Vacation Bible School Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones Peter`s Pence


Vacation Bible School Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones Peter`s Pence
June 28 , 2015
MAR. 2015
$ 54,171 $ 54,774 ($ 603) (1.1%)
JULY-MAR. 2015 $449,857 $453,480 ($3,622) (0.8%)
The Finance Council appreciates this opportunity
to share the highlights of our parish finances.
Weekly offertory collections were under forecast
for both March and year-to-date. Meanwhile,
Building( Fund( and( Stewardship( contributions( are(
sufficient( to( pay( the( Family( Life( Center( mortgage.(
Your( continued( generosity to our parish and the
Family Life Center is appreciated.
Regular Collection
Weekday Mass Intentions
Monday/Lunes, June 29th
9:00am NO MASS
Tuesday/Martes, June 30th
9:00am Liturgy of the Word
Wednesday/Miércoles, July 1st
6:00pm NO MASS
Thursday/Jueves, July 2nd
9:00am Liturgy of the Word
Friday/Viernes, July 3rd
9:00am NO MASS
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday/Sábado, July 4
5:00pm †Jim Arcesi (Dolores Larson)
†Joan Fey (Lance &Kay Terry)
Sunday/Domingo, July 5th
9:00am †Rosemary Nadeau (Bob Nadeau)
†Susan Gravat (Peg & Jim Kelly)
10:45am †Christian Gabriel Ibarra (Mom, Dad & Zachary)
12:30pm Parishioners of the parish
Next Week Second Collection is for
Building Fund
First Holy Communion photos
can be picked up
in the parish office.
Las fotos de la Primera Comunión
están listas para levantarse
en la oficina de la iglesia.
Vacation Bible School
We are very excited to
welcome the team from
Totus Tuus to our parish
June 27 - July 3. This is an
incredible VBS program
and we want to get the whole parish involved. First, we
need your prayers for a successful week filled with the
Holy Spirit. Second, we invite everyone to join us for a
potluck dinner Tuesday, June 30, at 5:30pm in the
gym. The children and youth will show off some of
what they are learning and you will be supporting our
young people in this fabulous VBS experience!
Escuela Biblica de Vacaciones
Estamos muy contentos de dar la bienvenida al equipo
de Totus Tuus a nuestra parroquia el 27 de junio al 3
de julio. Este programa de Escuela Bíblica de
Vacaciones será increíble y queremos que toda la
parroquia se involucre. En primer lugar, necesitamos
sus oraciones por una semana exitosa llena del Espíritu
Santo. En segundo lugar, invitamos a todos a unirse a
nosotros para compartir una cena el martes, 30 de junio,
a las 5:30pm en el gimnasio. ¡Los niños y jóvenes
mostraran algo de lo que están aprendiendo y usted les
estará dando el apoyo a nuestros jóvenes en esta
maravillosa experiencia!
Peter’s Pence Collection
In the second collection today, we are supporting Pope
Francis in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence
Collection is taken up worldwide to support the most
disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural
disasters. This is an opportunity to join our Holy Father,
Pope Francis, and be a witness of charity to our
suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous in
today’s collection.
En la segunda Colecta de hoy, estaremos ayudando al
papa Francisco en sus obras de caridad. La Colecta
Peter’s Pence se realiza en el mundo entero para ayudar
a los más desfavorecidos: a las víctimas de la guerra, de
la opresión y de los desastres naturales. Esta es una
oportunidad para unirnos con nuestro Santo Padre, el
papa Francisco, y ser un testigo de la caridad para
nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren. Por favor,
contribuya generosamente a la colecta de hoy.
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The office will be closed
on Friday, July 3rd for
the 4th of July weekend.
Msgr. Juan’s address, phone number, & email:
4112 Black Oak Dr.
Cleburne, TX 76031
[email protected]
The Cantu family would like to
offer their sincere appreciation to
everyone who supported them
through Rio's fight with cancer and
the beautiful funeral. There are too many of you to list
by name, but we know you all made a difference in
Rio's life and his passing. Thank you and may God
bless you all!
We are in the process of replacing the
monstrance we use for the exposition of the
Most Blessed Sacrament. Several groups
and individuals have shown interest in
submitting a donation towards the cost of
the monstrance. If you are interested, please see Laura
Garcia in the church office or Jay Worrel. Checks may
be endorsed to St. Frances Cabrini.
Eucharistic Ministry
The Eucharistic Ministry of St. Frances Cabrini is
seeking someone to help with scheduling each quarter
through the year for the Sunday volunteers. The
schedules are generated in MS Word and the Roster of
Eucharistic Ministers is in Excel. Communications are
through email. Anybody who has these computer skills
would be capable of generating the schedules for each
quarter. This person will assist Jay Worrel by taking
care of the Sunday volunteers. Please contact Jay
Worrel ([email protected]) or Brandy Molina
([email protected]) if you are interested and
would like to volunteer for this important Ministry.
Baptism Classes
English Baptismal Classes will be
Saturday, July 11th at 2:30pm in the
Family Life Center. Contact the Parish
office to fill out paper work before
Baptisms are scheduled for October 3rd, 2015 at 11:00am.
Fifty Plus
50+ will meet July 9th in the Family Life Center. A
social starts at 5:30pm followed by a pot luck meal at
6:00pm. This evening is free for all parishioners over
50. Please bring a covered dish for the pot luck meal
and join us for games afterwards. If you have any
questions, please call one of the hosts: John and
Annemarie Richmond 817-279-7082; Tom and Anna
Clayton 817-991-3687; Dave and Pat Schreck 214-9524159.
Quo Vadis? High School Men's
Discernment Retreat
Quo Vadis? High School men’s discernment retreat will
be on July 15-17, 2015 at Lone Oak Retreat Center in
Gainesville, TX. The cost is free (meals and lodging
will be provided). This camp is a rare chance for High
School men to being considering their vocation from
God by hanging out with priests and seminarians! It
will be both physically and spiritually awesome. Only
20 spots available with preference given to HS Juniors
and Seniors. To sign up and register contact the
Vocations Office at 817-945-9321 or email
[email protected] .
The Catholic Directory App
The Catholic Directory App will help you
quickly find the nearest churches, Mass
times, websites, maps, directions, bulletins,
and other important information. This
version of the Catholic Church finder is FREE of
charge and a complete redesign based on user feedback.
The App can search for churches using your mobile
devices GPS, or you can browse by state and city, or
by database.
EWTN is everywhere you
travel! If you are traveling
this summer, you can find
EWTN in any community by simply using the
Channel Finder ( or
tuning in nationally on Dish Network Channel 261 or
DIRECTV Channel 370. You can also listen to
EWTN Global Catholic Radio on nearly 300 local
radio station affiliates (a printable guide can be
found at or on Sirius Satellite
Radio Channel 130.