s - Intenze Tattoo Ink


s - Intenze Tattoo Ink
INTENZE Products™
Style Guide
December 2009
INTENZE Products™ Publication Policies
NO - Publication, Advertisement, or any other collateral may be distributed without the approval of the INTENZE Products™ Advertising department. Any violation of this agreement
will result in a breach of the distribution agreement and is subject to cancellation of the
distributorship, and may be subject to legal recourse.
Please make sure that all images and or graphics used in ANY promotional material are
relevant to the subject matter, are current, and are of a satisfactory resolution and size. Please be aware of recommended bleed and trim areas on all print items.
All Web and Digital material should be no less than 72 dpi (dots per inch)
All Print Material should be no less than 300 dpi (dots per inch)
Image requests can be made to the INTENZE Products™ Art Department / Marketing Team
Any Publication that depicts a Tattoo Artist, Celebrity, or Model, MUST have written approval from said model. Failure to supply said approval will result in breach of the distribution agreement, and may result in legal action.
Any Graphic, Image, or Text issued by the INTENZE Products™ Advertising Team may NOT be
edited, unless permission is granted.
For Approvals, Questions or Comments
Please Contact:
Patricia Mui
[email protected]
INTENZE Products™
Style Guide
December 2009
A note about branding
Brands are the promise that an organization makes to its customers, a promise for consistency in everything it does. Every interaction we make with our customers, vendors, or
employees, makes an impression, and every impression we make changes the way people
think about INTENZE Products™.
While the true development of a brand takes time and relies on the day-to-day excellent
performance of our staff, the most visible representation of our brand is our logo. Through
carefully designed, repeated, and consistent use, the mark becomes an extension of our
reputation in the minds of our audiences. It is no coincidence that some of the most recognizable marks in the world — Nike®, Starbucks®, FedEx®, John Deere®—all bring to mind
qualities associated with the firm. This is only achieved through consistent, controlled use
of the visible elements of the brand. You are not likely to see the Nike® logo in pink, or the
FedEx® logo combined with other words, like FedExcellent. These marks are treated with
care and respect, and as a result, over time they gain recognition and credibility.
The consistent and correct use of the logo and the icons across promotional and communication materials—such as brochures, banners, advertising, the Internet, and direct marketing pieces—is critical to growing the INTENZE Products™ brand.
Altering the logo in any way dilutes its identity, and therefore dilutes the overall brand.
The logo should be used according to the following usage guidelines, without alteration,
modification, or manipulation. These guidelines have been written to outline specific usage for the logo and yet be flexible enough to apply to a wide range of applications, and
still maintain a consistent look overall.
INTENZE Products™ Logo
The typeface used in the logo should never be changed, enlarged, or otherwise altered.
INTENZE Products™
Style Guide
December 2009
Logo Area of Isolation
Allow the logo a good amount of white space. Keep all graphics clear of the logo by 2 - 5
Minumum Size
The logo should never be used smaller than ¾ an inch in width. Always be careful to size
the logo proportionately by holding down the shift key in most applications.
Color Palette
Consistent use of color reinforces the visual identity of the INTENZE Products™ brand.
The CMYK/4-color process and RGB builds are provided below. DO NOT attempt to match
color to the pages in this manual. Use only the approved color combinations provided.
Primary Colors
CMYK: c69 m16 y1 k0
RGB: r55 g169 b222
CMYK: c0 m97 y14 k0
RGB: r237 g30 b127
INTENZE Products™
Style Guide
December 2009
The colors chosen in the INTENZE Products™ palette were chosen to give the feeling of a
clean and sterilized environment. It is essential to never deviate from this established color
scheme as it is the driving force behind the INTENZE Products™ brand.
The INTENZE Products™ color palette is consistent with our key brand attributes. The colors
are vibrant, clean, confident and used creatively. Using these colors strengthens the visual
impact of the marketing pieces, press materials, signage, and web pages alike. For the
highest impact, use only the approved colors.
Secondary Colors
CMYK: c26 m21 y21 k0
RGB: r190 g188 b189
CMYK: c37 m82 y0 k0
RGB: r167 g80 b159
CMYK: c0 m99 y100 k0
RGB: r237 g33 b36
INTENZE Products™
Style Guide
December 2009
Logo and Photographs
It is very easy for a logo to become lost visually when improperly placed over photography.
If the logo is being placed on a predominantly dark area of a photograph, be sure to use
the light gray or white logo with a drop shadow as the designer sees fit.
If the logo is being placed on a predominantly light area of a photograph, be sure to use
the black, red, pink or blue logo.
When used in the logo, the INTENZE “Z” is clipped to fit nicely along the letters ‘N’ and ‘E’ in
the logo. If the “Z” is going to be used as an isolated design element, use a fully visible “Z”
and not the clipped version from the logo.
INTENZE Products™
Style Guide
December 2009
Vertical Usage
In the event that you would like to use the INTENZE Products™ logo vertically, do not stack
horizontally oriented letters. Rotate the entire logo 90 degrees.
Approved Typefaces
Only use these approved typefaces
• CooperBlackStd - (used in the INTENZE Products™ logo)
• Helvetica (T1) - Bold
• Helvetica (T1) - Light
• Helvetica Neue (T1) - 85 Heavy
• Futura (T1) - 45 Light
INTENZE Products™ Style Guide
December 2009
The standard INTENZE Products™ address block on all packaging, brochures, and manual
covers is:
INTENZE Products™
215 Route 17 South, Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 USA
Web addresses
When referring to web addresses (URLs) in text, format them in italics to set them off.
When they are part of display type, they can be set in bold or bold italic, according to the
preferences of the designer. When URLs appear in a different color or font from the rest of
the text because they are being used as a design element, do not make them italic because
they already stand out. A period following a bold, colored, or italic URL should match in
All URLs for the INTENZE Products™ web site should contain only lowercase letters. For URLs
of other companies’ web sites, follow their style for capitalization.
Don’t begin URLs with http:// when they also contain www, and don’t end them with a
slash. Web browsers automatically add those parts - whether you type them in or now and the addresses are cleaner and shorter without those elements.
Whenever possible, type URLs into your browser to make sure they are accurate.
If you must break a URL across two lines, break after a slash and don’t add a hyphen.
E-mail addresses
Format e-mail addresses in italics, just as you would URLs. When e-mail addresses appear in
a different color or font from the rest of the text because they are being used as design element, do not make them italic becuase they already stand out. A period following a bold,
colored, or italic e-mail address should match in style.
If you must break an e-mail address across two lines, break before a period or after @ and
don’t add a hyphen.
INTENZE Products™ Style Guide
December 2009
INTENZE Products™ Brand Recognition
The INTENZE Products™ brand is more than simply a logo or a tagline. It is the message
we want the world to associate with the company and its products. From the lab to the
tattoo booth, INTENZE Products™ is the most tested tattoo ink on the planet. With its unique
blend, this scientifically formulated and unmatched pigment has proven itself time and
time again. INTENZE Products™ is the easiest to apply and most lasting tattoo pigment on
the market.
INTENZE Products™ is formulated and sterilized so that the tattoo artist and client both
receive the most positive outcome by using the highest grade tattoo ink on Earth.
INTENZE Products™ can be found in the shops and booths of the best tattoo artists around
the world. Formulated and distributed for tattoo artists who always want to perform at
their best.
Reinforcing this message in all of our communications differentiates us from the competition, motivates retailers to offer our products, and inspires customers to easily recognize
and demand our tattoo products. A consistent, recognizable tone and style—the INTENZE
Products™ voice—is an essential component of a strong INTENZE Products™ brand. The INTENZE Products™ voice is helpful and aspirational, dynamic but elegant. The following tips
are designed to help you use this voice in your marketing materials.
Our goal is to create effective marketing collateral that helps sell INTENZE Products™. In
• Be direct, informative, clear, and concise.
• Use the personal, active voice; the reader is the second person, “you.”
• Be friendly and informal but not impolite. Use “attitude” with care; it’s a very subjective experience and can miss the mark, turning off potential customers. Know your
• Stay away from mudslinging. Avoid talking about what our competitors don’t do; focus on what INTENZE Products™ does.
• Use fact rather than hyperbole whenever possible—watch the use of superlatives. Promotional materials may be deemed comparative advertising even if the
materials do not expressly reference competitors. A claim that a product is the fastest, cheapest, largest, or smartest implies that all the other products in that market are noncompetitive in some regard. If a boast cannot be objectively and independently verified, it may inspire a competitor to seek protection from courts or regulators. Avoid express comparative advertising due to restrictions outside the United States, unless first authorized by the Legal department.
INTENZE Products™ Style Guide
December 2009
INTENZE Products™ product names
For brand and corporate identity, always include INTENZE Products™ in the first reference of
a product in any marketing piece. After the first reference, inclusion of INTENZE Products™
becomes optional, unless INTENZE Products™ is part of the legal, trademarked product
name, as in INTENZE Products™ Cleanze.
Keep in mind that a liberal sprinkling of INTENZE Products™ throughout product collateral
helps build brand identity.
At first reference in a document, use ink after the product name. Thereafter, sprinkle ink or
another appropriate noun throughout the document. Also note that with products that
don’t have INTENZE Products™ in the trademarked name, it is acceptable to use INTENZE
Products™ only once in a string of three or more product names on first reference.
Correct INTENZE Products™ Carol’s Pink
Correct INTENZE Products™ Carol’s Pink and Mario’s Blue tattoo ink
When the possessive is necessary, use ink after the product name or turn the
possessive into an adjective.
Correct INTENZE Products™ Carol’s Pink ink’s feature set
Correct The INTENZE Products™ Carol’s Pink ink’s feature set
The INTENZE Product’s™ Carol’s Pink feature set
INTENZE Products™ company name
Use INTENZE Products™, INTENZE™, or INTENZE Prod.™ In the INTENZE Products™ attribution
statement, always use INTENZE Products™.
You can make INTENZE Products™ possessive as long as you’re using it to refer to the
INTENZE™ should always be written in all caps and italicized.
2010 Bottle and Label Advertising
Style Guide
1. Single bottles must not be
printed smaller than 2” in
catalogs as well as print advertisements. For web display, no
smaller than 100 pixels high.
2. The only label designs allowed are
these three from the newest package
of INTENZETM assets.
2” [print] or
100px [web]
Dark Purple
This is one of Intenze Inks best tattoo ink colors
for cover ups. If you use this color with our ,
the range of purples for your tattoos will reach
your wildest dreams. A perfect tattoo color for
night skys and those Indian and wolves with the
magic in them.
3. INTENZETM Singles MUST be pictured
with product details, including name,
size, price, and description. Single
ink bottles pictured without all of this
information are not allowed.
1.5” [print] or
100px [thumbs]
300px [detail]
4. Color Sets are only to be displayed
using original INTENZE productTM images.
Thumbnails are restricted to 100px
minimum height, and images for product
detail pages must be a minimum of 300px
in height. Color sets in print advertising
must be a minimum of 1.5” in height.
5. The banner sent with this package, web-banner.psd should be placed at the top of the page on which INTENZETM is being sold.
6. To be eligible as an Authorized Dealer, websites MUST show available INTENZE productsTM on their site using the provided
artwork. Companies that sell INTENZE ProductsTM outside of the style guide requirements are not eligible to be Authorized
You may email [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns.