Sealy Commercial - Down Under Textiles


Sealy Commercial - Down Under Textiles
Your Guests
are Important
Sealy offers the quality, comfort, and support they value
Experts in the Hospitality Industry
Building a Brand
Industry Associations
Sealy has partnered w i t h the leaders of the Australian accommodation
Sealy is Australia's n u m b e r o n e bedding brand, known and trusted for
As partners of the Australian
industry for over forty years. We know that choosing the right bed for your
quality and support. Over six times more people say they would choose a
Accommodation Industry, Sealy has
guests is paramount to your success - because a quality sleep experience
Sealy than any other brand*.
proudly supported the peak industry
is what makes a stay away from home special and will keep guests
coming back.
body by sponsoring the annual
HM Awards since 2009.
Sealy can provide the right combination of the best support and comfort
Quantum Market Research, Vusir.ifiari Bedding Tr^tau)Report, March 2013
The Sealy commercial range is ranked
for your guests and for your business. Choose from Sealy's extensive range
- 3 9 % of consumers mention Sealy without being prompted
for Quality by AAA Tourism's National
and you will find the right solution that best meets both your requirements
and budget.
You can be assured Sealy is there for you - our service doesn't end with
when asked what bedding brand they know.
• 4 6 % say they are likely to buy a Sealy. The next brand w a s
preferred by only 4 % of consumers.
the sale. Working w i t h you we will develop a tailored delivery solution and
provide great personal service.
Ail across Australia we can come t o you to formulate the right solution for
your needs. With a professional team in each state of mainland Australia
we're as close as a phone call or email away.
Our deep c o m m i t m e n t t o Australian Made products ensures 5eaiy lead
• • • • •
STAR Rating Standards & Guidelines. So
you can rest easy.
Sealy Cares
Sealy is a respected global brand, setting the standard for quality and
Sealy of Australia is proud to manufacture quality mattresses
innovation around the world.
while pursuing practices that reduce our impact on t h e
This high brand awareness and consumer preference
can work for you:
environment. Our c o m m i t m e n t includes reducing carbon
People know and trust Sealy for a good nighfs sleep.
emissions through responsible sourcing of raw materials,
recycling of components, fabrics, and fibres to minimise
waste; and the ethical disposal of non recyclable products.
times are short and flexible.
You can sleep better knowing that...
... Sealy cares for our f u t u r e .
Durability and
Product Integrity
.is important for peace of mind
• jPUp mm
Long Lasting Satisfaction
The performance of every component is rigorously tested t o meet and
exceed commercial requirements. So you can have peace of mind
and confidence in the quality Sealy stands for while ensuring
When it comes to innovation,
Sealy never sleeps
Sealy has a long history of innovative product development, with numerous
your investment.
The Sealy R&D centre is N ATA. accredited (National Association of Testing
Authorities, Australia), to comply with Australian Standards.
unique patented technologies at the core of our products. With stringent
testing requirements and continuous research, the innovations continue t o
this day.
Proudly Australian Made
Sealy of Australia is wholly Australian owned with a deep c o m m i t m e n t to
Can you ask for more?
Sealy beds are specially developed to help people sleep more soundly, stay
after stay. For example, the Sealy Posturepedic line of sleep systems was
designed in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeons and reviewed by the
Orthopaedic Advisory Board (OAS).
Sealy beds are designed t o reduce partner disturbance - w i t h pressurerelieving comfort layers that minimize tossing and turning, and provide
orthopaedically correct support. Providing your guests w i t h a quality sleep
experience that will keep them coming back.
manufacturing products locally. Sealy beds are hand crafted in one of five
Australian manufacturing centres and components are Australiari-sourced
whenever possible.
Every step of the manufacturing process is monitored and conforms
t o Australian standards, w i t h safety and environmental regulations
adhered to.
It also means that we can be flexible and responsive to your
delivery requirements.
For the best in luxury, the
Sealy Posturepedic Dynasty provides
unparalleled comfort and support.
Comfort System
Packed with Sealy's advanced technology, long-lasting durability, and functional features, Sealy Posturepedic offers an outstanding guest experience.
SRx* T i t a n i u m S u p p o r t
Gentle Continuous Quilting
S t r e t c h Knit
senses y o u body's w e i g h t a n d
Firm C o n t i n u o u s Q u i l t i n g
The Dynasty Series is finished
responds w i t h initial c o n f o r m i n g
W o o l Fibre
in h i g h q u a l i t y lire retardant
supports, t h e n provides the
S Rx-" Titaniu m Su pport
Fire R e t a r d a n t , S a n i t i s e d S t r e t c h K n i t
Fire R e t a r d a n t
A revolutionary technology that
Sealy Fibre
t r e a t e d stretch knit fabric t o
extra correct s u p p o r t your b o d y
Convoluted SuperSoft Foam
m e e t Australian Standards.
needs. M a d e w i t h T i t a n i u m alloy
SuperSoft Quilt Foam
Scafy's UniCased* c o n s t r u c t i o n
great edge-to-edge c o m f o r t a n d
s u p p o r t . It offers extra stability
for r e d u c e d m o t i o n transfer -
t i m b e r slats t o w i t h s t a n d the stresses
D e e p P r e m i u m Foam
a n d m o u l d to the important
lower part o f the back.
D u r a b o n d Pad
lasting durability.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
SRx* Titanium Innerspring
2.1 m m w i r e , T w i c e T e m p e r e d
7 0 4 Coil C o u n t ( Q u e e n Size)
10 Y e a r G u a r a n t e e
Backed b y t h e Scaly i 0 Year
Guarantee a n d s u p p o r t e d by the
National C u s t o m e r Care Centre,
Support System
Clever r u b b e r i s e d fabric cover
in combinations to deliver
has been densified t o c o n f o r m
Deep Cushioning Foam
Foundation Cover
in place for a t i d i e r l o o k i n g bed.
The c e n t r e third of t h e mattress
Euro Top
Sealy F o a m
w e i g h t a n d m o t i o n , ensuring long
c o m f o r t life. Dynasty Series
0 Commercial
Deep SuperSoft Foam
g r i p s sheets t o h e l p k e e p t h e m
increasingly higher levels of luxury.
t h i c k g a u g e w i r e and increased
performance a n d longer
c o m f o r t materials arc layered
StayTrue* Comfort
M e m o r y Foam
modules a b s o r b t h c shock o f
sleep f o r y o u r guests.
c o m f o r t layers for superior
Convoluted Foam
Built w i t h t h e i m p r o v e d stability o f
o f c o m m e r c i a l use. The torsion
w h i c h m e a n s a better night's
High quality loam and fibre
M e m o r y Foam C o m f o r t C o r e "
Abzzorber® F o u n d a t i o n
locks i n t o t h e i n n e r s p r i n g for
StayTrue* C o m f o r t
Comfort Layers:
Commercial Shock
UniCased® T e c h n o l o g y
Euro Top
Cushioning Quilt Foam
steel for u l t i m a t e strength.
UniCased' Technology
UniCased* FdgeSu p p o r t
Commercial Shock Abzzorber*
S t e e l T o r s i o n Bar M o d u l e s
T i m b e r Slats a n d F r a m e
Stay/Tight F o u n d a t i o n C o v e r
Bed m e a s u r e m e n t s ( m m )
Mattress Height
q u a l i t y a n d service o f Scaly
D e e p i i n e Base H e i g h t
L o c k in Glides or Castors (5")
Total E n s e m b l e H e i g h t
y o u c a n rely o n t h e superior
Tried and tested Sealy technology offers
long-lasting durability and a range of
comfort options to suit every situation.
Euro Top
Euro Top
Premium Plush
Mattress Height
D e e p i i n e Base H e i g h t
Comfort System
C o m b i n i n g Sealys a d v a n c e d t e c h n o l o g y w i t h i o n c - i a s L i n g d u r a b i l i t y a n d f u n c t i o n a l Features.
PostureTeclY ST S u p p o r t
The PosturcTcch ST Spring
features six t u r n s for d e e p d o w n
Fire Retardant, S a n i t i s e d
Gentle Continuous Quilting
H i g h q u a l i t y f o a m a n d fiore
Sealy Fibre
Convoluted Foam
variety o f c o m f o r t choice:.
body's w e i g h t a n d m o t i o n t o
SuperSoft Quilt Foam
B u i r t w i t h p e r f o r m a n c e arid
p r o v i d e ideal s u p p o r t for
StayTrue" Comfort
StayTrue® C o m f o r t
c o m f o r t layers t o p r o v i d e D
correct s u p p o r t . Senses t h e
any quest.
Cushioning Quitt Foam
d u r a b i l i t y in m i n d t o suir a
Comfort Layers:
w i d e range o f properties.
Deep SuperSoft Foam
Deep Premium Foam
High Profile E d g e G u a r d ®
Provides a f i r m seating e d g e a n d
Fire R e t a r d a n t
Deep Cushioning Foam
D u r a b o n d Pad
a sleep surface right t o t h e e d g e
o f t h e mattress.
finished in fire retardant
t r e a t e d d a m a s k fabric t o
T h e P e r f o r m a n c e Scries is
m e e t Australian Standards.
P o s t u r e T e c h * ST {6 t u r n ) Coil
6 1 6 Coil C o u n t ( Q u e e n Size)
Hiqh P r o f i l e E d q e q u a r d "
5 Year Guarantee
Commercial Shock
Backed b y t h e Scaly 5 Year
Abzzorber® F o u n d a t i o n
Built w i t h the improved stability o f
t h i c k g a u g c wire and increased
t i m b e r slats t o withstand t h e stresses
of commercial use. The torsion
m o d u l e s absorb the s h o c k o f
w e i g h t a n d m o t i o n , ensuring
l o n g lasting durability.
G u a r a n t e e a n d s u p p o r t e d by
t h e National C u s t o m e r
Centre, y o u can rely o n r r w
s u p e r i o r q u a l i t y a n d service
o f Scaly C o m m e r c i a l .
Support System
2 . 1 m m wire, Twice T e m p e r e d
Commercial Shock Abzzorber• Foundation:
Steel t o r s i o n Bar M o d u l e s
T i m b e r Slats a n d F r a m e
Bed M e a s u r e m e n t s (mm)
L o c k i n G l i d e s o r Castors (5")
Total Ensemble Height
Zip Bed
• option
Accommodation options that meet a budget
without sacrificing quality.
^ £
Sealy Zip beds offer the flexibility you need to cater for
individual guest needs.
PostureTech* Support
The ftstureTech Spring ftjtjrr
five tu/-s fordaep down
The Sealy Zip Eed Opticr. enables you to convert
correct Support
a King size enserr.ole to t w o Single Bcva
High Profile E d g e G u a r d "
Comfort System
Provides a firm seating e d g e and
a sleep surface right t o t h e e d g e
Tire Ftetaidant, Sanitised T i c k i n g
o f t h e mattress.
Gentle Continuous Quilting
firm ContinuousQuilting
Sealy f i b r e
StayTrue* Comfort
D e e p SuperSoft Foam
c o m f o r t layers. Suilt w i t h
Sealy Foam
m i n d t o suit a w i d e range
Comfort Layers:
H i g h q u a l i t y foam a n d fibre
p e r f o r m a n c e and durability in
StayTrue "' Comfort
Cushioning Quilt Foam
o f properties.
(5Turn) Coil
The Executive Series is finished
6 1 6 Coil C o u n t ( Q u e e n Size)
H i g h Profile
Australian lir.^ndaids.
Commercial Shock Abzzorber*
Steel t o r s i o n Bar M o d u l e s
I m p r o v e d stability and increased
timber siats t o withstand t h e
sticsscsof cornmcrctal use.
5 Year Guarantee
Backed b y t h e Sealy 5 Year
Guarantee a n d s u p p o r t e d by t h e
National C u s t o m e r Care Centre,
y o u can rely o n t h e superior
q u a l i t y a n d service o f
Scaly C o m m e r c i a l .
ioi S3 Commercial
We use high quality, commercial grade zips, instead
adapt the room while maintaining your
of lower cost options such as velcro.
The additional strength and iong-lasting durability
that this provides means a greater return
o n investment for you.
All SealyCommercial models can be supplied
2 m i n w i r e , Twice T e m p e r e d
Commercial Shock
Support System
Fire Retardant Fabric
in fire retardant fabric t o meet
D u r a b o n d Pad
beds in minutes. This allows you to quickly
T i m b e r Slats a n d F r a m e
D e e p l i n e Base
S t a n d a r d Base
Bed M e a s u r e m e n t s ( m m )
Mattress Height
Foundation Height
Lock in Glides o r G i s t o r s , 5 i
Total E n s e m b l e H e i g h t
Durable zip tor easy use
and recessed for comfort
Unzip to create two
Single Extra Long Beds
as Zip Beds.
Trundle Bed
Sealy's pull out trundle bed offers
an alternative bedding solution t o
accommodate your space requirements.
Suitable for smaller spaces and family adjoining rooms t o accommodate
children or additional guests comfortably. Both mattresses offer the
support of Seaiy's patented spring technology and comfort layers.
Designed as'two beds in o n e ' t h e lower mattress features a roll o u t slat base
w i t h castors allowing it t o be used anywhere in the room. Available in b o t h
single and king single sizes.
Mattress h e i g h t 200mrr
Base r>*rfim:43Cmrri
Also available in a l o w profile f o u n d a t i o n o p t i c
Luxury bedding solutions, featuring soft-touch fabrics and
all the benefits of the Sealy Posturepedic domestic ranges.
For the Discerning Customer
Penthouse';, luxury suites, special requirements -forthe finest bedding options you can choose
from the Sealy Posturepedic Boutique collections. With unmatched quality, outstanding features,
and luxury materials, these beds are designed to satisfy the most selective customer.
Your Sealy representative will provide a tailored selection for your needs.
121 HCtonraaercial
Featuring fresh and contemporary textured fabrics, Designer bases
combine style and function to offer a modern setting for your guests.
Update any room with Sealy Designer Bases
(§) Available in fashionable woven textured & micro-suede fabrics
@ A selection of contemporary colours to suit your decor
New commercial grade working foundation with StayTight cover
No need for a valance
Mattress Options
Special Requirements
For specialist applications choose from Single and
Low Profile options.
Roll-Away/ Fold-Away
Mattress Sizes
For extra flexibility and tailored
room solutions
Long mattress life
Sealy Commercial is a hand built
product assembled to the highest
quality standards.
EziCsre is ar, invaluable addition for any property. Designed
Sealy can supply roll away and fold away bed frames t o suit
to protect your bedding investment, EziCare inhibits moisture
SealySingle mattresses.
/ f l u i d passing through to the mattress. It promotes a longer
Some examples are Health Services, Government Agencies
mattress life and reduces maintenance and room d o w n time.
and Allied Industries. Available in 3 models with your choice
Strong, durable constructions, w i t h PostureSlats to provide
of Government approved Firegartf or EziCare" fabrics t o meet
extra support for the mattress.
EziCare can be applied to any Sealy commercial mattress model.
Made in Australia.
It is available as a strip across the centre, or as an all-over
industry requirements.
The dimensions shown below are nominal and subject to a
tolerance of ±1 Smrn.To avoid incorrect manchester/bedspread fit,
receipt of product for exact measurements is recommended.
option for Singles
Sealy Graduate Single
Fold - Away
Castors and Glides
Sealy Commercial offers a selection of glides and castors to cater for a variety of flooring and height requirements.
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