The Flatbush Flash - Yeshivah of Flatbush


The Flatbush Flash - Yeshivah of Flatbush
The Flatbush Flash
Vol. 6 , no. 19 March 15, 2013 - 4 Nissan 5773
Parashat Vayikra - Candles 6:43
Upcoming Events
V'shinantam L'Vanecha
And you shall teach your children
April 7, 2013
7:30 pm
Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting our children's learning.
Learning for the week of March 4, 2013
was dedicated in memory of
In This Issue
Yom HaShoah
Program featuring Witness
Theater Sunday
April 7 - 7 pm.
Parents Choices
Gesher: Bridging
the Gap Between
Religious and
Secular Israelis
News About STEM
Initiatives in Our
Moshe ben Ha Rav Eliezer Shmuel
Moe Septee A"H
Rena and Mark Goldstein and Family
Selfhelp Community Services and Yeshivah of
Flatbush High School Present Witness Theater
Sunday April 7th, 2013 7:00 PM
High School
1st Annual
Symposium at
JBHS **********
Hebrew Week in
Lower Division!
Haggadot From
Around the World
Celebrates 100th
Day of School!
Middle Division
Torah Bowl
Bringing the
World of the Arts
to Middle Division
- Lincoln Center
Alumni Shine in
the 7th Annual
Lander College for
Men Beit Medrash
L'Talmud Bekius
YOF Joins Mission
to Albany
Advocating for
Increased Aid to
Jewish Schools
Sports Central
Stay in Touch
with the HS
m **********
Careers at YOF:
Selfhelp Community Services & Yeshivah of Flatbush
cordially invite you to join us to celebrate the resilience
of the human spirit - at the New York debut of
Witness Theater
Sunday April 7, 2013
27 Nissan 5773
(the eve of Yom Hashoah- Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Check Out
Current Job
Postings on Our
At Yeshivah of Flatbush
Joel Braverman High School Auditorium
1609 Avenue J, Brooklyn NY
This unique performance is the culmination of months of heart-felt collaboration
Within Our Family between our high school students and local Holocaust survivors, a moving
reenactment of their lives' most revealing moments - personal accounts of the
survivors as portrayed by student actors and narrated by Holocaust survivors
This dramatization is sure to touch you through the intensity of their experiences filled with pain, hope and ultimately triumph over adversity and persecution. It is
perhaps one of the most memorable ways possible that our students and
Holocaust survivors can pass the memory and lessons of the Holocaust from one
generation to another.
Witness Theater is a concept developed by the American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee's division for the elderly in Israel (JDC-ESHEL).
In bringing this transformative endeavor to New York, we have been inspired by
the bonds of mutual respect our students have forged with our survivors. This
emotional intergenerational journey has had a significant impact on all. We are
honored to share it with you.
For info, email [email protected]
Or call 212-971-7750
There is no admission fee for this event
YOF Welcomes Chief Ashkenazic Rabbi Rav Yona Metzger!
On Thursday, YOF Elementary School had the very special z'chut of hosting the Chief Ashkenazic
Rabbi of the State of Israel, Rav Yona Metzger, shlita. He spent over two hours in our Yeshivah, and
addressed all the students from Atideinu through Middle Division in three separate assemblies. The
children sang, danced, and waved little Israeli flags. The excitement among the students at seeing this
important Torah personality who represented the State of Israel in their school was palpable. Rav
Metzger was very warm and comfortable here, and enjoyed his visit immensely. The students who
welcomed the Chief Rabbi were Jake Laniado, third grade, Mordechai Elmehies, fifth grade, and
Michael Goldstein, eighth grade. President Mark Goldstein was also present and offered greetings.
Special thanks to Hagai and Ronit Laniado who were responsible for bringing the Chief Rabbi to the
Yeshivah of Flatbush.
Click for a selection of photos!
Check back for more extensive photos of the Chief Rabbi's visit next week!
Sophomore Parents Choices Commission Program
Addresses Tough Issues
On Tuesday, February 12, 2013/ 3 Adar 5773, the High School Guidance Department and Parents'
Choices Commission held an event for Parents of Sophomores at the JBHS. The program, entitled "It's
Not My Kid: The Dangers All Teens Face with Drugs and Alcohol" opened the parents' eyes to the
challenges and choices that teens face in today's world. The parent program included an insightful video
by students on the Choices Commission, as well as a thought provoking presentation by two parents
who shared their personal story of their son's battle with drug addiction. Their willingness to speak about
this difficult and painful time in their lives made a deep impression on everyone who attended. Tips were
shared for ways that parents can effectively help their teens stay safe and make responsible decisions.
This program was held a week after Sophomore Seminar where the students had a special program
with the JACS organization. Adults in recovery from substance use shared their stories with them and
empowered the students to make good and safe choices in complicated social situations. The next
Parent Workshop will take place March 11, 2013/29Adar 5773: Navigating Teen Relationships and
Reputations" Two sections 10:00AM; 7:30PM. To RSVP please contact: 718-377-1100 x190 or email
[email protected].
Gesher: Bridging the Gap Between Religious and Secular
The entire senior grade had the opportunity to listen to three representatives from the Israeli
organization Gesher - in English "Bridge" - which works to close the gap that exists between religious
and secular Jews of Israel.The visitors shared their personal experiences and outlooks, and how the
Gesher initiatives strengthen the connections and the achdut, brotherhood, among Am Yisrael. With
seminars and other opportunities for interaction, participants can bond and learn to live side by side as
members of the Jewish nation. JBHS students were impressed by the message of standing together
with our brothers and sisters, our fellow Jews, regardless of our different heritages, traditions, ethnicity
or religious observance.
Click for photos!
News About STEM Initiatives in Our High School
Yeshivah of Flatbush offers its students multiple opportunities to learn and experience new trends in
technology, science and engineering. Highlights of our current and future programs include:
STEM electives 2012-2013
STEM 1- Scientific Engineering- For Sophomores
STEM 2- Scientific Engineering with Biotech applications- For Juniors
Principals of Engineering- Juniors and Seniors
STEM electives for the upcoming 2013-2014 school year:
STEM 3- for Seniors, the 3rd course in the series- a culminating project based course
Applied Engineering Using Physics and Simulation- Juniors & Seniors
Coding for Engineering and Invention- Juniors and Seniors
Other STEM course opportunities include:
Accelerated Science- science and research program offered to incoming freshman
Mentored Independent Study Courses in App design, programming, web design, etc. (Students
come up with other ideas that we try to accommodate.)
AP Computer Programming
After School Research Science Adventures Club- Freshman
Seminars and Symposiums throughout the year broaden our students' exposure to advanced concepts
and issues.
Read about Engineering Symposium below.
Click to read about Dr. John Parsons visit to JBHS on YOF website.
Click to read article by Sabrina Abrahim, JBHS freshman who brought Dr. Parsons to YOF.
Cutting edge technology is in use at our school on a day to day basis. Our 1:1 iPad program includes
current freshman and sophomores. Next year it will expand to freshmen, sophomores and juniors with
continuing staff development.
To compete in the American and Global economies, our graduates must have opportunities to learn
engineering and programming while in high school. These courses also will improve our students'
candidacies to competitive colleges and universities. With this in mind, we are committed to expanding
and enriching STEM education for our students.
1st Annual Engineering Symposium at JBHS
The Yeshivah hosted its first ever Annual Engineering Symposium on March 6, in conjunction with CIJE,
the education arm of the Gruss Foundation and the initial funders of our STEM program. Flatbush
Engineering students and students from SKA (Stella K. Abraham School) and HAFTR (Hebrew
Academy of Five Towns Rockaway) participated in an absorbing program featuring three exceptional
presenters: a professor of Chemical Engineering from City College, an APP developer and
entrepreneur, and a coordinator of STEM programs that encourage careers in engineering. Students
came away inspired and motivated to build a future in science and engineering.This symposium is one
of the programs that Yeshivah of Flatbush offers its students in order to learn and experience new
trends in technology, science and engineering.
Click for photos!
Hebrew Week in Lower Division!
This week Lower Division held its 3rd annual Shavua Ha Ivrit - Hebrew Week. Lashon Curriculum
Coordinator Chani Gratzman and Bnot Sherut Leumi Shira Madar and Or Shitrit created fun educational
games and activities in the multipurpose room, based on Hebrew books read by students in grades 1-5.
In preparation for Hebrew Week students in grades 2-5 worked with their teachers to create their own
books based on the theme: Ha Mishpacha Sheli - My Family.
To kick off the week, each class received Mishpacha themed puzzles that they put together. Students
learned a song "Ani Ohev Et Hamishpacha Sheli V'Hamishpacha Sheli Ohevet Oti" - I Love My Family
and My Family Loves me - , that was sung at the beginning of their activities in the multipurpose room
which were conducted by Or and Shira. Games included Memory, Chutes and Ladders, multimedia
games and arts and crafts. Back in the classrooms, parent volunteers came to school each day to read
Hebrew stories to their children's classes. For the finale of the week students wore t-shirts sporting
Hebrew messages, many of the students' own designs. Special thanks to the organizers for their hard
work on this wonderful program. Thanks to music teachers Morah Sonia Balsam and Sylvia Schwartz
for working with the students on the song, computer teacher Adina Zidele who worked with students on
typing their books in Hebrew, as well as the Lower Division teachers for all their help.
Click for photos from activities in the multipurpose room!
Click for photos of parents reading in classes!
Click for photos of Hebrew t-shirt day!
Haggadot From Around the World
In anticipation of Pesach, Hebrew Librarian Elana Katz, along with select 4th and 5th grade students,
put together a magnificent display of Haggadot in the library that will be on view for two weeks. The
Haggadot are a combination of the Yeshivah's collection as well as outside sources. Some have been
loaned to library exhibits across the world. On display are a Braille Haggadah, Haggadot in Chinese and
Spanish, one in the style of a beautiful scroll and many more.
Kindergarten Celebrates 100th Day of School!
On February 28th kindergarten celebrated the 100th day of school! From the first day each class has
been keeping careful count, participating in different activities to mark the progression. In preparation for
the big day, for example, each student in Morah Darlene Salzman's class K-234 brought in 100 objects
ranging from 100 noodles to 100 Legos - showing what 100 really looks like. They celebrated by
building towers with 100 blocks and making Froot Loop necklaces with 100 pieces as they proudly wore
their "100 days smarter" crowns.
Middle Division Torah Bowl Success!
Congratulations to the Middle Division Boys Torah Bowl Team for winning the divisional boys
championship against HALB! The boys are now headed to the overall championship. We wish them
hatzlachah in the next round!
Congratulations to the Girls Torah Bowl Team for getting to the divisional championship.
Bringing the World of the Arts to Middle Division with Lincoln
Center Institute
Middle Division Chairperson of Liberal Arts Barbara Zelenetz Describes the Impact of the Lincoln
Center Institute
Lincoln Center Institute of New York has played an integral part in the Middle Division's curriculum for
over two decades. Its motto - "Developing Skills of Imagination, Creativity, and Innovation through
Education and the Arts "-reflects our belief at Yeshivah of Flatbush that imagination and the arts play a
vital role in American education.
The arts are a natural medium for the cultivation of children's ability to think perceptively, to question
and analyze situations, and, ultimately, to imagine, create, and innovate on their own. These skills are
indispensable in today's rapidly changing society for anyone with aspirations for a fulfilling future career.
In addition, students who experience the arts are able to imagine a new and better world in which they
can achieve their dreams. All students, regardless of their academic interests, can discover enriching
opportunities and artistic outlets in the arts, experiences which often promote self-esteem and
This year's partnership with Lincoln Center Institute has been particularly rewarding for students in
Grades 6, 7, and 8, who had the opportunity to be introduced to talented artists and exciting
performances. In order to prepare students to enjoy and appreciate each performance, a professional
teaching artist visited classes and conducted two workshops prior to the presentation and a third
workshop as a follow-up. These workshops allowed students to dabble in many disciplines, such as
acting, miming, puppetry, storytelling, to name a few, as well as to experience firsthand some of the
challenging skills and techniques that seem so smooth and simple when performed by professionals.
Grade 7 began the season with Post Comedy Theatre, a vaudeville-inspired comedy of skits and spoofs
performed by the nationally-acclaimed performer, Robert Post, who has won awards for his PBS special
"Robert Post - In Performance." Students tried their hand at transforming objects and maintaining
balance as they explored clowning and physical comedy. Little did they realize how difficult it would be
to keep all the bowls in the air as they juggled!
Grade 8 enjoyed a similar type of performance this month, but one that drew its inspiration from the
world famous mime, Marcel Marceau. In Louder Than Words, modern-day mime Gregg Goldston
transformed our auditorium into a fantastical place where an invisible wind set the performer's umbrella
afloat and the laws of physics no longer prevailed. Students watched Goldston's sheer grace of
movement in awed silence and marveled as he performed feats of wondrous elasticity. All afternoon you
could spot eighth graders walking through the corridors of the fourth floor trying, with only minor
success, to imitate some of the mime's incredibly agile movements. Who will ever forget the "wave?" It's
no wonder that The New York Times called his hypnotic collage of mini-plays "a blazing display of
physical virtuosity."
And finally, this week marked the culmination of our 2012-'13 LCI program, as Grade 6 met for its final
workshop with trained teaching artist Omar Perez, who is also a stage actor and director. Students in
Grade 6 were entertained by master storyteller David Gonzalez, in an exciting and energetic adaptation
of the Russian fairy tale, "The Frog Bride." What made this re-telling of the classic "Baba Yaga" story so
unique was the incredibly talented Gonzalez's ability to paint a realistic mental picture using movement,
sound, and gesture. What added to the story's beauty was that it was told to the music of Prokofiev as
well as original jazz/rock compositions. David Gonzalez, who has graced our stage before, as well as
many theaters all over America, told this tale of a dreamy and prideful young man's journey into
manhood with a comic spark that made for an unforgettable experience.
The indisputable educational value of these performances and workshops is only one of their benefits;
what is perhaps even more valuable is the joy that they bring to our students, who relish the opportunity
to enjoy art and delight in the one-on-one experience of meeting these talented performers personally in
the Q&A sessions following the performances. Because of the decades-old partnership between our
Yeshivah and Lincoln Center Institute, the world of the arts have become real and accessible to our
students, a meaningful way to view the world.
Alumni Shine in the 7th Annual Lander College for Men Beit
Medrash L'Talmud Bekius Blitz!
On February 22, 100 students learning in Israel took the Lander's Bekius Blitz Exam, just for fun! Zack
Burack (ES 2007, HS 2011) and Oriel Nemet (ES 2008, HS 2012) who are studying at Yeshivat HaKotel
and Keren B'Yavneh (KBY) respectively, were among the top 20 scorers on the exam. Students had a
choice of either studying Masechet Megillah or Masechet Makot and then taking a 75 question exam on
what they had learned. In a siyum that took place on Motzei Shabbat, March 2, the 20 winners were
awarded with a gift of sefarim. Zack and Oriel expressed gratitude to Rabbi Zelig Prag and the Yeshivah
of Flatbush faculty for their wisdom and guidance. Kol Hakavod to Zack and Oriel on their success.
YOF Joins Mission to Albany Advocating for Increased Aid to
Jewish Schools
On March 6, YOF Executive Director Rabbi Seth Linfield joined a coalition of schools on an advocacy
mission to Albany to urge State legislators and the Governor's office to increase aid to Jewish day
schools and private schools throughout New York State. It was organized by the Orthodox Union's
Teach NYS Initiative, along with the UJA-Federation of New York. More than 40 people participated,
representing schools from across New York City, Long Island, Westchester and Rockland County.
Middle Division Falcons
Congratulations to the Boys 8th Grade Basketball Team on making it to the finals three years in a row
(in 6th Grade, 7th Grade & 8th Grade). It has been a great three years for these boys and we wish them
much luck in High School!
High School Falcons
Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Basketball Team on making the finals. The seniors played in their
fourth championship game of their careers, a tremendous accomplishment. We would like to thank our
Lady Falcons for their tremendous efforts and for a great four years!
Our Spring sports season is now starting to be underway. The Boys Volleyball, Boys and Girls Soccer,
Boys and Girls Tennis, Boys Softball and Boys Baseball teams are warming up, and looking to make us
proud. Schedules to come!
See you at the Nest!
Stay in Touch with Joel Braverman High School News
Careers at YOF: Check Out Current Job Postings on Our
Website! Click Here:
Or on the website click "Menu" and then "Careers at YOF"
Within Our Family
as of March 6, 2013
Naama and David Kahana, on the birth of a daughter, Talia Ayelet; and to grandparents
Tzippy (Fuksbrumer) and Teddy Cohen and great grandparents Judy and Israel Fuksbrumer.
Tammi and Solomon Mosseri, on the birth of a baby girl.
Shoshana and Simcha Poupka, on the birth of a daughter; and to grandparents Sari and Ari
Rochelle (Hanon, ES 1988, HS 1992) and Eli Dweck (ES 1988), on the Bar Mitzvah of Murry.
Sandra (Mlinarz,HS 1987) and Brian Marcus, on the Bar Mitzvah of Nathan.
Helene Katz and Peter Katz, on the Bar Mitzvah of Ariel.
Esther Laniado and Adir Greenfeld (ES 1997, HS 2001); and to the parents Dvora and Rabbi
Yeshayahu Laniado and Nadine and Elliot Laniado (HS 1978).
Susan Richter (ES 1987, HS 1991) and Eric Feuerstein.
Simone Shapiro and Stefan "Shimi" Marcus (HS 2007).
Ruth Feder, in honor of the 90th Birthday of Debbie Eiferman.
Leah Gross; Tuvyah Gross (ES 1967, HS 1971), Debbie (Gross, ES 1969) Weiss and Adinah
(Gross, ES 1972, HS 1976) Ehrlich on the loss of their beloved husband and father, Jerry
Gross, A"H.
Marilyn Horowitz; Elliot Horowitz (ES 1979, HS 1983) and Richard Horowitz (HS 1976); Lillian
Fox, on the loss of their beloved husband, father and brother, Daniel Horowitz, A"H.
Dina Forman; Donna (Forman, HS 1975) Bahar and Gila (Forman, HS 1978) Lieberman, on
the loss of their beloved husband and father, Jerry Forman, A"H.
Grace Ashkenazi; Ezra Ashkenazi, Isaac Ashkenazi, Ronnie Ashkenazi, Shefie Cohen, David
Ashkenazi and Allegra Mamiye; Julie Chammah, Sarah Hidary and Ruth Nehmad, on the loss
of their beloved husband, father and brother, Ely Ashkenazi, A"H.
Joan and Jack Mann, in memory of Daniel Horowitz, beloved father of Richie and Elliot
Ruth Feder, in memory of Daniel Horowitz, beloved husband of Marilyn Horowitz.
V'shinantam L'Vanecha
And you shall teach your children
The Yeshivah of Flatbush invites you to participate in a special program, sponsoring the learning of over
2,000 precious YOF children. A week of learning may be dedicated in honor of, or, in memory of, a
loved one.
With your contribution, the name of the sponsor and the dedication will be prominently displayed on
LCD signage in the Elementary School and Joel Braverman High School lobbies, be announced by the
principals to students and faculty and be recognized in other meaningful ways.
For further information please contact:
Abraham J. Hidary: [email protected]
Albert Hasson: [email protected]
Bebe Levitt, Director, Alumni Association: [email protected]
(718) 377-4040 x 110
Diane Chabbott, Editor
Faith Edeson, Public Relations Assistant
We thank the YOF faculty and staff for their contributions and cooperation.
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Yeshivah of Flatbush | YOF Elementary School | Joel Braverman High School | 919 E.10th St./1609 Ave. J | Brooklyn | NY | 11230