The Reverend David B. Schaeffer ASH WEDNESDAY


The Reverend David B. Schaeffer ASH WEDNESDAY
From ancient times, ashes have
been used as a symbol of mourning, penitence, grief, and humiliation. Christians have a tradition
of using ashes, made from the
palm branches used on the previous Palm Sunday,
to make the sign of the cross on a believer’s forehead as part of the Ash Wednesday ceremony. The
ashes symbolize the Christian’s intent to repent of
sins, to accept purification from the Lord, and to
make a public witness of one’s faith in Christ as Lord
and Savior.
n her lifetime, New York City real estate magnate
and multi-billionaire Leona Helmsley had a
reputation as “THE QUEEN OF MEAN”. When she
died, details of her will became public. She left 12
million dollars for the care of her dog, named
TROUBLE. Trouble was a Maltese with long silky
white hair. Though Trouble got all that loot, Leona
left nothing to a couple of her grandchildren saying
they were specifically excluded, “FOR REASONS
On Ash Wednesday, Christians are pained because
our sins — private and public — led to Jesus’ death.
With repentant hearts, we begin the season of Lent,
knowing it leads to resurrection on Easter Sunday.
The pampered pooch, TROUBLE, could be sure of a
continuing diet of chef-prepared gourmet meals.
When he died, Trouble’s little canine corpse was laid
to rest in the mausoleum with the remains of Mr.
and Mrs. Helmsley.
Join us on Wednesday, February 18th
at 7:30 p.m. in the nave for a service of
Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes.
Leona also specified in her will that some of her heirs
were required to sign a guest register in the
mausoleum at least once a year, or forfeit their
The QUEEN OF MEAN decided who deserved her
favor and who did not. THE KING OF GRACE,
ALL OF US ON THE CROSS. Come hear of the
when Lent begins with Ash Wednesday Worship at
7:30 p.m. on February 18th. Kneel and make your
genuine confession, receive the assurance of sins
gone way in the absolution, then taste the true body
of Christ given for you and the true blood of Christ
poured out for you.
Lent commemorates Jesus’
fast and temptation in the wilderness, which, according to
the Gospel, lasted 40 days.
Just as Jesus confronted his
temptations during these 40 days, Lent helps Christians focus on our most basic need as sinners: forgiveness.
The only way our Lord’s forgiving power can become effective in our lives is by our taking the initiative to confront our sins, confess them, and repent
of them. In short, Lent is a season of penitence, and
a time for spiritual renewal and growth in dedication
and service.
As you leave worship Ash Wednesday evening, a
faint cross having been traced upon your forehead,
faint too will be the memory and the will to be mean
to anyone.
May everyone’s Lenten Pilgrimage be fruitful,
A simple service of prayer, song, scripture and a
message will take place in our nave on each
Wednesday of Lent. We hope that you will
make worship every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. a
part of your Lenten discipline.
The Reverend David B. Schaeffer
Heavenly father, we remember that we are dust. But because what you touch becomes holy, Lord, we are holy dust,
marked with your love made visible at the cross. You never forget your promise to give us life and preserve us in love.
Help us keep covenant with you in return, in all we do. Please refresh all who need new strength today. In Jesus’
name, Amen.
Jan. 31 – Feb. 1
4th Sunday after Epiphany / Holy Communion at all services
Souper Bowl of Caring (see below)
Feb. 7 – 8
4th Sunday after Epiphany / YOUTH WORSHIP WEEKEND
Feb. 14 – 15
The Transfiguration of Our Lord / Farewell to Alleluia
Holy Communion at all services
Feb. 21 – 22
First Sunday in Lent / Food Bank Weekend
Holden Evening Prayer Service on Sat. at 5:30 p.m. service
Jan. 31 – Feb. 1, 2015
Exactly 25 years ago, the
Souper Bowl of Caring began with just a simple prayer from a single youth
group: “Lord, as we enjoy
the Super Bowl football game, help us to be
mindful of those without even a bowl of soup to
Since that day, more than $100 million dollars
has been raised for local charities across the
country. It has become a powerful movement
that is transforming the time around Super Bowl
weekend into one of the nation’s largest celebration of giving and sharing. Through this mission,
young people learn what it is like to make a difference in their community as they collect money to help others in need.
HELPING HANDS will be holding a fundraising
February 7th at 6:45 p.m. Menu includes pork and
sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, vegetables,
and dessert. A free-will offering will be collected.
We will be sharing our experience in Illinois and
Shamokin, PA, and news of our future endeavors.
Please RSVP by Monday, February 2nd.
As in the past, members from our Confirmation
Classes will be holding soup pots as you leave
Church on Super Bowl weekend, February 1st &
2nd, and you can be a part of this mission that
shares God’s love with those of our area in need
by giving generously. Every dollar placed in the
Soup Pots will go to the Nazareth Area Food
Bank and Safe Harbor in Easton.
Helping Hands Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner
Name: _________________________________
# Adults ______
# Children ______
Please RSVP by Mon. Feb. 2nd
Our fantastic youth will
be taking over the worship services on Saturday, February 7th &
Sunday, February 8th!
Singers and instrumentalists will lead us in the beautiful setting of Holden Evening Prayer by present-day
church musician Marty Haugen on Saturday, February
21st at our 5:30 p.m. worship service. A contemporary sung liturgy, scripture, prayer, and Holy Communion will all be part of our worship that evening.
Join your St. John’s congregation for a service of quiet contemplation and spiritual
renewal as we begin the
Lenten Season.
You won’t want to miss
their spirited, praisefilled, inspiring worship
celebrations! Join us as
we worship the Lord!
NEEDED, especially for
the Saturday 5:30 p.m.
service and the Sunday
8:00 a.m. service. Acolytes are responsible for
lighting and extinguishing the candles used for
each worship service. They also assist the
pastor during communion services and at
baptisms when scheduled during the service. ALL YOUTH IN GRADES 6 thru
12 are invited to assist with worship as an
Acolyte. Would you like to be an Acolyte?
Not sure; don’t know exactly what it is?
Have you been an acolyte before, but feel a
little rusty? Don’t worry – Acolyte Training
will be provided. Contact Jaime Taylor or the
Church Office to be added to the schedule.
Feb. 14th & 15th marks the final weekend before the
Lenten season begins, when we will celebrate
Christ’s Transfiguration on the mountaintop, and bid
farewell to “Alleluia” until Resurrection Day. Music
by the Festival Choir and instrumentalists will be part
of both Sunday services. It is hoped that
the majesty and glory of that day’s
worship will be remembered as a
source of strength and comfort
as we embark on the Lenten
On Sunday, February 15th, St. John’s
Sunday School is hosting a Pajama
Party as part of Bring-a-Friend Sunday. Please bring as many friends to
Sunday school (and church) as you
would like! Sunday School is at 9:15
a.m. We will watch a movie in the Fellowship Hall
and serve a special treat for everyone, while you relax in your favorite pajamas. Come and enjoy Sunday
School with your friends in comfort! Share your love
for one another and spread friendship in his Holy
February 21st & 22nd
The Nazareth Area Food Bank needs to replenish its
supply of macaroni & cheese, Hamburger
Helper, and other one-dish meals, but we also
welcome any other items you would like to donate.
The Food Bank also uses the large-sized brown
paper bags so if you need to make room in your
pantry, drop them off as well. THANK YOU!! The
Nazareth Area Food Bank truly
appreciates the continued
generosity and faithful
support of the many members
St. John’s.
We extend our heartfelt Christian sympathy to the families and friends of the following members and friends of
Saint John’s who passed into eternal life in the month of
December 2014:
We gladly received the following new members into the
family and fellowship of St. John’s congregation in the
month of December 2014:
December 1st
December 21st
December 9th
December 21st
We celebrate with those listed below who entered into
the holy estate of matrimony according to God’s ordinance in December 2014:
December 20th
Received in the month of
December 27th
Jeff Spohn Family
December 29th
Roy Spaccarelli
Love is our true destiny. We do not find the
meaning of life by ourselves alone — we find it
with another. — Thomas Merton
Grace Notes
hen I was growing up, one of the first prayers
that I learned was a simple table grace. Perhaps many of you were also taught this short prayer
in your own childhood. “God is great and God is good,
and we thank Him for our food.” Although short and
sweet, the prayer is quite profound, acknowledging
two attributes of God — greatness and goodness.
familiar hymn For the Beauty of the Earth. At the conclusion of the Arts Festival and just before the start
of Holy Week, Robert Sims, an internationally acclaimed lyric baritone from Chicago, will perform a
recital of African American spirituals that reflect on
the life of Christ, interspersed with words from
scripture read by Pastor Schaeffer. In between these
two events, there will be numerous other musical
concerts that will inspire and delight us, and help us
to ponder the magnificence and majesty of God. Yes,
God is great and God is good! Wishing you a blessed
and meaningful Lenten season!
We can see God’s greatness every day just by looking at the creative world around us. The vast expanse of the universe, the brilliance of the sun, the
powerful crash of thunder, the beauty of a rainbow,
the gentle falling of snow, the torrential downpour of
rain, the barrenness of the desert, the lushness of the
garden, and the majesty of the mountains are only
the beginning of an infinite list of all that God has created. God has indeed filled the world with awesome
beauty and magnificent splendor.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Janice I. Butz
Minister of Music
March 1, 10:45 a.m. Charisse Baldoria, concert pianist and professor at Bloomsburg University, will provide the special music for our worship service.
But possibly God’s greatest moment was becoming
flesh, taking on human form, and giving us His only
son, Jesus Christ, who became the sacrificial lamb,
dying on the cross for the sins of the world. The
gospel song writer Charles Gabriel beautifully expresses the awesomeness of God through the gift of
the Savior in a hymn he wrote in 1905. The lyrics
begin with “I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the
Nazarene, and wonder how he could love me, a sinner,
condemned, unclean.” The refrain continues with “O
how marvelous! O how wonderful! And my song shall
ever be: O how marvelous! O how wonderful is God’s
love for me!” The Lenten season begins on Ash
Wednesday, and as we acknowledge our sinfulness
and mortality, we will again be reminded of God’s
abundant love, generous grace, and unending mercy.
Yes, God is great and God is good!
March 7, 5:00 p.m. The Flutations, a flute ensemble
performs prior to our 5:30 p.m. worship.
March 8, 4:00 p.m. A Banquet of Song, a benefit
concert presented by a massed choir of singers from
the Nazareth Area to support the Nazareth Area
Food Bank.
March 14, 7:30 p.m. Mock Turtle Marionettes present a puppet theater for children and families, preceded by a Family Worship Service at 5:30 and Spaghetti Dinner.
March 15, 3:00 p.m. Craig Thatcher, guitar, and
Nyke Van Nyk, electric violin perform in the gallery
March 21, 7:30 p.m. Wilkes University Chorale present a concert.
Later in the Lenten season we will reflect on God’s
greatness during our 6th Faith Through the Arts celebration with the theme “How Marvelous God’s
Greatness.” Visual artists will share their work on
how they interpret this subject and performing artists
will depict the theme through their music. At the
annual benefit concert for the Nazareth Area Food
Bank, children and adult choristers will sing about
creation, and the congregation will join in singing the
March 22, 3:00 p.m. Singers from the Philadelphia
Freedom Chorus (Sweet Adelines) perform in the gallery space.
March 28, 7:30 p.m. Robert Sims, internationally
acclaimed lyric baritone, presents an evening of spirituals based on the life of Christ, along with scripture
read by Pastor Schaeffer.
Singing Opportunities
for the Lenten Season
Both the Women’s Ensemble and Men’s Chorale are
being revived for the Lenten Season! These singing
opportunities are open to all of the men and women
of St. John’s who enjoy singing, whether you are a
regular choir member or just want to make a shortterm commitment. The WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE
will sing for the Lenten service on Wednesday,
March 11th and will rehearse at 9:15 a.m. on Sundays, March 1st and 8th. The MEN’S CHORALE
will sing for our Wednesday Lenten service on April
25th and will rehearse at 9:15 on Sundays, March
15th and 22nd, as well as Thursday evening, March
19 at 6:30 p.m. Multiple rehearsals are scheduled
with the hope that singers will be able to make at
least two out of the three rehearsals. If you would
like to sing, you may contact Rev. Janice Butz, or just
come and meet us in the choir room!
Our annual benefit concert for the Nazareth Area
Food Bank this year takes place during our monthlong celebration of Faith Through the Arts. Now in
it’s 16th year and known as “A Banquet of Song”, the
concert is presented by choirs of both children and
adult singers from our Nazareth area churches. It’s
bound to be an inspiring afternoon of song, and it all
takes place in our nave at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday,
March 8th. Mark your calendars!
Faith Through the Arts Returns!
Once again the Shepherd’s Room will be transformed into an art gallery, and musical events will abound as St.
John’s celebrates its 6th Arts Festival this coming March. Among the special events are guitarist Craig
Thatcher, the Flutations, the Wilkes University Choir, lyric baritone Robert Sims, singers from Sweet Adelines,
and the Mock Turtle Marionette Theatre. Although free-will offerings will be taken at many of these events,
sponsors are needed to assist with the expenses incurred. We hope that you might consider being a sponsor by
making a donation of any amount to Faith Through the Arts. In doing so, you will be invited to the opening reception where you will have the opportunity to hear some excellent chamber music and to meet the visual artists
from the Lehigh Valley and beyond who will be exhibiting their artwork.
Faith Through the Arts Sponsorship
Name ___________________________________________________________
I/We wish to be a sponsor for Faith Through the A rts and will contribute:
____ $25.00
____ $50.00
_____ other
in loving memory of __________________________________________
in honor of __________________________________________________
Please make checks payable to St. John’s Lutheran Church, with “Arts Festival”
in the memo line, and return to the Church Office by February 23, 2015.
A Message from the
Director of Youth & Family Ministries
o you have a child or teenager who is currently in grades 1 - 12? If so, then please
consider attending the presentation given by a
Bear Creek Camp Representative on Wednesday,
February 4th at 6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Bring your child(ren) as well. This presentation
will be so much fun and interactive, so they will
not want to miss out!
Bear Creek Camp: On February 4th, a representative from Bear Creek Camp will be coming
to St. John’s to do an interactive presentation
for us! These are always so much fun and very
informative! The event will begin at 6:15 p.m. in
the Fellowship Hall during Confirmation Class.
All Confirmation students will be attending this
event during class, and we encourage their parents to attend as well. Children who have completed grade 1 - 12 can attend summer camp.
This meeting is open to anyone who is interested!
Try Camps are available for younger children
who wish to “try out” camp without a week long
commitment. There are also week-long camps
for those children and youth who are adventurous or repeat campers. Some children from
St. John’s have already attended camp for multiple weeks in the past because they loved it so
much! There is something for everyone who
would like to attend. The Bear Creek representative will be able to answer any and all questions you may have. Bear Creek always gives us
a wonderful, informative, and pressure-free
presentation, so come and check it out!
Youth Gathering Meeting: There will be an informational meeting for all youth and adults who
will be attending the Youth Gathering in July, as
well as parents of the youth attending. The
meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship
Youth Service Weekend: From February 7 – 8,
the youth of St. John’s will be doing their annual
“take over” of the Worship Services. The youth
do everything from read the lessons, write a
skit for the Sermon, sing songs, usher, greet,
etc.! We hope that you will come and support
them during this weekend and see the great
group of youth we have here!
February also has another exciting event in
store: Youth Service Weekend! The youth will
be completely taking over all three services
from February 7th - 8th. They will lead everything from the singing, ushering, giving the Message, and more! They always do a fantastic job,
and I hope everyone will be available this weekend to come and support them!
Jaime L. Taylor
Director of Youth & Family Ministries
A girl asked a boy if he loved her, and
he replied, “Yes, of course.”
“Would you die for me?” the girl wondered.
After a brief pause, the honest lad said,
“No, mine is an undying love.”
Leaders in the church know
something that they may not
often share with others. It is
that they — pastors, lay leaders,
Sunday school teachers, music
directors, and many others — were profoundly affected by a week spent at church camp when they
were teenagers. If one asks what impressed them
most during a week in a forest or by a lake or wherever the camp was held, they would probably answer, ‘Everything!’
Come and explore God’s Creation this summer at
Bear Creek Camp! On Wednesday February 4th at
6:15 p.m. we will host Bear Creek’s Associate Director Pete Smith with a program for campers of ALL
AGES. Children who have completed grade 1 –
12 can attend summer camp. This meeting is
open to anyone who is interested! He will lead
the kids in some songs and a sampling of activities
that can be more fully explored by spending a week
this summer at Bear Creek Camp! What a wonderful
resource outdoor ministry is in the Christian education of children! Our Endowment makes scholarships available so children and youth of the
congregation can attend Summer Camp. The
Early Bird Discount registration deadline is March 1,
Getting together to learn something about the Bible,
praying, singing spiritual songs (fun songs, too!) and,
most of all, sharing one's inner most feelings with a
small group or a counselor or minister all had a great
impact. Quite apparently, God is very close and very
real to those at a church camp, for it is there that
untold numbers of church leaders begin to emerge.
For a blessed, life-enhancing, spiritual and social experience, encourage the children and teens you
know to attend Bear Creek Camp this summer!
Bear Creek Camp and Conference Center is a ministry of the Northeastern and Southeastern Pennsylvania Synods of the ELCA. Their mission is to provide
opportunities for Adventure and Discovery in God's
Creation and Christian Community. They invite all
people to experience spiritual growth through recreation and reflection, and through encounter with God's
Word and world. They do this as partners in ministry
and stewards of God's creation.
The deadline for all
submissions for the
March 2015 issue of
Tues. Feb. 10th. You may leave printed material
in the Church Office mailbox or you may email
your article or announcement as a Word attachment to [email protected]. Thank you in
advance for your understanding and cooperation.
With 3000 acres, 25 miles of trails, and a lake, there
are plenty of opportunities for adventure and discovery! Located in the Poconos of Northeastern Pennsylvania just off of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, Bear
Creek Camp is an easy drive from many major cities
in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. For
more information, visit or
see Michele Seaton, our Bear Creek Ambassador for
If we are to accept the teaching of Jesus at all,
then the only test of the reality of a man’s religion is his attitude to his fellow men. The only
possible proof that a man loves God is the
demonstrated fact that he loves his fellow men.
— William Barclay
Dear Friends,
The Rebekah Circle will meet Monday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. The Ruth Circle will
meet Wednesday, February 4th at 9:30 a.m.
Both groups meet in the church parlor.
I want to thank you for your continued financial
support of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in
Gettysburg (LTSG). In the twenty years since my
graduation, St. John’s has faithfully made contributions in my name to further the reach of LTSG:
“preparing outreach oriented pastors, mission
leaders and public theologians for the 21st century
church and world.”
The seminary, like so many others in America
today, is faced with growing stresses of higher
costs in the face of fewer and fewer annual student enrollments. In 1995, my graduating class
included nearly thirty Master of Divinity recipients. In 2014, LTSG commenced thirteen MDiv
graduates. For 2014-2015 academic year, the
seminary admitted no fewer than six MDiv candidates.
Make no mistake: The ELCA has always had a
need for new clergy. Unfortunately, financial
constraints among prospective students figure as
prominently in the current outlook as do those
affecting the seminaries.
Jesus has always many who love his heavenly kingdom, but few who bear his cross. He has many who
desire consolation, but few who care for trial. He
finds many to share his table, but few to take part in
his fasting. All desire to be happy with him; few wish
to suffer anything for him. Many follow him to the
breaking of bread, but few to the drinking of the
chalice of his passion. Many revere his miracles; few
approach the shame of the cross. Many love him as
long as they encounter no hardship; many praise and
bless him as long as they receive some comfort from
him. …
With this conundrum in mind, I thank you once
again for the support you have shown me during
and after my own seminary training. I appreciate
your continuing to remember me through your
gifts to LTSG, most recently in January.
Very Respectfully,
Chaplain (Major) Lewis R. Messinger,
U.S. Army Reserve
LTSG Class of 1995
Those, on the contrary, who love Jesus for his own
sake and not for any comfort of their own, bless him
in all trial and anguish of heart as well as in the bliss
of consolation. … What power there is in pure love
for Jesus — love that is free from all self-interest and
—Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ
Let’s Get Those Cards Out and Wish a Blessed
and Happy Birthday to Our Shut-In Friends
Celebrating This Month!
201 Young Rd.
Nazareth, PA 18064
Gracedale Tower 4 D2
2 Gracedale Ave.
Nazareth, PA 18064
Walden III – Rm. 152
325 N. Broadway
Wind Gap, PA 18091
February 13th
February 18th
February 24th
2015 Fellowship Social Calendar
February 15 ~ Helping Hands & Love-A-Lot Nursery School
March 29 ~ Palm Sunday (Evangelism Committee)
April 18-19 ~ Volunteer Recognition Weekend (Stewardship)
May 17 ~ St. John’s Day Care & Property Committee
Fellowship this month will be on Sunday, February 15th following each morning worship service. This month’s hosts are the members of Helping Hands and Love-A-Lot Nursery School.
Love-A-Lot Nursery School:
Love-A-Lot Nursery School is a pre-school Christian program promoting learning, discovery,
and play for 3 and 4 year olds. Using games, activities, and special events, children are introduced to the academic environment in a fun and interactive way. Started in 1985, the
Nursery School has operated weekly in the morning from September to May. For more information, please contact the school at 484-293-0720 or [email protected].
Helping Hands:
Inspired by the team who journeyed to Biloxi, Mississippi in January of 2006 to aid in the
cleanup efforts following the destruction of Hurricane Katrina, Helping Hands was formed in
the spring of 2006. The group has supported numerous relief efforts every year since. Their
latest mission trips were to Gifford, Illinois during the summer of 2014 to help rebuild following
a devastating tornado, and Shamokin, Pennsylvania during the last weekend of October,
2014 to rebuild following wind damage. With our help and the help of many others we will
get those in need back into their homes. Come along with us as we share the gifts God has
blessed us with.
Please join us for Fellowship! Take a few minutes to chat with the representatives of these
groups during the Fellowship Socials to find out more about their activities and plans.
You may find that you may want to become a part of their efforts.
2015 Stewardship Ministry — The Role of Biblical Stewardship
he role of steward is a central theme throughout the Bible. We have read many stories that reference stewards as
caretakers. There are also many stories that define our roles and responsibilities with regard to the gifts that have been
entrusted to us and what we are to do with those gifts. We have read about the ways in which God provides for us and the
needs of the community of God’s people. From Exodus 16, the story of the manna in the wilderness defines the important
qualities that distinguish God’s people as a community of stewards.
The first of those qualities is discernment. Like Israel we, too, are surrounded by resources and often fail to recognize
them for what they really are. God gives us His gifts to provide for human need and to empower a community to serve
those needs. Here in Nazareth there is no better example of this than the Nazareth Area Food Bank.
The second quality from the manna story is equity. The manna was distributed in relation to need, with no one having too
much or too little. We are commanded through stewardship to find ways to make resources accessible to those who have
the greatest need. To live an abundant life, we must strive to provide enough for all.
Lastly, the third quality is that of mission. Our gifts from God are provided to us for participation in God’s mission, with an
ongoing commitment and engagement to receive and use those gifts as He would have us do.
Discernment – Equity – Mission: goals of the people of God who are engaged as a community of stewards. In 2 Corinthians 8:13-15 Paul writes, “Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there
might be equality. At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so
that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality, as it
is written: ‘He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little.’” Even in Paul’s time the community of God’s people were
learning the lessons of stewardship from the manna story.
Portions of this article are from: “Comments by the Rev. Dr. Bruce C. Birch, Dean, Wesley Theological
Seminary, 2014” and “Life Application Study Bible”, NIV, 2005.
National African American History Month in February celebrates the contributions that
African Americans have made to American history in their struggles for freedom and
equality, and deepens our understanding of our nation's history. When he founded the
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, (now the Association for the Study
of African American Life and History or ASALH) in 1915, Carter G. Woodson labored
under the belief that historical truth would crush falsehoods and usher in a new era of
equality, opportunity, and racial democracy, and that has been its charge for a century.
In honor of this milestone, ASALH has selected “A Century of Black Life, History, and
Culture” as the 2015 National Black History theme. For more information, please see
Over the past century, African American life, history, and culture have become major forces in the United States and the
world. In 1915, few could have imagined that African Americans in music, art, and literature would become appreciated by
the global community. Fewer still could have predicted the prominence achieved by African Americans, as well as other people of African descent, in shaping world politics, war, and diplomacy. Indeed, it was nearly universally believed that Africans
and people of African descent had played no role in the unfolding of history and were a threat to American civilization itself.
A century later, few can deny the centrality of African Americans in the making of American history.
This transformation is the result of effort, not chance. Confident that their struggles mattered in human history, black scholars, artists, athletes, and leaders self-consciously used their talents to change how the world viewed African Americans. Many
talented individuals gave the world a cornucopia of cultural gifts, including jazz, poetry based on the black vernacular, and an
appreciation of African art. African American athletes dominated individual and team sports transforming baseball, trackand-field, football, boxing, and basketball. In a wave of social movements, African American activism transformed race relations, challenged American foreign policy, and became the American conscience on human rights.
OUR STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION (Our Time / Talent / Tithe)
Please sign up to serve as
Ushers and to sponsor
the Altar Flowers, Bulletins, and / or the Sunday
Morning CD Ministry. St. John’s needs
YOUR help to make these programs
work! You can sign up in the various
notebooks, or call the Church Office
for assistance. Thank you!
THANK YOU from the Social Ministry Committee
for once again for participating in the Support The
Troops project. We have received a certificate of
appreciation from Lt. Col. Joseph Matson, U.S. Air
Force, on behalf of his troops, at Bagram Air Base in
Afghanistan. They were so happy to receive the seven boxes we sent to them! A total of 17 boxes were
sent in this mailing at Christmas. The congregation
sent a total of 38 boxes this year! Thanks to all!!
Each month in your offering
envelopes, you will find a
“Special Projects” envelope.
These particular gifts are designated each month to benefit
those in need or to support a
need within our church.
Have you been wondering how YOU can make a
difference in someone's life? The Fresh Air
Fund, a non-profit organization started in 1877,
is actively seeking hosts to provide children ages
6 to 12 the chance to escape NYC for one to two
-week trips this summer (July & August).
Helping Hands is a group of volunteers from our
church and the community who help people whose
homes were severely damaged by natural disasters.
Each year we look into where we will be needed the
most; some are far away and others are within driving distance. At times we work along with Habitat
for Humanity in building new homes and rehabilitating those that are damaged. If there are any needs at
church, we help with painting, repairing, cleaning,
etc. If you are interested in hearing more about
Helping Hands, please come to one of our meetings
(usually the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.)
or contact Gail Price or Keith Shook for more information.
Hosts can be singles and couples with or without
children. FAF covers all costs. Children arrive in
our area. All you need to do is show them a fun
time! Imagine the things you could offer a child
during their week away from the heat of the city
streets. You can select the gender and age of
the child. There is no long-term commitment.
We offer local support and great activities!
ONLINE GIVING: Scan this QR code
for online giving from your smart phone,
We have the chance to make a difference. So
why don't we? Visit or contact Alice
Hornbake at [email protected] or 610-703-3095.
packed for the military in half an hour. 2) Acolyte
training was held for the Christmas Eve Gospel
Procession. Still need people for the 7:00 service. 3)
Detroit Youth Gathering details are in process. We
will be combining with three other congregations. 4)
Roy Roth suggested youth become ushers. Have
youth do training for ushering. 5) Billy Garrison is
our new Youth Rep.
DECEMBER 17, 2014
PRESENT: Joe Billy, Alan Butz, Rev. Janice Butz,
Ralph Deyo, Lenna Harris, Jennifer Johnson, Susan
Kelly, Les Little, Scott Little, Steven Millheim, Roy
Roth, Rev. David Schaeffer, Jocelyn Starner, Jaime
Taylor, Wayne Vierzbicki, Jackie Wolf, Sharon
Cathie Dara, Craig Rifendifer, Taylor
FINANCE: Complete as written including: 1) Les
reported that the UGI gas line will run from
Whitefield St. up to the church. Les commented that
the boilers burn oil. Gas vs. fuel oil was discussed. 2)
Les reported that Nazareth Boro has a registration fee
and inspection fee per rental unit. 3) Discussion
about snow removal.
DEVOTIONS: Lenna Harris read from “Daily Grace”.
MINUTES: The Minutes of the November 19, 2014
meeting were reviewed and stand as written.
FAREWELL & WELCOME: Susan Kelly said “Thank
You & Farewell” to Lenna Harris, Jennifer Johnson,
Les Little, and Roy Roth. Welcome to new Council
members Joe Billy, Alan Butz, Scott Little and Jackie
COLUMBARIUM: No meeting.
DAY CARE: Complete as written including: 1) Dean
Brodt would like a Council Rep for Day Care. Susan
Kelly has been checking in on the meetings. 2) Red
Folders – For accident report. All committees need to
know about red folders. 3) Susan Kelly reported the
Day Care Christmas program will be the theme
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: President – Susan Kelly; Vice
President – Craig Rifendifer; Correspondence
Secretary – Cathie Dara.
COMMUNICATIONS: 1) Nazareth Area Food Bank –
Thank you from Jim Byrnes for St. John’s donations
including the very full carloads from Les & Nancy
ENDOWMENT: Complete as written including: 1)
Pastor Schaeffer reported that $900 was given to each
of the four seminaries.
EVANGELISM: No meeting.
PASTOR SCHAEFFER’S REPORT: Complete as written,
including: 1) Jackie Wolf reported on the Northern
Lehigh Valley Mission District Ingathering that was
held at St. John’s. Pastor Schaeffer said it was very
well done.
Proud of what people gave; very
generous. 2) Pastor Schaeffer reported the St. John’s
Day Care Christmas Program was packed. The
theme was Disney’s movie “Frozen”.
3) The
presentation of “The Winter Rose” performance
touched a lot of people.
HELPING HANDS: No meeting. Pork & Sauerkraut
Dinner on Sat. Feb. 7, 2015.
LOVE-A-LOT: Complete as written.
LUTHER LEAGUE: No Report. 1) Jamie reported on
the packing of boxes for the military and the shut-in
gift delivery. 2) Lock-in will Jan.9 – 10, 2015.
PERSONNEL: Susan Kelly reported things are going
well. Discussion on health care continues.
REV. JANICE BUTZ’S REPORT: Complete as written,
including: 1) The Festival Choir did great with “The
Winter Rose”. They enjoyed the singing. Scott Brodt
did a wonderful job with the visual on screen. 2) All
choirs are busy rehearsing for Christmas Eve services.
3) Arts Festival will be in March 2015.
PROPERTY: No report. 1) Roy Roth reported that
WiFi in youth room has been hooked up. 2) Lights
in altar area have been changed. 3) Trees have been
pruned in parking lot. 4) Discussion regarding
yellow parking strip on Broad St.
JAIME TAYLOR’S REPORT: Complete as written,
including: 1) Jamie reported that 17 boxes were
(Continued on page 14)
congregational meeting. 5) Annual Congregational
Meeting will be Sun. Jan. 25, 2015. Will be kidfriendly and youth friendly. 6) All committees
should be aware of the Red Folders for Incident
Reports. 7) Susan Kelly – Mandatory Reporting of
Child Abuse. Pastor has to know immediately. Jenn
Johnson discussed the Mandatory Reporting of Child
Abuse. Background checks are only good for three
years. 8) Girl Scout cookies will be sold after church
in Jan. & Feb. Steven Millheim made motion & Ralph
Deyo 2nd.
(Continued from page 13)
SOCIAL MINISTRY: 1) Lenna Harris reported that 17
churches participated in the Ingathering. 2) Karen
Landis will chair the Social Ministry committee. 3)
Souper Bowl of Caring weekend is Jan. 31 – Feb. 1.
STEWARDSHIP: No meeting.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 1) Jenn Johnson reported that the
Christmas Program will be Dec. 21 in the nave
“Christmas Presence”. 2) Jenn Johnson talked about
Background checks Training will be in Jan. 2015. 3)
Susan Kelly talked with Diana Holva regarding the
Lenox Nativity set.
BUILDING USE REQUESTS: Carol Schaeffer – Helping
Hands: Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner – Feb. 7th Lenna
Harris made motion – Roy Roth 2nd.
WORSHIP & MUSIC: No meeting.
Council President Susan Kelly declared the meeting
adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1) Council members need to
stay between Christmas Eve services to help assist for
next service. 2) Ushers will handout glow sticks with
bulletins only at 5:00 service. 3) Wayne V. will have
training in Jan. for Council communion members. 4)
Restructuring of the Christian Education Committee –
All education – Need chairperson.
The meeting closed with the praying of the Lord’s
NEXT MEETING: Wed. Jan. 21, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
NEXT DEVOTIONS: Jocelyn Starner
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Pastor Schaeffer & Les Little
commented on the 2015 Proposed Budget. Lenna
Harris made motion and Les Little 2nd to accept the
2015 Budget. 2) Church Council will host Fellowship
Social on Jan. 4th. 3) Church Council installation will
be on Jan. 10 & Jan. 11. All members to attend all
three services. 4) Annual Reports are due on Jan. 12
so they will be available in advance of the
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Wallace
Recording Secretary
If you or a friend of yours have
been worshipping at St.
John’s and decide to make it
your church home, classes for
New Members are scheduled
once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the
month in the Church Parlor.
Baptism classes are held once a month in the
Church Parlor for those wishing to be baptized
or for bringing children to the font. Typically the
class is scheduled the second Sunday of the
month. During the class, the meaning and importance of Baptism are presented and if there
are any questions concerning the ceremony or
sponsorship, they can be addressed at that time.
The class is about one hour long and presents an
overview of the Lutheran faith as well as a brief
After deciding to join, a time is
scheduled during one of the worship services to
welcome the new member. Questions? Please
feel free to contact the Church Office at 610-7593090.
You may call the Church Office to make arrangements for the date / time of the baptism, which
can be scheduled either during or after the
Saturday or Sunday worship services.
Questions? Please feel free to
contact the Church Office at
Love-A-Lot Nursery School
inter and snowmen and snowflakes, oh, MY! From outside to inside, our
stories, songs, and art projects in January focused on all aspects of the chilly
season! To take a break from the winter wonderland in the classroom, we celebrated a day at the beach with the 4yo class! We threw on some grass skirts and
flip-flops, did the limbo, built sand castles, and danced around palm trees for a day. It was a welcome
distraction from that nasty January chill! The following week we had a day of camping, set up with a
tent and a “campfire” around which we sang fun songs. Miss Catherine visited both classes with stories
of snow adventures which added to the fun of the month. We had so much fun inside, we wanted to
help our feathered friends outside, so both classes made bird feeders. The children shared lots of funny
stories about watching the birds eat their “art projects.”
The 3s learned their shapes by playing games at circle time and creating great art projects that centered
on the shape of the day. We held lots of review games to go over numbers 1-5 which we introduced
in the fall, and kept practicing scissor cutting. Rounding out the curriculum for the month, we talked
about two more colors, white and blue.
The 4s are doing great with their letters and we continued our letter days in January with M, N, O, &
P! As we get farther into the alphabet, writing their own names is the focus and the pre-writing lessons
of the previous months have honed their fine motor skills needed to write correctly. Before writing
their names, they learned how to spell their names and identify all the letters in a fun “puzzle” that
they were able to bring home once they mastered it at school.
February is a fun month to celebrate those we love with “heartfelt” art projects for Valentine’s Day,
and learning about the heart as we focus on being heart healthy with the 4yo class.
Classes run Monday/Wednesday/Friday for the 4yo class, and Tuesday/Thursday for the 3yo class.
Both classes run 9:00–11:30 a.m. with an optional lunch bunch for the 4yo class that runs 11:30–1:00
p.m. If you are interested in registering your child in Love-A-Lot Nursery School next September, there
are openings in both the 3yo and 4yo classes. Please contact the school at 484-293-0720 or
[email protected].
Happy Valentine’s Day
Lord of heaven and earth, we offer you our deepest appreciation for this blessed land. Stir up a sense of stewardship in every citizen so we all may care for our nation
and each inhabitant of it. We pray especially for our
leaders. Prompt everyone in a position of authority, from
local to national leaders, to strive for righteousness, justice
and the welfare of all citizens. Finally,
we pray that we may be ever mindful of the psalmist’s teaching that
“Happy is the nation whose God is
the Lord…” (Psalm 33:12, NRSV).
May that promise become real
“from sea to shining sea.” Amen.
From the Staff at St. John’s:
Pastor Schaeffer
Pastor Butz
Jaime Patrice
Jennie Bonnie
Gary, Joe & Tony
The success of love is in the loving; it is not in
the result of loving. — Mother Teresa
St. John’s Day Care News
n January the classrooms started off the year by learning about winter activities,
snowmen, animals in winter, and winter weather. Some of our classrooms also
spent some time learning about Martin Luther King, Jr., and all the classrooms
have been enjoying some indoor gross motor activities when the weather is too
cold. With the school-age students being off, Parents for Progress brought in Dave
Fry for a special visit with all the classrooms and everyone had a wonderful time.
February has a lot of fun topics. Some of the classrooms will learn about light and shadow for Groundhog
Day, and some will learn about keeping their teeth healthy since February is Dental Health Month. The
classrooms will also learn about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington to celebrate their birthdays this
month. Each of the classrooms will also be doing a special celebration for Valentine’s Day. Pre-School and
Pre-K will also have a Valentine’s dance along with their party!
Our program provides care for children ages 6 weeks through school age from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Our
pre-school curriculum is taught daily within our day. If you have an interest in learning about our center,
please call 610-759-499 or email Lisa Todd, Director, at [email protected].
Do something wonderful; people may imitate it.
― Albert Schweitzer
ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: When is the last time the two of you
did something to enrich and revitalize your marriage? Make 2015 the year you
resolve to take time to spend a weekend learning how to make your marriage a
more intimate, loving, Christian union. Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends
run from Friday night at 8 PM to Sunday at 4 PM and are designed to enrich all
marriages. There is a $45 per couple registration fee; plus toward the end of the weekend, you will be given
an opportunity to make a confidential contribution toward continuation of the program. Two nights lodging,
five meals for each of you, and all supplies are included.
The 2015 Pennsylvania Weekends are:
 March 13-5, 2015 at the lovely Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel located in a peaceful setting 6 miles from
the Pittsburgh Airport
 April 10-12, 2015 at the Toftrees Golf Resort and Conference Center nestled in 1,500 wooded acres in
State College, PA
 September 18-20, 2015 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center, Canadensis, PA – a new, hotel-style facility on
Spruce Lake in the heart of the Pocono Mountains – an hour north of Allentown
 October 16-18, 2015 in Lancaster, PA, at the all newly-renovated Heritage Hotel Lancaster, home of the
unique tree-house inspired restaurant, Loxley’s.
Registrations are limited, so sign up today to ensure that you can attend the Weekend of your choice. Simply
go to the website: and register using your credit card or marking the option to
mail in a check. For questions, or if you would like a brochure with registration form mailed to you, contact
Pennsylvania Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, at 724-325-3166 or email:
[email protected].
Come join us for a night of romance, wine*, and all
things lovely and divine at our VALENTINE’S
PASTA DINNER. Saturday, February 14th from
5:00 - 7:30 p.m. at St Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran
Church (417 Howertown Road, Catasauqua). Adults
$10.00. Beverages and dessert included with the
meal. *Complimentary glass of wine offered to all guests
over age 21 - must provide proof of age. Tickets can be
purchased by calling 610-264-3221. Take-outs available.
In Our
ROAST BEEF DINNER ~ Saturday, February 14th
from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Dryland UCC (4415 Newburg Road, Nazareth). The menu includes Roast
Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Buttered Corn, String
Beans, Fresh Buttermilk Biscuits, Homemade Pies,
Coffee and Tea. The price is $12 for Adults, $6 for
children ages 6 - 12, and children under 6 are free.
Please contact Rich Durn (484-894-9799) or Karen
Lambert (610-504-1158) for tickets. There will also
be a limited number of pies for sale at the dinner.
GROUNDHOG DAY ~ On February 2nd, the groundhog
Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his
burrow on Gobbler's Knob, in
front of thousands of faithful followers from all over the world, to
predict the weather for the rest of
the winter. According to legend, if
Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow,
there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If
he does not see his shadow, there will be an early
The celebration of Groundhog Day began with the
Germans, Pennsylvania's earliest settlers.
brought with them the legend of Candlemas Day,
which states “For as the sun shines on Candlemas
day, so far will the snow swirl in May.” The settlers
found that groundhogs were plentiful and were the
most intelligent and sensible animal to carry on the
legend of Candlemas Day. So the story goes,
Punxsutawney Phil was named after King Phillip. Prior to being called Phil, he was called Br'er Groundhog. Punxsutawney held its first Groundhog Day in
the 1800's. The first official trek to Gobbler's Knob
was made on February 2, 1887.
“The Messenger” is published monthly, with the exception of the combined July/August issue. Some content for this
newsletter: Copyright © 1996-2014 by Communication Resources. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Sarah Amberger & Joyce Payonk
Offer a friendly welcome to members and
visitors as they arrive for worship.
(Maryellen Werkheiser 610-759-5191)
Molly Frack
Isaiah Eddings
Tim Garrison
Andrew Emmons
Lighting and extinguishing
candles for worship. Open
to youth in grades 6 & up.
(Office 610-759-3090)
Youth Weekend
Youth Weekend
Karlene Kipp
Karen Coleman
Cindy Evancho
Share God’s Word with the
congregation during worship. (Christina Brodt
Youth Worship Weekend
Please sign up to usher!!
Please sign up to usher!!
Welcome and assist worshipers, and collect
the offering. A great way for families to
serve together! (Christina Brodt 610-6530358)
Please note the date you have been scheduled to serve. Kindly find a replacement if you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, and notify
the Church Office. Contact the coordinator (in parentheses) if you are unable to find someone to serve in your place. Sign-up books for Ushers, Nursery
Attendants, Altar Flowers, Bulletin Sponsors, and CD Ministry Sponsors are found in the Fellowship Hall.
Youth Worship Weekend
Nathaniel Rex
10:45 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Youth Worship Weekend
Youth Worship Weekend
Suzan & Kristin Andrews
The Garrison Family
Jim, Lynn & Rachel Schaffer
Irene Tripp & Christine Tripp
8:00 a.m.
Youth Weekend
Please sign up to usher!!
Kaylin Frack
Suzan Andrews
Please sign up to usher!!
Youth Worship Weekend
Bethany Daniels
Craig Dally
10:45 a.m.
Jack McKenna
Charles Bonisese
Please sign up to usher!!
Steven Millheim
Elizabeth Rakos
Lenna Harris
Lew Messinger
Judy & Brian Flick
Trevor Buss
Richard & Joanne Ressler
The Garrity Family
Bruce & Judy Shafer
Maryellen Werkheiser
Donna Walters
Chiara Dooley
Christina Brodt
Donna Walters
8:00 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
Suzan & Kristin Andrews
Lester & Adrienne Grier
Andrea Bickert & Amie Tracy
Joe & Joy Grim
Patrick Garvey
5:30 p.m.
Date & Time
of Service
Jan. 31 –
Feb. 1
14 – 15
21 – 22
10:45 a.m.
MISSION STATEMENT: Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of Believers of Christ, who worship together to be
nourished by the proclamation of God’s Word and by the gracious gifts of Baptism and Holy Communion. Empowered by the Holy
Spirit, through education and fellowship, we respond in obedience to God’s Word, without reserve, in service to the needs of all God’s
creation. Saint John’s is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
200 S. Broad Street, Nazareth, PA 18064-2801
Church Office
[email protected]
Altar Flowers
Steven Millheim
Altar Guild
Jocelyn Starner
Bulletin Sponsors
Church Office
Senior Pastor: Rev. David B. Schaeffer
[email protected]
Christian Education Executive Board
Lois Davis, Superintendent
[email protected]
Church Council President
Susan Kelly
Minister of Music: Rev. Janice I. Butz
[email protected]
Director of Youth & Family Ministries:
Jaime L. Taylor
[email protected]
Assist. Organist/Choir Director:
Patrice A. Kidd
Greeters Schedule
Maryellen Werkheiser
Parish Administrative Assistant:
Jennie M. Dishong
[email protected]
Parish Financial Secretary:
Bonnie Mertz
[email protected]
Sextons: Gary Baltz, Joe Marakovits, Tony Petrillo
[email protected]
Helping Hands
Gail Price
Keith Shook
Katherine Von Bora Society
Jean Miltenberger
Lectors Schedule
Christina Brodt
Love-A-Lot Nursery School
Sarah Ellis, Director
[email protected]
Building Trust Fund - Jeff Daniels (Special appt.)
Luther League (Youth Group - grades 7 & up)
Jaime Taylor
Christian Education - Susan Kelly
Media Ministry
Lois Davis
Day Care - Susan Kelly
Evangelism - Sharon Werner
Helping Hands - Ralph Deyo
Nursery Attendants
Cindy DiRenzo
Love-A-Lot Nursery School - Susan Kelly
Personnel - Susan Kelly
Prayer Chain
Betty Laubach
Property - Alan Butz, Craig Rifendifer, and
Wayne Vierzbicki
St. John’s Day Care
Lisa Todd, Director
Social Ministry - Cathie Dara, Jackie Wolf
Stewardship - Ralph Deyo & Scott Little
Ushers Schedule
Christina Brodt
Worship & Music - Joe Billy, Steven Millheim, and
Jocelyn Starner
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
Lenna Harris
[email protected]
YEO Endowment - Donald Himler (Special appt.)
Presentation of Our Lord
Groundhog Day
4th Sunday after Epiphany
Souper Bowl of Caring
6:30 PM Stewardship
7:00 PM Rebekah Circle
7:00 PM Finance
8:00 PM Endowment
Presidents’ Day
9:00 AM Ladies Aid
4:00 PM JAM Sessions
9:00 AM Ladies Aid
4:00 PM JAM Sessions
6:30 PM Sunday School
7:00 PM Nazareth
Woman’s Club
Ladies Aid
JAM Sessions
Worship & Music
Helping Hands
9:00 AM Ladies Aid
4:00 PM JAM Sessions
6:00 PM Church Council
9:00 AM
4:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
12:00 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
5:00 PM Chalice Choir
6:15 PM Confirmation 1 & 2
6:15 PM Sr. High Youth Grp.
6:30 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM NA
7:30 PM Midweek Lenten
Worship Service
4:00 PM Girl Scout
Troop #81078
Youth Worship Wknd.
5:30 PM Worship with
Holy Communion
6:45 PM Helping Hands
Pork & Sauerkraut
Valentine’s Day
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Farewell to Alleluia
10:00 AM Festival Choir
5:30 PM Worship with
Holy Communion
10:00 AM Philethia Choir
11:00 AM WELCA Unit
Board Mtg.
5:30 PM Worship with
Holy Communion
Ash Wednesday
20 Food Bank Weekend
Martin Luther died, 1546
6:00 PM Girl Scout
Troop #8220
Church Council Report
10:00 AM Festival Choir /
12:00 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
Banquet of Song Reh.
4:00 PM Girl Scout
5:00 PM Chalice Choir
5:30 PM Holden Evening
Troop #81078
6:15 PM Confirmation 1 & 2
Prayer Svc. with
6:15 PM Sr. High Youth Grp.
Holy Communion
6:30 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM NA
7:30 PM Ash Wednesday
Worship with
Holy Communion
12:00 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM Chancel Choir
5:00 PM Chalice Choir
6:15 PM Confirmation 1 & 2
6:15 PM Sr. High Youth Grp.
6:30 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM NA
7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band
9:30 AM Ruth Circle
6:00 PM Girl Scout
12:00 PM Bible Study
Troop #8220
5:00 PM Chalice Choir/Youth 7:00 PM Chancel Choir
Worship Rehearsal
6:15 PM Confirmation 1 & 2
6:15 PM Sr. High Youth Grp.
6:15 PM Bear Creek Camp
6:30 PM Bible Study
7:00 PM NA
7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band
February 2015
6:30 PM History
7:00 PM Day Care Board
8:00 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
9:15 AM Sunday School
9:15 AM New Memb./
Baptism Class
10:45 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
12:00 PM Luther League
5th Sunday after Epiphany
Youth Worship Weekend
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Farewell to Alleluia (White)
8:00 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
Fellowship Social
9:15 AM Sunday School
Pajama Party!
9:30 AM Property
10:45 AM Worship with
Holy Communion
Fellowship Social
1st Sunday in Lent (Purple)
Food Bank Weekend
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Worship
The Messenger
Volume CLVI
“To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known”
A Note from the Pastor .............................................. 1
Worship with Us!...................................................... 2-3
Pastoral Acts .................................................................. 4
Grace Notes................................................................... 5
Singing Opportunities for Lent ................................... 6
Youth News ................................................................... 7
Let’s Go to Bear Creek Camp!.................................. 8
The Role of Biblical Stewardship ............................. 11
Church Council Minutes............................................ 13
In Our Community ..................................................... 17
February Worship Assistants ................................... 19
December 18, 2014
Dear Barbara,
Recently, we received the holiday packages you and
the members of St. John’s Lutheran Church had sent.
The support and well wishes we received was simply
tremendous! I cannot express to you well enough in
words the gratitude we who are deployed here at
Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan have for the congregation’s contribution and support. It was overwhelming and brought much needed smiles to the faces of
those deployed here!
It is comforting to know that those of us who are serving in remote hostile lands are being supported by exceptional Americans such as yourself and those of the
St. John’s congregation. Please forward our thanks to
all those involved in providing us a little holiday
cheer from home.
Joseph M. Matson, Lt Col, USAF, NC
455th Expeditionary Aeromedical Evacuation
Squadron, Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
Issue No. 367