September 2014 [1]


September 2014 [1]
The Messenger
Vol.61, Issue 9
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
3022 W. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53208-3950
Tel: 414-342-5252
Rally Day
is September 7!
10:00 a.m.
Worship followed
by lunch
“A Church Where God’s Diversity Works”
What’s Next in the Call Process?
The METeam process has concluded with a written report, which was
presented to the congregation in July. The report, with its appendices
is available from the church office, at your request. Information gathered during the MET process shaped the Ministry Site Profile, which
has been uploaded to the ELCA website under “Ministry Opportunities” for pastors seeking a new call to read.
The Call Committee has been formed and was installed before the
congregation on August 10. Here are some excerpts from the ELCA
Call Process Manual that describe the role of the Call Committee in
a section entitled “Call Committee Basics”.
“Prayer is an important activity for the Call Committee and the entire
congregation throughout the Call Process. Call Committee members
are encouraged to commit themselves to pray for one another and for
the work of the Holy Spirit among them as they seek to discern God’s
will for their congregation. Special prayer at worship and during other
meetings of the congregation is encouraged. When the Call Committee is selected, the names of the members are made public, with a
request that special prayers be made on their behalf.
Sunday School &
September 14
Articles due by
September15 for
October 2014
Confidentiality cannot be overemphasized in the task of calling a
Continued on page 3
Vol.61, Issue 9
A church where God’s diversity works
Church Council
Our Savior’s is a
member of Central City
Churches, Inc.
Miguel de Jesús - President
Wendy Enockson - Vice President
Linda Moore -Treasurer
and is a Reconciling
in Christ Congregation
Virginia Koch - Secretary
Paul Brynildson - Personnel
Frank Schultz - Our Savior’s Foundation
Our Savior's Mission Statement
Our Savior's Lutheran Church is a diverse
As the body of Christ in this city we:
community of loved sinners gathered in the
celebrate the presence of the living God in
central city of Milwaukee:
our lives/ congregation/ community
created by God the Father Almighty;
and world;
redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ;
proclaim the Good News of salvation in
united in celebrating God's act of salvation in
Jesus Christ
Word and Sacrament;
administer the sacraments of Baptism
called to be the body of Christ;
and Communion;
and empowered by the Spirit with a
welcome as sisters and brothers, persons of
variety of gifts for ministry.
any age/ gender, racial/ or ethnic
heritage/economic status, mental or
Our purpose/ as a congregation and as indiphysical ability or sexual orientation;
viduals/ is to:
act as a messenger of hope in the
be a visible and tangible sign of the body of
redemption of the city;
Christ in metropolitan Milwaukee;
empower people to live as children of God;
acknowledge the reign of God by living out
respect the witness/ insight and gifts of one
God's forgiveness, love and justice with
all creation
support ministries of service to people in
and use the diversity of gifts given us by the
need locally and globally;
Spirit for proclaiming anew the healing
advocate on behalf of those who are opand liberating Good News of Jesus Christ.
and establish partnerships with the Global
Christian Community.
T h e Me s s e n g e r
cont. from cover
pastor. Confidentiality boundaries for the Call Committee’s work should be clearly agreed
upon at the first meeting. Issues that are discussed about candidates need to be open and
forthright among the members of the Committee. However, these discussions should be kept
in confidence between the Call Committee members. Verbal and written information about
prospective candidates must be kept within the confines of the Committee. Committee members will need to establish ground rules and boundaries, not only with the congregation at
large, but also with those in their household or place of work.
The names of candidates must be kept confidential. Mention of specific candidates outside the
Call Committee is inappropriate until the Committee is ready with its recommendation to the
Council. Confidentiality is different than secrecy. The Council and the Congregation should be
kept abreast of the status of the Call Committee's progress, but no names or other identifying
information about the candidate can be shared until a candidate is selected and ready for recommendation to the Council.
Communication is very important to the Call Process. Every means ought to be utilized to
keep the members of the congregation informed about the Call Committee’s work and progressB”
We give thanks for the members of the Call Committee
Paula Holman, Chair
Rev. Marilyn Miller
Cyndi Benner
Bob Foley
Antoine Roby-Brown
LaVonne Williams
Kevin Grey
Joan Totten
Mike Festge
Marrien Walker
Areanna Walker
Rev. Chuck Brummond, Rep. from Greater Milw. Synod
Lord, Bless this committee, its work and its decisions, that through them we might all be strengthened to serve
you. Bless each member of the Committee, that he or she might have the compassion, wisdom and energy to
fulfill this responsibility. Keep us strong in faith and resolute in proclaiming the gospel to all people. We pray in
the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
Vol.61, Issue 9
Thank you Pastor Kristin!
Dear People of Our Saviors,
I wanted to let you know that I received an offer for a full time call at
St. Peter Lutheran Church in Sheboygan and have accepted. My last
day at Our Saviors will be August 31. I am sad to be leaving, but am excited for the new opportunity. I have really enjoyed my interim time at
Our Saviors and am grateful to be partners in ministry with all of you!
Pastor Kristin Berglund
Eternal God,
We thank you for Pastor Kristin and for our
life together in this congregation and community.
As she has been a blessing to us, so now
send her forth to be a blessing to others;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday School and Confirmation Classes
Begin September 14
Sunday School for children grades K-5 and Confirmation
classes for youth in grades 6-12 begin again on Sunday,
September 14 at 10:00 a.m. The classes will meet in the
Fellowship Hall. To help with our planning, please sign up
for classes when you come on Rally Day, September 7.
T h e Me s s e n g e r
You are invited ...
September 7 wraps up
A Month of Gratitude
Sunday, August 3
Musicians (choir, instrumental)
Sunday, September 7
All Teachers, Students, Mentors,
Council &PLT
VBS volunteers AND Contributors
Sound Room Attendants
for camp ministry, VBS, Sunday
Holy Change Group
School, Confirmation
Sunday, August 10
Quilters, Yarn Ministry, Commun-
Sunday, August 31
Food Fellowship
ion Servers, Gift Bearers, Assisting
Building & Grounds
Ministers, Sacristy, Ushers,
Custodial Staff
Acolytes, Readers, Worship Team
Sunday, August 17
Central City Churches Outreach
We take time to
Sunday, August 24
Office Volunteers
Ministry Staff, Volunteers, Board
thank God and
Leah Circle, Prayer Chain
& Committee members, Donors,
one another for
Bible Study Leaders
OSLC members &neighbors
these special
Offering Counters
Vol.61, Issue 9
You are invited…
Yarn Ministry - Saturday, September 13 10:00 a.m.
Dear Yarn Enthusiasts and Anyone Else who is interested,
At our August 9th gathering in the Brumder Mansion parlor, we had a grand time knitting
and crocheting, and enjoying fellowship! A member who is a prolific crocheter, donated
over 15 shawls, coming in a variety of colors. This donation inspired us all! We blessed
11 of the shawls, and gave some of them away. The others others will soon go to people
who need encouragement and a hug.
The card we attach to each shawl reads:This shawl has been especially made
for_____________ by -_______________.
Around our gathered circle, this shawl has passed through our praying hands and been
blessed by our loving hearts. We prayed:
ay G d’s grace be up
this shaw …war i g c
f rti g e f di g a d e braci g
ay this a t e be a safe have … a sacred p ace f security a d we bei g…sustai i g
a d e braci g i g d ti es as we as difficu t es
ay the e wh receives this shaw be crad ed i h pe
a d wrapped i
ve A e
ept i
y graced with peace
We will bless the rest of her donations, along with a few that we were working on at our
next gathering, on Sept 13th, 2014, (the second Saturday) at 10:00 AM at the Brumder
on the corner of 31st and Wisconsin Av. Come and join us! People of all skill levels
are encouraged to be a part of this rewarding ministry and be blessed. Learn to crochet
and/or knit, and have fun and fellowship at the same time.
If you would like to contribute something, we are in need of tissue paper and colored plastic bags from stores like Metcalfes and Sendik's.
Julie Carr - [email protected]
Karin Ziemienski - [email protected]
T h e Me s s e n g e r
Plan to attend
Rally Sunday, September 7
10:00 Worship
followed by lunch
At this time, our annual Rally Day is being planned for indoors, with a family-friendly
worship service featuring Our Savior’s youth and special blessing of the backpacks,
followed by lunch in the Fellowship Hall.
MUMS Sale!
Sunday, September 7
All proceeds benefit the
Central Community Interfaith
program for older adults.
Central City Churches Outreach Ministry continues to serve
How is it that the Central City Churches Outreach Ministry continues to meet the growing need
for food? 17,841 people were served in the last 12 months; 4561 of those were children.
According to 2008-2012 US Census data, 28.3% of Milwaukee residents live below the poverty
level. In the neighborhoods adjacent to Our Savior's (those neighborhoods that the METeam
considered as our mission field), 30-78% are living in poverty. (The federal poverty income
level for 2014 is $23,850 annual income for a family of 4; $11,670 for a single person.)
Our Savior's has housed and hosted the Central City Churches (CCC) Outreach Ministry since
2001. This has been the latest in a long line of food pantry ministries that have been in existence here and at our sister Wisconsin Avenue congregations since the mid 1970's. When I
Continued p. 9
Vol.61, Issue 9
September 2014
KEY WIW = Wisconsin Injured Workers
L&M = L&M Payee Service CCC= Central City Churches
WE = West End Landlord Compact KBS = Kaleidoscope Bible Study * indicates GUEST organization
You may contact the church office or consult the website for up-to-date meeting and event information.
Tel: 414-342-5252
Penny will be on vacation September 2-4
Billy will be on vacation September 8-19
T h e Me s s e n g e r
(cont. from p. 7) was a member of a task force gathered in the spring of 2001 to consider how
CCC could improve upon the food pantry model, we imagined a space that would invite people to gather - a place where the community could come in safety and provide support and
encouragement for one another. Because of the generosity of space that Our Savior's has
provided, that dream has been realized. If you visit on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or
Thursday morning, you will find a room full of life. People gather here for morning refreshments, a late morning meal, groceries from the food pantry, use of a computer or phone, and
to take advantage of a rotating schedule of resource people. We continue to see an increase
in the numbers of people who come for food. July was an especially busy month; 1980 people were served and about 25% of them were new to this food pantry.
How do we continue this important ministry? Only with your help and by the Grace of God.
Our Savior's provides about $100,000 IN KIND support each year in space, utilities, custodial
and administrative support. Our Savior's members (you!) provide significant cash contributions as well as donations of food, holiday basket items and gifts such as mittens at Christmastime. What you do supports the full-time work of Alicia Ellis, Director and part-time Food
Pantry Coordinator, Bob Foley. Alicia and Bob are true servants as they strive tirelessly to
keep this ministry viable for the community. Hunger Task Force continues to feature the CCC
Outreach Ministry as a well-operated pantry and most importantly, the neighbors who gather
here express great thanks for this place and its resources.
Your support encourages current and potential funders who provide their precious resources,
in part, because they see that you are also providing from yours. We give thanks for:
Siebert Lutheran Foundation
ELCA Domestic Hunger
Maximus Foundation
State and Federal Combined Campaign contributors
Hunger Relief Fund
And we are pleased to be a designated recipient of this year's Empty Bowls local fund-raising
event. We will also be included in the random drawing for Potawatomi's Miracle on Canal
Street grant and are hopeful as we apply for a Thrivent grant this month. Please plan to attend the Empty Bowls event on October 12 (see the back cover for details) and, if you enjoy
playing BINGO, plan to play the Miracle on Canal Street game at Potawatomi this month!
Thank you for all that you do to provide for people who are struggling financially, emotionally
and spiritually. Come to a Wednesday Prayer Service at 12 noon, beginning again September 3, and meet some of our neighbors. You are an important conduit for the Gifts of God to
be available for the People of God. Peace and Blessings, Penny Schwid
Vol.61, Issue 9
T h e Me s s e n g e r
September Birthdays
Yateman, Jada
Lavers, Thomas
Gielow, Michael
Ross, Kylie
Ross, Michael
Walker, Areanna
De Jesus, Marcos
Viste, Mike
Haberman, Floyd
Kaczor, Kerri
Heinemann, Conrad
Riggins, Michelle
Nowicki, Ryan
De Jesus, Miguel
Sorvick, Doris
May God
Carini, Francesca
bless you
Cason, Floyd
Dahlen, Isla
Keep you!
Ed Schneider
Lisa Anderson Norgard, & her daughters Kristina
and Betsy
Karin Ziemienski
Diane Castro
Daren Jasourowski
Debbie Hyland
Maude Wilson
Ed Olson
Ellen Schruba
Alicia Ellis
Debra Nelson
Linda Flatten
Nan Gielow
Mike Gielow
Jenine Wimmer
Doreen Jorgensen
Cherie Jenkins
Sue Davis
Mary Artis
Mary Stewart
Myron Heffernan
Doris Zimmermann
Shirley Deer
Mae Weichart
Anna Johnson and her family
Fred Nelson
Family and friends of Olivian Waters, who
passed on to eternal life on August 24
The Messenger
Published monthly by:
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
3022 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Page 12
Non Profit
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Permit #2254
Milwaukee WI
Rev. Diane Olson & Rev. Kristin Berglund,
Interim Pastors
Rev. Ed Ruen, Visitation Pastor
Penny Schwid, Parish Administrator
Billy Nash, Nila Wooten, Ayub Mohamed Custodians
If you would prefer to receive this newsletter by email, please notify the church
John Seboldt, Organist
Miguel de Jesús, Congregation President
Phone: (414) 342-5252
The Messenger
Penny Schwid
Church office
Collating/ Mailing Office Volunteers
Articles for the Messenger must
be submitted by the 15th of the
month to church office or by
email: [email protected]
Email us at:
[email protected]