Well, we all dodged pot holes, road cones and a lolly pop man to get


Well, we all dodged pot holes, road cones and a lolly pop man to get
Well, we all dodged pot holes, road cones and a lolly pop man to get to STD & DING-A-LING’s place to
find poor ol STD snivelling with a cold and not her usual bubbly self. Good to see LEGOVA back again
and even FRIGID braved the elements to come back to see if he could break his other ankle but no need
for that coz apparently BRICK SHEITHOUSE did that over the weekend.
New boot CLAUDIA wondered what the heck was going to happen but FLAPPER and BAGSHAG had told
her all would be well. Well, anything goes apparently for BAGSHAG as whenever she goes to a Singles
night she always chats up the girls!
BEASTIALITY was champing at the bit talking forever to get his head light sorted (put it on ya head mate!).
DING-A-LING set us on our way and trail went downhill (oh dear, this only means we have to come back UP hill).
Runners disappeared into the night to try and find the lolly pop man who had vanished into thin air. I’M THIRSTY and
RLD realised the further we went downhill that this wasn’t going to be good. Walkers veered up Billy’s Track where most
scrambled up the bank whereas us more wise ones followed the road. Found the P*ss wagon waiting for us with
instructions on Major Hornbrook Road which was a dangling carrot for I’M THIRSTY and RLD to auto hash (well, FRIGID
needed company in the back seat). Was quite a climb to get to the 1st PS on Major Hornbrook Drive opposite Rockview
Place for everyone. The walkers arrived, so did the bus which we confused the hell out of the driver as he went around
the block about three times to see if we would get on.
FIDDLEE and VAUGHAN were the last to arrive looking hot and flustered - apparently FIDDLEE was having to drag
VAUGHAN in and out of bushes like a dog all the way. Sounds a bit hairy to me I reckon.
The dogs decided to have a wee party on their own in the park with a neon disco happening in the dark with their
flashing collars.
WORKASHIRKA did the most pathetic attempt of calling “Are Weee!”. Hardly anyone heard but we were given the
shove to carry on with the run by the GM. Runners and Walkers disappeared into the night to god knows where as the
auto hashers carried on auto hashing and back home to babysit a sick STD until DING-A-LING came back from the 2nd
PS which I’m sure was just fabulous and apparently FIDDLEE still dragging VAUGHAN around like a dog, poor bloke.
The runners and walkers arrived back home to find the auto hashers now in recliner chair mode and asleep. STD the
poor soul was still snivelling and coughing in the corner. Give the poor girl a rum and cloves! But she soldiered on the
wee trooper.
Once RLD had hollered for money it was then into fines in the garage.
Book Fines (40’s) - FIDDLEE (40), I’M THIRSTY (40), BAGSHAG (40x2=80)
New Boot - CLAUDIA
BAGSHAG – picking up girls
DING-A-LING – having a PS by a bus stop and confusing
the hell out of the bus driver
FRIGID – memories
FRIGID – poking it in and popping it out
BILLY & FLAPPER – name calling
RLD, FRIGID, I’M THIRSTY – auto hashing (what’s new)
STD – being tasteless
BEEP – no Stick
WOBBY LEGS – gosh, was doing so good in writing down the fines I forgot to write
this one down!
VAUGHAN – after a bit of discussion about hairy things and dragged like a dog and
animal antics etc he was now blessed and baptised as HAIRY MACLARY
Just when we were about to start food the circle was opened again and STD was called forward for a birthday wish
which she thought everyone had forgotten. We went easy on the candles so just the one which she volunteered
someone else to blow out rather than her blow all her germs over the cake and a bloody yummy cake it was. Food
consisted of corned beef, yummy broccoli salad, roast veges, creamy mashed spuds and salad. Yummeeeee!
So once all fill as a bull it was another beer and then we tootled off home still trying to find the lolly pop man who I’m
sure had fallen into a pot hole.
Heads up for Queen’s Birthday Monday run 2nd June our lovely EANIE MEANIE WIENIE and SUPA SUCKA are in town
and will be hosting a NOON run at RLD’s place. Come along and catch up with them and little CLARA, so, that’s Queen’s
Birthday, otherwise it’s all on next week at O’Shea’s for GO’N DOWN’s run.
You mean drinking
beer and watching
sports aren’t the
meaning of life?
Listen Linda you tube funny: http://youtu.be/eh1-bRYAnug
CH2H3 Notice Board
Monday, 19th May 2014, Run #1957
Shea’s Public House, 128 Mt Pleasant Road
*** Time to start bringing the torches as it's getting dark on the run ***
6:30pm start unless otherwise stated
26 May Gloworm
....................................................................................... 75 Teesdale Street, Burnside
2 Jun QUEENS BIRTHDAY: Eanie Meanie Wienie & Supa Sucka – 12pm START
............................................................................................. 15a Leonie Place, Bexley
9 June Beep Beep
.............................................................................. 65 Penruddock Rise, Westmorland
16 June Beastiality
.......................................................................................... 5 Hampton Place, Burnside
Other Upcoming Important Dates
2014, June 27-29
Garden City H3 Winter Camp & 30th Birthday
See website for details: http://gch3.weebly.com/events.html
2014- July 25-27
Brussels Presents “A Beer Odyssey”
See website for details: http://www.interhash2014.com/
2015, January 23-25
NZ Nash Hash, Waitewheta, (North Island)
See website for more details: http://www.nashhash2015.com/index.html
2015, March 6-8
Aussie Nash Hash, hosted by Busselton Hash
Details and Regos: http://www.nashhashbusselton2015.com.au
2015, Easter Weekend
Christchurch Hash House Harriers will be big time celebrating our 2000th run!!!
2016, May 20-22
INTERHASH, Bali, Indonesia
See website for more details: http://www.interhash2016.com