Welcome Olivia! - Peace Lutheran Church


Welcome Olivia! - Peace Lutheran Church
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June 2016
15840 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 3398
JUNE 2016
Welcome Olivia!
Easter Garden
Olivia Marie, child of John and Samantha Savage, was baptized
on the
Festival of Pentecost. Joyce Beckman is Olivia's Great Grandmother.
Olivia with Great grandma Joyce Beckham,
Grandma and her sister. What a blessing to have four
generations together!
Praise God!
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June 2016
Jim Krueger, Chair
(239) 454-1605
[email protected]
John Koppen, Vice-Chair
(98) 507-4526
[email protected]
Julie Cramer, Secretary
(574) 250-0535
[email protected]
Jeff Carter, Treasurer
[email protected]
Bonny Bjorkedal, Fellowship
(239) 267-0026
[email protected]
Robert Cline, Service
(239) 466-4104
[email protected]
Lori Blass-Adams
Worship & The Arts
(239) 340-1094
[email protected]
Grant Ellingson, Property
(239) 791-9880
[email protected]
John Warner, Stewardship
(608) 572-1700
[email protected]
PASTOR: Walter Still
(239) 437-2599
pastorwalter@ peaceftmyers.com
disciples of Jesus Christ for ministry
I said in last month’s article that I was looking forward to seeing bulldozers
in our parking lot by now. As of this writing, there are still no bulldozers.
However, Compass Construction has erected a construction sign next to
our driveway. This certainly gives me the reassurance that construction is
almost ready to begin.
Last month we closed on the bridge loan for our addition. To date, we
now have over $800,000 in the bank from our capital campaign. Thank
you for everyone’s strong support and commitment to this project.
Because Easter came early this year and because of all the building project
updates to the congregation, we did not make the normal spring appeal for
needed donations, to help our cash flow through the summer months,
when attendance and giving is down. We are presently more than $50,000
behind our projected budget income for the year. The stewardship committee asks that everyone try to keep their financial pledge to Peace up to
date and, if possible, to pay ahead or even offer an addition gift to show
your support to the congregation.
There are two major building items that will be taking place in June in addition to the building expansion project. They are the installation of a
Wenger filing system in the choir room, to store their printed materials, and
the reconstruction of the baptistry. These two projects were not a part of
the large building project, but were items that are greatly needed. Several
individuals have already donated the necessary funds for the Wenger file
so it has been ordered and is scheduled to arrive the week of June 13 th.
The baptistry repair was partially funded in the 2016 operating budget,
however, additional gifts will be needed to cover the actual cost. We are
also looking into installing a motorized winch in the attic over the chancel
to facilitate the hanging of the Advent wreath and other chancel art work.
This will make it easier and much safer than using the tall ladders as is presently done.
Finally, our Publication Secretary, Michelle Smyth, resigned her part time
job at Peace to accept a full time position elsewhere. Gail and the mutual
ministry committee are working on hiring a replacement for her as well as
hiring a much needed part time janitor.
With summer activities and vacations moving into high gear, we pray that
everyone stays safe and keeps Christ and Peace Lutheran Church in your
daily thoughts and prayers.
Yours in Christ,
Jim Krueger
Leadership Council Chairman
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June 2016
Dear Friends in Christ,
In this season of Easter, the readings from scripture took us on a journey with Paul, the greatest missionary the Church of Jesus Christ has
ever known. In the remarkable story of his life, that demonstrates the
transformative power of God for all people, the persecutor became
the messenger. The first disciples faced tremendous issues of proclaiming and living the Good News of Jesus. There were issues of what food could be eaten, the rites
of initiation, the way to live together and sustain a community and how to interact with an alien culture … Hear Paul proclaim that message in his work with the congregation in Corinth: “For I decided to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (1 Cor 2.2) and “If
there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised.” (1 Cor 15.3) We have
been blessed in our Easter pilgrimage to have walked with Paul.
I believe as Paul walks with us today, shaping us as disciples of Jesus, we can recognize Christ creating new life from the problems of our world. That message is the reason, filled with the power of the
creator God, the crucified and risen Lord, and the energizing Spirit, that we continue as hope-filled
pilgrim people. Recently, I recognized many signs of God working in our midst:
In the stories of a person I heard in an ICU of a doctor who was now dying but had given so
much new life to many people;
In a meeting, I shared with our Bishop with other Lutheran pastors and representatives of the
Archdiocese of Miami as we discussed plans to observe the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation;
In the ministry that I observed in our church as folks gathered for recreation with some board
games and many laughs;
In the planning for our expanded parking and facility we have opened our mission to new ministry that will touch people;
In the tremendous servant ministry that many do for their families and friends;
In the inter-connected work of the church throughout the world as it wrestles for the good of
many people in horrible situations;
In the member of our church who received a kidney from a 14 year old whose organs and tissues
were donated on death.
The reason that I love to read scripture is that when I look at the world, behind the many difficult
things I hear about, I know that Christ’s people are working to share the Good News of the crucified
and resurrected Lord. That strengthens my resolve to be committed to this venture of
faith began in our baptism, renewed at the table, and held together by the bonds of
faith, hope and love that binds us as a congregation. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
In Christ,
Pastor Walter
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June 2016
We give thanks for the Pentecost art work of Sandra Christ that blesses
our church. Thank you Sandra! Our worship space is
reconfigured for the summer. The altar is in the center of the
assembly of the choir seated in the chancel. This arrangement creates a
welcoming space for worship in the summer.
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June 2016
Today, May 13, 2016, blessed day of Friday the thirteenth, I returned a birthday gift. It was a gift of something I wanted but never bought. After the fact,
I checked out whether I could even use it. The answer, of course, was:
“Well, Ric, no. Because of X. Y and Z, it really will not work as advertised
nor as you desire” I confess to making a rather large exhalation of air from
the diaphragm. To make it worthwhile, I even puppy dogged the eyes and tilted my smile in the wrong direction. But alas and alack, to no avail. Actually,
a veil might have saved face for me had I owned one and had I been wearing
it at the time, but that is a pun for a different time.
Off to the store I went. While the clerk was not overjoyed to see me nor to deal with a return, she was
gracious, she was sympathetic to my dilemma and gave to me a store credit. She smiled and said that she
hoped that she would be able to help me in the future and thanked me for stopping by.
Now, many return experiences are not nearly that easy nor that friendly. Do not return gifts on December
26. Ever. Just BUY things on that day and return your stuff in January. As the adventure transpired, I
thought of other returns. There is the promise of Jesus’ return. There was the outlandish party for the
Prodigal Son. There was the return of Orpah to her home while Naomi and Ruth decided to hang together. There was the return of the Dove to the ark. There is the return of all persons to the place of their
birth to pay taxes. (Is this biblical story the reason so many snowbirds go north before April 15 th?)
Transcending all of those stories, (because it is sung!), there is a Gospel Acclamation we sing on Ash
Wednesday. It is from the book of Joel, chapter 2, verse 13
English Standard Version
…Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love…
There are words on both ends of this Acclamation but we do not sing them.
Now, I am not about to sit here, enter data and try to tell you the clerk was all of this. Even more, I am
fairly confident we have had clerks who were QUICK TO ANGER and lacking much love during the
But you know? The good news is GOD IS ALWAYS waiting, wanting to welcome and longing to
remind us of HIS STEADFAST LOVE!!!! Even in the little adventure of returning a gift, I was allowed
a glimpse of God in action. As the childhood game goes, TAG! You are it! Go and be gracious, slow to
anger and abounding in love to someone today and every day!
As for hymns this month...last month I talked about old hymns and old hymnals. Just to test the waters,
I want to pick two hymns that were BRAND NEW TO ME when I commenced being a Lutheran Musician up in Port Charlotte many years ago.
ELW652 Built on a Rock the church shall stand. ELW425 Behold the Host Arrayed in White.
My guess is that to lifelong Lutherans, these were rather well known to you. They now rank as highly
favored for me.
This month, go through the ELW and find TWO hymns new to you and read them
every day for a week or two.
See what the poets teach you. Figure out the melody or make up your own. Singing
will help imprint the words on your heart and mind. Then, let me know what you
found. I am sure we can all benefit from learning a new hymn this summer.
In joint ministry through music,
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June 2016
(and let’s pray we do not need it)
According to FEMA, “Fort Myers…(has) been affected or brushed by a
hurricane or tropical storm once every 3 years…For a direct landfall
(within 40 miles) the statistics show the likelihood as once every 13 years”. We have been
blessed with calm Hurricane Seasons in recent years, but let’s not become complacent.
Last month, I requested that you fill out the form entitled My Hurricane Plan 2016. This
month, I am encouraging you to please take the time to prepare emergency contact information for your family (this is excellent advice for life, not just storms). I will have Family
Emergency Communication Plan forms printed out for distribution to you on June 5.
Is your disaster kit prepared?
A gallon of water per day per person, enough to last for 3 days. You will need
help carrying this
Fill a bathtub with water if there is the threat of a storm
A three-day supply of non-perishable food and a manual can opener. Select foods
that are not salty and do not need to be heated
Battery-powered radio and a NOAA Weather radio
Flashlights and battery-operated candles
Batteries. Make note of the sizes you need and please purchase them now
First aid kit and a supply of your medications
A whistle to signal for help (Oh, my!)
Dust mask
Hand wipes, garbage bags
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities. Do you know the location of you utilities?
Cell phone with chargers, preferably solar-powered. PR Walter has advised that
texting is more efficient in an emergency. I am working on it….
Documents: mortgage, insurance policies, financial statements with account numbers, copies of prescriptions, tax records
A stash of cash (if the power is out, ATMs and credit cards will not work)
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June 2016
Contact CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams)
Florida Contact: Jana Smith Phone: (850) 414-8538
Email: [email protected] or your local Fire Department to become familiar with local emergency plans. Wireless Emergency Alerts are available for your
phone; they are designed to get your attention with a unique sound and a text message.
Be familiar with this tone and heed it (a lesson I learned when the tornado set down in
Cape Coral).
There are excellent websites available to help you prepare for a storm. The information
offered in this letter was obtained from www.ready.gov, www.fema.gov , and
www.uscg.mil .
May God’s Peace be with you,
Marilyn Kranich
“So make yourself an ark of cypress wood…” Genesis 6:14
Peace Book Club
We are pleased to announce that the Book selections for the 2017 season are:
January: MYSTIC SWEET COMMUNION by Jane Kirkpatrick
February: THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN by Paula Hawkins
March: REMARKABLE CREATURES by Tracy Chevalier
For more information, please call Mary C. Metzner at 239.437.0752
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June 2016
Capital Campaign Update:
As we approach the beginning of the building project, making contributions toward your
commitment will be very helpful to our church family! As of May 10, 2016, $807,259.00
has been given to the campaign with total pledges at $1,256,526. Thank you to everyone
who is supporting this endeavor with your thoughts and prayers! Gifts may be made by
indicating “Capital Campaign” on your check. For information on donating stocks, contact
Jim Krueger at 239.454.1605
Summer 2016 Footprints in the Sand Submission Form
I/we will submit a photo and brief story for one of the 2016 Footprints in the Sand
July 2016
August 2016
September 2016
The Church Office will send a reminder. Included in the note will be Information
on deadlines and how to submit the photo.
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June 2016
Legacy Fund
"You are what you eat." It's one of those phrases that
we grew up with. Supposedly it tells us something about
nutrition. As kids we laughed about it, but as adults we discover that it is the choices we
make that make us who we are!
It's true of our health, our faith, our relationships with one another and our work.
Our choices catch up with us, and in many cases outlive us!
The Legacy Fund of Peace Lutheran Church is a choice that we have, a choice that will
continue well beyond our years, well beyond our personal presence, a choice that says
what is, (and was), important in our lives.
The bylaws of the Fund require that we use the earnings "to enhance the mission of
Peace Lutheran Church apart from the general operation of the congregation." Have
you included the Legacy Fund of Peace Lutheran Church in your plans?
The Fund is a good place to give an honorarium, a graduation gift in honor of, a place
to honor a long marriage, (who needs more "stuff"?), any special occasion, or just because
you have more than you need.
Frank Warner, Chair
See and hear our own Ric Jaeggi play in the Festival of Great Organ Music at the Artis—
Naples on Sunday, June 5 at 3:00pm in Hayes Hall.
Tickets can be purchased online or by phone for $20 each. Please
go to http://artisnaples.org/events/organ-festival-2016 for further
information or call 239.597.1900 to order your tickets. Ric, along
with some of the finest organists in Southwest Florida, will play the
magnificent 3,604-pipe Casavant organ. The concert will showcase
a wide range of music. Artis-Naples is located at 5833 Pelican Bay
Boulevard Naples, Florida 34108-2740.
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June 2016
Building Committee Update
Signs of Progress
The company that does the marking, to flag underground utilities, has been to Peace
and flagged the locations where “things” are hidden.
Compass Construction put up a sign saying that there will be construction here.
We are still waiting for the final plans from the structural engineering company
and the electrical engineering company. We're told that both plans are near to being
Compass Construction, upon getting the final plans, will submit them to Lee County
for a building permit. At the same time, Compass is developing a phased plan for
demolition and construction. As you are aware, we must keep operating/working,
so we will have to move offices to demolish walls, do new wiring and lighting, etc. etc.
Lots to be done, but progress is being made -- some changes less obvious than others!
On our way rejoicing!
Frank Warner, Chair
Rediscover Macedonia
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June 2016
June 23, 2016 at 11:30AM
Certified Diabetes Educator Mairead Hunter will
discuss proper nutrition, medication, exercise,
and stress management to achieve the balance
necessary to control your diabetes.
Proper management of diabetes can delay the onset of complications, or possibly avoid them.
Overall, this offering will help you achieve a
healthier lifestyle.
Please bring a friend, and bring a healthy lunch.
Peace Lutheran Church will provide a beverage
and dessert.
Please sign up on the yellow Welcome Sheet.
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June 2016
Notes Regarding Financial Performance for the Month
April 2016
April income was $35,924 against budget of $59,500. This was $23,576 below budget. For the year to date, income is running $55,471 under budget.
April expenses were $38,058 against budget of $43,500, this was $5,442 under budget. For
the year to date, expenses are $47,595 under budget.
The Mission Investment Fund for the new building projects was $694,070.
We hope that everyone will be generous in their gifts this summer to our church!
Jeff Carter
Financial Chair
Donate from your smartphone!
Peace offers a mobile version of our online giving page to
make it easy for you to give anytime from your smartphone.
Simply scan the image you see here using your phone’s Quick
Response (QR) code reader!
The FUMC Clothes Closet is closed the entire month of
June and will not be accepting donations.
Please hold all donations (do not drop off at the
church office) until Thursday, July 7, when The Clothes
Closet will resume normal hours of operation.
Volunteers are needed to help purge clothing on Thursday, June 2 from 9
a.m. to 12 p.m. Please contact Jenny Gerritsen if you would like to assist, 239-370-4610.
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June 2016
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June 2016
Thank You Notes
Dear Congregation,
Thank you for sending us to the 13th Annual Administrative Professionals Recognition Day on Wednesday,
April 27. This event was sponsored by the Dr. Piper Center for Social Services, Inc. and included a wonderful
lunch, fashion show, entertainment by Frank Torino and a silent auction. If you want to learn more about the
Dr. Ella Piper Center, that serves six surrounding counties here, please go to http://www.drpipercenter.org/.
We enjoyed the time of fun, fellowship and relaxation.
Thank you again! Gail, Karen, Peggy and Michelle (church office)
We are so blessed to have three volunteers as part of our church staff. These
folks are our unsung hero’s as they devote countless hours to support PLC.
Next time you see them, please offer
up a thank you!
Jim Krueger—Finance & AR
Karen Robins—Finance, Payroll & AP
Peggy Koppen—Volunteer Coordinator
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June 2016
Irene Storves
In Detroit, MI, on April 30, 1928, William and Senja (Joensuu)
Mackie gave birth to their second child, but first girl, Irene
Mae. June Rose was born two years later, and now their family
was complete with Clifford, Irene and June. When the Depression gripped the nation, they moved to Dollar Bay, MI, to be
nearer the grandparents.
Paul, Irene’s husband, had a severe heart attack and retired at 57. They built a house on
Sanibel Island and lived there for 15 years, the longest they'd lived in the same place. As
charter members of Peace Lutheran Church, Irene often told of the “peace found in the new
mission”. Her remark, combined with other’s feelings, developed into naming our church,
“Peace Lutheran Church”.
They built their last house next to the fairway on a golf course in Aiken, SC and they played
golf often. But in 2001, Paul suddenly died of acute leukemia. Irene moved back to Sanibel
Island with Shelly and Dick, and soon bought a condo at Sanibel View in Fort Myers. Unfortunately, that same year, as often happens to caretakers, she began her own bout with cancer.
In 2002, she was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and in 2005, Irene had colon
cancer. Due to all her time in the sun at the beach (before the days of sun screen) and on sailboats the family owned, she had numerous Mohs surgeries for basal and squamous cell cancers. Concurrently, she had Barrett's Esophagus and congestive heart failure. In 2012, she
had a lump removed from her breast, and 2014 found her battling Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). But Irene always said, “I'll feel better tomorrow!”
November 2015, she moved into The Grand Villa of Melbourne, and spent her last months
at a dining table with three other very intelligent, funny, and adventurous gals...one of whom
is 101! They frequently closed the dining room on any given day.
Her last appointment with her oncologist was April 6. He suggested she stop the oral chemo
and instead, try a sister drug. But that week, she decided she didn't have what it took to start
another treatment. On April 16th Irene was admitted into hospice care and on the 20th she
moved into Hospice House in Palm Bay, where she soon gave up a fourteen year fight with
cancer on Sunday, April 24 at 1:15AM. From then on, Irene is in heaven and living a victorious life God promises all believers! To God be the glory…
Cards may be sent to Irene's’ sister June Troeger:
16570 Ginger Lane #215, Ft. Myers FL. 33908
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June 2016
Gail Ramona Wegenast
Gail Ramona Wegenast, 79, passed away on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, at her home in
Fargo. She was born on June 26, 1936, in Pelican Rapids, MN, to Alfred and Betsy
Gail lived and attended school in Rothsay, MN, through the 10th grade, graduating from Barnesville
High School. She attended Dakota Business College where she met her husband of 59 years, Dean
Orel Wegenast. They were married in 1957 and have lived in Fargo since then.
Gail's career was in the Insurance industry, working at Surety Mutual Life and Casualty, then moving
to Great West Life Insurance and Dawson Insurance. She and her husband, Dean, have spent their
retirement years splitting time between their homes in Fargo, Ft. Myers, FL, and on Little Pine Lake
near Perham, MN.
Gail enjoyed quilting, reading, puzzles, bridge, spending time at the lake and traveling with her family.
Interested in Norwegian genealogy, travel highlights included two trips to Norway along with several
graduation trips with her grandchildren.
In addition to her husband, Gail is survived by brother, Jerome Korsgaden of Victorville, CA; sister,
Joyce Lackie of Topelo, OK; daughter, Terry Aas of Eden Prairie, MN (husband Dan); daughter, Patty
(Dykes) Lewis of San Antonio, TX (husband Derek); and son, Timothy Wegenast of West Fargo, ND
(wife Kari)
Gail has six grandchildren: Andrew and Julia Aas of Minneapolis; Katrina (Dykes) King-Smith of
Logarsce, Slovenia (husband Franny); Taryn Dykes of San Antonio; Stephany Wegenast of West Fargo
and Nicole (Wegenast) Irwin of Lidgerwood (husband Garrett). Gail was also able to spend time with
her first great-grandchild, Kobie Irwin, prior to her death.
A Gathering in Gail's honor will be held at the Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home at 6 p.m. on Monday,
May 2, followed by a Prayer Service at 7 p.m. The Funeral Service will be at Calvary Lutheran Church
in Perham, MN, at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4, followed by burial at Calvary Memorial Cemetery.
The family would like to thank Hospice of the Red River Valley for their wonderful care of Gail and
family over the past few weeks. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to
Cards may be sent to:
Dean Wegenast, 3431 28th Ave South, #302, Fargo ND 58104
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June 2016
Dear Friends in
Please hold in prayer, these
people for whom prayers
have been requested.
George Avery
Peg Brannick
Connie, friend of Carolyn
Art Gorman
Al & Ann Harsch
Paul J.
George Kranich
Deborah & Carl Lafky
Margarite Mathis
Dave & Pat Miller
Dee Milner
Mark and Sue Nickum
Eric Potts
Don & Laura Ruane
Diane Schasel
Howard Schroeder
Art Stoneback
Deb & Ed Summons
Bev T
Frank Tasker
Dean Wegenast
Janne Zyck
Interested in what is going on
around the Florida-Bahama
Synod? Looking for the state
calendar? Then we have the
perfect online tool for you!
Sign up now for E-Spirit ~ the weekly
newsletter published by the Florida-Bahamas
Synod. Here is how to sign up to get it delivered directly to your inbox:
Go to www.fbsynod.com
Then resources: E-Spirit online
And sign-up is on the right side of the
webpage. Just enter your email and you will
start receiving it this week!
Should you have any questions, please call the
Church Office at 239.437.2599.
The Healing Services offered on the
second Thursday of the month have
been placed “on-hold”. Watch for notice
of when they will be resumed. God’s
peace to those who have participated in
this ministry of Peace Lutheran Church.
Please contact Marilyn Kranich if you
would like to share in a time of prayer or
receive oil as a sign of God’s healing and
Page 18
Bob Hesch
Ann Rousseau
Jim Bloom
The Rev Richard Carnes
Ronald Girton
Charlotte Pugh
Arnie Wehr
Jack Nitz
Dave O'Denius
Robert Cline
Robert Eidsvold
Dave King
Joanne Gaede
Neal Marion
Beverly Diane Pepper
Diane Hawkins
Donna Andersen
Art Johnson
Duffy Weiberg
Ray Vold
John Gisvold
Charlie Rau
Gail Arnfelt
Jack Ruff
Brian Adams
Jeff Carter
Ken Wohlfarth
Terry Giese
Sheila Mixdorf
Eva Gebauer
Elaine Pike
Wanda DeMeo
John Woodring
Sandy Heinrich
June 2016
Our birthday list comes from
information our members have
provided to the church office. Please
fill out the Welcome Flyer to update,
add, or change your information!
Pat Durben
Carolyn Farris
Thomas Phillips
Emil Smith
Maxine Neumann
Katherine Giesel Sharp
Pat Fischer
Jim Giesel
Alice Keller
June Troeger
DeDe Ott
Arland Oleson
Ken Johnson
Robert Gates
Please bring in manufacturer's
coupons and place in the box
located in the Narthex so that we
may pass them on to military
families stationed in Japan. Please be sure the
expiration date is current, as it takes time to
mail overseas (Japan offers 2 months grace).
~Thank You!
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June 2016
WJW Financial Consulting Corp.
Bill Wilcop
Cell: 239.826.3660
[email protected]
Tax Prep and Planning ~ EA
Retirement Planning
Medicare Health Plans
As a service to our church community, members of our church may place a business card size ad for their business in Dove Tales. The Church does not endorse
any business covered by such ads nor will we guarantee the services of such business advertised. Ads will be permitted that share our religious values. The Pastor
will make the final determination as to the eligibility of an ad. A donation ($20) is
expected for the ad. Ad copy must be provided to the church secretary by the 15 th
of the month for inclusion in Dove Tales.
OUR MISSION: To equip disciples of Jesus Christ for ministry and mission. When you participate in any of the following
activities, you are fulfilling one of the Marks of Discipleship.
“Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart.” -Luke 18:1
“So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.” -Genesis 2:3
“One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” -Matthew 4:4
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, to bring good news to the poor.” -Luke 4:18
“Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness
and reverence.” -1Peter 3:15b-16
“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure
you give will be the measure you get back.”
-Luke 6:38
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June 2016
15840 McGregor Blvd.
Fort Myers, FL 3398
Come Share God’s Love!
Current Resident
Stay in the know:
and click on the calendar link.
Upcoming Events
Happy Father’s Day!
Lunch & Learn ~ Diabetes Education
Independence Day Picnic
Last Sunday in July Concert
15840 McGregor Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Phone: 239.437.2599
Fax: 239.437.3647
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Website: www.peaceftmyers.com
Pastor: Walter C. Still— ext. 204
Seasonal Pastor: Mick Roschke—ext. 201
Deacon: Karen Coleman
Director of Music, Organist and Choir Director:
Ric Jaeggi—ext. 208
Parish Nurse: Marilyn Kranich—ext. 213
Parish Administrator: Gail Koerner—ext. 200
Volunteer Coordinator: Peggy Koppen—ext. 212
Publication Secretary - Open Position