Christ Child Society of Cleveland


Christ Child Society of Cleveland
Chapter & Verse
November 2015
Christ Child Society of Cleveland
Mission: “To foster a personal love of Christ expressing itself in service for needy children regardless of race, color, or creed.”
Dear Christ Child Members,
In this month of Thanksgiving, it is important to note that gratitude for the Christ Child and for every child born
in His image is at the heart of all that we do. Mary Virginia Merrick spent her life expressing that gratitude by
serving children in need – and today, members of all 43 chapters of the Christ Child Society work to do the same.
Gratitude has the power to significantly enhance our work; it stimulates, energizes, and invigorates - it conveys
worth and meaning. When we express our gratitude to God, we give Him glory; when we express our gratitude to
human beings, we give them significance. And in both cases, we participate in the process of “lifting up.” What a
wonderful way to summarize the actions of a life! Let’s spend the month of November recognizing all the blessings
in our lives and expressing our gratitude every chance we get. Let’s spend the month of November seeing the
Christ Child in every person we meet. Let’s spend the month of November grateful that God has placed us right
here – right now – as members of the Christ Child Society. And as the days of this month pass, please know how
grateful I am to every one of you for the example you set every time you work a project, endure a hardship, or
express a kindness. You lift me up! Happy Thanksgiving.
Susan Ferraro Smith
Reflecting with Father Ralph
As another year begins to wind down, we tend to “ramp up” a lot of activities! With the coming of Thanksgiving and Christmas
so many delightful things happen that need preparation and planning. I hope for all of this preparation and planning provides
us with a sense of true joy within our hearts, and doesn’t just wear us out. After all, giving thanks is meant to characterize us
as Christians and should contribute to that life-giving spirit within us. That spirit of thankfulness needs to continue into our
Christmas preparations also, so that we never lose sight of why we do what we do. The greatest gift of all was given to us
when Jesus Christ was born among us. The time of Advent is meant to help us keep that in mind, so that all the busyness of
Christmas may be surrounded with a spirit of thankfulness to God.
With Thanksgiving and Christmas blessings,
Fr. Ralph
Trip to Slovenia and Croatia
Enjoy a tour of Slovenia and Croatia with Fr. Ralph Wiatrowski (Christ Child Spiritual Advisor) and Fr. Daniel Schlegel
(Church of the Holy Angels) - Adriatic Splendor: Slovenia and Croatia, September 26 - October 7, 2016. Detailed
information about the tour can be found at, click on “Slovenia-Croatia”. Cost is $3,495 plus airfare.
Centennial Corner
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Centennial Year Events
January 20, 2016
General Business Meeting, Mass of Celebration & Luncheon
(St. Rocco Church)
April 30
“White Glove” Event and Reception
(Christ Child Society of Cleveland Archives
at The Western Reserve Historical Society)
June 15
Spring Luncheon & Annual Business Meeting
(Shaker Hts. County Club)
September 7
Red Wagon Luncheon
(Location TBA)
December 3
Centennial Ball
(Location TBA)
April 6
Provisional Installation Mass and Legacy Luncheon
(St. John Cathedral/The Silver Grille)
Spring 2016
Merrick House Bench Dedication
(Merrick House - Date TBA)
July 27
Day of Recollection
(St. Barnabas Parish, Northfield)
October 19
Museum of Divine Statues Tour and Lunch
January 2017
Mass of Thanksgiving
(Date & Location TBA)
Photos needed…
We will be producing a book of our history culminating with our 2016 year of celebration and we need
your help. We are looking for:
• Photos from past Christ Child events or activities. If possible submit the photos in electronic form.
• Photos of our 100th Anniversary events. When you attend any of our 100th Anniversary events,
please take photos. Most of us have a camera in our phone. Put them to good use.
Send photos to Rose Dziak or Mary Graves. Be sure to include the name and date of the event and the
name(s) of anyone in the photos. Photos will be returned.
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The project that unites all Christ Child Chapters
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As we continue to reflect our past 100 years, we’ll look at a few of our key projects and events.
In this newsletter we’ll focus on the Layette.
• 1884- Mary Virginia Merrick and her friends sew the first layette which was delivered by Paul in his red wagon for his
new baby sister, Mary. Later reports are that Mary grew up and became a nun. Paul became a priest and frequently
visited his friend, Mary Virginia Merrick. • 1917 – The new Cleveland branch of the Christ Child Society created 12 layettes, all by hand. First Communion outfits
were made for 2 needy children.
• 1929 – First records of yearly layette deliveries; 14 delivered that year.
• 1933 – A layette contained nightgown, squares, bands, stocking, wash cloths, talcum powder, soap, blankets and
safety pins.
• 1939 – Cleveland chapter purchased several new electric sewing machines! 300 layettes delivered.
• 1940 – Mary Virginia Merrick reviewed sample layettes from all chapters at the Christ Child Convention. She pronounced
the Cleveland Chapter’s to be most practical and encouraged other chapters to review and follow.
• 1952 – 387 layettes distributed.
• 1965 – The Vietnam War caused a delay in the shipment of diaper materials.
• 1970 – A layette contained diapers, blanket, receiving blankets, shirts, kimonos, pins, talcum powder, soap, plastic
pants, hand-knitted bonnet and booties.
• 1973 – Due to cutbacks, requests for layettes from the Welfare Department tripled. When the Board voted to try to
increase the donation of layettes to the Welfare Department, hours of sewing meetings were lengthened and groups
continued sewing through summer months. Cost to create a layette was $13. The annual layette budget was $6,000.
• 1980 – A layette contained 2 dozen diapers, 3 undershirts, 2 waterproof pants, 1 Christ Child blanket, 1 thermal
receiving blanket, 2 Christ Child gowns, 1 stretch suit, 1 sweater/bonnet/bootie set, 2 bars of soap, 4 safety pins, and
1 Christ Child card at a cost of $25.41.
• 1982 – Layettes found a permanent home at Parmadale.
• 1986 – Layette Endowment established to guarantee funds for future layettes.
• 1991 – Introduction of mini layette program (2 receiving blankets, a stretch outfit, hat, tube socks, booties and an
undershirt), given to mothers to take their babies home from the hospital.
• 1994 – Cloth diapers replaced with Pampers.
• 2015 – Over 1,400 layettes distributed annually. A layette contains a crib blanket, 2 receiving blankets, a bath towel with a wash
cloth, 3 bodysuits, 3 sleep ‘n plays, 2 bibs, a velour sleeper, the book “Goodnight Moon” and a shaken baby syndrome brochure.
When your helplessness appalls you, think of the Maker of the Universe in swaddling clothes.
~Mary Virginia Merrick~
Remembrance/Endowment Report
August 1 - October 15, 2015
Alfred Brown
Robert Stratham(3)
Robert Lane
Kerry Kiawitter
Greg Szczubewski
Julia Domiano
Robert Scott
Shawn Kelly
Edward Wiersma
Michael Kobb (2)
Maynard Geib
Nina Curran
Agnes Laurie Medrick
Stan Maletic, Jr.
Dr. Ted Castele
Jerry Stenger (2)
Sue Iafornaro
Laura Strong
James Adams
Matthew Shlonsky
Rita Curran - Happy 90th
Julie and Bob Paulus – Happy Anniversary
Ron Palumbo – Happy Birthday
Sr. Sharon Ann Yanek – 60th jubilee
St. John Cathedral Mass
For Christ Child Members, Living and
Deceased and for their families.
Wednesday, November 25, Noon
Thursday, December 24, Noon
Please notify the Christ Child office
regarding deaths of CCS members or their
immediate family members.
Send Remembrance/Endowment checks to:
Christ Child Society c/o Parmadale
6753 State Road, Parma, Ohio 44134
Attn: Abby Sammon
In Our Thoughts
Mary Herrick – death of brother (Michael Kobb)
Ann Farrall – death of father (Robert Stratham)
Mary Ann Wallo – death of son (Michael)
Family of Mary Eble
Marge Pope – speedy recovery
Linda Haren – get well
Meg Kirkholder – speedy recovery
Donations this report period
Previous fiscal year to date
Total for fiscal year
• Christ Child Layette Endowment Christmas cards benefit the Layette program and honor someone
important to you
• Each Christmas card costs $5
• Cards are sent directly to you or mailed to the individual(s) you are honoring
• A small card with your honoree’s first name and last initial is put into a layette package that will be
given to an infant
Please send your request for cards along with a check ($5 per card) to Christ Child Society, c/o Parmadale,
6753 State Road, Parma, OH 44134, ATTN: Abby Sammon. Include your name and phone number, the
number of cards you are ordering and the names of your recipient(s). Include the recipient’s address if you
are requesting cards to be sent directly to them.
Northeast Ohio Media Group
Good News Giving Effort
THANK YOU to everyone who voted for the Christ Child Society in
the Good News Giving Program. WE WON! We will receive a $4,000
donation, two quarter-page ads in the Plain Dealer, one quarter-page
ad in the Sun News, 200,000 impressions over a two-week period
on and a listing and description of the Christ Child
Society with a link to our website on All of that in
2016, our anniversary year! Thank you so much for helping us win
these wonderful benefits. You are very special!
2015 & 2016 Dates to remember
The Starlight Ball ........................................................................................................................................ December 5
Mass of Celebration & General Business Meeting........................................................................................January 20
Provisional Installation Mass & Legacy Luncheon................................................................................................April 6
Volunteer Opportunities
November/December 2105 & January 2016
Layette Packing-Parmadale
Monday, November 2, 10:00-12:30
Monday, December 7, 10:00-12:30
Monday, January 4,no packing,
distribution only
Contact: Dolores Wiemels
Chagrin Falls Sewing Group
Thursday, November 12, 10:00-2:00
Thursday, December 10, 10:00-2:00
Thursday, January 7, 10:00-2:00
Contact: Donna Kelly
Euclid –St. John of the Cross
Sewing Group
Wednesday, November 11, 12:30-3:30
December *** NO SEWING ***
Wednesday, January 13, 12:30-3:30
Contact: Mary McKown
Grandmother’s Program
Merrick House
Contact: Stephanie West
Heights-St. Dominic Sewing Group
Tuesday, November 17, 10:00-2:00
Tuesday, December 15, 10:00-2:00
Tuesday, January 19, 10:00-2:00
Contact: Irene Chalko
Merrick House Pre-School
Reading Enrichment
Tuesday, November 3,17, 9:30-11:00
Tuesday, December 1, 15, 9:30-11:00
Tuesday, January 5, 19, 9:30-11:00
Contact: Stephanie West
“My Stuff” Packing
Monday, November 16, 10:00-12:00
Monday, December 21, 10:00-12:00
TUESDAY, January 19, 10:00-12:00
Contact: Lorene Varley or Rose Dziak
Parmadale Head Start Story Time
Every Tuesday, October
Through May.
9:30-11:00 and 1:30-3:00
Contact: Laura Cengic
St. Francis Library
Tues. during the school year 9:45-2:15
Wed. during the school year 9:45-1:45
Contact: Liz Niehaus
St. Rocco Library
Mondays during the school year 8:45-12:00
Contact: Paula Conrad
Shifts available on Tuesday-Saturday:
10:00-2:00 / 10:00-4:00 / 12:00-4:00
Contact: Joan McAuliffe
*Contact information can be
found in our Chapter roster.
The Red Wagon Luncheon 2015
Over 400 Christ Child members and guests assembled at Embassy Suites in Independence on September 9 to browse vendor
booths, try their luck at winning raffle baskets, take a chance at winning in the cash raffle and new this year get the winning
playing card for a lottery ticket necklace! All enjoyed the opportunity to view fall fashions from Toni In Style. Our annual Red
Wagon fundraiser was once again a huge success thanks to the diligent efforts of an industrious committee and all those who
donated baked goods, baskets, lottery tickets and money to support our worthwhile projects for children. Thank you to our
members of the Christ Child Society of Cleveland and all of your guests for your generous support. The money generated from
the Red Wagon provides funding to the many programs that support children at risk in our community. Your continued support
allows the mission of our founder, Mary Virginia Merrick to grow.
“Nothing is ever too much to do for a child.”
Chinese Raffle
Dorothy Moloney, Roze Dziak,
Marsha Gleine
Robbie Wolan, Kate Johns
Barbara Stanek & Barb Pugel
Chinese Raffle
Standing: Maire Shuster, Paula
Binder Sitting: Mary Mackert
Rose Ann Heineman,
Mary Graves, Mary Jane Pavlick
Manning the Christ Child Jewelry table. Lynn Steiner,
Kathy Gibel, Marlene Rydzewski and Pat Volpe
Our 2015 Red Wagon
Fashion Show Models
Ursula Bartosik
Alice Mast
Laurey Gillen
Marilyn Buckholz
Ann Brodell
Pam Kimatian
Lynne Della Donna
Pat Givens
Betsy Kling
Ann Ertle
Eileen Rini
Elizabeth Pugel
Peggy Krinsky
Linda Pacenta
Betsy Kling during finale
The Starlight Ball 2015
December 5, 2015
NEW LOCATION! The Westin Cleveland Downtown is our 2015 venue!
Please plan to attend the 64th annual Starlight Ball on Saturday, December 5th at the Westin Cleveland Downtown.
Remember, this is the major fundraiser for our projects. It will be an evening to remember!
Silent Auction
Jewelry Raffle
$5,000 Cash Raffle
Lottery Necklaces
Grab Boxes
Photo Booth
Dancing to Redline
Persons of the Year: Dr. Rustom and Mary Khouri
Reserve your room now! Call 216-771-7700 and ask for the Christ Child Society Gala rate of $149 plus tax, ID
#1357. Last day to reserve a room is November 13 unless the block of rooms sells out earlier.
Cash Raffle
Thank you to all who have sent in their request for tickets
for the $5,000 Cash Raffle. There is still time to mail in
your request for tickets using the form that was mailed to
you. Tickets are one for $25 and five for $100. Winner
need not be present. Thank you for your participation!
Diane Anker and Marilyn Palisin
Jewelry Raffle
Marlen Fine Jewelers in Rocky River has donated
a simply beautiful Allison-Kaufman diamond tennis
bracelet. The bracelet features 14 karat white gold
with 1.84 carats of black diamonds and 1.23 carats of
white diamonds. Total of 3.07 carats of diamonds. It
has a curve for a nice black and white visual effect from
every angle. It is secured with a rear fold over clasp. A
stunning must have for any event day or night. Jewelry
Raffle Tickets will be sold the night of the Ball only.
Silent Auction
Donations are still needed to make our auction
successful. Contact Janie Nickodem or Mary Jo
Dailey if you need ideas. Our categories are:
• Entertainment and trips
• Gadgets and Gizmos: Technology
• Children
• Gastronomique: Food and Restaurants
• Holiday and Religious
• Pamper Yourself: clothing, furs, spa certificates,
jewelry, etc
• Wine, Beer and Spirits
Grab Boxes
Gift certificates/cards are still needed valued at $25 or
more. Please send to: Melanie Close. Call or e-mail
Melanie with any questions.
Thank You!
Through the years, Marlen Jewelers on Detroit Road in Rocky River has been a major supporter
of the Christ Child Society of Cleveland. Owners Andrew and Frank Eilberg have donated many,
varied, and valuable pieces of jewelry to our Ball and have been enthusiastic supporters of our
work. Recently, a Christ Child member donated a beautiful marquis diamond to us, and it was
decided that the money raised from the sale of the diamond would be used to fund our 100th
anniversary project with Merrick House. Exactly how to convert the diamond into cash, however,
was the subject of much discussion. Andrew’s suggestion was extremely generous: at no cost
to us, he would surround the diamond with additional diamonds, place it in a pendant setting,
and attempt to sell it at his store – making it clear that all proceeds from the sale would go to the
Christ Child Society. Kindness speaks to the heart, and the kindnesses we have experienced fill
us with deep gratitude. In this season of Thanksgiving, we give thanks to our generous Christ
Child Society members whose time, treasure, and talent are the mainstay of our existence, and we give thanks to the continued
generosity of the Eilberg family and Marlen Jewelers. Each one of you is a blessing and we are sincerely grateful! ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS
In June 2014 the outgoing Board of Directors elected a Nominating Committee of five members per Article VI, Section 1 of our bylaws. The elected Nominating Committee members are Terri Parker (Chairman), Jean Boldt, Mary
Graves, Grace Starinsky, and Stephanie West.
The application for Executive Board positions will appear in Chapter & Verse (September and November issues). The
Nominating Committee will then meet to review all applications and develop a slate of officers for the 2016 - 2018
Board of Directors. The slate of officers will be announced in the December Chapter & Verse and then put to a vote at
the 2016 Winter Business Meeting.
NOTE: To be eligible for an elective office a member must have served on the Board of Directors for at least one
term (present or past boards). Duties of each position are outlined in Article V (Officers) of our bylaws that can be
found in your roster booklet. Questions can be directed to any member of the Nominating Committee.
Nominees for elected office must have served, or be presently serving, a minimum of one term on the Board of Directors.
Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Phone:_________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________
Please indicate any position(s) you are willing to accept. Duties are listed in Christ Child bylaws.
President ~ President Elect ~ Service Vice President ~ Organization Vice President
Recording Secretary ~ Corresponding Secretary ~ Financial Secretary
List board positions and years you served: _______________________________________________________
Signature/Date: ____________________________________________________________________________
Please return completed form directly to:
Terri Parker, Chairman
Submit by November 16, 2015
- WE NEED YOU Heights/St. Dominic Sewing
Help Wanted – Sewers
Winter Coats Program
A special thank you from the
Winter Jacket Program to all who
so generously donated hats,
mittens and gloves to our program.
What a special blessing it is to the
children who receive our jackets to
have a hat and a pair of gloves or
mittens given to them as an extra
special gift. Thank you to all who
remembered the children while out
shopping or spending hours hand
crafting these beautiful items. The Height/St. Dominic Sewing group is in need of more
sewers. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 10 am – 2 pm.
The sewing is done at St. Dominic School in Shaker Heights.
Easy access and no stairs. Contact Irene Chalko to have your
questions answered or to volunteer.
St. Rocco Library
Do you have one Monday morning a month free? Consider
coming to the St. Rocco Library. The library serves children
from Kindergarten to 8th grade. Read to the younger students
and assist the older students with book selections. No
experience is necessary. You’ll be paired with a seasoned
Christ Child library volunteer. Contact Paula Conrad to have
your questions answered or to volunteer.
Parmadale Head Start Story Time
School is back in session and volunteers are needed to read
to the children at Parmadale Head Start Story Time. Reading
is every Tuesday starting October 6 and going through May.
There are 2 sessions: 9:30 – 11:00 am and 1:30 – 3:00 pm.
Come and volunteer at one or both sessions. This year we will
walk from room to room and read to the children. There are
no stairs to climb. Readers are needed for both morning and
afternoon sessions on the 1st and 4th Tuesdays. Contact Laura
Cengic for more information or to sign up!
Please note the following: Joan McAuliffe is the new
Showcase Scheduling Chairman. You can contact her by phone
or email to schedule your volunteer hours. I want to THANK
Martine Shuker for being our scheduler this past year.
Soon the snowbirds will be leaving us for warmer climates
which means a shortage of volunteers over the winter months.
Please consider scheduling more than one or two days a
We will keep you informed as to when we will be moving to
our new location.
Pat Givens
National Conference – September 25-26, 2015
This year’s National Conference was a wonderful opportunity for learning, sharing,
laughing, and praying. The workshop sessions were instructive on issues of
poverty, onboarding chapter leaders, leadership dynamics, and membership. The
communications work focused on our branding and how we move the Christ Child
Society from being “the best kept secret” to the “best told story.” And the conference
ended with Mass in the chapel of Blessed Sacrament, the church where Mary Virginia
Merrick worshipped for 34 years, a tour of Mary Virginia Merrick’s home, and dinner
at Stone Ridge School, on the one-time estate of Mary Virginia Merrick’s sister and
brother-in-law. The experience was very moving and a beautiful way to spend the
weekend - in fellowship with so many other Christ Child Society members from
throughout the country, in awe of the life of Mary Virginia Merrick, and in gratitude
for her work that continues to unite all Christ Child members in our service to needy
children. Thank you to Marybeth Baucco, Paula Conrad, and all of the National Board
members who made this conference such a success!
One additional note: the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops highlighted Mary
Virginia Merrick as a “Saint Among Us” in the Archdiocese of Washington and they did
so on their webpage in anticipation of the Pope’s visit. As a result, the Canonization
Advisory Board set up a new website for her cause for canonization and set up a
new Mary Virginia Merrick Facebook page.
Christ Child Legacy
In celebrating our past and in anticipation of our future, we would like to create a legacy list for the Cleveland Chapter. Did your
mother, grandmother or other relative belong to the Christ Child Society either here in Cleveland or in another city? Or perhaps
a legacy line has started with you as you bring daughters and/or granddaughters into the organization? We hope you will proudly
share this information with us by completing the form below and sending it to Liz Niehaus, either by email or US Postal Service.
Your name ________________________________________________________________________________
Christ Child relative __________________________________________________________________________
(Circle one) Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother, Aunt, Niece, Daughter, Granddaughter
Relative’s Chapter __________________________________________________________________________
Christ Child relative __________________________________________________________________________
(Circle one) Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother, Aunt, Niece, Daughter, Granddaughter
Relative’s Chapter ___________________________________________________________________________
Christ Child relative __________________________________________________________________________
(Circle one) Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother, Aunt, Niece, Daughter, Granddaughter
Relative’s Chapter ___________________________________________________________________________
Longer legacy? Noteworthy accomplishments in your legacy line? Please use additional paper to share it with us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter & Verse
Susan Ferraro Smith............................... President
janie nickodem.................................. President-Elect
Ann ertle.....................................................Service VP
Donna kelly...................................... Organization VP
Lynne gerace............................Recording Secretary
Gina muffet........................Corresponding Secretary
Mary cay mcconnell...............Financial Secretary
ABBY SAMMON..................Endowment/Remembrance
robbie wolan..................................Newsletter Editor
REV. RALPH E. WIATROWSKI............Spiritual Advisor
Please direct questions, information & articles to:
Robbie Wolan,
Christ Child Society c/o Parmadale,
6753 State Road – Parma, OH 44134
Christ Child Society of Cleveland is chapter of:
National Christ Child Society, Inc.
6110 Executive Blvd, Suite 504, Rockville, MD 20852
1-301-881-2490 / fax: 301-881-2493
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Cleveland, Ohio
Permit No. 3046
Christ Child Society
of Cleveland
c/o Parmadale, 6753 State Road, Parma, OH 44134
Please deliver by November 1st