View Full PDF Newsletter - Western Hills Christian Church


View Full PDF Newsletter - Western Hills Christian Church
Western Hills Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
October 21,2014
In Essentials...Unity
In Non
In All Things…Charity
Please get your articles in by
Monday at Noon so it will be in
the Tuesday Newsletter.
Message from Sharon Newbold
Vision and Action
I applaud the “Prophet of the Dirt”! (If you were in church
Sunday, you know who I am talking about.) What a waste of
God’s beautiful earth to leave the “vacant lot”, well…. vacant! You
see the Prophet of the Dirt decided to act on his vision of a field of
colorful flowers. I, too, had often thought about the vacant lot and
what we could and should do to make it more useful. The
difference is that the Prophet decided to act, I didn’t.
The Fall Festival is an example of another vision that
someone had and acted on. Again, I was hesitant to act. But this
vision has blossomed into a big, fun-filled day of activity. It will
show the community that WHCC is alive and a great place to be.
It’s fellowship, it’s evangelism, it’s outreach, it’s stewardship! It’s
God’s church at work.
Often times, I see things that should be done around the
church or think of people I should reach out to who may need a
person to just listen to them. I am aware of this and I do pray
about it but, do I act? Not always. It’s that old saying that
“somebody needs to ……..”. I know I can be that “somebody”. I
may not be the Prophet, or have a vision of a big event but I can
and should act. It is my responsibility as a Christian, as a member
of this church family at Western Hills, and as a friend.
I need to trust that God has a plan and by saying “yes”, I put
my trust and belief in the knowledge that God has His hands in the
work I do.
Inside this
A Message
Youth News
Congrats to
Don Wilson;
Memorial for
Gene Byrd
Around the Church ,Week of 10/19
Wed 10/22
No Guitar Lessons (Maggie Out of Town)
No Youth & Children’s Groups
7:00PM Choir
Thurs 10/23 7:00PM Bible Study
Sat 10/25
11:00AM-6:00 Fall Festival
and Trunk or Treat
Sun 10/26
9:15AM Sunday School for all ages
10:40AM Worship
9:15 AM
10:40 AM
Bible Book
For October
Please Pray For:
Earl & Faye Niles
Julia Cox
Sam Spencer
Peggy Terrell
Steve Captain
Bob Christy
Rena Runnels
Jessica Alldredge
Mike Bee
Taylor Hydrick and Family
Joan Goldman
Marina Gosson
Jim Kyrish
Damiella “Dami” King
Shirley Whitacre and Family
Don Kelley’s daughter, Alana
Irene Lime and Family
Family of Gene Byrd
Bobby Mauricio
Greeley Caylan
Sarah Schwab
Estella Canales
Donna Gebing
Family of Sherry Stalnaker
Christene Kelley
October 2014
Kathryn Kruegar
Bob Gebing
Laura Schwab
June Goldman
Destiny Dominguez
Jill Haney
Prayer requests for family
and friends will be listed for
four weeks. If you feel
they should be listed
longer, please let us know
and we will be happy to do
Dr. Roy N. Tucker
Sharon Tucker
Paul Hughes
Sherry Stalnaker
V. Mountain
They may not remember
what you said, they may not
remember what you did, but they
will always remember how you
made them feel”
-Maya Angelou
October 2014
21 D.D. and Jill Haney
28 Joe and Jennifer Adamson
Youth Pastor Rev. Maggie Mossler
[email protected]
Patty Blake
[email protected]
Board Chair
Dewey Newbold
[email protected]
Elder Chair
Brian Brown
[email protected]
Prayer Band “B” Moore
Announcements/ Upcoming Events
One of the activities planned for our October 25th Fall Festival is a Bake Sale. We have
wonderful cooks (male and female) at WHCC. We need contributions from everyone to
make this Bake Sale a success. Please let us know what you can contribute. We hope
to sell whole and slices of cake and pie, cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc. We have
received promises for brownies, sugar-spice pecans, homemade apple butter (am
going to be sure to get some of this). Since our booth will be housed in the fellowship
hall with the BBQ lunch tables, it is hoped that people will visit us for dessert
after their BBQ or corn dog. We would like to have goodies brought to the church
on October 24th so they can be packaged and marked. Please call or e-mail Betty
Wright to let us know what you plan to bring (696-5163, [email protected]).
Thanks for helping make our Fall Festival a big success!
We are having a baptism on
November 16! Whitney Davis is
making a public commitment to
Visit our Western Hills Fall Festival facebook page
ministry on this day. What a
celebration! If anyone else feels
permalink/493903180744972/ and push the GOING
the pull to announce their public
button, then invite all of your friends!
You may also go to the Western Hills Christian Church, San Antonio, ministry through baptism, please
Texas facebook page and share contact Rev. Maggie or your
the flyer with everyone you know.
Honored to Serve
Sunday October 26,2014
Worship Leader
Bread Elder
Alternate Elder
Children’s Moment
Children’s Church
Irene Lime
Brian Brown
David Rico
Team 1
Jody Campbell
Rev. Maggie, Megan, Judith
Joel Rico/Hayley Estes
Karen Brown, Earl & Lou Critchlow
Sunday November 2,2014
Worship Leader
Bread Elder
Alternate Elder
Children’s Moment
Children’s Church
Estella Canales
Sharon Newbold
Edith Rico
Team 1
Pam Neuman
Donna Gebing, Beckley, Judith
Doreen Orduji/Allison Brown
Peggy Seifert, Cathy Bee,
Ruth Wilson
Hi, it’s Sharon Newbold, Your Volunteer Coordinator!
Thank you to all who have already volunteered to help out with our Fall Festival. I
will be asking more of you to help and really need people to “man” the different events and
activities. We are going to ask the area schools’ National Honor Society and Jr.
National Honor Society for students who can help us out for their required “service hours”, so that is a
possible source for more people.
On Sunday, you will see a poster of our “tentative schedule” and blank spaces. That’s where you put
your name! I am looking for people to man these areas for a 2 hour shift, but if you want to sign-up for
longer – GREAT! The hours for the Festival are 11:00 AM till 6:00 PM, so you have lots of opportunities to
serve! If you need to sit down-I can accommodate! If you need to be in the shade-I can accommodate! If
you need to be inside-I can accommodate! In other words, please volunteer and I will work with you to get
you where you need to be. This promises to be a wonderful festival and with your help, we can make it the
best Fall Festival ever!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at 647-5350. Thanks!!
Thank you "everybody!!" All of us have
worked so hard to make OUR Fall Festival a
success... We Will Be a Success..and we will
introduce OUR "Annual Fall Festival" this Saturday!! Please RSVP me if you would like to attend my
"after Festival" party at MY house!! Amen for an
AMAZING group of Friends!! Cheryl and Dave Johnson
…little ones to Him
belong…There are some red and green shoe boxes in
the foyer for Operation Christmas Child. We are going
CALLING ALL VETS!!! Veterans' Day is
to fill the boxes with school supplies, small toys and
coming up and we would like to honor you.
toiletries for children in a third world country. This is a
Please send a picture, with the name, to
project of Samaritan’s Purse. Please do not include
[email protected] to be included in the
used items, war-related toys, chocolate or perishable
PowerPoint if you have served in any branch of
foods, liquids, medicines or breakable items. If you or
the service. We will need these pictures no later your group wish to fill your own box, we have many
than Sunday, October 26. You may bring them extras in the office. November 2, we will ship them off
with our prayers. Thank you in advance for giving
to the church office before that to have them
a child the love of Christmas.
scanned into a digital photo.
Doug Critchlow 210-414-6948
c/o Annie Marie’s Catering 210-545-2249
Jennifer Edwards 210-410-5133
Math Tutoring
Peggy Seifert 210-412-1932
House & Garage Cleaning/ General
Loretta Clayton 210-872-8726
Independent Advocare Consultant/
Distributor Loretta Clayton 210-872-8726
www advocare/ health and wellness supplements
Monogramming/Computerized embroidery
Maggie Mossler 830-708-5536
Carlos Cortez 210-696-9812
Cortez Roofing
Drywall/Painting/Tree Trimming/General Handyman
Real Estate
Irene Lime 210-681-8818/cell 210-573-6169
SA Homefinders
Buy/Sell/Property Management
Dianne Cortez 210-535-2059/cell 210-684-7349
Spiros Realty, LLC
Ron L. Miranda 210-663-1003
Car Ports
Alternative Health Protection
Donna/Bob Gebing 210-521-9111
NASA Purifiers Air/Car/Heater/Laundry
Join/Learn FREE at
Our Bluebonnet Area Outdoor Ministry is looking for adults interested in working a
week at camp during the summer. Please contact Maggie at [email protected] for the
forms that must be completed and we will contact you with how you can be Jesus'
hands and feet by serving our God at the best place ever....Camp Gonzo!!! (Training
and lots of friends come with the deal.)
HEY YOUTH! We are going to lead worship on Sunday, November 2. We will have a rehearsals
during Children's Church on Sunday, October 26, during Youth groups on Wednesday, October
29, and during Sunday School, November 2. Study your parts!
FOR THOSE OF YOU IN SCHOOL: Maggie needs your schedules of sports, recitals, speeches,
etc. Your church family may want to come and cheer you on!
COMFORTING ANIMALS are sitting in the pews collecting prayers and hugs! When
you know of someone that needs a comforting presence to hold on to, be it an illness,
a hospital stay, a broken relationship or even a bee sting, feel free to take one of these
special animals to them with Western Hills Love. ALSO, if you have any gently used
critters that would like to be part of this ministry, please bring them to the office for
FUNDRAISERS We would love your support!
Used-up ink cartridges and cell phones (working or not). Basket is in the foyer.
The only ink cartridges we recycle are the ones that fit in the palm of your
Pennies for the Youth—jar is in the foyer.
Greeting cards—find them in the foyer.
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION—box is in the foyer.
Aluminum cans—look for the containers! Please, empty the cans before putting them in the
Oct 31
Nov 2
Nov 2
Nov 7-9
Nov 8
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Trick or Treat @ St. P.J.'s
Daylight Saving Time.
Clocks FALL back one hour.
Youth Sunday
CYF (High School) Fall Rally at Camp Gonzo
Men’s Breakfast
Western Hills Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
8535 Huebner Road
San Antonio, Texas 78240
Phone: 210-690-9327
[email protected]
Check ou
Lectionary Readings
October 26, 2014
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
MEMORIAL SERVICES FOR Don Kelley’s Father, Gene Byrd: A Memorial
Service will take place on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 3:00 PM at Brookehill
Funeral Home, 711 S. E, Military Dr., San Antonio, TX 78214.
Internment Memorial Service will be on Sunday, October 26 at 3:00 PM at
Bryan City Cemetery, 1111 S. Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas. You may sign the
on-line guest book at under the obituary section.
Congratulations Don!
At the recent Southwest Region
Men’s Retreat, held at Lake
Brownwood Christian Retreat,
pastor Don Wilson (Ruth Wilson’s
son) was named “Minister of the
Year 2014.” His certificate reads
in part, “Presented in recognition
of outstanding service through his
church and community, by the
Christian Church (Disciples of
Christ) in the Southwest.”