VOLUME 13, Issue 1 - Beloit Historical Society


VOLUME 13, Issue 1 - Beloit Historical Society
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Skimming Through Scrapbooks
. WAS ONE OF' BJ,;W'J T'S E AltJ.l· '
The Beloit Historical Society has accumulated many
scrapbooks over the years, filling several shelves in the Luebke
Library, In this newsletter we present a sampling from the
scrapbooks of Daisy Chapin (VoL 2, 1959-60), Minnie McIntyre
Wallace (1927), 1. S, Bell (1938), and the Commercial Club
B, COrueliu~ ''Huckle,
, A mon~ the oid aettlers 0' Beloit
' there ' are t ew , better kn
;w hoae
personal 8.c4uaintanc~ 18 '
f'mo're e;rt ellslve thila Uenry Tall­
madge, In hi. veins ttows th e best
\ b'lood ot t h e" old NeW' England com'
~ mo.nwealtb.
;;­ }' The name 0t T-d..llmn,dS"c W,U:i plom· j
inen" anti !'cspoeled in the Valloy or
ConnecUcutt two cenlul'JoJ ago, W~
r, branches o( tbe family settled in ,
I cw Y OrJi a nd ~':Vbc()1) s ill, Th e ,
\ a me Is dlstJngpfshed to our hi stor y
by emin ent educators, divIne::>, sul­
(ers and dtatesmen, B(~ l1JamlI. T<.I.II­
~ .m a.dge, a g l'ad Wite uf Ya~e eollege. It]
i ]773 W8.l!! a school teal~.he. l.tud l a­
-. :t·er ;.. dIstinguished ottkel' tn th e i
• il ReVO{Ution. !Ie participated i n lhe
battles of Bra.ndywIne, Monmouth. ­
l ~n ~ GerrnantowlI .
'1~c l' :"itol'iu ~ Gu\"crnol'
; ,rga:t hUl1iel p, 'T~llmu<lbe, a.. .:; 1'01.(1­ ~
,! uate o f , 'l:1n!Ull .cu:1c S-e", l'cIJrcsent cd !
"; : 1110 .5la.l ~....- of Nc,)' York i~l ,t.he. Uni~ed
' ! ::lLMes l/~ n.l C;, 'from 18 33 Lo , ISH
~~\\'hell h b' ;w as ilPllQ i,1 : lctl terntor l:]. l l
;gO\."erIl OI' 0( ' \\,.j:;:;con s;r I;!y Pretiid(! !lt
',TYlCl' and t1nall ~ '. cCfi 11 l<.t <.l pcnll~ ~
illent resJdent of th llS ~ tate where I lI ~
' ae.~cenaant8 now live.
H e nry B . 'l' alJrll adgG W: '", born in !'
: \ Vi lliamstown,
Mal-is .,
23 .
~ 1845, n.na . cam!:;) l.u B eloit wll b his I
i parcnls, Geurg0 S. T~ltn,n.dge and
; Ma,'re Eriggs 'falll]ladgc , ,I n 1852, n e
i ho'~ Uveq ' .hel' e
conU.nuoudy s!nc.c
! lhcn', His falh ur WB t:I ;tll' man } ~~eul·s.
~ \! onnectell ' w ltl1 the .:;h0c t rtttlG nl th is l
: city a~ld bf ~ t?tnembel'el1 by ol d
,ze n. ot Beloit.
'Henry wa r; tho ol d cs1.
dUo l
a lid
I G~ell f or nl.UlY years tt e so le S Ui" ..
'I \<IVOI', o,r a fallli!i uf 13 I,,;h jldl"0~1. Hl ~
futheL' --and sister .dlcel in Colorado
luud his mother paSdeti a,ya y in thi.s
~ 1 c1t"y , several years a go..
Donieo th e
~j Ht.h"an t aS'es. of nil ::l.t."ad 0 !ll k , cd u (:a~
Hon. he carly 4evclopec; <1,. s e nse ,j[
. ,' native tac~ 'Uild prudel.lcc ill l usiness
'.f<! rela.tions with his fellow n ·cn .
: '
lLa r l, I'sper' ,Boy'
Courleous habits and I1 f fa.blc ma n·
. n e.rs alwa y ~ h a ve been a. dist inS"u i::h­
;: cll trait In the c·h::frctcH' :-tad dail y
, lite,
M r, 'L'.ll1madgc,
Vo r )'Y carl )"
, III ' lfe' he was t hrown r."/l ct;cn lly 011 I
~'I ,his o\\: n rm)oUl"ces. Tho~c l'eSClurces
co nsisted only of nativ, pluc1.. , po ·
lite' ttleiliods nnd a ,o: IM-:ere effort lo
p lease those \v~lo m h e set'vecL Whe n
" very yo ung h e sold on 11.e atreets of
~ Beloit s uch papel's a~ t'ea checl ilel"e
, Ill those <:fiatant day., His Hr.t penna­
11.len t enllJJoYlllcnt wo.s hi th. ser vice
_j'~r Nelson Howa.rd. w ho conducted a
, resta urant III TurUe street, no w Sla le
The city tree crew Thunday start~ cutting down the famed Croft elm on the Strong school
' grounds, The nearly centUry old natural landmark fell victim to Dutch elm disease, 'Branch
trimming operations attracted many neighborboop. youngsters. The elm was named after Jarries ~'
Croft, a former school boar,d m,ember who took steps to protect tree Wh, en it was but a twig in ~
cornfield, (Daily News photo by Joe Kobylka)
..:.• ,< ,r,.~
";--"V", _
:~tl·e et .
Lat er , In the e ll rly 'JJO'8, h e was
d e, k a t buth th e BUbhneli "nd the
~aJj sbu ry h o tels , There we,'. no te l.
' j " ph one. 1n Lh ose days a nd a lively
! defrutn d· (lxJatcd
tor m e:::ae ().J;er boys, !
, ' M ,'. ', 'l'alltnad ge relat"" deJigh Uu •
M a.tt PI! ;.i ":O.
Page 2
Beloit Historical Society UPCOMI NG EVENTS
Founded 1910 2005 Officers
W illiam Y oss
Vice President.
Saturdays in March - Quilting CLasses Lincoln Center. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Cost: $11 per class (members), $ 12 (non-members). Contact Bobbie Fiske, 365-4528. Cathy Piazza
Thursday, April 20 - Vo lunteer Recognition Lunch
Lincoln Center. 11:30 a.m. Lunch and program.
2nd Vice President.
Richard Ranft
Harry Schermerhorn
Friday, May 19 - Spring Program Lincoln Center. 6:00 p.m. Dinner and program: Wisconsin's Haunted Locations by Chad Lewis. Tickets $30 (members), $35 (non-members) William Bolgrien
Board of Directors
David Collins
Sue Drevdahl
Mary Frey
Maggie Janke
Tom lones
Steve K inkade
Ron K lein
leff Reese
Terry Russell
Wednesday, June 28 - Chicago Bus Trip Departs from Lincoln Center 7:30 a.m .. Mystic Blue Boat Cruise & Sears Tower Sky Deck Tour. Tickets $75 (members), $85 (non-members) Sports HaLL ojFame Induction
Date and time to be announced. Armual dinner and induction ceremony.
Sunday, September 10 - Heritage Days Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead. Noon to 4:00 p.m. Open house, food and events. Free admission. Su nday, September 17 - Beloit Haff ofFame Induction Lincoln Center. 2:00 p.m. Armual induction ceremony. Free admission. Date o{Next Board Meeting:
Apri116, 2006
(Executive meeting: 3:00 p.m. ,
Board meeting: 4:00 p.m.)
Lincoln Center Staff:
Executive Director
Paul Kerr
VoLunteer/Event Coordinator
Loretta Hatch
Chief ofMaintenance
Fred Bull
Business A4anager
!:;cott Reichard
Saturday, October 28 - Gala Auction La Casa Grande. 6:00 p.m. Armual fund raiser. Dinner and auction. Fridav, November 17 - Annual Nfembership Dinner/A1eeting Lincoln Center. 6:00 p.m. Armual meeting. Dinner and program: Bruce Burnside presents the Brand New Four Stories of the Civil War. Contact Beloit Historical Society for further information (608) 365-7835
The :"ews l etl'~r, Confluence, is publi shed
quat1erly for the membership of the Be loit .
Historical Soci ety to inform readers of
Society activities as well as educate them
on the hi story of Beloit. T he Beloit ~\ ;~;'':l;,
Histor ica l Society manages two sites,
Lincoln Center Museum with main offices ~."" """,,'
at 845 Hackett SI. and Hanc hett-Bartl ett
Homesiead 2149 ~ t. La""rence Ave. For
furtller information please caU (608) 365­
7835 or e-mail us al belo ith'@tico ll .!)et.
Ne wsletter edited by Scott R eichard Other contributors to this issue : Loretta Hatch, Paul Kerr •
Page 31
atIJrnac1~e contil1uedfromp~ge
. ,-heard
r:!,·;;at..J,ia,l1llhett'.' hal) , In IJOtoll,er.
Beine a : c:uk' at the 'n uilllnell
:1Uu-u.. t h,· ttme Mr, LIllcoln WIJe",a
1gue~lh8r\i ~e: Md an o~portu nliy ,to
con ;v erae ..Wlt..h J,lni ~bllt dQ,8S Jlot s eem
.to have ', i1one iio. .. Llnci)h; "SplOY8d
, [i'I; ' d ln1)er lSI ' the oI4 dlnln,.: ;"oo,m;:
l8 69.
j.,;hldh.'-'I'; lIQ:w,~h'! ' !'lUU iclPill court i·.:
l oom.
Sa. voo IDs Golti' COnl$ , , " : ' .,
. In , )<~6. 6/
" t (he ag~ ot 20, Mr, :' "
Tu llma dge opelled a n~.I3 taul'ant a t
" the northea~t corner of Slate' and (,
' ~ Broaii' 8.,r~ e~~ ,wh ich he ~O llductell!
, for m a n y ' yel\l's, !-115 plac, 'was
l open to lho trude ' "ili,'.it . and day ,
:.:~{:'J1 hi.r. tY~ fPUr ' 'y~a 1'8 a£,o he r cUred
" f rO n t acl i \le~~ b usinrsJ3.
h a vin g
{ meaJlS' or iuduSll' lo u8 a id ., thrl ~ty
~' h~blts arn asscd 'St.fti\,;~~ l1t 01 " this!
WO r 1Q,;S good.
pass hi. uccJinlng( '"
y€u rf\ itl 'c oir'lfort a11d · l1a~ JlcndG nce .
I , will (e ll a n lo dll e¢t ue, HI, U,rift
(-,> and f.oreslt;h t.
Dc..·'ins . the
:," Ci.vill
illHl for years la ler' c:otd "'coln ~
',vas v~ry ,ecnr.c~ , -.It tool< 1l1ure than~'
t wo S'r~enback' doll ars tu:'rl<Y It d e bt
,. ' ". ot 0 1:(0 &o llar p ayable ' i n golll, BaQ k-,t,
, le·l-s'fec~lv ~.d ~~ ld c1u ll u '$ wit h ,. smile;·
. j\V;1l.
but passed · them: over the counter
. ~ . with a. frown,.
' . ) I t).' tfl~ cOll r~o or' h is business , .)
H e nry · oc ca8ib qa.lIy g~t JlJ,s~es., SJ OU 0 [ 1
go ld coIn i n ilvc.. t en tl J1U JweH.tY ~
i~dop3r pic ;:.::;.
rl'Jiese he lJ J ace ~ In all : -:..,
ol el ' lead p ipe see,'ct II 111 the buse-I
lJlt!nt of ll.t~ rc.s·t a.-lU'U-t;t t, Huvi n g ac­
eu m U\<1 t ed ,seveJ'al Ii uu u r~d (t4.l1aJ'S lIlt
Two carloads of flour for free distriDtHj.'on to needy famllies in :Beloit, South Beloit and
iI'i'l"ed here late Sunday ,a nd were switched: fot un,loading Monday. Tbe alXive ' ll!-cb,l,r e sbows a group 1: :'. 'y,c~lo\V 1110 ney he on e yay eU.l1)tied.;
·' ll\lJ .cO!UonJ50\ the .>!I'C. .I n eXChang~).
of men, including the members (If the committee on distrjb~i1olJ, in,specting one ()!'thc,'c¥s 111 tho Mil­
for ~exeral ,tlIPu5und. . .~gur8 at a ;
waukee ral1road yards. Th08e in ,the;i!icttl{e at'e, left to right. Jb~I1 ' {'!'~!t, Milwa~kee road frelght,';age,~t,
. goo t! Yalikee barg~il).. \"/ ...
U• -
" Dr. G. W. Curless. 9. Sidney Renter, bottfm,\:mbel;s of the distrIbution "cllmm1ttee Thomas Schuler, r : I
Sout,h Beloit coun.cilman; who ,w ill aid i.n. distril5t:ltiQl)., ,in ,Aouth B?l.Olt, OSC8.1· Ncisqn, chai~an of t.::.&4e
onhn.!ttee"and AI Krause of K1'3::tlSEl" brpthers, whose wal'~hoUl!e ;w].U be used for storege: .' .
-:" "'\
,;."-; , ....
Do you have a jar full of pennies (or nickels, dimes and quarters) that you'd like to donate to a good cause ? You can put them to good use by dropping them offat the Lincoln Center. The last time we cashed m our accumulated coins we received $2701 Thanks to everyone who remembered to "drop in a
Lincoln penny for Lincoln Center." .•,
.... -,,.., .....
j ..
J..,h' ($crapbooks
continued on page
.. ,
' ~ '
IPage 4
From The Director
Since the last issue
The Annual Fund Drive brought in $ 10,000 from 102 donors. The letter appeal which began December
2005 and ran through January 2006 was the best in five years. With Beloiters giving to so many causes in the
past year this is an impressive showing. We thank you all
An Evening at Lincoln Center with the all-woman a cappella ensemble from Madison performed for
membership and guests this past 10 Febmary. The group calls themselves Tangled Up in Blue. The meal and
entertaimnent of the night were well received. The event attracted 60 people and the Society made a'.nodeSl
Quilting classes are being taught by Bobbie Fiske once again at Lincoln Center. Classes started on tile -:t. th of February and
run through th~ month of March. They are held on Saturdays hom 9 3.tn. - 4 p.tn. As \\jth past years tilese classes are very
popular and we thank Bobbie for making them so.
Coming Up
Jane Threinen will present a program at this year' s Volunteer Recognition Brunch 20 Ap,il. This i: tile lime when we thank
all our volunteers for helping us take care of the Historical Society. It ' s an arulUal event and il will be catered so please mark your
calendars and join us for lively conversation, an enlightening program and good cheer.
On 19 May Chad Lewis of Eau Claire will present an informative slide program based on his book entitled Wisconsin Road
Guide to Haunted Locations. His show concentrates on tile most haunted places in Wisconsin. Please join us for this Spring
Program and a delicious buffet 'vvhich is served at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $30 for members and $35 for non members .
The 28 th of June is the date for our Annual Bus Trip to Ch icago. It promises to be a good one. Take a look at the enclosed
flier, then phone in your reservation. We look forward to seeing you this June.
The Society pays its respects to the memory ofBob SoLem who passed away March 3rd. Bob spearheaded the
drive to renovate the annex of the old Lincoln Junior High School and build Lincoln Center. Hisfinancial
contributions and vision moved the Society forward, and gave it the visibility it needed. Today our facility attracts
thousands ofvisitors annually. We tip our hat to the memory ofBob.
PaulK. Kerr
A reminder to everyone that the Beloit Historical Society is a repository for Beloit History. If you have objects, letters, diaries, photos, documents, clothing, etc., that pertain to Beloit history or someone from Beloit, please keep us in mind as a permanent home for these items. Sponsor-A-Day
Why not consider sponsoring a day at
Lincoln Center? By contributing the
average cost of daily operations at the
Society ($300), you can pick a day to
commemorate a special event or the
memory of someone. Recognition of
the contribution then is published in the
Beloit Daily News and Stateline
Shopping News.
Cub Food Receipts
Our last batch of receipts brought in $53.1 7. For each Cub Foods receipt submitted
the Society receives 1% of the total. Thanks to everyone who participates in saving
the receipts and thank you Charlie Jones for volunteering your time totaling them each
quarter. Please keep saving receipts, and be sure to get them in before the end of the
quarter. Every Penny Helps I!
Charlie wants us to pass on that the date for the quarters that he processes Cub Food
receipts has changed. Corporate Cub is using the following periods for their program :
Feb. 25 to June 11 - June 12 to Sept. 3 - Sept. 4 to Nov. 12 - Nov. 13 to Feb.
(Scrapbooks continued fra.m page 3) ,,;,:.
These third grade pupils an d their teacher , Mrs. L ola Will.;.i.ns, of Parker school, visited the post office
r ecently, and then l?uilt a post office of their o wn in their . classroom . They started a stamp collection
'and made-up ap]ay on the postman. In the rear row frpm left'to righ t are Mrs. Wilkins, Herold Ra­
rnent, Vincent Stankwitz, Joseph McCormick , Amold mbbs, Keith WaJd and HatTY Chilson; third
row-Shirley Herman, Betty. Hawkin s, J oan Simonds, Lorraine Margeson . Rose Herron, Delores Cl)L­
kins, Nancy Sc'tlu1roeyer, DOl'Othy Heideman , L ois Kalos, and Elizab,et h Drinkwater : second row-Myrtle '
Polzin, Betty Fnlncini, Mary P alermo, Barbara Lanning. Virginia Oates. Lu ella Spangler . Cherry Field,
Elame Bader, Shirley Penson and Beverly H oppe r , and front row"':"'Roben Weaver, Charles Keitch ,
K enneth Griesman a n d David Naidenovich .
(S9rapbookS aonti,nued
on /age 11)'
I Page 6
Loretta's Volunteer News Attention: Docents (Tour Guides) Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead Tours The elementary school tour season is approaching quickly. Dates have already been scheduled for third
and fourth grade students to visit the Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead. The dates listed below have been
scheduled by the School District of Beloit. All other tour information is still in the works and will be
available to docents before the first scheduled tour.
The Society relies on docents to provide the children in our community an opportunity to experience life
as a pioneer child. Docents help vi sitors understand and interpret what they experience at the Homestead . For
just a few hours a day they donate their time by sharing their interests in history and teaching people the
importance of keeping our city' s heritage alive. Volunteers choose to work at their convenience! Training
and a Docent Manual is provided for those interested.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a docent please fill out the
form below and mail it to Lincoln Center, 845 Hackett St., Beloit, WI.
(Attention: Loretta Hatch.) Please spread the word!!
Yes ... I am interested in being a Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead docent this year! I have circled below the days of the week that I am available to help . Please contact me with further information ! Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City: - - - --
Phone: (
Elementary School Tours:
10:30 a. m. - 1:30 p.m. June Schedule May Sched ule
8th- l 5th-
9th- 16th-23rd- 30th
lOth- 17th- 24th-31st
l Ith- 18th-25th
L _
_______________________ ~
Page 71
Loretta's Volunteer News Do You Love The Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead?
You are invited for coffee, cookies and cleaning Friday, April 7, 2006 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Come when you can, leave when you must!
Please bring cleaning supplies and your favorite coffee mug. Contact Cathy Piazza at (608) 365-8477 for further information. c)
Welcome Beloit College Intern ! Miles Van Reed
Miles recently began organizing the important documents and certificates in the Society's collection at Lincoln Center, < ,
'\>j. I"~"~
' lAJ
~\d '
,'- '
, ;-'
Thursday, April 20, 2006
11:30 a.m.
Docents Needed!
'" One or two docents •
are needed to lead a
tour of Hanchett- @ ~ ~
Bartlett Homestead
on Sunday, May 21st, from
11 :00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for
members of the Vintage Chevrolet
Club of America. Please contact
Loretta at Lincoln Center if you
are available to help! (608) 365­
7835 .
Lincoln Center
Afternoon Program
"Rise & Fall of Television Sitcoms"
" I
' I '" ~!\:l
I, ,/
Ledure & Video
,- ,
. l.\j J
By Jane (N eubauer) Threinen Former broadcaster of WREX-TV in Rockford, Illinois 'J
,,"'- -1
.• .
:.:d ·
...... _
e; ::;
IPage 8
The following is a list of cash
contributors for the calendar
yea/ ' 2005, and grouped by
giving category. 8 very effort
has been made to have
com pl e te and accurate
infonnatlon. If an omissioll or
mistake is found, please contact
us at 365-7835. Thank you.
$1000 and over
Beloit Evening Lions Club
Bill & Jackie La nders
Mary McKie
Robert Solem Fund
$500 to $999
Carol & Bill Bolgrien
David & Annie Collins
PPC Foundation
Bob & Carol Schwaegler
$200 to $499
Larry & Karen Arft
Frank Blodgett
Sue & Duane Drevdahl
Roger Dutcher
Sharon & Peter Eisendrath
John & Helen Eldred
First National Bank & Trust
Ralph & Helen Garman
Ke n & Diane Hendricks
Mary Herrmann
Kiwanis Club of Beloit
Brian & Joni Kobisch ka
George & Liz Merchant
Sam & Judith Paddock
Lloyd & Peggy Pag e
Quigley Sm art
Harry & Liz Schermerhorn
Wa lt & Joyce Scholten
Gary & Lois Swanson
Allen Tuftee
Ha nk & Lyn Wooda rd
$100 to $199
Victor & Sandra Adamsky
,Jeanne & Clyde Bachand
Olive Behrman
Esther Belardi
Beloit Box Board
Richard Blakely
BM HS Class of '65
Charles & Joy Boardman
Robert Bort
Joe & Ann Chamberlain
Donald Chamberlin
Herb & Grace Christiansen
Ruth & Harry Davis
Betty Dilworth
Dennis Dwyer
Berenice Ellis
Ken & Nancy Forbeck
Lee Foster
Marjorie Fresley
Mary Frey & Bill Wieland
Gateway Community Bank
Dick & Dawna Gerhard
Barney & Millie Grommes
Ed & Kris Grutzner
Jim & Joyce Haight
Susan Ha ngiandreou
JA Grover & Ass.
Maggie Janke
Martin & Rita Kades
Kerry Ingredients
JoAnn Koch
Tom & Peggy Lang
Elaine Lans
George Masterson
Jerry & Phyll is Mathews
Richa rd & Mary Jo
Joe & Eleanor Moen
Terry & Gail Monahan
Richard & Lynda Moon
Jess & Da rl ene Nelson
Janet & Douglas Nicoll
Merli n Nu ndah l
~m" "
Harry Padon
Will & Muriel Pollock
Bev Reichard
Marcelia Savage
June Smythe
Tim Johnson & Ass .
Gene & Jackie Weeden
$1 to $99
John & Jean Anderson
Mary Louise Armstrong
Beloit Federation of Women
Beloit Floral
Jan Betz
Bill's TV
Eugene & Dorothy Brill
Lillian Brown
Jesse & Sandra Calkins
Pat & Gino Casucci
Mike Chamberlin
Gerald Chapel
Myron & lone Clark
George & Mary Clay
Larry Collins
Country Glass
Betty Daniel
Harry & Ruth Davis
Gene & Fran Den cker
Gerald Druckrey
Doug & Mary Eddy
Heidi Eilertson
Jerry & Caro l Elliott
Elsa Fabiszak
Eil een Finnega n
Matt & Di an ne Finnegan
James Forrestal
Shawn Gillen & Barbara
Roge r & Jeanette Goecks
An ne & Matthew Goodwin
Alta Green
Dan & Cornelia Green
Barbara Gunderson
Richard Gupton
Virginia Ha rrer
Mary Alice Harris
Brian Hepperly
Caryl Hines
Martin & Marlene Howe
Ruth & Ral ph Irvin
Cheryl Jackson
Dorothy Jeffers
Jeff & Susan Johnson
Tom Jones
Steve & Sharon Kinkade
Ron Klein
Lawren z & Jaunita Knowles
Sue Kurth
Ron & Julie Lange
Leverne Larsen
Roberta Lightfoot
Bill & Linda Lock
Art Luebke
Lois MacGowan
Fred Mathews
Constance Matusiak
McGilvra Electric
Gerald & Brenda McMillan
Marlene Meyer
Terry Meyers
Shar & Don Morello
Cathy Piazza
Marjorie Reyn olds
Larry & Mae Sanford
Michael Santucci
Loren & Dian e Sass
Jan ice Schefelker
Gary Seid el
Bea Shaffer
Doroth y Thompson
Susie Thompson
Jan & Ron Tilley
Gene & Con nie Van Galder
Sh irley von Allmen
Gary Weinkauf
Line City Grocery &
Tea Co. Ceramic
Rolling Pin. Line
City Bakery was on
Brooks St. at the
Hackett St. end in
the early part ofthe
20th Century.
We currently have 693 members on our rolls. The following people have renewed their membership or have become
new members between December 12, 2005, and March 7, 2006. A big Thank You for supporting the Beloit Historical
Society I (Underlined indicates new member; numbers next to names refer to multi-year renewals.)
Helen & Gerald
Gene & Sylvia Arner
Glenda & Don Baker
Bill Behling
Beloit Box Board
Arvill a & Cl arence Bill
Richa rd Blakely (2)
George & Ka y Blakely
William Blodgett
Dennis & Darlene
Bl unck
Robert Braco (3)
Wesle~ & Sonia Brill
Lillian Brown
Luci lle Buchholz (2)
Larry Calkins
Jesse & Sandra
Calkins (3)
Ann a Calland
Sa lly Carson
Esther Ch urchill
Jean Combs
Robert & Sarajane
Ha rry & Ruth Davis
June & Walt Divan
Duane & Sue
Drevda hl
Ron & Kay Duffy
Walter & Patricia
Sharon Eisend rath (:J)
Ken & Char Endthoff
Kenneth Fairbert
Anne & Matthew
Goodwin (3)
Donna Gurholt
June Hart
Richard & lIah
Hartung (2)
Dan Ha~nes (21
Helene Heigl
Vi rg inia Holt (Life)
Nicholas Hufford
Debra & Bob JensenDeHart
Don & Jan Johnson
William & Gayle
Keefer (3)
Steve & Sharon
Ron & Julie Lange
Roberta Lightfoot
Betty Lowrey
Rachael Macklem (3)
Marv & Mark
Masterson (31
Ch arles Mellom
Marlene Meyer (2)
Jerold & Donna
Mikkelsen (2)
Dennis Monahan (21
Shar & Don
Morello (2)
Mary & Ralph Napper
Tom & Judy Nee (3)
Tom & Kay
Will & Muriel Pollock
Michael & Ulla-Brith
Matt, Susie & Ra chel
Norma Saladar
Bob & Pat Sauser
Janice Schmaeng (2)
Joyce & Ray
Walter & Joyce
Gary Seidel
Bea Shaffer
Ruth Smedstad
June Smythe
Joe & Jean Sorrentino
Melbourne & Dolores
Bette Synstegard
Susie Thompson
Carolyn Thomson
David & Jane Threinen
Dolores Trickey
Gene & Connie Van
W illiam & Ada
Watson (2)
Oscar & Mildred
Gary Weinkauf
George & Joyce Wong
Rolland & Elizabeth
Inside the Adams Collection Room Z Engine Baseball Uniform. The Z
engine was manufactured by
Fairbanks Morse, and the "z" was
used on uniform!] worn by the
Fairbanks Fairies baseball club.
IPage 10
The Beloit Hisiorical Society exists due to the generosity
of its members and the community. Thanks to all who
have contributed since our last newsletter (from
December 12, 2005, through March 6, 2006)
Roger Dutcher, Gary Seidel, Gerald Druckrey, Elsa Fab iszak, Richard & Lynda Moon, Bill & Carol Bolgrien, Mary Frey & Bill Wieland, Alta Green, Walt & Joyce Scholten, Sue Kurth, Harry Padon, Loren & Diane Sass, Lee Foster, John & Helen Eldred, Gene & Fran Den cke r, Gene & Jackie Weeden, Gary Weinkauf, Jeff & Susan Johnson, Berenice Ellis, Charles & Joy Boardman, Virginia Harrer, Shar & Don Morello, Tom Jones, Ron & Julie Lange, Ruth & Harry Davis, Gary & Lois Swanson, Annie & David Collins, George & Mary Clay, Lawrenz & Jaunita Knowles, Esther Belardi, Leverne Larsen, Terry & Gail Monahan, Steve & Sharon Kinkake, Fred Mathews, Marcella Savage, Janice Schefelker, Eileen Finnegan , JoAnn Koch, Mary Alice Harris, Hank & Lyn Woodard, Dan & Cornelia Green, Michael Santucci, Mary Herrmann, Harry & Liz Schermerhorn , Lloyd & Peggy Page, Will & Muriel Pollock, Bill & Jackie Landers, Dick & Dawna Gerhard, J esse & Sandra Calkins, Victor & Sandra Adamsky, Robert Bort, Larry & Karen Arjt, Caryl Hines, Ron & Carole Klein, Susie Thompson, Lillian Brown, Bill & Linda Lock, Janet & Douglas Nicoll, Jan & Ron Tilley, GeraldChape/, Jerry & PhylliS Mathews, Ed & Kris Grutzner, Marlene Meyer, Tom & Peggy Lang, Jeanne & Clyde Bachand, Mary Louise A rmstrong, Jerry &
Carol Elliott, Art Luebke, Anne & Matthew
Goodwin, Brian Hepperly, James Forrestal,
Sam & Judy Paddock, Cathy Piazza, Joe &
Eleanor Moen , Barney & M illie Grommes,
Joel Patch, Martin & Rita Kades, Ruth
Smedstad, William & Gayle Keefer, Beloit
Box Board, Ralph & Edith Carlson, Carolyn
& Noble Rose, David & Jane Threinen, Mel
& Delores Steil, Virginia Holt, Jacki & Tom
Roehl, Margaret Krueger, Ethel Bridge,
Marcella Salmons, Merlin Nundahl, Dorothy
Watson, Richard Blakely, Ed & Helen Esle r,
Jerry & Brenda McMillan, Faith & Joe
Kobylka, Gene & Conn ie Van Galder, Bea
Shaffe r
In MemorvOf
William Dilworth
from Betty Dilworth
George "Bill" Betz
from Jan Betz
Don Reichard
from Bev Reichard
In Honor Of
Annie & David Collins
from Larry Collins
Please keep in mind that the Beloit Historical
Society is a worthy organization to receive a
memorial gift. Past memorials have been
put to good use for special purchases or
exhibits. Consider us when it comes time to
remember your loved ones, or even include
us in your estate planning.
11 1
, Vic~ Preside.nt
paitihpat,(td in a rlbbSncut!ing cererriSnY.,this mornui~at the Beloit Boys',
' club tollo\Ving '~hi~ ,
address befor"e a : capeity crowd:' Stal}cling next' tothe GOP nominee ,js Tom­
my Johnson , 12 of 1045, ,grairie ave:~ 'w"h 0 , earlier had'pr{:!s~nted the vice, president \llrthan honorary mem~, ,
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~------------------------ --- ----------------------------~I
Family Membership I
$ 20
1 Year
$ 25
The Beloit Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation, restoration. and 1 Year
interpretation of Beloit's rich history, Please support us by becoming a mem­
2 "
2 "
ber. and receive membership benefits: The quarterly newsletter. Confluence ; 50
3 "
free admission to the Hanchett-Bartlett Homestead and complimentary passes 3 "
for friends; affiliate membership in the Wisconsin State Historical Society; and Additional, Tax-Deductible Gift
discounts on Society activities, programs. and so~venirs, Sponsor
$ 50 Name _____________________________________
Address _________________________________ City _ __ _ _ __
State_ _
Zip ____
I Family
500 Benefactor
Beloit Historical Society
845 Hackett St.
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: 608-365-7835
Fax: 608-365-5999
E-mail: [email protected]
IPage 12
Beloit Historical Society's Spring Dinner & Program Friday, May 19 Lincoln Center 6:00 p.m. WISCONSIN'S HAUNTED LOCATIONS By Chad Lewis Chad Lewis, co-author of The Wisconsin Road Guide to Haunted
Locations has put together a presentation of the Most Haunted Places in
Wisconsin to present to the Beloit Historical Society on May 19th. This
presentation will take the audience on a ghostly journey to some of the most haunted places in Wisconsin.
It will cover the entire state of Wisconsin from the wandering highway ghosts of the North Woods to
haunted B & B 's in Milwaukee. From phantom creatures prowling the fo rests to graveyard apparitions
located in your own backyard, no place is without its own haunting. Complete with photos, case history,
eyewitness accounts, ghost lore, and directions, Lewis 's presentation .e ncourages you to visit these places
for your own ghost story. To read more on Lewis, visit his website at www.unexplainedresearch.com.
Watch for invitations to be mailed in April!
BeRoit Historical Sodety
845 Hackett St.
Beloit WI 5350
The Vision of the Beloit Historical Society is to
make history a focal point of community pride
and to serve as a constant reminder to the
community of its great and diverse heritage.
Address Service Requested
Visit our web site at
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Beloit, WI
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CHECK YOUR EXPIRATION Your membership expiration is printed on the
mailing label. 1jyour membership is recently
expired or soon to expire, please renew your
commitment to preserving your community's
heritage today! Thank You !
(lfyoLlr expirati on date is incorrect. you ma y have renewe d after the newsletter wa c, mailed.)