Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay


Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay
Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay Extension
Potentially Harmful Activity (X)
Potentially Harmful Stressor (X)
Bottom trawl
Scallop dredges
Clam dredges
Midwater trawl
Gillnets (bottom)
Gillnets (pelagic)
Seine (pelagic)
Recreational cod fishery
Crab pots
Lobster pots
Whelk pots
Other (specify)
Otter trapping
Seal hunt
Seabird hunt
Seaweed harvest
Anchor drops/drags
Ore spill
Fish offal dumping
Finfish aquaculture
Dredge spoil dumping
Mining/Oil & gas drilling
Freshwater diversion
Subtidal construction
Other (specify)
Vessel traffic
Ship strikes
Marine construction
Seismic surveys
Navy sonar
Other (specify)
Oil pollution
Industrial effluent
Fishplant effluent
Historic military waste
Long range transport of nutrients
Acid rain
Persistent Organic Pollutants
Ghost nets
Other contaminants (specify)
Ice distribution
Temperature change
Sea-level rise
Ocean acidification
Current shifts
Increased storm events
Increased UV light
Oxygen depletion
Changes in freshwater runoff
Other (specify)
Green crab
Golden Star Tunicate
Violet Tunicate
Vase Tunicate
Codium fragile
Clubbed Tunicate
Harmful Algal Blooms
Disease organisms (human waste)
Disease organisms (aquaculture)
Other (specify)
Background Information
Harbour seals are one of six species of seals in the waters of Newfoundland and Labrador –
other species include the harp, hooded, grey, ringed and bearded seals (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M.,
& Veinott, G., 2005).
Harbour seals are most commonly observed along the south and west coast of Newfoundland
(Templeman, N. D. & Davis, M. B., 2006). They prefer the quiet waters of bays and inlets.
They generally use inshore rocks and sand bars for resting, and are observed throughout
coastal areas of Placentia Bay (Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D., 2003) with the
primary haulout site on King’s Island (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005). Harbour
seal numbers are generally increasing or stable over most of their range, and apart from the
occasional seal shot or entanglement with fixed gear, the population is generally unharmed.
Harbour seals are relatively sedentary, and satellite tagging studies in the Alaska found that
adults generally stayed within 20 miles of their haulout sites (Frost, K. J., 1997).
Analysis of stomach contents collected from 1985 to 2003 in the Newfoundland indicate that
harbour seals consume a wide variety of fish and invertebrate species, with winter flounder,
shorthorned sculpin, Arctic cod and Atlantic cod, among the most important species (Sjare,
B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005), while Atlantic cod, capelin, redfish, and sandlance the
prevalent species eaten on the south coast (Sjare, B., Walsh, D., Stenson, G. B., & and
Benjamins, S., 2005). Because they are long-lived, sedentary top predators, and relatively
easy to locate at regular haulout sites, harbour seals are an excellent indicator of marine
ecosystem health in local areas such as Placentia Bay or for the LOMA as a whole (Sjare, B.,
Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005).
Gillnets (groundfish):
Marine mammals are highly prone to entanglement in fishing gear, especially gillnets (Read,
A. J., Drinker, P., & Northridge, S., 2003), with a significant bycatch of seals reported in the
lumpfish fishery which employs larger mesh size gillnets (10 ½”), than cod or flounder
fisheries (Fisheries and Ocean Canada, 2005; Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2000);(Belden,
et al. 2005). Historically, gillnets were used extensively in the inshore groundfish fishery, but
following collapse of the cod fisheries in the 1990s, use of gillnets decreased substantially
but are still used to target lumpfish, winter flounder, cod and skate. Gillnets are considered
the primary stressor to harbour seals, and although the gillnet fishery for groundfish is
currently of moderate intensity, it has been screened in for further assessment. Screened in.
Gillnets (pelagic):
Placentia Bay is currently subjected to a very low level of pelagic gillnet fishing and
therefore, although harbour seals are highly vulnerable to the activity, it is not considered a
key stressor. Screened out.
This fishery is not considered a significant stressor to harbour seal and the fishery in
Placentia Bay is of relatively low intensity (4% of total 3Ps harvest). Screened out.
Crab Pots:
Crab landings in Placentia Bay are significant. In Newfoundland waters, baited crab pots are
generally linked together in a long chain by “groundlines” which float in the water column
many meters off the bottom. Both groundlines and lines to surface buoys are responsible for
frequent entanglement of large marine animals but entanglement of seals does not appear to
be a problem, and although occasional mortality of seals in crab pots has been reported
(pers.com. Solomon Pitcher), likely as a result of seals attempting to raid the pots of bait or
its catch, crab pots are not considered a major source of mortality. Qualitative Fishing Gear
Scores (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2007) for crab pot interactions with seals are 0 (never
or rarely) for both contact and harm. Screened out.
Lobster pots:
Lobster landings in Placentia Bay have declined, but there is still an active fishery along
coastal areas of the bay. Baited pots are set on the bottom in relatively shallow water, and
are not considered a significant source of mortality to harbour seals. Qualitative Fishing Gear
Scores (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2007) for lobster pot interactions with seals are 0
(never or rarely) for both contact and harm. Screened out.
Whelk pots:
Whelk pots can be set singly or in strings, and are attached by ropes to surface buoys. Both
ground lines and lines to surface buoys are responsible for frequent entanglement of large
marine animals but entanglement of seals does not appear to be a problem. Harbour seals
may occasionally become entangled while attempting to raid the pots of bait or its catch, but
this is not considered a major source of mortality. Qualitative Fishing Gear Scores (Fisheries
and Oceans Canada, 2007) for whelk pot interactions with seals are 0 (never or rarely) for
both contact and harm. Screened out.
Otter trapping:
Trapping of fur-bearers which include, beaver, mink, coyote, fox, ermine, lynx, muskrat,
otter, and squirrel occurs within the Placentia Bay area, but only otter traps are commonly set
in the marine environment. These are generally baited traps designed to catch otters, and are
too small to pose any significant risk to the much larger harbour seals. Otters are trapped
between October 20 and March when young seals, born in May or June, would be almost a
year old and much larger than otters, and unlikely to be at significant risk from otter trapping.
Screened out.
Seal hunt:
The commercial seal hunt focuses mainly on harp seals in northern areas of the LOMA,
although a limited quota of other species such as grey seal are harvested in some other areas.
Although there is no quota for harbour seals, in areas where the species overlap, significant
numbers of harbour seals may be taken by mistake as the two species can be difficult to
distinguish. In recent years, harp seals have become more common during the spring hunting
season in southern areas of the LOMA including Placentia Bay, and this has led to increased
incidental mortality of harbour seals. DFO provides training in species identification to
licensed commercial sealers, and hunting is not thought to be a significant source of
mortality. Screened out.
Vessel traffic (disturbance):
Total annual vessel movements in Placentia Bay in 2004 total 8,286 including 1,276 oil
tankers, 62 chemical tankers, 522 cargo ships, 2,046 tug boats 1,501 ferry movements, and
1,589 fishing boats and other vessels under 20m (Transport Canada, 2007). Harbour seals
prefer the quiet waters of bays and inlets, and generally use inshore rocks and sand bars for
resting, and are observed throughout coastal areas of Placentia Bay (Sjare, B., Nakashima,
B., & Mercer, D., 2003) with the primary haul-out site on King’s Island. Small boat traffic
such as fishing and recreational vessels could disturb, particularly during pupping which
occurs May through June with one pup suckled for 30 days. Considering the large size of the
bay (7,398 km2), the small boat traffic amounts to an average of 4.3 small vessels movements
per day in the entire bay or 0.00058 small vessel movements /km2/day. This level of activity
is minimal, and impacts are not likely to be significant. Screened out.
Ship strikes:
A major shipping lane passes through the east side of Placentia Bay serving the Come by
Chance Oil refinery, the NL Transshipment Terminal and the Ferry Terminal at Placentia as
well as other sites. Total annual vessel movements in Placentia Bay in 2004 totalled 8,286
including 1,276 oil tankers, 62 chemical tankers, 522 cargo ships, 2,046 tug boats 1,501 ferry
movements, and 1,589 fishing boats and other vessels under 20m. (Transport Canada, 2007).
Harbour seal spend much of their time along the rocky shores, and unlike large cetacean,
they do not sleep or form large feeding aggregations on the ocean surface and therefore are
not particularly vulnerable to ship strikes. Seals on ice can be injured or killed by ice
breaking activities, but this is not a concern for harbour seals in Placentia Bay. Screened
Cape St. Mary’s bird sanctuary is the primary eco-tourist attraction in Placentia Bay, but the
land-based viewing sites are high above the ocean and would not disturb seals haul out sites
in the area. Three tour-boat operators, based out of North harbour, Woody Island and
Arnold’s Cove, offer whale and bird watching tours and there are guided kayaking tours from
Spanish Room (Community Resource Services Ltd & Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd,
2001). These activities could disturb harbour seals but considering the large size of the bay
(7,398 km2), this level of activity is minimal, and impacts are not considered significant.
Screened out.
Oil pollution:
Placentia Bay has a relatively high risk of oil pollution with numerous sources of chronic oil
(ports, urban runoff) and sources of accidental spills (tanker traffic, boat and ship traffic, oil
storage, refining and transhipment). Oil can be toxic when ingested or absorbed through the
skin and can disrupt the insulating ability of fur, leading to death of mammals due to
hypothermia. Harbour seals are relatively resistant to the hypothermia resulting from oiling
because although they have fur, it is mostly their blubber layer, not the fur that keeps them
warm. Very young pups which have not yet developed an adequate blubber layer would be
more susceptible to hypothermia due to oiling, but since pupping occurs May through June,
the risk of hypothermia would be not be too high. Chronic impacts relating to ingestion and
absorption of toxic components of oil pollution are a greater concern. Seals do not preen to
any extent and so ingestion of oil is less of a problem then it is for seabirds, but following a
large spill haul out areas may become oiled and seals may be exposed to high concentrations
of oil on their skin. Food chain effects may also be significant as harbour seals eat fish and
are considered high on the food chain. The local population of harbour seals, like all
ecosystems components, will be affected in the event of a large oil spill, but they are not
considered highly vulnerable to oil pollution, and therefore not a key stressor. Screened out.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs):
Although Placentia Bay is one of the most industrialized areas of the LOMA, the bay is well
flushed and by global standards, is quite clean. Harbour seals feed on fish and so are fairly
high on the foodchain and the bioaccumulation of POPs can be a significant problem. A
recent study (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005) found that Newfoundland and
Labrador harbour seals were less contaminated with POPs than seals in the St. Lawrence
Estuary, but similar to those from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Mirex and PCB
concentrations were 5-10 times less than levels found in St. Lawrence Estuary population,
while DDTs and Chlordanes were 2-5 time less in NL seals. Contaminant levels are still
considered significant and so this stressor has been screened in for further assessment.
Screened in.
Ghost nets:
Since the 1960s when non-biodegradable synthetic ropes, buoys and netting gradually
replaced traditional biodegradable materials, lost fishing nets known as ghost nets, have
become a serious threat to marine ecosystem health. Ghost nets can continue to fish for
years, capturing tonnes of fish, lobster and crab, marine mammals. In shallow coastal waters
lost nets tend to become rapidly filled with dead fish, and sink, becoming snagged on the
bottom where they are a serious threat to bottom dwelling species. Gillnets are considered to
be the major source of ghost nets in Placentia Bay. Gillnets were used extensively in the
inshore groundfish fishery, and for pelagic species such as salmon. Following closure of the
cod and salmon fisheries in the 1990s, use of gillnets decreased substantially, but are still
used for herring, mackerel, lumpfish, winter flounder, and a limited cod fishery. Various
initiatives have been launched to try to retrieve ghost nets. One such project in Placentia
Bay, recovered 60 nets that contained lumpfish, seal, redfish, flounder, lobster and 30,000 lbs
of rotting cod. The current extent of the problem is unknown, but seals were found in
retrieved nets this threat has been screened in for further assessment. Screened in.
DFO marine debris surveys of beaches in Placentia Bay found significant accumulations on
south west facing beaches. Plastic was the most common material and fishing-related items
such as ropes, buoys, netting, and buckets were most common (Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
Entanglement in netting and rope fragments can be a particular problem for young seals
which tend to be curious and playful and will often approach marine litter in the water and
dive and roll about in it. Plastic loops can slip easily onto their necks, but their long guard
hairs make it more difficult for the loops to slip off. As the animals grow, their plastic collars
tighten and eventually can lead to strangulation (Simpson, M. R., Miri, C. M., & Busby, C.,
2008). Since harbour seals spend much of their time on beaches where litter accumulates,
and move with their bodies in contact with the ground, entanglement on beaches is also a
serious risk. Screened in.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs):
The last 20 years have seen a drastic increase in harmful algal blooms worldwide, including
Placentia Bay (Bates SS, Forbes JR, 2009; Bates, S. S., 1997). Ballast water is considered a
major vector of HABs (Hallegraff, G. M. & BOLCH, C. J., 1991; Humphrey, D. B., 2008),
and climate change is expected to further promote the frequency of HABs (McGillicuddy, Jr.
D. J. C. A. Stock D. M. Anderson and R. P. Signell., 2003), therefore, high ship traffic and
Placentia Bay’s southern location may increase its susceptibility to HABs. Harmful algal
blooms of concern in the LOMA include toxic PSP, ASP, DSP, Spirolides, Yessotoxin, and
Pectenotoxin. PSP (paralytic Shellfish poisoning) is among the most toxic HABs, with small
quantities leading to rapid paralysis and death. HABs can accumulate in the foodchain
leading to mortality of marine organisms at all trophic levels including zooplankton, fish,
seabirds and marine mammals (Agriculture and Consumer Affairs, 2004) (Sindermann, C. J.,
Species at the top of the foodchain such as piscivorous fish, seabirds and marine mammals
are also vulnerable, as are baleen whales that consume large quantities of small pelagic fish
and invertebrates. A recent discovery states that more than half of all marine mammal
mortalities in US waters are now attributed to marine biotoxins (UNESCO-IOC, 2009).
Improved techniques and increased sampling of animal tissues may account for this apparent
increase. Screened in.
Disease organisms (from human waste):
Harbour seals are mammals, and therefore are susceptible to mammalian diseases such as
hepatitis, giardia and a range of other diseases that may be contained in sewage or land
runoff from farms and urban areas which frequently have a dense population of pet dogs.
The survival of these disease organisms in the cold waters of Placentia Bay is likely short,
and since the human population density is low and the bay is large and well flushed, this is
not considered a significant stressor. Screened out.
Key Activities/Stressors:
 Gillnets (groundfish)
 Litter
 Persistent Organic Pollutants
 Harmful Algal Blooms
Reference List
1. Agriculture and Consumer Affairs (2004). Marine Biotoxins. FAO Food and
Nutrition Papers.
2. Bates SS, F. J. (2009). Phycotoxins and harmful marine algae of concern to
Canada. (manuscript in prep.).
3. Bates, S. S. (1997). Toxic Phytoplankton on the Canadian East Coast:
Implications for Aquaculture. Bull.Aquacul.Assoc.Can., 3, 9-18.
4. Belden, D. L., Orphanides, C. D., Rossman, M. C., & Palka, D. L. (2006).
Estimates of Cetacean and Seal Bycatch in the 2004 Northeast Sink Gillnet
and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Gillnet (Rep. No. Reference Document 06-13).
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce.
5. Community Resource Services Ltd & Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd
(2001). Socio-Economic Overview of Placentia Bay, Newfoundland.
6. Fisheries and Ocean Canada (2005). Stock Assessment of Northwest Atlantic
Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus). Can.Sci.Advis.Sec.Sci.Advis.Rep,
037, 1-12.
7. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2000). Stock Status Report Northwest Atlantic
Harp Seals. DFO Atlantic Fisheries Stock Status Report, E1-01.
8. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Marine Debris, Trashing our Oceans, Trashing
our Future (poster). 2005. St. John's, NL.
Ref Type: Pamphlet
9. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2007). Draft proceedings of the Workshop on
Qualitative Risk Assessment of Fishing Gears. In Government of Canada.
10. Frost, K. J. Harbour Seal. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.
Restoration Notebook , 1-8. 1997. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Ref Type: Generic
11. Hallegraff, G. M. & BOLCH, C. J. Transport of Toxic Dinoflagellate Cysts
via Ships' Ballast Water. Marine Pollution Bulletin 22[1], 27-311. 1991.
Ref Type: Journal (Full)
12. Humphrey, D. B. (2008). Characterizing Ballast Water as a Vector for
Nonindigenous Zooplankton Transport. Master of Science The University of
British Columbia.
13. McGillicuddy, Jr. D. J. C. A. S. D. M. A. a. R. P. S. (2003). Hindcasting
blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium spp. in the western Gulf of
14. Read, A. J., Drinker, P., & Northridge, S. (2003). By-catches of Marine
Mammals in U.S. Fisheries and a First Attempt to Estimate the Magnitude of
Global Marine Mammal By-catch (Rep. No. Scientific Committee Document
SC/55/BC). Cambridge, UK: International Whaling Commission.
15. Simpson, M. R., Miri, C. M., & Busby, C. (2008). Assessment of Thorny Skate
(Amblyraja radiata Donovan, 1808) in NAFO Divisions 3LNO and
Subdivision 3Ps (Rep. No. SCR Doc. 08/43, Serial No. N5545). Northwest
Atlantic Fisheries Organization.
16. Sindermann, C. J. (2003). Coastal Pollution.
17. Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G. (2005). Harbour Seals in Newfoundland
and Labrador: A Preliminary Summary of new data on Aspects of Biology,
Ecology and Contaminant Profiles. CSAS, 30.
18. Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D. (2003). Integrating Scientific and
Local Ecological Knowledge to Identify Potential Critical Habitats: A Case
Study of Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. CSAS, 1-15.
19. Sjare, B., Walsh, D., Stenson, G. B., & and Benjamins, S. (2005). An Update
on Harp Seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) By-catch Estimates in the
Newfoundland Lumpfish Fishery. Can.Sci.Advis.Sec.Sci.Advis.Rep, 049, 1-19.
20. Templeman, N. D. & Davis, M. B. (2006). Placentia Bay-Grand Banks
Ecosystem Overview and Assessment Report (DRAFT) Newfoundland &
Labrador: Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
21. Transport Canada (2007). Synopsis Report - Environmental Oil Spill Risk
Assessment for the South Coast of Newfoundland (Rep. No. TC-1002395).
22. UNESCO-IOC (2009). Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms,
National Statement:USA (Rep. No. Ninth Session).
Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay Extension
Gillnets (bottom)
Magnitude of Interaction
Areal extent:
 Harbour seals prefer the quiet waters of bays and inlets. They generally use inshore rocks
and sand bars for resting, and are observed throughout coastal areas of Placentia Bay
(Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D., 2003) with the primary haulout site on King’s
Island (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005). Seal areas and sightings have been
mapped by Sjare et al. (2003), and are shown in Fig. 1 below
Figure 1. Harbour seal sightings and haul-out areas in Placentia Bay (Sjare, B., Nakashima,
B., & Mercer, D., 2003).
For the purposes of this analysis we are considering the area occupied by the CP to
include all of Placentia Bay, with the exception of the deeper portion of the outer bay
where the occurrence of harbour seals would be rare.
Gillnet fisheries make up 62% of the total landing within the EBSA. Geo-referenced
fishing locations are available for vessels over 35ft (Fig. 2 below) with major fisheries in
Placentia Bay targeting cod, plaice and skate.
Figure 2. Areal extent of gillnet fisheries (vessels > 35ft) in Placentia Bay Extension EBSA,
1998-2007 (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2008). Areal extent of gillnet (4,277km2).
Gillnet vessels over 35ft account for about 10% of the total landings in the EBSA from
1998-2007, with an area of overlap (4,277 km2/7398km2) =57.8%.
There is also a significant inshore gillnet fishery, largely targeting cod, lumpfish and
winter flounder, accounting for 52% of the total landings for the EBSA from 1998-2007.
The distribution of these fisheries is shown on Fig. 3 below:
Figure 3. Distribution of lumpfish, winter flounder, and Atlantic cod gillnet fisheries in
Placentia Bay from 1984-2000 (Community Resource Services Ltd & Jacques Whitford
Environment Ltd, 2001).
Since the area occupied by the CP includes all of Placentia Bay with the exception of the
deeper portion of the outer bay, we have estimated an area of overlap of 95%
Score 9.5
 Quantitative Fishing Gear Scores (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2007) for contact
between bottom gillnets and seals in inshore areas is low (occasionally 1-25%).
 Read et al reported that 98% of pinniped bycatch occurred in gillnet fisheries (Read, A.
J., Drinker, P., & Northridge, S., 2003).
 Since gillnets have been identified as one of the most problematic gear types in relation
to seal bycatch and significant seal mortality rates have been documented in the region
(Belden, D. L., Orphanides, C. D., Rossman, M. C., & Palka, D. L., 2006; Fisheries and
Ocean Canada, 2005; Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2000; Sjare, B., Walsh, D., Stenson,
G. B., & and Benjamins, S., 2005), we have selected a score at the low end of the
medium range.
Score 4.5
 Harbour seals are resident in Placentia Bay throughout the year.
 The main directed fisheries using gillnet in the EBSA target cod, lumpfish, skate and
winter flounder, most of which are open 10 months of the year, from May 12 to Feb 28.
(Appendix A, Table 9) with the exception of lumpfish which is limited to May 26-July 30
(DFO, 2008).
 Average annual duration within the time occupied by the CP equals 10 months/12months
= 83%
Score 8.3
 Halpern et al. (2008) have developed maps showing the global intensity of several
anthropogenic stressors including a range of fisheries. These maps can be used to provide
guidance in scoring the intensity of a stressor in relation to maximum (100%) intensity in
a global context, in accordance with the scale provided below.
 Halpern’s map of demersal non-destructive fisheries with high bycatch, which include
gillnets, is shown in Fig. 4 below.
Map colour
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Figure 4. Global intensity of demersal non-destructive fisheries with high bycatch, which
include gillnets, adapted from (Halpern, B. S. et al., 2008).
Figure 4 shows a medium (yellow) intensity relative to global levels for a score range of
40% to 60% for the EBSA.
Since gillnet fisheries account for 62% of the total landings in the EBSA, and gillnets
have historically been the dominant gear used in Placentia Bay, we have selected the
highest score in the global range.
Score 6
Magnitude of Interaction: (9.5 x 4.5 x 8.3 x 6)/1000 = 2.1
Sensitivity of the CP to acute impacts:
 Quantitative Fishing Gear Scores (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2007) for “harm” to
seals from bottom gillnets in inshore areas is high (> 75%).
 Seals are highly prone to entanglement in fishing gear, especially gillnets with a
significant bycatch of seals reported in the lumpfish fishery which employs larger mesh
size gillnets (10 ½”) than cod or flounder fisheries. Although we have no specific data of
the bycatch of harbour seals in the lumpfish fishery in Placentia Bay, the overall bycatch
of seals in the Newfoundland lumpfish fishery was estimated at over 10,000/year in the
early 1990s, and peaked at an average of 29,431 seals annually from 1992-1996 (Sjare,
B., Walsh, D., Stenson, G. B., & and Benjamins, S., 2005).
 Seals are also taken in other fisheries, particularly cod gillnets, but numbers have not
been estimated, and the lumpfish fishery is thought to be responsible for the largest
bycatch mortality of seals (Fisheries and Ocean Canada, 2005; Fisheries and Oceans
Canada, 2000; Sjare, B., Walsh, D., Stenson, G. B., & and Benjamins, S., 2005).
Harp seals are the most common seal in the region and make up the bulk of the bycatch
mortality, but all species of seals including harbour seals are taken as bycatch (Sjare, B.,
Walsh, D., Stenson, G. B., & and Benjamins, S., 2005).
The lumpfish fishery in Placentia Bay is open from May 26 to July 30, and limited to 50
nets per fisher, and is predominantly an inshore fishery with nets usually set in 3-33m of
water (Sjare, B., Walsh, D., Stenson, G. B., & and Benjamins, S., 2005).
Based on this information, acute sensitivity is considered to be high.
Score 9
Sensitivity of the CP to chronic impacts:
 Harbour seals are long-lived (26-32 years) with low reproduction rates, producing a
single pup per year, with age of maturity around 5 years. Harbour seals have few natural
predators, although they may be taken by killer whales and sharks.
 Harbour seal numbers in Newfoundland and Labrador were estimated at 5,120 in 1996,
and recent surveys indicate that they are generally increasing or stable over most of their
range (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005). Current bycatch rates therefore
appear to be sustainable.
 Chronic impacts can result when seals escape entanglement in fishing gear. Potential
impacts range from minor rope scars, to debilitating injuries, or moderate to severe
morbidity due to gear remaining attached or imbedded in the seal. In severe cases death
may occur months or even years later as a result of starvation or chronic infection.
 The extent of chronic impacts to harbour seals associated with gillnet fisheries in
Placentia Bay is unknown, but since populations appear to be stable or increasing,
chronic impacts are likely moderate.
Score 5
Sensitivity of ecosystem to harmful impacts to the CP:
 Harbour seals are a top predator. Analysis of stomach contents collected from 1985 to
2003 in the Newfoundland region indicate that harbour seals consume a wide variety of
fish and invertebrate species, with winter flounder, short-horned sculpin, Arctic cod, and
Atlantic cod among the most important species (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G.,
 Harbour seals are relatively sedentary, and satellite tagging studies in Alaska found that
adults generally stayed within 20 miles of their haulout sites (Frost, K. J., 1997).
 Because they are long-lived, sedentary top predators, and relatively easy to locate at
regular haulout sites, harbour seals are an excellent indicator of marine ecosystem health
in local areas such as Placentia Bay or for the LOMA as a whole (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M.,
& Veinott, G., 2005).
Score 4
Sensitivity: (9+5+4) /3= 6
Risk of Harm: 2.1 x 6 = 12.6
Certainty Checklist
Answer yes or no to all of the following questions. Record the number of NO’s to the 9
questions, and record certainty according to the scale provided below:
No’s = High certainty
2- 3 No’s = Medium certainty
No’s = Low certainty
Y Is the score supported by a large body of information?
N Is the score supported by general expert agreement?
Y Is the interaction well understood, without major information gaps/sources of error?
Y Is the current level of understanding based on empirical data rather than models,
anecdotal information or probable scenarios?
Y Is the score supported by data which is specific to the region, (EBSA, LOMA, NW
Y Is the score supported by recent data or research (the last 10 years or less)?
N Is the score supported by long-term data sets (ten years or more) from multiple surveys
(5 years or more)?
Y Do you have a reasonable level of comfort in the scoring/conclusions?
N Do you have a high level of confidence in the scoring/conclusions?
Certainty Score: Medium
For interactions with Low certainty, underline the main factor(s) contributing to the
Lack of comprehensive data
Lack of expert agreement
Predictions based of future scenarios which are difficult to predict
Other (provide explanation)
Suggest possible research to address uncertainty:
Reference List
1. Belden, D. L., Orphanides, C. D., Rossman, M. C., & Palka, D. L. (2006).
Estimates of Cetacean and Seal Bycatch in the 2004 Northeast Sink Gillnet
and Mid-Atlantic Coastal Gillnet (Rep. No. Reference Document 06-13).
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce.
2. Community Resource Services Ltd & Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd
(2001). Socio-Economic Overview of Placentia Bay, Newfoundland.
3. DFO (2008). Conservation Harvesting Plan, Lumpfish, (Rep. No. Vessels less
than 65 feet, Fixed gear (2J3KL3Ps3Pn4R)).
4. Fisheries and Ocean Canada (2005). Stock Assessment of Northwest Atlantic
Harp Seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus). Can.Sci.Advis.Sec.Sci.Advis.Rep,
037, 1-12.
5. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2000). Stock Status Report Northwest Atlantic
Harp Seals. DFO Atlantic Fisheries Stock Status Report, E1-01.
6. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2007). Draft proceedings of the Workshop on
Qualitative Risk Assessment of Fishing Gears. In Government of Canada.
7. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 1998-2007 3LMNOP4R Effort and Catch.
Policy and Economics Branch. [Newfoundland and Labrador Region Catch
and Effort]. 2008. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Ref Type: Data File
8. Frost, K. J. Harbour Seal. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.
Restoration Notebook , 1-8. 1997. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Ref Type: Generic
9. Halpern, B. S., Walbridge, S., Selkoe, K. A., Kappel, C. V., Micheli, F.,
D'Agrosa, C., Bruno, J. F., Casey, K. S., Ebert, C., Fox, H. E., Fujita, R.,
Heinemann, D., Lenihan, H. S., Madin, E. M. P., Perry, M. T., Selig, E. R.,
Spalding, M., Steneck, R., & Watson, R. (2008). A Global Map of Human
Impact on Marine Ecosystems. Science, 319, 948-952.
10. Read, A. J., Drinker, P., & Northridge, S. (2003). By-catches of Marine
Mammals in U.S. Fisheries and a First Attempt to Estimate the Magnitude of
Global Marine Mammal By-catch (Rep. No. Scientific Committee Document
SC/55/BC). Cambridge, UK: International Whaling Commission.
11. Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G. (2005). Harbour Seals in Newfoundland
and Labrador: A Preliminary Summary of new data on Aspects of Biology,
Ecology and Contaminant Profiles. CSAS, 30.
12. Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D. (2003). Integrating Scientific and
Local Ecological Knowledge to Identify Potential Critical Habitats: A Case
Study of Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. CSAS, 1-15.
13. Sjare, B., Walsh, D., Stenson, G. B., & and Benjamins, S. (2005). An Update
on Harp Seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) By-catch Estimates in the
Newfoundland Lumpfish Fishery. Can.Sci.Advis.Sec.Sci.Advis.Rep, 049, 1-19.
Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay Extension
Magnitude of Interaction
Areal extent:
 Harbour seals prefer the quiet waters of bays and inlets. They generally use inshore rocks
and sand bars for resting, and are observed throughout coastal areas of Placentia Bay,
(Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D., 2003) with the primary haulout site on King’s
Island (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005). Seal areas and sightings have been
mapped by Sjare et al. (2003), and are shown in Fig. 1 below
Figure 1. Harbour seal sightings and haulout areas in Placentia Bay (Sjare, B., Nakashima,
B., & Mercer, D., 2003).
It is estimated that 6.4 million tonnes of garbage go into the world’s oceans every year
(Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation, 2003). Up to 80% of marine debris comes from the
land, blowing and washing off beaches and carried to the sea by rivers, sewage systems,
and storm drains. The remaining 20% is lost or discarded from boats and ships of all
types and sizes (Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on NPA, 2000).
Marine litter within Placentia Bay comes from many sources, including vessels, surface
currents, and land-based sources which can be related to population density. Average
annual marine traffic density in the EBSA is considered high (Pelot, R. & Wootton, D.,
2004). Although the population (25,000 residents) is relatively low, Placentia Bay hosts a
number of major industrial sites and tourist attractions which bring a considerable
number of non-residents to the area on a daily basis, and therefore population density is
considered to be moderate.
Beach surveys conducted in 2004 in Placentia Bay revealed large accumulations of
plastic debris on southwest facing beaches of the bay where litter is deposited by
prevailing southwest winds and counter-clockwise currents (Fisheries and Oceans
Canada, 2005).
 Based on the pollution potential of the area (moderate to high) and existing data for the
area, we have estimated the areal extent at the low end of the high range.
Score 8
 Synthetic materials including scraps of ropes, netting, six pack rings and other plastic
materials persist in the marine environment, floating in surface waters and accumulating on
low-lying beaches where harbour seals come ashore regularly to rest, bask in the sun,
moult, and pup.
 Harbour seals spend considerable time on beaches, at regular haulout sites. Seals move
awkwardly on land, humping along by flexing their body, taking their weight alternately on
their chest and pelvis, with some assistance from their flippers. This gait involves full
contact with the beach and any debris which has accumulated on it, and greatly increases
the risk of entanglement in fishing related debris such as ropes, netting and mono-filament
which tend to accumulate on beaches in a band along the high water mark.
 Beach surveys conducted in 2004 in Placentia Bay revealed large accumulations of plastic
debris, largely fishing-related, particularly on southwest facing beaches of the bays
(Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2005).
Score 9
 Harbour seals are resident in the EBSA throughout the year.
 Litter is considered a chronic stressor which occurs every year, and so is given a score in
the medium range. Since marine litter is persistent, consisting largely of plastic debris, and
sources of litter (land-based activities, fishing boats, ships and winds/currents) are present
throughout the year, we have selected a score at the top of the medium range.
Score 7
 Halpern et al. (2008) have developed maps showing the global intensity of several
anthropogenic stressors including ocean pollution (see Fig. 2 below). This map can be
used to provide guidance in scoring the intensity of a stressor in relation to maximum
(100%) intensity in a global context, in accordance with the scale provided below.
Map colour
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Figure 2. Global intensity of ocean pollution (adapted from (Halpern, B. S. et al., 2008)
Figure 2 shows a high (red) intensity relative to global levels for a score range of 80% to
100%. We have selected the median score within the range.
Score 9
Magnitude of Interaction: (8 x 9 x 7 x 9)/ 1000 = 4.5
Sensitivity of the CP to acute impacts:
 Major impacts to harbour seals from marine litter relate to entanglement, particularly in
relation to fishing debris such as rope, netting and monofilament line. Entanglement
generally results in chronic impacts, and acute mortality is likely to be low.
Score 1
Sensitivity of the CP to chronic impacts:
 Harbour seals are long-lived (26-32 years) with low reproduction rates, producing a
single pup per year, with age of maturity around 5 years. Harbour seals have few natural
predators, although they may be taken by killer whales and sharks.
 Harbour seal numbers in Newfoundland and Labrador were estimated at 5,120 in 1996,
and recent surveys indicate that they are generally increasing or stable over most of their
range (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005).
 Chronic impacts can result when seals become entangled in fishing-related debris.
Potential impacts range from minor rope scars, to debilitating injuries, or moderate to
severe morbidity due to ropes, lines or hooks becoming imbedded in the seal. In severe
cases, death may occur months or even years later as a result of starvation, strangulation
or chronic infection.
The extent of chronic impacts to harbour seals associated with marine litter in Placentia
Bay is unknown, but since populations appear to be stable or increasing, chronic impacts
are likely low.
Score 3
Sensitivity of ecosystem to harmful impacts to the CP:
 Harbour seals are a top predator. Analysis of stomach contents collected from 1985 to
2003 in Newfoundland indicate that harbour seals consume a wide variety of fish and
invertebrate species, with winter flounder, short-horned sculpin, Arctic cod, and Atlantic
cod among the most important species (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005).
 Harbour seals are relatively sedentary, and satellite tagging studies in Alaska found that
adults generally stayed within 20 miles of their haulout sites (Frost, K. J., 1997).
 Because they are long-lived, sedentary top predators, and relatively easy to locate at
regular haulout sites, harbour seals are an excellent indicator of marine ecosystem health
in local areas such as Placentia Bay or for the LOMA as a whole (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M.,
& Veinott, G., 2005).
Score 4
Sensitivity: (1+3+4)/ 3 = 2.7
Risk of Harm: 4.5 x 2.7 = 12.2
Certainty Checklist
Answer yes or no to all of the following questions. Record the number of NO’s to the 9
questions, and record certainty according to the scale provided below:
No’s = High certainty
2- 3 No’s = Medium certainty
No’s = Low certainty
Y Is the score supported by a large body of information?
Y Is the score supported by general expert agreement?
N Is the interaction well understood, without major information gaps/sources of error?
Y Is the current level of understanding based on empirical data rather than models,
anecdotal information or probable scenarios?
N Is the score supported by data which is specific to the region, (EBSA, LOMA, NW
Y Is the score supported by recent data or research (the last 10 years or less)?
N Is the score supported by long-term data sets (ten years or more) from multiple surveys
(5 years or more)?
Y Do you have a reasonable level of comfort in the scoring/conclusions?
N Do you have a high level of confidence in the scoring/conclusions?
Certainty Score: Low
For interactions with Low certainty, underline the main factor(s) contributing to the
Lack of comprehensive data
Lack of expert agreement
Predictions based of future scenarios which are difficult to predict
Other (provide explanation)
Suggest possible research to address uncertainty:
Reference List
1. Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on NPA (2000). Canada's National
Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from LandBased Activities (NPA).
2. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Marine Debris, Trashing our Oceans, Trashing
our Future (poster). 2005. St. John's, NL.
Ref Type: Pamphlet
3. Frost, K. J. Harbour Seal. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. Restoration
Notebook , 1-8. 1997. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Ref Type: Generic
4. Halpern, B. S., Walbridge, S., Selkoe, K. A., Kappel, C. V., Micheli, F.,
D'Agrosa, C., Bruno, J. F., Casey, K. S., Ebert, C., Fox, H. E., Fujita, R.,
Heinemann, D., Lenihan, H. S., Madin, E. M. P., Perry, M. T., Selig, E. R.,
Spalding, M., Steneck, R., & Watson, R. (2008). A Global Map of Human
Impact on Marine Ecosystems. Science, 319, 948-952.
5. Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation. Save the North Sea. 2003.
Ref Type: Audiovisual Material
6. Pelot, R. & Wootton, D. (2004). Maritime traffic distribution in Atlantic
Canada to support an evaluation of a Sensitive Sea Area proposal (Rep. No.
2004-05). Maritime Activity & Risk Investigation Network.
7. Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G. (2005). Harbour Seals in Newfoundland
and Labrador: A Preliminary Summary of new data on Aspects of Biology,
Ecology and Contaminant Profiles. CSAS, 30.
8. Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D. (2003). Integrating Scientific and Local
Ecological Knowledge to Identify Potential Critical Habitats: A Case Study of
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. CSAS, 1-15.
Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay Extension
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Magnitude of Interaction
Areal extent:
 Harbour seals prefer the quiet waters of bays and inlets. They generally use inshore rocks
and sand bars for resting, and are observed throughout coastal areas of Placentia Bay
(Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D., 2003), with the primary haulout site on King’s
Island (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005). Seal areas and sightings have been
mapped by Sjare et al. (2003), and are shown in Fig. 1 below:
Figure 1. Harbour seal sightings and haulout areas in Placentia Bay (Sjare, B., Nakashima,
B., & Mercer, D., 2003).
Persistent organic pollutants are a large complex group of organic chemicals, mostly
compounds containing chlorine, that are both toxic and slow to break down and difficult
(and expensive) to monitor.
Major sources of contamination in Placentia Bay may include the former US Naval Base
at Argentia, past and present industrial activity including shipping, and long range
transport from industrial areas of Canada, the US and beyond. Once these chemicals enter
the environment they are persistent and bioaccumulate in the foodchain.
POPs are considered a chronic stressor and areal extent is therefore estimated based on
the pollution potential of the area and local data.
Although Placentia Bay is one of the most industrialized areas of the LOMA, the bay is
well flushed, and by global standards, is relatively clean. Researchers have found that
contaminant levels are generally low, but moderate levels of some POPs have been
detected in seabirds, harbour seals, and fish (Pierce, R. C., Whittle, D. M., & Bramwell,
J. B. ed., 1998);(Musial, C. J. & Uthe, J. F., 1983) (Elliot, J. E. et al., 1992);(Khan, R. A.,
2003; Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005) in Placentia Bay specifically or
throughout the region.
Based on the pollution potential of the area (moderate) and existing data for the area, we
have estimated the areal extent in the moderate range.
Score 6
 Once in the environment, POPs accumulate in the foodchain or in sediments, and contact
with long-lived piscivorous species is considered high.
Score 9
 Harbour seals are resident in Placentia Bay throughout the year.
 POPs are considered a chronic stressor which is present throughout the year, and so is
given a score in the medium range. Since POPs are persistent, and bioaccumulate in the
foodchain, we have selected a score at the top of the medium range.
Score 7
 Halpern et al. (2008) have developed maps showing the global intensity of several
anthropogenic stressors including ocean pollution (see Fig. 2 below). This map can be
used to provide guidance in scoring the intensity of a stressor in relation to maximum
(100%) intensity in a global context, in accordance with the scale provided below.
Map colour
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Figure 2. Global intensity of ocean pollution (adapted from (Halpern, B. S. et al., 2008)
Figure 2 shows a high (red) intensity relative to global levels for a score range of 80% to
100%. We have selected the low score within the range
Score 8
Magnitude of Interaction: (6 x 9 x 7 x 8)/1000 = 3.0
Sensitivity of the CP to acute impacts:
 Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a large group of organic chemicals, and their
acute and chronic impacts vary widely, depending on the species and the concentration of
the contaminant, but generally the chronic impacts are of greatest concern as chemicals
that showed high acute toxicity to vertebrates were generally not approved for wide
 In general, levels of organochlorine pesticides are declining in Canada and levels in
Newfoundland and Labrador waters are generally reported to be low relative to more
industrialised areas. Numerous studies have shown a slow decline in levels of DDT in
marine organisms in the region during the 1970s and 1980s following the end of
widespread forest spraying with DDT in 1968. Levels of other organochlorine pesticides
are generally reported to be low in Newfoundland and Labrador waters (Pierce, R. C.,
Whittle, D. M., & Bramwell, J. B. ed., 1998) with the exception of toxaphene, which was
found to be widely distributed in Canadian east coast fish (Musial, C. J. & Uthe, J. F.,
1983). Similarly, high levels of toxaphene have been reported in petrel eggs from
Newfoundland (Elliot, J. E. et al., 1992).
 Harbour seals are long-lived and feed on fish, and the bioaccumulation of POPs can be a
significant problem. A recent study (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005) found
that Newfoundland and Labrador harbour seals were less contaminated with POPs than
seals in the St. Lawrence Estuary, but levels were similar to those from the southern Gulf
of St. Lawrence. Mirex and PCB concentrations were 5-10 times less than levels found
in St. Lawrence Estuary population, while DDTs and Chlordanes were 2-5 time less in
Newfoundland seals. Contaminant levels are still considered significant and further
monitoring is required to adequately assess contaminant levels in Placentia Bay and the
impacts on marine environmental quality.
 Specific impacts on harbour seals are unknown, but general symptoms of acute toxicity
of organochlorines may include skin conditions, eye discharges, headaches, vomiting,
fever and visual disturbances. Significant acute toxicity is not anticipated to result from
the levels currently detected in Placentia Bay.
Score 1
Sensitivity of the CP to chronic impacts:
 Harbour seals are long-lived (26-32 years) with low reproduction rates, producing a
single pup per year, with age of maturity around 5 years. Harbour seals have few natural
predators, although they may be taken by killer whales and sharks.
 Harbour seal numbers in Newfoundland and Labrador were estimated at 5,120 in 1996,
and recent surveys indicate that they are generally increasing or stable over most of their
range (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005).
 Though the adverse affects of POPs may not always be apparent, chronic effects may be
significant as they bioaccumulate in the food chain, and can have a detrimental effect
even at very low levels. Top level predators such as harbour seals are at greatest risk.
Adult harbour seal can pass on accumulated contaminants to their young.
Specific impacts on harbour seals are unknown, but chronic impacts are a significant
concern, and we have selected a score in the moderate range.
Score 5
Sensitivity of ecosystem to harmful impacts to the CP:
 Harbour seals are a top predator. Analysis of stomach contents collected from 1985 to
2003 in Newfoundland indicate that harbour seals consume a wide variety of fish and
invertebrate species, with winter flounder, short-horned sculpin, Arctic cod, and Atlantic
cod among the most important species (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005).
 Harbour seals are relatively sedentary, and satellite tagging studies in Alaska found that
adults generally stayed within 20 miles of their haulout sites (Frost, K. J., 1997).
 Because they are long-lived, sedentary top predators, and relatively easy to locate at
regular haulout sites, harbour seals are an excellent indicator of marine ecosystem health
in local areas such as Placentia Bay or for the LOMA as a whole (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M.,
& Veinott, G., 2005).
Score 4
Sensitivity: (1+5+4)/3 = 3.3
Risk of Harm: 3 x 3.3 = 10
Certainty Checklist
Answer yes or no to all of the following questions. Record the number of NO’s to the 9
questions, and record certainty according to the scale provided below:
No’s = High certainty
2- 3 No’s = Medium certainty
No’s = Low certainty
N Is the score supported by a large body of information?
Y Is the score supported by general expert agreement?
N Is the interaction well understood, without major information gaps/sources of error?
Y Is the current level of understanding based on empirical data rather than models,
anecdotal information or probable scenarios?
Y Is the score supported by data which is specific to the region, (EBSA, LOMA, NW
Y Is the score supported by recent data or research (the last 10 years or less)?
N Is the score supported by long-term data sets (ten years or more) from multiple surveys
(5 years or more)?
Y Do you have a reasonable level of comfort in the scoring/conclusions?
N Do you have a high level of confidence in the scoring/conclusions?
Certainty Score: Low
For interactions with Low certainty, underline the main factor(s) contributing to the
Lack of comprehensive data
Lack of expert agreement
Predictions based of future scenarios which are difficult to predict
Other (provide explanation)
Suggest possible research to address uncertainty:
Because they are long-lived, sedentary top predators, and relatively easy to locate at regular
haulout sites, harbour seals are an excellent indicator of marine ecosystem health in local
areas such as Placentia Bay or for the LOMA as a whole and should be used in regular
monitoring programs.
Reference List
1. Derraik, J. G. B. (2002). The pollution of the Marine Environment by Plastic
Debris:a review. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44, 842-852.
2. Elliot, J. E., Noble, D. G., Norstrom, R. J., Whitehead, P. E., Simon, M., Pearce,
P. A., & Peakall, D. B. (1992). Patterns and Trends of Organic Contaminants in
Canadian Seabird Eggs. In C.H.Walker & D. R. Livingstone (Eds.), Persistant
Pollutants in Marine Ecosystems ( Oxford: Pergamon Press.
3. Frost, K. J. Harbour Seal. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. Restoration
Notebook , 1-8. 1997. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Ref Type: Generic
4. Halpern, B. S., Walbridge, S., Selkoe, K. A., Kappel, C. V., Micheli, F.,
D'Agrosa, C., Bruno, J. F., Casey, K. S., Ebert, C., Fox, H. E., Fujita, R.,
Heinemann, D., Lenihan, H. S., Madin, E. M. P., Perry, M. T., Selig, E. R.,
Spalding, M., Steneck, R., & Watson, R. (2008). A Global Map of Human
Impact on Marine Ecosystems. Science, 319, 948-952.
5. Khan, R. A. (2003). Health of Flatfish from Localities in Placentia Bay,
Newfoundland, Contaminated with Petroleum and PCBs. Archives of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 44, 485-492.
6. Musial, C. J. & Uthe, J. F. (1983). Widespread Occurrences of the Pesticide
Toxaphene in Canadian East Coast Marine Fish. Intern.J.Environ.Anal.Chem,
14, 117-126.
7. Pierce, R. C., Whittle, D. M., & Bramwell, J. B. ed. (1998). Chemical
Contaminants in Canadian Aquatic Ecosystems. Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
Ottawa, ON.
8. Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G. (2005). Harbour Seals in Newfoundland
and Labrador: A Preliminary Summary of new data on Aspects of Biology,
Ecology and Contaminant Profiles. CSAS, 30.
9. Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D. (2003). Integrating Scientific and Local
Ecological Knowledge to Identify Potential Critical Habitats: A Case Study of
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. CSAS, 1-15.
Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay Extension
Harmful algal blooms (HABs)
Magnitude of Interaction
Areal extent:
 Harbour seals prefer the quiet waters of bays and inlets. They generally use inshore rocks
and sand bars for resting, and are observed throughout coastal areas of Placentia Bay
(Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D., 2003) with the primary haulout site on King’s
Island (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005). Seal areas and sightings have been
mapped by Sjare et al. (2003), and are shown in Fig. 1 below
Figure 1. Harbour seal sightings and haulout areas in Placentia Bay (Sjare, B., Nakashima,
B., & Mercer, D., 2003).
HABs are considered to be a chronic stressor, and are frequently associated with nutrient
enrichment in inshore areas.
The last 20 years have seen a drastic increase in harmful algal blooms worldwide,
including Placentia Bay. Figure 2 below shows the incidents of harmful algal blooms in
Atlantic Canada in 2007.
Figure 2. Risk areas of harmful algal bloom events, based on Historical Monitoring Records
(modified from (Bates SS, Forbes JR, 2009).
Based on this information we have estimated areal extent in the moderate range
Score 5
 Phytoplankton forms the basis of the marine foodchain, and algal blooms occur wherever
adequate nutrients and sunlight (upper photic zone) are available. Algal bloom toxins can
accumulate in shellfish and fish on which harbour seals depend for food.
 It has recently been discovered that more than half of all marine mammal mortalities in
US waters can be attributed to marine biotoxins (UNESCO-IOC, 2009), but little data is
available on incidents in harbour seals.
 Contact is considered to be moderate to high
Score 7.5
 Harbour seals are resident in Placentia Bay throughout the year.
 HABs are considered a chronic stressor which may potentially occur every year, and so is
given a moderate score. Algal blooms are of short duration, although cysts of some
species can remain dormant indefinitely in sediments, and resuspension of sediments (and
cysts) into the photic zone can lead to reoccurrence.
 Based on this information we have selected a score in the moderate range.
Score 5
 Incidents of harmful algal blooms are increasing worldwide, and incidents within
Placentia Bay have also increased as shown in Fig 3 below:
Figure 3. Increase in harmful algal bloom risks in Atlantic Canada from 1985 to 2007
(modified from (Bates SS, Forbes JR, 2009).
Since incidents in Placentia Bay appear to be moderate relative to global levels, we have
selected a score in the medium range
Score 6
Magnitude of Interaction: (5 x 7.5 x 5 x 6)/ 1000 = 1.1
Sensitivity of the CP to acute impacts:
 Of the thousands of phytoplankton species, less than one hundred or so are considered
harmful. Those that produce toxins (poisons) are of particular concern to seals. PSP
(Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) is among the most toxic HABs, with small quantities
leading to rapid paralysis and death. HABS can accumulate in the foodchain leading to
mortality of marine organisms at all trophic levels (Agriculture and Consumer Affairs,
 Species such harbour seals which feed at the top of the food-chain are generally
considered to be most at risk from HABs. A recent discovery that more than half of all
marine mammal mortalities in US waters are now attributed to marine biotoxins
(UNESCO-IOC, 2009) has led to concern that incidents may be more wide-spread then
previously thought. Improved techniques and increased sampling of animal tissues may
account for this apparent increase.
 Since there is no evidence of significant mortality of harbour seals as a result of HABs,
we have selected a score in the middle range.
Score 5
Sensitivity of the CP to chronic impacts:
 Harbour seals are long-lived (26-32 years) with low reproduction rates, producing a
single pup per year, with age of maturity around 5 years. Harbour seals have few natural
predators, although they may be taken by killer whales and sharks.
 Harbour seal numbers in Newfoundland and Labrador were estimated at 5,120 in 1996,
and recent surveys indicate that they are generally increasing or stable over most of their
range (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005).
 Since there is no evidence of mass mortality of seals associated with HABs in Placentia
Bay, and the population appears to be stable or increasing, chronic impacts appear to be
Score 2
Sensitivity of ecosystem to harmful impacts to the CP:
 Harbour seals are a top predator. Analysis of stomach contents collected from 1985 to
2003 in Newfoundland indicate that harbour seals consume a wide variety of fish and
invertebrate species, with winter flounder, short-horned sculpin, Arctic cod, and Atlantic
cod among the most important species (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G., 2005).
 Harbour seals are relatively sedentary, and satellite tagging studies in Alaska found that
adults generally stayed within 20 miles of their haulout sites (Frost, K. J., 1997).
 Because they are long-lived, sedentary top predators, and relatively easy to locate at
regular haulout sites, harbour seals are an excellent indicator of marine ecosystem health
in local areas such as Placentia Bay or for the LOMA as a whole (Sjare, B., Lebeof, M.,
& Veinott, G., 2005).
Score 4
Sensitivity: (5+2+4)/3= 3.7
Risk of Harm: 1.1 x 3.7 = 4.1
Certainty Checklist
Answer yes or no to all of the following questions. Record the number of NO’s to the 9
questions, and record certainty according to the scale provided below:
No’s = High certainty
2- 3 No’s = Medium certainty
No’s = Low certainty
N Is the score supported by a large body of information?
N Is the score supported by general expert agreement?
N Is the interaction well understood, without major information gaps/sources of error?
Y Is the current level of understanding based on empirical data rather than models,
anecdotal information or probable scenarios?
Y Is the score supported by data which is specific to the region, (EBSA, LOMA, NW
Y Is the score supported by recent data or research (the last 10 years or less)?
Y Is the score supported by long-term data sets (ten years or more) from multiple surveys
(5 years or more)?
Y Do you have a reasonable level of comfort in the scoring/conclusions?
N Do you have a high level of confidence in the scoring/conclusions?
Certainty Score: Low
For interactions with Low certainty, underline the main factor(s) contributing to the
Lack of comprehensive data
Lack of expert agreement
Predictions based of future scenarios which are difficult to predict
Other (provide explanation)
Suggest possible research to address uncertainty:
Because they are long-lived, sedentary top predators, and relatively easy to locate at regular
haulout sites, harbour seals are an excellent indicator of marine ecosystem health in local
areas such as Placentia Bay or for the LOMA as a whole and should be used in regular
monitoring programs. Improved techniques and increased sampling of animal tissues for
HABs may allow improved detection of HAB-related mortality or morbidity.
Reference List
1. Agriculture and Consumer Affairs (2004). Marine Biotoxins. FAO Food and
Nutrition Papers.
2. Bates SS, F. J. (2009). Phycotoxins and harmful marine algae of concern to
Canada. (manuscript in prep.).
3. Frost, K. J. Harbour Seal. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. Restoration
Notebook , 1-8. 1997. Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
Ref Type: Generic
4. Sjare, B., Lebeof, M., & Veinott, G. (2005). Harbour Seals in Newfoundland
and Labrador: A Preliminary Summary of new data on Aspects of Biology,
Ecology and Contaminant Profiles. CSAS, 30.
5. Sjare, B., Nakashima, B., & Mercer, D. (2003). Integrating Scientific and Local
Ecological Knowledge to Identify Potential Critical Habitats: A Case Study of
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. CSAS, 1-15.
6. UNESCO-IOC (2009). Intergovernmental Panel on Harmful Algal Blooms,
National Statement:USA (Rep. No. Ninth Session).
Summary Table: Harbour seal aggregation and reproduction in Placentia Bay
(a x c x d x i)
Cumulative CP Score 38.9