Appointments to Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee
Appointments to Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee
MUKILTEO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 201 5-33 SUBJECT TITLE: Appointments to Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee Staff Lead: Nancy Passovoy Department Director: Chris Phillips Estimated Presentation Time: Consent Agenda Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 Exhibits: 1. MYAC Applications for 2015-16 School Year Budget Information Amount Budgeted: Expenditure Required: Budget Remaining: Appropriation Required: Account Name(s): $1,000 $1,000 Account Number: -0- RECOMMENDATION: Council MOTION to appoint Mayor Gregerson’s recommendations of Chloe Ames, Jessica Bae, Adam Collins, Lauren Cominsky (Smith), Sara Forrester, Ely KIem, Komal Mand, My Nguyen, and Bryan Shin to the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee for the 2015-16 school year. SUMMARY: In January 2009, City Council approved Resolution 2009-02 creating a Youth Advisory Committee as a liaison between the youth of this community and the City Council on issues that affect youth by involving them in social, cultural, recreational, and other drug-free and alcoholfree activities. On June 5, 2015, applications to serve on this committee became available on the City’s website and were advertised in the Beacon and on MYAC’s Facebook page. By the application submission deadline date of August 14, 14 applications were received for the nine positions on this Committee. Applicants who applied but were not selected have been encouraged to participate on the committee as non-voting members. Interviews were held on August Christine Cook. 20th and 27th with Mayor Gregerson and Councilmember ALTERNATIVES: None. V:\EXECAGENDA BILLS\201 5-O9-O8AB1 5-33 Appointments to Mukilteo Youth Advisory Commiftee.docx I v1L l’1Itk( III IcT% 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MYAC) APPLICATION — Due Date: August 1, 2015 Applicants must be Mukllteo residents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: Chloe Madison Ames Mailing Address: City: E-mail Address: Age:. M School/Grade: Birthday: WA State: ZIP: 98?7L Kamiak/12 Cell Phone: Parent/Guardian Name: Devin Ames Parent/Guardian Address: City: Mukiltec State: WA ZIP: SignatureofParent/Guardian:It4 .. Please • • • e be aware of the following requirements of all Mukllteo Youth Advisory Committee members: One 2-hour MYAC meeting per month (mor e may be added upon Increased activity or proje ct level). Represents the interests of the student body (of my school). Actively participates in meetings and proje cts feveryon&s ideas are importanti). Parents agree to provide reliable transporta tion to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree Cc’ (Applicant Initials) Yes, I Agree 112Z) (Parent initials) Please Note; While ft is true that being a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committe e may ‘Look good” on a resume or college application, we strongly disco urage anyone who is joining solely for this reaso n. There is a time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making a difference in our community, who want to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voice and use it, and want to represent the youth of Mukilteo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your respo nses to the questions In this application are accurate and entirely your work. In addition, you understand and will fqllow the requirements of the Mukilt eo Youth Advisory Committee if you are appointed to represent your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukilteo. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Application.d oc 1 f 98275 Tell us about yourself here is the place for you tell us mo re about you! 1. Tell us about the groups at sch ool that you’re involved with. Includ e all interest groups, activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held (if any), what your involvement is, and how much time per week/month you participate in thes e activities. At Kamiak, I am part of the band program. For the three years, I have marched with the Kamiak Show Band. Last year as a jun ior, I was a flute section leader and a par t of the student leadership committee (SIC). During the summer , we practiced from 9 am to 9 pm for thre e weeks, and during the school year we had 2 3 rehearsals a week with competitions on the wee ken ds. In the fall, we perform at home football games. During the winter, our band program performs as a pep band at home basketball games, There are about 2 4 games a month. I am also a part of National Honor Society. This group meets once a month for about an hour to discuss community and service opportunities and events. — a - - 2. What are you involved with out side of school, such as church, work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? Please include what you do with eac h group and how much time spend with each one. I am actively involved in my church. For the last six years, I have helped in preschool and children’s ministries on Sundays. I hav e also led preschool and elementary sch ool groups during Vacation Bible School weeks, which occur every summer for one week. I am also inv olved with my church’s youth ministry and church eve nts. We meet on Sunday mornings for church and on Tuesday evenings to hear a new message, sing , and play games. I currently work at Cri stw ood Senior Living, a retirement center in Shoreline that is a part of CRISTA Ministries. I work 2 4 days a week as a dining assistant. I help and serve the residen ts, bus tables, take orders, clean the din ing area, and stock items. I also enjoy reading, playing the flute, hiking, and running. I do these activiti es a few times a week. 3. Tell us about your knowledge, exp erience, and interest in local governmen t, i.e., government dass at school, etc. Are you interested in a career in government? In my AP history classes (World History and United States History), I have learned about world government and our country’s system of government. This upcoming year, I have chosen to take United States Government and Politics. Whi le I am not interested in a career in gov ernment, I find it very • interesting and pertinent to my life as well as the everyday lives of other Am ericans. Government sets guidelines and governs different issues. I look forw ard to learning more about our country’s system of goverment, as well as how government is run at a local level. I believe the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee is be inv olved with the youth of Mukilteo and also learn about our city’s local gov ernment. you - fora society of people a great opportu nity to ESSAY Time! sentences for each question asked. Please answer the following questions and give us at least 4 Creativity is welcomed and encouraged! ry Committee (MYAC)? 1. Why are you interested in joining the Mukilteo Youth Adviso how the local government is run. I I am interested in learning more about the city I live in and a society, whether that be a country or think it is very important to understand how thingsare run in . I also look forward to an opportunity to city, as it plays a vital role in the day to day lives of the people have the misconceived notion that be involved with and to represent the youth of Mukilteo, Many an incredible opportunity to listen to and youth are unable to have a voice in “big” issues, and this is voice ideas with the community. words that you think best describes you 2. We want to get to lcnow who you are! So choose any three and explain why. sort out and arrange things1 I am organized. I pay attention to detail and take the time to I commit task or project, I continually , whether they are items, events, or ideas. I am dedicated When e or disagree with another person’s ideas or strive to put my best into it. I am a listener. Whether I agre I value others’ thoughts and believe they opinions, I am always open to hearing what they have to say. have a right to speak their beliefs. e the MYAC so diverse. Tell us what 3. Everyone is unique in some way. This is what helps to mak might benefit MYAC. unique qualities, talents, and experiences you have that listening attentively and working rs I openly express my ideas and seek to understand othe by continually strive to be the best version of well with others. I am an organized person, so I prioritize and . I am a musician and plan to become a myself. When I take on a task or actMty, I fully commit myself and education and consider them both to be teacher someday. I hold a deep appreciation for fine arts incredible opportunities and privileges. in their community. If you could change 4. Everyone can think of things that need to be improved be, and why? What are some ideas you three things in the Mukifteo community, what would they have that would help change these things? would be the location of the ferry. This If! could change something in our community, one thing ial. It would direct traffic away from the may take a while to do, but I think that it would be benefic to improve the ability for locals to access beach and be less 11congested” in that area. I would also want mer) that it is hard for residents of Mukifteo to the beach. Often, it is so crowded (especially in the sum ents pay for parking would increase be able to enjoy the beach and find parking. Having non-resid beach/Lighthouse Park or even toward revenue that could go toward maintaining and improving the rtunities for Mukilteo youth of all ages to come moving the ferry. Also, I would like to create more oppo gh community service days by cleaning up together and serve the community. This could happen throu creating events for the youth to get to know around the city, volunteering at local organizations, and each other. the Youth Advisory Committee? (Give 5. If appointed, how much time are you able to devote to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night every number of hours). This committee typically requires 1.5 to month; some projects will require a high er level of participation. How wou ld you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? I am able to fully devote my time to the You th Advisory Committee. I will be able to participate in monthly meetings as well as different proje cts. Academics, personal health, chur ch and family will be my top priorities. My job comes next and is important to me because I am gaining work experience and saving to pay for college. MYAC will be a high priority for me as well. This opp ortunity will help me learn about local government, interact with other youth, and take part in discussion on important topics in our community. In applying for this posi tion, am committed to the opportu nity and tasks that will come with it. 6. How long have you lived in Mukilteo? Wh at do you like about living in Mukilt eo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meetings? How will you get to Mukilteo City Hall? I have lived in Mukilteo almost my entire life. We moved to the city when I was abo ut five years old and I have lived here ever since. I love that Mukilteo has a school system with incre dible educators and several opportunities for students. I also enjoy visiting the beach, stopping at the Red Cup Cafe, and enjoying the beautiful nature of our city. I like that Mukilteo is a small city that is still close to many other places. I have a car and I will be able to drive myself to meetings at the Muk ilteo City Hall. MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMI1TEE PERSO NAL. RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any non-fami ly member youth or adult who you think know s you really well. Please make sure that they fill ever ything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Name: Chloe Ames Recommender’s Name: Sylvi Sch ilbach How long have you known the applicant? I have knàwn Chloe for two years. In what capacity do you know the applicant? She is an outstanding student and intern in my Care ers in Education/Teaching Academy class at Kamiak High School. Please comment below oh why you think this perso n should be a member of the Mukllteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what unique qualities and talents this person can bring to MYAC. Rarely does a student come along possessing the kind ness, respect and genuine hard work ethic as your applicant, Chloe. She practices compassion for others and strives to be the best she can be in all academic endeavors. She willingly serves her com munity by volunteering with teachers to teaching vacation bible school in her nearby church. Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. Chloe’s leadership activities demonstrate the effective interpersonal skills she possesses. Her experiences are unique in their variety and structure. She has served two years in the Honor Society, and three years in the Show Band, first as assis tant leader and currently as section leader. She has worked hard in these service roles to improve communication, demonstrate high standards and support her peers. Signature of Recommender/Date: Sylvi Schilbach/July 20,2015 \1 l:1) ‘I I ( ‘iirWL. 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADV5ORV COMMITTEE (MYAC) APPLICATION — Due Date: lAugust 14, 2015 Applicants must be Mukitteo residents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: Mailing Address: City: E-mail Address: SchoolfCrade: -. Age: _ Birthday: State: VW\ Z: .9.82Th. JJYi1111L______. Phone: Parent/Guardian Name: jnieI Parent/Guardian Address: Cfty: MUMteQ State: ZIP: Signature of Parent/Guardian: -f.’I I — tL — LI —— — _.a’ — — — Please be aware ofthe following requirements of all Muk ilteo Youth Advisory Committee members: One 2-hour MYAC meeting per month (more may be added upon Kicreased activity or projec: tevel}. • Represents the interests fthe student body (of my school. • Actively participates in meetings and prcects (eve ryone s ideas are impotantl). Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree J.B. (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree DB. (Parent initials) Please Note: While it is true that being a part of the Muk ilteo Youth Advisory Committee may look good ’ on a resume orcoIic?ge appbcation, we strongly cscourag e anyone who is joining solely for this reason. Ther e is a time and effort commitment involved, We are a group of yout l wo are committed to making a differenc e in our comm&mity.. who want to have fun, to learn about locdl government, have a voice and use it, and went to represent the youth of vlukifteo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your ponses to the questions In this upoIicaton are accurate and cvtirnly your worl. In addition, you understand and wdl follow the requWements f the Mukflrc’o Vuth Adii nry Committee if you cc appomted to represent your school, social group, r ivnunirV, arid tte City of Mukitt ee. v:\ECMYAI\2Ot5’2(N5-Th MvAcApplicatlan4ocx I 98275 \1flK1 T1.() q ‘( ‘l 1t I about you! e is the place for you teli us more Tell us about yourself - her groups, ’re involved with. Include all interest yoj that ool sch at ups gro the TEll us about olvement is, and how etc. off4ce held If ariy, what your inv activities such as ASB, athletics, pariclpate in these activities. much time per week/month you the Kamiak Skident Director. As a In schooL I am involved in ASS as gap 1V1ukteo School District to bridge the Student Director, I worl< with the I dents. In addition, not orgy am a stu the and s tor stra ini adm the en betwe o represent 10 other schools in Key als ! but b, Clu Key iak Kam of er memb o nant Governor of OMsion 21. I am als ute Lie the as al tion rna Inte b Clu s for , Peer Tutoring, Leadership, and Hug iety Soc nor Ho al ion Nat in ed olv inv past. Varsity Tennis, and Jazz Band in the Ghana, and have been in Choir, es vary throughout the year. Time commitment for these activiti 2. , dubs, music etc.? of school, such as thurcli, work, hobbies What are you irwolved with outside hone. up and how much time you spend with eac gro h eac h wit do you t wha ude Please 1icl . Snohomish Teen Leadership Council Outside of school, I am part of the ic mber of this council to look at specif This past year, I’ve worked as a me to e up with different projects on how com and nty cou sh mi oho Sn the of data et essness, drugslalchcd, and etc. We me nel hor as h suc ues iss me rco ove m e part in the Seattle JazzEd progra every month for two hours. I also tak jazz ekends with a group of high school and practice once a week on the we rence Acox. musicians under the direction of Cla i.e., government nce, and mtetest in local government, erie exp ,. dge wle kno r you ut us abo 3. TeLl ed fri a career in government? class at school, etc. Are you interest can broaden my knowledge of the Ameri will be taldng AP US History to and Protocols Chair addition, as the Policy government system thIs year. In on b, I have knowledge and experience Clu Key t tric Dis est thw Nor ific of Pac mer, I was part of the United States Robed’s Rule of Order. Ths sum ComrMteefat Mt. Adams) to send Senate Youth Program Selection .A s Leadership Camp at Wastngton DC delegates to represent MI Adam well. career is government Interests me as 7 C Applkation.dox V:E1CECMYAC\2Oi5\2O15-16 MYA 1. This past year. I had the uinforgettable and eye-opening experience as part of the YAC boar d. To meet so many wonderful people and experienc e the city government up dose was truly a bessing and I would love to be part of such a great opportuni ty for another year. The conversations that we heW during meetings were unlike any other, arid to know that this committee, even though it only meet s once a month or so, could make a difference in our community was a wonderful feeling to have . 2. Mctictdous, Outgoing, Full of potential. lm known to be. the detail-oriented person i my family anti in my classrooms. I love interacting with other people and to get to know one another on a perso nal Iev&l. In addition, I like to think that I, and anyo ne else really, am full of potential, so that I woli’t stop mysdf of stepping out of my comfort zone, or limit myself from doing the impossible.11 3. I believe that my experience as a Lieutenant Gov ernor reafly shaped me into the leader that J am today. To know that I am responsible for the well -being of clubs under different circumstances made me reaflze how everyone i unique in their own way. From experience such as planning monthly events, fundraisers, promoting membership, publishin g newsletters, and much more, I leaxned to take responsibility for my words and actions and to stop myself ftm unconsciously Judging others based on their looks arid etc. In addition? I am in the posi tion to be able to recruit a group of volunteers. 4. The conversations that took place during MYAC meetings made me realize that such a safe, judge..fre e environment is lacking in our schools. Also, in our scho ols and the community, there are people that feel Like they don1t have a voice, because they may have a hard time fitting in to a big school, or is abusing drctgs and alcohol, but dont necessarily have the support to help them out of that situation As MYAC, I would lIlce to host some “socials” where teens can come and have a safe place to talk about anything, and as a committee, note what is lacking in our schools and community, and make an effort to improve those aspects as the year goes on. 5. 1 am able to devote as much time as needed to MYAC . This committee means so much to me, and I wauldnt have traded the experience for anything else. Althoi.h I am involved in other activities as wefl, I believe that it worked out quite well at our Gulch dean up last year. when we were able to recruit some volunteers from Key Club to help out. MYAC is defin itely a priority in my list of actiulties. 6. 1 have tived in Mukiltec for about 56 years, and I am in love with the close-knit community that we have! Most everyone here that I have met ore so frien dly, and it is beautiful community, both on the outside and the inside. Friendly people saying their uhellohJs and Thow are you”s never fail to make my day. Even with alt the traveling that I have done, I have not experienced this in any other place than Mukilteo I have reliable transportation to the meetings , with my parents giving me rides to the city Hall. MtJKJ i.1’IL) AiJ DT CuuwnItk.. MUKELTEO YOUTh AD\flSORY COMMITTEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Açp/iit Pleose ive this form to any n -fcirnilv trJernler ‘youth or duft who you thThk knows yo rea/ty w&l. P1eo.e make stre thot they ft/i everythiag out dearly and !eqthly. Rmnds me: Bryan el:Ling Now long hive you known theappIknt? Two Years Ii whot cpdty do you *now th pplicnt? 1 have met with her several I am Jessicas high school counselor. n for various times to assist her with letters of recommendatio scheduling. positions she has applied for and also for course eo Pease comment below on why you think this p&son should be a member of the Mukllt , can person this es and talents youth Advisory Committee. Cinsider what unique qualiti bring to MYAC. She with others. Jewiea is a very positive person who works well She is ultra responsible and can be a leader but also is a doer. ding. Her follow through on her responsibilities is outstan dependable. community and service. She is an excellent student and committed to Oescrbe the lewJership quIities of this applicant. She can lead others by her enthusiasm Jessica is a stro servant leader. She’s not the “bossy” ‘kind of leader? but looks instead and example. toward a common cause. to gather others’ input and works with others She ing of others. vIost importantly Jessica is very positive and accept y to others’ needs. truly cares about everyone and shows a sensitivit Sign t re of Rico mnder/Oate V;\XECMVAcVLO15\2OL546 MYAC AppIictlon.dGcx ‘ 4 IVH IKCflX) YOtITH Advii wy Ciirniie 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MYAC) APPLICATION Due Date: August 1, 2015 Applicants must be Mukllteo residents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: Adam Jason Collins Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Age: -— IQ.__. State: WA ZIP: City: — Birthday: Parent/Guardian Name: School/Grade: i2..______ Cell Phone: - .iA9eflia Collins Parent/Guardian Address: - - City: Mukilteo State: ZIP: ..982ZE... Signature of Parent/Guardian: COMMITMENT PLEDGE BY APPLICANT & PARENT(S) Please be aware of the following requirements of all Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee members: • One 2-hour MYAC meeting per month (more may be added upon increased activity or project level). Represents the interests of the student body (of my school). • Actively participates in meetingsand projects (everyone’s ideas are important!). • Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree AC (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree EC (Parent initials) Please Note: While it is true that being a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee may “look good” on a resume or college application, we strongly discourage anyone who is joining solely for this reason. There is a time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making difference a in our community, who want to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voice and use it, and want to represent the youth of Mukilteo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your responses to the questions in this application are accurate and entirely your work. In addition, you understand and will follow the requirements of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee if you are appointed to represent your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukifteo. V:EXEC\MYAC2O15\2O15-16 MYAC Application.Uocx MtiK;rrc:o YOUTH dvistwy onnuillc Tell us about yourself— here is the place fot you tell us more about you! 1. Tell us about the groups at school that you’re involved with. Include all interest groups, activities such as ASS, athletics, etc., office held (if any), what your involvement is, and how much time per week/month you participate in these activit ies. I have particpated in diverse number of clubs such as Robotics, spanish, multicultural, video game design. I have also been part of the Kamiak tennis team. Also I enjoy helping middle schoolers with their hom ework after school in the library. I paricipate an average of an hour a day on a club or help ing others. 2. What are you involved with outside of school, such as church , work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? Please include what you do with each group and how much time you spend with each one. I take piano lessens once a week. Also every Wednesd ay I participa on a music therapy program. Also on Wednesdays I deliver the Mukilteo Beacon. This summer I worked at the Safeco Field as part of a fund raiser for Kamiak Choir. I worked 3 days a week full time. us about your knowledge, experience, and interest in local governme nt, i.e., government class at school, etc. Are you interested in a career in governme nt? 3. Tell I participated for the past three year in the student coun cil at Kamiak. And as I am approaching 18 I am getting more involve and want to learn about our goverment. I will be able to vote in the next gene ral elections and I watch the news and follow the candidates, especially Bern ie Sanders, it is interesting to follow their path to the elections. V:\EXECMVAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Application.docx 2 MtJKILThO YOUTH Adviury cornmttee ESSAY Time! Please answer the following questions and give us at least 4 sentences for each question asked. Creativity is welcomed and encouraged! 1. Why are you interested injoining the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC)? I want to be more involved with the community, and help create a stronger bond between the youth and the rest of the community. I also want to help fix problems 2. We want to get to know who you arel So choose any three words that you think best describes you and explain why. I like meeting new people and working with others as a team, I am very sociable. I always come up with inovative, creative ideas of doing things, I am creative. r.I,. . I . ...t ....C....i ....C .L... .... . ._ . . . LLI,,......._.... I . .... —. . ... ..I -. — CL . ._ ._I 3. Everyone is unique in some way, This is what helps to make the MYAC so diverse. Tell us what unique qualities, talents, and experiences you have that might benefit MYAC. I was homeschooled until highschool and grew up mostly talking with adults, therefore I learn how to movitave myself, plan and achieve goals without being guided. I am good at multitasking so it is easy for me to take big projects an Everyone can think of things that need to be improved in their community. If you could 4. change three things in the Mukilteo community, what would they be, and why? What are some ideas you have that would help change these things? More events at Rosehill that includes the youth and the older community to create a stronger bond between the two U If appointed, how much time are you able to devote to the Youth Advisoiy Committee? (Give number of hours) This committee typically requires 1 5 to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night every month; some projects will require a higher level of participation. How would you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? 1. I 0 II I I I I II 5 A cuple of hours a week. Since ft is the begining of the year I can plan accordingly and get involve in activities that wont overlap with my commitment to MYAC. 6 How long have you lived in Mukifteo? What do you like about living in Mukilteo? you Do have reliable transportation to the meetings? How will you get to Mukifteo City Hall? My family and I moved to Mukifteo 3 and a half years ago. We moved here because of the sense of community that we perceived the first time we visited. (like that its by the water and we have the Japaness Gufch. It is safe, beautiful and conveniently located. I have my driver licence and I drive the family car. V:’,,EXECMYAC\2O152O1546 MYAC Application.docx 3 N4LJKII TIX) M3UTH ry f’niiit ice MUKI LTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any non-fami ly member youth or adult who you think know s you really well. Please make sure that they fill everything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Recommender’s Name:_ILf ____ How long have you known the applicant? 12 years In what capacity do you know the applicant? We used to be neighbors Please comment below on why you think this person should be a member of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what uniq ue qualities and talents this person can bring to MYAC. This young man is a very hard worker, very com mited to what he set his mind to.! believe he would be a great addition to the MYAC, because of his inovative ideas and his ability to solve problems He is also very caring and considerate, always thinkng of how to help othe rs. Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. He is not afraid to take acction and find a solution to problems. He is always ready to step up to the challenge when a leader is needed. Signature of Recommender/Date V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Application.docx 4 2O15-2OL6 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMflTEE (MYAC) APPLICATION - Due Date: August i 2015 Applicants must be Mukifteo residents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: t iy’L”- N Mailing Address: - City: /vutk State:VJ4 ZIP: E-mail Address: iool/Grade: Age: Cell Phone: Birthday: Parent/Guardian Name: //2-X Parent/Guardian Address: C’’ - - - CityVtA%-t ,.- State: 1Jt4.-zi: 1 Signature of Parent/Guardian: Please be aware of the following requirements of all Mukifteo Youth Advisory Committee members: One 2-hour MYAC meeting per month (more may be added upon increased activity or project level). Represents the interests of the student body (of my school). • Actively participates in meetings and projects (everyone’s ideas are important!). Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Aree (Applicant initials) Yes, I (Parent initials) Please Note: While it is true that being a part of the Mukilten Youth Mvisoy Committee may ulook good” on a resume or college application, we strongly discourage anyone who is joining sotely for this reason. There is a time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making a difference in our community, who want to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voice and use it, and want to represent the youth of Mukilteo. 4ZS f ILl) Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your responses to the questions in this application are accurate and entirely your work. In addition, you understand and will follow the requirements of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee if you are appointed to represent your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukilteo. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\20154G MYAC Application.docx Tell us about yourself 1. — 1 here is the place for you tell us more about you! Tel us about the groups at school that you’re involved with. Include all interest groups, activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held (if any), what your involvement is, and how much time per week/month you participate in these activities. I have been in l<amiak Choir going on four years now. I love choir and it is such a huge part of my academic career. Choir usually takes tip about an additional one to two hours in any given month, especially near concerts. I have also been a member of the Kamiak JV tennis team for the past two Spring seasons. Practices during tennis season are 2-3 hours each day after school, only during the tennis season. I am also a National Honor Society member. Meetings for the Honor Society are one meeting per quarter, one hour long. 2. What are you involved with outside of school, such as church, work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? Please include what you do with each group and how much time you spend with each one. I recently started a job at Kohl’s department store. I hope to use this job to help raise money for our Kamiak Choir trip this upcoming Spring 2016. I work mostly on weekends, sorting clothes, restocking and working the cash register. This is my first job and thus far, I really like helping people out and organizing things. Depending on the week/time of season I sometimes work as many as 20 hours per week. I’m also part of a band called the FlipSide which has competed In the Mukilteo Battle of the Bandsfestivalforthelastfouryears. We practice based on our upcoming gigs, which usually amounts to a few hours a few times a month. We play music and write songs together, which a great test of our teamwork skills. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Appllcation.docx 2 1; .1 3. Tell us about your knowledge, experience, and inter est in local government, i.e., government class at school, etc. Are you interested in a career in government? I’ve often thought of school government as being a biased, unproductive endeavor. I think too much of it is based on popularity and on being figure-he ads, rather than being a force for implementing real and meaningful change. This is why I would prefer to be a member of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory committee. I see far more opportunities to actually make a meaningful difference here on the MYAC. I’ve often watched political debates on television and thought to myself how gratifying it would be to run for and then to serve in a city or higher office —maybe even President someday. As such, I have lots of great ideas that I would bring to the table if I am a member of the committee. I ESSAY Time! n asked. Please answer the following questions and give cis at least 4 sentences for each questio creativity is welcomed and encouraged! Why are you interested in joining the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC)? go ts I want to make a real difference in our community. I’m tired of the popularity contes that along with student government in the high school setting. I would like to be a part of a group that impact on is willing to come together and work toghether, as equals, in order to have a meaningful that ideas way That ones. our larger community, with a focus on all voices not just the popular aren’t heard as much will become a focus of meetings and brainstorming sessions, 2. es you• We want to get to know who you are! So choose any three words that you think best describ and e)cplain why. of I’m a very loyal person. I won’t change my ideas or beliefs in order to please only one group do they off if people write people or one individual. I’m also a very forgiving person and I won’t others something that wrongs me or if they make other mistakes. Loyalty and the ability to forgive very a also don’t seem to be common traits now a days, and I take pride in possessing them. I am hard-working and determined person once I set my mind to a specific task. I don’t like to just sit a around discussing a thing, without any end in sight. If I want something, I am good at outlining action. iate plan for making it happen and then following through on the plan with immed 3. Everyone is unique in some way. This is what helps to make the MYACso diverse. Tell us what unique qualities, talents, and experiences you have that might benefit MYAC. peers I’m originally from Texas and I come from a slightly more conservative family than most of my the living up here in the Pacific Northwest. Thus, I feel that I would bring a unique perspective to MYAC, representing a view of things that might not otherwise be considered. I’m not your typical, all the loud and outgoing teenager. I prefer to observe and then speak after I have a good grasp on facts; then I feel I can make a thoughtful contribution, I also find that my quieter nature, coupled the with great (and genuine) listening skills makes me seem mote approachable to a demographic in student population that is too often over-looked: quiet/shy students. Observing from the side-lines, loudest before jumping in to offer my own opinions, has made me keenly aware of the factthat the V:\EXEC\MVAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Applfcation.docx 4 Li! 1; ‘ and most opinionated people don’t necessarily have the best ideas. If I am on the MYAC I would look forward to hearing ideas and opinion from all students. 4. Everyone can think of things that need to be impr oved in their community. If you could change three things in the Mukifteo community, what wou ld they be, and why? What are some ideas you have that would help change these things? don’t like the fact that Mukifteo happens to be such a small town, yet I feel like I don’t know many people outside of my school. I would like to host more events that invite people of the community to come out and spend time getting to know one another. Perhaps this could be accomplished by holding different fairs and festivals over the cour se of the calendar year, in addition to one big event each Fall. Maybe some of these can be targe ted specifically for teens. A second thing that bothers me, now that I am a licensed driver, is the numerous concrete medians scattered about on Mukilteo Speedway, particularly near the busiest stretch of the Speedway in between QFC and Albertson’s grocery stores. These barriers may be an attemtp to beautify the city and/or make its roads safer, but many of them are very limiting and cause people to have to attempt making dangerous u-turns (e.g., turn to get to Dairy O,ue en from opposite side of road). A third area whic h could use improvement is the Mukilteo City Web Page. This page does not have much of a community feel, it is hard to navigate and I seldo m see news and information as it relates to current events going on in the community. I think we would have a much greater participation and interest in organized events if our city web page were easier to use and updated more frequently . 5. If appointed, how much time are you able to devo te to the Youth Advisory Committee? (Give number of hours). This committee typically requ ires 1.5 to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night every month; some projects wilt require a higher level of participation. How would you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? Although I have recently taken a part-time job, I coul d easily put in an advanced request to have the days off where I was needed for committee meet ings and other related work. I am a highly organized, highly motivated and determined indiv idual. When I want something done: I get it done. The fact that I have had little trouble budgeting my time to accommodate numerous AP courses and after-school activities speaks to the latte r, I think. With regards to my other after school activities, in instances where conflicts arise between MYAC and school activities: I have friends who can obtain any information I might miss in a given school activity meeting for me. V:\EXEC\MYAc\2015\2015-16 MYAC Application.Uocx 5 I1, Jul 1 <1 “1 6. How long have you lived in Mukilteo? What do you like about living in Mukilteo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meetings? How will you get to Mukilteo City Hall? I moved to Mukiiteo when I was 10 years old and I have grown to love it here! Mukilteo is a small, friendly town, with beautiful stretches of scenic landscape and lots of interesting things to do. I now have my driver’s license and access to reliable transprtation for meetings. I also have friends already on the council so car-pooling is an option as well. V:\FXEC\MVAC\2015\201546 MYAC Appllcation.docx 6 The purpose of the Mukllteo Education Association is to advance the interests of the profession, to bargain collectively, and to promote the cause of education in the Mukilteo School District, the State of Washington. and nationally. AiTh: Nancy Passovoy Executive Assistant and MYAC Staff Liaison City of Mukilteo 11930 Cyrus Way Mukilteo, WA 98275 Dear Ms. Passovoy: It is my pleasure to unequivocally recommend Ms. Lauren Cominsky for a position on the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee. I have had the privilege of knowing her for 5 years. She is an accomplished and respected student and young leader. Ms. Cominsky has assisted me in my elementary school classroom in the past, and has volunteered fof severa1 other teachers in the district. She brings life to a classroom of students, enthusiasm to a building, and works with the highest levels of professionalism and commitment. I have also appreciated her political activism. She has continuously stepped up to phone bank calling voters to help us pass our school district levy and bond in 2014, and working the phones at other times to help elect pro-education candidates. - As a member of our community, she has volunteered for the Japanese Gulch clean-up, worked on fimdraisers for the Kamiak Choir, and participated in the annual Lighthouse Festival as a singer for The Flip Side in the Battle of the Bands. At Kamiak, Lauren balances athletics, arts, and academics with aplomb. She is a section leader in advanced choir, plays P1 tennis, and maintains a high GPA. Teachers and coaches appreciate her warmth, creativity, and sense of humor in relationships with people of all ages. Her peers also hold her in high regard due to her cooperative nature. Lauren is an exceptional applicant. She has initiative and perseverance, and her contributions would be endless. Sincerely, Dana Wiebe President, Mukilteo Education Association $221 44th Ave W, Suite A Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone Number: 425-423-8299 __ III 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY CO APPUCATION — Due Date: MMITTEE (MYAC) August 14, 201E Applicants must be Mukifteo residen ts between the ages of 144$ CAr Full Name: Sc%rO1 ccs-’-c Mailing Address; Lt’ City: E-mail Address: Age: State:iPt ZIP: .tI” rade: Birthday: Cell Phone: Parent/Guardian Name: r Parent/Guardian Address: City: Signature of Parent/Guardian: I’)dD 92,S 5tate:(A11 ZIP: 1L-. 1&M r )r Pl LPPC Af g Please be aware of the following requirem ents of all Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committe e members: • One 2-hour MYAC meeting per mon th (mote may be added upon increased activ ity or project level). • Represents the interests of the stud ent body (of my school). • Actively participates in meetings and projects (everyon&s ideas are important!). • Parents agree to provide reliable trans portation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree (Patent initials) Please Note: While it is true that bein g a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Com mittee may ‘look good’ on a resume or college application, we strongly discourage anyone who is joining solel y for this reason. There is a time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committe d to making a difference in our community, who want to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voic e and use it, and want to represent the youth of Mukilteo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your respo nses to the questions in this application are accurate and entirely your work. In addition, you understan d and will follow the requirements of the Mukflteo Youth Advisory Committee if you are appointed to represent your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukiltee. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYACAppiic ation.docx I ‘-1 L c n m I Dl C CD C > C C U, c C f ‘.- ffl i. & ft. -‘, Di - Di U, C CC r -f CCD - CD - -‘ 0 — Di - -,O — C C, Di D C 3. = 0 DC 1 DID CD 3CD O 0 ZCD <Di < Di < CDDCD CD -. CDCD z CD -0 -0 3 o CD CD U,CD -‘ -O CD C U, Di =1 Dl C C C C 0 Dl C CD U, C CD C C Dl C, CD CD U, CD CD CD U, C C C C Dl U, CD -4 F 4 *. •* \flncu li( ‘()l TI \ I ESSAY Time! Please answer the following questio ns and give us at least 4 sentenc es for each question asked. Creativity is welcomed and encourage d! 1. Why are you interested injoining the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Com mittee (MYAC)? 1 u4± i \fw.SJ reJc1-c “ç1L. jkfV\ c4 t’) Cy \n.,yVJ 13 Q’ *&c -(“s.- I ocy Iil d..C s’J- 4 \. *L. .sc,ciJ .€Cy’cI.AcO aJV”AV c iczS u (A *tz 2. We want to get to know who you are! S choose any thre €(C . p e words that you think best describes you and explain why. & -ce vU s ‘JAL t VL ‘f b 0 ct 4- 4r n ‘4u. 3.. wve ( i dç;4-k c t1(At\G\ tIC\ - .cIJL A .L c—w. rA- O\] 3. Everyone is unique in some way j . This iWhat helps to make the i MYA C so div erse what unique qualities, talents, and . Tell us experiences you have that mig ht benefit MYAC. rve C? cOt cc’4- 4t-k--c cA(3c L ktA- c—ec.. I oQQ IAG Ckcj’e r. v CIj &Af\ (:IIS r44Q\ • uS.. . js4¼ r coJt ? e-1 e 1L -vU\ — - ,(-,-.v- €-c i jrc rGc je 4. Everyone can think of things that nee ct d to be improved in their commu nity. If you could change three things in the Mukilteo community, what would they be, and why? What are some ideas you have that would help change these thiqgs? ..13 evc J- o..1- tlt -o Lr L 0 cç-iY\ cQ - or k[4c’ - e c6 G’roc e n eVeJ..c GIAk e L .. c.c c c av q ic-i& pr€ip IC (14 fC W , 5. If appointed, how much time are you able to devote to the Youth Advisory Committee? (Give 0J4() cA4 cQ. number of hours). This com mittee typically requires 15 to 2 hou rs on the second Tuesday night every month; some projects will require a hig her level of participation. How wou the other activiti ld you prioritize MYAC with es you are involved with? ct& c’ fli cJ Ovc r (% P cAJee 1< A/V\ ‘. k X. cc L.O v”e V’A’V O J% - . W pj C li’J -) .‘Tt kJ be 6. How long have you veU in Mukilt ‘F ° eo? What do you like about living in Mtikilteo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meetings? How will you get to Mukilteo City Hall? .q %vk- t4QD r --t yw N wvc r4 c v & j-c-- ) e4) V:\EXEc\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC “ -‘ Vc \ rt (‘&4j k. 0 4i5 Appllcation.docx ‘:4-. —4’e ( ccw. tLCZU ( JJ% km,, r&44a pwk..s, a Cc-%, a— ( M , 3 ) sp%5 SLJIk L—cci c\yko se ?wzr 1 ‘e -‘ LA— -P.4C 3 ‘ iC koaie cCci. *•) ç \1 M { ‘(i MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMM[JTEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any non-family member youth or adult who you think knows you really well. Please make sure that they fill everything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Name: Recommender’s Name: Atrt. How long have you known the applicant? 5 In what cpcity do you know the applicant? , Please comment below on why you think this person should be a member of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what unique qualities and talents this person can bring to MYAC. 2flouc SkL s h .‘:uf %ik ci *tner’ sIve przevvs tL i0;flPv . Stie r:: b- kA E2 Ac tIcr q mpL 4I&.L14i 6 ‘( Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. pPklrI5 SksiL tL ‘p7Ir!:_ £!Lc5ftfAey 4- (ian tt Scr-bi ri 1o- rKcavi, ‘v’ ‘s .t> ij 4vA% //i5 Signature of Recommender/Date V:\EXEc\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Application.docx 4 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ MUKILTRO YOUTH Advisni’y Cornrnittce 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY CO APPLICATION MMITTEE (MYAC) — Due Date: Applicants must be Mukilteo residen ts between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: ,EJy_Klem Mailing Address: City: E-mail Address: Age, Mukifteo School/Grade: Birthday: Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Address: Wa ZIP: 98275 State: Kamiak/1 I Cell Phone: Diana Kushner Same as above Signature of Parent/Guardian: City: Mukilteo State: Wa zip: ..9.822i. — COMMITMENT PLEDGE BY AP PLICANT & PARENT(S) Please • • • • be aware of the following require ments of all Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee members: One 2-hour MYAC meeting pet mo nth (more may be added upon incr eased activity or project level). Represents the interests of the stud ent body (of my school). Actively participates in meeting s and projects (everyone’s ideas are important!). Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MYAC meetings sho uld the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree EK (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree DK (Parent initials) Please Note: While it is true that being a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee may “look goo resume or college application, we d” on a strongly discourage anyone who is joining solely for this reason. The time and effort commitment invo re is a lved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making a differen our community, who want to ce in have fun, to learn about local govern ment, have a voice and use it, and represent the youth of Mukilteo. want to Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your responses to the questio ns in this application are accurate your work. In addition, you and entirely understand and will follow the req uirements of the Mukilteo Youth Committee if you are appointed Advisory to represent your school, social grou p, community, and the City of Muk llteo. V:\EXEC\MYAC\20;5\2015-16 MYA C Application.docx 1 MUK.IITEO YOUTH Advistiy Uonirnitwc Tefl us about yourself 1. — here is the place for you tefl us more about you! Tell its about the groups at school that you’re involved with. Include all interest groups, activities such as ASSI athletics, etc., office held (if any), what your involvement is, and how much time per week/month you participate in these activities, I have been going to human rights club at Kamiak once a week for 2 years, and I have also been a part of the Kamiak Orchestra for my highschool career. I also will be the principle bass in PSI for orchestra this coming year. 2. What are you involved with outside of school, such as church, work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? Please include what you do with each group and how much time you spend with each one have been in MYAC for 2 years and met once a month for that time. I am also a part of the Japanese Gulch Master Planning Committee which has met since the gulch was purchased by the city. 3. Tell us about your knowledge, experience, and interest in local government, i.e., government class at school, etc. Are you interested in a career in government? I have always been interested in city and federal government. I am extremely excited to be able to vote in my first election in 2016. I have been preparing for this for a while, consequently having furthured my interest, and knowledge in government. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\201546 MYAC Application.docx 2 MUKICURO YOUTH Advistwy Uommittee ESSAY Time! Please answer the following questio ns and give us at least 4 sentences for eac h question asked. Creativity is welcomed and encourage d! 1. Why are you interested injoinin g the Mukifteo Youth Advisory Commit tee (MYAC)? I have been a part of the group for 2 years, and have enjoyed learning abo ut city 2. We wan t to get to know who you are? So choose any three words that you thin k best describes you and explain why. I think the words that describe me best are musical, persistant, and empathe tic. I love to play music, I also do my bes t to com plet e a task to the best of my ability, I I......_ LI.... ...I.JIL.. L.. L...I.. L...C...--. 3. Everyone is unique in some 1f.........j... 0 way. This is what helps to mak .....J .-L L -. e the MYAC so diverse. Tell us what unique qualities, talents, and experiences you have that might ben efit MYAC. I have been playing music since I was 4. This has helped me to become a creative and driven person. I hav e always had an ability to communicate welt with adults which I attribute to my musical background. 4. Everyone can think of things that need to be improved in their community. If you could change three things in the Mukilteo community, what would they be, and why ? What ate some ideas you have that would help change these things? Even though Kamiak music is one of the strongest in the state, there are limited oppurtunities to play music out as youth in our community. I think creating 5. If appointed, how much tim 0 e are you able to devote to the Youth I .4. I a s r a a ha . II Advisory Committee? (Give number of hours). This committee typically requires 1.5 to 2 hours on the sec ond Tuesday night every month; some projects will require a higher level of participation. How would you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? MYAC is an important part of our com munity, I will be able to priotitize my activities to be able to participate as much as MYAC needs me too (2+ hou rs per month depending on projects). 6. How long have you lived in Muk ilteo? What do you like about living in Mukilteo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meetings? How will you get to Mukilteo City Hall? I have lived in Mukilteo for 15 years, I love the closeness of our community and the oppurtunities for youth to be inv olved in our community. I drive, so I can get to meetings by myself. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Application.docx 3 MUKH;rEO YOUTH Advitwy Cm3I1itc MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give tff%Jorm to any non-family member youth or adult who you think knows you really well. Please maJhsure that they fill everything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Name1Y KIem’ Recommender’s Name:. How long have you known the applicant? In what capacity do you lcnow the applicant? Please comment below on why you think this person should be a member of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what unique qualities and t4ents this person can bring to MYAC. Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. Signature of Recommender/Date V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Application.docx 4 __ __ __ __ __ 7’tc 1)/h .4 .4. 1l,1Kll ii() t)1111f Ah kw3 (‘‘IuIniit 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COM APPLICATION MITTEE’ — Due Date: Applicants must be Mukllteo residents f August 14, 2015 between the ages of 14 -18 full Name: Mailing Address: state: ZiP:L1S Emaii Address: Age. .School/Grade: Birthday: Parent/Guardian Name : fkQtçZ Cell Phone: — A\ Parent/Guardian Addre ss: Cit Signature of Parent/Guardi an: 2’’ t’J1ftøA.d COMMITMENT PLEDGE 4k- State: AZIP: 921S BY APPLICANT & PA RENT(S) Please be aware of the follow ing requirements of all Muk llteo Youth Advisory Comm • One 2-hour MYAC meeti ittee members: ng per month (more may be added upon increased • Represents the intere activity or project level). sts of the student body (of my school). • Actively participates in meetings and projects (every one’s Ideas are important! • Parents agree to provid ). e reliable transportation to MY AC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree (Parent initials) Please Note: While it is true that being a part of the Mukilteo Yo uth Advisory Committee resume or college application, we str may “look good’ on a ongly discourage anyone wh o Is joining solely for thi time and effort commitmen inv s reason. There is a olved. We are a group of youth t who are committed to ma our community, who want to have king a difference in fun, to learn about local gove rnment, have a voice epresent the youth of MukUteo an d use it, and want to . greeing constitutes a pledge tha yo t ur responses to the questions in this application ate ac ur work. In addition, you underst curate and entirely and and will follow the requirem ents of the Mukllt mmlttee if you are appointed to rep eo Youth Advisory resent your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukiltee. MUKILTEO YOUTH tkiswy Curnrninc t youl Tell us about yourself here is the place for you tell us more abou — 1, est groups, Tell us about the groups at school that you’re involved with. Include all inter lvement Is, and how activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held (if any), what your Invo much time per week/month you participate In these activities. Ll€cidJn 22 vVU W.hrui o -er yv4 CCYC 1ht tb I-OXQ r(t%C.* ar Aicr, i vrr y cLQ-Jo wv1Ft Jvr I41 Ithoo 1OL5O .Qw iLo Inv’ot c&.t c)js frrer rl4iy tbt1iCL tULsppe. t,i-i 5’ 4c31t3tWJ ,‘eaa.- Lvs ttA.tJ td 11’ .$aI€ of RrJCt7o’ o s*cji vik..f 3- -“ t oJ.O ive’k.q t4+ ‘Jr’kJ * c°M’ uI, 6S t’a4er ‘IK t14. V\LM.J VILQ. vdA,weer hi Wow LP VV’I lit A, frt4Uvys AJ by iithiAvvUfl4’ CQJJJ’ We S’4 Cex1t4 Qcl44.L OLIO tO%t€ LA.44.t’dtftC r t’ot be ch, work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? What are you involved with outside of school, such as chur h time you spend with each one. Please include what you do with each group and how muc OtA5ickL ol- Sco9 r’t & 3it ojdaj e4LQ 14VYL o4 LA.U 2. 4Sar .A/r o) .UftrWLêhV\ v’ 2bArc rnment rience, and interest In local government, I.e., gove 3. Tell us about your knowledge, expe In a career in government? class at school, etc. Are you Interested rt “ .s.Lt COOjt”. ê h,Lc tLk1 &v’L X’ OV)1YD yh,c)d W’ J rWVUfr) rk4 Q1so ec--L Oc& atiOfl.UOCX AppIIc V:\EXECMYAC2O152O15-16 MVAC I rc QhCLf) for’ flc(Ianetj( WOVZ4 J 2 .4! k. MUKIt]E0 YOUTH Mi’.w Coniiniiec ESSAY Time I Please answer the following questions and give us at teast 4 sentences for each question aske d. Creativity is welcomed and encouragedi 1. Why are you interested Injolning the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC)? ftjJ.Yt. c*b 3 Qj,VrjjO v6&’ O ok 4t Cova’ 1 Ot4 ‘. o.. ,VQLZI OK - WLAd6. vJOJ4 2. We want to get to knoi who you are! So choose any three words that you think best describes you and ‘“‘ ‘‘‘‘ eOvjr Sej v Chb b€ W9&t t .w’s 1rn”iA4. ve r’ D’V , * rIo *wi 4 . e€ v’iij 3. veryone is unique in some way. This Is what helps to make the MYAC so dive rse. Tell us what unique qualities talents, and experienc es you have that might benefit MYAC. .Jpii CL&RM ( kc WAPtO 4A3 n€rc ad ce q,JD4+L #it*t. ‘‘ b (IWU harøi, r31kz,ntflC t t,pvJ ‘1OYb 4i15r4 4j JLbpWLyAtk4” oyoI.eML vcwtIRnU co.4nciI. 4. Everyone can think of things that need to be improved In their community. If you coul d change three things In the Mukllteo community, what would they be, and why? What are some Ideas you have Ihat would help change these things? rj,aW-ttciiLt4 Q.,Q *1hz c i-.nL. fr,hJk mft”Ik vfldj.d1 AOw * diLL vNeJ y%gL.V W1 JP.AJ3 5XILJ r€Dbru OAIriD4 I”U ru IfYZ. .fk’*fleYhvt[ i’CTI.4A1O. tUlJ4% ,J etr L% tc intj.q OA QLi Z 1io d(9 Lyfkb11 Vi, 4 5. If appointed1 how much time are you able to devote to t Youth Advisory Committee? (Give number of hours). This committee typically requ ires 15 to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night every month; some projects will require a higher level of participation. How would you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? - bnv5 ?k ond CRv,3 6. How long have you lived In MukUteo? What do you like about living In Muk iltea? Do you have reliable transportation to the meet ings? How will you get to Muk ifteo City Hall? tLWt1eo ci i 4KS. t .a- 11’e OLVL çLM.Vil jl- CI.Lc4 tkLLtMbt jfr1% o. t’hj v (QAP(JJ I ‘r4 lKtvQ tj 1&t y:EXEC\MYAC’O15ZO15-16 MYACApplica tion.daa 3 L Cl ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ MUKILTBO YOUTH Adviawy urnrnltwe 2015-2016 MUKLTEO YOUTH AD APPLICATION VISORY COMMITTEE fMYAC) Due Date: August 1, 20 15 Applicants must be M uklfteo residents betw een the ages of 14-18 Full Name:._____ Mailing Address: - City: E-mail Address _-- Age:_ — Birthday: Parent/Guardian Name: ._ .. State:tZlP:g9h21 School/Grade L..CeiIPhon e. _]ihL_JS9Uijeft Parent/Guardian Address: 4ikii _ _ I - — _City: Signature of Parent/Guard ian: COMMITMENT PLEDGE qra& State: 1A.. ZlP:g &z BY APPLICANT & PARE NT(S) Please • • • • be aware of the following req uirements of all Muklfteo Yo uth Advisory Committee One 2-hour MYAC meeting members: per month (more may be add ed upon increased activity Represents the Interests of or project level), the student body (of my sch ool). Actlveiy participates in meetin gs and projects (everyone s Ideas ate important!). Parents agree to provide rel iable transportation to MY AC meetings should the app licant need ft. Yes, I Agree (Applicant Initials) Yes, I Agree (Parent initials) Please Note: While It is true that being a part of the Mu kllteo Youth Advisory Co resume or college applicatio mmittee may 9ook good11 n, we strongly discourage on a anyone who isjoining sol time and effort commitm ely for this reason. There ent Involved. We are a gro is a up of youth who are committe our community, who want to d to making a difference have fun, to learn about loc in al government, have a voice represent the youth of Mukll teo. and use It, and want to Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your responses to the questions in this applicatio your work. In addition, you n are accurate and entire understand and will follow ly the requirements of the Committee if you are appoin Mukllteo Youth Advisory ted to represent your school , social group, community, and the City of Mukilteo. __MN_ V:\EXECMYAC2O1S\2O15 -16 MYACAppflcatlon.docx 1 4. 1VItJKii91O ‘itrii-i Tell us about yourself 1. — here is the place for you tell us more about youi with. Include all Interest groups, Tell us about the groups at school that yo&re Involved whatyour involvement is, and how activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held (If any), ies. much time pe week/month you pmllcipate in these activit trA5 yyj M Sthoo’ Qtc(L I Q.Vfl- ItkQ. ASB Øowiot cw4 Il y ba’€’och00 V%& SO :r: oiJd cHiO ü\O%’ o.ç mo. Irn ?OYlDit UAOOL± LPQXj )4J]?J(j Thuf&4d. T 9D ‘to1ArSU(.nq O vvv2thC.LiL C€W,So ‘T ‘to (Ot CJuk,cj ov. dh,t o pk t.. -t I o cotctOççCe eA t’w\, ro i’s bv e4’in ‘toxt tt3 2. Litt€ O as church, work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? What are you Involved with outside of school, such much time you spend with each one. Please include what you dq)with each group and how 0°e I .ujvk 1L 4wn3 c7Ob eon v€,ee at1 pki RA’n iwou o IOiv ord im To LSO Vokwd€e( L J4fldW u 4kcido% YprovW3 rnj pbfiocciP. o rroriM. kesip I1iOUi2kL t 4 z tc ma onoe v’v midIthQ3L 4ac€w t &GkLhØ IudiruAØ.L oriCQ d t w.j qçtek stW:) za kz - - ths(ocrn t4cLe. te and interest In local government, i.e., government 3. Tell us about your knowledge, experience, r in government? class at school, etc. Are you interested in a caree f3GcJ!. ‘a t oiL oiemni.€,t tui 1iiL brcmc , I k mco( hwt o , lrom m ‘ptiJ %oko VQvNthOdO o.nd t ‘oyt o IhQL k *9OWo oe&2, kcAso qoi,s tRcx bio1 o to c’oz It v’\u’ rtwtcs, t cx V:\EXEC\MYA1\2OLS2O.tS1 6 MYAC AppticuuLcIo job ix’. cAtj d1 OLLf 2 t\4uK11;1’It ‘Y)U’I’H Mvisoiy Coimi1flce ESSAY Tmet Please answer the follow ing questions and give us at least 4 sentences for eac Creativity is welcomed and h question asked. encouraged! 1. Why are YOU int rested ‘njoining the 1 L.Jfli *0 Mulctlteo Yo Advisory Committee (MY 1W I o1’3 ,.JoLIM V’JO Mtfl41Quth AC)? ‘This LJIL vo vv kV’)Q Y O0Y’kisthh. ] ca ip3orrnq tt?k4. Ov a,M 1LJot4 1v VwcL 1 o ci 2. We want to get to know who you arr.I So c ose an three words describes cu and ex tna YOU tmnk best IaIn why. ) & ‘t X 4o o £6 ttdhh* 4d oce &j vra fQUt tQ i QQkW ijjq’ 1QV1 r )% L IQL/YI IdQJS kOVu Yo W 3h0 £ CVfl ‘tOQU r m j, 1O V Ctdflt ‘I . 3. what unique qci<les , tatnts, and T &,ia 1ooyniVL ‘4ui e>cperlences you have that might benefit MYAC, i.. a r tIC om Ey-c4si UJLJI1iLj. 1 olbo tO tcui9uwc. yrnt1c. a, o w I c i-o I C)UQLbtAI. vyly 4. Everyone can think of things that change three things In the .aii d - lAX CQJ’ O ¶you could are some flE these things? tOlf V 1W LQYKJ Mukilteo community, wh at would have tha adv n’q o cAwnwi wak CO_ i’ve! imber of hours). This com mittee typically requIres 1.5 to 2 hours on the second month; some Projects wil Tuesday night every l req uire a higher level of par the ticipation. How would you prioritize MYAC with othertMtoin ve wfth?A )t boM dQJoe 1I5 IKItk(S 041 io rflJ5. AfltJ opI I4jkAttio. 13GII1J VXV€ I Iq QWdS. WXQ. .-o Oi1QXr Uti fl C1OO, I tr.Jitt r € tQJY oy take. ta.. ho -to Ic.lpo.te Rt trn4C I woukL WK)ktU4) “JV)W vV . eAJeJtt. 1ib i.4i I’vvl o.t cLqWCOIMiOfl, X ,jfl1 dU M)VjjC v 1y 1t ic3 , 1gw . iW itt r v c 1A C aoix 6. How long have you 50 itt (t c1ocijjt lITh in Muhteo? What do Do you have reliable tra you like about living in Mukil nspprtation to the meetin tea? gs? How will yo iget to Mu $ vio€d lo 4LLCA. kilteo City Hall? O *ee. ci ,o ose.vor rru wv i..r o I ov.oçcu.. r1)oy c1vn nelbD(hood? -htt’wI oj- 1&€— 1o1w ‘€ , . vtaç.i do’tO-l’Z ** ‘it It) ti I MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY CO MMIUEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any nan-family member youth or adult who you think kno you really well. Please make ws sure that they fill everything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Recommender’s How long have you known the applicant? Two years in what capacJry do you know the applicant? I am her piano teacher. Please comment below on why you think this person sho uld be a member of the Mu Youth Advisory Committee. kilteo Consider what unique qualitie s and talents this person bring to MYAC. can My is a bnlhant young woman wit h ambitious and motivated She has a good head on her shoulders She is yet she has a strong socisi netwo only been in the U S for a couple of years, creative, and wilt bring her cre rk made up of people of all ages She is ative powers to bear when search ing for solutions to issues that may pre sen t themselves to the MYAC. Describe the leadership qualitie s of this applicant. My exhibits strong leadership skills despite living in a countr y where culture is new to her She is out going and caring She listens to the and relates to them well My her peers doe others, and this is a true strengt s not consider barriers that would daunt h ffiendty and dwect manner works She simply identifies goals and, in a toward them I A Signature V:\EXEC\MYAC\20t5\2015-16 MYA C Appllcation.docx 4 ___ ___ __ J I ,LF—y/l?i 0 MtJKI LrEo YOUTH Adeioty Committee 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISO APPLICATION RY COMMiTTEE (MYAC) — Due Date:’ August 14, 2C Applicants must be Mukiltea res idents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: _Bryan Shin Mailing Address: • City: Mukilteo E-mail Address: School/Grade: Age: Birthday: zip: 98275 State: mj High Sohool/12 Parent/Guardian Name: Cell Phone: Hyejeong Lee Parent/Guardian Address. - Signature of Parent/Guard ian: t COMMITMENTPLEDGE City: fY!Mteo 42 State: ZIP: PRUCAT & PARN7(S Please • • • be aware of the following req uirements of all Mukliteo You th Advisory Committee members One 2-hour MYAC meeting per : month (more may be added upo n increased activity or project Represents the interests of level). the student body (of my school ). Actively participates in me etings and projects (everyone’s ideas are importantØ. • Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MY AC meetings should the applica nt need it. Yes, I Agree (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree (Parent initials) Please Note: While it is true tha t being a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee ma resume or college application y “look good” on a , we strongly discourage any one who is joining solely for thi time and effort commitment s reason. There is a involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to our community, who want mak ing a difference in to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voi represent the youth of Mukllt ce and use it, and want to eo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your responses to the que stions in this application are acc your work. In addition, you urate and entirely understand and will follow the requirements of the Mukilteo Committee if you are appoin Youth Advisory ted to represent your school, soc ial group, community, and the City of Mukdteo. V:EXECMYAC2O152O15-16 MYAC Application.docx 1 9827 MUKILTEO YOUTH Advisory c’ornmittee Tell us about yourself— here is the place for you 1. tell us mare about you! ups, lved with. include all interest gro invo re you’ that ol scho at ups gro the ut abo us Tell and how (if any), what your involvement is, activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held these activities. much time per week/month you participate in hestra, I dedicate at least ten As the Concert Master of Kamiak’s PSI Orc earsals. I also pursue my hours every week to performances and reh Math Team. The team mathematic pursuits as the Secretary of the tions, which usually take a couple participates in regional and state competi rs every week to helping of days every month. I also dedicate a few hou President of Academic spread my knowledge to other students as the Coaches. 2. music, etc.? as church, work, hobbies, clubs, such ol, scho of side out with lved invo What are you each one. and how much time you spend with Please include what you do with each group hours to honing my solo violin re mo or ten e icat ded I , ool sch of side Out Shelter every Sunday for two skills. I also volunteer at the Everett Animal panion. In order to improve my com ine can fect per the pt ado ing help rs, hou ttle Youth Symphony Orchestra, orchestra playing, I perform with the Sea ally, just this past summer, I rehearsing five hours every Saturday. Fin ing, working under the Supplier participated in a summer internship at Boe managing Boeing’s hundreds of of rge cha in e wer We up. Gro nt eme Manag suppliers. government , and interest in local government, Le., nce erie exp e, ledg r know you ut abo us 3. Tell er in government? class at school? etc. Are you interested in a care ly limited, which is why 1 am so My knowledge of local government is fair my th Advisory Council. I believe that You eo kilt Mu the in pate tici par to er eag our enlighten me to the workings of participating in the Council will greatly t of the Council and I was able to par a was I r, yea t Las t. men ern gov l loca erience. Even if a government glean so much knowledge from the exp eo, I believe that, as a citizen of Mukilt I e, min of rest inte e hug a not is er care operates! should understand how our government lication.docx V:XECMYAC\2015\O15-16 MYAC App ESSAY Time! Please answer the following questions and give us at: least 4 sentences for each welcomed and encourage question asked. Creativity d! is 1. Why are you interested in joining the Mukilteo Yo uth Advisory Committee (MYAC)? I am very interested in joi ning the MYAC because I would lite to make an im cleanliness is a great passi pact on Mukilteo. As en on of mine, last year’s vo vironmental lun tee r pro ject cleaning up the Comm amazing to participate in. un ity I would like to participate Garden Area was once again in a Council improve the city environme tha t allo ws yo uth to actively nt. 2. We want to get to know who you are! So choose any three words that you explain why. think best describe s you and Spontaneous, efficient, and dear-minded. I believe tha t a spontaneous lifestyle enjoyable than one of perfe of excitement is much mo ct planning. Despite this, how re eve r, I stil l pursue goals in a well-tho though if an idea hits me, ught out manner, I will often pursue those ne w ideas as well. Wheneve task as efficiently as possible r I have a task, 1 try to do so that productivity is hig the he st. In ord er to do so, I have to be cle can clearly see the goal, as armi nded so that I well as the path to the goal. 3. Everyone is unique in some way. This is what helps to make the MYAC so divers qualities, talents, and expe e. Tell us what unique riences you have that migh t benefit MYAC. Participating in the Boeing Int ernship, I experienced how management was carried ou was able to see how a large t at the business level. I corporation like Boeing ca rri ed ou t its team meetings, and how eff teamwork can be. I would bri ective good ng this new knowledge int o M YA an d help support high quality my experience as the Conc meetings. Also, ert Master of the Kamiak Or chestra taught me a lot ab able to bring those leadersh ou t leadership, and I would ip qualities into MYAC. be 4. Everyone can think of thing s that need to be improve d in their community. if yo in the Mukilteo community u could change three thing what would they be, and wh s y? W ha t are some ideas you have tha change these things? t would help Last year in MYAC, we focus ed a majority of our year on the cleanup project. Howe be done to improve the “gr ver, I believe that more can een-ness” of Mukllteo, espec ial ly in the for m of raising public awareness environmental issues. Also, on though not directly related to the Mu kif teo community, I had some tho the workings of MYAC itselt ughts about I believe that MYAC could ex tend its influence much mo one project at a time as a gro re if instead of working on up, we appointed individual projects to individual memb check in with their progress ers. Members would than at meetings so that we could help each other with the pro believe, MYAC to have a gre jects. This would allow, I ater impact on the Mukifteo Community. Finallc I think the different generations of ent that dertake would be an ev un to AC MY for t jec pro r relationship. A great an even closer Mukilteo should have a stronge t Mukifteo could become tha so s, ult ad the th wi teo Mukit brings together the youth of community. er of Committee? (Give numb ory vis Ad uth Yo the to te time are you able to devo ery month; some 5. If appointed, how much second Tuesday night ev the on rs hou 2 to 1.5 es ities you lly requir AC with the other activ MY hours). This committee typica tize ori pri you uld wo r level of participation. How projects will require a highe ngs. I are involved with? rticipating in the meeti pa d an for g rin pa pre ek vote at least five hours a we it above all of my other tize If appointed, I am able to de ori pri uld wo t so ç lit ibi ion is one of great respons believe that the MYAC posit MYAC projects. participation in one of the of el lev her hig a at am I if activities, especially living in Mukilteo? ? What do you like about teo kll Mu in ed liv you e hav g 6. How ton I glean se of community that sen the ed joy en y atl cts with one eight years, and have gre community that intera r hte fig I have lived in Muldilteo for a s ast bo o lte ntribute ve been to, Muld al businesses help co loc ich wh in t, More so than other cities I ha Ou ne Di rtation: my car! azing to see events like le source of transpo iab rel another. It has also been am ry ve a ve ha I , on for tTansportati to the city environment! As 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MYAC) APPLICATION — Due Date: Applicants must be Mukilteo residents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: Edward (Kyle) Greenfield Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Age City: Mukilteo State: WA ZIP: 98275 School/Grade: Kamiak High School/12th - Cell Phone: Birthday: Mary Greenfield Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Address: City: Mukitteo State: WA ZIP: 98275 Signature of Parent/Guardian: Please be aware of the following nquirements of all Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee members: One 2-hour MYAC meeting pet month (more may be added upon increased activity or proj level). Represents the interests of the student body (of my school). • Actively participates in meeting and projects (everyone ideas re important!) • Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes I Agree EKG (Applicant initials) Yes. I Agree MG (Parent initials) Please Note While it is true that being a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee may look good” on a resume or college application, we strongly discourage anyone who is joining solely for this reason There isa time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making a difference in our community who want to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voice and use it, and want to represent the youth of Mukilteo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your responses to the questions in this appilcabon are accurate and entirety your work In addition, you understand and wf follow the requirements of the Mukilteo Youth Adviso-y Committee if you are appointed to represent your school socia group community and the City of Mukifteo. V:EXECMYAC\2015\2O15-16 MYAC Appticatlon4ocx 1 Tell us about yourself here is the plac e for you tell us more about you! — 1. Tell us about the groups at school that you’re involved with. Include alt interest groups, activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held (if any), what your involvem ent is, and how much time per week/month you participat e in these activities. TrackNolleyball/Cross Country 3-5 pm Monday to Friday, some Saturdays for competitive meets, I run several mil es each day around Mukilteo to keep in shape during practice and in the offseason. - Academic Coach Tutoring Once a week, free tutor for students in the Kamiak High School library, typically in advanced math, science and Spanish classes. Elected to the Executi ve Board to help plan events and meetings for the next year. 2. What are you involved with outside of school, such as church) work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? Please include what you do with each group and how much time you spend with each one. Cooking/Human Right Clubs and/or Wednesdays — Once weekly, 2-3pm, typically Tuesda ys Piano/Guitar/Ukelele Daily practicing , typically between the waiting time of cooking food. I was looking to maybe eve n start a band. I’ve been playing music or taking lessons since I was five years old, and ft has become an integral part of -. my life. Work Although currently unemployed, I was waiting until school reopened0 3. Tell us about your knowledge, experienc e, and interest in local government, i.e., government class at school, etc. Are you interested in a career in government? While not currently dead-set on a politic aJ career, finding ways to making politics more accessible for everyone will carry importance in any future of mine. I consistently inform my friends of pol itical news and debates, and actually wrote and proofread this applica tion whilst dragging my friends to a Seattle political rally. Next school year, I will be earning college credits for political science and government classes, and this committee might give me some real-life experience for governmen t in action, while opening up potential possibilities for a future in gov ernment. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC App lication.docx 2 MtJKII;11.c> W)u’nl A,isesis,v t’,srniwts ESSAY Time! Please answer the following questions and give us at least 4 sentencesfor each question asked. CreotMty is welcomed and encouraged! - I 1. Why are you Interested in ioinfnet the u’teo Youth Advisory Committee it1YAC)? Joining (be Murdlteo Youth Committee gives an opportunity &ocsnsight into whet a future studying polities msght inaludoEThan Jsomnsittee might start a political career or give me passion I van essay into adulthood. Pa eipathsg with the committee allows the possibility to ‘$tsxt tuaking, a difference on a local soule. allowing me to work with my actions and idens. in addition corny wocds ad beliefs. I could notively Ivork to engage the community I have lived in for moat my life. sewing to ‘give back and maim Mukilteo an even better place to live, 2. We want to get to] W”ho’Tire describes you and explain why. cooean’ytfii:eew’äiihat you thThE’’1 Rather than dscn’be myself, I thought it would be best to get some people who know me to each sire one word to describe me. and eaplum why. Elemesssasy schoolteacher, and my mothor.Masy. described me as’teoacious’: ...whon [Kyle ts3 motivated, the octal out with no restraint to accomplish anything’. College wtorRaven Weber described me as ‘efficient, being ‘quark to work end ousting no time’. asoir President and Mukilteo resident Raegais Downer confided [was ‘galvanizing’, always “worl< to get others up and in actroif’. These people might know me better thsn [know myself, and aol mist their words to be accurate descriptions of me. 3. Everyone Is unique in some way, This is what helps to make the MYAC so diverse. Tell us what unique qualities, talents and experiences you have that might benefit MYAC As ‘t student of the boil school distact child at both a teacher some poisheitty awire p’uents and gowaaag up in the heart of Mukilteo, I’ve heard it all. At family parties, aunts and uncles rave about the community and how lucky we are to live in such a great place: butt also hear ftorn my parents what’s being worked on and what tocally needs huproving. Growing up in the heart of Mukilteo has given me the opportunity to experience so amok of the community, and these experiences have left me wanting to commit my time to the place that baa given me so much. 4. Everyone can think of things that need to be Improved In their community. If you could change three things In the Mukilteo community, what would they be, and why? What are some Ideas you have that would help change these things? The mass melgbs loan personally pta into the Msthllteo comaamilrym’.etves sdas about osar schools kamsak ban top.of1lee.stale asia raiging thom oar mono pmgnms to our ansdenrs ghosogsupby to their sit aid gnsthsg ways to pretest aid (batute these artistic taleess would engage both students asid parents alike Politically I’ve seen countless mirhess end punne receive &ken ate: the Illegal mm ones or Olympic Vies due to tie high sraffic nd odd made esed kaeemi blrzsethrac toassr (and our tuchersl) to hare (baa lEebtees. L’soesm5 aflyeiigegM parents Poe beard StiflestiOni alien thsiiksg ways to get coasesutere mosethuessed triMitfitee asad how ire ma wont to b4s to ngert local bcshsesseu What Iflndmeecimpoamns is Lobe able to engage tire already psesent cotensaifty. and hints ‘visas iwetit commtemy tine to 5. if appointed, how much time are you able to devote to the Youth Advisory Committee? (Give number of hours). This committee typically requires 1.5 to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night every month; some projects will require a higher level of participation. How would you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? Schedule vase there shouldnt be conflicts betuteen MYAC and my othec activities Howeser sf there item fYAC would take puonty even more so o’her If It were a pm-planned event I am wdliu to put us the tome and commirmpnt to the committee Being past of MYAC and being a comnmtutv leader means de&athig more rime, even if at the sacrifice of other aspects. 6. How long have you lived in Mukliteo? What do you like about living hi Muklkeo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meethigs? How will you getto Mukliteo City lieU? I have been a resident of Mukilteo for II yeam. and what makes Mukilreo so appealing is that we always something to look forwarti to: theres always festivals, the Faimer’s Mattet, and a stunning beach sunset. I do have a car, and reliable transportation to the Mukilteo City Hall. vExgcMYAC\2Om\zo1545 MYACAppSceUon.dooc S MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMIUEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any non-family member youth or adult who you think knows you really well. Please make sure that they fill everything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Name: Edward (Kyle) Greenfleld Recommender’s Name: Nick Harrison How long have you known the applicant? 10 years. In what capacity do you know the applicant? Varsity Cross Country/Track Captain, fellow Academic Coach tutor High School. at Kamiak Please comment below on why you think this person should be a member of the Mukifteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what unique qualities and talents this person can bring to MYAC. Kyle is a very driven individual who always puts a full effort into all activites he participates in. He always puts others before himself, and the confidence and dedication he shows encourages those around him. Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. Kyle is a leader through working to involve and include every person in groups. He puts himself on the endeavor to hear and actually listen to the opinions of others, and sets out to make them a reality. His genuine cares for those around him give him an aura of responsibility. Signature of Recommender/Date V:\EXEC\MYAC2O15\2O15-16 MYAC Application.docx 4 <ECEIVr 1) 12 21J5 CITY OF MU WMINISTR nO N MUKll1iO YotrnI ,\LI iS1fl (:(lnhlkt 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH AD VISORY CO APPLICATION — MMITTEE (MYAC) Due Date: August 14, 2015 Applicants must be Muk ifteo residents betwee n the ages of 14-18 Full Name: Mailing Address: City: State:k E-mail Address: Age ._. ZIP: & Birthday: H Cell Phone: Parent/Guardian Name : Y i1! k0 jy4 Parent/Guardian Address: _Z__ City: State: Signature ofParent/G uard ZIP: ian:_. COMMITMENT PLED E BY APPUCANT & PARENT(S) Please be aware ofthe fol lowing requirements of all Mukilteo Youth Advis • One 2-hour MYAC me ory Committee members eting per month (more : may be added upon inc • Represents the interests reased activity or project of the student body (of level). my school). • Actively participates in meetings and projects feveryon&s ide Parents agree to provide as are important!). reliable transportation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree ,I/I (Parent initials) • if Please Note: While It is tru e that being a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advis resume or college applica ory Committee may 9oo tion, we strongly discou k good” on a rage anyone who is time and effort commitm joining solely for this rea ent involved. We are a son . There is a group of youth who are our community, who want committed to making to have fun, to learn a dif ference in about local government, represent the youth of Mukil have a vOice and use teo. it, and want to Agreeing constitutes a ple dge that your responses to the questions in thi your work. In addition, s application are accura you understand and wil te and entirely l follow the requirement Committee if you are appointed to represent s of the Mukilteo Yo uth Advisory your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukilteo, V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\201 546 MYAC Application.doc x 1 MtIKIIJEO YOUTH Atkiory CnTflIIII k!t ESSAY Time! Please answer the following questions and give us at least 4 sentences for each question asked Creativity is welcomed and encouraged! 1. Why are you interested injoining the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC)? wd jovv9 14M I *e wi%1 y t IWj-L JAc o c*G4- vvw %° 04C sc L’ 2. W want to get to know who you arel So choose any three wods that you thinK best describes you and explain why. t %k vLe- t’Y t& €4Q4 & 4 J .k eioy4tCttê tte4! iw Lre L w’ o *I w 3. Everyone is unique in some way. This is what helps to make the MYAC so diverse. Tell what unique qualities, talents, and experiences you have that might benefit MYAC. LI 1ic k lo • 4o4.r t LA 4ie.%L -A o f- 4-1tqko I5t ‘ (C&44J Everyone can think of things that need to be improved in their community. If you could change three things in the Mukifteo community, what would they be, and why? What are some ideas you have that would help change these things? 4. k. m 4 4 t. A ,occ bi Mce4- 4 ctee 0e- ° - 4ae*%€r1 b Advlbry Committee? (Give are you able to 5. I appoint number of hours). This committee typically requires 1.5 to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night every month; some projects will require a higher level of participation. How would you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? NItC P%I i,*4( tf I 4- Lrn%.4 wA v- y p-tL1€1t 6. How long have you lived in Mukilteo? What do you like about living in Mukilteo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meetings? How will you get to Mukiltea City Hall? yers I tL I Lev C-sw C4ncC V:\EXEC\MYAt\2o152O15-16 MYAC Appllcation.docx I j Vke t Mk1ftc, iet tM’4y tkV%( s’ f ck 11fI L4QIC1 Vtr 3 m m 0 ‘-4 1- -s 1 77 .3 I t3. S 0 C • I CDZ 0. CD—. CD 0. — CD C —•0 o CD ° — C o - w 0 N r 3, 0 6 p -h —. 0 (DtD 0 -‘ 00 CDc _, (DO — C-, In In ‘ CD — - n ‘ — C J (J1 — 0 GJ< -I, r III- C n 0 C 0 ‘-p C CD 0 C In CD C 0 -I CD I, CD -p In CD CD In CD 0 C -p C 0 In C -4 CD I i22015 ITY OF MUKILTEO DMINISTRT 11 ku U U ( I W MU KI LTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITtEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM you think knows Applicant: Please give this form to any non-family member youth or adult who you really well. Please make sure that they fill everything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Name:. AJ?.tlyLui1g Recommender’s Name:.. SOmJY1)g Pk How long have you known the applicant? of Alex was a student at Endeavour ES for 5 years where I work as the Dean Students. I’ve also coached his Destination Imagination team 2 years. In what capacity do you know the applicant? in I got to know Alex well through coaching his Destination Imagination team (his 4th grade and then 7th grade year). I accompanied Alex and his teammates to state tournament three times and world tournament twice. r of the Mukilteo Please comment below on why you think this person should be a membe this person can Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what unique qualities and talents bring to MYAC. Alex has a lot to offer. He can think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. His creativity and problem solving skills have contributed to his Dl team winning at multiple problem solving tournaments. Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. Alex is a leader who leads with quiet confidence. He works well others and strives to find solutions that work for everyone. I highly recommend this outstanding young man for our city’s youth advisory committee. C’v Signature of Remmender/Date V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Appllcation.docx 4 HI 2015-2016 MUKLTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMTTEE (MYAC) APPUCATON Due Date: August 1, 2015 Appflcants must be MkUteo residents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: Peter (Joongi) Kim Mailing Address, City: E-mail Address: Age: Mukilteo School/Grade: Birthday: 1< WA State: ZIP: High SchooU 11th Gr Cell Phone: , ByUflgsVf]gkHTh. Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Address: City: MURiIteO,. State: WA ZIP: Signature of Parent/Guardian: Please be aware of the following requirements ofati Mukif teo Youth Advisory Committee members: One 2-hour MYAC meeting per month (more may be added upon increased activity or project level). Represents the interests ofthe student body (of my school ). Actively participates in meetingsand projects (every on&s ideas jre important!). Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree 8275 (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree (Parent initials) Please Note: While it is true that being a part of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Commttee may look good” on a resume or college application, we strongly discourage anyone who isfoining solely for this reason. There is a time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making a differe nce in our community, who want to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voice and use it, and want to represent the youth ofMukitteo. Agreeing cot’stitutes a pledge that your responses to the questions in this application are accurate and entirely your work. In addition, you understand and will foitow the requirements of the Mukflteo Youth Advisory Committee if you are appointed to represent your school , social group, community, and ehe City of Muldlteo. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2O.5\2O15-t6 r’AYAC Application4ocx 98275 about you! Tell us about yourself— here is the place for you tell us more Include all interest groups, Tell us about the groups at school that you’re involved with. your involvement is, and how activities such as ASS, athletics, etc., office held (if any), what much time per week/month you participate in these activities. Tuesdays First violin in Karniak Uher Kamrnerstreich (Chamber Orchestra)and Thursdays Key Club- VVednesdays and volunteer days eer days Tri-M Honor Society- Monthly meeting on Thursday and volunt National Honor Society- 2 or 3 times a month and volunteer days Debate Team- Everyday and Saturdays for tournaments 2. hobbies, clubs, music, What are you involved with outside of school, such as church, work, spend with each one. you time Please include what you dà with each group and how much etc.? er Church- Join youth group, play violin for children choir and chamb sometimes orchestra, and simply pray. I spend 5 hours every Sundays and weekdays. fun at the Korean School TA- Help little kids learn and allow them to have same time. I spend every Fridays. Participate Debate Tournaments- Every Friday after school and Saturdays. in Cross-Ex Debate, Oratory Speech, impromptu Speech, and Extemporaneous Speech events. sdays. Violin- Practice everyday for 45-60 minutes and lessons on Wedne t in local government, i.e., government 3. Tell us about your knowledge, experience, and interes ment? class at school, etc. Are you interested in a career in govern oraneous I know national and global social problems because of extemp basic speech and student congress practices in Debate Team. I learned year. I government systems from World History AP ctass that I took last ngton, have debated government issues with debaters around Washi ment govern Oregon, and Canada. I am also fascinated to learn about the people I because it is a key to communal success. I always want to help care about. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Apptication.docx 2 \II ESSAY Time! Please answer the following questions and give us at least 4 sentences for each question asked. Oeativity is welcomed and encouraged! :1. Why are you interested in joining the Mtikiiteo Youth dv:s ory Commiltee MYAC)? As a resident in Mukifteo, I want to make a differenc e in where I live. I want to give back to my cornrnut,ity, I want to experience being a leader. I want to learn more. 2. We want to get to know who you arel So choo se any three words that you thnk br’t describes you and e>piain why. I am inquisitive, passionate, and industrious. I won der how I can improve myself or others. 1 acNeve that goal no matter its difficulty . I work hard to accomplish it. 3. Everyone is unique in .oine way. This is what helps to make the MYAC so chverse. 1e what unique qua(ftier,, talents, and experienc’s you have that might benefit MYAC. us I was a concert master, so I can harmonize diffe rent people. I am also a teacher assistant, always figuring out ways to help people. I am in different dubs, so I have many perspectives. I have many friends who can tell me their problems. 4. Everyone can think of things that need to be improved in their community. tf you could change three things in the Mukifteo community, what would they be, and why? What are some ideas you have that would help change these thing s? Writing space is limited. I will write my response on different paper. 5. if appointed, how much time are you able to devote to the Youth Advisory Committee? (Give number of hours). This committee typically requires 1.5 to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night ever y month; some projects will require a higher level of participation. How would you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved with? If I am appointed, I will be abte to devote 2 or mote hours on Tuesday night every nonth and I will use mote time if needed for participat ion. I will put MYAC the first priority for next year and be responsible for my duty. 6. &{ow long have you lived in Mukifteo? What do you like about living in Mukifteo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meetings ? How will you get to Mukifteo City Hall? have lived in Mukitteo for apptoximately 4 years. I love living in such a peaceful city. like people in general who live in Mukllteo and I also love Mukifteo schools including Harbour Pothte Middle School and Kam iak High School. My parents can drive me to Cfie City Hat!. I do not worry abou t my transportations. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2O152O15-6 vWAC Appffcation4o cx 3 4) Confidence, safety, and after school activities should improve. I want to encourage every youths in Mukilteo to have confidence since there were two suicide incidents at my school and I want to help my friends make better decisions by making them realize how special they are. Also, I want youths in my community to avoid drugs, smoking, alcohol, teenage driving, and other hazardous problems. Since schools only help students during school times, after school activities will greatly influence youths. I have ideas such as creating assemblies at school or make leadership programs to boost everyone’s confidence. With safety, I think interactions between adults such as doctors or police and youths will effectively grab students’ attention. Making more and influential after school programs will help students spend their after school more efficiently. \jt1li fl() ‘t)L1 i MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any non-fami ly member youth or adult who you think know s you really well. Please make sure that they fill ever ything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Name. Th*r Recommender’s How long have you known the appflcant? .1 ive kiiowr Pe+et &r d In what capacity do you know the applicant? +k you-tk wd yv €acM-s CLI CJii.vtk. Peter beev’ ;vwolved iv iiS MASiCCkl .cL(ev1-t a; i . Andrew k’’ oGtr paYiI1 Korei vcItAYLeerv 6y cLLe psh dviti’es. Please comment below on why you think this person should be a member of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what uniq ue qualities and talents this person can bring to MYAC. Peters qwtnes zvd icIeit (vd(,tde .Ll’±y cer yOIAI1AS dv’n Ja- W.4giCCA.! vew&.s -(‘ô r1 , bekl4 cv &J; h;s rsp6vsIfti’es seriou(y. He s viôrL -Erd -&6 ; uities c-d s wIIvt -e s1ra li1s %(ev-L g’cj wrL+ : Jv s Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. Pe+e4 iec.derst;p qtAL((I:Is ;d .de pcôvi, I”o viesty avc± rrpecL ør He tpptrs b b& cdi-é a%cf wfiz L- Iie Ccw Uc,. H. le&-’g welt tô c’ti-er wL’zl 1s d , t. 2OI Signature of Recommender/Date V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC Appllcation.d ocx 4 RJ Muic II flC) Yot rr AU6 3 2015 Ath IsIW Cn,umiIi CITY OF MUI<ICTEO ADMINISTRATiON 2015-2016 MUKILTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MY AC) APPUCATION — Due Date: August 14, 2015 ApplIcants must be Mukilten residents between the ages of 14-18 Full Name: AngeJai Mailing Address: City: E-mail Address; Age —- 1V111ki.llftQ___ State: /LIL. ZIP: School/Grade: Ka mjLk±flgkhQjitQjh. Birthday: . Parent/Guardian Name: Cell Phone: _1iJ_L_. Parent/Guardian Address: City: .M1JRLJ1Q___ State: .\LV& ZIP: .aa2ZE... Signature of Parent/Guardian; COMMITMENT PLEDGE BY APPLICANT & PAR ENT(S) Please be aware of the following requirements of all Mukllteo Youth Advisory Committee members: • One 2-hour MYAC meeting per month (more may be added upon increased activity or project level). • Represents the Interests of the student body (of my school). • Actively partidpates in meetlngsand projects (everyone’s Ideas are Importanti). • Patents jee to provide reliable transporta tion to MYAC meetings should the applicant need it. Yes, I Agree ‘ft 2i2ZL (Applicant Initials) Yes, 1 Agree V ,(Parent Initials) Please Note: While it is true that being a part oIthe Mukiiteo Youth Advisory Committee may look good on a resume or college application, we strongly discou rage anyone who is joining solely for this reason. There is a time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making a difference In our community, who want to have fun, to learn abou t local government, have a voice and use it, and want to represent the youth of Muklfteo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your respon ses to the questions In this application are accurate and entirely your work. in addition, you understand and will follow the requirements of the Mukilt eo Youth Advisory Committee If you are appointed to represent your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukilteo. V:\EXECMYAC2O15\2O1546 MYAC Appllcaflon.d ocx a MUKILTRO YOUTH \dvkw CnnlhtL’ Tell us about yourself here is the place for you tell us more about you! — Tel! us about the groups at school that you’re Involved with. Include all interest groups, activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held tif any), what your involvement is, and how much time per week/month you participate in these activities. For extracurriculars, I em involved in Kamiak Speech and Debate, Hugs for Ghana, and Knowledge bowl. I take Speech and Debate as a class, which means that I dedicate at least one hour per day on school days to the club, as well as nearly twenty Saturdays to the program, due to the fact that tournaments run during the weekends. I attend Hugs for Ghana and knowledge bowl, as meetings for the club are scheduled into that time frame, I am also involved in Girls’ Tennis at Kamiak, and was recently accepted into Uber Kammerstreich, an advanced orchestral ensemble. 2. What are you involved with outside of school, such as church, work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? Please include what you do with each group and how much time you spend with each one. I take painting lessons as well as violin lessons once a week, for an hour each session, I dedicate at least four hours a week to playing tennis, as It is one of my favorite hobbies. I practice violin for nearly an hour each day or longer, depending on the day and situation. I volunteer at the Mill Creek YMCA for three hours at a time teaching swim classes on Saturdays, and lend my assistance organizing books to the Mukiltec Library once a week for an hour. I also volunteer at the Mukiffeo Food Bank, where 1 help sort out canned goods and other foods, for an hour and a half at a time. 3. Tell us about your knowledge, experience, and inteist in local government, I.e., government class at school, etc. Are you interested in a career in government? I have been very involved in Speech and Debate this past year, hence leading to my new passion for government matters. In debate, I participated in an event called “Congress”, where students write bills and speak both on the affirmative and negative sides of the matter. I won second place at districts for Congress, and thereby secured myself a position at state. I am very interested in a career in government, notably working in the US Department of State, or as a regional representative or a senator. V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MVAC App!lcatlon.docx 2 I. Why are you intcrcsted in joining the Mukllteo Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC)? I am interested in joining the Mukllteo Youth Advisory Committee not only because of my interest in politics, but because of the dedication I have to my community. Being in the committee would give me my first official glance at how a govern ance structure works, and how actions and decisions made within a political form of body can affect the community as a whole. I believe that a position in the committee would also help me better understand and aid my community in a more expansive, involved way in voluntccring at a local institution. The committee that would allow me to see the city in a new, excitin g tight. 2. We want to get to know who you are! So choose any three words that you think best describes you and explain why The three words that best describe me are hardworking, empath etic, and maintained a GPA of above 3.95 throughout my entire school career, responsible, I have and have joined several clubs. I have work my hardest in each of the extracurriculars I choose to join, so much that as a ifeshman, I was able to go to state in debate for two events. As for empathy, I have always been a good listener, and a shoulder for my peers to lean on whenever they need me. For the other members of the committee, I hope to be recognized as a person they can talk to if they ever need any help. Responsibility has long been a trait that I am proud to posses s. I take hill responsibility for my errors, as well as for my work and projects. I have never procrastinated on any assignments, and turn in all work before the deadline, when I feel it is exemplary enough to express my hard work and dedication to the subject. 3. Everyone is unique in some way. This is what helps to make the MYAC so diverse. Tell us what unique qualities, talents, and experiences you have that might benefit MYAC. One of my most unique qualities is my abilities to help others profess their thoughts and ideas. Though! am filly able to take initiative on work or a project, I strongly believe in everyone having a chance to express themselves, especially in aspects that they are strongest at. The fault with many leaders is that, though they take charge, they may sometimes forget to accept the ideas of others. When I was younger, I was extremely shy, and that aspect of my personality did not change until late middl school, when I got into Speech and Debate. Since then, I have learned that one should never be afraid to express their though ts, and wish to help others realize the same thing about their ideas, as well. 4, Everyone can think of things that need to be improved in their community, if you could change three things in the Mukilteo community, what would they be, and why? What are some ideas you have that would help change these things? and One of the biggest things I would change about the Mukilteo community is youth activism involvement in tocal issues. The Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee is one of few opportunities that allows local youth to have a look at how a governmental structure works, while other cities in the state, such as Bellevue, have many opportunities for local youth is involvement. I believe that getting youth to see what role they can play in their local council a , Additionally lives. their in very important, and the first step to governmental awareness change that should be made is youth service to the community. far too many children do not give back to their community, or when they do, it is because they have been fbrced to do so. I would be exalted to see this change, as volunteering is an incredibly rewarding experience for both the recipients and the volunteer. However, for more people to volunteer, there must also be to more opportunities to volunteer, which brings me to my third change urging more companies they if to ask businesses local contact accept youth volunteers. I would personally email and would accept interns or volunteers from their community in order to bring my idea of change into a reality, as well as urge my peers to volunteer, In relations to government, 1 would talk to my friends and spread the word about the benefits of being involved in council or government, and tell them to actively seek out such opportunities. - 5, If appointed, how much time are you able to devote to the Youth Advisory Committee? (Give number of hours). I will be able to commit five hours each week to the committee, or more hours when necessary. Tuesday night meetings would be extremely convenient for me, as I have no activities to attend after school on Tuesdays, and two hours is a time period I will surely be able to commit. I would prioritize MYAC by talking about the hours with the leader or managers of the clubs I am involved in or volunteer for. Due to my commitment to my extracufficulars and responsibility, I am on good terms with all of the teachers that lead the clubs I am involved in at Kamiak, and they would surely know that I would make up any absences or work. Additionally, I will reschedule any tennis, violin, or tennis lessons in conflict with MYAC hours. 6. How long have you lived in Mukilteo? What do you like about living in Mukilteo? Do you have reliable transportation to the meetings? How will you get to Mukilteo City Hail? I have lived in Mukilteo for fourteen years, or in other words, my entire life. I enjoy the strong atmosphere of community and togetherness in Mukilteo, which is something that one cannot usually find in other communities. The thct that Muldlteo is not a gigantic city is something that further propels the friendliness within the entire community, as everyone is willing to lend a hand to someone else and help them to the best of their abilities. I have very reliable transportation to meetings, considering how I can walk over to the City Hall, due to proximity. Ilowever, my father gets home from work at 5pm, which means that he will be able to transport me to the Mukilteo City Hall after 5pm. If meetings are earlier than 5pm, then, as said before, I will walk to the City Hall when there is a MYAC event. Muxi LTfX) YOUTH Advktry C)nhrT,Uft MUKICTEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMIflEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any non-family member youth or adult who you think knows you really well. Please make sure that they fill everything out clearly and legibly. Applicant’s Recommender’s NameL_iI.. __ How long have you known the applicant? e In what capacity do you know the applicant? f’’ k ¶3 Please comment below on why you think this person should be a member of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what unique qualities and talents this person can bring to MYAC. cj (ct rt 4ci t’ç Oc(q ‘tcU L\4LC) pccJC (tkcC... ‘Ls ‘&cU1/ Cc((&4. t- w. Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. A”(A -c •O&MJ( O’t s C, -t (m - cL La-cs ‘&& - - Signature of Recommender/Date C\MYAiO1I16MYACAppIJat!on.docx 4 MUKII.TEO YOtYi :t! 1lf\ ( IIk 2015-2016 MUKLTEO YOUTH ADVISORY C APPLICATION — TItE (MYAC) Due Date: ]August 14, 2015 Applicants must be Mukilteo residents between the ages of 14-18 Th.i______ Full Name: Mailing Address: state;\Ni ZlP:27 5 City: E-mail Address: .5chool/Grade: Birtl7day: Parent/Guardian Name: Jii_!(hoo1iLo Cell Phone; ....AS(\ CkXI.. Parent/Guardian Address: __City:tVL 5tate:L’_. 21p;U1 Signature of Parent/Guardian: -S COMMITMENT PLEDGE BY APPLICANT & PARENT(S) Please be aware of the following requwements of all Mukifteo Youth Advisory Committee members: • One 2-hour MYAC meeting month (more may be added upon increased activity or project level). • Represents the Interests of the student body (of my school). Actively in meetings and projects fevecyonWs ideas are lmportantl), a Parents agree to provide reliable transportation to MYAC meetings should the applicant need ft. per participates Yes,l Agree Sir (Applicant initials) Yes, I Agree Qj (Parent initials) Please Note: While ft is true that being a part of the Mukifteo Youth Advisory Committee may 1ook good” on a resume orcollege application, we strongly discourage anyone who is joining solely for this reason. There is a time and effort commitment involved. We are a group of youth who are committed to making a difference in our community, who want to have fun, to learn about local government, have a voice and use it, and want to represent the youth of Mukilteo. Agreeing constitutes a pledge that your responses to the questions in this application are accurate and entirely your work. In addition, you understand and will follow the requirements of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee if you are appointed to represent your school, social group, community, and the City of Mukiften. V:EXECMYAC\2O152015-16 MYACApplfcation.docx 1 MUKILThO YOUTH ‘.thIsr) (i,mi11IIc’ Tell us about yourself here Is the place for you tell us more about you! — 1. Tell us about the groups at school that you’re involved with. include all interest groups, activities such as ASB, athletics, etc., office held (if any), what your involvement is, and how much time per week/month you participate In these activities, ‘es ig ooi jactc a vortcrc QLf CRJV co •ac ee Y1 cm w\it i avi L’ -‘ ‘i uY Oi I niJ t wee tôr cOUt dre iJc’cr’ \S cvex’t CQ’d U& {j ti rn( 1fl ciO:j WvC1i -, . ir r çartok lin •€ e(A.fO” Jfl\CflXi(CE iV\ tfl COVfliri \ h0u’(ç otd /eC/ ic(C1 c? I O’ii)( Ci-urtiCa, “ ‘‘ acccc-I\ce’cr #rr sch C” i,ICfl cppoc tti t. c U 2. ¶Y ft’.JO IIJ’i wriat are you invoivea witn outside of scriooi, such as churcn, work, hobbies, clubs, music, etc.? Please include what you do with each group and how much time you spend with each one. j j \tfl ComtYVocN C”OI Cr ot ceiic’ oi i’q flç c. \\(e t (ufl1 ?fermf1 PL\ Oic3 (]cy’3 y ccci -) Vb\KtI tY11t’flU fL)çf oin CtfiiWy ct.Su jjc1k ciiitici IWC’ s’dc mcqn C a’(ev’I ‘c up- 3. Tell us about your knowledge, experience, and Interest in local government, i.e., government cIas at sclool, etc. Are youinterested in a career in government? ihe flact oil goteYY1rv1e’ lyl iitj eignigo4e srne e cg4iar cctçç t-—fchrOt O-Yitr-ifl&Y\ *11A\ iO Y1 u’e)YCV (flSW€ rvie cUtUf o c\ct %ind CX,Ido cjjj yf cft £ c cvcoU’c c s‘.‘ r to Ck V:\EXEC\MYAC\2015\2015-16 MYAC AppIcaton4ocx e te r 2 Mt:KII:rIC) YO1YrH C iii, ESSAY Time! Please answer thefollowing questions and give us at least 4 sentences for each question asked. Creativity is welcomed and encourage dl 1. Why are you interested in joining the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Com mittee (MYAC)? 4fl \vvtcC ‘Y Son WC becS’ cO cVufl’j’fl r(’O %‘ ‘r.2\4 CSO the c’ 4i JC\ r•) Içfl Cc?’, 2. k ir9,’ who you are! So choose any three words that you think best describes yoci and explain why. flr{ JU1 Cl I’C’c n€ ave.. to r’r’u t& Sn e, c’ x D T(lV1 t’ç-v m ca3. 4 CY(YS -o OS1’Y’ o “ r’c k\r 3. Everyone is unique in some way. This is what helps to make the MYAC so diverse. Tell us what unique qualities, talents, and exp eriences you have that might ben jrcj efit MVAC, (‘Cy\ x% c y€CV .dtS cO ?-“‘frC.. iii cflUe ec ai’c e CtcI’ iiIOWiJ ifl . ‘ . ptoU IO.NJr c’JThn iCeet efW€. C’. Ch.RSc rre hctci giz no “\ AG J flC\1e dCO. C C2L(, i,v fn .1 ‘lii ee L 1ç i-o 4. Everyone can think of things that nee W 1. d to be improved in their community . If you could change three things in the Mukiltea com munity, what would they be, and why ? Wh at are some ideas you have that would help change these things? çp’eJt mjc1Ca i vijjjteO is M)f tOCS b ftfS ,atic COc3 r . number of hours) This committee typic ally requires 15 to 2 hours on the second Tuesday night every month, some projects will require a hig her level of participation How wou ld you prioritize MYAC with the other activities you are involved wit h? j joj’.K ç. £-v roi .qiMC kifiI + Q tI .t ‘7“ C t’ k O.S h 5 r’i j’ iç4 (Q At 4S Vt CCk OJ 0’i Vt 14t-€. ‘d(L ç rt ctc ,SO I -i -i i oJ\CI jo ‘o1e - - - . S hCil.4? votilV llkeSt n’ P W Do you have reliable transl2ortation to the meetfns? How wUl you get to Mukilteo City Hall? ci’ ccw ‘1-c Ci (hct-r m i\ and CLi1! c ctuie-ctN W% -1L4d1 ctc,tng St Th fli flCt cwlcQ petj Co’)Ct ‘ eieric wIc:\ oi,ncljb Qi rmt I nt”tt i6’L tyV (fljm ce ‘i. - fr MUK H.TiiO YOUTH AiJviwy Cuniinit tie MUKIUEO YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Applicant: Please give this form to any non-family member youth or adult who you think knows you really well. Rease make sure that they fill everything out dearly and legibly. Applicant’s Name—-___.._ Recommender’s Name:. How long have you known the applicant? In whatcapacity do you know the applicant? y -f-- SPC,SI -±1e -s- yecs. Please comment below on why you think this person should be a member of the Mukilteo Youth Advisory Committee. Consider what unique qualities and talents this person can bring to MYAC. s eptr i b€., c 1-ure fls per trcvMe, psrh\e. pe4-stn. She -‘ -f4yVe.. ._ C..I D’ * Describe the leadership qualities of this applicant. &ncy : 9r-p s---pO /‘pn\e.kc tk% SS’ FP O\1 4J.f (J’ %l-d bCL Y. m, ‘ cn’1e -f&sks .V +) X\C\ UpcIuc-f froduce, I 0- U ate V:\EXEC\MYA \2015-16 MYACAppticatlan.docx 4 Y /