

Issue 10: Volume 5
The Definitive Source for Houston Pet Lovers
October 2006
Other Notable
and Their Pets
Also Inside
Learn About
Humane Orgs
They Need
Your Support
11 Great Events To
Enjoy With Your Pet
For October
Museum of
Fine Arts
It’s the
Best In Show
02 www.houstonpettalk.com
October, 2006
Front of the Book
On the Cover
Best in Show
How You Can Help
he one element of PetTalk that I always work to maintain is our focus on the Houston community. Some
of the most pertinent and useful information is in our own backyard. Readers gain knowledge from local
veterinarians, trainers, kennel owners, etc. because these resources are accessible.
With an eye on the community focus, PetTalk is highlighting several notable Houstonians and their pets. We
selected a cross-section of prominent folks including a pastor, philanthropist, news anchor, tv star/animal activist,
photographer and entrepreneur. Be sure to view a bio of these Houstonians and find out what their pet thinks
about them on page 12.
An important aspect of the Houston pet community is our animal shelters that work hard to adopt out animals
and educate the public on spay and neuter as well as responsible pet ownership. We are blessed to have so many
humane organizations all working toward the goal of a better quality of life for animals. I suppose it’s a good thing
that there are too many to mention! Although space doesn’t allow us to highlight all of these dedicated groups,
Taking Notice
Peace, Love, Dogs
Dog Knows
Cat Tails
Houston is in for a real treat with the start of the Museum of Fine Arts “Best In Show” exhibition of the dog in art from
Bird Clause
the Renaissance to today. Known as man’s best friend, dogs have been captured in many forms including paintings,
Animal Wellness
sculptures and drawings. Be sure to view this famed exhibit including additional artworks borrowed from private
Animal Welfare
collections and museums around the world, on view in the Beck European Galleries starting October 1, 2006.
Trainer Talk
Italian Café
PetTalk extends a “thank you” for all you do. To learn more about local humane organizations, see page 8.
October and November are considered the “high season” for galas that provide a major source of fundraising for
our humane organizations. Please think about attending one of these fabulous events that are highlighted in our
calendar. Grab a date and go have great food, drink, dancing and tons of fun bidding on the silent and live auction
items. You’ll be doing a great favor to an animal in need!
On the Cover
Michelle Mantor
Taking Notice
There’s more than one kind
14781 Memorial Drive, Ste. 510, Houston, Texas 77079
© Copyright 2006. Reproduction or use
without written permission of articles,
editorial or pictorial content in any
manner is prohibited. Houston PetTalk
does not knowingly accept false or
misleading advertising or editorial, nor
do the publishers assume responsibility
should such advertising or editorial
appear. Houston PetTalk does not
endorse any specific product or service
contained herein; we do encourage you
to support our advertisers whenever
of good “spirit” in the Osteen
Victoria Osteen, co-pastor of
Lakewood Church, poses with her
charming shih-tzu named Spirit.
Photography by: Evin Thayer
Tell our advertisers you heard about
them in Houston PetTalk!
Houston PetTalk Magazine 03
October 2006
October 1 & 7, 2006
October 21
October 28
own dog mask, take photos with
Golden Retriever Rescue of
11:30AM-4PM “Molly’s Mutt
Poodle Rescue of Houston annual
your dog and more.
Houston Meet and Greet Days
House-Heights” GRAND OPENING/
garage sale 8am-5pm. Bring
at the Orvis flagship store in The
HALLOWEEN Costume Party. Join us
donated items to the sale site
Woodlands during Orvis Days - in celebrating our second location
before Saturday, come visit the
November 4
Sunday, October 1st, noon to 2:30 at 1726 W 23rd St. Dress up your
poodles and shop. Prestonwood
Citizens For Animal Protection’s
and Saturday, October 7, 11-2pm
pooch and yourself in costume and
Kennels, 13302 Schroeder Road,
have a blast with a raffle,costume
at Hilton Americas. For more
October 6
contest for the dogs and their
Rick Springfield will be live in
people, games and food.
information, call 281-497-0591 or
October 28
visit www.cap4pets.org
The Spay-Neuter Assistance
Concert at the Stafford Centre. Proceeds from this performance
October 27
Program, Inc. (SNAP) Snap-A-Go-
November 4
will benefit PAWS Houston and
Golf fundraiser for Houston
Go concert event starring Felix
Bay Area SPCA “Woofstock” 11am-
the Ronald McDonald House. Humane Society at Sienna
Cavaliere’s Rascals, www.snapus.
4pm. It will be held at C. D. “Cap”
Information and tickets are
Plantations Golf Club. Join Jan
org or contact us at 713.862.3863.
Landolt Pavilion in Clear Lake Park.
available at www.rock-for-life.org,
Jeffcoat, the morning anchor for
Stafford Centre Box Office and
FOX 26, for a great day of golf
October 29
pet readings, live music, games and
and fun. For more info, visit www.
Museum of Fine Arts sponsors
more. Visit www.bayareaspca.org.
Family Day and Pooches on Parade,
October 14 & 15
Features holiday shopping, psychic
Cullen Sculpture Garden, 1pm-4pm.
PET FEST 2006 - Old Town Spring,
October 28
Dogs must be on leash. Discover
Texas. The event is scheduled
Montgomery County Humane
the many different breeds of dogs
to have 50 rescue groups,
Society’s 12th annual Mutt Strutt
in the exhibition Best in Show: The
microchipping, Blessing of the
and Dog Day Afternoon fundraiser,
Dog in Art from Renaissance to
Animals, costume contests, fashion
9:00am-4:00pm, at The Woodlands
Today. Bring your dog and make a
shows and more!!
Town Green Park.
“Picasso” with paws, design your
Now Offering::
�Doggie Daycare �All Natural Dog Food �Treats & Supplements
�Grooming �Training & Boarding
1726 W 23rd St
239 W Gray St
713-426-MUTT (6888)
04 www.houstonpettalk.com
Spotted + Henrietta
Does your pet want to be a star? Each issue, PetTalk publishes photos sent in by readers or our
For your pet to appear in Spotted, e-mail
photographers capture fun pictures of people and their pets around Houston. Send us a photo or
us a digital picture of your pet along with
perhaps you’ll get “spotted” by us!
it’s name, breed and owners name to
[email protected].
Unknown but Cute! Sunny
Unkown submission but very
cute dog.
Breed: Lab/Beagle Mix
Proud Owner: Becky B.
Breed: Toy Poodle
Proud Owner: Marie O.
Breed: Golden Retriever
Proud Owners: Tom and Jayne H.
Henrietta on Houston
Speaking her mind...
I think I’m having a mid-life crisis. Ok, I know
I’m only three…but that’s 21 in human
hearted part of my description.
Ok, fine. If I have to get a job, it needs
years. Ok..still not a mid-life crisis…we’ll just
to be fabulous!…high salary, 6 weeks
call it a twentysomething-still-trying-to-
vacation, donuts every morning, my own
I know what you’re thinking..that I’m too
too late. That job has already come and
gone...Enruff Corporation is out of business”.
staff of mildly qualified but very good
looking twenty-somethings, company car
young to be so serious minded and thinking
(a Hummer will suffice), Rover Oaks Country
so deeply about my future. You’re right, I am
Club membership, stock options backdated
too young. I made the same point to mom in
to give me the best possible deal, use
the middle of the it’s-time-to-do-something-
of the company jet for personal trips, a
with-yourself-Henrietta-so-get-a-job “chat”
personal body guard (something macho like
we had just the other night. I explained to her
a German Shephard or Doberman will do),
that I was perfectly happy with my current
liver treats in all of my suit pockets and my
routine….waking, eating, playing, eating,
own indoor toilet….
napping, eating, tv watching, eating, bedtime.
my ideas, all she said was “Henrietta, you’re
Now, you would think that my mom would
This loving, nurturing, kind-hearted, devoted
appreciate the deep thought I put into my
person that birthed me actually looked at
career aspirations. I spent an entire afternoon
me and said, “exactly my point, Henrietta!”.
under a park bench conjuring up the mental
Hmmm. I may have to re-evaluate the kind-
picture of my dream job. But when I told her
Houston PetTalk Magazine 05
Best in Show
Museum of Fine Arts Houston Exhibition, Best in Show,
Presents ‘Man’s Best Friend’ through the Centuries
est in Show: The Dog in
renowned painters, sculptors, and
Art from the Renaissance
photographers, as well as exceptional
to Today, organized by the
works by lesser-known but equally
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and
the Bruce Museum of Arts & Science,
inspired artists. “The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Greenwich, Connecticut, examines
is pleased to present this exhibition
the depictions of this most favored
which celebrates the loyalty and
and domesticated of all creatures
devotion between humans and their
throughout the history of Western art. canine companions,” said Peter C.
The exhibition opened at the Bruce
Marzio, MFAH director. “Visitors will
Museum on May 13, and then travels
be able to trace how the depiction of
to the MFAH, where it expands to
dogs in art mirrors the prevalent styles
include additional artworks borrowed
and techniques throughout different
from private collections and museums
periods in Western art history.”
around the world, and will be on
Presented chronologically, Best
irony of the canines of Pop and Post-
Rosenblum, in his catalogue essay. Modernism, dogs have always taken
“And since dogs have always provided
view in the Beck European Galleries
in Show explores the use of dog
their place beside and often in place
Rorschach tests for their owners and
starting October 1, 2006 – January
imagery to illustrate major cultural and
of people.
their admirers, appearing to be joyous
1, 2007. A fully illustrated catalogue,
social concerns in Western culture. Best in Show: The Dog in Art from the
Through the nobility and drama of
the various roles dogs can play in
rich or poor, lonely or sociable, they
Renaissance to Today, accompanies
the hounds of the hunt depicted by
our lives, the restless changes in
continue to accommodate, as no
the exhibition. Renaissance and Baroque artists; the
Western thought and emotions
animal could, the most flexible
cozy domesticity of Dutch mutts and
also meant that at different times
scenarios invented for them by their
approximately 75 of the most
the pampered luxury of French Rococo
in history, artists and their patrons
human friends.”
Best in Show features
“But despite the constants of
or melancholy, innocent or naughty,
For more information about the
significant and provocative paintings,
and Impressionist lapdogs; the studied
would emphasize different aspects
sculptures, and photographs of man’s
modernity of the spoiled pet of the
of those dogs with whom they lived
exhibit or hours of operation, visit
best friend by distinguished and
Impressionists; and finally the wit and
and hunted,” says art historian Robert
06 www.houstonpettalk.com
Photographed by Evin Thayer
Thinking of buying or selling a home?
Call Brian Teichman at
(713) 858-4136
1545 Heights Blvd. Houston, Texas 77008
[email protected]
How You Can Help
Houston Humane Organizations
ouston is no different
protection of homeless animals.
• Providing pets to become
than any other city with
CAP’s adoption stories are the
service dogs (hearing, drug
supporting the homeless pet
our share of homeless
pinnacle of its success, but the
detections, etc.).
population. On October 27th
• Providing trap/neuter/release
to get involved in our activities
animals facing death unless they
true success remains the focus on
find a home. Thanks to many
the individual animal. We believe
services for feral cats enabling
we’ll be hosting our annual golf
tournament at Sienna Plantation,
compassionate people, humane
that every time we help an animal,
them to live a healthy and
on November 10th we’re inviting
organizations of varying size and
we are helping the people in our
happy life without reproducing
wine-lovers and their dogs to the
type exist within our city to help
community through our services
countless offspring.
Tasting Room in Midtown for a
reduce the number of unwanted
and programs by:
Houston Humane Society,
wine tasting. November 18th
animals. Although PetTalk would
• Accepting animals no longer
through generous donations, cares
and December 9th we’ll be taking
love to profile every humane
wanted as well as strays and
for more than 30,000 animals
pictures of your pets with “Santa
organization in the Bayou City
unwanted litters.
annually. HHS offers pet adoptions,
Paws.” Most importantly, we’ll
• Adopting pets to people thereby
$30 Spay/Neuter Clinic and low-
be opening up our brand new
only permits us to highlight a few
teaching lessons of compassion,
cost vaccinations for the general
shelter building in early 2007,
shelters. Please view the inset on
unconditional love, proper pet
public, microchipping, and RAIDER,
doubling our capacity to house
page 10 for an additional listing of
care and responsibility. Houston’s only animal cruelty
homeless pets! Visit us at www.
investigation team staffed by police
and surrounding areas, space
organizations that offer pets for
• Visiting children at schools
Houston SPCA exists to
adoption and need your support.
to teach them empathy and
officers. HHS has also pioneered
Also, be sure to read our Animal
respect for all living creatures. “Burnies Buddies”, offering safe
promote respect for all animals
Welfare column each month that
keeping for the pets of domestic
and free them from suffering and
is contributed by various humane
• Visiting hospitals or
convalescent homes to improve
abuse victims and “Pawprints,”
abuse. One way we accomplish this
their daily lives and/or their
working with the Houston Aids
mission is to accept all animals in
mental and physical condition.
Foundation to care for the pets of
need. The doors of the Houston
AIDS patients.
SPCA are always open and no
Citizens for Animal Protection
(www.cap4pets.org) was founded
• Offering advice to people
in 1972 for benevolent, charitable
concerning pet behavior issues
and educational purposes for the
and basic pet care.
Throughout the year, the HHS
encourages Houston residents
Is This Your Dog?
animal is ever turned away. -Continued on page 10.
Any Problem, Any Age
Does your dog:
Bark at the doorbell
Jump on people
Pull on leash
Not come when called
Show aggression
877-500-BARK (2275)
World’s Largest Dog Training Company
08 www.houstonpettalk.com
Dig, chew, and/or escape
Bark unnecessarily
Create havoc in your home
Vacation with your Pet
in the Texas Hill Country
Luxurious, Pet Friendly Lodging
in Wimberley, Texas
[email protected]
Mention this Ad and Your Pet Stays FREE!!!!
We Put on the Dog for You
Lunch, Brunch, Dinner, Events and Meetings
3939 San Felipe Houston, Texas 77027
713.528.2264 www.ouisiestable.com
Houston PetTalk Magazine 09
-Continued from page 8.
for in the homes of those who rescue them.
adoption at an animal shelter; these include
every year are lost, homeless, and unwanted. The majority of the animals we receive
The rescuer serves as the foster parent until
animals with skin problems such as mange
Many people think we shelter only dogs and
the animal is adopted into a permanent home.
or ringworm, heartworm positive dogs, and
cats, but small mammals like guinea pigs,
This cooperative effort between HPPL and
injured or seriously malnourished strays.
hamsters, and rabbits, as well as horses, cows,
the foster home helps animals that would not
goats, and pigs also find haven. In addition,
fit the criteria allowing them to be placed for
Visit the HPPL web site for adoption days at
area PetsMart locations, www.hppl.org.
we accept wildlife and work closely with
these animals to their original habitats when
Houston humane organizations:
possible. Homeless Pet Placement League, www.hppl.org, 713.862.7387
Saving Animals Across Borders, www.savinganimals.org, 713.527.4490
area with the ability to provide shelter to big
Homeless & Orphaned Pets Endeavor (Hope), www.homelesspets.net, 713.622.4673
cats and other exotic animals. Many of these
Wildlife Rehab & Education, 713.643.9453
spend up to six months at the shelter waiting
Greyhound Pets of America, www.greyhoundpets.org, 713.667.3804
for placement. Bay Area SPCA, www.bayareaspca.com, 281.339.2086
Bunny Buddies, www.bunnybuddies.org
does not operate a shelter; animals are cared
Whiskerville Animal Sanctuary, www.whiskerville.org, 409.948.1112
10 www.houstonpettalk.com
" I S S O N N E T s
Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care (BARC), 713.247.5124
Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, www.noahs-ark-sanctuary.org, 281.351.6624
stray and abandoned dogs and cats. The HPPL
Humane Ranch of Texas (horses), 713.270.7346
provides for the rehabiliation and adoption of
Spay and Neuter Assistance Program, www.snapus.org, 713.522.2337
is a nonprofit animal welfare organization that
The Homeless Pet Placement League (HPPL)
Pal’s For Pooches, www.palsforpooches.com, 281.548.7166
our programs, visit us at www.houstonspca.org
To learn more about the Houston SPCA and
The Houston SPCA is the only shelter in the
reputable rehabilitation specialists to return
Houston PetTalk Magazine 11
Photography by:
Evin Thayer
Notable Houstonians and
Their Furry Companions
Victoria Osteen & Spirit
t first glance, one might wander
what a co-pastor of one of the
nation’s largest churches, a news
anchor, a financial services CEO, a publishing CEO, an Animal Cops Houston TV star
turned animal adoption manager and a
celebrated photographer have in common. Other than their status as prominent
Houstonians, they share a love of animals.
Here is a peek at life with their pets:
12 www.houstonpettalk.com
Name: Victoria Osteen
Name: Spirit
Occupation: Co-pastor, along with
Claim to fame: From the backyard,
husband Joel Osteen, of Lakewood
I can hear cheese being unwrapped
in the kitchen and can be there in
Favorite Jewelry Store: Iloff
two seconds flat
Jewelers (owned by Victoria’s
Favorite game: Even though I’m
not a retriever, I still love a great
Favorite Food: Italian
game of “fetch the ball”
What she loves most about
Nickname: Shadow…although I
Spirit: She’s so amenable...she
love my whole family (even Joel’s
goes along with everything and
cute dimples), I never leave mom’s
she’s just so polite!
Favorite Place: Any place with a
Favorite part of the day: Evening
change of season…it refreshes me
walks through the neighborhood
Favorite Thing To Do: Spending
What she loves most about
time with God and making
Victoria: She cooks chicken for me
memories with my family
Unique habit: I go to church
Hobbies: enjoying the outdoors
How to know you’re really an
and exercising
Osteen: I have great hair!
Interesting Fact: She has traveled
on numerous mission trips to some
of the most impoverished parts of
the globe, including a dozen visits
to India
Name: Nola
Occupation: CEO of Benchmark
Breed: Labrador/Pit Bull Mix
Equity Group and Philanthropist
Trademark: Great Kisser
Biggest Accomplishment:
Favorite Pastime: Chasing people
Philanthropic works that benefit
on jet skis along the bulkhead
children and animals. “I’m dedicated
of her waterfront property and
to giving a voice to those who
swimming in the lake
cannot speak for themselves…I
Other Siblings: Tommy the
want to make sure they have help”
Rottweiler, Maggie the Boxer/Pit
Humane Organizations
Bull mix, Spike the Jack Russell and
Supported: Citizens For Animal
The Fabulous Poodle Trio (Jaques,
Protection, Spay and Neuter
Zia Zia and GiGi)
Assistance Program
Unique Skill: Sings
Little Known Fact: Sleeps with
What Nola Loves About Frank: He
three poodles…Jaques, GiGi and
kisses her back.
Well Known Fact: She’s the boss
Well Known Fact: Has one of the
of the property!
most beautiful women in Houston
as a wife..Kimberly DeLape
What Frank Likes Best About
Nola: She loves to sit in his lap and
M&M candy”
Occupation: Publishing Magnate
Name: Prepaid
(Editor In Chief of H Texas Magazine,
Occupation: I work the graveyard
CEO of Quality Publishing, Producer of
shift so to speak…I bring mom
the Bridal Extravaganza)
“presents” and leave them on the
Big News: Recently engaged and as
doorstep. Mostly, I like to give her
producer of the Bridal Extravaganza,
frogs and opossums
can’t decide on the details of her
Favorite Spot: Bathroom closet
own wedding!
Little Known Fact: I have a tattoo
Favorite Food: Mexican
Self Proclaimed Nickname:
Passion: Travel writing…”I’ve spent
Houdini…I can escape anything
my whole life preparing to be a travel
Proudest of: My criminal record. “I
writer...I’ve traveled a lot and I love it”
was falsely accused and imprisoned
Little Known Fact: Afraid of dogs
for a biting incident. I was innocent
from a childhood dog bite but was
and humiliated but I know the
“rehabilitated” by a roommate’s dog
experience made me stronger”
How Prepaid got his name: He’s
What Prepaid loves most about
named after Laurette’s prepaid
Laurette: She throws great parties!
phone card magazine called InteleCardNEWS
What she loves most about
Prepaid: He’s a great party dog…”For
Christmas he wears a Santa costume
and at Halloween he dresses as an
Frank DeLape & Nola
Laurette Veres & Prepaid
Name: Frank DeLape
Name: Laurette Veres
give kisses
Houston PetTalk Magazine 13
Name: Findlay
Occupation: Anchors KHOU-TV
Bad habits: I burp a lot and I throw
newscast…and blogs for animals at
up in mom’s car
What Findlay likes most about
Lisa: She still loves me even though
Humane organizations
I burp a lot and throw up in her car
supported: CAP, SNAP, HSPCA,
What Findlay likes second
Animal Alliance of Galveston, HHS
most about Lisa: She throws my
Where she and Findlay met: Golden
squeaky football over and over..
Beginnings Rescue
and she gives awesome chest
What she loves about Findlay:
scratches…. (Findlay, you just made
He’s a happy dog…even if I’ve had a
a lot of men very envious!)
bad day, he always greets me with
Favorite TV show: KHOU news at
a great attitude
5pm and 10pm
Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese
Unique fetish: Eating the yellow
Life Philosophy: “What does not
fuzz on tennis balls
kill me will make me stronger”,
Favorite pastime: Swimming
Friedrich Nietzsche
Proudest of: I’m a mamma’s boy!
Findlay’s cutest moment: He lays
his head on the side of the bed
every morning and stares at me
Max Mixon & Marley
until I get up…he’s my alarm clock!
Lisa Foronda & Findlay
Name: Lisa Foronda
Name: Max Mixson
Name: Marley
Occupation: Saving Animals
Occupation: Cat Chaser
Adoption Manager
Favorite Toy: Currently it’s Teddy
Claim To Fame: Hot star of Animal
Bear Sheriff but given my shredding
Planet’s Animal Cops Houston
ability, I’ll have to move on next week
cruelty investigation show
Favorite Food: Peanut Butter
Animal Attraction: “I grew up
What he loves most about Max:
with animals of all kinds including
He gave me a home!
dogs, cats, turtles, snakes, frogs,
What makes him crazy: Squirrels
armadillos, opossums and birds..it’s
Philosophical Mantra: Adopt an
natural for me to work with them
animal from a shelter or rescue
and for them too”
organization…. you’ll be saving a life
Favorite Food: All…. especially
Favorite TV Show: Anything on
Discovery Channel and Houston
Astros’ games
Personal Peek: He’s single!
Nationality: Texan To The Bone
What he loves most about Marley:
He loves people..especially me!
Where he and Marley met:
Rescued him from the Weimeraner
Rescue of North Texas
14 www.houstonpettalk.com
Name: Conchita
Occupation: Photographer
Occupation: Home Entertainment
Reason for your fame: Status
Most impressive skill: I’m bilingual
as the premier photographer for
Favorite food: Peanuts, Peanuts
Houston PetTalk Magazine (great
and oh..did I say Peanuts?
answer Evin!)
Can’t live without: The theme
Favorite drink: Margarita
song to the Beverly Hillbillies
Little known fact: I love to
Gets you going: The vacuum
remodel houses
cleaner…I break out (or should I Humane Organizations
say “beak out”) into a fit of talking
Supported: Saving Animals, CAP
and singing
and various breed rescue groups
Favorite song to sing: I Left My
by donating my time for their
Heart In San Francisco
fundraising efforts
Spoil factor: I love to be hand fed
Most memorable photo shoot:
President Bush (the 41st President
of the U.S.)
Funniest photography story: I photographed the same woman
getting married three separate
times…all to men named “Bill”…and
she sang Will You Marry Me Bill at all
three weddings!
Evin Thayer & Conchita
Name: Evin Thayer
Proudly providing a
te l
of t
ch s
•24/7 staff
ces to
Houstonʼs urban d
•24/7 webcams
•Doggie Daycare
•Cage-free Sleepovers
•Luxury Loft Boarding
•Cat Boarding
•and the best in pet supplies
since 1999.
ith an infectious giggle, sparkling
every detail that promotes the well-being of
blue eyes and a manner of
the dog. For instance, much thought was put
confidence that even the
into the indoor boarding arrangements. Darci
animals respect, Darci Davenport is a modern
insisted the dogs not feel confined so each
day Alice In Wonderland. Surrounded by a
“bedroom” is encompassed by a picket fence
menagerie of dogs, birds and even Freddie the
so the dogs can see out. Another unique
cayman, she’s blissfully at peace.
feature at Darci’s is that all dogs, even the
boarding dogs, are part of the “romper room”
Peace, Love, Dogs…. there’s no better
maxim to describe Darci’s essence other than
daycare venue. Lots of exercise translates to
the very apropos name of her Missouri City
tired but happy pups!
In addition to a fun atmosphere, Darci is
business, Darci’s All About Dogs. “It really is
also mindful of health and nutrition. The
all about the dogs,” says Darci of her doggie
“meal” at Darci’s is one of the top premium
daycare, boarding and grooming facility.
foods offered on the market, EVO by Innova.
Located in southwest Houston, Darci’s All
About Dogs is not only a place for dogs to be
“I started feeding EVO to my dogs and the
cared for or groomed in their owner’s absence,
results were so good that I started feeding it
but it is truly a place of fun and joy. “The dogs
at the business as well” she notes.
Darci’s All About Dogs has grown
are socialized and play together and it’s all
included in the price,” says Darci. “Unless there
substantially over the last three years since
is a health reason, every dog gets to play”.
her business was featured on the front page
at play and making friends. It may sound
of the Fort Bend Sun as well as a segment
when grooming and boarding her own pets,
strange, but they actually do make friends and
on Channel 2 news. Holidays are especially
Darci opened her business from a customer’s
you can see their emotions when their friend
crowded and require early bookings. As a
standpoint. After repeated sessions of her dog
leaves or arrives for day camp” notes Darci.
testament to her devotion and love for her
coming home shaved rather than groomed in
Not only does Darci receive great joy in giving
“charges”, Darci has a plethora of customers
the style she had requested, Darci decided to
the dogs a fun atmosphere, she protects that
who have been faithful since she opened the
take matters into her own hands. She does a
element of her business with ferocity. “If dogs
large portion of the grooming and she plays
don’t play well with others, they don’t stay
with all the pups.
with us”, she says without reservation.
Dissatisfied with the service she received
“We are all about loving the dogs, having
fun, giving each dog attention and making
Like so many other dog enthusiasts, Darci’s
their stay as close to home as possible,” says
the animals,” says Erin Hurdiss, a long time
love of dogs goes back to her childhood. She
Darci. “It’s our belief that dogs should have a
customer that brings her Newfoundland and
has also passed the “baton of love” to her
great time on their vacation too!”
two Otter Hounds to Darci’s every week. “I
daughter, Megan. As manager of Petland in
can’t even mention Darci’s name in the house
Missouri City, Megan has not only inherited
and they all three go crazy and are ready to
her mother’s affinity for furry creatures, but
go. It’s amazing!” she adds.
she also models after her mother’s focus on
“Darci is truly unique in her kinship with
Making sure the dogs have fun is Darci’s
the animal’s welfare and customer service. “I
Darci’s Stylist: Tiffany and Jaclyn at Milagro,
4755 Hwy 6 S
Photography: Evin Thayer Studios, 405
Darci would like to give a special thank you
to Freddie the cayman’s dad, Beau Kahla of
number one goal. With a plethora of toys,
make sure to spend time with each customer
sandboxes, kiddie pools and even a toddler
and stress the importance of proper care
Boaz-N-More, [email protected], Petland
bed shaped like a VW Bug, Darci’s old
for their animal including nutrition, training,
franchise owner, Brandon Beardon and
farmhouse is transformed into a doggie
socializing and proper veterinary care”, says
Darci’s daughter Megan Prast, 6026 Hwy 6
wonderland. Even the big dogs get to enjoy a
large, shaded play yard.
“It really gives me great joy to see the dogs
18 www.houstonpettalk.com
What truly sets Darci’s All About Dogs apart
from many other facilities is the attention to
South and It’s A Dogs Life, Sugar Land Town
Center for doggie wear and Juicy Couture
Houston Press
Basic On-Leash
Obedience Classes
at Rover Oaks Pet Resort
Pawn & Jewelry Company
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For more information about Jim
Auburn Kennels
Boarding z Grooming z Supplies
zAuthorized Dealer for Premium Foods Including Innova, California Natural, Solid Gold,
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zExercise 3 Times Daily zAll-Breed Professional Dog Grooming
zThe Only Separate Boarding, Grooming and Retail Facility for Cats in Spring Branch
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Auburn Kennels Features:
Evo Dog & Cat Food & Treats;
Innova Dog & Cat Food & Health Bars;
California Natural Dog & Cat Food &
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1551 Campbell Road 77055
Houston PetTalk Magazine 19
Dog Knows
Cat Tales
Bird Clause
By: Mark Silberman D.V.M.
Southwest Animal Clinic
By: Christie Cornelius, D.V.M.
The Cat Veterinary Clinic
By: William Dougherty
Adventures in Birds
Safeguarding the health of your senior
Put this magazine down right now and look
If a talking pet appeals to you, an Amazon
pet is of primary concern. Senior wellness
at your cat’s teeth. Look at ALL OF THEM,
or African Grey might be what you’re looking
programs allow veterinarians to help increase your
including the back molars. What do you see? If
for. They are some of the best talkers. They can be
pet’s lifespan through proactive preventive health
all you see is white shiny teeth and pink healthy
boisterous, clever, and very entertaining. They are very
care. Because many health problems cannot be
gums, then you have a kitten. If you see anything
smart and will test their owners.
identified by a physical exam, it is recommended all
different than this, then your cat may have dental
senior pets receive wellness screenings to permit
disease. Imagine not brushing your teeth for a
a requisite characteristic when choosing your pet.
early diagnosis of any hidden problems.
week, let alone several years. The degree of dental
Choose a young, well-socialized bird and love him for
disease will vary, but if left unchecked, your cat
his many fine qualities, whether or not talking is among
obtaining an early diagnosis, as there can be a delay
could eventually develop a painful and infected
them. The friendly and very vocal behavior of these
between the development of an internal problem
mouth. And I’m not talking mild Anbesol pain. I’m
domestic birds clearly stems from the fact that in the
and the associated symptoms. Taking advantage of
talking about pain so severe that it can literally
wild these are very social birds.
inexpensive wellness screenings now can save you
debilitate your cat. If you looked in the mirror and
money and provide peace of mind concerning your
imagined having a mouth that looked like your
mix of brains and beauty”. Much of the notoriety
pet’s health.
cat’s, what would your significant other think? How
of this species stems from the phenomenal gift of
long would it take you to make an emergency call
speech Greys exhibit.
Health screenings are often the only way of
Normal test results are also an important factor
in maintaining your pet’s health. They provide
to your dentist for immediate relief? Would you
valuable information about your pet’s medical
feel like eating hard food? history, and are especially useful in the event he/
she should get sick or injured in the future.
Please decide to invest in the long-term health
We can no longer allow our feline population to
suffer in silence. And that’s exactly what cats do. They don’t believe there is anything they CAN do
It’s best to consider talking a bonus rather than
The African Grey Parrot has been called “the perfect
Some studies suggest that Greys and some
Amazons don’t just mimic but can use words
learned in new combinations to convey new wants,
needs and desires.
The three Amazons, which are known to be the best
of your pet by having your veterinarian perform a
about the horrible pain in their mouths, so they “get
talkers, are the Yellow Nape, Yellow Head and the Blue
senior wellness screening. It is recommended to
used to it” and function as best as they can despite
Front. In addition to learning a large vocabulary, many
perform these diagnostic tests for your pet:
the pain. will also whistle, sing and mimic household sounds.
Complete Blood Count
Chemistry Profile
veterinarian in over 6 months, then it’s time for a
pet parrot because they are very affectionate and
Thyroid Hormone Assay
checkup. Ask your veterinarian to explain what’s
easy to train. Napes are excellent “talkers” and their
Thoracic and Abdominal X-rays
going on in your cat’s mouth and ask what you can
vocabularies can be quite extensive. Singing is also a
do to take proper care of your cat’s teeth.
favorite past time of Yellow Napes.
20 www.houstonpettalk.com
If your cat’s mouth hasn’t been examined by a
The Blue-Fronted Amazon Parrot is a popular
Come see and compare all these babies at
Adventures In Birds, 7414 Westview!
Distributed by Premium Pet Products
For more information call 713-785-3191
or visit www.naturapet.com
ABC Pet Resort & Spa Crossroads Animal Clinic
(281) 444-9414
(281) 859-3050
17024 Bamwood
16500 FM 529
Houston, TX 77090
Houston, TX 77095
Lakewood Forest
Veterinary Hospital
(281) 376-1172
11802 Louetta Road
Houston, TX 77070
Paw's on Jackrabbit
(281) 469-7305
8110 Jackrabbit
Houston, TX 77095
Veterans Memorial Drive
Animal Hospital
(281) 440-4441
12315 Veterans Memorial
Houston , TX 77014
Job Pops 2 Pet
(281) 597-1499
13984 Westheimer
Houston, TX 77077
Parkland Kennel
(281) 342-0852
615 Pitts Road
Richmond, TX 77469
Belle Creek Sports Dog
Training Center
(281) 431-5060
4520 C.R. 64
Rosharon, TX 77583
Natural Pawz
(281) 362-7299
6700 Woodlands Pkwy.
The Woodlands, TX
Clearlake Kennels
(281) 332-4870
18520 South Highway 3
Webster, TX 77598
Auburn Kennels
(713) 465-6425
1551 Campbell Rd.
Houston, TX 77055
Carlisle's Salon & Suites
(713) 521-2273
2517 South Blvd.
Houston, TX 77098
Cooper Animal Clinic
(713) 861-1155
1136 Heights Blvd.
Houston, TX 77008
Fat Cat Flats
(713) 528-6369
1516 Alabama
Houston, TX 77006
Pet Stop
(713) 266-5869
6401 Woodway Dr #163
Houston, TX 77057
Rover Oaks Pet Resort
(713) 662-2119
2550 W. Bellfort Street
Houston, TX 77054
Tanglewide Veterinary
Clinic (713) 783-4044
2717 Rocky Ridge
Houston, TX 77063
Urban Tails
(713) 658-0900
1618 Webster Street
Houston, TX 77003
Wabash Antiques & Feed J & D Country Store
(713) 863-8322
4141 West Davis - Hwy
5701 Washington Ave
105 West
Houston, TX 77007
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 756-7667
Houston PetTalk Magazine 21
By: Patricia Cooper, D.V.M.
Animal Wellness
To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate
hat is the question that pet
another disease, it is dangerous to
owners face. A few years
introduce vaccines at that time.
ago, the State of Texas
Presently, there is evidence that
staged discussions in communities
cancer can invade the injection site.
to consider the issue of vaccines
The incidence of these cases may be
in companion animals. There were
extremely small, but not to those who
heated debates as both sides voiced
have been afflicted.
their opinions. In the end, the State
Evaluate before you vaccinate!
of Texas actually approved 3-year
Consider the animal’s health, age and
boosters for the Rabies vaccine (which
actual exposure to diseases. A physical
is the only vaccination required by law).
exam and annual lab work is a good
These are some of the questions
that were discussed:
way to monitor a patient’s health.
Each pet owner should be informed
Are dogs and cats being over-
about benefits and risks of vaccines
vaccinated? Too many at one
before deciding the best course of
time? Too often?
action. Good health is always the
Are vaccines harmful or helpful
best protection against disease. High
to their health?
quality diet, plenty of exercise, and
Is the occurrence of cancer and
living in a stress free environment are
immune related diseases linked
the components of maintaining a
to vaccines?
healthy, happy companion.
Do the standard vaccine
protocols need to be modified?
If one reads the label that is
Enjoy every day with your pet! Dr. Cooper graduated from Texas
A & M Veterinary School in 1975.
included with the vaccines, it states,
Her alternative medicine veterinary
“intended for immunization of healthy
practice for small animals is located at
animals.” When an animal is battling
1136 Heights Blvd., 713 861-1155.
Vaccination Related Definitions:
Vaccine Protocols – Recommended series and frequency of
vaccinations by Veterinary Associations
Required by law – A vaccine required by state; varies from state to
state; Rabies is the only vaccine required by the State of Texas; every
three years with a 3-yr vaccine
Titer – Measurable level of immunity
Recombinant Vaccine – Contains a bacterial or fungal protein used to
mount immune response (virtually no chance of the host becoming ill
from the agent, since it is just a single protein, not the organism itself)
Adjuvant - An agent that stimulates (irritates) the immune system
to find and react to the vaccine agent (Some adjuvants have been
implicated in causing cancer in some animals over time)
Kennel Cough – Airborne virus and bacteria causing Tracheobronchitis
Zoonotic disease – Disease animals can transmit to people
Sarcomas – Slow growing tumors that may form at the site of an
injection; vary by type
22 www.houstonpettalk.com
Saving lives...one friend at a time!
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2550 West Bellfort · Houston, TX 77054
Rover Oaks Katy
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Your Source for All Pet Care Services
A French Inspired Lifestyle Store
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z Let Your Four-Legged Friend Experience our
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1151-10 Uptown Park Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77056
713.622.7776t • 713.622.7463f
2418 Sunset Blvd., 2 Blocks East of Kirby
Houston PetTalk Magazine 23
Animal Welfare
PAWS Houston Offers A Different Kind of Medicine
By: Donna Dishman
or pet owners who are
program is pet-care service. For
members can mean so much. selected as one of the 13 recipient
suffering from a terminal
critically ill owners, PAWS Houston
The healing power of these visits
charities to share the proceeds of
or chronic illness, caring
provides annual wellness visits,
is undeniable. The “Personal Pet
the tournament; PAWS Houston is
for their companion pets can be a
food, exercise, heartworm and flea
Visitation Program” was designed by
the beneficiary of $25,000. This
challenge, if not impossible. PAWS
medication, emergency boarding
PAWS Houston and Methodist to illicit
donation from Halliburton will allow
Houston – Pets Are Wonderful
and foster care. PAWS Houston
a response, help with depression and
PAWS Houston to provide and grow
Support is a non-profit organization
also provides in-home care for the
many times for the patient to have
the personal pet visitation program
that helps sustain relationships
patient’s pet through home visits by
closure at end of life. and other programs and client
between critically ill pet owners and
trained volunteers. their pets. PAWS Houston facilitates
the owner’s personal pet coming for
PAWS Houston’s “Personal Pet
PAWS Houston receives no funding
from city, county, state or federal
services. Be sure to view the PetTalk
Visitation Policy” at Methodist
government. PAWS Houston’s
October calendar for our benefit
a visit at local hospitals, hospices,
Hospital is one of the first official
funding comes from individual
concert by Rick Springfield. For more
nursing homes and rehabilitation
policies in the country. Through a
donations, corporate community
information about PAWS Houston
centers, with the goal of improving
4-year relationship with Methodist,
support and special events.
programs and how to become
the pet owner’s physical and mental
PAWS Houston facilitates visits from
health. Another part of the PAWS Houston
24 www.houstonpettalk.com
Thanks to the Halliburton charity
involved with PAWS Houston, visit our
the patient’s pet (dog or cat). The
golf tournament, pet owners can rest
web at www.pawshouston.org or call
time together with these family
a little easier. PAWS Houston was
It’s A Dog’s Life, Inc.
a daycare and overnight boarding facility
Doggy Daycare
1611 Vermont, Houston
Doggy Stay-N-Play Ranch
The Woodlands/Magnolia
Doggy Daycare - Located in the Montrose Area
zKennel-free daycare facility
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Mon-Fri 8AM-6PM � Sat 9AM-4PM
14420 Fondren Road, One Block South of Beltway 8
281-835-4445 � www.fondren5starkennels.com � [email protected]
Houston PetTalk Magazine 25
Guinette Peebles,
Trainer Talk
Choosing a Training Program
hoosing a training program
that is right for you can
By: Guinette Peebles
Let’s review the three choices: productive per lesson because
*Group Lessons is a series of
the end of the program, usually two
the trainer is only working with
to three weeks. The success of this
weekly training classes designed to
you and your dog’s issues. They
program relies on your knowledge
if you haven’t been educated about
teach you how to train and handle
are recommended for behavior
and ability to handle in the end. The
your options. Choose one of three
your dog. You must be dedicated
problems such as chewing, jumping,
program is geared to accomplish
basic programs to start and you can
to attend all classes and work with
house training, etc. and may be
its goals in a minimum amount of
potentially combine programs later.
your dog at home. Weekly lessons
combined with group or board and
time. This program may not be
The traditional programs include:
are economical and give you the
train programs to give you a better
suitable for all dogs. The program is
1. Group Lessons
opportunity to train around the
understanding of behavior. Private
more expensive but includes your
a. Puppy
distractions of other dogs. You can
lessons offer a flexible schedule
b. Basic
look out for your dog’s best interest
and can also help you improve your
c. Advanced
as well as take advantage of long-
handling skills.
2. Private Lessons
term structure, which in itself is a
be challenging, especially
In theory, the best program
would be if all owners could become
*Board and Train programs
trainers themselves. But this is not
a. Your location
behavior modifier. Group lessons are
are designed to limit the owner’s
practical for everyone. Whichever
b. Their location
not designed for aggressive dogs.
involvement in the actual training
program you choose, be sure to do
of the dog but should include a
your homework. Ask for references
thorough training of the owner at
and credentials.
3. Board and Train
a. Trained for you while boarding
*Private Lessons may seem
more expensive but are more
John Andrews
Pet Salon & Day Spa
..Because Your
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Top of the line agility equipment, AKC
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fun hour for the public • Ring rentals 7
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832-309-0764 Training Coordinator
13302 Schroeder Road
Houston, Texas 77070
Near Willowbrook Mall
26 www.houstonpettalk.com
All show quality grooming
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Photography Studio On-Site
Spa Packages Available
Luxury Retail Boutique
3306 Mercer Street
Houston’s Premier
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Keeping Your Pet Healthy is
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D r. M a r k S i l b e r m a n
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Looking for dog
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Houston PetTalk Magazine 27
Animal Approved
The Italian Café at 4622 NASA Parkway.
s autumn arrives, you’ll find
plenty of patrons on the
patio at the Italian Café in
Seabrook. That’s right—ON the patio. Remember the classic scene from
Disney’s Lady and the Tramp? Your
puppy love can be recreated here.
Not only is owner Frank Piazza
a master of unique Italian-New
Orleans cuisine, he and his wife
Bessilyn are gracious hosts to the
canine crowd. Sure, there’s inside
dining for the dog deprived, but the
award-winning Italian Café is one
of the area’s few restaurants that
welcomes two- and four-legged
creatures alike. For over 14 years,
homo erectus has cherished the
café for Frank’s freshly prepared
creations, the unhurried European
atmosphere, and the privilege of
bringing his/her own bottle of wine
to accompany a meal. The pooches,
on the other paw, prefer the social
occasional misguided meatball.
scene of endearing dog devotees,
Don’t feel slighted if at first
a nap to a cappuccino, and an
the other guests know your furry
friend’s name and not yours. After
Sniff out the Italian Café at 4622
a few visits, they’ll call you by
NASA Parkway. Open Tues-Sat. name, too.
(281)326-1618. -Ann M. Silva
jTraining jActivities jBoutique jDoggie Cam jGrooming
jCage-Free Overnight Care & Boarding
3202 Houston Ave. (77009) www.4paws4dogs.com [email protected]
28 www.houstonpettalk.com
Eco-88 Pet Stain Remover
co-88 is a pet stain
of eliminating odor and stain.
remover that removes
(I even had a friend with an
both stains and odors.
excellent “smeller” to get down
PetTalk put this stain remover to
and sniff the carpet and it was
the test with three “testers” who
pronounced as “no odor”!) and
have pets that are still “confused”
the product is easy to use…just
about where to potty.
spray on, wait and blot. The
The benefits listed by Eco-88
“blotting” is where we disagreed
include: odorless, non-staining,
with the web site claim. After
non-toxic, no enzymes, no bleach,
leaving the spray on to absorb
environmentally safe and aids
the stain, it was still necessary
in housebreaking by removing
to work the solution (not scrub)
odor, not just disguising the odor.
into the carpet pile for it to reach
The Eco-88 web site also makes
all of the stain. As one of the
this claim: “Eco-88 requires no
testers, I must say it’s one of
scrubbing, rinsing or blotting. the only pet stain removers that
Just spray Eco-88 on stains and
ever worked for me. Available
watch those stains and odors
at Sasha’s Suds N Duds and
disappear like magic”.
Southwest Animal Clinic.
Among our three testers, all
gave thumbs up to the claim
3205D N. University #213
PRICE: $16.99
Houston PetTalk Magazine 29
30 www.houstonpettalk.com
Happy Tails
Obedience Training
Leadership, training and kindness promotes
balanced dogs and happy owners.
Terrie Irvin
Integrative Therapeutic Services
Obedience training for you
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Lynn Trafton, APDT Member
Phone: 832-687-5133
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.happytailsobediencetraining.com
[email protected]
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Houston, Texas 77006
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Mobile Services Available
Veterinarian Referral Required
Houston PetTalk Magazine 31
Philip Reinagle, Portrait of an Extraordinary Musical Dog, 1805, oil on canvas, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond; Paul Mellon Collection
This exhibition has been organized by the Bruce Museum, Greenwich, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Generous funding is provided by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation; Gracie and Bob Cavnar; Linda K. Finger; Nanette and Jerry Finger; Meg Goodman and Michael Bonini; Windi and David Grimes;
Jeanie S. Kilroy; Nancy and Rich Kinder; Cornelia and Meredith Long; Shelly Ann and I.W. Marks; Karen and Mike Mayell; Kathi Mosbacher; Mica and Bob Mosbacher; Chris and Don Sanders;
and Sue and Lester Smith.
- Newsweek
5601 Main Street
Houston, Texas 77005 713.639.7300
For further information visit www.mfah.org
Thursdays are FREE!
Courtesy of Shell Oil Company Foundation.
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