June - The Feingold Diet


June - The Feingold Diet
Newsletter of the FeingoldoAssociationof the United Stat€s
June. 21105
Yol. 29. No. 5
Medical freedomwins big in California
After nine years of struggle, Califomia physiciansnow have the right to practicemedicine
without the fear of persecution.
by Shulafulelkind
M;'J.%i"fff;:'::#:; ffi6#7
the Medical Board of california
an ugly battle for custody of the
IMBC) vs. Dr. Roben Sinaikoover
drc pastdecade. some ol you have
senl drrnadons to the ll{edical
DefenseFund of the Progressin
child. The father sougbt to find
some wav ro disparagehis ex-witb
rThe child had improvedunder Dr
Me d i cin e Fo u n d ationtohelpDr.w-TheMe d ic a lB o a rd o f Ca lif o rn ia
Sinaikopay for this figbt - a
of more than $450,000was raised
and spentfor his defense.
For those of you who iue new,
Dr. Sinaiko, who studied under our
Dr. Ben Feingold, is an internist and
immunologist of international renown, and is one of the medical
advisersto the Feingold Association.
Beginning in 1996 he was
accused of "inappropriately treating" a child wittr ADHD - he
recommendedthe Feingold Program
as well as treating the child with
antifungal medication for documented exposure to aspergillus mold.
has a long history of silencing
physiciansriho usewhatis generally
iaied ..alternative" medicine. Un_
like most other doctors, Dr. Sinaiko
did not choose to give in to the
intense pressure and huge financial
punishmentthe Board can, and did,
dole out to him.
onprye 4
N.* rtoOy
Supplementationwith Omega 3 oils led to significant improvements in reading, spelling and
behavior, according to the authors.
ritish researchershave again shown that children
who have a diet that is deficient in important
fatty acids are more likely to have the symptoms of
variousbehaviorand learningdisorders.
In an article that appearsin the May 2005 issue of
Pediatrics, Oxford University researcher, Alexandra
Richardson,writes: "Mounting evidencesuggeststhat a
relative lack of certain polyunsatuated fatty acids may
contributeto related neurodevelopmental
and psychiatric disorders such as dyslexia and atentiondeficit/hyperactivitydisorder." A similar report by Dr.
Richardsonwas publishedin 2002.
117 children ages5 to 12 participatedin the shrdy.
While the children tested out with normal abilities, they
had poor coordination/motor skills (dyspraxia). Some
had other learning disabilities and behaviorproblems.
Half of the children were given fish oil supplements
containing the important omega-3 essential fatty acids
(EFAs) which are lacking in most highly processed
foods. The others were given an olive oil placebo.
After three montls the children receiving the placebo
were also given the EFAs. None of the participants
knew which children receivedthe faty acids.
The Feingold@Associationof the United States,Inc./ founded in 1976, is a non-pro{it organizationwhose purposes
are to support its
membersin the implementationof the FeingoldProgramand to generatepublic awarenes o{ the potential role of foods and syrtretic
additives in behavior, learning and health problems. The program is ba-d on a diet el:minating synthetic colors, synthetic flavors,
aspartame,and the preservativesBl-lA, BHT, and TBHQ.
/dr/&,'L Dq!
No more petroleum for this family
When FAUS held a contestto name the title for our June Open House in Connecticut the
winnerwasLisaStuckey's"Got Pefroleum?"
isa's searchto help her family
beganwhen Annalicia,now 8
years old, was finishing kindergarten. While the little girl did not
have any behavior issues, it was
clear that school was difficult for
her; she couldn't pay att€ntion and
was behind her peers in developing
the skills she would need in later
grades. Annalicia loved schoolbut
would cry becauseshewas unableto
do the work.
Lisa took her for a battery of
tests and the diagnosiswas "ADHD
Inattentive Type." Added to that
were: learningdisabilities,dyslexia,
The prize for naming the FAUS open house was a big box of nahrral
dyscalcula,and dysgraphia. Pure
Annalicia and Alexandercheck it out.
Facts readers will not be surprised treats!
to learn that the only option candy was delivered by the Easter that there is a link betweenthem and
suggestedwas medication, but Lisa Bunny, but fortunately the Squirrel's her daughter'sability to focus.
was sure there had to be a better Nest Candy Shop in Delaware
It is not unusual for parentsof
way to help her child. A searchon carries the sameproducts, so natural sensitivechildren to see changesin
the Internet led her to the Feingold goodies can be enjoyed any time of
themselves once the family "goes
(The exception is Feingold."
Program. The family started the the year.
Lisa tells Pure Facts
program at the beginning of June chocolate; many of the chocolate that she . used to have several
and in less than a week the im- candiescannotbe shippedduring the headachesa week, and in the two
provements were obvious
hot summermonths.)
years they have been on the program
Annalicia was able to make eve
Lisa has been surprised by
she has been headache free contact!
another change. Annalicia is no except for that one time she ate out
longer a picky eater, but is game to
and wasn't selectiveabouther food.
Just two months later:
fty new foods; one of her current She has also noticed that her sense
When the private school started favorites is fava beans - not what of smell has reorned!
up in August the teachers were an 8 year-old typically digs!
Lisa's parents have told their
amazed;they said she was a totally
Alexander,now 3 yearsold, was friends about the program that has
different child. Her teacherawarded still an infant when the family
made such a difference for their
her as the most improved, both stopped eating petroleum-basedand grandchildren, and they helped
socially and academically, and her other harmful additives.
infioduce several families to
test scores rose from one to three althoughhe has been "Feingold" all
Feingold. Her mom saw the note in
grade levels ftom the end of the of his life, he has had devel- Betsy Flagler's syndicatedcolumn
opmentaldelays, sensoryproblems, asking readersto contact her if they
muscle tone, and trouble had used a diet to help their
Compliance has not been
problen. Lisa explains that Annasleeping at night. He has been children'sbehavior. Lisa postedthe
licia "took to" Feingoldimmediate- helpedby a v:uiety of therapies,but information on
the Feingold
ly, and is so motivated to continue the most dramatic change carne member's board, and that led to
to excel in school, she will not when Lisa removed gluten and Larisa Scarbrough's letter and the
accept any foods that are off her casein ftom his diet. Alexander mentionof the FeingoldProgramin
diet. So when a big box of na$ral
slept well the first night he was off
the column. (See the May issue of
Eeats arrived
before Easter the dairy. Annaliciais now also off of Pure Facts.)
Stuckeychildrenwere thrilled. The glutenand caseinand Lisa has seen
2 Pure FadslJune 20O5
New strdyrJrom page I
The results of the study showed
no improvementin the motor skills,
researchers report
"significant improvementsfor active
treatnent versus placebo were found
in reading. spelling and behaviour
over 3 months of treatrnent...after
the crossover, similar changeswere
seen in the placebo-active group,
whereas children continuing with
active treaEnentmaintainedor improvedtheir progress.
"Food affectsbehaviow. If
you paid attention to diet,
you could really make a
Dr. Richardson
Children who were taking the fish
oil made l0 months' progress in
their reading skills during the 3
month period of the study. The
children who were given the olive
oil supplementsprogessed just 3
months during the same period.
When the second group was
switchedto the EFASthey alsomade
rapid progress in their reading
While none of the British children
had receivedan ADHD diagnosis,
one ttrftd
them showed
characteristics of the diagnosis
before the supplementation. After
the three months on ftsh oils half of
those children no longer showed
ADHD characteristics.
'The Oxford-Durhamstudy: a randomized, cortrolled trial of dietary
supplementationwith fatty acids in
childrcnwith developmental
Note: It would be interesting to
see what results would have been
achievedif the regirnen incorporated
both the Feingold Program and EFA
Removeadditivesor add supplements?
/hen you remove syntheticchemicalsyou are more likely to consume
YY healthier food. Your body then receives more of the nutients it
needsto frDction and at the sametime it has fewer harmful chemicalsto deal
\trith. Adding beneficial supplementsfurther protects you. John Taylor,
Ph.D., author of several definitive books on ADHD, calls this
Our bodies are designedto deal with a certain amount of toxins, but even
a very healthy body has its limits. Children growing up in the U.S. in the
1950s consumeda modest amount of synthetic additives, but they took in
important nutrients in the foods they ate. Most of them were able to deal
with the occasionalexposureto toxins.
Today, huge numbers of children in western counfiies (but especiallythe
U.S.) live on a regimenthat is more and more devoid of achralfood. Their
bodies lack the raw materialsthat enablethen to withstand a steadydiet of
microwaved dinners, fries, soft drinks, juiceless juices, and candy at every
hrm, plus school lunchestlat are based on corn syrup, soy replacers and
A well nourishedbody will function better and is able to get
rid of manv of the toxic chemicalswe encounterin our world.
Farm-raised salmon isn't a
good source of BFAs since they
do not haYe a diet of omega-3
rich sealife.
"The data [from the omega-3
studyl also shows a significant
improvement in concentration
and behaviour. Symptomsof
the sort associatedwith attention deficit and hyperactivity
disorder(ADHD) were reduced
by an order of magnitude
usually achievedwith stimulants
such as Ritalin.
reported that other health
problems,such as eczemaand
asthma.also improved.although
no specific data on these other
the study."
Felicity la,wence
Ihe Guardian
Selectinga supplement
The FAUS Supplement List
contains many productsthat provide
the omega-3fatty acids so essential
for normal brain development.
Unlike the fishy+asting cod liver oil
our grandparents were forced to
swallow, there are improved options
today, including capsules for the
child who can swallow them, and
flavorings that make the oil more
Nordic Naturals offers a highly
purified oil that is flavored with
lemon and is suitable for people on
Stage One. It is available in a
zl-ounce bottle and has a long
shelflife when it is refrigerated.
Down the hatch
Sally Fallon, the author of
Nourishing Traditions, described
how she served her children small
shot glassesof juice each morning.
with the addedfish oil. They would
"belly up to the bar" just like the
cowboys in old westerns, and
swallow the mixture in one gulp,
minimizins the sensationof oiliness.
Pure Fads/June 2005 3
The heart of the case is this:
Does a doctor have the right to
Using the report of the select a treattrrent for a patient disgnrntled father, the Medical when this treatnent is supportedby
Board combed over Dr. Sinaiko's good medical researchand scientific
patient records, seekingsomereason studies- even if it is not generally
to stop him from practicing. They a Eeatmentused by other doctors in
found the cases of thrce adults to the area?
use as "evidence."
One of the
The California Medical Board
patients was treated for allergic
fungal sinusitis,one with a serious maintained that a doctor does not
have the right to teat a patient
according to emerging information
seraitivity, and one with chonic
in medical research. The
fatigue and a behavioral disorder.
All of these patients got better or MBC calls such innovativetreatment
improvedunder Dr. Sinaiko'scare; "outside the standard of care."
none of them complained and none Thus, the only treaEnents doctors
testified at the hearings. The patient would be allowed to use are those
with the mold allergy, unforhrnately, which are currently being used by
left Dr. Sinaiko's care when he other doctors. Even if a new
moved to another state where he treatment is clearly superior to the
became much more ill
and old methods, and is supported by
good research,and is beneficial for
committed suicide some years later.
patient...it would be illegal for a
Amazingly, the Medical Board of
California actually atempted to doctor to use anything new.
blamethe suicideon Dr. Sinaiko.
Medical freedon,Jrom page I
The Medical Board of
attempted to
prevent doctors from using
newer, safer, and more
effective ways to treat their
Concerning the patient with
chronic fatigue syndrome, he was
accused of "treating a diseasethat
does not exist" since the MBC
insisted that multiple chemical
sensitivityis not a real disorderbut
only a psychiatricproblem. (MCS,
also known as environmentalillness,
is a condition that typically comes
about as the result of a heaw
The case is well described and
outlined in a cover article that was
published in the magazine Medical
Economics. Both the article and the
legal documents can be found at
4 Pve E*ls/Juru 2005
As far as the care of children with
ADHD, the MBC inventeda "ladder
of treaunent" that would allow only
drugs and psychotherapy. The
ladder would start with drugs like
Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, and as
the child went up the ladder,
progressively stronger drugs would
be added.
This case is sharneful on many
levels, not the least being the blatant
lies and many unethical practiceson
the part of the prosecution. The
Medical Bord and the office of the
Attorney General used the laws, the
money, and the resources of the
citizens of Califomia in an attempt
to deprive them of some very basic
rights. (Ihis is easily verifiable
when you readthe legalpapers.)
After many long yeius, the
doctors and patients won. But the
road hasbeen hard for Dr. Sinaiko.
The final successdid not occur in
the courtroom; rather the Medical
Board of California, now composed
of all new members, decided they
were wrong, and they would drop
all chargesagainstDr. Sinaiko if he
would just please agree not to sue
The Medical Board of
California has a long history
of silencingpractitionerswho
use what is generallycalled
It almost seems anticlimactic to
end the long bafile so quietly, but
the importanceof this casecannotbe
overestimated. It was a catalyst, a
watershed case, which has changed
the history of medicine in California
- and thereby the whole country.
In an unprecedented move, the
California Medical Association (not
connectedto the MBC) stood up for
the rights of a doctor, opposingthe
authorityof the MedicalBoard.
Several publications ran articles
supportingDr. Sinaiko and raising
awarenessof the criminal behavior
of the MBC. There is a new law
now in California which prohibits
the persecutionof a doctor for using
This article has been
reprinted from the Feingold
Association'se-mail newsletter.
Its editor, Shula Edelkind,
played a key role in bringing
about tlese dramatic events.
She had no specialtraining to
do this work: she simply could
not standby and watch such an
injusticetake place. Shulawas
joined by long-time Feingold
volunteer, Colleen Smethers.
Help! We're on StageOne...andwe're ltalian!
Life without tomatoescan be hard for manv families. evenif it's only for
a few weeks. Fortunatelythere are someoptions.
What to do aboutPizza
What to do aboutPasta
1. Have you soenthe Un-Tomato Saucerecipe in your
Program Book? Yes, we understandthat a sauce made
from carrots and beets may not sound like it came ftom
Roma, but the acidity in tomatoes is the most important
factor in their unique taste, not the actual flavor. By
adding acidity to the carrot/beet combination, you can
come close. The Un-Tomato recipe is especially good to
use in dishes like pizza, where only a small amount of
sauceis needed.
2. Add some moisture to your white pizza by first
brushing the crust with olive oil, then spreading a thin
layer of Ricotta cheese over it. Cover that with your
favorite cooked meats, and partially-cooked chopped
vegetables,then sprinkle on mozzarellacheese.
1. The recipe book in your new member package
has a sinple Alfredo saucethat is great on pasa. You
can make an economical dinner in less than 30
minures,using only one saucepanand a colander.
2. Gravy works well on pasta of all types, as well
as egg noodles. Make a roux using butter and flour,
then whisk in beef or chicken broth for a quick gravy.
3. Pesto sauce is very Italian. Or just use olive
oil, garlic, salt and somelemonjuice for a topping.
4. Some kids (the puris8) prefer just melted butter
and salt on their pasta.
5. Pastais a geat basefor summersalads. Chop
up somegreem, veggiesand meat or seafood,and add
a creamydressingfor supperin a bowl.
Consumersfight back
Healthy food wrap
A coalition of parent/consumergroupsin New Zealandhas Researchersat Oregon State
presented"awards" to food giants.
University have developedan
to what cdtics call a relentlesscampaign edible film that is designedto
I on the part of the food industry to market unhealthyfood to children.
protectfood from spoiling and
Coca-Colareceivedthe Trojan Horse Award for promoting their vending
help retain the fresh taste.
machinesin school.
Kellogg's won the Fancy Dress Award for their Bart Simpson"Eat My
The Pester Power Award went to McDonald's for their saturation
advertising,useof sportsheroes,and promotionof toys.
Iast year the food industry announcedit wanted to be a part of the
solution to the growing problem of childhood obesity, but the coalition said
"There has been no let-up in the relentlessrnarketing of unhealthyfood to
One excqrtion was Heinz, which was singled out for their positive
contribution by reducing salt content, producing organic baby food and
excluding geneticallyengineeredcrops.
Made from a combination of
chitosan (from shellfish) and lysozyme (from egg whites), it looks like
plastic wrap, but that's where the
similarity ends. Both of the ingredients in the wrap are nanrral
antimicrobials, and they can be
applied to food by spraying, dipping
or wrapping. Since tle filn is so
thin, it doesn't changethe texture of
the food.
Happy cowsaren't so happy
Food labeling is often incomplete
and misleading; this can even be a
problem with organic foods. The
Organic Consumers Association
(OCA) bas object€d to the practices
employed by Horizon, whose
organic dairy products are widely
distributed in supermarke8. While
the cows aren't fed hormones and
and eat primarily a grain baseddiet,
not the grass that is nahrre's
preferred food for them. The OCA
points to lax standardsof what may
antibiotics, they are not raised be called "organic" and the failure
according to the standard$that are of the US Deparhent of Agriculture
generally associatedwith organic to monitor companies. Ilorizon is
foods. Horizon cows spendmost of now owned by Dean Foods, the
their time confined in huge bams nation's largestproducer of milk.
Pure Fads/June2005 5
The fight for your health dollars
As rewarding as the outcomeof Dr. Sinaiko's caseis, it is only one fight in a virtual war to
determinewho is in chargeof our health.
are incrediblyprofitable
many pharmaceutical
companies are incredibly wealthy.
(The wealthiest, Pfizer, rang up
$25.5billion in salesin 2001.) In
business, executives are rewarded
for cutting costs and maximizing
profits, and drugs are a businessa big one. Even the ancientsknew
that "power corrupts" a.ndmoney is
power. In many cases, the good
intentionsof a governmentagencyor
a politician or other public official
are no match for the power of the
Even as Dr. Sinaiko and his
family heal from their ordeal,
other doctors in other states
arebeing similarly targeted.
Someof the major issues
r A growing numberof consumers
are becomingdisetrchanted
the use of drugsfor health
o They aretrrming to optionsthat
were oncein commonuse.but
arenow considered"altemative."
Theseinclude: diet supple.
mentingwith vitamins,minerals,
herbs,essentialoils, etc., using
homeopathy,and a wide rangeof
o Consumerswho do use drugs
have seenprices climb to levels
that imposefinancial hardship;
many ofthem seekout less costly
o The mediahas reportedseveral
caseswhere dnrg companies
knowingly promotedproducts
they know to be ineffective or
o The public hasleamedthat FDA
officials hid this information and
the agency.
6 Ptre BactslJune2005
There are many things that threaten the bottom line
of what has becomeknown as "Big Pharma.t'
o Doctorswho believethat patientsmay borefit from other approaches,
additionto drugs.
e Compoundir8pharmacistswho createmedicinebilored to the needsof the
r Supplements
that havebeenfound to be srperior to drugsin addressing
European consumersare now unable to find the supplementsthey once
used; and those that are left are very low in potency and very high in cost.
Similar designsto control accessto non-drugs are in place for other parts of
the world, including the United States. To learn more about this see any of
the following: www.citizens.org,www.healthfteedom.net,
or www.nnfa.org.
Big Pharma turns to PR
There has recently been an increasein efforts to convince Americansthat
alternativeapproachesare inherently dangerousand that they should put their
trust in the FDA and Big Pharma.
kst year consumerswere told that taking more than a modestamount of
vitamin E could be dangerous. The study that producedthis has since been
discredited,but not until after the messagewent out acrossthe country.
Compoundingpharmacistsare now being targeted, and their work is being
porhayed as sloppy, inexact, and potentially dangerous. Big Pharma is
potrayed as scientific and sanitary. Too bad there is no media coverageof
the warnings the FDA sends to pharmaceuticalgiants who violate good
"International bribery and comrption, fraud in the testing of
drugs, criminal negligencein the unsafe manufacturing of drugs
the pharmaceutical indusry has a worse record of
law-breaking than any other industry."
Dr. JohnBraithwaite,
autlor of Corporate Cime in the PharmaceuticalIndustry
Profitable drug sfores
Not only do pharmaceuticalcompaniesinflate the prices they charge for
brand name drugs, drug stores sell generics for grossly inflated costs - as
much as 500,000% of wl:at they actually pay for the drugs.
Discount stores like Costco and Sam's Club typically offer the lowest
prices (and you can have prescriptionsfilled at Sam's Club without being a
member). Compareprices at warehouse/discount
storesin your area or go to
Drugstore.comand Costco.comto check their prices. Neighborhood
pharmacieswill often match these competitive prices. Investigativereporter,
Amold Diaz, found that a prescription for generic Albuterol sold for $54 at
one New York pharmacyand the samedrug cost $8.20 at Costco. When
confronted,the pharmacyagreedto match the lower price.
PIG Report
The follo^/ingproductshave been researchedor
re{esearcfied and may be added to your Foodrrsf
or Mail order Guide.
Stage One
Product Alertl
The bad neu,s: Mlss ROBENSCrunchyChocolate
ChipCookieMix now contiains
vanillinand needsto
be removedfrom your Foodlsf & stlopping Guide.
The good news: MISSROBENShasjust developed
a mix to take its place:Sta0e One Soy-Free
ChocolateChip CookieMix. ltem ilK1320
365 (\Mrole Foods)Sugar: Dark Brou,n,Light Brown,
BIoNATURAE"GlutenFreePasta:Elbor/s. Fusili.
EDWARDS& SON'SPremierJapanSoy Sauce
Cfamari)Gingervarietynol/ containsapplecider
vinegarso it needsto be movedto the SlageTr,\o
sectionof your Foodlrsf.
crade, Readyto cook Chickensfor Rotisserie,
Stage Two
365 (VvholeFoods)TomatoKetchup(paprika,red peppers)
Potato(CS);Egg Rolls:Large,Miniature;
365 ORGANIC(\/\holeFoods)Ketchup(paprika,
FullyCookedReadyto ServeTurkeySalamiDeli
red peppers)
CaseRoll(N);TurkeySalamiPackagedDeli Slices(N)
Red EnchibdaSauce(chilipeppers);GreenChili
Sauce:Hot, Medium,Mild(tomatoesin all);Salsa:Hot,
Cookjes:Ginger& Spice,Lemon& Vanilla
peppersin all) - www.5o5chile.com
ALVARADOST. BAKERr OrganicGrinolawilh Raisins;
CastileBar SoaD.
ClassicBar Soap,PremiumBar Soap
Bread:EssentialFlax Seed(raisins),Sprouted\ heat
www.gtsoap.com- (888) 6GF-SOAP
CinnarnonRaisin- www.alvaradogrcdbakery.com
LANDO' LAKESSpreadableButterwith CanolaOil
Po\der, Com-Free
The Joy StickMeatSnack(paprika)
www.allergygrocer.com(800) 8914083
DAIRYYogurt:Wld Blueberry,Raspberry
MONKEYSUDZUnflavoredSoy Lip Balm
FOODFOR LIFE*The Originalll Natural:Lovv
Bread(almonds);\Mreat& GlutenFree
NATUML OVENSBAKERY(all containCS) Bagels:
Red Rice(peaches),ChinaBlack
Brainy,GoldenCumch,HeartyGrains& Onion,\/!hole
Grain; Breads:GoldenCrunchLo-Carb,HealthMax,
HERITAGEACRES"All Nalural:ltalianSausage(paprika),
Mild Rye,OriginalLo-Carb,SofrVrrheatLccarb;
Wener (paprika)
LETS DO ORGANIC*FruityGummiFeet(CS,apples,
Cooktes;PumpkinChip Muffins
apricots,cunants, cranbenies,elderbenies)
NATUREBAKE(onlyin WA and OR) 10oo/o
GrainBread:4x5 Multigrain,MultiGrainSpelt,Oat
Bran,Spelt;OrganicBread:9 Grain,DoubleBran,
HoneySproutedVlheat,Oats& Honey,OmegaFlax,
HoneyNut GranolaBar (apples,alrnonds),Paul'sOat
Raisin Efead: Cookies:GourmetAlmond,Gourmet
Gourmet\ blnut Spice
NUSALTSalt Substitute
OatmealRaisin;Muffins:CanotNut (raisins,
BalancedDrinkMix 30.30.40:
Bean (CS) www.ndibidic.com
Cappuccino(CS, cotree),Strauberry(CS)
Chip,CinnamonS\ /id,Vanilla- www.sorellabakery.comZIPS NATURALSPORr ScabDabAntisepticSalve
SOYFEE"Soy Coffee:OriginalRoast,DarkRoast,
(grapes,rosehips)- www.indigawild.com
Housebfend- www.soycoffee.com
ZUM RUB*Moisturizer:
Tea Tree Citrus(grapes,citrus
- maycontaintracesof orangesor
Soothers(lozenges)- www.econaturalsoltJtions.com
The FeingoldoAssociations
do not endorse,appro\€ or assumeresponsibility
tur any produd, brand,methodor irEatment.Th€ prosence(or
absence)of a producton a FeingoldFoodlid,or the discussion
of a methodor treatmentdoss not condituteappro\€l(or disapproval).
The Foodli$s
are basedprimarilyuponinfurmation
suppliedby manufadurers
andare nqt basgduponindgpgndent
Pure FadslJune 2005 7
Antidepressantsand Children
The products are: Paxil, Celexa,
fn April the EuropeanMedicines
lAgency cautioned parcnts and Iexapro, Zoloft, Effexor, Remedoctorsthat some of the drugs being ron, Cymbalta and Prozac. Most
usedfor depressionand ADHD pose are not licensedfor use in children,
potential risks for children and but doctors may prescribethem.
teens. The Agency's scientific comOne of the drugs on tlp cautionmitbe found that children and ary list is Strattera, which is
adolescentswho took the drugs were licensed to be used for children and
more likely to experience suicidal is prescribed for ADHD and OCD
behaviors (suicide attempts and (obsessive compulsive disorder).
thoughts) ard hostile behaviors Last month Pwe Faas reported on
(aggression,oppositionalbehaviors) Strattera's link to liver injury and
than thosewho took placebos.
death in someoatients.
Pure Facts
Edito[ JarEHersey
Conbibuting to this issue:
Lorraine Cordo
Doma Crrtis
Cindy Harell
Ba6ara Keele
Gail Wachsmuth
Pure Facts is priblishedten times a
year and is a portion of the natsrial
provfuledto menrbersof the Feingold
Associ&tionoftho UnitedStrtes.
lviembershipprovides tbo Feingold
Programbook rrfrich includesRecipes
& Trro Week Mcnu Plan, e regional
study of 400 children
Foodlist containirg thousandsof ao--Ldiagnosed with ADHD has
c€ptsble U.S. brend name foods, a
shown that zinc sulfate decreasedthe
telephoneand E-mail He$Ling and a
symptoms of hyperactivity and imsubscriptionto Pwe Fack. The costin
the U.S. is $691-$11 shipping. A Pare
pulsiveness,and improved socialiFacrs Bubsoriptionplus bulletin board
zation. Zinic is involved in both the
aooess is $3El!eer uihen ordered
production and regulation of the
important neurofansmitters serotoFor moreinformationor detrils or
nin, dopamine and norepinephrine.
.membershipornsidethe U.S., oontact
In 2000 Wyeth Pharmaceuticals FAUS, 554 E&stldoin St, Suite301,
It has also been found to help the
introduced Prevnar, a vaccine to
Riverhead,NY 11901or phone (631)
body rnetabolizeessentialfaty acids. prevent
ear infections. The comThe study,by M. Bilici et al, wa$ pany sought to have every infant in
The artioles in this newsletterare
ofiered as information for Pure Facts
publishedin the January2004 issue the U.S. injectedat ages2, 4, 6 and
reeders,and are not intendedto provide
of Progress in NeuroPsychophar- 12 months of age. When Wyeth
medical advice. Pleaee seek tbe
macobgy and Biological Psychiory.
failed to comply with government
guielanceof a qualified health oare
professionalconoemingmedicll issues.
Dr. Bernard Rimland, director of
Benefits of Ztnc
Ear infections:
dre Autism Research Institute,
"The improvement
seen in these children in just 12
weeks is particularly remarkable
given that hyperactive children who
are deficient in zinc are likely to be
deficient in other nutrients, such as
magnesium,as well. Giving these
children adequatesupplementsof all
essential nutrients is likely to be
vastly more beneficial than merely
giving one nutrient, and should be
tried in place of drug treatment."
(as quotedn Crime Times)
Note: A 199 studyby N.I. Ward
showed that hyperactive children
loce zinc when they consume the
yellow dyesNo.5 and No. 6.
Livingston, atempted to stop the
unsafe practices. This resulted in
his beingfired.
@ www.feingold.org
2005by the FerngoldAssociation
of the United Stdes, Inc.
Antibiotic problems
In an article just published in
Medical Hypothesis (2N5: 64,312
-315) researcherDr. Joan Fallon
found a stong possibility that the
antibiotic Augmentin, given to
children for ear infections since the
late eighties, is a key factor in
autism. She reports that the children
shrdied suffered frorn ammonia
poisoning resulting from the fermentation of the drug.
Informationfrom NewDevelopments,
the newsletterof DeveloprnenalDelay
Permissionto reprint
You are welcome to circulate
articles tbat qpear in PLo"eFacts.
This can be in tle form of photocopies to sharc with others, or the
reprinting of articles in another
newsletter or in an Intemet newsletter or on a web site.
When you reprint, please use the
followirg aclabwledgment:
Reprinted ftom Pure Facts, the
nowsletter of the Feingold@ Association of the United States (800)
ThenextPure Factswill be our combinedJuly/August
I Pwe FactslJune2005

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