Line Up Masonry - The Blue Valley Times


Line Up Masonry - The Blue Valley Times
JANUARY 19, 2016
A Special Screening of ‘Labyrinth’
to Celebrate David Bowie’s Life
By Lorna O’Farrell
STROUDSBURG - On January 10, 2016, the world lost one of the most influential,
and talented musicians to grace the industry, when David Bowie passed away at the
age of 69, after an 18 month battle with liver cancer. Rather than mourn his death, the
Sherman Theater has decided to honor and celebrate him, by putting one of his most
memorable works, the movie Labyrinth, up on the big screen, once more.
Labyrinth, which has become quite the cult classic, was released in 1986, and was
created by some of the biggest names in movies. Jim Henson, master of puppetry,
was the Director, and Lucasfilm, the product of George Lucas, and the masterminds
behind the Star Wars Saga, produced the film. David Bowie, who
was already a huge name in music at the time, played a lead role in
Labyrinth, Jareth, the Goblin King. The role was an iconic one, and
Bowie, was asked personally by Henson to play the role. Henson sent
a handwritten note to Bowie with the script, stating that he “would be
wonderful in this film”. The actual note is framed, and on display at
The Art Gallary of Ontario. Playing opposite Bowie, was youngster
Jennifer Connoly. She had spent most of her childhood doing modeling and acting. She was 14 when she started filming Labyrinth, in
which she played 15 year old Sarah, who was looking for her baby
brother in the Labyrinth. Since his passing, she has issued a statement saying “I met David Bowie when I was 14, and he became a
hero to me … I’d never met such an extraordinary artist before, and I
haven’t since — the world will be a grayer place without him”.
Because it is one of his most memorable performances, the Sherman Theater will be playing Labyrinth on the big screen on Saturday,
February 13, 2016 at 10:00pm. Doors will open at 8:30pm. There will be a pre-party
and a post-party, where there will be prizes for the best David Bowie/Labyrinth costumes. Tickets are $10 in advance, or $12 day of show. However, there is an early
bird special, and if tickets are purchased prior to January 23, 2016, the ticket is $8 (all
applicable ticket fees not included).
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PHONE : 610-810-8078
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Slate Belt Senior Center
Blue Valley Farm Show Complex,
Bangor, PA., Ph. 610-588-1224.
January events: HOURS- 8:30
A.M.-4P.M.; For Meal Reservations
please call by 10:00 A.M. 1 day prior
before the meal. Lunch is served at
11:30 A.M. We are looking for volunteers to help plan/set up for parties
& special events. Pool Tables are
available every morning and Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Craft &
Chat Tuesdays 9:00 A.m.; Zumba
Gold W/janis Tuesdays 10:00 A.m.;
Brush Away With Senior Artists
Wednesdays 8:00-11:00 A.m.; Afternoon With The Arts Thursdays
12:15p.m.; The Blues- Wednesday,
January 20, 10:00 a.m.; Poker-
January 19
Portland Fire Company
State Street, Portland. 7p.m.
January 20
Bushkill Twsp. Vol. Fire Co.
Doors open at 5pm
Bingo starts at 7pm
January 21
Mt. Bethel Fire Co.
Firehall Route 611, Mt.
Bethel 6:45 p.m.
January 22
Wind Gap Fire Co.
Doors open at 5 p.m.
Bingo at 6:45 p.m.
January 23
Bangor V.F.W. Post 739
Veterans Rd., Bangor.
Doors open 3:30 p..m.
Bingo starts at 6:00 p.m.
Open to the Public
Immaculate Conception
Heller & Babbit Ave., Pen
Argyl Doors open at 11 a.m.
Bingo at 1 p.m.
January 15
Kunkletown Fire Co.
Progressive Jackpot. 7 p.m.
Thursday, January 21, 12:15 p.m.;
Bunco- Friday, January 22, 10:00;
Winter Pictionary- Friday, January
22, 12:15 p.m.
Homefront Project
The Slate Belt Heritage Center has
commenced a new project and
is asking for volunteers to assist
them in reading and summarizing
over 4000 letters written by Slate
Belt World War II Soldiers. These
letters were written to Horace and
Mona Strunk who were then editors and founders of the Homefront
Magazine. This magazine was distributed throughout all the different
war areas and kept local boys in
touch with home. Working hours,
for this project, are: Mondays-9AMNoon and Tuesday through Friday
1PM- 4PM. If interested or for additional information please email
at: [email protected] or call
Volunteer Opportunities
Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh
Valley, your local victim service and
rape crisis center, is now accepting
applications for volunteer positions.
This is an excellent opportunity for
students and adults to gain experience in working directly with crime
victims and their families, while
helping those in their time of need.
For more information, please visit
our volunteer page on our website,, or contact Sara
Ullmer at 610-437-6610 x26 or
[email protected] to arrange for
an interview.
Wedding Anniversary Ball
Relive your special day with the
Hotel Bethlehem at the Wedding
Anniversary Ball! Join us on February 6 with your loved ones and
recreate your history at this special
event in the beautiful Grand Ballroom. Package includes: 4-hour
wedding reception, open bar, hors
d’oeuvres, dinner & dessert, elegant overnight accommodations.
For more information contact Brynn
Levine at blevine@hotelbethlehem.
com or 610-625-2234.
Cub Scout Pack 34 Events
Saturday February 13th- Pancake
breakfast 8-11 AM @ Grace Methodist church, Pen Argyl.
“The Great Debaters”
Join us on our new day and time,
Sunday February 7th at 2:00 PM for
a viewing of the film, “The Great Debaters”. True story of Wiley College
professor, Melvin B. Tolson, who in
1935, inspired students to form the
school’s first debate team, which
went on to challenge Harvard in the
national championship. Admission
is free. Please note this film is rated
PG-13. The Eastern Monroe Public
Library is located at 1002 North 9th
Street, Stroudsburg, PA. For further
information on this event please call
570-421-0800x317 or see www.
Cavatelli Dinner Roseto Legion
Legion Post # 750 is sponsoring a
Cavatelli Dinner on Saturday Feb
13 from 1:00 to 6:00. Call the Post
home at 610-588-1371 for tickets.
Tickets will also be sold at the door,
but prepurchase is appreciated.
Slate Belt Young at Heart
The Slate Belt Young at Heart Club
will be meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2016, at 1:00pm in the St.
Elizabeth Church hall in Pen Argyl.
Mr. Marc Blau will give a presentation the the Home Front magazine
that was a local publication during
the 40’s. People from this area will
remember this wonderful magazine
that was dedicated to our military. All
men and women, 55 and over, are
invited to attend. Come and enjoy
an afternoon of fun and socialization. For more information, please
call Mary Lou DeRea-Lohman at
610-863-4846 or 610-844-4630.
Winter Beerfest
Come into the warm community
center of the Sherman Theater for
the Beerfest event of the winter
season! With over 75 taps of your
favorite stouts and ales, we have
a beer style for everyone! Enjoy a
day of live music, tasty food and of
course - BEER. The Pocono Winter
Beerfest is the place to be on a Saturday between the NFL Championship & Superbowl games. Tickets includes admission & souvenir tasting
glass. That’s not all folks! We also
have limited (100) VIP tickets with
early admission for a private tasting
of specialty beer. Designated driver
tickets are and include complimentary soft drinks, coffee and bottled
water. Call 570-420-2808 or visit
Registration Open for NCC
Spring Semester
Northampton Community College (NCC) will offer more than
500 different day, evening and
online courses during the spring
semester, which begins January
19. For a list of courses being offered during the spring semester,
Students can register in person or
online. For more information about
courses and registration, visit www.
Jacobsburg Environmental
Education Center
Community Programs
Snowshoes and Hiking Poles
Available- When: Monday thru
Friday, 8:00 AM-2:30 PM. Where:
Jacobsburg Visitor Center, 400
Belfast Road, Nazareth. History
of Snowshoeing- Saturday, January 23, 10:00-11:30 AM. The hike
will be about two miles. Bring wa-
JANUARY 19, 2016
ter and a snack. Wear waterproof January 31st with the celebration of
boots and dress for the weather. Holy Mass at 9:30a.m. at St. ElizaRegistration is required. Snow- beth’s Church in Pen Argyl, accomshoeing for Scouts- Saturday, panied by the ICS Children’s Choir.
January 23, 1:00-2:30 PM. Scouts Following Mass, Open House will
will learn how to prepare for being be held at the school from 11a.m.
outdoors in winter as well as how to 3:30p.m. Families and friends
to use snowshoes. The hike will be are invited to tour the facility, speak
about two miles. Bring water and a with the principal, teachers, staff
snack. Wear waterproof boots and and parents. Stop by on Sunday, or
dress for the weather. Registration call the office at (610) 863-4816 to
is required. You can also view and schedule a visit! More information
register for community programs is available on our website at www.
online at
If you need an accommodation to
and Facebook page.
participate in a program please
contact the park office at 610-746Greater Lehigh Valley
2801 or [email protected].
Writers Group
The Greater Lehigh Valley Writers
NCC to Present Programs for Group (GLVWG) will hold its JanuBlack History Month
ary meeting from 10 am – noon,
Preserving the Dream: Photo- Saturday, January 23, 2016, at
graphs of the King Family. Thomas the Palmer Branch of the Easton
J. Shillea, director of art programs Area Public Library, 1 Weller Place,
at NCC, will show and discuss his Palmer Township, PA. For more
photographic portraits of Coretta information and registration, go to
Scott King and his informal
graphs of King and her son Dexter
King. Thurs., January 21, 11:00
4-H Fruit Tree Sale Underway
a.m., Room 220, College Center, The Northampton County 4-H proNCC Bethlehem Campus, 3835 gram is once again sponsoring the
Green Pond Road, Bethlehem annual fruit tree sale. The pick up
date for the trees is Saturday, April
25, 2015, at various pick-up locaPancake Breakfast
tions, including a location in Le“Back to Before” Pancake Breakfast high Cty. Trees must be ordered
for Bangor Area High School pro- by February 1, 2016 to guarantee
duction of Ragtime. Family friendly availability. Order form, you may
breakfast. 2/20/16 from 8am-11am access a form at: http://extension.
at Bangor Area Middle School. To
purchase tickets in advance con- fundraisers/4-h-fruit-tree-sale
tact 610-588-3041. Tickets also please call Deb at 610-509-9431,
available at the door.
leaving a message if necessary. All
orders must be prepaid.
Free Community Dinner
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church,
Slate Belt Heritage Center
Rt 209, Gilbert will hold a free
Calendar of Events for 2016
community Sunday supper at the Sunday, February 14, 2 PM - “Old
church from 3-4 pm on Sunday Jan Fashion Valentines Day” Love Sto24. The Church serves portions ries from Heritage Center’s Oral
of Monroe, Carbon, Lehigh and History Collection”- Former history
Northampton Counties. The sup- teachers Walter Cole and Marc
pers will be held in McCawley Hall, Blau select treasures from the Herat the church. In addition we will be itage Center’s ongoing interview
serving breakfast on Jan 16th from project of senior citizens. Sunday,
8-10 am. and the church will pro- March 13, 2 PM - “Origins of St.
vide lunch at 12:30 on Wednesday David’s Welsh Society” - PresentJan 20. For more information con- ed by former Bangor High School
tact 610-681-6137.
Superintendent and current Superintendent of Easton Area High
Snow Ball Dinner & Dance
School, John Reinhart.
Families First Annual Snow Ball
Dinner & Dance will be held on
Making a New Product at NCC
Saturday, January 23rd from 6pm- Do you have an idea for a new
12am at the Weona Park Recre- product? Join the Maker Moveation Center. Tickets available in ment! Learn about tools that can
advance or at the door. BYOB, help you bring the idea to reality
casual dress, door prizes, basket using 3D printing. Find out what
raffles. Entertainment by DJ Frank materials are available and how
Franza with Karaoke. Dinner by to calibrate the equipment in a
Tom Donohue of Pen Argyl Pizza. course that starts Monday, JanuFor tickets contact Frank Jones ary 18, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fab
610-863-9095 ext 1308.
Lab at Northampton Community
College’s Fowler Family SouthMass and OpenHouse at
side Center, 511 East Third St.,
Immaculate Conception School
Bethlehem. For more information,
Please join us as Immaculate Con- click on “course catalog” at www.
ception School (ICS) commences
Catholic Schools’ Week on Sunday,