Nov-Dec 2004 - Tidewater BMW CCA


Nov-Dec 2004 - Tidewater BMW CCA
das Kummet
The Newsletter of the Tidewater Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America
November • December 2004
This will be my last Presidentially Speaking. By the time
you receive the next Das Kummet there will be a newly
elected slate of officers and I will not be one of them. I
have enjoyed the last three years immensely. The officers
and volunteers have all been wonderful to work with.
Their devotion to the Chapter has made my job so much
easier than I feared when I was first elected in 2002.
In the last three years we have grown dramatically. Our
membership has grown nearly 40% in just three years.
We have a larger volunteer corp too which is a healthy
sign for any car club. Our calendar remains ambitious
and the content of our newsletter stands up well against
even the largest BMW CCA Chapter’s. Our relations with
National BMW CCA, other BMW CCA Chapters, our area
dealers and our independent service providers are all
good. I am happy to say our Chapter is healthy and
active as the new slate of officers gets ready to take
For the coming year it appears the officer slate is set subject only to your vote. The offices are not contested but
we still need your vote to endorse the candidates. On
page 4 you will find instructions for voting for officers for
2005. Please take a few minutes to cast your vote.
The officers will jockey positions for 2005. Curt Kiser will
move from VP to President. Curt has held almost every
position in the Chapter and knows BMW CCA people
throughout the country. Curt is truly devoted to BMW
CCA and will make an excellent President. Gary
Wickstrand, a former President of the Chapter, will move
from Secretary to Vice President. Rusty Barton will
remain Treasurer. Bill Oates, a frequent participant at
Chapter events over the past few years, will serve as
Secretary. Kempton Shields will return for a second year
as Member at Large.
I would ask each of you to support this new team any
way you can. In his first year as President, Curt will need
additional volunteers to get through the year smoothly. I
am thankful for all of you who stepped up to help me in
my first year and every year since. Please contact Curt
Kiser at 410-4321 or [email protected] to volunteer.
What will I be doing in 2005? Well, I will move into the
Communications Director slot to relieve Curt of his
newsletter and Web duties leaving him enough time to
focus on his new duties. With Peter Florance as
Newsletter Editor I will work to maintain a high level of
communication with all of you about Chapter events,
look to enhance our Newsletter and Web capabilities and
pitch in when needed to help with any Chapter event.
The new look of this das Kummet is a first step in that
direction. So, I will still be at lots of Chapter events and
will have a chance to contribute articles to the newsletter
along the way.
In this newsletter you will find articles on our recently
held 5th Annual Oktoberfest at Checkered Flag and
upcoming Chapter events. I hope to see you at the
cookout on November 7th or the December 11th
Manteo drive.
The schedule of events for 2005 will be posted shortly
after elections are completed and the new officers take
over their duties. For now, please mark your calendar
with the date of the Annual Banquet. The Annual
Banquet that will be held on Saturday, February 5, 2005
at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Bonney Road in Virginia
Beach (same location as last year, new name). Detailed
information on the event will appear in the
January/February 2005 edition of this newsletter.
Until we meet again…
Events on the Horizon...
November 7th (Sunday)
Club quarterly general membership with Oyster Roast
and Pig Picking.
November 20th (Sunday)
Driving Skills Clinic 2 at Pungo Airfield in Virginia Beach
Bob Eveleigh . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 491-0955
[email protected]
Vice President
Curt Kiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 410-4321
[email protected]
Gary Wickstrand . . . . . . . . . (757) 496-1089
[email protected]
Rusty Barton . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 427-0315
[email protected]
Activities Chairman
Bob Parsons . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 587-7423
[email protected]
Presidentially Speaking
Calendar of Events
Timing Chain Tensioners
Welcome New Members
Tidewater BMW CCA Ballot
Rattle Mystery Solved
Knuckle Buster Session
O'Fest article
O'Fest photos
It's a Mod World
Classified Ads
Das Kummet Feature car
Kempton Shields. . . . . . . . . (804) 785-6520
[email protected]
Social Chairman
Joe Bivins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 481-7338
[email protected]
Communications Director & Webmeister
Curt Kiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 410-4321
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Peter Florance. . . . . . . . . . . (757) 496-0537
[email protected]
Driving School Chairman
Bob Brochu . . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 430-8124
[email protected]
Tech Session Chairman
Dave Maisenhelder. . . . . . . (757) 545-4480
[email protected]
Autocross Chairman
Bob Brochu . . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 430-8124
[email protected]
BMW Classics Chairman
Steve Waddell . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 539-1305
[email protected]
Peninsula Rep
Jim Waldeck . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 229-0836
[email protected]
Outer Banks N.C. Rep
Jack Robey . . . . . . . . . . . . . (252) 480-3356
[email protected]
Jim Waldeck . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 229-0836
[email protected]
Joe Bivins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (757) 481-7338
[email protected]
Tidewater Chapter: 1341 as of September 30, 2004
Address changes can be made on the BMWCCA National website
( by logging in with your name and 6 digit member number.
From there, click on the ’Member Services’ link on the top of the page; then
click on the ‘Change of Address’ link.
Or write to:
640 South Main Street - Suite 201
Greenville, SC 29601
All changes done through the National office will update both your National
and Tidewater Chapter address information.
Your articles and photos are very welcomed by us. To be included in an issue
the materials must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date
of next issue. To spice up the newsletter we always need photos of chapter
events. We may also use them on the chapter website. Send your contributions to [email protected]. Thanks!
Visit our Chapter webpage at:
FINE PRINT NOTICE: Das Kummet is published bimonthly and remains the property of the
Tidewater Chapter BMW CCA, P.O. Box 62145, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145. All information is
for members and advertisers only. Ideas, suggestions, writings, and opinions are those of the contributing authors without authentication by or liability to the BMW CCA, the Editors, or Officers of
the Tidewater BMW CCA chapter. No information in das Kummet bears the status of “Factory
Approved” unless so stated and implies no endorsement or guarantees expressed. The Tidewater
Chapter of the BMW CCA is completely independent of and in no way connected with BMW NA or
BMW AG. The contents of this publication remains the property of the chapter. All BMW CCA
chapters, with permission, may quote or copy from the publication provided full credit is given to
the author and the Tidewater Chapter unless noted as “Copyrighted” and is not used for commercial purposes.
November • December 2004
- das Kummet
Calendar of Events
Club Event Goals: Provide BMW owners and their families with a wide variety of events, encourage greater participation by spouses and young drivers and schedule “fun” events to relax and unwind from the daily pace at work.
Notes: Events in italics are held by other organizations but members of our Chapter regularly participate in these
events. For members interested in High Performance Driving Events (HPDE), racing and additional autocrossing
opportunities, please see the “Track Junkies” section of our Web Site –
7 (Sunday) - Club quarterly general membership meeting and lunch at the home of John and Dana Redding at 1319
Graydon Avenue, Norfolk . This event is open to all members; especially new members! Lunch will feature a Oyster
Roast and Pig Pick with sides. Advance registration required so we have enough food. Cost of $15 per head. The
Club will subsidize the rest of the cost. Starting at 2p.m., ending whenever you get thrown out. You must contact John
Redding, [email protected], 286-2048 for reservations and directions [look on the the website too]. We would really
like to greet the NEW MEMBERS so they can see what the BMW car club is about.
20 (Saturday) - Driving Skills Clinic 2 at Pungo Airfield in Virginia Beach. Contact Curt Kiser at [email protected] or 410-4321.
11 (Saturday) - Manteo Island and Weeping Radish Brewery Drive. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Meet up in Va. Beach or
Chesapeake then a leisurely drive down the Outerbanks. We stop at Jockey's Ridge State Park for a mid-trip
break then head on to the Radish in time for a traditional German lunch. Shopping at the Christmas Shoppes next
store makes this a popular event. Contact Bob Parsons at [email protected] or phone 587-7423.
5 (Saturday) - Annual Chapter Banquet this year at the Clarion Hotel, Bonney Road, Virginia Beach. 6:30 p.m. to 10:00
p.m. Contact: Gary Wickstrand at [email protected] or 417-6501 (daytime). See the January/February
newsletter for further details.
Timing Chain Tensioners
By: Jim Craig
My wife’s E36 328is began making a rattling and clattering on the first start up of the day that would go away
after several minutes. With over 123,000 miles on the car
worn hydraulic lifters came to mind. Then I started noticing Internet discussions about VANOS unit rattling on
older cars that required replacing the VANOS unit.
Neither of the above were very cheerful options from a
financial standpoint.
Then a bit later the timing chain tensioner on my daughter’s 318ti gave up and let the engine make some truly
exciting noises. I diagnosed the problem over the phone
& drove to Blacksburg, replaced the tensioner and all
was right again.
That set me to thinking about the 328is – could it be as
simple as a timing chain tensioner? Looking at the E36
328is and the E36 M3 engines, it was obvious from the
external views that the engines used different chain ten-
das Kummet - November • December 2004
sioners. A quick check of the ETK showed that although
the tensioners were different, every other part inside the
front timing cover was common to both the 328 & the
M3. Removing the 328 tensioner was simple and
revealed a scored piston & a spring that probably was
tired. It also revealed that the tensioner was a pretty
simple & not very impressive. It reminded me of the old
style tensioners on the M10 and M30 engines except it
really wasn’t as well made as the older ones. Progress?
I installed a new M3 style tensioner in the 328 and all is
quiet. The “cheapie” tensioner is used in E36 & E46
“lesser” engines while the M3 style is used in both the
E36 & E46 M3’s.
Comforting feeling to have a chain tensioner that’s
“good enough” rather than the best that BMW can
design? Reminds me of the switch from forged steel
crankshafts in the M42 engine to the economized (“it’s
probably good enough”) cast iron cranks for the supposedly upgraded M44 engine. GM would be so proud.
Tidewater Chapter of the BMW
CCA Local Official Ballot
Please vote for the following:
Mail or respond before 31 December, 2004
our new Members
Brown, Carol
McWilliams, Rudolph
■ Curt Kiser
Cherry, Paige
Mohr, Richard
Vice President
■ Gary Wickstrand
Coburn, Bryant
Pierce, Sheronna
■ Bill Oates
Cowling, Vincent
Raoust, Olivier
■ Rusty Barton
Duck, Junius
Scott, Hyler
■ Kempton Shields
Feimster, Rozell
Simpson, Charles
Jefferson, Trachena
Stocks, Brian
Jones, Crystal
Taylor, Jeffrey
Jones, Rodriguez
Taylor, Marion
Please clip this ballot and mail to:
Kopp, John
Turner, Steven
Tidewater Chapter BMW CCA Elections,
P.O. Box 62145, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145
Levine, Barbara
Wong, Hilary
Levine, Charles
Wyatt, Michael
Write-in vote:
OR email to [email protected] with
“approve all candidates” in the subject line.
Rattle Mystery Solved.
By: Dave Maisenhelder
We all love our cars but like any relationship there are
bumps in the road. And the bumps in the road with my
2000 528i produce a very annoying metallic rattle from
the front left side of the car.
Now if you are anything like me, this is the kind of
thing that will drive you nuts. Every time I hit a bump I
could swear that the entire block could hear it and think
my car was a piece of junk.
In my first attempt to isolate the rattle I jacked the
car up, supporting it on jack stands of course, crawled
underneath and proceeded to rattle everything I could
find, fuel and brake lines, heat shields, brackets, and
under body panels. Nothing made the noise. Now bear
in mind the following took place off and on for almost a
year. The rattle hunt next took me to the wheel well, to
no avail. Under the hood produced the same result. A
sojourn under the front end produced nothing except
noting a seep from the steering rack. Next I pulled the
front bumper looking for a possible broken bracket, and
found nothing.
Maynard, William
Asking for advice online and from within the club
produced a variety of suggestions, the most plausible
one was that the strut was rattling internally. This
seemed like the best idea so far, but to me the sound
seemed to be to “light” to becoming from inside the
strut. Finally I decided to just start disassembling the
brakes. I pulled the wheel, caliper, caliper mounting
bracket, and then rotor. The splash shield seemed to be
secure but I decided to pull it anyway, and when I did a
small 1/2 inch rock fell out. It had been trapped
between the shield and steering knuckle and when the
suspension hit a bump it rattle like a rock in a tin can.
After reassembly I went for a drive around the block
and hit several spots that have always caused the car to
rattle in the past. NO RATTLE. A follow up drive around
the area confirmed that the rattle was gone.
It is like driving a new car. I no longer cringe at driving over a bump in the road, or creep through parking
lots in an attempt not to sound like a junker. Now to just
replace those 73k mile front struts. It never ends.
November • December 2004
- das Kummet
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September Knuckle Buster Tech Session
By: Dave Maisenhelder
The September Knuckle Buster has come and gone and it
was an unqualified success. It was only our second
“home based” session. We had about a dozen BMWs in
attendance; most
had brought their
owners along as
well. They
ranged from Bob
Parsons 2002 to
an E46 M3 drool
machine, plus a
selection of E12,
E24 and E28’s.
ect was the fixing of the orientation of the Oil Spray Bar
on Dave Maisenhelder’s ‘86 535i. This involved the
removal of the head bolts, but with the wealth of knowledge on hand, it was an easy task.
Watch the club calendar for the next
Tech Session. Bring your car and
maybe find out why your dash lights
dim when you put on the brakes. See
you there.
Aside from
enjoying some
fine Pizza that
went around the world to get to us some electrical troubleshooting got done on a 6 series that had some issues.
Although we did strike out in trying to figure out why the
CD player wouldn’t eject. We were also able to troubleshoot a taillight problem on a 7 series. A bigger proj-
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November • December 2004
- das Kummet
Checkered Flag Oktoberfest
By: ?????
What a beautiful Bimmer-October day for our Annual
Oktoberfest gathering. We owe a special thanks to the
Checkered Flag BMW Team and our other sponsors:
Atlantic Autowerks, BAP-GEON Import Parts, Brutti’s
restaurant, and Sports and Imports. Next time you visit
one of them, be sure to extend a personal thanks for
their support.
We’d like to commend Jim Huber, the Checkered Flag
BMW Service Manager, and his crew of mechanics for
setting up the bays for the courtesy lift inspections.
Dave, the BMW Parts Manager, and his crew laid-out the
BMW Synthetic Oil specials and were great in filling the
parts orders. And lastly, Rich and the Sales Team had a
lot full of new cars to demo and plenty of time to talk
about the new-BMW line-up. By 8:30AM, the initial
arrivals started queuing up for the
technical inspections, registration, and open
house walkthough. There
were over 100
folks at the
party and the
food was fantastic!
The smiling faces from
club members, food, and shared
camaraderie held out for the day unlike the weather. The
drizzle did wait until we finished eating and gathered
inside for the door prizes so it was perfect timing. It all
came together with just a little work from many folks in
the club so a SPECIAL THANKS goes out to each of you
that helped and for those that enjoyed the day.
Checkered Flag was pleased at the turn-out and we look
forward to next year.
November • December 2004
- das Kummet
das Kummet - November • December 2004
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It’s a Mod World
By: Robert J. Avery
What do you do with the leftovers?
Modifying a car is a lot like cooking a big Thanksgiving
dinner. There are always plenty of leftovers to put away.
However; unlike the food you can’t just eat the leftover
parts the next day. Now if one happens to be a “pack
rat” like myself and if one has a big garage; it is easy to
give in to the temptation to just store all of those parts
away for a rainy day. It is possible that you might decide
that you want to put the
car back to stock condition one day; but for
most people once the
car is modified, it tends
to stay modified. Here
are some handy hints on
how to free up some of
that garage space
Recycle the parts. When I
upgraded the wheels and
tires on my 540i, I was
left with a perfectly good
set of 17” Style 19
wheels with good Dunlop tires. I checked with and they were able to provide me with a set
of four hub-centric adapter rings for the nominal cost of
$13. The hub of an E39 is 74mm in diameter; while the
hub of an E24 is 72.5mm. These rings allow proper fitment for my 633 CSi; and I might add that the 17” setup
marks a large improvement in handling compared to the
stock 14” setup. It is always cool when you can get two
mods for the price of one.
Breyton Vision wheels with 19” AC Schnitzer wheels
when he severely bent one on a pothole in the road. By
stacking the wheels two by two and by having some
round pieces of safety glass custom cut to fit; he was
able to create a very nifty pair of end tables.
Give them away. Another acquaintance replaced his tail
light assemblies with European style units. He posted on
a popular BMW internet chat forum that he would give
them away if the recipient would pay the shipping costs. He wound up
giving them to a guy who
had recently had his car
backed into while in a
parking lot. It was one of
those hit and run situations. This generous act
saved the recipient a fair
amount of money, and
made the donor quite a
hero among other members of that particular
blog community.
Trade them. There’s nothing quite like good old fashioned bartering. Automotive swap meets frequently serve
as a good method of swapping superfluous parts for
badly needed items. Hmm, maybe a swap meet is a
good suggestion for a future Tidewater Chapter event.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Anybody have
a pearl beige console for a 633CSi? I happen to have a
slightly used clutch for a 540i. It was only used on
Sundays by a little old lady from Pasadena.
Sell the parts. A friend upgraded his differential from a
2.81 to a 3.15. He put his old differential on e-bay and
wound up with a couple of hundred extra dollars to
defray some of his modification costs. Of course the
Roundel and das Kummet classifieds are also good venues to try as well. People are always selling everything
from wheels and tires to complete engines.
Convert them to art. When I put a carbon fiber valve
cover on my wife’s old E36 cabriolet, the stock valve
cover was hung on the wall in my den for some BMW
esprit-décor. When I replaced it with a Dinan badge, I
had my 540i emblem matted and framed for a piece of
car art. Another friend decided to replace his 18”
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das Kummet - November • December 2004
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Tom Vaughan - BMW CCA
2002 M3 - Imola red with black interior, luxury pkg, winter pkg, bi-xenon headlights, HK
sound system, SMG II, etc, etc. 6 yr/100,000
mile warranty on engine. Currently has
37,000 miles. Perfect except for small ding
on hood. All maintenance and updates performed by dealer. Original cost $55,200.
Selling for $39,900. Contact Bob Eveleigh at
757-651-0575 or 757-491-0955 before 8 p.m
(Entered 17 Oct 04)
1991 325iC - 5spd, Red/Tan. e36 5 lug conversion, Bilsteins, H&R's, all new poly urethane bushings. e36 M3 steering rack, e39 M5
replica 17x7.5 wheels, lots more. $7500. Call
757-635-5515, email [email protected]
or stop by Sports & Imports to take a look.
(Entered 17 Oct 04)
1992 BMW 535i - 5 speed manual, Glacier
Blue, Blue Leather Int., 136K miles, Nakamichi
Premium Sound System with power amp. &
CD changer. All service records, since purchased. Garage kept, maintained by locally
owned BMW shop. Exceptional vehicle,
meticulously maintained, must see to appreciate. $10,200.00. David Jones, 757-4821077. (Entered 11 Oct 04)
2003 BMW Z4 3.0 bright red/beige
leather/black top, 7k miles, 6-speed, bixenon,
convenience, premium, and performance
packages, no dings/scratches-flawless.
$36.5k OBO [email protected] or 757-2864174 (Norfolk). See pictures at
dir=/f0a7&.src=ph (Entered 19 Sept 04)
1988 M5, Black with tan leather, many quality
mods, always loved, 170kmiles on the chassis
but has a fresh motor with under 60k miles.
Serious inquiries please. Call Curt Kiser at
757-410-4321 or email [email protected]
(Entered 31 Aug 04)
2001 BMW 330i, Steel Gray with black
leather Premium Package, 17" BMW Wheels
and Continental tires, 5-speed Automatic
Steptronic Transmission, Heated Power Seats,
Power Moonroof, Harman Kardon Audio
System with In dash BMW CD Player, Xenon
Driving Lights and Clear Fog Lights. Only
77,000 miles with BMW Certified Pre-Owned
warranty until 100,000 miles. The car is in
mint condition inside and out (I just had it
serviced at Casey BMW), garage kept, and
runs like new. Asking $24,500.00 David call
757-286-0527 (Entered 26 July 04)
2000 323i - Titanium Silver with gray
leather/silver trim interior. 64,000 miles with
a transferable BMW CPO warranty until
100,000 miles! Garage kept car in immacu-
late condition. 5-speed Automatic Steptronic
Transmission, Sport Package (upgraded suspension, seats, steering wheel), Z8 style BMW
17" Wheels with Goodyear Eagle F1 tires,
Heated Seats, Power Moonroof, Harman
Kardon Audio System-6-disc BMW (Alpine)
CD Changer, XM Satellite Radio (professional
install), Dealer Installed Rear Spoiler! Blue
Book = $21,700 without warranty or extras
like better wheels, spoiler, XM, etc. I'm offering to a club member for $19,000. Photos
upon request. Call Rick George at (757) 3442989 or email [email protected] if you
would like pictures or a look up-close.
(Entered 26 July 04)
1988 E30/M3 VIN WBSAK0302J2196452
Black/Black lather, 204K, M50 conversion,
3:46LSD, too many mods to list. Insanely
fast, street legal track car. Not a concours
beauty, but will pass a Porsche with no effort!
Local shop maintained and can be prepped
into full race. $18,000. $15,000 Mike or Tina
at 757.679.1257 or [email protected]
(Entered 11 July 04)
1987 BMW 635CsiA - Red over black interior.
No dash cracks, 223Kmiles, runs good. Was
a daily driver,recent upper suspension rods
with machined 750 bushings, front wheel
bearings, drive shaft and bearing. REDUCED
to $5100 $4500. Willie Wright
757.482.4680 or email [email protected]
(Entered 10 Dec. 03..changed 6 July 04)
97 M3 Coupe - $17,500; 78K miles; Estoril
blue, Dove Grey interior; Vader seats; heated
seats; CD 6-changer; cruise control; manual;
New rear Yokohamas. Contact Ron Williams
at 757-664-4262 or email [email protected]
87 635csi - If you're looking for a 635csi, I
have 2 to choose from. Both 1987's, one red
with black leather, the other Cirrus blue with
royal leather. Both automatics, miles at 116k
and 123k. Thinking about $4500 for either. If
interested, call Mark Schomers at 252-3388448 eves or 252-338-4759 days.
1980 MGB Carmen with white racing stripes.
New leather top with zip-out rear window.
Chrome luggage rack, low mileage. $5,500
OBO. Call Chris at 757-478-4678 or email to
[email protected] (Entered Nov 03)
Rear Strut Tower Brace for 92-99 3 series Brand new rear strut tower brace from Turner
Motorsports. Purchased new in May 2004.
Cost $199.95 new plus shipping and tax.
Selling for $125. Call Bob Eveleigh at 757651-0575. (Entered 17 Oct 04)
BMW Noah car cover (part no. 82 11 1 470
386). New in original box. Fits 2000 5
series. Asking $130 (includes shipping).
For photos, please email
[email protected] or contact 757 5659545 (VA) (Entered 26 July 04)
Set of 4 BMW beige custom plus floor mats
with hook plates. New and in original box.
Fits 2000 5 series. Asking $90 (includes shipping). For photos, please email
[email protected] or contact 757 5659545 (VA) (Entered 26 July 04)
Wheel and tire set. Alessio Alaska 17-7.5
rims - (5-120mm/20mm-offset/74.1mm innerbore). Rims are one month old and in “brand
new” condition, zero knicks & NO CURVE
RASH at all!!! Tires are Falken 451’s (size
225/45ZR-17) were only used about 10 days.
Came off a BMW 535i. Application: BMW.
Will fit all 5 bolt BMW’s up to 2004. (Some
will need 72.56 to 74.1 hub-centric rings for
proper fit and ride available at
Lowest Internet Package price: Wheels
$929.00 + Tires $530.00 Total= $1,459.00 +
S&H Asking $950.00 OBO. Tony; 323-3668.
Leave message. E-Mail:
[email protected] or [email protected] (Entered 13 July 04)
89 325i parts car - Have an 89 325i 2 door
with a junk auto trans. with beige
vinyl. If you need anything, please call
Mark Schomers at 252-338-4759 days or 252338-8448 eves.
2000 Dodge Durango SLT, 5.2L Magnum
V8(250hP) with 50,200 miles. Comes with a
75,000 mile extended warranty (expires in
November 04). Leather, 3rd seat, loaded,
premium package. Excellent condition.
Asking $12,500. Bob Parsons
[email protected] or 587-7423 (Entered 2
Aug 04-updated 18 Oct 04)
Classified Ads are for Tidewater chapter members only... see ad rules on page 15. Ads for the
newsletter and/or website can be emailed to: [email protected].
It is imperative the you notify the Editor when your ad changes, need to be removed, or
needs to be renewed (three issue period enforced). Thank You!
das Kummet - November • December 2004
For BMWCCA Members
Major Engine or
10 off Transmission Repair
& Filter Change
8.95 Oil Labor
Charge plus parts
If you spend over $300
and oil
State Inspection
5 off Virginia
Make It Legal Again
Suspension Repair or
10 off Shock Replacement
Make it ride smoothly again!
5 off Pre-Purchase
Check it out before you buy it!
Pads and/or Rotors
10% off Brake
It’s Gotta Stop!
Maintenance Services
15% off BMW
Oil Service, Inspection 1 or 2
We’ve Moved....
Some of the services we provide:
Maintenance Services
Tune Ups
Air Conditioning Service
Ignition & Fuel Injections Diagnostics
Electrical Troubleshooting
All Mechanical Repair
Virginia State Inspection
Retail BMW Parts Sales
We've outgrown our
old shop and moved
to a new location to
better serve our
customers. Come
visit us in our new
home. Your
continued support is
what makes our
business a success.
Some of the featured product lines:
Interstate® Batteries & Chargers
Authorized Reseller of Zymol® Waxes & Supplies
Redline® Synthetic Oil
Authorized Tire Track® Installer
Doug Gray, Bob Brochu & Terry Baker
BMWCCA Members & Proud Sponsors of Our Local Chapter
5461 Virginia Beach Blvd • Suite 101
Virginia Beach, VA 23462-1743
Phone: 757-466-1269
Fax: 757-455-8357
Email: [email protected]
“You've Got Mail!”
Free E-mail News and Reminder Service
The chapter has an easy way to receive time sensitive
news and event reminders via email. You can subscribe by sending an email to:
[email protected] AND
[email protected]. Please provide
your name and address so we know that you are a
chapter member. You will receive a confirmation and a
"Welcome" message when you are added to the list.
The CALENDAR automatic reminder feature is very
helpful for planning and keeps you informed of event
time, dates and changes. For assistance just email
Curt Kiser at [email protected] or
call 757-410-4321
The following tools are available for members use.
A deposit may be required and will be refunded
upon return of the tool in working condition.
Service Light Resetting Tools - VERY USEFUL
Tie Rod Separator - Pickle Forks
Fuel Pressure Gauges and fittings
Remote Starter Switch
Clutch Alignment Tool
Pilot Bearing Puller
Fan Clutch Wrench & Bar
Electric Impact Wrench
Lockstrip Tool
17mm Trans. Drain Socket
Advance Timing light
Brake Bleed System - VERY USEFUL
Freon Leak Detector
Coil Spring Compressors
Call Bob Parsons at 587-7423 for your needs.
Non-commercial classified ads are free to chapter
members. Ads will run in three published issues and
then may only be continued in subsequent issues
only by contacting the Newsletter Editor. Ads submitted are limited to 200 words per ad including name,
address, phone number and email address if available. Items offered for sale must be the personal
property of the submitting member or family and not
of a business.
The following items are available for members
New shirts NOW IN STOCK! (M, L, XL)
T-shirts (logo front and back)
$ 10
Polo short sleeves (logo front only)
$ 20
Windshirts (logo front only)
$ 35
Commercial ads are available to members and nonmembers. Such ads must be accompanied by payment in full. Rates shown below are per year (approximately 6 issues). All ads must be submitted in a
usable digital format or as camera ready. “das
Kummet” reserves the right to edit or reject any ad
Mircrofiber jackets (logo front only)
$ 40
Mens twill long sleeve shirt
(logo front & sleeve)
$ 30
Old logo White Polo Shirts (L, XL)
$ 18
BMW CCA Map Grille Badges - IN STOCK
$ 16
Hats with NEW chapter logo
(available in black or tan)
$ 10
Full page
Half page
1/4 page
Biz card
Chapter Logo Decals
issue or $480 per year
issue or $240 per year
issue or $120 per year
das Kummet - November • December 2004
Free while supplies last
Various BMW CCA Decals - IN STOCK
$ Call
Contact Bob Parsons at (757) 587-7423 or
[email protected]
Feature Car
This Tidewater Chapter 1997 M3 was converted to race duty just this year. The car
finished second and first in its first two races
this year. The car was built by Sports &
Imports to run in SCCA, BMW CCA and
NASA Club Racing. The car features a full
race suspension but limited engine preparation. That will change this Winter according
to the car's owner, Bob Eveleigh.
Inside this issue....
Calendar of Events • Timing Chain Tensioners • Rattle Mystery Solved
Knuckle Buster Session • O'Fest Photos • It's a Mod World
Tidewater Chapter BMW Car Club of America
P.O. Box 62145
Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145