The Battle of Arsuf (3rd Crusade) v2.0


The Battle of Arsuf (3rd Crusade) v2.0
September 7,
The Battle of Arsuf (3rd Crusade) v2.0
x 17
Symbols & Graphics Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007 Days of Wonder, Inc.
Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.
Richard I
City of
Although they tried to rally, the English
cavalry won the fight.
Historical Notes
King Richard was on the march,
commanding the crusader army. They
leaded to Jerusalem, traveling along the
Mediterranean coast. Approaching the city
of Arsuf, they left the night-camp crossing
a ford bellow a swamp, and followed the
road in the open. Richard expected the
attack of the Sultan Saladin's army. Thus,
he ordered his troops in three lines, parallel
to the coast-line.
Sultan of Egypt
Victory Conditions
Near the coast, it advanced the baggage
train line. A cavalry line traveled along the
road, protecting the baggage train. At the
head and rear of them there were heavy
armed Knights, Templar and Hospitaller
respectively. The cavalry line was protected
by a third parallel infantry line, containing
also Angevin archer and crossbowmen
Saladin's army was waiting in the hills and
woods of Arsuf, ready to harass the
English cavalry with his bowmen and
light-cavalry charges. He wanted to break
the English lines and push them to the sea.
What did happen that day? After repelling
several charges of the Saladin's light
cavalry and infantry with strong discipline,
the Knights Hospitaller, harassed by the
arrows of the Saladin's bowmen, got
impatient and charged on the right wing of
Saladin's army. King Richard was forced
to support the attack, ordering the charge
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of withthepermission,
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Hospitallers. Saladin's army was surprised.
Richard I
Commander of the
Crusader Army
Victory Conditions
Standard-banners represent the crusader army. King Richard's player should be careful and try to keep his lines
together. He has a highly restrictive number of command cards, especially if he wants to move the baggage train to
Arsuf to get an extra victory point (see below).
Pennant-banners: Saladin's player should try to break the enemy lines without too many losses, getting profit of his
greater capacity of movement and maneuver.
Conditions of Victory
One victory point per opponent's banner conquered.
Extra victory points: The baggage train.
The stronghold at the corner represents the city of Arsuf (see special rules below). The two English victory badges
represent the baggage train of the crusader army. A badge may be ordered by King Richard's player as any other
green unit. They are considered and move like green units, but they cannot fight themselves. A badge may be
joined to another unit in the same hex, but it is still needed two orders to move both of them. If a standard-banner
fighting-unit which is at the same hex than a badge is forced to retreat, the badge should be left alone in that hex.
If a pennant-banner unit ends his movement, or gains the position where a badge is, it sacs that part of the train. On
the other hand, if a badge is moved to enter the city of Arsuf, when no pennant-banner unit is on the city, it is
considered to be saved by the crusaders and it is taken out of the table.
The pennant-banner player gets 1 victory point FOR EACH captured English badge. The standard-banner player
gets 1 victory point if BOTH badges are saved.
Special Rules
The ford of the swamp-river does not stop movement. Swamp tile is not passable.
Arsuf city does not provide any of the benefits of the common stronghold tile. It is considered a clear hex for
movement and combat purposes.
Optional (Lore Rules): You may also play a more fantastic version of this battle. The holy mission of the crusaders
may have the help of a high church-man. A Saladin's emir may be a wizard. Standard's War Council: Commander
L1 + Cleric L1 (Bishop of Antioch). Pennant's War Council: Commander L2 + Wizard L1 (Emir of Damascus)
v2.0: After some more play-testing I have reduced the Saladin's mounted units by one.
NOTE: You will need to change the green pennant banner of a goblin unit by a blue one.