
RADICALES LIBRES ¿que son los radicales libres? Estructura y geometría Bond dissociation energies for the cleavage of C–H
bonds are used as a measure of radical stability.
Radicals are formed from covalent bonds by adding energy in the form of heat (Δ) or light (hv). Ruptura HomolíGca radical iniGator (e.g. peroxides) iniciadores Common ReacGons of Radicals Reaction of a Radical X• with a C–H Bond
Reaction of a Radical X• with a C=C
Two Radicals ReacGng with Each Other RegioselecGvidad en la cloración Radical AddiGon ReacGons to Double Bonds AddiGon of HBr HBr adds to alkenes to form alkyl bromides in the presence of light, heat, or peroxides. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1995 Awarded jointly to Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland "for their work in atmospheric chemistry, par5cularly concerning the forma5on and decomposi5on of ozone". autooxidación inhibidores