Annual Report 2014


Annual Report 2014
Administrative Board
President: Félix de Barrio
Vice-president: Eduardo García Mansilla
Treasurer: Elías Mejalelaty
Secretary: Jorge Labanca
Principal Chairmembers: Carlos Etcheverrigaray, María Freixas de Braun, Daniel Dessein, Patricio Guitart, Silvina
Hojman de Madanes, Fernando Malenchini, Santiago Murtagh, Pedro Simoncini
Acting Chairmembers: Jorge Galperín, Matilde Mejalelaty, Aldo Sessa
Strategic Advisory Committee: Horacio Diez, Ignacio González García, Mario Vázquez
Advisory Committee
Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia, Ing. Guillermo Battro, Dr. Jaim Etcheverry, Lic. Víctor García Laredo, Prof. Alfredo van Gelderen,
Dr. Mariano Grondona, Dr. Carlos Kaplan, Sr. José Martini, Dr. Manuel Mora y Araujo, Dr. Alejandro Orfila, Sr. Carlos
Padula, Sr. Carlos Pla, Sr. Steven Rockefeller, Dr. Julio Saguier, Dra. Carol Sakoian, Prof. Antonio Salonia, Dr. Juan Carlos
Auditors: PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Executive Director: Patricia Mejalelaty
In 1997 Fundación Leer signed a license agreement with Reading is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF), organization that works
since 1966 in the field of reading promotion in United States of America.. In this way, it managed to apply its
programs in Argentina, making all the necessary adjustments to adapt them to the local reality.
In 2004 Fundación Leer started to work jointly with the Open Society Institute to implement in Argentina its
programs Step by Step and Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking dedicated to improve school performance
through teaching strategies that promote the active learning. These programs include families in the educational
process of children, and foster democratic values at school.
From its very beginnings, Fundación Leer has developed its own programs whose goal is to respond to specific
problems and needs identified in our country.
2014 in Figures
• 475 educational projects implemented in institutions in 278
localities all over the country.
• 1,272 adults trained (teachers, directors, librarians, educational
community promoters, education students, health personnel and
• 163,225 children and young people under 17 years participated
in our projects.
• 72.976 children and young people literature new books
distributed in institutions.
• 347 Reading areas were provided with new books.
• More than 358,479 volunteers from all around the country.
• 12nd. National Reading Marathon: 4,270,000 children, young
people and adults from 13,382 institutions registered.
Results over 17 years of work
• We implemented 6,891 reading promotion projects in 23
provinces in Argentina and in Buenos Aires city.
• Our programs benefited 1,832,559 children and young people.
• We distributed 1,874,810 children and young people literature
new books in educational institutions and non-formal
educational organizations.
• We created 3,346 reading areas provided with new books in
schools, libraries and centers.
• We trained 19,974 adults in Reading promotion and literacy.
We are a non-profit organization created in 1997 with a clear objective: to contribute to
children and young people education in Argentina through the promotion of reading.
Our educational programs seek to improve educational
conditions of girls and boys in vulnerable condition and
enhance their reading competencies. Although we work
with children and young people since they are born up to
they are 18 years old, we focus on those attending
kindergarten and primary school.
We work every day together with teachers, authorities,
community leaders and families all over Argentina,
providing educational resources, advisory and training
for the promotion of reading. We believe that reading
and the proximity to books are indispensable for the
personal development and full insertion of children in
the complex present society.
The National Reading Marathon, the contests and other
campaigns allow us to reach the whole country and
transmit our working philosophy on a larger scale.
We reach educational institutions
schools, public
libraries, hospitals, health centers, homes, amongst
others - and coordinate our work with authorities and
other key social organizations. We also develop
proposals to reach families directly, which play a
fundamental role in children´s education. Additionally,
we continuously try to improve our processes by
incorporating new technologies in our organization.
Working Areas
In 2014 we worked on the following areas:
1- Early literacy in children development centers, kindergartens and community organizations.
2- Literacy for school-aged children at schools, health centers, libraries and
community organizations.
3- Family literacy.
4- Teacher training.
In 2014, our annual campaign, the 12th National
Reading Marathon again expanded its message from schools
to families and incorporated a schedule of contents
and activities during that day for the families
to follow through our social networks.
This is a reading promotion program which improves the
educational opportunities of socially vulnerable children
through the creation of children libraries
Reading Corners
and the training of teachers. The
program seeks to assign reading a more relevant position
in schools’ everyday life, and give institutions that lack of
books the possibility of having them.
In 2014, 94%
of children
that participated
in the Open
94 percent
of children
that participated
in the
more books
read in
Book Project
towards to
request more books, they show
more interest in reading and they go to the school library
more often. Besides 74 percent of them ask for other
books other than the obliged by curricula.
This program was support by: Banelco S.A., Banco Santander Río S.A., BGH S.A., General Mills Argentina S.A., Hempel
Foundation, OAS - Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) – EMC, Pan American Energy LLC, TGN Transportadora de
Gas del Norte S.A.
Institutions: 18
Locations: 14
Books distributed: 6535
Participant children: 6195
“I highlight the importance of the Foundation´s
work, since they not only provide materials and a
corner for pleasant reading, but they also give
the children their own books and in this way
reading is also settled in their homes. (…)
Students feel interested in working in the library
on defined days, and they also go in school
breaks and borrow a book to read at home. We
observe they care about the Reading Corner, and
they accept and respect the rules previously
agreed with them.”
Teacher at EGB Nº 56 “Leopoldo Marechal” school,
Buenos Aires.
“The implementation
of the Reading Corner and the
Book Events was excellent.
Through the program the
relationship between the
reader, adult or child, and
books was strengthened. The
children found in the activities
a space for fun and
encountered and participated
actively and enthusiastically.
We are very happy and
Teacher at Escuela N° 49, Merlo, San Luis.
InIn 2014,
2014, one
one hundred
hundred percent
percent ofof the
the teachers
participating in the Reading Marathon Program,ensured
that problems initially identified, such as children´slack
ofof interest
interest inin reading
reading and
and little
little reading
reading habits,
habits, were
four percent
of the
solved after
after iprogram.
program Ninety
percent of the teachers affirmed that now children ask
the curricular
and find
reading a pleasant
for other
books than
the curricular
and find activity.
reading a
It is an educational program intended to educate
children as autonomous readers, who usually turn to
books for entertainment and information. The program
offers access to new children books both for
participating institutions and for the children to choose
and take home as their own in three events called
Reading Marathons.
pleasant activity.
This program was supported by: Banco Santander Río S.A., Rousselot Argentina S.A. and OAS - Pan American Development
Foundation (PADF) - EMC.
Institutions: 10
Locations: 7
Books distributed: 1,805
Participant children: 850
“It is a really very good program. It gets the
children to approach reading spontaneously. The
group achieve positive changes during the year
regarding autonomous and pleasant reading. The
program´s implementation reinforced their desire
to read, by having volunteers reading to them and
even more through being able to choose a book of
Principal at Escuela Nº 13. D.E.4 “República de Chile” school,
Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
“Since my son´s school
participates of the Reading
Marathons, he reads more at
home and is more interested in
new books and authors. He
shares his readings with us and
can read quicker and with a
better reading comprehension.
He was delighted with the
parade at the program´s
closing ceremony, and we also
participate, it was a nice
Student´s mother at Escuela N° 773
"Pablo Antonio Pizzurno" school, Rosario, Santa Fe.
Ready to Live is a program aimed to children between 9
and 12 years old that contributes to develop some of the
personal and social skills they will need to get on in such a
complex society as the one we live in. Through projects in
which the reading of several literary works is present,
children deal with different topics such as self-esteem,
empathy, how to tackle the peer pressure, how to care
themselves and the environment they live in, their
community role, their different learning styles and the
importance of studying and attending school.
of theof teachers
95 percent
the teachers
since the
implementation of the project, children request books
activities. Additionally, 77 percent affirmed that the
77% of the
of participating
interest of students
and learn
new authors increased significantly.
This program was supported by: Monsanto Fund and Caterpillar Foundation through The Resource Foundation.
Institutions: 18
Locations: 12
Books distributed: 7,211
Participant children: 6,962
“The Program “Preparados para Vivir” (Ready to
Live), goes beyond acquiring specific books for
the children and provides the Reading Corner
with reading materials according to the interests
and needs of the beneficiaries, it influences them
to a better coexistence, openness to dialogue
and cooperative attitude. The program is
excellent and very beneficial in this so socially
vulnerable educational community”.
Principal at Escuela N° 5 “José Hernández” school, Zárate,
Buenos Aires.
“I think the program
is very good since it has
allowed the development of
skills which will help the
children to get on in life with
more self-confidence and
certainty. The children were
captivated by the proposed
activities and we had a
beautiful inauguration of the
Corner. I would like to continue
working in this program with
the Foundation because of the
positive results I observed this
Teacher at Escuela N° 68 school,
San Javier, Misiones.
Reading Journals is a program that helps children create a
positive bond with books and increase the amount of
books read along the year. The Reading Journal printed
material attractively designed where children record their
reading is an essential ludic component of this project.
knowledge about the teaching of the literary text and
make them aware of the essential role they play as
reading mediators.
100 percent of the teachers that participated in the
100% of the teachers that participated in the program
program saw changes in the children’s literary
saw changes in the children’s literary competencies.
competencies and their critical thinking abilities:
analyze, argument, create.
Additionally, Reading Journals strengthens the teachers´
This program was supported by: Falabella S.A. // Institutions: 13 // Locations: 11 // Books distributed: 4,201 //
Participant children: 3,256
“Thanks to the program the children increased the number of books
read, strengthening their reading skills, their habits, learnings and
competences related to reading. Vocabulary increased, spelling
improved, thinking sharpened, it brought all kinds of information,
created reflection habit, awoke fondness, attention and
concentration were strengthened, it developed fantasy and
creativity. Besides, with the incorporation of the reading album the
children requested books to take home more frequently, also the
visits to the Corner were incremented and the children were
enthusiastic with the variety of reading activities which were
Principal at Escuela N° 51 “Madre Patria” school, La Paz, Entre Ríos.
“The children have
been more interested in reading
since we use the Reading Diaries.
They take interest in the books,
they exchange them with each
other and they talk about what
they have read. It was a very good
work since it was not only done
with the children but also with
their parents, who participated
reading aloud and integrating to
the program. It is so good to see
how an integrated work in which
value is given to reading is
achieved. We thank the
Foundation the excellent supply of
books for the children and for the
institutional library.”
Teacher at Escuela “Justo José de Urquiza” school,
Villa Giardino, Córdoba.
Together with Tecpetrol S.A. we implemented a Project to
promote reading in Catriel, in Río Negro province,
destined to benefit children, their families and the
Kindergarten schools of that locality. The project aspired
to promote the approach to books of the children and
their families and the wish to incorporate reading as a
daily life activity. Also, it sought to strengthen the
educational institutions through training their teachers,
the delivery of resources (travelling backpacks with books
and board games, which went from one educational
institution to another) and books which enriched the
reading areas.
This program was supported by: Tecpetrol S.A. // Institutions: 5 // Locations: 1 // Books distributed: 900 // Participant
children: 796
The Reading Challenge is a program to promote reading
that seeks to strengthen the bond each library, as a
meeting space for culture and access to knowledge,
establishes with its community and the nearby schools.
The program provides libraries with mobile reading
spaces called Reading Carts.
at one school, children record their readings in an
attractively designed printed material called Reading
In 87
of the
coordinators stated
of the
thanks to their participation in the Reading Challenge
to read
for pleasure.
to read
for pleasure.
With them librarians visits the local institutions to offer
children the access to the book. While the cart remains
This program was supported by: S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la Patagonia
Institutions: 48 centers in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Chubut, Neuquén, Río Negro, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe and Tierra del Fuego.
Locations: 47
Books distributed: 13,128
Participant children: 53,160
“In this city´s Event the work of children and teachers
was noticed, not only in the “Snow White and the seven
dwarfs” representation that Kindergarten N° 4
performed, but also the work done by the Special
School stood up; they made masks about the story that
was read and they were able to tell us what they had
done by themselves. I truly believe the institutions that
participated deserve a special mention since, as the
teachers told us, they not always have the adequate
conditions to develop the activities they would really
desire, and it is difficult for them to carry out this type
of programs, so I think it has an added value.”
Manager of La Anónima branch market at Tolhuin,
Tierra del Fuego.
“The Program
“Desafío Leer” (Reading
Challenge) was a very good
experience, since it was the first
time we implemented a cultural
extension network with primary
schools. It was an opportunity to
spread what our library can offer
to educate readers at their early
age. It was useful to consolidate
the social projection in the
community, attract new readers
and visitors and increment the
bibliographic patrimony for the
reading corner.”
Mentor at the library Biblioteca Popular Sarmiento at
Rafaela, Santa Fe.
It is a program the companies develop within their
employees and its objective is to promote the reading
habit with their children at home.
the program´s website. In addition, Fundación Leer
provides 100 children´s literature books to the company
so that participants can make them circulate in their
homes. The children also receive a specially designed
material to account for the hours of reading.
During the months of the campaign, the participants
commit to read with their children 20 minutes daily,
using different reading promotion resources available in
This program was supported by: Henkel Argentina S.A., SKF Argentina S.A y TYCO Integrated Fire & Security (ADT Security
Services S.A.) // Locations: 6 // Books: 855 // Participant children: 651
“I would like to thank Fundación Leer for your
daily support and cooperation with the
campaign since it was a success. Many
employees participated, who showed satisfied
taking advantage with their children,
grandchildren, nephews and nieces of the
contents in the web”.
Ivana Gaudio from Henkel Argentina S.A.
Family of Readers it’s a program intended to strengthen
families to support the development of language, literacy
and their children´s closer approach to books. With this
aim, trains through school, parents or people in charge of
children´s education, providing them strategies and
concrete ideas to favor the creation of an emotional bond
between the children and the books since first infancy.
of parents
saw changes
their change
100 percent
of parents
of the
to be
aloud, to
the end ofkids
be read stories, they are interested in knowing the
images, they
meaning ofamong
new words,
tell theand
the numbers,
colors andletters
wish to
to their
colors and wish to read aloud to their parents.
This program was supported by: Esso Petrolera Argentina S.R.L – ExxonMobil, Tecpetrol S.A. Suc. Chubut, Transba S.A. //
Institutions: 18 // Locations: 8 // Books distributed: 4,313 // Children: 4,574
“Since the implementation of the program “Familia de
Lectores” (Readers´ Family), my 5 year old son plays
with books at home, and shows more interest from day
to day. Now he looks for stories and tells them to all the
family. Reading has become a more family like activity,
we read and tell stories, draw and write together”.
Mother of a student at Escuela de Nivel Inicial Nº 440 “Puerta del sol”
school, Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut.
“Since the project the Reading Corner
is used more frequently, the children
explore the books spontaneously, they
handle them better and they show
attentive when they read. Their way of
expression improved and they recognize
books with covers. Besides, the participation
of all educational community was
stimulated and it was of great help for the
daily work of the teachers in the classrooms.”
Principal at Jardín 941 kindergarten, Berazategui,
Buenos Aires.
Through this program the educational opportunities for
vulnerable children are improved by the creation of
children´s libraries in community centers daily visited by
the children and their families.
Fundación Leer understands that the promotion of
reading and literacy are the clues to children´s
development, their educational success and subsequent
social. With this aim, the program not only creates
reading areas and trains community referents, but also
achieves to place reading and the development of
language in a relevant space of families everyday life.
This program was supported by: Fondation Air France // Institutions: 4 // Locations: 4 // Books: 600 // Children: 138
“Thanks to the assembly of the Reading Corner there is more
enthusiasm and interest in connecting with texts, besides we take
advantage of the Corner to develop specific activities such as
performances, dramatizations and stage plays that generate the
children´s frequent visits and better approach to reading. Adults have
applied and developed gratifying experiences with all age groups,
amongst equals, inter classrooms and shifts, as well as with parents.
Families´ accompaniment was highly positive. Thousands of thanks
to all Fundación Leer team and to Fundación Air France for making
this possible!”
Referent of Children Development Centers “Padre Benito López”,
The program Reading Corners in Health Centers
intends to create a space for reading in children´s daily
lives, Therefore it proposes the creation of Reading
Corners in those places where children and their families usually attend.
Reading provides pediatric health institutions with
resources to be incorporated in different stages of the
care process. It helps children to be carried away to
imaginary places by providing moments of joy and
supporting them to deal with difficult situations they
have to face.
This program was supported by: Penguin Random House Editorial Group // Institutions: 9 // Locations: 2 // Books:
900 // Participating children: 490
“The Reading Corner in the waiting
room generated a growing participation of
boys and girls in the proposal, a positive
highlight from the Development Center´s
coworkers and proposal that made attending
patients easier. As of the training received we
believe improving the children´s reading
competencies is possible”
Referent of CeSAC Nº 27, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Primary schools training. Reading more, shared.
A total of seventy two teachers from the schools in Pérez and
Soldini locations, Santa Fé province, participated of the session
organized together with Sipar Gerdau Aceros S.A. The teachers
received a training focused in the teaching of reading, keys to
self-assessment and the improvement of teaching practices,
with the objective of making them think over, update and go in
depth in the knowledge about teaching reading and writing at
Reading comprehension training. The classroom organized
through reading and writing workshops.
Together with J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation we prosecuted
five training workshops for sixty three primary level teachers in
Hurligham location. The project strengthened the way
teachers used to plan and project their actions to promote
“The workshops were very enjoyable, very
interesting and helped us to come back to
such an important thing as using your head,
On-line training. A response to the training of autonomous
Together with CAVEDI we provided an on-line training offering
the teachers concepts and specific strategies for the children to
read more, understand what they read and think critically.
Thirty teachers from Buenos Aires City, Buenos Aires, Chaco,
Córdoba, Entre Ríos, La Pampa, La Rioja, Neuquén, Río Negro,
San Juan, Santa Fe, Tucumán and Santa Cruz participated.
On-line training. Development of children at risk
alphabetization in Argentina.
With the support of Hempel Foundation we prosecuted a
distance training regarding tools for reading understanding.
Two training sessions in which eight teachers from Escuela
Albergue (boarding school) “Teniente Coronel Alvarez
Condarco” in San Juan province were carried out.
reason and think through reading and
writing. The classes were very dynamic and
interesting for most participants, it was
always a come and go amongst all listening
to the different opinions and thoughts. It
was useful for me to start reading again,
read to my children and write in a more
precise manner”.
Worker at Toyota, Zárate, Buenos Aires.
“I loved the two workshops, the work
experiences with my mates and the way the
training was organized. I believe that its
Literacy course. Workshops for the promotion Reading, writing
and cultural incentive.
Sixteen meetings were carried out in Toyota Argentina, with
the aim of improving employees´ discursive skills focused in
reading, writing and oral communication. In-person and
distance meetings with the participation of more than forty
workers were done.
contents may help bring the families closer
to the different types of texts. ”
Teacher at Escuela Albergue (boarding school)
“Teniente Coronel Alvarez Condarco” de San
Fundación Leer App
With the support of Coca-Cola Argentina S.A. we
launched Fundación Leer´s App, an application which
can be downloaded for free in tablets and smart- phones
with Android and iOs. The objective is to promote
Reading at homes and facilitate resources for adults who
want to bring their children closer to reading. It enables
find children´s books and activities recommendations in
an easy way, such as videos, trailers and interviews to
authors. All the material is classified into categories so
as to search content according to age and interests, for
children between 3 and 12 years old.
Goleada de Lectura (Reading Trash) Campaign and
Reading in Summer
With the “Reading Trash (Goleada de lectura)” y “Reading
in summer (Leer en Verano)” campaigns grownups and
children shared electronic/web based stories. Registered
people received one story for adults and one for children
weekly which they could read in different devices such as
a computer, tablet or Smartphone.
In institutions and families
On September 19, over 4,270,000 children, young people
and adults from all regions of Argentina joined this
campaign to communicate the society the importance of
reading for the present and future of our children.
The day session was launched with an opening ceremony
and activities for children in the Buenos Aires city Zoo.
Over 1,000 children together with their teachers enjoyed
a show and participated in reading relay activities. Canela
and Nik. children´s author and educator, were the
Marathon´s godparents, accompanied us in the event.
12nd. National Reading Marathon: over 4,270,000
children, young people and adults said “yes” to
reading. Additionally, such as last year, the families
participated from their homes.
At the same time, different activities were performed
along the country by the participating institutions:
reading aloud, storytelling, plays, games, among other
proposals created by the communities themselves.
The Marathon in the social networks
Marathon and families
The Marathon had a strong presence in the social
networks through a contents agenda which had games,
activities, stories and interviews to authors and
Once again the families were present at the Marathon
under the motto “For a child to read not only show
him/her a book, also show him/her a reader”. This way
parents, grandparents and other relatives joined the
compromise to read with their children on the Marathon
day. More than 36.000 families celebrated reading.
Marathon media campaign
The campaign was developed with the support of ADV
Vázquez. Soledad Pastorutti, participated in works for
radio, television and graphic media.
“We launched the National Reading Marathon from
the most listened in the region FM radio, as we have
been doing for the last consecutive 10 years, with
the lecture of a beautiful story "The king´s shirt",
which left a great learning, then the reading chain
continued in our school in both shifts. It was a
success and each year more readers join. Until next
Teacher at Escuela N° 395 “Juan Manuel Irrazábal” school,
Oberá, Misiones.
“At the Factory Alladio e Hijos S.A. we participated in the reading marathon and the experience was beautiful. Four
workers who are finishing their primary school come here and more than sixty are finishing their secondary. Besides,
we have a library in the factory. Within this framework I dedícate myself to spread Reading and take advantage of
the operators´ available times to carry out this initiatives.”
Coordinator of the Alladio Educational and Cultural Space from Alladio e Hijos S.A., Luque, Córdoba.
The Marathon in figures
4,270,000 children, teenagers and adults
• Institutions registered: 13,382
• Locations: 2,625
• Participants:
The Marathon in pictures
Made possible the 12th National Reading Marathon
Main Sponsor
Media Sponsor
Publishing Houses
A-Z Editora S.A., Catapulta Editores, Ediciones Colihue S.R.L., Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L., Ediciones del Eclipse S.R.L., Ediciones Iamiqué S.A., Ediciones SM S.A.,
Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C., Editorial Guadal S.A., Editorial Océano Argentina S.A., Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.e.I., Editorial Sinfín, Fondo de Cultura Económica de
Argentina S.A., FUNCEI, Fundación Edelvives, Grupo Claridad, Grupo Macmillan, Grupo Santillana Argentina, Kapelusz Editora S.A., Penguin Random House,
Pequeño Editor, Riderchail Editions S.R.L.
Made possible the event at the Zoo
Main Sponsor
Media Sponsor
Publishing Houses
Thanks to the support of our volunteers we participate in events and accomplish multiple projects. This way, many of
them participated in the 39th International Book Fair, and more than 358,000 adults joined to read in 12nd National
Reading Marathon in different points in the country.
“I participate as a volunteer at de Foundation (Leer) because I fully share
their objectives. Education is the principal way to surpass ourselves.
Those of us who have had the opportunity to achieve a tertiary level
have to give back with our contribution so that other people with
limited resources can access it. This Foundation is an example to follow,
either because of its programs, because of who implement them, and
above all because of those who have the responsibility of administrate
it. For all of these reasons, I feel part of the Foundation.”
Ricardo volunteer in the foundation.
Reconditioning and equipment
of a Reading Corner.
Volunteers participated from: American Express
S.A., Fibertel, Monsanto Fund, OAS - Pan American
Development Foundation (PADF) – EMC, The Walt
Disney Company (Argentina).
Reading Buddies Program.
Volunteers participated from: Axion Energy
Argentina S.R.L., Banco Santander Río, DirecTV,
JPMorgan Private Bank, PGI Argentina S.A. - Polymer
Group Inc., Sipar Gerdau Aceros S.A., Western Union
Financial Services Argentina S.R.L, Young & Rubicam
Assembly of teaching materials.
Volunteers participated from: Deutsche Bank S.A.
// Institutions: 46 // Locations: 35 // Books: 2425 // Children: 7621
“The experience of telling stories in a primary school was excellent. The
institution gave us a very good welcome and the training was according to the
needs to implement the program. I will never forget the happy faces of the
children when they saw us and the drawings they gave us as a gift with a kiss
and a hug”.
Young & Rubicam S.A. Volunteer.
“At the school they received us in the best way, the
children behaved more than well, and they were very
interested both in the stories and the subsequent
activity. For me it was an unforgettable experience,
perhaps since it was the first time. The children
continually demonstrated affection to us, even though
they had not met us before! Most probably many of
them have very hard realities, and I had the feeling that
at least for that hour and a half we shared, they were in
a world according to their age, using their imagination
and I believe they enjoyed very much. Thank you for the
effort you make to carry out these activities, and I wish
to be part in other opportunities”.
“I think that the
program was very important
because it gave a place in which
it was guaranteed the children
had a rich interaction with high
quality books and it provided the
teachers the possibility to work
in a systematic way encouraging
the learning and initiating them
as readers. The assembling of the
Corner achieved great
participation of the families and
great work of volunteers, who
were of real help to carry forward
the program”.
Teacher at Jardín de Infantes N° 916
“Cecilia Grierson” kindergarten, Buenos Aires.
Monsanto Fund Volunteer.
Gire volunteers at school
in Gonzalez Catán in Buenos Aires.
DirectTV volunteers at school
in Carapachay, Buenos Aires.
Disney volunteers at school in Olivos, Buenos Aires.
Amex volunteers in Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
BAE, 6-8-2014
Clarín, 10-8-2014
La Nación, 16-8-2014
La Nación, 18-9-201
La Nación, 20-9-2014
La Prensa, 20-9-2014
Pregón de Jujuy, 10-9-2014
Revista Viva, 3-8-2014
Revista Buenas Ideas, 25-9-2014
El Tribuno, 16-9-2014
Fundación Leer deeply appreciate the support provided by the following people during 2014:
Carol Rasco, Presidente y Directora Ejecutiva, RIF; Sarah Klauss, Open Society Institute; Dierdre Williams, Open Society
Institute; Liana Ghent; Dawn Tankersley, International Step by Step Association; Embajadora de Estados Unidos en Argentina;
AMA Asociación Médica Argentina; Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría, Francisco Aguiar; Francisco, Tatiana y Clara Almeida;
Paula Aniasi; Juan José Badano; Pedro Luis Barcia; Osvaldo Blanco; Miguel Bogado; Federico Braun (P); Nicolás Antelo; Nicolás
Braun; Gabriela Burín; Canela; Gustavo Canevaro; Luis Capua; Milva Castelini; Daniel Cintrán; Graciela Ciro; Alberto Colinas;
Ana Costa Méndez; Félix de Barrio; Daniel Dessein; Claudio Destéfano; Ana María Díaz; Horacio Diez; Cristian Dzwonik – NIK;
Jorge Esponda; Wenceslao Esponda; Carlos Etcheverrigaray; Jorge Figuieras; Carlos Fernández Méndez; Eduardo Ferrari; Carlos
Fiks; María Freixas de Braun; Isol; Alberto García Hamilton; Eduardo García Mansilla; Sergio Garrido; Pablo Gianella; Ignacio
González García; Martín Gómez; Diego Gourdy Allende; Patricio Guitart; Miguel Gusmano; Silvina Hojman de Madanes;
Diego Illescas; Isol; Tahyana Imaz; Sylvia Iparraguirre; Claudio Ipolitti; Gerardo Gustavo Kabbache; Juan Carlos Kalhat; Gustavo
Koniczer; Jorge N. Labanca; Miguel A. Laruffa; Diego Latorre; Narda Lepes; Clara Levín; Fernando Malenquini; Roque
Malenquini; Ezequiel Mandelbaum; Facundo Marino Martínez; Francisco Mármol; Domingo Marra; Matías Martin; María
Laura Martín; Pablo Martellota; Gabriel Matijas; Alejandra Mejalelaty y Flia.; Fabiana Mejalelaty; Gustavo Mejalelaty y Flia.;
Eduardo Mejalelaty y Flia.; Mario Mejalelaty; Elías y Matilde Mejalelaty; Teófilo Mejalelaty y Flia.; Roxana Mejalelaty y Ariel
Klein; Mariel Morita; Norberto Morita; Santiago Murman; Santiago Murtagh; Emmanuel Nogueira; Jorge Ouviña; Martín
Palermo; Héctor Parreira; Soledad Pastorutti; Román Pellegrino; Taira Peña; Pablo Pinkus; Sonia Pino; Ana María Pirra; Carlos
Pla; José Pochat; Carlos Rago; Cristina Ramos; Paula Ramos; Dr. José Luis Rinaldi; Francesco Rovetta; Lola Rubio; Julio Saguier;
Agustina y Claudio Saladino; Antonio Salonia; Ricardo Scalzotto; Tito Schuticchio; Aldo Sessa; Luis Sessa; Ana María Shua;
Pedro Simoncini; Flavia Tomaello; Mariano C. Tomatis; Nora Trumper; Gabriel Tubio; Martín Vázquez; Alfredo Van Gelderen;
Mario Vázquez; Felipe Videla; Dylan Williams; Martín Wullich; Norma Zanelli; Noris Zerdá.
Thanks to the educational authorities, teachers and educational references that opened their doors to contribute to
improving the literacy of children in our country. We thank all institutions, corporations, publishers and foundations who
joined and supported us to develop and implement our programs.
We also thank the commitment and generosity of each volunteer and individual donor and associate of the foundation. Our
special gratitude to all Fundación Leer´s team.
Supported Fundación Leer´s task in 2014
#1; A.W. Faber Castell Argentina S.A.; AcerBrag S.A.; Acindar Industria Argentina de Aceros S.A.; AdeA Administradora de Archivos
S.A.; ADEPA; ADIRA; ADV Vázquez; AEDIA; AGEA S.A.; Agropecuaria Cantomi S.A.; Alfaguara Infantil y Juvenil; Aluar Aluminio
Argentino S.A.I.C.; American Express Argentina S.A.; Ángel Estrada y Cía. S.A.; Aparu; ARBIA (Asociación de Radios Bonaerenses y
del Interior de la República Argentina); Arcos Dorados S.A.; ARPA (Asociación de Radiodifusoras Privadas de Argentina); Arte a
Babor; Asociación Civil Contenidos; Atento; ATVC; Avenida Publicidad; Axion Energy Argentina S.R.L.; AZ Editora S.A.; Banco de
Galicia S.A.; Banco Patagonia S.A.; Banco Santander Río S.A.; Banelco S.A.; Bernini Medios S.A.; BGH S.A.; Billboard Publicidad en
Vía Pública; Biribetto Editorial; Book Company; Bunge Argentina S.A.; Cadena 3; CAF Charities Aid Foundation America; Cámara
Argentina de Publicaciones; Cámara Argentina de Venta Directa CAVEDI; Cámara Argentina del Libro; Canal 9 Norte de Misiones;
Canal 7 de Mendoza; Canal 12 de Posadas; Canal 10 de Río Negro; Carrefour Argentina S.A.; Catapulta Editores; Caterpillar
Foundation; Cencosud S.A.; Chello Latin America; Coca Cola Argentina S.A.; Colgate Palmolive Argentina S.A.; Consudec; Covedisa
S.A.; Culligan Argentina S.A.; Deutsche Bank S.A.; Diario Clarín; Diario El Litoral; Diario El Libertador; Diario El Patagónico; Diario El
Sol; Diario Formosa; Diario Jornada; Diario La Nación; Diario La Voz de Jujuy; Diario Nuevo Día; Diario Primera Edición; Diario de
La Pampa; Dietrich S.A.; Dirección General de Participación Ciudadana - Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; DirecTV; Edebé
S.A.; Ediciones Abran Cancha; Ediciones Colihue S.R.L.; Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L.; Ediciones Del Eclipse S.R.L.; Ediciones Iamiqué
S.A.; Ediciones SM Argentina; Editorial Albatros S.A.C.I.; Editorial Artemisa S.A.; Editorial Atlántida S.A.; Editorial El Ateneo - Grupo
Ilhsa S.A.; Editorial Estrada S.A.; Editorial Guadal S.A.; Editorial Océano Argentina S.A.; Editorial Puerto de Palos S.A.; Editorial
Sigmar S.A.C. e I.; Editorial Sinfín; Educación Tributaria - Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; El Cronista Comercial; El Nuevo
Diario de Santiago del Estero; El Siglo; El Tribuno; Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Argentina; EMC Computer Systems
Argentina S.A.; Escribanía Esponda; Ernest Young; Esso Petrolera Argentina S.R.L.- ExxonMobil; Falabella S.A.; Filmsuez S.A.;
Fondation Air France; Fondation Air Liquide; Fondo de Cultura Económica; Foundation Open Society Institute; Funcei; Fundación
Acindar; Fundación Andreani; Fundación BBVA; Fundación Edelvives; Fundación Hermanos Agustín y Enrique Rocca; Fundación La
Nación; Fundación Noble; General Mills Argentina S.A.; Gire S.A.; Girola Vía Pública; GlobalGiving; Grupo Assa; Grupo Cablevisión;
Grupo Claridad; Grupo Cohen; Grupo Crónica; Grupo EDIBA; Grupo Integrity - Liberty Seguros Argentina S.A.; Grupo Santillana
Argentina S.A.; Grupo PRISA; Help Argentina; Hempel Foundation; Henkel Argentina S.A.; Índigo Music Design; Instituto de
Idiomas S.R.L.; Interbanking S.A.; Interbook S.A.; ISSA - International Step by Step Association; JP Morgan Chase Foundation;
Kapelusz Editora S.A.; Koso S.R.L.; La Bestia Equilátera; La Gaceta de Tucumán; La Mañana de Cipolletti; La Mañana de Roca;
Latinstock Digital; Ledesma S.A.A.I.; Leer para Crecer - Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; Los Andes Noticias; Macmillan
Publishers S.A.; Malba; MallSpace Media; Maped Argentina S.A.; Media 500; Microsoft de Argentina; Minera Alumbrera LTD;
Ministerio de Educación - Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; Misiones Online; Modelo para Armar S.R.L. - Gárgola Ediciones;
Monsanto Fund; Municipalidad de Tigre; OAS- Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) - EMC; Owoko; Pan American
Energy LLC; Pelikan Argentina S.A.; Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial; Pequeño Editor; PGI Argentina S.A. - Polymer Group
Inc.; Pictus S.R.L.; Plan Nacional de Lectura; Producciones Publiexpress S.A.; Productos Roche S.A.Q.e I.; Publiaceras; Publicidad
Sarmiento; Puerto de Palos; Radio Aspen; Radio AM Nacional Jujuy; Radio Continental; Radio del Cielo Alberti; Radio Disney; Radio
La Red; Radio Mitre; Radio Patagonia; Radio Provincia AM 1270; Revista Genios; Revista La Nación; Revista Lugares; Revista Ohlalá;
Revista Planetario; Riderchail Editions S.R.L.; Rotary Club; Rousselot Argentina S.A.; S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de la
Patagonia;; Sessa Editores; Sipar Gerdau Aceros S.A.; SKF Argentina S.A.; Spinazzola Vía Pública; Sportpro; Sugar &
Spice; Syncromind S.A.; Tecpetrol S.A.; Telefe; Tenaris-Siderca; TGN Transportadora de Gas del Norte S.A.; The Resource
Foundation; The Walt Disney Company (Argentina); Tinta Fresca Ediciones S.A.; Tito Gonzalez Automotores S.A.; Tito Scutticchio;
Total Austral S.A.; Toyota Argentina S.A.; Transba S.A.; Turner International Argentina; Tyco Integrated Fire & Security (ADT Security
Services S.A.); Universidad de Palermo; Vía Pública Clan S.A.; Vía Pública Patagónica; Vi-Da Producciones; Western Union Financial
Services Argentina S.R.L.; Xerox Argentina I.C.S.A.; Young & Rubicam S.A.; Zoo Buenos Aires.
Tucumán: Agua Dulce, Aguilares, Berruyacú, Boca del Tigre, Choromoro, Colombres, Colombres incluye ex Ingenio Cruz Alta,
Concepción, Cóndor Huasi, Cruz Alta, El Bracho-Cruz Alta, El Chañar, El Colmenar- Las Talitas, El Corralito, El Mollar, El
Naranjo, El Porvenir, Estación Padilla, Faimallá, Ingeniero San Pablo, Juan B. Alberdi, La Cocha, La Cruz, La Esperanza,
Lamadrid, Las Cejas, Las Corzuelas, Las Talas, Las Talitas, Lastenia, Leales, Los Aguirre, Los Nogales, Los Pocitos, Comuna Tafí
Viejo, Lules, Marapa, Monte Grande, Monteros, Pilco, San Andrés, San M. de Tucumán, Santa Lucía, Tafí del Valle, Tafí Viejo,
Tranquitas, Yerba Buena, Yerba Buena Marcos Paz, Villa de Leales; Mendoza: Agrelo, Barrio Cano, Barrio San Martín, Capitán
Montoya, Capiz, Carrodiya, Chacras de Coria, Colonia Elena, Cuadro Nacional (San Rafael), El Resguardo, El Sauce, Eugenio
Bustos, General Alvear, General Belgrano, Gobernador Benegas, Godoy Cruz, Guaymallén, Junín, La Dormida, La Paz, Las
Catitas, Las Heras, Las Paredes, Las Tortuguitas, Los Corralitos, Luján de Cuyo, Maipú, Malargüe, Medrano, Mendoza, Monte
Comán, Pareditas, Rivadavia, San Carlos, San Francisco del Monte, San Rafael, Tunuyan, Tupungato, Uspallata, Villa Nueva,
Villa Seca, Vistalba; La Pampa: Abramo, Algarrobo del Águila, Arata, Bernasconi, Bernardo Larroude, Carro Quemado, Catriló,
Colonia Santa María, Cuchillo Co, Eduardo Castex, Gral. Acha, Gral. Pico, Gobernador Duval, Guatrache, Intendente Alvear, La
Rioja, Quehue, Quemú Quemú, Rancul, Realicó, Santa Rosa, Santa Teresa, Speluzzi, Telén, Toay, Victorica; Santa Cruz: 28 de
noviembre, Calafate, Caleta Olivia, Cañadón Seco, Cmte. Luis Piedrabuena, El Calafate, El Chaltén, Fitz Roy, Gobernador
Gregores, Hipolito Yrigoyen, Koluel Kaike, Las Heras, Perito Moreno, Pico Truncado, Puerto Deseado, Puerto San Julián, Puerto
Santa Cruz, Río Gallegos, Río Turbio, San Julián, Yacimiento Río Turbio; Salta: Aguaray, Anta, Apolinario Saravia, Buena Vista,
Cachi, Campo Durán, Campo Quijano, Camp. Vespucio, Ceibalito, Cerrillos, Chicoana, Colonia Santa Rosa, Coronel Moldes,
General Ballivian, General Güemes, General Mosconi, El Bordo, El Carril, El Galpón, El Potreo, El Tasil, Embarcación, Iruya,
Joaquín Gonzáles, La Caldera, La Merced, La Poma, La Silleta, La Viña, Las Lajitas, Las Llanas, Los Pozos, Lumbreras,
Marquesado, Metán, Mosconi, Oran, Pichanal, Piquirenda, Río Ancho, Río del Valle, Rosario de la Frontera, Rosario de Lerma,
Saladillo, Salta, San Agustín, San Antonio de los Cobres, San Genaro Norte, San José de Jachal, San Luis, Savador Mazza,
Tartagal, Urundel, Vespucio, Yariguarenda; La Rioja: Chamical, Chepes, Chilecito, El Cadillo, El Retamal, Guandacol, La Rioja,
Nonogasta, Rivadavia, Schaqui, Tilimuqui, Villa San José de Vinchina; San Juan: Baños de la Laja, Caucete, Chimbas, Dos
Acequias, El Encón, Marquesado, Rawson, Rivadavia, San Isidro, San José de Jachal, San Juan, Santa Lucía, Sorocayense, Usno,
Vallecito, Villa General San Martín, Villa Independencia, Villa Media Agua, Villa Nueva, Villa San Agustín, Zonda; San Luis:
Balde de la Isla, Buena Esperanza, Ciudad de la Punta, Daniel Donovan, El Caldén, Juana Koslay, Justo Daract, La Punta, La
Totora, Paraje Los Molles Dpto. Belgrano, Quines, Río Grande, San Luis, Santa Rosa del Conlara, Villa Mercedes; Neuquén:
Arroyito, Andacollo, Añelo, Bajada de los Molles, Centenario, China Muerta, Chos Malal, Cutral – Có, Junín de Los Andes, Las
Lajas, Neuquén, Picun Leufu, Piedra del Águila, Plaza Huincul, Plottier, Rincón de Los Sauces, S. M. de Los Andes, San Patricio
del Chañar, Senillosa, Sierra de Huantraico, Villa La Angostura, Vista Alegre Sur, Zapala; Tierra del Fuego: Base Antártica, Río
Grande, Tolhuin, Ushuaia; Santiago del Estero: Añatuya, Avellaneda, Bandera, Barrancas Coloradas, Beltrán, Colonia Alpina, El
Porvenir, El 25, Frías, Herrera – Dpto. Avellaneda, La Banda, La Romelia, Loma Grande, Los Quiroga, Los Telares, Lugones Dpto. Avellaneda, Monte Quemado, Nueva Esperanza, Quimili, Santiago del Estero, Selva, Simbolar, Sumamao, Tintina, Villa
Atamisqui, Villa Guasayán, Villa Mailin- Dpto. Avellaneda, Villa Salavina; Córdoba: Adelia María, Alejandro Roca, Alta Gracia,
Anisacate, Arias, Arroyito, Bell Ville, Bengolea, Canals, Capilla del Monte, Charras, Cintra, Colonia Tirolesa, Córdoba, Cruz
Caña, Cruz del Eje, Damacio Vélez, Dean Funes, Despeñaderos, El Desquite, Elena, Embalse, Gral. Cabrera, Gral. Deheza,
Guatimozín, Hernando, Idiazabal, Jesus María, Jovita, La Carlota, La Para, Laboulaye, Laguna Larga, Las Varillas, Leones,
Malvinas Argentinas, Marcos Juarez, Matorrales, Mina Clavero, Monte Buey, Monte Cristo, Monte Maíz, Morteros, Noetinger,
Olaeta, Oncativo, Pasco, Punta del Agua, Quebrada de Los Pozos, Río Cuarto, Río Segundo, Río Tercero, Saira, Salguero, San
Francisco, San Javier, San José de la Dormida, San Marcos Sud, Saturnino María Laspiur, Serrano, Tancacha, Tanti, Ucacha, Valle
Hermoso, Vicuña, Mackenna, Villa Allende, Villa Carlos Paz, Villa Concepción del Tío, Villa Dolores, Villa de Soto, Villa La Bolsa,
Villa María, Villa Nueva, Villa Posse, Villa Sarmiento; Jujuy: Abra Pampa, Aguas Calientes, El Carmen, Fraile Pintado, Hornillos,
La Quiaca, Lib. Gral. San Martin, Palpalá, Perico, San Pedro, San Salvador de Jujuy, Santa Clara, Uquía; Formosa: Clorinda,
Comandante Fontana, Estanislao del Campo, Formosa, Palo Santo, Laguna Naick-Neck, San Martín; Corrientes: Arroyo Baru,
Arroyo Totora, Bella Vista, Chavarría, Colonia Liebig`s, Concepción, Corrientes, Empedrado, Esquina, Goya, Mercedes, Monte
Caseros, Paso de la Patria, Paso Ledesma, Pedro Fernández, Punta Ifran, Riachuelo, Rosario del Tala, San Cosme, San Salvador,
Santa Lucía, Santo Tomé; Chubut: Aldea Apeleg, Aldea Beleiro, Alto Río Mayo, Buen Pasto, Blancuntre, Chacay Oeste, Chacras
de Sarmiento, Comodoro Rivadavia, Corcovado, Dolavon, El Hoyo, El Maitén, Epuyén, Esquel, Facundo, Gaiman, Gan Gan,
Gastre, General Mosconi, Gobernador Costa, Gualjaina, Lago Blanco, Lago Pueblo, Paso de Indios, Pío Pío, Puerto Madryn,
Rada Tilly, Rawson, Ricardo Rojas, Río Mayo, Sarmiento, Seprucal, Telsen, Trelew, Trevelín; Chaco: Barranqueras, Campo Largo,
Chaco, Charata, Ciervo Petiso, Concepción del Bermejo, Coronel Du Graty, Corzuela, El Espinillo, Fontana, Gancedo, General
Capdevila, General José de San Martín, Los Frentones, La Escondida, La Leonesa, Las Breñas, Las Garcitas, Liguria-Resistencia,
Makallé, Margarita Belén, Presidencia de La Plaza, P. Roque Saenz Peña, Puerto Tirol, Quitilipi, Resistencia, Villa Ángela, Villa
Berthet; Santa Fe: Alcorta, Aldao, Álvarez, Angélica, Arequito, Arroyo Seco, Bigand, Calchaquí, Cañada de Gómez, Capitán
Bermúdez, Carcarañá, Carlos Pellegrini, Casilda, Cavour, Centeno, Correa, Esperanza, Fighiera, Firmat, Fortín Olmos, Fray Luis
Beltrán, Frontera, Funes, Gobernador Crespo, Granadero Baigorria, Guadalupe Norte, Helvecia, Humboldt, Landeta, Las
Toscas, Maciel, María Juana, Máximo Paz, Mocoví, Monje, Pérez, Pilar, Piñero, Pto. General San Martín, Pujato, Rafaela,
Reconquista, Rosario, Rueda, Rufino, Salta, San Carlos Sud, San Genaro, San Genaro Norte, San Jerónimo del Sauce, San
Jerónimo Norte, San Jerónimo Sud, San Jorge, San José de la Esquina, San Justo, San Lorenzo, Santa Fe, Santa Teresa, Santo
Tomé, Sauce Viejo, Soldini, Suardi, Sunchales, Theobald, Timbúes, Tostado, Totoras, Venado Tuerto, Vera, Villa Ana, Villa
Cañas, Villa Constitución, Villa Gobernador Galvez, Villa Trinidad, Wheelwright; Catamarca: Andalgará, Belén, Callagasta,
Collagasta, El Alamito, El Alto, Fiambala, La Dorada, Lavalle, Londres, Londres Oeste, Los Altos, Pozo de Piedra, Recreo, San
Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Santa María, Santa Rosa, Sijan, San Antonio Fray, Mamerto Esquiú, San Fernando del Valle
de Catamarca, Tinogasta; Misiones: 9 de Julio - El Dorado, Alba Posse, Alem, Apóstoles, Capiovi, Campo Grande, Cmte.
Andrés Guacurari, Colonia Aurora, El Dorado, El Soberbio, Esperanza, Garuhapé, Garupá, Guatambú, Jardín América, Leandro
N. Alem, Montecarlo, Nueve de Julio (El Dorado), Oberá, Posadas, Puerto Esperanza, Puerto Iguazú, Puerto Piray, Puerto Rico,
San Javier, San Pedro, San Vicente, Santa Ana, Santa Rita, Wanda; Entre Ríos: Alcaraz, Aldea San Antonio, Arroyo Baru, Bovril,
Chajarí, Colón, Colonia Avellaneda, Colonia Ensanche Sauce, Colonia Oficial Nº 6, Colonia Viraro, Concepción del Uruguay,
Concordia, Diamante, Conscripto Bernardi, Crespo, El Cimarrón, El Colorado, Federación, Federal, General Campos, General
Galarza, General Ramírez, Gualeguaychú, Hasenkamp, La Balsa, La Paz, Los Charrúas, Paraná, Pueblo Cazes, Rosario del Tala,
San José, San Justo, Santa Anita, Santa Elena, San Salvador, Seguí, Tabossi, Uruguay, Viale, Victoria, Villa del Rosario, Villa
Zorraquin, Villaguay; Río Negro: Allen, Catriel, Chipauquil, Choele-Choel, Cipoletti, Cinco Saltos, Contr. Martín Guerrico,
Coroner Belisle, El Bolsón, El Cuy, El Foyel, El Manso, General Roca, Ingeniero Jacobacci, Luis Beltrán, Ñirihuau, Peñas Blancas,
Río Colorado, San Antonio Oeste, San Carlos de Bariloche, San Javier, Sierra Grande, Villa Azul, Viedma, Villa Llanquín, Villa
Manzano, Villa Regina; Antártida Argentina: Base Esperanza; Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires; Buenos Aires: 25 de Mayo,
30 de Agosto, 9 de abril, 9 de Julio, Adolfo Gonzales Chaves, Adrogué, Aldo Bonzi, Algarrobo, Almirante Brown, Ameghino,
América, Arrecifes, Avellaneda, Ayacucho, Azul, Bahía Blanca, Baigorrita, Balcarce, Banfield, Baradero, Barker, Barrio Las
Mandarinas, Barracas, Batán, Béccar, Belén de Escobar, Bella Vista, Benavidez, Berazategui, Berisso, Bernal, Bocayuva,
Bordenave, Boulogne, Bragado, Brandsen, Burzaco, Camet, Campana, Cañada Seca, Cañuelas, Capilla del Señor, Carapachay,
Carlos Casares, Carlos Salas, Carlos Tejedor, Carmen de Areco, Carmen de Patagones, Casbas, Caseros, Castelar, Castelli,
Chacabuco, Chascomús, Chivilcoy, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, City Bell, Ciudad Evita, Ciudad Jardín, Ciudadela, Ciudadela
Norte, Claraz, Claypole, Colón, Coronel Brandsen, Coronel Dorrego, Coronel Granadas, Coronel Pringles, Coronel Suárez, De
Bary, Del Viso, Dock Sud, Dolores, Don Torcuato, El Palomar, El Socorro, El Talar, Ensenada, Escalada, Escobar, Espartillar,
Ezeiza, Ezpeleta, Fátima, Felipe Solá, Félix V. Camet, Fiorito, Florencio Varela, Flores, Florentino Ameghino, Florida, Florida
Oeste, Fontezuela, Francisco Ayerza, Garín, General Belgrano, General Lamadrid, General Mansilla, General Pacheco, General
Piran, General Rodríguez, General San Martín, General Villegas, Gerli, Gonnet, González Catán, González Moreno, Grand
Bourg, Gregorio Laferrere, Guernica, Haedo, Henderson, Hudson, Hurlingham, Indio Rico, Ingeniero Adolfo Sourdeaux,
Ingeniero Maschwitz, Ingeniero White, Isidro Casanova, Isla Talavera, Ituzaingó, José C. Paz, José León Suárez, José María
Gutierrez, José Mármol, Juan N. Fernández, Junín, La Lucila, La Matanza, La Plata, La Tablada, La unión, La Violeta, Lanús, Lanús
Este, Lanús Oste, Laprida, Las Flores, Lincoln, Lobería, Lobos, Loma Hermosa, Lomas de Zamora, Lomas del Mirador,
Longshamps, Los Polvorines, Luján, Magdalena, Manuel Alberti, Manuel B. Gonnet, Manzanares, Maquinista Savio, Marcos
Paz, Mar de Ajó, Mar del Plata, Mar del Sur, María Ignacia Vela, Mariano Acosta, Mariano Moreno, Martín Coronado, Martínez,
Matheu, Máximo Paz, Mayor Buratovich, Melchor Romero, Mercedes, Merlo, Miramar, Monte Chingolo, Monte Grande,
Morea, Moreno, Morón, Munro, Muñiz, Necochea, Olavarría, Olivera, Olivos, Orense, Pablo Nogués, Pablo Nogues Sud,
Pablo Podestá, Pacheco, Pasman, Patagones, Pedernales, Pedro Luro, Pehuajó, Pellegrini, Pergamino, Pilar, Piñeyro, Poblet,
Pontevedra, Presidente Derqui, Pueblo Gouin, Puerto Belgrano, Punta Alta, Quilmes, Quilmes Oeste, Rafael Calzada, Rafael
Castillo, Rafael Obligado, Ramallo, Ramos Mejía, Ranelagh, Rauch, Reconquista, Remedios de Escalada, Ringuelet, Rivadavia,
Rivera, Roberts, Rojas, Roque Pérez, Saavedra, Saliqueló, Salto, San Andrés, San Andrés de Giles, San Antonio de Areco, San
Antonio de Padua, San Carlos de Bolívar, San Fernando, San Francisco de Belloq, San Francisco Solano, San Isidro, San Jorge,
San Justo, San Martín, San Miguel, San Nicolás de los Arroyos, San Pedro, Santa Regina, Santos Lugares, Sarandí, Sourigues,
Suipacha, Tandil, Tapalque, Temperley, Tierras Altas, Tigre, Tolosa, Tornquist, Tortuguitas, Trenque Lauquen, Tres Arroyos, Tres
Lomas, Tristán Suarez, Troncos del Talar, Trujui, Udaondo, Urquiza, Vedia, Vicente López, Victoria, Villa Adelina, Villa Ballester,
Villa Bosch, Villa Cacique, Villa de Mayo, Villa Domínico, Villa Elvira-La Plata, Villa Elisa, Villa España, Villa Lugano, Villa Fiorito,
Villa Gobernador, Villa Lynch, Villa Martelli, Villa Rosa, Villa Sauze, Villa Tesei, Villa Udaondo, Villa Urquiza, Virreyes, Vivorata,
Wilde, William Morris, Zárate.
Current Income
Contributions and Donations
In cash
In kind
Other Income
Net financial results
Use of resources
Program expenses
Administrative expenses
Depreciation of durable consumer goods
2015 is presented to Fundación Leer as a year full of challenges that will be marked by the overall economic situation of our
country. In a rather unpredictable context, our organization will go on doing its best efforts to contribute from the private sector
to our children´s education, to promote their pleasure for reading and support their development as autonomous readers.
In this sense, our task will continue to focus on offering children the access to books, offering schools and any other type of
centers the possibility of creating attractive reading spaces to change school dynamics around reading, supporting teacher
training by bringing research advances to the classroom and favoring awareness of adults in charge of children, in the
community´s institutions and at home, about their essential role in their children’s approach to reading.
Despite early education and literacy at primary school will continue to be our two main focus, we will work to handle the
demand from other sectors requesting us to reach secondary schools and other areas of society with our projects.
To do so, we will go on supporting our work through the possibilities allowed by new information technologies, we will gradually
incorporate the electronic book in our projects and we will increasingly offer on-line resources.
By all means, we will go on coordinating our work with national, provincial and local public authorities. Volunteers´ support will
continue to be essential for our activities.
Additionally, we will continue to work strongly to offer individuals the possibility of being members of Fundación Leer, an
essential aspect to accompany the financing our institution receives from other sources, such as corporations and trusts.
The National Reading Marathon will again be a core idea for Fundación Leer, as it allows us to multiply our message and way
of working throughout the country. One more year, we will invite the whole family to participate. Only if everybody´s
participation, a literate and reading Argentina will be possible.
The financial statements of Fundación Leer are audited every year by PriceWaterHouseCoopers, who presented their
report without observations for the year balance ending on December 31, 2014, on April 15, 2015. To obtain a
complete copy of these financial statements, please contact our Executive Office, Fundación Leer, Av. Cerviño
4407/17, 1st Floor (C1425AHB), Buenos Aires, or send an email to [email protected] .
Av. Cerviño 4407, 1st Floor
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel-Fax: 54-11-4777-1111
E-mail: [email protected]