2 - RDA Toolkit


2 - RDA Toolkit
I d e n ti f y i n g M a n i f e s tatio n s
and Items
Purpose and Scope
This chapter provides general guidelines and instructions on recording the attributes
of manifestations1 and items2 that are most often used for purposes of identifying a
The elements reflect the information typically used by the producers of resources to
identify their products—title, statement of responsibility, edition statement, etc. The
same elements are those that a user will most frequently rely on to determine whether
the resource described is the one sought, or to distinguish between resources bearing
similar identifying information.
Not all of the elements covered in this chapter may be applicable to the description
of a particular resource. For those elements that are applicable, the description of the
resource should include at least those that are designated as core elements (see 1.3)
If those elements are not sufficient to differentiate the resource from others
bearing similar identifying information, include additional elements from this chapter
or from chapter 3
(Describing Carriers) and/or 4
Providing Acquisition and
Access Information), as necessary.
1 Manifestation, as used in this chapter, refers to the physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
2 Item, as used in this chapter, refers to a single exemplar or instance of a manifestation.
Basis for Identification of the Resource
2.1.1 General Guidelines
When choosing a source of information as the basis for the identification
of the resource, apply the guidelines given under 2.1.2–2.1.3
below as
appropriate to the type of description and type of resource.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.1.2 Comprehensive Description Guidelines
When preparing a comprehensive description, choose a source
of information appropriate to the mode of issuance as instructed
. Resource Issued as a Single Unit
When preparing a comprehensive description for a resource
issued as a single unit (e.g., a textbook in one volume), choose
a source of information identifying the resource as a whole.
If there is no source of information identifying the resource as
a whole (e.g., a single videodisc containing multiple feature
films but with no source of information identifying the resource
as a whole), treat the sources of information identifying its
individual contents as a collective source of information for the
resource as a whole. Resource Issued in More Than One Part
When preparing a comprehensive description for a resource
issued in more than one part (e.g., a series of scientific treatises,
or a periodical), choose one of the following, as appropriate, as
the basis for identifying the resource as a whole: •
a source of information identifying the first issue or part
(i.e., the lowest numbered issue or part), if the issues or
parts are sequentially numbered
a source of information identifying the earliest issue or
part (i.e., the issue or part with the earliest date of issue),
if the issues or parts are unnumbered or were not issued
in the order of their sequential numbers
a source of information identifying the lowest numbered
issue or part available, if the issues or parts are
sequentially numbered and the first issue or part is not
a source of information identifying the earliest issue or
part available, if the issues or parts are unnumbered or
were not issued in the order of their sequential numbers
and the earliest issue or part is not available
a source of information identifying the resource as a
whole, if the concept of order of parts is not applicable
(e.g., a kit).
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the resource is one to which the concept of ordered parts is
not applicable, and there is no source of information identifying
the resource as a whole (e.g., a set of locally produced
videodiscs with no source of information identifying the set as
a whole), choose a source of information identifying the main
part, if there is one part that can be considered the main part of
the resource. Otherwise, treat the sources identifying the
individual parts as a collective source of information for the
resource as a whole. If the identification of a resource with ordered parts is not based
on the first issue or part, make a note identifying the issue or
part used as the basis for identification of the resource (see
For sources of information for numbering identifying the last
issue or part of a serial (or the first or last issue in a separate
sequence of numbering), see
For sources of information for date of production, publication,
distribution, and/or manufacture of the last issue or part of a
multipart monograph or serial, see
, and
, respectively. Integrating Resource
When preparing a comprehensive description for a resource
that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not
remain discrete but are integrated into the whole (e.g., an
updating Web site), choose a source of information identifying
the current iteration of the resource as a whole. If there is no source of information identifying the current
iteration of the integrating resource as a whole, treat the sources
of information identifying the current iteration of its individual
contents as a collective source of information for the current
iteration as a whole.
Make a note identifying the latest iteration consulted in making
the description (see
For sources of information for date of production, publication,
distribution, and/or manufacture of the first iteration of an
integrating resource, see
, and
, respectively.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.1.3 Analytical Description Guidelines
When preparing an analytical description for a resource, choose
a source of information appropriate to the mode of issuance of
the part or parts being described as instructed under–
. Part
When preparing an analytical description for a single part of a
resource (e.g., an article in a journal, one short story in a
volume containing three stories, one volume of a multivolume
history, or a separately titled issue of a professional journal),
choose a source of information identifying the particular part
being described. More Than One Part
When preparing an analytical description for more than one
part of a resource (e.g., two volumes covering Renaissance
plays in a multivolume monograph on English theatre, or a
serial update accompanying a monograph), choose a source of
information as instructed under
, as applicable to
the parts being described. Integrating Resource
When preparing an analytical description for a part or parts
issued as an integrating resource (e.g., one volume of a
multivolume set issued as an updating loose-leaf or one section
of a Web site with multiple updating sections), choose a source
or sources of information identifying the current iteration of the
particular part or parts being described.
Sources of Information
2.2.1 Application
Apply the instructions given under 2.2.2–2.2.4
when choosing a
source of information for all elements covered in this chapter unless the
instructions on sources of information for the element specify otherwise.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.2.2 Preferred Source of Information Guidelines
Use as the preferred source of information a source forming
part of the resource itself that is appropriate to:
• the type of description (see 2.1
• the presentation format of the resource (see–
When choosing a preferred source of information, treat both the
storage medium (e.g., paper, tape, or film) and any housing
(e.g., a cassette or cartridge) that is an integral part of the
resource as part of the resource itself.
Treat accompanying material as part of the resource itself when
describing the resource as a whole using a comprehensive
Treat a container such as a box in which a game or kit is issued
as part of the resource itself.
If there is more than one source of information that qualifies as
the preferred source of information for the resource as specified
, apply the additional instructions
given under 2.2.3
If information required for the identification of the resource is
not available from a source forming part of the resource itself,
take it from another source as instructed under 2.2.4
. Resources Consisting of One or More Pages,
Leaves, Sheets, or Cards (or Images of One or
More Pages, Leaves, Sheets, or Cards)
If the resource consists of:
a) one or more pages, leaves, sheets, or cards (e.g., a book,
an issue of a periodical, a poster, a series of sheet maps,
or a set of flashcards, slides, or transparencies)
b) images of one or more pages, leaves, sheets, or cards
(e.g., a microform reproduction of a musical score, a
PDF file of a text, microform reproductions of a set of
sheet maps, or a JPEG image of a photograph)
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
use the title page, title sheet, or title card (or image thereof) as
the preferred source of information.
If the resource consists of microform or computer images of
one or more pages, leaves, sheets, or cards, use an eye-readable
label bearing a title that is permanently printed on or affixed to
the resource in preference to the image of the title page, title
sheet, or title card.
If the resource lacks a title page, title sheet, or title card (or
image thereof), use as the preferred source of information the
first of the following sources that bears a title:
a cover (or an image of a cover)
a caption (or an image of a caption)
a masthead (or an image of a masthead)
a colophon (or an image of a colophon).
Early printed resources. If an early printed resource (or a
reproduction thereof) lacks a title page, title sheet, or title card
(or image thereof), use as the preferred source of information
the first of the following sources that bears a title:
a) a colophon (or an image of a colophon).
b) a cover (or an image of a cover)
c) a caption (or an image of a caption)
If none of the sources listed above bears a title, use as the
preferred source of information the first of the sources listed
that is applicable to the resource.
If the resource does not contain any of the sources listed above,
use as the preferred source of information another source
forming part of the resource itself, giving preference to sources
in which the information is formally presented. Resources Consisting of Moving Images
If the resource consists of moving images (e.g., a film reel, a
videodisc, a video game, or an MPEG video file), use the title
frame or frames, or title screen or screens, as the preferred
source of information.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Use an eye-readable label bearing a title that is permanently
printed on or affixed to the resource (excluding accompanying
textual material or a container) in preference to the title frame
or frames, or title screen or screens.
If the resource does not contain a title frame or title screen, use
as the preferred source of information, as applicable:
a) a label bearing a title that is permanently printed on or
affixed to the resource, excluding accompanying textual
material or a container (e.g., a label on a videodisc)
b) embedded metadata in textual form that contains a title
(e.g., metadata embedded in an MPEG video file).
If the resource contains neither a title frame or title screen nor a
source of information falling into category a) or b) above, use
as the preferred source of information another source forming
part of the resource itself, giving preference to sources in which
the information is formally presented. Other Resources
For a resource other than one covered under–
, use as the preferred source of information, as applicable:
a) a label bearing a title that is permanently printed on or
affixed to the resource, excluding accompanying textual
material or a container (e.g., a label on an audio CD, or
a model)
b) embedded metadata in textual form that contains a title
(e.g., metadata embedded in an MP3 audio file).
If the resource does not contain a source of information falling
into either category a) or b) above, use as the preferred source
of information another source forming part of the resource
itself, giving preference to sources in which the information is
formally presented.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.2.3 More Than One Preferred Source of
If there is more than one source of information that qualifies as the
preferred source of information for that resource (as specified under 2.2.2
), use as the preferred source of information the first occurring of those
sources, unless one of the conditions under
, or
below applies. Preferred Sources of Information in Different
Languages or Scripts
If the resource contains preferred sources of information in
more than one language or script, use as the preferred source of
information (in this order of preference):
i) the source in the language or script that corresponds to
the language or script of the content or the predominant
language or script of the content of the resource
ii) the source in the language or script of translation, if the
resource contains the same work in more than one
language or script and translation is known to be the
purpose of the resource
iii) the source in the original language or script of the
content, if the resource contains the same content in
more than one language or script and the original
language or script can be identified
iv) the first occurring of the sources. Preferred Sources of Information Bearing
Different Dates
If a resource other than a multipart monograph or serial
contains preferred sources of information bearing different
dates, use as the preferred source of information the source
bearing the later or latest date. Preferred Sources of Information for the
Reproduction and the Original
If the resource is a facsimile or reproduction of an original
resource, and it contains a preferred source of information for
the reproduction as well as a preferred source of information
for the original, use the source for the reproduction as the
preferred source of information.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.2.4 Other Sources of Information
If information required to identify the resource does not appear on a source
forming part of the resource itself (see
), take it from one of the
following sources (in order of preference):
a) accompanying material (e.g., a leaflet or an “about” file)
b) a container that is not an integral part of the resource (e.g., a box or
c) other published descriptions of the resource
d) any other available source (e.g., a reference source).
When preparing an analytical description of one or more components of a
resource, treat accompanying material as a source outside the resource
itself (i.e., as a related resource).
Treat a container purchased or made by an owner or custodial agency as a
source outside the resource itself.
If information taken from a source outside the resource itself is supplied in
any of the following elements, indicate that fact either by means of a note
or by some other means (e.g., through coding or the use of square
Title proper
Parallel title
Other title information
Parallel other title information
Statement of responsibility relating to title
Parallel statement of responsibility relating to title
Designation of edition
Parallel designation of edition
Statement of responsibility relating to the edition
Parallel statement of responsibility relating to the edition
Designation of a named revision of an edition
Parallel designation of a named revision of an edition
Statement of responsibility relating to a named revision of an
Parallel statement of responsibility relating to a named revision of
an edition
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part
Chronological designation of first issue or part
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part
Chronological designation of last issue or part
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part of first
Chronological designation of last issue or part of first sequence
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of new
Chronological designation of first issue or part of new sequence
Place of production
Parallel place of production
Producer’s name
Parallel producer’s name
Date of production
Place of publication
Parallel place of publication
Publisher’s name
Parallel publisher’s name
Date of publication
Place of distribution
Parallel place of distribution
Distributor’s name
Parallel distributor’s name
Date of distribution
Place of manufacture
Parallel place of manufacture
Manufacturer’s name
Parallel manufacturer’s name
Date of manufacture
Title proper of series
Parallel title of series
Other title information of series
Parallel other title information of series
Statement of responsibility relating to series
Parallel statement of responsibility relating to series
Numbering within series
Title proper of subseries
Parallel title of subseries
Other title information of subseries
Parallel other title information of subseries
Statement of responsibility relating to subseries
Parallel statement of responsibility relating to subseries
Numbering within subseries
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the resource is of a type that does not normally carry identifying
information (e.g., a photograph, a naturally occurring object, or a
collection), omit the note or other means of indicating that the information
was taken from a source outside the resource itself.
Core ele men t The title proper and earlier and later variants of the title proper are core elements.
Other titles are optional.
2.3.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Titles
A title is a word, phrase, character, or group of characters that
names a resource or a work contained in it.
More than one title may appear in the resource itself (e.g., on a
title page, title frame, etc.; as a caption title, running title, etc.;
on a cover, spine, etc.; on a title bar, etc.), on a jacket, sleeve,
container, etc., or in material accompanying the resource.
A resource may also have one or more titles associated with it
through reference sources, through assignment by a registration
agency (e.g., a key title), or by an agency preparing a
description of the resource (e.g., a cataloguer’s translation of
the title).
For purposes of resource description, titles are categorized as
title proper (see 2.3.3
parallel title (see 2.3.3
other title information (see 2.3.4
parallel other title information (see 2.3.4
variant title (see 2.3.6
earlier variant title (see 2.3.7
later variant title (see 2.3.7
key title (see 2.3.8
abbreviated title (see 2.3.9
devised title (see 2.3.11
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
When choosing a source of information for a title, apply the
following general guidelines:
a) For the title proper, use the preferred source of
information as specified under 2.2.2–2.2.3
b) For parallel titles, take the information from a source
within the resource itself.
c) For other title information, take the information from
the same source as the title proper.
d) For earlier and later variant titles, take information from
the sources specified for the title proper, parallel title,
other title information, or parallel other title
information, as applicable, in earlier iterations or later
issues or parts.
e) For variant titles, key titles, abbreviated titles, and
devised titles, take the information from any source.
For further guidance, see the instructions on sources of
information for specific types of titles as follows:
a) For the title proper, see the instructions given under
b) For parallel titles, see the instructions given under
c) For other title information, see the instructions given
d) For parallel other title information, see the instructions
given under
e) For variant titles, see the instructions given under
f) For earlier and later variant titles, see the instructions
given under
, respectively.
g) For key titles, see the instructions given under
h) For abbreviated titles, see the instructions given under
i) For devised titles, see the instructions given under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a title or
titles relating to the original manifestation as well as to the
facsimile or reproduction, record the title or titles relating to the
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
facsimile or reproduction. Record any title relating to the
original manifestation as a title pertaining to a related
manifestation (see 27.1
). Exception
If the title of the original manifestation appears on the same
source of information as the title of the facsimile or
reproduction, apply the instructions given under
. Recording Titles
Transcribe a title as it appears on the source of information.
Apply the general guidelines on transcription given under 1.7
For E x amp l e :
The materials of architecture
The 1919/1920 Breasted Expedition to
the Far East
Sechs Partiten für Flöte
Drawing a blank, or, How I tried to solve
a mystery, end a feud, and land the girl
of my dreams
Instructor’s guide and key for The
American economy
IV informe de gobierno
4.50 from Paddington
I due Foscari
When Frank was four
Visitrend + visiplot
Tables of the error function and its
derivative, [reproduction of equations
for the functions]
The most of P.G. Wodehouse
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Heirarchy in organizations
Title misspelled and should read: Hierarchy in
For E x amp l e :
new translations, interpretive notes,
backgrounds, commentaries
Other title information
For E x amp l e :
an encyclopedia of domestic
architectural detail
Other title information
Optional Omission
Abridge a long title only if it can be abridged without loss of
essential information. Use a mark of omission (…) to indicate
such an omission. Never omit any of the first five words.
For E x amp l e :
BWV 29, Ratswahl-Kantate, für Soli SATB,
Chor SATB und Orchester …
Abridged other title information. Source of
information reads: Wir danken dir, Gott, wir
danken dir, BWV 29, Ratswahl-Kantate, für Soli
SATB, Chor SATB und Orchester: 3 Trombe,
Timpani, 2 Oboi, Violino solo, Organo obligato, 2
Violini, Viola e Basso continuo)
For E x amp l e :
A booke of cookerie and the order of
meates to bee serued to the table …
Source of information reads: A booke of cookerie
and the order of meates to bee serued to the table,
both for flesh and fish dayes, with many excellent
wayes for the dressing of all vsuall sortes of
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
meates, both bak’t, boyld or rosted, of flesh, fish,
fowle, or others, with their proper sawces, as also
many rare inuentions in cookery for made dishes,
with most notable preserue of sundry sorts of fruits,
likewise for making many precious waters, with
diuers approved medicines for grieuous diseases,
with certaine points of husbandry how to order
oxen, horses, sheepe, hogges, &c., with many
other necessary points for husbandmen to know
Introductory words. For instructions on introductory words not
intended to be part of the title, see
Inaccuracies. When transcribing the title proper of a serial or
integrating resource, correct obvious typographic errors, and
make a note giving the title as it appears on the source of
information (see
). In case of doubt about whether
the spelling of a word is incorrect, transcribe the spelling as
For E x amp l e :
Housing starts
Source of information on v. 1, no. 1 reads:
Housing starts
Record the title as it appears on the source of information as a
variant title (see 2.3.6
) if it is considered to be important
for access.
Date, name, number, etc., that varies from issue to issue. If a
title of a serial includes a date, name, number, etc., that varies
from issue to issue, omit this date, name, number, etc. Use a
mark of omission (…) to indicate such an omission.
For E x amp l e :
Report on the … Conference on
Development Objectives and Strategy
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Supply estimates for the year ending …
For E x amp l e :
Frommer’s Washington, D.C. on … a day
Source of information reads: Frommer’s
Washington, D.C. on $35 a day
For E x amp l e :
The annual report of Governor …
Source of information reads: The annual report
of Governor Rhodes. The name of the governor
changes with each specific term of office
For E x amp l e :
… annual report
Source of information reads: 1st annual report
Earlier title, etc. If a title of a serial or integrating resource
includes any statement that mentions an earlier title, title
absorbed, etc., that may or may not be grammatically linked to
the rest of the title, do not transcribe such a statement as part of
the title. Do not use a mark of omission (…) to indicate such an
omission. Record the earlier title, title absorbed, etc., as the title
of a related work (see 25.1
For E x amp l e :
International gas report
Source of information reads: International gas
report, including World gas report
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Persons, Families, and Corporate
If a title consists solely of the name of a person or corporate
body, record the name as the title.
For E x amp l e :
Georges Brassens
Conference on Industrial Development in
the Arab Countries
Woody Guthrie
If a title includes a name that would normally be treated as part
of a statement of responsibility or as the name of a publisher,
distributor, etc., and the name is an integral part of the title (e.g.,
connected by a case ending), record it as part of the title. For E x amp l e :
Marlowe’s plays
Eileen Ford’s a more beautiful you in 21
Ernst Günther läser Balzac
La route Shell
Larousse’s French-English dictionary
Beethoven’s Fifth symphony
a selection of the bitter definitions of
Ambrose Bierce
proceedings of the Robert Owen
Bicentennial Conference, Thrall Opera
House, New Harmony, Indiana, October
15 and 16, 1971 Introductory Words, etc.
Do not transcribe words that serve as an introduction and are
not intended to be part of the title.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Sleeping Beauty
Source of information reads: Disney presents
Sleeping Beauty
For E x amp l e :
Selections from The desert song
Source of information reads: Decca Records
presents selections from The desert song
For E x amp l e :
Southern mountain guitar
Source of information reads: Mel Bay presents
Southern mountain guitar
For E x amp l e :
Oklahoma’s official Web site
Source of information reads: Welcome to
Oklahoma’s official Web site
Optional Addition
If the form in which the title appears on the source of
information is considered to be important for identification or
access, record that form of the title as a variant title (see
). Titles of Parts, Sections, and Supplements
If the resource is a separately issued part or section of, or
supplement to, another resource and its title as presented on the
source of information consists of:
a) the title common to all parts or sections (or the title of
the larger resource)
b) the title of the part, section, or supplement
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
and if these two titles are grammatically independent of each
other, record the common title, followed by the title of the part,
section, or supplement. Disregard the order in which the parts
of the title are presented on the source of information. Use a
full stop to separate the common title from the title of the part,
sections, or supplement.
For E x amp l e :
Advanced calculus. Student handbook
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Philologica
Key abstracts. Industrial power and
control systems
Journal of the American Leather
Chemists’ Association. Supplement
Études et documents tchadiens. Série B
Art of advocacy. Structured settlements
Mary Tyler Moore. Chuckles bites the
If the title of the part, section, or supplement is preceded by an
enumeration or alphabetic designation, record the common title,
followed by the enumeration or designation, followed by the
title of the part, section, or supplement. Use a full stop to
separate the common title from the enumeration or alphabetic
designation, and a comma to separate the enumeration or
alphabetic designation from the title of the part, section, or
For E x amp l e :
Journal of polymer science. Part A,
General papers
Progress in nuclear energy. Series II,
Der Ring des Nibelungen. Zweiter Tag,
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If a phrase such as new series, second series, etc., appears with
the title proper of an unnumbered monographic series, record
the phrase as a section title.
For E x amp l e :
Cambridge studies in international and
comparative law. New series
If the title of a part, section, or supplement is presented on the
source of information without the title that is common to all
parts or sections, record the title of the part, section, or
supplement as the title. In the case of a part or section, record
the title that is common to all parts or sections as part of the
series information (see 2.12
). In the case of a supplement,
record the title of the main resource as the title of a related
manifestation (see 27.1
For E x amp l e :
British journal of applied physics
Title of part recorded as title proper. Common
title recorded as title proper of series: Journal of
2.3.2 Title Proper
Core element
The title proper is the chief name of a resource (i.e., the title
normally used when citing the resource).
An alternative title (i.e., an alternative to a title proper that is
joined to the title proper by or, or its equivalent in another
language—e.g., The tempest, or, The enchanted island) is
treated as part of the title proper.
The title proper excludes any parallel titles (see 2.3.3
other title information (see 2.3.4
), and parallel other title
information (see 2.3.5
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
A file name or data set name is not considered a title proper
unless it is the only title appearing in the resource. of Information
Take the title proper from the preferred source of information
for the identification of the resource as specified under 2.2.2–
If there is no title provided within the resource itself, take the
title proper from one of the sources specified under 2.2.4
Make a note on the source of the title proper, if required,
applying the instructions given under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a title
different from the original manifestation, choose the title of the
facsimile or reproduction as the title proper.
For E x amp l e :
Pugin’s ecclesiastical ornament
Title of facsimile recorded as title proper. Title
of original manifestation: Glossary of
ecclesiastical ornament and costume
If the title of the original manifestation appears on the same
source of information as the title of the facsimile or
reproduction, record it:
a) as a parallel title, if it is in a language or script different
from the title of the facsimile (see 2.3.3
b) as other title information (2.3.4
c) as the title of a related manifestation (see 27.1
If the title of the original manifestation appears elsewhere in the
resource, record it as the title of a related manifestation (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Title in More Than One Language or Script
If the source of information for the title proper bears a title in
more than one language or script, choose as the title proper the
one in the language or script of the main written, spoken, or
sung content of the resource. If this criterion is not applicable,
choose the title proper on the basis of the sequence, layout, or
typography of the titles on the source of information. Title in More Than One Form
If the source of information for the title proper bears a title in
more than one form, and if both or all of the titles are in the
same language and script, choose the title proper on the basis of
the sequence, layout, or typography of the titles on the source
of information. If the sequence, layout, and typography do not
provide the basis for a clear choice, choose the most
comprehensive title. If the other title or titles are considered to
be important for identification or access, record them:
as other title information (see 2.3.4
as variant titles (see 2.3.6
For E x amp l e :
Source of information reads: CRISP. complex
radar image and signal processing
For E x amp l e :
MapEasy’s guidemap to Philadelphia
Title within map border: Welcome to Philadelphia
Serials and integrating resources. If the title of a serial or
integrating resource appears on the source of information for
the title proper in full as well as in the form of an acronym or
initialism, choose the full form as the title proper. Record the
acronym or initialism as other title information (see 2.3.4
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e
Linguistics and language behavior
Title appears on source of information in full
and as LLBA Collective Title and Titles of Individual Contents
When preparing a comprehensive description for a resource
that has a source of information for the title proper bearing both
a collective title and the titles of individual contents within the
resource, record the collective title as the title proper.
For E x amp l e :
Three notable stories
Source of information also bears the titles of
the three stories contained in the
resource: Love and peril by the Marquis of
Lorne; To be or not to be by Mrs. Alexander; and
The melancholy hussar by Thomas Hardy
For E x amp l e :
Six Renoir drawings
Source of information also bears the titles of
the six drawings contained in the resource: La
danse à la campagne; Les deux baigneuses; Pierre
Renoir; Enfants jouant à la balle; Baigneuse
assise; and Étude d’une enfant
Optional Addition
Record the titles of the individual contents as titles of related
works (see 25.1
When preparing an analytical description for a resource that has
a source of information for the title proper bearing both the title
of the content being described and a collective title for the
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
larger resource, record the title of the content being described
as the title proper.
For E x amp l e :
English history, 1914–1945
Source of information also bears the series
title: The Oxford history of England
For E x amp l e :
Miss Mapp
Source of information also bears the collective
title for the larger work: All about Lucia
Optional Addition
Record the collective title for the larger resource:
a) as a series title (see 2.12.2
b) as the title of a related manifestation (see 27.1
). Recording the Title Proper
Record the title proper applying the basic instructions on
recording titles given under 2.3.1
For E x amp l e :
Speedball technique charts
Supplement to The conquest of Peru and
Why a duck?
Digital shaded-relief image of Alaska
Marcel Marceau ou L’art du mime
The compact edition of the Oxford
English dictionary
Tenth anniversary edition of Economic
justice for all
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Sunday school edition of New songs of
the gospel
Lost by a hare on my terra pin pin
λ‑calculus and computer theory
Fourteen hours
U-boat operations of the Second World
Records of the Socialist Labor Party of
L’éducation 25 ans plus tard! Et après?
4 days in the Queen Charlottes
Revised Washington State flood damage
reduction plan
Listening to popular music or, How I
learned to stop worrying and love Led
Zeppelin Other Elements Recorded as Part of the Title
Record other elements as part of the title proper as instructed
below, as applicable.
Type of Musical Composition, Medium of
Performance, Key, etc.
If a music title consists only of the name or names
of one or more type of composition, or the name or
names of one or more type of composition and one
or more of the following:
• medium of performance
• key
• date of composition
• number
treat all the elements together (in the order in which
they appear on the source of information) as the
title proper.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Songs & dances
Piano concertos 1 & 2
Sonate en ré majeur, op. 3, no. IX, pour
flûte traversière (ou hautbois, ou violon)
et basse continue
Scherzo for two pianos, four hands
Symphony no. 3, A minor, opus 56
Zwei Praeludien und Fugen für Orgel, op.
posth. 7
Musik für Saiteninstrumente,
Schlagzeug, und Celesta
Sinfonia I (1970)
VIII. Symphonie c-Moll
In all other cases, if one or more statements of
medium of performance, key, date of composition,
and/or number are found on the source of
information, treat those elements as other title
information (see 2.3.4
For E x amp l e :
Fugue on Hey diddle diddle
Other title information: for SATB unaccompanied
For E x amp l e :
Sinfonia mazedonia
Other title information: Nr. 4 für grosses
In case of doubt, treat statements of medium of
performance, key, date of composition, and number
as part of the title proper.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the title proper of a cartographic resource
includes a statement of the scale, include that
statement in the transcription.
For E x amp l e :
Topographic 1:500,000 low flying chart
New “half-inch” cycling road maps of
England and Wales Resource Lacking a Collective Title
When preparing a comprehensive description for a resource
that lacks a collective title, record the titles proper of the parts
as they appear on the source of information for the resource as
a whole.
For E x amp l e :
Lord Macaulay’s essays and Lays of
ancient Rome
La maison Tellier, Une partie de
campagne, et autres contes
If the sources of information identifying the individual parts are
being treated as a collective source of information for the
resource as a whole (see 2.1.2
), record the titles proper of
the parts in the order in which they appear in the resource.
For E x amp l e :
Clock symphony
Surprise symphony
Saudades do Brasil
Le carnival de Londres
Trois rag-caprices
Henry Esmond
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Bleak House
The Wilson papers
The Cole-Hatt papers
London pageant
Concertante for three wind instruments
and orchestra
Suite from “Tamara”
Devise a title applying the instructions given under 2.3.11
If the titles of individual parts that are not recorded as titles
proper are considered to be important, record them as the titles
proper of related manifestations (see 27.1
). Resource with no Title
If there is no title in the resource itself, record as the title
a) a title taken from another source (see 2.2.4
b) a devised title (see 2.3.11
Make a note to indicate the source of the title proper as
instructed under
. Recording Changes in the Title Proper
Record a change in title proper as instructed under
, or
below, as applicable. Multipart Monographs
If there is a change in the title proper on a
subsequent part of a multipart monograph, and the
change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record the later title as a
later variation in the title proper (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If there is major change (as defined under
) in the title proper on a subsequent
issue or part of a serial, make a new description for
the issues or parts appearing under the new title and
treat the two descriptions as descriptions for related
works (see 25.1
If the change is a minor change (as defined in
) but is considered to be important
for identification or access, record the later title as a
later variation in the title proper (see
). Integrating Resources
If there is a change in the title proper on a
subsequent iteration of an integrating resource,
change the title proper to reflect the current
If the change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record the earlier title as an
earlier variation in the title proper (see
). Major and Minor Changes in the Title Proper of
Differentiate between major and minor changes in the title
proper of a serial as instructed under
below. Major Changes
In general, consider the following to be major
changes in a title proper:
i) the addition, deletion, change, or reordering of
any of the first five words (the first six words
if the title begins with an article) unless the
change belongs to one or more of the
categories listed under minor changes (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
ii) the addition, deletion, or change of any word
after the first five words (the first six words if
the title begins with an article) that changes
the meaning of the title or indicates a different
subject matter
iii) a change in a corporate body name given
anywhere in the title if it is a different
corporate body. Minor Changes
In general, consider the following to be minor
changes in a title proper:
i) a difference in the representation of a word or
words anywhere in the title (e.g., one spelling
vs. another; abbreviated word or sign or
symbol vs. spelled-out form; arabic numeral
vs. roman numeral; number or date vs.
spelled-out form; hyphenated word vs.
unhyphenated word; one-word compound vs.
two-word compound, whether hyphenated or
not; an acronym or initialism vs. full form; or
a change in grammatical form (e.g., singular
vs. plural))
ii) the addition, deletion, or change of articles,
prepositions, or conjunctions anywhere in the
iii) a difference involving the name of the same
corporate body and elements of its hierarchy
or their grammatical connection anywhere in
the title (e.g., the addition, deletion, or
rearrangement of the name of the same
corporate body or the substitution of a variant
iv) the addition, deletion, or change of
punctuation, including initialisms and letters
with separating punctuation vs. those without
separating punctuation, anywhere in the title
v) a different order of titles when the title is
given in more than one language on the source
of information, provided that the title chosen
as title proper still appears as a parallel title
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
vi) the addition, deletion, or change of words
anywhere in the title that link the title to the
vii)two or more titles proper used on different
issues of a serial according to a regular pattern
viii) the addition to, deletion from, or change in
the order of words in a list anywhere in the
title, provided that there is no significant
change in the subject matter
ix) the addition, deletion, or rearrangement
anywhere in the title of words that indicate the
type of resource such as “magazine,”
“journal,” or “newsletter” or their equivalent
in other languages.
In case of doubt, consider the change to be a minor
2.3.3 Parallel Title
A parallel title is the title proper in another language or script.
An alternative title in another language or script is treated as
part of the parallel title.
An original title in a language different from that of the title
proper that is presented as the equivalent of the title proper is
treated as a parallel title. of Information
Take parallel titles from any source within the resource. Recording Parallel Titles
Record a parallel title applying the basic instructions on
recording titles given under 2.3.1
For E x amp l e :
Les Cris des forêts
Title proper: Wood Cree
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Introduction to the morphology of blood
Title proper: Einführung in die Blutmorphologie
If there is more than one parallel title, record the titles in the
order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the
titles on the source or sources of information.
For E x amp l e :
Carte routière de la Suisse
Road map of Switzerland
Title proper: Strassenkarte der Schweiz
If an original title in a language different from that of the title
proper is presented as an equivalent to the title proper, record it
as a parallel title.
For E x amp l e :
20 poemas de amor y una canción
Title proper: Twenty love poems and a song of
For E x amp l e :
À bout de souffle
Title proper: Breathless
If a parallel title is taken from a different source than the title
proper, and that fact is considered important, make a note on
the source (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Type of Musical Composition, Medium of
Performance, Key, etc.
If the source of information includes statements of medium of
performance, key, date of composition, and/or number that are
treated as part of the title proper (see
) in more
than one language or script, record such statements in the order
in which they appear on the source of information as part of the
parallel title.
For E x amp l e :
Concerto, D major, for horn and
Concerto, ré majeur, pour cor et
Title proper: Concerto, D-Dur, für Horn und
Orchester Recording Changes in Parallel Titles
Record a change in a parallel title as instructed under
, or
below, as applicable.
Multipart Monographs
If a parallel title is added or changed on a
subsequent part of a multipart monograph, and the
change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record the added or
changed parallel title as a later parallel title (see
If a parallel title is deleted on a subsequent part,
make a note on the deletion if it is considered to be
important (see
If a parallel title is added or changed on a
subsequent issue or part of a serial, and the change
is considered to be important for identification or
access, record the added or changed parallel title as
a later parallel title (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If a parallel title is deleted on a subsequent issue or
part, make a note on the deletion if it is considered
to be important (see
Integrating Resources
If a parallel title is added or changed on a
subsequent iteration of an integrating resource,
record the added or changed parallel title to reflect
the current iteration.
If the earlier parallel title is considered to be
important for identification or access, record it as
an earlier parallel title (see
If a parallel title is deleted on a subsequent
iteration, delete the parallel title to reflect the
current iteration.
If the deleted parallel title is considered to be
important for identification or access, record it as
an earlier parallel title (see
2.3.4 Other Title Information
Other title information is information that appears in
conjunction with, and is subordinate to, the title proper of a
Other title information may include any phrase appearing in
conjunction with a title proper that is indicative of the character,
contents, etc., of the resource or the motives for, or occasion of,
its production or publication.
Other title information includes subtitles, avant-titres, etc., but
does not include variations on the title proper such as spine
titles, sleeve titles, etc. (see 2.3.6
) or designations and/or
names of parts, sections, or supplements (see
Other title information may be supplied for cartographic
resources (see
) and moving image resources (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take other title information from the same source as the title
proper (see
). Recording Other Title Information
Record other title information appearing on the same source of
information as the title proper applying the basic instructions on
recording titles given under 2.3.1
For E x amp l e :
analyzing the communication
Title proper: A.C.E.
For E x amp l e :
works from the Phillips Collection
Title proper: A collection in the making
For E x amp l e :
the maple sugar paintings of Eastman
Title proper: Sugaring off
For E x amp l e :
the definitive biography
Title proper: Kerouac
For E x amp l e :
for SATB unaccompanied
Title proper: Fugue on Hey diddle diddle
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
a new edition of Tokyo up-to-date
Title proper: A complete map of Tokyo
For E x amp l e :
Nr. 4 für grosses Orchester
Title proper: Sinfonia mazedonia
For E x amp l e :
the fourteenth exhibition of the Council
of Europe
Title proper: The age of neo-classicism
For E x amp l e :
newsletter of the Somerset and Dorset
Family History Society
Title proper: The greenwood tree
For E x amp l e :
Title proper: Linguistics and language behavior
Serials and integrating resources. Record information relating
to the currency of the contents or the frequency of updating of a
serial or integrating resource as frequency (see 2.14
If more than one element of other title information is being
recorded, record the elements in the order indicated by the
sequence, layout, or typography of the elements on the source
of information. October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
acute care of at-risk newborns
a resource and learning tool for health
care professionals
Title proper: ACoRN
If an original title appears on the same source of information as
the title proper, and it is in the same language as the title proper,
record it as other title information.
For E x amp l e :
L’anima del filosofo
Source of information bears original title in
addition to title proper: Orfeo ed Euridice
For E x amp l e :
Cantates françaises à voix seule, mêlées
de symphonies, oeuvre cinquième
Source of information bears original title in
addition to title proper: Les quatre saisons Other Title Information in More Than One
Language or Script
If other title information appears in more than one language or
script, record the other title information that is in the language
or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not apply,
record the other title information that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
for piano solo and woodwind choir
Title proper: Variations on a Czech love
song. Other title information also appears in
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Other Title Information for
Cartographic Resources
If the title proper of a cartographic resource does not include an
indication of the geographic area covered and/or the subject
portrayed, and
a) the other title information does not include such an
b) there is no other title information
supply as other title information a word or brief phrase
indicating the area covered and, if applicable, the subject
portrayed as other title information. Indicate that the
information was taken from a source outside the resource itself
as instructed under 2.2.4
For E x amp l e : [
in Botswana]
Title proper: Vegetation Other Title Information for Moving
Image Resources
If the resource is a trailer containing extracts from a larger
moving image resource, and the title proper does not indicate
this, supply trailer as other title information. Indicate that the
information was taken from a source outside the resource itself
as instructed under 2.2.4
For E x amp l e :
Title proper: Annie Hall
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Changes in Other Title Information
Record a change in other title information as instructed under
, or
below, as
Multipart Monographs
If other title information is added or changed on a
subsequent part of a multipart monograph, record
the added or changed other title information as later
other title information (see
If other title information that has been recorded is
deleted on a subsequent issue or part, make a note
on the deletion (see
If other title information is added or changed on a
subsequent issue or part of a serial, and the addition
or change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record the added or
changed other title information as later other title
information (see
If other title information that has been recorded is
deleted on a subsequent issue or part, make a note
on the deletion (see
Integrating Resources
If other title information is added on a subsequent
iteration of an integrating resource, and the addition
or change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record the added other title
information to reflect the current iteration.
If other title information that has been recorded is
changed on a subsequent iteration, and the changed
information is considered to be important for
identification or access, record the changed other
title information to reflect the current iteration.
If the changed other title information is not
considered to be important for identification or
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
access, delete the other title information, and record
it as earlier other title information (see
If the earlier other title information is considered to
be important for identification or access, record it
as earlier other title information (see
If other title information that has been recorded is
deleted on a subsequent iteration, delete the other
title information to reflect the current iteration.
If the deleted other title information is considered
to be important for identification or access, record it
as earlier other title information (see
2.3.5 Parallel Other Title Information
Parallel other title information is other title information in a
language or script different from that of the title proper. Sources of Information
Take parallel other title information from the same source as the
corresponding parallel title (see
If there is no corresponding parallel title, take parallel other title
information from the same source as the title proper (see
). Recording Parallel Other Title Information
Record parallel other title information in the same order as the
parallel titles to which the information corresponds.
For E x amp l e :
Eskimo women’s music of Povungnituk
musique des Esquimaudes de
Title proper in Inuktitut: Arnait puvirnitumiut
katutjatut amalu qanirpalutut. Parallel titles in
English: Inuit throat and harp songs, and in French:
Chants inuit-gorge et guimabarde
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Meisterwerke der botanischen
masterpieces of botanical illustration
Title proper in German: Ein Garten Eden. Parallel
titles in English: Garden Eden, and in French:
Un jardin d’Eden
If there are no parallel titles, and if other title information
appears in one or more languages or scripts that are different
from that of the title proper, record the other title information
that appears first as other title information (see
) and
record the other title information in other languages as parallel
other title information.
For E x amp l e :
pour piano soliste et ensemble de bois
Title proper in English. No parallel title. Other title
information in English recorded as other title
information Recording Changes in Parallel Other Title
Record a change in other title information as instructed under
, or
below, as
Multipart Monographs
If parallel other title information is added or
changed on a subsequent part of a multipart
monograph, record the added or changed parallel
other title information as later other title
information (see
If parallel other title information is deleted on a
subsequent issue or part, make a note on the
deletion (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If parallel other title information is added or
changed on a subsequent issue or part of a serial,
and the addition or change is considered to be
important for identification or access, record the
added or changed parallel other title information as
later other title information (see
If parallel other title information that has been
recorded is deleted on a subsequent issue or part,
make a note on the deletion (see
Integrating Resources
If parallel other title information is added on a
subsequent iteration of an integrating resource, and
the added information is considered to be important
for identification or access, record the added
parallel other title information to reflect the current
If parallel other title information is changed on a
subsequent iteration, and the changed information
is considered to be important for identification or
access, record the changed parallel other title
information to reflect the current iteration.
If the earlier parallel other title information is
considered to be important for identification or
access, record it as earlier parallel other title
information (see
If the changed parallel other title information is not
considered to be important for identification or
access, delete the parallel other title information,
and record it as earlier parallel other title
information (see
If parallel other title information that has been
recorded is deleted on a subsequent iteration, delete
the recorded parallel other title information to
reflect the current iteration.
If the deleted parallel other title information is
considered to be important for identification or
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
access, record it as earlier parallel other title
information (see
2.3.6 Variant Title
A variant title is a title associated with a resource that differs
from a title recorded as the title proper, a parallel title, an
alternative title, or other title information.
Variant titles include the following:
a) those that appear in the resource itself (e.g., on a title
page, title frame, title screen, etc.; as a caption title,
running title, etc.; or on a cover, spine, etc.), on a jacket,
sleeve, container, etc., or in accompanying material
b) those associated with a resource through reference
c) those assigned by an agency registering or preparing a
description of the resource (e.g., a title assigned by a
repository, a cataloguer’s translation or transliteration of
the title, etc.)
d) those assigned by the creator or by previous owners or
custodians of the resource, etc.
e) corrections to titles that appear in the resource in an
incorrect form
f) part of a title (e.g., an alternative title or a section title
recorded as part of the title proper).
Variations in the title proper, parallel titles, or other title
information appearing on an earlier iteration of an integrating
resource are treated as earlier variant titles (see 2.3.7
Variations in the title proper, parallel titles, or other title
information appearing on a later issue or part of a multipart
monograph or serial are treated as later variant titles (see 2.3.8
). of Information
Take variant titles from any source.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Variant Titles
Record variant titles that are considered to be important for
identification or access applying the basic instructions on
recording titles given under 2.3.1
For E x amp l e :
Good mousekeeping
Title proper recorded as: Little Roquefort in Good
For E x amp l e :
The world of television
Title proper recorded as: The world of television
For E x amp l e :
Arranging and describing archives and
Title proper recorded as: Arranging & describing
archives & manuscripts
For E x amp l e :
National Football League rocks
Title proper recorded as: NFL rocks
For E x amp l e :
Aging in the Americas into the twentyfirst century
Title proper recorded as: Aging in the Americas
into the XXI century
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Quatre danses de Terpischore
Title proper recorded as: 4 danses de
For E x amp l e :
Strategic sustainable planning
Title on cover. Title proper recorded as: SSP, a
civil defense manual for cultural survival
For E x amp l e :
How I learned to stop worrying and love
Led Zeppelin
Alternative title. Title proper recorded as:
Listening to popular music or, How I learned to stop
worrying and love Led Zeppelin
For E x amp l e :
We’re still standing
Title on container
For E x amp l e :
Commonly known title
) if it is considered important for identification or
Make a note on the source or basis for the variant title
access. Translations or Transliterations of the Title
Record a translation or transliterated form of the title proper
created by the agency preparing the description as a variant title
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
applying the basic instructions on recording titles given under
For E x amp l e :
Plant physiology
Translation of Russian title proper
2.3.7 Earlier Variant Title
Core element
Earlier variants of the title proper are required. Earlier variants of parallel
titles, other title information, and parallel other title information are
An earlier variant title is a title proper, parallel title, other title
information, or parallel other title information appearing on an
earlier iteration of an integrating resource that differs from that
on the current iteration. of Information
Take earlier variant titles from sources in earlier iterations of an
integrating resource as follows:
a) Take earlier variations in the title proper from the source
specified for the title proper under
b) Take earlier variations in parallel titles from the source
specified for parallel titles under
c) Take earlier variations in other title information from
the source specified for other title information under
d) Take earlier variations in parallel other title information
from the source specified for parallel other title
information under
. Recording Earlier Variant Titles
For changes in the title proper of an integrating resource, apply
the instructions given under
Record earlier variations in the title proper, parallel titles, other
title information, and parallel other title information that are
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
considered to be important for identification or access applying
the basic instructions on recording titles given under 2.3.1
For E x amp l e :
Australian industrial safety, health &
Earlier title proper appearing on issues from 1979
to March 1996
For E x amp l e :
Washington newspapers database
Earlier title proper viewed October 6, 1999
Make a note on the numbering or publication dates to which
change in title applies (see
), or, in the case of
online resources, the date the earlier title was viewed (see
If earlier title variations appear on scattered iterations, make a
general note (see
Apply the additional instructions given under–
for the following specific types of earlier variant titles:
earlier variations in the title proper (see
earlier parallel titles (see
earlier other title information (see2.3.7.6
earlier parallel other title information (see2.3.7.7
). Variations in the Title Proper
Record titles proper no longer present on the current iteration of
an integrating resource, or that appeared in a different form on
earlier iterations, as earlier titles if they are considered to be
important for identification or access.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Securities law, fraud--SEC rule 10b-5
Earlier title proper appearing on iterations 1967October? 1979
For E x amp l e :
Securities fraud and commodities fraud
Earlier title proper appearing on iterations 1979December 1986
For E x amp l e :
Euroinfo international
Earlier title proper viewed May 10, 1998
For E x amp l e :
Telephone directories international
Earlier title proper viewed September 9, 1999
If the changes have been numerous, make a general note (see
). Variations in Parallel Titles
If an earlier parallel title is no longer present on the current
iteration of an integrating resource, or if it appeared in a
different form on earlier iterations, and the earlier parallel title
is considered to be important for identification or access, record
it as an earlier parallel title.
For E x amp l e :
Site du Web des noms géographiques
officiels du Canada
Earlier parallel title appearing on iterations from
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the changes have been numerous, make a general note (see
). Variations in Other Title Information
If earlier other title information is no longer present on the
current iteration of an integrating resource, or if it appeared in a
different form on earlier iterations, and the earlier other title
information is considered to be important for identification or
access, record it as earlier other title information.
For E x amp l e :
An online guide for amphibians in the
United States and Canada
Earlier other title information viewed August 11,
1998. Other title information on current
iteration: An online guide for the identification of
amphibians in North America north of Mexico
If the changes have been numerous, make a general note (see
). Variations in Parallel Other Title
If earlier parallel other title information is no longer present on
the current iteration of an integrating resource, or if it appeared
in a different form on earlier iterations, and the earlier parallel
other title information is considered to be important for
identification or access, record it as earlier parallel other title
If the changes have been numerous, make a general note (see
2.3.8 Later Variant Title
Core element
Later variants of the title proper are required. Later variants of parallel
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
titles, other title information, and parallel other title information are
A later variant title is a title proper, parallel title, other title
information, or parallel other title information appearing on a
later issue or part of a multipart monograph or serial that differs
from that on the first or earliest issue or part. of Information
Take later variant titles from sources in later issues or parts of a
multipart monograph or serial as follows:
a) Take later variations in the title proper from the source
specified for the title proper under
b) Take later variations in parallel titles from the source
specified for parallel titles under
c) Take later variations in other title information from the
source specified for other title information under
d) Take later variations in parallel other title information
from the source specified for parallel other title
information under
. Recording Later Variant Titles
For major changes in the title proper of a serial, apply the
instructions given under
Record other later variations in the title proper, parallel titles,
other title information, and parallel other title information of a
multipart monograph or serial that are considered to be
important for identification or access applying the basic
instructions on recording titles given under 2.3.1
For E x amp l e :
Annual report on pipeline safety
Later variant title appearing on issues from
1999 on. Title proper recorded as: Annual report
of pipeline safety
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Make a note on the numbering or publication dates to which the
change in title applies (see
) if it is considered to
be important for identification or access.
If title variations appear on scattered issues or parts, make a
general note (see
Apply the additional instructions given under–
for the following specific types of later variant titles: for
the following specific types of later variant titles:
later variations in the title proper (see
later parallel titles (see
later other title information (see2.3.8.6
later parallel other title information (see2.3.8.7
). Later Variations in the Title Proper
Record changes in the title proper appearing on later issues or
parts of the resource as instructed under
below, as applicable.
Multipart Monographs
Record a change in the title proper on a subsequent
part of a multipart monograph as a later variation in
the title proper if it is considered to be important for
identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Eminent Indian mathematicians of the
twentieth century
Later title proper appearing from volume 5 on.
Title proper recorded as: Some eminent Indian
mathematicians of the twentieth century
For E x amp l e :
Dictionnaire des églises de France,
Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse
Later title proper appearing on volume 2. Title
proper ecorded as: Histoire générale des églises
de France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Dictionnaire des églises de France
Later title proper appearing on volumes 3-5.
Title proper recorded as: Histoire générale des
églises de France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse
Record minor changes in the title proper (see that occur after the first/earliest issue or
part of a serial as later titles if they are considered
to be important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
The magazine antiques
Later title proper appearing on issues from
January 1928-July 1952; March 1971 on. Title
proper recorded as: Antiques
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
). Later Variations in Parallel Titles
Record parallel titles appearing on later issues or parts of the
resource as instructed under2.
below, as applicable.
Multipart Monographs
Record a parallel title that is added or changed on a
subsequent part of a multipart monograph as a later
parallel title if it is considered to be important for
identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Glossario del Banco Mundial
Later parallel title also appearing on volume 2.
Title proper: The World Bank glossary. French
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
parallel title on volume 1: Glossaire de la Banque
For E x amp l e :
Meisterwerke der Makonde
Later parallel title appearing on volumes 2-3.
Title proper: Masterpieces of the Makonde. No
parallel title on volume 1
If a parallel title is added or changed after the first/
earliest issue or part of a serial, and the addition or
change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record it as a later parallel
For E x amp l e :
Inter-American review of bibliography
Later parallel title appearing on issues from 1952
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
). Later Variations in Other Title Information
If other title information is added or changed after the first/
earliest issue or part of a multipart monograph or serial, and the
addition or change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record it as later other title information.
For E x amp l e :
Studies in educational administration
Later other title information appearing on issues
from vol. 1, no. 3 on
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the changes have been numerous, make a general note (see
). Later Variations in Parallel Other Title
If parallel other title information is added or changed after the
first/earliest issue or part of a multipart monograph or serial,
and the addition or change is considered to be important for
identification or access, record it as later parallel other title
If the changes have been numerous, make a general note (see
2.3.9 Key Title
A key title is the unique name assigned to a resource by an
ISSN registration agency. of Information
Take the key title from any source. Recording Key Titles
If the key title appears in the resource or is otherwise readily
available, record it as found.
For E x amp l e :
IFLA journal
Volunteer (Washington)
British Library Bibliographic Services
Division newsletter
Image (Niagara ed.)
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.3.10 Abbreviated Title
An abbreviated title is a title that has been abbreviated for
purposes of indexing or identification.
An abbreviated title may be created by the agency preparing the
description or it be created by another agency (e.g., an ISSN
registration agency or an abstracting or indexing service). of Information
Take abbreviated titles from any source. Recording Abbreviated Titles
Record an abbreviated title as it appears on the source from
which it is taken.
For E x amp l e :
Can. j. infect. dis. med. microbiol.
2.3.11 Devised Title
A devised title is a title created by an agency preparing a
description of a resource that bears no title itself and has no title
associated with it that can be found in other sources (e.g.,
accompanying material, a published description of the resource,
or a reference source). of Information
Take information for use in a devised title from any source. Recording Devised Titles
If the resource itself bears no title (see
), and a title
cannot be found in any of the other sources of information
specified under 2.2.4
, devise a brief descriptive title that
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
a) the nature of the resource (e.g., map, literary
manuscript, diary, advertisement)
b) its subject (e.g., names of persons, corporate bodies,
objects, activities, events, geographical area and dates)
c) a combination of the two, as appropriate.
Except where specific terminology is prescribed, use the
language and script appropriate to the content of the resource
being described.
For E x amp l e :
Photograph of Theodore Roosevelt
Anarchist bombing, Union Square, New
York City, March 1908
Pleasure boat on the Murray River,
Mildura, Vic.
Sydney Bicycle Club badge
Dance poster collection
Posters of World War I
Portrait of General Emiliano Zapata and
his staff, Puebla, Mexico
Letters from Don Banks to Suzanne
Devise a title in the language and script of the agency preparing
the description.
If the resource is of a type that would normally carry
identifying information, (e.g., a published book), make a note
to indicate that the title has been devised (see
). Titles for Music
In a devised title proper for music, include medium of
performance, numeric designation (e.g., serial number, opus
number), key, and/or other distinguishing characteristic, as
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Trio for piano and strings, no. 2, op. 66,
C minor
Antony and Cleopatra (Sketches)
Sämmtliche Lieder, Balladen und
Romanzen, 4.
Heft. Erster Verlust Titles for Cartographic Resources
In a devised title for a cartographic resource, always include the
name or an identification of the area covered and, if applicable,
the subject portrayed.
For E x amp l e :
Gravity anomaly map of Canada
Relief model of California showing
Lunar globe
Ontario county and district maps colour
Nautical chart of the coast of Maine from
Elizabeth to Monhegan Island
Street maps of the incorporated cities
and towns of Maryland Titles for Moving Image Resources
In a devised title for a short advertising film or video include
the name or an identification of the product, service, etc.,
advertised, and the word advertisement.
For E x amp l e :
Manikin cigar advertisement
Road safety campaign advertisement
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
In a devised title for unedited moving image material, stock
shots, and news film include all the major elements present in
the picture in order of their occurrence (e.g., place, date of
event, date of shooting (if different), personalities, and
For E x amp l e :
Phantom jet landing at R.A.F. Leuchars,
July 1971
Record a description of the action and length of each shot as a
related manifestation (see 27.1
). Titles for Archival Resources and
In a devised title for an archival resource or a collection of
resources include the name of the creator, collector, or source,
if considered appropriate.
For E x amp l e :
Bessye B. Bearden papers
St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Zion
Church records
William Gedney photographs and
The Jascha Heifetz collection
Daniel Murray Collection of W.E.B. Du
Bois photographs displayed at the
International Exposition in Paris, 1900
Statement of Responsibility
Core ele men t Statement of responsibility relating to title is a core element. Other statements of
responsibility are optional.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.4.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Statements of
A statement of responsibility is a statement relating to the
identification and/or function of any persons, families, or
corporate bodies responsible for the creation of, or contributing
to the realization of, the intellectual or artistic content of a
A statement of responsibility may include words or phrases that
are neither names nor linking words.
Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with a
title (see 2.4.2–2.4.3
), a designation of edition (see 2.5.4–
), a designation of a named revision of an edition (see
), the title of a series (see 2.12.6–2.12.7
or the title of a subseries (see 2.12.14–2.12.15
For statements identifying performers of music whose
participation is confined to performance, execution, or
interpretation, see the instructions given under 7.20
For statements identifying performers, narrators, and/or
presenters in a motion picture or video recording, see the
instructions given under 7.20
For statements identifying persons who have contributed to the
artistic and/or technical production of a motion picture or
video recording, see the instructions given under 7.21
For statements identifying persons, families, or corporate
bodies responsible for the production, publication, or
distribution of a resource, see the instructions given under 2.7.4
, 2.8.4
, and 2.9.4
, respectively. of Information
Take statements of responsibility from the same source as the
associated title, designation of edition, designation of a named
revision of an edition, title of a series, or title of a subseries.
For further guidance, see the instructions on sources of
information for specific types of statements of responsibility as
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
a) For statements of responsibility relating to title, see the
instructions given under
b) For parallel statements of responsibility relating to title,
see the instructions given under
c) For statements of responsibility relating to the edition,
see the instructions given under
d) For parallel statements of responsibility relating to the
edition, see the instructions given under
e) For statements of responsibility relating to a named
revision of an edition, see the instructions given under
f) For parallel statements of responsibility relating to a
named revision of an edition, see the instructions given
g) For statements of responsibility relating to series, see
the instructions given under
h) For parallel statements of responsibility relating to
series, see the instructions given under
i) For statements of responsibility relating to subseries, see
the instructions given under
j) For parallel statements of responsibility relating to
subseries, see the instructions given under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a
statement or statements of responsibility relating to the original
manifestation as well as to the facsimile or reproduction, record
the statement or statements of responsibility relating to the
facsimile or reproduction. Record any statement of
responsibility relating to the original manifestation as a
statement of responsibility pertaining to a related manifestation
(see 27.1
). Recording Statements of Responsibility
Transcribe a statement of responsibility in the form in which it
appears on the source of information. Apply the general
guidelines on transcription given under 1.7
For E x amp l e :
by Walter de la Mare
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Fats Waller
by Dr. Johnson
by Sir Richard Acland
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
by a Lady of Quality
par Charles M. Schultz
directed and produced by the Beatles
af Martin A. Hansen
edited and introduced by Mrs. C.F. Leyel
created by the fourth grade class of
Washington Elementary School, Berkeley,
authorized by the United Lutheran
Church of America
For E x amp l e :
by [E.B.C.]
Creator’s initials represented by musical notes on
source of information
For E x amp l e :
chosen for this edition by the author
Title proper: Selected poetry of W.H. Auden
For E x amp l e :
text, translation, inroduction and
commentary by Joseph Rabbinowitz
Third word misspelled and should read:
Optional Omission
Abridge a statement of responsibility only if it can be abridged
without loss of essential information. Do not use a mark of
omission (…) to indicate such an omission. Always record the
first name appearing in the statement. When omitting names
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
from a statement of responsibility naming more than one
person, etc., apply the instructions given under
For E x amp l e :
by Harry Smith
Source of information reads: by Dr. Harry Smith
For E x amp l e :
Charles F. Hoban, Jr.
Source of information reads: Charles F. Hoban,
Jr., Special Assistant, Division of Visual Education,
Philadelphia Public Schools
For E x amp l e :
sponsored by the Library Association
Source of information reads: sponsored by the
Library Association (founded 1877) Naming More Than One Person, etc.
Record a statement of responsibility naming more than one
person, etc., as a single statement regardless of whether the
persons, families, or corporate bodies named in it perform the
same function or different functions.
For E x amp l e :
edited by P.C. Wason and P.N. JohnsonLaird
compiled from the best authorities of
both languages by Professors De Lolme
and Wallace, and Henry Bridgeman
prepared for the Ethical Union by MassObservation
Jane Austen and another lady
developed by Dale Kahn with Laurie
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Duke Ellington and his orchestra
compiled and edited by Richard L.
Coulton with the assistance of voluntary
L.H. Booth, P. Fisher, V. Heppelthwaite,
and C.T. Eason
Optional Omission
If a single statement of responsibility names more than three
persons, families, or corporate bodies performing the same
function, or with the same degree of responsibility, omit all but
the first of each group of such persons, families, or bodies.
Indicate the omission by summarizing what has been omitted in
the language and script preferred by the agency preparing the
description. Enclose the summary of the omission in square
For E x amp l e :
Roger Colbourne [and six others]
Source of information reads: Roger Colbourne,
Suzanne Bassett, Tony Billing, Helen McCormick,
John McLennan, Andrew Nelson and Hugh
coordinated by University of Maryland
[summary of omission]
If the members of a group, ensemble, company, etc., are named
as well as the name of the group, etc., omit the names of the
members from the statement of responsibility. If they are
considered important, record them in a statement identifying
performers, narrators, and/or presenters (see 7.20
For E x amp l e :
Gerry Mulligan Quartet
Members of the group are also named on the
source of information: Gerry Mulligan, baritone;
Chet Baker, trumpet; Henry Grimes, bass; Dave
Bailey, drums
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals More Than One Statement of Responsibility
If there is more than one statement of responsibility, record the
statements in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the source of information from which the
associated title, designation of edition, designation of a named
revision of an edition, title of a series, or title of a subseries is
For E x amp l e :
by F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald
selected by Scottie Fitzgerald Smith and
Matthew J.Bruccoli
with a foreword by Scottie Fitzgerald
prepared by members of the AIAA
Technical Committees on Space Systems
and Space Atmosphere Physics
edited by Arthur Henderson, Jr., and
Jerry Grey
ABC News
producer and writer, James Benjamin
director, Al Niggemeyer
director, Dan Bessie
writer, Phyllis Harvey
animation, B. Davis
editor, I. Dryer
Raymond C. Kammerer and Carl R.
made by Creative Sights & Sounds
If the sequence, layout, and typography are ambiguous or
insufficient to determine the order, record the statements in the
order that makes the most sense.
If statements of responsibility appear in sources other than the
source from which the associated title, designation of edition,
designation of a named revision of an edition, title of a series,
or title of a subseries is taken, record them in the order that
makes the most sense.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Clarification of Role
If the relationship between the title, designation of edition, etc.,
and any person, family, or corporate body named in a statement
of responsibility is not clear, add a word or short phrase
clarifying the relationship, enclosed in square brackets.
For E x amp l e :
[collected by] Chet Williams
Title proper: Baijun ballads
[Worten von] Juan Ramón
Jiménez[Musick von] Mario CastelnuovoTedesco
Title proper: Platero und ich
Charles Dickens
Title proper: Bleak House
National Gallery of Art
Title proper: Brief guide
the Rolling Stones
Title proper: Beggars banquet Phrases Occurring in Conjunction with a
Statement of Responsibility
If a noun or noun phrase occurs in conjunction with a statement
of responsibility, treat the noun or noun phrase as part of the
statement of responsibility.
For E x amp l e :
research and text by Colin Barham
Title proper: Roman Britain
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
dramatised adaptations by Barry
Title proper: Characters from Dickens Person, Family, or Body Named in the
Statement of Responsibility
Record a statement of responsibility even if no person, family,
or corporate body is named in that statement.
For E x amp l e :
by a group of students with a Korean
resource person
with a spoken commentary by the artist Recording Changes in Statements of
Record a change in a statement of responsibility as instructed
, or
as applicable. Multipart Monographs
If a statement of responsibility is added, deleted, or
changed on a subsequent part of a multipart
monograph, and the addition, deletion, or change is
considered to be important for identification or
access, make a note (see
If a statement of responsibility is added, deleted, or
changed on a subsequent issue or part of a serial,
and the addition, deletion, or change does not
require a new description (see 1.6
), make a
note (see
). If the change is only in
the presentation of the name of a person, family, or
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
body, make a note if the change is considered to be
important. Integrating Resources
If a statement of responsibility is added or changed
on a subsequent iteration of an integrating resource,
revise the statement of responsibility to reflect the
current iteration.
If the earlier statement of responsibility is
considered to be important for identification or
access, make a note giving the earlier statement
).If a statement of responsibility
is deleted on a subsequent iteration, delete the
statement of responsibility to reflect the current
iteration. Make a note on the deletion if it is
considered to be important (see
2.4.2 Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title
Core element
If more than one statement of responsibility relating to title appears on the
source of information, only the first recorded is required.
A statement of responsibility relating to title is a statement of
responsibility (see
) that is associated with the title
proper of a resource. of Information
Take statements of responsibility relating to title from the
following sources (in order of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Statements of Responsibility Relating
to Title
Record statements of responsibility relating to title applying the
basic instructions on recording statements of responsibility
given under 2.4.1
For E x amp l e :
by James Clavell
edited, with an introduction, by Royal A.
by Mrs. Charles H. Gibson
Jacques Offenbach
music adapted and arranged by Ronald
new book and lyrics by Phil Park
University of London Audio Visual Centre
produced, directed, and edited by N.C.
by Miss Read
by the late T.A. Rennard
prólogo del Excmo. Sr. D. Manuel Fraga
translated from the German by Carolyn
For E x amp l e
[edited by] John Paxton
Title proper: Everyman’s dictionary of
For E x amp l e :
by John Malo
Title proper: Malo’s complete guide to canoeing
and canoe-camping. Name of creator appears
separately on the source of information as well
as in the title proper
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
source or
sources of information are being recorded, give preference to
those identifying creators of the intellectual or artistic content.
In case of doubt, record the first statement.
If not all statements of responsibility appearing on the of Responsibility Relating to Title in
More Than One Language or Script
If a statement of responsibility appears on the source of
information in more than one language or script, record the
statement in the language or script of the title proper. If this
criterion does not apply, record the statement that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
International Tin Council
Title proper: Tin prices. Statement of responsibility
appears in English, French, Spanish, and Russian
For E x amp l e :
edited by Dr. Zoltán Pipics
Title proper: Dictionarium bibliothecarii
practicum. Statement of responsibility appears
in English and German
2.4.3 Parallel Statement of Responsibility Relating to
A parallel statement of responsibility relating to title is a
statement of responsibility relating to title (see
) in a
language or script that differs from that of the title proper. of Information
Take parallel statements of responsibility relating to title from
the same source as the corresponding parallel title (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If there is no corresponding parallel title, take parallel
statements of responsibility relating to title from the same
source as the title proper (see
). Recording Parallel Statements of Responsibility
Relating to Title
Record parallel statements of responsibility relating to title
applying the basic instructions on recording statements of
responsibility given under 2.4.1
For E x amp l e :
Mary E. Bond, rédactrice et réviseure
Statement of responsibility relating to title:
Mary E. Bond, compiler and editor
If there is more than one parallel statement of responsibility
relating to title, record the statements in the same order as the
parallel titles to which they correspond.
For E x amp l e :
Conseil international de l’étain
Consejo Internacional del Estaño
международный совет по олова
Statement of responsibility relating to
title: International Tin Council
Edition Statement
Core ele men t Designation of edition and designation of a named revision of a revision are core
elements. Other sub-elements of edition statements are optional.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.5.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Edition
An edition statement is a statement identifying the edition to
which a resource belongs.
An edition statement may also include a designation of a named
revision of an edition.
An edition statement may also include a statement or
statements of responsibility relating to the edition and/or to a
named revision of an edition.
For resources in an unpublished form (e.g., manuscript drafts,
videorecordings that have not been commercially released or
broadcast), statements designating the version of the work
contained in the resource are treated as edition statements. of Information
When choosing a source of information for edition statements,
apply the following general guidelines:
a) For designations of edition, use the same source as the
title proper.
b) For parallel designations of edition, use the same source
as the designation of edition.
c) For statements of responsibility relating to the edition,
use the same source as the designation of edition.
d) For parallel statements of responsibility relating to the
edition, use the same source as the corresponding
parallel designation of edition.
e) For designations of a named revision of an edition, use
the same source as the designation of edition.
f) For parallel designations of a named revision of an
edition, use the same source as the designation of a
named revision of an edition.
g) For statements of responsibility relating to a named
revision of an edition, use the same source as the
designation of a named revision of an edition.
h) For parallel statements of responsibility relating to a
named revision of an edition, use the same source as the
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
corresponding parallel designation of a named revision
of an edition.
For further guidance, see the instructions on sources of
information for specific sub-elements of an edition statement as
a) For designation of edition, see the instructions given
b) For parallel designation of edition, see the instructions
given under
c) For statement of responsibility relating to the edition,
see the instructions given under
d) For parallel statement of responsibility relating to the
edition, see the instructions given under
e) For designation of a named revision of an edition, see
the instructions given under
f) For parallel designation of a named revision of an
edition, see the instructions given under
g) For statement of responsibility relating to a named
revision of an edition, see the instructions given under
h) For parallel statement of responsibility relating to a
named revision of an edition, see the instructions given
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has an edition
statement or statements relating to the original manifestation as
well as to the facsimile or reproduction, record the edition
statement or statements relating to the facsimile or
reproduction. Record any edition statement relating to the
original as an edition statement pertaining to a related
manifestation (see 27.1
). Recording Edition Statements
Transcribe an edition statement as it appears on the source of
information. Apply the general guidelines on transcription
given under 1.7
For E x amp l e :
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Interactive version
Household ed.
Facsim. ed.
Neue Aufl.
Deuxième edition revue et augmentée
Rev. et corr.
Nouvelle édition
World’s classics ed., New ed. rev.
1st standard ed.
Wyd. 2-gie
6. Aufl.
2e éd. du recueil noté
Second edition
52nd edition
Director’s cut
Editio secunda auctior et correctior Statements Relating to Issues or Parts
If the resource consists of multiple issues or parts, including
accompanying material, and there are edition statements
relating to the whole as well as to parts, record only the edition
statements relating to the whole resource.
Make a note giving edition statements relating to issues or parts
if they are considered to be important for identification (see
). Recording Changes in Edition Statements
Record a change in an edition statement as instructed under
, or
below, as
Multipart Monographs
If edition statements differ from one part of a
multipart monograph to another, make a note if the
difference is considered to be important for
identification or access (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If an edition statement is added, deleted, or changed
on a subsequent issue or part of a serial, make a
note if the change is considered to be important for
identification or access (see
Integrating Resources
If an edition statement is added, deleted, or changed
on a subsequent iteration of an integrating resource,
and this change does not require a new description,
change the edition statement to reflect the current
If the earlier edition statement is considered to be
important for identification or access, make a note
giving the earlier statement (see
2.5.2 Designation of Edition
Core element
A designation of edition is a word or phrase, or group of
characters, identifying the edition to which a resource belongs.
Note that in some languages the same term or terms may be
used to designate both edition and printing. A statement
detailing the number of copies printed is not a designation of
In case of doubt about whether a statement is a designation of
edition, consider the presence of a word such as edition, issue,
release, level, state, or update (or its equivalent in another
language), or a statement indicating:
a difference in content
a difference in geographic coverage
a difference in language
a difference in audience
a particular format or physical presentation
a different date associated with the content
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
as evidence that such a statement is a designation of edition. of Information
Take designations of edition from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Designations of Edition
Record a designation of edition applying the basic instructions
on recording edition statements given under 2.5.1
For E x amp l e :
Ny udgave
1st ed.
New ed., rev. and enl.
1st American ed.
NORC test ed.
Rev. ed. 10/2/82
*** ed.
Somerset ed.
World Cup ed.
Corr. 2nd print.
Draft, May 2000
Version 2.5
Northern ed.
Éd. pour le médecin
New edition
Second college edition
Troisième édition revue et augmentée
Canadian edition
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Widescreen version
Nunc primum in lucem aedita
Full score
Vollständiger Klavierauszug
Klavierauszug zu 2 händen mit
Singstimme und Text
If a designation of edition consists of a letter or letters and/or a
number or numbers without accompanying words, add an
appropriate word, enclosed in square brackets.
For E x amp l e :
3e [édition]
[State] B
[Version] 1.1
If more than one designation of edition is being recorded,
record the statements in the order indicated by the sequence,
layout, or typography of the statements on the source of
For E x amp l e :
1. Auflage
Partitur, zugleich Orgelstimme
1. vyd.
partitura a hlasy of Edition in More Than One
Language or Script
If a designation of edition appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the statement in the
language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not
apply, record the statement that appears first.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
6th revised and enlarged edition
Title proper in Latin. Designation of edition appears
in English and German Terms Indicating Regular Revision or Numbering
For serials and integrating resources, record statements
indicating regular revision (e.g., Revised edition issued every 6
months, Frequently updated) as frequency (see 2.14
For serials, record statements indicating numbering (e.g., First
edition , 1916 edition) as numbering (see 2.6
). of Edition Integral to Title Proper,
If a designation of edition is an integral part of the title proper,
other title information, or statement of responsibility, or if it is
grammatically linked to any of these, record it as such and do
not record a further designation of edition.
2.5.3 Parallel Designation of Edition
A parallel designation of edition is a designation of edition
) in a language or script that differs from that
of the title proper. of Information
Take parallel designations of edition from the following
sources (in order of preference):
a) the same source as the designation of edition (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Parallel Designations of Edition
Record parallel designations of edition applying the basic
instructions on recording edition statements given under 2.5.1
For E x amp l e :
Révision 1980
Designation of edition: Rev. 1980
For E x amp l e :
2e éd., rev. et corr.
Designation of edition: 2de herziene en verb.
For E x amp l e :
Éd. canadienne
Designation of edition: Canadian ed.
For E x amp l e :
6. verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage
Designation of edition: 6th revised and enlarged
If there is more than one parallel designation of edition, record
the statements in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the statements on the source or sources of
For E x amp l e :
2a edizione
2. Auflage Designation of edition: 2e édition
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.5.4 Statement of Responsibility Relating to the
A statement of responsibility relating to the edition is a
statement of responsibility (see 2.5.1
) relating to the
edition being described but not to all editions. of Information
Take statements of responsibility relating to the edition from
the same source as the designation of edition (see
). Recording Statements of Responsibility Relating
to the Edition
Record statements of responsibility relating to the edition
applying the basic instructions on recording statements of
responsibility given under 2.4.1
For E x amp l e :
revised collectively by the Peking Opera
Troupe of Peking
Designation of edition: May 1970 script
For E x amp l e :
introduction by J. Hillis Miller
notes by Edward Mendelson
Designation of edition: New Wessex ed.
For E x amp l e :
edited by J.S. Sykes
Designation of edition: Seventh edition
For E x amp l e :
revised and updated by Alan Powers
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Designation of edition: New edition
For E x amp l e :
with maps redrawn by N. Manley
Designation of edition: 3rd ed.
For E x amp l e :
arrangement by Otto Singer
Designation of edition: Vocal score
For E x amp l e :
by the composer
Designation of edition: Piano/vocal score
In case of doubt about whether a statement of responsibility
applies to all editions or only to some, or if there is no
designation of edition, record such a statement as a statement of
responsibility relating to title (see 2.4.2
When describing the first edition, record all statements of
responsibility as statements of responsibility relating to title
(see 2.4.2
). of Responsibility Relating to the
Edition in More Than One Language or Script
If a statement of responsibility relating to the edition appears on
the source of information in more than one language or script,
record the statement in the language or script of the title proper.
If this criterion does not apply, record the statement that
appears first.
For E x amp l e :
reviderade og udvidet af David Hohnen
Title proper: Høst’s Engelsk-Danske og DanskOctober 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Engelske lommeordbog. Designation of edition:
14. opl. Statement of responsibility relating to
the edition also appears in English
2.5.5 Parallel Statement of Responsibility
Relating to the Edition
A parallel statement of responsibility relating to the edition
is a statement of responsibility relating to the edition (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of the
title proper. of Information
Take parallel statements of responsibility relating to the edition
from the same source as the corresponding parallel designation
of edition (see
If there is no corresponding parallel designation of edition, take
parallel statements of responsibility relating to the edition from
the same source as the designation of edition (see
). Recording Parallel Statements of Responsibility
Relating to the Edition
Record parallel statements of responsibility relating to the
edition applying the basic instructions on recording statements
of responsibility given under 2.4.1
For E x amp l e :
rédigé par Larry C. Lewis
Statement of responsibility relating to the edition:
edited by Larry C. Lewis
For E x amp l e :
revised and enlarged by David Hohnen
Statement of responsibility relating to the edition:
reviderade og udvidet af David Hohnen
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If there is more than one parallel statement of responsibility
relating to the edition, record the statements in the same order
as the parallel designations of edition to which they correspond.
2.5.6 Designation of a Named Revision of an Edition
Core element
A designation of a named revision of an edition is a word or
phrase, or group of characters, identifying a particular revision
of a named edition. of Information
Take designations of a named revision of an edition from the
following sources (in order of preference):
a) the same source as the designation of edition (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Designations of a Named Revision of
an Edition
If the source of information has a statement indicating a
revision (e.g., a named reissue of a particular edition containing
changes from that edition), record the statement relating to that
revision applying the instructions on recording designations of
edition (see
For E x amp l e :
reprinted with corrections
Designation of edition: 4th ed.
For E x amp l e :
new edition, revised, reset, and
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Designation of edition: World’s classics edition
For E x amp l e :
2nd (corr.) impression
Designation of edition: 3rd ed.
For E x amp l e :
Roads revised
Designation of edition: 4th ed.
For E x amp l e :
OSIRIS IV version
Designation of edition: ICPSR ed.
Do not record statements relating to a reissue of an edition that
contains no changes unless the resource is considered to be of
particular importance to the agency preparing the description. of a Named Revision of an Edition
in More Than One Language or Script
If a designation of a named revision of an edition appears on
the source of information in more than one language or script,
record the statement in the language or script of the title proper.
If this criterion does not apply, record the statement that
appears first.
For E x amp l e :
3rd corr. impression
Title proper in English. Designation of named
revision of edition also appears in French
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.5.7 Parallel Designation of a Named Revision of an
A parallel designation of a named revision of an edition is a
designation of a named revision of an edition (see in a
language or script that differs from that of the title proper. of Information
Take parallel designations of a named revision of an edition
from the following sources (in order of preference):
a) the same source as the designation of a named revision
of an edition (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Designations of a Named
Revision of an Edition
Record parallel designations of a named revision of an edition
applying the basic instructions on recording edition statements
given under 2.5.1
For E x amp l e :
3e réimpr. corr.
Designation of named revision of edition: 3rd
corr. impression
If there is more than one parallel designation of a named
revision of an edition, record the parallel statements in the order
indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the
statements on the source or sources of information.
2.5.8 Statement of Responsibility Relating to a
Named Revision of an Edition
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
A statement of responsibility relating to a named revision of
an edition is a statement of responsibility (see
relating to the named revision of the edition being described but
not to all named revisions of the edition. of Information
Take statements of responsibility relating to a named revision
of an edition from the same source as the designation of a
named revision of an edition (see
). Recording Statements of Responsibility Relating
to a Named Revision of an Edition
Record statements of responsibility relating to one or more
named revisions of an edition (but not to all such revisions)
applying the basic instructions on recording statements of
responsibility given under 2.4.1
For E x amp l e :
with the assistance of Eleanor Gould
Designation of edition: Rev. ed. Statement of
responsibility relating to the edition: with
revisions, an introduction, and a chapter on writing
by E.B. White. Designation of a named revision
of an edition: 2nd ed.
For E x amp l e :
programmed by W.G. Toepfer
Designation of edition: 3rd ed. Designation of a
named revision of an edition: Version 1.2 of Responsibility Relating to a Named
Revision of an Edition in More Than One
Language or Script
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If a statement of responsibility relating to a named revision of
an edition appears on the source of information in more than
one language or script, record the statement in the language or
script of the title proper. If this criterion does not apply, record
the statement that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
by N. Schmidt
Title proper in English. Statement of responsibility
related to named revision of edition also appears in
2.5.9 Parallel Statement of Responsibility Relating to
a Named Revision of an Edition
A parallel statement of responsibility relating to a named
revision of an edition is a statement of responsibility relating
to a named revision of an edition (see
) in a
language or script that differs from that of the title proper. of Information
Take parallel statements of responsibility relating to a named
revision of an edition from the same source as the
corresponding parallel designation of a named revision of an
edition (see
If there is no corresponding parallel designation of a named
revision of an edition, take parallel statements of responsibility
relating to a named revision of an edition from the same source
as the designation of a named revision of an edition (see
). Recording Parallel Statements of Responsibility
Relating to a Named Revision of an Edition
Record parallel statements of responsibility relating to a named
revision of an edition applying the basic instructions on
recording statements of responsibility given under 2.4.1
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
af N. Schmidt
Statement of responsibility relating to named
revision of an edition: by N. Schmidt
If there is more than one parallel statement of responsibility
relating to a named revision of an edition, record the statements
in the same order as the parallel designations of a named
revision of an edition to which they correspond.
Numbering of Serials
Core ele men t Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part, chronological
designation of first issue or part, numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue
or part, and chronological designation of last issue or part are core elements. Other
numbering is optional.
2.6.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Numbering of
Numbering of serials is the identification of each of the issues
or parts of a serial.
Numbering can include a numeral, a letter, any other character,
or the combination of these with or without an accompanying
caption (volume, number, etc.) and/or a chronological
For numbering within series and numbering within subseries,
see the instructions given under 2.12.9
and 2.12.17
respectively. of Information
When choosing a source of information for numbering of
serials, apply the following general guidelines:
a) For numeric and/or alphabetic and/or chronological
designations of the first issue or part, use the source on
the first issue or part that bears the title proper.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
b) For numeric and/or alphabetic and/or chronological
designations of the last issue or part, use the source on
the last issue or part that bears the title proper.
c) For numeric and/or alphabetic and/or chronological
designations of the last issue or part of the first
sequence, use the source on the last issue or part of first
sequence that bears the title proper.
d) For numeric and/or alphabetic and/or chronological
designations of the first issue or part of a new sequence,
use the source on the first issue or part of the new
sequence that bears the title proper.
For further guidance, see the instructions on sources of
information for specific sub-elements of a numbering of serials
as follows:
a) For numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue
or part, see the instructions given under
b) For chronological designation of first issue or part, see
the instructions given under
c) For numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue
or part, see the instructions given under
d) For chronological designation of last issue or part, see
the instructions given under
e) For numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue
or part of first sequence, see the instructions given under
f) For chronological designation of last issue or part of
first sequence, see the instructions given under
g) For numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue
or part of new sequence, see the instructions given
h) For chronological and/or alphabetic designation of first
issue or part of new sequence, see the instructions given
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has
numbering relating to the original manifestation as well as to
the facsimile or reproduction, record the numbering relating to
the facsimile or reproduction. Record the numbering relating to
the original manifestation as numbering pertaining to a related
manifestation (see 27.1
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Numbering of Serials
Record numbers expressed as numerals or as words applying
the general guidelines given under 1.8. Transcribe other words,
characters, or groups of words or characters as they appear on
the source of information. Apply the general guidelines on
transcription given under 1.7
For E x amp l e :
July/August 2005
Vol. 1, no. 1
Summer 1978
4th issue
When describing a serial that has ceased publication, record the
numbering for both the first issue or part (see 2.6.2–2.6.3
and the last issue or part (see 2.6.4–2.6.5
For E x amp l e :
Vol. 3, no. 6
Numeric designation of first issue
Aug./Sept. 1970
Chronological designation of first issue
vol. 5, no. 3
Numeric designation of last issue
Mar. 1972
Chronological designation of last issue
If information about the first issue or part is not available,
record only the numbering of the last issue or part.
For E x amp l e :
v. 10, no. 12
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Numeric designation of last issue
Dec. 1995
Chronological designation of last issue
If the numbering starts a new sequence with a different system,
a) the numbering of the first issue or part under the old
system (see 2.6.2–2.6.3
b) the numbering of the last issue or part under the old
system (see 2.6.6–2.6.7
c) the numbering of the first issue or part under the new
system (see 2.6.8–2.6.9
For E x amp l e :
Volume 1, number 1
Numeric designation of first issue
November 1943
Chronological designation of first issue
volume 10, number 12
Numeric designation of last issue of first sequence
June 1953
Chronological designation of last issue of first
number 1
Numeric designation of first issue of new sequence
July 1974
Chronological designation of first issue of new
Make notes on other variations in designations that do not
constitute a new sequence if the variation is considered to be
important (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If a serial has more than one separate system of numbering,
record the systems in the order in which they are presented.
For E x amp l e :
Vol. 3, no. 7
First system of numeric designation of first issue
No. 31
Alternate system of numeric designation of first
2.6.2 Numeric and/or Alphabetic Designation of First
Issue or Part
Core element
Numeric designation of first issue or part is numbering (see
) presented in numeric form on the first issue or part
of a serial.
Alphabetic designation of first issue or part is numbering
) presented in alphabetic form on the first issue
or part of a serial. Sources of Information
Take the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the first issue
or part from the following sources (in order of preference):
a) the source on the first issue or part that bears the title
proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Numeric and/or Alphabetic
Designation of First Issue or Part
If the first issue or part of a serial is identified by a numeric
and/or alphabetic designation, record the designation applying
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
the basic instructions on recording numbering given under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
Number 1
Issue no. 1
Pt. 1
Volume 1, issue 1
If the sequence of numeric and/or alphabetic designation is
continued from a previous serial, record the numeric and/or
alphabetic designation of the first issue or part of the serial
represented by the new description.
For E x amp l e :
Vol. 1, no. 6
Designation appears on last issue of previous
serial as: vol. 1, no. 5
If the first issue or part of a serial lacks any numeric and/or
alphabetic designation, but subsequent issues or parts define a
numeric and/or alphabetic designation pattern, supply a
numeric and/or alphabetic designation for the first issue or part
based on that pattern. Indicate that the information was taken
from a source outside the resource itself as instructed under
For E x amp l e :
[Part 1]
Subsequent issues numbered: Part 2, Part 3,
If information about designations of subsequent issues or parts
is not available, supply Number 1 (or its equivalent in the
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
language and script of the title proper) or a chronological
designation for the first issue or part (see 2.6.3
), as
appropriate. Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
For E x amp l e :
[Number 1]
No numbering on first issue. Later issues not
If the identification of the resource is based on an issue
or part
other than the first, supply a numeric and/or alphabetic
designation for the first issue or part, if it can be readily
ascertained. Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
Make a note on the numbering of the first issue or part (see
). and/or Alphabetic Designation of First
Issue or Part in More Than One Language or
If the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the first issue or
part appears on the source of information in more than one
language or script, record the designation that is in the language
or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not apply,
record the designation that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
Band 1
Title proper in German. Designation also appears
in English
2.6.3 Chronological Designation of First Issue or
Core element
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Chronological designation of first issue or part is numbering
) presented in the form of a date (e.g., a year;
year and month; month, day, and year) on the first issue or part
of a serial. Sources of Information
Take the chronological designation of the first issue or part
from the following sources (in order of preference):
a) the source on the first issue or part that bears the title
proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Chronological Designation of First
Issue or Part
If the first issue or part of a serial is identified by a
chronological designation, record the designation applying the
basic instructions on recording numbering given under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
Jan./Feb. 1964
September 2003
Spring 2004
For E x amp l e :
Designation appears on issue as: 1993-4
For E x amp l e :
Designation appears on issue as: 1999–2000
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the designation consists of a year and a number that is a
division of the year, record the year before the number.
For E x amp l e :
Designation appears on part as: 1–97
For E x amp l e :
Designation appears on issue as: 1–1998
Optional Addition
If the chronological designation includes dates not of the
Gregorian or Julian calendar, add the corresponding dates of the
Gregorian or Julian calendar, enclosed in square brackets.
If the first issue or part of a serial lacks any chronological
designation, but subsequent issues or parts define a
chronological designation pattern, supply a chronological
designation for the first issue or part based on that pattern.
Indicate that the information was taken from a source outside
the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
For E x amp l e :
[novembre 2006]
Designation appears on issue as: Vol. 01, no 01;
subsequent issues include chronological
is not available, supply a chronological designation for the first
issue or part, if appropriate. Indicate that the information was
taken from a source outside the resource itself as instructed
under 2.2.4
If information about designations of subsequent issues or
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
An annual report for which a chronological
designation is appropriate
or part
other than the first, supply a chronological designation for the
first issue or part, if it can be readily ascertained. Indicate that
the information was taken from a source outside the resource
itself as instructed under 2.2.4
If the identification of the resource is based on an issue
Make a note on the numbering of the first issue or part (see
). Chronological Designation of First Issue or Part
in More Than One Language or Script
If the chronological designation of the first issue or part appears
on the source of information in more than one language or
script, record the designation that is in the language or script of
the title proper. If this criterion does not apply, record the
designation that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
May 1977
Title proper in English. Chronological designation
also appears in French
2.6.4 Numeric and/or Alphabetic Designation of Last
Issue or Part
Core element
Numeric designation of last issue or part is numbering (see
) presented in numeric form on the last issue or part
of a serial.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Alphabetic designation of last issue or part is numbering (see
) presented in alphabetic form on the last issue or
part of a serial. Sources of Information
Take the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the last issue
or part from the following sources (in order of preference):
a) the source on the last issue or part that bears the title
proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Numeric and/or Alphabetic
Designation of Last Issue or Part
Record the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the last
issue or part of a serial applying the basic instructions on
recording numbering given under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
no. 10
If the last issue or part of a serial lacks any numeric and/or
alphabetic designation, but previous issues or parts define a
numeric and/or alphabetic designation pattern, supply a
numeric and/or alphabetic designation for the last issue or part
based on that pattern. Indicate that the information was taken
from a source outside the resource itself as instructed under
For E x amp l e :
[issue 12]
No numeric and/or alphabetic designation on
last issue. Designation on previous issue: issue
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If information about numeric and/or alphabetic designations of
previous issues or parts is not available, supply a chronological
designation for the last issue or part (see 2.6.5
), if
If the identification of the resource is based on an issue or part
other than the last, supply a numeric and/or alphabetic
designation for the last issue or part, if it can be readily
ascertained. Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
Make a note on the numbering of the last issue or part (see
). and/or Alphabetic Designation of Last
Issue or Part in More Than One Language or
If the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the last issue or
part appears on the source of information in more than one
language or script, record the designation that is in the language
or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not apply,
record the designation that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
Band 162
Title proper in German. Designation also appears
in English
2.6.5 Chronological Designation of Last Issue or
Core element
Chronological designation of last issue or part is numbering
) presented in the form of a date (e.g., a year;
year and month; month, day, and year) on the last issue or part
of a serial.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Sources of Information
Take the chronological designation of the last issue or part from
the following sources (in order of preference):
a) the source on the last issue or part that bears the title
proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Chronological Designation of Last
Issue or Part
If the last issue or part of a serial is identified by a
chronological designation, record the designation applying the
basic instructions on recording numbering given under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
Dec. 31, 1999
If the last issue or part of a serial lacks any chronological
designation, but previous issues or parts define a chronological
designation pattern, supply a chronological designation for the
last issue or part based on that pattern. Indicate that the
information was taken from a source outside the resource itself
as instructed under 2.2.4
For E x amp l e :
No chronological designation on last issue.
Designation on previous issue: 2004
If information about chronological designations of previous
issues or parts is not available, supply a chronological
designation for the last issue or part, if appropriate. Indicate
that the information was taken from a source outside the
resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
If the identification of the resource is based on an issue or part
other than the last, supply a chronological designation for the
last issue or part, if it can be readily ascertained. Indicate that
the information was taken from a source outside the resource
itself as instructed under 2.2.4
Make a note on the numbering of the last issue or part (see
). Chronological Designation of Last Issue or Part
in More Than One Language or Script
If the chronological designation of the last issue or part appears
on the source of information in more than one language or
script, record the designation that is in the language or script of
the title proper. If this criterion does not apply, record the
designation that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
January 1978
Title proper in English. Chronological designation
also appears in French
2.6.6 Numeric and/or Alphabetic Designation of Last
Issue or Part of First Sequence
Numeric designation of last issue or part of first sequence is
numbering (see
) presented in numeric form on the
last issue or part in the first sequence of numbering of a serial.
Alphabetic designation of last issue or part of first sequence
is numbering (see
) presented in alphabetic form on
the last issue or part in the first sequence of numbering of a
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Sources of Information
Take the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the last issue
or part of the first sequence of numbering from the following
sources (in order of preference):
a) the source on the last issue or part in the first sequence
that bears the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Numeric and/or Alphabetic
Designation of Last Issue or Part of First
Record the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the last
issue or part in the first sequence of numbering of a serial
applying the basic instructions on recording numbering given
under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
volume 10, number 12
v. 4, no. 12 and/or Alphabetic Designation of Last
Issue or Part of First Sequence in More Than
One Language or Script
If the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the last issue or
part of the first sequence appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the designation that
is in the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion
does not apply, record the designation that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
volume 99, number 3
Title proper in English. Designation also appears in
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.6.7 Chronological Designation of Last Issue or
Part of First Sequence
Chronological designation of last issue or part of first
sequence is numbering (see
) presented in the form
of a date (e.g., a year; year and month; month, day, and year) on
the last issue or part in the first sequence of numbering of a
serial. Sources of Information
Take the chronological designation of the last issue or part of
the first sequence of numbering from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the source on the last issue or part in the first sequence
that bears the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Chronological Designation of Last
Issue or Part of First Sequence
Record the chronological designation of the last issue or part in
the first sequence of numbering of a serial applying the basic
instructions on recording numbering given under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
June 1953
Dec. 1998 Chronological Designation of Last Issue or Part
of First Sequence in More Than One Language
or Script
If the chronological designation of the last issue or part of the
first sequence appears on the source of information in more
than one language or script, record the designation that is in the
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not
apply, record the designation that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
automne 1988
Title proper in French. Designation also appears in
2.6.8 Numeric and/or Alphabetic Designation
of First Issue or Part of New Sequence
Numeric designation of first issue or part of new sequence
is numbering (see
) presented in numeric form on
the first issue or part in the new sequence of numbering of a
Alphabetic designation of first issue or part of new sequence
is numbering (see
) presented in alphabetic form on
the first issue or part in the new sequence of numbering of a
serial. Sources of Information
Take the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the first issue
or part of the new sequence of numbering from the following
sources (in order of preference):
a) the source on the first issue or part in the new sequence
that bears the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Numeric and/or Alphabetic
Designation of First Issue or Part of New
Record the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the first
issue or part in the new sequence of numbering of a serial
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
applying the basic instructions on recording numbering given
under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
no. 1
If a new sequence is accompanied by wording to differentiate
the sequence, such as new series, include this wording.
For E x amp l e :
new series, v. 1, no. 1
If a new sequence with the same system as before is not
accompanied by wording such as new series, supply [new
series] or another appropriate term.
For E x amp l e :
[new series], no. 1
[new series], no. 1–no. 3
[3rd series], no. 1
[new series], vol. 1, no. 1
[2nd series], number 1
3rd series, number 104
4th series, number 1 and/or Alphabetic Designation of First
Issue or Part of New Sequence in More Than
One Language or Script
If the numeric and/or alphabetic designation of the first issue or
part of the new sequence appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the designation that
is in the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion
does not apply, record the designation that appears first.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
series 3, part 1
Title proper in English. Designation also appears in
2.6.9 Chronological Designation of First Issue or
Part of New Sequence
Chronological designation of first issue or part of new
sequence is numbering (see
) presented in the form
of a date (e.g., a year; year and month; month, day, and year) on
the first issue or part in the new sequence of numbering of a
serial. Sources of Information
Take the chronological designation of the first issue or part of
the new sequence of numbering from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the source on the first issue or part in the new sequence
that bears the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Chronological Designation of First
Issue or Part of New Sequence
Record the chronological designation of the first issue or part in
the new sequence of numbering of a serial applying the basic
instructions on recording numbering given under 2.6.1
For E x amp l e :
July 1974
Jan. 1999
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Chronological Designation of First Issue or Part
of New Sequence in More Than One Language
or Script
If the chronological designation of the first issue or part of the
new sequence appears on the source of information in more
than one language or script, record the designation that is in the
language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does not
apply, record the designation that appears first.
For E x amp l e :
marzo 2001
Title proper in Spanish. Designation also appears
in French
Production Statement
2.7.1 Basic Instructions on Recording
Production Statements
A production statement is a statement identifying the place or
places of production, producer or producers, and date or dates
of production of a resource.
Production statements include statements relating to the
inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of a resource in an
unpublished form. of Information
Take production statements from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a
production statement or statements relating to the original
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
manifestation as well as to the facsimile or reproduction, record
the production statement or statements relating to the facsimile
or reproduction. Record any production statement relating to
the original as a production statement pertaining to a related
manifestation (see 27.1
). Recording Production Statements
Record a production statement or statements for a resource that
is in an unpublished form (e.g., a manuscript, a painting, a
sculpture, a locally made recording).
Transcribe places of production and producers’ names in the
form in which they appear on the source of information. Apply
the general guidelines on transcription given under 1.7
Optional Omission
Omit levels in a corporate hierarchy that are not required to
identify the producer. Do not use a mark of omission (…) to
indicate such an omission.
Record dates of production applying the general guidelines on
numbers expressed as numerals or as words given under 1.8
. Recording Changes in Production Statements
Record a change in a production statement as instructed under
, or
below, as
Multipart Monographs
If the place of production changes on an issue or
part of a multipart monograph, make a note on the
change if it is considered to be important for
identification or access (see
). If the
change is only in the presentation of the place
name, make a note if the change is considered to be
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If a producer’s name changes, or if a different
producer is named on a subsequent issue or part,
make a note on any later name considered to be
important for identification or access (see
). If the change is only in the presentation of
the name, make a note if the change is considered
to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If the place of production changes on a later issue
or part of a serial, make a note on the change if
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
). If the change is only in
the presentation of the place name, make a note if
the change is considered to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If the producer’s name changes, or if a different
producer is named on a subsequent issue or part,
make a note on any later name considered to be
important for identification or access (see
). If the change is only in the presentation of
the name, make a note if the change is considered
to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
Integrating Resources
If the place of production changes on a subsequent
iteration of an integrating resource, change the
place of production to reflect the current iteration
and make a note on the earlier place if considered
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
to be important for identification or access (see
If the producer’s name changes, or if a different
producer is named on a subsequent iteration,
change the producer’s name to reflect the current
iteration and make a note on any earlier name
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
2.7.2 Place of Production
A place of production is a place associated with the
inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of a resource in an
unpublished form. of Information
Take places of production from the following sources (in order
of preference):
a) the same source as the producer’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Place of Production
Record the place of production applying the basic instructions
on recording production statements given under 2.7.1
Include both the local place name (city, town, etc.) and the
name of the larger jurisdiction or jurisdictions (state, province,
etc., and/or country) if present on the source of information.
Optional Addition
Include the full address as part of the local place name if it is
considered to be important for identification or access.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Include any preposition appearing in conjunction with the place
name that is required to make sense of the statement.
If the place name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or
requires clarification, make a note giving the actual place name,
etc. (see
). More Than One Place of Production
If more than one place of production is named on the source of
information, record the place names in the order indicated by
the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source
of information.
If there are two or more producers, and two or more places
associated with one or more of them, record the place names
associated with each producer in the order indicated by the
sequence, layout, or typography of the place names on the
source of information. Place of Production in More Than One
Language or Script
If the place of production appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the form that is in
the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does
not apply, record the place name in the language or script that
appears first. Place of Production Not Identified in the
If the place of production is not identified in the resource,
supply the place of production or probable place of production
as instructed under
below (in order of preference). Indicate that
the information was taken from a source outside the resource
itself as instructed under 2.2.4
If neither a known nor a probable local place or country, state,
province, etc., of production can be determined, record Place of
production not identified.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Known Place of Production
If the place of production is known, supply the
local place name (city, town, etc.). Include the
name of the larger jurisdiction if necessary for
For E x amp l e :
[Salem, Mass.]
Probable Place of Production
If the place of production is uncertain, supply the
name of the probable local place of production
followed by a question mark. Include the name of
the larger jurisdiction if necessary for identification.
For E x amp l e :
[Port Alberni, British Columbia?]
Known Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of production is
known, supply that name.
For E x amp l e :
Probable Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of production is
uncertain, supply the name of the probable country,
state, province, etc., of production followed by a
question mark.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e
[France?] Change in Place of Production
For instructions on recording a change in place of production,
2.7.3 Parallel Place of Production
A parallel place of production is a place of production (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of the
title proper. of Information
Take parallel places of production from the following sources
(in order of preference):
a) the same source as the place of production (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Places of Production
Record parallel places of production applying the basic
instructions on recording production statements given under
If there is more than one parallel place of production, record the
names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the names on the source or sources of
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.7.4 Producer’s Name
A producer’s name is the name of a person, family, or
corporate body responsible for inscribing, fabricating,
constructing, etc., a resource in an unpublished form. of Information
Take producers’ names from the following sources (in order of
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Producers’ Names
Record the producer’s name applying the basic instructions on
recording production statements given under 2.7.1
If the name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or requires
clarification, make a note giving the actual name, etc. (see
). of Function
Record words or phrases indicating the function performed by a
person, family, or corporate body as they appear on the source
of information.
Optional Addition
If the function of a person, family, or corporate body recorded
in the producer’s name sub-element is not stated explicitly or is
not clear from the context, add a term indicating the function.
Enclose the addition in square brackets. More Than One Producer
If more than one person, family, or corporate body is named as
a producer of the resource, record the producers’ names in the
order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the
names on the source of information.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Producer’s Name in More Than One Language
or Script
If the name of a producer appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the form that is in
the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does
not apply, record the name in the language or script that appears
first. No Producer Identified
If no producer is named within the resource itself, record
producer not identified. Change in Producer’s Name
For instructions on recording a change in producer’s name, see
2.7.5 Parallel Producer’s Name
A parallel producer’s name is a producer’s name (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of the title
proper. of Information
Take parallel producers’ names from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the producer’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Producers’ Names
Record parallel producers’ names applying the basic
instructions on recording production statements given under
If there is more than one parallel producer’s name, record the
names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
typography of the names on the source or sources of
2.7.6 Date of Production
A date of production is a date associated with the inscription,
fabrication, construction, etc., of a resource in an unpublished
For an archival resource, the date of production is the date the
resource was produced or the date or dates of record-keeping
For a collection (i.e., one assembled by a private collector, a
dealer, a library, etc.), the date of production is the date of
production or publication of the resources contained in the
collection. of Information
Take dates of production from any source. Recording Date of Production
Record the date of production applying the basic instructions on
recording production statements given under 2.7.1
For E x amp l e :
Optional Addition
If the date as it appears in the resource is not of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar, follow it with date or dates of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar.
If the date as it appears in the resource is known to be fictitious
or incorrect, make a note giving the actual date (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Chronograms
If the date of production as it appears on the source of
information is in the form of a chronogram, transcribe the
chronogram as it appears.
Optional Addition
Add the date in numerals (in the script and calendar preferred
by the agency preparing the description), enclosed in square
In place of the chronogram, record a supplied date in numerals
(in the script and calendar preferred by the agency preparing
the description). Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
Make a note giving the chronogram if it is considered to be
important for identification (see
). Multipart Monographs, Serials, and Integrating
If the first issue, part, or iteration of a multipart monograph,
serial, or integrating resource is available, record the date of
production of that issue, part, or iteration, followed by a
For E x amp l e :
If production of the resource has ceased or is complete and the
first and last issues, parts, or iterations are available, record the
dates of production of those issues, parts, or iterations,
separated by a hyphen.
For E x amp l e :
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If production of the resource has ceased or is complete and the
last issue, part, or iteration is available, but not the first, record
the production date of the last issue, part, or iteration, preceded
by a hyphen.
For E x amp l e :
For an integrating resource, supply the date of the last update if
it is considered to be important.
If the date of production is the same for all issues, parts, or
iterations, record only that date as the single date.
For E x amp l e :
If the first and/or last issue, part, or iteration is not available,
supply an approximate date or dates applying the instructions
given under
If the date or dates cannot be approximated, do not record a
date of production. Date of Production Not Identified in the
If the date of production is not identified in the resource, supply
the date or approximate date of production. Apply the
instructions on supplied dates given under 1.10.3
If the date or an approximate date of production for a resource
that is in an unpublished form cannot reasonably be determined,
record date of production not identified.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Archival Resources and Collections
If the date of production of an archival resource falls within a
single year, record that date or a more specific date therein. For
a single resource, record the exact date or dates.
For E x amp l e :
1906 March 17
If the archival resource or collection spans a period of time,
record the inclusive dates (i.e., the earliest and latest dates of
production of the resource or of the record-keeping activity).
For E x amp l e :
Optional Addition
Where the dates pertaining to the majority of the items in the
resource being described differ significantly from the inclusive
dates, follow the inclusive dates with the predominant or bulk
dates, indicated as such.
For E x amp l e :
1785-1960, bulk 1916-1958
If no date can be found in the resource or determined from any
other source, estimate the nearest year, decade, century, or other
interval as precisely as possible.
For E x amp l e :
probably 1867
before 1867
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
When it may be misleading to record an estimated date, record
date not identified.
Publication Statement
Core ele men t Publisher’s name and date of publication are core elements for published resources.
Place of publication is optional
2.8.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Publication
A publication statement is a statement identifying the place or
places of publication, publisher or publishers, and date or dates
of publication of a resource.
Publication statements include statements relating to the
publication, release, or issuing of a resource. of Information
Take publication statements from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a
publication statement or statements relating to the original
manifestation as well as to the facsimile or reproduction, record
the publication statement or statements relating to the facsimile
or reproduction. Record any publication statement relating to
the original as a publication statement pertaining to a related
manifestation (see 27.1
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Publication Statements
Transcribe places of publication and publishers’ names in the
form in which they appear on the source of information. Apply
the general guidelines on transcription given under 1.7
Optional Omission
Omit levels in a corporate hierarchy that are not required to
identify the publisher. Do not use a mark of omission (…) to
indicate such an omission.
Record dates of publication applying the general guidelines on
numbers expressed as numerals or as words given under 1.8
. Recording Changes in Publication Statements
Record a change in a publication statement as instructed under
, or
below, as
Multipart Monographs
If the place of publication changes on an issue or
part of a multipart monograph, make an annotation
on the change if it is considered to be important
). If the change is only in the
presentation of the place name, make a note if the
change is considered to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If a publisher’s name changes, or if a different
publisher is named on a subsequent issue or part,
make an annotation on any later name considered
to be important for identification or access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the place of publication changes on a later issue
or part of a serial, make a note on the change if
considered to be important (see
). If
the change is only in the presentation of the place
name, make a note if the change is considered to be
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If the publisher’s name changes, or if a different
publisher is named on a subsequent issue or part,
make a note on any later name considered to be
important for identification or access (see
). If the change is only in the presentation of
the name, make a note if the change is considered
to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
Integrating Resources
If the place of publication changes on a subsequent
iteration of an integrating resource, change the
place of publication to reflect the current iteration
and make a note on the earlier place if considered
to be important for identification or access (see
If the publisher’s name changes, or if a different
publisher is named on a subsequent iteration,
change the publisher’s name to reflect the current
iteration and make a note on any earlier name
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.8.2 Place of Publication
A place of publication is a place associated with the
publication, release, or issuing of a resource. of Information
Take places of publication from the following sources (in order
of preference):
a) the same source as the publisher’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Place of Publication
Record the place of publication applying the basic instructions
on recording publication statements given under 2.8.1
Include both the local place name (city, town, etc.) and the
name of the larger jurisdiction or jurisdictions (state, province,
etc., and/or country) if present on the source of information.
For E x amp l e :
Westport, Connecticut
Lugduni Batavorum
Wellington, New Zealand
Tolworth, England
Carbondale, Ill.
Den Haag
Taunton, Somerset
Aldershot, Hampshire, England
Burlington, VT, USA
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Optional Addition
Include the full address as part of the local place name if it is
considered to be important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
6 Ludgate Hill, London
Include any preposition appearing in conjunction with the place
name that is required to make sense of the statement.
For E x amp l e :
V Praze
If the place name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or
requires clarification, make a note giving the actual place name,
etc. (see
). More Than One Place of Publication
If more than one place of publication is named on the source of
information, record the place names in the order indicated by
the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source
of information.
For E x amp l e :
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Tylers Green, Buckinghamshire
Lanham, Maryland
London, UK
Lawrence, KS, USA
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
New York
For E x amp l e :
Source of information reads: Montréal, Toronto.
Toronto given prominence by typography
For E x amp l e :
New York
Source of information reads: New York, London,
Sydney. London given prominence by
If there are two or more publishers, and two or more places
associated with one or more of them, record the place names
associated with each publisher in the order indicated by the
sequence, layout, or typography of the place names on the
source of information. Place of Publication in More Than One
Language or Script
If the place of publication appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the form that is in
the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does
not apply, record the place name in the language or script that
appears first.
For E x amp l e :
Title proper in German. Place of publication
also appears as: Genève
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Place of Publication not Identified in the
If the place of publication is not identified in the resource,
supply the place of publication or probable place of publication
as instructed under
below (in order of preference). Indicate that
the information was taken from a source outside the resource
itself as instructed under 2.2.4
If neither a known nor a probable local place or country, state,
province, etc., of publication can be determined, record Place
of publication not identified.
Known place of publication
If the place of publication is known, supply the
local place name (city, town, etc.). Include the
name of the larger jurisdiction if necessary for
For E x amp l e :
Probable Place of Publication
If the place of publication is uncertain, supply the
name of the probable local place of publication
followed by a question mark. Include the name of
the larger jurisdiction if necessary for identification.
For E x amp l e :
Known Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of publication is
known, supply that name.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Probable Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of publication is
uncertain, supply the name of the probable country,
state, province, etc., of publication followed by a
question mark.
For E x amp l e :
[Spain?] Change in Place of Publication
For instructions on recording a change in place of publication,
2.8.3 Parallel Place of Publication
A parallel place of publication is a place of publication (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of the
title proper. of Information
Take parallel places of publication from the following sources
(in order of preference):
a) the same source as the place of publication (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Parallel Places of Publication
Record parallel places of publication applying the basic
instructions on recording publication statements given under
For E x amp l e :
Place of publication: Genf
If there is more than one parallel place of publication, record
the names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the names on the source or sources of
2.8.4 Publisher’s Name
Core element
If more than one publisher’s name appears on the source of information,
only the first recorded is required.
A publisher’s name is the name of a person, family, or
corporate body responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing
a resource.
For early printed resources, printers and booksellers are treated
as publishers. of Information
Take publishers’ names from the following sources (in order of
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Publishers’ Names
Record the publisher’s name applying the basic instructions on
recording publication statements given under 2.8.1
For E x amp l e :
Oxford University Press
World Health Organization
University of Leeds, Dept. of Spanish
Universal Edition
University of Toronto Press
Penguin Books
Bridge Records, Inc.
John Lane, the Bodley Head
Institut géographique international
A. Hébert
Educational Productions
If the name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or requires
clarification, make a note giving the actual name, etc. (see
). of Function
Record words or phrases indicating the function (other than
solely publishing) performed by a person, family, or corporate
body as they appear on the source of information.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
SAGE Publications on behalf of McGill
Source of information reads: Published by SAGE
Publications on behalf of McGill University
Optional Addition
If the function of a person, family, or corporate body recorded
in the publisher’s name sub-element is not stated explicitly or is
not clear from the context, add a term indicating the function.
Enclose the addition in square brackets. More Than One Publisher
If more than one person, family, or corporate body is named as
a publisher of the resource, record the publishers’ names in the
order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of the
names on the source of information.
For E x amp l e :
McClelland and Stewart
World Crafts Council
University of Chicago Press
Clarke, Irwin
Allen & Unwin Publisher’s Name in More Than One Language
or Script
If the name of a publisher appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the form that is in
the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does
not apply, record the name in the language or script that appears
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Éditions du peuple
Title proper in French. Publisher’s name also
appears in English
For E x amp l e :
Health Canada, Pest Management
Regulatory Agency
Title proper in English. Publisher’s name also
appears in French No Publisher Identified
If no publisher is named within the resource itself, and the
publisher cannot be identified from other sources as specified
under 2.2.4
, record the name of the distributor (see 2.9.4
If neither the publisher nor the distributor of a resource that is
in a published form can be identified, record publisher not
If the resource is in an unpublished form (e.g., a manuscript, a
painting, a sculpture, a locally made recording), record nothing
in the name of publisher’s name sub-element. Change in Publisher’s Name
For instructions on recording a change in publisher’s name, see
2.8.5 Parallel Publisher’s Name
A parallel publisher’s name is a publisher’s name (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of the title
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take parallel publishers’ names from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the publisher’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Publishers’ Names
Record parallel publishers’ names applying the basic
instructions on recording publication statements given under
For E x amp l e :
Commoner’s Publishing
Publisher’s name recorded as: Éditions du
For E x amp l e :
Santé Canada, Agence de réglementation
de la lutte antiparasitaire
Publisher’s name recorded as: Health Canada,
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
If there is more than one parallel publisher’s name, record the
names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the names on the source or sources of
2.8.6 Date of Publication
Core element
A date of publication is a date associated with the publication,
release, or issuing of a resource.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take dates of publication from the following sources (in order
of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
For multipart monographs and serials, take the beginning and/
or ending date of publication from the first and/or last released
issue or part, or from another source.
For integrating resources, take the beginning and/or ending date
of publication from the first and/or last iteration, or from
another source. Recording Date of Publication
Record the date of publication applying the basic instructions
on recording publication statements given under 2.8.1
For E x amp l e :
May 2000
For E x amp l e :
Source of information reads: MDCCXXXIII
Optional Addition
If the date as it appears in the resource is not of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar, follow it with date or dates of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar, enclosed in square brackets.
For E x amp l e :
4308 [1975]
Minguo 28 [1939]
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
5730 [1969 or 1970]
Heisei Gannen [1889]
anno 18 [1939]
If the date as it appears in the resource is known to be fictitious
or incorrect, make a note giving the actual date (see
). Chronograms
If the date of publication as it appears on the source of
information is in the form of a chronogram, transcribe the
chronogram as it appears.
For E x amp l e :
Ipso anno tertIo saeCVLarI typographIae
DIVIno aVXILIo a gerManIs InVentae
Optional Addition
Add the date in numerals (in the script and calendar preferred
by the agency preparing the description), enclosed in square
For E x amp l e :
Ipso anno tertIo saeCVLarI typographIae
DIVIno aVXILIo a gerManIs InVentae
In place of the chronogram, record a supplied date in numerals
(in the script and calendar preferred by the agency preparing
the description). Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Make a note giving the chronogram if it is considered to be
important for identification (see
). Multipart Monographs, Serials, and Integrating
If the first issue, part, or iteration of a multipart monograph,
serial, or integrating resource is available, record the date of
publication of that issue, part, or iteration, followed by a
For E x amp l e :
If publication of the resource has ceased or is complete and the
first and last issues, parts, or iterations are available, record the
dates of publication of those issues, parts, or iterations,
separated by a hyphen.
For E x amp l e :
If publication of the resource has ceased or is complete and the
last issue, part, or iteration is available, but not the first, record
the publication date of the last issue, part, or iteration, preceded
by a hyphen.
For E x amp l e :
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For an integrating resource, supply the date of the last update if
it is considered to be important.
For E x amp l e :
1995–1998 [updated 1999]
First and last published iterations of an updating
loose-leaf available; date of last update known
If the date of publication is the same for all issues,
iterations, record only that date as the single date.
parts, or
For E x amp l e :
If the first and/or last issue, part, or iteration is not available,
supply an approximate date or dates applying the instructions
given under
If the date or dates cannot be approximated, do not record a
date of publication.
For E x amp l e :
Earliest issue available: v. 1, no. 3, July 1998
For E x amp l e :
Last part not available but information about ending
date known
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
First and last issues not available but information
about beginning and ending dates known Date of Publication Not Identified in the
If the date of publication is not identified in a resource that is in
a published form, record (in order of preference) the date of
distribution (see 2.9.6
), the copyright date (see 2.11
or the date of manufacture (see 2.10.6
If neither a date of publication, a date of distribution, a
copyright date, nor a date of manufacture is identified in the
resource, supply the date or approximate date of publication.
Apply the instructions on supplied dates given under 1.10.3
Optional Addition
If the probable date of publication differs significantly from the
date recorded either as the copyright date or as the date of
manufacture, record the probable date of publication. Apply the
instructions on supplied dates given under 1.10.3
For E x amp l e :
Copyright date recorded as ©1949
If an approximate date of publication for a resource that is in a
published form cannot reasonably be determined and neither a
date of distribution, a copyright date, nor a date of manufacture
is available, record date of publication not identified .
If the resource is in an unpublished form (e.g., a manuscript, a
painting, a sculpture), record nothing in the date of publication
sub-element. Record a date of production (see 2.7.6).
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Distribution Statement
Core ele men t Distributor’s name is a core element if the publisher is not identified. Date of
distribution is a core element if the date of publication is not identified. Place of
distribution is optional.
2.9.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Distribution
A distribution statement is a statement identifying the place or
places of distribution, distributor or distributors, and date or
dates of distribution of a resource.
Distribution statements include statements relating to the
distribution of a resource. of Information
Take distribution statements from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a
distribution statement or statements relating to the original
manifestation as well as to the facsimile or reproduction, record
the distribution statement or statements relating to the facsimile
or reproduction. Record any distribution statement relating to
the original as a distribution statement pertaining to a related
manifestation (see 27.1
). Recording Distribution Statements
Transcribe places of distribution and distributors’ names in the
form in which they appear on the source of information. Apply
the general guidelines on transcription given under 1.7
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Optional Omission
Omit levels in a corporate hierarchy that are not required to
identify the producer. Do not use a mark of omission (…) to
indicate such an omission.
Record dates of distribution applying the general guidelines on
numbers expressed as numerals or as words given under 1.8
. Recording Changes in Distribution Statements
Record a change in a distribution statement as instructed under
, or
below, as
Multipart Monographs
If the place of distribution changes on an issue or
part of a multipart monograph, make a note on the
change if it is considered to be important (see
). If the change is only in the
presentation of the place name, make a note if the
change is
considered to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If a distributor’s name changes, or if a different
distributor is named on a subsequent issue or part,
Make a note on any later name considered to be
important for identification or access (see
). If the change is only in the presentation of
the name, make a note if the change is considered
to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If the place of distribution changes on a later issue
or part of a serial, make a note on the change if it is
considered to be important (see
). If
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
the change is only in the presentation of the place
name, make a note if the change is considered to be
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If the distributor’s name changes, or if a different
distributor is named on a subsequent issue or part,
make a note on any later name considered to be
important for identification or access (see
). If the change is only in the presentation of
the name, make a note if the change is considered
to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
Integrating Resources
If the place of distribution changes on a subsequent
iteration of an integrating resource, change the
place of distribution to reflect the current iteration
and make a note on the earlier place if considered
to be important for identification or access (see
If the distributor’s name changes, or if a different
distributor is named on a subsequent iteration,
change the distributor’s name to reflect the current
iteration and make a note on any earlier name
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.9.2 Place of Distribution
A place of distribution is a place associated with the
distribution of a resource. of Information
Take places of distribution from the following sources (in order
of preference):
a) the same source as the distributor’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Place of Distribution
Record the place of distribution applying the basic instructions
on recording distribution statements given under 2.9.1
Include both the local place name (city, town, etc.) and the
name of the larger jurisdiction or jurisdictions (state, province,
etc., and/or country) if present on the source of information.
For E x amp l e :
Oshawa, Ontario
Optional Addition
Include the full address as part of the local place name if it is
considered to be important for identification or access.
Include any preposition appearing in conjunction with the place
name that is required to make sense of the statement.
If the place name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or
requires clarification, make a note giving the actual place name,
etc. (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals More Than One Place of Distribution
If more than one place of distribution is named on the source of
information, record the place names in the order indicated by
the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source
of information.
For E x amp l e :
Frederick, MD, USA
Letchworth, Herts, United Kingdom
Place of publication: The Hague, The
If there are two or more distributors, and two or more places
associated with one or more of them, record the place names
associated with each distributor in the order indicated by the
sequence, layout, or typography of the place names on the
source of information. Place of Distribution in More Than One
Language or Script
If the place of distribution appears on the source of information
in more than one language or script, record the form that is in
the language or script of the title proper. If this criterion does
not apply, record the place name in the language or script that
appears first. Place of Distribution Not Identified in the
If the place of distribution is not identified in the resource,
supply the place of distribution or probable place of distribution
as instructed under
below (in order of preference). Indicate that
the information was taken from a source outside the resource
itself as instructed under 2.2.4
If neither a known nor a probable local place or country, state,
province, etc., of distribution can be determined, record Place
of distribution not identified.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Known Place of Distribution
If the place of distribution is known, supply the
local place name (city, town, etc.). Include the
name of the larger jurisdiction if necessary for
For E x amp l e :
Probable Place of Distribution
If the place of distribution is uncertain, supply the
name of the probable local place of distribution
followed by a question mark. Include the name of
the larger jurisdiction if necessary for identification.
For E x amp l e :
Known Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of distribution is
known, supply that name.
For E x amp l e :
[Prince Edward Island]
Probable Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of distribution is
uncertain, supply the name of the probable country,
state, province, etc., of distribution followed by a
question mark.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
[Netherlands?] Change in Place of Distribution
For instructions on recording a change in place of distribution,
2.9.3 Parallel Place of Distribution
A parallel place of distribution is a place of distribution (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of the
title proper. of Information
Take parallel places of distribution from the following sources
(in order of preference):
a) the same source as the place of distribution (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Places of Distribution
Record parallel places of distribution applying the basic
instructions on recording distribution statements given under
If there is more than one parallel place of distribution, record
the names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the names on the source or sources of
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.9.4 Distributor’s Name
Core element
A distributor’s name is a core element if the publisher’s name is not
identified. If more than one distributor’s name appears on the source of
information, only the first recorded is required.
A distributor’s name is the name of a person, family, or
corporate body responsible for distributing a resource. of Information
Take distributors’ names from the following sources (in order
of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Distributors’ Names
Record the distributor’s name applying the basic instructions on
recording distribution statements given under 2.9.1
For E x amp l e :
Columbia University Press
Diffusion Interlivres
If the name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or requires
clarification, make a note giving the actual name, etc. (see
). of Function
Record words or phrases indicating the function (other than
solely publishing) performed by a person, family, or corporate
body as they appear on the source of information.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Distributed by New York Graphic Society
Sold by Longman
Distributed by Independent Publishers
Distribution by: MapArt Publishing
Distributed by Coach House Records Ltd.
Optional Addition
If the function of a person, family, or corporate body recorded
in the distributor’s name sub-element is not stated explicitly or
is not clear from the context, add a term indicating the function.
Enclose the addition in square brackets.
For E x amp l e :
Guild Sound and Vision [distributor]
Voluntary Committee on Overseas Aid &
Development [distributor] More Than One Distributor
If more than one person, family, or corporate body is named as
a distributor of the resource, record the distributor’s names in
the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or typography of
the names on the source of information.
For E x amp l e :
Sold and distributed in North, Central
and South America by: Aspen Publishers,
Publisher’s name: Kluwer Law International
Sold and distributed in all other
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
countries by: Extenza-Turpin
Distribution Services’s Name in More Than One Language
or Script
If the name of a distributor appears on the source of
information in more than one language or script, record the
form that is in the language or script of the title proper. If this
criterion does not apply, record the name in the language or
script that appears first. No Distributor Identified
If no distributor is named within the resource itself, and the
distributor cannot be identified from other sources as specified
under 2.2.4
, record distributor not identified.
If no distributor is named within the resource itself, and the
distributor cannot be identified from other sources as specified
under 2.2.4, record distributor not identified. Indicate that the
information was taken from a source outside the resource itself
as instructed under 2.2.4
. Change in Distributor’s Name
For instructions on recording a change in distributor’s name,
2.9.5 Parallel Distributor’s Name
A parallel distributor’s name is a distributor’s name (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of the
title proper. of Information
Take parallel distributors’ names from the following sources (in
order of preference):
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
a) the same source as the distributor’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Distributors’ Names
Record parallel distributors’ names applying the basic
instructions on recording distribution statements given under
If there is more than one parallel distributor’s name, record the
names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the names on the source or sources of
2.9.6 Date of Distribution
Core element
Date of distribution is a core element if the date of publication is not
A date of distribution is a date associated with the distribution
of a resource. of Information
Take dates of distribution from the following sources (in order
of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
For multipart monographs and serials, take the beginning and/
or ending date of distribution from the first and/or last released
issue or part, or from another source.
For integrating resources, take the beginning and/or ending date
of distribution from the first and/or last iteration, or from
another source.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Date of Distribution
If the date of distribution differs from the date of publication,
record the date of distribution, if it is considered to be
important, applying the basic instructions on recording
distribution statements given under 2.9.1
For E x amp l e :
Date of publication: 1971
Optional Addition
If the date as it appears in the resource is not of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar, follow it with date or dates of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar.
If the date as it appears in the resource is known to be fictitious
or incorrect, make a note giving the actual date (see 2.20.8
). Chronograms
If the date of distribution as it appears on the source of
information is in the form of a chronogram, transcribe the
chronogram as it appears.
Optional Addition
Add the date in numerals (in the script and calendar preferred
by the agency preparing the description). Indicate that the
information was taken from a source outside the resource itself
as instructed under 2.2.4
In place of the chronogram, record a supplied date in numerals
(in the script and calendar preferred by the agency preparing
the description). Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
Make a note giving the chronogram if it is considered to be
important for identification (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Multipart Monographs, Serials, and Integrating
If the first issue, part, or iteration of a multipart monograph,
serial, or integrating resource is available, record the date of
distribution of that issue, part, or iteration, followed by a
If distribution of the resource has ceased or is complete and the
first and last issues, parts, or iterations are available, record the
dates of distribution of those issues, parts, or iterations,
separated by a hyphen.
If distribution of the resource has ceased or is complete and the
last issue, part, or iteration is available, but not the first, record
the distribution date of the last issue, part, or iteration, preceded
by a hyphen.
For an integrating resource, supply the date of the last update if
it is considered to be important.
If the date of distribution is the same for all issues, parts, or
iterations, record only that date as the single date.
If the first and/or last issue, part, or iteration is not available,
supply an approximate date or dates applying the instructions
given under
. If the date or dates cannot be
approximated, do not record a date of distribution. Date of Distribution Not Identified in the
If the date of distribution is not identified in a resource that is in
a published form, supply the date or an approximate date of
distribution. Apply the instructions on supplied dates given
under 1.10.3
If an approximate date of distribution for a resource that is in a
published form cannot reasonably be determined, record date of
distribution not identified.
If the resource is in an unpublished form (e.g., a manuscript, a
painting, a sculpture), record nothing in the date of distribution
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.10 Manufacture Statement
Core element
Manufacturer’s name is a core element if neither a publisher nor a distributor is
identified. Date of manufacture is a core element if neither the date of publication,
the date of distribution, nor the copyright date is identified. Place of manufacture is
2.10.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Manufacture
A manufacture statement is a statement identifying the place
or places of manufacture, manufacturer or manufacturers, and
date or dates of manufacture of a resource.
Manufacture statements include statements relating to the
printing, duplicating, casting, etc., of a resource in a published
form. Sources of Information
Take manufacture statements from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see 2.3.3
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a
manufacture statement or statements relating to the original
manifestation as well as to the facsimile or reproduction, record
the manufacture statement or statements relating to the
facsimile or reproduction. Record any manufacture statement
relating to the original as a manufacture statement pertaining to
a related manifestation (see 27.1
). Recording Manufacture Statements
Record a manufacture statement or statements for a resource
that is in an unpublished form (e.g., a manuscript, a painting, a
sculpture, a locally made recording).
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For a resource that is in a published form, record a manufacture
statement or statements if neither the publisher’s name nor the
distributor’s name is identified, and/or if neither the date of
publication nor date of distribution is identified.
Optional Addition
Record a manufacture statement if it differs from the
publication statement and/or distribution statement, and it is
considered to be important by the agency preparing the
Transcribe places of manufacture and manufacturers’ names in
the form in which they appear on the source of information.
Apply the general guidelines on transcription given under 1.7
Optional Omission
Omit levels in a corporate hierarchy that are not required to
identify the manufacturer. Do not use a mark of omission (…)
to indicate such an omission.
Record dates of manufacture applying the general guidelines on
numbers expressed as numerals or as words given under 1.8
. Recording Changes in Manufacture Statements
Record a change in a manufacture statement as instructed under
, or
below, as
applicable. Multipart Monographs
If the place of manufacture changes on an issue or
part of a multipart monograph, make a note on the
change if considered to be important for
identification or access (see
). If the
change is only in the presentation of the place
name, make a note if the change is considered to be
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If a manufacturer’s name changes, of if a different
manufacturer is named on a subsequent issue or
part, make a note on any later name considered to
be important for identification or access (see
). If the change is only in the
presentation of the name, make a note if the change
is considered to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If the place of manufacture changes on a later issue
or part of a serial, make a note on the change if
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
). If the change is only in
the presentation of the place name, make a note if
the change is considered to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
If the manufacturer’s name changes, or if a
different manufacturer is named on a subsequent
issue or part, make a note on any later name
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
). If the change is only in
the presentation of the name, make a note if the
change is considered to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
). Integrating Resources
If the place of manufacture changes on a
subsequent iteration of an integrating resource,
change the place of manufacture to reflect the
current iteration and make a note on the earlier
place if considered to be important for identification
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
or access (see
. If the manufacturer’s
name changes, or if a different manufacturer is
named on a subsequent iteration, change the
manufacturer’s name to reflect the current iteration
and make a note on any earlier name considered to
be important for identification or access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note (see
2.10.2 Place of Manufacture
A place of manufacture is a place associated with the printing,
duplicating, casting, etc., of a resource in a published form. Sources of Information
Take places of manufacture from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the manufacturer’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.3
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Place of Manufacture
Record the place of manufacture applying the basic instructions
on recording manufacture statements given under 2.10.1
Include both the local place name (city, town, etc.) and the
name of the larger jurisdiction or jurisdictions (state, province,
etc., and/or country) if present on the source of information.
For E x amp l e :
Long Beach Island
West Hill, Ont.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Optional Addition
Include the full address as part of the local place name if it is
considered to be important for identification or access.
Include any preposition appearing in conjunction with the place
name that is required to make sense of the statement.
If the place name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or
requires clarification, make a note giving the actual place name,
etc. (see
). More than One Place of Manufacture
If more than one place of manufacture is named on the source
of information, record the place names in the order indicated by
the sequence, layout, or typography of the names on the source
of information.
If there are two or more manufacturers, and two or more places
associated with one or more of them, record the place names
associated with each manufacturer in the order indicated by the
sequence, layout, or typography of the place names on the
source of information. Place of Manufacture in More than One
Language or Script
If the place of manufacture appears on the source of
information in more than one language or script, record the
form that is in the language or script of the title proper. If this
criterion does not apply, record the place name in the language
or script that appears first. Place of Manufacture Not Identified in the
If the place of manufacture is not identified in the resource,
supply the place of manufacture or probable place of
manufacture as instructed under
, or
below (in order of
preference). Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If neither a known nor a probable local place or country, state,
province, etc., of manufacture can be determined, record Place
of manufacture not identified. Known Place of Manufacture
If the place of manufacture is known, supply the
local place name (city, town, etc.). Include the
name of the larger jurisdiction if necessary for
For E x amp l e :
[Brisbane, Queensland] Probable Place of Manufacture
If the place of manufacture is uncertain, supply the
name of the probable local place of manufacture
followed by a question mark. Include the name of
the larger jurisdiction if necessary for identification.
For E x amp l e :
[San Diego, California?] Known Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of manufacture
is known, supply that name.
For E x amp l e :
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Probable Country, State, Province, etc., of
If the country, state, province, etc., of manufacture
is uncertain, supply the name of the probable
country, state, province, etc., of manufacture
followed by a question mark.
For E x amp l e :
[Italy?] Change in Place of Manufacture
For instructions on recording a change in place of manufacture,
2.10.3 Parallel Place of Manufacture
A parallel place of manufacture is a place of manufacture (see
) in a language or script that differs from that of
the title proper. Sources of Information
Take parallel places of manufacture from the following sources
(in order of preference):
a) the same source as the place of manufacture (see )
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.3
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Places of Manufacture
Record parallel places of manufacture applying the basic
instructions on recording manufacture statements given under
If there is more than one parallel place of manufacture, record
the names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
typography of the names on the source or sources of
2.10.4 Manufacturer’s Name
Core element
Manufacturer’s name is a core element if neither a publisher nor a
distributor is identified. If more than one manufacturer’s name appears on
the source of information, only the first recorded is required.
A manufacturer’s name is the name of a person, family, or
corporate body responsible for printing, duplicating, casting,
etc., a resource in a published form. Sources of Information
Take manufacturers’ names from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the same source as the title proper (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.3
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Manufacturers’ Names
Record the manufacturer’s name applying the basic instructions
on recording manufacture statements given under 2.10.1
For E x amp l e :
CTD Printers
Tip. de las Huérfanos
UDO (Litho)
If the name as transcribed is known to be fictitious, or requires
clarification, make a note giving the actual name, etc. (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Function
Record words or phrases indicating the function performed by a
person, family, or corporate body as they appear on the source
of information.
For E x amp l e :
Manufactured and marketed by
PolyGram Video, a division of PolyGram
Records, Inc.
Optional Addition
If the function of a person, family, or corporate body recorded
in the manufacturer’s name sub-element is not stated explicitly
or is not clear from the context, add a term indicating the
function. Enclose the addition in square brackets. More Than One Manufacturer
If more than one person, family, or corporate body is named as
a manufacturer of the resource, record the manufacturers’
names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the names on the source of information. Manufacturer’s Name in More Than One
Language or Script
If the name of a manufacturer appears on the source of
information in more than one language or script, record the
form that is in the language or script of the title proper. If this
criterion does not apply, record the name in the language or
script that appears first. No Manufacturer Identified
If no manufacturer is named within the resource itself, record
manufacturer not identified . Change in Manufacturer’s Name
For instructions on recording a change in manufacturer’s name,
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.10.5 Parallel Manufacturer’s Name
A parallel manufacturer’s name is a manufacturer’s name
) in a language or script that differs from that
of the title proper. Sources of Information
Take parallel manufacturers’ names from the following sources
(in order of preference):
a) the same source as the manufacturer’s name (see
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.3
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Parallel Manufacturers’ Names
Record parallel manufacturers’ names applying the basic
instructions on recording manufacture statements given under
If there is more than one parallel manufacturer’s name, record
the names in the order indicated by the sequence, layout, or
typography of the names on the source or sources of
2.10.6 Date of Manufacture
Core element
Date of manufacture is a core element if neither the date of publication,
the date of distribution, nor the copyright date is identified.
A date of manufacture is a date associated with the printing,
duplicating, casting, etc., of a resource in a published form.
For an archival resource, the date of manufacture is the date the
resource was produced or the date or dates of record-keeping
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For a collection (i.e., one assembled by a private collector, a
dealer, a library, etc.), the date of manufacture is the date of
manufacture or publication of the resources contained in the
collection. Sources of Information
Take dates of manufacture from any source. Recording Date of Manufacture
Record the date of manufacture applying the basic instructions
on recording manufacture statements given under 2.10.1
For E x amp l e :
Optional Addition
If the date as it appears in the resource is not of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar, follow it with date or dates of the Gregorian
or Julian calendar.
If the date as it appears in the resource is known to be fictitious
or incorrect, make a note giving the actual date (see
). Chronograms
If the date of manufacture as it appears on the source of
information is in the form of a chronogram, transcribe the
chronogram as it appears.
Optional Addition
Add the date in numerals (in the script and calendar preferred
by the agency preparing the description), enclosed in square
In place of the chronogram, record a supplied date in numerals
(in the script and calendar preferred by the agency preparing
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
the description). Indicate that the information was taken from a
source outside the resource itself as instructed under 2.2.4
Make a note giving the chronogram if it is considered to be
important for identification (see
). Multipart Monographs, Serials, and Integrating
If the first issue, part, or iteration of a multipart monograph,
serial, or integrating resource is available, record the date of
manufacture of that issue, part, or iteration, followed by a
For E x amp l e :
If manufacture of the resource has ceased or is complete and
the first and last issues, parts, or iterations are available, record
the dates of manufacture of those issues, parts, or iterations,
separated by a hyphen.
For E x amp l e :
If manufacture of the resource has ceased or is complete and
the last issue, part, or iteration is available, but not the first,
record the manufacture date of the last issue, part, or iteration,
preceded by a hyphen.
For E x amp l e :
For an integrating resource, supply the date of the last update if
it is considered to be important.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the date of manufacture is the same for all issues, parts, or
iterations, record only that date as the single date.
For E x amp l e :
If the first and/or last issue, part, or iteration is not available,
supply an approximate date or dates applying the instructions
given under
. If the date or dates cannot be
approximated, do not record a date of manufacture. Date of Manufacture Not Identified in the
If the date of manufacture is not identified in a resource that is
in a published form, supply the date or an approximate date of
manufacture. Apply the instructions on supplied dates given
under 1.10.3
If an approximate date of manufacture for a resource that is in a
published form cannot reasonably be determined, record date of
manufacture not identified. Archival Resources and Collections
If the date of manufacture of an archival resource falls within a
single year, record that date or a more specific date therein.For
a single resource, record the exact date or dates.
For E x amp l e :
1906 March 17
If the archival resource or collection spans a period of time,
record the inclusive dates (i.e., the earliest and latest dates of
manufacture of the resource or of the record-keeping activity).
For E x amp l e :
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Optional Addition
Where the dates pertaining to the majority of the items in the
resource being described differ significantly from the inclusive
dates, follow the inclusive dates with the predominant or bulk
dates, indicated as such.
For E x amp l e :
1785-1960, bulk 1916-1958
If no date can be found in the resource or determined from any
other source, estimate the nearest year, decade, century or other
interval as precisely as possible.
For E x amp l e :
probably 1867
approximately 1952-1978
before 1867
When it may be misleading to record an estimated date, record
date not identified.
Copyright Date
Core element
Copyright date is a core element if neither the date of publication nor the date of
distribution is identified.
2.11.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Copyright
A copyright date is a date associated with a claim of protection
under copyright or a similar regime.
Copyright dates include phonogram dates (i.e., dates associated
with claims of protection for sound recordings).
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take information on copyright dates from any source. Recording Copyright Dates
Record copyright dates applying the general guidelines on
numbers expressed as numerals or as words given under 1.8
. Precede the date by the copyright symbol (©) or the
phonogram symbol (℗), or by copyright or phonogram if the
appropriate symbol cannot be reproduced.
For E x amp l e :
copyright 2005
phonogram 1993
If the resource has multiple copyright dates that apply to
various aspects (e.g., text, sound, graphics), record only the
latest copyright date.
Optional Addition
Make a note giving the other copyright dates (see
or record the other dates as copyright dates of related
manifestations (see 27.1
2.12 Series Statement
Core ele men t Title proper of series, numbering within series, title proper of subseries, and
numbering within subseries are core elements. Other sub-elements of series
statements are optional.
2.12.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Series
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
A series statement is a statement identifying one or more
series to which a resource belongs and the numbering of the
resource within the series.
Series statements may also include information identifying one
or more subseries to which the resource being described
Series statements may also include statements of responsibility
relating to a series or subseries.
The information relating to one series, or series and subseries,
constitutes one series statement.
For instructions on recording a series or subseries to which the
resource being described belongs as a related work, see 25.1
). of Information
Take series statements from the following sources (in order of
a) the series title page
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
For further guidance, see the instructions on sources of
information for specific sub-elements of a series statement as
a) For title proper of series, see the instructions given
b) For parallel title of series, see the instructions given
c) For other title information of series, see the instructions
given under
d) For parallel other title information of series, see the
instructions given under
e) For statement of responsibility relating to series, see the
instructions given under
f) For parallel statement of responsibility relating to series,
see the instructions given under
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
g) For ISSN of series, see the instructions given under
h) For numbering within series, see the instructions given
i) For title proper of subseries, see the instructions given
j) For parallel title of subseries, see the instructions given
k) For other title information of subseries, see the
instructions given under
l) For parallel other title information of subseries, see the
instructions given under
m) For statement of responsibility relating to subseries, see
the instructions given under
n) For parallel statement of responsibility relating to
subseries, see the instructions given under
o) For ISSN of subseries, see the instructions given under
p) For numbering within subseries, see the instructions
given under
. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction that has a series
statement or statements relating to the original manifestation as
well as to the facsimile or reproduction, record the series
statement or statements relating to the facsimile or
reproduction. Record any series statement relating to the
original manifestation as a series statement pertaining to a
related manifestation (see 27.1
). Recording Series Statements
Transcribe the sub-elements of a series statement as they appear
on the source of information. Apply the general guidelines on
transcription given under 1.7
For additional instructions on transcribing numbering within
series and numbering within subseries, see 2.12.9
, respectively.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Resource in More Than One Series
If the resource belongs to more than one series and/or more
than one series and subseries, record each series statement
separately applying the instructions given under 2.12.2–2.12.17
For E x amp l e :
Video marvels
Title proper of first series
no. 33
Numbering within first series
Educational progress series
Title proper of second series
no. 3
Numbering within second series
If parts of the resource belong to different series and this
relationship cannot be stated clearly in the series statement,
make a note giving details of the series (see
). Recording Changes in Series Statements
Record a change in series statements as instructed under
below, as applicable.
For changes indicating that the resource belongs to more than
one series, apply the instructions given under
. Multipart Monographs and Serials
If a series statement is added, deleted, or changed
on a subsequent issue or part of a multipart
monograph or serial, and this change cannot be
stated clearly in the series statement, make a note if
the change is considered to be important (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Integrating Resources
If a series statement is added, deleted, or changed
on a subsequent iteration of an integrating resource,
change the series statement to reflect the current
iteration.Make a note if the change is considered to
be important (see
2.12.2 Title Proper of Series
Core element
The title proper of series is the chief name of a series (i.e., the
title normally used when citing the series). of Information
Take the title proper of a series from the following sources (in
order of preference):
a) the series title page
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Recording Title Proper of Series
If the resource is issued in a series, record the title proper of the
series applying the basic instructions on recording titles given
under 2.3.1
For E x amp l e :
Bartholomew world travel series
Great sacred choruses
Allstate simulation film library
Sahitya Akademi archives of Indian
literature film series
Listening, looking, and feeling
An anthology of South-East Asian music
Practicorp no-nonsense software
PCMI collection
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
How the health are you?
Journal of physics
The Oxford history of England
A1 street atlas series
If the title of the series includes numbering as an integral part
of the title, transcribe the numbering as part of the title proper
of the series.
For E x amp l e :
Publication #122 of the Social Science
Education Consortium
The twenty-sixth L. Ray Buckendale
Cuaderno número G del instituto
If the resource being described consists of two or more issues
or parts, and numbering that is an integral part of the title
proper of the series differs from issue to issue or part to part,
omit the numbering from the title proper of the series. Use a
mark of omission (…) to indicate such an omission. Record the
numbering as numbering within the series (see 2.12.9
For E x amp l e :
Publication … of the Indiana University
Research Center in Anthropology,
Folklore, and Linguistics Title of Series in More Than One Language or
If the source of information for the title proper of the series
bears a title of the series in more than one language or script,
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
choose the title proper of the series applying the instructions
given under
For E x amp l e :
Mercury series
Title of series also appears as: Collection
Mercure. Resources issued in the series are
mainly in English Title of Series in More Than One Form
If the source of information for the title proper of the series
bears a title of the series in more than one form, and if both or
all of the titles are in the same language and script, choose the
title proper of the series applying the instructions given under
For E x amp l e :
Collection “À pleine vie”
Title of series also appears as: À pleine vie
2.12.3 Parallel Title of Series
A parallel title of series is the title proper of a series in another
language or script. of Information
Take parallel titles of series from any source within the
resource. Recording Parallel Titles of Series
Record parallel titles of series applying the instructions on
recording parallel titles given under
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Regional development series
Title proper of series: Série sur le développement
For E x amp l e :
Statistiques de la Suisse
Title proper of series: Statistische Quellenwerke
der Schweiz
2.12.4 Other Title Information of Series
Other title information of a series is information that appears
in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, the title proper of a
series. Sources of Information
Take other title information of series from the same source as
the title proper of the series. Recording Other Title Information of Series
Record other title information of a series only if it provides
valuable information identifying the series. When recording
other title information of a series, apply the instructions on
recording other title information given under
For E x amp l e :
a collection of facsimile reprints
Title proper of series: English
For E x amp l e :
their origin, use, and spelling
Title proper of series: Words
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Other Title Information of Series in More Than
One Language or Script
If other title information of series appears on the source of
information in more than one language or script, record the
information that is in the language or script of the title proper of
the series. If this criterion does not apply, record the other title
information that appears first.
2.12.5 Parallel Other Title Information of Series
Parallel other title information of series is other title
information of a series in a language or script that differs from
that of the title proper of the series. Sources of Information
Take parallel other title information of the series from the same
source as the corresponding parallel title of the series (see
If there is no corresponding parallel title of the series, take
parallel other title information of the series from the same
source as the title proper of the series (see
). Recording Parallel Other Title Information of
Record parallel other title information of series applying the
instructions on recording parallel other title information given
2.12.6 Statement of Responsibility Relating to Series
A statement of responsibility relating to series is a statement
relating to the identification of any persons, families, or
corporate bodies responsible for a series.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take statements of responsibility relating to a series from the
same source as the title proper of the series (see
). Recording Statements of Responsibility Relating
to Series
Record statements of responsibility appearing in conjunction
with the series title only if they are considered to be necessary
for identification of the series.
When recording a statement of responsibility relating to a
series, apply the basic instructions on recording statements of
responsibility given under 2.4.1
For E x amp l e :
Association of American Geographers
Title proper of series: Map supplement
For E x amp l e :
Beach Erosion Board
Title proper of series: Technical memorandum
For E x amp l e :
Thomas Mann
Title proper of series: Sämtliche Werke
For E x amp l e :
Maurice Le Lannou
Title proper of series: Nouvelle collection
For E x amp l e :
University of Sussex Centre for
Continuing Education
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Title proper of series: Occasional papers
For E x amp l e :
Universidad de Chile, Departamento de
Title proper of series: Publicación of Responsibility Relating to Series in
More Than One Language or Script
If a statement of responsibility relating to series appears on the
source of information in more than one language or script,
record the statement in the language or script of the title proper
of the series. If this criterion does not apply, record the
statement that appears first.
2.12.7 Parallel Statement of Responsibility Relating to
A parallel statement of responsibility relating to series is a
statement relating to series (see
) in a language or
script that differs from that of the title proper of the series. of Information
Take parallel statements of responsibility relating to a series
from the same source as the corresponding parallel title of the
series (see
If there is no corresponding parallel title of the series, take
parallel statements of responsibility relating to series from the
same source as the title proper of the series (see
). Recording Parallel Statements of Responsibility
Relating to Series
Record parallel statements of responsibility relating to series
applying the basic instructions on recording statements of
responsibility given under 2.4.1
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If there is more than one parallel statement of responsibility
relating to series, record the statements in the same order as the
parallel titles relating to series to which they correspond.
2.12.8 ISSN of Series
An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) of a
series is the alphanumeric identifier assigned to a series by an
ISSN registration agency. of Information
Take the ISSN of a series from any source within the resource. Recording the ISSN of a Series
If the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) of a series
appears within the resource, record it as it appears.
For E x amp l e :
ISSN 0317-3127
If the ISSN of a subseries appears in the resource (see
), omit the ISSN of the main series.
2.12.9 Numbering Within Series
Core element
Numbering within series is a designation of the sequencing of
a part or parts within a series.
Numbering within series may include a number, a letter, any
other character or the combination of these, with or without an
accompanying caption (volume, number, etc.) and/or a
chronological designation.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take the numbering within a series from any source within the
resource. Recording Numbering Within Series
Record the numbering of the resource within the series as it
appears on the source of information. Apply the general
guidelines on transcription given under 1.7
and the general
guidelines on numbers expressed as numerals or as words given
under 1.8
For E x amp l e :
no. 8
v. 12
tome 3, partie 2
v. 12, part 3, fasc. 1–2
Do not capitalize a term such as volume, number, reel, tome,
that is part of the series numbering unless the instructions in
appendix A appropriate to the language involved require
capitalization (e.g., noun capitalization in German). Capitalize
other words and alphabetic devices used as part of a numbering
system according to the usage in the resource.
For E x amp l e :
set 1
reel A-4
imleabhar 11
Bd. 8
May 1996
album 15
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Parts in this series are numbered A, B, C, D, etc.
For E x amp l e :
MCE 329
If the numbering consists of a year and a number that is a
division of the year, record the year before the number (see
For E x amp l e :
2000, no. 3
Numbering appears on the source of
information as: no. 3, 2000; numbering restarts
each year
When the numbering is grammatically integrated with the
series title, apply the instructions given under
If the numbering that appears on the source of information is
known to be incorrect, transcribe it as it appears. Make a note
giving the correct numbering (see
For E x amp l e :
Bd. 24
Numbering should read: Bd. 25
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Chronological Designation
If the resource has both a numeric and/or alphabetic designation
and a chronological designation (see
), record both.
Do not treat a date of publication or distribution as a
chronological designation.
For E x amp l e :
v. 3, no. 2
Sept. 1981 in More Than One Language or
If the numbering appears on the source of information in more
than one language or script, record the numbering that is in the
language or script of the title proper of the series. If this
criterion does not apply, record the numbering that appears first. Sequence of Numbering
If a new sequence of numbering is accompanied by wording to
differentiate the sequence, such as new series, include this
For E x amp l e :
new series, v. 3
4th series, 30
If a new sequence of numbering with the same system as before
is not accompanied by wording such as new series, supply [new
series] or another appropriate term.
For E x amp l e :
[new series], no. 1
[neue Folge], Heft 1
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Alternative Numbering Systems
If the series has more than one separate system of numbering,
record the systems in the order in which they are presented.
For E x amp l e :
When series changed title, publisher began a
new system with 1 and continued the system
from the earlier title with 235
235 Numbered Issues or Parts
When describing a resource consisting of two or more issues or
parts, record numbering within series as instructed under
below, as applicable. Multipart Monographs
If parts of a multipart monograph are separately
numbered within a series, record the first and the
last numbers, separated by a hyphen, if the
numbering is continuous. Otherwise, record all the
For E x amp l e :
v. 11–15
v. 131, 145, 152
disc 3–4
When describing a serial, record the numbering
within a series only if all issues or parts of the serial
carry the same series number.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
no. 1124
Each issue of the serial carries the same series
Title Proper of Subseries
Core element
The title proper of a subseries is the chief name of a subseries
(i.e., the title normally used when citing the subseries). of Information
Take the title proper of a subseries from the following sources
(in order of preference):
a) the series title page
b) another source within the resource itself (see 2.2.2
c) one of the other sources of information specified under
. Title Proper of Subseries
If the resource is part of a subseries and both the series and the
subseries are named in the resource, record both the title proper
of the main series (see 2.12.2
) and the title proper of the
Record the title proper of the subseries applying the instructions
on title proper of the series given under 2.12.2
For E x amp l e :
East Asian and Pacific series
Title proper of main series: Department of State
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Stockholm studies in the history of
Title proper of main series: Acta Universitatis
For E x amp l e :
Title proper of main series: Standard radio super
sound effects
For E x amp l e :
English, 1642–1700
Title proper of main series: Three centuries of
drama“New Series,” “Second Series,” etc.
If a phrase such as “new series,” “second series,” etc., appears
with an unnumbered series on the source of information, record
such a phrase as a subseries title. If it appears with a numbered
series, record the phrase as part of the numbering of the series
applying the instructions given under
For E x amp l e :
New series
Title proper of subseries
Title proper of unnumbered main series:
Cambridge studies in international and comparative
law Subseries or Separate Series
In case of doubt about whether a series title is a subseries or a
separate series, treat it as a separate series (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Numeric and/or Alphabetic Designation of
If the subseries has a numeric and/or alphabetic designation and
no title, record the designation as the subseries title. If the
subseries has a title as well as a designation, record the title
following the designation.
For E x amp l e :
Series 2
Title proper of main series: Music for today
For E x amp l e :
4, Physics
Title proper of main series: Viewmaster science
For E x amp l e :
Series D, Geophysical bulletin
Title proper of main series: Communications of
the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
2.12.11 Parallel Title of Subseries
A parallel title of subseries is the title proper of a subseries in
another language or script. of Information
Take parallel titles of subseries from any source within the
resource. Parallel Titles of Subseries
Record parallel titles of subseries applying the instructions on
recording parallel titles given under
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
La France d’aujourd’hui
Title proper of subseries: France today
Title proper of main series: World films
For E x amp l e :
Série C, Bibliographies
Title proper of subseries: Series C,
Title proper of main series: Papers and
documents of the I.C.I.
Parallel title of main series: Travaux et
documents de l’I.C.I.
2.12.12 Other Title Information of Subseries
Other title information of a subseries is information that
appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, the title
proper of a subseries. of Information
Take other title information of subseries from the same source
as the title proper of the subseries. Other Title Information of Subseries
Record other title information of a subseries applying the
instructions on recording other title information of series given
under 2.12.4
2.12.13 Parallel Other Title Information of
Parallel other title information of subseries is other title
information of a subseries in a language or script that differs
from that of the title proper of the subseries.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take parallel other title information of the subseries from the
same source as the corresponding parallel title of the subseries
If there is no corresponding parallel title of the subseries, take
parallel other title information of the subseries from the same
source as the title proper of the subseries (see
). Parallel Other Title Information of
Record parallel other title information of a subseries applying
the instructions on recording parallel other title information
given under
2.12.14 Statement of Responsibility Relating to
A statement of responsibility relating to subseries is a
statement relating to the identification of any persons, families,
or corporate bodies responsible for a subseries. of Information
Take statements of responsibility relating to a subseries from
the same source as the title proper of the subseries (see
). Statements of Responsibility Relating
to Subseries
Record statements of responsibility appearing in conjunction
with the title of a subseries only if they are considered to be
necessary for identification of the subseries.
When recording a statement of responsibility relating to a
subseries, apply the basic instructions on recording statements
of responsibility given under 2.4.1
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Responsibility Relating to
Subseries in More Than One Language or Script
If a statement of responsibility relating to a subseries appears
on the source of information in more than one language or
script, record the statement in the language or script of the title
proper of the subseries. If this criterion does not apply, record
the statement that appears first.
2.12.15 Parallel Statement of Responsibility Relating
to Subseries
A parallel statement of responsibility relating to subseries is
a statement relating to subseries (see
) in a
language or script that differs from that of the title proper of the
subseries. of Information
Take parallel statements of responsibility relating to a subseries
from the same source as the corresponding parallel title of the
subseries (see
If there is no corresponding parallel title of the subseries, take
parallel statements of responsibility relating to subseries from
the same source as the title proper of the subseries (see
). Parallel Statements of Responsibility
Relating to Subseries
Record parallel statements of responsibility relating to subseries
applying the basic instructions on recording statements of
responsibility given under 2.4.1
If there is more than one parallel statement of responsibility
relating to subseries, record the statements in the same order as
the parallel titles relating to subseries to which they correspond.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.12.16 ISSN of Subseries
An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) of a
subseries is the alphanumeric identifier assigned to a subseries
by an ISSN registration agency. of Information
Take the ISSN of a subseries from any source within the
resource. the ISSN of a Subseries
If the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) of a
subseries appears in the resource, record it as it appears. When
recording the ISSN of a subseries, omit the ISSN of the main
For E x amp l e :
ISSN 0319-9470
For E x amp l e :
ISSN 0826-6875
not ISSN 0316-1854
ISSN of main series ISSN 0826-6875
ISSN of subseries
2.12.17 Numbering within Subseries
Core element
Numbering within subseries is a designation of the
sequencing of a part or parts within a subseries.
Numbering within subseries may include a number, a letter, any
other character or the combination of these, with or without an
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
accompanying caption (volume, number, etc.) and/or a
chronological designation. Sources of Information
Take the numbering within a subseries from any source within
the resource. Numbering Within Subseries
Record the numbering within a subseries applying the
instructions on numbering within series given under 2.12.9
For E x amp l e :
Title proper of subseries: Physics
Title proper of unnumbered main series:
For E x amp l e :
Title proper of subseries: Artes aplicadas
Title proper of main series: Biblioteca de arte
hispánico. Numbering of main series: 8
2.13 Mode of Issuance
2.13.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Modes of
Mode of issuance is a categorization reflecting whether a
resource is issued in one or more parts, the way it is updated,
and its intended termination.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Sources of Information
Use evidence presented by the resource itself (or on any
accompanying material or container) as the basis for
determining the mode o issuance of the resource. If desired,
take additional evidence from any source. Recording Modes of Issuance
Record the mode of issuance of the resource using one or more
of the terms listed in table 1. Record as many terms as are
applicable to the resource being described.
single unit
A resource that is issued either as a single
physical unit (e.g., as a single-volume
monograph) or, in the case of an
intangible resource, as a single logical
unit (e.g., as a PDF file mounted on the
multipart monograph A resource issued in two or more parts
(either simultaneously or successively)
that is complete or intended to be
completed within a finite number of
parts (e.g., a dictionary in two volumes
or three audiocassettes issued as a set).
A resource issued in successive parts, usually bearing
numbering, that has no predetermined
conclusion (e.g., a periodical, a
monographic series, or a newspaper).
Includes resources that exhibit
characteristics of serials, such as
successive issues, numbering, and
frequency, but whose duration is
limited (e.g., newsletters of events) and
reproductions of serials.
integrating resource
A resource that is added to or changed
by means of updates that do not remain
discrete and are integrated into the
whole. An integrating resource may be
tangible (e.g., a loose-leaf manual that
is updated by means of replacement
pages) or intangible (e.g., a Web site
that is updated either continuously or
on a cyclical basis).
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.14 Frequency
2.14.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Frequency
Frequency is the frequency of release of issues or parts of a
serial or the frequency of updates to an integrating resource. Sources of Information
Take information on frequency from any source. Recording Frequency
Record the frequency of release of issues or parts of a serial or
the frequency of updates to an integrating resource, if known,
using one of the following terms:
three times a week
three times a month
three times a year
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the frequency is irregular, or if none of the other terms listed
above is appropriate or sufficiently specific, make a note giving
details of the frequency (see
). Recording Changes in Frequency
Make a note on a change in frequency (see
2.15 Identifier for the Manifestation
Core ele men t If there is more than one identifier for the manifestation, prefer an internationally
recognized identifier, if applicable. Additional identifiers for the manifestation are
2.15.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Identifiers for
the Manifestation
An identifier for the manifestation is an alphanumeric string
associated with a manifestation that serves to differentiate that
manifestation from other manifestations.
Identifiers for manifestations include identifiers registered
applying internationally recognized schemes (e.g., ISBN, ISSN,
URN), as well as other identifiers assigned by publishers,
distributors, government publications agencies, document
clearinghouses, archives, etc., following internally devised
schemes.ifiers include identifiers registered in accordance with
internationally recognized schemes (e.g., ISBN, ISSN, URN),
as well as other identifiers assigned by publishers, distributors,
government publications agencies, document clearinghouses,
archives, etc., following internally devised schemes.
Identifiers for manifestations include “fingerprints” (i.e.,
identifiers constructed by combining groups of characters from
specified pages of a printed resource).
Identifiers for manifestations also include music publishers’
numbers (see 2.15.2
) and plate numbers (see 2.15.3
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For identifiers intended to provide online access to a resource
using a standard Internet browser, see the instructions given
under 4.5
. of Information
Take identifiers for the manifestation from any source. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction, record an
identifier or identifiers associated with the facsimile or
reproduction as an identifier for the manifestation. Record any
identifier associated with the original manifestation as an
identifier pertaining to a related manifestation (see 27.1
). Recording Identifiers for Manifestations
If the identifier for the manifestation is one for which there is a
prescribed display format (e.g., ISBN, ISSN, URN), record it in
accordance with that format.
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-552-67587-3
ISBN 978-90-70002-34-3
ISSN 0046-225X
ISMN M-705015-05-8
ISRC FR-Z03-91-01231
If there is no prescribed format for the identifier, record it as it
appears on the source. Precede the identifier with the name of
the agency, etc., responsible for assigning the identifier, if
readily ascertainable.
For E x amp l e :
Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16:818
Warner Bros.: K56151
Tamla Motown: STMA 8007
Island: ILPS 9281
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
European Commission: CA-23-99-031EN-C
UPC: 093228062929 More Than One Identifier for the Manifestation
When describing a resource consisting of two or more parts
bearing an identifier for the resource as a whole as well as
identifiers for the individual parts, record the identifier for the
resource as a whole. When describing only a single part, record
the identifier for that part.
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-7887-1649-2 (set)
Consists of a set of 5 audiocassettes and
accompanying book. The book also bears a
separate ISBN
Optional Addition
Record both the identifier for the resource as a whole and any
identifiers for individual parts, adding a qualification to each
identifier applying the instructions given under
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-379-00550-6 (set)
ISBN 0-379-00551-4 (v. 1)
ISBN 1-887744-11-8 (video)
ISBN 1-887744-12-6 (student text)
ISBN 1-887744-46-0 (teacher guide)
If there are more than three identifiers for individual parts,
record only the first identifier and the last identifier, separated
by a hyphen if the identifiers are consecutive, or by a diagonal
slash if they are not.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Incorrect Identifiers
If an identifier is known to be incorrectly represented in the
resource, record the number as it appears and indicate that the
number is incorrect, cancelled, or invalid, as appropriate.
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-87068-430-2 (invalid)
ISSN 0018-5811 (incorrect) Qualification
If the resource bears more than one identifier of the same type,
record a brief qualification after the identifier.
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-435-91660-2 (cased)
ISBN 0-435-91661-0 (pbk.)
ISBN 0-387-08266-2 (U.S.)
ISBN 3-540-08266-2 (Germany)
ISBN 0-684-14258-9 (bound)
ISBN 0-684-14257-0 (pbk.)
If the resource has only one identifier, add the type of binding if
it is considered to be important.
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-7225-0344-X (pbk.)
For updating loose-leafs, add the qualification (loose-leaf) to
the identifier.
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-86325-016-5 (loose-leaf)
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If identifiers for parts of the resource are recorded (see
), follow each identifier with the designation of the part to
which it applies.
For E x amp l e :
ISBN 0-08-019856-2 (v. 1)
ISBN 0-901212-04-0 (v. 38)
2.15.2 Publisher’s Number for Music
A publisher’s number for music is a numbering designation
assigned to a resource by a music publisher, appearing normally
only on the title page, the cover, and/or the first page of music.
A publisher’s number may include initials, abbreviations, or
words identifying the publisher. of Information
Take publishers’ numbers for music from any source. Recording publishers’ numbers for music
Record publishers’ numbers for music applying the basic
instructions on recording identifiers for the manifestation given
under 2.15.1
. If a publisher’s number is preceded by an
abbreviation, word, or phrase designating a publisher, include
that abbreviation, word, or phrase as part of the number.
For E x amp l e :
Nimbus: NI 5144-NI 5148
For E x amp l e :
The complete set of numbers is 6201, 6654,
7006, 7212, 7635, 7788, 8847, 9158, 9664, 9935
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.15.3 Plate Number for Music
A plate number for music is a numbering designation assigned
to a resource by a music publisher, usually printed at the bottom
of each page, and sometimes appearing also on the title page.
A plate number may include initials, abbreviations, or words
identifying a publisher and is sometimes followed by a number
corresponding to the number of pages or plates. of Information
Take plate numbers for music from any source. Recording Plate Numbers for Music
Record plate numbers for music applying the basic instructions
on recording identifiers for the manifestation given under
. If a plate number is preceded by an abbreviation,
word, or phrase designating a publisher, include that
abbreviation, word, or phrase as part of the number.
For E x amp l e :
S. & B. 4081
UE 19541–UE 19543
9674 H.L.–9676 H.L.
2.16 Preferred Citation
2.16.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Preferred
A preferred citation is a citation for a resource in the form
preferred by a creator, publisher, custodian, indexing or
abstracting service, etc.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take preferred citations from any source. Recording Preferred Citations
Record a preferred citation in the form in which it appears on
the source.
For E x amp l e :
Janus Press Archive, Rare Book and
Special Collections Division, Library of
W. G. Alma conjuring collection.
Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown, Scott
Nicholson, Gisela M. von Dran, and
Jeffrey M. Stanton, School of Information
Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse,
NY 13244 LIBRARY TRENDS, Vol. 53, No.
1, Summer 2004 (“Organizational
Development and Leadership,” edited by
Keith Russell and Denise Stephens), pp.
PROV, VA 672 Premier’s Office, VPRS
1163/P1 Inwards Correspondence Files,
Unit 744, 1883/291 letter re. remedy for
Fletcher, P.R., (2004) PhD Thesis - How
Tertiary Level Physics Students Learn and
Conceptualise Quantum Mechanics
(School of Physics, University of Sydney)
2.17 Custodial History
2.17.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Custodial
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Custodial history is a record of previous ownership or
custodianship of a resource. Sources of Information
Take information on custodial history from any source. Recording Custodial History
Record transfers of ownership, responsibility, or custody or
control of the resource. Add the years of ownership to the name
of a previous owner.
For E x amp l e :
Previously owned by L. McGarry,
This collection was assembled by Mr.
Stempel in pursuit of his interest in
South Australian history, and was
presented by him to the Libraries Board
of South Australia in 1964
2.18 Immediate Source of Acquisition
2.18.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Immediate
Source of Acquisition
Immediate source of acquisition is the source from which the
agency directly acquired a resource and the circumstances
under which it was received. Sources of Information
Take information on immediate source of acquisition from any
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Recording Immediate Source of Acquisition
Record the source from which the resource was acquired, the
date of acquisition, and the method of acquisition, if this
information is not confidential.
For E x amp l e :
Gift of Jascha Heifetz, Feb. 4, 1952
Purchased from Sotheby’s, London, May
26, 2000
Received from Charles Edward Eaton,
Chapel Hill, N.C., in a number of
installments beginning in 1977
2.19 Identifier for the Item
2.19.1 Basic Instructions on Recording Identifiers for
the Item
An identifer for the item is an alphanumeric string associated
with a item that serves to differentiate that item from other
items. Sources of Information
Take identifiers for the item from any source. and Reproductions
When describing a facsimile or reproduction, record an
identifier or identifiers associated with the facsimile or
reproduction as an identifier for the manifestation (see 2.16
). Record any identifier associated with the original item as an
identifier pertaining to a related item (see 28.1
). Recording Identifiers for the Item
If an identifier for the item is one for which there is a prescribed
display format, record it in accordance with that format.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If there is no prescribed format for the identifier, record it as it
appears on the source. Precede the identifier with the name of
the agency, etc., responsible for assigning the identifier, if
readily ascertainable.
For E x amp l e :
National Library of Australia MS 1
Identifier for the item: Journal of the H.M.S.
Endeavour, 1768-1771 Incorrect Identifiers
If an identifier is known to be incorrectly represented in the
resource, record the number as it appears and indicate that the
number is incorrect, cancelled, or invalid, as appropriate.
2.20 Note
2.20.1 Basic Instructions on Making Notes
A note is an annotation providing additional information
relating to data recorded in another element. of Information
Take information for notes from any source. Making Notes
When making a note, apply the general guidelines on notes
given under 1.10
2.20.2 Note on Title
A note on title is a note providing information on the source
from which a title was taken, the date the title was viewed,
variations in titles, inaccuracies, deletions, etc.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals of Information
Take information for use in a note on a title from any source. Title Source
Make a note on the source from which the title proper is taken
if it is a source other than:
a) the title page, title sheet, or title card (or image thereof)
of a resource consisting of multiple pages, leaves,
sheets, or cards (or images thereof) (see
b) the title frame or title screen of a resource consisting of
moving images (see
For E x amp l e :
Title from container
Title from PDF cover page
Title from descriptive insert
Caption title
Title supplied in correspondence by
creator of the resource
Title from publisher’s catalogue
Title devised by cataloguer
Title from title screen
Title from menu
Title from codebook
Title from home page
Title from colophon
Optional Omission
If the resource bears only a single title and the title appears on
the resource itself, do not record the source from which the title
proper is taken.
If a parallel title is taken from a different source than the title
proper, make a note on the source of the parallel title if it is
considered important.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
French title from cover
Make a note on the source or basis for a variant title if it is
considered important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Title on CD-ROM label: Student CD-ROM
to accompany Fundamentals of
operations management
For E x amp l e :
Title on cover: Strategic sustainable
Title proper recorded as: SSP, a civil defense
manual for cultural survival
For E x amp l e :
Translated title: Plant physiology
Translation of Russian title recorded as title proper
For E x amp l e :
Spine title: Rocque’s map of Shropshire
For E x amp l e :
Title on container: We’re still standing
For E x amp l e :
Original title: L’éducation sentimentale
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Running title: Economic atlas of Quebec
For E x amp l e :
Also known as: The blue boy
For E x amp l e :
Commonly known as: LCIB
For E x amp l e :
File name: CC.RIDER
For E x amp l e :
Former title: Australian industrial safety,
health & welfare, 1979-March 1996
For E x amp l e :
Former French title, 1995-2000?: Site du
Web des noms géographiques officels du
For E x amp l e :
Issues for 1999- have title : Annual
report on pipeline safety
Title proper recorded as: Annual report of
pipeline safety
For E x amp l e :
Issues for January 1928-July 1952;
March 1971- have title: The magazine
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Vol. 1, no. 3- has subtitle: Studies in
educational administration
For E x amp l e :
German title also appears on v. 2-3:
Meisterwerke der Makonde
Title proper recorded as: Masterpieces of the
Makonde. No parallel title on v. 1
For E x amp l e :
English title varies: Inter-American
review of bibliography, 1952-
For E x amp l e :
Volumes 5- have title: Eminent Indian
mathematicians of the twentieth century
Title proper recorded as: Some eminent Indian
mathematicians of the twentieth century
For E x amp l e :
Volume 2 has title: Dictionnaire des
églises de France, Belgique,
Luxembourg, Suisse; volumes 3-5 have
title: Dictionnaire des églises de France
Title proper recorded as: Histoire générale des
églises de France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse
For online resources, make a separate note indicating the date
the resource was viewed (see
) Title Variations, Inaccuracies, and Deletions
If scattered issues or parts, or occasional iterations of a resource
have different titles proper, parallel titles, or other title
information, and the differences are not considered important
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
for identification or access, make a note indicating that the title,
etc., varies.
For E x amp l e :
Title varies slightly
Title on containers of parts 3 and 5–6
varies slightly
Subtitle varies
If an inaccuracy in a title has been transcribed as it appears on
the source of information when recording a title, make a note
giving the corrected form of the title if it is considered to be
important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Title should read: Hierarchy in organizations
Title proper recorded as: Heirarchy in
If an obvious typographic error has been corrected when
transcribing the title of a serial or integrating resource (see
), make a note giving the title as it appears on the
source of information.
For E x amp l e :
Title appears on v. 1, no. 1 as: Housing
Title proper recorded as: Housing starts
Make notes on deletions of parallel titles (see
) and
other title information (see
) if considered to be
important. Indicate the numbering or publication dates to which
the deletion applies.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Title in French not present on issues
after 1998 Other Information Relating to a Title
Make notes on other details relating to a title if they are
considered to be important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Symbol for “proportional to” appears in
Title proper recorded as: Robust H [proportional
to] stabilization of stochastic hybrid systems with
wiener process
For E x amp l e :
The word “Brain” in the title appears with
an X through it
Title proper recorded as: My name is Brain
[crossed out] Brian
2.20.3 Note on Statement of Responsibility
A note on statement of responsibility is a note providing
information on a person, family, or corporate body not named
in a statement of responsibility to whom responsibility for the
intellectual or artistic content of the resource has been
A note on a statement of responsibility may also provide
information on variant forms of names appearing in the esource
and on changes in statements of responsibility. of Information
Take information for use in a note on a statement of
responsibility from any source.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Attribution
Make notes on the names of persons, families, or corporate
bodies not named in a statement of responsibility if they have
been attributed with responsibility for the intellectual or artistic
content of the resource.
For E x amp l e :
Formerly attributed to J.S. Bach
Sometimes attributed to Thomas Dekker,
but more probably by Robert Tofte Variant Forms of Names
Make notes on forms of names of persons, families, or
corporate bodies appearing in the resource that differ from
those recorded in the statement of responsibility if they are
considered to be important for identification.
For E x amp l e :
Issued by: Abortion Law Reform
Statement of responsibility: Alra
For E x amp l e :
Author’s initials represented by musical
notes Other Information Relating to a Statement of
Make notes on other details relating to a statement of
responsibility if they are considered to be important for
identification or access.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Dictated to Clare Wheeler
Collection made by P.M. Townshend
Additional contributors to program: Eric
Rosenfeld, Debra Spencer
At head of title: Arctic Biological Station Change in Statement of Responsibility
Make notes on changes in a statement of responsibility as
instructed under
, or
below, as applicable. Multipart Monographs
Make notes on changes in statements of
responsibility that occur on a subsequent part of a
multipart monograph if they are considered to be
important for identification or access.
Make notes on changes in statements of
responsibility that occur after the first/earliest issue
or part of a serial if they are considered to be
important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Issued by: Dept. of Health and Welfare,
Bureau of Vital Statistics, 1964–1977;
by: Dept. of Health and Human Services,
Bureau of Vital Records, 1978–
Editors: 1975–1984, Howard Johnson;
1985– , G.L. Jones
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Integrating Resources
Make notes on statements of responsibility no
longer present on the current iteration of an
integrating resource, or that appeared in a different
form on earlier iterations, if they are considered to
be important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Compiled and edited by: Dan Hill and
Malcolm Evans, 1977–July 1980
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
For E x amp l e :
Editor varies
2.20.4 Note on Edition Statement
A note on edition statement is a note providing information on
the source of an edition statement, on edition statements
relating to issues, parts, etc., on changes in edition statements,
or other information relating to an edition statement. of Information
Take information for use in a note on edition statement from
any source. Statements Relating to Issues, Parts,
Make notes on edition statements relating to issues, parts, etc.
that differ from the edition statement relating to the resource as
a whole (see
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Other Information Relating to an Edition
Make notes on other details relating to an edition statement if
they are considered to be important for identification or access.
For E x amp l e :
Edition statement on colophon varies:
Shohan Change in Edition Statement
Make notes on changes in edition statements as instructed
, or
as applicable. Multipart Monographs
Make notes on differences in edition statements
from one part of a multipart monograph to another
) if they are considered to be
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
For E x amp l e :
Includes various editions of some
Make notes on changes in edition statements that
occur after the first/earliest issue or part of a serial
) if they are considered to be
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Edition statement varies: International
ed., 1998–
Edition statement prior to 1998: International ed.
in English
For E x amp l e :
Includes revised edition of Ser. 2, Bd. 39,
and Ser. 4, Bd. 2–4
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note. Integrating Resources
Make notes on edition statements no longer present
on the current iteration of an integrating resource or
that appeared in a different form on earlier
iterations (see
) if they are considered
to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
For E x amp l e :
Replacement title pages carry successive
edition statements, e.g., replacement
title page received with June 1985
supplementation carries the statement
“1985 edition”
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.20.5 Note on Numbering of Serials
A note on numbering of serials is a note providing
information on the numbering of the first and/or last issue or
part, complex or irregular numbering (including numbering
errors), or the period covered by a volume, issue, part, etc. Sources of Information
Take information for use in an note on numbering of a serial
from any source. of First Issue or Part and/or Last
Issue or Part
Make a note giving the numbering of the first issue or part and/
or of the last issue or part if this information is not recorded as
part of the numbering of serials element (see 2.6
For E x amp l e :
Began with volume 1, no. 1 in 2006
Ceased with no. 25
Began with May 2007 issue
Began with June 15, 1998 issue; ceased
with issue for July 2007
Began in 2001 Complex or Irregular Numbering
Make notes on complex or irregular numbering of a serial, or
numbering errors, not already specified in the numbering of
serials element if they are considered to be important.
For E x amp l e :
Issues for Aug. 1973–Dec. 1974 also
called v. 1, no. 7–v. 2, no. 12
Volume numbering irregular: v. 15–18
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
omitted, v. 20–21 repeated
Numbering begins each year with v. 1
Numbering irregular; some numbers
repeated or omitted
Successive articles are uniquely
identified by a manuscript number and
Issues for 1996 are only available as
individual articles, organized topically
Articles are continually added to each
annual volume Period Covered
If the period covered by a volume, issue, part, etc., of a serial
issued annually or less frequently is other than a calendar year,
make a note on the period covered.
For E x amp l e :
Report year ends June 30
Report year varies
Each issue covers: Apr. 1–Mar. 31
Each issue covers: Every two years since
2.20.6 Note on Production Statement
A note on production statement is a note providing details on
place of production, producer, or date of production, or
information on changes in the place of production, producer, or
producer’s name. of Information
Take information for use in a note on a production statement
from any source.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Relating to Production Statement
Make notes on details relating to place of production, producer,
or date of production not recorded in the production statement
element, if they are considered to be important. Change in Production Statement
Make notes on changes in place of production and/or the
producer’s name as instructed under
, or
below, as applicable. Multipart Monographs
Make notes on differences in place of production
and/or producers’ names from one part of a
multipart monograph to another (see
if they are considered to be important for
identification or access.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
Makes notes on changes in place of production and/
or producers’ names that occur after the first/earliest
issue or part of a serial (see
) if
considered to be important for identification or
f the changes have been numerous, make a general
note. Integrating Resources
Make notes on place of production and/or
producers’ names no longer present on the current
iteration of an integrating resource, or that appeared
in a different form on earlier iterations (see
) if considered to be important for
identification or access.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
2.20.7 Note on Publication Statement
A note on publication statement is a note providing details on
place of publication, publisher, or date of publication, or
information on changes in the place of publication, publisher,
or publisher’s name. of Information
Take information for use in a note on a publication statement
from any source. Relating to Publication Statement
Make notes on details relating to place of publication,
publisher, or date of publication not recorded in the publication
statement element, if they are considered to be important.
For E x amp l e :
Actually published by Moens
Publisher’s name as transcribed from source:
Impr. Vincent
For E x amp l e :
Published in London or Manchester
For E x amp l e :
Actually published in Dublin
Place of publication as transcribed from
source: Belfast
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Published in Liverpool
Place of publication as transcribed from
source: Lerpwl
For E x amp l e :
Published in Oslo
Place of publication as transcribed from
source: Christiania
For E x amp l e :
Published in Rio de Janeiro
Place of publication as transcribed from
source: Rio
For E x amp l e :
Published in Trier
Place of publication as transcribed from
source: Augustae Treverorum
For E x amp l e :
Published in London, Ont.
Place of publication as transcribed from
source: London
For E x amp l e :
Original imprint covered by labels: on
label Odeon, on container EMI Records
Publisher’s name as transcribed from source:
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Publication statement reads: Impressi
per me Wilhelmum de Machlinia in
opulentissima civitate Londonarium
iuxta pontem qui vulgariter dicitur Flete
Publisher’s name as transcribed from source:
Impressi per me Wilhelmum de Machlinia
For E x amp l e :
Date of publication appears as: ‫תרפ״ט‬
Date of publication recorded as: 1929
For E x amp l e :
Probable year of publication based on
date range in which the publisher was
Date of publication recorded as: 1969?
or part
other than the first and/or last, make notes on beginning and
ending date of publication.
If the identification of the resource is based on an issue
For E x amp l e :
Began in 1996
First published issue not available but information
about beginning date is known; resource still being
For E x amp l e :
Began in 1988; ceased in 1991
First and last published issues not available but
information about beginning and ending dates
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Ceased publication in 1999
Description not based on either first or last issue,
part, or iteration; ending publication date known Suspension of Publication
If a multipart monograph, serial, or an integrating resource
suspends publication with the intention of resuming at a later
date, make a note indicating the suspension. If publication is
resumed, include the dates or designation of the period of
For E x amp l e :
Suspended with v. 11
No updates issued from 1999 to 2001
Suspended with v. 6, no. 2 (July 1992);
resumed with v. 7, no. 1 (January 1995) Change in Publication Statement
Make notes on changes in place of publication and/or the
publisher’s name as instructed under
, or
below, as applicable. Multipart Monographs
Make notes on differences in place of publication
and/or publishers’ names from one part of a
multipart monograph to another (see
if they are considered to be important for
identification or access.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Makes notes on changes in place of publication
and/or publishers’ names that occur after the first/
earliest issue or part of a serial (see
if considered to be important for identification or
For E x amp l e :
Place of publication recorded as: Dallas
For E x amp l e :
Published by: F. Angeli, 1987–1990; G.
Mondadori, 1991–
For E x amp l e :
Presentation of publisher’s name varies:
William Cooke
Publisher’s name recorded as: B. Cook
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
For E x amp l e :
Name of publisher varies Integrating Resources
Make notes on place of publication and/or
publishers’ names no longer present on the current
iteration of an integrating resource, or that appeared
in a different form on earlier iterations (see
) if considered to be important for
identification or access.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Published: New York, 1974–1975; South
Hackensack, N.J., 1976–1978
Place of publication recorded as: Colorado
Springs, Colo.
For E x amp l e :
Published by Architext Software,
Name of publisher recorded as: Excite,
Inc. Excite, Inc. became publisher in 1998
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
2.20.8 Note on Distribution Statement
A note on distribution statement is a note providing details on
place of distribution, distributor, or date of distribution, or
information on changes in the place of distribution, distributor,
or distributor’s name. of Information
Take information for use in a note on a distribution statement
from any source. Relating to Distribution Statement
Make notes on details relating to place of distribution,
distributor, or date of distribution not recorded in the
distribution statement element, if they are considered to be
For E x amp l e :
Distributed in the U.K. by: EAV Ltd
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Change in Distribution Statement
Make notes on changes in place of distribution and/or the
distributor’s name as instructed under
, or
below, as applicable. Multipart Monographs
Make notes on differences in place of distribution
and/or distributors’ names from one part of a
multipart monograph to another if they are
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
Makes notes on changes in place of distribution
and/or distributors’ names that occur after the first/
earliest issue or part of a serial if considered to be
important for identification or access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note. Integrating Resources
Make notes on place of distribution and/or
distributors’ names no longer present on the current
iteration of an integrating resource, or that appeared
in a different form on earlier iterations, if
considered to be important for identification or
access (see
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
2.20.9 Note on Manufacture Statement
A note on manufacture statement is a note providing details
on place of manufacture, manufacturer, or date of manufacture,
or information on changes in the place of manufacture,
manufacturer, or manufacturer’s name. of Information
Take information for use in a note on a manufacture statement
from any source. Relating to Manufacture Statement
Make notes on details relating to place of manufacture,
manufacturer, or date of manufacture not recorded in the
manufacture statement element, if they are considered to be
important. Change in Manufacture Statement
Make notes on changes in place of manufacture and/or the
manufacturer’s name as instructed under
, or
below, as applicable. Mulitpart Monographs
Make notes on differences in place of manufacture
and/or manufacturers’ names from one part of a
multipart monograph to another (see
) if they are considered to be important for
identification or access.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
Makes notes on changes in place of manufacture
and/or manufacturers’ names that occur after the
first/earliest issue or part of a serial (see
) if considered to be important for identification
or access.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
note. Integrating Resources
Make notes on place of manufacture and/or
manufacturers’ names no longer present on the
current iteration of an integrating resource, or that
appeared in a different form on earlier iterations
) if considered to be important
for identification or access.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
Note on Series Statement
A note on series statement is a note providing information on
complex series statements, incorrect numbering within series,
or changes in series statements. of Information
Take information for notes on series statements from any
source. Series Statements
Make a note on information relating to series that is too
complex to be recorded as a structured series statement.
For E x amp l e :
Pts. 1 and 2 in series: African
perspective. Pts. 3 and 4 in series: Third
World series. Pt. 5 in both series
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Numbering Within Series
Make a note giving the correct numbering within series if the
numbering transcribed from the source of information is known
to be incorrect (see
For E x amp l e :
Series numbering should read: Bd. 25
Numbering transcribed from source: Bd. 24 in Series Statements
Make notes on changes in series statements as instructed under
below, as applicable. Monographs and Serials
Make notes on changes in series information that
occur after the first/earliest issue or part of a
multipart monograph or serial not already recorded
as part of the series statement (see
if considered to be important.
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
For E x amp l e :
Subtitle of series varies Resources
Make notes on series information no longer present
on the current iteration of an integrating resource if
considered to be important (see
). If
an iteration has a series statement not present
earlier, make a note about the publication date of
that iteration.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Series title, 1991–1996: Client
representation workbooks
Current iteration has series title: Special tax
topics workbooks
For E x amp l e :
Series title began 1997
Resource began in 1995 without a series title
If the changes have been numerous, make a general
2.20.11Note on Frequency
A note on frequency is a note providing details on changes in
the frequency of release of issues or parts of a serial or the
frequency of updates to an integrating resource. of Information
Take information for notes on frequency from any source. on Currency of the Contents or
Frequency of Updating
Make notes providing details on the following:
a) the frequency of release of issues or parts of a serial
b) the frequency of updates to an integrating resource
c) the currency of the contents.
For E x amp l e :
Monthly (except Aug.)
Monthly (during school year)
Several times a week
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
Six issues yearly
Rev. ed. issued every 4 months
Updated daily, except weekends
Continually updated
Includes amendments through order of
December 5, 1983, effective April 1,
1984 in Frequency
Make notes on changes in frequency, stating the frequencies
and their respective dates in chronological order.
For E x amp l e :
Bimonthly, Nov./Dec. 1980–Mar./Apr.
1992; monthly, May 1992–
If the changes have been numerous, make a general note.
For E x amp l e :
Frequency varies
Frequency of updates varies
2.20.12 Note on Issue, Part, or Iteration Used as
the Basis for Identification of the Resource
A note on issue, part, or iteration used as the basis for the
identification of a resource is a note identifying the issue or
part of a multipart monograph or serial, or the iteration of an
integrating resource that has been used as the basis for the
identification of a resource.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
A note on issue, part, or iteration used as the basis for the
identification may also include the date on which an online
resource was viewed for description. of nformation
Take information for notes on the issue, part, or iteration used
as the basis for the identification of the resource from any
source. or Part Used as the Basis for the
Identification of a Multipart Monograph or Serial
For multipart monographs and serials, if the identification is not
based on the first released issue or part (see
), make
a note identifying the issue or part used as the basis of the
identification. Apply the additional instructions given under
, or
below, as
applicable below, as applicable.
For E x amp l e :
Identification of the resource based on:
part 2, published 1998
Identification of the resource based on:
Vol. 1, no. 3 (Aug. 1999)
Latest issue consulted: 1999/10 Serials
If more than one issue or part has been consulted,
make a separate note identifying the latest issue or
part consulted in making the description. Do not
make a note of earliest and/or latest issues or parts
recorded in the numbering of serials element (see
For E x amp l e :
Identification of the resource based on:
no. 8 (Jan./June 1997)
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Latest issue consulted: no. 12 (Jan./June
1999) Latest issue consulted: 2001/3
Description based on 1991/1, the first issue Unnumbered Serials
Make a note identifying the earliest issue or part
consulted and its date of publication. If other issues
or parts have also been consulted, make a separate
note identifying the latest issue or part consulted
and its date.
For E x amp l e :
Identification of the resource based on:
Labor and economic reforms in Latin
America and the Caribbean, 1995
Identification of the resource based on:
The wood demon / by Anton Pavlovich
Chekhov; translated by Nicholas
Saunders and Frank Dwyer, 1993
Latest issue consulted: Ibsen : four
major plays /translated by Rick Davis
and Brian Johnson, 1995 Monographs
Make a note identifying the part of a multipart
monograph on which the identification of the
resource is based and/or its number or publication
date, as appropriate. If more than one part has been
consulted, make a separate note identifying the
latest part consulted in making the description. Used as the Basis for the Identification
of an Integrating Resource
Make a note identifying the latest iteration of an integrating
resource consulted in making the description.
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
For E x amp l e :
Identification of the resource based on:
1994 ed. through update 10
Identification of the resource based on
version consulted: Oct. 26, 2000 of Viewing of an Online Resource
For online resources, always make a note identifying the date
on which the resource was viewed for description.
For E x amp l e :
Identification of the resource based on
contents viewed on Oct. 21, 1999
Viewed on Jan. 13, 2000
For E x amp l e :
Former title (as viewed Oct, 6, 1999):
Washington newspapers database
For E x amp l e :
Former subtitle (viewed on Aug. 11,
1998): An online guide for amphibians
in the United States and Canada
Other title information on current iteration: An
online guide for the identification of amphibians in
North America north of Mexico
October 31, 2008
Copyright © 2008, American Library Assocation, Canadian Library Association, and The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals