

February 2011 Volume 11 Issue 2
Club House (707) 938-9874
President’s Message
Well January has come and gone and we are in the middle of February already, time flies when your having fun. I would like to remind everybody that the heavy equipment (case loader) operators have to be listed
on our insurance policy. The only persons authorized to use said equipment are the following :- Jim Reece, Charlie Marino, Jerry Cossey, Pete
Gonzales Jr, Karl Walker and Ron Church. Now onto another subject, I
would like to take a moment to thank both Jim Reece and Mike Hennagin
for their continuous support and tireless efforts around the club and its grounds. These two
individuals along with others, make repairs, carry out maintenance and are always on hand
whenever we need anything, so on behalf of myself and the membership I would like to say
―Thank You‖ gentlemen for your efforts keep up the great work! If you get chance look around
the kitchen and pantry area next time Lori or one of the other folks are around, we have added
a metal screen door, thanks to the help of Jon Ray and Al Colescott. As well as two excellent
NSF industrial stainless shelving units for all the pots and pans. The Supplies and sundries
have been given a new home to the right side as you enter the pantry area. Thanks to everybody who help re-organize everything, it looks great!
February/March Schedule
Thank You, John Ginocchio
Make sure you check the on-line Events calendar for the most up to date club
events and workers scheduling. Coming up at the end of March a premier trap
teaching clinic but on by non other than Frank Hoppe. See inside for more
Do not forget to grab a raffle ticket only $1.00 to be entered to win the great
tequila shotgun bottle and glasses (see back page for details) Tickets available
at the office. Coming up in March, it’s the Annual Corned Beef Shoot. Stay
tuned for more information .
This month we look at the ―hold‖ position. That
refers to the starting point of the muzzle prior to
calling for your target. Generally when on the
#1 station the hold position would be the top
left front corner of the trap house, as you move
to the right that hold position would progress
the top of the house until reaching the
#5 station at which point you would be pointing
and looking down the barrel at the top right
front corner of the trap house. Now everybody
has their own take on this, some shooters prefer to start higher or lower depending on their individual style. What I would like to
pass on is that if you hold at the trap house the target comes out above your muzzle
and you can bring it up smoothly to the target instead of it coming from under the barrel and then you tend to jump on it. The other point is that for a right hander if on station #1 the hold position should be below the corner of the front of the trap house or it
will come up from under your barrel. For a left hander the same applies on station #5.
Try these tips next time your at the range, if they work then great if they don’t my
name is not Charlie!! Have fun out there and be safe!
Board Meeting
Trap & Sporting Clays
NBL @ Martinez
Trap & Sporting Clays
Trap & Sporting Clays
Trap & Sporting Clays
****** March *************
March Board Meeting
Trap & Sporting Clays
Corned Beef Shoot
NBL @ Coon Creek
Valley of the Moon Trap Club
P.O Box 534,
Vineburg, CA 95487-0534
Volume 11 Issue 2
Lunches are being served on Sundays for a nominal price of $6.00 (except for certain
February/March Lunch Menu
events) Hours of serving are from 12.01 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. Lori puts a lot of time and
effort into these lunches and you sure can tell! We are missing our large cooking pot 6th Hamburger, Chili & Chips
from the kitchen! It was last seen a coupe of weeks ago, the lid is still around. If anyone
has an idea where it might be please let someone know so that we can recover it.
The NRA Pistol Instructor Course was a great success. Sam Grow once again put on
a great class. All the candidates passed and we now have a whole bunch of great 27th
Pistol Instructors in our club. Next up will be another shotgun Instructor Course, the
sign up sheet is in the club by the office.
Congratulations, go out to Dave Kong with a 25 straight on the wobble trap, well done!
Soup, Salad & French Bread
Lasagna, Salad & Garlic Bread
Soup, Salad & French Bread
Hot Q-Dawgz Guy
13th Corned Beef Lunch
20th Tri-Tip, Pasta Salad,
Baked Beans & Garlic Bread
Welcome New Members : A warm Valley of The Moon welcome to our latest new
members, Brenda Schmale, Ralph Brautigam, Patrick Chapman, Neil Dingman, Kent
27th Hamburger, Chili & Chips
Higginbotham, Matt Oggero, Roger Declerq and Richard Graalfs. Welcome aboard!
New Shooters Are requested to join Charlie Marino on Sundays from 9 a.m. at Trap #4, or #5, or #6. (You’ll find
him) They will be instructed on firearm safety, the basics of trap shooting, club regulations and safe trap machine loading. This needs to be done on four separate occasions in order to be considered for membership A membership application will then be held on a waiting list for board review. Shooters must sign in and purchase tokens at the Clubhouse
prior to checking in with Charlie.
Components Sales :- The component room hours are from 12.01 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Sundays and Wednesdays. Fiocchi
1oz. 12 ga. shells are available at $60.00 per flat in #8 and #7.5 shot. Remington Gun Club shells are available at $60.00 a
flat in 2 ¾ Dram #8 and 3 Dram # 7 ½ size shot, 1 1/8 oz loads. (also Windjammer and Downrange Wads) We are back in
the shot business with # 8 & # 7 ½ shot at $28.00 a bag and limited supplies of powder and primers are generally available.
(prices include sales tax where applicable, and are subject to changer without notice)
Frank Hoppe Trapshooting Clinic (March 31 – April 2)
General Information
The clinic will take place at Valley of the Moon Trap Club in Sonoma. The first day of the clinic (March 31) will be part “chalk talk” by Frank and part
shooting, and will be intended primarily for those who have never taken a class from Frank. The second and third days (April 1 and 2) are intended for
all students and will consist primarily of shooting, and will include singles (at 16 yards), handicap and doubles.
During the shooting portion of the clinic, Frank stands behind each shooter and offers comments and instruction as we go along.
The cost will vary somewhat, depending on how many people ultimately sign up, but it won't go above $550 for all three days and will probably be
less. This doesn’t include the cost of coins for targets (at the usual VOM rates) and ammunition, which the students will supply themselves.
Available Openings
The maximum number of students will be limited to 10, so that one squad can shoot while the other rests and reloads.
At the moment, we have six students signed up, with three of four additional undecided inquiries.
Frank Hoppe
Among Frank Hoppe’s trap shooting accomplishments are more than 35 Grand American trophies, including the Clay Target Championship and Champion of Champions. He has more than 30 Nebraska state titles, seven 100s from the 27-yard line, 96 200s in singles, and more than 40 100s in doubles. He completed the ATA Grand Slam in 1990, and his long run in singles is 1,035.
Further information; Reservations
For further information, please contact Ted Kozloff at 415-328-3000 or by email to [email protected].
Notes From Your Board
At the last meeting we had a request and presentation from one of our members, Monte Springer. He was seeking support for a
Junior Trap Team to represent the club at North Bay League Events. It was put forward that it would be a great opportunity for the club
to show support for youth in shooting sports. They would shoot in a squad that would practice at Valley Of The Moon Gun Club and
then enter the events throughout the season. The Board granted funds to cover the squad for the first round at Martinez and then
would discuss a final support amount at the next board meeting. There was also a requested date change from Mark Singleton to have
Live Oak 4-H use the Rifle Range on Saturday February 26th from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. instead of the first proposed date of February
19th. This was also granted subject to the range masters approval. Thank You - Jon Ray, Chairman Of The Board
NRA — “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution. Since we are again submitting
grant request forms to the NRA to fund needed improvements to our facilities, we must remind you that we are
required to be a 100% NRA membership club to qualify for these grants. So if you are not yet an NRA member or your membership has expired, ‘no worries’ come by the club office and we will provide you with the necessary forms and even send it in for you!
Payment can be made with cash or check.
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534 www.VOMTC.org
Volume 11 Issue 2
I would like to remind everyone that we have a very up-to-date online
Workers Calendar. This online calendar allows us to make changes and
post it almost immediately. Please take a moment to check the VOMTC
website to look at the Workers Calendar and also the Events Calendar.
Thanks go out once again to those of you that have called me to schedule a
time to do you bit for the club. I have had many people tell me that they
learn something new about the club and its operations when they do their
volunteer day. It is a good opportunity to see how the trap machines operate, get a refresher on how to safely disarm, load and re-arm the machines,
and also see what it takes to make the club as good as it is.
. Thank You - Cindy
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (415) 381-8345
Please be reminded that if you have agreed to work on a certain day, you
need to STAY ALL DAY (at least till 3pm, unless your services are no
longer required, at such time we will let you know it is ok to leave)
Workers’ Schedules
Ladd Miyasaki
Mitchell Shapiro
Ron Stepan
Gary Sweeden
Moe Llanes
We would like to remind members that shoot later in the day to check and
load the trap machines. We have had numerous complaints that the trap
machines are empty when someone comes to use them in the morning following a shoot day. Please be aware of the fact that if you are shutting
down the machine then load a few targets for your fellow members so they
do not have to keep doing so.
Dave’s Notes From The Rifle/Pistol Range
March 9th for R/P Range/Parks Use and early on
the morning of FEBRUARY 26TH UNTIL 10 A.M.
PLEASE Remember to bring the exact amount for your days shooting at the range. It gets tough to give change for a $100 bill when
your paying a $5.00 fee to shoot!! Help out our Range Officers you
never know when you might need some help. We are also looking
for some additional volunteers to help at the Range, a few hours a
month is all we ask, please contact :Dave Lenci on (707) 255-1992. The range is open Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays with exceptions for Law Enforcement
Agencies/Organizations use:
Rifle shooters 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Pistol shooters from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.…
Good news the Board have extended the 2 Guest per
member agreement for a further three months.
 Continuing from September 1st the range is open to
(TWO) Invited Guests ($10.00)
 The range will be open ONLY when an authorized Range
Officer is present. Members MUST pay the fee and sign in
with the range safety officer.
 Remember, you must have your club membership card
available if you want to shoot. No exceptions!!
 ALL SHOOTERS MUST wear eye and ear protection.
 No one may be at the shooting bench or with firearms in
hand while targets are being changed.
Doug Feudner
Ron Titus
Bob Adra
Brenda Schmale
Jim Tremari
Dana Goleno
Jim Vannuchi
Kelly Webb
Steve Pollock
Bill Silva
Tim Mohtashem
Dave Parker
Bert Varner
Russell Hubbard
Robert Alkire
Jerry Aman
Elaine Merrill
Christine Flandi
Mark Florence
Gary Faull
Gregory Hansen
John Spence
Leslie Clark
Eric Chesnut
Dates To Remember:Sunday March 13th
NBL @ Coon Creek
Corned Beef Shoot @ VOMTC
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Volume 11 Issue 2
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534 www.VOMTC.org
Volume 11 Issue 2
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534 www.VOMTC.org
Volume 11 Issue 2
Trap Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday : Trap #2 is open for practice
using tokens and voice calls. Tokens are available at the Office on Sundays and
Wednesday and Sunday: Open to the Public 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Fees: Members $3.00, Non-Members $6.00, Juniors (17 and under) $2.00
Sporting Clays Sundays Only: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fees: Members $5.00,
Non-members $8.00, Juniors (17 & under) $3.00
Pistol / Rifle Open for members, their children under 17 & TWO Invited Guests Only:.
Range Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday with exceptions for Law Enforcement organization use. Hours: Rifle 9 a.m.to 12 p.m. Pistol 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Members, $5.00,
Guest $10.00
Wednesday Start around 10 a.m. and continue to 2 p.m. or so. Open to the public for trap
Shoots shooters only.
Key Contacts: President − John Ginocchio (707) 931-0470 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Only – Please)
Office Manager—Ted Bell 938-9874 after 10 a.m. Wed & Sunday
Newsletter −Mark Singleton (707) 953-3136 e-mail: [email protected]
Membership − Charlie Marino (707) 933-9536 (5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Only − Please)
Sunday Work Coordinator − Cindy Schmidt (415) 381-8345,
e-mail: [email protected]
Sunday Lunch Coordinators– Lori (707) 696 8634 or Pete (707) 217 3267
Rifle/Pistol Range Master − Dave Lenci (707) 255-1992
Components Sales - Marv Schmidt (415) 381-8345, [email protected]
Accounting & Advertising − Janet Keiser (707) 996-4331
Hunter Safety − Sam Grow, NRA Certified Instructor (707) 648-0410
Caretaker − Tom Koehn (707) 933-0306
Club House Phone -- (707) 938-9874 e-mail [email protected]
Club Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (9 p.m. during special events). As always, weather permitting.
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Valley of the Moon Trap Club—P.O Box 534—Vineburg, CA 95487-0534 www.VOMTC.org