Sapropelic muds in cosmetic industry - in
Sapropelic muds in cosmetic industry - in
S U D O B L L A K E . B E L A R U S Sapropelic muds in cosmetic industry Eco-Sapropel company offers balneal sapropelic muds and their derivative stuffs under Pelosilt trade mark as raw material for cosmetic industry ® cont ent o ORGA f subst NIC a nces 70-90 % Our business proposal has become available due to over 40 year scientific studies on sapropels extracted from Sudobl Lake (Belarus). It has been experimentaly proved that sapropels with 70-90% organic content can be regarded as unique biodynes of different origins. High concentration of organic component provides wide- range application of muds both in cosmetic and pharmacentical formulars. Russia Estonia Latvia Lithuania Belarus Poland Ukraine Unlike other muds (sulphide, mount, peat) effecting human body by mineral complexes, sapropelic muds achieve their balneal goals due to unique organic substances, which simultaneously softly but efficiently detoxify and feed human skin with nutrients thus encouraging immune system, cell and nerve tissue regeneration and metabolic activity. Because of their recent discovery sapropelic muds are still relatively unknown to the wide public. Sudobl Lake is regarded as one of the richest balneal mud deposits in Belarus. Sapropelic muds from Sudobl – fresh water silts, generated in the result of flora and fau- S U D O B L L A K E na decomposition into a valuable bioactive product, have a great relevance to a human body. As a rule, the majority of cosmetic stuffs contain one or two plant extracts, while fresh water muds – priceless collection of water life substances accumulated and preserved within all human history. Our company extracts black and green sapropelic muds from Sudobl Lake. These muds, though being very similar in their basic components, are differently originated in the type of their formation and stuff. Black muds contain a lot of humic acids, green – chlorophyll and carbohydrates in large amount. . B E L A R U S Black sapropelic muds (stuff) Green sapropelic muds (stuff) 0 0 4% lipids 10% lipids 30% humic acids 8% humic acids 15% easy-hydrolizeg substances 40% easy-hydrolizeg substances 21% minerals 12% minerals 30% bio-chemical steady organic mass 30% bio-chemical steady organic mass 100 100 Due to the humic acids, black sapropelic muds have their black gamma colour. They are distinguished by domination of mineral substances containing oxyds, salts, infusorial (diatomic), bleaching, blue, green and ochreous fine dispersed clays, micro and macroelements. High content of fatty and humic acids triterpenoids and resins allows black sapropelic muds act as strong but gentle detox beneficially stimulating cell regeneration and nervous system. Black sapropelic muds are exellent for oily greasy skin and as hair growth stimulation masks. Dermotological conditions: chronic skin diseases, neurodermatitis, seborrhea, black heads and ect. Green sapropelic muds, olive in colour, posess high antioxidant and regeneration qualities due to carotin and beta-carotin, tacopherols, flavonoids, phospholipids, chlorophyll and enzyms. They contain moderate amount of humic acids (aliphatic acid inclusive). In lipid rate, green sapropelic muds twice exeed other organic sapropelic substances. These muds are recomended for normal, dry and sensitive skin. Dermotological conditions: chronic skin and head skin diseases, psoriasis, dermatosis, eczema, burn healing and ect. Humic asids and sapropelic lipids Chemical stuffs found in Sudobl Lake fresh water silts are distinguished by the outstanding combination of carbohydrates, proteins (about 20) phytosteroids, oils, waxes, vitamins and humic acids. Even each of these components taken seperately can serve as a valuable cosmetic ingredient whereas, combined together, they present a priceless assortment generated by Nature. Humic acids being basic and most important sapropelic mud component act as biodynes and detox at the cell level, thus determining mud baneal and cosmetic properties. Sapropelic lipids are another S U D O B L L A K E urgent stuff for human cells. Rich in betacarotin, retinol, bioflavonoids, chlorophyll, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids with high gram molecular weight and phospholipids, they encourage tissue regeneration and cell array metabolic processes (a kind of glue bilding human cells together). Lipid extract composition free fatty acids phospholipids lecithins phytosterols phytosterol complex ethers glyceride carotenoids, xanthan derivatives, chlorophyll . B E L A R U S % 33 11 7 4 3 12 1 Lake biomass contains algaes (fuano bacteria, filamenfito-zooplankton plant pollen and water plants (stratiotes aloides, tous, golden, diatomic algaes) disputes pond weed, elodeas, lillies Biomass decomposition and bottom development is accompanied microbiological activity under the influence of wide spectrum of micro-organisms transforming organic remains into sapropelic mud. Conditions: O2 deficiency Conditions: O2 exceed Biomass (atmospheric state) preserves original component of its initial form. Green Sapropelic muds (olive colour gamma) Muds contain maximum amount (of to 10%) of bioactive lipids rich in sterols carotenoids and active chlorophyll. Share of minerals is insignificant (to 15%). Biomass undergoes deep biological decomposition and transforms into. Black Sapropelic muds Muds accumulates large amount of new biological substances, active humic acids with increased rate of oxyds, salts, micro and macroelements, fine dispersed, infusorial, bleaching, blue, green and ochreous clays General physico-chemical characteristics Pelosilt™ moisture % 93 – 95 ash content % from 12,7 to 27 particles over 0,25 mm % 9 – 14 indryed bases fine pouder fractions 54 (less 0,05 mm) % 1,01 – 1,10 density g/sm3 ultimate shiar resistance 310 Pа PH factor 6,3 – 6,6 nitrogen content in dryed 3,5 – 5,5 bases % Vitamins, mg/kg (DS): А В1 В2 В12, (мkg\kg) Organic stuff composition (content) lipids % water soluable substances % easy hydrolized stuffs % reducing % monosaccharids % humic compounds % humic acids % hard hydrolized stuffs % non-hydrolized residue % proteins % inzyms, catalose activity sm3 О2/g nitrates, nitrites mg/kg (DS) pesticides mg\kg benzpyrene mkg\kg radionucleids Mineral stuffs (ash), % dny basis 9,2 – 10,7 SiO2 (amorphous SiO2 to 30% included) 2,4 – 3,5 Fe2O3 0,5 – 2,6 Al2O3 CaO 1,4 – 3,5 MgО 0,2 – 0,8 0,3 – 0,4 K2O 0,2 – 0,5 P2O5 SO3 0,3 – 1,5 Microelements, mg/kg: B I F Co Cu Zn Cr V Ni Cd Mn Mo Pb As up to 10,6 5,5 up to 5,0 up to 1,0 up to 3,0 up to 30 10 – 20 2,4 – 2,8 1,0 – 12,6 up to 1,0 160 – 400 1,0 – 3,5 0,3 – 0,6 0 – 5,0 S U D O B L 19,8 – 21,0 4,2 – 5,6 1,9 – 4,0 25 – 128 5,6 – 9,8 4–6 25 – 37 8 – 30 5 – 15 12 – 41 9 – 25 8 – 14,7 left residue 12 – 16 16 – 30 0,41 0 – 141 not more 4 – 5 no, or background gamma emanation Mud solution, mg/l Na + K Ca Mg Cl HCO3 SO4 рН bichromate oxydizability mg О2\l L A K E . B E L A R U S Mud extract 56 – 112 20 – 45 10 – 20 9 – 45 20 – 180 100 – 257 6,8 – 7,4 170 – 200 Lake water 10 – 45 19 – 45 0,9 – 5,6 1,7 – 10,7 71,5 – 140 29 – 106 6,3 – 6,6 30 – 50 S U D O B L L A K E . B E L A R U S
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