Anaplan - Bedford Consulting


Anaplan - Bedford Consulting
0207 692 1715 | 78 York Street | London | W1H 1DP
No-nonsense cloud analytics | @Bedford_Consult
Immediate, Powerful, Connected, Trusted
Anaplan is an Operational Planning and Business Performance
platform which allows organisations to analyse, model, plan,
forecast, and report live in the cloud. In 2008, we became one of
Anaplan’s business partners.
Launched in 2006 by the people who brought you Adaytum, Anaplan
has issued a new way of thinking (and doing) for Business Analytics
users. As a platform it has considered the functionalities and
capabilities of Excel but has maximised them by incorporating realtime results with multi-user programming, allowing quick and
convenient reporting. Stationed in the cloud, it bypasses the common
performance problems and hardware complications associated with
competitors; instead it provides an up-to-date, detailed planning
logic that is instantly accessible by multiple users. Anaplan is the new
generation of information management tools: the future.
Straight to the point
nn Instant
silos of
information that pass between
nn Easy slice & dice functionality
between Excel & Anaplan.
nn Relevant for HR, IT, Marketing,
FP&A & Sales departments.
nn Scalable system reaching billions
of cells.
Who’s using Anaplan? | 0207 692 1715 | 78 York Street | London | W1H 1DP | @Bedford_Consult
Benefits that outweigh the competitors’
nn No IT support is needed
Anaplan is a self-service model-build platform. Users can view and access
data across multiple dimensions and locations within their departments.
nn Everything in the cloud
Forget software version numbers, upgrade hassles and IT queues. Just sign
up and get started.
nn ‘Living Blueprint’ technology
All of your complex business logic is stored and managed in one easy to
understand worksheet.
nn Real-time reporting
Dashboards & graphs refresh immediately from data inputs, enabling on
the fly graphing functionality with easy analysis. Reports are also available
nn Spreadsheet imports & exports
Traditional spreadsheets are easily imported. Alternatively, single column
data from enterprise applications like SAP can be used.
nn Pre-built, ready-to-use apps
Purchase pre-built, add-on apps for specific business requirements.
nn Workflow monitoring
Track who has started their section of the model, who is in progress and who
has completed, all at the click of a button.
nn Dashboards
Executives and Managers can follow the most important operational data
and see progress with their strategic initiatives.
Anaplan literally runs through 2.8 million transactional records in less than two seconds
- Prakash Hariharan, Commission System Manager | 0207 692 1715 | 78 York Street | London | W1H 1DP | @Bedford_Consult
Bedford Consulting case study
Energy Quote’s transition to Anaplan >>
Gas and electricity brokers, Energy Quote had outgrown disjointed,
manual spreadsheets. On a monthly basis, collating & analysing their
management information with Excel was proving lengthy and difficult.
A lack of transparency between teams was also halting development.
By implementing Anaplan, Energy Quote streamlined its planning, with
fast ROI.
Anaplan’s two-point solution >>
nn Bedford Consulting installed an integrated single Management Information
suite used to prepare month-end packs with a single version of the truth.
nn A new Business Forecast application was introduced that was shared
between Sales and Finance, providing a single data dictionary and crossbusiness understanding.
Instant & attainable results >>
nn Management packs produced in hours rather than days.
nn Enhanced relationship between Sales and Finance teams.
return on
nn Improvements in data quality due to standardised dictionary and increased
We’ve been working closely with Bedford to define a new Management Information suite including New Business
Revenue, Costs, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow forecasting and modelling. Anaplan made this a smooth and easy
- Peter Foster, Financial Director, Energy Quote JHA | 0207 692 1715 | 78 York Street | London | W1H 1DP | @Bedford_Consult
Immediate, Powerful, Connected, Trusted
What to do now?
Given our experience of implementing Anaplan across multiple sites we can advise you on best practice
implementations and provide a more independent view of your existing system. We’d like to offer:
A health check >
We’ll conduct a health check on your existing system and produce a report on potential refinements.
From here, we’ll outline the necessary improvements.
A web demonstration >
We can showcase a virtual Anaplan demonstration straight to your desk via an internet portal. This is a free
service that offers insight on what Anaplan can really do.
A face-to-face meeting >
We understand the link between real business scenarios and IT and how best to bridge that gap. We’ll come
to you and discuss how Anaplan can meet your unique business requirements.
Take the free Anaplan Challenge >
It’ll take us a matter of hours to have your most complex spreadsheet prototyped and available on the
Anaplan platform for you to review & share with your colleagues. Take the challenge and see the results.
Contact us for expert advice >
Simply after some advice? We offer that too - drop us a line. We can help.
We’ve helped: | 0207 692 1715 | 78 York Street | London | W1H 1DP | @Bedford_Consult
Put our consultants to the test
0207 692 1715
78 York Street
[email protected]
Bedford Consulting | 0207 692 1715 | 78 York Street | London | W1H 1DP | @Bedford_Consult