Nativity of the Lord


Nativity of the Lord
Nativity of the Lord Parish House
4611 S. Kirkwood Ave. (414) 744-6622
[email protected]
Office Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30am-4:15pm
Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00 pm
Evenings & weekends by appointment.
(Secretary Office Hours: Mon—Wed 9am—2pm)
Staff: Pastor: Rev. Jan Kieliszewski
Deacon: Gerald Ponec
Administrator: Bryan Martin [email protected]
Liturgy & Music: Robert Patrick [email protected]
Secretary, Bulletin, Website: Mary Jo K Hallfeld
Liturgical Art Director: Gregory Gniotczynski
Custodians: Jim Orlinski & Scott Stephens
Parish Council: Chair: Mary Hart–Witkowski;
Vice-Chair: Jeff Schlax; Secretary: Sue Scaffidi;
Trustee-Treasurer: Jim Williamson &
Trustee-Secretary: Linda Slattery
Southeast Catholic Religious Formation:
Director of Collaborative Elementary Religious Formation:
Karen Bushman 481-0777 x117 [email protected]
Coordinator of RCIA: Bob Boehm 769-2480 [email protected]
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Debbie O’Dwyer
481-0777 x135 [email protected]
St. Thomas Aquinas Academy Grades K4-8
(414) 744-1214 341 E. Norwich Ave • Milw.
Principal: Mrs. Rhonda Friday
[email protected]
SPRED-Special Religious Education—744-6622
Holy Sepulcher (Parish) Cemetery - 762-2860
Mass Schedule:
Weekday: Monday—Friday 8:30am
Weekend: Saturday - 4:30pm; Sunday - 8 & 10:30am
Reconciliation: Saturdays at 3:30pm
Adoration: Wednesdays 9:30am – 6pm
Dear Friends—
One thing Mark wants to tell us in this weekend's gospel is that miracles are seen not as acts of magic, but as works
of power. Already here in chapter 1, when the Lord does a miracle, he is actually mediating the force of God's will,
which in turn has a healing effect on the person suffering from an illness, or from possession by the devil. Such is the
case with the mother-in-law of Simon Peter, just as last Sunday we saw a demon expelled in the synagogue. These
amazing works usually have a similar structure: a) a miracle worker comes to a sick person; b) the illness is
described; c) there is a form of request for healing; d) the healing is visible, taking place by gesture or word;
e) a response comes from the onlookers.
All of these elements are present in Mark today. The emphasis here is on Jesus raising Peter's mother-in-law up for
service, which is indicative of discipleship. Significant is the fact that this is the first of four acts of power that Jesus
will carry out of behalf of women.
In the way that the Lord will often ask witnesses to be quiet about his miracles, and he many times refuses to allow
demons to speak even though they know who he is, miracle working is not the key to understanding Jesus' nature.
Suffering, death and resurrection will define his true identity. Simon and the others are impressed, and they want
him to do more miracles. This will develop into a serious tension as this gospel progresses. They will appreciate
Jesus' healing power, but misconstrue or ignore his strong call for suffering and service. Jesus won't stay very long in
any one place in spite of the disciples' urging. His ministry is to proclaim the Good News throughout the whole area
of Galilee.
LENTEN JOURNEY 2012—”Discipleship through the Centuries”
At the beginning of Lent in 2004, five Parishes among those on the Southeast side of Milwaukee & the surrounding area,
began a cooperative program for Adult Formation. It was felt that our five parishes working together could offer better
quality programs than any one parish could by itself.
The first Lenten topic was the Stations of the Cross. Over a five week period each of the Parishes focused on three of the
Stations. The program was spread over five different days of the week, allowing people who may have a conflict one night
of the week, to possibly attend other sessions. Attendance was taken and it was discovered that many people attended
three or more sessions and enjoyed seeing the other church members and hearing other voices. Subsequent topics over the
years focused on the “Places Where Jesus Went”, “The
Psalms”, “The Eucharist”, and “The Epistles”. Last year
the Program focused on Old testament figures.
This year, at all six Parishes of the South Shore
Cluster we will be looking at "Discipleship through the
Centuries." We will learn about some of the Disciples
who were contemporaries of Jesus, such as: St. Peter,
and Mary and Martha. Other topics will look at those
important in the development of the Church:
St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. John
Vianney. We also explore some of the Disciples who are
contemporaries of ourselves: Pope John Paul II and the
"saints" that we meet every day in our parishes.
The Journey starts Sunday, February 19th (the
Sunday before Ash Wednesday) at 2:00pm at Nativity
Parish. Please watch the Parish Bulletin for the times
and locations of other “stops” on the Journey for
2012. (There are also copies of the brochure on the
table at the back of the church.)
Bob Boehm, Lenten Journey Committee Member
Thought of the Day: Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
Mark Twain
Catholic Quiz
1. What is a remission of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven?
(a) indulgence; (b) purgate; (c) tartarus; (d) indult
2. In the Biblical book of Judith, what is the name of the Assyrian general whom Judith beheads to save the
(a) Esdrelon; (b) Achior; (c) Holofernes; (d) Melito
3. A campanile is?
(a) Spiritual director; (b) Bell tower; (c) Lenten penitential practice; (d) Altar cloth
4. A feast that always falls on the same day of the week not the same calendar date is called?
5. What country will Pope Benedict XVI visit on March 26 – 28, 2012?
(a) floated; (b) quartered; (c) shifting; (d) movable
(a) Russia; (b) North Korea; (c) Cuba; (d) Lebanon
Car Conversations Going to the grocery store or school? Make the most of your driving time by having a conversation about
your faith or family life.
Question: What is your greatest worry?
Common Ground of Grief Bereavement Programs The Archdiocese of Milwaukee and the Catholic cemeteries offer
monthly programs open to the public. The topic for February is The Three Brief Grief Essentials: Grief, Mourning and
Healing. Session information: February 7, 11am – 12:30pm or 6:30-8pm; San Camillo 10200 W. Bluemound Rd; No cost.
The presenter is Patrick Dean. A full schedule of the monthly presentations is available from the website of Milwaukee Catholic
cemeteries at under bereavement ministry.
Separated and Divorced Ministry Have you recently had a life change and are looking for support? The Archdiocese offers
groups to support men and women during this difficult time. Through the John Paul II Center, men and women who are
considering legal separation or divorce can find direction through parish based support groups, counseling resources, retreat
weekends and conferences. For more information about these resources go to
Elementary Religious Education Classes will be held this weekend at the Nativity of the Lord Site. On February 10 families
can attend the Mardi Gras Family Nite which will be held at Immaculate Conception parish from 6:30 – 7:30pm.
Fun Facts for Faithful Kids
1. February is Library Lover’s month. A library is a place where books and other materials are collected. Public libraries let
us borrow books, movies, music and other resources for free. Do you already have a library card? If so, you can start
reading. If not, why not ask Mom or Dad to take you to the library and borrow using their card.
2. Today is SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! If you are a football fan you will be enjoying a great game. But every week we have
SUPER SUNDAY because we can go to Mass and be with Jesus in a very special way. So always remember to attend Mass
each week with your family and make it SUPER!
3. A person who dies for their faith is called a martyr. On February 6 the church celebrates the feast of St. Paul Miki and his
companions. In 1567 in the city of Nagasaki Japan, 26 Catholics were killed for the faith. Even though they were hated for
believing in Jesus, these men, women, boys and girls forgave the people who killed them.
4. February 9 is National Stop Bullying Day. This is an important day because many boys and girls are picked on every day
at school, in their neighborhood and at home. Bullies are people who are mean to others. Sometimes they are physical like
hitting and kicking, other times they call names or make fun of others. If you are being bullied or if you know someone
who is being bullied, tell a parent, teacher, coach or other adult. God doesn’t want us to be afraid.
5. Mary the Mother of God has come to earth and appeared to different people at different times. On February 11, 1858,
Mary appeared to a young girl named Bernadette Soubirous in the village of Lourdes, France. On one visit, Mary told
Bernadette to dig in the ground. Suddenly a spring of water came bubbling out of the ground. Many people have come to
the site and drank the water and have been cured of their illnesses.
Karen Bushman, Director of Collaborative Elementary Religious Formation, 481-0777 [email protected]
"Repent and Reform your lives," Jesus repeats John the Baptist's words and then says to his first Apostles', "Follow Me."
He says those words to you too. How can you respond? For nearly a decade, to honor and reflect on our Lord's life, death and
resurrection, a group of parishioners participate in the Men's Holy Week Retreat at the Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh. This
year's retreat starts Wednesday, April 4th at 6:30pm and runs until 1:00pm on Saturday, April 7th. To learn more or to
reserve your space: Have questions or wish to share the ride to Oshkosh? Contact Ray Glowacki
at 414-481-8051. Trust me, you will be grateful, you responded to His Call.
Annette Sabo & “The Bushman Family” (or anyone who knows them) - your Christmas musical note
memorial ornaments are at the Parish Office for pick up.
Spelling Bee Winners!
Congratulations to:
Grades 1-4 Winners: Henry Barksdale, Maron Janiszewski & Jacob Kleczka
Grades 5-8 Winners: Mikaela Wojciechowski, Drake Luna & Lilly Menting.
And Good Luck to Mikaela Wojciechowski, who will be going on to the Milwaukee Regional Spelling Bee
in February.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------This year’s theme for Catholic School week 2012 was “Catholic Schools: Faith, Academics,
and Service”. The logo shows the words Catholic Schools with T in Catholic a purple cross.
From the top right corner of the cross it shows the words: Faith, Academics, and Service.
These three priorities make Catholic schools stand out from other educational institutions.
Children are taught faith & how to have a relationship with God. Children are taught academics which in Catholic Schools are
held to very high standards to help each child reach his or her potential. They experience service, the giving of one’s time and
effort to help others as an expression of both faith and good citizenship.
The students of St. Thomas Aquinas Academy would like to thank you for the energy and time of our administrators, faculty,
staff, volunteers, benefactors, priests and parents whose generosity has made this special week possible. Help us to build your
Kingdom of love right here at St. Thomas Aquinas Academy. THANK YOU!
THANK YOU ALL FOR ATTENDING OUR SUCCESSFUL OPEN HOUSE! It was a wonderful afternoon. If you were unable
to attend and require a registration form for the 2012-2013 or know of anyone who is looking for a school, please call the
school office at 744-1214.
Mrs. Friday, Principal
SAVE THE DATE! The Pre-Lenten ”Fasiangy” Celebration sponsored by the Slovak League of America,
Assembly #20 of Milwaukee, will take place on Saturday, February 19th, 6-1pm at the Knights of Columbus
Hall on 103rd & Oklahoma Ave, Greenfield. Delicious food and bakery will be available 6-10pm. Music by a
“live” band will take place throughout the evening. The Tatra Slovak Dancers will perform at 7:30pm.
Tickets are $5. For more info, call Betty at 425-6137 or Emily at 464-1063
St. John the Evangelist Parish, Keeping it Together Marriage Ministry Series, presents: I Still Do: Learning to Nurture Your Marriage in
a ‘Maybe I Do’ World. Couples are invited to attend this special Valentine's Day Event on February 11th, 6pm at Brookfield Sheraton
(375 S. Moorland Rd). This special evening is $45/couple, and includes dinner, dancing and presentation given by Lydia LoCoco, Director of
the Nazareth Project for Marriage and Family Formation. Please call St. John’s Parish Office (414) 321-1965 to register. Registration
deadline is February 6, 2012.
Ordinary Time makes up most of the liturgical year in
the Catholic Church. What does Ordinary Time mean?
Spectators are also welcome for a $5 donation.
Because Ordinary Time refers to the period of the Catholic
Church's liturgical year that falls outside of the major seasons
(Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter), and because of the
connotations of the term "ordinary" in English, many people
think “Ordinary Time” refers to the parts of the Church year
that are unimportant. But nothing could be further from the
Ordinary Time is called "ordinary" because the weeks are
numbered. The Latin word ordinalis, which refers to numbers
in a series, stems from the Latin word ordo, from which we get
the English word order. Thus, Ordinary Time is, in fact, the
ordered life of the Church—the period in which we live our lives
neither in feasting (as in the Christmas and Easter seasons)
nor in more severe penance (as in Advent and Lent), but in
watchfulness and expectation of the Second Coming of
Christ. The Liturgical color for vestments is green.
Gregory Gniotczynski, Liturgical Art Director (and Artist/Owner of
Epiphany Art and Design
Tickets will be sold in the back of church this weekend for the dinner.
If you would like to donate any new sports-related items or the cash to buy these items
for the Nativity of the Lord Spaghetti Dinner and Vendor Craft Fair raffle,
please drop them off at the Parish Office during weekday business hours.
1st Annual Nativity of
the Lord Indoor “Yard”
Sale on Saturday,
June 2nd.
Winter can be long so
why not start sorting
through those things in
your attic or basement to pass the time? You can
participate in our giant Yard Sale in 2 ways. You can
rent a space for $20 ($15 for registered contributing
parishioners) and set up your own yard sale. (You will
be responsible for selling your own items and
disposing of what is left at the end of the day.) Or
you can donate your items (No electronics) to Nativity
of the Lord on Collection Day (May 12th) and the
parish will receive the profits for what we sell. More
details will follow. If you have any questions, please
call Mary at the Parish Office or Pat at 481-7956.
With Our Thanks…
Dear Friends,
Among the poor in Latin American countries, Three
Kings is the most wonderful and exciting time for
children. It is the day when the wise men come to
visit them to give them toys and candy. At Our Lady
of Guadalupe and St. Patrick Parishes we have kept
this tradition.
On behalf of the children and the adults, I sincerely
thank you for your donation of presents [from your
Giving Tree]. Your generosity really made a difference
in their lives.
May our good and gracious Father fill your hearts
with his unending grace and hope.
We have a parishioner who needs a ride to church for
the 4:30pm mass for herself and her companion. She
lives on Lake Drive about 6 blocks south of Layton Ave.
If you could make this your ministry or would like more
information, please call me at the Parish Office. Thanks! Mary
Sincerely, Fr. Jose L Moreno, SJ, Pastor
February is Nations Children’s Dental Health Month. The American Dental Association has a
website with great information on many dental topics at Some topics are Aging and
Dental Health, Teething, Thumb Sucking, Brushing and much more. There is a crisis of poor dental
health among low-income families, and that is why Project Concern of Cudahy-St. Francis
provides toothbrushes and paste to its food pantry patrons. We purchase toothbrushes through the
St. Ignatius Program at the Marquette Dental School at 25 cents each but donations of funds to purchase toothbrushes,
brushes themselves and toothpaste are always welcome.
Debbie Pizur, Director of Project Concern
Salzmann Library is again sponsoring a Soup and Substance Lenten Lecture Series consisting of a dinner of soup, bread
and coffee at 6pm and presentation and discussion at 7pm at Henni Hall. Please mark your calendars and join us!
Thursday, March 15th – Dr. Arthur Falls and the Heresy of the Mystical Body of Christ, presented by Lincoln Rice,
a Ph.D. candidate in moral theology at Marquette University.
Thursday, March 22nd – You Mean We Can Eat Meat on Friday? The Change in the Friday Abstinence Discipline in
1966, presented by Fr. Steven Avella, Ph.D. professor in the history department at Marquette University.
Salzmann Library has received a grant from the International Society for Science and Religion consisting of a collection of 225
hard bound books. The ISSR Library is “a comprehensive reference and teaching tool for scholars, students and interested lay
readers.” Come, discover these wonderful books!
Blessings and happy reading to all, Kathy Frymark, Director, Salzmann Library
St. Francis de Sales Seminary, 3257 S. Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235, [email protected], (414) 747-6478
Saturday, February 4th
 1st Eucharist Parent/Child session—9:15
-10:30am @ St. Paul
Sunday, February 5th
 Elementary & Middle School Religious
 High School Religious Ed—10:30am—1:15pm
 Confirmation Class - 2:30-3:45pm
Wednesday, February 8th
 Adoration— 9:30am-6 pm
 St. Veronica “Getting Together Over Yarn” - 6-8pm
Thursday, February 9th
 STAA 11:30am early dismissal
 SPRED Staff Session—6-8pm (CFC)
Friday, February 10th
 STAA—no school
 Elementary Religious Ed Family Nite—6:30-7:30pm
Saturday, February 11th
 Spaghetti Dinner and Craft Vendor
 Chicken Dinner at Immaculate
Sunday, February 12th
 Men’s Club—8am mass & breakfast meeting to follow
 Elementary School Religious Ed—9-11:30am @ St.
 High School Religious Ed—10:30am—1:15pm @ St.
 Confirmation Class - 2:30-3:45pm
 Middle School Religious Ed—7-8:30pm @ St. Martin of
First Sat., February 4th—Sunday Vigil
4:30 pm †Adolf Seewald—int. of the Family
Sunday, February 5th— 5th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
8:00 am Nativity Parish
10:30 am †Jo Ann Bilicki—int. of Mom & Dad
Monday, February 6th—St. Paul Miki & Companions
8:30 am †Donald Kaczmarek—int. of Lydia Kaczmarek
Tuesday, February 7th—Weekday
8:30 am †Wanda Janusz—int. of Erwin & JoAnn Mundt
Wednesday, February 8th—Sts. Jerome Emiliani &
Josephine Bakhita
8:30 am †Richard, †Eleanor, †Barbara & †Judith Voves—
int. of the Family
Thursday, February 9th—Weekday
8:30am †Ralph & †Esther Pyka
Friday, February 10th—St. Scholastica
8:30 am †Luis Cruz
Sat., February 11th—Our Lady of Lourdes/Sunday Vigil
4:30 pm †Pius Selensky—int. of Philomena Selensky
Sunday, February 12th— 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am †Sweetest Grandma, Gladys Peerenboom—int. of
the Family
10:30 am Nativity Parish
Don Borowski, Leonard Budnowski, Melissa
Chipman, Betty Chovanec, Vi Czerniakowski,
Ronald Damitz, Stella Dembowiak, Krisine Fojtik,
Patricia Fons, Anne Holubowicz, Donald
Kaczmarek, Sara Karolek, Gilbert LaGosh, Gina
LaGosh, Celina Lambert, Ann Martin, Rita Moran, Michael
Mowers, Charles Nudi, Marciann Pelzek, Margaret Peplinski,
Mike Plakut, Lula Popodi, Ben Schacht, Richard Skidmore,
Regina Sweet, Irene Traskowski, Adeline VanVlaenderen,
Anna Mary Vetter, Rose & Joe Weber, Debbie Wroblewski
Scripture for the week of February 5, 2012
6 Mon
7 Tue
8 Wed
9 Thu
10 Fri
11 Sat
12 SUN
IN HONOR OF THE HOLY FAMILY - O God, heavenly Father, it
was part of Thine eternal decree that Thine only-begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, should form a holy
family with Mary, His blessed mother, and His foster father, Saint
Joseph. In Nazareth home life was sanctified, and a perfect example
was given to every Christian family. Grant, we beseech Thee, that
we may fully comprehend and faithfully imitate the virtues of the
Holy Family so that we may be united with them one day in their
heavenly glory. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
RELIGIOUS QUIZ ANSWERS: 1a; 2c; 3a; 4d; 5c
Notes: 1) Catechism of the Catholic Church #1471-1479.
3) A campanile is separate from a church building.
PARISH STEWARDSHIP for January 29th, 2012
Your statements of contributions to Nativity of the
Lord are on the tables in the back vestibule. Please keep
in mind that your statements will only include contributions
for Nativity of the Lord, the school, Holy Days, utilities and
church flowers. The total does not include mass
intentions, memorials or tributes, Faith in Our Future,
Archdiocesan collections, raffle tickets or other fund
raisers. If you need your statement mailed to you or if
Academy Support
Energy Support
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39
1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13/Mk 6:53-56
1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30/Mk 7:1-13
1 Kgs 10:1-10/Mk 7:14-23
1 Kgs 11:4-13/Mk 7:24-30
1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19/Mk 7:31-37
1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34/Mk 8:1-10
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31—11:1/ Mk 1:4045
“Thank you and God bless you for your gifts of
you do not need a statement at all, please call Mary.
Time, Talent and Treasure!”