Knightly News - Van Buren Schools


Knightly News - Van Buren Schools
Knightly News
Superintendent's Office — 299-3578
High School — 299-3384
Elementary — 299-3416
Congratulations 2009 Valedictorians
Tayler Finsel, Bailey Heminger, Brett Willson, Holly Kendrick,
and Salutatorian Nadine Akra
Tayler Finsel
Bailey Heminger
Holly Kendrick
Tayler is the daughter of Ed and
Tracie Finsel. She has a sister, Halee,
and a brother, Cole.
Tayler participated in Freshman Mentoring, National Honor Society President,
Student Council Secretary, Yearbook, and
Junior State of America. She is involved
in St. Michaels youth group, ECLIPSe,
Appalachia Service Project, and Children
of the Light. Tayler enjoys traveling to
other countries to learn about the culture
and also mission trips abroad. Any extra
time, she spends reading, dancing, doing
crafts, and hanging out with her friends.
Tayler will attend Bowling Green State
University to major in Communication Disorders, then plans to obtain a Masters
Degree in Speech-Language Pathology.
Bailey is the daughter of Kurt and Sue
Heminger. She has one brother, Evan.
Bailey participated in cheerleading,
Show Choir, concert choir, NHS, and
Student Council. She's a member of St.
Marks Church and on the teen advisory
council. Bailey likes singing, dancing,
exercising, and hanging out with friends.
Bailey will attend Ohio Northern University and major in Pharmacy.
Holly is the daughter of Dan and Lisa
Kendrick. She has one brother, Doug.
Holly participated in golf, cheerleading, track, concert choir, Women's chorus, Show Choir, and NHS. Math is her
favorite subject and she enjoys golf in her
free time.
Holly will attend The Ohio State University and major in engineering.
Brett Willson
Nadine is the daughter of Majdi and
Hanan Akra. She has a sister, Jihan.
Nadine participated in Freshman
Mentoring and National Honor Society,
and is a volunteer at Islamic Center of
greater Toledo. She likes reading, writing,
exercising, dancing, and singing.
Nadine is going to The Ohio State
University to major in broadcast journalism and minor in Spanish.
Brett is the son of Dean and Lisa
Brett participated in cross country,
track, concert choir, NHS, Show Choir,
Yearbook staff, and Freshman Mentoring.
He is also involved in 4-H and Hancock
Youth Leadership.
Brett is going to Miami University and
majoring in International Business.
Van Buren Local School
217 South Main Street
Van Buren, Ohio 45889
Published by Van Buren Local School
Address Service Requested
Van Buren Local School
217 South Main Street
Van Buren, Ohio 45889
Volume: 29 No.:9
June 2009
Published nine times per year
Nadine Akra
The price will be the same
as last year and will be
on sale in August.
questions, please call
Randy Ebling at
ext. 305.
to follow
Also, the OHSAA Fall Sports
Mandatory meeting
for all parents and athletes
will be held on Thursday,
August 6 at 7:00 P.M.
in the auditorium.
2009-2010 School Year
All-Sports Pass
Friday, September 11,
2009, Van Buren will
honor the
1989 undefeated football
team at halftime of the
McComb/Van Buren
football game.
Anyone who played on
this team and would like
to be a part, please
contact Athletic Director
Randy Ebling
at 419-299-3384, ext 305.
Nonprofit Organization
Van Buren, Ohio
Permit No. 3
Knightly News
Page 2
MS & HS Honors
June 2009
School News
The VB Academic
Boosters Proudly
Present April
Awesome Knights
Students are chosen monthly by each
high school teacher based upon one or
more of the following: academic achievement; positive attitude; class participation; letter grade improvement; and/or outstanding performance.
All students chosen monthly will receive a free order of cinna stix or cheesy
bread from Dominos and a certificate of
recognition from the Academic Boosters
Back Row: Travis Campbell, Jude Palmer, Jacob Huber, Chelsi Faine, Don Wills, Jacob Huffman, Brett Willson, Erica Arthur.
Front Row: Ben Martin, Skyler Hall, David Lee, Tia Gilkerson, Alex Anderbery, Bailey Hemminger, Elizabeth Kniss, Keliann
Beall. Not Pictured: Jacob Sublett.
April Virtuous Knights
Many VBMS students go above and beyond every day to make our school and community a better place. Each
middle school teacher selects one student per month
as a Virtuous Knight. Virtuous Knights strongly exhibit the following qualities:
Hard-working, Enthusiastic,
Kind to Others, Respectful, Generous, Responsible, School and Self
Each student will receive a free order of cinna
stix or cheesy bread from
Dominos. Congratulations
to the following students Back Row: Grace Haffenden, Carlie Hertel, Ben Souders, Michael Domke, Tory
who have shown themselves Palmer. Front Row: Brice Lawrence, Kailey Leal, Michelle Flanagan, Britton Jackson,
Jacob Williams.
to be Virtuous Knights.
Van Buren High School/Middle School Guidance
Any student who has to complete class credit work before next year needs to contact Mr. Zender for make-up
work information.
The guidance office will reopen on August 4 from 7:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Any changes in scheduling for next year must be done before school starts in the fall in the guidance office,
unless summer school, make-up work, or advancement is involved.
Grade classification requirements for the start of next year are 4 credits to be a sophomore, 9 credits to be a
junior, and 14 credits to be a senior. A letter will be sent out to those students who do not meet these
requirements notifying them of their status and options.
This year's seniors have received a total of over $1.2 million worth of scholarships from several different colleges.
A total of 65 of the 72 graduating seniors have indicated that they will be attending some form of further education.
We also have three graduating seniors enrolling in the military.
Congratulations to High School Biology Teacher
Linda Darnall on her retirement after 33 years at
Van Buren and to Fifth Grade Teacher Tom
Carey who is retiring after 21 years at Van Buren
School. Best of Luck to both of you. You will
be greatly missed!
Have a Safe and
Enjoyable Summer Vacation!
First day of school is Wednesday,
August 19, 2009.
Knightly News
June 2009
Page 3
MS & HS Honors
The Van Buren Academic Boosters are proud to present the
Middle School & High School 4th Nine Weeks Honor Roll
ALL "A's"
6th Grade - Emily Anderbery, Andrew Conner, Rachel George, Jennifer Irving,
Britton Jackson, Jameson Jacobs, Kailey Leal, Nathan Maynard,
Wade Schimmoeller, Isaac Sexton, Alexis Youngpeter
7th Grade - Michael Domke, Madison Endicott, Michelle Flanagan, Robyn Flick,
Jenna Gallello, Zachary Hiris, Kelly McCartney, Tory Palmer, Drew
Patterson, Michael Smith, Alisa Warren
8th Grade - Elyse Anderbery, Sarah Benson, Michaela Conkle, Malynn Eaton,
Kaleigh Frampton, Tessa Gerken, Olivia Godzak, Grace Haffenden,
Brandi Hoyng, Sydney Jameson, Alexis Kelley, Cameron King, Hailey
Lowden, Alec Rampe, Dylan Sexton, George Shawver
9th Grade - Chandler Brown, Jaclyn Cole, Ashton Combs, Brian Davidson, Julia
Endicott, Kaitlyn Endicott, Taylor Fieger, Kiera Gaswint, Lacie Kern,
Elizabeth Kniss, Matthew LaFontaine, Macy McCartney, Tyler McGrain,
Amanda Pummell, Dean Rodabaugh, Stephanie Sawyer, Taylor Watkins
10th Grade - Rachel Adolph, Brooke Barnhisel, Callie Bays, Devon Causey, Matthew Early, Logan Eaton, Aaron Edelbrock, Rebecca Farling, Zachary
Hoehn, Matthew Lee, Colleen McCormick, Richard Meyer, Scott Neall,
Jacob Sexton, Hannah Shank, Megan Stewart, Clayton Sudlow
11th Grade - Lauren Clark, Tarah Clark, Alyson Combs, Ashley Cytlak, Sara
Doxsey, Chelsi Faine, Michael Flanagan, Joseph Gallello, Tia Gilkerson,
Alan Molyet, Catelen Ramsey, Kayla Roberts, Alexander Roszman,
Erika Stacy, Jason Tropf
12th Grade - Nadine Akra, Jacob Allen, Brittany Barnhisel, Courtney Campbell,
Tayler Finsel, Bailey Heminger, Holly Kendrick, Erin Mingus, Jason
Rinker, Laura Thornton, Brett Willson, Breann Zerby
6th Grade -
7th Grade -
8th Grade -
9th Grade -
ALL "A's" and "B's"
Ross Adolph, Allison Arthur, Bryce Bowers, Caitlin Brink, Kristin
Conner, Matthew Cooper, Adam Endicott, Draeton Fasone, Max Frost,
Tabitha Gerken, Bailei Hoyng, Lucas Huber, Brooke Klausing, Brice
Lawrence, Jessica Lawrence, Alyssa Miller, Abigail Phillips, Justin
Phillips, Ian Rafferty, Evan Schuh, Chancellor Sonnenberg, Audrie
Lindsey Barchent, Kaylee Boney, Tyler Clark, Brandon Edelbrock,
Zara Fournier, Carlie Hertel, Nicholas Hoehn, James Irving, Ashley
Overmyer, Gregory Paul, Scott Phillips, Ivan Quezada, Jonathan
Rafferty, Rachel Resnik, Natalie Risser, Joel Schumacker, Elijah
Simon, Devon Spieker, Courtney VanHorn, Matthew Wilkins, Macaulay
Chandler Adams, Ryan Adolph, Austin Bisbee, Ryan Brauneller,
Mercedes Brooks, Andrew Chicotel, Heather Clark, Heather DeBouver,
Laura Endicott, Audrey Evans, Morgan Flick, Emily Gilkerson, Sarah
Greer, Cheyenne Iliff, Emily Lammers, Ashley Lovell, Brady Lucas,
Daniel Moon, Todd Neall, Joshua Pettry, Cala Reynolds, Brayton
Schmitz, Ashley Smith, Kayla Sonnenberg, Brennon Swain, Kristen
Tropf, Monique Walton, Garrett Ward, David Weber
Ashley Benishek, Joseph Claes, Brandon Conner, Allison Devore,
Elizabeth Ehrnschwender, Amber Ellinger, Jacob Gilliland, Meagan
Grine, Thomas Haase, Skylar Hall, Jessica Hammond, Caitlyn Hickman,
Maegan Hollar, Jacob Huffman, Zane Kieffer, Bryon Lako, Megan Lee,
Cory Mathias, Jeremiah McDougle, Paige Pierce, Joshua Roberts,
Justin Roberts, Sara Roth, Kailie Scarlett, Scott Wymer
10th Grade - Erica Arthur, Riley Bayer, Joshua Bishop, Jessica Borsani, Jacob
Brown, Jordan Cassidy, Madison Coldren, Zachary Fournier, Kevin
Haase, Kylie Jacomet, Kalyn Leeper, Brandon Lucas, Taylor Miller,
Jacob Monday, Jude Palmer, Lindsay Rinker, Christopher Smith,
Chadwick Sonnenberg, Emily Toupalik, Layne Turner, Kasie Wilkins,
Olivia Wills
11th Grade - Alex Anderbery, Samantha Benson, Jessica Blakely, Brittany Borsani,
Sarah Brink, Brittany Brown, Karleigh Carman, Dillon Flick, Madison
Grant, Jordan Hammond, Dillon Jameson, Steven Jett, David Lee,
Katlin Mackedanz, Anthony Male, Nichole May, Dana Motter, Nathan
Murphy, Nicholas Rafferty, Morgan Tackett
12th Grade - Keliann Beall, Kalie Beltz, Derek Brauneller, Brittany Bucher, Brittni
Clark, Taylor Colgate, Clay Eaton, Brittany Fagan, Joshua Gilliland,
Adam Harris, Samantha Holbrook, Corbin King, Travis Kingsley,
Lindsay Laney, Michelle Long, Matthew May, Sean McCormick,
Mackenzi Monday, Matthew Nye, Kelsey Orians, Kevin Ragless,
Katelynn Romaker, Michael Ryder, Evan Shank, Lacey Simon, Jacob
Trees Planted in Honor of Retirement
The Van Buren Music Boosters dedicated a “Black Knight Butterfly Bush” to Mr.
Tom Carey in honor of his retirement. Also, The Van Buren Staff and VBEA dedicated
Red Bud trees to Mr. Tom Carey and Mrs. Linda Darnall for their years of service at
Van Buren Schools. Mrs. Darnall’s tree has been planted near her classroom window.
Mr. Carey’s tree is in the main Medieval Garden.
Fifth grade students from Mr. Carey’s homeroom planted the bush in the elementary
Medieval Garden along the entrance of the bridge.
Knightly News
Page 4
June 2009
Congratulations to the Class of 2009
Nadine Majdi Akra
Majdi & Hanan Akra
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Marie Berry Scholarship
OSU Trustees Scholarship
The Ohio State University
Nicholas Dean DeBouver
Jeff & Sharon DeBouver
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
UT Rocket Scholarship
University of Toledo
Brittany Lee Barnhisel
Rod & Amy Barnhisel
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma - Secretary
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Hancock Wood Elec Coop Scholar
Turkey Hunters Scholarship
Derek Michael Brauneller
Sean & Carol Brauneller
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
UF Competition Award
UF Presidential Scholarship
University of Findlay
Courtney Cheyenne Campbell
Robert & Gina Campbell
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
BGSU Heritage Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
Brittni Nicole Clark
Richard & Betty Clark
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
Barton College Opportunity Grant
Barton College Stone Scholarship
Barton College
Ohio Northern Deans Scholarship
Ohio Northern University
Clay R. Eaton
Dan & Lori Eaton
Honor Society
Oberlin College Grant
Oberlin College
Tayler Marie Finsel
Ed & Tracie Finsel
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma - Treasurer
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma - Student Council
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
VB Lions Club Scholarship
Beth Heck Scholarship
Findlay Rotary Scholarship
Kiwanis Scholarship
Franklin Walters Scholarship
BGSU Pell Grant Scholarship
Class Motto
Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself.
Bailey Michelle Heminger Samantha Myranda Holbrook
Carl Holbrook & Tammy
Kurt & Sue Heminger
BGSU Academic Competition Grant
BGSU Centenial Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
VB Lions Club Scholarship
Findlay Panhellenic Scholarship
Blanchard Valley Hospital
Zonta Scholarship
Honor Graduate
Owens Pell Grant
Owens CC Trustees Scholar
Owens Community College
Ohio Northern Deans Scholarship
Ohio Northern University
Blue and Pink Ribbons were worn by
the Seniors in rememberance of
Olivia Gibson and Chaz Johnson
Knightly News
June 2009
Page 5
Congratulations to the Class of 2009
Holly Ann Kendrick
Dan & Lisa Kendrick
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
Corbin Brady King
John & Valerie King
Honor Society
Owens Community College
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Lindsay Ann Laney
Teresa Langenderfer
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
BGSU Heritage Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
OSU Trustees Scholarship
The Ohio State University
Matthew James May
Erin Rachel Mingus
Ed & Robin May
Steven & Connie Mingus
Honor Society
Matthew R. Copus Memorial
Bluffton Alumni Scholarship
Bluffton University
Class Colors
Orange and White
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Tiffin Presidential Scholarship
Tiffin University
Michelle Renee Long
Dave & Ann Long
Brett Aaron Lucas
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
OWU Deans Award
OWU Bishop Grant
OWU Grant
OWU Choice Grant
Ohio Wesleyan University
Don & Michelle Lucas
Honor Society
Ohio University
Kevin David Ragless
Jason Paul Rinker
Katelynn Rene Romaker
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma
Federal Pell Grant
Ohio College Opportunity Grant
David & Diane Ragless
John & Susan Rinker
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
VB Athletic Boosters Scholarship
ONU Achievement Award
ONU General Grant
ONU Deans Scholarship
Ohio Northern University
Class Flower
Orange-Tipped White
Junior Class Escorts
Erika Stacy &
Alex Roszman
Dean & Christianna Romaker
BGSU Academic Competitive Grant
Falcon Soars Scholarship
BGSU Founders Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
Class Advisor
Linda Schwemley
Knightly News
Page 6
June 2009
Congratulations to the Class of 2009
Laura Christine Thornton
Dan & Chris Thornton
Benjamin David Ward
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma - Vice President
Honor Society
Owens Pell Grant
Owens Community College
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Morrill Scholarship
Blanchard Valley Hospital
The Ohio State University
Kenneth & Sara Ward
Of Luck
Class of
Jacob R. Allen
Dennis Allen & Carol Allen
Owens Community College
McKinley James Armstrong
Dennis Armstrong & Karin
Air Force
Brett Matthew Willson
Dean & Lisa Willson
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma - Student Council
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Breann Ariel Zerby
Steve & MaryBeth Zerby
Honor Society - Honor Graduate
Honor Diploma - President
Academic Booster Book Scholarship
Whirlpool Sons & Daughters
Clyde Findlay Area Credit
Union Scholarship
Dillman Scholarship
Miami Grant
Miami University
Blanchard Valley Hospital
Findlay Light Opera Eleanor S.
Mitchell Vocal Music Scholarship
Findlay Exchange Scholarship
Findlay Elks Scholarship
American Business Womens
ONU Talent Scholarship
ONU Enhanced Deans Scholarship
Ohio Northern University
James Michael Aukerman
Duane & Diane Aukerman
Brendan Scott Baker
Terri Kuntz & 'late' Gerald
Owens Community College
Taylor N. Hummell
Mark Hummell & Cathy
Curran Scholarship
Federal Pell Grant
Ohio College Opportunity Grant
BGSU Academic Grant
Falcon Soars Scholarship
BGSU Heritage Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
Keliann Louise Beall
Bob Beall & Kris Lause
Bowling Green State University
Knightly News
June 2009
Page 7
Congratulations to the Class of 2009
Kaelan Christian Bell
Kalie Kristine Beltz
Jonna Nichole Boyette
BGSU Founders Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
Laurie Beltz
Steve Boyette & LaGena Boyette
Owens Community College
Brittany Lynn Bucher
Jacklyn Linsey Cahoon
Craig & Kathy Bell
Brad & Bev Bucher
Air Force
Vera England
Stephen & Dawn Saiter
Bill Cahoon
Brittany Lynn Fagan
Danny & Connie Fagan
VB Athletic Boosters Scholarship
Paul E. Hostettler Scholarship
Burger King Scholarship
Ohio Academy Scholarship
The Ohio Academy - Paul Mitchell
Emily Elizabeth Braithwaite
Jennifer Luke
Tara Lee Brubaker
Vickey Brubaker
Owens Community College
Owens Community College
Taylor Renee Colgate
Doug & Cindy Colgate
Devin Eugene Cooper
School of Advertising Art
Owens Community College
Owens Community College
Nicholas A. Frena
Levi Patrick Gaswint
Joshua Steven Gilliland
Terra Community College
University of Findlay
Tracy Frena
Terra Community College
Greg & Kris Cooper
Patrick & Lisa Gaswint
Brown Mackie College
Christopher S. Davis
Jay & Sandra Davis
Steve & Carie Gilliland
Knightly News
Page 8
June 2009
Congratulations to the Class of 2009
Anthony David Levi Grine
David Grine & Trisha
Adam James Harris
Aaron & Dawn Harris
Owens Community College
Nick P. Huber
Chris & Anita Huber
Bowling Green State University
Andrew Joseph Huffman
Ed Huffman & Wanda
Owens Community College
Army GI Bill
Owens Community College
Benjamin E. Martin
William G.H. Martin
Sean Daniel McCormick
Brooke Ashley McGuire
Michael & Melanie Martin
Judy Smith
Patrick & Lori McCormick
Mike McGuire & Karen McGuire
Owens Community College
University of Northwestern Ohio
Matthew James Nye
Kelsey Danielle Orians
David & Becky Nye
Cooper Scholarship
BGSU Founders Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
Bill & Robin Orians
Owens Community College
Owens Community College
Mia Helenia Otto
Tim Otto & Deb Otto
School of Advertising Art
Travis J. Kingsley
Scott & Linda Kingsley
Lima Buckeye Distinction
The Ohio State University - Lima
Mackenzi Renee Monday
Chad Monday & Terri Ward
Rhodes State College
Owens Pell Grant
Owens Community College
Chelsie Raeann Potteiger
Keith & Stacy Potteiger
Trevor Steven Ratliff
VB Music Boosters Scholarship
Bluffton University
University of Wisconsin
Tammy McCoy
Knightly News
June 2009
Page 9
Congratulations to the Class of 2009
Thomas Marion Rinker
Mary Jane Rinker
Eagle Scout Scholarship
University of Northwestern Ohio
Michael Paul Ryder
Matthew Ryder & Paula
Jacob D. Sublett
Bowling Green State University
James & Elaine Wilkinson
University of Findlay
Tracy & Christine Sansom
Owens Community College
Owens Community College
Ciera Nicole Sonnenberg
Joe & April Sonnenberg
Hannah Elizabeth Wilkinson
Jacob Ryan Sansom
Brian & Jo Sublett
Donald Chandler Wills II
Jeff & Diana Wills
Owens Community College
Daniel D. Sullivan
Mark Sullivan
Owens Community College
Eddie Charles Worthy Jr.
Sharece Jackson
University of Toledo
Evan K. Shank
Terry & Jane Shank
UT Rocket Scholarship
University of Toledo
Lacey Jordan Simon
Steven & Christine Simon
Rhodes State College
Joseph Michael Szczublewski
Maria Francis Weigman
Owens Community College
Bowling Green State University
James & Theresa Szczublewski
Christina Lupi
Rene & Virginia Dore
(Host Family)
Foreign Exchange Student
John & Martha Weigman
Gerrit Sauer
Pete & Sharon Male
(Host Family)
Foreign Exchange Student
Knightly News
Page 10
June 2009
Art News
Best of Show
Taylor Colgate
Rookie of the Year
Rachel Adolph
Back Row: Malynn Eaton, Michaela Conkle, Cameron King, Ashleigh Farr, Kaleigh
Frampton. Front Row: Olivia Godzak, Monique Walton, Harley Ganshow, Mackenzie
Hiatt, Draeton Fasone. Not Pictured: Drew Conner.
Portfolio Design:
Best of Class - Layne Turner
1st - Brooke Barnhisel
2nd - Rachel Adolph
3rd - Callie Bays
Honorable Mention - Cara Treece
Honorable Mention - Julia Edelbrock
Pastel, Charcoal & Ink:
Best of Class - Kayla Roberts
1st - Laura Thornton
2nd - Morgan Tackett
3rd - Mackenzi Monday
Honorable Mention - Tori Swain
Honorable Mention - Sarah Brink
Varied & Mixed Media:
Best of Class - Emily Braithwaite
1st - Sarah Brink
2nd - Jordan Cassidy
3rd - Mackenzi Monday
Honorable Mention - Keliann Beall
Honorable Mention - Becca Farling
Honorable Mention - Emily Braithwaite
Honorable Mention - Carol Campbell
Best of Class - Zach Fournier
1st - Emily Braithwaite
2nd - Becca Farling
3rd - Thomas Haase
Honorable Mention - Taylor Shackelford
Honorable Mention - Courtney Campbell
Honorable Mention - Jordan Hammond
Honorable Mention - Morgan Tackett
Pencil Drawing:
Best of Class - Sarah Brink
1st - Courtney Campbell
2nd - Sarah Brink
3rd - Sarah Brink
Honorable Mention - Taylor Colgate
Honorable Mention - MIa Otto
Honorable Mention - Tiffany Keiser
Best of Class - Mia Otto
1st - Courtney Campbell
2nd - Colleen McCormick
3rd - Desere Stanford
Honorable Mention - Keliann Beall
Honorable Mention - Zach Fournier
Middle School
Best of Class - Cameron King
1st - Mackenzie Hiatt
2nd - Olivia Godzak
3rd - Draeton Fasone
Honorable Mention - Ashleigh Farr
Honorable Mention - Kaleigh Frampton
1st - MIchaela Conkle
2nd - Malynn Eaton
3rd - Drew Conner
Honorable Mention - Harley Ganshow
Honorable Mention - Monique Walton
Peoples Choice Award
Mia Otto
Front Row: Rachel Adolph, Sarah Brink, Kayla Roberts, Zach Fournier, Taylor Colgate, Emily Braithwaite, Mia Otto,
Layne Turner. Middle Row: Brooke Barnhisel, Jordan Hammond, Tiffany Keiser, Morgan Tackett, Taylor Shackelford,
Becca Farling, Cara Treece, Jordan Cassidy. Back Row: Callie Bays, Tori Swain, Keliann Beall, Mackenzi Monday,
Laura Thornton, Courtney Campbell, Desere Stanford, Colleen McCormick. Not Pictured: Julia Edelbrock, Thomas
Rock Star Award
Sarah Brink
June 2009
Knightly News
Page 11
School News
Locks for Love
Amanda Simon, a former
Van Buren student, was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma
the fall of her sophomore year.
She was an inspiration to her
friends, the student body, faculty, and community at Van
Buren. On September 9, 2008,
Amanda lost her fight against
cancer. Following this tragic
event, Mr. Daniels, Van Buren’s
industrial technology teacher,
decided to ask students from
Van Buren to consider donating their hair to Locks of Love in honor of Amanda. He
held an informational meeting for those interested and planned for a spring, schoolwide event. Girls and boys were able to grow their locks throughout the school year
to assure adequate length and accommodate all who wanted to participate and
An assembly for the student body was held on May 18, 2009, at 9:30 A.M. in honor
of Amanda Simon. Forty-two students, elementary through high school, and one staff
member with their backs facing the audience, hair bundled in ponytails, lining the
gymnasium, sat waiting to have their hair cut for donation. These Van Buren staff and
students helped collect over 400 inches of hair for Locks of Love. Several area stylists
helped to make this event possible. Diane Ward, Pratt Image Salon; Ronnie Fournier
& Colleen Reynolds, Illusions; Sue Wise & Sharon Yost, Main Impressions; and
Rashae Frost & Sharon Neall, Creative Hair Design donated their time and talents to
style each donors hair throughout the day. Austin Grant’s salon collected 19 bundles
from recent customers to donate in Amanda’s name. At the end of the day the student
body at Van Buren filed into the gymnasium again to see each donor model their new
hair style.
Mazza Young Authors
Twenty students from Van Buren Elementary School were invited to attend the Mazza
Discovery Series featuring Chris Soentpiet on Sunday, May 17 at the Mazza Museum in
the Gardner Fine Arts Pavilion, The University of Findlay. The students introduced Mr.
Soentpiet by writing their own special lyrics to the tune, “We Will Rock You” which
highlighted the author/illustrators biographical information and major accomplishments.
Each student spent approximately two months writing and illustrating their very own
children’s book. Most books were created during the 4th and 5th grade VANTAGE reading
time. The students wrote their stories with Mrs. Ohlrich and learned how to publish and edit
their stories through Microsoft Word using a special book document tool. The students
then spent time conferencing with Mrs. Van to illustrate their book and design a creative
cover to attract readers of all ages.
The students brought his/her illustrated book to share at an “author table” at Mazza with
over 200 audience members. Each student had a chance to meet with Chris Soentpiet
individually while they conducted a book signing session. Students who participated in
the Mazza Discovery Series were: (5th Grade) AJ Arriaga, Morgan Drake, Kylie Sturgill,
Savannah McIntosh, Cole Ohlrich, Tom Rowles, Andrew Kelley, Jared Smith, Corey
Buchholtz, Carlee Schmelzer, and Callie Spears; and (4th Grade) Laura Harper, Abby
Patterson, Summer Poland, Allison Snider, Aaron Rinehart, Mitchell Endicott, and Zoie
Joint Phys Ed Classes
Enjoy Day of Bowling
On March 6, Mr. Master's sixth
period Physical Education class
accompanied Van Buren's multiple
disabilities unit to Sportman's Bowling Lanes in Findlay for an exciting
day of bowling. The students each
had a buddy that they bowled with
the entire day. The students from
both classes were able to let loose
and have fun while also getting to
know their buddy. Many surprised
themselves with strikes and high
scores. Bowling day has become
a yearly tradition that all can enjoy!
Page 12
Knightly News
June 2009
Elementary News
April & May Knights of the Round Table
Students selected by their noon monitors enjoyed lunch and an ice cream treat as “Round Table Knights” — a reward for their positive attitude and behavior during the
months of April and May. Students were also able to invite a friend or family member to join them at the round table.
April – Back Row: Abby Patterson, Alexis Kiefer, Callie Spears, Cole Ohlrich, Kylie
Sturgill, Justin Chu, Kami Boney, Haley Hall. Middle Row: Natasha Simons, Jessica
Roberts, Josie Masters, Connor Ohlrich, Joshua Seitz, Makenzie Harvey, Alex
Godzak. Front Row: Halle McBride, Katelyn Chu, Audrey Nessler, Lucas Badertscher,
Jordan Spoon, Joshua Bowles.
May – Back Row: Justin Routzon, Virginia Bush, Zach Bowling, Elena Beitzel,
Tucker Squire, Ashley Franklin, Jacob Badertscher. Middle Row: Ron Koehnke,
Emma Scarberry, Mason Miarer, Kevin Beall, Erika Davenport, Jordan Siferd, Natalee
Harris. Front Row: Karis Brown, Christopher Routson, DeLainie Bland, Cooper
Gitcheff, Dante Spieker, Ryan Turner.
The Ohio Quilt Project
The Ohio quilt project originated as a collaborative effort with the Mazza Museum. Originally, Van Buren
chose the work “B is for Buckeye, An Ohio Alphabet” written by Marcia Schonberg and illustrated by Bruce
Langton to use as a beginning for our
art illustrations. From those illustrations 24 works were chosen to be
displayed in the Mazza Museum.
These 24 works were on display from
April 28 to June 19, 2009, in the Virginia B. Gardner Fine Art Pavilion on
the campus of the University of Findlay. Because the children did such an
outstanding job of illustrating their
ideas about our state, and there were
so many wonderful art works, the
project evolved. Thus, the Ohio Quilt
came about. Each group played a
special part in making this quilt. First
grade, created, cut and sewed the
buckeyes found in the red squares;
second grade students, created, cut
and sewed the cardinals in the blue
squares; third grade students, created, cut and sewed leaves and branches for the cardinals; fifth grade students created the ladybug border
using French knots and appliqué techniques and the Ohio letters. Eighty-eight drawings were chosen to
represent the 88 counties in Ohio. These drawings were originally done in black pen and watercolor. The
drawings were chosen from grades 1-5.
A special thanks goes to Mrs. Holli Swope for helping to sew the many pieces together to make our
Post Prom 2009
Congratulations to the following students who won door prizes at
the Van Buren Jr. and Sr. Post Prom held on Saturday, May 16, 2009.
Ausus Laptop Notebook
Tom Tom GPS’s
Canon Camera Sets
Portable DVD player 2
Adam Harris & Travis Kingsley
Taylor Hummel & Chelsea Faine
Tommy Rinker & David Lee
Anthony Grine
Red Hawk Run Player Gift Cert
Lindsey McDaniel & Luke Routson
2 Pair of Toledo Mudhen’s Tickets Lindsey Laney & Brett Lucas
1 hour Massage Therapy (Shannon Watkins)
Stephanie Jett
1 Pair of Cedar Point Ticket
Alexandra McGrain
1 $50 Gift Certificate (Keepsake Portraits)
Amy August
1 50 tent rental (Tents ‘N’ Stuff)
Brett Wilson
Emergency Car Kit
Amanda Couchet
1 $50 Walmart Gift Certificate
Addison Sterling
Whirlpool Microwave
Katelyn DeVore
And a BIG thanks to the following Sponsors of the post prom:
Ball Metal
Blanchard Valley Farmer’s Cooperative
Closets Unlimited
Clyde – Findlay Area Credit Union
Findlay Publishing Company
Hancock Wood Electric
Hosler Corbin Insurance
Junior Class Concessions
Northwest Ohio Orthopedics
Van Buren Lions Club
Whirlpool Corporation
Knightly News
June 2009
Page 13
Elementary News
VANTAGE Architects – Building Big
For the past nine weeks, VANTAGE students have been experiencing the
challenges and excitement of building on a large scale. They have been studying
Skyscrapers, Bridges and Domes while applying many ideas in physics, math,
language arts and history. Each class began the unit by researching facts about their
own house and area/neighborhood they live within and then writing descriptive essays.
VANTAGE classes also created an Architecture alphabet book from the many new
vocabulary words they have been learning.
The students were able to go on an architectural scavenger hunt down South Main
Street in Findlay, Ohio. To apply their vocabulary knowledge, students took digital
pictures of the many architectural terms they had been learning in class. Mrs. Linda
Paul led the architectural walk. She told the students many historical stories about
Findlay while pointing out architectural features of the many wonderful homes. The
students were also able to tour the Corporate Research building which was the old
“Kirk” warehouse.
The VANTAGE students then spent several weeks conducting a variety of handson experiments to understand the forces of structures. The students then applied that
knowledge to accomplish
many challenges like building the tallest structures
out of a variety of materials
from drinking straws and
paper clips to toothpicks
and marshmallows. They
also designed several extremely creative skyscrapers. Some classes were
even able to create geodesic domes with newspaper
and masking tape that was
strong enough to support
25-40 pounds.
Tony Damon, CEO of
SSOE Inc., was able to
visit our classroom to dis-
Post Prom 2009
cuss his passion about architecture and engineering. The students were overwhelmed
by the amount of details that he has to put into his blueprints and designs. He also
shared the many challenges involved in his career. He stressed to the students that
Problem Solving is key to his line of field. He shared many of his projects and informed
the students how important their math, science, language arts and history classes
were to a career in architecture.
The culminating project for 4th and 5th graders involved creating toothpick bridges
which allowed students to use arithmetic calculations and geometry to design, plan
and build scale model bridges. Working in groups of 4-6, student contractors operated
simulated architectural firms to create strong, economical bridges and account for
construction costs. Applying math and the knowledge of forces of structures was key
to the success of this project. The end of this project resulted in five successful bridges
that held anywhere from 2 – 6 pounds. The strongest bridge was created by the “Triple
B’s” team (Bridge Building Buddies). Members of that team were: Andrew Kelley,
Morgan Drake, Kylie Sturgill, AJ Arriaga, and Ian Kern.
Page 14
Knightly News
June 2009
Sports News
ECLIPSe Recognition Banquet
Van Buren Schools, in cooperation with The Hancock County Educational Service
Center, received a “Recognition Award for Best Practices in Service Learning” from the
Ohio Department of Education, Learn and Serve Ohio. Van Buren’s Medieval Garden
was recognized as an outstanding service-learning project at the ECLIPSe Recogni-
tion Banquet May 19, 2009. Connor Ohlrich, Abby Patterson, Zoie Nieto, Tom Rowles,
Savannah McIntosh, and Cole Ohlrich created and performed a presentation about our
Medieval Garden to the Findlay Community. They showed the audience many photos
of our garden from 2005 – 2009. Each student explained the importance of our garden
and how all grade levels use real-world learning in our garden. Learn and Serve Ohio
has granted Van Buren Schools approximately $15,000 dollars over the past 5 years
to implement this service learning project. Our Medieval Garden has been created
through grants, fundraisers, and community donations. Have you walked through our
Did you know?
More than 80% of students say
that if schools provided chances for
real world learning it would improve
their chances of graduating from
high school. Service Learning is a
powerful educational strategy that
provides an opportunity for real-world
learning. Here are a few things you
may see our students doing in the
garden . . .
Kindergarten/First Grade
Kindergarten students plant pumpkins in the spring and harvest them the following
year when they are in the first grade. Kindergarten students research butterflies and
first graders research insects.
Second Grade
Second grade research and nurture their Ohio native trees. They
maintain their hummingbird garden
and sunflower patch while researching hummingbird plants that attract
hummingbirds and garden designing. They make garden journals in
art class that they use to write about
things they see, hear, feel and smell
in the Medieval Garden.
Third Grade
The third grade study pioneers.
The students learn about different
herbs and how they were used by
pioneers. Then they plant herbs in the
Medieval Garden. Each spring the
third grade is responsible for cleaning
up the gardens, replanting herbs, and
mulching the beds. The students
raise money for their herbs during a
unit on economy. They plan, advertise and work at a bake sale held during lunch times in the elementary cafeteria.
Fourth Grade
The fourth grade measures the perimeter of our gardens in math class and use
their information to estimate how many
annuals are needed for our Medieval
garden. They then order the annuals
and plant them 12 inches apart. The
students also use our Ohio Native
Trees to work on leaf classification.
The fourth grade studies the weather in
our garden.
Fifth Grade
The fifth grade measures the area
of the gardens in math class. They
then use those measurements to calculate the volume of mulch needed to
maintain our gardens yearly. Fifth graders also make informational brochures and
videos about our garden for all elementary students to use.
Middle School
Middle School students continue to weed, replace plants, mulch and maintain the
gardens they designed and created in elementary.
High School
High school students act as role models to help the elementary students problem
solve and accomplish tasks in our Medieval garden. They have constructed an outdoor
classroom for our school, bird houses and herb beds.
Garden Timeline:
2005 – Van Buren Schools created curricular-tied Medieval Gardens. In the
middle of the gardens, a stone bridge was constructed to connect the
elementary, middle school and high school.
2006 – Van Buren Students worked together to design and construct an
Outdoor Learning Center which is used by the students and community.
2007 – An “Administrative Garden” was created.
2008 – Handicapped accessible walkways were added to all gardens. The
parents organization purchased a Weather Bug system for all classes
to use.
2009 – Students worked with Aqua Lawn in math classes to evaluate and
design an irrigation system. An irrigation system was installed to
maintain and water the main garden in the summer months.
These projects act as a catalyst to create a bond between the school and
community, which has instilled service learning and volunteerism.
June 2009
Knightly News
Page 15
Elementary News
Elementary Music and Art Extravaganza
Elementary End of Year Picnic
The Van Buren elementary students entertained the masses at the second annual
Music and Art Extravaganza on May 13. The extravaganza included a concert held
in the high school gym and an art gallery, featuring work by all of the elementary
students in first through fifth grades.
The concert started the night off with grades first through fifth and included the fifth
grade band. The theme of the concert was farm animals. First grade, directed by Mrs.
Meg Ramlow started the show with a cute rendition of “B-I-N-G-O “and continued to
excite the crowd with “Snuggle Puppy” and “Barn Yard Dance, “ First grade was
dressed in cowboy and cowgirl clothing and even danced around the gym. Miss Darci
Van Vlerah directed both the 2nd and 3rd grades. The 2nd grade sang the old tune “How
Much is that Doggie in the Window?” and also “Sheep Shearing,” while the third grade
sang an American lullaby titled “All the Pretty Little Horses” and “Turkey in the Straw.”
Mr. Rick Eakin’s 4th grade students sang two songs, including “The Owl and the
Cuckoo," which featured recorders, and the English folk tune “The Derby Ram.” The
5th grade was not to be out-done, climbed the risers in cowboy and cowgirl attire, and
ended the singing with three selections, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “O, What a
Beautiful Morning,” “I’m an Ol’ Cow Hand,” and the familiar folk tune “Home on the
Range.” They were directed by Mr. James Vaughn. The 5th grade band was a
wonderful addition to the concert and performed “Crown Point March,” Join the Crowd,”
and dedicated their last piece “Tweet, Boom, Crash” to retiring 5th grade teacher Mr.
Tom Carey.
The evening was far from over. The swarm of people headed over to the elementary
castle to walk through the art gallery filled with two pieces of art gathered from every
child by Mrs. Jane Vanden Eynden. The featured work this year was the stunning Ohio
quilt, designed with a map of Ohio. The quilt was created entirely by the elementary
students and hung in the cafeteria for all to see. The elementary tree was adorned with
Chinese dragons and lanterns. The cafeteria and hallway were covered with art media
ranging from drawings and prints, to oil pastels. Other work included 3-D pop art food,
which looked good enough to eat, 3-D dogs, and interior apartments.
Needless to say, the fine arts night at Van Buren was a success and every child
who participated did a fantastic job.
This year’s Last Day Picnic was another successful event! Due to the rain we had
to picnic in the cafeteria but it was still a lot of fun. Special thanks goes to all who gave
a donation of time and/or money, especially:
• All the VB kids who donated $1 – we collected over $250
• Matt Conkle and ‘the dads’ - they grilled all those hot dogs on a grill provided
by Chris McKinley
• Max & Erma’s Restaurant - they provided a FREE Sundae Bar for everyone
– they brought the ice cream, toppings, bowls, spoons, and even Max & Erma
came to visit with the kids
• Coca-Cola – donated most of the beverages
• Van Buren Elementary Parents’ Association – paid for the picnic beyond what
was donated and they also helped with shopping for the food and supplies
• Chris McMonigal – ordered food and arranged for delivery to the school
• Nicole Seitz and more than 40 additional volunteers gladly served food,
squeezed ketchup bottles, swept the floor, etc.
• Many more people deserve thanks for helping with our traditional Last Day
Picnic – THANK YOU!
2nd Grade Evaluates Potato Chips
The second grade classes have been working on evaluative thinking during their
Whole Class Enrichment time.
They learned that important
decisions should be based on
factual criteria, not opinion,
and that criteria can be placed
on a grid with several solutions from which to choose.
The solutions can then be rank
ordered to evaluate the best
overall option. To review this
process, the second graders
evaluated several brands of
potato chips. They had to
brainstorm criteria for a perfect chip. Some criteria they used were crispness, taste,
greasiness, fat grams, and cost. Then they sampled chips to evaluate the best overall
option. In all three second grade classes, Pringles chips were ranked as the number
one choice!
Page 16
Knightly News
June 2009
School News
Making a Difference
Van Buren students found that making a difference for someone else is beneficial
to everyone involved. The Second Grade service project involved raising money for
Ehlena, a five year old girl with physical challenges. A working dog will help Ehlena
meet some of these challenges and achieve greater independence. Our challenge
was to help her family with
the costs associated with
the ten day training period
later this year, when
Ehlena and her working
dog will meet and learn
how to work together.
The project began with
learning about pets vs.
working dogs and encompassed many areas of
learning as the students
planned and prepared the
service projects. This included: writing, assembly
lines, advertising, working
in groups, problem-solving, projecting sales, website visits, and counting money and
The first part of the project involved selling dog biscuits during lunch periods. This
sale was held in conjunction with our animal-themed Right-to-Read celebration. At
the end of the school year a “Dimes for Dogs” carnival took place for two consecutive
afternoons. Twelve games of fun and skill were managed by the second graders.
Excitement was in the air as the students met Ehlena on the first day of the carnival.
At the end of the year closing ceremony for the elementary, the school cheered
as Ehlena and her extended family, the Allens, from Van Buren received a check for
one thousand dollars!
Senior Breakfast
On Wednesday, May 20, 2009, our senior class members were treated to a
fantastic breakfast sponsored by the seniors’ parents. Several parents of seniors
came up with the idea of offering our senior class members breakfast to thank them
for all their hard work and dedication during these past four years in high school. The
high school teachers were also invited to attend the Senior Breakfast. Everyone
enjoyed pancakes, French toast, donuts, scrambled eggs, several types of quiche,
sausage, fruit, milk, juice
and coffee. It was a great
time for teachers and
senior students to get
together to thank each
other and to say their
farewells. On behalf of
the Van Buren High
School teachers and administration, we want to
thank the senior parents
for a wonderful idea and
all your hard work to prepare and present this
wonderful meal and time
of sharing.
Kids Walk for Diabetes
This year the elementary students and staff decided to end the year learning more
about Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. Our “Person of Honor” was fifth grader Brayden Harris.
Brayden was diagnosed with diabetes when he was in second grade at Van Buren.
With help from his family, Brayden does such a good job managing his diabetes that
most people weren’t aware he even had diabetes. Therefore, we had two goals for this
year’s Last Day Walk.
The first goal was to raise awareness about Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. We learned
that there are many famous people who have it (like singer Nick Jonas and actress
Halle Berry), we learned the myths of diabetes (yes, Brayden can eat sugary snacks
like cookies but he needs to adjust his insulin shots), and we also learned what
diabetes actually is and how serious it can be (it is caused by the pancreas not
producing insulin and if not treated properly it can cause death).
Our second goal was to raise funds to help two diabetes organizations. We raised
$1,228.84 through the generous donations of students and staff at Van Buren
Elementary. This money will help the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (which
supports medical research to help find a cure) and also Diabetes Youth Services
(works with families in our area and also provides a summer camp for kids with
diabetes). For more information about these organizations or to make a donation, visit or .
This is the third year the elementary has ended the last day of school with a “Walk”
and once again the Clyde-Findlay Area Credit Union donated bottles of water for
everyone. The first year we walked in honor of Relay for Life and last year we walked
for the A-T Children’s Project. This year’s walk was slightly different because the rain
kept us in the gym but we all decided it was just as fun as being outside on the track!