SPP Integrated Marketplace Dictionary


SPP Integrated Marketplace Dictionary
Marketplace [mahr-kit-pleys]
A marketplace is the space, actual, virtual or
metaphorical, in which a market operates. The term is
also used in a trademark law context to denote the actual
consumer environment, i.e. the 'real world' in which
products and services are provided and consumed.
Artist rendering of the Roman Forum
The Roman term for market, still in use in a related sense, is forum.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Integrated Marketplace Quick Reference
Market Participant Milestones
Units of Measure
MW (Megawatt) settled in 5-minute intervals
MWh (Megawatt Hour) settled in 5-minute intervals
LMP De-Composition
Locational Marginal Price (LMP)
The LMP at a pricing location represents the cost to serve the next
increment of load at that location. That value includes the cost of
producing energy, and the cost of its delivery (congestion and losses)
The difference in LMP between any 2 locations comes from their cost
effectiveness in delivering energy to the load center or any other reference
location (Reference Bus). Consequently, the LMP at a given pricing location can
be split into the following 3 parts:
Marginal Loss Component: The economic impact (cost) of incurred losses when
delivering that increment of load, measured between that location and the
Reference Bus
Marginal Congestion Component: The economic impact (cost) of network
congestion when delivering that increment of load, measured between that
location and the Reference Bus
Marginal Energy Component: The effective value (cost) of delivering that
increment of load, from the Reference Bus
LMPi = MECi + MCCi + MLCi
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Integrated Marketplace Quick Reference
Used in Co-Optimization
Day Ahead Energy
Real Time Energy
Virtual Energy
Day-Ahead Regulation Up
Day-Ahead Regulation Down
Day-Ahead Spinning Reserve
Day-Ahead Supplemental Reserve
Real-Time Regulation Up
Real-Time Regulation Down
Real-Time Spinning Reserve
Real-Time Supplemental Reserve
Market Instruments
Bilateral Settlement Schedules
Transmission Congestion Rights
Virtual Transactions
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Integrated Marketplace Quick Reference
Integrated Marketplace: Day-Ahead Market
DA Market
RTBM Resource
Resource Offers:
Energy and OR
RTBM Resource
Cleared Offers: Energy,
OR, & Virtuals
DA MarketRTBM Resource
Demand Bids Offers
DA Market Import,
DA Resource
Export & Through
Commit Schedules
DA Resource
Commit Schedules
Cleared Energy Bids:
Virtuals &
Resource Outage
Resource Outage
SPP Operating
SPP Operating
SPP Operating
Cleared Import,
Export &
Through Transactions
Virtual Energy
SPP Forecasts
Offers and Bids
(Load & Wind)
Integrated Marketplace: Day-Ahead Market
- SPP Publishes
Load Forecast
- SPP publishes
- Submit DA Demand
Bids, Resource
Offers (Energy & OR),
Virtual bids & offers
and physical
transactions to SPP
The day prior to operating day
SPP clears Day-Ahead Market
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Integrated Marketplace Quick Reference
Integrated Marketplace: Reliability Unit Commitment
RTBM Resource
RTBM Resource
Resource Commit /
De-commit Schedules
RTBM Resource
DA Confirmed
Confirmed Import,
Import, Export &
Export & Through
Transactions Interchange
DA ResourceDA Resource
Commit Schedules
Commit Schedules
DA Resource
Commit Schedules
Resource Commitment/
Regulation Notifications
SPP Operating
Fixed Interchange
Transaction Curtailment
Resource Outage
Resource Outage
SPP Operating
SPP Operating
SPP Forecasts
SPP Forecasts
(Load & Wind)
(Load & Wind)
Reliability Unit Commitment: Day-Ahead
- Submit updated
Resource Offers
- SPP runs
- SPP reports
results to
Day Prior to Operating Day
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Integrated Marketplace Quick Reference
Reliability Unit Commitment: Intra-Day
Intra-Day RUC
- Uses RTBM
Resource Offers
- SPP runs
Intra-Day RUC
Intra-Day RUC
Intra-Day RUC
Intra-Day RUC
Intra-Day RUC
Current operating day
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
- SPP reports
RUC results
to affected
Intra-Day RUC
Integrated Marketplace Quick Reference
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Integrated Marketplace Quick Reference
EIS vs. Integrated Marketplace Features
Integrated Marketplace
• Reservations
• Scheduling (internal/external)
All Reservations
Third Party Reservations
• Transmission Congestion Rights
• Bilaterals
• Day-Ahead Market (DA)
• Real-Time Balancing Market (RT)
• Virtual Transactions
Operating Reserve
• Regulation
• Reserves
Hourly (DA), 5 Minutes (RT)
Centralized Commitment
16 BAs
1 BA
• Duration
• Pricing
• Financial Schedules
Unit Commitment
Balancing Authority
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Aggregate Price Node
A collection of Price Nodes (PNodes) whose prices are averaged with a defined weighting component to determine an aggregate price.
Ancillary Services
Generally refers to the services necessary to support the
transmission of capacity and energy from resources to loads
while maintaining reliable operation of the Transmission
System in accordance with Good Utility Practice. Integrated
Marketplace will set prices for certain Ancillary Services,
specifically Operating Reserves, as part of both the DA
Market and Real-Time Balancing Market (RTBM).
Asset Owner
An owner of any combination of:
(1) Registered Physical Assets (Resource, Load, Import
Interchange Transaction, Export Interchange Transaction,
Through Interchange Transaction)
(2) Transmission Congestion Rights
(3) Any combination of financial assets (Virtual Energy Offer,
Virtual Energy Bid, Bilateral Settlement Schedules) within
the SPP Balancing Authority Area.
Your business tag line here.
Auction Clearing Price
Date of Sale: 00/00/00
The prices generated at each source and sink Settlement
Describe your location by landmark
Location in each round of the Annual TCR
or area of
Monthly TCR Auction based upon the TCR Offers and Bids
Auction Revenue Right
A financial right, awarded during the annual ARR allocation
process and/or incremental ARR allocation process, that
entitles the holder to a share of the auction revenues
generated in the applicable Transmission Congestion Rights
(TCR) auction(s) and/or entitles the holder to self-convert the
ARRs into TCRs.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Auction Revenue Rights Funding
A financial right, awarded during the annual ARR allocation
process and/or incremental ARR allocation process, that entitles the holder to a share of the auction revenues generated in
the applicable Transmission Congestion Rights auction(s)
and/or entitles the holder to self convert the ARRs into TCRs.
Automatic Generation Control
The function of a computerized power system maintaining
scheduled generation that is changing moment to moment to
follow the loads in a defined area.
ARR Nomination Cap
The maximum total amount of ARRs that an Eligible Entity
may nominate in each month and season in the annual ARR
allocation process and the monthly incremental ARR
allocation process.
Balancing Authority
The responsible entity that maintains load-interchangegeneration balance within a Balancing Authority Area. In
coordination with the SPP Integrated Marketplace
implementation, the current balancing authorities will be
combined to form a single SPP BA.
Balancing Authority Areas
The collection of generation, transmission and loads within the
metered boundaries of the Balancing Authority.
Behind the Meter
Commonly used to refer to the flow of electricity before it hits
the meter on the transmission system wires.
A commitment to pay a specific maximum price for a quantity
of Energy or TCRs such as a Demand Bid, Virtual Energy Bid
an Export Interchange Transaction Bid and/or a TCR Bid.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Bilateral Settlement Schedules
A financial arrangement between two Market Participants:
(1) designating the buyer, seller, MW amount and Settlement
Location for Energy transactions or (2) designating the buyer,
seller, obligation percentage and Reserve Zone for Operating
Reserve obligation transfer transactions. Also known as
Financial Schedules.
Block Controllable Load
A registered load Settlement Location within which the
associated Demand Response Load resides that is associated
with a Block Demand Response Resource.
Block Demand Response
Behind the meter load reduction which requires a calculated
Block Demand Response Resource
A controllable load, including controllable load of an
aggregator of retail customers that is not a Dispatchable
Resource that can reduce the withdrawal of Energy from the
transmission grid when directed by SPP.
The determination of the correct meter value by measurement,
or comparison with some identified standard. Similar to the
EIS Market, calibration in the Integrated Marketplace will be
determined by comparing the individual load meters within a
defined settlement area with the calculated net area input for
that settlement area.
Change Working Group
The Change Working Group coordinates and schedules any
changes to the interfaces between SPP systems, processes,
practices and the members/Market Participant(s) required to
implement or enhance needed functions. The Change
Working Group will recommend any process improvements or
project management to other working groups to facilitate these
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Central Prevailing Time
Clock time for the season of a year, i.e., Central Standard
Time and Central Daylight Time.
Cleared Energy
The total net quantity and energy represented by AO’s DA
Market cleared Resource Offers and Demand Bids in the DA
Market at Settlement Location for the Hour.
Close Out
Refers to the end-of-year process used to allocate any excess
congestion fund dollars to the holders of the Candidate ARRs
on a pro rata share based on the Nomination Cap.
Combined Cycle
A resource that is configured using both gas turbines or
engines and steam generators.
Commercial Model
A representative of the attributes of, and the relationships
between Market Participants, Asset Owners, Resource and
load assets and Pricing Nodes for use in the Energy and
Operating Reserve Markets, and Transmission Congestion
Rights Markets.
Commercial Operations Systems
A suite of market applications including settlements, customer
service and the portal.
Commitment Period
The contiguous period of time between a Resource’s DA
Market Commit Time and the DA Market De-Commit Time.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Commitment Status
A parameter submitted as part of a Resource Offer that
specifies the option under which the Resource is to be
Commit Time
The time specified by SPP in a commit order at which a Resource with a commit status of “Market” or “Reliability” that
was committed by SPP in the DA Market or any Reliability Unit
Commitment process should be synchronized and at or above
Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit.
Common Bus
A single bus to which two or more Resources that are owned
by the same Asset Owner are connected in an electrically
equivalent manner where such Resources may be treated as
interchangeable for certain compliance monitoring purposes.
Congestion occurs when the desired amount of electricity is
unable to flow due to limitations on the physical (line, bus,
storm damages) or regulated limitations such as contingency
reserves. Congestion impairs the ability to use least-cost
electricity to meet demand. Additionally, congestion results in
price difference between source and sink.
Congestion Hedging
A strategy used to reduce the risk of adverse price
movements in an asset due to transmission overcrowding.
Congestion Hedging Task Force
This task force was created in order to review SPP’s planned
congestion hedge mechanism and those in other regions,
determine if changes were necessary, and recommend the
preferred Congestion Hedging Mechanism to the Market
Working Group (MWG).
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Consolidated Balancing Authority
In coordination with the SPP Integrated Marketplace
implementations, the current Balancing Authorities will be
combined to form a single SPP BA.
Consolidated Balancing Authority Steering Committee
The CBASC is responsible for the development and
implementation of the SPP Consolidated Balancing Authority;
a pre-requisite for the Integrated Marketplace.
The unexpected failure or outage of a system component,
such as a generator, transmission line, or other electrical element.
Contingency Reserve
Resource capacity held in reserve for Resource contingencies
which is the sum of Spinning Reserve and Supplemental
Contingency Reserve Deployment Instruction
An instruction issued by SPP to Resources cleared for
Contingency Reserve in the Real-Time Balancing Market to
deploy a specific MW quantity of Contingency Reserve as
communicated as a component of the Setpoint Instructions.
Contingency Reserve Deployment Period
The time period specified in the SPP Criteria following the
issuance of a reserve sharing event within which a Resource
has to deploy Contingency Reserve.
Contingency Reserve Ramp Rate
A single MW/minute value that is used to determine Resource
maximum Spinning Reserve quantities or on-line
Supplemental Reserve quantities.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Contract Header
Contract Headers are the mechanism used by Market
Participants wishing to create Bilateral Settlement Schedules
for Energy and Operating Reserve obligation by registering
and confirming the parameters of the agreement between
buyer and seller such as the Schedule ID, Settlement
Location, Reserve Zone, maximum allowable hourly quantity,
market product, submitting party, auto-confirmation option,
and the effective and termination dates. The Contract Header
is validated and entered into the system.
Contract Profile
Once the Bilateral Settlement Schedules Contract Header information is validated and entered into the system by SPP,
hourly quantities (Profiles) submitted reference the Contract
Header Schedule ID in order to be associated with all the parameters required for settlement calculations. Once these
hourly quantities are auto-approved or approved via the Portal
they become Settlement input.
Control Area
A Control Area is a North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) operating entity bounded by
interconnection (tie-line) metering or telemetering and directly
controls Generation in order to contribute to frequency
regulation of the interconnection. The Control Area balances
schedules with Load and Generation in order to maintain its
interchange schedules with other Control Areas. In SPP,
Control Areas usually operate Transmission facilities and
manage Transmission Congestion within their boundaries.
Control Status
A parameter communicated electronically to SPP by a Market
Participant at any time during an Operating Hour indicating a
Resource’s ability to follow Setpoint Instructions.
Controllable Load
A Controllable Load is a Load in the wholesale market that
can be curtailed (at least partially) in response to a
Deployment Instruction.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
The simultaneous\joint clearing of Energy and Operating
Reserve with the objective of producing the system least
operational cost solution.
Cost Allocation
The process of identifying and allocating cost among multiple
Cost Benefit Task Force
The task force was created to assess the costs and benefits of
the current Energy Imbalance Service (EIS) Market footprint
moving to a future market design with the direction from the
Market Working Group (MWG).
Counter Party
The opposing entity involved in a Financial Schedule.
Current Operating Plan
SPP’s internal hourly Resource commitment schedule for the
Operating Day resulting from the various Day-Ahead Market
and Day-Ahead Reliability Unit Commitment processes and
updated, as required, during the Intra-Day RUC process that
is used as input into the Real-Time Balancing Market.
Curtailment Adjustment Tool
SPP tool used to administer curtailments of schedules not
curtailed by the IDC when market flow reduction is required.
There will no longer be a need for the CAT once the
Integrated Marketplace is in place.
The period of time starting at 0001 and ending at 2400 on the
day prior to the Operating Day.
Day-Ahead Schedule
A Day-Ahead Schedule is a schedule prepared by a
Scheduling Coordinator or the Independent System Operator
(ISO) before the beginning of a trading day. This schedule
indicates the levels of Generation and demand scheduled for
each settlement period that trading day.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
DA Market Commitment Period
The contiguous period of time between a Resource’s DA Market Commit Time and the DA Market De-Commit Time.
Day-Ahead Make-Whole-Payment Amount
The Day-Ahead Make-Whole-Payment Amount is a credit or
charge to a Resource Asset Owner and is calculated for each
Resource with an associated DA Market Commitment Period.
A payment is made to the Resource Asset Owner when the
sum of the Resource’s DA Market Start-Up Offer costs, NoLoad Offer costs, Energy Offer Curve and Operating Reserve
Offer costs associated with cleared DA Market amounts for
Energy and Operating Reserve is greater than the Energy and
Operating Reserve DA Market revenues received for that
Resource over the Resource’s DA Market Make-WholePayment Eligibility Period.
Day-Ahead Market
[DA Market]
The financially binding market for Energy and Operating
Reserve that is conducted on the day prior to the Operating
Day-Ahead Reliability Unit Commitment
[Day-Ahead RUC]
The process performed by SPP following the close of the DA
Market and prior to the Operating Day to assess resource and
operating reserve adequacy for the Operating Day, commit
and/or de-commit Resources as necessary, and communicate
commitment or de-commitment of Resources to the
appropriate Market Participants as necessary.
De-Commit Time
The time specified by SPP in a de-commit order at which a
Resource with a Commitment Status of “Market” or
“Reliability” that was committed by SPP in the DA Market or
any Reliability Unit Commitment process should begin desynchronization procedures.
Demand Bid
A proposal by a Market Participant associated with a physical
load to purchase a fixed or price-sensitive amount of Energy
at a specified location and period of time in the Day-Ahead
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Demand Curve
A series of quantity/price points used to set Operating Reserve Market Clearing Prices when there is a supply shortage
of Operating Reserve and to set LMPs when there is shortage
of capacity to meet Energy requirements.
Demand Response Load
A registered load identified in the registration of a
Dispatchable Demand Response Resource or a Block
Demand Response Resource.
Demand Response Resource
A Dispatchable Demand Response Resource or a Block
Demand Response Resource.
Designated Resource
Any designated generation resource owned, purchased or
leased by a Transmission Customer to serve load in the SPP
Region. Designated Resources do not include any resource,
or any portion thereof, that is committed for sale to third
parties or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the
Transmission Customer's load on a non-interruptible basis.
Desired Dispatch
A MW value calculated from a Resource’s Real-Time
Balancing Market (RTBM) Energy Offer Curve that represents
the point at which the Resource’s incremental Energy offer is
equal to the Resource’s RTBM LMP.
Dispatch Interval
The period of time for which SPP issues Dispatch Instructions
for Energy and clears Operating Reserve in the Real-Time
Balancing Market. The Dispatch Interval is currently 5
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Dispatch Instruction
The communicated Resource target energy MW output level
at the end of the Dispatch Interval.
Dispatch Status
A parameter submitted as part of a Resource Offer that
specifies the option under which the Resource is to be
dispatched once the Resource has been committed and
becomes a Synchronized Resource.
Dispatchable Controllable Load
A registered load Settlement Location within which the
associated Demand Response Load resides that is associated
with a Dispatchable Demand Response Resource.
Dispatchable Demand Response
Load reduction which can be metered.
Dispatchable Demand Response Resource
A controllable load, including behind-the-meter generation that
is a Dispatchable Resource that can reduce the withdrawal of
Energy from the transmission grid when directed by SPP.
Dispatchable Resource
A resource for which an Energy Offer Curve has been
submitted and that is available for dispatch on a Dispatch
Interval basis.
Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource
A Variable Energy Resource that is capable of being incrementally dispatched down by the Transmission Provider.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Electric Power Distribution
Takes power from the Transmission System, “steps down” the
voltage, and delivers power to the consumer.
Electric Power Generation
The process of creating electricity from other forms of Energy.
Electric Power Transmission
The bulk transfer of power from generating plants to substations to be prepared for distribution.
Electrical Node
A physical node represented in the Network Model where
electrical equipment and components are connected.
Electric Quarterly Report
A quarterly report, required by FERC and submitted by all
public utilities and power marketers summarizing contractual
terms and conditions for Market-based power sales, Costbased power sales, and transmission service. With the
implementation of the Integrated Marketplace, SPP will make
information needed to complete this report available to all
Market Participants on a quarterly basis.
Eligible Entity
A Transmission Customer or Market Participant that is eligible
to nominate ARRs during the annual allocation process.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
An abnormal system condition requiring manual or automatic
action to maintain system frequency, or to prevent loss of firm
load, equipment damage, or tripping of system elements that
could adversely affect the reliability of any electric system or
the safety of persons or property.
An amount of electricity that is Bid or Offered, produced,
consumed, sold or transmitted over a period of time which is
measured or calculated in megawatt hours (MWh).
Energy and Operating Reserve Markets
The Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Balancing Market.
Energy Imbalance Service Market
[EIS Market]
In the Energy Imbalance Service (EIS) Market, participants
buy and sell wholesale electricity in real-time. If a utility
requires more energy than it scheduled, the market provides
the utility another option to buy the "extra" energy at real-time
prices to make up the difference and meet its demand.
Participants can use the EIS market to get the least expensive
available energy from other utilities.
Energy Management System
The software system used by SPP for the real-time
acquisition of operating data and operations.
Energy Offer Curve
A set of price/quantity pairs that represents the offer to provide
Energy from a Resource.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Export Interchange Transaction
A Market Participant schedule for exporting Energy out of the
SPP Balancing Authority Area.
Export Interchange Transaction Bid
A proposal by a Market Participant to purchase a fixed or price
-sensitive amount of Energy in the Day-Ahead Market or a
fixed amount of Energy in the Real-Time Balancing Market for
delivery outside of the SPP Balancing Authority Area at a
specified External Interface and period of time.
External Contingency Reserve
The sum of External Spinning Reserve and External
Supplemental Reserve.
External Interface
A Settlement Location representing a physical interconnection
point(s) between the SPP Balancing Authority Area and an
External Balancing Authority Area.
External Reserve Zone Obligation Transfer Schedule
A schedule from a Balancing Authority external to the SPP
Balancing Authority into a Reserve Zone supported by firm
transmission service to the SPP border that allows a Market
Participant to reduce its Operating Reserve obligation in that
Reserve Zone.
External Spinning Reserve
Spinning Reserve contracted by a Market Participant that is
being supplied from an external BA to a Reserve Zone within
the SPP BA for the purpose of meeting the Market
Participant’s Spinning Reserve obligation within the Reserve
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
External Supplemental Reserve
Supplemental Reserve contracted by a Market Participant that
is being supplied from an external BA to a Reserve Zone
within the SPP BA for the purposes of meeting the Market
Participant’s Supplemental Reserve obligation within the
Reserve Zone.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
An independent government agency that regulates the
interstate transmission of natural gas, oil, and electricity.
Financial Schedules
Refer to Bilateral Settlement Schedules.
Firm Point-to-Point ARR Nomination Cap
[FPTP Candidate ARR]
The maximum total amount of FPTP Candidate ARRs that an
Eligible Entity may nominate in each month and season in the
annual ARR allocation process and/or the monthly incremental
ARR allocation process.
Firm Point-to-Point Candidate ARR
[FPTP Candidate ARR]
All or portion of the MW quantity of a confirmed Firm Point-ToPoint Transmission Service Reservation (TSR), verified prior
to the start of the annual ARR allocation process, that the
holder of the TSR can nominate for conversion into an ARR in
the annual ARR allocation process.
Firm Point-to-Point Incremental Candidate ARR
[FPTP Incremental Candidate ARR]
All or portion of the MW quantity of a confirmed Firm Point-ToPoint Transmission Service Reservation (TSR), verified
following the completion of the annual Transmission
Congestion Rights (TCR) auction process but prior to the start
of the subsequent annual ARR allocation process, that the
holder of the TSR can nominate for conversion into an ARR in
the incremental ARR allocation process.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
Firm Transmission Service is the highest quality, or priority,
service offered to customers under a filed rate schedule that
anticipates no planned interruption. Point-to-Point
Transmission Service is the transmission of capacity and
energy from the Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of Delivery.
A transmission facility or transmission element(s) that has
been identified as limiting the amount of power that can be
reliably transferred over the bulk transmission system.
Generating Unit
A Generating Unit is any combination of physically connected
generator(s), reactor(s), boiler(s), combustion turbine(s) or
other prime mover(s) operated together to produce electric
The Generation of electricity is the process of producing
electric Energy by transforming other forms of energy; also,
the amount of electric Energy produced, expressed in
watthours (Wh).
Generation Company
A Generation Company is a regulated or non-regulated entity
(depending upon the industry structure) that operates and
maintains existing generating plants. The Generation
Company may own the Generation plants or interact with the
short-term market on behalf of plant owners. In the context of
restructuring the market for electricity, the Generation
Company is sometimes used to describe a specialized
"marketer" for the generating plants formerly owned by a
vertically-integrated utility.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Generation Control Area
The Control Area or Settlement Area in which the schedule
Grandfathered Agreement
Grandfathered Agreements are transmission agreements that
were executed prior to the effective date of the SPP Tariff and
are fully defined in the Tariff.
GFA Firm Point-to-Point ARR Nomination Cap
[GFA FPTP ARR Nomination Cap]
The maximum total amount of GFA FPTP Candidate ARRs
and GFA FPTP Incremental Candidate RRs that an Eligible
Entity may nominate in each month and season in the annual
ARR allocation process and/or the incremental ARR allocation
GFA Firm Point-to-Point Candidate ARR
[GFA FPTP Candidate ARR]
All or a portion of the MW quantity of the transmission service
component of a Grandfathered Agreement (GFA) providing
service equivalent to Firm Point-to-Point Transmission
Service, as defined in the SPP Tariff, verified prior to the start
of the annual ARR allocation process, that the applicable
Eligible Entity can nominate for conversion into an ARR in the
annual ARR allocation process.
GFA Firm Point-to-Point Incremental Candidate ARR
[GFA FPTP Incremental Candidate ARR]
All or a portion of the MW quantity of the transmission service
component of a Grandfathered Agreement (GFA) providing
service equivalent to Firm Point-to-Point Transmission
Service, as defined in the SPP Tariff, verified following the
completion of the annual TCR auction process but prior to the
start of the subsequent annual ARR allocation process, that
the applicable Eligible Entity can nominate for conversion into
an ARR in the incremental ARR allocation process.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
GFA NITS ARR Nomination Cap
The maximum total amount of GFA Network Integration Service (NITS) Candidate ARRs that an Eligible Entity may nominate in each month and season in the annual ARR allocation
process and the monthly Incremental ARR allocation process.
GFA NITS Candidate ARR
All or a portion of the MW quantity of the transmission service
component of a Grandfathered Agreement (GFA) providing
service equivalent to Network Integration Transmission
Service, as defined in the SPP Tariff, verified prior to the start
of the annual ARR allocation process, that the applicable
Eligible Entity can nominate for conversion into an ARR in the
annual ARR allocation process.
GFA NITS Incremental Candidate ARR
[GFA FPTP Incremental Candidate ARR]
All or a portion of the MW quantity of the transmission service
component of a Grandfathered Agreement (GFA) providing
service equivalent to Network Integration Transmission
Service, as defined in the SPP Tariff, verified following the
completion of the annual TCR auction process but prior to the
start of the subsequent annual ARR allocation process, that
the applicable Eligible Entity can nominate for conversion into
an ARR in the annual ARR allocation process.
A term "Grid" often refers to one or more interconnected
electrical systems.
Gross-Up Load
The amount by which a Dispatchable Controllable Load or a
Block Controllable Load is increased to account for the load
reduction associated with the dispatch of a Dispatchable DRR.
or Block DRR.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
SPP Observed Holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving
Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day.
A Settlement Location consisting of an aggregation of Price
Nodes developed for financial and trading purposes.
Import Interchange Transaction
[GFA FPTP Incremental Candidate ARR]
A Market Participant schedule for importing Energy into the
SPP Balancing Authority Area.
Import Interchange Transaction Offer
A proposal by a Market Participant to sell a fixed or pricesensitive amount of Energy in the Day-Ahead Market or a
fixed amount of Energy in the Real-Time Balancing Market for
delivery into the SPP Balancing Authority Area at a specified
External Interface and period of time.
Incremental Energy Cost
The cost of producing and transporting the next available unit
of electrical energy.
Independent Power Producer
A corporation, person, agency, authority, or other legal entity
or instrumentality that owns or operates facilities for the
generation of electricity for use primarily by the public, and
that is not an electric utility.
Independent System Operator
An Independent System Operator is an independent entity
regulated by the Federal Government that coordinates
regional Transmission in a non-discriminatory manner and
ensures the safety and Reliability of the electric system.
Energy transfers that cross Balancing Authority boundaries.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Interchange Distribution Calculator
A North American Electric Reliability Resource (NERC) tool
used to measure the impact of an energy schedule on the
transmission grid utilizing power transfer distribution factors in
order to provide a rational and economically equitable basis
for curtailing transactions.
Interchange Transaction
Any Energy transaction that is crossing the boundary of the
SPP Balancing Authority Area and requires checkout with one
or more external Balancing Authority Areas. This includes any
Import Interchange Transaction, Export Interchange
Transaction and/or Through Interchange Transaction.
Intra-Day Reliability Unit Commitment
[Intra-Day RUC]
The process performed by SPP following the completion of the
DA RUC and throughout the Operating day to assess
Resource and Operating Reserve adequacy for the Operating
Day, commit and/or de-commit Resources as necessary, and
communicate commitment or de-commitment of Resources to
the appropriate Market Participants as necessary.
Joint Operating Agreement
Agreement entered into by two or more companies in order to
share in the operation and/or use of an asset.
Jointly Owned Unit
A Resource that is owned by more than one Asset Owner.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
The electric Load is the amount of electric power delivered or
required at any specific point or points on a system. The
requirement originates at the Energy-consuming equipment of
the consumers.
Load Forecast
Load Forecast data is used to determine obligations
calculations and can be accessed via the Portal. The Load
Forecasts include weather data and hourly Load data.
Load Serving Entity
The Load Serving Entity is the entity who serves the end-use
customer's Energy requirements.
Load Control Area
The Control Area or Settlement Area in which the schedule
Load Ratio Share
The percentage of load at a single Settlement Location relative to SPP’s total load.
Locational Marginal Price
In the Integrated Marketplace, the market clearing price for
Energy at a given Price Node which is equivalent to the
marginal cost of serving demand at the Price Node while
meeting SPP Operating Reserve requirements. This replaces
the EIS Markets LIP. LMP is made up of three components:
Marginal Energy Component (MEC), Marginal Loss
Component (MLC) and Marginal Congestion Component
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Loss Pool
A collection of Settlement Locations that is dynamically
determined for each Asset Owner based on that Asset
Owner’s transactional activity that is used for the purposes of
determining that Asset Owner’s allocation of over collected
loss revenues.
Loss Rebate
The loss rebate factors are constructed by multiplying the portion of the net withdrawal served from within the Loss Pool at
the Settlement Location (SL) by the delta between the local
MLC and the local Loss Pool’s injection weighted average
MLC and summing that with the portion of the net withdrawal
served by the exchange at the SL by the delta between the
local MLC and the exchange injection weighted average MLC.
Manual Dispatch Instruction
A dispatch instruction created outside of the normal RTBM
SCED Dispatch Instruction solution to address a system
reliability condition that could not be resolved by the RTBM
SCED. Also known as Out-of-Merit Energy (OOME).
Marginal Congestion Component
A component of LMP representing the marginal cost of
Marginal Energy Component
A component of LMP representing the marginal cost of Energy.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Marginal Loss Component
A component of LMP representing the marginal losses at
Price Node relative to the network Distributed Load Bus.
Market Clearing Price
The price used for settlements of an Operating Reserve
product in each Reserve Zone. A separate price is calculated
for Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down, Spinning Reserve and
Supplemental Reserve.
Market Instruments
Financial tools that have monetary value or represent a legally
enforceable agreement between two or more parties regarding
a right to payment of money. Bilateral Settlement Schedules
and Transmission Congestion Rights (TCRs) are two types of
market instruments in the Integrated Marketplace.
Market Protocols
Specify detailed procedures that implement the provisions of
the Governing Documents relating to Energy and Operating
Reserve Markets operations, Transmission Congestion Rights
Market, Settlements, and Market Mitigation.
Market and Operations Policy Committee
The various working groups at SPP report back to the MOPC,
which reports to the Board of Directors. The only exception to
this is the Credit Practices Working Group which reports to the
Finance Committee.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Market Participant
Any person or entity that directly participates in and/or receives services from SPP’s Markets and Services. An MP can
buy and sell services provided by SPP under its Open Access
Transmission Tariff (OATT). In registration, Market Participant
refers to the roles of GENCO, Load Serving Entity (LSE) and
metering agent.
Market Working Group
The group responsible for the development and coordination
of the changes necessary to support any SPP administered
wholesale market(s), including energy, congestion
management and market monitoring consistent with direction
from the MOPC and SPP’s Board of Directors.
Maximum Daily Energy
The maximum amount of Energy, in MWh, that is available to
be produced in an Operating Day from a particular Resource.
Maximum Daily Starts
The maximum number of times a Resource can be started
within an Operating Day.
Maximum Economic Capacity Operating Limit
The maximum MW level at which a Resource may operate
under normal system conditions.
Maximum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit
The maximum MW level at which a Resource other than a
Block Demand Response Resource may operate under
Emergency system conditions.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Maximum Emergency Capacity Run Time
The maximum length of time a Resource can operate above
its Maximum Economic Capacity Operating Limit up to its
Maximum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit.
Maximum Quick-Start Response Limit
The maximum amount of Supplemental Reserve that can be
provided by a Quick-Start Resource from an off-line state.
Maximum Regulation Capability
A Resource’s Maximum Regulation Capability is equal to that
Resource’s Regulation Ramp Rate multiplied by the
Regulation Response Time.
Maximum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit
The maximum MW level at which a Regulation Qualified
Resource, a Regulation-Up Qualified Resource or a
Regulation-Down Qualified Resource may operate while
providing Regulation Deployment.
Maximum Run Time
The maximum length of time a Resource can run from the
time the Resource is synchronized to the time the Resource is
A measurement unit of the instantaneous demand for energy.
Membership Agreement
Details the obligations of SPP and SPP members pursuant to
Meter Agent
Entity responsible for submittal of revenue quality interchange,
resource and load meter data into Settlements via the market
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Meter Data Submittal Location
One or more Meter Settlement Locations for which meter data
is submitted to SPP by the Meter Agent for settlement purposes.
Meter Settlement Location
The effective point at which a Market Participant’s registered
load and Resources interchange energy with the Real-Time
Balancing Market.
Metering Parties
All parties, identified in a transmission service agreement,
that have a vested interest in the accuracy of the meter data.
Mid-Term Load Forecast
A Settlement Area Load forecast developed by SPP on a
rolling hourly basis for the next seven days for input into
Reliability Unit Commitment.
Minimum Down Time
The minimum length of time required following
desynchronization that a Resource must remain off-line prior
to a subsequent synchronization.
Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit
The minimum MW level at which a Resource other than a
Block Demand Response Resource may operate under
Emergency system conditions.
Minimum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit
The minimum MW level at which a Resource other than a
Block Demand Response Resource may operate under
Emergency system conditions.
Minimum Emergency Capacity Run Time
The maximum length of time a Resource can operate below
its Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit down to its
Minimum Emergency Capacity Operating Limit.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Minimum Regulation Capacity Operating Limit
The minimum MW level at which a Regulation Qualified Resource, a Regulation-Up Qualified Resource or a RegulationDown Qualified Resource may operate while providing Regulation Deployment.
Minimum Run Time
The minimum length of time a Resource must run from the
time the Resource is put online to the time the Resource is
shut down.
Min-To-Off Profile
The output versus time profile for a Resource to desynchronize from the grid starting from the Resource’s
Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit.
Multi-Day Reliability Assessment
The process performed prior to the Operating Day to assess
resource adequacy for the Operating Day, commit Resources
with long Start-Up Times that cannot be considered as part of
the DA Market or Day-Ahead RUC, and communicate
commitment of such Resources as necessary.
The current EIS Market has a single market settlement
because there is only one market (i.e. RTBM). The SPP
Integrated Marketplace will have two settlements, one for the
DA Market and a second for the RTBM. The DA Market
settlement is based upon the amounts of Energy and
Operating Reserve cleared multiplied by the applicable DA
Market LMPs and MCPs. The RTBM settlement is based
upon deviations from Energy and Operating Reserve amounts
cleared in the DA Market. These deviations are then
multiplied by the RTBM LMPs and MCPs to calculate the
settlement amounts.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Native Load Schedule
Schedules where the source BA is the same as the Sink BA
for assets belonging to the same Market Participant. The
Integrated Marketplace will replace NLS with TCRs.
Net Actual Interchange
The algebraic sum of all metered interchange over all interconnections between two physically adjacent Balancing Authority Areas.
Net Inadvertent
The difference between the Balancing Authority’s Net Actual
Interchange and Net Scheduled Interchange.
Net Scheduled Interchange
The algebraic sum of all Interchange Transactions between
Balancing Authorities for a given period or instant in time.
Network Integration Transmission Service
The transmission service provided under Part II of the Tariff.
Network Model
A representation of the transmission, generation and load
elements of the interconnected SPP Transmission System
and the transmission systems of other regions in the Eastern
NITS ARR Nomination Cap
The maximum total amount of NITS Candidate ARRs and
NITS Incremental Candidate ARRs that an Eligible Entity may
nominate each month and season in the annual ARR
allocation process and/or the monthly incremental ARR
allocation process.
NITS Candidate ARR
The MW quantity associated with firm NITS, that is verified
prior to the start of the annual ARR allocation process, that the
holder of the NITS can nominate for conversion into an ARR,
subject to the NITS ARR Nomination Cap, in the annual ARR
allocation process.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
NITS Incremental Candidate ARR
The MW quantity associated with firm NITS, that is verified
following the completion of the annual TCR auction process
but prior to the start of the subsequent annual ARR allocation
process, that the holder to the NITS can nominate for conversion into an ARR, subject the NITS ARR Nomination Cap, in
the incremental ARR allocation process.
A specific ENode for which a settlement price is calculated.
No-Load Offer
The compensation request in a Resource Offer, in dollars, by
a Market Participant representing the hourly fee for operating
a synchronized Resource at zero (0) MW output. For a
generating unit, No-Load Offers are generally representative
of the fuel expense required to maintain synchronous speed at
zero (0) MW output (i.e. the resource is operating under a “no
load” condition). For a Dispatchable Demand Response
Resource or Block Demand Response Resource, No-Load
Offers are generally representative of a combination of the fuel
expense required to maintain synchronous speed at zero (0)
MW output for behind the meter generation (i.e. the resource
is operating under a “no load” condition) and/or ongoing hourly
costs associated with manufacturing process changes
associated with a reduction in load consumption.
Non-Dispatchable Variable Energy Resource
A Variable Energy Resource that is not capable of being
incrementally dispatched down by the Transmission Provider
but may be completely taken off-line by the Transmission
Refers to a penalty charged to resources cleared for regulation in RTBM, but not following dispatch.
North American Electric Reliability Corporation
NERC is the electric reliability organization certified by the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to establish and
enforce reliability standards for the North American bulk power
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
North American Energy Standards Board
The North American Energy Standards Board serves as an
industry forum for the development and promotion of
standards which will lead to a seamless marketplace for
wholesale and retail natural gas and electricity, as recognized
by its customers, business community, participants, and
regulatory entities.
A commitment to sell a quantity of Energy at a specific
minimum price such as a Resource Offer, a Virtual Offer and/
or an Import Interchange Transaction Offer.
Open Access Same-Time Information System
An electronic posting system that the Transmission Service
Provider maintains for transmission access data and that
allows all transmission customers to view the data
Those hours or other periods defined by NAESB business
practices, contract, agreements, or guides as periods of lower
electrical demand.
Those hours or other periods defined by NAESB business
practices, contract, agreements, or guides as periods of higher
electrical demand.
Operating Day
A daily period beginning at midnight.
Operating Hour
A 60-minute period of time during the Operating Day
corresponding to a clock hour typically expressed as hourending.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Operating Reserve
Resource capacity held in reserve for Resource contingencies
and NERC control performance compliance which includes
the following products: Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down,
Spinning Reserve and Supplemental Reserve.
Operating Tolerance
The MW range of actual Resource output above and below
the Resource’s average Setpoint Instruction over the Dispatch
Interval where the Resource will not be subject to charges
associated with Uninstructed Resource Deviation.
The period during which a Generating Unit, Transmission line
or other facility is out of service.
Over Collected Losses
Settlement of surplus related to marginal loss pricing, which is
rebated based on payment of marginal losses.
The process used to payback ARR and TCR uplift dollars in
months where excess funds are available. There is also a
yearly payback process that pays back ARR and TCR funds
carried over from the monthly process. Funds remaining after
the yearly payback are allocated to the ARR holders.
Point to Point Transmission Service
The reservation and transmission of capacity and energy on
either a firm or non-firm basis from the Point(s) of Receipt to
the Point(s) of Delivery.
Web interface between SPP and its Members.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Post-Operating Day
The time period starting with the day immediately following the
Operating Day.
Power Transfer Distribution Factor
The percentage of power transfer flowing through a facility or
set of facilities (flowgate) for a particular transfer when there
are no contingencies.
The time period starting six days prior to the Day-Ahead and
ending midnight on the day prior to the Day-Ahead.
Price Node
A single node in the Commercial Model that has a one-to-one
relationship to an ENode where Locational Marginal Prices are
Price Separation
In an energy market, this is a divergence in prices from one
geographical area to another due to transmission congestion.
A telemetered reading or value that is updated in real time, but
for which no physical tie or energy metering actually exists.
Quick-Start Resource
A Resource that can be started, synchronized and inject
Energy within ten minutes of SPP notification.
A curve specifying MW/minute ramp rates applicable between
Resource operating ranges that is used to dispatch Resources
in the down direction.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
A curve specifying MW/minute ramp rates applicable between
Resource operating ranges that is used to dispatch Resources
in the up direction.
Ramp Sharing
To ensure that ramping deficiencies across Hours in the DA
Market or Dispatch Intervals in the RTBM do not initiate
unjustified Scarcity Pricing, ramp sharing may be applied
when needed to clear sufficient amounts of Energy,
Regulation-Up and Spinning Reserve to meet the
The continuous time period during which the RTBM is
Real-Time Balancing Market
The market operated by SPP continuously in real-time to
balance the system through deployment of Energy and to
clear Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down, Spinning Reserve and
Supplemental Reserve.
Reference Bus
The location on the SPP Transmission System relative to
which all mathematical quantities, including shift factors and
penalty factors relating to physical operation, will be
Regional Transmission Operator
FERC designed the RTO concept to create independent
regionally operated transmission grids that enhance the
benefits of competitive electricity markets. Regional
institutions are intended to address the operational and
reliability issues now confronting the industry.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Regional Transmission Operator Scheduling System
The Web based service, hosted by OATI, is part of the SPP
electronic scheduling system.
Regulation Deployment
The utilization of Regulation-Up an Regulation-Down through
Automatic Generation Control (AGC) equipment to
automatically and continuously adjust Resource output to
balance the SPP Balancing Authority Area in accordance with
NERC control performance criteria.
Resource capacity that is available for the purpose of
providing Regulation Deployment between zero Regulation
Deployment and the down direction.
Regulation-Down Offer
The price at which a Regulation Qualified Resource or a
Regulation-Down Qualified Resource has agreed to sell
Regulation-Down in dollars per MW.
Regulation-Down Qualified Resource
A Resource that has met the requirements to be eligible to
submit Regulation-Down Offers into the Energy and Operating
Reserve Markets, but has not met the requirements to be
eligible to submit Regulation-Up Offers into the Energy and
Operating Reserve Markets.
Regulation-Only Resource
A Regulation-Up Qualified Resource, Regulation-Down
Qualified Resource or a Regulation Qualified Resource that
cannot be cleared or dispatched for Energy or cleared for
Contingency Reserve.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Regulation Qualified Resource
A Resource that has met the requirements to be eligible to
submit Regulation-Up Offers and Regulation-Down Offers into
the Energy and Operating Reserve Markets.
Resource capacity held in reserve for the purpose of providing
Regulation Deployment between zero Regulation Deployment
and the up direction.
Regulation-Up Offer
The price at which a Regulation Qualified Resource or a
Regulation-Up Qualified Resource has agreed to sell
Regulation-Up in dollars per MW.
Regulation-Up Qualified Resource
A Resource that has met the requirements to be eligible to
submit Regulation-Up Offers into the Energy and Operating
Reserve Markets, but has not met the requirements to be
eligible to submit Regulation-Down Offers into the Energy and
Operating Reserve Markets.
Regulation Ramp Rate
A single MW/minute value that is used to determine Resource
maximum Regulation-Up and/or Regulation-Down quantities.
Regulation Response Time
The maximum amount of time allowed for a Resource to move
its output from zero Regulation Deployment to the full amount
of Regulation-Up cleared or to move from zero Regulation
Deployment to the full amount of Regulation-Down cleared.
Reliability Unit Commitment
The process performed by SPP to assess resource and
operating reserve adequacy for the Operating Day, commit
and/or de-commit resources as necessary, and communicate
commitment or de-commitment or Resources to the
appropriate Market Participants as necessary.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Make-Whole-Payment
The RUC Make-Whole-Payment Amount is a credit or charge
to a Resource Asset Owner and is calculated for each Resource with a RUC Commitment Period. A payment is made to
the Resource Asset Owner when the sum of the Resource’s
eligible RTBM Start-Up Offer costs, No-Load Offer costs, Energy Offer Curve and Operating Reserve Offer costs associated with actual MWh amounts for Energy and cleared RTBM
Operating Reserve is greater than the Energy and Operating
Reserve RTBM revenues received for that Resource over the
Resource’s RUC Make-Whole-Payment Eligibility Period.
Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Period
The contiguous period of time between a Resource’s Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Commit Time and Reliability Unit
Commitment (RUC) De-Commit Time.
Reserve Sharing Event
A request for assistance to deploy Contingency Reserve by
any signatory to the Reserve Sharing Group Agreement following the sudden loss of a Resource.
Reserve Sharing Group
A group whose members consist of two or more Balancing
Authorities that collectively maintain, allocate and supply
operating reserves required for each Balancing Authority’s use
in recovering from contingencies within the group.
Reserve Shutdown
An SPP approved Resource shutdown that is requested by a
Market Participant for the purposes of making the Resource
unavailable for SPP commitment and dispatch due to reasons
other than to perform maintenance or to repair equipment.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Reserve Zone
A zone containing a specific group of Price Nodes for which a
minimum and maximum Operating Reserve requirement is
Reserved Capacity
The reservation MW between a specified source and sink
associated with SPP Transmission Service.
Residual Load
The Residual Load in a Settlement Area is the sum of the
hourly metered interchange plus the sum of all Resource
Meter Data Submittal Locations less all other load Meter Data
Submittal Location for that Settlement Area. Residual Load is
submitted in the same manner as other Meter Data Submittal
Locations for loads.
An asset that is located internal to the SPP Balancing Authority Area or that is Pseudo-Tied into the SPP Balancing Authority Area that injects Energy into the transmission grid, or which
reduces the withdrawal of Energy from the transmission grid.
Resource Offer
A Resource, the combination of its Start-Up Offer, No-Load
Offer, Energy Offer Curve, Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down
Offer, Spinning Reserve Offer and Supplemental Reserve Offer.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Resource-to-Load Distribution Factor
The simulated impact of incremental power output from a
specific Resource (“source”) on the loading of a specific
flowgate based on delivery to a representation of the
Locational weighting of all loads within all Settlement
Locations (“sink”).
Revenue Neutrality Uplift
A charge type set up as a revenue distribution mechanism for
charges and credits that have no other method of distribution
to the Market Participants.
Scarcity Price
The MCP price levels determined by Demand Curves when
there is insufficient Operating Reserve available to meet the
Operating Reserve requirement.
Security Constrained Economic Dispatch
An algorithm capable of clearing, dispatching, and pricing
Energy and Operating Reserve on a co-optimized basis that
minimizes capacity costs while enforcing multiple security
Security Constrained Unit Commitment
An algorithm capable of committing Resources to supply Energy and/or Operating Reserve on a co-optimized basis that
minimizes capacity costs while enforcing multiple security constraints.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Service Request
Service Requests are submitted by Market Participants via the
Portal and are used to document and track customer initiated
issues, questions, and requests.
Setpoint Instruction
The real-time desired MW output signal calculated for a
specific Resource by SPP’s control system on a specified
periodicity that is equal to the current Dispatch Instruction plus
the Regulation Deployment Instruction (which may be positive
or negative) plus an adjustment to the Dispatch Instruction for
Energy to account for Contingency Reserve Deployment
Instructions. The Setpoint Instruction represents the desired
output level of the Resource and assumes that the Resource
can attain this output instantaneously (i.e. infinite ramp rate).
Settlement Area
A geographic area within the SPP Balancing Authority Area for
which transmission interval metering can account for the net
area Load within the geographic area.
Settlement Charge Type
The end result of the settlement calculations. There are 51
charge types in the Integrated Marketplace, compared to
seven in the current EIS Market.
Settlement Bill Determinant
Data inputs and intermediate calculations used in settlements
to calculate a final result to be output to a settlement
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Settlement Determinant Report
A daily report of interval input, intermediate calculation and
settlement result data with full Settlement Location and transactional detail which is generated for each Asset Owner and
Operating Day settled, either on an Initial, Final or Resettlement basis. Separate reports are available for 1) 5-minute
data and 2) hourly and daily data.
Settlement Disputes
A specific type of Service Request that can be submitted via
the Portal if a Market Participant does not agree with a portion
of the settlement prepared and posted by SPP.
Settlement Invoice
A weekly summary of the SPP Integrated Marketplace net
daily charges and credits by Asset Owner and Operating Day
which is generated for each Market Participant and contains
data for all of the Operating Days settled, either on an Initial,
Final or Resettlement basis, during the invoice period. For
each Operating Day only the net amounts (current total less
previously invoiced - if a Final or Resettlement) contribute to
the invoice amounts.
Settlement Location
A location defined for the purpose of commercial operations
and settlement. A Settlement Location is the location of finest
granularity for calculation of Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time
Balancing Market settlements.
Settlement Statement
A daily summary of the SPP Integrated Marketplace total daily
charges and credits by charge type and Operating Day which
is generated for each Asset Owner and contains data for all of
the Operating Days settled, either on a Initial, Final or
Resettlement basis, on a single settlement execution day. For
each Operating Day the current, previous and net amounts
are included on the statement.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Settlement User Group
A group that draws on the collective knowledge of market participants, transmission owners, state and federal regulatory
agencies, SPP staff, and other interested stakeholders in an
effort to develop and maintain mechanisms to ensure the
timely and accurate financial settlement of all market operations activities. The SUG takes direction from and reports to
the Market Working Group.
Shadow Price
A price for a commodity that measures the marginal value of
this commodity, that is, the rate at which system costs could
be decreased or increased by slightly increasing or decreasing, respectively, the amount of the commodity being made
available. For example, the shadow price associated with a
transmission constraint is equal to the change in total system
production cost produced through re-dispatching the system
when incrementally relaxing that transmission line limit.
Short-Term Load Forecast
A Settlement Area Load forecast developed by SPP on a
rolling 5-minute basis for the next 120 Dispatch Intervals for
input into the Real-Time Balancing Market.
Simultaneous Feasibility Test
Analysis performed in each round of the ARR nomination
process to ensure that nominated candidate ARRs do not
violate any normal transmission line thermal ratings under
normal system conditions and do not violate short-term
Emergency transmission line thermal ratings following a single
contingency. The SFT is performed consistent with the
transmission system loading analysis that is performed as part
of the Security Constrained Economic Dispatch process in the
DA Market.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
The specific location, or node, in which the schedule is
The specific location, or node, in which the schedule
Spin Qualified Resource
A Resource that has met the requirements to be eligible to
submit Spinning Reserve Offers into the Energy and Operating Reserve Markets.
Spinning Reserve
The portion of Contingency Reserve consisting of Resources
synchronized to the system and fully available to serve load
within the Contingency Reserve Deployment Period following
a contingency event.
Spinning Reserve Offer
The price at which a Spin Qualified Resource has agreed to
sell Spinning Reserve in dollars per MW.
SPP Criteria
Rules to promote and protect system Reliability that members
are obligated to follow.
SPP Integrated Marketplace
The Energy and Operating Reserve Markets and the
Transmission Congestion Rights Markets.
SPP Region
The geographic area of the Transmission System.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Start-Up Offer
The compensation required by a Market Participant for bringing an off-line Resource on-line or for reducing consumption of
a Dispatchable Demand Response Resource or Block Demand Response Resource. Start-Up Offers are generally representative of the out-of-pocket cost that a Market Participant
incurs in starting up a generating unit from an off-line state
through Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit. For
Dispatchable Demand Response Resources and Block Demand Response Resources, Start-Up Offers are generally
representative of a combination of out-of-pocket costs that a
Market Participant incurs in starting up a behind-the-meter
generating unit and/or out-of-pocket costs associated with preparing for manufacturing process changes in preparation for
reducing load consumption.
Start-Up Time
The time required to start a Resource and reach the Minimum
Economic Capacity Operating Limit following receipt of a startup order from SPP.
State Estimator
The computer software used to estimate the properties of the
electric systems based on a sample of system measurements
based on current system conditions.
Stored Energy Resource
A device which replenishes the supply of its energy source
(water, compressed air, battery or flywheel) through
withdrawal of Energy from the system.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Four-second resource and load bus signals from Market
Participant equipment to SPP.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Supplemental Qualified Resource
A Resource that has met the requirements to be eligible to
submit Supplemental Reserve Offers into the Energy and Operating Reserve Markets.
Supplemental Reserve
The portion of Operating Reserve consisting of on-line
Resources and/or off-line Resources capable of being
synchronized to the system that is fully available to serve load
within the Contingency Reserve Deployment Period following
a contingency event.
Supplemental Reserve Offer
The price at which a Supplemental Qualified Resource has
agreed to sell Supplemental Reserve in dollars per MW.
Sync-To-Min Profile
The output versus time profile for a Resource’s output to reach
Minimum Economic Capacity Operating Limit following
synchronization to the grid.
Synchronized Resource
A Resource that is electrically connected to the grid as
evidenced by the closing of the Resource circuit breaker.
Synchronized Resource
A Resource that is electrically connected to the grid as
evidenced by the closing of the Resource circuit breaker.
Establishes services to be provided and rights and obligations
of the parties pursuant to those services. It specifies rates,
terms and conditions under which Transmission Customer(s)
and Market Participant(s) participate in the SPP Integrated
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Electronic communication of measurements and states related
to elements of the electric system. Telemetered information
forms the basis of calculating certain Settlement Charge
Types, as well as determining the flows across transmission
facilities and the status of circuit breakers and other devices.
Through Interchange Transaction
A Market Participant schedule submitted between two
External Interfaces for use in the DA Market or RTBM for
moving Energy through the SPP Balancing Authority Area.
An agreement to transfer energy from a Seller to a Buyer.
Transition State Offer
An Offer associated with a specific Combined Cycle Resource
Configuration that represents the cost of moving from the
current configuration to another valid configuration.
Transition State Time
An operating parameter associated with a specific Combined
Cycle Resource Configuration that represents the time
required to move from the current configuration to another
valid configuration.
Transmission is the movement or transfer of electric Energy
over an interconnected group of lines and associated
equipment between points of supply and points at which it is
transformed for delivery to consumers or is delivered to other
electric systems. Transmission is considered to end when the
Energy is transformed for distribution to the consumer.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Transmission Congestion Right
A financial right that entitles the holder to a share of the
congestion revenue collected in the Day-Ahead Market.
Transmission Congestion Rights Funding
The Transmission Congestion Rights Funding Amount can be
either a credit or a charge to an Asset Owner and is calculated
for each TCR instrument held by the Asset Owner. TCR
instruments are fully funded in each hour.
Transmission Congestion Rights Markets
The Auction Revenue Rights annual and monthly allocation
process and the annual and month Transmission Congestion
Rights auctions.
Transmission Customer
Any eligible customer (or its designated agent) that can or
does execute a transmission service agreement or can or
does receive transmission service.
Transmission Loading Relief
A procedure used to curtail energy schedules in an attempt to
limit power flow across a transmission system element in
order to avoid exceeding the equipment’s peak operating
Transmission Service Request
Transmission Service Requests are submitted via the SPP
OASIS (Open Access Same-Time Information System) in
order for eligible transmission customers to request
transmission service. OASIS is the internet-based system for
obtaining services related to electric power transmission in
North America. It is the primary means by which high-voltage
transmission lines are reserved for moving wholesale
quantities of electricity.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Transmission System
The electric Transmission System is an interconnected group
of electric Transmission lines and associated equipment for
moving or transferring electric Energy in bulk between points
of supply and points at which it is transformed for delivery over
the distribution system lines to consumers or is delivered to
other electric systems.
Turn-Around Ramp Rate Factor
A percentage factor between 0% and 100% applied to
Resources Ramp-Rate-Up or Ramp-Rate-Down that applies
only in the next Dispatch Interval when the Resource is issued
a Dispatch Instruction that is in the opposite direction of the
previous Dispatch Instruction.
Uninstructed Resource Deviation
The average MW amount of actual Resource output in a
Dispatch Interval above or below the Resource’s average
Setpoint Instruction in the Dispatch Interval.
Unit of Measure
The division of a quantity accepted as a standard of
Variable Energy Resource
A Resource powered solely by wind, solar energy, run-of-river
hydro or other unpredictable fuel source that is beyond the
control of the resource operator.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Violation Relaxation Limit
The DA Market, RUC process and RTBM SCED enforce a
number of operating constraints in developing the cooptimized market solution. In certain situations, attempting to
enforce all constraints may result in a solution that is not
feasible at a Shadow Price less than an appropriately priced
Violation Relaxation Limit. There are five categories of
constraints and associated VRLs: Resource Capacity
Constraints, Resource Ramp Constraints, Global Power
Balance Constraints, Operating Constraints and Spinning
Reserve Constraints. A higher VRL value is an indication of
the relative priority for enforcing the constraint type.
Virtual Energy Bid
A proposal by a Market Participant to purchase Energy at a
specified price, Settlement Location and period of time in the
Day-Ahead Market that is not associated with a physical load.
Virtual Energy Offer
A proposal by a Market Participant to sell Energy at a
specified price, Settlement Location and period of time in the
Day-Ahead Market that is not associated with a physical
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Southwest Power Pool
About this book:
This Dictionary & Quick Reference Guide is designed to be
used only as an educational tool. Any and all information contained within this book is superseded by the current versions
of the SPP Tariff and Market Protocols.
For additional information, please contact:
Kim Farris, Sr. Settlement Analyst
[email protected] | (501) 614-3969
Learning Management System (LMS)
Integrated Marketplace Training
Market Participants can register for the Marketplace
Introduction course through the SPP Learning Center (LMS) at
Registered Market Participants can proceed by logging in and
navigating to the “browse for training” screen
SPP Members that are not registered can do so by clicking the
“register here” link under “SPP member company”
Non-member Market Participants that are not registered can
locate “Registered entities who are non-SPP members and
other non members should register here” to register
Contact Jane Martin, LMS Administrator, at 501-688-1755 or
[email protected] with any questions
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011
Southwest Power Pool
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Integrated Marketplace:
www.SPP.org > Market > Integrated Marketplace
Integrated Marketplace Protocols
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Marketplace Implementation Timelines
Change Working Group:
www.SPP.org > Org Groups > Change Working Group
Implementation information, timelines, etc.
Market Working Group:
www.SPP.org > Org Groups > Market Working Group
Marketplace Protocol Revision Requests, design
decisions, etc.
Integrated Marketplace Dictionary 2011