Parish Rebuilder - St. Luke`s Lutheran Church


Parish Rebuilder - St. Luke`s Lutheran Church
Parish Rebuilder
October 2015
Monthly Newsletter
Volume 15 Issue 10
We invite you to join
St. Luke's Lutheran Church
Please contact Amy in the office to
discuss membership or to arrange an
appointment with the pastor:
619-463-6633 or [email protected]
Office hours are:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Table of Contents
Pastor Mark
page 1
Youth &Thank you
page 3
page 4
Parish Potpourri
page 6
Special Dates/Worship Text page 7
Prayer Calendar
page 8
Worship Teams
page 9
Monthly Calendar
page 10
The Reformation and Papal Indulgences
As most Lutherans are aware, the Reformation began
quietly and unofficially on 31 October 1517 when Luther
published his “Ninety-five Theses,” also known as the
“Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences.” These brief statements initiated a cascade of
publications which would rock the church into the
present day. The main theological issue then, as now,
is the doctrine of justification by faith alone. In other
words, one either receives salvation as a free gift from
God won on the cross through Christ alone through
faith, or one contributes in some way to one’s salvation
through merit-earning good works. In other words,
either Christ has done enough or he had not for our
In the Roman Church’s teaching, souls which are not
“pure enough” for entry into heaven upon death are
sent to Purgatory (from word “to purge”) to have their
sins removed through fiery torment. To shorten one’s
time in Purgatory, the Pope can issue special reprieves,
called Indulgences. Neither Purgatory or Indulgences
has any biblical foundation.
As many recall, in 1999 the Lutheran World Federation
(LWF) and the Vatican signed the so-called “Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification.” Through this
sham document, many claim that Lutherans and
Catholics now have basic agreement on justification by
faith. Since 1999, however, the Vatican has issued
many Indulgences. Furthermore, in 2017, many LWF
member churches plan to celebrate the Reformation
with the Roman Church, which still condemns Luther
as a heretic. In the meantime, the Vatican’s Apostolic
Penitentiary officially continues to issue Indulgences.
The latest Indulgence can be obtained from the First
Sunday in Advent 2014 until 02 February 2016. The
whole text of this Indulgence is as follows. Note
that this Indulgence can be applied to souls in
by which are established the works to be performed in order to obtain the gift of Indulgences
on the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life
The Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the
Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of
Apostolic Life, having requested that this Apostolic Penitentiary duly determine the conditions
to obtain the gift of Indulgences with which the
Holy Father Francis, on the occasion of the
forthcoming Year of Consecrated Life, intends to
extend for the spiritual renewal of religious Institutes, with the utmost fidelity to the charism of
the founder, and in order to offer to the faithful
of the whole world a joyful occasion to confirm
Faith, Hope, and Charity in communion with
Holy Roman Church, under the most special
mandate of the Roman Pontiff, this Apostolic
Penitentiary willingly grants Plenary Indulgence,
under the usual conditions (Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the
intentions of the Holy Father), to all the
individual members of Institutes of Consecrated
Life, and to the other faithful truly contrite and
moved by the spirit of charity, to be obtained
from the First Sunday in Advent of the current
year until 2 February 2016, that can be also applied as suffrage for the souls in Purgatory:
a) In Rome, every time they take part in International Meetings and celebrations on the calendar
established by the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and for an appropriate amount of
time, dedicate themselves to pious thoughts,
concluding with the Our Father, the Profession
of Faith in any legitimately approved form, and
pious invocations to the Blessed Virgin Mary;
Members of Institutes of Consecrated Life who,
due to illness of other grave cause, are prevented
from visiting these holy places can equally obtain the Plenary Indulgence if, with complete
detachment from any sin and with the intention
of accomplishing as soon as possible the three
usual conditions, accomplish a spiritual visit
with deep desire and offer the infirmities and
pain of their own life to the Merciful God
through Mary, with the addition of prayers as
indicated above.
In order that access to the attainment of this divine grace through the keys of the Church, may
more easily be obtained through pastoral charity, this Penitentiary diligently exhorts the
Canon Penitentiaries, capitularies, the priests of
the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies
for Apostolic Life and all those duly authorized
to hear confessions, offer themselves readily and
with a generous spirit to celebrate in the Sacrament of Penance and administer Holy Communion to the sick often.
The present Decree is valid for the Year of Consecrated Life. Notwithstanding anything to the
Promulgated in Rome, at the Apostolic Penitentiary, 23 November 2014, the Solemnity of Christ,
King of the Universe.
Cardinal Mauro Piacenza
Major Penitentiary
Msgr Krzysztof Nykiel
[Maybe the Vatican will issue a special Reformation Indulgence for the Lutheran World Federation in 2017!]
Congratulations to the Alfelds
On 09 September 2015, Louis and Lois Alfeld
celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. With
the help of Thelma Pace and the Alfelds’ two
sons, Lou and Stan, the church held a reception
for them on 13 September. We wish to congratulate Lou and Lois on their outstanding achievement and wish them God’s continued blessings
for their lives together.
St. Luke’s Theological Academy
This autumn, St. Luke’s Theological Academy
(SLTA) is offering four courses. They are Introduction to the Christian Faith - Pastor Mark
Menacher (starting Sunday, 13 September, 4:005:30pm), Reformation Theology - Pastor Rob
Lawson (starting Tuesday, 15 September, 7:008:30 pm), Introduction to the New Testament Pastor John Kent (starting Tuesday, 15 September, 7:00-8:30 pm), and Liturgy and Church Music - Pastor Rob Lawson (starting Thursday, 17
September, 7:00-8:30 pm). If you did not have a
chance to take one of these courses this time,
they will probably be offered again in the future.
Louis & Lois Alfeld
65th Wedding Anniversary
Condolences to the Davies Family
We wish to express our sincerest sympathy to
the family of Betty Davies who passed on Sunday, 20 September 2015. Betty’s long membership and many and varied years of service have
helped make St. Luke’s the very special congregation that it is. We will miss her greatly, and
we will keep her family in our prayers.
Pastor Mark
Youth Outings
Haunted trails: October 24, 2015
Sky zone: November 22, 2015
Thank you!!
We wish to thank Thelma Pace (Lois’ sister),
our sons, Louis and Stanley, and the
St. Luke’s Family for making our
65th wedding anniversary special.
Caroling: December—TBA
God bless you and thank you.
Game Day: January 17, 2016
Louis & Lois Alfeld
Shakeys pizza: February 21, 2016
Monopoly: March 20, 2016
Please see Billy Miles or Pastor Mark
for more information.
Looking for a new or used car? PENSKE FORD OF LA MESA
Tracy Tapia can help, 619-464-7777/619-433-6001
[email protected]
Each month our newsletter is published for free due to the advertisements of local businesses.
Please take a moment each month and see if the services they provide could help you
Women of St. Luke’s
“Praise the Lord with the harp; make melody to HIM with an instrument of ten
Sing to HIM a new song; play skillfully a shout of joy” Psalms 33: 2-3
September was busy, very hot (weather wise) actually miserable but during the warmest days,
our lower level was transformed into huge craft
fair put on by Judy Kirk and over 36 crafters who
have followed her for over 30 years. If you didn’t
have the opportunity to walk through the maze
of craft booths you missed quite a treat. There
was everything for Halloween, Thanksgiving,
Christmas, gifts of every kind, wood art, jewelry,
clothing, stuffed this, stuffed that, homemade
toffees, cheeses, jellies, pickles, name it they had
Thanks to Judy’s generosity, WSL was able to
have an opportunity drawing with one of our
quilts (won by Pastor), and nine baskets filled
with all kind of donations from the vendors. The
craft show was a very popular place to be, no
matter how hot it was. I wouldn’t have been surprised if we hit 100 degrees on the first afternoon
in the lower level. It was very busy the entire
three days. Thank you, Ms. Judy, you hit a grand
The choir is back! Our fearless leader Sue Caldwell is preparing lots of good music for all of us
to shout about. We welcome you to come and
make beautiful music with us. We meet every
Wednesday evening at 7 PM in the Fireside
Room and are usually on our way home around
8:30 PM. We also practice before service in the
sanctuary at 8:30 AM every Sunday. We welcome
men and women. Please come!
As we all know many activities around the campus depends on all of us to volunteer and help.
The WSL board have discussed this situation
and you too have noticed that we are getting
older. Yes, we do have younger families, but we
just don’t have the folks who can come forward
to offer their help. We do appreciate all members, young and old, who step up to the plate.
Every Sunday there are refreshments and fellowship after service. We find the same people signing up and we couldn’t do it without them. If
you would like to sign up but the task seems
daunting, why not sign up with a friend or new
Altar Guild takes two hours of your time on Saturday and less than an hour on Sunday for two
months out of the year. If you are new to the
church, how great it is to join a small group of
about 3-4, this is a great opportunity to get to
know members and at the same time you are
preparing for our Sunday service.
Call Bev Holland at 619-449-1685, she can tell
you more. We also would like to have men help,
Mary Ann Boullain’s Joe helps out, Pete Mylerberg is helping when Karen, his wife, is serving.
We can always use help in bringing food, assisting in serving and clean up at the receptions after a funeral/memorial service is greatly appreciated by the grieving family, again you strengthen
the friendships one makes.
The second and fourth Tuesday of the month the
Project Day Ladies meet in the lower level. There
are usually only four sometimes five women
working on the quilts. Our quilts are donated to
(1) Lutheran World Relief) and (2) prayer quilts
go to members our congregation who are inbound. Shirley Carrington leads this group. She
is our WSL secretary, usher, projectionist, and
Altar Guild leader of one small group. That’s not
all, she is a woman with many skills and talents.
We thank Shirley for her continued contributions to St. Luke’s.
What to expect in the coming months:
Soon an evening Bible Circle will start. For those
of you who work, or would like to get away from
for an evening of study and fellowship, and who
really want to learn more about our faith,
this is for you. Be watching for an invitation in
the next few weeks.
Advent Festival will be on December 6 in the
lower level. This will be a potluck, and our guest
speaker is Craig Libby from Mexican Medical
Ministries. He will speak about their work in
Mexico and how they teach God’s word to
whole villages and farm workers. He will be
bringing the games and tools they use to teach
the children of God’s Glory. If you have any
medical equipment such as walkers, canes,
crutches you don’t know what to do with, bring
them that day. The equipment will go to the
hospital and clinics they support. We will be
sending out a list of needs as we get closer to the
For the spring, we are in the planning stages of a
Spring Tea, tentatively set for April 17, 2016.
More information forth coming. A Fall Retreat is
also being planned for 2016.
Our Thank Offering is in the month of October
and envelopes will be in the Sunday bulletins
beginning October 4th. WSL relies on your donations to help us fund the various organizations we have chosen to support. WSL supports
the local communities needs rather than to large
corporations such as Housing For Homeless Students in La Mesa partnering with the Interfaith
Council of La Mesa and the La Mesa-Spring Valley School District; TACO; Heifer Intern’l; Lutheran Social Services; Lutheran World Relief;
Mexican Medical Ministries; Lutheran Border
Concerns; Voices for Children; “Such as I Have”
mission in SD, MAF, Just in Time, SD Rescue
Mission, Survivors of Torture SD, private needs
and more.
We thank all who teach Sunday School, serve on
the Worship Teams, the Altar Guild Church
Council, WSL board, Amy and Eugenio who
both go beyond their job classifications to help
and last but not least, Pastor Mark for his continued support I guess you might call this a
TIME and TALENT type of letter.
May you all have a wonderful fall with GOD
Marge Hersom
WSL president
Survivors of Torture luncheon attendees:
(left to right) Marilyn Burns, Margi Buller, Mary
Ann Boullain, Angie Hauk, Betty Wiedmer, Marge
Hersom and Marge Bitter; not pictured Pastor
Mark Menacher, Shirley Carrington and Amy
October brings us an interesting read by Jonas
Jonasson “The 100-Year-Old Man Who
Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared”.
"This quirky novel is a sly, satirical look back
at international relations in the 20th century
through the eyes of an old man who has seen
it all."―Library Journal
Whether you join us for one book or more, we
are always happy to share a good book with
members and non-members alike on the last
Wednesday of the month at noon for a potluck
lunch, unless noted otherwise.
Darcy Barghols
Parish Potpourri
This month’s smile:
The office has received no phone calls from anyone interested in forming social dinner groups.
To recap: couples and/or individuals would meet
in each other’s homes, have a meal together and
become more aware of interests, skills, hobbies,
etc. Did you forget to call? Here’s another
The Applegates have returned from a three-week
trip to Illinois to attend their high school class
reunion and they did some other fun stuff, of
course. Just ask Martha or Dick.
Angie Hauk and her 2 sister visited Victoria,
Canada for several days on a “3 Sisters” trip.
Darcy Barghols traveled on the same trip she
took as a graduating senior through the Eastern
United States. Although her travel partner was
unable to join her, Darcy still retraced the trip
they had long since enjoyed.
Moses, Jesus, and an old man are golfing. Moses
steps up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and lands in the water trap.
Moses parts the water and chips the ball onto
the green. Jesus steps up to the tee and hits the
ball. It goes sailing over the fairway and lands in
the water trap. Jesus just walks on the water and
chips the ball onto the green. The old man steps
up to the tee and hits the ball. It goes sailing
over the fairway and heads for the water trap.
But just before it falls into the water, a fish
jumps up and grabs the ball in its mouth. As the
fish is falling back down into the water, an eagle
swoops down and grabs the fish in its claws. The
eagle flies off over the green, where a lightning
bolt shoots from the sky and barely misses it.
Startled, the eagle drops the fish. When the fish
hits the ground, the ball pops out of its mouth
and rolls into the hole for a hole-in-one. Jesus
then turns to the old man and says, “Dad, if you
don’t stop fooling around, we won’t bring you
next time.”
Martha Applegate
WSL is collecting “Thank Offering” envelopes throughout
November. Your generosity allows us to support many worthy
causes throughout the year as well as respond to emergency
situations worldwide through Lutheran World Relief.
Happy Birthday
Louis Alfeld
Disa Campbell
Victoria Hauk
October 4th
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Jack Hendrickson
First Lesson — Genesis 2: 18—24
Gail Knippelmeyer
Second Lesson —
Matthew Mylerberg
Hebrews 1: 1—4; 2: 5—12
Gospel Lesson — Mark 10: 2—16
October 11th
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
First Lesson — Amos 5: 6—7; 10—15
Happy Anniversary
Second Lesson — Hebrews 4: 12—16
Gospel Lesson — Mark 10: 17—31
Dallas & Betty Murray
October 18th
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
First Lesson — Isaiah 53: 4—12
Second Lesson — Hebrews 5: 1—10
Gospel Lesson — Mark 10: 35—45
October 25th
Are we missing your special event? Your
Birthday or Anniversary?
Please let Amy know in the office so we
can acknowledge and honor all members
of the church on their special day.
Reformation Sunday
First Lesson — Jeremiah 31: 31—34
Second Lesson — Romans 3: 19—28
Gospel Lesson — John 8: 31—36
To God be the Glory!
Psalm 29
John 1: 14, 16-18
John 2: 1-11
Psalm 19: 1-6
John 11: 1-4
Glory be to God the Father!
John 12: 23-29
John 13: 31-35
Glory be to God the Son!
Glory be the God the Spirit!
John 14: 10-14
God eternal, Three in One!
John 16: 12-15
John 17: 1-5
Philippians 1: 9-11
Washed from us each spot and stain1
Ephesians 1: 11-14
Glory be to Him who bought us,
Ephesians 3: 20-21
Now with God on high to reign!
Psalm 34: 1-3
Philippians 2: 5-11
II Thessalonians 1: 11-12
I Timothy 1: 15-17
II Timothy 4: 16-18
Psalm 79: 8-9
I Peter 4: 10-11
Hebrews 1: 1-4
Hymn 167
Verses 1, 2, 4
Hebrews 2: 5-9
Lutheran Book of Worship
Psalm 115: 1
Romans 15: 7-13
II Corinthians 4: 3-6
Hebrews 13: 20-21
Psalm 85: 7-13
Psalm 66: 1-4
Revelation 21: 22-24
Revelation 4: 9-11
Revelation 5: 11-14
Glory be to God who loved us,
Glory, blessing, praise eternal!
Thus the choir of angels sings.
Honor, riches, pow’r, dominion!
Thus its praise creation brings.
Altar Guild
Sound Technician
Communion Assistant — Bread
Laurie Floren (10/4 & 10/11) Judi Dunnigan (10/18 & 10/25)
Bev Holland
Roger Caldwell
Ted Olsen
Prayers of the People Pastor Mark Menacher
Projectionist Richard Utley
Communion Assistants — Wine Marge Hersom & Thelma Pace
Greeters Ellis Petersen & Loraine Wininger
Usher Team George Hauk
Acolytes Stuart Olsen and Grace Menacher
Communion Assistant — Bread
Ted Olsen
Prayers of the People MaryAnn Boullain
Projectionist Gail Knippelmeyer
Communion Assistants — Wine Darcy Barghols & Karen Skullerud
Greeter JoAnn Hendrickson
Usher Team Shirley Carrington
Acolytes Stuart Olsen and Ryan Yerger
Communion Assistant — Bread
Terry East/Darcy Barghols
Prayers of the People Martha Applegate
Projectionist Richard Utley
Communion Assistants — Wine Shirley Carrington & Thelma Pace
Greeters Marilyn Burns & Marie Handley
Usher Team Chuck Hersom
Acolytes Jayden Miles and Ryan Yerger
Communion Assistant — Bread
Terry East/Darcy Barghols
Prayers of the People Randy Engel
Projectionist TBA
Communion Assistant — Wine Liz Dunnigan & Marge Hersom
Greeters Darcy Barghols
Usher Team Randy Engel
Acolytes Jayden Miles and Grace Menacher
9:00 am Counters
9:00 am Counters
9:00 am Counters
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Sunday School
4:00 pm SLTA
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Sunday School
4:00 pm SLTA
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Sunday School
4:00 pm SLTA
9:00 am Worship
Quarterly Meeting
4:00 pm SLTA
11:00 am Staff
Book Club
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 am Tai Chi
9:30 am Project Day
7:00 pm SLTA
11:00 am Staff
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm SLTA
11:00 am Staff
7:00 pm Choir
Tai Chi
Project Day
Rebekah Circle
Council meeting
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
12:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
11:00 am Staff
7:00 pm Choir
8:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm SLTA
8:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm SLTA
8:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm SLTA
9-10 am Altar Guild
9-10 am Altar Guild
Youth Outing—
Haunted Trails
9-10 am Altar Guild
8:00 am Tai Chi
10:00 am Deborah Circle
7:00 pm SLTA
9-10 am Altar Guild
9-10 am Altar Guild
8:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm SLTA
8:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm SLTA
LA MESA, CA 91942
Phone: 619-463-6633
Email: [email protected]
Dated Material
October 2015
Worship Service: Sundays, 9:00 am
During service childcare is available for ages 5 and under in Lower Level.
Sunday School for all ages—after worship service in Lower Level classrooms.
St. Luke’s Theological Academy—four courses:
Intro to Christian Faith — Sundays at 4:00pm
Reformation Theology — Tuesdays at 7:00pm
Intro to the New Testament — Tuesdays at 7:00pm
Liturgy & Hymns — Thursdays at 7:00pm
Office Closed—October 12th.
Quarterly Congregational Meeting—October 25th after worship service.
St. Luke’s Mission Statement:
We are called as a community of Christians saved by grace
—through faith alone in Jesus Christ—
to spread the Holy Gospel in word, sacrament, and action
soli deo gloria.