Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan


Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan
Pacific Beach
Redevelopment Plan
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Grays Harbor County
Al Carter, District 3 - - representing Pacific Beach
Bob Beerbower, District 1
Mike Wilson, District 2
F. Paul Easter, Director
Department of Public Services
Brian Shea, Director
Planning & Building Division
Kevin Varness, Director
Utilities & Development Division
North Beach Business
Special Thanks
Marjorie Johnson, President
Scott Hedin, Vice-president
Pam Rasmussen, Treasurer
Stephen Poulakos, Secretary
NBBA Membership
Project Funding: Grays Harbor County,
Pacific Beach Business & Property Owners and
Community Members.
In-Kind Support:
Tom & Pam Rasmussen: lodging, logistics & on-site
Jim & Nancy Lyman, Pacific Tango: work &
meeting space, meals
Cindy Murdoch, Naval Base: meals
Ed & Patti Draheim, Paddie’s Perch: meal
Mim & Paul Groesse, Beach Ave. B&B: lodging
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Solutions Team
Vicki D. Dugger, Project Coordinator
Brad Sinn, Business Development
PO Box 2912, Salem, OR 97308
[email protected]
Weisman Design Group
Andy Rasmussen, Landscape Architect
2329 E. Madison Street, Seattle, WA 98112
[email protected]
Laurence Qamar, AIA
Town Planning
3432 SE Carlton Street, Portand, OR 97202
[email protected]
Seabrook Land Company
Stephen Poulakos, Director of Town Development
4275 State Route 109, Pacific Beach, WA 98571
[email protected]
[email protected]
Grays Harbor County
Commissioner Al Carter
100 West Broadway, Suite #1
Montesano, WA 98563
[email protected]
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Table of
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
As a small, rural beachfront community, Pacific
Beach faces both opportunities and challenges.
Downtown boasts a compact, traditional
commercial district that is interesting & walkable. The
community is also growing at the same rate as the
rest of the state (1.1% per year locally) and it has
access to a new group of higher income residents
with Seabrook Land Company’s development
project. However, Pacific Beach continues to
struggle with the loss of family wage logging and mill
jobs and its ripple effects. In addition, its isolated
location that’s ‘almost at the end of the road’ is a
mixed blessing as the community is remote and not
as easy to access as most other coastal communities
- - but this also gives the town its own special
This old tourist map shows
Pacific Beach - - which is unusual since
the town wasn’t shown on maps for many
years due to Naval Base activities.
Among Pacific Beach’s best assets are the people
who live there. Most residents have made a
conscious decision to move to Pacific Beach, with
many residents working more than one job to make
ends meet. The town has been compared to the
mythical Cicely, Alaska of Northern Exposure
television fame - - a tight-knit community of
intelligent, funny, creative, independent, yet
community-minded, folks who like living in a stunning
location that’s off the beaten path.
The conversation regarding the need for, and
potential of, downtown revitalization services for
Pacific Beach began in August, 2005. The North
Beach Business Association invited Vicki Dugger,
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Executive Director of the Downtown Solutions Team,
to visit the community and participate in a
downtown walking tour and follow-up meeting with
the county, local business and property owners, and
members of the community. A draft project scope
was developed based on the Resource Team
approach; where a group of downtown specialists
work with a community to explore solutions for image
and business development; property
redevelopment; streetscape improvements; and
next steps in a targeted 3-day charette format.
Once the project components for Pacific Beach
were finalized, an associated budget was
developed. To help keep project costs to a
minimum, the Seabrook Land Company offered to
donate the time of two members of the project
team, Laurence Qamar and Stephen Poulakos, and
Pacific Beach business owners volunteered to
donate lodging, work space and meals. In early
November, Vicki made another trip to Pacific Beach
to meet with the North Beach Business Association.
As a follow-up, County Commissioner Al Carter
began exploring funding options through Grays
Harbor County and a fund-raising effort was initiated
by Pacific Beach community members. By January
2006, all the funding and contractual pieces were in
place and the project was set for on-site delivery of
services January 30 – February 1.
The Pacific Beach project team was comprised of
Vicki Dugger and Brad Sinn of the Downtown
Solutions Team. Vicki coordinated the project,
facilitated meetings, participated in planning and
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
code issues, and developed the final powerpoint
presentation and report. Brad’s scope of work
included an analysis of the local market area and
recommendations to strengthen and build upon
Pacific Beach’s image and business development
opportunities. Andy Rasmussen, a landscape
architect with Weisman Design Group of Seattle,
worked on issues related to pedestrian pathway and
streetscape improvements; drainage; entry signage;
and other public space improvements. Laurence
Qamar, designer and town planner, developed the
frameworks for both long- and short-term
redevelopment and worked on concepts for
improved pedestrian circulation, infill development
and rehabbed facades. Stephen Poulakos, director
of town development with Seabrook Land
Company, tackled planning and code issues and
made recommendations for upgrading existing
downtown storefronts. County Commissioner Al
Carter brought in staff to help problem solve on
specific code and public facilities issues. Tom
Rasmussen, of Pacific Beach, collected background
information, coordinated logistics and kept the
process and project running smoothly.
The Pacific Beach Resource Team gathered ideas
and feedback from the community through public
meetings and focus groups. Thirty-five participants
attended the project kick-off meeting. In addition,
six focus groups were held during the on-site visit.
Focus group participants included business owners;
owners of undeveloped land and realtors; future
business owners; county staff; and the community at-
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
large. Over fifty downtown stakeholders attended
the final presentation that was held on the third
evening of the on-site work.
This focused planning effort was designed to address
the need for a more vital downtown district through
a combination of business development activities
and physical improvements. The goal is to maximize
Pacific Beach’s unique downtown assets and
advantages and address its challenges and
disadvantages. And through the implementation of
the projects and recommendations in the plan,
create a more economically vibrant, inviting, and
livable community.
The Resource Team’s guiding principles for this
project were to respond to the community’s vision
and ‘best chances for success’ opportunities with
feasible projects. The concepts and
recommendations outlined in this plan are based on
community feedback and ‘best practice’ solutions
that fit Pacific Beach.
In order for this ‘roadmap’ for downtown to be
followed and implemented, it will need to be
championed by the community and county. The
goal of this project is not the simple development of
a plan, but the articulation of agreed-upon ideas
and design concepts to guide and facilitate the
redevelopment process.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
What Makes a
Perhaps before the question is answered as to what
makes a downtown work, the issue should be
addressed as to why having an economically vital,
inviting downtown is important.
Downtown redevelopment, economic development
and job growth are intricately connected - especially in areas where tourism is an important
economic driver. The way a downtown looks and
functions does matter to economic development.
“A community is
characterized by civility,
respect and neighborly
It is a place; people feel
rooted, they belong, they can
participate in civic life.
A town supplies the heartbeat
and signature for the area. It
is where people gather to
live, play, learn and grow.”
- - William Hudnut
These days, an attractive, viable downtown is
necessary to garner more visitor and resident dollars
and send the message to potential businesses,
industries, investors and residents who may locate in
Pacific Beach, that the community values its
downtown as the commercial, social and cultural
center of the community.
Downtowns are not static. They are never sitting still,
but are either moving forward or backward - sometimes incrementally, sometimes not. Successful
downtowns are active, inviting, pedestrian-friendly
environments that have a range of retail, service,
dining and residential options for community
members and visitors alike. Successful downtowns
don’t just happen. They are a complex interweaving
of the following components:
A shared vision, detailed plan and strong
commitment to downtown; supporting it as the
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
vital commercial, social and cultural hub of the
A cooperative public/private partnership that
works together on downtown revitalization
‘Downtown champions’ - - usually an organized
group of local sparkplugs who are the driving
force for redevelopment and revitalization
An understanding that downtowns don’t go
downhill overnight and won’t be revitalized
overnight and that downtown redevelopment is
an arduous process - - but one worthy of time,
monetary and volunteer commitment;
A mix of private and public funding is necessary
to undertake a variety of downtown projects;
A mix of uses is important in downtown, including
upper-floor housing;
The right mix and clustering of locally owned
businesses that are sensitive to the needs of
shoppers and changing retail trends;
A pedestrian friendly, walkable environment that
is conducive to ‘pulling’ shoppers down the
street with contiguous, active storefronts that are
built to the sidewalk and have eye-catching
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
5 Rules for a
Well-Designed Downtown
Safe, welcoming sidewalks and ‘calm’ streets
that have clear circulation patterns identified for
both vehicles and pedestrians;
1. Create a sense of place.
Reflect your natural and cultural heritage
Make downtown a place that people
remember in a positive way
encourage social interaction and gathering - -
2. Design the place for people.
Downtowns need to be at a scale for
o Create building details & signage for
o Make sidewalks & public spaces enjoyable.
3. Mix in a variety of uses.
Mixed-uses need to be both vertical &
o Local complementary uses should be
adjacent to one another.
o Have uses that keep downtown active after
5 pm.
serving as the ‘living room’ of the community;
Locate parking to the side, or behind,
o Use on-street parking where possible to
help shrink parking lots.
o Make parking attractive for both cars and
Storefronts – Sidewalks – Public Space - &
Parking….they should all work together
and complement each other!
Downtown should be the home to a variety of
unique special events and activities that fall into
4. No parking lots in front of buildings.
Cooperative, high quality marketing to a variety
of well-defined target audiences;
5. Connect all the pieces.
Inviting public spaces and amenities that
the categories of: image, retail, and special
Perhaps, it is a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude that
makes all the difference in revitalization efforts - one of pride, cooperation and stick-to-it-ness;
where the community works together towards a
more positive future for community.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Purpose of a
When faced with issues about the future character
and long-term success of a downtown commercial
district, a proactive community develops a
Downtown Plan, which is intended to provide a
roadmap for revitalization. A Downtown
Redevelopment Plan helps ensure the community
achieves its vision by proactively taking charge of
downtown’s future, rather than reacting to
challenges in a piecemeal way. The projects and
implementation strategies contained in Pacific
Beach’s Redevelopment Plan allow downtown
stakeholders and the county to make informed,
strategic decisions about future development and
public improvements.
A community that is actively implementing a
Downtown Redevelopment Plan has a competitive
edge opposed to those who do not have a
roadmap to guide them (or whose plans sit idly on
shelves) - - as these communities are also seen as
better business and redevelopment risks because
local stakeholders have articulated a proactive
vision and plan for their future.
Finally, when looking for project funding,
communities who work from an overall plan tend to
have more success than those who don’t because
funders like projects that are part of a
comprehensive vision and redevelopment strategy.
Pacific Beach’s Downtown Redevelopment Plan
outlines a framework for revitalization and identifies a
range of business development actions; streetscape
improvements; and redevelopment opportunities to
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
implement that will best capitalize on existing assets
and opportunities. The plan also includes strategies
for implementation.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Chapter 1:
Streetscape & Open Space
As travelers approach Pacific Beach, there are few
architectural or gateway features at the intersection
of the Highway 109 and Main Street to announce
downtown. This is primarily due to the fact that about
thirty years ago the highway was relocated several
blocks east of downtown after the Joe Creek bridge
washed out. A recent entry sign at the intersection
of the highway and Main Street is the only feature
that encourages visitors to venture off the highway
and explore Pacific Beach. Compounding the issue
is the fact that the wetlands area adjacent to the
highway and school are overgrown and do not offer
a welcoming entry into the community. In addition,
between the highway and the downtown core, lowdensity development and an abundance of ‘front
loaded’ parking lots dilute the sense of place. It’s not
until the first time traveler reaches the downtown
core that he or she realizes a great little downtown
exists that has an amazing relationship to the ocean.
Open Space
The town of Pacific Beach has an outstanding
natural connection with the beach and ocean and
this relationship makes the community uniquely
special. However, the chain link fencing that is part
of Naval Base separates Main Street from the beach
- - making it a barrier for visitors, as they can see the
ocean, but don’t know how to access it. Existing
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
pathways and linkages to the beach are out of the
way and ill-defined. However, there appears to be
excellent potential to provide improved pedestrian
connections to the beach and these will be
discussed later in the report. Right now, the beach
offers many amenities and experiences that are not
obvious or accessible. However, improved
wayfinding and connections to the beach could
enhance the identity, livability and visitor draw to
Pacific Beach.
General Streetscape
The formal streetscape of Pacific Beach, which
includes sidewalks and curbs, is found along Main
The raised curb between the roadway and
sidewalk presents a tripping hazard for
Street in the downtown core - - with the most intact
streetscape and building fabric along the south side
of the street. As commercial development trickles
out from the downtown core toward the highway
intersection, the streetscape becomes much more
informal, falling away to pathways and parking lots.
Functionally, the sidewalks in the downtown core are
dangerous in some places due to tripping hazards
caused by protruding curbs between the street and
sidewalk. In other places, the sidewalks are simply
beat up and due to for replacement due to their
age and the harsh marine climate. Currently, the
downtown streetscape is lacking several of the
essential elements that help define and support a
successful and pedestrian friendly commercial
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
An interesting and fun component of the downtown
streetscape is the pole with signs that point to the
different businesses in downtown. This directional sign
pole has a historical precedent and helps celebrate
Pacific Beach’s funkiness.
Street Definition
The core of Pacific Beach feels like a typical small,
rural town, with most of the commercial buildings
located at the sidewalk. This configuration
contributes to a comfortable pedestrian
environment. To understand how important this
development style is to pedestrian friendliness,
compare downtown Pacific Beach to Ocean Shores.
Pacific Beach is, by far, much more walkable and
pedestrian friendly. The graphic at the left illustrates
how two types of development patterns (downtown
Ideal - 1:3 height-to-width ratio
and suburban-style) have much to do with the
walkability of a commercial district. It will be
important to keep Pacific Beach’s new downtown
Challenging - 1:7 height-to-width ratio
buildings up to the sidewalk, as they will help define
the street edge and support a browsible shopping
environment. Optimally, Main Street should be
further redeveloped with buildings, helping create a
more intact and walkable commercial district.
Pacific Beach’s on-street parking in downtown core
is an important component of a well-functioning and
walkable downtown district. There is an opportunity
to better define and organize on-street parking on
the side streets. It will also be important to tuck
parking behind and to the sides of new infill
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
As recently as the winter of 2005-06, downtown
Pacific Beach had problems with stormwater runoff
and management. A few weeks prior to the
Resource Team’s arrival in the community, the town
had problems with runoff combining with waste
water after heavy rains. During the Resource Team
process, Kevin Varness, the Director of the County’s
Utilities & Development Division, met with the team
and community members to update the group on
issues that caused this to happen and solutions that
are being implemented. He assured the group this
issue will be successfully resolved.
The fact that downtown slopes from NW to SE and
the roadway and sidewalk pavement causes the
water to sheet and run also has created problems
with water running into some of the south side
storefronts - - some of the curbs that protrude
between the street and sidewalk (discussed
previously) aid in diverting the water from running
into storefronts. To address this issue, community
members met with the county during the Resource
Team process and a solution was explored to install
new stormwater outlets where needed (primarily
along the north side of Main Street) and connect
associated drainage lines to help resolve these
issues. Members of the Resource Team agreed with
this solution and also developed another concept
for helping mitigate runoff by selectively cleaning up
the wetland near the highway and diverting more
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
stormwater into it. The concept is described in
Chapter 3.
Visitor Infrastructure
Two important components of a visitor
infrastructure in a downtown are: 1) easily
accessible visitor information on attractions, shops,
activities, restaurants, lodging; and 2) clean,
permanent public restrooms. One issue that came
up during focus group meetings was the existence
of two porta-pots sitting on Main Street in the
middle of downtown. Public restrooms are an
important component of visitor infrastructure, but
better solutions are needed.
A better solution to porta-pots for downtown Pacific Beach.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Existing Conditions: Downtown
Pacific Beach and the North Coast are fortunate in
that they are rich in both pre- and post-European
settlement history. In addition, the Moclips Museum
has a depth of historic information, including many
photographs depicting the area from days gone by.
This kind of background information was very
Museum of the North Beach photo
valuable and assisted members of the Resource
Team in understanding Pacific Beach’s history - social, cultural and the built environment.
In addition, Pacific Beach retains some very nice
architectural resources that include historic
storefronts and its small, shingle-clad seaside
cottages that are primarily located in the
neighborhood south of Main Street. These
architectural resources are important to protect and
enhance as the community grows and moves
Museum of the
North Beach photo
ahead with revitalization efforts. They are important
design signatures that help give Pacific Beach its
sense of place.
Even though downtown has a stock of traditional
storefronts, many of them have languished over the
years and are in dire need of rehabilitation. The
good news: over the past year, some downtown
properties have turned over and are in the process
of being rehabbed, with careful attention being
paid to the building’s previous history and design
details. The bad news: without updates to the
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
zoning code, redevelopment on Main Street could
work against the community’s vision for downtown.
For some downtown storefronts, the issue is not so
much the need for a remodeling, as it is an
‘unveiling’ as some storefronts are almost entirely
covered up in signage. (As an example, the D&K
Grocery had over 30 signs - - primarily advertising
beer - - covering almost every available inch of its
façade.) This is an issue that should be addressed by
updating the commercial signage code.
The county is open to working with the community to
strengthen the existing zoning code to help protect
the scale and styles of the downtown commercial
district and south neighborhood residential areas.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Improving the Economics of
Chapter 2:
Market Analysis,
Business Mix &
This section of the Pacific Beach Redevelopment Plan
encompasses the following steps:
Ø Business Development Readiness - an
assessment of Pacific Beach’s competitive
assets and identification of barriers for business
Ø Target Market Analysis - an identification of
recommended targets for Pacific Beach to
pursue with strategic marketing.
Ø Retail Market Assessment – this section
examines the local retail market and
positioning within the area’s visitor market
Ø Visitor Identity & Image – this section explores
developing Pacific Beach’s “brand” along
with short-term marketing strategies
To prepare this analysis, information was gathered
and observations made from two perspectives: 1)
From the perspective of what shoppers, visitors and
residents desire in Pacific Beach; and 2) From the
perspective that a business would use to seek out a
new business location. The research included:
Ø Business Interviews
Ø Visits to retail establishments
Ø Personal interviews with local business, civic
leaders, and regional partners
Ø Community tours
Ø Demographic and retail data analysis
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Existing Conditions: Business Development
Critical Factors to Success vs. What Pacific Beach Offers
Successful downtown districts have healthy business climates and pro-active
marketing programs. Pacific Beach cannot presently offer these components in a
traditional sense but it is, nevertheless, useful to analyze Pacific Beach using these
standards because proper positioning within the regional market will be an ongoing
focus. Business climate and marketing factors that affect decision-makers at a
business level were evaluated for Pacific Beach. Pacific Beach is a particular
challenge because new businesses or expanding existing businesses will need to
create a strong niche capable of providing an “attractor” quality experience.
Key for Rating
S = Strength
W= Weakness
N = Neutral
Downtown Pacific Beach Analysis – Strengths & Weaknesses
Success Factors
What Pacific Beach Offers
Market Opportunity
Growing population
Very slow population growth, is projected for the
local area (approx. 1% annually). However, the
housing starts in Seabrook will provide a landmark
Average or above
average incomes
Median household income of $34,543 for Pacific
Beach is significantly lower than Washington’s
median @ $51,794. This number is also anticipated
to change with Seabrook.
employment base
The area has high unemployment rates and few
family-wage employers.
Strong visitor market
The area has an emerging visitor market. Pacific
Beach’s niche within that regional context is key.
New development is
planned or is
The ultimate completion of Seabrook is a local
strength to build from.
The town’s locale and proximity to the beach has
historically been the strong attractor. The Naval
Base and Pacific Beach State Park are also assets.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Real Estate
Critical Success
What Pacific Beach Offers
Quality commercial buildings
with good signage, parking
and accessibility (walking from
store to store in downtown).
Flexible space options.
A few retail/commercial spaces appear to
be for rent or sale, but are not in ‘ready to
market’ condition. Available buildings need
façade and interior improvements.
Land acquisition and assembly.
This is not actively managed by any entity
and no strategy is currently in place.
Business incubator (reduces
cost through shared expenses).
There is no business incubator in Pacific
An up-to-date inventory of
available commercial buildings
and sites for sale and for lease.
There is no current inventory of available
properties for lease or sale with price and
basic property data. The sites with greatest
development potential have no for sale
signage. Working with local realtors may
help this situation.
Attractive Shopping Environment
Inviting, landscaped, well
signed and appealing
shopping environment that
entices auto travelers to stop
and shop.
The core of the downtown has the
beginnings of an attractive shopping area
but building and landscaping needs are
significant (and addressed by this plan).
Attractive city entrances with
good signage.
Pacific Beach’s entry into town could be
more recognizable. Highway accesses into
town take would-be visitors past many
blighted areas.
Shopping – a selection of
quality shopping for a range of
incomes available
Convenience shopping needs can be met
in Pacific Beach. There are two specialty
shops (kite shop and art gallery) and minimal
to no selection for most comparison
shopper’s goods
Concentrated nodes or
linkages of development
creating a critical mass or
dense shopping environment,
attracting more shoppers.
The shopping district is within easy walking
distance, development of complementary
retail selections will need to follow.
Parking to support stores and
Shop owners report some parking
challenges during the busy season,
consistent with other visitor destinations.
Walkable shopping district to
encourage browsing.
Pacific Beach’s downtown area is a small
walkable size that would be desirable with
the recommended capital improvements.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Pacific Beach Business Climate Analysis – Strengths & Weaknesses
What Business Wants
What Pacific Beach Offers
Business Environment (cont’d)
Services coordinated through a
business retention and expansion
Available services will be listed through NBBA,
Washington Coast Chamber of Commerce,
Grays Harbor Tourism and others. Build upon
local efforts.
Community consensus on
economic growth.
The strategic plan indicates that although
local residents do not want to lose the “small
town feel” of Pacific Beach, they do agree
that a strong business community is important
to sustaining the quality of life they desire.
Special Events
There is a selection of unique Special Events
throughout the year. Build events into the
shoulder season.
Public Relations
There are a number of very strong partners in
this area. Coordination of those efforts to
strengthen Pacific Beach will be an ongoing
Not at this time
Web site
The website of the North Beach Business
Association is a strong local effort. Provide
additional links or a separate site oriented to
business recruitment and revitalization.
Community Newsletter
There is a very small local circulation
Design, logo, slogans
The NBBA uses some consistent font style but
strengthening those images for use in
marketing would be useful.
Business Attraction/Lead Generation Activities
Specific types of businesses
identified to target
Not established – but addressed in this plan.
Recruitment campaign/activities
Not established – but addressed in this plan.
Current lead sources
Bob Schultz indicated he will work toward
helping Pacific Beach recruit a bank.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Identifying the business voids, or gaps, in the Pacific
Beach marketplace is a function of understanding
a variety of market factors and conditions. These
include the socioeconomic characteristics of
customers, their shopping needs and interests, the
market potential based upon customer spending
capacity, the existing business base and overall
market trends.
In this section, information about Pacific Beach’s
target markets and their shopping needs and
interests is revealed in detail and the results of a
statistical analysis of retail spending potential are
shared. This information, combined with retail
trend/opportunity information, guides the business
mix analysis presented at the conclusion of this
Market segments represent the consumers who
currently, or who would potentially, shop in a
community’s downtown. Understanding these
consumers, and knowing each segment’s shopping
habits and needs can help drive promotional
campaigns, business recruitment and retention
practices, and business mix and clustering.
The primary target markets for retail sales in Pacific
Beach include:
Ž Visitors
Ž Trade Area Residents
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
The visitor market in Grays Harbor County as a
whole has grown dramatically over the last five
years. Visitor Trends for the North Beach area
Hotel / motel room tax is on the upswing (even
if Pacific Beach is not seeing the bulk of this
activity, the consumers are still nearby with
spending power)
Local investment is occurring and Pacific
Beach has the potential to grow a more
positive and visible image
Visitors are seeking alternative, quality
getaway experiences
Baby Boomers are a large, ‘ready, willing &
able’ segment of the visitor market with cash
to burn
Visitor markets for Pacific Beach include:
Seattle getaways
Vacation / 2nd Home Buyers
Retreat Seekers
Pacific Beach Resort & Conference Center
Visitors (40,000+ visits last year)
Clam Diggers
Transplants for Affordability / Lifestyle
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
What Visitors Want
According to James Mak in his book, Tourism and
The Visitor Experience
the Economy, “Most tourists are looking for an
Plan &
experience—that is, something that is “uplifting.” ”
Over the past few years, the whole notion of
tourism has changed from that of a service
industry to that of an experience economy. In this
new paradigm, the goal is to ensure the traveler
as a positive, unique, inspiring, and memorable
experience that ties into the larger context of who
they are and how they experience the world.
Data currently show that 80% of adult American
$$ Value
The higher
the quality a
the more
they are
willing to
travelers (over 118 million people, or roughly the
population of Italy and the UK combined) have
included a historic or cultural activity while
“What consumers want now is an emotional
connection to a place. They want to connect to
what’s behind the brand, with what’s behind the
Bill Baker, President & Community
Branding Specialist, Destination
The Experience:
Management, Inc.
Be part of the place = sell the heart
For things to do = sell the activities
A unique experience = sell the place
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
comprised of logging, resorts, military, & local
color along with a high quality museum in the
Museum of the North Beach.
Take every
opportunity to tell local stories.
Trade Area Residents
Trade area residents are still a year-round base
that will be important for downtown Pacific
Beach’s success. This section of the report
presents detailed demographic and lifestyle
profile information of Pacific Beach area
The socioeconomic characteristics of the retail
and residential trade areas that surround Pacific
Beach are provided in this section. This
geographic area represents the area from
which the majority of customers can be
expected to originate and carry out day-to-day
business transactions. The trade area definition
will use data from a 30-minute driving distance
based upon focus group discussions about local
spending patterns.
The delineation of the local trade area is not
meant to suggest that prospective customers of
area businesses or future Pacific Beach residents
will be drawn solely from this geographic area.
However, based upon factors such as Pacific
Beach’s location, competitive assets and
proposed redevelopment activity, this market
area provides a sound and reasonable basis for
gauging future potential.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
A map illustrating the boundaries of the delineated local trade area is provided at the left. For
comparative purposes, demographics are shown for the Pacific Beach polygon and the State of
Washington on the following page. Socio-economic trends are analyzed for the 2000-2010
Population & Household Growth
Ž From 2000 to 2005, the population throughout the Pacific Beach trade area saw strong growth
of over 5% (closely matching the state average). Within Pacific Beach itself, population growth
was less at 1.3%.
2000 Total
2005 Total
2010 Total
2005 - 2010 Annual
Drive Time
Ž The 2005 population of the Pacific Beach market area was estimated at 1,161 within a 10minute drive time and jumps to 8,206 within a 30-minute drive time. During the 2005-2010 time
period, the trade area population is expected to continue to grow, however at about one third
the previous rate, at 1.33% annually. This projection does not factor in a major residential or
mixed-use development like Seabrook, and will be underestimated.
Ž In the past few decades, household size declined nationally due to a decrease in fertility rates,
increasing divorces and single person households, and a rise in the elderly population. Today, it
is estimated at 2.58 persons per household. In the geographic area examined for this project,
household size falls just below the national average with Pacific Beach averaging 2.34 persons
per household. These trends along with the second-home market will continue to affect local
buying habits.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Age Distribution
Households within the Pacific
Beach market area have been
grouped into lifestyle market
segments, which reveal a great
deal of similarity:
Senior Sun Seekers
The Senior Sun Seekers market is one
of the faster growing markets. Most
residents are retired or are anticipating
retirement. The median age is 51.4
years, and 62 percent of householders
are aged 55 years or older. Most
households are single-family
dwellings or mobile homes and there
is a high proportion of seasonal
housing. Many residents are members
of veterans clubs or fraternal orders.
They own lots of insurance and
consult with a financial advisor.
Leisure activities include dining out,
reading (especially boating
magazines), watching TV, fishing,
playing backgammon and bingo,
doing crossword puzzles, and
Rural Resort Dwellers
Favoring milder climates and pastoral
settings, Rural Resort Dwellers live in
rural nonfarm areas. These small,
growing communities mainly consist
of single-family and mobile homes,
with a significant inventory of
seasonal housing. This somewhat
older market has a median age of 46.0
years. Most households consist of
married-couples with no children
living at home or singles, living alone.
A higher than average proportion of
residents are self-employed and work
from home. The median household
income is $45,600. Modest living and
simple consumer tastes describe this
market. The rural setting instills more
riding lawn mowers and satellite
dishes. Residents enjoy boating,
hunting, fishing, snorkeling, canoeing,
and listening to country music.
Ž The age distribution of the population within the
Pacific Beach market area is significantly older than
the State of Washington as a whole. The 2005
median age within the city was estimated at 48.6
years. Statewide median age is over 25% lower, at
35.3 years.
Ž The estimated proportion of the population over
the age of 55 in 2005 was 34.9% for the Pacific
Beach market and 19.6% statewide.
Ž Prime consumer age categories, age 25-54 made
up approximately 38.1% of the market area
population. Statewide the proportion of the
population within this age group was 42.4%.
Recognizing that people who share the same
demographic characteristics may have widely
divergent desires and preferences, Community
Tapestry data (developed by ESRI Business Information
Solutions) categorizes neighborhoods throughout the
nation into 65 consumer groups or market segments.
Neighborhoods are geographically defined by census
blocks, which are analyzed and sorted by a variety of
demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, as
well as other determinants of consumer behavior.
Based on this information, neighborhoods are classified
as one of 65 market segments.
Households within the Pacific Beach market area have
been grouped into Community Tapestry or lifestyle
market segments, which reveal a great deal of
similarity. Senior and older adults who enjoy a quiet
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
small town lifestyle and outdoor recreation activities
dominate the local population.
The top market segments are defined as Senior Sun
Seekers and Rural Resort Dwellers (details shown to
the left on this page), encompass the majority of
households for the Pacific Beach area. Generally,
tapestry segments should be viewed as adding
dimension to demographic characteristics. Lifestyle
characteristics help existing and prospective
businesses understand the interests, hobbies, needs,
wants and spending power of their local consumer
market in a way that basic age and income data are
unable to communicate.
Merchandise/Service Category
Types of Goods/Services
Women's Apparel, Men's Apparel, Children's Apparel, Footwear,
Watches & Jewelry
Home Furnishings
Furniture, Floor Coverings, Major and Small Appliances,
Household Textiles, Floor Coverings, Housewares, Appliances,
Dinnerware, Telephones
Home Improvement
Maintenance and Remodeling Mat'ls/Services, Lawn/Garden
General Merchandise
Department Stores, Variety Stores, Dollar Stores. May Include Apparel And
Accessories, Small Home Furnishings, Hardware and Other Dry Goods.
Misc. Specialty Retail
Pet Care, Books & Periodicals, Sporting Equipment, Toys &
Hobbies, Video Cassettes & Games, TV/VCR/Cameras,
Audio Equipment, Luggage, Eyeglasses
Food at Home, Nonalcoholic Beverages at Home,
Alcoholic Beverages, Smoking Products, Housekeeping Supplies
Food Away From Home, Alcoholic Beverages
Source: ESRI BIS
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Locally desired businesses
(from Pacific Beach focus
group feedback):
Full-Service Grocery
Retail Gap
The ultimate purpose of understanding the retail
potential for Pacific Beach is to identify business
opportunities in the community and then promote those
opportunities to existing and prospective businesses.
Bank (within 20 minutes)
• $12 million in Checking,
Savings Accounts
• $18 million in Stocks
Bonds, Mutual Funds
• Example - $21 million in
deposits average
Conclusion – Look for the right
banking partner
Quality information and analysis can help existing and
• National Grocers
• Small
• Local Market $3.8 million
Conclusion – Existing supply is
supplying large part of market
spending activity within this market area. This section
• Total Local Spending $1.9
million (100%)
Conclusions: Appropriate for
satellite offices or “Circuit
Riders”. Pharmacy a good
add-on to complementary
prospective entrepreneurs prepare better business plans,
thereby reducing the risk of business failure.
The retail trade or market area designated for Pacific
Beach is shown on the map on page 8. All figures
presented in the exhibits that follow reflect the sales and
examines ‘retail leakage’ for the most prominent
categories of retail and related expenditures. The table
on the following page defines the types of goods
referenced within several of the broad retail categories.
For instance, “apparel” includes women’s apparel,
men’s apparel, children’s apparel, footwear, watches
and jewelry.
Retail leakage or conversely, surplus is estimated by
comparing Supply to Demand as depicted in the page
13. Supply (retail sales) estimates sales to consumers by
establishments within the Pacific Beach market area.
Sales to businesses are excluded. Demand (retail
potential) represents the expected amount spent by
consumers at retail establishments, based upon
consumer expenditure patterns derived from the
Consumer Expenditure Survey. Supply and demand
estimates are in current dollars. The difference between
supply and demand is either a leakage of sales out of
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
the trade area or a surplus of sales, meaning that certain
business sectors are ‘importing’ sales from outside the
trade area.
In reality, the consumer marketplace is quite fluid. Even if
goods are locally available, priced appropriately, and of
good value, local shoppers will always do a certain
amount of shopping away from home. Certain
businesses such as restaurants are often dependent on
drawing customers from beyond the local residential
population. However, the estimates of sales leakage
and surplus are good indicators of the availability of
goods within the local market.
Currently, Pacific Beach is an ancillary marketplace
within the area and leakage is present in almost all of the
sales categories. This is an important indicator of goods
and services available, and needed, within the local
marketplace. As a general rule of thumb, shoppers will
do most of their convenience goods shopping within a
ten-minute drive time if the goods are available to
purchase. For the purchase of non-convenience goods,
consumers prefer to comparison shop and will drive 20
minutes or longer, especially in rural areas.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Pacific Beach and the community as a whole have the capability to serve the target
markets with an interesting variety and small selection of niche goods and services.
The keys will be to:
Ž Provide excellent service
Ž Offer unique, quality merchandise
Ž Target high dollar volumes per square foot (i.e., smaller spaces, in-depth merchandise and
high turnover inventory) for a business to succeed
Ž Focus on the ‘middle market’ with moderately priced goods
Ž Work with Pacific Beach’s regional business partners to provide complementary product lines
The results of the retail gap analysis, as well as conversations with business owners and civic
leaders, indicate that Pacific Beach has ample opportunity to grow its retail base and fill niches
and voids in the regional visitor marketplace. Identifying the most appropriate business mix for
Pacific Beach, as earlier noted, is a function of demographics and lifestyle characteristics,
spending potential, the existing business base and retail trends.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Success will be achieved in Pacific Beach with stores and
business owners that:
Ž Provide a good quality product
Ž Serve trade area market effectively
Niche Opportunities
Beach related
Locally produced
arts and foods
Music venues
services to lodging
(food delivery, spa
Hair Salon
More art & jewelry
Locally made gift
Ž Aggressively market to these target customer groups
Ž Fill specific, unique niches
Ž Have focus, imagination and strive to meet the needs
of the customer
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
A successful business district in virtually any size
community will have a balance and mix of uses that
includes retail shopping, professional, financial and
government services, entertainment, housing and
retail shopping. Many coastal communities rely upon
their destination appeal along with capturing pass
through traffic on Hwy. 101. Pacific Beach is different
in that visitors have to be headed to Pacific Beach. At
Keys to Success in
Downtown Business
Ø Unique
Ø Small, quality
spaces w/ high
visibility, great
windows, lighting,
Ø Concentrated nodes
to create a critical
present, downtown Pacific Beach’s business base has
a very small selection of retail goods and services.
One of the principal goals over the next five years will
be to increase the number of retail businesses within
the core downtown area. Category descriptions are
provided on the following page.
By virtue of its relatively small offerings and proximity
to Hoquiam shopping and the size of its trade area,
Pacific Beach will not be able to compete with or
provide a large variety of retail goods, long and
predictable shopping hours, and a consistent image of
low-cost retail items. However, the visitors, part-time
residents, and other local customers will respond
favorably when they feel that they are receiving good
value for money spent, have a convenient, friendly and
safe place to spend time, and consider Pacific Beach’s
downtown an interesting and attractive place to be.
These are important values and realistic goals for
Pacific Beach.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Target Business Opportunities for Pacific Beach
Specialty apparel
Satellite Pharmacy
Locally produced goods
Ice cream/Fudge
Convenience Hardware
Quality consignment
Selected circuit professional
services: CPA, medical, dental
Barber/Hair Salon
Ice cream/fudge
Seafood (Chowder)
Live entertainment: music
Visitor information organizations, chambers of commerce and observation of
communities with a strong tourist market suggest that the following types of
businesses and services are needed to serve the visitor/tourist market:
Ž Restaurants and eating places representing a variety of cuisine and prices
Ž Unique, one of a kind goods such as arts/crafts/gifts/galleries
Ž Antiques/reproductions/gifts
Ž Convenience goods
Ž Recreational/sporting goods and services
Ž Apparel – unique products and accessories
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Pacific Beach’s best business opportunities are for
specialty retail, selected services, restaurants and
entertainment-type businesses. The previous table
lists business and merchandise opportunities that
were identified as appropriate for downtown;
combinations of these goods and services as well
as many others that have unique appeal to area
markets should be considered for business
development efforts. Keep in mind that in small
towns and small markets, many businesses succeed
using the concept of ‘retail stacking’ where several
lines of complementary goods or services operate
under one roof. As an example, hair salons offer
hair products, tanning services, jewelry sales and
manicures. As you review the list, think of existing
businesses that could add product lines and/or
merchandise/service categories that could be
linked together into a successful business.
Features of Successful Retail Businesses
in Pacific Beach
Retail and general business standards are just as
important as the types of businesses attracted to
Pacific Beach. The focus should be on superior retail
standards when qualifying and recruiting a
prospective downtown business.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Commercial brands and branding seem to be all the
rage right now and the concept of community
branding is no different. A community’s identity and
image are important, especially for communities
who want to attract visitors.
This is the logo & tagline developed
for Astoria, Oregon, a community at
the mouth of the Columbia River.
A destination brand is much more
than a logo & tagline, it is the totality
of perceptions about a place.
To help shape those perceptions,
many communities develop logos &
taglines to help ‘tell their story’ and
set them apart.
Below is a sample of the image
portrayed for Pacific Beach in the
A destination brand, or community identity, is the
totality of perceptions that a customer holds about
the experience associated with a place. Image
development for a small destination, like Pacific
Beach, exists within other regional efforts (not in
competition). It’s the reputation of the place.
Successful management of these perceptions and
experience can secure enduring benefits for both
the hosts and their customers.
The hallmark of a successful destination brand is
determined by the promises it makes and the
promises it keeps - - and how they align with reality.
As downtown Pacific Beach progresses with its
revitalization and promotional activities, it should be
able to draw an increasing number of visitors who
are looking for a weekend escape or an alternative
to nearby tourism activities.
The Downtown Solutions Team recommends
positioning Pacific Beach as a peaceful getaway.
Complementary to Ocean Shores - - but different.
Museum of the North Beach collection
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Tourism Trends
Today’s tourists are experienced travelers. They are
discerning and are increasingly seeking authentic
experiences in locations that are largely unaffected
by the incursions of franchises, look-alike streets and
“big box stores”. They are more sophisticated,
knowledgeable and many seek to learn and
understand the places that they visit. This search for
authentic experiences has been one of the catalysts
for the growth in tourism with a cultural and heritage
The World Tourism Organization has identified the
following as being among the leading trends
influencing tourism today:
Shorter duration stays
Multiple short breaks during the year
A shift from active vacations to vacations as
Travelers want a participatory, authentic
experience which provides them with
opportunities for new knowledge.
Museum of the North Beach collection
It Has to Be Worth the Trip
A simple rule of thumb used by many destination
planners is that a community, event, or attraction
needs to entertain or keep day visitors busy for about
four times longer than it takes for them to travel to
that location.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
This means that if a day visitor travels 15 minutes,
they need to be entertained for an hour. If they
travel one hour they need to be occupied for four
These are the principles that are often used by
planners and developers when they locate facilities
such as movie theaters, shopping centers and
A destination’s objective should be to develop
facilities, events, attractions and activities that will
sustain visitor interest for much of the day if they
want to encourage people to travel for at least two
hours (one way from major metropolitan centers) to
reach them.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Chapter 3:
Articulating a
New Vision
Pacific Beach
An Appropriate Metaphor:
Pacific Beach = Your Home
Pacific Beach may be your home, but this portion of
the redevelopment plan highlights a comparison
between Pacific Beach and an actual house - - with
entries, public spaces, views, and bedrooms. When
put into this context, it is easy to understand the roles
and functions of the different sections of the
community and how they need to complement
each other.
The House Metaphor for Pacific Beach
Front Porch = Four Corners Entry
Foyer = Transition area between highway and downtown
Living Room = Main Street - downtown core
The View = Overlook to the ocean
Bedrooms = North & South residential neighborhoods; with South neighborhood serving as a
‘guest room’ and the North neighborhood serving as the ‘master suite’
When you visit somewhere for the first time, initial
impressions are often the ones that last. For this
reason, it is important to address some
‘housekeeping’ issues’ that much to do with the
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
impressions that visitors take home after visiting
Pacific Beach.
Housekeeping Issues to
Chapter 2 outlined marketing ideas and strategies
that Pacific Beach can use when ‘sending out the
invitation to come for a visit.’ Anyone who has ever
prepared for guests knows how important it is to
make sure the house is clean and all preparations
made prior to their arrival. Pacific Beach needs to do
the same. There are a couple of issues that need to
be addressed in order to help raise Pacific Beach’s
image and ability to capture more visitors and
They include:
Work with business owners to stop selling point of
purchase drug paraphernalia & ‘quickie-mart
Public drinking & drunkenness are unacceptable
Following are questions for the community to
consider regarding the attitude towards alcohol:
Liquor outlets and advertising
How prevalent is alcohol in Pacific Beach?
How available?
Are there a lot of outlets for the size of town?
Is there a lot of storefront advertising?
Are there a lot of promotions in area stores?
What evidence do you see of alcohol abuse and
general acceptance of this in the community?
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Is there public drinking, and if so, in what
Is the area around bars and outlets well
maintained or disorderly?
Is there trash around outlets?
Do areas where liquor is available seem well
cared for?
Law enforcement
Who are the law enforcers in your community?
Are there active block watches in Pacific Beach?
Is the sheriff’s department visible in the
community and/or school?
Do they patrol regularly?
Where is the nearest sheriff’s substation/office?
Impressions are lasting. Are these part of the
memories of Pacific Beach you want visitors to take
home with them? A vacation is supposed to equal
paradise, a special getaway and people do not
want to visit a place that seems more dangerous &
seedy than where they live.
It will take the community banding together and
working with business owners to get unacceptable
items pulled from convenience store counters. It will
also take an on-going effort in partnership with the
county and social service agencies to help address
the preponderance of public drinking and
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Protecting Pacific Beach’s
Unique Architectural Style
As mentioned in the existing conditions section for
the report, Pacific Beach exudes a special sense of
place that not only has to do with the town’s
relationship to the beautiful beach and water, but
with the built environment, as well. The oldfashioned, walkable downtown business district and
collection of traditional beach cottages in the
neighborhood south of Main Street are two
important design signatures for Pacific Beach and
help give it a special sense of place. They help
reinforce a visitor’s idea of a relaxing, charming, laid
back beach community and help set Pacific Beach
apart from other coastal communities. When these
architectural assets were discussed during the
Resource Team visit, the community was very
interested in exploring how to protect the South
Neighborhood Residential area and the Downtown
Core along Main Street. Conversations with the
county were very encouraging, as they are
supportive of updating Pacific Beach’s zoning code
to include overlay districts for the areas that the
community wants to have protected. However, they
made the point of saying that this effort should be
driven by the community and not a top down
planning process initiated by the county. The
Resource Team feels that updating the code to help
protect the South Neighborhood’s and Downtown’s
architectural style, scale and character should be a
high priority - - as it would only take one or two new,
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
developments in either
of these areas to forever
change the
community’s character.
In addition, the
community should also
consider updates to the
commercial area on the
north side of Main Street
from 4th to just past
Highway 109 to make
future development
more congruous with
the community’s vision
for downtown.
Recommended steps
for moving forward with
updating the code will
be included in Chapter
Components to consider when exploring overlay
districts should include:
Boundaries & characteristics for each, including:
Lot size
Building siting on lot
Lot coverage
Historic context and design language
Parking requirements
Landscaping requirements
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Permitted and conditional uses
South Neighborhood Cottage
Pacific Beach is one of a few northwest coastal
communities that can still boast of having a good
stock of original shingle-sided beach cottages. This is
particularly true in the residential neighborhood that
lies south of downtown. In most communities, these
architectural resources have largely been torn down
and replaced with new homes that are out of scale
and of an uncomplimentary architectural style - often entirely changing the residential character of
the neighborhood.
Downtown Commercial Style
Pacific Beach’s downtown district is combination of
styles, ranging from original historic storefronts to
more recent (circa1970s) additions. Most downtowns
have developed and redeveloped over time and
have a mixture of architectural styles. However, it will
be important to enhance and protect Pacific
Beach’s historic commercial fabric and to
complement it with updates to some of the ‘later
additions’ to help support a more visually cohesive
and inviting downtown commercial district.
Examples follow for some ideas on how this can be
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Main Street Transition Zone
Along Main Street between 4th side and just past
Highway 109, updates are needed to help ensure
this area redevelops with a more pedestrian friendly
aesthetic. This is an important area of town as it sets
first impressions. To date, this area has primarily
developed in a ‘highway suburban’ style with front
loaded parking and buildings set back from the
street. In order to support a more walkable
commercial district, new development should be
located at the street and include sidewalks and
pedestrian amenities. Parking should be tucked to
the sides or behind buildings.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Two Redevelopment
Frameworks for Pacific Beach
The Resource Team designers developed two
complementary schemes for redeveloping Pacific
Beach. They include: 1) a long-term, ultimate vision
for a revitalized community; and 2) a more realistic
short-term vision that can be accomplished within a
shorter span of time. The short-term framework was
created as a base for the longer-term vision. Both
frameworks support the development of a more
pedestrian friendly, small coastal community that
builds off existing assets and opportunities.
Descriptions of both the long-and short-term visions
for Pacific Beach follow.
The Long-Term Vision:
Pacific Beach’s Ultimate
‘Dream Home’
Continuing with the ‘home’ metaphor for Pacific
Beach, the long-term redevelopment plan that was
developed through the Resource Team process can
be compared to a ‘dream house’. Developing a
long-term (10+yr) vision is important for any
community to help set the tone and structure for
redevelopment. The ‘big vision’ framework for
Pacific Beach is based upon an implementation
plan that not only addresses the existing downtown
core, but how the transition area between
downtown and the highway will redevelop as well. It
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
is based on a growthbased design framework
that when implemented
will extend the downtown
commercial district, with its
walkable, ‘up to the
sidewalk’ mixed used
development, all the way
out to the highway
intersection. This plan also
shows the development of
an anchor business at the
intersection to help create
a stronger entry statement
into the downtown
commercial district. In
addition to proposed new
development, the plan
also calls for implementing
streetscape improvements
to create a more cohesive
and walkable district.
Long-term redevelopment concept for Pacific Beach
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
A Shorter-Term Vision for
Pacific Beach
This section of the Pacific Beach Redevelopment
Plan outlines a shorter-term vision/framework for
revitalization. A realistic timeline for implementation
is now through 2015. This vision focuses
redevelopment efforts on the downtown core area,
outlining concepts for infill development and façade
rehabs; streetscape amenities and improvements;
improved access and linkages to the beach and
throughout the community. It includes a range of
projects to accomplish this vision.
Short-term redevelopment vision for Pacific Beach
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Under this framework, a range of improvements at
the highway intersection can begin immediately.
Components of this Section (Hwy 109 – 4th Street) of the Plan Include:
Enhanced entry signage
using locally appropriate
Working in partnership with
the County and School
District, develop the
wetlands area into a focal
point entry by selectively
thinning the overgrown
wetlands to create a
welcoming park that includes
a boardwalk path,
component, picnic area, and
parking. The boardwalk
would connect to an
improved pathway system
that connects to Seabrook
and the rest of the
Consolidate driveways
where possible, making
the area more pedestrian
Develop a focal point at the
wetlands park that can be
seen from the intersection. It
could include public
restrooms and a visitors’
Create walkways and
green esplanades to
‘soften’ the streetscape,
help manage stormwater
runoff and create more
structure for the
Upgrade the bus shelter
adjacent to the wetlands
area to make a more
cohesive community design
As possible, infill with
buildings that are set close
to the street. Tuck parking
to the sides or behind.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Entry Improvements
Proposed entry sign improvements
Entry sign at time of Resource Team
The new entry sign built following the Resource Team
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Entry Improvements
Proposed bus stop improvements
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Entry Improvements
Proposed wetland park and boardwalk.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
This section of the plan, below, shows proposed
improvements to Main Street from 3rd Street to 2nd
Street. They are outlined below.
Components of this Section of the Plan (4th to 3rd Street) Include:
New two story infill development that might
include: bank, laundry, grocery or pharmacy
on the ground floor with affordable housing or
rental units above.
Siting of new infill development at the
sidewalk with additional parking tucked
Improvements to the streetscape, including:
wood planters that also contain directional
signage (matching the downtown directional
signage discussed earlier in the report) and
planted corners to help mitigate stormwater
Creation of inviting public/private spaces
that including outdoor eating areas and
Creation of mid-block crossings to
encourage better pedestrian circulation
Parallel parking along the side streets
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
This cross section shows what the streetscape in downtown could look like with recommended
improvements and upgrades.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
This section of the plan, below, outlines
recommended improvements along Main Street
between 3rd and 2nd Streets.
Components of this Section (3rd to 2nd Street) of the Plan Include:
the established palette of materials and
styles to complement other downtown
Creation of plaza / public space along Main
Street that complements new infill
Siting of new infill development at the
Creation of mid-block crossings to help
encourage pedestrian circulation
Continue streetscape improvements, using
Parallel parking along the side streets
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
This section of the downtown plan addresses a
variety of improvements to create an inviting
gathering space and complementary streetscape
Components of this Section of the Plan (Detail at 2nd Street Intersection) Include:
Creation of a more formalized public space
along Main Street that is very flexible and
can be used for a variety of activities
Siting of new infill development at the
Continue streetscape improvements, using
the established palette of materials and
Improved crosswalks to better link
downtown with the RV Park
New directional signage for the RV Park
Accent plantings to ‘soften’ the streetscape
and help manage stormwater runoff
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Improvements
Proposed public space improvements on Main Street
Here’s an idea for a public restroom for
downtown Pacific Beach.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Improvements
Proposed streetscape improvements along Main Street
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Building Improvements & Infill
for Main Street
The recommendations that follow outline
opportunities for improvements to existing storefronts
along Main Street. The rehabs show a range of
improvements to different types of buildings, both
newer and more historic in style.
Building Improvements
Proposed façade upgrades to three of Main Street’s
more traditional storefronts.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Building Improvements
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Building Improvements
Proposed improvements to the Pacific Tango
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Infill Potential
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Collaboration with the
Naval Base
Pacific Beach is fortunate in that the Naval Base has
worked closely with the community over the past
few years. Cindy Murdoch, who was manager at the
base during the Resource Team process, was an
important participant as she was very interested in
helping advance some of the redevelopment
concepts developed by the team. It will be
important for the community to continue to work
with the new manager to create more attractive
and cohesive design solutions.
Pathway Improvements
This drawing shows a concept for creating access
to the beach from Main Street using attractive,
visible gateway features and ‘friendly’ picket
fencing that is more in keeping with Pacific Beach’s
architectural style than chain link.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
In addition to the proposed improvements to
storefronts along Main Street, concepts for updating
Naval Base cottages were also developed to better
complement Pacific Beach’s cottage style
Improvements to Naval Base Housing & Pedestrian Circulation
Not only are the houses rehabbed to complement Pacific Beach’s seaside architecture, this
scheme also shows how public walkways can be integrated into the Naval Base - - making the
beach more accessible for the public, while maintaining privacy for vacationing military.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Connecting to the Water
The plan view to the left shows the potential for
developing additional access to the beach from
This is important for two reasons: 1) as escape routes
for people who may be on when a tsunami warning
is issued; and 2) for easier access to the beach for
Currently chain link fencing and lack of directional
signage to the out-of-the way beach access make it
virtually impossible for visitors to access the setting
that put Pacific Beach on the map.
The beach at Pacific Beach
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Redeveloping the Old Rail Bed Using an
Innovative Approach
When the Resource Team arrived the Pacific Beach, many meetings and discussions were
held to help the team better understand what has occurred and what is being planned for
the future. One of the conversations revolved around the possible redevelopment of the old
rail bed running directly behind downtown and to the beach. The owner, Bob Schuetz of
Seaview Ventures, was originally interested in using this roadbed as a road to a beachfront
RV park. The town planner on the Resource Team looked at the site and developed a
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Creating a vision and plan for downtown Pacific
Chapter 4:
Beach is the easy part of the redevelopment
Implementation of the plan is where ‘the rubber hits
the road’ and where commitment and efforts should
be focused. This section addresses the all-important
issue of successfully transitioning Pacific Beach’s
vision for downtown into reality.
In setting the work plan to achieve the vision, the
following are important considerations to keep in
Downtown revitalization should be both a public
& private effort, with everyone working off the
same plan
The community in partnership with the county
moves forward with policy updates & public
sector improvements (streetscape, circulation,
public spaces, etc.)
Community champions partner to lead private
sector redevelopment efforts
Both groups should also be regularly
communicating with each other on
implementation strategies and progress
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
The positioning of a community points to what it wants to be known for in the minds
of its customers. Pacific Beach is at a renewal stage in its development as a visitor
destination and at this point it does not have a strong identity (or in some areas may
even have a negative identity) in the minds of potential customers. This section of
the report details next steps for image development that should be undertaken to
build upon Pacific Beach’s natural and unique assets; helping set Pacific Beach
apart as a destination.
Strategic Initiative 1: Housecleaning
This initiative addresses necessary improvements to enhance Pacific Beach’s
image without undertaking major physical improvements. There is a need to do
some “housecleaning” prior to expanding marketing and commensurate with
short-term physical improvements. These actions are directed at upgrading
Pacific Beach’s image in the eyes of visitors.
Strategic Initiative 2: Expand Special Events
Pacific Beach has a good selection of unique special events. Expanding these
efforts into the “shoulder season” (earlier in the spring and later in the fall) will
help draw visitors into the community at times when, typically, businesses could
use a boost in sales. A few ideas include:
• Museum Events – market to wider audience
• “Winter Blues” festival
• “Shake Rat Hall of Fame” Induction Ceremony
• Weekend music venues
Strategic Initiative 3: Brand Development
Someone once said, “You may not think you have a brand image, but you do.”
Pacific Beach needs to take charge of projecting the image that it wants
through communications and marketing materials. Going through the process of
developing a brand identity will ensure a consistent, recognizable message for
business and tourism development. It’s much more than a logo and tagline; it’s
how the image aligns with reality and the management of visitors’ expectations
and perceptions before, during and after they visit.
Strategic Initiative 4: Communications
This initiative will help cultivate the best opportunities to grow businesses, jobs and
wealth in Pacific Beach. Focused on the greatest impact for the investment of
time and money, the actions associated with this strategic initiative will promote
local business development, spur entrepreneurship, and prepare for the
recruitment of targeted businesses to Pacific Beach.
The goals and recommended actions are outlined on the following pages.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 1: Housecleaning
Improve local appearance through cleanup and pre-marketing
Garner more residents’ shopping dollars.
Encourage more visitors to stop and shop.
Work to improve safety and security issues.
Implementation Actions
Action 1.1
Action 1.2
Action 1.3
Action 1.4
Action 1.5
Community clean up. Working with the county, waste
management companies, scrap metal haulers and other
partners, initiate a concentrated clean up effort to remove
unlicensed automobiles and other hazards/unsightly elements
throughout the community.
Increase code enforcement. Work with the county to step up
local code enforcement activities. Many communities use
contractors or volunteers to document violations prior to formal
action by code officials.
Work with local business owners to remove point of purchase
sales of drug paraphernalia and “quickie mart” weapons. The
positive image Pacific Beach wants to portray and the target
market it wants to reach are antithetical to the display and sale
of these items.
Work with local officials in law enforcement and social services,
along with convenience store owners, to reduce, control and
eliminate public drunkenness. Send a clear message that it is
not acceptable or tolerated.
Locate public porta-johns in the downtown pocket park as a
temporary solution. These would be screened or installed in
small structures on an interim basis until a permanent solution is
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 2: Expand Special Events
Build upon existing special events base to draw more visitors.
Consider unique, locally significant, event elements.
Plan events that lengthen the tourist season or take place during
the winter.
Implementation Actions:
Action 2.1
Action 2.2
Action 2.3
Action 2.4
Action 2.5
Special events are a recognized way to draw repeat visitors to
an area and an excellent opportunity to reach new ones. Set a
goal of creating one new special event this year and one new
event 2 years from now. Make sure they are high in quality and
help support what makes Pacific Beach special.
Rainy weather conditions are an obvious difficulty in putting on
special events. Focus on new events during May or September
that can be less weather dependent (indoor music events for
It’s not a special event in the traditional sense, but create a
walking tour of the town and include other points of interest.
Information on history, ship wrecks, funky local stories and great
views help connect people to the place.
Use an existing, or new, special event to promote locally
produced food, artwork, or other goods.
Use an existing special event to undertake small local physical
improvements (clean up a yard, paint storefronts, etc.)
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 3: Brand Development
Accurate communication and marketing of local amenities for
Concentrate on the Pacific Beach image at all levels of
transactions (customer service, developing amenities, quality
Develop a logo, supporting design elements, tagline and rules for
Implementation Actions:
Develop an image statement that fully captures Pacific Beach:
Something like…”PB is a unique coastal resort village off the
beaten path. A tranquil respite from the everyday featuring
pristine beaches, distinctive dining and eclectic shops.”
Action 3.1
Providing a complementary, relaxing alternative to Ocean Shores
is a desirable market position for Pacific Beach. Suggested
imagery: “Ocean Shores – Ocean Snores (Pacific Beach)” or
“Ocean Shores. Wind up - Pacific Beach. Wind down”.
Develop an appropriate logo, tagline and other design elements
(colors, fonts, text descriptions) to begin using in marketing
Develop rules of usage for Pacific Beach branding images. Who
can use them and how?
Action 3.2
Action 3.3
Strategic Initiative 4: Communications
Increase awareness and visibility for visitors and highlight
redevelopment opportunities.
Improve Pacific Beach’s web presence.
Develop appropriate printed marketing materials.
Generate publicity and target guidebooks.
Implementation Actions:
Action 4.1
Action 4.2
Action 4.3
Web Presence - Design the Pacific Beach web site using the
same visual and verbal identity elements used on print materials.
The Web site should be designed to connect with prospective
customers through images, content, and easy navigation.
Web Presence - The Home Page should be updated every
month, or more frequently if necessary, to include current and
future activities and events. Dead links should be removed and
cross linkage should be aggressive.
Web Presence - Consider offsetting some web site production
and maintenance costs by offering sponsorship and “advertising”
exposure to organizations and events.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Action 4.4
Action 4.6
Action 4.7
Action 4.8
Action 4.9
Action 4.10
Web Presence - Provide online access to key brochures, maps,
events, walks, trails, and visitor activities as PDF files. This enables
customers to access information 24/ 7 and does not take
volunteer time and postage.
Publications - Produce a Pacific Beach brochure and map to
focus on experiences and activities along Highway 109 and
Ocean Beach Road as an interesting side trip.
Publications - As Pacific Beach’s tourism infrastructure, attractions,
and visitor services are developed, produce a “rack card” style
brochure for wide external distribution through regional tourism
partners, visitor centers within 3 hour driving time and outlets
along the routes to Pacific Beach, including all points of interest,
lodging, restaurants, and partner businesses.
Develop a simple database of target media contacts for
Washington’s general media, as well as specialist travel, vacation
rental agencies, arts, crafts and lifestyle media in the NW.
Develop a local initiative to prepare and distribute press releases
covering upcoming events and activities.
Review the coverage of Grays Harbor County and Pacific Beach
in visitor guidebooks. Check for accuracy and whether Pacific
Beach is projected in the best light. Ensure the coverage
conforms to the identity that the community wants to project.
Approach guidebook publishers with any suggested additions or
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 5: Organize a Local Business Development Team
Organize a downtown business development team that focuses on business
retention, expansion and new business recruitment. The group should meet
monthly with specific goals and actions. The team should include
representatives from:
North Beach Business Association
Grays Harbor County
Grays Harbor Chamber of Commerce
Grays Harbor Tourism
Local Realtors
Business Owners
Property Owners
Community Champions
Strategic Initiative 6: Local Promotions/Business Assistance
The local full and part-time residents are the most readily accessible market for
Pacific Beach. Making a concerted effort to reach those customers, along with
new area residents can be aided through some small local promotional efforts.
On the average, 70-80% of job and economic growth can be attributed to local
businesses. Although it initially appears to offer greater potential to recruit
businesses from outside the area, supporting existing businesses contributes to
steady and consistent growth and creates an atmosphere of collaboration that
makes recruiting efforts more successful.
Strategic Initiative 7: Business Recruitment
The business development initiative will also be responsible for recruiting new
businesses and new investment into the community. The tools in which to
accomplish these goals are supplemented by those in Strategies 3 and 4.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 5: Organize a Local Business Development Team
Business retention and support.
New business recruitment.
Business training.
Implement Initiatives 6 and 7.
Implementation Actions:
The Business Development Team will meet monthly and take up
specific Initiative Actions and recommendations outlined in this
Target specific business development opportunities, like pursuit of
a local banking partner, medical/dental office or pharmacy.
Review efforts at 6 month intervals and make adjustments as
Market successes of the business development team.
Action 5.1
Action 5.2
Action 5.3
Action 5.4
Strategic Initiative 6: Local Promotions/Business Assistance
Support local businesses, helping them prosper and expand.
Encourage entrepreneurship and local resources.
Work to fill gaps and opportunities in the retail marketplace through
expansion of local offerings.
Implementation Actions:
Action 6.1
Action 6.2
Action 6.3
Action 6.4
Action 6.5
Action 6.6
Bring in a customer service or retail expert to give advice on
meeting the needs of the consumer. Expectations for the
customer experience are high.
Develop promotional information and other pieces to reach new
Encourage expansion and consistency in local store hours. As
new residents move in, encourage businesses to keep consistent
business hours.
Assist existing businesses with expansion and diversification of
their merchandise mix based upon the opportunities identified in
this report.
Act as a liaison by assisting businesses with regulatory
compliance and communications.
Investigate incentives and technical assistance to encourage
‘home grown’ businesses and entrepreneurs to locate in
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 7: Business Recruitment
Expand current local offerings to create a “destination sized”
supply of retail goods and services.
Encourage complementary product lines and services.
Work to fill gaps and opportunities in the retail trade through
expansion of local offerings.
Implementation Actions:
Action 7.1
Action 7.2
Action 7.3
Action 7.4
Lead the effort to develop a targeted campaign to recruit two
or more business opportunities outlined in this plan in the next 18
Work with the county, council of governments and small business
development center to help provide relocation assistance and
start-up encouragement.
Inventory available properties for sale or lease. Identify those
that could be actively marketed and what the needs are to be
ready for a quality business occupant. Work with real-estate
partners to prepare property fact sheets and market
Work one-on-one with property owners to discuss plans, issues
and needs.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 8: Code Updates
It became apparent, through the Resource Team process, that Pacific Beach is
unique. It still maintains a good stock of cottage-style beach homes and
traditional downtown storefronts. As the codes are now written, any new
development could drastically change the character of Pacific Beach and
remove local assets that can never be replaced. The community agreed on the
need to protect these resources by updating existing codes to match the
community vision.
Strategic Initiative 8: Code Updates
Protect and enhance Pacific Beach’s unique architectural
Promote redevelopment that is compatible with the Pacific Beach
Update Pacific Beach’s C-2 General Commercial District code
(Chapter 17.44 of Grays Harbor County code) and the R-3 Resort
Residential District code (Chapter 17.36).
Implementation Actions:
Action 8.1
Action 8.2
Action 8.3
Action 8.4
Create a community work group to examine proposed new
district boundaries and standards within each of the three
proposed districts (Downtown, South Neighborhood, and Main
Street Transitional). The work group will guide the district proposal
through a local public process.
Work with County to draft updates and guide the proposal
through the public hearing process.
Develop proactive, educational campaign about what the
code updates mean and what they would and would not
Gather petitions of support for the new districts to present at the
public hearings.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
At the heart of the new vision for downtown Pacific Beach are physical
improvements that will improve the character, functionality and image of the
business district. Through this planning process, the community has stated their
commitment to create an inviting shopping district where visitors and residents want
to spend time and money.
Strategic Initiative 9: Stormwater Management
Stormwater management in Pacific Beach is an ongoing concern during the
rainy season. In addition to localized street flooding, infiltration issues have
caused system backups in the past.
Strategic Initiative 10: Streetscape
The most intact sidewalks in Pacific Beach are in the downtown core. However,
they are in poor condition from the harsh marine climate. There are also safety
issues with curbs that are tripping hazards. There are few pedestrian amenities
that would enhance the shopping experience. The proposed improvements
were developed to offer a range of opportunities for both short-term and longterm implementation.
Strategic Initiative 11: Open Space
What makes Pacific Beach unique among coastal villages is the relationship to
the beachfront and the creek. Reinforcing those visual features within the
community through design and connection to open space strengthens Pacific
Beach as a destination. Additionally, open spaces can assist in the mitigation
and retention of stormwater and provide a key link in runoff management.
Strategic Initiative 12: Façade Rehabilitation and Infill Development
Main Street storefronts are the heart of a downtown district. Their design and
appearance has much to do with where customers choose to shop. Pacific
Beach has a good stock of local storefronts to improve and build upon,
particularly along the south side of Main Street. This should occur through
façade rehabilitation and new development in the Pacific Beach style.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 9: Stormwater Management
Increase number of catch basins on Main Street.
Update storm drain connections
Ensure clear access to existing catch basins.
Develop vegetated swales and planted areas to mitigate runoff.
Implementation Actions:
Work with Grays Harbor County Public Works to install additional
catch basins and piped connections where needed along Main
Street. This should be coordinated with other capital
Selectively clean up and grade wetlands areas to help manage
and mitigate runoff especially at the intersection of Highway 109
and Main Street.
Develop planted areas along Main Street to help absorb and
retain stormwater runoff along with enhancing the streetscape.
Action 9.1
Action 9.2
Action 9.3
Strategic Initiative 10: Streetscape
Create a better pedestrian environment through the
implementation of sidewalk upgrades and streetscape
Create a streetscape design palette to complement Pacific
Beach’s architectural style.
Undertake both small-scale short-term projects along with larger
capital improvement projects to achieved the desired results.
Implementation Actions:
Action 10.1
Action 10.2
Action 10.3
Action 10.4
Action 10.5
Working with the county, finalize agreed upon streetscape
projects for the downtown core as Phase I. Longer-term Phase II
improvements might include the Main Street Transition Zone from
4th Street to Highway 109.
Work with the county to explore grants and other funding options
for drainage, sidewalk and streetscape improvements including
pedestrian-scale lighting, benches, trash receptacles and
Break out small specific projects (like the bus shelter and
directional signage) that can be accomplished immediately.
Consolidate driveways along Main Street in the Transition Zone to
make the area more pedestrian friendly.
Create walkways and green esplanades to “soften” the
streetscape, help manage stormwater runoff and create more
structure for street edges.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 11: Open Space
Capture and improve underutilized open space for public use and
Better connect visitors to Pacific Beach’s unique natural amenities.
Implementation Actions:
Action 11.1
Action 11.2
Action 11.3
Action 11.4
Action 11.5
Using a wetlands specialist, work with the county and school
district to develop a plan for a wetlands park and educational
area at the southwest corner of Highway 109 and Main Street.
Elements of the park should include picnicking area, trail,
boardwalk, organized parking and interpretive displays. This site
could also include a focal point that could be seen from the
highway intersection.
Work with local partners to begin work on individual elements of
the wetlands park plan.
Work with the county to vacate the 2nd Street right-of-way north
of Main Street for development as a downtown pocket park. It
should include an attractive community gathering space and
new permanent public restroom facilities.
Develop a public/private work plan for construction elements of
the pocket park.
Continue working with Naval Base management to find a better
solution for beach access points, pedestrian circulation and
chain link fencing between Main Street and the beachfront.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Strategic Initiative 12: Façade Rehabilitation and Infill Development
Improve visual appeal of downtown commercial district.
Enhance existing facades with renovations and signage in keeping
with the Pacific Beach style.
Complement existing downtown architectural fabric with
appropriately styled infill.
Promote design aesthetic to property owners and prospective
Implementation Actions:
Action 12.1
Action 12.2
Action 12.3
Action 12.4
Action 12.5
Once each spring conduct an organized clean up (make it a
party) to scrub, pressure wash, paint and touch up downtown
facades to get ready for the tourist season.
Work to develop a grant/loan program for updating facades
and storefront signage. Tie the grant/loan to a matching funds
requirement and design review.
Educate the community and market information on the Pacific
Beach style to encourage appropriate rehabilitation and infill.
Work with local business owners on the appropriate amount of
signage in store windows. Less is more.
Work with property owners and prospective businesses to
develop infill components that are consistent with Pacific
Beach’s style.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Pacific Beach’s excitement about downtown’s
In Conclusion
future is inspiring! The community is already moving
forward in turning their plan into reality. As
demonstrated through other projects, the
community has the capacity to ‘make big dreams
come true’ when they want to.
In order for Pacific Beach’s Downtown
Redevelopment Plan to effectively move forward, it
will be necessary for the community to take on a
proactive role in redevelopment and education - inviting the whole community to participate in the
implementation of the plan.
“The problems we have created
cannot be solved with the same
thinking that created them.”
Following are ‘secrets of success’ gleaned after
working with many communities on downtown
revitalization plans and projects:
„ Downtown revitalization is a process. Most
communities usually don’t go downhill
overnight and won’t be revitalized overnight.
„ Plan for the future, but keep your eye on
tomorrow by including enough flexibility to
take advantage of unforeseen opportunities.
„ Don’t die on every hill; make strategic
decisions about when it’s important to take a
stand and fight.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
„ Provide consistent, credible and on-going
communication with the community and
other partners about what you’re working on.
„ Build an integrated, working collaboration
among all the appropriate entities.
„ Build and expand your volunteer and
partnership base; understand the differences
between types of volunteers and how they
like to work (project based vs. long-term
committee based).
„ Continue to improve your skills and capacity
in order to undertake more complex and
multi-dimensional projects.
„ There’s no need to reinvent the wheel - - learn
from both the successes and failure of other
community efforts.
„ Celebrate your successes! Too often
volunteers are so busy working on projects,
they don’t stop and celebrate the successes.
This almost always leads to burnout!
„ A Can-Do Attitude is EVERYTHING!!!
Communities who are successful in
revitalization focus on opportunities (even
during crisis), while struggling communities
surrender to crisis.
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
„ Cultivate ‘champions’. They make ALL the
difference - - they are the igniters, the
sparkplugs, the motivators!
„ Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. If it were, it
would have been done by now.
„ Don’t lose your sense of humor and
perspective. Although arduous, local projects
should be fun and help build a sense of
Downtown Solutions Team
Pacific Beach Downtown Redevelopment Plan • April 2006
Downtown Solutions Team
C2 General Commercial
R3 Resort Residential
Winslow, Bainbridge Island, Washington
Newport, Oregon
Cannon Beach, Oregon
Washington Statutes Relating to Financing Economic Development
Grays Harbor Economic Development Council
Grays Harbor Council of Governments
Washington Community Development Economic Revitalization Team
Washington State Department of Community, Trade & Economic Dev.
USDA Rural Development
The Foundation Center
Grantmakers in Washington
Sierra Pacific Industries Foundation
Weyerhaeuser Foundation