8thDistrict 8thDistrict - Eighth District Dental Society


8thDistrict 8thDistrict - Eighth District Dental Society
ll ti
Volume 47
Number 4
Fall 2011
Publication of the Eighth District Dental Society of the State of New York
Dr. Rick Fink
Memorial Lecture
The fourth annual Dr. Rick Fink
Memorial Lecture will feature Dr.
Sam Simos presenting “The 212°
Dental Office, The Extra Degree;
Technologies” on Friday, December
2, 2011, from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens in
Dr. Simos is nationally recognized as a leader in
cosmetic and restorative dentistry. He currently teaches
post-graduate courses to practicing dentists on cosmetic
dentistry, occlusion, and comprehensive restorative
dentistry through Allstar Smiles’ state-of-the-art Learning
Center and client facility. Dr. Simos is one of only 25
leading dentists nationwide who is part of the Dental
Team Concepts & Catapult Elite that promotes awareness,
com munication, and education within the dental
profession. He is the founder and president of Allstar
Smiles and the Allstar Smiles Learning Center.
You will earn 7 MCE credits and breakfast and lunch
are included. Attendance is open to all members of the
dental team. Cost is $225 for member dentists, $100 for
member staff and $65 for retired dentists and graduate
students. Non-members are welcome to attend at a
slightly increased fee. Register no later than November
18th by calling the office at 995-6300. n
In this issue:
Evidence - “Balanced” Dentistry ....................... 2
Our Profession ................................................... 3
ADA Wellness Conference Report .................. 10
Mouthguards for McKinley .............................. 11
Mentoring Lunch ............................................. 15
President’s Reception
January 28, 2012
The prestigious Park Country Club will be the scene
of the Eighth District’s President’s Reception on
Saturday, January 28, 2012. The evening will begin
with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres at 6 PM, followed by
dinner at 7 PM.
Society President Dr. Brendan Dowd and the Eighth
District Officers will be installed following dinner, along
with the presentation of the Eighth District Harvey
Sprowl Leadership Award.
The Society will honor members who have attained
Life Membership during the program. Those to be
accorded Life Member status are:
Lee R. Anderson
Mark W. Bain
Sanford H. Eisen
Jerald J. Kasimov
Peter P. Mascari
Robert T. McLanahan
Lance H. Pozarny
Kenneth J. Raczka
Life membership is bestowed on members attaining
the age of 65 and who have been members in good
standing for 30 consecutive years.
Awards for continuing education milestones will be
presented as well. Those members are listed in this
Attire for the President’s Reception is black tie optional.
Cost of attendance is $80 per person. Reservations may be
made by calling the Dental Society at 716-995-6300. n
8th District
ll ti
Volume 47, No. 4
Fall, 2011
Eighth District Dental Society
of the State of New York
3831 Harlem Road Buffalo, N.Y. 14215
(716) 995-6300 FAX (716) 995-6305
American Dental Association
New York State Dental Association 800-255-2100
Chester J. Gary, Editor 683-7443
Kevin J. Hanley, Associate Editor 871-1614
Vicki J. Prager, Associate Editor 995-6300
Charles S. Travagliato, President
Brendan P. Dowd, President-Elect
John J. Nasca, Vice President
Joseph S. Modica, Secretary
Ronald H. Jarvis, Treasurer
Vicki J. Prager, Executive Director
Kristen M. Alexander Yogini A. Kothari
Frank C. Barnashuk
Salvatore J. Manente
Mark K. Barone
Jason Marshall
David R. Bonnevie
James C. Matteliano
Albert Cantos
Joseph S. Modica
Glen C. Donnarumma John J. Nasca
Brendan P. Dowd
Margaret Pazzaglia-Adolf
Kevin J. Hanley
Marlin S. Salmon
Charles W. Hannum
Hemant H. Shelawala
John A. Havens
Steve Sokolovskiy
Ronald H. Jarvis
Charles S. Travagliato
Member Publication
American Association of Dental Editors
The Bulletin of the Eighth District Dental Society
(USPS 909-900) is published five times a year by
the Eighth District Dental Society for its members
at a $40.00 annual subscription rate. Unless
officially adopted by the Eighth District Dental
Society and so indicated, opinions expressed in this
publication are not necessarily the views of the
Address all communications pertaining to this
Bulletin to the Editor, Eighth District Dental
Society, 3831 Harlem Road, Buffalo, New York
14215. POSTMASTER send address changes to
the Bulletin of the Eighth District Dental Society,
3831 Harlem Road, Buffalo, New York 14215.
Material for publication should be submitted three
weeks prior to the month of publication.
The Dental Society is organized for the
purpose of encouraging improvement of the
health of the public, to promote the art and
science of dentistry, and to represent the
interests of the members of the profession
and the public which it serves.
Fall, 2011
From the Editor
By Chester J. Gary, DDS, JD
Dentists strive for the perfect
through the
balance in many endeavors. We
balance denture occlusions,
must balance our duty
checkbooks and our personal and
material risks and
professional schedules. Our duty to
with the
practice evidence-based dentistry
and, at the same time, respect our
information or dispelling treatment
patients’ personal needs, desires and
myths. It stands to reason that frank
abilities stands as one of the most
explanations of the limitations of
critical and challenging areas to
certain treatment modalities may,
strike that perfect balance. We need
in fact, inhibit patient acceptance
to ensure we, in fact, practice
of such treatment. We fail to obtain
evidence-based principles and do so
legally effective informed consent
in an ethical and legal manner.
when we carelessly or intentionally
The standard of care requires
allow a patient to make treatment
dentists to stay current with
decisions based upon misconceptions
clinically relevant scientif i c
i n fo r m a t i o n .
info r m a t i o n . T h e s y s t e m a t i c
assessment of the
The practice of evidencePrinciples of
scientific evidence
“balanced” dentistry demands
Ethics and Code
that valid scientific evidence
of Professional
form the basis for treatment
Conduct further
d e n t i s t r y
recommendations and the
satisfies this
patient’s best interests guide
their implementation.
desires, needs
Here, we must
and abilities, but within the bounds
balance what we learn from clinical
of accepted treatment. Once we have
experience over time regarding the
identified the valid body of evidence
success of certain techniques and
which we must apply within the
products, in our hands, in our
standard of care, and collaborated
patients versus cutting-edge
with the patient to ensure they
evidence-based research. We need
understand their options, we need
to critically appraise new evidence
to strike the ultimate balance:
for its reliability and recognize such
integrate evidence-based dentistry
weaknesses, such as manufacturer
into the life of the patient. Ethics
bias and invalid research protocols.
requires we place the best interests
After proper search and appraisal,
of the patient above our own. Just
we have the duty to apply the valid
because the available evidence
evidence in our daily practice. Only
indicates a certain treatment
this way, can we determine the best
modality as the ideal option does not
treatment options to offer our
make it the right choice in all cases.
We can not allow our desire for
The law of informed consent
financial gain to influence our
mandates that we disclose this
treatment plan presentations or
treatment information to patients to
recommendations when other less
enable them to make an informed
than ideal options may provide a
decision. For today’s patient, we will
clinically acceptable result in
invariably need to enter a dialogue
compromised situations.
to not only disclose new information,
Dentists need to balance the
but also clarify and interpret data
see Evidence page 6
which they may have previously
From the President
By Charles Travagliato, DDS
What drew us to our choice of profession? What were/
are we willing to sacrifice to attain that goal? Are we
ever introspective about those decisions?
It is with these thoughts that I pursue the following:
About 20 years ago I treated Sister Maria, a young
Polish sister on sabbatical at nearby St. Francis High
School. The condition of her dental health was extremely
poor and any previous care she had was in serious
disrepair. It required several months of care before her
dental health was restored. My personal reward was
seeing the success of my abilities, education, and
professionalism. Thus, I wasn’t surprised when she said
“Doctor, you have a gift from God to care for people.”
However, it became evident she and I had differing ideas
about her intent, as I realized when I passed it off by
saying that any competent doctor would have done the
same thing. She re-emphasized that it wasn’t my skills
she was referring to—she was speaking of a God-given
gift she saw in me. A gift I always just took for granted
and that I had earned only because of my hard work
and study.
Time and practice move along. But, interspersed into
the daily routine of our lives, new vistas appear. I have
Why the other
side hates to see
us on your side.
● We go to bat for you and preserve
your good name.
● We aggressively defend and resist
any payment for frivolous claims.
● We are a tough team to beat and
we don’t give up.
● We have the finest defense
attorneys in the State, respected
medical experts, and the country’s
largest and most experienced
claims staff.
come to value a “good day”, not
just in terms of all mandibular
blocks being effective, all crowns
fitting well, and a day without emergencies, but rather
a day when my patients have come to know that my
practice is a welcoming and comfortable place in which
they can be themselves. For example: Linda, a first
time grandmother, brought her photo album of her new
most valuable joy and I took the time to share each
picture with her; Frank and I talked at length about
his trauma at experiencing divorce after 25 years of
marriage, and its affect on his children; Phil shared his
sorrow at the fear of the future as his wife has been
diagnosed with MS and how she is already having
difficulty walking.
These events illustrate that caring for patients involves
personal intervention beyond just providing clinical
If the perspective of our calling is that of monetary
gain and prestige, then these events will be seen through
a different lens. True, these interactions take time and,
from a practice management point of view, are not
see Profession page 7
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Fall, 2011 3
October 2011
Upstate New York’s Premier Dental Event!
NOVEMBER 2-4, 2011
Thursday, October 20
New Dentist Oktoberfest Event
5PM Prosit Restaurant
November 2011
November 2-4
Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting
Buffalo Convention Center
Thursday, November 3
Mentor Luncheon & Eighth District Dental
Society Business Meeting
12 NOON Buffalo Convention Center
u sday
John A. Molinari, PhD
Infection Control
Robert J. Genco Distinguished
Speaker Series
7th Annual Alan Drinnan Memorial
Chester J. Gary, DDS ’78, JD
Dental Ethics and Jurisprudence in NY State
William V. Giannobile, DDS, MS, DMSc
Raymond G. Miller, DDS ’85, Mary
Bush, DDS ’99 and Peter Bush
John Asaro, DDS ’73 & Kevin Ricotta, JD
Risk Management
Michael A. Meenaghan Implant
CPR: The Safety Company
Jay R. Beagle, DDS, MSD
Implant Program
Opening Night Celebration 5:30-8:00pm
Free food, drink & music for all!
Robert R. Edwab, DDS
Oral Surgery Program
Charles Blair, DDS
Perio Education/Coding Errors
Lois Banta
Front Office Programs
website at www.UBDentalAlumni.org and click on 2011 BND Meeting in the menu bar or call (800) 756-0328 ext 2.
Monday, November 7
Basic Life Support/CPR
5PM Eighth District Office
Tuesday, November 8
Eighth District Dental Society Executive Council
7PM Eighth District Office
Wednesday, November 9
“Six Common Mistakes” – Estate Planning
6PM Eighth District Office
Thursday, November 17
Eighth District Service Corporation Board Meeting
6PM Eighth District Office
This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition
Program (ADA CERP) through joint efforts between The University at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine and the UB Dental Alumni Association.
Please be sure to contact the Society Office at
995-6300 if you would like a hard copy of the
Bulletin for 2012.
Making Western New York’s
most beautiful smiles.
December 2011
Friday, December 2
Eighth District Dental Society Rick Fink
Memorial Lecture
“The 212° Dental Office, The Extra Degree;
Materials, Techniques & Technologies”
7:30AM Salvatore’s Italian Gardens
January 2012
Tuesday, January 10
Eighth District Dental Society Executive Council
7PM Eighth District Office
Saturday, January 28
Eighth District President’s Reception
6PM Park Country Club
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Fall, 2011
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Eighth District
Honor Roll - donation
of $200 or more
Mark Barone
Frank Barnashuk
Jeffrey Baumler
Robert Bavisotto
David Bonnevie
Anthony Domenico
Mary Beth Dunn
J. Bradley Ecker
Kevin Hanley
Charles Hannum
John Havens
Todd Havens
Orlando Marra
Jason Marshall
John Nasca
Ms. Vicki Prager
Stanley Scott
Todd Shatkin
I Marc Siegel
Stephen Stockton
Stephen Stratton
David Todd
Charles Travagliato
Lawrence Volland
Robert Warner
Douglas Wright
Capitol Club
Joseph Accardo
William Bauer
John Berner
Dennis Blair
John Bonghi
Joseph Breloff
Thomas Brink
Amy Bryan
Albert Cantos
John Cart
Albert Cavallari
Kevin D’Angelo
John DelCampo
Frances DePlato
Glen Donnarumma
Brendan Dowd
Samir El-Chehabi
Ralph Field
Jennifer Foley
Chester Gary
Michael Gburek
Robert Gedeon, Jr.
Gregory George
Anthony Gugino, Jr.
Thomas Hartnett
William Hennigar
Robert Herzog
Theodore Jenkins
Norbert Koller
Susanne Kupka-Moore
Edward Long
Mark Mahaney
Robert Marchese
Charles Marchetta
Joseph Modica
Sanil Nigalye
James Olson
Anthony Pellerite, Jr.
Anthony Peppy
Samuel J. Peppy
Samuel J. Peppy, Jr.
Tammy Perison
Beth Reilly
Peter Rouff
Joseph Rumfola
Marlin Salmon
Peter Schreier
Hemant Shelawala
Steve Sokolovskiy
Mark Teach
Roger Triftshauser
Kelly Komm Truong
Donald Tucker
James Ritzenthaler
Mario Violante
John Vona
John Whiteman
Lawrence Wolfgang
David Wright
Implant Prosthodontics
Wed, Oct 26, 4:30pm, Live Demo Computer
Guided Implant Surgery, $75, CE HRS: 4
Lecture & Hands-on Workshop
Friday Seminars in Endodontics
Oct 28 Cleaning/ Shaping, Nov 11
Obturation, Dec 9 Case Mismanagement
$595 (individual session $225), CE HRS: 18
October 27 ~ 29, 2011
Fri-Sat, Nov 11-12, Advanced Ortho Facial
Imaging/Semi- and Permanent Derma
Fillers, Hands-on $3495 CE HRS: 15
Fri, Nov 18, Esthetic Management of
Extractions, Hands-on $395 CE HRS: 6
Sat, Dec 3, 9am-12pm, Cardio Risk
Screening Workshop $225 CE HRS: 3
Fri, Dec 9, Diode Laser Use & Dental Laser
Safety Lecture & Hands-on Workshop
$350 CE HRS: 3
School of Dental Medicine
5-9pm, Thurs, Oct 14, 2010
9am-4pm, Fri, Oct 15, 2010
9am-noon, Sat, Oct 16, 2010
UB Alumni Member Dentist $1195
Nonmember Dentist $1295
Team Member with dentist $95
16 CE Hours. Limited enrollment ensures close
interaction between the instructor(s) and
participants to enhance the learning experience.
Call today 800-756-0328 or (716) 829-2320
Complete details UBDentalAlumni.com
Call today (716) 829-2320
Complete details UBDentalAlumni.com
Fall, 2011 5
Rick’s Riders
Dental Donations
Thanks to all who contributed to Rick’s Riders! Our
team collected over $10,000 this year and over $30,000
since we began this fight. You have honored Rick’s life
with your generosity and time. For all our loved ones
we have lost, we will continue until a cure is found.
Rick’s love and compassion touched so many lives that
it is a fitting tribute to continue remembering him each
year as we ride for Roswell. Please save the date for
2012, Saturday June 30. n
Contributions have been made to the Eighth
District Dental Foundation in memory of the
In Memory of Dr. Laurence C. Wright
By Dr. John H. Twist
In Memory of Dr. Laurence C. Wright
By Dr. Patricia A. Haberman
In Memory of Dr. Laurence C. Wright
By Jacob Hauck Agency
from page 2
patient’s individual needs and circumstances with the
best that dentistry has to offer to arrive at the treatment
option in the patient’s best interests.
The practice of
evidence-“balanced” dentistry demands that valid
scientific evidence form the basis for treatment
recommendations and the patient’s best interests guide
their implementation. As we strike this balance, we
meet our ethical and legal duties and shape new
technology to better fit our patients’ needs.
Please address any questions or comments to Chester J.
Gary, DDS, JD at [email protected]. n
Tax deductible contributions may be made
anonymously, as a memorial, or on behalf of an
individual dental professional/donor by sending
checks payable to “Eighth District Dental Society”
3831 Harlem Road
Buf falo, NY 14215
The Eighth District Dental Education Foundation
is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, and is a tax
exempt arm of the Eighth District Dental Society.
The management of its affairs is the
responsibility of the Board of Directors;
Andrew L. MacDonald, DDS, President; Ronald
H. Jarvis, DDS, Treasurer.
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Fall, 2011
Are you still doing this?
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from page 3
productive. Being fully aware of the ever increasing
debt facing young dental graduates, the decreasing
insurance reimbursements, government intervention, the
subsequent rising cost of running a dental practice, and
the “need” to squeeze as many procedures as possible
into our daily schedule, do we have the freedom to provide
personal interactions? I believe we do. I believe it is a
part of our true understanding of what our profession
does. In listening to a commercial for free exams and
x-rays, I wondered if, like the ad for a famous hamburger
chain, are we trying to “super size” patient treatment?
If your practice is exhibiting this type of
professionalism, I urge some introspection. We need to
question the concept of who we are as seen through the
eyes of our patients. What regard do they hold us in?
Is this important to us? We will not be remembered for
how many procedures we have done, or how much wealth
we have accumulated, but rather for the positive personal
impact we have made in the lives of our patients. Our
calling to this profession has embedded in it a gift that,
in order to fully realize its wealth, must be shared. n
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Fall, 2011
2011 ADA Annual Session in Las Vegas
Fall, 2011
New York Dentist Named President
of the American Dental Association
William R. Calnon, D.D.S., who practices general
dentistry in Rochester, N.Y., is the 2011-2012 president
of the American Dental Association (ADA). Dr. Calnon’s
induction took place during the ADA’s 152nd Annual
Session in Las Vegas.
“It is a great honor,” said Dr. Calnon, “to serve as
president of America’s leading advocate for oral health.
Not only will the ADA continue its top-notch support to
dentists so they may succeed and excel throughout their
careers, we will also focus on raising public awareness
of the importance of oral health to overall health. I
have no doubt that as we move into the future, we will
build on our past accomplishments and foster the success
of a diverse membership.”
Before he was chosen president-elect by the 2010 ADA
House of Delegates in Orlando, Dr. Calnon had just
completed a four-year term on the ADA Board as the
trustee from the Second District, which represents New
York. Dr. Calnon’s previous responsibilities with the
ADA include serving as a leadership representative at
the 2010 National Summit on Diversity in Dentistry
and as a member of the Council on Dental Practice and
on key committees and subcommittees, including one
on ergonomics and disability support services.
He is a past president of the New York State Dental
Association, the Seventh District Dental Society and
Monroe County Dental Society. In addition, he is a
fellow of the American College of Dentists, the
International College of Dentists and the Pierre Fauchard
Dr. Calnon graduated magna cum laude from the State
University of New York (SUNY) College of
Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse
University and received his dental degree from
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine (UB
Dental). He completed the General Practice Residency
program at Eastman Institute for Oral Health
(University of Rochester Medical Center) and currently
chairs the Eastman Dental Center Foundation Board.
Dr. Calnon and his wife, Mary Kay, reside in
Spencerport and are the parents of two sons, Christopher
and Timothy. Christopher is a practicing dentist and
Timothy is in his third year at UB Dental. n
Fall, 2011 9
ADA Dentist Health and Wellness Conference Report
Submitted by Dr. Robert Herzog
The ADA convened its 2011 Conference on Dentist
Health and Wellness on August 17-19, 2011, in Chicago.
The conference began with a pre-conference on August
17th. The objective of the pre-conference was to provide
a forum for national dentist well–being program directors
and committee chairs to discuss issues of mutual concern,
share their experiences, and find ways for the ADA and
constituent well-being programs to work as a team. Dr.
Bob Herzog, NYSDA’s Peer Assistance Coordinator, was
asked by the ADA to act as facilitator for this all day
program. Dr. Herzog was one of four dentists named to
a task force with members of the ADA Council on Dental
Practice’s DWAC committee. The committee was formed
in compliance with Resolution 110 adopted by the ADA
House of Delegates at its 2010 annual meeting. The
Well-Being Task Force spent a good deal of time
discussing the results of its national survey of wellness
programs and its “three year action plan”. The results
of its meeting have been submitted to the Council on
Dental Practice for approval and will then be reported
to the 2011 ADA House of Delegates.
The pre-conference attendees also discussed how they
can best work as a team with the ADA and what
resources the ADA can best provide to support constituent
wellness committees. The group focused on networking
and communications (including a secure Listserv,
newsletters, etc.). With respect to constituent legislative
issues, the attendees discussed movements by some to
have therapeutic functions stripped from state laws which
were intended to protect the public and, at the same
time, give addicted practitioners a second chance to
continue practicing dentistry.
The ADA Conference on Dentist Health and Wellness
is recognized nationally. The scope of the conference
has continually expanded to keep pace with increased
awareness of the health and wellness of the dentist and
the dental team. It provides the attendees with the latest
research and techniques for working effectively inside
and outside of the practice environment to maintain,
improve, and enhance their quality of life.
Dr. Herzog introduced the keynote speaker, R. Gil
Kerlikowske. Mr. Kerlikowske is the U.S. Drug Czar
and Director of the White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy. He spoke on the Obama Administration’s
National Drug Control Strategy. He was very well
received and spent time discussing the importance of
correct prescription writing and the important role of
dentists in recovery.
Photo courtesy ADA News. © 2011 American Dental Association.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together
dentists, spouses, dental team members, dental students,
and other professionals who work with dentists to connect
them with national experts who can provide key
information on professional impairment, general health
issues and ergonomics.
The conference created a sense of family and
community for the attendees to support optimal health
and work-life balance. It also provided the state wellbeing programs with resources and perspectives on the
health and social impacts of professional impairment. n
Assistance for Dependencies Available
The Council of Chemical Dependencies is in existence to help colleagues, staff or families who
may have a problem with alcohol or other substance abuse. All inquiries are kept strictly CONFIDENTIAL and will be acted upon in a non-punitive, non-judgmental and caring way. If you think
you, or someone you know, has a problem, please
call our State Chairperson, Dr. Bob Herzog (716565-2160) or Eighth District Chairperson, Dr. Amy
Bryan (716-433-7684) night or day. n
Fall, 2011
New Member Benefit
If you are seeking an associate position or offering a
temporary, part-time or full time employment, we can
post your information on our website free of charge.
This is a new member benefit. We can post your
information anonymously if you choose.
Please contact Cyndy Fiegl in the Society office. 716995-6300. n
Mouthguards for McKinley High
The 8th District Dental Foundation, for the 3rd year,
to ok impressions and fabricated custom made
mouthguards for a Buffalo City School football team.
This year’s team was McKinley High School. Impressions
were taken on Thursday, August 25th at All High
Stadium. The Foundation would like to thank Dr.
Andrew MacDonald for planning the event and Dr. Kevin
D’Angelo and Dr. Beth Schisa-D’Angelo, as well as Dr.
Paul Creighton and the Pedodontic Residents from
Women’s & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo fo r
volunteering. The Foundation would also like to thank
Ortho Dent Lab and Voss Dental Lab for fabricating the
mouthguards. The Foundation would also like to thank
Danielle Tanner from Patterson Dental for donating some
of the materials necessary for this outreach, as well as
Great Lakes Orthodontic Lab for giving a discount on
other materials. n
Fall, 2011
The Eighth District Dental Society would like to congratulate its members listed below who have reached
significant milestones in attendance at Continuing Dental Education programs through the end of 2010.
100 Hours of
Continuing Education
Frank J Altman
Joseph E Bernat
Mark A Danziger
Daniel A Faltisco
Catherine E Ferraro
Pamela A Gambacorta
Leanne M Gorman
Joshua P Grant
John A Havens
Todd L Havens
Kevin S Hrab
Damian K Jones
Chad H Kahler
Monika M Kudla
Robert T McLanahan
Nour N Musa
Benjamin D Oppenheimer
J Nicholas Porcello
Amy L Rappold
Jihane M Riad
Kelly S Rose
Maxim V Skormin
Diane A Slawinowski
Jenny T Sy-Munoz
Mark L Twitchel
Mario J Violante III
Daniel T Welsh
300 Hours of
Continuing Education
Frank J Altman
Lee R Anderson
John N Athans Jr
Timothy A Augustine
John H Campbell IV
Joseph A Capuana
Robert Chang
Richard M Costantini
Frances L DePlato
Mary Beth Dunn
Dennis P Epstein
Donna J Fraser
John C Gengo
Samuel Goodloe III
Stephen J Illig
Thomas P Kenjarski
John D Kulju
Franklin H Meyer
Rocco J Oddo
Frank A Pallone
Peter J Pawlowski
Pamela M Pellerite
Anthony Pellerite Jr
Kathryn E Rand
Rick Redmin
John S Rhoads
Fred J Rodems
Paula A Sepanik
Joseph P Sinatra
Daryl J Smith
Patricia J Starring
Doreen B Strzalka
Orlando D Taglienti
Steven Vukas
Daniel T Welsh
Mark F Wierzba
Deborah A Wisholek
Paul J Ziarnowski
500 Hours of
Continuing Education
Priscilla J Adams
Steven M Bleck
Pasquale V Bochiechio
Jane D Brewer
N Mario DiNardo
Edward A Dwyer
Dennis P Epstein
Ralph E Field
Michael J Foley
Donna J Fraser
Patrick M Hart
Thomas P McCann
Joseph S Modica
Pamela M Pellerite
Lawrence Wolfgang
Seniz Yildirim
Walter T Zimdahl Jr
1000 Hours of
Continuing Education
Eugene A Pantera Jr
Anthony J DiLaura
Frank T Sindoni
Donna M Orlando-Martin
Paula C Flynn
Nora E Townsend
Kevin A D’Angelo
1500 Hours of
Continuing Education
Marlin S Salmon
I'm Kathleen Spivey Clinical Sales Manager for Ivoclar Vivadent.
As a native of Western New York, I want you to know that I too share your
same passion for better dentistry. I also want your patients to experience
the best possible care imaginable. So, I invite you to give me a call to
see how innovation at Ivoclar Vivadent is making a difference.
Kathleen Spivey
[email protected]
©2011 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.
Fall, 2011
Proposal to Amend the Constitution, Bylaws, and
Administrative Code of
The sections in Bold Italics are the suggested changes.
No Changes
1. Change from:
A. Active Member
2. An active member in good standing shall be eligible for election (as a delegate or alternate delegate to the
House of Delegates of the American Dental Association, to membership on the Board of Governors of NYSDA and
for election) or appointment to any office, committee, council, board and similar position in the American Dental
Association, NYSDA and the Eighth District Dental Society unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.
Change to:
2. An active member in good standing shall be eligible for election (as a delegate or alternate delegate to the
House of Delegates of the American Dental Association, to membership on the House of Delegates of NYSDA and for
election) or appointment to any office, committee, council, board and similar position in the American Dental Association,
NYSDA and the Eighth District Dental Society unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws.
2. Change from:
At the March meeting of the Executive Council, nominations shall be presented for the offices of
President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, three Councilors at Large, NYSDA House of Delegates Representatives
(number according to NYSDA Bylaws) and one delegate to the NYS Board of Trustees and ADA Delegates and
Alternates recommended to NYSDA and this report shall be published in the Bulletin of the Society
Change to:
At the March meeting of the Executive Council, nominations shall be presented for the offices of
President Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, four Councilors at Large, NYSDA House of Delegates Representatives
(number according to NYSDA Bylaws), one delegate to the NYSDA Board of Trustees and ADA Delegates and Alternates
recommended to NYSDA and this report shall be published in the Bulletin of the Society.
3. Change from:
Dues for members of the Society will be determined by the Executive Council. The Executive
Council may adjust dues annually by no more than the rate of inflation.
Change to:
Dues for members of the Society will be determined by the Executive Council. The Executive
Council may adjust dues annually by no more than the rate of inflation. Any amount over rate of inflation needs
a 2/3rds vote by the general membership at a regular Business Meeting, after announcement and publication in
the Bulletin.
4. Change from:
b. The NYSDA Trustee. The President-Elect and the Vice President of the Eighth District Dental
Society shall be the first, second and third alternate delegates recommended to the New York State Dental
Association for their consideration and election. The first and second alternate delegates shall, at district expense,
be sent to the annual meeting of the American Dental Association to:
Continued on next page
Fall, 2011
1. Attend all caucus meetings of the Second Trustee District.
2. Attend all meetings of the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association
Change to:
b. The NYSDA Trustee, the President-Elect, and the Vice President of the Eighth District Dental Society
shall be the first, second and third ADA alternate delegates recommended to the New York State Dental Association
for their consideration and election. The first and second alternate delegates shall, at district expense, be sent to the
annual meeting of the American Dental Association to:
1. Attend all caucus meetings of the Second Trustee District.
2. Attend all meetings of the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association
The following Nominating Committee members met by both telephone and email from Friday, March 3 to Monday,
March 7, 2011: Drs. Salvatore Manente (Chair, Immediate Past President), Charlie Travagliato (President), Mary
Beth Dunn (Second Immediate Past President), Frank Barnashuk (Third Immediate Past President), Brendan
Dowd (President Elect, non-voting member), John Nasca (NYSDA Delegate), Joe Modica (Delegate) and five
members chosen at the Eighth District winter business meeting: Marlin Salmon, Mark Barone, Joe Gambacorta,
John Whiteman and Jerry Carlo.
The following nominations were made:
President Elect
Vice President
John Nasca
Joseph Modica
Michael Marrone
David Bonnevie
Councilors at Large
Samir El-Chehabi
John Bonghi
David Croglio
Russell Marchese
ADA Delegates
Frank Barnashuk
Mark Barone
Brendan Dowd
ADA Alt. Delegates
Jeff Baumler
John Nasca
Joseph Modica
NYSDA Trustee
Jeff Baumler
NYSDA Delegates
Kevin Hanley
Marlin Salmon
Mark Barone
Frank Barnashuk
Charles Travagliato
Brendan Dowd
John Nasca
Joseph Modica
Wi-Fi in Society Office
Bring your laptop to meetings and continuing education
at the Society Office. Wi-fi is available. We will give you
the password upon request. n
Medicaid Providers Needed
If you accept Medicaid patients, please call the office to
let us know. We receive frequent calls asking for dentists
who accept Medicaid. We will not publish this list or give
it to anyone. We will just use your name in response to
phone calls for dentists who accept Medicaid. n
Fall, 2011
8th District Bulletin
Available Online
Members may view the latest edition of
the 8th District Bulletin online. Simply
visit the 8th District Website, at
www.8thdistrictdental.org, login, and go to
"Eighth District Bulletin" in the Member
Section. If you would prefer to receive
the Bulletin by email, call the Society
O f fice at 716-995-6300, or email
[email protected].
Made Perfect
&$$#% ##
Annual Mentoring Lunch
Basket Raffle
Members of the Erie County and Eighth District Dental
Societies will sponsor the Eighth Annual Mentoring
Lunch on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 12 Noon at
the Buffalo Convention Center. The lunch takes place
during the Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting.
The Buffalo Dental Assistants Society will be having
a Basket Raffle for the Good Neighbors Clinic at its
booth at the Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting in October.
The basket will consist of wine, wine glasses, chocolate,
and candles. Please stop by their booth to help support
this worthy cause. Tickets are 3 for $1.00.
Approximately 80 fourth-year dental students are
expected to attend. All members are asked to attend the
event and to sponsor two or more dental students. The
program will include brief remarks by various leaders
in organized dentistry.
The lunch provides an opportunity for students and
dentists to meet and discuss career goals and issues in
dentistry. Cost of attendance and sponsorship is $25 per
dentist or student. Please call the office at 995-6300 for
reservations. n
The Dental Office at Good Neighbors is sponsored in
part by the Eighth District Dental Foundation. Under
the leadership of Dr. Patty Haberman, dental teams
volunteer their services to provide free dental care to
needy adults on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
The Good Neighbors Health Center is located at North
Division and Jefferson Streets in Buffalo.
Volunteer dentists are needed for the clinic. To
volunteer, please contact the Eighth District Office or
Dr. Patty Haberman. n
The Bulletin will be available online only beginning next year unless you inform the office that you would like
to receive a hard copy in the mail. Please email or phone Cyndy Fiegl at 716-995-6300 or [email protected].
The Bulletin is currently posted on our website and a printed copy is mailed to each of our members. In the past,
we asked members to notify us if they wanted to receive the Bulletin via email and did not receive a significant
response. Perhaps the notice in the Bulletin was not seen or members did not take the time to notify the office. Now
we are asking you to opt into the hard copy Bulletin instead of the other way around.
We desire to accommodate the needs of all of our members and to be greener. If you have any comments about
this, please contact one of the editors or officers of the Society. n
Fall, 2011
The Eighth District endorses the following products and services to our members.
Please identify yourself as a member of the Eighth District Dental Society to ensure that you receive any and
all special discounts negotiated especially for our members.
Amalgam Separators:
SolmeteX thru Recycledent
Contact: Bonnie Meagher
(716) 957-0798
Business Credit Card:
Bank of America
(585) 546-9246
Carpet Care Services
Carpet Cleaning:
Contact: Donna Scalfaro
(716) 308-3333
Computer Consulting:
WestStar Computer Consulting
Contact: David Soehner
(716)650-4159 or (888) 427-5995
Retriever Systems
Credit Card Acceptance:
Contact: Frank Shiner
(800) 337-3630
Direct Dependable Service
Contact: Bill Seaman Jr.
(716) 828-2203
Banc of America Practice Solutions
(800) 920-1451
Handpiece Repair:
Dental Dynamics
Contact: Peter Atkinson
(716) 685-9200 or (800) 640-5524
Health Insurance - EBS-RMSCO
Contact: Julie LaLonde
(716) 213-1888
Malpractice Insurance - Fortress Insurance
Contact: Bob Sauda & Tom Feidt
(716) 649-4174
All Other Insurance - Jacob Hauck Agency
Contact: Bob Sauda & Tom Feidt
(716) 649-4174
Office Products & Supplies: Integrity Distribution
Contact: Fay Schreiner
(716) 853-0400
Payroll Service:
Contact: Laura Bernardoni
(716) 626-6096
Secure Document Destruction: Shred-It
Contact: James Kelly
(716) 626-1209
One Communications
Contact: Kathy Schlotterbeck
(716) 362-5641
Water Purification & Treatment: WaterCure USA
Contact: Lance Orton
(716) 912-9939 or (888) 456-9939
16 Fall, 2011
Dr. Gwen Corbett, a Fortress Dentist.
I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It’s a great city full of cajun
culture and a love of LSU.
Fortress Insurance Company is owned
I grew up in the local dental community. My father was a
insures dentists. Aggressive claims
general dentist here for 35 years and my mom ran the office.
I practice endodontics with Drs. Simon and Bond at Root
Canal Specialists of Baton Rouge. It’s a top notch practice.
Our patients are our priority.
and operated by dentists, and only
defense, valuable risk management,
and outstanding customer service
are why dentists all over the country
I specialized in endodontics because I really liked the focus.
have chosen Fortress Professional
Our patients are often in pain and afraid.
It’s rewarding to relieve them of both.
Liability insurance. Our local agents are
responsive and knowledgeable too.
I’ve earned my pilot’s license and
I also enjoy triathlons and racing.
Balancing it all with a child is a
To get Fortress protection from an
challenge. I appreciate that
dentistry gives me flexibility.
Bob Sauda at the Jacob Hauck Agency,
agent in your area, call Tom Feidt or
716-649-4174. Tell them Dr. Corbett
I recommend Fortress professional
liability coverage. I like the personal
service and the newsletters with the
case studies. My agent appreciates
sent you.
my busy schedule and takes care
of my needs right away.
Over 14,000 dentists trust Fortress with their professional liability insurance.
New Members
Please join us in welcoming the following as members of the Eighth District Dental Society.
Lola John-Roberts
University of Medicine & Dentistry
of New Jersey
36 Thomas Indian School Dr
Irving, NY 14081
Brigid McCann
University at Buffalo
Inspire Dental Group
3030 Orchard Park Rd
West Seneca, NY 14224
Thomas Farrugia
West Virginia University
Better Smile of WNY PLLC
6161 S Transit Rd
East Amherst, NY 14051
Susan Soja
Temple University
North Chautauqua Dental
744 Central Ave
Dunkirk, NY 14048
Tammy Thompson
University of Toronto
Nathan Korff
University at Buffalo
37 Batavia City Centre
Batavia, NY 14020
Keith Alexander
University of Southern California
3985 Main St
Amherst, NY 14226
Miyoung Yoon
University at Buffalo
AEGD at SUNY Buffalo Graduate
Alex Podebryi
University at Buffalo
8588 Transit Rd
East Amherst, NY 14051
Adam Chalom
University at Buffalo
362 S Main St.
Albion, NY 14411
Dennis Kraft
Boston University
Aspire Family Dental
5875 S. Transit Rd
Lockport, NY 14094
Jessica Blakely
Howard University
Inspire Dental Group
4330 Maple Rd
Amherst, NY 14226
Michelle Mai
University of Pittsburgh
2727 Main St
Buffalo, NY 14214
Matthew Walla
New York University
3985 Main St
Amherst, NY 14226
Amy Stone-Nagai
University at Buffalo
University Pediatric Dentistry
1100 Main St
Buffalo, NY 14209
Fall, 2011
Dr. John D. Kulju passed away on July 8, 2011 at
the age of 65. He is survived by his wife, Barbara,
their three daughters, and their three grandchildren.
Dr. Kulju was an Active Life Member of the 8 th
District Dental Society. Memorial gifts may be
made in Dr. Kulju’s honor to Roswell Park Cancer
Institute Foundation.
Dr. Robert J. Russo of Amherst entered into rest
on July 16, 2011, at the age of 88. He is survived
by his wife, Josephine; daughters, Robin (Dirk)
Rabenold and Carol (Dal) Giuliani; and
grandchildren, Jason, Joshua and Lauren. Dr. Russo
was a Retired Life Member of the 8th District Dental
Society. Dr. Russo was an Army Veteran of the
Korean Conflict. In lieu of flowers, contributions
may be made in Robert’s memory to Hospice Buffalo.
Dr. Laurence C. Wright passed away on August
1, 2011 at the age of 83. He is survived by his wife
Joan (Finley) Wright; sons Dr. David Wright DDS,
James Wright, Dr. Douglas Wright DDS, and
Jonathan Wright; 17 grandchildren and 14 greatgrandchildren. Dr. Wright was a Retired Life
Member of the 8th District Dental Society, and a
Retired Member of the Erie County Dental Society.
Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s
Association -Friday Morning Group, 2805 Wehrle
Dr., Suite 6, Williamsville, NY 14221.
Dr. Bruce D. Martenson of Lakewood, NY, passed
away on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at the age of 80.
He is survived by his wife, Alta. Dr. Martenson
was a Life Member of the 8th District Dental Society.
Dr. William H. Wasson of Lockport, NY, passed
away on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at the age of
92. Dr. Wasson served in the U.S. Army during
WWII. Dr. Wasson graduated from U.B. Dental
School and had his dental office in his home for
years before joining Lockport Dental Group and
retiring in 1990. He was a member of the 8th
District Dental Society and was an avid golfer,
bowler and bridge player. He is survived by his
wife, Betty; three children; seven grandchildren,
11 great-grandchildren and several nieces and
nephews. Memorials may be made to Niagara
Hospice, Inc. or the Salvation Army.
Dr. Anthony Pellerite Jr. of Amherst, NY passed
away on Friday, September 23, 2011, at the age of
80. Dr. Pellerite is survived by his beloved wife,
Columbine; son Anthony C. Pellerite; and daughter
Dr. Pamela M. Pellerite, D.D.S. Dr. Pellerite was
born and raised in Buffalo and a 1948 graduate of
Grover Cleveland High School. He attended The
University of Buffalo, graduating in 1952. He then
attended The University of Buffalo School of
Dentistry, graduating in 1957. Entering the United
States Air Force in 1957, he served as a Captain
until his discharge in 1959. Upon his return, he
started his Dental Practice on Sheridan Drive, and
then moved his office to Pine Ave., and finally in
1997, he moved to his Sawyer Road office where he
practiced with his daughter, Dr. Pamela M. Pellerite,
D.D.S. until his death. Dr. Pellerite was a member
of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, the Fonzi Dental
Study Club, Eighth District Dental Society, the
Niagara County Dental Society which he served as
a past president, American Dental Association and
New York State Dental Association. He also was
an avid golfer and a member of the Niagara Frontier
Country Club.
Jerome Associates, Endorsed Administrators
Offers Disability Insurance
Based in Bay Shore, NY, Jerome Associates, Endorsed
Administrators (EAI) has been dedicated to serving the
insurance needs of dental and medical professionals
throughout the state of New York for 80 years. Our
firm is different in that we specialize in working only
with the dental and medical communities and, as such,
we understand your business and your insurance needs
and challenges. Through longstanding endorsements of
many medical and dental societies throughout New York,
we offer proprietary disability, business overhead, life
18 Fall, 2011
and other insurance products. These products are
uniquely competitive in the market and are tailored to
the needs of dentists and doctors. For example, our
disability product provides a true “own-occupation”
definition of disability, to age 65, based upon actual
specialty. We support these products with a commitment
to world-class administration and service from our offices
in Bay Shore, and we also provide local service through
our office in Rochester. We welcome the opportunity to
earn your trust! n
Classified Ads
Professional Services
Employment Opportunities
Attorney at Law - Admitted in
New York and Florida, licensed
dentist, practice concentrated in
matters related to health care
practice. Chester J. Gary, The
Williamsville Law Center Building,
17 Beresford Court, Williamsville,
New York 14221. Call (716) 565-2000.
FT associate dentist needed for
growing fee for service, quality 10
op practice. Modern computerized
facility, digital x-rays, motivated
support staff. Experience with
implants and Cerec a plus.
Excellent earning potential
+Bonus. Email your response to:
[email protected]
or fax to Westermeier Martin
Dental Care at 716-652-6125.
Associate Dentist: Lalor Creekside
Dental in Vestal, NY is looking for
a new Associate Dentist to join our
team.Attractive income potential.
State-of-the-art facility. Contact Dr.
[email protected] or
607-754-2217 for more details. For
more information about our practice,
please check out our website at
Western New York Dental
Group is a growing practice
located in the greater Buffalo and
Rochester, NY areas. Due to strong
patient demand, we have full-time
Endodontist opportunities in our
Buffalo and Rochester locations.
For more information on our
www.wnydental.com. Please
contact Michaela Waggoner at
[email protected].
Very busy dental office has an
opening for a qualified dentist. Must
have experience in all phases of
dentistry. Office is located in
Southern Finger Lakes area (south
of Rochester). Part-time/full-time.
resu m e
[email protected] or Wayne
S. Chanler DMD, PO Box 308,
Naples, NY 14512.
High quality, general dentistry,
group practice looking for a
skilled associate with opportunity
for partnership. Twelve operatories,
an in-house denture lab, a laser,
and digital radiography. Highly
trained staff, fee-for-service, large
patient base. Located in Corning,
NY. Send resume:[email protected].
Contact: Katryn Woodhouse, Office
Manager. 607-937-5341
Annie On The Go - an American
Heart Association Basic Life
Support CPR training company will
provide onsite CPR/AED training
for your office staff in Erie/Niagara
Cou nty. Sales and service of
Ca r d i a c S c i e n c e , P h i l l i p s ,
LIFEPAK, Samaritan and Zoll
AEDs. Contact Ginny Pacer RN
[email protected] or visit
Property / Practices Available
Dental Office Building for Sale
- Niagara Falls Blvd, Tonawanda,
New York. Contact 692-8600.
Home Office - Akron, NY. Long
established general practice, two
complete operatories, reception
r oom, laboratory, rest room,
business area. Call 716-542-2101.
Pan/Ceph Machine, 6 years old,
original price $12,000, asking $2,000.
equipment for sale. Contact 6928600.
Would you like to improve your in-office periodontal diagnostic
capabilities and earn 2 Continuing Education credits?
Improved periodontal diagnostics lets you better serve your patients. Now you can
improve these skills with a 2-hour course for Dentists and Dental Hygienists,
approved by the Eighth District Dental Society for 2 Continuing Education credits.
Dr. Joseph P. Breloff, DDS, MS, is a periodontist with over 30 years of experience in
private practice. He will conduct the course in your office, scheduled at your
convenience, using discussion, a PowerPoint presentation, and hands-on
For more information about the course, please visit:
Contact Dr. Joseph Breloff:
[email protected]
(716) 417-3704
Fall, 2011
Buffalo, N.Y. 14240
Permit No. 1238
Business and
Insurance at
Group Rates
Since 1974 Jacob Hauck Agency has
handled the insurance needs for members
of the Eighth District Dental Society.
Your Association currently endorses the
following programs:
• Professional Liability
• Business Owners Office Policy
• Workers Compensation
• New York Disability Benefits
• Automobile
• Homeowners
• Umbrella Liability
• Disability Income
• Business Overhead Expense
• Long Term Care
Conference Center Available
Did you know that the 8th
District Dental Society has
a conference room in its
office? Did you know that it
is available for use by 8th
District members, at a reasonable rate?
8th District Conference
• On-site parking
• Projector/Screen
• Small Kitchen for
• Seating capacity up to 40
The Dental Insurance Center can handle all
your insurance needs. Over 500 of your
colleagues have taken advantage of our
experience insuring the dental community –
let us put that knowledge to work for you.
We are conveniently located at 3831 Harlem Rd in Cheektowaga—
a short drive from Amherst, Depew, Lancaster, Williamsville, Buffalo, and West Seneca.
Call the Society now to
book your next meeting.
Ei ghth D istric t
Den tal S ocie ty
Tel: 716-995-6300
141 Buffalo Street • Hamburg NY 14075
716.649.4174 • 800.348.0440