The Nazareth - Nazareth Academy High School


The Nazareth - Nazareth Academy High School
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 5
May 23, 2016
Valedictorian & Salutatorian
Ellen Annas, ‘18
Valedictorian: Jenna Silla
Jenna Silla is our valedictorian this
year, and she is very involved at Nazareth, running track and playing the
trumpet in orchestra. She is also a
newspaper editor, (shout-out to Katie, Patrice, and Socks) can wiggle
her ears, and is a member of student
council and CSC. In addition to this,
she went to Holy Family to take classes after school most days this year.
Jenna’s favorite thing about Nazareth
is that it introduced her to her best friends. She loves the friendly atmosphere and sense of community that our school has. Her favorite class
is her English class, because it has been made up of almost the same
girls for four years. She also mentioned that the right half of English
will always have a special place in her heart. Jenna’s favorite teacher
is Miss C., because she supports everyone in their art instead of trying to change their style. She added that Miss C. is always happy and
positive, even at her 8 am art class! Outside of school, Jenna plans the
CHOP Chari-tea, and makes art (which she is extremely talented at).
Jenna will be attending college at UCLA this fall, and plans on studying environmental science. However, she added that she is 17, so who
knows what she’ll actually end up majoring in. Her plans for the future
include studying in college, and she definitely wants to study abroad
to learn about other countries’ green technology. Besides college, she
plans on travelling, and obviously looking for a job, although she is
not sure what she would like to do yet. Some final advice that Jenna
had for students next year was, and I quote, “STOP STRESSING SO
MUCH ABOUT SCHOOL!” She admitted that this may sound odd
coming from the valedictorian, but that you shouldn’t let school steal
your happiness. While studying and getting good grades is important,
it shouldn’t be your only goal in high school. She wants you to make
sure that you spend time with the people you love and to cherish this
time, because high school isn’t as much about the grades as it is about
the people. We will miss you next year Jenna, good luck and keep doing great things!
Salutatorian: Erin Roche
Erin Roche is the salutatorian this
year, and is quite active around the
school. She is a three-sport athlete,
playing tennis, basketball, and lacrosse. She was also a Kairos leader,
and being involved with Naz-AThon, National Honors Society, Mu
Alpha Theta, Junior Classical League
were just a few of the things she could
name off the top of her head. She recalled how almost every D-schedule
resulted in a minor meltdown because she had to be in at least two
places at once. In the little free time she has outside of school, Erin
enjoys going to concerts and “hanging out with anyone who can bear
to spend some extra time with me.” As far as hobbies, she has attempted baking, and also has not found luck in the art world. However, she
does enjoy hanging out with her dogs and trying to find the baby deer
that lives in her backyard. A fun fact about Erin is that she is one of the
world’s greatest potato enthusiasts. The diversity of the potato makes
her emotional; after all, it does have many uses. Just like with the potato, Erin enjoys many things about Nazareth, and in this order: curly
fries, the chairs in the Latin room, Kairos, and the people. Nothing
makes her happier than walking past a classroom and hearing everyone
talking, laughing, and getting along- including the teachers. Her favorite class is Latin, because of the chairs, which have to be magical. Erin
loves all of the teachers at Nazareth, but her favorite is Ms. Feletski, as
a result of four years of great memories in Room 1. Also Mrs. Quinn,
because well, she’s Mrs. Quinn. She’s the best. Erin’s last advice for the
students is to stay calm. It’s easy to get worked up over quizzes, tests,
and formal dates(and don’t even get her started on proms). It’s good to
work hard, but sometimes you need to call it a night and go to bed.
You probably won’t remember what you’re studying if you can’t even
keep your eyes open. Lastly, her advice about prom is that everything
will work itself out, you might not believe her now, but she swears by
it. As for her next year, Erin will be attending the University of Notre
Dame this fall, and will be studying chemical engineering. Her current
future plans are to figure out what her future plans are. As of right now,
she says that she plans on going to school for “a lot of years” and then
getting a job that she enjoys at least a little. The only thing that she is
certain about is that there will be puppies in her future. Good luck in
college next year Erin, you will be missed! May your future hold success, puppies, and potatoes!
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The Nazareth
May 23, 2016
Leadership Team
Ellen Annas, ‘18
President - Katie Schluth
1. I’m going to Georgetown next year
undecided, but I’ll probably end up
in psych or cognitive science.
2. Honestly? Sophomore year. I
can’t pinpoint why but it probably
had something to do with Beyoncé’s
self-titled album.
3. Definitely when Jenny Nessel sang
the Ave Maria and I ascended into the
4. Does Kairos count? Because in
case you haven’t noticed from every other interview thing I’ve ever
done, I really love Kairos.
5. Weirdly enough, I’ll miss laying down on the floor in Mr. Clark’s
room after school. I’ve had some of my greatest revelations down there.
7. Ten years from now I’ll be having a quarter life crisis while still
in school, hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, and looking for
someone who loves me despite my obsession with my career. I’ll also
most likely be complaining to Erin about all of these things.
8. “Don’t skip the flip!” – Dr. Fischer
also miss playing basketball and running track with such great groups
of girls.
7. Ten years from now I’d like to be happy, healthy, and successful.
Hopefully I will have a job as a teacher and will be starting a family.
8. Favorite quote: “Whose mans” or “Fake it till you make it.”
Secretary - Krissy Tribuiani
1. Next year I’ll be attending Villanova University, and I’m currently undecided in the college of Liberal Arts
and Sciences.
2. My favorite year at Nazareth was
senior year by far!
3. My favorite Nazareth memory was
senior prom.
4. Spirit Day because of shorter classes and the talent show is always fun!
5. I’ll miss the people most about
Nazareth because they made my experience so great.
7. I hope to be settled in with a really cool job and fingers crossed that
maybe I’ll have a hubby;).
1. Where She’ll Be & What She’ll Be Studying 8. “There are no regrets in life, just lessons.”Jennifer Aniston
2. Favorite Year at Nazareth
Vice President - Jacki Dollard
1. I will be attending Villanova University
3. Favorite Nazareth Memory
and majoring in Secondary Education.
Treasurer - Erin Roche
4. Favorite Nazareth Tradition
2. Between
1. I’m going to the University of Notre
5. What She’ll miss most about Nazareth
Dame and am studying chemical engineer6. Number One on her Bucket List
Kairos, seing.
7. Ten Years from Now…
nior prom,
2. It’s honestly all a blur but I’m going to say
8. Favorite Quote
and all the
sophomore year.
other fun
3. My favorite Nazareth memory is probably
school events that took place, senior
#NazBlackout2k13 – that was a fun day. I was trying to think of more
year was by far my favorite year. It
creative ones but it’s May and I’m a
has been great to celebrate all these
senior so my brain doesn’t work the
things with the friends I have made
way it once did.
the past four years. Senior year flies by
4. This is so cheesy but White Housthough, so be sure to appreciate your
es. I had to try really hard to hold back
time at Nazareth and not to rush your time here.
tears when they played it at prom.
3. My favorite Nazareth memory was being involved with Naz-A5. I’m definitely going to miss the
Thon. The amount we raised over the last two years was incredible,
people at Nazareth the most. There’s
especially for such a small school. It was honestly one of the best expedefinitely something special about
riences of my life and I’m so glad I could be a big part in giving back
everyone I’ve come to know over the
to those in need. I will even miss being the worst dancer during the
past four years.
morale dance.
7. Ten years from now you can catch
4. My favorite tradition is probably freshman week. I think it’s a great
me headlining my own tour as my rap career will be in its prime. Or,
way to welcome the freshmen into the Nazareth family. It’s also funny
I’ll be married with some kids, a solid career, and, most importantly,
to look back at all the pictures from your own freshman week when
at least two dogs.
you’re a senior to see how much you’ve changed.
8. “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t know where it’s going. I
5. I’ll miss the people at Nazareth most of all. I will miss all the teachjust hope I find it along the way.” – Michael Scott
ers and younger friends I have made here at Nazareth. I will definitely
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 5
The Nazareth
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Goodbye to the Senior Editors
Elizabeth Irons, ‘17
Dear Editor Jenna,
Hello!!! I guess this is my formal via newspaper goodbye. I can’t believe you’re going to be gone so soon, I am going to miss my caterpillar
emoji friend so much. For real though, I am so, so happy that we were in the same Kairos group this year and that we got to bond and snuggle with
your cozy blanket. I’m really going to miss your constant hugs before 8th period and
love but never fear because I’ll always have your pretty flower cow painting to remind
me of you! Also, you know I’ve got to check in with you and hear about your fabulous
adventures in Cali. Anyway, thank you so much for passing the editor torch down to
me! Thank you for all of your hard work on the paper! Nazareth and The Nazareth
won’t be the same without you.
All of the hugs in the world,
Editor Liz
Dear Editor KT Schluth,
Tobias! I can’t believe you’re actually leaving! That’s not allowed. I’m super jealous of both you and Georgetown, but more of Georgetown because they get to have
you. I’m so glad we’ve become such good pals and have that snap streak! It feels just
like yesterday when I was a freshman and was scared to talk to you because I was
intimated by you and your infamously hilarious twitter. Lol. Your love of sitcoms is
matched by only……me but nobody can even compare when it comes to being President. Sorry Barack. We’re cool, but I just love Katie more.
Thank you for being an amazing Kairos leader! I’m still trying to figure out how to one, two step. Nazareth and The Nazareth is going to miss you,
but I will miss you more.
Love you more than Pam Beasley,
Editor Liz(ironic)/Maeby Fünke
P.S. I promise to take care of Ellen.
Dear Editor Patrice,
Patrice!!! I am so sad you are leaving. Who else’s lunch table am I going to crash every
day? I know how hard you’ve worked to make The Nazareth the best it can be and how passionate you are about the paper in general and for that I thank you. It is editors like you that keep
the paper alive. Also, you are such a kind person/friend/mom. Thank you for all of the hugs and
for blessing me with your sage advice. I hope my little stop-ins at lunch aren’t too annoying and
that we can get lunch outside of school sometime! In all honestly, Nazareth will be a little less
great without you. The Nazareth has blossomed with your help and I promise that it is in good
hands. Thank you for passing on the torch to Ellen and I!
All my love and well wishes,
Editor Liz
Dear Editor Soks,
Hey girl! I can’t believe you’re graduating! It seems just like yesterday that you were welcoming me both to Nazareth and to The Nazareth.
Thank you for all of the wonderful work that you have done! You have always been nothing but kind to
me and I’ve loved our twitter conversations about Gilmore Girls and Parenthood. I know that whatever
you do in life, you will always do it with a smile on your face and I admire that. You are going to go so
far in life! Thank you for being so passionate about The Nazareth and everything else that you pursue. I
know that I am going to miss you Soks. Ellen and I are both so happy and grateful to you for passing the
torch on to us. I hope that you have fun at college but come back and visit Naz!
Sending you some love,
Editor Liz
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The Nazareth
May 23, 2016
Senior Superlatives
Best Actress – Victoria Sanchez
Best Artist – Sarah Rucci
Coolest - Mary Phinn
Most Studious – Ally McGurk
Most Honest – Christa Dowds
Most Optimistic – Sadie Curran
Funniest – Gianna Pirritano
Most Adventurous - MaryKate Comas
Most Photogenic – Alexis Fuhr
Most Outgoing – Jenna Hastings
Most Trustworthy – Patrice Gantert
Best Laugh - Sam D’Alfonso
Most Likely to Become President - Katie Schluth
Most Likely to Go with the Flow - Alexa Dema
Most Spirited - Emily Sokolowski
Biggest Country Music Fan - Jess Colfer
Most Likely to Marry Her High School Sweetheart - Emily Blaker
Most Likely To Be Absent - Kaylie Mickle
Most Likely To Write A Best-Selling Novel - Anna Boyle
Best Eyes - Crosby Cavanaugh
Most Likely To Win A Nobel Prize - Alexandra Matlack
Most Likely to Be Hanging Out With a Teacher - Anastasia Papatolis
Most Likely to Go to the Olympics - Molly Kowal
Most Fun - Amy Worthington
Most Well-Rounded - Jenna Silla
Preppiest - Cecilia Cianci
Most Likely to Be In Costume - Alexandra Webb
Biggest One Direction Fan - Jocelyn Love
Most Sincere - Margaret Hibbs
Most Likely to Make a Scientific Breakthrough - Heather Sanwald
Most Likely to Start a Band - Lindsay Cymbalski
Biggest Perfectionist - Ava Roberts
Most Laid Back - Shaun Buggy
Most Giving - Megan Kudla
Most Likely to Make You Smile - Diamond Seely
Most Likely to Study for 10 Minutes and Still Get an “A” - Maxine Wisler
Most Likely to Cheer You Up On a Bad Day - Sarah John
Most Dedicated - Jacki Dollard
Most Talkative - Dominique Misnik
Most Likely to Fall Asleep During Class - Lauren Borish
Most Caring - Claudia Candidi
Most Kind-Hearted - Bailey Raymond
Most Likely To Star In Their Own Reality Show - Nikola Polak
Most Likely to Finish A Test Before Anyone Else - Grace Kowal
Most Personable - Francesca Tribuiani
Best Fake Instagram - Emma Jennings
Best Baker - Bridget Geary
Best Hair - Tevy Vogel
Most Understanding - Diana Carl
Most Mischievous - Nina Nguyen
Most Hardworking – Alex Vo
Best Motivational Speaker – Rachel MacAuley
Most Thoughtful – Danielle Dustman
Best Listener – Natalie Czeredarczuk
Most Likely to Climb Mount Everest – Keely Brown
Tiniest – Caitlyn Heston
Best Gymnast – Amanda Pellegrino
Most Stylish – Annalyse Solitario
Most Determined - Samantha Danese
Most Likely to Have Your Back - Laurel Enaco
Best Nails - Kristina Tribuiani
Friendliest - Jen Dowd
Most Thoughtful - Rayann Nazario
Most Loyal Friend - Lindsay Boyle
Most Likely to Speak Her Mind - Tatiana Jennings
Most Family-Oriented - Maddy Pontarelli
Most Mysterious - Kate Agnew
Fiercest - Emily Moy
Quirkiest - Reagan Mulholand
Best Athlete - Erin Roche
Most Sarcastic - Robyn Wuller
Most Confident - Jenny Leska
Most Injury-Prone - Princess Gay-Henderson
Best Smile - Darby Showers
Biggest Kid At Heart - Rachel Mullins
Most Likely to Become a Model - Catherine Stack
Sweetest - Julianne Conway
Best Game of Thrones Fan - Julia McPhillips
Biggest Justin Bieber Fan – Holly Bowes
Biggest Taylor Swift Fan – Lauren Belecanech
Most Saint-like – Katie Driscoll
Best Makeup - Victoria Stranzl
Best Puns - Tori Zamites
Best Hugs - Emily Smith
Most likely to walk into homeroom ranting - Talia Lynch
Most Motherly - Avory Seranno
Most likely to be Caught Laughing - Jenny Zhou
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 5
The Nazareth
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The Nazareth
May 23, 2016
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 5
The Nazareth
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The Nazareth
May 23, 2016
College Listings
Arcadia University
Samantha Danese
Jenna Hastings
Anastasia Papatolis
Cabrini College
Megan Kudla
Georgia Institute of Technology
Alexandra Matlack
High Point University
Crosby Cavanaugh
California University of
Rayann McCollum-Nazario
Holy Family University
Emily Blaker
Jennifer Dowd
Talia Lynch
Alexandra Webb
Carnegie Mellon University
Anna Boyle
Immaculata University
Jocelyn Love
Columbia College Chicago
Lindsay Cymbalski
Indiana University of
Lauren Borish
Dominique Misnik
Community College of
Shaun Buggy
DePaul University
Catherine Stack
DeSales University
Danielle Dustman
Drexel University
Sarah Rucci
Duquesne University
Amanda Pellegrino
East Carolina University
Diamond Seely
Fairfield University
Lauren Belecanech
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Amy Worthington
Flagler College
Alexa Dema
Florida State University
Gianna Pirritano
Georgetown University
Catherine Schluth
La Salle University
Samantha D’Alfonso
Jenny Leska
Lehigh University
Avory Serrano
Mount Saint Mary’s University
Bailey Raymond
Muhlenberg College
Maxine Wisler
New York University
Zhenyi Zhou
Pennsylvania State University
Claudia Candidi
(University Park)
Diana Carl (University Park)
Catherine Driscoll
(University Park)
Caitlyn Heston (University Park)
Tatiana Jennings
(University Park)
Kaylie Mickle (Altoona)
Reagan Mulholland
(University Park)
Mary Phinn (Altoona)
Darby Showers (University Park)
Victoria Stranzl (Abington)
Saint John’s University
Natalie Czeredarczuk
Princess Gay-Henderson
Saint Joseph’s University
Holly Bowes
Cecilia Cianci
Alexis Fuhr
Patrice Gantert
Nina Nguyen
Nikola Polak
Madeline Pontarelli
Emily Sokolowski
Saint Mary’s College
Victoria Sanchez
Savannah College of
Art and Design
Tevy Vogel
Stonehill College
Alexandra Vo
Temple University
Kaitlyn Agnew
Jessica Colfer
Sadie Rose Curran
Bridget Geary
Sarah John
Rachel MacAuley
Julia McPhillips
Annalyse Solitario
The Ohio State University
Molly Kowal
The University of Scranton
Heather Sanwald
University of California Los Angeles
Genevieve Silla
University of Central Florida
Victoria Zamites
University of Cincinnati
Keely Brown
University College Dublin
Christa Dowds
University of Massachusetts
Margaret Hibbs
University of New Haven
Laurel Enaco
University of Notre Dame
Erin Roche
University of Pennsylvania
Allison McGurk
University of Pittsburgh
Julianne Conway
Emily Smith
University of South Carolina
Mary Comas
Villanova University
Jacqueline Dollard
Ava Roberts
Francesca Tribuiani
Kristina Tribuiani
Virginia Tech
Grace Kowal
West Chester University
Lindsay Boyle
Emma Jennings
Emily Moy
Rachel Mullins
West Virginia University
Robyn Wuller
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 5
The Nazareth
Page 9
Seniors Editor Goodbyes
Dear lovely readers,
I never thought this day would come when I would finally be writing one of my last articles for The Nazareth.
I remember being a scared freshmen picking my articles and now look at me? I feel so lucky to have written for The
Nazareth for the past four years and feel even luckier to have been an editor this year. I have loved every minute
spent in the Lit office putting together issue after issue with my fellow editors! This year has been a whirlwind,
filled with lots of lasts but this by far may be my hardest goodbye. The Nazareth is a reflection of what I love most
about our school and I am so proud of everything that has been accomplished this year by our editors. I hope that
the students and faculty enjoy The Nazareth just as much as I loved writing for it! Writing has always one of my
favorite things to do and I feel so blessed that I got to share that with the Nazareth community!
First and foremost, I would like to thank my mom and dad for reading every article that I have wrote in The
Nazareth over the past four years. Whether it’s putting the paper on the fridge or showing off the paper to friends
(thanks Dad), I thank you for being my number one fans and without a doubt The Nazareth’s most avid readers.
Your love and support has gotten me to where I am today.
Next I would like to thank Mr. MacGregor for single handily fixing every technical problem we have ever had on InDesign and making
the paper look awesome every single time it comes out. For dealing with all of the editor’s weirdness, awkwardness, and stress, we couldn’t thank
you enough. Thank you for always facing every problem with a smile on your face and a friendly “Hey, how are ya?”. The Nazareth is a product of
the student’s work but a huge part of that is because of YOU. I just wanted to thank you for your time and dedication to this paper because without
you it would certainly not be where it is today. You deserve way more recognition than you receive and I just wanted you to know how highly the
editors (and all of those that write for the newspaper) think of you. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. I’m not sure if any of the editors are
going to know what to do in college when we have a problem, go to dial 1032, and you don’t pick up!
To Liz and Ellen, I couldn’t be more thrilled that you two were chosen to be editors! I can’t tell you enough how much love I have for the
both of you and how excited I am to see you start this next chapter of The Nazareth. As I realized and you will too, every year editors are different
and each set puts their own personal touches on the paper. Don’t be afraid to change things and make this paper your own. Make The Nazareth a
reflection of the students, who you are and then run with it. Most importantly, although at times things can be stressful, never lose your love of
writing or lose sight of why you starting writing in the first place. I have complete confidence in the both of you that you will do an amazing job
as editors. As I am so sad that I have to give up my position as editor, I couldn’t be happier to pass it on to you two amazing girls!
Also how could I forget my awesome friends who were always the first ones to grab a copy of the paper as soon as it came out? Especially
to Jocelyn and Sam for always reading/reviewing my articles and saving almost every paper I’ve written in (thanks Sami). Thanks for being the best
support system anyone could ask for, I love you tons!!
And finally to Jenna, Emily and Katie! From the countless hours we’ve spent in the Lit office to spontaneously redecorating and cleaning
the office to editing articles three times over, I wanted to thank the three of you for being one of the main reasons as to why I am so proud of The
Nazareth. We have all put our hearts into this paper and I wouldn’t have wanted to work on it with anyone else. For pushing to every deadline together and still managing to keep our sanity, I thank you. I’m so proud of everything we’ve accomplished this year with The Nazareth and I couldn’t
think of better people that I would’ve wanted to accomplish it with.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Nazareth. I am so grateful for every single one of you!
Love always,
Patrice Gantert
To anyone who might be reading this,
This is the first of many goodbyes I’ll have to write/say over the coming weeks, and despite what I may have
said earlier this year, my heart is heavy at the thought of leaving. I really don’t know how I got to this point
because I still fondly remember writing my very first newspaper article about the cross-country team and our
encounter with head lice when I was just 14 years old, eager to make a good impression on the senior editors. I
always hoped I’d take their place someday, and my experience as an editor was ten times as fulfilling and rewarding as I’d ever imagined it would be. If you’ve ever read one of my articles or any of the articles in the papers I’ve
helped assemble, thank you. You’ve helped fulfill little Katie’s dream of seeing something she worked hard on in
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The Nazareth
May 23, 2016
Seniors Editor Goodbyes
First and foremost, I’d like to thank Mr. MacGregor, who is truly the backbone of this paper. We’d be technologically challenged and
lost without you. Thank you for dedicating countless hours of your time to making this paper the best it can be, especially when the four of us are
tutoring, working, playing a sport, vacationing in a foreign country, or doing anything else imaginable other than the paper. We never would’ve
managed to put out four issues if it weren’t for you.
Secondly, I’ll thank my fellow editors. Jenna, Patrice, and Socks, I love all of you more than you know. Thank you for picking up my
slack when I was too overwhelmed to do my share of the workload, for being incredibly understanding, and for always making me laugh. I’ll miss
all of you even more than I’ll miss our comfy new chair and our dysfunctional lantern lights. Hit the THON.
Next, thank you to anyone who’s ever written an article for The Nazareth. I’m so proud and appreciative of each and every one of you; a
school newspaper is nothing without its writers. Thank you for dedicating your time and effort to this paper, especially when you got stuck writing
an article that no one else wanted. It can be tedious, I know, but I hope you still get that fuzzy feeling inside every time you see your article in
Here comes my favorite/least favorite part of this letter. To my future editors, my babies, LN and lizironic: I can’t even express how happy
I am that we’re passing this onto you. No one deserves it more than you two do, and I’m not just saying that because I’m extremely biased. Ellen,
quite frankly, you’re my best friend. I take so much pride in everything you do every day, and I really do feel like your mom most of the time.
If anyone’s capable of doing this job as a junior, it’s you. I have complete confidence, and you should too. Liz, I’m so thankful you slid into my
DMs way back when because since then, I’ve found an incredible friend in you. Thank you for always talking with me about the only things that
really matter in life: Kairos and television. Your unwavering dedication to this paper and willingness to put your fullest effort into everything you
do will make you a fantastic editor next year. I love you both, I’ll miss you both, and I’m so proud of you.
Now I’ll just throw in some miscellaneous thank yous, many of which won’t make any sense to most of you. Thank you, Kairos 46.
Thank you, Kairos 49. Thank you, Farsquad. Thank you, sad calc corner. Thank you, Blee club. Thank you, AP Lit. Thank you, Ms. Feletski and
the Latin gang. Thank you, Mr. Clark. Thank you, Bae. Thank you, Pauly P. Thank you, winderbreakers. Thank you, success stories. Thank you,
Sister Mary Joan, Sister Mary McDevitt, Sister Camille, Sister Boguslawa, and all the nuns. Thank you, L Team. Thank you, main office ladies.
Thank you, quad plus Sarah John. Thank you, Drake and Rihanna. Thank you, Dr. Fischer. Thank you, roasting trap squa. Thank you, gum
drops. Thank you, meat dishes. Thank you, JATUENDRIDCOLL. Thank you, Yentil. Thank you, Sarah Honey. Thank you, John Lennon/
Legend. Thank you, everyone who voted that How to Love is not a sad banger.
I love you all. Katie out.
To my fellow Pandas,
As my four years at Nazareth are coming to an end, I can’t shake the feeling of nostalgia over this place. Sure,
I didn’t love every waking minute here, but Nazareth has ultimately come to feel like a second home to me. More
importantly, Naz has introduced me to my best friends, which I will always be grateful for. Thanks to some super
amazing people in my life, these four years have been pretty great. Firstly, I’d like to thank my parents for giving
me the opportunity to go here. If it weren’t for you guys believing in my education, I wouldn’t be writing my last
Naz article right now. Mom, thank you for being my biggest supporter. No matter what crazy idea I have, you
never doubt me and have taught me to believe in myself. You taught me to go after my dreams and that it’s okay
not to be like everyone else. Dad, thank you for always laughing with me, whether we are doing puzzles at your
desk or are just hanging out, it’s always a good time. You never fail to make me smile when you come home from
work and get the dogs all excited for their “daddy home treat”. Even though these treats are going to make our
dogs 300 pounds, I will admit it’s adorable. On a more serious note, I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through
these four years without you guys. Thank you.
Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank my two older sisters, Elena and Caroline. You two are more important to me than you’ll
ever know. Elena, thank you for always offering to help me with math problems I just don’t get and breaking down concepts that just don’t stick.
I can’t thank you enough for all the college essays you read over this year. Even though you’re at Notre Dame, you take time out to help me and
give me advice and I am forever grateful for you. My fabulous Caroline, thank you for being you. You have subconsciously taught me to be myself
and not care what people think. I learned that life is a lot more fun when you can laugh at yourself. You two have been not only great role models,
but great friends to me, not everyone can say their sisters are their best friends.
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 5
The Nazareth
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Senior Editor Goodbyes
Lastly, I would like to say thank you to my beautiful friends. You are all so important to me and I love you. If I didn’t have you guys,
I really don’t think I would’ve made it through these last four years. You have kept me sane with your company. Without you guys, high school
would’ve been boring, but instead it was like one big adventure. I will always remember all the Tyler trips, concerts and of course, Jules dates we’ve
shared and look forward to many more when we all get back from college next year (wipes tear).
In my heart it’s the five of us ~ in white houses ~.
With love,
Jenna Silla
To my dearest Nazareth ladies,
As I sit here and attempt to complete my last ever piece for these hallowed halls of the Acad, I cannot help
but fight back tears! If Nazareth has taught me one thing it is this: waiting until the very last minute to complete
an assignment is truly the only way to get it done. But it is through those late nights of deep thought (and procrastination) that you create some of your best work! As I write this final goodbye to my dearest NA, I cannot help
but feel an overwhelming sense of fear and excitement! Though I am sad (and a bit fearful) to leave the comfort
of my second home here in the little corner office of the Lit office, I am excited for this next chapter in my life!
When I think of my first days at the ole’ Acad, The Nazareth newspaper distinctively sticks out in my memory. As a freshmen, we were all so bright-eyed and bushy tailed for the next four years, and we could not wait to get
involved in the school community. Now, four years later, I ask myself, where did those four years go? Newspaper
was where I truly found my home at Nazareth, and ultimately, it was where I discovered a piece of myself! It
was a place where I could truly be myself and just write! Writing has always been a comfort to me, and I was so
incredibly blessed to have had this gem in my life as I navigated through the roller coaster ride of high school!
The Nazareth has brought me many things these past four years that I am incredibly grateful for. But most importantly, I am grateful for
those late afternoons in the Lit Office with my fellow editors. I am grateful for the big teal chair, Adele, and Mr. MacGregor’s daily “Hello, how’re
you?!” Though at times, the job of senior newspaper editor was extremely overwhelming, I would not have wanted to take on The Nazareth with
any other group of girls! Patrice, Katie, and Jenna, you are all off to amazing things, and when I see your name in lights someday, I will remember
where it all started, in that third floor Lit Office! You three lovely ladies, Mr. MacGregor, and The Nazareth will forever hold a special place in my
Next, I want to thank all the superstar writers of The Nazareth! If it was not for you, and your captivating articles, The Nazareth would not
be the success that it is! You all have so much potential, and I cannot wait to see where writing takes you in life! Stay true to yourself, and always
remember how much your words mean and have meant to the students of Nazareth Academy! My last piece of my advice for you is this: take in
every single moment here at Nazareth, because before you know it, it will be time to say goodbye.
Last but certainly not least, I want to wish all the luck to our newest editors of The Nazareth, Liz and Ellen! It is a comfort to know that
we are leaving The Nazareth in such great hands! Remember to savor every moment in that third floor Lit Office, whether it be a momentary freak
out session because you lost the latest InDesign file, or a quick nap in the teal chair before a meeting, take it all in! Before you know it, you will
be passing the torch onto the next editors, and your time here at Nazareth will be coming to a close! I send all my love and luck to you two ladies,
even though, I know you will not need it!
Well, my dear NA, I guess that is all I can offer you today. Although you know, that I will stand forever true to your name and to you!
Love always,
Editor Soks
Volume LXXXVIII, No. 5
The Nazareth
May 23, 2016
Dear Nancy Ann,
Dear Nancy Ann,
I’m finally graduating! Though I am excited to go to college, I’m going to miss Naz and all of my friends so much. I’m worried that when
we all go to different schools, my friends and I won’t keep in touch. Do you any advice towards maintaining long-distance friendships and any
advice for someone nervous about going away to college in general?
Gushy Graduate
Dear Gushy Graduate,
Don’t worry, it’s completely normal to be worried about leaving your friends and surroundings as you prepare to leave for college! Luckily,
in this modern age, it is so easy to maintain relationships with your friends from Naz, no matter how far away they are. You can always see how
they are doing through social media, but it’s even better to keep up with them via texting and also FaceTiming! You can plan to hang out with them
when you are home during school breaks. Also, you are sure to make more friends at your college! College is a time for making new friends and
trying new hobbies. You can always FaceTime or talk to your parents when you are missing home and know that you won’t be the only nervous
one there! I hope my advice helped.
All the best,
Nancy Ann
The Nazareth
A Publication of Nazareth Academy High School
4001 Grant Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19114 - 2999
Editors: Elizabeth Irons, ‘17, and Ellen Annas, ‘18
Moderator: Mr. Ian MacGregor