Ear Candling


Ear Candling
\-/ lnerapy optrons
Ear Candling
headaches, sinusitis and
warmth of the candle assists in soften-ing any
hardened wax to enable you to remove it a
little later with a tiny piece of cotton wool.
Cotton buds must not be used to clean out
your ears, they are too slim and people often
poke them too far inside the ear, which can
cause damage. Your little finger is the perfect
size anatomically to fit into your ear with
some cotton wool to clear out any wax later,
after the treatment.
Everyone receiving this
treatment comments on
how relaxing it is with no
discomfort. Some relief from
congestion (if present), has
been apparent after just one
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There is no extreme heat during an ear
candling treatment, and you do not get
burnt! The sensation is a warm pleasant
feeling and sometimes you may hear some
crackling noises which are simply the flame
slowly burning down the candle. lt is not
like a regular wax candle that you burn! ln
some stubborn cases pure virgin olive oil
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might be recommended to assist further
ear, eczema or dry itchy
ears. Depending on each person and what
symptoms they present with this oil may be
used over a period of 4 days.
with swimmers
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Ear Candling is an ancient healing treatment,
which is experiencing a revival in modern
times. lt was used by many of the ancient
cultures such as the Hopi lndians of North
America, Egyptians, Oriental and Europeans.
Even if only ear appears to be the problem it
is always recommended to treat both ears in
the one session.
Some candles are made from beeswax and
herbs - others just from beeswax. I prefer
to use candles that contain herbs since I feel
this enhances the treatment. The candle
When I treat people with ear candling I
also include either gentle stimulation of
acupressure points on the face, head and
neck and around the ears or a light massage
is gently inserted .lust at the entrance to
the ear and held steadily during the entire
treatment. lt is then removed when the
flame reaches a certain point just above wear
the therapist holds the candle. Some brands
have a "red line" around the candle indicating
that you must remove it once the flame
reaches this point and have a safety filter.
to assist with lymph drainage using some
No beeswax or sediment falls into the ear.
The person will lay on their side for a couple
of minutes and then they change over and
lie on their other side for treatment of the
2nd ear.
This is a safe, pain free and effective remedy
that can be used for many ear disorders
from excess wax, infections, swimmers ear,
glue ear, tinnitus etc. Also used for certain
i'rjl;rrrljal buiid
lf the person presents with upper respiratory
disorders like sinus or hayfever for instance,
then I would also administer some herbal
remedies to assist with the overall treatment.
Many people receive 2-4 ear candling
treatments - depending on the chronicity of
the problem, often attending weekly, though
in some chronic cases they may receive 2
treatments in the first week.
It is always safer and more efficient to have
someone conduct the ear candling session
for you, otherwise attempting to treat
yourself may lead to burns or poor insertion
whereby you would not reap the benefits
you seek. Once the candling is complete
with the first ear the still lit candle is placed
into a container of water to extinguish it
essential oils. The full treatment takes I
hour. Ear Candling is very relaxint - you
may even fall asleep!
lf a person wears a mechanical device in
their ears or they have had surgery or the
inside of the ear is highly inflamed (has a
boil/abscess inside the ear),then they cannot
receive ear candling.
There has been some mis-leading
information circulated concerning
candling and I have spoken to some people
who thought hardened wax actually came
away at the end of the session, or in fact was
attached to the end of the candle when it
Most manufacturers will provide instructions
for use of candles - these must be adhered
to at all times for safety reasons.
All in all a pleasant and relaxing treatment to
receive which from personal experience and
observation of clients I can recommend.
of Noturopothy,
MeditotionTeocher,o Corporote Heolth
Focilitotor ond Presenter for Heolth Expos. She
Tuns k privote proctice in Sydney ond con be
Lyn Croven is o Proctitioner
with treatments I have conducted!. The
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lyncraven@bigpcnd ccm
ocebook. com/NoturopothondBowenTheropy
www. lyncrovencorDoroteheolth-noturopoth. com