Spring Forwa rd to Bea uty


Spring Forwa rd to Bea uty
Sp ring Fo rwa rd to Be a uty
W ith spring fina lly he re , it's time to c le a nse yo urse lf o f a ny e xc e ss. Le t us he lp yo u
she d tha t d ry w inte r skin a nd stubbo rn unw a nte d fa t to g e t yo u re a d y fo r summe r.
Re a d o n to le a rn ho w yo u c a n e mbra c e be a uty this spring a t Dr. Jho nny Sa lo mo n
Pla stic Surg e ry & M e d Spa .
It's tim e to she d tha t sc a ly winte r skin!
The ne w Fra c tio na l C O 2 te c hno lo g y a t Dr. Jho nny Sa lo mo n Pla stic Surg e ry & M e d
Spa is w ha t w e 're c a lling the a nti-a g ing bre a kthro ug h o f the d e c a d e ! In the pa st,
tra d itio na l c a rbo n d io xid e la se r tre a tme nts re mo v e d the e ntire surfa c e o f the skin
re sulting in a n e xte nd e d a nd pa inful re c o v e ry. W hile pe rma ne nt lig hte ning w a s
po ssible , the he a ling pro c e ss w a s le ng thy.
Fra c tio na l C O 2 c o mbine s the e ffe c tiv e ne ss o f tra d itio na l C O 2 w ith a ne w
te c hno lo g y to d e liv e r po w e rful re sults w itho ut the ha rsh sid e e ffe c ts. By be ing a ble
to focus on targeting the specific areas
requiring treatment, the recov ery time is much
shorter than CO2 treatments of the past. The
Fractional CO2 treatment reaches these
specific areas by using small columns of
fractionated energy to ablate areas of
By targeting zones deep in the skin as
opposed to the entire skin surface, Read
Surgical Spotlight | Breast Augmentation with Textured Shaped Implant
Breast shape and density v ary greatly
from w oman to w oman. I t is for this
reason that selecting the ideal breast
implant be handled w ith great care. Dr.
Salomon takes necessary time explaining
to his patients the benefits of each type
of implant in order to assist them in
selecting the best implant for their needs.
Breasts attain a more gently sloping
contour w ith teardrop breast implants.
With shaped or teardrop implants, the
main area of projection is under the nipple w ith less v olume on the upper area of
the breast. These implants are the ideal choice for w omen w ho w ant more naturally
shaped teardrop breasts, those w ith low amounts of breast tissue or w ho hav e
experienced a mild degree of sagging.
Freeze The Fat Away! | CoolFit & CoolCurve
Dr. Jhonny Salomon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa is alw ays seeking to add new
adv ancements to our practice. CoolSculpting® has prov en to be an excellent
option for the remov al of unw anted fat from small areas and now w e'v e brought it
to you for larger areas by introducing CoolFit & CoolCurv e. These tw o new
applicators allow patients the opportunity to target larger areas such as the
inner/outer thighs, arms, and full abdomen w ith the CoolSculpting® technology.
CoolSculpting® is the best, most adv anced,
non-surgical w ay to lose those annoying bumps
of stubborn fat. This rev olutionary technology
targets and cools unw anted fat cells in the
selected area to induce a noticeable, naturallooking reduction in fat bulges.
Read more.....
éclat Medical by Dr. Jhonny Salomon
Dev eloped by Dr. Jhonny Salomon,
Éclat Medical is the most adv anced
skin care system av ailable today. I ts
pharmaceutical grade ingredients are
scientifically prov en to support and
stimulate healthy function of the skin by
targeting unev en skin tone, hyperpigmentation, age spots, fine lines and
w rinkles, enlarged pores, acne, and
env ironmental damage. Combining the
best in prescription ingredients w ith pow erful, all natural, botanical ingredients, Éclat
is the best of both w orlds!