KM Forum 2016 - Institute for Knowledge Mobilization


KM Forum 2016 - Institute for Knowledge Mobilization
Smart Cybersecurity Network
Canadian Knowledge Mobiliza;on Forum
June 29, 2016
The SERENE-­‐RISC team Shirley McKey
Sonia Chiasson
Charles Gaudreau Michael Joyce
Makram AFa
Barbara Whiston
SERENE-­‐RISC se veut un lieu d'échange d'informa=on sur la cybersécurité à la fois ouvert, inclusif et impar=al, qui vise à d
éployer et à meDre en valeur, déployer aleur au bénéfice de tous les Canadiens, les les connaissances en ma=ère de risques, de menaces et de solu=ons entourant la cybersécurité. serene-­‐ SERENE-RISC is a cybersecurity information exchange that is recognized
as an open, inclusive, and unbiased forum to unlock the value of
knowledge on cybersecurity risks, threats and solutions for all Canadians
Network membership 21 Universi;es (8 disciplines)
•  Carleton, Concordia, Guelph, McGill, Montréal, Oklahoma, OSawa, Polytechnique Montréal, Queen’s, RMCC, Sherbrooke, SFU, SAIT Polytechnic, Toronto, UBC, UQO, UOIT, Victoria, Waterloo, Western 11 companies
•  Bell Canada, CGI, Cyberne;Q, ESET, GoSecure, LEXCI Canada, NURUN, PentA+, SecDev Group, Symantec, Vorepass
9 government agencies
•  CSEC, CSIS, DRDC, Industry Canada, NRC-­‐IRAP, NRC-­‐ICT, OPP, PSC, Sûreté du Québec
4 NGOs
•  Canarie, ITAC, Ontario Centres of Excellence, VFAC
Digital Evolu=on Technology People Policy 20 Billion connected devices by 2020 Ar=ficial Intelligence KM as a marke=ng strategy Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Hot Rod (2007)
5 CORE CHALLENGES IN CYBERSECURITY KM AND HOW WE ADDRESS THEM 1. To mobilize knowledge… we must also demobilize hype and myths Five =mes the revenues of mining companies for 2015 Twice the revenues of the global pharmaceu=cals market for 2014 53% more than the projected revenues of the global IT sector for 2016 Sources: Sta=sta, Reuters …or just plain old un-scientific advice
2. The signal to noise ra=o leans heavily towards noise Original & modular content
Original & modular content
3. How to scale KM?
E-­‐mail integra=on Mobile applica=on Toward algorithmic KM?
268 weighted search terms Fulcrum partnerships - Libraries
Half of the Canadian popula=on visits a public library every year Computer worksta=ons are used 18 million =mes annually Fulcrum partnerships - Banks
17 Million views over one month of campaign 4. The fragmentation of knowledge
and KM capacities
Inventory of Canadian Cyber Threat MiCgaCon IniCaCves (2016) 34 partnerships analyzed across 7 core dimensions Mapping of KM capaci=es and knowledge flows 5. Measuring outcomes
Social Network Analysis to understand how researchers, companies and government agencies are linked together in KM ac=vi=es and how these =es evolve over =me www.serene-­‐ info@serene-­‐