January 3, 2016 - Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart


January 3, 2016 - Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
1111 St. Joseph Parkway at San Jacinto / Fannin St.
Church Hours — M - F: 6:30 am - 6 pm; Saturday: 9 am - 8:30 pm; Sunday: 6:30 am - 9 pm
Weekend Mass
Sacrament of Penance (Confessions)
English: Saturday Vigil 5 pm
Sunday 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 5:30 pm
Vietnamese: Saturday Vigil 7 pm
Sunday 1 pm
Spanish: Sunday 7:30 pm
Monday - Friday: 30 minutes prior to Mass
First Thursday of the month: 4:30 - 5:15 pm
(Weekdays: Confessional near the Sacred Heart transept)
Weekday Mass
7 am, 12:10 pm Monday - Friday
7:30 pm, First Friday: Vietnamese Mass,
followed by Exposition and Benediction
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:15 - 8:45 am (between 7 & 9 am Masses)
10:15 - 10:45 am (between 9 & 11 am Masses)
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Vietnamese and Spanish 30 minutes prior to Mass
(Weekends: Confessional near entrance way on the right)
Parish office is located at the Cathedral Centre.
1701 San Jacinto at Jefferson St.
Houston, TX 77002-8215
(Parking behind the Centre)
Phone: 713-659-1561 Fax: 713-651-1365
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
(Closed: 12 noon - 1 pm)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, D.D., S.T.L.
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
The Most Reverend George A. Sheltz, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop
The Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus
The Most Reverend Vincent M. Rizzotto, D.D., J.C.L., Retired Auxiliary Bishop
Co-Cathedral Clergy
The Very Reverend Lawrence W. Jozwiak, J.C.L., Pastor / Rector
The Reverend Anthony Columba Ekanem, MSP; The Reverend Alfonso Dat-Nhan Tran, Parochial Vicars
Deacons: Johnny Salinas, Leonard Lockett, John Carrara, Daniel Addis and Khoi Duy Le
Co-Cathedral Staff
Selma DeMarco-Director of Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation and Interim DRE
Stephanie Rocha-Youth Director
Crista Miller - Director of Music / Co-Cathedral Organist; Natasha Manley - Music Associate / Wedding Music
Michael Emmerich - Co-Cathedral Associate Organist; Jeong-Suk Bae - Co-Cathedral Assistant Organist
Bree Delphin - Secretary for Weddings; Elizabeth Perez - Secretary for Sacramental Records and Bulletin
Deacon John Carrara - Business Manager; Gwenne Buck - Facilities and Project Coordinator
Shannon Wesley - Parish Accounting; Chris Felix - Building Engineer
Martha Alvarez - Secretary; Carmen Benitez - Baptismal Secretary/Receptionist; Esmeralda Cervantes - Receptionist
Ruben Valenzuela, Trong Pham - Maintenance; Guillermo Herrera, Ray Garcia - Sextons
Phone: 713-659-1561
Visit our web site for vital info: www.sacredhearthouston.org
New Parishioners:
Church Certificates:
Vocations for Priesthood and Religious Life:
Register with the parish office: ext. 101.
For all sacramental certificates: ext. 137.
—For infants & children under age 7—713-337-3570.
—For 7 years & older (Rite of Christian Initiation
adapted for Children): ext. 142.
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE):
For pre-K through high school: ext. 142.
First Penance & First Holy Communion:
For 2nd through 12th grade: ext. 142.
—For high school youth: ext. 142.
—For adults: ext. 141.
High School Youth Ministry: ext. 142.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
For adults inquiring about becoming Catholic and
baptized Catholics who lack Confirmation and Holy
Communion: ext. 141.
Evangelization & Adult Faith Formation: ext. 141.
Music Ministry: ext. 152.
Young Adults: [email protected]
Contact ext. 131 at least 9 months prior to wedding date.
Contact the Office of Vocations: 713-652-8239 or
Holy Communion to the Sick/Homebound: ext. 101.
Anointing of the Sick:
Any Catholic who is to have surgery due to a serious
illness; any Catholic whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age should be anointed
ASAP, preferably before going to the hospital.
Contact the parish priest to be anointed: ext. 101.
Funerals: ext. 101.
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help:
Wednesday before 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Friday during 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass
Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction:
—First Thursday of the Month (English)
Conclusion of 12:10 pm Mass until 6 pm
—First Friday of the Month (Vietnamese)
7:30 pm Mass followed by Exposition / Benediction
Parish Outreach: [email protected]
Tours of the Church: ext. 143
Pastor’s Message
January 1 and 3, 2016
Mary, Mother of God and Epiphany
Happy New Year!
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
What a wonderful way to begin the New Year with
Mass on January 1: a holy day of obligation for Mary, Mother of God. But we also dedicate this day to pray for peace in
our fragile world. Both are important, necessary realities!
All Marian feasts reflect a truth more about Jesus than
Mary. Mary is called the “Mother of God.” This title comes
from the Greek word “Theotokos” which means “bearer of
God.” This teaching reflects the truth about Jesus Christ, that
He is truly God as well as truly man, one divine Person with
two natures: divine and human. The Council of Ephesus in
431 A.D. declared “If anyone does not confess that God is
truly Emmanuel, and that on this account the holy virgin is
the mother of God (for according to the flesh she gave birth
to the Word of God become flesh by birth), let him be anathema (condemned).” The Council carefully stated that Mary
is the Mother of God “according to the flesh” born into time
on this earth so as to emphasize that she did not give birth to
God in the beginning as if she is the source of His divinity.
But since Jesus’ divine and human natures are inseparable,
Mary is called the mother of God as well as the mother of
the man Jesus.
It is interesting to note that most Protestant Christians
accept this teaching that Jesus has two natures, both divine
and human. It is a teaching that is based on faith since the
human mind cannot grasp this truth, as with the Trinity, that
Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Yet
when it comes to the truth of the Eucharist, that the substance of bread and wine becomes the real presence of Jesus,
most Protestants cannot accept this divine truth. But this
divine truth is just as biblical as the other divine truths rooted in scripture: “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is
true drink” (Jn. 6:55).
On January 1, we are called to pray for world peace. Let
the Prince of Peace teach us how to live in peace, respecting
the dignity of every human being! Jan. 3-9 is National Migration Week: A Stranger and You Welcomed Me. Jan. 3 is
Epiphany Home Blessing/Migrant Prayer—p. 12
2nd Collection next Sunday—Loan Reduction
Relics of St. Anthony of Padua—p. 11
the feast of Epiphany where the three Magi from the East, a
foreign land, came to offer gifts. All people have their gifts
to offer, including the immigrant and refugee! But do we
welcome them? Yes, immigration is a hot topic. But it is an
issue that must be addressed in a just fashion. Are we willing
to allow God’s word to help fashion our mindset? “You
shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than
the natives born among you; you shall love the alien as yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt. I, the
LORD, am your God” (Lev. 19:34). The truth is that our
ancestors or we ourselves are immigrants to this nation.
“Jesus tells his disciples, ‘I was hungry and you gave me
food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger
and you welcomed me’ (Mt. 25:35). The call to welcome the
stranger plays an important role in the lives of faithful Christians and has a particularly central place for those who work
in the migration field. The migrant, who moves from one
country to another is truly a stranger in the midst. Often unfamiliar with the local tongue of the new country, not to
mention its customs, the migrant needs the support of local
communities so that they can better adjust to their new surroundings. National Migration Week 2016 picks up on the
theme of welcome and, in doing so, calls on each of us to
welcome the stranger among us.”
An equally hot topic is the many refugees fleeing their
homelands, as well as people’s legitimate fears of allowing
possible terrorists into our nation. But remember these refugees are fleeing the chaos, the terrorism in their own homelands. 99.9% of these refugees are no different than us who
just want a safe home to live in and raise their families, a
place to live in peace. Yes, we must find the “balance” of
safety and also providing humanitarian outreach to those in
need. Or as St. Matthew states: a stranger and you welcomed me. Pray that we may work for just solutions to difficult issues. As the responsorial psalm for Jan. 1 states: “May
God bless us in his mercy.” May we also be merciful to all!
Praised be the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Forever, amen!
Hãy chúc tụng Thánh Tâm Chúa Giêsu đến muôn đời, amen!
¡Alabado sea el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús! ¡Por siempre, amen!
Fr. Lawrence W. Jozwiak
Pastor / Rector
p. 3
p. 4
WELCOME to the Co-Cathedral!
We are a community of faith where all people are welcome!
Visitors, please come back as often as possible. If you do not
have a parish home, consider joining our parish, sharing your
time and talent with us. All monetary donations will support
the ministries and services that we provide. Please be generous
in your giving. Thank you. For any questions, ask the Greeters
in the narthex.
Participate as fully as you are able to do so, using these pages.
Silence all cell phones please!
The shepherd went in haste, and found Mary and Joseph
and the Infant lying in a manger.
Our God has appeared on the earth, and lived among us.
Prelude: When Jesus, Our Lord—Mendelssohn
Gathering Hymn:
#535 We Three Kings
Readings: #990
Offertory Music:
Motet: Ther e Shall a Star —Mendelssohn
Hymn: #534 As with Gladness Men of Old
Communion Music:
Chant: Antiphon: Vidimus stellam (chant mode IV): We
Have seen his star in the east, and are come to adore the Lord.
Motet: Ar ise, Shine, O J er usalem—Palestrina, arr. Jackson
Hymn: #537 The First Nowell
Recessional Hymn:
#531 What Star is This
Order of Mass
Gathering Hymn
Introductory Rites
Penitential Rite
Kyrie eleison; Criste eleison; Kyrie eleison
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading
#990 in the red hymnal
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 72
R. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord.
Second Reading
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
God, born of the Father before all ages, God from God,
Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not
made, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all
things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came
down from Heaven,
(We all are to make a bow of the body during the next 2 lines.)
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come
again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His
kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the
Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken
through the Prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. E
I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the
world to come.
Prayer of the Faithful
Offertory Music
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Altar and Presentation of the Gifts
P. Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be
acceptable to God, the almighty Father.
C. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name, for our good and the
good of all his holy Church.
Eucharistic Prayer
P: The Lord be with you.
C: And with your spirit.
P: Lift up your hearts.
C: We lift them up to the Lord.
P: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. C: It is right and just.
Sanctus / Holy, Holy, Holy
Mysterium Fidei / The Mystery of Faith (A)
The Communion Rite
Agnus Dei / The Lamb of God
P: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins
of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
C: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my
roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Reception of Holy Communion:
For those who are practicing actively the Catholic Faith.
Please bow before receiving the Body and/or Blood of Christ.
Communion Music
The Concluding Rites
Recessional Hymn
p. 5
A bow signifies reverence and honor shown to the names or event being mentioned. We are to do the following:
1) A bow of the head is made when the three Divine Persons (the Trinity) are named together and at the names of Jesus, of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, and of the Saint in whose honor Mass is being celebrated.
2) A bow of the body (a profound bow) is made during the Creed with the words (and by the Holy Spirit…and became man—highlighted in
red words in the Creed). We are to genuflect at Christmas Mass instead of bowing. —General Instruction to the Roman Missal, #275
Co-Cathedral Music
p. 6
A Light Shines Forth: Musical Resolutions for the New Year
Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come the glory of the Lord
shines upon you,” wrote the prophet Isaiah to the People Israel. On Christmas we particularly celebrated that moment
when God inaugurated our salvation with the Incarnation of his Son—that moment when the eternal Word of the Father
took flesh. Despite the humble circumstances of Jesus’ birth, the Gospels tell us of so many signs that point to the glory
of this event.
One sign—the star—literally illuminates these first moments of the Christ event, dispelling the darkness that
Isaiah saw. Christ lived the majority of his life in the Holy Family. The Gospels remain silent about 30 of his 33 years.
Next weekend we celebrate the beginning of Christ’s public ministry with John’s Baptism of the
Lord—skipping ahead 30 years in seven days. The Epiphany star thus acts as a very early “sneak preview.”
“Say, where is he born, the king of Judea? For we have seen his star, and are come to adore him.” We cannot
imagine Epiphany without the “wisemen” or Magi. We begin today’s mass by singing the beloved carol “We Three
Kings.” The text comes from the second chapter of Matthew’s Gospel (which we hear today) but the famous tune was
written in Pennsylvania in the mid-19th century by John H. Hopkins Jr (1820-1891), an Episcopalian priest.
These words have inspired many poets and composers, including the German composer Felix Mendelssohn
(1809-1847). In 1846 he began work on his oratorio Christus, Opus 97—an unfinished collection of vocal solos and choruses tells the story of Christ event. Mendelssohn bypasses the nativity narrative, opting to begin with the
revelatory Epiphany moment. As a prelude to mass, a tenor and two basses recount the Magi’s words as set in the opening aria of Christus: “Say, where is he born, the king of Judea? For we have seen his star, and are come to adore him.”
The choir continues with the next movement at the Preparation of the Gifts. This chorus reaches back to the prophets,
recalling the anticipation of this day: “There shall a Star from Jacob come forth…” After much beautiful and dramatic
writing, Mendelssohn concludes the chorus with an expansive setting of Philipp Nicolai’s 1597 Epiphany chorale Wie
schön leuchtet der Morgenstern [How brightly beams the morning star!]
In today’s liturgy—in both word and song—we hear words of ancient prophets, unlikely visitors, and a great light that
led the way. The Church has always framed the kingdom of God as the New Jerusalem—reading the Hebrew
prophets in light of the Incarnation. Yet, Christ was indeed born into a Jewish family. Isaiah’s forecast of foreign visitors
notwithstanding, there’s a certain human irony in this story: people seemingly without a stake in the
matter find themselves playing a valuable role in the greatest story ever told. As Paul would later write: Gentile or Jew,
servant or free, woman or man—God calls us all to be his instruments.
As we begin a New Year, Christ lights the way for us to serve him, just as the star illumined the Magi’s path. We
often make resolutions in this time. Are you looking to get more involved with the parish? Have you considered joining
the choir? Our choir members come from diverse backgrounds and varied levels of musical training.
Singing is more of a skill than raw talent per se. Contrary to popular belief, most of us really have a voice and “tone
deafness” is exceptionally rare. Perhaps you find the service of the music ministry prayerful, interesting, or edifying but
find yourself unable to commit time?
There’s still good news! Like any form of stewardship, music ministry takes time, talent, and treasure. Much
happens behind the scenes: robe cleaning and repairs, sheet music purchasing and library maintenance,
volunteers offering welcome and hospitality to those who visit our church for concerts and special events. Need so often
exceeds resources. As our children’s choir grows, so too does the need for volunteers and sponsorship. These young people are the future of our Church and we all have a stake in this critical formation of our next generation.
In this New Year, please prayerfully consider your engagement with the musical component of our parish
liturgies. We may not bring gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but we all have gifts to share with the Body of Christ.
December 31st Vigil & January 1st
Offertory Hymn: #513 Christ Was Born on Christmas Day
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Communion Music:
Exsulta filia Sion (mode IV): Rejoice, O daughter of Sion, sing praise,
O daughter of Jerusalem: behold thy King will come to thee, the Holy
One, the Savior of the world.
Hymn : #527 Virgin-born, We Bow before You
Gathering Hymn: #528 Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly
Readings: #989
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 67
R. May God bless us in his mercy
Recessional Hymn: #524 Joy to the World
p. 7
WELCOME ALL VISITORS to the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart!
Deceased †
(Eng) 5:00 pm
(Viet) 7:00 pm
(Eng) 7:00 am
(Eng) 9:00 am
(Eng) 11:00 am
(Viet) 1:00 pm
(Eng) 5:30 pm
(Span) 7:30 pm
January 2
Cecilia Estrada
For the Vietnamese Catholic Mothers
January 3
Gracia Gonzalez
Jacqueline Frank †
Lewis Francis † Rose McCabe Archison †
(Eng) 7:00 am
(Eng) 12:10 pm
(Eng) 7:00 am
(Eng) 12:10 pm
(Eng) 7:00 am
(Eng) 12:10 pm
(Eng) 7:00 am
(Eng) 12:10 pm
(Eng) 7:00 am
(Viet) 12:10 pm
(Eng) 5:00 pm
(Viet) 7:00 pm
(Eng) 7:00 am
(Eng) 9:00 am
(Eng) 11:00 am
(Viet) 1:00 pm
(Eng) 5:30 pm
(Span) 7:30 pm
January 4
Rev. Nils Thompson, OFM †
Darlene Briks †
January 5
Holy Souls in Purgatory †
Rev. Gabre—Tinsaye Adhana †
January 6
Praise of thanks from the Castillo Family
Prayers of Peace for the World
January 7
Fr. John Evans
Fr. Lawrence W. Jozwiak
January 8
Earl Charles Barrette †
Michael & Maria Bua
January 9
For the People of the Parish
For Community Intentions
January 10
Maricela Hernandez-Contreras †
Jimmy Darilek †
Yolanda Black Navarro †
For Community Intentions
Leslie † & Grace Dixon
David C. Kar Negrini
For the Vietnamese Men of the Sacred Heart
Dorothy J. Mieth & Family
For the People of the Parish
Pray the Rosary daily for:
• Life and Marriage
• Religious Liberty
1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a;
Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44
1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13;
Mk 6:45-52
1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17;
Lk 4:14-22a
1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16
1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30
Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:1-4,
3, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30;
Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
For the scriptures used at Mass every day and to hear a
reflection: go to http://www.usccb.org/ Tab in on the day of
the month on the calendar noted as Daily Readings on the
right side of the main page.
Wayne Ly, seminarian, from Christ Incarnate Word
Benny Chang, a permanent diaconate candidate.
Trey Crespo, MS (Missionaries of Lasalette) from St.
Mary Church.
Keep them in your daily prayers during the coming week as
well as praying for an increase in vocations in general.
PRAY for those Marrying
January 1 — David Smith & Tamara Vogt
January 2 — Ryne Yepez & Marisa Coy
PRAY for the DEAD
For the repose of the souls of John Stone †, father of Faith Stone;
Tommy Kendziora † and Versia Lynn Seroile †.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
—And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. —Amen.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. —Amen.
For consolation and God’s healing graces upon the family
and friends of the deceased. Heal their pain and dispel the
darkness and doubt that comes from grief. —Amen.
PRAY for ...
• peace in our world, especially in the Holy Land, for an end to terrorism and civil strife, all hostages, refugees and immigrants.
• the safety of all those who protect us: military personnel, police officers, fire fighters and all others.
• a transformation of mind and heart for those who do not believe in the sanctity of human life.
• for all healthcare professionals to make wise and ethical decisions to promote health.
• the spread of the Gospel and the sanctity of all marriages and families.
• an end to all discrimination, prejudice and hatred.
• all the sick and suffering, the dying and the faithful departed †.
Pope’s Intentions:
Universal: Interreligious Dialogue: That sincere dialogue among men & women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace & justice.
Evangelization: Christian Unity: That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions.
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE)
p. 8
CCE Sessions
Resume this Sunday, January 3.
Our Parish uses Our Sunday Visitor
textbooks and resources.
Solemnity of the Epiphany
Choose one of the following activities as a way to further
reflect on the Sunday readings:
The word epiphany means to reveal or to be manifest. What have you
learned about God from your family? Cut star shapes out of white paper, one
for each family member. Have family members write their responses to the
quesƟon on the paper stars. Older family members can write for younger
children. Hang the stars in your home as a reminder of God’s presence.
Help your family experience a true epiphany. Spend Ɵme this week
As parents and catechists of the parish please
feel free to go on-line and take advantage of the
many resources available to us through Our Sunday
Visitor. Some are presented on this page.
Another example: Teaching Catholic Kids
Is a valuable tool for parents, teachers and catechists. Free downloadable activities and teacher resources are updated each month and made available
from the best of Our Sunday V isitor books, workbooks and writers.
Take advantage of these great resources.
looking for God. Go out for a walk, or look for God in your home. See where
God leads you.
Epiphany is a tradiƟonal Ɵme for the blessing of homes. It is a Ɵme to
celebrate the fact that God can be found in our everyday environment. We
know that we are part of the family of God and that God dwells in our home.
Plan a blessing of your home. Use the following format: Read John 1:14 from
the Bible. Then go in procession from room to room, blessing each room with
holy water.
Discuss these quesƟons: What stops us from seeing God’s presence in
our world today? What helps us see God’s acƟons and presence in the world
around us?
By Our Sunday Visitor
- We do have CCE next Sunday, January 10.
- No CCE, January 17, Martin Luther King Weekend.
You may want to check it out!
New app from Our Sunday Visitor designed
especially for the Year of Mercy
365 Days to Mercy app, free in
the iTunes and Google Play app stores, is designed to accompany you on a spiritual journey
during the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by
Pope Francis. The official Year of Mercy
is December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016,
but daily inspiration, stories, and news began
appearing in the app on November 20, 2015,
giving you a full 365 Days to Mercy.
Friendly reminder: If your child, or children, are
preparing to receive a sacrament or sacraments
between now and the end of May of this year the
following is due on or before February 7:
Baptized Catholic: Copy of Baptism Certificate
Non-Baptized Child: Copy of Birth certificate
Baptized non-Catholic: Copy of Birth Certificate and
Copy of Baptism certificate and/or proof of baptism.
Please turn in to Selma DeMarco, Carmen Addis or Martha Alvarez
Questions of the Week:
Theme: The mystery of the incarnation - Jesus is a gift to all
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel Matthew 2:1-12
Step One: Listen to the Word
As you listen to this familiar story again today, what one word
or thought really struck you? What image do you take away
from this reading?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: In your life, who helps you to see Jesus in other people such as a classmate or a friend?
Question for Youth: The star guided the Magi to Jesus. What
are the people or events who have guided you in your relationship with Jesus?
Question for Adults: How this past week did you demonstrate God’s
love at home and at work?
By Our Sunday Visitor
Youth Ministry News
p. 9
Youth Ministry Meeting is TODAY SUNDAY, Jan. 3rd at 2:30 pm on the second floor. Please remember to
invite a friend to this hour of prayer, fun and fellowship.
We had a great time at the
Youth Ministry Retreat this
past November.
An announcement from the Co-Cathedral Young Adults:
Over the last year, many of the Co-Cathedral Young Adult members have transitioned onto new blessings in
their lives. We thank God for their support and pray for their new journeys in life. These transitions have
opened up opportunities for new volunteers. Are you a young adult over 21 seeking to grow in community and
faith with other young adult Catholics? Do you have a calling to help plan and organize events? Do you have
gifts or talents in worship, service, Catholic education or social areas? If you are answering yes to these questions then we are a group for you. If interested please contact David Sparks at [email protected].
Adult Faith Enrichment & Educational Opportunities
Your are invited to
explore the possibility of
becoming a member of
our Catholic Faith and
At your convenience email
Selma DeMarco
for more information:
[email protected]
We offer opportunities to enter into the Process
to become Catholic and/or become a fully
Initiated Catholic year round. Please contact us
we would love to hear from you.
Marriage Preparation:
Advance approval required to begin classes.
Sunday, January 10: FOCCUS
Sunday, January 17: Class B
Sunday, February 7: Initial
Location: Cathedral Centre. Please check White Board for
room assignment each time.
Time: Sign-in: 12:15-12:30/Class: 12:30-2:30p.m.
Contact the parish at least nine months prior to the desired wedding
date to register for classes, and book your date.
Out of country weddings require twelve months.
Marriage Guidelines: Visit www.sacr edhear thouston.or g,
then “Sacraments—Marriage.”
Here at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
We will be offering Adult Confirmation Sessions
twice a year for our parishioners.
Once in the Spring for Confirmation at Pentecost and
Once in the Fall for Confirmation the first part of Jan.
Requirements: - Baptized Catholic
- Have received First Eucharist
- No canonical impediments to receiving the Sacraments
- Have graduated High School
- Interview with Director of Adult Faith Formation
Spring 2016 Sessions will begin this Thu., Jan. 7
Contact Selma for more information or an interview:
[email protected]
Welcome to “Opening the Word”, a program offering prayer and insights for the
Sunday Scriptural lessons in Year C. Featuring a variety of experienced presenters
including Dr. Tim Gray, Mary Healy, Scott
Powell, Dr. Edward Sri and Ben Akers, the
52 videos are designed to facilitate thought
and discussion for personal faith formation
or in the context of a group meeting.
Personal Prayer Journals and a Group
Leader’s Guide are also available to make
the most of these Sunday readings.
Available on “Formed”
CONTACT: Selma DeMarco, [email protected] or 713-659-1561, ext. 141.
p. 10
Adult Faith Enrichment & Educational Opportunities
We now have FORMED
Every parishioner can access this resource
online, from home, tablet, smart phone!
Register Now and Check it Out!
Help Us Start an ACTS Community here at
The Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Organizational meeting later this month.
ParishCode: 0be7ec (first digit is the number 0)
Email our Evangelization Committee
at [email protected] or
Contact Selma at [email protected]
You Can Understand the Bible!
If you want a better understanding
of our faith, and a deeper relationship
with God, then you should join us for
The Bible Timeline Study.
6:45-8:45 PM Thursday Evenings
in the Cathedral Centre room 161.
Next Session January 7.
By being a part of this study, you will not only benefit personally, but you will also help to bring about a profound renewal in our parish as we all grow closer to
Christ. This is a 24 week Bible study. We have already
begun but it is not too late to join us. Cost for materials
is $39.00. For more information contact Selma at
From the Church’s Greatest Teachers
[email protected]
For some great information on the
Go to
Includes Frequently asked Questions
The Next Presentation by the Patricians will be
Tuesday, January 19
Topic: Suffering
Spiritual Director: Deacon John Carrara
Men! That Man Is You!
Please join us as we meet informally at
the Avenue Grill (1017 Houston Ave)
from December 16 - January 6.
Same great time- 6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.
every Wednesday.
Our formal meetings will begin again on Wednesday, January13.
At the Cathedral Centre. Join us anytime!!!
Jeffrey Rice (713) 471-1012/[email protected]"
STEWARDSHIP: Time, Talent, Treasure
Registries for 2016 Main Rectory Condos
Housewarming Gifts
In my Oct. 11th bulletin letter, I explained why the rectory will be moved to 2016 Main Condos where we purchased 2 units with a total of 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2
half bathrooms and 2 kitchens. The units are being renovated now. As a way to update the existing housewares for the
new living space, the Parish Council has prepared registries,
similar to those used for housewarmings or weddings. The
housewares that will be purchased for the rectory belong to
the parish and will remain if and when the current clergy
are transferred to new assignments. So, if you choose to
purchase through the registry, the parish will have these
items until they are no longer of use. Members of the Parish Council inventoried the housewares in the current rectory and found many of them to be very old and in disrepair. So, the registries reflect what they believe is needed
to provide for the clergy that serves our parish. See p. 15 for
more details. This is a very exciting time for Fr. Tony, Fr.
Alfonso and me. We are very much looking forward to
moving into a newly refreshed space. Thank you for your
Fr. Lawrence W. Jozwiak
Actual Collection:
Budgeted Collection:
Amount over (Under):
Dec 19/20
$ 4,258
Year to Date
($ 59,013)
p. 11
2nd Collection Loan Reduction
NEXT Weekend: JANUARY 9/10
In November, we will have to refinance our $2.8 million loan
balance for the Cathedral Centre. We desire to reduce our loan
debt as much as possible. Please be as generous as possible.
Holy Relics of St. Anthony of Padua
to visit the Co-Cathedral
Friday, Feb. 19—Noon - 9 pm
Saturday, Feb. 20—6 am - 9 pm
Sunday, Feb. 21—6 am - 9 pm
Masses and Veneration of the Relics
St. Anthony
of Padua,
Pray for us.
*This includes $7,961 from Faith Direct
Dec. 24-27 collections not available due to an early deadline.
Thank you for all your donations!
“And the Two Shall Become One”
We are currently scheduling weddings for
2016 & 2017, for parishioners and nonparishioners. For the marriage guidelines
visit our website at:
Looking for a reception venue?
Cameron Hall-4th floor of the Cathedral Centre
For more info about weddings & Cameron Hall,
contact Bree Delphin at:
[email protected]
713.659.1561, x 131
Fr. Mario Conte, OFM Conv, editor of the Messenger of
St. Anthony monthly publication, will travel from the
Pontifical Basilica in Padua, Italy with two relics of the
beloved saint. One relic is the rib of St. Anthony and the
other reliquary contains layers of the saint’s skin. Pope
Francis, when he was Bishop Bergoglio of Argentina, and
Sr. Lucia of Fatima, when the Friars visited her in Portugal in the 1990’s, both held the reliquary which contains
the saint’s rib.
The Christmas Wish List is on page 1
Green Christmas envelopes are available
next to the bulletins.
Use these envelopes for your Christmas Gift to the
Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart!
If you have received First Holy Communion you may train
to become an Altar Server. Next Training session will be in
January. The Co-Cathedral currently needs adults to serve
daily 12:10 Mass and Funeral Masses. Training will be
provided. Contact: Shar on Messa, (713) 240-3420
Parish Life
p. 12
Thursday, January 7
“Can you not spare one hour with me?”
Every first Thursday of the month
Stitching Angels
Our ministry will be meeting & sewing on Jan. 9 at 9:30 am.
Meetings are held at our Sewing Studio. Call for address.
We need donations of gently used wedding dresses, First
Holy Communion clothing for boys & girls, yarn, crocheting
and knitting supplies, fabrics, quilting & sewing supplies. Cash
donations are also welcome. Contact: Sharon Messa,
[email protected], (713) 240-3420.
Prayer for Migrants
Solemn Exposition begins with the
conclusion of the 12:10 pm Mass
Scriptural Rosary prayed on the hour
Sacrament of Penance 4:30-5:15 pm
Evening Prayer followed by Benediction at 5:30 pm
Contact Pat Strauss at [email protected]
to commit to one hour in the afternoon
Normally, every 2nd Sunday of the month,
we have free tours beginning at 3:30 pm. In
the week prior, call 713-659-1561, ext.333 or
email [email protected] with your count.
Then on Sunday, gather in the Narthex (foyer) to meet
your docent tour guide & fellow attendees.
we pray that you provide your divine protection
to all migrants, particularly those who are driven
from their homes due to war or violence,
who are uprooted due to environmental
degradation and climate change,
or whose material poverty pushes them to find
opportunities elsewhere.
Show us how we might reach out to these
vulnerable populations and help them to begin
a new life in a new home.
Open our hearts, so that we may provide hospitality
for all who come in search of refuge.
Give us the courage to welcome every stranger,
as Christ in our midst.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Source: USCCB
2016 Epiphany Home Blessing
How to Bless Your Home on Epiphany:
Let this be a family prayer event. Gather all who live in your home together.
Make the sign of the cross.
Let us pray:
Gracious God, as a shining star once guided the magi to the birthplace of the child
Jesus, so enable those who dwell here and all who visit to be your light in the world.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Read Colossians 3:12-17
Using chalk, mark the current year and the initials of the Magi above the outside, horizontal frame of the doorway to your home.
Place a cross in between each of the letters. Wetting the chalk will make it easier to write with. It should look something like this:
20  C  M  B  16
After completing the markings, pray the Our Father and the following prayer as a household:
Conclude by making the sign of the cross and praying:
May God bless us and keep us. May his face shine upon us and be gracious to us.
May God look upon us kindly and give us peace (Numbers 6:24-26). Amen.
Why do this?
Christians have found that this is one way to witness to their faith in Jesus Christ. The crosses indicate that your house is a Christian
home. The initials C-M-B r epr esent the legendar y names of the Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. The C-M-B also
stands for the Latin words Christus Mansionem Benedicat which translates: May Christ bless this dwelling place. When visitors ask
about the markings above your door, you can explain the above to them and so you will be giving a witness to Christ. The markings
are left all year and then renewed on the next Epiphany.
State: TX
Last Name: Rectory
First Name: Co-Cathedral
The Parish Council is pleased to be a part of this important move of our clergy
into 2016 Main Condos and have set up registries so that anyone who chooses
can also be a part of this iniƟaƟve. Two registries have been created which can
be accessed over the internet or in the store. Go to the parish web site
(www.sacredhearthouston.org) to access the Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target
registries. If you choose to go physically into a store, the registries for Bed, Bath
& Beyond and Target are idenƟfied as follows:
DonaƟon amount: $______________________
Any donaƟon for these items, in full or parƟally, is appreciated!
(Full Name)
(Street address; City/State/Zip)
Item(s) to be donated: ______________________________________________________________________________
DONATION by: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2015 Christmas Flower/DecoraƟon Fund—Use your parish contribuƟon envelope OR this page.
—75 New American Bibles @ $10 each
—75 Catechism of the Catholic Church @ $10 each
Adult EducaƟon:
—Sponsor a Co-Cathedral Youth for World Youth Day in Poland & Holy Land @ $4,700
—1 Instant Commercial Canopy (10’ x 10’) @ $200
—1 Foosball Table @ $200
—5 giant bean bags @ $50 each
—1 electric guitar & 1 acousƟc guitar @ $150 each
—2 Computer Speakers @ $80 each
CCE / Youth Ministry:
Underwrite addiƟonal garments for the Choir:
—10 new choir albs (robes) @ $100 each
—10 new choir robe scapulars @ $25 each
Enrich our music program:
—Choir Sheet Music @ $800
—Sponsor a student singer @ $100/week
—Sponsor a Christmas and/or Easter instrumentalist (brass, string, etc.) @ $350 each
—Video projecƟon equipment (wireless projector, transmiƩer and screen) @ $3,000
—ConƟnuing liturgical educaƟon for musicians - $1000
Registries: 2016 Main Rectory Condos Housewarming GiŌs
—New flooring: carpet, Ɵle, hardwood
—New drapery
—New LighƟng and Plumbing fixtures
—Refurbishing formal dining room table and 17 chairs; 3 desks
—SupplemenƟng Furniture
—New washer and dryer
—For housewares (linens, towels, kitchen items, etc.), see registries below:
—4 Advent Candles @ $150 each
—1 Paschal (Easter) Candle @ $1,250
—Cost to stock the pamphlet racks: $350 per quarter of year
—Total Cost of 2015 Advent daily books to be distributed (1,000 booklets): $1,500
—Total Cost of 2015 Lenten daily books to be distributed (1,000 booklets): $1,500
—Total Yearly Cost of Children’s MagnifiKid pamphlets: $2,500
Music Ministry:
Co-Cathedral New Rectory—Assist with the renovaƟon cost of:
Co-Cathedral Church:
p. 13
p. 14
Outreach Ministry—Our Parish Network of Charity
Spaces are Limited—
Register Early!
Volunteers must be pre-registered
To reserve their spaces.
Feed A Friend
Monthly Parish Food Drive
This Weekend January 2-3
Did You Forget? It’s Not too late!
Try our Virtual Food Basket Online!
Visit our Outreach Page at www.sacredhearthouston.org
Food Sorting
Volunteers are needed to help
with our monthly food sorting
and grocery bagging for food
deliveries to the homebound
Thursday January 7
6:30 pm—8:30 pm
Brown Bag Project
Volunteers needed to help
make 500 sandwiches and
assemble lunch sacks for the
area homeless.
Sunday January 10
8 am—10 am
Tailgate Project
Volunteers are needed to
help with our
mobile food distribution to
our community in need.
Saturday January 16
8 am—11 am
Cookies & Milk
Volunteers needed to serve
nutritious snacks and say
goodnight to children living
in shelter
Monday January 18
7:30 pm—8:30 pm
Snack Packs
Volunteers needed to assemble
emergency snack kits for our
homeless friends
Sunday January 24
9:30 am—10:30 am
Did you know those struggling with the
challenges of poverty are most at risk of
falling victim to human trafficking? Traffickers prey upon the
vulnerability of others. Join our efforts in bringing awareness and
educating our community about the dangers of this evil crime!
Become an Amistad Community Educator and help us bring
awareness to others about Human Trafficking in our City.
Our Amistad Houston Team will be providing Educator’s training
Saturday January 23 9am—3pm (Cathedral Centre)
We need English and Spanish Speaking Volunteers!
Please contact our Outreach Ministry
if you are interested in attending
Email: [email protected]
For more information about Human Trafficking and ways you can help
keep your family and others safe from this crime Visit our Parish Outreach Page
www.sacredhearthouston.org /outreach
February 27, 2016
Interested in being a Caritas Day Project
Leader? Contact Outreach Ministry at:
[email protected]
Our Next Community Food Distribution will be on
Saturday January 16th
Cathedral Centre Parking Lot
Distribution begins at 9 am
and continues until food bins are empty.
First Come– First Served. No income requirements.
All are welcome.
Please bring your own bags or box for food.
If you know of someone who would benefit from receiving this food,
please invite them to come and receive.
La Comunidad Hispana
p. 15
María Santísima, Madre de Dios
La Epifanía del Señor
-Preludio del Órgano: IX T iento de falsas. 6° tono (Gabriel
Menalt, 1687)
-Antífona de Entrada: Te aclamamos santa Madr e de Dios
porque has dado a luz al rey que gobierna cielo y tierra por los
siglos de los siglos.
-Entrada: Santa Mar ía del Camino (#405)
-Kyrie (Misa Gregoriana, #89)
-Gloria (Misa San José, #5)
-Salmo: El Señor tenga piedad y nos bendiga.
-Canto de Ofertorio: Dios Te Salve, Mar ía (#415)
-Santo (Misa Melódica, #109)
-Anunciamos Tu Muerte (Misa Melódica, #110)
-Amen (Misa Melódica, #111)
-Cordero de Dios (Misa Melódica, #112)
-Antífona: [Exsulta filia] J esucr isto es el mismo ayer , hoy y
por los siglos. (Hebreos 13, 8)
-Comunión: Oh Santísima/O Santísima (#419)
Salve, Regina Mater (#404)
-Salida: Madr e Mor ena (#432)
-Postludio del Órgano: una im provisación de Salve, R egina
-Preludio del Órgano: Obra de falsas crom áticas de 1° tono
(Anonymous, 17th century)
-Antífona de Entrada: Mor ad que yo viene el Señor de los
ejércitos; en su mano están el reino y la potestad y el imperio.
-Entrada: Del Or iente Somos (#300)
-Kyrie (Misa Gregoriana, #89)
-Gloria (Misa San José, #5)
-Salmo: Se postr ar án ante ti, Señor , todos los pueblos de la
-Canto de Ofertorio: Una Estr ella Que Llama en la Noche
-Santo (Misa Melódica, #109)
-Anunciamos Tu Muerte (Misa Melódica, #110)
-Amen (Misa Melódica, #111)
-Cordero de Dios (Misa Melódica, #112)
-Antífona: [V idim us] Hemos visto su estr ella en el Or iente y
hemos venido con regalos a adorar al Señor. (Mat 2,2)
-Comunión: Pobr e Niño (#281)
-Salida: La Histor ia Ocur r ió (#290)
-Postludio del Órgano: una im provisación
Palabras del Papa Francisco
Estudio Bíblico: Conozca al Señor mejor a través de nuestro
platica de Biblia, cada lunes a las 6 pm del primer piso del
Centro Catedral, conducido por el Diacono Daniel.
La Legión de María: Debajo del liderazgo de María, cultive
su relación con Cristo cada lunes a las 7:15 pm del primer piso
del Centro Catedral, para rezar el santo rosario, reflexionar
sobres las enseñanzas del Señor, y hacer planes para servir al
Los Misales del Año 2016 por $6.00. En el Misal encontr ará las lecturas y oraciones de las Misas de domingo y días festivos; al igual, el rosario, el vía crucis y reflexiones sobre las
La Palabra entre Nosotros está en venta en por $2.00. La Palabra entre Nosotros tiene las meditaciones espirituales de
cada día del mes, el texto completo de las lecturas de la Misa
diaria, las oraciones, y los artículos de religiosidad.
La Santa Biblia está en venta por $7.00.
Cristo y Su Madre Son Inseparables
Vuelven hoy a la mente las palabras con las que Isabel
pronunció su bendición sobre la V irgen Santa: «¡Bendita tú
entre las mujeres, y bendito el fruto de tu vientre! ¿Quién soy
yo para que me visite la madre de mi Señor?» Con la
celebración de la solemnidad de María, la Santa Madre de Dios,
la Iglesia nos recuerda que María es la primera destinataria de
esta bendición. Se cumple en ella, pues ninguna otra criatura ha
visto brillar sobre ella el rostro de Dios como María, que dio un
rostro humano al Verbo eterno, para que todos lo puedan
contemplar. Además de contemplar el rostro de Dios, también
podemos alabarlo y glorificarlo como los pastores, que
volvieron de Belén con un canto de acción de gracias después
de ver al niño y a su joven madre. Ambos estaban juntos, como
lo estuvieron en el Calvario, porque Cristo y su Madre son
inseparables: entre ellos hay una estrecha relación, como la
hay entre cada niño y su madre. La carne de Cristo, que es el
eje de la salvación, se ha tejido en el vientre de María. Esa
inseparabilidad encuentra también su expresión en el hecho de
que María, elegida para ser la Madre del Redentor, ha
compartido íntimamente toda su misión, permaneciendo junto a
su hijo hasta el final, en el Calvario.
María está tan unida a Jesús porque él le ha dado el
conocimiento del corazón, el conocimiento de la fe, alimentada
por la experiencia materna y el vínculo íntimo con su Hijo. La
Santísima Virgen es la mujer de fe que dejó entrar a Dios en su
corazón, en sus proyectos; es la creyente capaz de percibir en el
don del Hijo el advenimiento de la «plenitud de los tiempos»,
en el que Dios, eligiendo la vía humilde de la existencia
humana, entró personalmente en el surco de la historia de la
salvación. Por eso no se puede entender a Jesús sin su Madre.