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Actual process of Construction
Collaborate with this dream!
Architectural design of the Home “Luis Amigo”
• Location of the construction:
Llanos de Urbina-Cante1
“Cost of construction per square Meter = Q2,200.00=$289.00”
Support 1 square meter (M2) of this project by
contributing a monthly payment of Q 100.00= $20.00
Support a
Objectives of the Project:
 To count on the structure that allows to unfold all the diligences that
entail training and vindication of the younger residents and those
attending external schools.
 Especially to facilitate training programs and social outreach towards
the surrounding community for the women and young people of
Mayan culture, taking advantage of the resources of the institution.
Banking accounts:
Awaited results:
• Banco UNO
Account 170164843052 you can deposit to this account in
quetzals from any country of Central America & the USA
Name: Asociacion Cultural de las Religiosas Terciarias
 To count on facilities adapted for the operation of the home.
 That the adult women of the surrounding community and resident
children obtain expectations of the future having an active
participation in their social means and multiplying tenfold that which
they receive.
• Banco G&T Continental
Account # D.M. 03-0004201-0
Name: Construccion Hogar Luis Amigo HTC. For
deposits in quetzales.
• Banco Industrial
Account # 233-000345-9
Name: Hogar Luis Amigo, HTC
Account for studies and feeding of the beneficiaries.
• For more information contact:
Sister Marlene Barrantes tel: 5821 6727
[email protected]
[email protected]
“Luis Amigo”
To be the Home for
excellence, of the infantile
feminine population
at high risk.
Mons. Luìs Amigò, Founder
de lasterciaras Capuchinas
To offer the infantile feminine population in high risk, a
liberating education that develops the capacity of
initiative, critical judgment, decision and creativity;
invigorating the experience of human-Christian, cultural
and ethical principles and values who orient their behavior
according to the signs of the times; with the exigencies of
the amigo charisma and the attitudes of the Good
Integral Strategic objectives focused on the minor:
Of the community:
To invigorate the experience of the human, Christian,
cultural, & ethical principles and values which orient their
behavior and who respond to the needs of today and the
exigencies of our charisma with autonomy and
Purpose of the Congregation:
 Our Religious life as Tertiary Capuchins of the Sacred
Family exists as a Charisma Francisco-friendship from the
exigencies of the baptism and our consecration where we
participated actively in the salvation mission of the church
that sends us to evangelize with the testimony of our own
life, the exercise of charity and the announcement of the
word to who ever needs us.
 Imitating the attitude of the Good Shepherd, we realize our
mission with the children and youth in the fields of the
education, protection and reeducation; in the attendance to
the patients in the pastoral action of the church; in
atmospheres and places of initial evangelization or missions
 Our commitment to experience our charisma from its
evangelical and Franciscan roots to collaborate in the
humanization of political, cultural, religious, economic and
familiar globalized world that also brings about growth to us
like disadvantages before the panorama of the social reality
that affects our apostolic mission.
Pedagogical principles:
The pedagogical work that we do has as the high-priority
objective the growth and maturation of the children and young
people in all dimensions
We help to discover and to harness possibilities of physical,
intellectual, affective social and promote the insertion of
positivism in the world. We foment the development of the
ethical and important dimensions of the person proposing
new forms to integrate faith as a transforming element of
personal and social surroundings.
A family climate that favors interpersonal relationships.
Educational style consistent with techniques that offer
psycho pedagogical and social sciences for the
knowledge of the person.
Unity of criteria and action between the different
professionals identified with the mission who take part
in the education of the minors.
Preventive method emphasizing the welcome, dialog,
proximity and confidence.
Positive sense of the life, valuing its possibilities and
recognizing its profits. To imply to the families in the
process of the minors with the purpose of avoiding the
uprooting of affection and favor.
Info on the Provisional Home:
Address of the Provisional Home:
6ta. Calle Zona 2, Salcaja. Quetzaltenango.
Tel. del Hogar: 502-77688583
Cellular: 58216727
Of the process Education:
To offer to a customized and liberating education
develop the capacity of initiative, critical judgment,
decision, creative and sociopolitical commitment that
favors the social coexistence and citizen participation.
Of the Family:
To include/understand the active participation of the
families and/or responsible students, in the re educational
training of the minor.
E-mail: [email protected]
Sisters and girls of the Luìs Amigò Home