July - Heritage of Hawkridge Lifestyle


July - Heritage of Hawkridge Lifestyle
H e r i ta g e o f Ha wk R id g e Co m m uni t y A s so c iat io n, I n c .
Hawk Ridge Putterings
Volume 11, Issue 7
July 2012
Upcoming Events
Resident Spotlight
The Dapper Dans
July 1
Flynn’s Corner
I don’t know about anybody
else, but I feel a bit like the
wicked witch in the Wizard of
Oz…….I’m melting! I hope
everyone is taking it easy and
not over doing it in this heat!
The July 4th Event is going to
be a great family affair and
we are expecting around 250,
so please let your guests
know to park on the infield
grass on Pigeon Dr. All
events will be at the Clubhouse. Please remember to
bring your side dish, we will
do the rest!
The construction of the Well
is underway and we hope to
get our lake back up to level
in the months ahead. It will
still take some time as the
drought conditions are projected to be with us for a
while. Stay cool!
12:45 pm
July 4
Parade 11 am
July 10
Book Club 11:30 am
Stamp Camp 1 pm
July 17
Demolition Ball 10 am
July 18
Bike Club 9:30 am
July 29
Pot Luck Sunday 5 pm
See you at the clubhouse,
Director Jeanne Brown.
A HUGE THANK YOU to the HHR folks (65 tickets
sold!) who braved the extreme heat to come out to
the Rascals game and support our very own Dapper
Dans! Seats were in the shade, WHEW, and on occasion Mother Nature provided a somewhat cool
breeze! Highlights of the Game included the HHR
Dapper Dans singing the National Anthem! Great
Job Dapper Dans!! HHR folks doing the WAVE!
Very COOL!
All in all, the event was a success and THANK
YOU to all of the HHR folks for their support of
our very own HHR Dapper Dans!
Community Rules
Heritage of Hawk Ridge
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 9 am - 5 pm
Sat 9 am - 2 pm
Office Number: 636-561-7895
Gordon Wilkinson, Tom Gill, Fred Meier, Gary
Turner, Rich Singer, Charlie Ruhmann, Larry
Knopfel, Larian Johnson, Barry Hunt and
Office Fax: 636-625-6646
Flowers, trees, shrubbery, garden plants may be
planted without approval of the ARC, provided
the plantings are within two feet of the foundation and a mulched bed is provided. Artificial
plants, flowers, etc. are prohibited.
HHR Post-It Notes
Pot Luck Sunday
Let’s Get Out of the HEAT and
Have Some Fun with a
Trip to
Tuesday, July 17th
11 am to 1 pm
Bus / Carpools Depart at 10:00am
From the Clubhouse
Space is limited to the first 30 residents who sign
up. Pizza and soda will be served.
This is a bumper car sport that is a lot of fun; but
it does get physical.
Join us for a good old fashioned
neighborhood gathering on
SUNDAY, July 29th
5 pm - 10 pm
A sign up sheet for entrees, salads,
sides and dessert will be posted in the
clubhouse, so plan to share your
favorite recipe!
(see sign up sheet)
Water Pressure
If you are experiencing low water pressure in
your homes and irrigation systems, the Public
Water District has informed us it is due to the
extreme heat and increased demand. They
are asking everyone to conserve water as
much as possible and especially during peak
times of the day.
There will be a few surprise games and
entertainment throughout the evening,
so mark your calendars and sign up
before July 25th!
The Bragging Rights Board
Friday Night Resident Golf
Is In Full Swing!
Every Friday night residents meet at the pro shop for
a fun night of golf, food, prizes and surprises. Each
week we play an interesting twist on the game of
golf in a scramble format. Afterwards, we move into
the ballroom for a pot luck dinner and prizes.
Some residents even stay later for a silly card game
that requires no skill at all!
Sign up sheet is available in the pro shop each week
for that Friday. For more information call
Larry at 561-2280.
All residents are welcome!
Men’s Monday Morning League
31 HHR men golfers participated in two weeks of Ryder Cup competition. Hawk Ridge, trailing Heritage by
9 to 5 points after week one rallied to win 9 of the 14
points avialable in "head to head" competition. But,
Heritage won 4 of the 7 points available in "alternate
shot" competition and sqeaked out an overall win 18
points to 17 points. The first week competition consisted of "2 person scramble" and "2 person best
ball". The participants and pairings were as follows:
HERITAGE; S.Aubuchon/G. Cattau, B. Dixon/K.
Klasing, R. Bray/F. McGavran,
F.DeCarlo & B. Copenhaver/J. Waugh,
S. Huston/B. Campbell, T. Gill & L. Barnes/ D. Lange & E. DeAvilla, C.
Ruhmann/R. Maniscalco.
HAWK RIDGE; C. Pope/P. Lucido, R.
Richert/ J. Pozdol, B. Emrick/L. Lachamelle, D. Scheuermann/J. Stephenson.
B. Harrison/ B. Hunt, P. Cooney/ R.
Purcell, G. Gramlich/ N. Todebusch.
We have no League play on July 2nd, however, many
are planning to show up at 8am. The next League play
will be July 9, assembling at 8am and tee-off by
8:30am. We may "shake-up" the format slightly and
decide upon a 3rd HHR Ryder Cup. At this point, everyone wanting to play on July 9, show up at 8am.
The golf course has
new tee box markers
thanks to the efforts
of several of our
residents. So give
the following guys a
pat on the back for a
job well done:
Charlie Pope, Larry Lachalmelle, Fred
McGavran, Steve Aubuchon, Lowell
Barnes, Bill Copenhaver, Gayle Cattau,
Bud Campbell, and Ron Maniscalco.
The Bragging Rights Board
Lady Hawkes
Get Out of the HEAT
Join us at the Pro Shop for a cool beverage
Early morning storms quieted to
allow the Lady Hawkes to play
Three Blind Mice May 30. Three
holes chosen at random are subtracted from gross
score. The Hawkes who scored the cheese were
Renee Flynn (Red 23), Sharon Aubuchon and
Mary Jane Brinkman and Sally Wood (tied
White 25), and Barbara McGill (Blue 25). Birdies flew for Elvira Johnson and Barbara McGill.
Marigene Murphy scored a nice chip in.
With low humidity and high 70’s temperatures,
June 6 was blissful. The game was Low Net – Use
Mulligan Anywhere. Congratulations to winners
Donna Bray (Red 27), Sandy Aubuchon and
Barbara McGill (tied White 25) and Dee Snyder
(Blue 27). Carole Waugh had a birdie and Marigene Murphy a chip in. Afterwards we enjoyed
our Brown Bag lunch.
“ Happy
Monday, July 9
Monday, July 23
4 pm—6:30 pm
$2 Beer, $4 Mix Drinks, $2 Wine
(No outside beverages / wine can be brought
into the Pro Shop)
Father’s Day Scramble Goes to
Score-card Playoff!
A Flight
June 13 was another delightful day, especially for
winners of Throw Out Two Worst Holes:
Elvira Johnson (Red 22), Sandy Aubuchon
(White 22) and Jean Bartha (Blue 20). Birdies
were scored by Jan Bell, Joyce Brasier and
Elvira Johnson. Norma Allen and Elaine Voight
had chip ins. Lunch was a selection of appetizers.
Golfers donned bling fashions for our fun Flights
of Glitter scramble and catered lunch June 20. Afterwards the ladies enjoyed Bloody Mary’s and
Mimosas. Our delicious lunch from L’Ecole Culinaire included salads and sandwiches with assorted desserts like cookies and brownies.
1st Frank & Matt DeCarlo
2nd Steve & Scott Aubuchon
B Flight
1st John & Dan Aubuchon
Ron & Don Bray
C Flight
Scott & Tom DeAvilla
Jack & James McGauley
Closest To The Pin
Steve Aubuchon
Matt DeCarlo
The Bragging Rights Board
Hand & Foot
Triple Play
Wednesday Evening
Jo Anne Bronstein 236,755
Friday Afternoon
Theresa Mathis 267,575
Duplicate Bridge
Will meet July 8th and July 22nd
from 2—4:30 pm at the HHR Clubhouse
Kathleen’s Fitness Corner
How to Lift It Right
Poor lifting technique often causes lower-back
pain. The most important rule is to let your legs,
not your back, do the lifting. Other tips to protect your back when you lift include:
Stand with your feet 8 to 12 inches apart;
keeping your back straight, bend your knees
until you're in a squatting position. Never
bend at the waist with your legs straight.
Keep the object you're lifting directly in front
of you and lift straight up. Don't twist to either side.
Keep the object close to you, not at arm's
length. Reverse the process when you're
ready to put the object down.
Wait for someone to help you if a load is too
heavy for you to lift safely.
Push a heavy load instead of pulling it.
Be sure your footing is secure before you lift.
Don't wear high heels when you're lifting -doing so increases the pressure on your
Make sure your path is clear before lifting.
Keep your movements as smooth and fluid
as possible.
Don't lift heavy objects over your head. Use
a step stool or have someone help you.
Daytime Bridge Results:
High - Linda Bird
2nd - Carole Waugh
Low - Dr. Brothers
High - Carole Waugh
2nd - Rhea Miller
Low - Good Bye Girl
Evening Bridge Results:
High - Ginny Puhl
2nd - Pat Goddard
Low - Patty Duke
High - Linda Bird
2nd - Nancy Creviston
Low - Tom Jones
Ladies Pinochle
May 30, 2012
Cheryl Lachalmelle
Nancy Creviston
Laverne Meyer
Steph Hempel
June 13, 2012
Mary Ann Hunt
Shirley De Avilla
Elvira Johnson