Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church


Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church
Sunday, October 25th 2015
Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic Church
155 East. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, California 91360
P: (805) - 496 - 0222 F: (805) - 379 - 2506
Parish Center Hours
Monday—Friday: 9:00am—9:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am—5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am—12:30pm
Fr. Michael Rocha, Pastor
805-496-0222 Ext: 103
[email protected]
Fr. Toribio Gutierrez, C.M.
Associate Pastor
805-496-0222 Ext: 170
[email protected]
Eucharistic Liturgies
Daily Mass: 8:15AM (Monday - Saturday)
Saturday: 5:30PM, (Vigil) 7:00PM
Sundays: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:45AM,
12:30PM (Spanish), 5:30PM
Fr. Greg Sudarto
Associate Pastor
805-496-0222 Ext: 125
[email protected]
Senior Deacon Jim Robinson
805-496-0222 Ext: 123
[email protected]
Deacon Mitch Ito
805-496-0222 Ext: 122
[email protected]
Confession: Saturday: 3:30—5:00PM
Marriage Arrangements in Parish Office
English Baptisms: 1st Sunday of the Month
Spanish Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of the Month
Deacon Guillermo Rodriguez
805-496-0222 Ext: 133
[email protected]
Adoration Chapel
6:00am—10:00pm (Open To All)
10:00pm—6:00am (Code Required)
Inside This Weeks Bulletin:
Knights of Columbus—Wheelchair Drive
Boy Scout Troop—Movie Night
“The Francis Effect”
Pastors Corner
Happy Fes val Weekend to one and all. To all those
who might be visi ng us today, especially because of
our annual fes val, know that you are most welcome
here at our St. Paschal Baylon Community.
The Book of Genesis opens: “In the beginning, when
God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was
a formless wasteland and darkness covered the abyss.”
Those words describe the formless blackness of the
world of Bar maeus, the blind man who believed that
Jesus could give him sight.
Vision is impossible in darkness, but when there is
light, a miracle begins. Photons find their way through
the eyes and project themselves onto the re na. The
image is projected on the back wall of the eye, making
nerve receptors pulse. Those pulses travel through the
op c nerve, through a passageway to the brain. And
there, the brain reassembles the pulses and creates
the image inside our head. The image is all in our mind,
like dreams.
But it all begins with light. Blind Bar maeus went to
that Light to beg. “Master, I want to see.” Immediately
he received his sight.
Knowing that this was a once-in-a-life me opportunity, Bar maeus chose his words carefully. He had
been told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, but he
called out to the “Son of David” acclaimed for the first
me in Mark’s Gospel. The rarely used “Son of David”
acclaimed Jesus as part of the kingly line and had clear,
if only in mated, messianic implica ons. Bar maeus
sought not simply vision but understanding. Jesus replied that his faith had brought him all that he needed
and told him to go on his way a er his healing.
This week’s Gospel invites us to place ourselves
along the way with Bar maeus to contemplate and
admit our own blind spots. If we can scrounge up the
interior freedom and courage to do so honestly, we
may repeat with Bar maeus, “Master, I want to see.”
This may then lead us beyond any horizon we had previously envisioned.
Last weekend at our 9:00am Sunday morning Mass
we received 15 catechumens and candidates into this
year’s formal R.C.I.A. journey. The RCIA is the process
by which individuals prepare and are received into the
membership of the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Ini a on. One beau ful highlight of this
year’s catechumens is that we have a father and his
three children preparing to be received into our church
and thus joining the wife/mother who is already a
Catholic. God bless all of our Catechumens and Candidates. Please pray for them.
On November 2nd we will celebrate the Feast of All
Souls. The en re month of November is dedicated to
remembering. It is a tradi on of our church to offer a
Novena of Masses for our departed loved ones. In a
special way we will remember them throughout the
month. I would invite you to consider enrolling your
loved ones in these special Masses. Please use one of
the special enrollment envelopes found in your pews.
Not only are you remembering them but you are allowing our en re community the opportunity to pray
for them. The completed enrollment envelopes will be
placed on the altar throughout the month of November.
May you all have a wonderful me at our Fall Fes val this weekend. Have fun!
Father Michael Rocha
Rincón del Pastor
Feliz Fin de Semana de Fes val para todos. Todos
ustedes que nos visitan este fin de semana, sobre todo
debido a nuestra fiesta anual, sepan que son bienvenidos aquí en nuestra St. Pascual Baylon Comunidad.
El libro del Génesis comienza así: "En el principio,
cuando Dios creó los cielos y la erra, la erra era un
desierto sin forma y las nieblas cubrían el abismo."
Esas palabras describen el mundo de la oscuridad sin
forma de Bar meo, el ciego que cree que Jesús podía
darle la vista.
La visión es imposible en la oscuridad, pero cuando
hay luz, comienza un milagro. Los fotones encuentran
su camino a través de los ojos y se proyectan en la
re na. La imagen se proyecta en la pared posterior del
ojo, haciendo que los receptores nerviosos comiencen
a emi r pulsos. Esos pulsos viajan a través del nervio
óp co hacia el cerebro. Y allí, el cerebro vuelve a ensamblar los pulsos y crea la imagen dentro de nuestra
cabeza. La imagen está completamente en nuestra
mente, como los sueños.
Pero todo comienza con la luz. El ciego Bar meo
fue al encuentro de esa Luz para suplicarle: "Maestro,
quiero ver." Inmediatamente recobró la vista.
Sabiendo que esto era una oportunidad única en la
vida, Bar meo eligió cuidadosamente sus palabras. Le
habían dicho que Jesús de Nazaret pasaba, pero él le
gritó "Hijo de David", esta es la primera vez que se le
aclama así en el Evangelio de Marcos. El tulo "Hijo de
David" se usa pocas veces y aclama a Jesús como parte
del linaje real y tenía implicaciones mesiánicas claras,
aunque solamente insinuadas. Bar meo buscaba no
sólo la visión, sino la comprensión. Jesús le respondió
que su fe le había conseguido todo lo que necesitaba y
le dijo que tenía que seguir su camino después de su
El evangelio de esta semana nos invita a ponernos
en camino con Bar meo para contemplar y admi r
nuestros propios puntos ciegos. Si tenemos la libertad
interior y el valor para hacerlo honestamente, podremos repe r con Bar meo: "Maestro, quiero ver." Esto
puede entonces llevarnos más allá de cualquier horizonte que habíamos imaginado previamente.
El fin de semana pasado, en la misa de 9:00 recibimos a 15 catecúmenos y candidatos al camino formal
del programa de RICA para este año. El RICA es el proceso por el cual las personas se preparan y son recibidos como miembros de la Iglesia Católica a través de
los Sacramentos de Iniciación. Un punto que sobresale
hermosamente este año es que tenemos un padre y
sus tres hijos catecúmenos preparándose para ser recibidos en nuestra iglesia y sumarse así a la esposa /
madre que ya es Católica. Dios bendiga a todos nuestros Catecúmenos y Candidatos. Por favor, oren por
El 2 de noviembre vamos a celebrar la Fiesta de los
Fieles Difuntos. Todo el mes de noviembre está dedicado para recordar. Es una tradición de nuestra iglesia
ofrecer una novena de misas para nuestros seres queridos difuntos. De manera especial los recordaremos
durante todo el mes. Quiero invitarlos a considerar
inscribir a sus seres queridos en estas misas especiales. Por favor, use uno de los sobres especiales de inscripción que se encuentran en sus bancas. No sólo los
está recordando usted, sino además está permi endo
que toda la comunidad tenga la oportunidad de orar
por ellos. Los sobres de inscripción ya completos serán
colocados sobre el altar durante todo el mes de noviembre.
Que todos disfruten un rato maravilloso en nuestro
Fes val de Otoño este fin de semana. ¡Que se diviertan!
Padre Michael Rocha
Parish Informa on
Parish Center:
Ext: 102
Business Manager
Ext: 104
Youth Outreach & Bulle n Editor
Ext: 169
Director of Music Ministry
Ext: 111
Hispanic Ministry
Ext: 0
Religious Educa on
Ext: 115
St. Vincent de Paul Society
School Principal
The University Series
Ext: 119
Marsha Blanton
[email protected]
JoAnn Zullo
[email protected]
Robert Batch
[email protected]
Kevin Stoller
[email protected]
Irma Diaz
[email protected]
Jazmir Fajardo
[email protected]
Kathleen Brown
[email protected]
Ext: 109
Suzanne Duffy
[email protected]
Bob Jordan
offi[email protected]
Altar Server Schedule
Shelby Shea; JP Reilly
Danny Scully, Abby Sauter
Cade Brady; Angela Biezins
Steven Neibert; Gavin McCormick
8:15AM :
CJ Miller; Hunter Aber,
Azmire Castaneda, George Weimer
Jus n Tushla; Julia Tushla
Christopher Neibert; Stephen Neibert;
Niki Virgenes; Max Wood; Teddy Croasdale
Ma hew Johnson; Stephen Culley; Peyton Davoren;
Stephen Devine; Sebas an Luna
Catherine Nolan; Audrey Arces; Carson Chastain;
Jack Chastain; Michael Cooper
10:45 Shane Lengyel; Dylan Botsai; Ceora Duran;
Jacqueline Emanuel; Abbey Sauter
Mitchell Nuesca; Sophie Grogan; Baillee Malyszek;
Kadin Malyszek; Gabriel Ramirez
Marina Valente (L)
The Parishioners of St. Paschal Baylon
Mercedes & Claro Santana &
Arturo & Nacho Santana (D)
Federico Gonzalez (D)
Living and Deceased Members the ICF
William Stohr (D);
Cristeta Infante (L); Vincent Tunzi, Sr. (D)
8:15 : Brian Schultz (D); Michael Crudele (D)
Dick & Barbara Durand
(60th Wedding Anniversary; Robert Egizi (D)
8:15 : Patricia Cordero (D)
Karen Parucki (D)
Pearl Ilonwa (D)
Celia Gu errez (D)
Carmona, Perez & Zaror (D)
Christopher Argodale (L)
10:45 Richard Phinney (D)
12:30 : The Parishioners of St. Paschal Baylon
Michael Bondelli (D)
Celebrant Schedule:
Saturday, October 31st:
5:30PM: Father Greg
7:00PM: Father Toribio
Sunday, November 1st
7:30AM: Father Greg
9:00AM: Father Michael
10:45AM: Father Michael
12:30PM: Father Toribio
5:30PM: Father Greg
Weekly Prayer Inten ons
***Altar Servers Should Arrive 15 Minutes Early***
Wedding Anniversaries
Gordon & Nancy Randolph—59 Years—October 27th
Dick & Barbara Durand—60 Years– October 29th
Repose of The Soul
José Amparo Diaz; Maria Guadalupe Velazco;
Amado Villanueva; Marco Lira; Victor Reyes ;
November 7th & 8th 2015
The Knights of Columbus Council’s throughout California are solici ng dona ons to be able to purchase a minimum of Six (6) ocean freight containers full of wheel chairs for the California Veterans.
Members of the Mys cal Rose Council will be outside receiving dona ons a er every Mass star ng with the 5:30
Mass on Saturday November 7th 2015, concluding with the 5:30 PM Mass on Sunday November 8th 2015
Every $150 will sponsor the delivery of a brand new wheel chair that would sell for $500 in a medical supply store.
Distribu on of the wheelchairs will be scheduled throughout California un l Spring 2016.
Movie Night!
The Saint Paschal CUB Scouts invites the en re parish and community to a free family movie night on Friday
October 30th in the parish hall on the Big Screen! The Disney movie is Big Hero 6. Refreshments will be available for sale. Doors open at 6:00 PM.
Newly Bap zed
Sofia Elizabeth Ruvalcaba
Jocelyn Anahi Perez
Camila Miranda
Jonathan Domingo Garcia-Vargas
Madeline Millan Pa erson
Mason Jay Merrill
Vivian Rose Merrill
Luke Shane Williams
Nicolas Rey Quintana
Emmanuel Sanchez
Dana Karen San ago
Hazel Adilene Castaneda
Jason Garcia
Nicholas Robert Castruita
Jose Angel Cortes
Dulce Michelle Aldana
Paloma Vionnet Mondet
Sarah Rangel
Willow Alexandria Hutchins
Anthony Joseph Schrillo
Olivia Marie Perry
Congratula ons!
Leave a Legacy
When you leave a planned gi to St. Paschal’s, you are ensuring a strong future for our parish, school,
ministries, or any other part of our St. Paschal Catholic Community that is close to your heart. We encourage you to contact your legal and/or financial advisor for more informa on about making a planned gi .
Here are two easy ways you can contribute to the long term sustainability of St. Paschal’s.
1.Bequest: One of the easiest ways to help involves simply naming St. Passchal’s as a beneficiary
in your will and living trust. A bequest may be for a stated sum of money or a percentage of your estate.
2. Life Insurance Policy and Re rement Assets: Naming St. Paschal’s as a par al beneficiary of
these assets can provide support for our community for years to come.
Your considera on would truly be appreciated.
The Francis Effect
Joe Boehner cried. A lot. 100,000 people stood in hushed silence.
Schools closed, selfie s cks emerged, and Mark Wahlberg shared the
stage with Jim Gaffigan. Welcome to the Francis effect.
It’s been a few weeks since Pope Francis captured the American news
cycle from September 22-27 with his visit to the U.S. Even high school
students, who o en get their news from Snapchat stories, knew something was up.
The Holy Father spent me in Washington D.C., New York City, and Philadelphia. He visited the U.N., a prison, and was
15 minutes late to an appointment at the White House because he was snapping photos with school kids. He turned
down a hoity-toity Congressional luncheon to eat with the homeless. All the while, his very presence cap vated much
of the country.
Somehow Pope Francis makes us believe that things can get be er – they will get be er – because we have been given awesome gi s and responsibili es by our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is on our side.
All of this begs the ques on: what’s our Francis effect? We love his joy and his nearness and those off-the-cuff moments where he feels so real. The ques on we need to be asking ourselves is: am I following where the shepherd
leads? Am I le ng myself be changed? Here are some themes I’ve been mulling over as a Catholic young adult.
Conversion is an ongoing process, we know this. We all need to be reminded, like the inmates at Curran-Fromhold
Correc onal Facility, that “Jesus seeks us out. He wants to heal our wounds, to soothe our feet which hurt from traveling alone, to wash each of us clean off the dust from our journey… Jesus comes to meet us.” -Pope Francis
With St. John Paul II we saw the dawn of the “new evangeliza on.” In his Madison Square Garden homily, Pope Francis
spoke about the “deafening anonymity” of those on the margins of society, places where the light hasn’t quite
touched yet – “they are the foreigners, the children who go without schooling, those deprived of medical insurance,
the homeless, the forgo en elderly.” We are members of a Church that goes out! The light and joy of Christ needs to
shine on those who have fallen through the cracks. In his address to Congress, Pope Francis encouraged all Americans:
“We must resolve now to live as nobly and justly as possible, as we educate new genera ons not to turn their back on
our neighbors…we need to avoid a common tempta on nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome.”
-Pope Francis
Do I recognize the personhood of the anonymous? Or do I brush by, too consumed by my own concerns to be
“inconvenienced” by the needs of others?
I don’t know about you, but Pope Francis is pricking my conscience. I’ve go en pre y good at trying to meet Jesus in
adora on, but not so much in people who annoy me. I can speak confidently and passionately to a room full of teenagers, but I feel awkward bu erflies when trying to talk to a low-income single mom at the local food pantry. Pope
Francis reminded us that “Jesus wanted to show solidarity with every person. He wanted everyone to experience his
companionship, his help, his love. He iden fied with all those who suffer, who weep, who suffer any kind of injus ce.”
May we all be convicted and changed by the words and example of our Holy Father! Come Holy Spirit…bring on the
Francis effect!
Robert Batch
Grand Prize Drawing—This Weekend
“The Grand Prize drawing to win a brand new BMW or $25,000 cash is finally here! Tickets will be drawn
this weekend - Sunday evening at the Fall Fest! A limited number of ckets remain, so don’t miss your
chance! Winners need not be present. Tickets are available a er mass or at the Car Raffle Booth at Fall
Fest while supplies last. Thank you for your support!
Weekly Scripture Readings & Observances
Rom 8:12-17; PS 68:2 and 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; LK 13:10-17
Rom 8:18-25; PS 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6; LK 13:18-21
Wednesday: Feast of Saint Simon and Jude: Apostles
Eph 2:19-22; PS 19:2-3, 4-5; LK 6:12-16
Rom 8:31b-39; PS 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31; LK 13:31-35
Rom 9:1-5; PS 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20; LK 14:1-6
Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; PS 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; LK 14:1, 7-11
Sunday: Solemnity of All Saints
RV 7:2-4, 9-14; PS 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; 1 JN 3:1-3; MT 5:1-12a
Parish Ministry Announcements
SPBC Youth Outreach
Annual Men’s Retreat
Confirma on Dates To Remember:
• NOTE: There is NO Confirma on on Sunday October 25th due to the Parish Fes val.
• Next Session: November 1st (MERGED SESSION)
7:00 PM in the Church. Parents and Sponsors
are to a end.
• Youth Ministry: Harry Po er Movie Marathon
Con nues: Wednesday October 28th: 7:00—
All men of the parish are invited to a end the annual
retreat at Serra Retreat Center in Malibu. The theme is
"Renewed by Divine Mercy". This retreat gives you an
opportunity to evaluate and focus on your priori es for
the New Year. The retreat will begin on Friday evening
January 8 with dinner and end a er Mass and lunch on
Sunday January 10, 2016. For reserva ons call Serra
direct at 310-456-6631 or go on-line at Book early for rooms are limited. For addi onal informa on, call Ed Krol at 4977337.
Religious Educa on
Grades Preschool through 8th Grade. Time is running out
to register for Classes.
To Register - Come in to the Parish Office - open 7 days
a week or call (805) 496-0222 x 114 or O.
(2ND Year First Communion will need copy of Bap smal
Cer ficate.)
PARENTS are the first educators of their children but,
Religious Educa on is here to help and support you!
Religious Educa on teaches good from evil, help guide
your children, and make right choices!
ATTENTION: October 18th Parents Mee ng is CANCELLED
The Pastoral Center is open every day or call 805
496-0222 x 0
PRESCHOOL – Age 3 through Kindergarten
Sunday 9:00am to 10:00am
Classes Held - Sunday 10:45-11:45am
Monday 3:45-5:00pm.
(No Classes on Wednesday)
JUNIOR HI GROUP – Grades 7th & 8th
Thursday 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Tuesday Grades 2-6th @ 3:45pm
Sunday (Grade 2 only) @ 10:45-11:45am
Thursday Junior Hi @ 7:00-8:30pm
Bap smal Cer ficate required at me of Registra on
RCIC “Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Children”
Non-Bap zed Students - 3rd - 8th Grade
Birth Cer ficate required at me of Registra on
Respect Life
—40 Days For Life!
Join us to pray for the protec on from the horror of aboron & their mothers & for a change of heart for all the
staff at Planned Parenthood. Lets make this 40 Days in
Thousand Oaks & Newbury Park the biggest ever & to
cover every hour per week.
Saint Paschal Baylon School News
Men’s Club Pancake Breakfast-Hosted by the SPBS
Class of 2016: Looking for the Best Breakfast Bargain in
town? You only need to go as far as our own SPB Parish
Hall to find it! On Sunday, November 8, the SPB Men’s
Club is serving up their famous Pancake Breakfast with
con nuous sea ng from 7:45 – 11:00 A.M. For the bargain price of $3.00/person or $12.00/family, you will
enjoy delicious eggs (a new addi on!), pancakes, sausage, juice, fruit, and coffee with your fellow SPB parishioners. The Saint Paschal Baylon School (SPBS) Class of
2016 will be hos ng this Pancake Breakfast, to help defray the costs of their gradua on ac vi es. 8th Grade
students from our parish school will be selling ckets
outside all Masses on October 31st and November 1, 7
& 8.
Thank You for Your Support!
The SPBS Class of 2016
Dear SPB Parishioners,
As many of you may be aware, October is designated
by the Catholic Church as the “Month of the Most Holy
Rosary”. Therefore, as is our custom at Saint Paschal
Baylon School, members of our Student Council lead
our en re student body, faculty and staff in a decade of
the Rosary every Monday through Thursday morning
throughout the month of October. In addi on, our
classroom teachers are helping teach and review with
our students how to pray the Rosary.
The Rosary is a beau ful and uniquely Catholic prayer.
At Saint Paschal Baylon School we are now “Celebra ng
a Year of Prayer” during the 2015-2016 academic year.
Therefore, we are also encouraging our school families
to include the Rosary in their prayers at home-especially
during the month of October.
Please know that your faith serves as a wonderful
model for our students. As we celebrate a year of prayer at our parish school, I will con nue to remember you
in my personal prayers, and I respec ully ask that you
do the same for me.
Together In Faith,
Suzanne Stewart Duffy-Principal
Parish Ministry Announcements
Adorers Needed!
Saturday: 7pm
Monday: 2am (Twice a month)
Captains for 9am and 5pm
Contact: Dan & Linda Gregoire: [email protected]
Did You Know?
Trick-or-treat safely
Halloween is a great night to go out, dress up, have fun,
and eat treats. Halloween is also an important me to
go over safety rules. Tell your kids to stay with the adults
when they’re trick-or-trea ng, and to keep with the
group when they go up to neighbors’ doors. If you are
the adult responsible for the group, make sure you know
exactly who is in your group, and what they’re wearing.
For more Halloween safety
ps, visit h p:// p/halloween-safety- ps.
Parish Bible Studies
“A Journey Towards Freedom” beginning September 14th
2015 from 10:00-12:00 noon. This in-depth study of “A
Spirit-Controlled Temperament” will lead you to be a Dynamic Catholic through your journey in life. Guest speakers. Registra on forms are available in the Parish center
or call (805)-496-0222
Contact: Rita DaCorsi 805-484-2414
Tuesday Bible Study meets at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM in the
Church Community Room. A 6 week study of the Prophet
Isaiah using Loyola Press, "Build a Highway for
God". Paul's Le er to the Philippians will be the next
Contact: Roland Chabot
805 276 7838 or [email protected]
The St. Paschal’s Wednesday morning Women’s Study
meets from 9:15-11:00am in the community room in the
back of the Church.
For more informa on contact:
Maureen Scanlon (805) 796-0546 OR
Mary Kate Marini (805) 551-3750
7:30—9:00PM—Church Community
Contact: Sherry Reynolds
[email protected]
It’s Shoebox Time!
St. Paschal Baylon is par cipa ng in OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD again this year. Help the “least of these li le
ones” by filling shoeboxes with small gi s for the poorest of the poor children in our country and around the
world, a wonderful way to proclaim Christ’s love and
compassion. We will be collec ng the filled shoeboxes
from October 31st to November 8th. They will be
blessed at every Mass on November 7th and 8th. Please
contact Della at 805-529-6101 for further informa on.
Curious about the Catholic faith and prac ces? Considering becoming Catholic? Come to our informal
mee ngs to ask ques ons and find answers. We meet
every Thursday from 7:15pm un l 9:00pm in the Church
Community Room. It is an informal group with no obliga on a ached. Bring a friend. Contact us at
[email protected] or call Jazmir at 818-857-6204. Find
us on Facebook by searching: “St. Paschal Baylon RCIA”
Like us and set us on your no fica ons!
A en on Knights of Columbus
Are you an inac ve member of the Knights of Columbus? Were you a member of the Saint Paschal Baylon
Parish Knights in the past? Or are you an inac ve member of another council and want to join a new one?
The newly reac vated Mys cal Rose Council is for you.
Please contact Grand Knight Dick Jennings by email:
[email protected] or (805) 328 9817.
We can reac vate your membership immediately without any financial penal es.
Opus Dei
Thursday Morning Bible Study meets in the Hall at 9:15
a.m. We are studying the Gospel of John.
Barbara Durand: (805) 497 1370
Men are invited to an Evening of Recollec on sponsored
by Opus Dei on Monday, October 26. This month the
Evening of Recollec on will be in the St. Paschal Baylon
School Music Room star ng at 6:45 pm and ending
at 8:45 pm with light refreshments. For more details
please call Bob Jensen at 805-492-8953.
New Bulle n Submission Deadline
NOTE: Effec ve immediately, all bulle n submissions are to be e-mailed to [email protected] by end
of business day on the Monday prior to the Sunday Bulle n.
Ministerio Hispano
Sábados a las 7:00pm
Domingo a las 12:30pm
Y, una vez cambiada nuestra suerte, por la gran misericordia de Dios, Sólo nos queda una cosa: seguirle
con alegría. ¿ En qué momentos de tu vida has sen do
el amor providente de Dios presente y conduciéndote?
Sábado de 3:30 a 5:00pm
Viernes: de 15 años en adelante
7:30pm en el Salón Mul usos
Lecturas para el 1* de Noviembre de 2015
Apocalipsis 7:2-4, 9-14
1 Juan 3:1-3
Mateo 5:1-12a
Lunes y Viernes 7:00pm
Salón de Música
Sábados de 10 a 11:30 A.M.
En la escuela Ext. 116
Registrarse con 6 meses de an cipación.
Hacer cita con algunos de los sacerdotes
Llamar al 496-0222 Ext. 116 &117
Registrarse con 6 meses de an cipación
El grupo de jóvenes Maranatha, les invita el 31 de octubre de las 6-9:00pm a celebrar el “Día de los Muertos” vengan y conozcan más de nuestra tradición,
pueden ves r sus disfraces. Habrá juegos, música, concursos y entretenimiento. ¡La entrada es gra s!
Los Cub Scouts de San Pascual, los invitan el viernes 30
de Octubre, a ver la película “Big Hero Six” de Disney.
Traigan su silla plegadiza favorita y disfrute de una
tarde con los niños y amigos. Abriremos las puertas a
la 6:00pm y la película dará inicio a las 7:00pm.
Tendremos venta de Hot/dogs, bebidas y chips. ¡Los
La Plaza Comunitaria de Park Oaks Outreach Center.
Les invita a inscribirse en sus cursos de alfabe zación
para adultos, así como los de cer ficación de primaria y
secundaria. La cer ficación es emi da por la Secretaria
En el Evangelio de hoy, vemos que el ciego Bar meo,
que algo sabía de quién era Jesús, lo llamó “Hijo de Da- de Educación Pública de México y es para toda persona
de habla hispana.
vid” y “Maestro”. Pero cuando Jesús le devolvió la
vista, finalmente pudo “ver” claramente al Señor y su
Para mayores informes acudir los días miércoles de
nueva capacidad lo movió a seguir a Cristo “por el
5.30 a 7 PM a las instalaciones de la an gua escuela de
camino” hacia la cruz. Inicialmente buscó a Jesús para Park Oaks Elementary School, en 1335 Calle Bouganvilqu4e lo curara, lo que demuestra que tenía fe para
la. Con la Sra. Rocío Lévaro.
pedirle ayuda al Señor; pero al reconocer quién era
Jesús, se sin ó impulsado a seguirlo. La gente no veía
más que al hijo del carpintero, pero Bar meo pudo
“ver” al Salvador majestuoso y compasivo y esto trans- ¿SABÍA USTED?
formó su vida de un modo radical.
Jesús es mucho más glorioso de lo que podemos
apreciar por los medios naturales. Sus atributos divinos
de amor, majestad, poder y misericordia son infinitamente superiores y más admirables de lo que podemos imaginarnos: por eso necesitamos pedirle al
Espíritu Santo que nos muestre a Jesús cada vez con
mayor claridad, para recibir la fortaleza de Dios, que es
más poderosa que todos los recursos de nuestra humanidad. Para Dios no somos una oportunidad entre
millones, sino un hijo, una hija a quien conoce y ama
individualmente. Nos llama, como a Bar meo, por
nuestro nombre, para decirnos: “Qué quieres que haga
por ….Ve, tu fe te ha salvado…”Esa fe que nos salva,
que nos salva siempre y no una vez por accidente, por
casualidad, por “suerte”, nos cambia la vida.
Un seguro ‘trick-or-treat’
La noche de Halloween es perfecta para salir, ves r un
disfraz, y comer dulces. Halloween es también un momento perfecto para repasar algunas reglas de seguridad. Dígale a sus niños que se mantengan cerca del
grupo de adultos que son responsables para acompañarlos al ‘trick-or-treat’. Si usted forma parte de este
grupo, asegúrese de saber exactamente quién hace
parte de su grupo, y que están vis endo como disfraz.
Para más datos en seguridad para la noche de Halloween, visite: h p:// p/halloweensafety- ps
Weekly Word Find
Community Events & Informa on
Your love as husband and wife is a gi to one another as well as
a gi from God. A end a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this
precious gi . Deepen your communica on, strengthen your
rela onship, rekindle your romance -and renew your sacrament
by a ending the next WWME weekend Nov 14-15 at St. Jude In
Westlake Village or Nov 20-22 at the Best Western Canoga
Park. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go
online at We help make good marriages
be er.
The Landings
A program for returning or Inac ve Catholics.
Come join us as we journey through eight sessions of the
Paulist Fathers ministry for those who have been inac ve,
and/or may wish to return to the prac ce of our Faith. Preregistra on is required for this 8-week program which is held
in Simi Valley, and is co-sponsored by both Saint Rose of Lima
and Saint Peter Claver Parishes. For more informa on or to
register please contact Madeleine Sorensen at 805-5226107, or e-mail:
[email protected]
All Souls Day Mass
We are looking for Vendors who’d like to display/sell their holiday gi s at our bou que in November!
WHERE: St. Bernardine of Siena, 24410 Calvert St., Woodland
Hills, CA,
November 21/22, 2015, St. Bernardine’s Holiday Bou que
If you are interested please call Janet Svolos at 818-335-1121 or
email Peggy Pryor at [email protected].
We are looking for vendors who either hand- make specialty
items and/or sell gi baskets. Tables rent for $125-150 for the
weekend. Thank you!
A special mass will be celebrated Monday November
2nd 2015 at 10:00 AM at Assump on Cemetery with
Archbishop Jose Gomez as the principle celebrant . Assump on Cemetery is located at 1380 Fitzgerald Road,
Simi Valley
Submit Your Event
To submit your event or a community event that you are involved with please send the informa on directly to [email protected]
All submissions must be sent by the end of the day on Monday
in order to published in the bulle n.