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Volume 29 Number 25 The Militia of Molokai's Community Newspaper—Every Wednesday June 18, 2014.. ....
Murder by Bullet to Head ?
$25-K Questions: Who?Why?
Known details are being released by Maui Police Department investigators and
published in local news, including that the “suspecious head wound” found on the
body of murder victim found on the roadside in East Molokai was caused by a bullet shot to the back of his head..
Police investigators continue processing forensic evidence at the Honolulu
Police Department, on Oahu.
Now, reports are circulating that the mother of 19 year old Koshari Kahikili
Waits, Nancy Campbell-Kowardy [photo above left with her son], is offering $25K
reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of those who murdered her
son before his body was found shot in the back of his head May 20.
Nancy says her son, 19-year-old Koshari Kahikili Waits, was finding his passion. Fearless and full of laughter. "He just had this huge spirit," she said. "As
a mom, you can't really wrap your brain around that your child could be gone. Just
saying it out loud, I can't really imagine this could really be true," she said.
Only days before his death, Koshari sent her a video of the hydroelectric shed
that he built on the Pu'u O Hoku Ranch in Halawa.
His boss at Pu'u O Hoku Ranch reportedly offered him a promotion on May
19. The next day, his body was found about 10 miles away on the side of the road.
Koshari’s remains have now been buried at sea. "I just wanted to somehow be
able to take care of his body in a way that fit more with our beliefs and spirituality," said his mother. Three miles offshore, they offered Koshari's remains to the
ocean he so loved. Then, a memorial event with family and friends surfing the
waves along the shoreline in Halawa Valley.
Koshari’s mother said she is really praying that if anybody has any real information, they can help answer some of these questions, and help us as a family to
give us some kind of peace, so I don't have to be laying awake at night wondering
what happened. She is offering the $25,000 reward to achieve that end.
Pu'u O Hoku Ranch is reportedly sponsoring a surf clinic In Loving Memory
of Koshari Nalu Kahikili Waits at the beach in Halawa Valley on July 2.
A rush of “young children” crossing alone and illegally into the United States
into Texas is so large this week that Obama is asking Congress for about $2 billion to support these “children” who are mostly male teenagers ready for war or
work permits and Democrat-voter I.D. in a “humanitarian crisis”.
But, this is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived
assault on the compassionate side of Americans by Dictator-Ilegal alien Usurper Obama
that knowingly puts minor illegal aliens at risk for purely political purposes, said a
statement released by the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.
Furthermore, US Vets are being ignored by Obama, thousands of homeless vets are
struggling to survive while the Obama administration uses military bases to feed and
shelter illegal immigrants. WTF ? ! When it comes to aiding America’s veterans, i.e.,
likely anti-Obama voters, particularly homeless vets, the Obama administration has
shown no urgency for humane treatment.
For example, in 2009 Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki
and illegal alien Usurper Barack Obama announced a goal to end Veteran homelessness
by the end of 2015, giving the administration a little over six years to shelter the nearly 75,000 vets who were homeless in 2009.
But it only took the Criminal Immigrant Usurper Barack Obama one month to shelter thousands of illegal immigrant anti-USA teens, showing what Obama Regime can do
when it’s politically motivated.
Obama aka Soetoro is the most anti-American criminal Usurper in the history of
our country. He has allowed 36,000 alcohol-abusing, drug using, sexual predators and
other criminals to flood our backyards-and millions more are coming if Obama gets his
way with amnesty. We just can't let that happen or we will be living in a fear 24/7, paying taxes just to pay for illegals who feed off hardworking Americans. Obama says
amnesty will make our communities safer—that is a flat-out LIE!
Obama’s TREASON Cited in
Legal Complaint by Taitz
Attorney Orly Taitz took action and recently filed an informative Emergency
Motion asking U.S. District Court to rule on a Notice of Treason by Barack
Obama. An excerpt from the pleading Orly Taitz v. Colvin, District of Maryland
(Baltimore), CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:13-cv-01878-ELH is below:
“In this case plaintiff provided the court with evidence that the SSA has SS-5,
Social Security application of Harry (Harrison) Bounel, which SSA wrongfully did
not release claiming privacy, even though Bounel was born in 1890 and his documents are considered to be documents of extremely aged individual and do not fall
under privacy exemption per 120 year rule. Plaintiff also provided this court with
sworn affidavit of professional debt collector and researcher, which showed that
Bounel had SSN xxx-xx-4425, which was later used by Barack Obama. Taitz also
provided this court with some 150 pages of sworn affidavits of top law enforcement
officials and government records showing that Obama was a citizen of Indonesia,
born in Kenya who used a stolen SSN of Harry Bounel, but also all fabricated ID.
On May 31, 2014, Barack Obama released five top Taliban terrorists, among
them Khairulla Khairkhwa in exchange for a deserter Bowe Bergdahl. SoebarkahSoetoro-Obama has engaged in this release without prior 30 day notification of the
US Congress which Obama was required to effectuate under the NDAA of 2014 and
without a notification to the US District Court and the Court of appeals, which
denied Habeas Corpus for Khairulla and ruled only a year and a half earlier, on
12.14.2012 that Khairulla is too dangerous to the US to be released and has to stay
in the US custody. Obama further obfuscated this release by making the notification to the US District court retroactively, on June 4, 2014, four days after the
release, misrepresenting the release as transfer and misspelling the name of this top
terrorist, so that parties watching the case will not know who was released.
While initially Obama tried to blame Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel in
making the decision to release Khairulla, and throw Hagel under the bus, on June
11, 2014, Hagel testified before the US Congress and confirmed that the ultimate
decision to release the terrorist five “Dream Team” was indeed made by the
Commander in Chief Barack Obama. By such actions Obama committed a high
crime of treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy under the 18US§ 2381.
Actions by Obama invigorated jihadi-Taliban-Al Qaeda movement.
All of the above represent a exigent circumstance justifying a motion to expedite at hand, for the release of the original SS-5 to SSN xxx-xx-4425, which was
assigned to Harry Bounel and later fraudulently assumed by Obama, as well as forwarding by this court under 18USC 3332 to the federal Grand Jury for the District
of Maryland or an order by this court to the US Attorney for the District of
Maryland, representing defendants in this case, to forward to the Federal Grand Jury
under 18 US 3332 all the evidence presented in this case.
ARGUMENT 18 U. S . Code § 2381 – Treason
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or
adheres to their enemies giving them aid and comfort within the United States or
elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not
less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall
be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
As the President Elect Barack Obama took an oath of office to protect and
defend the US Constitution and therefore owes allegiance to the United States.
As shown in the case at hand Obama aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Soebarkah,
has violated the US constitution and usurped the position of the US President using
fabricated Selective Service Registration, fabricated birth certificate and stolen
Connecticut Social Security number xxx-xx-4425. After Obama published this
number with his tax returns, it failed both E-Verify and [ more page 2]
The M.A.N. June 18, 2013...Page 2
Taitz Says TREASON is
Obama’s Crime re: GITMO
continued from Page 1: ......SSNVS and was found to be assigned to Harry
Bounel, born in 1890. It is believed that though the original application, SS-5 of
Harry Bounel is still contained in the SSA records, the Numident, electronic record
was falsified. (SAC and exhibits)
In his school records from Assisi school in Jakarta Indonesia, Obama is listed as a citizen of Indonesia, last name is the last name of his step father, Lolo
Soetoro and religion Islam. (SAC and exhibits). Obama was only one of a couple
students who were listed as Muslim in that school.
In 2008 a number of GITMO prisoners, among them Khairulla Khairkhwa
(Hereinater Khairulla), filed a legal action 08-cv-01805 in the US District Court
for the District of Columbia seeking Habeas Corpus. US district court Judge
Ricardo Urbina denied it in 2011 finding that Khairulla represents too great of a
risk to the National security to be released. Petitioner Khairulla Khairkhwa,
detainee, filed an appeal in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
The appeal was against Barack Obama, President of the United States, ET AL,
apellees. Only a year and a half ago on 12.14.2012 a three judge panel of the circuit Judges Rogers, Garland and Randolph affirmed the decision by Judge Urbina.”
Judge Jeanine Pirro provided a fitting conclusion, “Yes, indeed . . . . . . you
need to be worried.”
Emergency motion at hand seeks an emergency ruling in release of the original SS-5 to SSN xxx-xx-4425, which was assigned to Harry Bounel and later
fraudulently assumed by Obama, as well as forwarding by this court under 18USC
3332 to the federal Grand Jury for the District of Maryland or an order by this
court to the US Attorney for the District of Maryland, representing defendants in
this case, to forward to the Federal Grand Jury under 18 US 3332 all the evidence
presented in this case.
In his opinion Senior Circuit Judge Randolph wrote as follows: "Khairkhwa
is a detainee at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Khairkhwa v. Obama, 793 F. Supp.
2d 1 (D.D.C. 2011). The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), Pub.
L. No. 107-40, 115 Stat. 224 (2001), authorized the President to detain individuals who were “part of” al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces engaged in hostilities against the United States or its allies. See, e.g., Al-Bihani v. Obama, 590 F.3d
866, 872 (D.C. Cir. 2010); Awad v. Obama, 608 F.3d 1, 11–12 (D.C. Cir. 2010). The
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 affirmed the President’s
authority to detain any “person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda,
the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United
States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent
act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.” Pub. L. No.
112-81, § 1021, 125 Stat. 1298, 1562 (2011). Khairkhwa, an Afghan national,
became a senior Taliban official in 1994, several years after Soviet troops withdrew
from Afghanistan. He admits as much but asserts that he was not a part of the Taliban
forces.1 The evidence presented at a four-day hearing before the district court showed
otherwise.....The circumstances of Khairkhwa’s capture, his close ties with Mullah
Omar, and the absence of anything showing that he dissociated himself from the
Taliban demonstrated that Khairkhwa remained part of the Taliban forces at the time of
his capture. Id. at 43–45." (exhibit 1 Memorandum opinion in 11-5180 Khairulla
In spite of the ruling by both District and Circuit courts that Khairulla Kahirkhwa
The Moloka'i Advertiser-News
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was a senior Taliban commander who was responsible for military actions where thousands of people were slaughtered, and in clear violation of NDAA of 2014 not providing 30 day notification to the US Congress, citizen of Indonesia Soetoro-SoebarkahObama released Khairkhwa and paid for his travel to Qatar were Khairkhwa is allowed
to live free.
It is noteworthy that on June 4, 2014, four days after the release, not before the
release, Obama notified the US District court. Exhibit 1Notice of transfer of Khairulla
Khairkhwa et al v Bush 08-cv-01805 RCL, ECF 225. Obama, who became the lead
respondent in the case, filed "Notice of Transfer" stating "Respondents hereby provide
notice that the United States has relinquished custody of Petitioner KHAIR ULLA SAID
WALI KHAIRHWA (ISN 579) and transferred him to the control of Qatar. June 4, 2014"
So, if the US District Court Senior Judge, Royce C. Lambeth, who was overseeing the
case after resignation of Judge Urbina, wanted to stay this release due to prior finding
of threat to national security, this could not have been done, since Obama notified the
court four days after he sent the detainee to sunbathe in Qatar. Simlarly Obama did not
provide 30 day notification to the US Congress, which was required under 2014 NDAA,
so the two co-equal branches of the US government were not able to stop this egregious
act of treason and this transfer which greatly endangered US National security.
Consequently Taliban commanders made statements that this release was equal to gaining 10,000 Taliban fighters.
It is further noteworthy that Obama did not title the document as a release from
GITMO, but titled is as a transfer. Further, the name of the detainee was written differently from the name in the caption in the case, which made it difficult to find the document. In the caption the first name of the detainee is Khairulla. In the release, titled as
transfer, the first name was divided into two names: "KHAI ULLA'. Moreover, two middle names, which were not in the original caption were incerted: "SAID WALI". So the
original name from the caption in the case "Khairulla Khairkhwa" looked completely
different "KHAIR ULLA SAID WALI KHAIRKHWA". Plaintiff believes that it was done
to obfuscate the record.
Actions by Obama clearly represented TREASON, "giving aid and comfort to the
enemy" per 18 US§2381. Shortly after these actions by Obama, greatly encouraged and
invigorated jihadists and Taliban fighters took over the airport in Karachi and murdered
12. Five US soldiers were killed reportedly with stinger missile, jihadists groups went
into offensive and took over the whole area between central Syria to central Iraq and
took over Mosul and Tiqrit. This caused fleeing by 500,000 refuges and the jihadist
army is now rapidly closing in on the capital of Iraq, Bagdad. Based on all of the above
over 4,000 lives of the US soldiers lost in operation "Iraqi Freedom", were lost in
vain, not mentioning 68,000 soldiers, who were severely wounded, paralyzed, lost
limbs and became disabled for life. Plaintiff believes that exigency of this matter is
flagrantly obvious and self explanatory, not requiring further briefing.
This court has in front of it evidence showing that Barack Obama is using a stolen
Connecticut Social Security number xxx-xx-4425 of Harry Bounel, which failed EVerify and SSNVS, when checked under Obama. this court has evidence of Obama' use
of other bogus IDs, as well as an act of treason committed by Obama. further refusal by
this court to release the aforementioned SS-5 and refusal to forward all of the aforementioned evidence of offenses against the criminal laws of the US to the Federal grand
jury, will make this court complicit in aiding and abetting in these offenses, including
treason. This court has in front of it Plaintiff's motion to reconsider 18US 3332 (a) It
shall be the duty of each such grand jury impaneled within any judicial district to
inquire into offenses against the criminal laws of the United States alleged to have been
committed within that district. Such alleged offenses may be brought to the attention
of the grand jury by the court or by any attorney appearing on behalf of the United
States for the presentation of evidence. Any such attorney receiving information concerning such an alleged offense from any other person shall, if requested by such other
person, inform the grand j ury of such alleged offense, the identity of such other per-
son, and such attorney’s action or recommendation." plaintiff Taitz is seeking
expediting of the above motions for reconsideration.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
cc James Comey, Director of FBI
cc Inspector General department of justice
---------------------------Letters to Congress:
ATTENTION ALL Congress and Senators: as your constituent, I demand that you
call for a special prosecutor (and one not appointed by criminal illegal alien Barack H.
Obama II aka Barry Soetoro) to investigate the ever growing overreaching, disturbing,
and dangerous acts by criminal immigrant Usurper Barack H. Obama II aka Barry
Soetoro citizen of Indonesia.
Barack H. Obama II aka Barry Soetoro citizen of Indonesia never a citizen of USA
is a criminal who must be ARRESTED, immediately before he commits more TREASON! And, arrest Abercrombie, Schatz, Lingle, Hirono, Hanabusa, Gabbard, Pelosi,
Reid, Hawaii DOH et al as complicit and committed DNC Hawaii Obama-loving communists.
And these stinking communist Hawaii DemocratParty politicians want to establish and honor Obama with a presidential library in Kakaako! WTF ! The Barack H.
Obama II library already exists at the Honolulu Airport, called the Federal Prison cell
with one Koran in his cell. Arrest the criminal Obama and put him in his federal prison
cell with his book and allow tourists to Hawaii to view Obama in his prison cell from
behind a one way window, and Hawaii will make so much money we can end all income
taxes and RPTs and tell the TSA to go to Hell; also, install a video camera connected
to internet for national viewing of Obama in prison 24/7 so we can keep an eye on him
for ten years until he is deported to Indonesia or Kenya where he belongs.
"Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J.
Guns Preserve YOUR Sovereignty !
Molokai's Forum For Freedom
Individual’s Sovereignty vs Slavery
by George Peabody ph. 558-8253 email:
"We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern
ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves
according to the Ten Commandments of God."—
Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment:
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and
bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Wake up militia! Use it , or lose it ! Got your gun, yet?
"...with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, or fortunes and our sacred honor."
(Unanimous Declaration.of Independence)
If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, and, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds
against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse
case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.
“The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which
would be unlawful for them to do themselves.”- John Locke
"Those who make peaceful change impossible,
make violent change inevitable." -- Robert F. Kennedy
"Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J.
Enforce the Bill of Rights !
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have
been like if every Security operative [insert your favorite alphabet Gang DEA,
BATFE, H.S., TSA, FBI, IRS, NSA, CIA, LEOs etc. here], when he went out
at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and
had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for
example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people hadnot simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs
door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left
to lose [neither do you now] and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an
ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was
at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and
transports and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst; the cursed machine would
have ground to a halt!" -- The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The M.A.N. June 18, 2014..Page 3
Free Zone Campus Targeted
1 dead, 3 injured in Seattle Pacific University shooting
The man blasting away with a shotgun paused to reload, giving unarmed student security guard Jon Meis his chance to try to stop the gun toting criminal who
entered this gun free zone campus for the purpose of killing people.
The 22-year-old building monitor pepper-sprayed and tackled the gunman
Thursday in Seattle Pacific University's Otto Miller Hall, likely preventing further carnage, according to police and university officials.
Meis and other students subdued the gunman until officers arrived and handcuffed him moments later.
Police said the shooter, who killed a 19-year-old man and wounded two other
young people, was not a student here, and he had 50 additional shotgun shells
and a hunting knife.
He told authorities after his arrest that he wanted to kill as many people as
possible before taking his own life, Seattle police wrote in a statement filed in
court Friday. In 2012, police found Ybarra lying in a roadway, again severely
intoxicated. He told officers he wanted a SWAT team "to get him and make him
famous," a police report said.
His friend Zack McKinley described him as "super happy and friendly," The
Seattle Times reported.
McKinley said the attack was puzzling because Ybarra was happy to have just
started a job bagging groceries. Ybarra could get emotionally low but had a good
group of friends, McKinley said.
Friends credited Meis with saving lives. "I'm proud of the selfless actions
that my roommate, Jon Meis, showed today taking down the shooter," fellow student Matt Garcia wrote on Twitter. "He is a hero."
The criminal suspect, 26-year-old Aaron R. Ybarra, has a long history of
mental health problems for which he had been treated and medicated, said his attorney, public defender Ramona Brandes. He is on suicide watch at the jail.
A man in his 20s died at the hospital and a critically injured 20-year-old
woman was taken to surgery, Harborview Medical Center spokeswoman Susan
Gregg said. A 24-year-old man and a 22-year-old man were in satisfactory condition. None of the victims was immediately identified.
The afternoon shooting came a week before the end of the school year, and
the situation was particularly tense when police initially reported that they were
searching for a second suspect. They later said no one else was involved.
The university locked down its campus for several hours, and alerted students
and staff to stay inside. Some students were taking finals in the same building
where the shooter was.
The school canceled classes Thursday evening, and planned to hold a prayer
service. "We're a community that relies on Jesus Christ for strength and we'll need
that at this time," said Dan Martin, president of Seattle Pacific University, which
is located at the edge of a leafy Queen Anne neighborhood about 5 miles from
downtown Seattle.
Martin choked up when he talked about the student who put himself in harm's
way to protect others.
Jillian Smith said"We were pretty much freaking out. "I didn't think something like this would happen at our school," she added.
"Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J.
Guns Preserve YOUR Sovereignty !
Gun Rights Refresher
1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
4. "Free" men do not ask permission to bear arms.
5. If you don't know your rights you don't have any.
6. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
7. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
8. The Second Amendment is to enforce the other 9 Amendments.
9. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
10. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.
Know guns, know peace, know safety.
No guns, no peace, no safety.
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
911 - government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
Assault is a behavior, not a gun device.
Criminals love gun control -- it makes their jobs safer.
If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
Only a government that is afraid of citizens prohibits guns.
You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
Remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
The American Revolution was about gun control.
Crimes of Politicians Must Be Stopped by The People (You are The Militia)
The crime on our streets is a tiny fraction of the crime in the offices of our politicians and bureaucrats - the massive majority of crime is committeed by the criminal classes in power. Just look at the constant abuse of power in our State government offices and you will realize the extent of crime in Government. Just consider just how many BILLIONS of dollars a day Government extorts from the people and how little WE get in return; and just how comfortable the politicians make themselves at the expense of the
peoples they extort!
The goal of the founders of America was to restrict government within severe limits and to protect the rights of soverign individuals. Government has NO rights!
Judges are impeachable. Furthermore, judges may be removed immediately for violating oaths of office, involvement in conspiracies, extortion, and failing to uphold their
duty to the common law. Judges can also be arrested, they are not exempt from this nor are any other officials, including the President of the United States.
Do the people have the power to do this? Yes, the people have the power to do everything to defend our country against all enemies foreign or domestic politician, and
government has no power to say otherwise. Fascist bureaucrats might send out its armed marauders, but a huge group of The People (Militia) armed with guns as guaranteed
their Right to keep and bear arms by the 2nd Amendment is likely to stop them unless the governments decide that it is time to begin mass killings of all people who believe
in the rights of Man. Wake up ! Enforce the Bi l l of Ri ghts !
Call 558-8253
Bill of Rights
2nd Amendment:
“A well regulated
Militia, being necessary to the security
of a free State, the
right of the people
to keep and bear
arms, shall not be
Use it or lose it !
The M.A.N. June 18, 2014...Page 4
Principal’s Honors List
The Principal’s Honors List are students who have earned Mark Point
Averages of 4.000* or above while enrolled in six or more courses, four or more
of which are solid courses. For the fourth quarter of the 2013-14 school year, they
Grade 9: Sonja Angst, Jarron Boswell, Jamaica Lei Bumatay, Asia Chai,
Lily Jenkins, Jershon Kaalekahi, Shailyn Kaholoaa, Sebastian Ramos, PreciousUnique Rawlins-Manuel, Yasemin Soares, Erik Svetin.
Grade 10: Amber Afelin, Jordan Boswell, Keaaokahonua Davis, Kaimana
Kahale, Kysha Kawano, Rainbow Kee, Oceana Madani, Cendall Manley, Giesha
Mae Nunez, Misty Parker, Alexandria Simon, Thomas Tamanaha.
Grade11: Sarah Jenkins, Edel Mae Alvarez, Tiera-Lee Bishaw Marquez,
Kelsie Espiritu-Tanabe, Luke Kikukawa, Kristin Tancayo.
Grade 12:
Xrystina Bicoy, Kilo Au Lani Kaawa-Gonzales, Monaliza
Espejo, Jeremy Ilaban, Caulin Forest Nelson-Angelsea, Nicholas Hiro, Mia
Mendija, Taylor Tamanaha.
*Note: Mark Point Averages reflect inclusion of online course marks.
Honor Roll
The Honor Roll students who earned Mark Point Averages of 3.500 to 4.000*
for the fourth quarter of the 2013-14 school year are:
Grade 9:
Alysha Agliam, Linaka Akutagawa, Edel Mark Alvarez, Gelly Ann Ringor,
Jaycee Davis, Ida Duvauchelle, Austin Duvauchelle, Kairos Torres-Umi, Awa
Yerhot, Lanikeha Albino, Nainoa Bishaw-Mokiao, Edwin Greenleaf, Brooke
Keliihoomalu, Cody-James Pestana-Stone, Stephanie Ugoji.
Grade 10: Khaylie Adachi-Kawamae, Kori Lee DeRouin, Sabrina Curtis,
Anna May Ewing, Kuikamokuokalani Han, Marissa Taylor Motas, Joshua Gloor,
Keahi Imakyure, Daylia Tangonan, Tai Yamamoto, Johnathan Nichols, ManuKailopa He, Maile Kekino-Puaoi.
Grade11:John Pol Espejo, Tanner Mosher, Markis Grayson Aldridge, Keneth
Basubas, Olelo K.P.A Hamakua Poepoe, Kealohanuikalawai'amoku Helm.
Grade 12: Shellamarie Keahi, Alohalyn Espejo, Patience Nakihei-Rubin,
Rizpah Torres-Umi, Paul Parker, Quintin Chow, Solomon Kawai, Teyani
Domingo, Kaleikaumaka Kaiama-Lenwai, Rhye-Shae Puailihau, LeeAna-Lyn
Hernandez, Bernadette Aragon, Laurentiu Jacobs, Heather Place, Michaella
Tancayo, Brayden Willing-McCutcheon.
*Note: Mark Point Averages reflect inclusion of online course marks.
Letter Regarding the Shooting at Christian Campus
Looks like another case where the criminal did not comply with the campus
policy against having a gun on campus. Or, maybe the criminal took a gun to
the campus specifically because the campus is a well known peaceful GUN FREE
ZONE, therefor, a good place to exercise criminal intents. Typical of people who
live in the protected bubble of GUN FREE ZONES, these students expressed their
shock: student David Down was quoted thusly "It's so unbelievable to me that
this could happen on our campus. It's the last thing I would have ever thought
could happen here. It puts things in perspective," he said. "Anything can happen,
even on a small Christian campus."
I hope people are learning that criminals are called criminals because they do
not follow the law, not even God's Law, e.g., Thou Shalt Not Murder; and, that
failing to use your God Given Rights to protect yourself from criminals who use
guns, machetes, clubs, bombs, mobs, etc is a Sin.
Our Nation's Founding Fathers knew of God's Wisdom and encouraged
Americans to be armed for self defense: Laws that forbid the carrying of arms,
disarm only those who are neither inclined, nor determined to commit crimes.
Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants. They
serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be
attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.– Thomas Jefferson, 1764
2nd Amendment in part: The right of the people to keep and bear…arms shall
not be infringed.
Finally, King James Bible, Luke 22:36 states " He that hath no sword, let
him sell his garment, and buy one".
Be good Christians and defend God's
Creations from the Criminals.
Barack H. Obama II aka Barry Soetoro the criminal illegal alien Usurper in
the White House is our Nation's number one Gun Rights violator homosexual
I.D. fraud War Crimes and Treason perpetrator who is trying to disarm Americans
to ease his fundamental change of USA into a communist-Islamic Dictatorship.
Obama/Soetoro has publicly stated the America is not a Christian Nation. Boko
Harum Muslim Negroes are rampant in Nigeria murdering Christians, kidnapping
girls for slavery declaring that Islam commands such action as a way to promote
Islam. B.K. in Nigeria is the USA Black Panthers on steroids, so to speak, i.e.,
criminals in every sense of the word.
What are you going to do when Obama-Soetoro et al Muslims on Jihad
against Christians and all other non-Muslims come visiting your campus or
neighborhood looking for resources and blood?
Criminal Obama aka Soetoro, speaks lies and acts exactly like so many "leaders" throughout the World who first sought to take away the rights of the people
to have weapons, guns to "protect" themselves, and as soon as they disarmed the
people, these leaders, every one of them began mass destruction of any people
who where not on board with disarming themselves. Criminal Obama aka Soetoro
is not an Citizen of USA, he is NOT even eligible for POTUS, he is a criminal
and tyrant in the greatest regard. We, as Americans, have a Constitution greater
than any other people in the past of human kind, and we have the power to overcome this evil tyrant. But we "must" act: Exercise your God Given Right to self
defense; and, ARREST Barack H. Obama II aka Barry Soetoro the criminal immigrant from Kenya citizen of Indonesia by Adoption to Lolo Soetoro, never an
American, forever a muslim sworn to Jihad against all non-muslims.
Obama’s ICE Policies Danger to Public
Barack Obama release mentally ill illegal who's arrested for assault hours later
A Honolulu woman was assaulted last month after a failed effort to deport a mentally ill man to Japan, who federal customs officials released just hours before he
allegedly attacked the woman for no reason. It's another example of potentially dangerous illegal aliens being placed on commercial air flights without armed escorts.
The story starts at the Kalihi police substation April 30, when federal customs
agents took Japanese citizen Shota Iimura, 35, into custody because he had overstayed
his tourist visa.
Police said Iimura was clearly mentally ill, living homeless near the Kalihi police
station for months, until officers discovered he was in the country illegally and called
immigration officials.
The feds took him to the federal detention center near the airport, where Iimura
declined to submit to a routine medical and mental health screening, according to
Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Sources said he rubbed his own excrement on the cell walls at the detention center.
Under a deportation policy that allows non-dangerous aliens to be deported without guards, customs officials got him a ticket on Korean Airlines to return to Japan on
May 2.
But Iimura "refused to board the plane and began shouting in the jet way, prompting the airline to deny him permission to board," Kice said.
He was then taken to the customs office on Ala Moana Boulevard and ICE released
him a few hours later. "Given his lack of criminal history, ICE released Mr. Iimura
under an order of supervision following the aborted removal attempt," Kice said.
Iimura hadn't gone far when he apparently attacked a 35-year-old woman at the
corner of Ward and Ala Moana, just down the street from the ICE offices. She said he
punched her for no reason and police arrested him for assault.
Victim Sheryl Barretto told Hawaii News Now by phone it was "ridiculous" that
federal officials had released the man who she said was obviously mentally ill and violent. "How many other people are going to have to get hurt?" Barretto asked. "What if
it was a young child or an older person who could not defend themselves?"
"I almost fell into oncoming traffic," Barretto said. "I followed him to the
entrance to Ala Moana Beach Park and told police dispatchers where he was because I
didn't want anyone else to get hurt."
When police arrested Iimura, he had his "order of supervision" papers on him,
signed by ICE official Michael Samaniego, that told him to report monthly to the ICE
office on Ala Moana Blvd. and be ready for deportation, according to court documents.
Iimura was in District Court Wednesday, where a judge delayed his criminal assault
case for 30 days pending a mental evaluation by a psychologist.
Federal officials said they need a federal court order to sedate aliens before deporting them on aircraft, something that could have prevented this incident from happening.
Kice said the agency will wait until Iimura's criminal case and any sentence he
gets are finished before trying to deport him again. And the agency may look at other
measures to send him out of the country including chartering an aircraft to make sure
this time, he leaves for good.
In a separate incident, an Afghan national convicted of a violent sexual assault
was sent back to his home country on commercial air flights from Honolulu earlier this
spring without an armed escort. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers' national union has complained similar situations happen every day across the
country, potentially endangering the public.
The agency routinely sends thousands of deportees with criminal records back to
their home countries unescorted on commercial aircraft every year.
On March 31, Hawaii News Now shot video of Mohammad Mohibi carrying his
bag toward the Delta Airlines check-in counter at Honolulu International Airport last
The 25-year-old was deported to his home country of Afghanistan after he was
convicted in Hawaii of the violent sexual assault at knife-point of his estranged wife.
While three customs officers accompanied him to the check-in counter and through the
TSA security checkpoint, Mohibi flew back to Kabul alone, without any law enforcement escort, something that upset Delta passengers. "It makes me feel completely
uneasy," said Vanessa Hamilton of Greensboro, North Carolina, who was leaving
Honolulu on the same Delta flight to Atlanta that Mohibi took two weeks earlier.
A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman said the agency
determined Mohibi did not pose a threat to himself or the traveling public, so he was
not accompanied on the flights by two armed ICE officers, the standard procedure for
violent criminals.
"The existence of a criminal conviction or convictions does not, in and of itself,
dictate the use of an escort," said Kice, the ICE spokeswoman.
"In this instance, there was no indication Mr. Mohibi had previously exhibited
violent behavior toward the general public," she said.
Mohibi was convicted of nine counts of felony sex assault, along with felony burglary and misdemeanor charges of terroristic threatening and violating a protective
A police investigation detailed in court records showed Mohibi entered his
estranged wife's Waianae home in December 2012 through an unlocked door, and
"grabs a hold of ... (her) hair and holds a knife to her throat, while telling her that he
will kill her if she tells anyone about this." He then sexually assaulted her, police
He spent five months behind bars at Oahu Community Correctional Center and
then was released in April of last year to the custody of a sponsor at a home in Waianae.
But a few months later, the sponsor told inmate intake personnel Mohibi was
"acting crazy, ripping things, spitting and stated that he wanted to dig (his estranged
wife's) grave with his bare hands."
The sponsor said she no longer was willing to have Mohibi live with her because
he was "a danger to her as well as to her children because of his erratic behavior.
So he was sent back to OCCC for seven months, until February when he was sent
to the Federal Detention Center near the airport for deportation.
Leaders of the national union for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officers
have been complaining about situations like this for more than four years, saying
potentially dangerous criminals are flying commercial airlines without escort officers
every day across the country.
National union leaders said front-line ICE officers initially will classify a deportee with a criminal background as needing armed escorts but sometimes they are overridden by supervisors, who clear the deportees to fly alone.
"This is an absolute risk to public safety," Chris Crane, an ICE Council 118 union
official told the Houston Chronicle newspaper in 2009. "And it's happening every
ICE reported in 2013, it sent home 52,935 aliens who'd been convicted of
The agency will not release how many convicted criminal deportees have been
allowed to travel without armed escorts back to their home countries.
In the Hawaii case, ICE said Mohammad Mohibi arrived in his home country of
Afghanistan from Hawaii "without incident."
The M.A.N. June 18, 2014 Page 5 ..
"Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J.
Guns Preserve YOUR Sovereignty !
O b am a’ s
Hawai i
Po l i c e
Pro s e c u
Po l i ti c i to
an s
So v erei g n We The Peo pl e
Uni ted States Ci ti zens Hawai i
"Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J.
Guns Preserve YOUR Sovereignty !
Enforce the Bill of Rights!
The M.A.N. June 18, 2014...Page 6
ALIEN born i n Kenya ! NOW!
Yes, lots of evidence points to
Kenya as Obama/Soetoro's birth place,
not Hawaii; and, Indonesian citizenship
Lots of evidence shows the
Obamagang is motivated by a lawless
hostility toward the Constitution for
the United States of America the
Supreme Law of the Land; applies race
biased invidious discriminatory animus
toward middle class and poor
Caucasians; and, exempts his cohorts
from the equal enforcement of the law
to effect a power shift away from
Constitutionally limited government in
republican form by We The People to
incrementally effect a race/sectarian
biased Marxist socialist dictatorship
under color of law, i.e., “fundamentally
change America” as Obama promised
he would do such act of TREASON.
Obama should be immediately
arrested for TREASON, War Crimes,
I.D. Fraud, etc. along with all his Czars
and attorneys and justice obstructing
federal judges and complicit members
of Congress and Senate, and Bush I&II,
and Clintons B&H, Pelosi, Reid, and
State of Hawaii governors Linda
Lingle, Neil Abercrombie, DNC,
RNC, militant Black Panthers,
Zionists, and Neo-Cons. If not, USA
is on the fast track to 3rd World Order.
Bloger Koos is right: White voters let their self-hatred and white coolie
guilt overrule good sense and good
judgement when they voted for this
Obama/Soetoro, and his cabal of far-left
and Muslim
Constitution and the natural born
American Citizens and good legal
immigrants. You deserve Obama government, unless you repent to God and
take immediate action to correct this
Constitutional crisis as is your DUTY
pursuant to our 1776 Unanimous
George Peabody, editor since 1984.