“God`s work. Our hands.” Sunday


“God`s work. Our hands.” Sunday
September 2015
In This Issue
Pastor’s Letter..................................2
September Activities Calendar.......3
Prayer Partners................................4
Prayer Ministry News......................5
Music, Worship, & Fellowship.........5
Youth and Family News..................6-7
F.B.I Information......................6
SNL Information......................6
B.L.A.ST. Sunday School.........7
Wild Fun....................................7
Blessing of the Backpacks......7
More News........................................8-11
About Our Mission Partner....8
Pastor Samer Azar...................9
Congregational Meeting.........10
Lost an Found Concert...........10
End of Life Seminars...............10
Pet Blessing...............................10
Do you love animals?..............11
Evangelism and Outreach...............12
Spirit of Hope Serving.............12
Spirit of Hope Sock Drive......12
Pantry Peeks.....................................13
Special Ministries..............................13
Birthdays & Anniversaries...............14
September Service Schedules........15
“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday
is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church,
freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
The date for the 2015 dedicated day of service is
Sunday, September 13. Mark your calendar
today! In speaking about his congregation’s 2014
experience, a 10-year-old member from St. Andrew
Lutheran Church in Whittier, Calif., puts it best:
“It feels good to give.”
You work every day to love your neighbors and make
your community a better place. Let’s continue doing
this work together in 2015!
Join us Sunday, September 13 and celebrate the day
with various congregation based activities.
From Pastor
Sharon Huff
In my first church, I served a three point parish. One of the small churches was
out in the country about four miles (in the UP that means four miles from a
town of 300). This small rural church averaged 15-25 on any given Sunday, and
they were a bunch of good-hearted and hospitable Finlanders with names like
Toivo and Helmie and Aino.
They were kind people and had a deep respect for the pastoral office, and would
take my suggestions even if I suggested something they knew wouldn’t work.
Our organist, an older woman named Sylvia who smoked like a chimney, was, to
put it kindly, not very adept at the organ. She could barely play three notes in
a row which were correct. Consequently, the congregation stuck to about ten
familiar hymns. After a few months of repeating these hymns I suggested slipping
in a new hymn. Sylvia bravely agreed, probably only because I had suggested it. We
sang a new hymn and they struggled painfully to follow the melody on the “new”
hymn. It became evident very quickly that Sylvia’s usual repertoire was even further compromised by this challenge. They kept bravely singing, Sylvia kept bravely
playing, but the next week I went back to choosing from the same ten hymns.
Eventually it hit me why the people of the church didn’t push the issue, they did
it out of kindness. They knew Sylvia’s limitations, and they didn’t want to embarrass her, so they chose to accept what they had. If Sylvia couldn’t “play” it, (and I
use quotes because frankly, what she did was closer to massacring it), then they
wouldn’t sing it.
It was a lesson in humility and love. Why do we do what we do? Do we choose
that which is loving? Jesus would remind us that our rituals means nothing if
our lives are not loving. “By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if
you love one another” (John 13:35). “Let all you do, be done in love,” Paul says in
I Corinthians 16.
It could be argued that Sylvia could have eventually learned the hymns, and that
would be true. Still, I have always thought of the congregation’s kind acceptance of
the situation as a quiet way of stating with what mattered and what really didn’t.
Sylvia’s feelings mattered. Their own preferences, not as much.
When we deal with one another, let us do so in love. We all prefer our own way,
but let us pray for the grace to put love for others ahead of our own wishes and
focus on what’s really important—sharing the love of God.
Pastor Sharon Huff
[email protected]
September 2015
St. George Activities Calendar
9:30 am
Stampin’ Up Class
Church Basement
Wednesday Thursday
Prayer Quilt Group
Food Pantry Set-up
Food Pantry
8 a.m.-12 noon
Food Pantry
6:00 pm
Toastmasters Church
4 p.m.Yoga
Fellowship area
Traditional Service
Contemporary Service
Wing and a Prayer
7 pm
Conference Table
God’s Work. Our hands. 6pm
Traditional Service
Sunday School
Rally Day!
God’s Work. Our hands.
Congregation activities
Backpack Blessing
Both services
Contemporary Service
Lost & Found Concert
Grace Lutheran (Howell)
Traditional Service
Sunday School begins
Contemporary Service
Traditional Service
Contemporary Service
Blood Pressure check
(after both services)
Wing and a Prayer
7 pm
Conference Table
Wing and a Prayer
7 pm
Conference Table
Wing and a Prayer
7 pm
Conference Table
Special Min Board Mtg
4 p.m.Yoga
Fellowship area
Prayer Quilt Group
Food Pantry Set-up
Food Pantry
8 a.m.-12 noon
Food Pantry
7pm Food Pantry
Board Meeting
4 p.m.Yoga
Fellowship area
Prayer Quilt Group
Cluster Meeting at St. G
Food Pantry Set-up
8 a.m.-12 noon
Food Pantry
6:00 pm
Church Basement
Prayer Quilt Group
9:30 am
Stampin’ Up Class
Church Basement
4 p.m.Yoga
Fellowship area
Food Pantry Set-up
Council Meeting
Food Pantry
4 p.m.Yoga
Fellowship area
Prayer Quilt Group
FBI Confirmation
Informational Meeting
Food Pantry
Wine Tasting
Bountiful Harvest
Food Pantry Fundraiser
at the American Spirit
8 a.m.-12 noon
Food Pantry
Spirit Of Hope Detroit
(meet in St. G
parking lot)
Prayer Partners
Please join our Prayer Partners in adding the following praises and petitions to your daily prayers.
FOCUS: * Prayers from the congregation
*Pray for our youth to practice what they learned at the
1 Tues ELCA Youth Gathering.
17 Thur
2 Wed *Pray for strength and growth for St. George.
*Pray for families in turmoil or conflict. May they find a
3 Thur way to work through it.
*Pray for respect among nations and Peace in the
*God’s Grace is greater than all my sins; the Love of
Jesus draws me in.
*Pray for a closer gathering of our congregation. Help
us to reach out to one another.
Pray for all who work. May they find rest in Jesus.
7 Mon {America’s and Canada’s Labor Day Holidays}
*Pray for the victims of random violence which has
8 Tues become so prevalent throughout the world.
*Holy Spirit, please renew and strengthen our Faith
9 Wed each day.
10 Thur *Create kindness! Ephesians 4:32
12 Sat
13 Sun
14 Mon
*Give God glory for the saints who work with the
Special Ministries’ program.
*Pray for the elderly that they have the support to have
what they need in their later years. {National
Grandparents’ Day on Aug. 13}
Lord, bless us this day as we celebrate coming back
together after the summer break. Bless our
*God our Father, watch over us and bless our nation.
Let us all have a loving and a caring heart for our fellow
man. Remember Jesus’s commandment, “Love one
another.” Bless our country, we ask in Jesus’s name,
Amen. {Holy Cross Day}
20 Sun
21 Mon
*Thank God for the healing of your body, mind, and
23 Wed
24 Thur
27 Sun
28 Mon
29 Tues
*Let us pray for all the non-Christians in the world that
30 Wed
16 Wed they can find the truth of Jesus.
Join with us in prayer.
There is such great POWER in praying together!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
Romans 12:12
*Give thanks for laughter, it can change your day!
22 Tues spirit. Matthew 4:23
*Pray for our military. Protect and comfort them in their
15 Tues efforts to keep our nation safe and free.
*Go to the Lord when you are weary or burdened.
His rest is waiting. ‘Come unto me, all ye that labor
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’
Matthew 11:28
*The drops of water in the oceans are less than the
times God extends His Grace to us. His Love is
never ending!
*Let us pray for all those who think they have no
one who cares. Christ is always there for us,
always! Deuteronomy 31:6
*How many people’s lives will you impact today with
your presence, sharing a smile, an inquiry, showing
concern, and a ‘fair-well’ Blessing? {Greet each
person you meet and look for the angels!}
*We thank you, Lord, for the songs the birds sing.
What a beautiful way to start our days. {First day of
*Pray for a just peace for Palestine and Israel with
guidance to co-exist.
*Choose Jesus; He is brilliance, joy, charity, hope,
compassion, and more, treating everyone with His
Love and kindness. He gave His life for us!
*Pray that we all may be better servants of God. Be
with us, Lord, as we serve our sisters and brothers
at Spirit of Hope.
*Today is a great day to “Get Your Worship On!”
(Don’t stop now, keep going and praise God from
Whom all Blessings flow!)
*Pray for God’s Peace and comfort for all those in
despair or who are lonely.
I have set the Lord before me continuously.
Because He stands at my right hand, I will stand
firm.’ Psalm 16:8
*The Lord will not inquire of our income, home, or
the car we drive; He will be more inquisitive as to
our deeds in helping others.
If you have a prayer request or answered prayer to
celebrate, please complete a PRAYER sheet and place
it in the Prayer Request box.
If you would like to receive the weekly Electronic
Prayer Warriors list of prayer requests, please contact
the church office and provide your email address.
For more information on our Prayer Ministry
contact Carol Asfour at [email protected]
810-229-2337 - home
We have received so many excellent prayers
from our congregation that fit our purposed
monthly format.
Thanks to each one for your willingness to keep
this part of our Prayer Ministry alive and well.
Our Prayer Ministry belongs to all of us. The
daily reflections of each P.P. page are meant to
hopefully deepen everyone’s prayer life. Pray
that our ministry is ever blessed by Jesus; the
one who taught us to pray.
Give thanks daily for all things !!!
Please read the following bullet points that
reflect the latest updates which may change
as we move along.
• Congregation input is a vital enhancement to
help complete each month’s prayer sheets.
Carol Asfour - [email protected]
Sue Scott - [email protected]
• Use of scripture ties in the Biblical connection
to the prayer.
• Current events, disasters such as floods,
tornados, etc. will be added in a timely manner.
• An easier way to submit prayers is to write
them whenever you wish and place your card in
the small plastic box near the fellowship area, or
in the box near the front entrance. These will be
collected frequently and used asap.
Worship &
Kathy Bugaski
Worship, Music, and Fellowship Deacon
[email protected]
The summer season is over, and we are heading into changes in the church
calendar. Life seems to slow down as we appreciate the signs of autumn and
the cooler air. We will be changing to a different Liturgy, learning it slowly.
Think about your favorite hymns. Why do you like them? Do they have
special meaning for you? Instead of keeping track of our favorite team’s
standing, we are going to look at the rankings of our favorite hymns. Which
one do you think will place first? Reformation and All Saint’s Days are
observed at the end of October. November brings Thanksgiving. And finally,
on to Advent and Christmas, the birth of our Savior. So slow down, take a
deep breath, and enjoy every day that God has given us.
Youth and
Family News
For more information on our Youth and Family Ministries and Events
contact Amy Cooley Higgs [email protected]
or 810-229-6670 ext. 105
(Faith Builders, Inc.)
Middle School/Confirmation
6:00-8:00pm on Wednesdays
7th & 8th grade (begins Oct. 7)
Middle School Ministry strives to partner
with families in teaching pre-teens how faith
integrates with their lives.
Confirmation preparation classes on Wednesday
evenings. This is a two-year program.
Youth and their families are encouraged to
participate in St. George worship services and also
in monthly faith projects.
(Sunday Night Live)
Senior High Youth Group
6:30-8:00pm on Sunday evenings
9th-12th grade (begins Oct. 4)
St. George’s High School Youth Group, SNL,
meets on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm
in the Youth Room in the Parish House next to
the church. We gather for snacks, games, music,
Bible study, and relaxing time together with
peers.Youth will participate in planning activities
for the year, including fundraisers, field trips,
service projects, and special areas of study &
discussion. Friends are always welcome!
A variety of fun activities, such as Lock-Ins,
Retreats, and concerts are scheduled throughout
the year. Friends are welcome to join us.
Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation is a one-time event where
Christian youth affirm their baptism in a public
worship service. To help prepare for this event,
St. George partners with families to provide
instruction on Wednesday evenings. During
this time, youth gather for a meal together
(6:00-6:30pm) and class time with the
youth minister and pastor (6:30-8:00pm).
The F.B.I. Confirmation program strives to
equip, encourage, and challenge young
people to grow in faith.
FBI confirmation informational
meeting - Wed., 9/30 @ 7pm
This meeting is for young people and their
parents who are new students to the program.
We will introduce ourselves and the program,
and go over the basics and requirements.
Developing faith formation is a commitment that
needs to be made by students, parents, mentors,
and the congregation as a whole. We hope that
you will attend this very important meeting to
become better acquainted with our program.
Hopefully, we will be able to answer any questions you have as well! Please contact Amy in
the church office if we can assist you further at
810.229.6670 or [email protected]
Youth and
Family News
For more information on our Youth and Family Ministries and Events
contact Amy Cooley Higgs [email protected]
or 810-229-6670 ext. 105
(Bible Learning Adventure STations)
Sunday School at St. George
10:00-10:45am on Sunday morning
PreK-5th grade
B.L.A.ST. meets most Sundays during the
school year at 10am. During large group time,
children sing, learn, pray, and give an offering
together before splitting into age-specific
groups. B.L.A.ST. is a 5-year rotation of teaching
Bible stories from the Old & New Testaments
through developmentally-appropriate activities and stories. The age-specific groups rotate
through Adventure Stations such as How Great
Thou ART Studio, Soul Café, Learning Lab, and
the ARKade for 2-3 week units. Each station
gives children an opportunity to hear & learn
the Bible story in a different way! Parents can
pick their children up in the lower level
classrooms at 10:45.
Blessing of the
Sunday Sept. 13
9am & 11am services
Start your year off right!
Bring your bags to worship
for a special Backpack Blessing!
About Our
Amman Jordan
Mission Partner
The Lutheran Church is very actively involved in mission work
domestically as well as globally. St. George Lutheran Church in
Brighton is on of the many ELCA churches that have a global
church mission partner. Our mission partner is the Evangelical
Lutheran Good Shepherd Church in Amman Jordan.
Global Mission
“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue
to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and
established in the faith.” Colossians 2:6–7a.
Rooted and built in Jesus! This is the core of our work as the
ELCA walks with more than 80 companion churches in other
countries to participate in God’s reconciling mission through
proclamation and service. Participating in these relationships,
ELCA members see how people’s lives are touched by the
gospel, how their lives are transformed and renewed, and how
their communities live in hope. Our living, daring confidence in
God’s grace propels us, along with our companions, to say “yes”
to a world searching for renewal and wholeness. As part of a
global Lutheran community, we gratefully receive the witness
of global brothers and sisters whose faith, hospitality, resilience
and zeal energize us and our own congregations. In response,
we share our gifts and talents to address the root causes of
poverty and hunger and meeting human needs, fight malaria and
HIV and AIDS, build communities that coexist in peace, and prepare women and men to preach the good news of Jesus Christ
throughout the world.
Walking and working together, we seek to accompany our
companions. Accompaniment is defined as walking together in
a solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality. The
ELCA lives out accompaniment in relationships with global
companions, striving to share God’s love and participate in
God’s mission together:
• Mutually: All of us have gifts to support God’s mission.
There is no mission to, only mission with and among.
• Inclusively: We seek to build relationships across
boundaries that exclude and divide.
• Vulnerably: Just as Jesus became vulnerable to us, we
open ourselves to others.
Our ELCA Southeast Michigan Synod is in mission partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and
the Holy Land (ELCJHL). www.elcjhl.org Here’s a little
background about the ELCJHL. Though Palestinian Christians have been in Jordan and the Holy Land since the first
Pentecost, the roots of the ELCJHL are in the mid-19th
century when German and English missionaries came to
teach and minister to the local people. Today, they have five
congregations in Jerusalem, Ramallah and the Bethlehem
area and one in Amman, Jordan. The churches in Amman
and Ramallah are comprised largely of families of refugees
who fled their homes at the time of the tragic wars that
followed the formation of Israel. They also operate four
schools and four education programs.
The following article was taken from the ELCA Website and
explains what mission partnership means and how we can
be good partners.
• Empowering: We seek to identify and correct
imbalances of power, which may mean recognizing
and letting go of our own.
• Sustainably: To ensure local ministries last for a
long time, we seek to embed mission in ongoing
relationships and communities.
Flourishing, long-term, mutual relationships strengthen the
worldwide Lutheran community as they deepen our global
mission engagement. The church-to-church relationship
between the ELCA and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Tanzania, for example, includes 20 more relationships
between ELCA synods and Tanzanian dioceses. With over 120
such relationships, the ELCA Companion Synods
Program connects thousands of Lutherans, who share joys
and sorrows, pray together, and collaborate on mutually
beneficial ministries — most notably as a member of The
Lutheran World Federation, a global communion of 143
member churches in 79 countries worldwide. Because we
can do more together than we can as individual
congregations, ELCA Global Mission:
• stewards the international web of ELCA relationships
• listens to companion church bodies and responds
to their priorities in mission with program grants
and personnel
• receives the gifts of Christian witness from the global
church in order to build our own capacity for witness
• funds long-term, sustainable development projects and
responds to international disasters
• calls and prepares mission personnel for service in
response to requests from companions
• provides scholarships for international post-graduate
study to global church leaders
• provides tools to equip ELCA members for faithful
global engagement.
Pastor Samer Azar
from Amman Jordan
to Preach at St. George
Sunday, September 20
9am and 11am services
The Evangelical
Lutheran Church in
Jordan and the Holy
Land (ELCJHL) includes
six Lutheran Churches
that are mission partners
with the ELCA and the
SEMI Synod. The Good
Shepherd Lutheran
Church is in Amman,
Jordan, while the other
five churches are in the
Palestinian territories. St. George Lutheran church
in Brighton and St. Paul in Grosse Pointe partner
with The Good Shepherd.
The Rev. Samer Azar is the pastor of The Good
Shepherd and also the ELCJHL representative
for Jordan. He and his wife and two children live
in Amman. Pastor Azar received his theological
education at Makumira Lutheran Theological
Seminary in Tanzania in 1995. He was the first
student from the Middle East to enroll in the five
year Bachelor of Divinity program (MDV American
Standard). On September 6, 1996 he was ordained
in Jerusalem at the Evangelical Church of the
Redeemer. He was then appointed to pastor and
lead the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the
Good Shepherd in Amman, Jordan.
Several local regional, and international conferences
were part of Pastor’s itinerary. He is active in the
ecumenical circles and in the Christian-Moslem
dialogue. In 2007 he established the community
Ecumenical Center (Al Khaimeh) which serves as
a platform to promote harmony, moderation in
dialogue and coexistence through various activities
at the Center. also a variety of intellectuals and
high ranking people in Jordan have been hosted at
the Center.Very importantly, the acquisition of the
Lutheran Baptismal site on the east side of the
Jordan River was the result of the passionate
efforts of Pastor Azar.
Michigan is welcoming Pastor Azar this September,
2015 at the invitation of the Grosse Pointe
Memorial Church celebrating their 150th
anniversary. He will be preaching there, and has
graciously accepted our request for him to deliver
the sermon at St. George on September 20, 2015.
We all are eager to welcome our friend and
partner with us and we pray for his safe
journey here.
November 15 - 12:05pm
St. George Annual Congregational
Meeting will be held Sunday November
15 at 12:05 p.m. All congregational
members are encouraged to attend.
Please join us.
Coming in October:
End of Life seminars
Will begin Sundays at 12:10 - 1:30.
Starting Date to come soon. Watch the
church bulletin for more information.
• End of life issues, including hospice and
extended care. A panel of health care and
hospice workers will share their experiences on Sunday, October 18 following
the second service. Lunch will be served.
• Pre-planning your funeral, information
from funeral directors.
• Adult Christian education class:
“What happens when I die?” Take a look
at what scripture and Christian theology
says about our death and afterlife.
FREE Lost and Found
Concert - Sept. 13
The popular Lutheran music group, Lost and
Found, will play at Grace Lutheran in Howell
(312 Prospect St, Howell, MI 48843) on
September 13, at 6 pm. All are welcome—
invite your friends and family to this free
musical evening! Join us for fellowship, fun
and great music!
To learn more about Lost and Found:
(517) 546-3350
Pet Blessing
Sunday, Oct 4 (save the date)
Do you love animals?
Here’s a volunteer opportunity!
You most likely know about the Humane
Society of Livingston County, but were you
aware that the County Animal Shelter has 134+
dogs and cats that are in desperate need of a
‘forever home?’(Some animals have been
residing there for up to seven months.) The
Livingston County Animal Shelter is required
by law to take in strays and abandoned animals,
even if it is at ‘capacity.’ This is just one example
when the volunteers (for foster-care) are most
The Friends of Livingston County Animal
Shelter is another active support group that
works for the welfare of all animals there.
This 501(c)(3)non-profit team of animal
enthusiasts does fundraising and foster care;
holds adoption services (twice a month),
assists the Shelter when going to state-wide
adoption events, and pays for out-of-coverage
special veterinary costs that makes the
difference in saving many animals’ lives. Just
recently, the FRIENDS purchased a brand new
microscope for the shelter veterinarian
[since there was none].
The new director, Andy Seltz, gives the highest
praise to his staff of dedicated workers,
volunteers, and The Friends for their wonderful
efforts and attention they provide for all animals
in their custody. While the shelter is taxpayer
funded, there are many extra supplies (and oneto-one attention) that is needed to give comfort, support, and special care to the animals
awaiting adoption.
The Friends’ meetings are on the first Tuesday
of each month. The Friends of L.C.A.S. will
hold their second (annual) major fundraiser,
Wags ‘N’ Whiskers, on Saturday, Oct. 3rd.; the
website is: www.friendsoflcas.org.
The Shelter has a volunteer program that
prepares animals for viewing each day and
assists in the activities of cleaning cages, walking
dogs, and also interacting with the cats. The volunteerapplications are on-line or at the Shelter,
and times and activities are flexible.
It is the elder cats that seem to be most in
need of finding a human to care for and love
them. Right now the Shelter has a special
discounted fee to adopt a more mature cat.
The Shelter’s animals are ready for adoption at
extremely reasonable fees when considering all
the medical attention and preparation
each animal goes through. They also administer
dog licenses, handle the “abuse and neglect”
cases, have a feral cat TNR program (trap/
neuter/return @ a very low! fee); and take in
surrendered animals. These “surrendered pets”
sometimes are a reflection on how the
economy is “going” for the county’s citizens.
There are always animals waiting for a home.
It goes without saying that baby kittens are
adopted most quickly; and dogs, too.
Call 517-546-2154 for more information
(volunteering or foster-care) or go on-line @
www.livgov.com/animalcontrol to view adoptable pets, find lost & found animals, and see
how you might help out!
Get your special friend and bring
your pet in for blessings!! on
Sunday, Oct. 4th, at Saint George!
Your new pet will always BLESS you,
in return with unconditional love and
unlimited loyalty.
For more information on our Evangelism and Outreach Ministry
contact Yvonne Cavalli - 810-360-0271 or [email protected]
My how time flies when you are having fun. The
end of summer is nigh and everyone is getting
ready for the fall and winter. Kids are getting
ready to go back to school. Parents are busy
shopping for school clothes and supplies.
Vacations are over and we will be getting back
into a normal life style once again. (we hope)
Everyday and in Everything you do you represent our Lord. Some days we are the only Bible
someone we meet sees or learns from. Be the
example of how loving and gracious our Lord
God is.
Evangelism is doing just that....letting your light
shine. Let others see what God is all about.
Spirit of Hope
Soup Kitchen
Saturday, Sept. 26
(Meet in St. George parking lot
at 9:30am to carpool)
Please mark your calendars to serve in Detroit,
at Spirit of Hope. Diane and Bob Steeh are the
coordinators and meal-planners for this month’s
kitchen ministry. The details of the menu, requests
for volunteers and the wonderful cookies, etc.,
will be in the upcoming Sunday bulletins. That
famous brown clipboard will go around, during
Sunday services, for those interested in “signing
on” the dotted lines, to help out.
Outreach is letting your light shine and sharing
God’s word wherever possible to everyone
See anything similar there?
Take every opportunity to tell someone about
God’s love. Even if it is in the supermarket and
someone helps you find an item or you drop
something and they pick it up for you...instead
of saying thank you...how about saying “God
Bless you have a great day”.
Have a Blessed Month
Yvonne Cavalli - 810-360-0271
Sock it to Spirit of Hope!
Any warm men’s socks are greatly appreciated for Spirit of Hope! The goal is 200 pairs, by
our visit on the 26th, however, any amount is
welcomed! Socks are some of the very first
articles of clothing selected from the donation
tables as the guests come in for the noon-time
lunch. There will be a basket just for the “sock
drive” in the Fellowship Hall, starting on the
6TH through the 20TH. Any clothing to go to
Detroit may be placed in the large collection
box in the nurses’ room. Your support of this
ministry is much appreciated!
Yvonne Cavalli
Director, Bountiful Harvest Food Pantry
810-360-0271 or 810-588-3529
[email protected]
The weather has cooled off quick. It is back to school
time and the pantry business is picking up a a rapid pace.
We had our first Christian concert “Bountiful Bash”
August 21, at 2/42 Community Church. We had two
wonderful bands, Messenger and 6th Day Made. WOW
what a blessing both were. Not just beautiful, moving
Christian music but heart wrenching testimonies.
Blessings poured from every note that they played.
We were even blessed with one person (that we know
of) accepting Christ as her savior.
Our Wine Tasting event /
fundraiser is Sept. 25, 2015,
at the American Spirit
Centre. It will be a wine tasting
and small silent auction. The doors
will be open a 6pm for seating and silent auction perusing. At 7pm the wine tasting begins. The wines will be
provided by Wines for Humanity and the food to match
the wines will be provided by Simply Fresh Market. A fun
socializing event. Hope you can come and join in the fun.
Please remember we only accept clothing on Thursday
from 10am until 1pm, Friday from 10am until 6pm and
Saturday from 8am until noon. If clothes are left in the
inner area of the backdoor, they will be discarded. The
church has had signs up back there for some time now
and clothes are still be left during the week when no
one is there to receive them.
Thank you to all who have donated the wonderful
gently used or new clothes. We are always in need of
boys clothes, especially baby and youth boys. For adults
we are in need of large sizes both men and women.
If you are not on our email list to receive our monthly
Newsletter, please call me and give me your email
address or email me at [email protected]
God Bless You and Keep You
Yvonne Cavalli
Director, Bountiful Harvest Food Pantry
Kristen Alonzi
Executive Director
810-229-6661 x106
[email protected]
Special Ministries of Livingston County (SMLC)
is once again under new leadership. Long-time
volunteer and staff person, Kristen Alonzi has
recently accepted the Executive Director position
having spent the last 2 years as Program Manager. The
position remains part-time while Special Ministries is
in final stages of a Strategic Planning process that will
help solidify its vision and next steps moving forward.
Please pray for SMLC as it looks for ways to grow
and reach more people
living with disabilities in
our area!
Special Ministries
Executive Director
Kristen Alonzi
with her family.
Highlights of Summer –
• United Way’s Day of Caring sent 75 volunteers out to
SMLC’s Field Day at Howell City Park! The 40 SMLC
participants had a blast running relays, playing kickball,
making crafts, and more.
• The Lugnuts game had 50 participants and their family
members in attendance – an annual favorite. If any
congregants have connections to other sporting events,
SMLC participants would love the opportunity to attend
a game (any sport!)
• The dinner and concert events at St. George and First
United Methodist really livened up the Gazebo’s dance
floor down town! SMLC participants love to “feel the beat”!
Many thanks to St. George members who support us in time
and prayer and those who contribute to our programs
financially – you have a part in the impact we are making!
and Birthdays
September Birthdays
September 7
Marlene Hutcherson
September Anniversaries
September 9
Sharon Prieskorn
9/10/19 Nancy & Mark Lingo
September 10
Mary Stamm
9/10/19 Judy & Donald Baughn
September 16
Grace Whybra
9/10/19 Elaine & Duncan McIntyre
September 17
Shirley Knight
September 17
Paul Ash
9/15/72 Sherry & Bruce Graenser
September 20
Lucy Egenolf
9/16/67 Paul & Judy Adams
September 20
Greg Gottfried
9/23/78 Cindy & Jeff Geist
September 21
Diana Beaudion
9/27/52 Karin & Don Klein
September 23
Evelyn Dothager
September 23
Amy Cooley Higgs
September 26
Debi Evans
September 28
Rachel Pitzer
September 28
Madison Osentoski
September 29
Phil Kokalis
September 30
Jacob See
September 30
Darrell Frizzell
If we missed your Anniversary or Birthday,
we hope your day was filled with fun!
Please let us know so that we can add you
to our Anniversary and Birthday lists.
[email protected] or
[email protected]
We are always in need of Ushers, Communion Assistants, Lectors,
and Communion Set Up/Cleanup. Please call the church office if
you would like to be a part of this ministry.
September Worship Assistants
September 6 September 13 (God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday) September 20 September 27 Assisting Minister Lector Communion Communion Greeters Usher Usher Media Tech Media Tech Fellowship Altar Care Open/Close Assisting Minister Lector Communion Communion Greeters Usher Usher Media Tech Media Tech Fellowship Altar Care Open/Close Assisting Minister Lector Communion Communion Greeters Usher Usher Media Tech Media Tech Fellowship Altar Care Open/Close Assisting Minister Lector Communion Communion Greeters Usher Usher Media Tech Media Tech Fellowship Altar Care Open/Close Kathy Bugaski Carol Asfour Elaine McIntyre Kathy Bugaski Linda Fox, Lorraine Salmer Bob Smith Jerry Dilloway Phil Headley Peter Dantzer Collene Hedden Elaine McIntyre volunteer Lorna Durand Bob Steeh Sharon Prieskorn Lorna Durand Dan & Hilkka Herbst volunteer Lou Doucette Phil Headley Bruce Graenser Mary Lynn Thomson Joanne B./Carol U. Bob Steeh Kathy Bugaski Elaine McIntyre Bob Knight Kathy Bugaski Dunc & Elaine McIntyre Dwight Matteson Duncan McIntyre Phil Headley Bruce Graenser Carolyn Kokalis Sally Headley Bruce & Sherry Graenser Jean Petersburg Amy Cooley Higgs Leo Hirschman Jean Petersburg Joan Richardson, Joanne B. Ken Dallafior Karen Dallafior Phil Headley Peter Dantzer Brigitta Dantzer Carolyn Kokalis Bob Steeh We are ALWAYS in need of volunteers!
-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Margarete Wasner Debi Evans Dan Evans -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Mary Stamm Jane Dettore Brennan Paul Ash The Egenolf Family Jane Dettore Jane Dettore -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Bob Steeh Yvonne Cavalli Joyce Egenolf -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Owen Poloski Greg Gottfried Amy Cooley Higgs Megan Parmenter volunteer Dottie Woodman Amy Cooley Higgs -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Michelle Lanzi Lauren Brown Angie Brown -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Greg Lanzi Sophie Lanzi Mary Stamm Cade Roberts volunteer Julie Roberts Lorna Durand -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Joaynna Cook Libby Cook Sophie Lanzi Ashley E., Megan P., Lauren Owen Poloski Cade Roberts Troy Evans Lauren Brown The Lanzi Family Joyce Matteson Jan Pitzer We are always in need of openers for set-up before the service or closers for cleanup after the service on Sundays.
You do not have to be a council member, it doesn’t take much time, you will be trained in what to do, and it will
not be every Sunday. If you would like to help out contact Jan Pitzer at [email protected] or
Dot and Ron Woodman at [email protected]
St. George Lutheran Church, ELCA
803 West Main Street
Brighton, MI 48116
810-229-6670 phone
810-229-0149 fax
[email protected]
Please follow these guidelines when submitting
your St. George Newsletter articles:
• The last day to submit articles will be seven days
before the 1st of the month. The St. George
Newsletter will be online by the 1st of the month.
Sunday Services
9am - Traditional Worship
with Holy Communion
10am - Sunday School
11am - Contemporary Worship
with Holy Communion
Visit us on our website:
• Please submit your articles as a Word Document
(as an email attachment), or typed out in the
body of your email. (If you do not have access to a
computer, submit a hard copy of your article to
the church office.)
• Please attach any photos with your email.
• Items submitted are considered the final draft of
the article, which means they are not necessarily
edited for spelling and grammatical errors.
• Send all articles or questions to Karen Dzierwa at
[email protected]