Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz - E-journal


Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz - E-journal
Atmósfera 21(3), 281-301 (2008)
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
Unidad de Investigación de Ecología de Pesquerías, Universidad Veracruzana,
Av. Hidalgo 617, Col. Río Jamapa, C. P. 94290, Boca del Río, Veracruz, México.
Corresponding author: J. J. Salas-Pérez, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Received March 3, 2007; accepted April 4, 2008
Se realiza un análisis e integración de la información bibliográfica generada acerca del sudoeste del Golfo
de México con la finalidad de desarrollar un marco oceanográfico que establezca los procesos que a diferentes escalas espacio-temporales, tienen relación con la permanencia y supervivencia del Sistema Arrecifal
Veracruzano (SAV), lo cual representa un aspecto fundamental para el entendimiento multidisciplinario del
medio marino de esta región. La información se analizó considerando dos principales escalas dinámicas de
movimiento: cuenca y zona costera, para integrarse en un modelo conceptual, en el que se propone que la
circulación del SAV es resultado de la interacción de diferentes componentes de la circulación y procesos
atmosféricos, que tienen efecto en la generación de gradientes de propiedades escalares, las cuales pueden
afectar a la comunidad coralina del SAV.
An analysis based on the compilation of bibliographic information for the southwestern Gulf of México led
to the establishment of an integrated oceanographic framework useful to assess the processes that take place
at different spatial and temporal scales. Those scales are related to the survival of the Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (SAV). This study should help us understand the multidisciplinary approach necessary to understand
the marine environment of the area. The information was analyzed considering two main dynamic scales:
the basin and the coastal zone, both included in a conceptual model, which states that the circulation in the
SAV is the result of the interaction between the different components of the circulation and atmospheric
processes. Both processes influence the generation of gradients of scalar properties, which, in turn, influence
the coral reef community of the SAV.
Keywords: Southwestern Gulf of México, Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, coastal and basin scales, conceptual model.
1. Introduction
The Gulf of México is a large marine ecosystem in which the ecological characteristics are a combination
of tropical and temperate environments. It is an enclosed sea of 1.5 × 106 km2 (Bryant et al., 1991) with
large amounts of freshwater discharges from rivers and coastal lagoons as well as urban waters
discharges. Together, they are responsible for many coastal systems with great environmental
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
heterogeneity and biological diversity (Toledo-Ocampo, 1996; Arenas-Fuentes and Salas-Pérez,
2005). However, the environmental conditions are not suitable for the development of most coral
reefs communities (Jordán-Dahlgren, 2004). Well developed reef systems with variable morphology
can be found in the Gulf of México (Heilprin, 1890; Emery, 1963; Lara et al., 1992; CarricartGanivet and Horta-Puga, 1993; Jordán-Dahlgren, 2002) although they cover less than 1% of the
shallow continental shelf (Jordán-Dahlgren, 2004).
The reef formations of the southwestern Gulf of México, located in front of the Port of Veracruz
and Antón Lizardo village (Figs. 1 and 2), are peculiar because they developed close to a terrigenous
environment as a result of the discharges of the La Antigua, Jamapa and Papaloapan rivers (Krutak,
1997). Nowadays, those reefs constitute the “Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano
(PNSAV)”, which is a marine protected area of ~54,000 Ha (DOF, 1992). This reef zone was
mentioned for the first time in Heilprin (1890), but little has been done since then to formally and
comprehensively study the system (Emery, 1963; Krutak et al., 1980; Lara et al., 1992; JordánDalhgren, 1992; 2002), even though it constitutes an important area from any point of view; in
fact, for the Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (SAV), more information can be obtained from what
is known as “grey literature” (such as abstracts from congresses, technical reports, field reports
Gulf of México
River La Antigua
River Jamapa
River Papaloapan
Fig. 1. Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (PNSAV) location in the Gulf of México.
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
0 1.5 3
Fig. 2. Reefs location and their main geomorphologic features in the Parque Nacional
Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (PNSAV). After Ortiz-Lozano et al., 2007.
from universities’ courses, and bachelor as well as graduate theses) than from formal studies
published in scientific articles (ICRI, 1998; Jiménez-Hernández et al., 2007). In the particular case
of integrative studies of hydrological processes and coastal dynamics few studies have addressed
this issue, which are required to understand the survival of the coral reef system.
It is common knowledge that the reef systems of the world are very productive. They exhibit
high biological diversity and represent high economic value in terms of fisheries and tourism
(Birkeland, 1997; Glynn, 1997), but they require very particular environmental and oceanographic
conditions to subsist. Those conditions are shallow marine oligotrophic, warm waters (> 20 °C),
with optimal temperatures between 26-28 °C, and salinities of 33-36 psu, with minimum turbidity
and sedimentations (Hubbard, 1997; Carricart-Ganivet, 2004).
The compiling, reinterpretation and integration of the information about the oceanographic
processes in this area is basic to understand what are the key elements that govern them and the fluctuation
scales at which they function, which are responsible of the permanence and survival of the SAV.
2. Methods and materials
In order to establish an oceanographic characterization of the SAV, sixty three bibliographic
references were used: twenty four of those were articles published in indexed journals, eighteen were
book chapters, four books, two monographs, six technical reports, two congress proceedings, two
congress abstracts, two master theses, one official document, one divulgation article and one CDROM. The bibliography used in this study contains information derived from in situ observations in
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
the SAV or in the Gulf of México. In addition, information generated with numerical models applied
to the coastal zone and to the basin scale was used in order to establish a teleconnection between
both scales. To define this first oceanographic framework for the SAV, publications regarding other
regions related to the research on the interactions between the oceanographic conditions and the
status of the reef systems were also used.
The method used in this characterization included basin and coastal zone scales according to
the available information. Then, based on the analysis of the existing information, a conceptual
model is presented, including the different components of the marine circulation as well as other
aspects of the physical oceanographic environment which affects the environmental variability of
the region where the SAV is located. Those aspects are considered determinant for the permanence
and survival of the system.
3. Results
3.1 Conformation of the oceanographic framework
3.1.1 The Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano
Two of the most complex and important reef groups of the Gulf of México are located in the
central region of the Veracruz costal zones, and they are set in a general pattern that seems to
follow the coastline. A group of eleven reefs are located in front of the Veracruz-Boca del Río
cities and another group of twelve reefs with larger structures are located in front of the town of
Antón Lizardo; both groups are divided by the Jamapa River and limited, respectively, to the north
by La Antigua and to the south by the Papaloapan rivers (Fig. 2). According to Lara et al. (1992)
these reefs are geomorphologically well constituted; some of them are located up to 20 km from
the coastline while others are so close that they have been reached by urban growth. The reefs vary
in length from ~0.3 to 3.2 km, covering an area that goes from ~1 to 19 km2 at depths between
20 and 45 m, in addition to the reef lagoons which are shallow (reaching 2 m) (Lara et al., 1992;
Vargas-Hernández et al., 1993).
3.1.2 Bathymetry and physiography of the area
The coastline of Veracruz and its depth profiles are characteristically bow shaped with a narrow continental
shelf (~33 km) and average depths of less than 70 m. The seabed is topographically complex due to
the presence of shallow banks, reefs and islands forming a series of channels with variable horizontal
dimensions and depths (Fig. 1). This physiographic complexity can play an important role in the
modifications of the flows generated by the different circulation components of the Gulf of México
and are evident at the SAV scale; however, those components have not been studied in detail.
3.2 Oceanographic conditions of the study area
The mechanisms which affect the fluctuations of the hydrological parameters, ocean-atmosphere
interactions and circulation within the Gulf of México have been studied more from a basin scale
perspective than from a coastal zone point of view.
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
3.3 Atmospheric processes
The climate in the southwestern region of the Gulf of México is of the type Am (warm and humid)
with abundant rains in the summer and part of the autumn, and a short dry season (from April to
May), and annual average precipitation of 1100-2000 mm. The average annual temperature is 26 °C,
with a minimum of ~18 °C in January-February (García, 1987).
The Gulf of México is a region in which the studies of the variability of the meteorological
parameters are relevant to understand the dynamics of its marine waters. The wind in the Gulf
of México blows toward the east-southeast in autumn-spring and in an east-northwest direction
during spring-winter (Gutiérrez de Velasco and Winant, 1996; Monreal-Gómez and Salas de León,
1997). The seasonal fluctuations of the atmospheric systems of pressure introduce some variability
from autumn to winter (October through April), dominated by frontal incursions locally known
as “nortes” (northern winds). From spring to summer, the atmospheric variability is dominated by
tropical storms which can evolve to hurricanes (Gutiérrez de Velasco and Winant, 1996).
In the Gulf of México the hurricane season goes from June to November with an average of
nine per year (analyzing the period from 1958 to 1996). The more serious effects are felt specially
in the north-northwest regions of the Gulf and the Yucatán Peninsula (Caballero-Rosas, 1990;
Monreal-Gómez and Salas de León, 1997); nevertheless, according to data from http://www.nhc.
noaa.gov/pastall.shtml, http://weather.unisys.com/hurricane/index.html and Luna-Bauza (1994),
summarized in Gómez-Ramírez (2006), from 1931 to 2005, the trajectories show the arrival of
twenty four hurricanes to the state of Veracruz, but only five impacted the central region of Veracruz,
where the SAV is located.
3.4 Water masses
3.4.1 Basin scale
Five water masses of Atlantic and Caribbean origin can be identified in the Gulf of Mexico (Nowlin
and McLellan, 1967; Vidal et al., 1992). In the surface layer (0-300 m depth) of the Gulf of México,
the Subtropical Subsurface Caribbean Water (StSsCW) can be identified with a characteristic
temperature value of 22.5 °C and a salinity of 36 ups. The Subtropical Subsurface Gulf of México
Water (StSsGMW) has a salinity of 36.4 ups and temperatures of 22 °C. The surface layer (~250 m)
of the western continental shelf of the Gulf of México (where the oceanic region of Veracruz is
located) is composed by the Subtropical Subsurface Water (StSsW) (36.5 ups and 20 °C), and by
the Common Gulf of México Water (CGWM) with characteristic values of salinity of 36.5 ups and
22.5 °C. This last one is the result of a process of mixture induced by eddies collisions produced
by the Loop Current with the western continental slope (Vidal et al., 1992).
In annual basis, the density values in the Gulf of México continental shelf are determined by the
annual fluctuation of the salinity. The water column is well stratified throughout the year, except for
the winter when the atmospheric fronts (“nortes”) can produce important mixing processes (Dagg,
1988; Monreal-Gómez and Salas de León, 1997; Monreal-Gómez et al., 2004).
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
3.4.2 Coastal zone scale
In this area, two water masses can be clearly distinguished (Hernández-Téllez and Salgado-Rivero,
1996): one coastal water mass (S = 34-36.5 psu and T = 21-29 °C) resulting from the mixing of
the CGMW and the coastal water, and a water mass diluted (S = 29-34 psu and T = 27-33.5 °C),
as a result of the mixing of the river discharges and the coastal water. The time variability of the
conservative properties (temperature and salinity) of the water masses in the Veracruz coastal zone is
influenced (from autumn to late spring) by the “nortes” events which can cause the water temperature
to drop various degrees centigrades in a matter of hours (Arenas-Fuentes and Salas-Pérez, 2005).
Specifically, based upon time series of temperatures measured in the leeward zone of Isla de
Sacrificios and the windward zone of Isla Verde, Vázquez de la Cerda (1983) detected, in a five day
period, a decrease in water temperature of 1.5 °C after two consecutive “nortes” events. During the
same period, the salinity also diminished between 0.5 and 2.0 psu. These results agree well with
the TS diagrams computed before and after the passage of a “norte” in the region, which showed
a decrease in temperature and salinity values of 2 °C and 2 psu in the SAV (Salas-Pérez et al.,
2007a). During the rainy season (July to September), the salinity could be reduced by the increase
of continental discharges to the ocean (Hernández-Téllez and Salgado-Rivero, 1996).
3.5 The circulation within the Campeche Bay
The macro-scale circulation within the Campeche Bay is represented by a cyclonic circulation
which is originated in the western part of the Yucatán Peninsula, when the water flow entering the
Yucatán Strait interacts with the topographic contour of the Peninsula (Monreal-Gómez and Salas
de León, 1990); however Vázquez de la Cerda et al. (2005) relate the generation of the cyclonic
circulation to the wind stress curl. Monreal-Gómez et al. (2004) using hydrographical and current
parameters, measured in the Campeche Bay during August of 1996, detected the presence of a
bipolar system constituted by: 1) a cyclonic eddy with a maximum axis of 96-92.5° W and minimum
axis of ~18.5-20.5° N which embraces almost 75% of the bay, with cold waters in the center and
warm waters towards its outer boundary, close to the coasts of Veracruz, Tabasco, and Campeche;
and 2) an anticyclonic eddy of geographical dimensions ~97-94.5° W (major axis), ~20.5-22° N
(minor axis) (to the north, in front of the Veracruz coasts), with warm waters in the center and
colder waters in its outer boundary.
The spatial and time evolution of eddies was analyzed with maps of sea level anomalies (SLA)
generated with altimetry Topex-Poseidon radar. It was found that the anticyclonic eddy, in front
of the littorals of Veracruz and Tamaulipas, vary its size owing to the fluctuation of the cyclonic
eddy located in the center of the Campeche Bay (Leben, 2005).
3.6 Wind induced circulations
3.6.1 At the basin scale (in-situ observations)
Knowing the seasonal wind distribution over the southwestern shelf of the Gulf of México, it is
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
possible to forecast the generation of a system of currents produced by this mechanism, which
should be confined to the continental shelf (100 m isobath located at ~ 40 km from the coast). The
flux is directed toward the south in autumn-winter and to the north in spring-summer (ZavalaHidalgo et al., 2003). Sturges (1993) detected, using ship drifts, a Western Boundary current which
is caused by the wind stress curl (going up to maximum latitude of 18-20° N) which is directed to
the north in July, when the wind strength is at its maximum. This current is intensified by means
of the Ekman pumping (the transport of bottom water to superficial layers), with a mixing layer
located at the top 25 m of depth, creating a jet stream; such pumping effect should be important
in the generation of a coastal upwelling in the Veracruz shelf.
3.6.2 At the basin scale (numerical model)
Following the seasonal wind distribution (Gutiérrez de Velasco and Winant, 1996), the Navy Coastal
Ocean Model (NCOM) was used to study the induced circulation produced by the wind force at a
basin scale (Zavala-Hidalgo et al., 2003). The numerical results (obtained for a cell grid of 6 km)
of a simulation period of seven years reproduce a flow over the continental shelf of TamaulipasVeracruz directed southwards, from September to March (autumn-winter) and to the north from
April to August (spring-summer) (Fig. 3).
0.5 m s-1
0.5 m s-1
Fig. 3. Macro-scale circulation scheme computed from a numerical simulation (after Zavala-Hidalgo
et al., 2003). a) Winter marine circulation pattern. b) Summer marine circulation pattern.
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
3.6.3 At the coastal zone scale (numerical model)
In the coastal zone, the wind induced circulation, for a seasonal scale, over the Vergara Bay, the
SAV, and the mouth of the Jamapa River (96-96°12’ W and 19°02’-19°16’ N; Fig. 1), was studied
with a numerical model. The model was hydrodynamic-barotropic and bidimensional explicit,
using finite differences over a cell mesh of 500 m length (Caballero-Rosas, 1990). The results from
this numerical model are: with a wind blowing from the north at a speed of 35 m s-1 (condition
of “norte”), the currents flow in a north-south direction, adapting their path to the coastal margin.
The current speed among the reefs is of 80 cm s-1. From Punta Mocambo to the northern part of
the mouth of the Jamapa River, the speed intensifies to 110 cm s-1, and to the south (nearby Antón
Lizardo) it drops to 80 cm s-1 (Fig. 4a).
Port of
Port of
Punta Mocambo
80.0 cm/s
90.0 cm/s Jamapa
100.0 cm/s River
100.0 cm/s
V máx= 139.5 cm/s
V med= 50.5 cm/s
Z0= -4.40 cm
Z9= 32.24 cm
Antón Lizardo
Punta Mocambo
30.0 cm/s
40.0 cm/s
50.0 cm/s Jamapa
60.0 cm/s River
V máx= 71 cm/s
V med= 18 cm/s
Z0= -5.97 cm
Z9= 2.58 cm
Antón Lizardo
Port of
Punta Mocambo
30.0 cm/s River
40.0 cm/s
50.0 cm/s
60.0 cm/s
V máx= 73.4 cm/s
V med= 13.7 cm/s
Z0= -2.11 cm
Z9= 4.26 cm
Antón Lizardo
Fig. 4. Local marine circulation scheme for
the Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano-Norte
(From Caballero-Rosas, 1990). a) Marine
circulation pattern for a meteorological
event “norte” of 30 m/s (winter). b) Marine circulation pattern for April-August
months, about summer months. c) Marine
circulation pattern for autumn and spring
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
If the wind is blowing towards the southeast (coinciding with the months of April-August,
approximately during the summer) with a speed of 15 m s-1, the speed of the currents is not higher
than 50 cm s-1 (Fig. 4b). In average, the currents are of 10 cm s-1, and their direction are mainly
toward the north through the reef channels, close to the open sea and inside the Vergara Bay. In Isla
Verde, those currents have a south-west component, and in their windward zone they are divided
in two branches: one maintains their direction to the north and the other turns to the south. The
northern branch recirculates to the south because of the presence of a cyclonic eddy of 3 km of
diameter, going between the Pájaros and Gallega reefs. Between Isla de Sacrificios and the coast,
the current flows southwards in the form of a jet stream and it reaches as far as Antón Lizardo
(southern boundary). Therefore, the maximum speeds are found again between Punta Mocambo
and the northern part of the mouth of the Jamapa River. Associated to this jet stream, a dipole is
observed, where the cyclonic eddy of an almost circular form (located in front of Punta Mocambo)
is larger in diameter (15 km of radius) than the anticyclonic elliptic eddy (10 km of radius) detected
in the coast, between the zone of the Jamapa River and Antón Lizardo.
The direction of the current with the wind blowing toward the east with a magnitude of 15 m s-1
(predominant in autumn and spring), goes to the north and follows the coastal margin (Fig. 4c).
The maximum speed (60 cm s-1) is found close to the southern boundary (Antón Lizardo) and the
SAV. Toward the south of Punta Mocambo, there is a cyclonic eddy attached to the coast with its
major axis oriented along the coastline. A similar current direction is obtained for a wind with a
magnitude of 15 m s-1 blowing from the southeast and south (autumn and spring). The difference
is that with the last speed the cyclonic eddy is not generated.
For a wind blowing from the northeast (15 m s-1), there is a current (with a speed of < 20 cm s-1)
which penetrates from open sea to the north between Anegada de Adentro and Isla Verde, following
its route towards north between the reefs of Blanquilla and Galleguilla, up to Vergara Bay. In front
of the Veracruz Port, from La Gallega reef, there is a flow (20 cm s-1) going south, passing between
Isla de Sacrificios and the coast, until it reaches the mouth of the Jamapa River where its speed
increases to 30 cm s-1. In front of the Jamapa River mouth there is a cyclonic eddy.
Considering a wind blowing from the southwest (15 m s-1), a spatial distribution of the currents
similar to those obtained with a wind blowing from the northeast is observed, but flowing in the
opposite direction. With a wind blowing from the west and northwest (15 m s-1) the currents flow
from north to south in the whole study area. In the first case, an anticyclonic eddy formed south
of Punta Mocambo and a cyclonic eddy in front of Anegada de Adentro reef.
3.6.4 At the coastal zone scale (in-situ observations)
In February 1980 (“nortes” season), Vázquez de la Cerda (1983) installed two current-meters:
in the leeward side of Isla de Sacrificios at 10 m depth and another in the windward side of Isla
Verde reef at 5 m depth. The time series were deployed for sixteen days (February 6 to 22). The
mean vector of the velocity calculated between Isla de Sacrificios and the coast was oriented to
the north, that is, in opposite direction to the wind blowing (from north to south), while the mean
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
vector of the speed in the other locality was oriented to the south, correlated to the direction of the
winds (from north to south).
On the other hand, in the summer of 2004, the current paths were measured with Lagrangian
buoys for a short period (less than 25 h) on the SAV. Those buoys showed that there was a
predominant flow in a south-north direction (with maximum speeds ranging between 14 cm s-1 to
63 cm s-1), which correspond to the direction of the flow represented in the circulation schemes
generated by numerical models of coastal and basin scales (Salas-Pérez et al., 2007c).
3.7 Rivers plumes or coastal fronts
The western region of the Gulf of México is characterized by the presence of rivers that discharge
in the Continental Shelf of Veracruz (Fig. 2). Close to the SAV are located La Antigua River, to
the north, with an annual discharge of 2.88 × 106 m3 year -1, the Jamapa River, in the centre of the
whole system with an annual discharge of 1.89 × 106 m3 year -1 and the Papaloapan River, south
of the SAV, with an annual discharge of 36.19 × 106 m3 year -1 (Tamayo, 1999). The river systems
that drain in the Gulf of México contribute with terrigenous sediments from the coastal plains
and the mountains; the influence of these kind of systems on the coasts in tropical zones is well
documented by Alongi (1990).
3.8 Tides
Analyzing the time fluctuations of the sea level during the year 2003 (referred to as the main lower
low tide) with the tide gauges located in the Tuxpan (21°00’ N, 97°20’ W), Alvarado (18°47’ N and
95°46’ W) and Coatzacoalcos (18°08’ N and 94°25’ W) stations (http://www.cicese.mx/predob), it
was noted that the minimal annual average amplitude of the tide takes place in the Coatzacoalcos
(21.45 ± 20.62 cm) and Tuxpan (18.69 ± 19.77 cm) stations. On the contrary, the mean maximum
amplitude takes place in Alvarado (24.32 ± 19.21 cm).
An harmonic analysis was applied to the time series measured with those tide gauges. The
dominant tide amplitudes obtained along the Veracruz coast were as follows. The diurnals K1 (23.92
h) and O1 (25.83 h) resulted in amplitudes larger than 14 cm, except the harmonic P1 (24.03 h)
which amplitude did not exceed 4 cm. Regarding the semidiurnal harmonics, the harmonic M2 (12.4
h), fluctuates in amplitude over the interval from 6.37 to 7.93 cm, and the harmonic S2 (12 h), shows
lower amplitudes, varying between 1.79 and 2.43 cm. According to the form number represented
as F = O1 + K1/S2 + M2, calculated as a function of the main diurnal and semidiurnal components,
the tide along the coast of Veracruz is considered predominantly diurnal (F > 3.0) as Salas-Pérez
et al. (2007b) confirmed. The fortnightly tide harmonic and those resulting from the interaction of
the wave tide with the sea bottom showed amplitudes < 2 cm, therefore, their contribution to the
generation of currents in the Veracruz coasts seems to be insignificant. However, Salas-Pérez
et al. (2007b), inferred from a network of time series of sea levels from pressure sensors
distributed in the SAV, that the fortnightly harmonic could be as energetic as the semidiurnal
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
On the other hand, buoy trajectories of short temporal length (< 5 h) were measured in the
mouth of the Jamapa River, during the months of July, 1986 and April, 1987 (one trajectory per
month). Those trajectories showed the flood and ebb flow of the tide current in that zone (HerreraCervantes, 1987). Also, with the time series of speed covering periods longer than 24 h, calculated
from a Lagrangian buoy traveling between the Chopas and Enmedio reefs, the tide ellipses were
calculated for the harmonics K1 and M2, finding that the semi-major axes were 9.42 ± 2.11 cm s-1
for the K1 and 6.83 ± 1.48 cm s-1 for the M2, with a south-north direction (Salas-Pérez et al.,
3.9 Waves
In general, the wave pattern in this region is of low energy, except for the “nortes” and hurricane
seasons. Due to the seasonal wind variations, the wave pattern computed from a hindcast in this
zone is also seasonal (http://www.oceanweather.com), coming predominantly from the north,
northeast and northwest, and it is more energetic than the summer wave pattern coming from
the east, southeast and south. During the “nortes” season, the largest wave is 5 m high at the 5 m
isobath, while in waters more than 20 m deep, it reaches 8 m. During the hurricane season,
the maximum wave height registered is of 3 m in the 5 m isobath and of 6 m in waters deeper
than 20 m. The wave pattern generated by the wind effect may affect the coral community of
the region.
The littoral current generated by waves patterns during December was inferred studying the
variations of the sediment grain sizes distribution which show that it is distributed in the following
way: from Punta Gorda to Punta Mocambo (Ingeniero reef) the flow goes to the south, while from
Punta Mocambo to the mouth of the Jamapa River, the coastal transport was towards the north.
Finally, from the southern region of the town Antón Lizardo to the south of the Jamapa River, the
coastal current runs towards the south (Hernández-Rosario, 1990).
3.10 Conceptual model
Based on the previous oceanographic information described in the preceding section, a conceptual
model is proposed (Fig. 5). In this model, different components of the marine circulation and
atmospheric processes are included as processes which may influence the hydrographical conditions
(temperature and salinity), nutrient concentrations, sediment conditions (grain size distributions
and so on) and, therefore, the coral community of the SAV. It is unknown which component of the
marine circulation is the predominant over the others; but in the next section, some hypotheses
are proposed.
4. Discussion
The SAV is a region of high ecological importance in which the scientific state of the art is still
incipient. The lack of knowledge of its physical oceanographic characteristics is evident and despite
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
Fig. 5. Physical-coraline conceptual model. ∇r(T, S) and ∇C, indicating density
gradients and scalar quantity concentration (i. e. sediments and nutrients).
the large amount of technical information, most of that information has not yet been formally
published and has not gone through the process of a scientific revision. In fact, according to the
ICRI data (1998) and Jiménez-Hernández et al. (2007), more information exists in the form of
“grey literature” than as peer reviewed scientific articles.
According to Lara et al. (1992), the SAV reefs are peculiar in their zonal characteristics:
they include a coral community relatively diverse but with low coral coverage, few species of
scleractineans and low topographic complexity in the bordering reefs close to the coast. The
opposite is true for the reefs that are far away from the coast. A remarkable characteristic of this
reef system is its good development in spite of the fact that it has been subjected to stress either
natural or induced. This impact has been poorly documented in a formal way as it is done in this
study. Tunnell (1992) describes the stress as a product of the contrasting seasons prevailing in the
region, which include a rainy season with large river and rain discharges in the summer, and a
winter season with strong winds or “nortes”, whose speed can be higher than 30 m s-1; nevertheless,
the effects on the SAV corals or their biota, have not yet been measured or evaluated, which in
turn prevents the accurate assessment of the physical dynamics and biogeochemical factors that
regulate its permanence and survival in this area of the Gulf of México.
In addition to the natural stress, the anthropogenic stress is evident, ever since the Spanish
conquest in the XVth century (since then, Veracruz has always been an important commerce route).
The Spanish extracted coral for the construction of forts (Carricart-Ganivet, 1998; Lang et al.,
1998). More recently, the main impacts are caused by an intense port activity, inadequate fishing
practices, and, among other activities, by the urban zone of Veracruz-Boca del Río-Medellín. With
approximately 700,000 inhabitants (http://www.inegi.gob.mx/est/contenidos/espanol/sistemas/
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
conteo2005), this growing urban and tourist development of medium scale dimensions dumps
waste water without previous treatment directly to the sea, action that could be a severe cause of
environmental stress. Nevertheless, their effects on the reef system have not yet been evaluated.
Regarding the ocean-atmospheric processes, at the basin scale, it is assumed that the global
variations of the oceanographic conditions have a local effect individually or as a whole on the
SAV oceanographic conditions. The atmospheric fronts (“nortes”) produce important mixing
processes that have not yet been quantified in the study area but that, according to Gallucci and
Netto (2004), induce the connections between the benthic and the pelagic compartments in the
shallow coastal systems. This occurs by the modifications in the water column conditions (increase
in the chlorophyll-a and the availability of nutrients) and the sediments (suspension and erosion
phenomena, change of texture) which negatively influence the benthic community structure in
During the “nortes” season, there is an important variation in the heat fluxes that are exchanged
between the atmosphere and the ocean, because the low air temperatures caused by the cold air
masses coming from the north of the United States and Canada penetrate into the Gulf of México;
this and the decreasing precipitation, could affect some stages of the coral reefs life cycle due to
the variation in salinity and temperature. Arenas-Fuentes and Salas-Pérez (2005) suggested that
the “nortes” could produce a reduction in water temperature in the SAV in a matter of hours, which
in turn may affect the optimal temperature values (26-28 °C) required for the survival of the coral
communities. On the other hand, the “nortes”, besides inducing the mixing processes, may induce
also resuspension of the sediment that has accumulated over the reefs during the summer; this
would happen just in the season when the rivers have their highest discharges over the study area.
As a result, favorable conditions for the photosynthesis processes in the reefs are created.
During the rainy season, the higher temperatures and the weaker eastern winds may have a
negative effect over the coral community. It has been found that, in the northern region of Veracruz
(on the continental shelf) the CGWM might be diluted with freshwater discharged by the different
rivers found along the coast; this is why low salinities are recorded (Vidal et al., 1994), a requisite
for the coral survival.
It is important to highlight that the rain associated with atmospheric storms could substantially increase
the continental discharges to the coastal zones, changing drastically the hydrographic characteristics
and the local sediment distribution, affecting the benthic fauna (Washburn et al., 2003).
In general, the wave pattern in this region is of low energy, except when “nortes” or hurricanes
strike and then strong storms surges occur, characteristically increasing the sea level close to the
coast. The storm surge effect over the reefs can translate in a process of exfoliation of entire parts
of the system (Woodley et al., 1981).
It is relevant to understand the effect of the discharges over the generation of plumes or thermal
fronts in the SAV area, since in addition to the immediate effect on the local hydrographic parameters,
they bring down salinities and temperatures in the marine waters (Czitrom-Baus et al., 1986;
Shirasago-Germán, 1991) and also affect the sediment and the structure of benthic communities
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
(Cruz-Abrego et al., 1991). The interaction of the rivers with the ocean generates a local circulation
system, which might be an efficient mechanism for the exchange of properties between the coastal
zone and the open sea and vice versa, as it has been registered for the Campeche Bay icthyoplankton
(Salas de León et al., 1998). Also, this factor could influence the sediment deposit on the coral
communities located in the Veracruz Continental Shelf.
The sediment discharged in front of the Jamapa River is defined as sands and fine clay of terrigenous
origin (Hernández-Rosario and Tinoco-Blanco, 1988). Also, on the reef systems of Veracruz and
Antón Lizardo, layers of sediment of terrigenous origin have been observed in situ (Krutak, 1997).
Those sediments have been directly related to the waters discharged by the above referred river
systems, though the transportation of those sediments from the plume of the rivers to the coral
communities has not been demonstrated. The local zone circulation promoted by the wave patterns,
the tides and the winds as well as by the meteorological phenomena such as hurricanes, tropical
storms, “nortes” and marine breezes might alter the shape and dimensions of the plumes in time
scales of hours or days, and therefore their intrusion to the reefs.
According to Krutak (1997) the origin of the fine sediments, non carbonated sands and fragments
of volcanic stone found on top of the reefs in front of the Port of Veracruz come from the Jalapa
Province (Teziutlán) through the La Antigua River, whereas the origin of the terrigenous sediments
(and the calcified algal cells) found on top of the Antón Lizardo reefs come from the Jamapa River
basin (near the Pico de Orizaba, Citlaltépetl) volcano and the Papaloapan River (Juárez Mountain
The influence of the circulation of the Campeche Bay in the SAV could be originated from the
outers boundary of eddies located in that region, a jet stream (of variable intensity and position
with respect to the fluctuation of both eddies) which carries waters from the center of the Gulf of
México towards the shelf and coastal zone of Veracruz. This interaction between eddies constitutes
a source of exchange between the waters of the central part of the Gulf and waters of the coast,
such as has been observed in the northern part of the Gulf of México (Toner et al., 2003).
Salas de León et al. (1998), with a numerical model applied to the Campeche Bay, studied the
distribution of the zooplankton communities owing to the effect of a saline front formed by the
Grijalva-Usumacinta discharges and by the cyclonic eddy mentioned above. Those authors found
that, during the rainy season (when the cyclonic eddy generates, and the current brings the oceanic
communities towards the centre of the bay) zooplankton enrichment can be observed in the delta
of the Grijalva-Usumacinta River. On the other hand, in winter (when the cyclonic circulation is
well developed) the ocean communities are confined to the west of the bay, in front of Veracruz.
These results allow assuming that both the coast and the continental shelf of Veracruz are being
affected by a similar process, or maybe even a more complex one, if the topographic effect of the
islands and other circulation components are considered. It is likely that the fluxes originated by
the fronts and the plumes created by the discharges of the rivers plus eddies flow (anticyclonic and
cyclonic), may temporarily impact the coral community of the region because of the changes in
temperature and salinity caused by this type of interactions between the circulation components.
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
According to Sturges (1993) and Zavala-Hidalgo et al. (2003), the macro scale circulation
schemes induced by the winds effect show a teleconnection with the local circulation schemes
generated by Caballero-Rosas (1990), with a dominant flux going to the north for the winter and
in opposite direction for the summer. The winds used to force the model to a coastal zone scale
are not representative of the wind field dynamics for the Gulf of México studied by Gutiérrez de
Velasco and Winant (1996); this means that only characteristic wind speeds and directions were
used; on the other hand, the numerical results of the marine circulation in this zone are conditioned
by the characteristics of this stationary forcing.
When the numerical model of Caballero-Rosas (1990) was forced with a characteristic wind of a
“norte” event, it described a current moving towards the south. However, the in situ observations of
Vázquez de la Cerda (1983) between Isla de Sacrificios and the coast during a “norte” event, show
an opposite current (towards north), indicating that the presence of reefs (Chopas and Blanca) form
a natural barrier that precludes the free flow of water to the south. This causes a water accumulation
zone that generates a pressure gradient which should be balanced by a speed component going
north. In this respect, the gradient could probably be induced by the Ingeniero reef and not by those
mentioned above, although this hypothesis needs to be corroborated. It is important to emphasize
that the results of the numerical model at the local scale were not validated with the proper set of
synoptic in situ observations of a seasonal time scale; however, the circulation fields generated are an
initial reference on how the wind induced currents could spatially be distributed over the SAV.
In general, the wind induced circulation could influence the hydrographic conditions of the
SAV and its nutrient concentrations, affecting the coral communities because during autumn and
through spring the low salinity waters discharged by the rivers Mississippi-Atchafalaya can reach
the Tamaulipas-Veracruz shelf and enter to the southern region of the Campeche Bay as ZavalaHidalgo et al. (2003) indicate.
Considering the seasonality and general current patterns, the rivers influence the SAV differently,
according to their geographical location. The Jamapa River could have an influence (freshwater
and sediments) during the whole year with a major effect on the coastal reefs and smooth effect
towards the inward shelf; however, during winter, when the current goes south, it will influence
the group of reefs closer to the coasts of Antón Lizardo. During summer, when the current goes
north, the influence of the river will be on the group of coastal reefs in front of the Port of Veracruz
(Krutak et al., 1980). The Papaloapan River, in turn, has an influence over the SAV only during
summer when the current goes north (Krutak et al., 1980). Finally, La Antigua River is influencing
the SAV in winter when the current goes south and has a local effect on the coastal reefs closer to
the Port of Veracruz (Punta Gorda, Gallega and Galleguilla reefs).
The tide along the State of Veracruz is mainly diurnal, even though the results of Salas de
León and Monreal-Gómez (1997) differ from this study, because they found that the tide in this
area is a diurnal mixed type. Nevertheless, at the local scale, the role that the diurnal, but also the
semidiurnal (M2) and fortnightly (Msf) tides play in the generation of tidal currents within the SAV
is unknown (Salas-Pérez et al., 2007b). The tidal currents (10­-² m s-1) inside the Gulf of México
J. J. Salas-Pérez and A. Granados-Barba
are weaker than those generated by the Loop current and the eddies (1 m s-1) (Salas de León and
Monreal-Gómez, 1997), in this region. These currents have not yet been measured, there are not in
situ observations and therefore their magnitude, direction and spatial distribution is not known.
At the basin scale, the tide M2 behavior and its residual current within the Gulf of México have
been studied by Reid and Whitaker (1981), Salas de León and Monreal-Gómez (1997) and Kantha
(2005) with numerical models which consider the oceanic and the astronomic tide, in addition to the
bottom friction; however, those numerical models represent tide currents simulations at the basin
scale, and therefore, the bathymetric effect of the reefs and the channels formed by the islands of
the SAV are not considered. In the SAV, Salas-Pérez et al. (2007b) found that phase differences in
each energetic harmonic (diurnal, semidiurnal and fortnightly) are induced by topographic effects.
Near the Jamapa River mouth, it could be induced by the river discharges.
The results of the numerical simulation characterize the wave tide M2 with three amphidromic
points distributed in the northern region of the Yucatán Peninsula, in the center of the Gulf and
to the north close to the coast of Texas-Louisiana. From the amphidromic point, located in the
center of the Gulf of México, the tide amplitudes increase from 1 to 6 cm (from the center of the
Gulf to the coast), displaying a cyclonic rotation around the Gulf, and amplitudes that correspond
approximately to those obtained from the harmonic analysis for the harmonic M2 (from the time
series of the sea level of the stations located along Veracruz). The tide ellipses (tide currents) obtained
with a numerical model in the zone in front of Veracruz are anisotropic (north to south) and their
magnitudes are smaller than 20 cm s-1. The tidal ellipse magnitudes calculated with the numerical
model duplicate the amplitude of the ellipses calculated with a Lagrangian trajectory larger than
24 h length (Salas-Pérez et al., 2007c). Because of this, it is necessary to further investigate the
tides dynamics and their currents in this zone.
The residual circulation that the tide M2 may generate when its time variations are averaged
over several cycles shows, in general, movements shorter than 2 m2 s-1 over the Continental Shelf
of Veracruz. This contradicts the results obtained with the calculated amplitudes for the fifteen
days harmonics (< 2 cm) which, in principle, would indicate that the residual circulation along the
Veracruz coast could be very weak.
It is likely that the role that tides flows play on the coral community is in the concentrations
distribution of the biogeochemical parameters of the area, associated to the mixing processes, and
to the coral larvae transport. Moreover, considering the complexity of the local topography, it is
uncertain whether the interaction of a tide like this could induce a residual flux related to a “street
of Karman vortices” (Kundu, 1990).
Regarding the wave pattern, some studies argue about the relationships between the wave
energy and the zoning of the coral communities, or about the preferred orientation of the coral
communities regarding the dominant wave direction. Heilprin (1890) and Emery (1963) attribute
the elongated shape and the NW-SE orientation of the SAV reef to the wave pattern; however,
those authors do not validate their assessments with direct measures. On the other hand, Chappel
Oceanographic characterization of the Veracruz reefs system
(1980) has detected that the environments with high energy waves are favorable to the corals and
coralline algae incrustation, and also to the development of coral topographic ranges.
5. Final considerations
For this study, the information of the oceanic and atmospheric processes that influence the hydrology
and dynamics of the SAV circulation were integrated. Its topographic complexity (shallow bottoms,
reefs, channels and islands) plays an important role in the alteration of the fluxes generated by the
different components of the circulation in this region of the Gulf of México.
Based on the conceptual model presented in this study, we suggest that the circulation in the SAV
zone is the result of the interaction of the different oceanic-atmospheric circulation components.
The behavior of those components are still unknown at the SAV scale.
It is difficult to understand the ecological process that makes the permanence and survival of
the coral reefs possible in the SAV without multidisciplinary studies that can establish the causeeffect relationships of the environmental variability in the area. Those effects promoted by the
oceanographic and physical processes, to a large extent are themselves influenced by oceanographic
processes that take place at a basin scale. In order to understand those multidisciplinary processes, it
is necessary to obtain time series of current speeds, temperatures, salinities, turbidity and nutrients.
This is needed to define the time-space scales and their dominant fluctuations and, therefore, to
understand their effects on the coral community of the SAV.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Unidad de Investigación de Ecología de Pesquerías
of the Universidad Veracruzana for its support. This research was financed within the framework
of the projects “Determinación de los indicadores críticos para la Operación del Plan de Manejo
del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano” (FOSEMARNAT-2004-01-181) funded
by SEMARNAT-CONACyT, the “Trayectorias de masas de Agua en los sistemas arrecifales de
Veracruz” (UVER-PTC-98) and “Fortalecimiento Disciplinario para el Desarrollo y Consolidación
del cuerpo Académico Manejo y Conservación de Recursos Acuáticos” supported by the Programa
de Mejoramiento del Profesorado (PROMEP-UV). Also we deeply appreciate the reviewers’
comments since they improved this manuscript.
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