Scrapbook kit - Capstone Kids


Scrapbook kit - Capstone Kids
Scrapbook kit
Never forget all the great times you have
with your BFFs! Use the pages inside to
create a totally-unique scrapbook.
Don’t know where to start?
Try these tips!
1Gather your pictures and supplies
Find all of the pictures you want to include in your scrapbook. If your pictures are on a camera,
remember to get them printed. Many stores can have them finished in an hour!
Supplies you may need are scissors, glue, tape, stickers, or markers. Gather anything you may
want to create your scrapbook.
2Plan and organize
After your pictures are ready, decide which ones you want to use on each page of your scrapbook.
Sometimes it works best to group pictures into categories—all the pictures of you and your best
friend in one category, all the pictures from the same school year together, and all the pictures
from your last vacation in another category. If one category doesn’t have enough pictures, you can
fill space with special stories, poems, song lyrics, or items that remind you of what was happening
in the picture, like your school schedule or choir concert program. Be creative!
3Start designing
This is the fun part! Decide how you want your page to look—it’s up to you! Use this scrapbook
kit to get you started with fun paper and cutouts. Below are some other ideas:
Write under your pictures to describe what is happening
Use decorative letters to make your page pop
Write a large headline that explains the picture category
Use frames to put on top of your pictures before you place them on the page
Draw pictures that relate to your page
Cut pictures out of magazines— like celebrities that you like or a painting you love
2.5” x 3.5” photo frame
4” x 6” photo frame