council with regard
to changing the 2009 position.
Strategic Planning
On September 20th, 23rd and 24th the Council
traveled to Morrisburg to begin the development
of our strategic plan for the 2012-2015 term. The
department directors and core services of the MCA,
including Human Resources, Finance, Information
Services, and Operational Support, participated in
these sessions along with Council. Over the three
days Council produced a number of core strategies,
goals, and objectives to be achieved over the next
three years. A follow up session will be held in the
future to review the draft developed and to continue
to work toward finalizing the strategic plan.
Recent donations of Council
-$3,000 was donated to a community member
to assist with education expenses
-$5,000 was donated to the Iroquois Nations
Cup Tournament hosted in Akwesasne
-$700 was donated to a community member
to assist with training cost shortfalls
-$2,000 was donated to the Standing Rock
Boxing Club to assist with costs to travel to a
P.A.L National Championship in Toledo
-$12,000 contribution was made to the
Mohawk Nation to assist with the costs of
Super Readers Become Super Heroes
Tsi Snaihne School kicked off this year’s reading incentive program with a “KAPOW!” Read Like A Super Hero started on September
14th when students were presented with a free book, Robert Munsch’s “A Promise Is A Promise,” a blank superhero mask to be
decorated and a yummy cupcake. Students are encouraged to read 20 minutes a day. All students who reach this goal will be
rewarded monthly, as well as at the end of each term. There will also be a Super Hero Carnival at the end of the year for all the super
readers. This year’s reading incentive program is being sponsored by Enbridge Inc. This year’s motto is “Super Readers Become
Super Heroes at Tsi Snaihne School!”
October 2012
Page 9
AMBE RECOGNIZES Shakotirihonién:ni Raonenhià:ksera / Week of the
Classroom Teacher
Kenténha/October 9, 2012 – In recognition of the outstanding contribution made by classroom
teachers and their classroom support staff, the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education
(AMBE) celebrated “Shakotirihonién:ni Raonenhià:ksera / Week of the Classroom Teacher”
during the week of Kenténha/1-5, 2012 and “World Teachers’ Day on Kenténha/October 5,
Beginning in 2004, AMBE has designated the first full week in Kenténha/October to recognize
teachers for their hard work and dedication. Teachers were provided with treats throughout the
week in recognition of all that they do for our children and youth.
Good teachers form the foundation of good schools. Teachers, along with parents and
administrators work to provide the best learning environment for their students so that they are
able to reach their full potential in school and beyond.
“Shakotirihonién:ni Raonenhià:ksera / Week of the Classroom Teacher” is open to anyone
who would like to honour our teachers’ work and dedication. AMBE would like to encourage
everyone to extend a sincere “Niawenko:wa” to our teachers at anytime throughout the school
“Imagine if we loved other people’s children enough to do what we would do for our own—to fight for them, to protect them, to work to give them the
best of everything. That level of compassion takes courage...courage to act on what we know is best for children—to dig in our heels and say no to bad
decisions, to risk condemnation, or even our jobs to support what we know is right for children. The real
heroes in education are the people willing to take a stand for what is right.”
—Dr. Marian Galbraith,
2002 Connecticut Teacher of the Year
Page 10
October 2012
Tehotiiennawakon Conducts Walleye Study
Tehotiiennawakon Department is calling out to
any fishermen and women that would like to provide
Walleye fish samples.
south shore on the American side. Anglers have said
that fish on the south shore out into what is known
as, Lake St. Francis, are said to taste the best. With
this study we would like to collect more information
on these types of differences that anglers notice with
Looking for:
the walleye that is caught from St. Lawrence River
• Whole walleye fish
and the Lake St. Francis area. Locations of industrial
• Fin clips (the specimen could be returned
sites seem to coincide with the differences that
to the river alive, only a small clipping is
fishermen and women find with walleye (FIGURE
required) for mercury testing.
1). So through the determination of mercury levels
• If the fish is for consumption, we will collect
along with PCB testing there is hopes of concluding
tissue, gonads and liver for PCB study
that there are in fact four different sub-species
of walleye. Some species may not have as much
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Environment mercury contaminants as other – which would
Department is working in conjunction with the St. allow fish consumers to steer clear of those that are
Lawrence River Institute along with the Ontario more dangerous.
Power Generation to conduct a study on walleye in
the St. Lawrence River, and Lake St. Francis area.
This study hopes to expand on the understanding of
the distribution of the sub-species of walleye based
With traditional Mohawk fishing knowledge being on contaminants levels. With the discovery of these
used as the basis for this study, there is said to be sub- species there is hope that one of these sub-species
as many as four different sub-species of walleye that of walleye will have safer levels of contaminants,
are caught from the St. Lawrence River and Lake St. thus allowing the Mohawks of Akwesasne to again
Francis area. It has been noted that anglers from return to once great St. Lawrence River fishery.
Akwesasne, with their vast knowledge of fishing,
have noticed small differences in the fish they catch.
Taste is just one of these small differences anglers If you are interested in participating in this study or
identified. Walleye from the north shore of Cornwall have any comments please contact:
are said to taste differently from the walleye caught Jade Gabri at Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
upstream on the north shore, and furthermore the Tehotiennawakon Department
differences continue with walleye caught from the 613-575-2250 ext. 1048 or [email protected]
our different possible sub-­‐species of Walleye in of
the St. Lawrence River FIGURE
in the
St.System. Lawrence
Walleye sub-­‐species 1 – High Mercury Levels (Domtar) River System
Walleye sub-­‐species 3-­‐ High Mercury and PCB levels (mix of ALCOA, GM and Domtar w aters) Walleye sub-­‐species 4-­‐ Low levels of mercury and PCBs Walleye sub-­‐species 2-­‐ High PCB Levels (ALCOA, GM sites) October 2012
Page 11
First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study
kwesasne is one of eighteen First Nations
communities in Ontario that have been selected
randomly to participate in The First Nations Food,
Nutrition and Environment study. Eight Community
Research Assistants (CRA(s)) from Akwesasne start
training on October 9, 2012 to learn how to properly
survey community members for this project.
Surveyors will have until December 13, 2012 to
collect all the data for the study, so we are asking
our community for assistance in achieving our goal
of 200 surveys in two months. All data collected
is confidential.
The CRA will be trained in survey techniques and
will obtain individual consent from all participants
prior to completing any of the survey. The CRA will
conduct a dietary interview with one adult (male or
female) from 200 randomly selected houses from all
districts of Akwesasne. If consent is obtained the
height and weight of the participant will be taken
and a sample of hair will be obtained to determine
mercury content. Any hair left from sampling after
analysis is complete will be returned to participants.
When and where necessary, tap water samples
will be collected. Traditional food samples will
also be collected for analysis of nutrient and/or
contaminant data.
There are five components to the study:
• A household interview consisting of a oneyear food frequency questionnaire, a 24
hour food recall and a brief social, health
and lifestyle questionnaire
• A drinking water sample for trace metals
Eight Community Research Assistants for the First Nations, Food,
Nutrition and Environment Study. Standing (L-R): Debbie Cook,
Linda Lazore, Peggy Pyke-Thompson (Community Research
Coordinator), Clarissa Jacobs, Victoria Day, and Dawn Lazore.
Seated (L-R): Cecilia Francis, Kelly Thompson, and Shannon Hall.
• Surface water sampling for pharmaceuticals
(from 3 bodies of water)
• Hair sampling for mercury
• Sampling of traditional foods for nutrient
and contaminant analysis.
This project will help us to make decisions on
whether or not we should revise some of the food
advisories that we have on consumption of fish and
other traditional foods including venison, moose,
maple syrup, berries, corn, beans, squash and other
edible plants and foods that we continue to eat today.
Some of the plants that are used for medicinal teas
may also be tested.
Help us do this project; please provide permission
to the CRA that comes to your home to interview
you and collect samples.
Public Service Announcement from AFN:
The Assembly of First Nations is engaged in a new
First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment
Study that is examining water and traditional foods
for environmental contaminants in 18 randomly
selected communities in Ontario.
Page 12
To gather this important environmental health
information the AFN will be working with
researchers from universities in northern BC and
Montreal and will contact your community for help.
October 2012
For more information call the AFN Environmental for their contributions and partnership in the
Stewardship Unit toll free at 1-866-869-6789 study, community results will only be provided and
extension 285 or visit our website, or explained separately to each community.
the project’s website at
Upon analysis of the community’s data, a presentation
Further Background Info:
will be made to the community by a nutritional
The First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment research coordinator who will be available to
Study (FNFNES) aims to gather food and water highlight key findings for the community, interpret
samples and diet information by region and results, and answer any questions the community
ecozone from 100 randomly selected First Nation members may have.
communities across Canada.
This includes
information on food security, current traditional and Each participating First Nation is considered to be
store bought food use, testing of traditional foods the owner of their data which will be returned to the
for nutrient values and presence of environmental community following data analysis. Training is also
chemicals, testing of drinking water for trace metals provided to a designated individual(s) from each
and surface water for pharmaceuticals. This project First Nation in how statistical analysis can be used
is jointly run in partnership between the Assembly to further analyze their own data. The Assembly
of First Nations, the Université de Montréal and the of First Nations is the data custodian of the data,
should any First Nation require additional access to
University of Northern British Columbia.
their own data. This data is securely stored and is
Sample collection and data analysis has been only available upon proper request from the First
completed for 21 First Nations in BC and 9 First Nation to which it belongs.
Nations in Manitoba. Seven First Nations in Ontario
have completed data collection and an additional 11
North Shore Recovery High School
are participating this fall including your community.
Visits Akwesasne
FNFNES hires community research assistants from
every participant community in order to create
capacity and provide local employment. A paid
training session is held for all community research
assistants to ensure that they are confident and
ready to collect data through administration of a
household survey.
Each partner First nation collects samples of
traditional foods from their community to ship
for analysis of chemical contaminants. Based on
the nutritional information collected through the
household surveys, results will be presented for
each community and for the region as a whole on
food security and completeness of diet. Water is
collected from households to test for trace metals
such as lead, arsenic, etc. Participants can also
provide a small sample of their hair for mercury
analysis. If any cases of an exceedance are found,
the results are immediately communicated to the
individual for further action.
Protecting the confidentiality of participating
individuals and First Nations is paramount.
Although each participant First Nation is recognized
October 2012
Principal Michelle Lipinski with current and former students
of North Shore Recovery High School out of Beverly, Massachusetts. The high school is unique in that it serves adolescents recovering from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Detective Sargeant Matt Rourke, SRMT Tribal Court Chief Judge
PJ Herne, and Healing to Wellness Drug Court Administrator
Micaelee Horn brought the group to Akwesasne to present
at local high schools and the Senior’s Center in Hogansburg.
Della Adams and Tami Mitchell were able to dine with the
group on their lunch break at the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino. They enjoyed their tour of Akwesasne.
Page 13
Akwesasne Hunters: Tips for the Hunting Season
ith the start of this year’s hunting season, the
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne is providing the
following information to explain current hunting laws
and policies in Ontario and Quebec that may/may not
apply to Akwesasne hunters. These are general items
to keep in mind to help you avoid any difficulties, as
there are areas of disagreement with the provincial
governments in regards to Aboriginal hunting rights.
ammunition. Federal laws about the storage and safe
transportation of firearms also apply, and you can get
charged under the Criminal Code for possession of
unregistered restricted weapons.
Recognized Aboriginal Hunting Territories
There has been no surrender of the Haudenosaunee
Aboriginal right to hunt and fish in the watershed of
the St. Lawrence River. If you are hunting or fishing for
food, in the St. Lawrence watershed east of Gananoque
and west of Point au Baudet, we believe your right to
hunt is recognized in the Canadian constitution.
Respect for the Natural World
We have our own traditional laws. While you may be
exempt from most provincial hunting laws; our laws
about conservation, safety and respect for the natural
world continue to apply. We also expect you to respect We have treaties with neighboring Algonquins and
our traditional deer hunting seasons that begin after the the Ojibways. The Algonquins assert aboriginal rights
first killing frost and ends at Midwinter.
and title in the Ottawa River watershed. We believe
there are also Haudenosaunee rights in part of that
Carry Appropriate Documentation
watershed. We recommend you contact the Algonquins
To avoid any problems with provincial authorities while of Pikwakanagan to confirm their agreement if you want
hunting, we suggest you carry proper identification: a to hunt in the Ottawa Valley. To Contact the Algonquin
Haudenosaunee “red card” or a Canadian Certificate Nation please call (613) 625-1230.
of Indian Status. If you meet provincial conservation
officers, treat them with the respect that is owed to treaty In other parts of Ontario, provincial recognition of
partners: during hunting season, they have a difficult Haudenosaunee hunting rights varies. There is clear
job to do, and we agree with their conservation efforts. recognition of our hunting rights in the southwestern
(Windsor-Niagara-PenetanguisheneFederal firearms laws continue to apply to you. While Tobermory). From east of Toronto to Gananoque,
the federal firearms registry has been dismantled, you to avoid problems, we suggest you check with local
still need a Firearms Acquisition Certificate to own a Ministry of Natural Resources officers, because the
gun, to possess one (even a borrowed one) and to buy treaty hunting rights of the Mississauga people are
now being re-argued in court. Contact the Ministry of
Natural Resources Southern Regional office at (705)
As for the Lake Huron watershed, the provincial
government recognizes that Aboriginal peoples have
the right to share hunting grounds. To hunt around Lake
Huron and Lake Superior, you will want to ensure that
you have a letter from a nearby Ojibway council. As for
Metis groups, while there are Metis hunting rights, it is
not clear that they can be shared, nor is it completely
clear who may qualify as a Metis with hunting rights.
Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal Hunting Parties
We need to be very careful about hunting parties made up
of Haudenosaunee hunters and non-Aboriginal hunters.
Page 14
October 2012
There have been situations where non-Aboriginal
hunters have used the presence of people with hunting
rights to take more game than their licenses allowed
(“the Indian shot them all”), and until the rules are
clarified, we suggest that you restrict your hunting to
groups of Aboriginal people.
hunting rights is not yet clear, so when you are hunting
with someone under 16 years old, you will want to
ensure there is close supervision and careful training.
All of this may seem complicated. It is. But we can
put it simply, too. For deer hunting, you should hunt
safely, within our traditional seasons, for food, with
registered firearms and with other Haudenosaunee
Practice Hunting Safety
hunters, carrying proper identification, in the St.
It is possible, after the Supreme Court of Canada’s Lawrence Valley or in southern Ontario west of
Morris decision that provincial hunting safety laws Toronto. For moose hunting, you should consider the
apply to you, as well. In practical terms, this means: Lake Huron and Lake Superior watersheds, but make
don’t shoot across a road; don’t have a loaded gun in a sure you have written acknowledgement from a local
car; don’t hunt at night. The law about young people’s Ojibway council.
Akwesasne Hosts Climate Change Forum
CA’s Department of Tehotiiennawa:kon
hosted the North American Partnership for
Environmental Community Action (NAPECA)
Climate Change Forum on Seskehko:wa / September
18th – 20th, 2012 at the Kanatakon Recreation
in the District of Kanatakon (St. Regis). Over 60
participants registered and took part in the 3-day
The forum focused on Climate Change Adaptation,
Food Security and Traditional Plant use, with
presenters from Canada and the United States. The
Forum’s principal speaker was Chief Oren Lyons,
Faithkeeper and Chief of the Onondaga Nations
Council of Chiefs. Presentations, discussions and
working sessions included such topics as:
• Regional Climate Change Predictions
• Case Studies in Climate Change & Food
Security in Indigenous Communities
• Understanding the Impacts: What does
Western& indigenous Science tell us?
• Linkages between Climate Change Impacts
& Community Vulnerabilities
• Adaptation Planning: Getting Started, Tools
& Resources,
• Asset Mapping: Building on Strengths
• Staying Connected: Creating Communities
of Practice
• Assessing Risk & Determining Priorities:
Examples from Canada
October 2012
Participants from NAPECA join host representatives from
Tehotiennawakon by the St. Lawrence River.
• Action NOW: The Next Steps, Where Do We
Go From Here? & Food Security
Participants attended a social, consumed a
traditional meal and were entertained by the
provided Akwesasne Women Singers. Everyone was
invited to participate in the singing and traditional
dances and we can honestly say, “Every seat was
empty because everyone danced!”
A few students from the Freedom School participated
and listened to the presenters and were also
extended the invitation to join us for lunch.
The Climate Change Forum was a success this year.
The Department of Tehotiiennawa:kon would like
to say “Niawenko:wa / Thank you” to everyone
involved in making this happen.
Page 15
I Love You, Baby Fair
n September 7, 2012, Community Health hosted
a “I Love You, Baby Fair” at the Kanonkwatsher:io
Atrium. Many community support programs were
present and each representative promoted their
valuable resources to our participants.
Our newest community members arrived in tow
with their parents and it was a delight to see the little ones smile and coo as each staff member greeted
them. Their presence seemed to bring happiness
and joy, newness to life and community.
This day we recognized World Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; to the children/families diagnosed
with this disorder. We recognize that children
throughout the world are diagnosed with FASD.
Awareness that their life is just as important and
they need the support, patience and guidance
Tsionatiio Laughing with her son Tehanonsakahnion Thompson
to becoming successful adults.
A TREE of PEACE was displayed with our new babies’ pictures displayed on each branch. The tree
represents growth, each bud represents new life.
Our community grows with each new birth and the
tree represents our goal...Our Children’s Future.
What is the Flu?
nfluenza (flu) virus is a very contagious virus that
attacks the lungs first, but may spread to other parts
of the body. It is spread by contact with secretions
from the nose and throat of an infected person
Flu Prevention:
Get annual flu vaccine.
Wash hands frequently.
Cover up your cough or sneeze.
Keep shared surfaces clean (doorknobs,
telephone, keyboards etc.).
• If you are sick, stay home!
Page 16
Flu Vaccination Schedule:
Friday, October 26th in Kanatakon at
Community Health from 8:30am to 3:30pm
Tuesday, October 30th in Kanatakon at
Community Health from 4pm to 7pm
*Further dates to be announced.
If you have any questions please contact us at MCA
Community Health (613) 575-2341 Ext. 3219
October 2012
Understanding Our History with The Indian Act
nderstanding the current legal relationship
between Akwesasne and Canada’s federal
government is no easy task. This relationship
reflects the governing system here in Akwesasne,
pre-colonial traditions, and a history of legislation
and Indian Policy. One of the most influential pieces
of legislation affecting First Nations here in Canada
has been The Indian Act. The Indian Act is federal
legislation that was passed by Parliament in 1876.
There were several revisions and amendments
made to the act, but the main components that
have guided Indian Policy for the past 136 years
have remained the same. Understanding the
concepts that provide the back bone of The Indian
Act will help us to determine which sections are
working and which are not working for Akwesasne
in these contemporary times. It is the mission of
The Entewatathá:wi (Nation Building) Program
to assist Akwesasronon in becoming informed
about our history with The Indian Act, and
the self-government agreements that are now
being negotiated.
The Act, as it stands today reflects a flawed system
where the majority of jurisdiction and authority lies
in the hands of the Minister of Indian Affairs. While
there are some provisions in the act that provide
some protections to First Nations, the majority of the
sections give jurisdiction over First Nation affairs
to the department of Indian Affairs. This Act has
become outdated and continues to be driven by the
old ideas that Canada’s role is to control, assimilate,
and protect First Nations peoples. In this day and
age First Nations have the drive to take control of
our own affairs, maintain our own identities, and
protect our own lands and people. It is time for our
relationship with Canada to reflect that Akwesasne,
now more than ever, has the resources and programs
in place to retain the authority over its own daily
affairs. In order to move forward we need to
understand where we have come from historically.
We need to understand the past legislation and
relationship with the federal government in
order to determine where we need change and
growth in governance.
Akwesasne Elder Ernest Benedict stated:
October 2012
“In order for people to think they need some facts
to help them. In order to govern themselves well
they must know their history, laws and court cases,
and decisions. If it is worth anything to you to
be Akwesasronen you will learn your history and
laws so that you can help govern yourself. If you
cannot govern yourselves to your own satisfaction
there are always those who are willing to govern
to their satisfaction”.
It is in this essence that Entewatathá:wi would
like to invite you begin this process of learning.
Entewatathá:wi invites all interested community
members to attend an educational lecture series
presented by Dr. Neil MacDonald. This series will
focus on promoting an understanding of The Indian
Act, and how it affects Akwesasne. The presentation
will also introduce the community the Governance
and Relationship and Lands and Estates Sectoral
Agreements-in-Principle. These agreements are
the basis of the negotiation of a Self-Government
Agreement between Akwesasne and Canada, which
will redefine the relationship that is in place now.
These agreements will give Akwesasne jurisdiction
and recognition to control their own affairs.
The Presentation will
cover the topics of:
Our Path to Entewatathá:wi
“We Will Govern”
The Entewatathá:wi Program is continuing its educational initiatives
to help the community understand the Indian Act, and introduce the
Governance and Relationship and Lands and Estates Sectoral Agreements in principle. Over the next few months Entewatathá:wi will be
hosting a series of informational meetings and events. An educational series on the Indian Act for both Akwesasne’s leadership and
the community is underway!
1. What is the Indian
-what does it do?
-what is its purpose?
-How Does it affect
2. What are the SelfGovernment
-Why are they being
Entewatathá:wi invites you to attend
A Community Forum
at the Snye Recreation Center
25,, 2012
5pm A Dinner will be served
6-8pm Dr. Neil MacDonald’s
Presentation on The Indian Act
For More Information
Please Contact
The Entewatathá:wi Program
(613) 575-2250
Ext. 1056, 1058 or 1059
“If you cannot Govern yourselves to your own satisfaction there
are always those who are willing to govern to their satisfaction”
-Ernest Benedict
Page 17
Notice from the Office Of Vital Statistics
Secure Certificate of Indian Status Cards (SCIS)
lease take note that the Mohawk Council of The Office of Vital Statisitics cannot, on behalf of a
Akwesasne, Office of Vital Statistics is still issuing Community Member, inquiry as to the status of their
the paper laminated Status Cards (Band Card).
There are two types of Secure Certificate of Indian
Status Cards (SCIS). One type is for Border Crossing
and Tax Exemption. The other type is for Tax
Exemption only. At this time, Indian Affairs is not
issuing Secure Certificate of Indian Status Card for
Border Crossing. The Office of Vital Statistics has
no information as to why the cross border card is
not being issued. Community Members who have
applied for the cross border card have been sent
only the Secure Certificate of Indian Status Card for
Tax Exemption. Community Members have been
informed that they will be notified when Indian
Affairs will be issuing the cross border cards at a
later date.
All information for:
Indian Status application
Secure Certificate of Indian Status Card (status card/
band card)
McIvor (C-3) application
Must be made by the Community member by calling:
Focus Meeting on Economic Recovery Strategy
n Monday, October 29th at 6 p.m., there will
be a focus meeting on the Economic Recovery
Strategy held at the Tsi Snaihne Recreation Center.
Page 18
For more information, please contact the Mohawk
Goverment Offices at 613-575-2348.
October 2012
Introducing Our New Nurse Practioner
he Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Department
of Health would like to welcome Nurse
Practitioner Joelle Regnier, the newest addition to
our team. Ms. Regnier hails from Cornwall, Ontario
and has been a Nurse Practitioner for 12 years.
license from College of Nurses of Ontario in 2000.
She worked as a NP in a community health center
for three years, and returned to the hospital when it
became Cornwall Community Hospital. Ms. Regnier
was the Nurse Practitioner Hospitalist from 20032006, looking after admitted patients who didn’t
have a family physician or who’s physician didn’t have
admitting privileges. In 2006, she transferred to the
Emergency Department and worked as a NP for the
next two years, developing a passion for Emergency
medicine. She became Director of the Emergency
Department, PICC team and Assault & Sexual Abuse
Program (ASAP) at CCH until 2010. She left CCH at
this time, and practiced as a NP in long term care,
managing the medical care of
300 long-term care residents
at two facilities along with the
Medical Director. For the last
eleven years, she has taught
at University of Ottawa in the
Primary Health Care Nurse
Practitioner program. She
graduated from University of
Toronto in June 2008 receiving
a Master’s degree of Nursing
and a Certificate in Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner.
Press Relea
She will be serving the community exclusively from
the Kawehnoke Medical Clinic, until she receives
her Quebec Practitioner’s License. She will then
provide services from The Akwesasne Medical
Clinic in Kanatakon at Kanonhkwatsheriio and the
Kawehnoke Medical Clinic. Ms. Regnier, as a Nurse
Practitioner is able to diagnose and manage many
disorders, chronic diseases, and some emergencies,
order diagnostics, and refer you
to specialists if needed. Nurse
Practitioners are able to do
complete physicals, and medicals
required, and cares for you during
your pregnancy and after you
deliver. Our Nurse Practitioner
will be providing primary health
care services to well clients
for maintenance of health,
clients with chronic diseases
like diabetes, hypertension,
heart failure, osteoarthritis, and
mental health concerns, along
with treating acute episodic
“Over the years, I have had
conditions such as pneumonia,
the pleasure of meeting
infections, and minor injuries.
and working with several
She can also prescribe all medications, with members of the community of Akwesasne…” Says
the exception of Narcotics and other controlled Ms. Regnier. “My journey as a health care provider
substances. Ms. Regnier will also be seeing clients has been rich with experience. I feel blessed to take
at home with Home Care nurses. She will also see this experience with me to Akwesasne and to share
Palliative Care clients.
it with the community.” She also states “My three
daughters (Kassia 16, Danika 14, Micha 13) are the
Ms. Regnier, NP, began her Nurse Practitioner journey biggest part of my life; as I continue my journey, I
in 1989, when she received a diploma in Behavioral work at setting the stage for my daughters to become
Science, and a Nursing diploma in 1992, both from St- good, kind people throughout their lives.”
Lawrence College in Cornwall. She worked at Hotel
Dieu Hospital in the Critical Care Unit and at the We look forward to having her in our Community.
Ottawa General Hospital in Hematology/ Oncology,
Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, and Intensive Care
Unit until 2000. In 1997, she started the Bachelor If you would like to make an appointment to see the
of Nursing and Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Family Nurse Practitioner, contact the Kawehnoke
and received her degree and Nurse Practitioner Medical Clinic on Kawehnoke at 613.932.5808
The Mohawk Cou
of Health would li
Practitioner Joelle
our team. Ms. Reg
Ontario and has b
October 2012
She will be servin
from the Kawehno
receives her Queb
will then provide services from The Akw
Kanatakon at Kanonhkwatsheriio and th
Ms. Regnier, as a Nurse Practitioner is a
many disorders, chronic diseases, and s
diagnostics, and refer you to specialists
are able to do complete physicals, and m
you during your pregnancy and after yo
Practitioner will be providingPageprimary
2012 National Kateri Conference
his past spring, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
graciously donated $25,000 to Akwesasne Kateri
Prayer Circle and the St. Regis Mission Kateri Circle.
These two Kateri Circles teamed up to host the
national Kateri conference.
On July 18th-21st, over 800
participants attended the 73rd
Conference in Albany, NY to
celebrate the life and legacy of
Blessed Kateri. This year’s theme,
“Walking in the Footsteps of
Kateri” was appropriate, as many
Akwesasronon will be following
Kateri Tekakwitha to the Vatican
in Rome this October as the Lily of
the Mohawks achieves Sainthood.
Each day of the conference generally consisted of
a sunrise service, a keynote speaker, workshops,
healing services and sunset closing prayers. Gifts
were presented in the form of the Three Sisters
(beans, corn and squash) as well as sweetgrass
baskets to Bishops who attended
the conference.
The final day consisted of “Walking
in the footsteps of Kateri”. One
group traveled to Fonda, New York,
where Kateri had spent 20 years
of her life. This group was able to
listen to Tom Porter’s presentation
of the life of Kateri and discussion
of Native spirituality. Artist David
Ciampichini spoke about the logo
he created for the conference as
well as other paintings he made in
Kateri’s honor. The other half of
the group visited Auriesville, New
York the site of Kateri’s birthplace.
A mini powwow was orgnanized
Official portrait of Kateri Tekakwitha by local for all to enjoy.
Much of the first day was
spent registering conference
ceremony was held to greet the
During the welcome
ceremony an opening prayer was artist Jordan Thompson.
recited. Following the opening
The 2012 National Kateri
was a grand entry of all the Kateri Prayer Circles who Conference was a great success thanks in part to
were in attendance from all over the United States, the many organizers, donors, and participants.
Canada, and even Australia. Various organizations Safe travels to those Akwesasronon attending the
were on hand to offer words of welcome and a cultural canonization of the Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
presentation by Jerry “Thundercloud” McDonald.
in Rome.
The altar cover made by the Syracuse Kateri Committee.
Page 20
Rosemary White, Theresa Steele, Bernice Lazore, and Laura
Morris. Photo courtesy of Laura Morris
October 2012
Historical Plaque Commemorating the
Maynard- Mckewon Archaeological Site
t the request of Grand Chief Michael K.
Mitchell, the Aboriginal Rights and Research
Office (ARRO) represented the Mohawk Council of
Akwesasne (MCA) at the “Unveiling and dedication
Historical Plaque Commemorating the Maynard –
McKeown Archeological Site”. The invitation was
extended to MCA from the South Nation Conservation
Authority (South Nation) an active partner of MCA.
The invitation included a request for a community
member to offer special words of thanksgiving on
the 25th anniversary of the site’s excavation. South
Nation has teamed up with the Grenville County
Historical Society to make this event a reality on
September 22, 2012.
South Nation’s Senior Forest Technician, Chris
Craig (Algonquin) acted as Aboriginal Liaison
between event organizers and regional First
Nation communities. Algonquin Elder Skip Ross of
Pikwàkanagàn (Golden Lake) and Curtis Lazore,
Researcher for MCA represented the Aboriginal
Peoples of Eastern Ontario in addressing the audience.
Lazore states “The purpose for our presence at this
event was to represent the local contemporary
First Nations Peoples who are the ancestors of
the original inhabitants of this 16th century St.
Lawrence Iroquois village site. It is believed that…
“researchers found evidence of twenty-three
multifamily longhouses, superior defensive works
and clues to the daily lives of the inhabitants”…here at
the Maynard -McKeown site.
Skip Ross (Golden Lake), Curtis Mitchell (Mohawk), and Chris
Craig (Algonquin) pose with comemorative plague that stands
on the Maynard-McKewon Archaeological site.
Grand Chief Mitchell became involved in the project
on behalf of Akwesasne. He was instrumental in
ensuring Mohawk field technicians were included in
this project to assist in the dig. The intention of this
approach was to develop a cross cultural exchange
between Traditional Aboriginal Knowledge and
Euro-Canadian Science. From his first introduction
to Dr. Pendergast a friendship was formed that
would last until the passing of Dr. James Pendergast
in 2000. The MCA and ARRO would like to encourage
all Akwesasronon to stop by the site in Maynard,
Ontario to view the dedication plaque and to learn
more about our collective history.
Curtis Mitchell offered words of welcome and For more information about this event please call
thanksgiving and Skip Ross closed with a prayer in Curtis Lazore at MCA’s Aborginal Rights and
the Algonquin tradition. Presentations were given Research Office at 613-575-2348.
throughout the program by various dignitaries,
representatives and special guests. Special
recognition was given to past Archaeologist, Dr.
James Pendergast who was instrumental in the
The Hydro Quebec office
creation of the site’s excavation in 1987. His daughter
is now located in Admin 4
Anne Wallner spoke of her father’s life work. Also
Housing Department
archaeological, husband and wife team Dr. James V.
First St & Hilltop Drive
and Dawn Wright assisted in the 1987-89 field work.
Kanatakon or the Village of St Regis
Dawn spoke of the effort and hard work put into this
dig by the field crew.
October 2012
Page 21
Sisters in Spirit Vigil Held on Kawehno:ke
Kahontineh Swamp, organizer of Akwesasne’s Sisters in Spirit Vigil, addresses her female high school students and tells them ““You
girls are now reaching the age where your risk has become greater and I want you to know you are precious and loved and that you
should be cherished.”
or the past seven years, the Native Women’s
Association of Canada has designated October
4th as a day to remember and honor the lives of
the many missing and murdered Aboriginal women
and girls and offer support to families who have
been tragically affected by the loss of a loved one
to violence. On October 4th, Sisters in Spirit Vigils
took place across Canada, on the Seneca Nation,
New York, Los Angeles, California, Los Cruces, New
Mexico and in La Paz, Bolivia.
women and girls who have been murdered or
missing over the last twenty years. April Thomas
read a list of the names and ages of Haudensaunee
women who were murdered or missing over the last
two decades.
She also shared that she could not ignore the fact
that a childhood friend had been tragically murdered
on Kawehno:ke in 1994 when she was just 18 years
of age. To date, no one has ever been convicted of
her murder.
Kawi and the memories she had of her. As children,
Kahontineh, Karonhienhawi, and Kaniehtahawi
attended the Akwesasne Freedom School and could
not pass up the opportunity to honor her.
Karonhienhawi Thomas, investigagtor for the St.
Regis Mohawk Tribe’s Sexual Assault Team, gave
some startling statistics on sexual assault. She also
shared that there is a need for a shift in paradigm
as to how this community views and deals with
Kahontineh Swamp attended a Sisters in Spirit Vigil domestic violence and sexual assault.
in Calgary, Alberta a few years ago and decided
to bring the vigil to Akwesasne. As a high school mechanisms in Akwesasne that can help victims.
resource teacher, Kahontineh wanted to teach Kanientahawi Sharrow recounted heartbreaking
her female students that they are to be respected memories from the night she last saw her dear
friend Dawn Kawisiiosta Lazore alive. Misty Lazore
and cherished.
courageously spoke to the crowd about her aunt
There were many tears shed throughout the vigil.
There were also many hugs. Many people came out
Many in Akwesasne quickly came to her aid in to the gathering to show their support to the families
organizing the vigil. A few women served as guest and friends who have suffered a lost, and to honor
speakers and bravely shared personal stories on those women whose lives were tragically ripped
how violence has affected their lives. Stacy Huff and away from their families, friends, communities and
Tsiawi Elijah sang songs to honor the 582 Aboriginal nations all too soon.
Page 22
October 2012
Career Choices and Exploration Program
he Career Choices and
three-week program delivered
at the Akwesasne Employment
Resource Center, is a program
funded by the Akwesasne Area
Management Board. This program
is designed to assist individuals
with identifying their career
choices, creating an educational
plan based on their aptitudes,
interests and personality and
exploring various post-secondary
options. The program includes
Visits, Career Choices and Exploration Program participants with Instructor Linda Lalonde.
Funding Presentation Day (local
funding sources presented information of their to participate in the job marker and runs for
funding available to students) and a Guest Speaker 14 weeks. It not only teaches how to find a job
Day. The first Career Exploration Program started but how to keep a job and includes topics such
as Customer Service, Critical Thinking, Conflict
September 17th and ran for three weeks.
Management Workplace Ethics and Protocol…. and
A Guest Speaker Day was held on October 2nd so much more. Both fall under the Akwesasne Area
at the Akwesasne Area Management Board’s Management Board’s programming and are offered
Youth Resource Center. Individuals from local at various times throughout the year.
organizations were invited to speak on topics, such
as career choices, employment opportunities, their “Despite the recession, Akwesasne has really
grown, we now have more jobs, developments, and
department and labour market information.
businesses than our neighboring towns. We are
Invited guests included:
growing towards being a prosperous community
and the future is with YOU.” Narissa Thompson, on
• Mary Ellen Cooke, Education and Training
Steve Cook and Kasey Thomas’ presentation.
Program Manager, Akwesasne Mohawk Casino
Brendan White, Ashley Tarbell, and Jacey
Rourke, Communication Unit - Mohawk Council
of Akwesasne
Steven Cook, and Kasey Thomas, Economic
Development, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
Jim McLennan, Labour Market Information
Analyst, Service Canada
Dan Garrow, Employment Officer, Akwesasne
Area Management Board
Guest Speakers spoke to the Career Exploration
students along with another group of students,
Personal Development and Employment Program
(PD&E). The PD&E Program is designed to assist
individuals facing employment and personal
barriers develop a broad range of skills, knowledge
and work experience needed and required today
October 2012
A big nia:wen kowa to all presenters who shared
their personal and professional experiences. Your
information was relevant and invaluable.
appreciate the time and commitment to presenting
information to our participants who are striving for
success and working towards reaching their goals.
For more information on the Career choices and
Exploration Program, contact the Akwesasne
Employment Resource Center at 518.358.3047.
The next three- week program is scheduled for
November 2012. For information on the Personal
Development and Employment Program, contact the
Akwesasne Area Management Board 613.575.2626.
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October 2012
October 2012
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Halloween Safety Tips
Whether you are a young child or merely a young child at heart, Halloween is a fun holiday for all ages.
Use these tips to make sure that Halloween is an enjoyable, safe and happy time for everyone!
For Children:
Never go into a stranger’s house unless your parents are with you and say that it is okay. There are some
people that aren’t very nice to kids and you must be cautious.
Be careful when you are crossing a street. Make sure to look in both directions and make sure that no
cars are coming. If you have a little brother, sister or cousin with you, take their hand and help them
cross the street.
Only go into homes where the resident is known and hey have outside lights on as a sign of welcome.
Don’t snack on any food that isn’t commercially wrapped.
Always make sure that if you are Trick-or-treating on the road, that you walk facing traffic. You should
also select costumes with bright colors to increase your visibility and choose face paint instead of masks.
Masks can make it hard for you to see properly and can restrict peripheral vision, making it difficult to
check for oncoming traffic before crossing a road.
Vandalism is never cool! Throwing eggs at cars and houses is not cool. Someone has to clean it up and it
could be you if you get caught. You could also be arrested and punished as a juvenile. Think about how
you would feel if someone did that to your house and how bad it would make you feel.
For Parents:
Make sure that you or an older, responsible adult will be travelling with your child.
Know the route your kids will be taking if you aren’t going with them. Let them know that they are to
check in with you every hour, by phone or by stopping back at home. Make sure that they know not to
deviate from the planned route so that you always know where they will be.
Teach your child to stop at the curb, look left, right and left again, and to listen for oncoming traffic. This
vital skill is especially important when children are distracted and excited.
When purchasing a costume, mask, or wig, make sure the label says “Flame Resistant.” Although this
does not mean these items will not catch fire, it does indicate the items will resist burning and should
extinguish quickly once removed from the ignition source.
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October 2012
Winning stories will be adapted into 1 act skits for a
FUTURE performance.
Scary Story Contest
To submit stories or for
more information
8 Week Boot camp
Where: A'nowarako:wa Arena,
Turtle Room
When: 2:00-3:30pm Thursdays
From: October 18 th -December 7 th
Come join us and learn to live well
with diabetes. Lets commit to a
fitter lifestyle and work towards a
healthier future!
Call to pre-register in our boot camp challenge don’t wait space is limited!!
Call Catherine at 613
613-- 575
575-- 2341 ext 3244
October 2012
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October 2012
Akwesasne Family Wellness Program
Is Proud To Host the 15th Annual
Celebration of Life Conference
Honoring & Recognizing Our Native American Women
Prepare to indulge yourself in two days of smiles, laughter, tears, and culture while the gathering gives the
community the opportunity to share in the growth of the human spirit. The speakers who are dedicated to
their own healing and work are willing to share own personal stories, obstacles, and struggles.
Special Keynote Speaker & Artist
10 0 T
Joanne Shenandoah
$100 per Ticket for Entire Conference & Show
November 29th & 30th, 2012
Snye Recreation Center
LU N C H &
8:30am to 4pm
This is an amazing opportunity to have so many inspiring women in the same place, sharing their
To Purchase Your Ticket OR For Subsidy & Inquiries
Please Contact
Akwesasne Family Wellness Program
Speak To An Outreach Worker
October 2012
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October 2012
October 2012
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ohawk Council is pleased to announce that the Akwesasne Heating Assistance Program will run once
again this year. There will be two separate programs, one of which you can apply for depending on
your age category. One is specific for the Elders known as the “Elder Heating Assistance Program (60 and
older) and the other the “Akwesasne Heating Assistance Program” for community members under the
jurisdiction of Mohawk Council.
The application process is open to all community members, one per household, beginning wednesday
October 24th, 2012 up to Friday November 30th, 2012. The final deadline for applications to be submitted will be at 4pm on Friday November 30th, 2012. There will be no exceptions after that deadline date
as the fuel distribution will then begin. As per Mohawk Council Resolution 2011/2012 #171, if you are
under the age of sixty (60) years old, this year’s heating assistance amount will be $400.00 dollars per
household for those who apply and are eligible. For Elders 60 years of age and older each head of household will receive $600.00.
Also, other criteria will apply. You must provide a copy of the heating bill for which you wish your heating
source to be paid. There will be no exceptions to this, and the bill must be accompanied with your application. No individual checks will be processed, but your name will be provided to your heating source for
the amount to be debited to your account.
The following dates and locations are where the applications will be taken and staff from the Community
Support Program will be available at those times to take your application. Also, please feel free to drop
into the Community Support Program office to fill out an application. For seniors and shut-ins who cannot make these locations and times, or if you have any general inquiries, please call the Community Support Program office at (613) 575-2341 and someone will be glad to assist you.
Dates and Locations are as follows:
Iohahiio 8am -4pm
Wednesday October 24th
Monday October 29th
Tuesday November 6th
Friday November 9th
Saturday November 17th
Monday November 19th
Monday November 26th
Thursday October 25th
Friday November 2nd
Monday November 5th
Saturday November 10th
Friday November 16th
Friday November 23rd
Friday November 30th
Sweetgrass 8am-4pm
Tuesday October 30th
Thursday November 1st
Wednesday November 14th
Wednesday November 21st
Saturday November 24th
Wednesday November 28th
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October 2012