ysgol y ferch o`r sgêr


ysgol y ferch o`r sgêr
Prosbectws/ Prospectus
Ysgol Y Ferch o’r Sgêr
38. DYDDIADAU’R TYMOR 2014/ 2015 TERM DATES 2014/2015
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr,
Greenfield Terrace,
CF33 4LW.
Annwyl Riant/ Warcheidwad,
Rydym yn eich croesawu chi a’ch plentyn i Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr. Yn ystod y cyfnod y bydd eich
plentyn dan ein gofal byddwn yn gwneud ein gorau i sicrhau y bydd yn hapus ac yn ddiogel ac yn cael y
safon orau o addysg.
Dylwn nodi’n eglur mai partneriaeth yw addysg; partneriaeth agos rhyngom ni yma yn yr ysgol a
chithau’r rhieni yn y cartref. Mae eich rhan chi’n eithriadol o bwysig os yw eich plentyn am gael y gorau
o fod yn yr ysgol. Ceisiwch roi amser bob dydd i holi ynglŷn â’r gwaith a wnaed yn yr ysgol. Gadewch
iddo/iddi ddweud wrthoch beth ddigwyddodd yn ystod y dydd a beth a wnaed ganddo/ganddi. Ni ellir
pwysleisio digon pa mor bwysig yw eich cefnogaeth chi yn y cartref os yw eich plentyn yn mynd i gael
yr addysg orau.
Pan fydd eich plentyn yn dechrau yn y Dosbarth Meithrin gofynnwn i chi fod yn barod i gynnig digon o
gefnogaeth iddo/iddi tra’i fod yn addasu i’w amgylchedd newydd a’r profiadau newydd y mae ar fin eu
hwynebu. Mae blynyddoedd cynnar plentyn yn hanfodol i adeiladu sylfaen gadarn ar gyfer y blynyddoedd
dilynol yn yr ysgol.
Gobeithio y bydd yr wybodaeth yn y llyfryn hwn yn helpu i ffurfio partneriaeth gref rhwng y cartref a’r
Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau mae croeso i chi gysylltu â’r ysgol.
Yr eiddoch yn gywir
Mrs Rh. Dixon
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr,
Greenfield Terrace,
North Cornelly,
CF33 4LW.
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
We welcome you and your child to Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr. During the time your child will be in our care we
will do our utmost to ensure he/she feels happy and safe and that they receive the highest standard of
Education is a partnership; a close working partnership between us here at school and you as parents in the
home. Your part is extremely important if we are to ensure your child gets the best from their time at school.
Please make every effort to set time aside each day to discuss your child’s work at school. Ask him/her to tell
you about the day’s work and events. We cannot emphasise enough how important your support is if your
child is to have the best education possible.
When your child starts in the Nursery Class we ask that you offer support while he/she adapts to the new
environment and the new challenges which are to be faced. Your child’s early years are essential to build a
firm foundation for their future at school.
I hope that this handbook will be a useful guide to the school and the beginning of the partnership between
school and home.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at school should you have any queries.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Rh. Dixon
Datganiad Gweledigaeth ac Athroniaeth / Vision Statement and Philosophy
Mae'r ysgol hon yn bodoli er mwyn ein plant, mae’n Ie pwysig iawn yn eu bywydau, yn Ie ble byddant yn dysgu
ac yn tyfu, yn datblygu eu hunigolrwydd, chwilfrydedd a'u hannibyniaeth. Rydym felly am sicrhau bod pob
plentyn yn teimlo’n werthfawr ac yn ddiogel. Wrth ganmol y plant yn gyson rhoddir cyfleoedd i bob plentyn
brofi'r teimlad pleserus o Iwyddiant. Er mwyn cyflawni hyn, byddwn yn darparu cwricwlwm eang a chyfoethog.
Mi fydd hyn yn galluogi'n plant i dyfu'n oedolion cyflawn a hyderus am weddill eu bywydau. Defnyddiwn bob
cyfle i annog hyder yn y plant ac i wella eu hunan ddelwedd.
Bydd pob person yn yr ysgol, yn blant ac yn oedolyn, â rhan arwyddocaol a gwerthfawrogol i'w chwarae.
Estynnwn groeso i bob rhiant a gwirfoddolwyr eraill. Bydd pob aelod o gymuned ein hysgol yn ymwybodol fod
y plentyn o bwys. Gweithiwn gyda'n gilydd fel staff - yn athrawon a staff cynorthwyol - pob un ohonom yn
chwarae ein rhan i wneud yr ysgol yn gymuned fywiog, ddisglair, ofalgar, ddeniadol a phleserus lle byddwn yn
dysgu a chyd-fyw. Fe fyddwn yn cefnogi ein gilydd ac fe fydd ymdrechion pawb yn cael eu cydnabod a'u
Yn bennaf oll, ymdrechwn hyd eithaf ein gallu i sicrhau fod ein plant yn profi caredigwydd, sensitifirwydd a
chariad ar bob adeg, gan gofio bob amser fod gan bob plentyn ac oedolyn ddoniau a thalentau sy’n fraint i ni eu
This school exists for our children; it is an important place in their lives, a place where the children grow and learn and
develop their uniqueness, curiosity and independence. Consequently we wish to ensure that every child feels valued and
loved and feels safe. By praising the children frequently every child has the opportunity of experiencing the pleasure of
success. In order to achieve this we will provide a broad and rich curriculum. This will ensure that our children will grow
into well-adjusted and confident adults for the remainder of their lives and we will use every opportunity to nurture
confidence in the children and to improve their self-image.
Every person in the school whether child or adult has a significant and an appreciated role to play. We extend a
welcome to every parent and other volunteers. All who belong to the community of our school are aware that every
child is of importance. We work together as a staff - teaching staff and support staff - each and every one of us
playing our part to make this school a lively community, vibrant, caring and pleasurable where we learn and live
together. We will support each other and everybody's efforts will be recognised and appreciated.
First and foremost, we will strive to ensure that our children experience kindness, sensitivity and love, remembering at
all times that every child and adult is blessed with talents and aptitudes that we are privileged to nurture.
Derbyniadau / Admissions
Mae Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr yn ysgol gynradd sy’n rhoi addysg trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg i blant rhwng tair ac un
ar ddeg oed. Dysgir Saesneg fel pwnc craidd ychwanegol i ddisgyblion Cyfnod Allweddol 2.
Mae’r ysgol ar yr un safle ag Ysgol Gynradd Corneli ac mae’n derbyn plant o Gefn Cribwr, Mynydd Cynffig, y
Pîl, Corneli a Phorthcawl.
Gall blentyn ddechrau’r ysgol yn rhan amser ar ddechrau’r tymor yn dilyn ei benblwydd/ phenblwydd yn dair
oed ac yn llawn amser ar ddechrau’r flwyddyn ysgol (Medi 1af – Awst 31ain) y bydd yn bedair ynddi. Cynhelir
cyfarfod i’r rhieni newydd yn ystod Tymor yr Haf i gwrdd â’r athrawon ac i weld yr ysgol. Hefyd fe fydd cyfle i
rhieni a phlant ddod ar ymweliadau.
Plant hŷn. Gellir trefnu derbyn plentyn i ddosbarthiadau hŷn ar unrhyw adeg, a gofynnir i’r rhieni ymgynghori
â’r Pennaeth.
Disgyblion ag Anableddau. Mae’r trefniadau ar gyfer derbyn disgyblion ag anableddau i’n hysgol yn union yr un
peth â’r rhai a nodwyd uchod. Mae’n ddyletswydd arnom fodd bynnag i sicrhau ein bod yn medru cwrdd â
gofynion y plentyn. Rydym yn gweithio’n agos gydag unrhyw asiantaethau sy’n cefnogi’r plentyn, yn dwyn
cyngor o’r Awdurdod Addysg ac yn sicrhau bod asesiad risg yn cael ei gwblhau cyn derbyn y plentyn.
Cynigiwn yr un cyfleoedd i bawb sy’n ceisio lle yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr.
Bydd plant sy’n unarddeg ar neu cyn Awst 31ain yn cael eu derbyn i Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd ym mis
Medi y flwyddyn honno.
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr is a primary school which provides Welsh medium education for children between the ages of
three and eleven years old. English is taught as an additional core subject at Key Stage 2.
The school is on the same site as Cornelly Primary School. The school’s catchment area includes Cefn Cribwr, Kenfig
Hill, Pyle, Cornelly and Porthcawl.
Children can start on a part time basis at the beginning of the term following their third birthday and full time at the
beginning of the school year (September 1st – August 31st) he/she will reach their fourth birthday. A meeting is held for
new parents during the Summer Term to meet the teachers and see the school. There will also be an opportunity for
the children to come to the school for visits.
Older children. Admission to older classes can be arranged at any time and parents are asked to consult the
Pupils with Disabilities The arrangements for admitting pupils with disabilities to our school are exactly the same as
noted above. It is our duty however to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of the child. We work closely with
any agencies that support the child, seek advice from the Education Authority and ensure that a risk assessment is
completed before admitting the child.
We offer the same opportunities to everyone who applies for a place at Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr.
Children who are eleven on or before August 31st will be accepted at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd in the
September of that year.
Manylion Cyswllt yr Ysgol/ School Contact Details
Pennaeth/ Headteacher
Mrs Rh. Dixon
Dirprwy Bennaeth/ Deputy Headteacher
Mr G. Davies
Pennaeth Cynorthwyol/ Assistant Headteacher
Mrs D. Nicholls
Pennaeth y Cyfnod Sylfaen/ Head of Foundation Phase
Mrs L. Gwyn
Arweinydd ADY/ ALN Leader
Mrs Rh.Owen
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr,
Greenfield Tce,
Penybont ar Ogwr,
CF33 4LW.
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr,
Greenfield Tce,
North Cornelly,
CF33 4LW.
Ffôn/ Tel:
Ffacs/ Fax:
01656 754865
01656 754869
Ebost/ Email:
[email protected]
Gwefan/ Website:
Llywodraethwyr/ Governors
Cadeirydd/ Chairperson
Is Gadeirydd/ Vice Chair
Mrs M. Butcher
Mr D. Newton-Williams
Clerc / Clerk
Mrs S. Rodgers
Yn Cynrychioli/ Representing
Enw/ Name
A.A.Ll. / L.E.A.
Mrs M. Butcher
Mrs N. Jones
Mrs E. Petty
Cyfetholedig/ Co-opted
Mrs D. Jones
Mr C. Lewis
Mr D. Newton-Williams
Rhieni/ Parents
Ms F. Carroll
Mrs C. Evans
Mrs S. Griffith
Mrs L.Wilson
Athrawon/ Teachers
Mrs J. Wilks
Mr G. Davies
Mrs Rh.Dixon
Mae Bwrdd Llywodraethol yr ysgol yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd - o leiaf unwaith bob tymor. Cyhoeddir
adroddiad blynyddol i rieni gan y Llywodraethwyr a chynhelir cyfarfod yn yr ysgol a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i holl
rieni yr ysgol i ymateb i’r adroddiad yn ôl y galw.
The school’s Governing Body meets regularly – at least once a term. An annual report to parents is published by the
Governors and where there is the demand a meeting is held in school where the school’s parents are given the
opportunity to respond to the report.
Awdurdod Addysg Leol/ Local Education Authority
Gwasanaethau Addysg, Hamdden a Chymunedol
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Penybont ar Ogwr
Penybont ar Ogwr
Cf31 4AR
Ffôn 01656 643643
Ffacs 01656 642646
Education, Leisure and Community Services
Bridgend County Borough Council
CF31 4AR
01656 643643
01656 642646
Staff yr Ysgol/ School Staff
Athrawon/ Teachers:
Mr G. Davies
Miss Rh. Evans
Mrs L. Gwyn
Mrs E. Keirl
Mrs D. Nicholls
Miss S. Marks
Mrs K. Merchant
Mrs B. Morgan
Miss Rh. Owen
Miss A. Rees
Mrs J. Roderick Morgan
Mrs V. Waters
Athrawon Cefnogol/ Support Teachers:
Mrs H. Morris
Athrawon Cerdd/ Music Teachers:
Mrs. H. Williams – Llinynnau/ Strings
Mrs M. Martin – Telyn/ Harp
Swyddogion Cefnogi Dysgu/ Learning Support Officers:
Mrs A. Amos
Mrs S. Rogers
Miss N. Griffiths
Mrs E. Lavis
Mrs L. Lewis
Miss E. Spedding
Mrs J. Wilks
Cynorthwywyr Dosbarth/ Learning Support Assisstants:
Miss A. Green
Mrs S. Morse
Swyddogion Clerigol/ Clerical Officers:
Mrs A. Murray
Mrs C. Thomas
Gofalwr yr Ysgol/ Caretaker
Mr P. Wilks
Glanheuwyr/ Cleaners
Mrs C. Carter
Mrs H. Thomas
Arolygwyr Amser Cinio/ Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs J. Deeks
Mrs V. Dykes
Miss A. Edwards
Miss F. Hemming
Mrs J. Larner
Mrs B. McLuckie
Mrs C. Watts
Mrs W. Wilson Mundy
Nodau ac Amcanion/ Aims and Objectives
Yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr anelwn i:
 sicrhau fod pob disgybl yn ddwyieithog erbyn diwedd ei yrfa/gyrfa yn yr ysgol a'i fod/ bod yn cael cyfle i
ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg o fewn amrywiaeth o sefyllfaoedd;
gynnig cyfleoedd i'r plant ddysgu trwy brofiadau uniongyrchol a pherthnasol o fewn awyrgylch hapus a chartrefol
sy'n hyrwyddo dysgu. Anelir at hyrwyddo dysgu pwrpasol fydd yn datblygu meddyliau bywiog ac ymchwilgar yn
ein plant;
ganolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn a'i ddiddordebau gan sicrhau fod y disgybl yn mwynhau ei addysg, yn cael ei symbylu,
yn ymchwilgar, yn ymdrechu i weithio'n annibynnol, yn chwilfrydig ac yn hunan ddisgybledig. Anogir y disgyblion i
wneud y gorau o'u doniau ac i ddatblygu fel unigolion meddylgar;
ymestyn pob unigolyn, beth bynnag ei gefndir a'i allu, hyd yr eithaf, drwy ddarparu tasgau gwahaniaethol a fydd yn
deillio o'r profiadau dysgu amrywiol. Anogir datblygiad y dychymyg a phwerau rhesymu;
baratoi pob disgybl i fod yn aelod cyfrifol o'r gymdeithas drwy bwysleisio gwerthoedd megis gonestrwydd,
dyfalbarhad, dangos parch a goddefgarwch tuag at eraill, cwrteisi a'i bod yn awyddus i ymdrechu a gwneud eu
gorau glas bob amser;
ddatblygu hunan-hyder ymhob disgybl ac agwedd bositif tuag at waith. Mae gan bob unigolyn rywbeth pwysig i'w
gynnig a'r gallu i ragori o fewn rhyw faes Rhoddir y cyfle iddynt gael mwynhad a boddhad o gyflawni tasgau yn
dda gan sicrhau fod pob disgybl yn ymwybodol o’i bwysigrwydd o fewn yr ysgol, y gymuned a'r amgylchfyd trwy
gynnig profiadau a fydd yn hyrwyddo hyn;
greu cyswllt agos rhwng yr athrawon a'r rhieni er mwyn atgyfnerthu dysgu'r plant a chynnig amrywiaeth o
weithgareddau cymdeithasol a fydd yn codi ymwybyddiaeth y plant o'u hiaith a'u diwylliant a'r byd o'u cwmpas
gan ddatblygu eu sgiliau cymdeithasol a chyfathrebu.
At Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr we aim to:
 ensure that all our children are bilingual by the time they transfer to the secondary sector and have been provided with
opportunities to use the Welsh language within a variety of circumstances;
create opportunities for our children to learn through relevant, direct experiences within a happy, caring atmosphere
which motivates learning. We aim to promote purposeful learning in order to develop lively, enquiring minds in our
give due consideration to each individual child's interest and ensure that each pupil derives pleasure through the process
of learning, is motivated, is willing to investigate and makes every effort to work independently, is curious and self
disciplined. We encourage all children to be aware of their individual talents and to develop these to their full potential in
order to become thoughtful individuals;
develop fully all our children regardless of background and ability by providing differentiated tasks that emanate from the
varied teaching experiences. We will also encourage the development of the imagination and reasoning powers;
prepare each pupil to become a responsible member of society by placing emphasis on values such as honesty,
perseverance, respect and tolerance for others and courtesy and the willingness to make an effort and produce their best
at all times;
develop self-confidence in all children and a positive attitude towards work. Every individual has an important contribution
to make and the ability to excel in some fields. We will provide the opportunity of experiencing enjoyment and pleasure
whilst successfully completing tasks and ensure that all our children are aware of their important contribution to the life
of the school, the community and the environment by providing experiences that will nurture this awareness.
create a strong and close link between teaching staff and parents in order to consolidate the process of learning and
provide a variety of social activities that will create within the children an awareness of their language and their culture
and their place in the world and develop their social and communicative skills.
Datganiad Cwricwlaidd/ Curriculum Statement
Ym mis Medi 2014 fe fydd yr ysgol yn cynnwys ar gyfartaledd 260 o ddisgyblion llawn amser. Mae yma 9 dosbarth llawn
amser gan gynnwys dosbarth o blant meithrin.
Mae gan yr ysgol le ar gyfer 33 o blant yn y Dosbarth Meithrin yn flynyddol. Er mwyn cydymffurfio â
gofynion statudol Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru mae’n orfodol bod dosbarthiadau’r Babanod âg
uchafswm o 30 disgybl ac argymhellir bod y dosbarthiadau yn yr Adran Iau yn cadw i’r un faint. O
ganlyniad fe fydd dosbarthiadau cymysg yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr yn flynyddol. Lleolir plant yn y
dosbarthiadau yn ôl barn broffesiynol staff yr ysgol.
Mae gan yr ysgol strategaethau clir ar gyfer gosod targedau i gynnal a / neu i godi safonau. Cesglir tystiolaeth o’r
sesiynau monitro, canlyniadau profion, asesiadau’r athrawon a chanlyniadau profion darllen. Dadansoddir y dystiolaeth
yn ofalus. Gosodir targedau cyrhaeddiad addas ar gyfer pob dosbarth a blwyddyn ysgol gyda’r wybodaeth gasglwyd.
Addysgir y cwricwlwm cyfan ar sail pynciau unigol ac ar themau pynciol.
Er mwyn cwrdd â gofynion dysgu’r disgyblion dewisir dulliau addysgu pwrpasol ar gyfer y pwnc dan sylw. Defnyddir
cyfuniad o dechnegau uniongyrchol ac anuniongyrchol i feithrin dysg y disgyblion er mwyn creu cyfleoedd iddynt ddysgu
drwy ymchwil yn ogystal â thrwy dderbyn cyfarwyddiadau.
Defnyddir amrywiaeth o strategaethau grwpio i drefnu’r dysgu a’r addysgu. Ceir cydbwysedd da rhwng gwaith unigol,
grwpiau bychain a dosbarth cyfan. Pan fydd y disgyblion yn cydweithio anelwn at gynnig cyfleoedd iddynt wneud hynny
mewn parau neu grwpiau bychain.
Cynllunir y gwaith yn y tymor hir, canolig a byr. Trefnir y cynllun tymor hir gan y Pennaeth a’r staff drwy iddynt bennu
ehangder a chydbwysedd o fewn pob cyfnod allweddol. Gwneir hyn drwy amlinellu’r cynnwys i’w gyflawni yn dymhorol
gan nodi amseroedd tybiedig. Amcan o waith tymhorol yw’r cynllun tymor canolig tra bod y cynllun tymor byr yn cynnig
manylion yr hyn a addysgir dros gyfnod o bythefnos.
Yr Arweinyddion Pwnc sy’n bennaf gyfrifol am gydlynu gwaith yn eu pynciau ar draws y gwahanol flynyddoedd. Fe
fyddant yn cynhyrchu datganiad polisi cyffredinol ar gyfer y pwnc, yn adolygu cynlluniau gwaith ac yn mapio cynnwys y
pwnc ar gyfer pob blwyddyn o raglenni astudio’r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol.
Mae anghenion a gallu disgyblion ymhob blwyddyn yn wahanol. Mae’r athrawon yn cynllunio ac yn defnyddio’r technegau
a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i bob plentyn i brofi llwyddiant. Dyma’r broses o wahaniaethu. Defnyddir amrywiaeth o
strategaethau gan gynnwys:
 tasgau cyffredin lle y ceir canlyniadau amrywiol
 grwpio plant ar gyfer tasgau cyffelyb
 cynnig adnoddau gwahanol
 cefnogi anghenion grwpiau neu unigolion
 cynnig llai o amser neu fwy o amser
 gosod lefel yr her yn uwch ar gyfer disgyblion galluog
Mae’r ysgol yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid i gynnig nifer o weithgareddau allgyrsiol sy’n fodd i gyfoethogi’r dysgu a’r
addysgu ac sy’n cynnwys y canlynol: clwb chwaraeon, clwb Urdd a gweithgareddau Menter Bro Ogwr. Yn ogystal â
chlybiau allgyrsiol ceir cyfleodd i ganu/perfformio a darperir hyfforddiant chwaraeon tîm yn ystod amser gwersi.
Cynigir cyfleoedd cyfartal i bob plentyn yn ein hysgol. Gwneir pob ymdrech i sicrhau bod y cwricwlwm cyfan o fewn
cyrraedd y bechgyn a’r merched ynghyd â disgyblion ag anghenion arbennig.
In September 2014 the school will consist of approximately 260 pupils. There are 9 full-time classes which include a
nursery class.
The school has a (PAN) Puplished Admissions Number of 33 pupils each year in the Nursery Class. As the
statutory requirement for Infant classes is to have classes of no more than 30 and the guidance for junior
classes is 30 there will always be mixed classes at Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr. Children are placed in classes according
to the professional judgement of school staff.
The school has a clear strategy for setting targets to raise and / or maintain standards. The evidence collected from
careful monitoring, test results, teacher assessment and reading test results are all carefully analysed. The information
is used to set appropriate performance targets for each class and year group.
The school organises the teaching of the whole curriculum on the basis of separate subjects and subject-focused topics.
Teaching styles are chosen to fit the purpose of the subject and to meet the learning needs of the children. A
combination of direct and indirect techniques is used to foster children’s learning so that they have opportunities to
learn through investigation and exploration, as well as through receiving instructions.
Various grouping strategies are used to organise teaching and learning. A good balance is achieved between whole
class, small group and individual work. When children work together, we aim to provide some opportunities for them
to do so collaboratively, in pairs or small groups.
Work is planned over the long, medium and short term. Long term planning involves the Headteacher and Staff in
determining breadth and balance within each Key Stage, by specifying the content to be covered each term with
notional blocks of time. Medium term planning is a projection of a term’s work whilst short term planning provides a
detailed projection covering a fortnight.
Curriculum Leaders are mainly responsible for co-ordinating work in their subjects across year groups. They produce a
general policy statement for the subject, review schemes of work and map the contents for each year from the National
Curriculum programmes of study.
Children in all year groups differ in their needs and abilities. Teachers plan and use techniques which will give all
children an opportunity to succeed. This is the process of differentiation. Some of the strategies employed include:
 Common tasks resulting in different outcomes
 Grouping children on carefully matched tasks
 Providing different resources
 Supporting individual or group needs
 Providing more or less time
 Able pupils study at a more challenging level
The school works with partners to provide a range of extra-curricular activities which enrich the children’s learning and
includes the following: sports club, Urdd club and Menter Bro Ogwr activities. In addition, there are opportunities for
pupils to sing/perform and to receive training in team sports during a variety of lessons.
All children in the school have equal opportunities. Every effort is made to ensure that the whole curriculum is accessible
to boys, girls and pupils with special educational needs.
Oriau Ysgol / School Hours
Oriau Ysgol/ School Hours
8.55yb/a.m. – 3.30yh/p.m.
Cinio’r Babanod / Infant Lunch
Cinio’r Iau / Junior Lunch
11.45yb/am – 1.00yh/p.m.
12.00yh/pm – 1.00yh/p.m.
Dylai rhieni sy’n dod a’u plentyn i’r ysgol sicrhau eu bod yn cyrraedd o leiaf 5 munud cyn
dechrau’r dydd. Rhaid i blant sydd yn dod yn hwyr ddod i brif fynedfa’r ysgol er mwyn
i staff y swyddfa cofnodi’u presenoldeb a diweddaru cofnodion cinio. Ar ddyddiau sych rhaid tywys y plant i’r
iard i ddisgwyl canu’r gloch. Ar dywydd gwlyb neu oer iawn caiff y plant fynediad yn syth i’r dosbarth.
Mae’n rhaid i’r rhieni sydd yn dod â’u plant i’r ysgol yn gynnar sylweddoli nad oes gofal drostynt tan 8.45 y.b.
Rhieni/gofalwyr sydd yn gyfrifol am eu plant tan eu bod yn cael eu trosglwyddo’n ddiogel i ofal yr ysgol.
Parents who bring their children are requested to arrive at school at least 5 minutes before the beginning of the school
day. Children who arrive late must come to the main entrance so that office staff can record them as present and
update dinner records.
On dry days the children must be led to the yard & wait for the bell to ring. During wet or particularly cold weather
children are able to go straight into class.
Parents who bring their children to school early must realise that there will be no supervision until 8.45 a.m. Children
remain the responsibility of parents/carers until they are safely in the care of the school.
Gwybodaeth Bersonol/ Personal Information
Mae’n hollbwysig eich bod yn rhoi gwybodaeth lawn i ni ynglỳn â manylion personol pan fyddant yn newid.
Cofiwch ein hysbysu yn syth am newid cyfeiriad neu rif ffôn, yn ogystal â rhifau cyswllt mewn argyfwng.
Danfonir llythyr adref ar ddechrau pob blwyddyn i ddiweddaru y rhifau cyswllt. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi
lenwi`r llythyr a`i ddanfon yn ôl i`r athro/awes dosbarth. Os oes newidiadau i rifau cyswllt mae`n bwysig eich
bod yn rhoi`r wybodaeth i`r ysgol. MAE’N HANFODOL EIN BOD YN GALLU CYSYLLTU Â CHI.
It is imperative that you give the school full details of personal information when changes occur. Remember to inform us
of any change of address or telephone number together with emergency contact numbers. At the beginning of each
year we require contact details for every pupil. We kindly ask for you to return these letters to school completed as
soon as possible. However, if any contact numbers change it is imperative that you inform the school. IT IS ESSENTIAL
Gwisg Swyddogol yr Ysgol/ School Uniform
Mae gosod safonau yn bwysig iawn i ni fel ysgol ac mae ymddangosiad y disgyblion yn arwain at falchder yn yr ysgol ac
mae hyn ynghŷd â disgyblaeth dda yn cydredeg i gynnal safonau academaidd. Rydym yn disgwyl i’r disgyblion wisgo’r wisg
ysgol bob dydd er mwyn dod â pharch ac agwedd bositif i’r ysgol. Mae’r wisg ysgol fel a ganlyn:crys chwys glas – DIM ‘hoodies’;
crys polo gwyn neu las;
trowsus neu sgert lwyd;
teits neu hosanau gwyn neu lwyd;
esgidiau du – DIM trainers;
cot law neu fflîs du neu las.
Addysg Gorfforol:crys t gwyn plaen;
siorts neu dracwisg du plaen;
esgidiau ymarfer.
*Gellir gwisgo ffrog haf glas a gwyn yn yr haf.
Ni chaniateir gemwaith yn yr ysgol ag eithrio oriawr a chlustdlysau styd bach.
Hysbysir rhieni am ba ddyddiau y mae ei plentyn yn cael gwersi Addysg Gorfforol. Mae disgyblion y dobarth Meithrin yn
dod i’r ysgol yn eu gwisg Addysg Gorfforol. Annogir disgyblion yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen i ddod â’u cit i’r ysgol ar ddechrau
pob hanner tymor a’i adael yn yr ysgol. Disgwylir i ddisgyblion yr Adran Iau ddod â’u gwisg ar y dyddiau apwyntiedig.
Gellir prynu gwisg â bathodyn yr ysgol gan werthwyr swyddogol yr ysgol sef :Fusion Embroidery, Uned 2 Pyle Enterprise Centre,18 Village Farm Road, Pîl, Penybont, CF33 6BL Ffôn 01656 741274,
ebost:[email protected] neu Uniform2Go , Uned 4 New Street, Ystad Ddiwydiannol Penybont, Penybont,
CF31 3UD. Ffôn 01656 655122.
Setting standards is very important to us as a school and pupils’ appearance leads to pride in the school and this alongside good
discipline will aid in the setting and maintaining of high academic standards. We expect pupils to wear their school uniform every
day to promote a positive attitude and a sense of respect . The uniform is as follows:royal blue sweatshirt - NO hoodies;
Physical Education:white or royal blue polo shirt;
plain white t shirt;
grey trousers or skirt ;
plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms;
white or grey socks or tights;
black shoes – NO trainers;
black or royal blue rain coat or fleece. *A blue and white dress can be worn in summer.
Jewellery is not permitted in school other than a wrist watch and small stud earrings.
Parents are informed about which days their child/ children have Physical Education lessons during the week. Pupils in the Nursery
class come in to school in their PE kit on the days which they have PE. Pupils in the Foundation Phase are encouraged to bring the
kit in to school at the beginning of each half term and keep the kit at school. Junior pupils are expected to bring their kit on the
appointed days.
Badged uniform items can be purchased from the school’s official stockists: Fusion Embroidery, Unit 2 Pyle Enterprise Centre,18 Village Farm Road, Pyle, Bridgend. CF33 6BL Tel 01656 741274, email:
[email protected] or Uniform2Go , Unit 4 New Street, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend, CF31 3UD. Tel 01656
Y Cartref a'r Ysgol/ Home and the School
Mae polisi 'drws agored' gan Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr ac mae croeso i unrhyw riant ffonio neu alw mewn i siarad
â'r Pennaeth ar unrhyw adeg neu wneud apwyntiad i gwrdd â hi. Nid yw’n bosibl i siarad âg athrawon yr ysgol
yn fyrfyfyr oherwydd eu cyfrifoldebau dosbarth, ond mae croeso i rieni wneud apwyntiad i siarad â’r athrawon
ar amser cyfleus.
Trefnir cyfweliadau gyda rhieni i drafod cynydd a datblygiad ac i weld gwaith unigolion yn ystod y flwyddyn. Ar
ddiwedd y flwyddyn academaidd trefnir cyfarfod i drafod cynnwys adroddiad blynyddol eich plentyn.
Yn achlysurol trefnir cyfarfodydd torfol i drafod materion ysgol gyfan neu faterion sy’n ymwneud ag adranau o
fewn yr ysgol.
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr operates an ‘open door’ policy. Any parent is welcome to telephone or call in to speak to the
Headteacher at anytime or make an appointment to meet her. It is not possible to speak to teachers on an ad-hoc
basis as they have class responsibilities but you are welcome to make an appointment to speak to teachers at a
convenient time.
Parental interviews are arranged during the school year to discuss individual development and progress and look over
work. Towards the end of the summer term parents are invited to discuss the contents of their child’s annual report.
Occasionally collective meetings are arranged to discuss whole school issues or issues which are relevant to departments
within the school.
Cymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon/ Parent Teacher Association
Mae gan yr ysgol gymdeithas o rieni gweithgar iawn ac yr ydym fel ysgol yn dra diolchgar iddynt am eu
hymdrechion llwyddiannus. Maent yn trefnu rhaglen amrywiol i godi arian tuag at yr ysgol bob blwyddyn.
Rhoddir croeso cynnes iawn i bob rhiant i ymuno â’r GRhA yn arbennig rhieni newydd. Mae cysylltiad agos
rhwng y rhieni a'r ysgol a gwahoddir rhieni a pherthnasau i gymaint o achlysuron yn yr ysgol ag sy'n bosib e.e.
gwasanaethau, cyngherddau a dathliadau. Croesewir eu cyfraniadau o syniadau a thalentau ac unrhyw gynnig o
arbenigedd y gallant gynnig e.e. gwrando ar blant yn darllen, gwinio, gwau, coginio, celf a chrefft, garddio ac ati.
The school has a very hard working group of parents and we as a school are extremely grateful for their very successful
efforts. Each year they have a varied programme of events to fundraise for the school.
We welcome all parents, particularly new parents to the P.T.A.. The school has a very strong relationship with parents
and we welcome all contributions of ideas and talents. Parents and others are encouraged to take an active part in the
life of the school in addition to offering assistance on a voluntary basis. We encourage parents to contact the school and
welcome any expertise they may have to offer e.g. sewing or knitting, listening to children read, cooking, craft work,
modelling etc.
Cytundeb Ysgol a Chartref/ Home –School Agreement
Mae gan yr ysgol ‘Gytundeb Ysgol a Chartref’’. Gofynnwn i ddisgyblion a’u rhieni i arwyddo’r cytundeb ar
ddechrau pob blwyddyn academaidd. Rydym yn ymgeisio i weithio mewn partneriaeth â rhieni er lles ein
disgyblion yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr.
Mae copi o’r cytundeb ar gyfer 2014-2015 ar gael o dderbynfa’r ysgol (o Fedi 2014).
The school has a “Home–School Agreement”. We ask that the pupils and their parents/guardians sign this agreement
at the beginning of each school year. We endeavour to work in partnership for the good of our pupils at Ysgol y Ferch
o’r Sgêr.
A copy of the agreement for 2014 – 2015 is available from the school’s Reception (from September 2014).
Iechyd a Lles/ Health and Wellbeing
Mae’r nyrs ysgol yn ymweld â’r ysgol yn rheolaidd. Bydd archwiliadau meddygol cyffredin yn digwydd yn ystod
cyfnod y plant yn yr ysgol. Rhoddir gwybod i rieni os oes angen triniaeth ddilynol.
Os yw plentyn yn sâl neu wedi cael damwain, cysylltir â’r rhieni yn syth os yw’r achos yn rhy ddifrifol i drin y
Ni ddylid anfon unrhyw fath o foddion i’r ysgol gyda’ch plentyn. Os yw’n anorfod i’ch plentyn gymryd moddion
yn ystod y dydd bydd yn rhaid trafod y mater gyda’r Pennaeth.
Caiff asesiadau risg eu cwblhau yn rheolaidd i sicrhau fod yr adeilad a’r safle yn ddiogel i’r plant, i’r staff ac i
Mae gan yr ysgol statws Ysgolion Iach ac anogir y plant i fwyta’n iach bob amser. Rydym yn darparu llaeth yn
rhâd ac am ddim i blant y Cyfnod Sylfaen ac yn gwerthu tost bob bore. Rydym yn annog y plant i ddod â
phecyn bwyd iach (h.y. dim pop na losin) os nad ydy’ch plentyn yn derbyn cinio ysgol.
The school nurse makes regular visits to the school. At certain stages during each child’s school life they will receive
routine health checks. Parents will be informed if further treatment is necessary.
If a child is unwell or has an accident parents are contacted immediately unless it is a minor graze which can be
treated at school.
Medicine should not be sent to school with a child. If it is unavoidable that a child must take medicine during the school
day the matter must be discussed with the Headteacher.
Risk Assessments are undertaken regularly to ensure the buildings and the site are safe for the children, the staff and
The school has a Healthy Schools status and healthy eating is encouraged at all times. Milk is provided free of charge
to Foundation Phase pupils and we sell toast every morning. We ask pupils who do not take school lunches to eat a
healthy packed lunch i.e. no pop or sweets.
Llysoedd yr Ysgol/ School Houses
Mae pob plentyn yn cael ei (l)leoli mewn llys yn yr ysgol ac maent yn cynrychioli eu llysoedd trwy amrywiaeth
o weithgareddau yn ystod y flwyddyn.
All children are allocated to houses and represent their houses through various activities throughout the year.
Cinio Ysgol/ School Lunch
Darperir cinio ysgol yn y neuadd bob dydd.
Gwneir trefniadau i blant sy’n dewis dod â’u bwyd eu hunain i fwyta yn y neuadd hefyd o
dan oruchwyliaeth. Mae gennym dîm o oruchwylwyr sy’n gweinyddu dros yr amser cinio.
Os yw plentyn yn gwneud penderfyniad i newid o frechdanau i ginio, neu i’r gwrthwyneb
rhaid rhoi gwybod i’r ysgol.
O fis Medi 2014 cost arian cinio fydd £2.10 y dydd, £10.50 yr wythnos. Rhaid talu’r arian ar system ar-lein y
Cyngor Sir gan ddefnyddio rhif defnyddiwr a chyfrinair unigryw eich plentyn. Rhaid sicrhau bod taliadau yn cael
eu gwneud o leiaf 24 awr cyn hawlio pryd.
School lunch is provided in the school hall every day.
Arrangements are also made for pupils who choose to bring a packed lunch to school to eat their food under
supervision in the hall. We have a team of lunchtime supervisors who work in the hall and on the yard at lunch time. If
your child decides to change from sandwiches to dinners or vice versa you need to inform the school.
From September 2014 school lunches are charged at £2.10 a day, £10.50 each week. Money is
to be paid to BCBC on line using your child’s unique user number and password. Payments must
be made at least 24 hours before a meal can be taken.
Cludiant/ Transport
Mae bysiau arbennig yn cludo'r plant yn ôl ac ymlaen i'r ysgol bob dydd. Mae’r bysys yn rhedeg o Borthcawl
trwy Notais a’r Drenewydd a Chefn Cribwr trwy Fynydd Cynffig a’r Pîl. Ceir gwasanaeth hebryngwyr ar bob
bws. Mae’r cludiant yn rhâd ac am ddim i ddisgyblion sy’n gymwys.
Designated buses transport pupils to and from the school on a daily basis. These buses run from Porthcawl through
Newton and Nottage and Cefn Cribbwr through Kenfig Hill and Pyle. There is an escort on each bus. School transport is
free of charge for eligible pupils.
Amserlen Dyddiol/ Daily Timetable
Babanod/ Infants
Adran Iau/ Juniors
8.55 – 10.30
8.55 – 10.30
8.55 – 10.30
Egwyl / Break
Egwyl / Break
Egwyl/ Break
10.45 – 11.30
10.45 – 11.45
10.45 – 12.00
Cinio/ Lunch
Cinio/ Lunch
Cinio/ Lunch
13.00 – 14.15
13.00 – 14.15
13.00 – 14.15
Egwyl / Break
Egwyl / Break
Egwyl/ Break
14.30 – 15.15
14.30 – 15.25
14.30 – 15.30
Yr Ysgol/ The School
Y Dosbarth Meithrin
Lleolir y dosbarth Meithrin yng Nghanolfan Plant Corneli. Bydd angen dod i mewn i’r ysgol naillai trwy ddrws y
cerddwyr ar Greenfield Terrace neu drwy brif fynedfa’r Ganolfan. Bydd y plant sy’n dod i’r ysgol ar y bws neu
sy’n mynychu’r clwb brecwast yn cael eu tywys yn syth i mewn i’r dosbarth am 8.45y.b. Bydd pob plentyn arall
yn mynd i mewn i’r dosbarth am 8.55 y.b. pan mae’r ysgol yn dechrau. MAE’N HANFODOL I RIENI AROS
Mae’r dosbarth Meithrin yn gorffen am 3.15 y.h.
The Nursery Class
The Nursery class is situated at Cornelly Children’s Centre. Please enter the school site as usual in the morning by the
pedestrian gate on Greenfield Terrace or by the Centre’s main entrance. The children arriving by bus or attending the
school’s breakfast club will be allowed into the class at 8.45am. All the other children will be allowed into the class
The Nursery class finishes at 3.15 pm.
Y Dosbarth Derbyn i Flwyddyn 6
Mae’r dosbarthiadau yn ymgynull ar yr iard briodol ar ddechrau’r dydd. Bydd athro/ athrawes ar ddyletswydd ar iard y
Babanod a iard yr Iau am 8.45 y bore. Nid yw’r ysgol yn gyfrifol am y plant tan 8.45 y bore.
Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi adael y plant yng ngofal yr athrawon sydd ar ddyletswydd i fynd i mewn i’r ysgol os nad oes
rheswm arbennig am beidio gwneud hynny. Os ydych yn hwyr yn cyrraedd yr ysgol, bydd angen i chi fynd at y swyddfa er
mwyn cofnodi presenoldeb y disgybl yn yr ysgol. Eto, gofynnwn yn garedig i chi adael y plentyn yng ngofal yr
Ar ddiwedd y dydd deuir â phlant y babanod atoch wrth y drysau a benodwyd. Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o ddiogelwch
plant yn ystod y dydd ac yn sicrhau fod goruchwyliaeth lawn ar ein disgyblion gydol yr amser. Felly hefyd ar ddiwedd y
dydd; down i wybod yn fuan pwy sy’n galw am y plant, ac os oes unrhyw newid yn y drefn, dylech roi gwybod i ni ymlaen
llaw ac yn ysgrifenedig. Os oes rhiant neu berson sy’n galw am blant fel arfer yn methu cyrraedd mewn pryd, dylid
gwneud pob ymdrech i roi gwybod i ni.
Mae diogelwch y disgyblion yn holl bwysig i ni ac rwy’n siwr y deallwch felly pam na chaniateir unrhyw gerbyd ar dir yr
ysgol ag eithrio bysiau ysgol neu geir y staff. Wrth ddod â’ch plentyn i’r ysgol yn y bore ac wrth ddod i’w g/chasglu ar
ddiwedd y dydd gofynnwn i chi barcio y tu allan i dir yr ysgol.
Ni chaniateir cwn ar y safle. Mae angen gadael cwn gartref pan fyddwch yn casglu eich plentyn.
Reception to Year 6
The classes collect on the appropriate yard at the beginning of the day. A teacher will be on duty on both yards from 8.45a.m.
Please note that the school is not responsible for the children until 8.45 a.m.
We kindly ask that you leave your child with the teacher on duty as they enter the school unless there is a particular reason for
not doing so. If you are late arriving at school please could you see the secretary so that she can register your child. Once again we
kindly ask that you leave your child with the secretary.
At the end of the school day the teacher on duty will bring the Infants to the designated exits. We are very aware of children’s
safety during the school day and we ensure adequate supervision of the pupils at all times. Likewise at the end of the school day
we soon get to know who calls for the children, and if there is any change, you should let us know immediately and in writing. If a
parent or person who usually calls for a pupil at the end of the day is held up for any reason, we should be told if at all possible.
The safety of the pupils is a priority for all of us and it is for this reason that we ask parents to note that no vehicles other than
school buses and staff cars are allowed onto the school grounds during the day. When bringing your child to school in the morning
and when collecting your child at the end of the school day we therefore ask you kindly to park outside the school grounds.
Dogs are not allowed on the site, please leave them at home when collecting children.
Diogelwch/ Security
Mae clo magnetaidd ar bob drws allanol yn yr ysgol ac ar nifer o’r drysau mewnol. Mae arwyddion clir yn arwain
ymwelwyr tuag at y brif fynedfa er mwyn iddynt gael mynediad i’r adeilad. Gofynnwn i bob ymwelydd aros yn y brif
fynedfa ac arwyddo’r Llyfr Ymwelwyr cyn cael eu tywys i’r man priodol.
All outer doors and several internal doors have been fitted with a magnetic locking system. There are clear signs outside school
directing visitors to the main entrance so that they can gain entry into the building.We ask all visitors to remain in the foyer and
sign the Visitors Book before they are escorted to the appropriate person/place.
Cwricwlwm yr Ysgol/ School Curriculum
Ein nod yw darparu awyrgylch hapus, diogel a heriol yn yr ysgol lle gall plentyn ddatblygu’n
llawn mewn gallu, dawn ac aeddfedrwydd a chynyddu mewn hunan hyder. Rhoddir
pwyslais ar ddysgu medrau sylfaenol – iaith (Cymraeg a Saesneg) a rhifyddeg a phwysleisir
pwysigrwydd eu gwneud yn berthnasol ac yn ystyrlawn i’r plentyn.
Mae’n bwysig bod pob plentyn yn ymwybodol o’i (h)amgylchfyd, ei (h)ardal leol, ei (g)wlad
a’r byd. Trwy ddefnyddio dull dysgu sydd wedi ei seilio ar themau a rhaglenni astudio
cwricwlwm diwygiedig y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol sicrheir cwrs addysg eang a chytbwys.
Asesir cynnydd plentyn ymhob rhan o’i (g)waith ac os oes angen cysylltir â’i rhieni.
Gosodir pwysigrwydd ar y ffaith bod pob plentyn yn tyfu i fod yn ymwybodol o’r diwylliant Cymraeg a’r
etifeddiaeth sydd ynghlwm â hyn. Y mae gan yr ysgol hefyd bolisi hawliau cyfartal. Ceisir hyrwyddo y polisi
trwy ei gynnwys yn y cwricwlwm a’r gwersi a ddysgir pan fydd cyfle.
Yn dilyn Deddf Addysg 1998 a’r newidiadau i’r Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol 2008 yn ogystal â’r Cyfnod Sylfaen y
mae’r ysgol yn llunio ac yn diwygio polisïau i egluro sut y diwallir y gofynion. Y mae’r rhain yn cynnwys
Cymraeg, Mathemateg a Gwyddoniaeth fel pynciau craidd i holl blant yr ysgol, a Saesneg i blant yr Adran Iau.
Y mae’r ysgol hefyd yn addysgu Hanes, Daearyddiaeth, Technoleg, T.G.Ch, Cerddoriaeth, Celf, Ymarfer Corff
ac Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol o fewn themau fel rhan o bynciau sylfaenol y cwricwlwm. Mae’n ofynnol
addysgu Addysg Grefyddol yn yr ysgol hefyd er nad yw’n bwnc yn y Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol.
Yn ein hysgol ceisiwn ddatblygu cwricwlwm sy'n creu cyfle i'n plant esgor ar:
Brofiadau uniongyrchol.
Amrywiaeth o ddulliau a chyfleoedd mynegi.
Amrywiaeth o strategaethau dysgu.
Ddull dysgu sy'n seiliedig ar themau traws-gwricwlaidd.
Brofiadau addas a pherthnasol.
Ddarpariaeth gwahaniaethol.
Broses addysgu sy'n cynnig dilyniant ac yn gydlynus.
Strwythur dysgu sydd wedi'i gynllunio'n ofalus a thrylwyr.
Gyfleoedd i blant weithio mewn grŵp, parau, dosbarth cyfan ac unigolion.
Yn ogystal rhown gyfle i’r plant: Gydweithio
 Rannu
 Fagu hyder
 Gynorthwyo'i gilydd
 Arwain
 Ddatblygu ymwybyddiaeth o'u potensial
 Feithrin consyrn dros eraill
 Ymchwilio
 Arbrofi
 Ddeall syniadau a chysyniadau
 Ddatblygu a meistroli sgiliau
Our aim is to provide a happy learning environment in school which is both secure and challenging where each child is
able to develop in ability, talent and maturity and increase their self-confidence. Emphasis is placed on learning basic
skills – language (Welsh and English) and numeracy, we also believe it is essential that these skills are meaningful to
It is important that each child is aware of his/her environment, local area, country and the world. Through using
learning methods which are based on themes and the programmes of study in the Welsh Assembly Government’s
revised Curriculum documents we ensure the children have access to a broad and balanced education. Children’s
progress is assessed and monitored in all areas of work and if necessary we contact parents.
Emphasis is placed on the fact that each child should develop an awareness of his/her Welsh heritage and culture. The
school also has an equal rights policy. This policy is promoted by integrating its principles into the curriculum and lessons
wherever the opportunity arises.
Following the 1998 Education Act, changes in the National Curriculum 2008 and the Foundation Phase the school is
creating and renewing policies which explain and accommodate the requirements. These include Welsh, Mathematics
and Science as core subjects for pupils throughout the school and English for Junior pupils. The school also teaches
History, Geography, Technology, I.C.T , Music, Art, Physical Education and Personal and Social Education through
themes as the foundation subjects of the statutory Curriculum. Teaching Religious Education is also a statutory
requirement even though it is not included in Curriculum 2008.
In our school we strive to develop a curriculum which will provide the children with the following:
Direct experiences
A variety of modes through which children can express themselves.
A variety of teaching strategies.
A learning approach which is based on cross-curricular themes.
Relevant and suitable experiences.
Differentiated teaching approaches.
A learning process which is coherent and progressive.
A learning structure which has been thoroughly and carefully planned.
Opportunities for children to work in groups, as pairs, as a whole class and as individuals.
In addition we offer opportunities for pupils to: Co-operate
 Share
 Develop confidence
 Help each other
 Lead
 Develop awareness of their potential
 Develop concern for others
 Research
 E xperiment
 Understand ideas and concepts
 Develop and master skills
Y Cyfnod Sylfaen
Ar gyfer plant Adran y Babanod mae’r gwaith yn seiliedig ar y saith maes dysgu sy'n ffurfio cwricwlwm y
Cyfnod Sylfaen. Rhoddir pwyslais ar ddatblygu gwybodaeth, sgiliau a dealltwriaeth o ddysgu trwy brofiad –
dysgu trwy wneud a thrwy ddatrys problemau y tu mewn ac yn yr awyr agored. Dengys ymchwil bod dysgu
mewn goleuni naturiol yn fwy effeithiol yn enwedig i’r plant lleiaf felly bydd y plant yn derbyn rhai gwersi tu
allan ym mhob tywydd.
(h.y. welis, cot law, het haul ac ati yn ôl cyfarwyddyd yr athrawon dosbarth).
Y saith maes dysgu yw:
Datblygiad Personol a Chymdeithasol a Lles;
Sgiliau Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu;
Datblygiad Mathemategol;
Dealltwriaeth Amlddiwylliannol;
Gwybodaeth a Dealltwriaeth o'r Byd;
Datblygiad Corfforol;
Datblygiad Creadigol.
The Foundation Phase
In the Infant Department the work is based on the seven areas of learning that are the Foundation Phase. Emphasis is
placed on developing knowledge, skills and an understanding of learning through direct experience – learning by solving
problems both in the classroom and in the open air. Research proves that learning in natural light is more effective
particularly for younger children, therefore children are taken outside to learn regardless of the weather.
(i.e. wellies, raincoat, sunhats etc. as directed by the class teachers)
The seven areas of learning are:
Personal and Social Development and Wellbeing;
Language, Literacy and Communication Skills;
Mathematical Development;
Multicultural Understanding;
Knowledge and Understanding of the World;
Physical Development;
Creative Development.
Yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr datblygir y Medrau Allweddol sef Llythrennedd, Rhifedd a Thechnoleg Gwybodaeth
ar draws y cwricwlwm. ‘Rydym yn trefnu’r gwaith mewn cyd-destynau dysgu hanner tymhorol ar gylched dwy
flynedd. ‘Rydym yn addysgu Iaith (Cymraeg a Saesneg) a Mathemateg fel pynciau ar wahan lle nad oes modd
datblygu sgiliau penodol trwy’r cyd-destun dysgu.
Yn sgîl hyn ‘rydym yn asesu’n ffurfiannol ar gyfer dysgu, yn tracio cynnydd disgyblion ac yn cynnal asesiadau
crynodol ar ddiwedd pob blwyddyn academaidd. Cofnodir asesiadau crynodol yn ffeiliau’r plant a
throsglwyddir rhain o ddosbarth i ddosbarth gyda’r plentyn. Gwneir yr asesiadau yma yn hysbys i rieni pan fo'r
plant yn saith ac un ar ddeg oed.
Y mae yr ysgol yn llunio Cynllun Gwella Ysgol sy'n llywio datblygiad yr ysgol dros y flwyddyn gyfredol a'r
flwyddyn nesaf.
At Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr Key Skills are developed across the curriculum. These are Literacy, Numeracy and Information
Technology. We have organised this work into half termly learning contexts on a two year cycle. We teach Language
(Welsh and English) and Mathematics as separate subjects where it isn’t possible to develop subject specific skills
through the learning contexts.
We are continually using formative assessments – assessment for learning to inform pupils’ learning. Progress is tracked
continually and summative assessments are carried out at the end of each academic year. Summative assessments are
kept in individual files to be passed on from class to class with the child. Parents are informed of these assessments in
accordance with statutory requirements when pupils are seven and eleven.
The school also creates a School Development Plan which steers the school’s development throughout the year and into
the future.
Deunydd o’r Iaith Gymraeg/ Use of the Welsh Language
Mae'r ysgol yn darparu addysg ddwyieithog i bwy bynnag sy'n ei dymuno. Nid oes rhaid i rieni siarad Cymraeg er bod
mantais amlwg i'r plentyn os ydyw'r rhieni yn barod hefyd i ddysgu'r iaith. Anogwn y plant i ddefnyddio'r iaith cyn gynted
ag sy'n bosibl tu mewn a thu allan i'r dosbarth.
Ceisiwn sicrhau bod disgyblion yn ymwybodol bod y Gymraeg yn iaith sy'n cwrdd â gofynion cyfoes a bod ein disgyblion
yn ennill hyfedredd yn y ddwy iaith.
Y Gymraeg yw'r prif gyfrwng dysgu ar draws yr ysgol, ond cyflwynir Saesneg fel pwnc yn unig ar gychwyn yr Adran lau
gyda'r nod o feithrin plant sy'n hyderus yn y ddwy iaith erbyn iddyn nhw gychwyn yn y sector uwchradd.
The school provides a bilingual education to all who wish to avail themselves of it and the ability to speak Welsh at home is not a
pre-requisite to being accepted at our school. There are obvious advantages if parents show a willingness to learn the language.
We encourage children to use the language as early as possible within and beyond the confines of the classroom.
We attempt to ensure that all children are made aware of the fact that the language meets with the needs of contemporary
society and has a significant role to play in Welsh society.
The Welsh language is the main medium of instruction throughout the school but English as a subject component is introduced in
the junior department. It is our aim to ensure that children become fluent in both languages by the time they enter the
comprehensive sector.
Ethos a Gwerthoedd/ Ethos and Values
Ni all ysgol lwyddo heb ddisgyblaeth dda. Gwobrwyir gwaith da, ymddygiad da a phresenoldeb da trwy
annogaeth a chanmoliaeth gan gynnwys cyflwyno sticeri a thystysgrifau. Cynhelir Gwasanaeth Gwobrwyo Ysgol
Gyfan bob dydd Gwener i ddathlu llwyddiannau disgyblion. Yn ystod y gwasanaeth rhoddir tystysgrifau a
phwyntiau llys ar gyfer ymdrech yn yr ysgol a gweithgareddau all-gyrsiol yn cynnwys bathodynnau nofio a
thlysau ar gyfer chwaraeon.
Mae disgyblaeth Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr ar gyfer ymddygiad anaddas yn gadarn ond yn deg ac mae’n bwysig
sylweddoli bod rhaid i’r ysgol a’r rhieni weithio mewn partneriaeth er mwyn datrys unrhyw broblemau sy’n
codi – ni all yr un ennill heb y llall. Ein nod yma yw meithrin hunan ddisgyblaeth a fydd yn aros gydag unigolyn
gydol ei f/bywyd. O dro i dro bydd yn rhaid ceryddu a disgyblu plentyn. Mewn achosion difrifol neu lle mae’r
plentyn yn camymddwyn yn rheolaidd fe fydd yr ysgol yn cysylltu â’r rhieni gan obeithio cael eu cefnogaeth.
Mae’n rhaid i blentyn sylweddoli bod yr ysgol a’r cartref yn coleddu’r un safonau a bod gennym ddisgwyliadau
uchel – sef sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn gyfrifol, yn parchu eraill ac yn aeddfed wrth ymwneud â chydddisgyblion ac oedolion tu fewn a thu allan i’r ysgol.
No school can succeed unless discipline is good. Good behaviour, effort and attendance are rewarded through praise
and encouragement which includes presenting the children with stickers and certificates. Each Friday we celebrate
pupils’ successes in a Whole School Assembly where certificates and house points are awarded for efforts in school and
with extra curricular activities including swimming awards & sporting trophies.
At Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr discipline for unacceptable behaviour is strong but fair and it is important for all to realise that
school and parents must work in partnership in order to solve any problems that might arise – one cannot succeed
without the other. Our aim is to nurture self-discipline in every pupil as it is this that will stay with an individual during
his/her lifetime. From time to time it will be neccessary to discipline a pupil. In serious instances, or when a child has
misbehaved on a regular basis the school will inform parents and ask for their support in dealing with the matter. Each
child must understand that both school and home have the same standards and that our expectations regarding
behaviour are high - namely that a pupil acts responsibly, respects others and is mature in his/her dealings with fellow
pupils and adults within and out of school.
1. I sicrhau bod ein disgyblion yn defnyddio'u galluoedd i'r pwrpas gorau posibl.
2. I ddatblygu agweddau da a fydd yn eu cynorthwyo i fod yn aelodau cyfrifol o gymdeithas.
3. Er mwyn sicrhau bod y plant yn derbyn yr addysg orau mae'n hanfodol bod ein disgyblion yn deall bod
angen ymddygiad da, hunan-ddisgyblaeth a rheolau a fydd o fudd i'r ysgol gyfan.
4. Seiliwn ein rheolau ar onestrwydd, tegwch, ymddiriedaeth, parch at bobl, creaduriaid, crefyddau eraill,
eiddo, goddefgarwch a helpu eraill.
5. Mae canmoliaeth am Iwyddiant ac ymdrech yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn ein polisi.
1. To ensure that the pupils use their abilities purposefully and to their full potential.
2. To develop good attitudes that will enable them to be responsible members of society.
3. In order to ensure that children receive the best education possible it is essential that pupils realise that they require
good behaviour, self-discipline and rules which will benefit the whole school.
4. We base our rules on honesty, fair play, tolerance, respect towards people, animals, other religions, property, trust
and helping others.
5. Praising pupils for good achievements and effort plays an important part in our policy.
Rheolau’r Ysgol
Pwysleisiwn bod cwrteisi at unigolion yn hanfodol a bod dangos parch at eraill yn holl bwysig.
Gofynnwn i blant beidio â rhedeg tra’n symud o amgylch adeilad yr ysgol er diogelwch eu hunain ac eraill.
Fe fydd cyfrifoldeb disgyblaeth yr ysgol yn dibynnu ar staff yr ysgol i gyd gan gynnwys staff awr ginio.
Ymdrechwn i gynnwys rhieni yn y broses hon hefyd.
Teimlwn pe bai angen cosb o ryw fath er mwyn newid a gwella ymddygiad, credwn y bydd colli breintiau yn
gymorth i wella sefyllfa. Fodd bynnag, os yw plentyn yn ymddwyn yn anaddas tuag at gyd-ddisgybl, yn mynnu
torri ar draws gwers neu yn parhau i fod yn anghwrtais i aelodau staff yna teimlwn bod angen cysylltu â'r rhieni
er mwyn gweithio mewn partneriaeth i wella ymddygiad.
Os yw'r sefyllfa yn gwaethygu ac agwedd y disgybl yn annerbyniol yna bydd angen cymorth oddiwrth yr Adran
Seicolegol neu'r Gwasanaeth Cefnogi Ymddygiad.
Wedi defnyddio'r gwasanaethau hyn, os yw'r broblem yn dal i fodoli a'r disgybl yn gwrthod cydweithio, ystyrir
eithrio am gyfnod. Mewn amgylchiadau difrifol cysylltir â'r Bwrdd Llywodraethol.
Rheolau Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr
1. Rydyn ni’n siarad Cymraeg yn yr ysgol bob amser.
2. Rydyn ni’n ymddwyn yn gyfrifol ac yn ddiogel bob amser.
3. Rydyn ni’n cadw ein dwylo a’n traed i ni ein hunain.
4. Rydyn ni’n gwrando yn astud bob amser.
5. Rydyn ni’n parchu yr ysgol a’i chymuned.
6. Rydyn ni’n gwneud ein gorau glas bob amser.
School Rules
Courtesy towards individuals is required at all times and kindness towards others is essential.
We ask pupils not to run whilst moving around the school building for their own safety and others.
The responsibility of discipline lies with the whole staff and our assistants including our supervisory assistants during the
lunch break. We shall also endeavour to include parents in the process.
We feel that if there is a need for some kind of punishment in order to change and improve bad behaviour, the loss of
privileges should improve a situation. However, if a child behaves unacceptably towards fellow pupils, is insistent on
disrupting lessons or is continually impolite to members of staff then we feel that it is necessary to contact parents in
order to work together to improve behaviour.
If the situation deteriorates and the attitude of the pupil is unacceptable then assistance from the Psychological Service
or the Behaviour Support Service will be sought.
Having used these services, if the problem continues and the pupils refuse to co-operate, we shall consider excluding the
pupils for a short period. In exceptional circumstances the Governing Body will be consulted.
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr School Rules
1. We speak Welsk at all times in school.
2. We behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times.
3. We keep our hands and our feet to ourselves.
4. We always listen carefully.
5. We respect the school and community.
6. We always try our best.
Mae’n ofynnol i bob rhiant i adael i’r ysgol wybod am unrhyw absenoldeb trwy lythyr neu trwy adael neges ar
beiriant ateb yr ysgol, mae angen sicrhau eich bod yn hysbysu’r ysgol ar bob diwrnod o’r absenoldeb. Bydd yr
ysgol yn cofestru absenoldebau fel rhai derbyniol neu annerbyniol. Cedwir nodiadau gyda’r gofrestr am
Nid oes gan rieni hawl awtomatig i dynnu eu plentyn o’r ysgol er mwyn mynd ar wyliau yn ystod y tymor.
Mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol gall rieni a gofalwyr wneud cais i dynnu eu plant o’r ysgol am hyd at bump
diwrnod. Os am ofyn am absenoldeb o dan yr amgylchiadau hynny cysylltwch â’r ysgol am y ffurflen briodol.
Mae Swyddog Lles Addysgol yn ymweld â’r ysgol yn rheolaidd er mwyn arolygu’r cofrestrau am absenoldeb a
phlant hwyr.
Darperir adroddiad blynyddol i rieni o ganran presenoldeb disgybl ar gyfer y tymor a aeth heibio.
All parents are required to inform the school regarding any absences either by letter or by leaving a message on the
school’s answerphone, you must ensure you inform the school on every day of every absence. The school registers all
absences as authorised or unauthorised. Letters are kept along with the register for a period of one year.
Parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw their child from school to go on holidays during term time. Under
exceptional circumstances parents and carers may make an application to withdraw their children from school for up to
five days. Should you wish to request such an absence you must contact school for the appropriate form.
The Education Welfare Officer visits the school on a regular basis to monitor the registers for attendance & late pupils.
A termly report is provided to parents with details of the percentage attendance for the previous term.
Bydd y rhan fwyaf o ddisgyblion ar ryw adeg angen meddyginiaeth. I lawer, bydd y cyflwr yn un tymor byr efallai yn ystod absenoldeb byr o'r ysgol. Fodd bynnag, er y gall plentyn fod yn ddigon da i fod yn ôl yn yr ysgol,
efallai bydd meddyginiaeth yn dal i fod yn ofynnol yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol am gyfnod byr. Mewn achosion o'r
fath, bydd disgwyl i rieni neu ofalwyr ymweld, efallai yn ystod yr awr ginio, i weinyddu'r feddyginiaeth ei hun (ar
ôl adrodd i'r swyddfa yn gyntaf). Pan fydd plant, ar y llaw arall, gydag anghenion meddygol tymor hir, byddwn
yn gwneud popeth y gallwn er mwyn eu galluogi i fynychu'r ysgol yn rheolaidd. Rhaid i rieni neu ofalwyr roi
manylion i ni am gyflwr y plentyn a’r feddyginiaeth, a rhaid dod â'r feddyginiaeth i'r ysgol mewn cynhwysydd
diogel wedi'i labelu. Cedwir cofnod o'r holl feddyginiaeth a dderbyniwyd ac a weinyddir gan yr ysgol. Bydd
hyfforddiant ar gyfer meddyginiaeth benodol, ee gweinyddu EPI-pen, yn cael eu darparu yn ôl yr angen.
Most pupils will at some time have a condition requiring medication. For many, the condition will be short-term –
perhaps the duration of a short absence from school. However, although a child may soon be well enough to be back at
school, medication may perhaps still be required during the school day for a short period. In such cases, parents or
carers will be expected to visit, perhaps during the lunch break, to administer the medication themselves (after first
reporting to the office). Where, on the other hand, children have long-term medical needs, we will do everything we can
to enable them to attend school regularly. Parents or carers must give us details of the child's condition and medication,
and bring the medication to school in a secure, labelled container. Records will be kept of all medication received and
administered by the school. Training for specific administration e.g. epi-pen will be provided as and when necessary.
Hylif Haul
Cofiwch ei fod yn hollbwysig fod y plant yn dod i’r ysgol yn gwisgo digon o hylif haul ffactor
uchel. Dylai’r plant wisgo hylif haul sydd angen ei roi unwaith y dydd yn hytrach na dod â photel
gyda hwy i’r ysgol.
Please remember that it is important for the children to wear a sunscreen with a high SPF rating. It would be useful if
the children could use a sunscreen that only needs one application a day, rather than bring a bottle to school to reapply.
Pan fydd yn braf byddwn yn annog y plant i warchod eu llygaid drwy wisgo capiau haul. Byddai cap sy’n gorchuddio eu
gwar hefyd yn ddefnyddiol.
Pan fydd y tywydd yn braf gofynwn i chi beidio anfon eich plant i’r ysgol yn gwisgo sbectol haul – wrth iddynt redeg a
rowlio yn y gwair gall damweiniau cas ddigwydd.
Mae tueddiad gan rai plant i wisgo esgidiau traeth i ddod i’r ysgol – ‘flip flops’, ‘crocs’ ayyb. Cofiwch fod y plant yn dal i
redeg o gwmpas yn ystod y tywydd braf ac mae esgidiau fel hyn yn beryglus, felly gofynwn i chi sicrhau na fydd eich plant
yn eu gwisgo.
When the sun is shining we encourage the children to wear a cap to protect their eyes. A wide brimmed hat would give
the best protection.
We ask that the children do not wear sunglasses in school – when they are running around and rolling in the grass
accidents could happen.
Some children tend to wear beach shoes to school when the weather is fine – flip flops, crocs, flimsy sandals etc. Please
remember that the children still run around in the warm weather and these kinds of shoes are dangerous – please
ensure that your children do not wear them.
Rydym yn annog y plant i ddod â photel blastig gyda nhw i’r ysgol er mwyn iddynt allu yfed dŵr yn ystod y
dydd. Ceisiwch sicrhau fod eich plant yn dod â photel blasting i’r ysgol fel eu bod yn gallu cael y manteision o
yfed dŵr yn gyson. Buasem yn ddiolchgar hefyd pe byddech yn sicrhau fod eich plentyn yn mynd a’i b/photel
gartref yn gyson er mwyn ei glanhau neu er mwyn cael potel newydd.
Please remember that we encourage the children to bring plastic bottles to school so that they can drink
water during the day. Please ensure that your child brings a bottle to school so that he/she can benefit from drinking
water regularly. We would also be grateful if you could ensure that your child takes his/her bottle home regularly so
that it can be washed or replaced.
Cyfle Cyfartal/ Equal Opportunities
Mae'r cyfle ar gael i unrhyw blentyn ymgymryd ag unrhyw weithgaredd o'i dd/dewis. Cydnabyddwn bod
cyfraniad pob un yn bwysig a bod y plant i gyd yn gydradd â'i gilydd.
Wrth ddewis plant i gynrychioli’r ysgol mewn gweithgareddau lle y mae cyfyngder ar y nifer sy’n medru
cymryd rhan gwnawn ein gorau i fod yn deg â phawb sy’n dymuno cymryd rhan.
The opportunity is available for all children to contribute towards and take part in any activity of their choice. We
acknowledge that the contribution made by each and every child is important and of equal status and value.
When choosing children to represent the school in activities where numbers are limited we endeavour to be as fair as
possible with everyone wishing to take part.
Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol/ Additional Learning Needs
Mae gan bob plentyn yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr yr hawl i dderbyn addysg eang, gytbwys a gwahaniaethol, sy’n
ateb gofynion pob unigolyn.
Rydym yn ystyried fod gan blentyn Anghenion Addysgol Ychwanegol os oes ganddo / ganddi:
a. anhawsterau dysgu sy’n sylweddol fwy na’r anhawster a gaiff y rhan fwyaf o blant yr un oed;
b. anabledd sy’n ei atal / hatal neu’n llesteirio rhag gwneud defnydd o gyfleusterau addysgol o’r fath a
ddarperir yn gyffredinol i blant eraill o’r un oed mewn ysgolion yn ardal yr Awdurdod Addysg Lleol;
c. allu / gallu neu dalent y tu hwnt i’r cyffredin ;
ch. anhawsterau emosiynol neu ymddygiad nad ydynt yn gwella o ddefnyddio trefniadau rheoli ymddygiad
arferol yr ysgol.
Ceisiwn ddarparu cwricwlwm eang a chytbwys sy'n wahaniaethol ac yn briodol i anghenion pob disgybl.
Anelwn at ddarparu ar gyfer plant ag anghenion addysgol arbennig drwy geisio eu hadnabod yn gynnar, rhoi
cefnogaeth ychwanegol a sicrhau adnoddau addas lle'n bosibl. Bwriadwn gynnwys y rhieni mor gynnar â phosibl
yn addysg y plentyn a chroesawn eu cefnogaeth er mwyn sicrhau datblygiad a chynnydd.
Y person cyntaf i adnabod unrhyw anghenion arbennig sydd gan blant yw wrth gwrs yr athro / athrawes
ddosbarth. Ceisiwn annog bob un i fynegi unrhyw farn parthed anghenion arbennig ar unwaith er mwyn mynd
ati i geisio darparu cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Mae plant sydd ag anghenion arbennig yn derbyn cymorth yn yr
ystafell ddosbarth a thu allan a chedwir llygad gofalus ar ddatblygiad bob un drwy adolygu'r sefyllfa yn gyson.
Pwysleisiwn mai partneriaeth yw'r broses ddysgu ac mae'n bwysig ein bod ni yn trafod yn agored ac yn
broffesiynol gyda phawb sydd ynghlwm â’r broses honno. Mewn achosion lle nad yw'r ysgol yn teimlo bod yr
adnoddau addas gennym, rhaid tynnu sylw asiantaethau allanol i'r sefyllfa e.e. athrawon ymgynghorol,
seicolegydd neu'r gwasanaeth anghenion arbennig.
Mae modd i’r ysgol alw ar arbenigedd yr Awdurdod Addysg.
Fel ysgol sicrhewn bod plant ag anghenion addysgiadol arbennig yn cael eu hintegreiddio’n llwyr i fywyd yr
ysgol, a’u bod yn cael yr un cyfleoedd a phob plentyn arall.
Mae gan yr ysgol bolisi clir a phendant sy’n fodd i weithredu’r uchod. Gall rhieni archwilio neu gael hyd i gopi
o bolisi’r ysgol drwy gysylltu â’r Pennaeth.
Every child at Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr has the right to a broad, balanced and differentiated education that meets the
needs of each individual.
We consider that a child has special needs if he or she has:
a. learning difficulties that are considerably more than those experienced by most children of the same age;
b. a disability that prevents or hinders him / her from accessing educational opportunities provided generally for other
children of the same age in schools within the LA;
c. an ability that is unusual or a special gift or talent;
d. emotional difficulties or continuous behavioural problems that show no improvement when the usual school
discipline procedures are implemented.
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated and is suitable for the needs of each child. We aim
to recognise children with special educational needs as early as possible and give additional help with suitable resources.
We aim to involve parents as early as possible in the education of the child and welcome their support to ensure
development and progress.
The first person to recognise any special needs with the children is of course the class teacher. We urge each one to
express an opinion regarding special needs immediately so that we can make suitable provision as soon as possible.
Children with special educational needs have support in the classroom and outside and are assessed regularly in their
We stress that partnership plays an important role in teaching and it is important that we discuss openly and
professionally with everyone who is involved in the process. In situations where the school does not feel it has
appropriate resources available, outside help is sought e.g. support teachers, psychologist or the special needs service.
The school is able to call upon the expertise of the Education Authority.
We ensure that pupils with special educational needs are fully integrated to school life, and that they are given the
same opportunities as every other child.
The school has a clear and positive policy that enables us to implement the above. A copy of the policy is available on
request from the Headteacher.
Addysg Grefyddol ac Addoli ar y Cyd/ Religious Education and Collective Worship
Nid yw’r ysgol yn dal cysylltiad uniongyrchol na ffurfiol gydag unrhyw enwad crefyddol. Y mae’r Addysg
Grefyddol a gyflwynir yn seiliedig ar faes llafur yr Awdurdod Addysg Lleol. Cynhelir gwasanaeth yn ddyddiol yn
unol â'r gofynion statudol. Mae'n agwedd bwysig o fywyd yr ysgol ac yn hybu moesau da a fydd yn sail gadarn i
fywyd ein disgyblion yn awr ac yn y dyfodol. Ar hyn o bryd dyma'r patrwm sy'n bodoli:
 Cyd-Addoli yn y dosbarth i bawb yn unol ag amserlen y dosbarthiadau;
 Cyd-Addoli i’r Cyfnod Sylfaen a Chyfnod Allweddol 2 o dan ofal athrawon yr Adran
 Gwasanaeth ysgol gyfan dan arweiniad y Pennaeth neu’r Dirprwy Bennaeth.
Ar adegau arbennig o’r flwyddyn cynhelir gwasanaethau arbennig i ddathlu achlysuron megis y Cynhaeaf, Gwyl
Ddewi a Dydd Ewyllys Da.
Estynnir gwahoddiad i rieni fynychu gwasanaethau dosbarth eu plant.
Cynigir cyfleoedd i ddisgyblion ar draws yr ysgol i gymryd rhan yn y Gwasanaethau fel unigolion neu mewn
Rhoddir gwahoddiad i weinidogion a siaradwyr gymryd rhan yn y gwasanaethau torfol.
Mae gan rieni yr hawl i dynnu eu plant yn rhannol neu yn gyfan gwbl o addysg grefyddol ac addoli ar y cyd.
Darperir gwaith addas dan oruchwyliaeth aelod staff mewn lleoliad arall yn yr ysgol ar gyfer y disgyblion hynny.
The school is not directly or formally affiliated with any religious denomination. Religious Education
presented is based on the Local Education Authority’s programme of study.
An assembly is held daily. This is within the statutory requirements and is an important aspect of
school life. It promotes sound moral values that will provide a sound foundation for the pupils now
and in the future. At present, the following pattern is applicable:
Collective worship in the classroom according to each class’s timetable.
Collective worship for the Foundation Phase and key stage 2 under Departmental
teachers’ direction.
 Whole school assembly under Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher direction.
At certain times of the year special assemblies are held to celebrate occasions such as Harvest, St David’s Day and the
Goodwill Message from Wales to the World.
Families are invited to their child/children’s class assemblies.
Opportunities are offered to pupils throughout the school to take part in assemblies either as individuals or as a group.
Ministers and speakers are occasionally invited to present whole school assemblies.
Parents have the right to withdraw children wholly or in part from religious education and collective worship. Alternative
work with another member of staff will be provided for these children in a different area of the school.
Addysg Gorfforol a Chwaraeon/ Physical Education and Games
Rhoddir cyfle llawn a chyfartal i bob disgybl gymryd rhan ym mhob gweithgaredd Addysg Gorfforol yn yr ysgol. Bydd pob
plentyn yn cael gwersi ymarfer corff bob wythnos. Dysgir chwaraeon megis, pêl droed, pêl rwyd a phêl fasged a rygbi
hefyd. Caiff plant yr Adran Iau wersi nofio am ym Mhwll Nofio y Pîl, un dosbarth ar y tro.
Rhoddir pwyslais ar gadw’n heini yn unol â pholisi’r Sir ar gyfer Ysgolion Iach. Mae unrhyw blentyn sy’n cymryd rhan
mewn gweithgareddau addysg gorfforol yn cynrychioli’r ysgol a chydnabyddir hyn fel braint sy’n gyfartal â chyflawniad
academaidd ac artistig.
Yn ystod gweithgareddau Addysg Gorfforol disgwylir i blant gadw at y rheolau canlynol:
 Ni chaniateir i unrhyw blentyn wisgo gemwaith yn ystod y gwersi.
 Rhaid i bob plentyn wisgo dillad ac esgidiau addas ar gyfer y wers.
 Ceisiwn annog y plant i adael eu dillad yn drefnus with newid.
 Rhaid i bob plentyn gymeryd rhan yn y gwersi chwaraeon/ymarfer corff.
 Dim ond plant sydd wedi dod â nodyn ysgrifenedig sy’n rhoi rheswm digonol fydd yn cael eu hesgusodi
o'r wers.
Rhoddir manylion ar ddechrau’r flwyddyn academaidd yn dynodi manylion gwersi addysg gorfforol dosbarth eich plentyn.
Ar ddyddiau gwersi Addysg Gorfforol gofynnwn i blant y Dosbarth Meithrin ddod i’r ysgol wedi gwisgo yn eu dillad
Addysg Gorfforol - crys polo gwyn a chrys chwys yr ysgol, trowsus tracwisg du neu las tywyll (nefi) a thrainers.
Caiff blynyddoedd 1 a 2 gyfle i ymuno â chlwb ffitrwydd ar ôl ysgol a phlant hŷn yr ysgol gyfle i chwarae ac ymarfer pêl
droed, rygbi, pêl fasged, pêl rwyd a rownderi yn ystod gwersi. Trefnir gemau rheolaidd ar gyfer y plant yma. Chwaraeir
criced, rownderi, tenis ac athletau yn ystod tymor yr haf.
Mae gan yr ysgol draddodiad hir a chlodwiw o Iwyddiant ar lefel lleol, sirol a chenedlaethol ym maes chwaraeon.
Ymdrechwn yn daer i sicrhau bod ein plant yn cael y cyfle i brofi llwyddiant fel unigolion a thîmau a fydd yn cryfhau'r
ymdeimlad o berthyn i gymuned addysgol, ac sy'n gosod disgwyliadau uchel a fydd yn caniatau i ni ymfalchio mewn
Every child has the opportunity to take a full and active part in every P.E. activity in school. Each child will have a Physical
Education lesson every week. Sport including football, netball, basketball and rugby are also taught. Junior children have swimming
lessons at Pyle Swimming Pool, a class at a time.
An emphasis is placed on health and fitness according to the County Policy for Healthy Schools. Any pupil taking part in sporting
activities represents the school and this is recognised as an honour equal to academic or artistic accomplishments.
During sporting activities pupils are expected to respect the following rules:
 It is forbidden for any child to wear jewellery during lessons.
 Every child must wear suitable clothing and trainers for the lesson.
 We urge children to leave their clothes neatly when changing.
 Every child must take part in sports/physical education lessons.
 Only children who have brought a written letter of satisfactory explanantion will be excused
from the lesson.
You will be informed at the beginning of the Academic Year of the details regarding Physical Education lessons for
your child’s class.
On P.E. days we ask that children in the Nursery Class wear their P.E. clothes to school – a white polo shirt and the
school sweatshirt, black or navy tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
Children in years 1 and 2 are given the opportunity to join an after school fitness club and older children are able to
play and practice rugby, football, basketball, netball and rounders during P.E lessons. Matches are organised
regularly in the local and Urdd leagues. Cricket, rounders, tennis and athletics are played during the summer term.
The school has an enviable tradition of success in a variety of sporting disciplines at a local, county and national level
over many years. We aim to encourage participation and create as many opportunities as possible for our children
to experience success as individuals and teams which strengthens the concept of contributing and belonging to a
learning community which sets high expectations for all and celebrates achievement appropriately.
Addysg Iechyd/ Health Education
Dysgir pwysigrwydd gofalu amdanynt eu hunain fel rhan o raglen waith yr ysgol. Pwysleisir pwysigrwydd bwyta
bwyd iach, gofalu am y dannedd a pheryglon ysmygu a chymryd cyffuriau.
Mae gan yr ysgol statws Ysgol Iach ac yn sgîl hyn gwerthir ffrwythau i’r plant yn ystod y bore. Disgwylir i’r
plant sy’n dod â brechdanau gydymffurfio â hyn trwy ddod â bocs bwyd iach i’r ysgol h.y. dim pop na losin. Mae
pob plentyn yn y babanod yn cael cynnig llaeth yn rhâd ac am ddim.
Bydd y plant yn cael gwersi Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol. Yn aml bydd hyn yn digwydd mewn "amser
cylch" pryd y bydd cyfle i drafod a datblygu sgiliau sy'n ymwneud ag ymwybyddiaeth o'i hunain ac eraill.
The importance of looking after your own health and wellbeing is taught as part of the school’s programme of study.
Emphasis is placed on healthy eating, dental hygiene and the dangers of smoking and drug taking.
The school has a Healthy Schools Status and fruit is sold to pupils during morning break. Children who bring a packed
lunch to school are expected to bring healthy food in to school i.e. no fizzy drinks or sweets. Every child in the infant
department is eligible for free milk.
Children have lessons in Personal and Social Education. This often happens through ‘circle time’ when they have the
opportunity to develop skills associated with awareness of themselves and others.
Addysg Rhyw/ Sex Education
Yn unol â gofynion y Ddeddf Addysg 1986, disgwylir i Gyrff Llywodraethol ysgolion ystyried os dylai addysg
rhyw fod yn rhan o’r cwricwlwm. Yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr rydym wedi dod i’r farn y dylai addysg rhyw fod yn
rhan o’r cwricwlwm, ac o ganlyniad ‘rydym wedi llunio datganiad ysgrifenedig o’n polisi o safbwynt cynnwys a
Mae’r ysgol yn ymwybodol iawn mai cyfrifoldeb rhieni ac athrawon ar y cyd yw dysgu addysg rhyw, ac y mae
angen dealltwriaeth lawn o rôl pob un sydd ynghlwm wrth y gwaith.
Mae Llywodraethwyr yr ysgol hon wedi penderfynu dysgu addysg rhyw fel rhan o gwricwlwm yr ysgol. Gwneir
hyn fel rhan o Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol. Gwahoddir y nyrs i’r ysgol yn flynyddol i drafod gyda
disgyblion blwyddyn 6 y newidiadau corfforol ac emosiynnol y byddant yn eu profi o ganlyniad i ddyfodiad
glaslencyndod. Ym mhob agwedd o addysg rhyw, ystyrir yr unigolyn wrth wneud unrhyw waith neu gynnal
unrhyw drafodaeth a cheisir bod yn sensitif i’w haeddfedrwydd a’u hanghenion.
Mae gan rieni yr hawl i dynnu eu plentyn allan o wersi Addysg Rhyw. Os dymunant wneud hyn eu cyfrifoldeb
hwy yw cysylltu â’r Pennaeth.
In accordance with the requirements of the 1986 Education Act, School Governing Bodies are expected to consider
whether sex education should be part of the school curriculum. At Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr we wish this to be so and have
therefore written a policy statement regarding contents and procedures.
The school is aware that teaching sex education is the joint responsibility of both parents and teachers and that full
understanding is required of the role of all involved with the work.
The Governors of this school have decided that sex education should be taught as part of the school curriculum. This
forms part of the school’s Personal and Social Education Policy. The nurse is invited into school to discuss with year 6
pupils the physical and emotional changes that they will experience during the onset of puberty. Consideration will be
given to individuals in all aspects of the work and during discussion. Efforts will be made to be sensitive to each child’s
maturity and needs.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from sex education lessons. Should they wish to do so it is their
responsibility to contact the Headteacher.
Gwaith Cartref – Cofnod Dysgu/ Homework – Learning Log
Y mae’r ysgol yn ystyried Gwaith Cartref fel rhan bwysig o addysg plentyn a chyfle gwych i gryfhau y
bartneriaeth rhwng yr ysgol a’r cartref. Credwn bod cyfrifoldeb ar y cartref i sicrhau bod y gwaith cartref yn
cael ei ddychwelyd ar yr amser cywir. Hefyd disgwylir i bob gwaith cartref a llyfr sy’n eiddo yr ysgol i dderbyn
parch a gofal. Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi gysylltu â’r ysgol os oes problem wedi codi ynglŷn â’r gwaith yn y
Cyfrifoldeb yr ysgol yw i osod a thrafod dewisiadau ar gyfer cofnodion dysgu’r plant. Bydd y gwaith yn cael
anfon gartref yn rheolaidd ar ôl ei drafod a bydd yn cael ei ddathlu ar ffurf asesiadau cymheiriaid gydag
athrawon yn gwneud sylwadau yn achlysurol. Gobeithir bod diddordebau’r plant yn y gwaith thematig yn eu
hysgogi i ymchwilio a chwilota ymhellach i mewn i’r gwaith yn y cartref a hyderwn yn fawr y cânt bob
Byddwn yn anfon gwaith anorffenedig y dosbarth adref fel gwaith cartref yn achlysurol.
The school considers Homework to be an important element of pupils’ education and is an excellent opportunity to
strengthen the partnership between school and home. We believe it is the responsibility of home to ensure homework is
completed and returned to school at the appropriate time. We also expect all books that are school’s
property to be looked after and respected. We ask kindly that you contact the school should a
problem arise with homework.
It is the school’s responsibility to set and discuss work options for the Learning Logs. Work will be sent
home regularly and celebrated at school through peer assessment and occasional teachers comments.
We hope that pupils’ interest in their theme work encourages them to research subjects further at
home and we ask for your encouragement and support in this.
We will occasionally send unfinished classwork home for completion.
Cyfraniadau Ariannol (Polisi Codi Tâl)/ Charges and Remissions Policy
Y mae gweithgareddau allgyrsiol yn rhan annatod o'r addysg a gynigir i blant ein hysgol. Oherwydd y pwyslais a
rown ar ymweliadau addysgiadol e.e. ymweliadau preswyl, cystadlaethau, chwaraeon, ymweliadau dyddiol â
theatrau, amgueddfeydd a mannau diddorol mae'n hanfodol bwysig i bob disgybl gael y cyfle i fod yn rhan o'r
profiadau hyn.
Wrth hysbysu rhieni am ddigwyddiad lle mae yna faich ariannol ynghlwm wrtho, gofynnwn yn garedig am
gyfraniad ariannol gwirfoddol. Os na cheir cyfraniad, nid oes hawl gennym i wahardd unrhyw blentyn o'r
ymweliad, ond oni bai bod y cyfraniadau yn ddigonol mewn achosion tebyg mae'n bosib dileu'r ymweliad. Pan
fydd cost ymweliad yn weddol uchel yna gwneir trefniadau i dalu bob yn dipyn er mwyn lleihau'r baich.
Cyn i unrhyw ddisgybl fynychu unrhyw ymweliad rhaid dychwelyd ‘slip’ caniatad. (Dim slip, dim trip!)
Extra curricular activities are an integral part of the education provided in our school. As a result of the importance we
place on educational visits e.g. residential, competitions, games, day visits to the theatre, museums or places of interest,
it is imperative that all children are provided with the opportunity of participating in such visits.
When parents are informed of any financial implication tied to a school visit we respectfully request a voluntary
contribution. If this is not forthcoming then we are not entitled to prevent any child from being a part of a visit, however,
if the contributions to hand are not sufficient to cover the financial outlay then it may be necessary to cancel that visit.
When the costs are fairly high, arrangements can easily be made to pay by instalments.
Before a pupil can attend any school visit, a permission slip must be returned to school. (No slip, no trip!)
Adrodd i Rieni/ Reporting to Parents
Cedwir cofnod manwl o gynnydd plentyn tra mae ef/ hi yn Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr. Cyflwynir adroddiad
ysgrifenedig i rieni ar ddiwedd pob blwyddyn academaidd. Trafodir gwaith a datblygiad y plant gyda rhieni yn
ystod y ddwy noson agored a gynhelir yn Nhymor y Gwanwyn a Thymor yr Haf. Mae cyfle hefyd i rieni ddod
i’r ysgol i drafod gwaith ac edrych ar lyfrau eu plentyn/ plant yn ystod Tymor yr Hydref.
Yn ogystal mae cyfle i rieni ddod i gwrdd ag athro/ athrawes eu plentyn ar ddechrau mis Medi. Yn ystod y
cyfarfod hwn bydd yr athro/ athrawes dosbarth yn rhoi amlinelliad o drefn y dosbarth, amserlen bras yn
cynnwys dyddiau gwersi Addysg Gorfforol ac amlinelliad o waith a themau y flwyddyn.
A detailed record of each child’s progress is kept while he/she is a pupil in Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr. A written report is
presented to parents at the end of each academic year. The children’s work and progress is discussed with parents
during the school’s two open evenings which are held in the Spring Term and in the Summer Term. There is an
opportunity for parents to come in to school to discuss work with their child and look at their work during the Autumn
In addition parents are given the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher at the beginning of each September. During
this meeting the class teacher will give a brief outline of the class’ timetable including Physical Education days and an
overview of the year’s classwork and themes.
Clybiau/ Clubs
Clybiau Ysgol
Mae gweithgareddau allgyrsiol yn ran bwysig o fywyd ein hysgol ac mae clybiau allysgol am y flwyddyn 2014/
2015 fel â ganlyn:Llun
12.05 – 12.30
3.30 – 4.30
Clwb Celf Menter Bro Ogwr
Clwb Urdd a Menter Bro Ogwr
Blynyddoedd 3 i 6
Blwyddyn 1 a 2
3.30 – 4.30
Blynyddoedd 3 i 6*
3.30 – 4.30
Clwb Urdd
Blynyddoedd 3 i 6
* Cynhelir y weithgaredd gan gwmni preifat - codir tâl am y gwersi yn hanner tymhorol
Yn ogystal â datblygu sgiliau penodol mae’r clybiau yn gyfle gwych i’r plant fwynhau nifer o weithgareddau
mewn awyrgylch Gymraeg a Chymreig.
Bydd hyfforddiant canu/perfformio a chwaraeon tîm yn digwydd yn ystod amser gwersi er mwyn sicrhau bod
gan holl blant yr ysgol fynediad i’r un ddarpariaeth.
Mae’r ysgol hefyd yn cefnogi mudiad yr Urdd. Codir tâl aelodaeth o £6.00 y flwyddyn ar ddechrau tymor yr
Hydref bob blwyddyn. Mae bod yn aelod yn galluogi plant i gymryd rhan yn holl weithgareddau’r Urdd sy’n
cynnwys cystadlu mewn twrnameintiau chwaraeon ac eisteddfodau naillai trwy berfformio neu trwy waith
Cartref yn cynnwys Celf a Chrefft. Bydd disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 a 6 sydd wedi ymaelodi â’r Urdd yn cael y cyfle
i ymweld â gwersyll Llangrannog am benwythnos fel rhan o’u cwrs addysg ar ddechrau tymor yr Hydref.
Cynnigir gwersi cerddoriaeth - llinynnau, telyn a phres i ddisgyblion blynyddoedd 3 i 6 gan yr Awdurdod Lleol.
Mae modd cael gwersi oddi wrth gwmni Cardiff and the Vale Music Service (CAVMS) os yn dewis offerynnau
megis gitâr, allweddell neu ddrymiau. Codir ffî misol am y gwersi hyn.
Os oes unrhyw riant yn barod i helpu gyda pharatoadau’r Urdd neu unrhyw weithgaredd arall cysylltwch â’r
ysgol. Mae angen gwiriad DBR ar bob oedolyn sy’n gweithio gyda phlant yn yr ysgol.
School Clubs
Extra curricular activities are an important part of our school life and after school clubs for 2014/2015 are as follows:
12.05 – 12.30 Menter Bro Ogwr Art Club
3.30 – 4.30 Urdd Club a Menter Bro Ogwr
Years 3 to 6
Years 1 and 2
3.30 – 4.30
Years 3 to 6*
3.30 – 4.30
Urdd Club
Years 3 to 6
* Activity run by a private company – these are charged half termly.
In addition to developing specific skills the clubs are an excellent opportunity for children to enjoy a variety of activities
in a Welsh environment.
Singing/performance and team sport tuition will take place during lesson time to ensure all children have access to this
The school also supports Urdd Gobaith Cymru the largest youth organisation in Europe. Membership is charged at
£6.00 a year which is collected at the beginning of the Autumn term. The Urdd provides numerous opportunities for
children and young people to socialise through the medium of Welsh in addition to enabling children to participate in all
the Urdd’s activities including competing in various sports tournaments and the eisteddfod, either through performance
or Homework including Art and Craft. Pupils of Years 5 and 6 who are members of the Urdd are given the opportunity
to visit its camp at Llangrannog for a weekend in the Autumn term.
Music lessons – strings, harp & brass are provided for a nominal fee by the Local Authority to children in key stage 2.
Children are able to access lessons for additional instruments including drums, guitar and keyboard through Cardiff and
the Vale Music Service (CAVMS). These lessons are charged monthly.
If any parents are able to assist with preparations for Urdd activities or with any other clubs please contact the school.
All adults working with children at school must have a DBS check.
Clwb Brecwast am Ddim
Ers mis Mai 2010 rydym wedi bod yn cynnal Clwb Brecwast am ddim rhwng 8.15 ac 8.40 y bore. Gwnaeth
Llywodraeth Cymru ymrwymiad i roi cyfle i bob plentyn o oedran ysgol gynradd yng Nghymru gael brecwast
iach am ddim yn yr ysgol bob dydd. Bwriad y cynllun yw gwella iechyd plant a'u gallu i ganolbwyntio er mwyn
helpu i godi safonau dysgu a chyrhaeddiad. Nid yw'n fwriad i frecwast yn yr ysgol gymryd lle brecwast y mae
rhieni/gwarcheidwaid eisoes wedi'i ddarparu gartref.
Mae’r clwb ar agor i ddisgyblion o’r Dosbarth Meithrin i Flwyddyn 6. Os hoffech i'ch plentyn/plant fynychu'r
sesiynau brecwast rhaid i chi lenwi ffurflen gofrestru a'i dychwelyd i'r ysgol.
Nodwch nad hawl yw brecwast am ddim. Gall ysgolion wrthod mynediad i unrhyw blentyn os ystyrir bod ei
ymddygiad yn annerbyniol.
Free Breakfast Club
Since May 2010 we have been running a free Breakfast Club between 8.15 and 8.40 a.m. The Welsh Government
made a commitment to provide the opportunity for all children of primary school age in Wales to have a free,
healthy breakfast at school each day. The purpose of the scheme is to improve children’s health and their ability to
concentrate in order to elevate standards of learning and achievement. Breakfast at school is not intended to replace
breakfast already provided by parents/guardians.
The club is open to children from the Nursery Class to Year 6. If you would like your child(ren) to attend you must
complete a registration form and return to the school.
Please note a free breakfast is not a right. Schools can refuse entry to any child on the grounds of unacceptable
Clwb Allysgol Corneli
Cynhelir Clwb Allysgol Corneli yng Nghanolfan Plant Corneli. Mae’r clwb yn cynnig gofal plant cyn ac ar ôl
ysgol a chlwb gwyliau i blant Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr a phlant Ysgol Gynradd Corneli.
Clwb Allysgol Corneli is held at Cornelly Children’s Centre. The club offers wrap-around and holiday care for the pupils
of Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr and Cornelly Primary.
Oriau/ Hours
Dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener
Monday to Friday
Clwb Gwyliau 7.30 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
7.30 – 8.45 a.m.
£10 ½ Diwrnod/
3.30 – 6.00 p.m.
½ Day
Am fanylion pellach cysylltwch â / For further details contact
Dorothy Lawson ar 0778 8981438
Pontio/ Transition
Mae gan yr ysgol gysylltiad cryf â Chylchoedd Meithrin Sgêr a Phorthcawl. Rydym yn ymweld â’r cylchoedd yn rheolaidd
ac yn cynnal tasgiau pontio a threfnu ymweliadau â’r ysgol yn ystod y flwyddyn. Rydym hefyd yn sicrhau ein bod yn rhoi’r
un cyfleoedd pontio i blant nad sy’n mynychu’r cylchoedd.
Yn ystod eu hamser ym mlwyddyn 6 y mae’r disgyblion yn dechrau paratoi ar gyfer trosglwyddo i’r Ysgol Gyfun. Ar hyn
o bryd maent yn trosglwyddo i Ysgol Gyfun Llangynwyd, Maesteg.
Mae’r cysylltiad rhwng Ysgol Llangynwyd ac Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr yn un agos. Daw’r Pennaeth, y Dirprwy a Phennaeth
Blwyddyn 7 i gynnal cyfarfod â phlant blwyddyn 6 a’i rhieni. Trefnir sawl ymweliad i’r plant ag Ysgol Llangynwyd er
mwyn iddynt fedru dechrau ymgartrefu cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Sefydlir nifer o brosiectau yn ogystal, gan gynnwys
rhai a ddechreuir o dan ein gofal ni ac a fydd yn parhau ym mlwyddyn 7.
Fe ddaw aelodau o adran Anghenion Addysgiadol Arbennig Ysgol Llangynwyd i drafod anghenion plant unigol cyn iddynt
drosglwyddo i’r Ysgol Gyfun.
The school has strong working relationships with the Cylchoedd Meithrin at Sgêr and Porthcawl. We visit the cylchoedd regularly
and hold transition events and visits to the school during the year. We also ensure that children who do not attend either Cylch are
given the same transition opportunities.
During their time in Year 6 the pupils will begin to prepare for transition to the Comprehensive school. They will be transferring to
Ysgol Gyfun Llangynwyd, Maesteg.
The connection between Ysgol Llangynwyd and Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr is close. The Headteacher, Deputy and Head of Year 7 hold
meetings with our Year 6 pupils and their parents. Several transition visits are organised in order that the pupils become
accustomed to the school as soon as possible. Projects are also established which begin with us and continue in Year 7.
Teachers from the Special Educational Needs Department at Llangynwyd visit us to discuss individual children’s needs before they
transfer to the Comprehensive.
Data Presenoldeb/ Attendance Data
Mae manylion presenoldeb 2013-2014 fel a ganlyn:
Details of pupil attendance for the academic year 2013-2014 are as follows:
Tymor yr Hydref
Autumn Term
Tymor y Gwanwyn
Spring Term
Tymor yr Haf
Summer Term
Absenoldeb wedi’i
Authorised Absences
Absenoldeb heb
Canlyniadau Asesiadau Athrawon/ Teacher Assessment Results
Cyfnod Sylfaen Ysgol - 2014 / Foundation Phase - School 2014
Datblygiad Personol a Chymdeithasol, Lles ac
Amrywiaeth/ Personal and Social Development,
Wellbeing and Diversity
Cymraeg/ Welsh
Mathemateg/ Mathematics
*1 plentyn=3.4%
1 child = 3.4%
Canlyniadau Cymharol 2014 Deilliant 5+ / Comparable Results 2014 outcome 5+
Datblygiad Personol a Chymdeithasol, Lles ac Amrywiaeth/
Personal and Social Development, Wellbeing and Diversity
Sgiliau Iaith - Cymraeg/ Language Skills - Welsh
Datblygiad mathemategol/ Mathematical Development
Local Authority
Cyfnod Allweddol 2 - Ysgol 2014/ Key Stage 2 School - 2014
Cymraeg/ Welsh
Llefaredd/ Oracy
Darllen/ Reading
Ysgrifennu/ Writing
Saesneg/ English
Llefaredd/ Oracy
Darllen/ Reading
Ysgrifennu/ Writing
Mathemateg/ Mathematics
Gwyddoniaeth/ Science
NO 3
Canlyniadau Cymharol 2014 Lefel 4+/ Compaarable Results 2014 Level 4+
Saesneg/ English
Cymraeg Iaith Gyntaf/ Welsh First Language
Mathemateg/ Mathematics
Gwyddoniaeth/ Science
* 1 plentyn = 3.6%
1 child = 3.6%
Dyddiadau Tymor 2014-2015/ Term Dates for 2014 -2015
Hanner Tymor
Half Term
Hydref 2014
Dydd Llun, Medi’r 1af
Dydd Llun Hydref y
Dydd Gwener, Hydref
yr 31ain
Dydd Gwener,
Rhagfyr y 19eg
Autumn 2014
Monday, September 1st
Monday, October 27th
Friday, October 31st
Friday, December 19th
Dydd Llun, Ionawr 5ed
Dydd Llun, Chwefror
Dydd Gwener,
Chwefror 20ed
Dydd Gwener,
Mawrth y 27ain
Spring 2015
Monday, January 5th
Monday, February 16th
Friday, February 20th
Friday, March 27th
Haf 2015
Dydd Llun Ebrill 18ed
Dydd Llun Mai 25ain
Dydd Gwener Mai
Dydd Llun, Gorffennaf
yr 20ed
Summer 2015
Monday, April 18th
Monday, May 25th
Friday, May 29th
Monday, July 20th
Bydd yr ysgol yn cynnal 5 diwrnod hyfforddiant mewn swydd (HMS) yn ystod y flwyddyn. Byddwn yn eich
hysbysu am unrhyw ddyddiadau o leiaf bythefnos o flaen llaw.
Byddwn yn cynnal y diwrnod HMS cyntaf ar ddydd Llun Medi’r 1af. Bydd ysgol yn ail-ddechrau i’r plant ar
ddydd Mawrth, Medi’r 2il 2014.
The school will hold 5 In Service Training Days (INSET) during the year. We will inform you about any dates at least a
fortnight in advance.
The first INSET day wil be held on Monday September 1st. School will re-start for children on Tuesday,
September 2nd, 2014.
Trefn Gweithredu Cwynion (Cwricwlwm)/ Complaints Procedures (Curriculum)
Yn unol ag Adran 29 o Ddeddf Addysg 2002 y mae’r ysgol yn dilyn y drefn ar weithredu cwynion a awgrymir
gan y Sir. Y mae tri cham i’r broses.
Cam 1 Ystyriaeth anffurfiol gŵyn
Dylai cwynion rhieni bob amser gael eu cyfeirio at y pennaeth neu aelod dynodedig arall o staff. Mae trafodaeth
anffurfiol yn debygol o ddatrys cwynion gan y rhan fwyaf o rieni.
Cam 2 Cwyn ffurfiol i’r Pennaeth.
Os na fydd trafodaeth anffurfiol yn llwyddo i ddatrys y gŵyn, yna bydd gofyn i’r rhiant gyflwyno cwyn yn
ysgrifenedig i'r pennaeth, er mwyn gallu rhoi ateb ysgrifenedig ffurfiol. Dylai'r ateb ysgrifenedig hefyd amgáu
copi o weithdrefn gwynion yr ysgol.
Cam 3 Cwyn ffurfiol i’r Corff Llywodraethol.
Os yw'r achwynydd yn anfodlon â'r ateb ysgrifenedig yn y pen draw bydd hawl i gofrestru'r cwyn yn ffurfiol
gyda'r corff llywodraethol. Bydd ateb y pennaeth i'r rhiant yn rhoi hysbysiad am yr hawl hon
a chyfeiriad clerc y llywodraethwyr y dylid cyfeirio’r gŵyn atynt.
Ar gais i’r Pennaeth ceir copi llawn ar y drefn o weithredu ar gwynion.
In accordance with section 29 of the 2002 Education Act the school operates procedures endorsed by the Local
Education Authority regarding complaints. There are three steps to the process.
Step 1 Informal consideration of a complaint
Parental complaints should always be referred to the headteacher or other designated member of staff. An informal
discussion is likely to resolve most parental complaints.
Step 2 A formal complaint to the Headteacher
If an informal discussion fails to resolve the complaint, then the parent will be asked to submit the complaint, in writing
to the headteacher, in order that a formal written reply can be sent. The written reply should also enclose a copy of the
schools complaints procedure.
Step 3 Formal complaint to the Governing Body.
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the ultimate written reply there will be a right to register the formal complaint
with the governing body. The headteacher’s reply to the parent will give notification of this right and the address of the
clerk to the governing body to whom the complaint should be referred.
A copy of the full complaints procedure can be requested from the Headteacher.
2014/ 2015
Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sgêr, Greenfield Terrace, Corneli, Penybont, CF33 4LW.
Ffôn/ Tel: 01656 754865 Ffacs/ Fax: 01656 754869
Ebost/ Email: [email protected]
Gwefan/ Website: www.yferchorsger.co.uk

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