Dr Suarez-Capello - The International Cocoa Organization
Dr Suarez-Capello - The International Cocoa Organization
REGIONAL WORKSHOP IN INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF COCOA PESTS AND PATHOGENS IN AFRICA GHANA COCOA BOARD ACCRA, APRIL 15TH – 18TH 2013 Monilia pod rot in Ecuador Carmen Suàrez-Capello, PhD Technical University of Quevedo, ECUADOR Importance of the disease z Is a limiting factor of productivity. Annual average losses, in Ecuador are 45 to 60% z Under favourable conditions goes up to 100%. z ACTUAL DISTRIBUTION z Describe in early 1900, up to 1980 was confined to Northern South America and South of Panamà, where caused serious economic problems: z Colombia (Anon, 1812; Barros, 1977); z Ecuador (Rorer, 1918; Delgado y Suàrez, 1977); z Venezuela (Reyes y Perez, 1964); 2005 Mexico 1997 1949 1930 1980 1978 1941 1914 ? 1988 From 1980 to date, the disease has expanded North up to Mexico and South to Perù and Bolivia Moniliasis: Around 1977 traspasses the Andean barrier and starts expanding throughout the Eastern side threatening Brazil mainly As for its taxonomy: 1918: Monilia roreri 1978: Moniliophthora roreri Crinipellis roreri ? 200… Crinipellis perniciosa Moniliophthora roreri & Moniliophthora perniciosa Characteristics of the two only known species: Moniliophthora perniciosa (Escoba de Bruja) & M. roreri (Moniliasis); Both seems to be hemibiotroph fungi, i.e half of its life cycle is in dead tissue behaving as saprotrophs. Highly specific in nature: to survive they have to reinfecto thir host continuously Very well adapted. They have evolved with cocoa trees and seems very eficient at adapting to adverse condition & find ways to overcome changes (Patotypes, strains, agresiveness): The pathosystem (cacao-Moniliophthora spp) maintain an dynamic equilibrium in nature Only atacks species of Theobroma: cacao, grandiflorum, bicolor Humb y Bonpl, mammosum, obovatum Klotz ex Bern & the related genus Herrania M. Roreri is more specific: colonizing only pods on any age z z z Spores are the only source of infection for cacao Affect fruits on any age, It has been found that is important cause of flower infection. DISSEMINATION Main via of dispersal is the wind, within plantations. But human being have proven to be the most efficient dispersal agents for long distances. Hidden in apparently healthy pods. Other agents may be water, insects and amal animals moving within infected plants in orchards Seed transmission has not been proven and it is not probable due to the nature of the disease. On dispersal, it is important to pay attention to hiden infections The long colonization period of the fungus before it shoes symptoms, allows that a pod apparently healthy be selected and transportes to be used as seed material, industry, or just to show it .... Once it is open it shows internal damage, the farmer finds is no longer usefull and just discard it. this pods can sporulate and start building up the inoculum SIMTOMS First simptoms are hydrosis, oily spots, irregular swolleness of young pots, necrotic spots cherelle wilt, irregular maturity SImTOMS When pods are infected after 65 days of age: Símtoms de M. roreri Símtoms of M. roreri Very difficult to distinguish from M perniciosa infection on pods apprt That this do not form spores CONDITIONS THAT FAVOURED THE DISEASE: Unmanage or abandon orchards, with plenty of infected pods hanging on the canopy. • Pathogen actively producing spores • Weak and susceptible trees • No Management - Very tall trees favoured hidden spore sources and difficult management EPIDEMIOLOGY The infection process of M. roreri in cocoa: z The spores land over fruits; z z germinate if there is free water, or die by sun radiation/desication z Germinated spores penetrate directly pod epidermis. z Pods are more susceptible when young -1 to 3 month z As they develop, become less and less susceptible. • Within the pods, time for simptom development takes at least a month •After the chocolate spots are visible, in one to four days a white stroma form over the necrotic lessions, that soon is covered with a mass of spores. Cremmy to light brown Rain: alternate wet and dry periods (hours or days) Relative humidity: > 80-90% Temperature: 24 -28oC in average Microclimate is a very Important factor to take into account SURVIVAL • Primary problem with moniliasis is the large amount of spores that is able to produce and its facility to disperse them. • On pods suspended on trees, spores maintain viability for more than 9 month. • On the ground they loose its viability progresivally and in three months they are no longer able to infect new pods. CONTROL OR MANAGEMENT OF THE DISEASE Dic Nov Oct Continuos infection Sep while fruiting lasts Ago Mumified pods, fungus survide more than 9 months. Spores disperse with the wind Mycelium appears as stroma Ene Infecta developing fruits Symptom development Mar Jul Cream or gray spore powder Jun May chocolate spots It develops slowly within infected pods Abr Feb Sprying selected chemichals during the rainy season Biológico: Aplicaciones de especies antagónicas Cultural: Phytosanitary prunning once a year to get rid of all infected tissue and keep trees on control (withches`broom) and WEEKLY REMOVAL OF INFECTED PODS to keep down population of M. Roreri. Genetic: Selecction and developing resistant material. Mainly for new replacing old, orchards. e copa plantings or improductive Chemicals Number of healthy pods per plot. Fungicide trial N u m b e r o f h e a lth y p o d s 120 * * * * 100 * *Significantly different from control 80 Absolute control 60 40 20 0 TK1 Copper Flutolanil TK1+Cu Water Flu+Cu TK1 Copper Flutolanil TK1+Cu Flu+Cu Sticker (NP7) La producción fue significativamente elevada en seis tratamientos Productos cupricos fueron otra vez los mas eficientes => 90% mejoramiento de cosecha Flutolanil and Trichoderma TK-1 increased yield if applied with NP7. Copper hidroxyde, Azoxistrobinas are replacing Copper Oxide and clorotalonil which are more toxic. Aplicando Trichoderma Preparando equipos Aplicando Químicos With chemicals we must take into account spraying techniques, type of equipment to use, timing and frecuency of sprays and training personnel Aplicando Químicos Biological control Comportamiento de especies de Trichoderma: SUELO: Luego de aplicación 1:10000 AIRE: Durante aplicación 1:10000 Producción de esporas T. dekoningiopsis, T. stromaticum, T. ovalisporiumen cuarto de cría Cultivo en medio liquido Cultivo en arroz Micoharvester Number of healthy pods per plot. Fungicide trial N u m b e r o f h e a lth y p o d s 120 * * * * 100 * *Significantly different from control 80 Absolute control 60 40 20 0 TK1 Copper Flutolanil TK1+Cu Water Flu+Cu TK1 Copper Flutolanil TK1+Cu Flu+Cu Sticker (NP7) La producción fue significativamente elevada en seis tratamientos Productos cupricos fueron otra vez los mas eficientes => 90% mejoramiento de cosecha Flutolanil and Trichoderma TK-1 increased yield if applied with NP7. ¿IPM or ICM ? Recogiendo información derivada de la biología, la epidemiología de las Enfermedades y de la fisiología del cultivo, se establece como primer paso, la recuperación de la capacidad productiva de las huertas y su manejabilidad, reduciendo altura de copa.. Recuperaciòn progresiva del rendimiento consecuencia de la rehabilitación y manejo de cacao adulto Años 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Rendimiento (Kg/ha cacao seco) 396 396 900 1400 1665 1400 2025 THE KEY FACTOR: PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH & TRAINING